Oct 2000 - Lionel Collectors Club of America


Oct 2000 - Lionel Collectors Club of America
Volume 30, No. 2 October, 2000
Bimonthly February, April, June, August, October, December
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
LCCA 2000 Stocking Stuffer
This is an early prototype; actual production models may vary slightly.
Up, up, and away into the wild blue yonder!
Photo by Michael Morris
Create or complete the airport on your layout with this special limited edition Airport Terminal. Produced exclusively
for the Club by Plasticville™, this orange and blue building is an ideal skyport for airborne travelers.
The total number of terminals available is very small and
limited to the number of LCCA airplane hangers produced
previously. Avoid any last minute rush and possible
disappointment by placing your order now to make sure
you get this official LCCA item.
Limit of two terminals per member. The LCCA airplane
in the photo is shown for effect and is NOT INCLUDED
in this offer. Orders must be received on or before
November 1st. Delivery date is early December.
This form may be photocopied.
MEMBER NAME ____________________________________________ LCCA # __________________
[ ] Charter Member
[ ] Regular Member
[ ] Family Member
[ ]1
[ ]2
Michigan Residents only; add 6% sales tax:
_______ ($1.47 for 1, $2.43 for 2)
________ Total
NOTE: Do not combine this order with LCCA dues or any other payment to the club. Enclose payment
(in U.S. funds) for this offer only, and mail to: LCCA, P.O. Box 479, LaSalle, IL 61301-0479. Make check
or money order payable to: LCCA. Do not send cash by mail. Use the credit card form below for
MASTERCARD, VISA, or DISCOVER. Note: UPS will not deliver to a P.O. box; street address required.
Card type: [ ] MC
[ ] VISA
[ ] DISC
Card No. _____________________________________
Street address (for UPS delivery) _______________________________________________________
City _____________________ State ________ Zip ______________ Expiry date: _______________
Signature: __________________________________________________________________________
By my signature, I authorize LCCA to charge my account for the amount indicated above.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Lionel® Collectors Club of America
The Lion Roars Contents
Stocking Stuffer 2000 ................................................................ IFC
The President’s Report ................................................................... 2
Toy Trunk Railroad ....................................................................... 3
Treasurer’s Report . ........................................................................ 4
The Mane Line ............................................................................... 5
Off the Track ............................................................................... 10
Layout Construction .................................................................... 12
LCCA Train Meets ....................................................................... 15
Lionel Century Club II ............................................................... 16
Albert F. Otten, President
54 Overlook Drive
Little Rock, AR 72207-1611
Larry A. Black
224 Farmbrook Circle
Frankfort, KY 40601
John A. Fisher, President Elect
also, Convention Comm. C’man
1730 James Road
St. Paul, MN 55118
William F. Button
also, Editor, Interchange Track
2410 West Miller Circle
Westland, MI 48186-9372
Dienzel C. Dennis, Secretary
1425 Ruthbern Road
Daytona Beach, FL 32114-5904
Louis J. Caponi
610 Andrews Road
Springfield, PA 19064-3816
Eric P. Fogg, Treasurer
13360 Ashleaf Drive
Des Moines, IA 50325-8820
Donald M. Carlson
14743 Ronnie Lane
Livonia, MI 48154-5160
Harry H. Overtoom, Imd. Past Pres.
3409 Fleetwood Drive
Lexington, KY 40502-3504
William J. Schmeelk
15 Birchwood Lane
Hillsdale, NJ 07642-1303
The Ultimate Get-away Car ........................................................ 18
Santa’s Product Review ............................................................... 19
Convention 2000 Report .............................................................. 20
Convention Photo Essay .............................................................. 25
Chief Dispatcher ......................................................................... 30
Lionel News & Views ................................................................. 32
Remaking History and Making Friends ...................................... 36
Editors & Appointees
The LCCA Archive ..................................................................... 40
Mike Mottler, Editor, TLR
22 Water Oak Drive
Conway, AR 72032-3430
Train Talk ..................................................................................... IBC
Kids Page................................................................................GIBC
The “post cards” extend a wish-youwere-here greeting to all in LCCA.
Contacting the LCCA Business Office:
Contact the Business Office at the address below or by
e-mail <lcca@cpointcc.com> or by fax: 815-223-0791.
P.O. Box 479
LaSalle, IL 61301-0479
Dennis L. Clad, Cont. Editor, TLR
P.O. Box 71838
Richmond, VA 23255-1838
John Coniglio, Assoc. Editor, TLR
1929 Rock Bluff Road
Hixson, TN 37343
Barry Findley
Constitutional Comm. Chairman
3414 Old Cantrell Road
Little Rock, AR 72202
Susan Ellingson, Editor, Roster
4100 Victoria Street
Minnetonka, MN 55345-1963
Hulen Warren, Librarian
202 Cedar Road
Bogalusa, LA 70427-3012
People To Contact:
They will take care of: applications for membership, replace membership cards,
reinstatements, change of address, phone number changes, death notice, commemorative orders, convention registration and club mementos.
President - Always available and as a last resort.
President Elect - Schedule a meet.
Immediate Past President - Complaint against another member.
Secretary - Any administrative action not handled by LCCA Business Office.
Treasurer - Club finances only.
Librarian - Back issues of The Lion Roars.
Editor, TLR - “Make good” copy of The Lion Roars.
Copyright © 2000 the Lionel® Collectors Club of America. All rights
reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the express written permission
of the Lionel® Collectors Club of America.
The Lion Roars (USPS 0011-994) and (ISSN No. 1079-0993) is published bi-monthly by the Lionel® Collectors Club of America, 1622 Fourth St., Peru, IL 613543527. Subscription rate of $15.00 per year is paid through membership dues. Periodical postage paid at Peru, IL 61354-9998 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Lion Roars, 1622 Fourth St. Peru, IL 61354-3527. The LCCA is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation. Lionel® is a registered trademark and is used with the permission of Lionel L.L.C. Copies of Lionel® copyrighted materials have been used in this publication with the permission of
Lionel L.L.C. The LCCA is not affiliated with Lionel® or Lionel L.L.C. Opinions and comments made in by-lined columns in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the official policies of the Officers, Board of Directors and Appointed Officials nor do they indicate a Club endorsement of any products mentioned.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
We received over 200 high-quality donations from
Lionel as gifts and raffle prizes. Thanks also to Dick and
Linda Kughn for their donations; in particular, a 700E
locomotive. Angela Thomas and her husband, Bob,
donated a special, one-of-a-kind LCCA masterpiece
by Al Otten
HCM 429
painting. Prints of this painting were available, and many
I write this report having just recently returned from members bought them to cherish. Last but not least, our
our Dearborn, Michigan, Joint Convention. As I predicted heartfelt thanks go to our great dealer friends for their
in my previous reports, this Convention was a barnburner! generous donations to the club(s).
The tours were great and all operated on schedule. Of
My thanks and that of the club(s) to all those LCCA
course, the tour of all tours was the visit to the Lionel and LOTS members and their wives for their outstanding
Factory. Other favorite venues were the Lionel Visitors work at the Convention.
Center, Madison Hardware, and Carail.
I hope all who attended the Convention noticed certain
individuals that professed to care about the clubs and have
run for club offices in the past, but didn’t lift a finger to
help out at the Convention. If you’re interested in the
names, call me. And then remember who they are the next
time they run for office. I know I will.
The President’s
The banquet was the closing affair of the Convention,
and I believe everyone enjoyed the event. The banquet
hall was packed with adults, and the kids enjoyed their
banquet in another nearby room.
Al Otten, President of LCCA (left), and Richard Maddox,
President of Lionel LLC, enjoyed the Convention.
The final count of attendees (members) was
approximately 1200 LCCA and LOTS members. Including
all the family members for a total number, we registered
more than 3000 folks at our great Convention.
The “marriage” of LCCA and LOTS as co-hosts of
the Convention went very well indeed. I would like to
thank all LOTS members who attended the Convention,
and of course I would also like to thank all those LCCA
members/attendees. Special thanks to all those from the
LCCA and LOTS who worked as volunteers to make the
Convention the success it was. I will not attempt to name
all the individuals for as sure as I do I will inadvertently
leave some one out. Let it suffice to say we all had a great
time. There were a few minor glitches, but that’s to be
expected in dealing with so large a gathering.
The Saturday night banquet for kids was “delivered” to them
on a paper train. These girls obviously enjoyed the meal and
the party.
Everyone came away with a quality table prize. The
most-sought-after table favor — one placed at each table
— was a Lionel #6-12958 blinking Industrial Water Tower
especially decorated for this Convention. On one side of
the tank was the inscription, LCCA, along with a picture
It is safe to say that none of us attending this tribute of LCCA’s Lenny the Lion mascot and on the other side
to the 100th Lionel birthday celebration will be around the LOTS inscription with the ZW transformer logo. These
for the 200th birthday of Lionel, so let’s all treasure this water towers will certainly be in great demand in the aftermarket because only a very few were produced; and I mean
great occasion.
very few.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Angela Trotta Thomas, “the train lady” artist, and President
During the banquet, President Otten invited LCCA founder
and charter member #1 - Jim Gates - to the rostrum for
recognition and a tribute. Jim was deeply moved and received
a standing ovation.
Photographs by Ed Richter
A professional videographer taped the total
Convention including all the tours. Within several months,
we expect to have a one-hour video available for sale. It
will be a great opportunity for you to see yourself on
tape at the greatest train event of the century! We will let
you know when these tapes will be available.
The LCCA limited edition, metal-plated
SD-40 engine and matching caboose
is taking longer to produce than anticipated
because of all the fine detail
and hand-applied decoration.
Finally, many special thanks to the management and
staff of the Dearborn Hyatt Regency Hotel. They did a
magnificent job.
The 2001 LCCA Convention will be held in
Lexington, Kentucky, and will be hosted by Immediate
Past President, Harry Overtoom, who will be assisted by
Director Larry Black and other Lexington-area LCCA
members. Lexington has always been a great train town,
so you can rest assured that this Convention and all the
tours will be terrific. Next year’s LOTS Convention will
be in Baltimore, Maryland.
We expect to ship these beauties in
mid-November. Believe me, they will
be worth the wait. LCCA apologizes
for the delay.
Al Otten
Toy Trunk Railroad
The Lion Roars
by Erik Sansom
October, 2000
funds for LCCA and pay dividends by making this the
premier club for collectors.
Treasurer’s Report
by Eric P. Fogg
The year, as well as the new century ahead, promises
to be important to the club. More than ever, we’ll need
the on-going and thoughtful work of our officers and
directors. Continued attention to detail and cost cutting
are the reasons behind the lack of a dues increase once
again this year.
RM 12768
With a new century just “down the track,” 1999
proved to be another great year for the Lionel® Collectors
Club of America. A large portion of the credit for the
year goes to the Club’s continued strong membership
As I begin my fourth year as your Treasurer, I greatly
appreciate the continued support of the membership as
well as the opportunity to work with our current officer
team. I’m proud to be of service to the club and look
forward to an exciting new century for the LCCA!
We held our 1999 Convention in Fort Worth — a
Texas city famous for oil and land investments. We think
many of that city’s famous pioneering businessmen would
applaud the investments club members made in attending
the Convention, as well as buying Convention cars and
stocking stuffers. Those investments provide operating
Eric P. Fogg
Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Membership Equity
Modified Cash Basis
Year Ended December 31
Current Assets:
Cash in Banks
Marketable Securities
Inventory at cost
Fixed Assets:
Equipment, net of Depreciation
Other Assets:
Convention and Third Decade deposits $1,725
Current Liabilities:
Michigan sales tax payable
Convention car deposits
Membership Equity
Membership Equity
Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Change
in Membership Equity
Modified Cash Basis
Year Ended December 31
Car Sales
Interest & Dividends
The Lion Roars
Initiation & Reinstatement Fees
Gain on Sale of Assets
Freight Income
Car Sales
Lion Roars
Interchange Track
Professional Fees
Officers & Board of Directors Expenses 60,204
Convention Expenses
Meet Expense
Federal Income Tax
Bank & Credit Card Charges
Membership Expense
Membership Drive Expense
Election Notices & Expense
Revenue in excess of expenses
Membership Equity at start of year
Membership Equity at end of year
October, 2000
on full alert, I’ll save the telling of this attribute for last.
The good looks and high-end components of this train
set deserve a fanfare, stage lights set to max, and a goldthroated announcer to narrate its arrival:
The Mane Line
by Dennis Leon Clad
“Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please. Now
for the first time anywhere, Snap-On Tools and Lionel
proudly present The Snap-On 80th Anniversary Train
Set, now arriving at selected homes and businesses!”
RM 10430
Please be brutally honest with me and don’t spare
my feelings. Has this new millennium been a big bust or
what? I admit I had no
preconceived notions about
an imminent and dramatic
change to life as we know
it nor a great revelation of
the truth — about the
Roswell incident, for
example. Out of all the
millennium hype, I wonder
— would it be too much to
ask for an answer to a fairly
important but as-yetunexplained phenomenon,
like: “Why does bread
always fall to the floor
butter side down?”
millennium disappointees,
just sit back and let me tell
you about some exciting The Snap-On 80th Anniversay train set.
and very collectible Lionel
toys and souvenirs that may cause a chorus of shouts of,
The first thing to notice about this new member of
“I gotta have that!”
the Lionel promotional train family is that it’s no ordinary
Let’s begin the journey into Lionel ecstasy with one New York Central set with one or two cars carrying the
of my favorite Lionel collectibles: complete ready-to- Snap-On name. Every car in this consist displays the
run promotional train sets. If you were to ask a “shade Snap-On moniker.
tree mechanic” or a certified automotive
technician what tools he (or she) depends on to
get the job done right, faster than you can drop a
hot oil pan drain plug the name Snap-On Tools
will proudly be pronounced. This year marks
not only Lionel’s 100th birthday, but also the
80th anniversary of America’s premiere
toolmaker snd distributor — Snap-On.
To celebrate these milestones for both
manufacturers and to brighten the new The loco and tender of the Snap-On train set.
millennium, here comes The Snap-On 80th
At the head of this delightful train set is an old friend
Anniversary train set, #6-31911. Many Lionel collectors
love high quality, exciting promotional sets; especially — a powerful die-cast 4-4-2 steam locomotive with
those with the added bonus feature of built-in, up-front operating headlight and puffing smoke. Old timers will
limited availability. Now that your collector instincts are tell you, all that’s needed to insure a lifetime of operating
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
enjoyment from this
venerable war-horse is
regular do-it-yourself
Gracing the coal tender
is the first of two different,
smartly designed set logos
— the golden Snap-On
80th anniversary globe and
the familiar wrench logo. The distinctive boxcar of the Snap-On train set.
train sets has Lionel
offered a special
promotional highway rig
in a train set. Painted in
classy, never-out-of-style
black, this highway hauler
shows the Snap-On
Anniversary logo in gold.
Don’t be surprised to see
this got-to-have toy truck
reach the $100 mark in the
Next in line is a silver 9700 series boxcar, a two- after-market!
sided merchandise hauler. Both sides of this dry goods
Each Snap-On set will include a limited edition
protector proclaim company product names and features
to trackside 1:48 scale spectators. Take a detailed look at certificate embossed with Lionel’s 100th Anniversary
this boxcar beginning with side “A” to the left of the door. “Engineer Some Fun” logo. This valuable piece of
The Grip logo is the company’s screwdriver product. documentation will be packed with the set at the Lionel
Flank Drive is their
patented wrench feature. To
Lastly, as promised,
the right of the door is the
I’ll share with you an
circle “Good as Gold” logo,
added built-in bonus
the assurance that a Snapguaranteed to make your
On tool carries a worry-free
search for this must-have
warranty. Vantage and Fast
set all the more
Track are both diagnostic
interesting. It may be a
products. Blue Point is a
difficult search (that’s
brand name product that
“fun” to collectors), yet
Snap-On handles. On side The Snap-On flat car is loaded with “cases of tools.”
this train set will
“B” of this toy to the left of
maintain, and in all
the door is the easily recognized — even in a blur as it likelihood increase, in value. A total of only 3400 train
crosses the finish line — the Snap-On Racing Team sets will be made, and the initial 200 units will be offered
emblem. To the right is the circle with stork imprint for to lucky Snap-On employees. The remaining 3200 sets
the firm’s needle-nose pliers. The shield stamp is for the will be made available to Snap-On dealers that will receive
a train set for each
mechanism and “Lock &
package of hand-held
Roll” is a safety feature for
diagnostic equipment
the Snap-On tool chest.
with a retail value of
$6000 purchased from the
The next piece of
company. None of these
rolling stock in this
train sets will be offered
engaging train is a yellow
for sale directly to the
bulkhead flat car loaded
public. It will be up to
with cases of time-tested, As if the train set wasn’t enough, here’s the Snap-On tractor
trailer rig.
individual dealers (not
tried and true Snap-On and
set(s). The high cost to
Blue Point goods. To safely guard this train’s valuable
shipment is a beautifully decorated (in Snap-On corporate Snap-On dealers for obtaining a single train set will
colors — silver and red), SP-type caboose with the Snap- probably drive up and maintain the value of this SnapOn 80th Anniversary Set. For Lionel collectors, this may
On 80th Anniversary wrench logo rendered in silver.
be the best of all worlds — the right mix of quality,
But wait, there’s even more value added to this out- desirability and hunting fun. Thank you, Snap-On!
of-this-world train set. Not since the 1995 and 1996 Zenith
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
The Real Deal Lionel Limited Production
Uncataloged Rolling Stock
#6-52223 — Another fine product from our friends at
Chicagoland LRRC.
Lionel Railroad Club are a feast for the eyes. America’s
heartland Lionel club presents the #6-52223, a centennial
Santa Fe & REA operating boxcar. Only 395 of these
beautifully decorated cars will be made at Lionel’s
Chesterfield plant, and the “Engineer Some Fun” 100th
Anniversary trademark will be applied to each one. Get
yours for $59.95 plus tax and shipping. Visit the club’s
web site and place your order: www.enteract.com/~clrc.
#6-36215 — Only 500 will be made, so don’t let this blue car
be left out of your collection.
When the Train Station of Mountain Lakes, New
Jersey, throws a 25th birthday party, Lionel collectors get
the treat. What a gift #6-36215 is — the first boxcar to
honor this 1950s style Lionel-lovers haven. Only 500 cars
will be made and sold for the low price of $59.95 plus
tax and shipping. The professionals at The Train Station
wouldn’t settle for anything less than genuine Lionel
quality, and neither should you. Call 973-263-1979 to get
this knock-your-socks-off toy.
#6-52227 — Imagine the faces of delight on visitors to your
Lionel empire when this car passes in review.
Did you pay attention to those Artrain circulars, but
didn’t purchase one? Wow, what a train! I don’t know
about you, but I plan to take full advantage of a second
chance to own one; and so will you once you see #652227 — the 2000 Artistry of Space boxcar. This
whimsical toy with “lighted stars” is an exciting start to
the second Artrain Lionel freight mover. The skilled
craftspeople at Lionel will create only 500 of these quality
toys. Call 1-800-ART-1971 to obtain one. With a donation
of $125 plus shipping you won’t miss out and be sorry
#6-26298 & #6-26116 — Lionel novelty cars draw the
interest of young people to our rewarding hobby.
While there, also order their complete “Time Zone Series.”
Heads up on this pair of Lionel cars offered by Warner
Brothers and sold only through the WB stores. #6-26298
is a Taz operating boxcar car and #6-26116 is a Pepe
LaPew tank car. Only 1000 units of these cartoon classics
will be made. Make tracks to your WB store!
Over the years, Lionel specialty car collectors have
considered the wonderful offerings from the three bigcity Lionel railroader clubs.
Lionel Licensee Alert
Every time I think of the Lionel toys produced by
The Ink Well, I can’t help but be reminded of the directive
issued from movie mogul Louis B. Mayer to the cast of
With variety added to the desirable club car recipe
along with generous portions of Lionel quality and
creativity, the toys currently offered by the Chicagoland
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
of Lionel heavy-iron
locomotives and
engines, this is one
high-speed shirt you
don’t want to miss.
Don’t ask me how
they can offer a
LCCA discount on
this item, but that’s
what Knolls is doing.
Call and ask for your
shirt and discount at
The Hawaiian shirts sold quickly
and surprised even me.
Lionel licensee BuyEnlarge.com is new to
Lionelville, but what an impression they have made on
the neighborhood and on this writer with their series of
Lionel vintage art. This new firm brings the train art of
the 1950s to our train rooms with reissued three-rail Lionel
dealer posters, catalog covers and advertising paper.
Nothing looks better with your trains or has a higher claim
on wall space than the artwork created by men who in
the 1950s understood how to point boys toward Lionel
trains. Prices start at only $19, and the call to 1-888376-7600 is free. Better yet, view their web site at
<www.buyenlarge.com >.
This Model T treat from the Inkwell would look great parked
in front of your tinplate Lionel factory.
each MGM musical: “Do it big, do it right, and give it
class.” Two current Lionel layout-friendly toys seem to
heed Mayer’s advice. These two die-cast 1/43-scale works
of art are marquee performers. The first of two Lionel
trucks is a 1920 Model “T” painted in Lionel blue and
trimmed in Lionel orange. This Ford truck has Lionel’s
100th birthday emblem and is mounted on a covered base
alongside three Lionel crates ready for shipment. The
Sought-after 2000 Convention Souvenirs
A big LCCA pat on the back to club director, Lou
Caponi, for his work in bringing us the third on-site
This 1935 Ford Pick-up truck would be a practical and stylish
addition to a steam era pike.
second truck is a 1935 Ford pickup. It’s also mounted on
a base with a see-though cover facing a RR crossing
signal. The pickup’s body is painted Lionel orange with
fenders, running boards and splash pans painted in Lionel
blue. The teardrop headlights, light bar, grill and bumpers
are chrome plated. All wheels have hubcaps, including
the fender mounted spare tire, so this is a deluxe model.
Each door of our smart-looking pickup carries the Lionel
circle “Big Rugged Trains” banner. Each Lionel model
is only $17.95; that includes a see-though display case
and free shipping to LCCA members. Even the phone
call is free, so call 1-800-946-5935 to order yours.
This was one of the most sought-after souvenirs at the 2000
Convention — the PH&D boxcar.
convention car — a Standard “O”
Lionel PH&D boxcar. Only 156
cars were overstamped with the
club’s 30th anniversary notation
by a firm outside of Lionel.
I admit I had no idea this Lionel-licensed item would
tug at the heartstrings of Lionel fans and trigger such a
demand that it sold out almost overnight. Well, that’s what
the first Lionel Hawaiian shirt did, and no one was more
surprised than I. Don’t miss the opportunity to get a new
Lionel Centennial Hawaiian Shirt because its availability
is quite limited. Since this second shirt honors 100 years
The Lion Roars
“Happy the Lionel
Lion” seems delighted
to be on the 2000
Visitor Center glass
The first great Lionel
souvenir I discovered during our
grand Convention was at the
Lionel Visitor’s Center. I couldn’t
believe my eyes when I spotted
our club mascot, Happy the
October, 2000
Lionel Lion, pictured in full color on the Visitor Center
glass mug. Wow, what a great surprise! To date, two
different Visitor Center glass mugs have been made, and
the first one from 1993 is a very hard-to-find keepsake.
A special pin-back
button to honor both
Madison Hardware and
Carail was available at both
tours for $1; it’s a neat
souvenir of your visit to
these “shrines.”
This souvenir was available
for sale at Carail and
Madison Hardware tour
The heart and soul of the set is this 4-4-2 AFGA Film steam
“Home For the Holidays” promotion and Lionel train set
First, let me clear up the confusion between #6-21909
(the AGFA Film promotional set) and #6-11971 (the
Delaware & Hudson complete ready-to-run train set. The
first of the two differences between the two set
components is the tenders. The tender for #6-21909 has
AGFA Film text and its red diamond logo between the
words. The tender for #6-11971 boasts Delaware &
Hudson. Both sets are packaged in the same set box titled
Delaware & Hudson with the D&H #6-11971 SKU
number. The only place you will find the #6-21909 SKU
number for the AFGA Film train is the white label on the
brown mailer. A second white label on the brown mailer
will say “Home For the Holidays.” A dealer for AFGA
Film would have to buy 10 holiday six-pack promotions
of film and 20 LeBox Go! single-use cameras to receive
one train set. Then it was up to the dealer’s discretion as
to whether or not he would hold a drawing for the Lionel
A real treat at the end of
a very informative Lionel
seminar was another gift
from Lionel in the form of a
humorous pinback button
that took me
back to my
time spent as These free gifts for attendees of The 2000
an idealistic Convention will “dress up” the lapel of
youth on San train collectors.
Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district in 1966. Brace
yourself for the return of the peace symbol in Lionel colors
with the statement: “Make Trains Not War.” Groovy,
The last Convention souvenir I’ll share with you is
the banquet centerpiece prize. If you attend a future LCCA
Convention, avoid making the mistake of not signing up
for the club banquet. This long-time collector of LCCA
and LOTS Convention souvenirs feels safe in making the
bold statement that the 2000 Convention banquet prize
was the greatest in the history of both clubs: the Lionel
Industrial Water Tower with both club logos.
Lionel paper collectors, keep on the lookout for the
“Home For The Holidays” AFGA Film paper promotional
package which contained a super poster of the set and
offer, a contest drawing box, entry slips pack, dealer door
decal and ceiling-dangler. Only 350 AGFA Film sets were
made. A good place to start your search for this interesting
promotional set is with Lionel value-added dealer
Grzyboski’s Trains at www.grzyboskitrains.com or call
570-347-3315. Please keep in mind that because this train
was produced in such a small run, Grzyboski’s received
a very small supply. A want ad in the Interchange Track
might be a good starting point, as would a Lycos-driven
Web search for AGFA Film dealers. All the best Lionel
luck to you in your search.
Please Pull Up a Chair, Class Is in Session
There is a Lionel promotional set that I’ve wanted to
tell you about for some time now, but for some reason it
was pushed to the
back burner. From
the huge amount of
calls and both types
convinced there’s
more then enough
interest to overload a
A close-up look at an un-touched
gondola in the
AFGA-Film train. Thanks, Joseph!
1998 AGFA Film
The Lion Roars
Aren’t second chances great? According to the U.S.
Naval Observatory, the true millennium doesn’t begin till
January 1, 2001, because there was no year zero. So we’ll
get to do the whole thing again. Maybe we can get it
right this time.
Happy Tracks!
October, 2000
Off the Track
by Ed Richter
RM 13075
“Rare & Unusual” at the LCCA Convention
Our national Conventions are a great source of
wonderful Lionel production, and this year’s show was
no exception. When I put out a call on the Trading Hall
PA system for interesting and unique items to be
photographed for show-n-tell in The Lion Roars, members
and dealers brought a wide range of really interesting
pieces to a temporary “photo studio” set up on an empty
table. With this photo essay, I’m sharing the results of
that effort.
Charles Skjeveland CM 71 — Windup Prewar Motor
Chuck Kuhns RM 1593 — Lionel Train Sounds Record
Bill Shaske RM 9369 — Rare #240 Scout Engine and Tender
Warren Grebosz RM 8662 — Lionel Warranty Card & Dealer
Planning Guide
Dr. Edward Bober RM 25192 — #1103 “Peter Rabbit”
Dean Cousins RM 10675 — P&H Crane #6827 Flatcar
Ed Kerner RM8868 — 714K Pennsylvania Boxcar w/scale
sprung trucks and couplers from the kit (1940-1942)
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
John Williams RM 6257 — 6315 gold tankcar and 6454 Pennsylvania boxcar in olive drab paint sample
Dave Kris RM 13097 — Lionel Track Plans (1963-64)
Bob Cole RM 12716 — 1957 uncataloged hardware store
promotion with original ad slick
Ken Morgan RM 12231 — U.S. Navy Bearing Circle Mark I
Mod. 2 (1943)
Drew Bauer RM 13584 —
Helios 21, Maintenance Kit,
Ives Water Tower, Golden
Anniversary Plate
Photographs by Ed Richter
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Layout Construction for
by Thomas A. Loucks
RM 19525
Designing and constructing a layout can be a daunting
task. This article presents ideas that may expedite your
savoring the planning phase and getting to the point of
running trains sooner — for faster fun.
allowances for key
accessories, and a
separate O42 loop
subway (not shown)
will underlie the
urban portion of the
layout. I attempted
to limit the track
loops so that
benchwork could be
constructed with
supporting frames
simple The benchwork is constructed over
track temporarily “installed” on
dimensions with the floor.
increments of three,
six, or 12 inches to facilitate construction and save time.
I plan to add detailed yard trackage to the
layout later.
How to approach layout design? While I have not
used recent versions of layout design PC software, my
early experience — coupled with an oddly shaped
basement — was frustrating. Although the gross
dimensions of my train room were generous (24x24 feet),
water heaters, irregular corners, heating/cooling units, and
ceiling supports conspired to constrain functional layout
space and track placement. I resorted to a scale depiction
of the available space
and then addressed
layout design by hand.
Inasmuch as not all of
Laying track is part of the fun, and testing
the layout design before construction of the
benchwork will help identify conceptual
design flaws or point out areas for
improvements not conceived during initial
planning. I take the unusual step of laying
track on the floor and then building the
benchwork over it; see photo 2. This will
assure that the final layout will conform to
the benchwork.
Here are some helpful hints on planning
grades and crossovers. Lionel graduated
trestles have a grade of 1/4-inch per 10
inches of track — a 2.5% grade. I consider
this the maximum allowable grade, and I
strive for less; it makes the work easier for ascending and
descending trains. I begin elevating the track at important
crossovers and then work from that point in both
directions. So, if Track 1 must cross over Track 2 at a
bridge, I plan the bridge with the proper clearance and
install whatever supports or trestles are required for Track
1, then move away from the bridge. To assure sufficient
clearances throughout the layout, I attach Post-It Notes
The layout plan depicts an ambitious project.
the corners in my train room were square, I made diagonal
measurements to “close” my drawing of the room. With
a tape measure, an engineer’s scale rule, and two
compasses, I scribed three sets of curves. Using a scale
of 20 divisions per inch, I could draw a layout of up to 24
feet on a 12-inch piece of paper.
The layout plan is shown in figure 1. The plan allows
for a very large O72 loop, a more intricate O54 loop with
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
the Impatient Engineer
(see photo 3) along the track and mark the height over
some useful horizontal reference plane. I use the top edge
of the 2x4s supporting the plywood in the event that I
need to eliminate the plywood/Homosote™ in some areas.
are planned such
that the
edge (plus the
Homosote board
and plywood) will
intersect the lower
end of a descending
“Cascading frames” peripheral to the
track segment; see main level show benchwork for
photo 6. Small descending track.
supports or trestles
can be added later
to support the track
as it climbs from
one frame until it is
supported by the
next. In the case of
straight- The cascading frames, now semifinished, depict relationship to track
the and main level.
cascading frames
can be connected by a longer segment of 1x4-inch stock
as in photo 7.
Post-It Notes help keep track of which track is where, relative
to a common reference plane.
My benchwork is constructed with frames made from
2x4-inch (long side), 1x4-inch (short side) bolted to 2x4inch legs with 5/16- or 1/4-inch carriage bolts; then
covered with 3/4-inch plywood and 1/2-inch Homosote
board (see photo
needed, some
interior 1x4-inch
legs are used for
support and 1x24
inch diagonals
are added for
This benchwork module depicts the
upper (main) level and the extended
benchwork for a lower level.
The benchwork
may be overly stout, but — remembering some wobbly
layouts from childhood — I want to be sure that any of
my children or I can walk on the layout if needed. My
main layout level is 33 inches off the floor, and, as shown
in this photo, I can extend a lower level out beyond the
main framework for descent to a lower level.
Long straight-aways connect one area of the framework to
A busy portion of the layout under construction
depicts several of these elements as well as crossovers
supported by temporary supports until trestles can be
added as in photo 8. One can also see that the track
entering the tunnel must pass behind one triangular frame
and then pass through a gap in the next 2x4-inch frame
behind it.
This three-peninsula layout has level interior areas
with transitions between levels on the periphery. The
interior benchwork consists of simple 4x8-foot frames
(smaller as needed) surrounded by what I refer to as
“cascading frames;” see photo 5. These benchwork
rectangles or triangles support the graduated track and
The Lion Roars
Factors that contribute to a sharp-looking layout
include long, straight runs of right-of-way and banks of
October, 2000
Three levels of benchwork depict main level, lower level, and
real estate for a future town site.
True Angle tool (set to 45o) can be used to set sidings in place
at any desired angle.
carefully aligned switches. I use a metal yardstick (it won’t
warp) to achieve both. When standing over a layout, I
like to look down lengths of straight track and see closeto-perfect alignment. Kinks in runs of straight track
generally occur at track joints. A useful tip for operators
who favor tubular track is to purchase 40-inch lengths in
lieu of utilizing four ten-inch sections of track. Then move
the metal yardstick sequentially along the straightaway
to align the track before fastening it to the tabletop.
“True Angle” (see photo 10) to set my metal yardstick or
ruler; then the switches can be laid parallel to the
Homosote seam in the tabletop is a reference for setting a
combination square; from it the switches are set to a 45o angle.
I also like to align multiple turnouts so that the
through track is straight and all of the spurs take off at
identical angles for parallel sidings. The first is best used
before any grassmat or ground covering is used and can
be applied either to switches laid on the table or to roadbed
underlying the track. I use either a combination square
(for 45o angles, as in photo 9), or — for odd angles — a
The author in his train room at the engine house and Lionel
Backshop in the foreground.
This article is purposely brief and does not describe
bridges and hidden loops. I hope it adds value — and
enjoyment — to your current or next layout design/
construction project.
Photographs by Thomas A. Loucks
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Upcoming LCCA Train Meets
Saturday, November 11
November 25, 2000
Alhambra, Illinois
Alhambra Elementary School
C. Brown and C. Kuhns will co-host a train meet at
the Alhambra Elementary School on Rt. 140 in Alhambra,
IL, on Saturday, November 11, 2000. Registration and
setup from 8 to 9 a.m. with LCCA trading from 9 to 10
a.m. and public trading from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. LCCA
members are free, guests are $3 and families are $5. Tables
are $10 with no limit. There will be operating layouts,
concessions, and free parking. This site is handicapped
accessible. For more information, call Clarence Brown
at 618-488-7704 or Chuck Kuhns 217-546-7599.
Lexington, Kentucky
Continental Inn
Harry Overtoom will host another LCCA semiannual
train meet in the Bluegrass state. Co-hosts will be Winfrey
Adkins, 606-873-3714; Larry Black, 502-695-4335; and
Bill Crace, 606-299-2423. Tables will be $15 for LCCA
members; contact Bill Crace for reservations. Adult guests
will be $3.50; children under 12 free with parents. Setup and “early bird” trading for LCCA members only will
be 6 to 9 p.m. on Friday, November 24, and 8 a.m. to 10
a.m. on Saturday, November 25; then the meet will be
open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.
There will be several operating layouts, vendors, and 175
trading tables available. The Continental Inn is at US 60
and New Circle Road. For more info, call Harry Overtoom
at 606-268-1942.
Friday & Saturday, November 24-25
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
St. Mary of the Assumption School
George F. Floria will host a LCCA-sponsored Train
Meet at St. Mary of the Assumption School, 4610 Largo
Road (Rt. 202), Upper Marlboro, MD, on Friday and
Saturday, November 24-25, 2000. Registration and setup
for LCCA members trading from 4 to 6 p.m. on Friday
with public trading from 6 to 9 p.m. LCCA trading 8 to
9 a.m. on Saturday with public trading from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. LCCA members and family admitted free; guests
and families at $3 each. First table $10, additional tables
$8 each. Food concession available; free parking. For
more information, call George at 301-627-3923.
December 2, 2000
Naperville, Illinois
Naperville High School
Len Hopkins at 630-420-9066 and Larry Brongel at
708-784-1994 will co-host their 6th annual Christmas
Train Meet in this NW suburb of the Windy City. Tables
are $15 each. LCCA members and family will be admitted
free. Adult guests and general public admission will be
$5, with children under 10 free with an adult. Registration
and setup, 7:30 - 9 a.m. LCCA trading 9 to 10 a.m.;
public trading from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be an
operating layout for the kids and refreshments will be
available. The high school is located at 440 W. Aurora
Avenue in Naperville. Table reservations should be made
early; fair warning!
Train Meet
Hosts Wanted!
To present a local train meet
with financial and logistic
support from LCCA, contact President
Elect John Fisher at jftrains@aol.com
or call 651-454-6644.
The Naperville, Illinois, train meet in 1999.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
by Dennis Leon Clad
Contributing Editor
RM 10430
with page after page of Lionel masterpieces that dazzle
the eyes, stir the imagination, and touch the soul.
Twice the Fun for Me and You
Like the first CC series, the new package has two
levels of membership: silver and gold. The cost of the
silver membership is $100. Here are the silver goodies
you’ll receive: a membership certificate worthy of
professional framing, a matching membership card with
your name and club number, a colorful lapel pin, a CC-II
paperweight, and a unique CC-II maple wood
commemorative box with the CC-II seal on the lid. All
these pieces of CC-II club memorabilia are something
we can use; it sure beats a poster. The best parts of your
CC-II membership are the exclusive, five blow-your-mind
engines you can buy over the five-year life span of your
membership. I’ll save the greatest benefit for last.
If — like me — you thought that Lionel’s Century
Club locomotives pulling a consist of double door boxcars
filled with uniqueness, excitement and pride of
membership had reached the end of the line and had run
out of steam, we were both wrong.
When I received my advance CC-II membership
package, what knocked my socks off was the CC-II
premiere catalog. If Lionel collectors have but one
common bond, it’s that we reverently hold in high esteem
the Lionel catalogs of the 1950s. Let’s not forget the short
romance with the early Lionel LLC catalogs filled with
beautiful drawings of Lionel machine-tooled art from the
Jim Bunte era. Let this CC-II paper treasure transport
you into childhood bliss via the same artistic medium
The Lion Roars
Now don’t let your pocket book become
discombobulated when I tell you that the dues for the
October, 2000
gold level membership is $500. With the
Dennis Method of Accounting, it’s
really free. Here’s how to utilize the
DMA. First, you’ll receive all the
silver level rewards plus an upfront discount of $100 per
engine. All five engines are a
must-own if you’re a
collector who loves unique,
products. There’s no need for
worry about future inflation
gobbling up $100 per piece. I
can’t think of any other company
— even McDonalds with their simple
product of ground moo on a bun —
guaranteeing a price on their product a year
down the tracks; not to mention five years on a
complicated, hi tech, always-evolving piece of cast metal
art; which is what Lionel is doing. So it’s easy to see that
your gold level membership really ends up costing you
zero dollars. To further increase the value of your CC-II
gold membership, add the gold level boxcar. This dry
goods mover comes complete with all the great 6464
series features and a value-added dealmaker: gold foil
accents on the body. The boxcar is free with your gold
level membership. Did I mention that shipping on your
merchandise protector is free; as is all your purchases at
both the silver and gold levels in CC-II.
joy-filled ride down the CC-II track
with five of the most impressive
Lionel club locomotives and diesel
engines ever offered. Each of
these masterpieces of Lionel
machine-tooled art will be
born from new tooling, carry
the “Odyssey System”
pedigree, and have the
crowning touch — gold
accents to announce to all
that this is Lionel royalty.
The first thoroughbred in
this stable of champions is 628069, a New York Central Niagara
steam locomotive. As a NYC collector,
I’ve waited patiently for this jewel to arrive
and report for duty on my Lionel NYC roster. At $999.95,
I’m saving my pennies (nickles, dimes, quarters, too) so
I won’t miss out.
The second CC-II offering is a three-piece train set
of the history-making Union Pacific M-10000. All you
have to do is turn the power over to 6-51007 and this
vintage luxurious streamlined passenger mover will take
you back to the America you remember at the mid-century
point when you played with trains in boyhood delight.
The ticket price for this feel-good reverse throttle trip in
time is $999.95.
Like me, you probably fell in love with the Loewydesigned Pennsylvania T-1 on the test track at the recent
As promised, I saved the best CC-II benefit for last.
So fasten your seat belt and get ready for an explosive,
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Lionel factory tour during the Convention. With a
membership in CC-II, one can also own the must-have
companion two-piece set in Pennsy livery. 6-14532 is a
pair of PRR Sharknose A-A units that at the low member
price of $599.95 will give you that proud-poppa feeling
for a lot less than one grand.
For a detailed look at each engine and an interesting
history of their place in real railroad lore, check out the
Lionel web site at <www.Lionel.com>. Each CC-II carries
a five-year warranty, but I believe most of these historic
pieces of industrial art will be admired on the mantel, not
worked on the rails.
I have yet to add a FM Train Master to my Lionel
roster, so I’m looking forward to owning the very best
TMs ever made by Lionel — the 6-18340 pair of
Fairbanks-Morse Train Masters — painted by Lionel
artisans according to the original demonstrator colors.
Wow, what a piece of railroad history! Only $699.95 for
the pair.
The CC-II offers two styles of display cases to hold
and protect these Lionel treasures. Each is custom made
and holds a specific Lionel item. I guess I should tell you
that your membership in CC-II is transferable, but why
you would want to do that is beyond me. The period of
CC-II enrollment began September 5, 2000, and it will
end on December 15, 2000. What a great gift to give
someone! Lionel makes joining and shopping easy at their
web site; or call the CC-II phone number: 1-800-6286202.
As hard as it may be to believe, Lionel really topped
themselves with the last jewel in the CC-II crown. I believe
you’ll agree when you hold the ownership papers for the
6-38000 the New York Central Empire State Hudson. If
you buy only one CC-II locomotive in the series or you’re
ready to take a big step and buy your first Lionel Hudson,
this streamlined king of the once-proud NYC is the one
for you at $1099.95.
Lionel has set the standard for electric toy trains for
100 years and now they begin their next century by setting
the standard for company-sponsored train clubs.
Lionel LLC artwork used by permission
i.e., our crematory vessel. I have been diagnosed with
leukemia and, as we all know, our time here is limited.
The Ultimate
Get-away Car
by H.C. William Schilling
My train collection has already been sent to
Greenberg’s Auction to be sold as it would be too much
for family to deal with when I am not around.
RM 7586
I have been a faithful subscriber to your publication
for many years as well as a TCA member in good standing
for 21+ years. I enjoy reading my train magazines, TLR
included. I hope
you will find
rather unique
“gold car” in
your publication.
Thank you for
many years of
good reading and
good ideas.
Editor’s note: As this edition of The Lion Roars went
to press, Bill was resting comfortably at home and
taking life one day at a time.
This LBG
tank car is actually
water car #4980
with gold leaf
applied and gold
plates attached
with my name and
my wife’s name
inscribed on them.
The car will be our
final resting place;
Photograph by H. C. William Schilling
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Great Railway Adventures series of story books, audio
tapes, and trains now offers additional trains, action rolling
stock, track, and accessories.
Product Review
New adventures available this year are the Jupiter
engine of the Golden Spike saga and the Big Boy engine
with multiple speeds. Both are die-cast and are powered
by “A” size batteries.
Lionel-Licensed Products
for Little Engineers
For toddlers and youngsters not quite ready for Ogauge, three-rail toy trains, a growing line of smaller,
battery-operated trains are on the shelves of selected toy
stores for Christmas gifting. Licensed by Lionel, toys by
The Learning Curve company offer many train-related
playtime experiences to delight your littler engineers. The
In celebration of Lionel’s 100th anniversary, the
company offers a “warbonnet” Santa Fe steam train with
die-cast engine, tender and dome car. A companion
illuminated dome car is also available for this passenger
The Jupiter Engine
The Big Boy Engine
Next Stop Coal Tender
For more information, call 888-281-1802.
Express Coal Tender
Illuminated Dome Car
Articles with photos
of Christmas layouts in progress
from beginning to end; although
we all know a layout is
never “finished.”
Flashing Caboose
Mike Mottler, Editor, TLR
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Convention 2000:
in a Word ...
by Bob Carter LCCA RM 6620 and LOTS 2541
Planning for the Dearborn Convention began for me
back in February when I picked the tours and made my
reservations. My wife and I had never been to Michigan
before, and we thought a trip up north, during the heat of
a Texas summer in July, was the right thing to do. Also,
what better way to go to a train Convention than by train?
Checking Amtrak schedules, we determined that we
could, in fact, leave Dallas and travel to Dearborn via
Amtrak. Well, that was all the encouragement we needed.
The sleeper was
an experience in itself. If any of you have ever booked a
Superliner deluxe room, then you know how exciting it
is to take a shower in the toilet. At least that’s what it
seemed like we were doing. We thought the cabin
restrooms aboard a cruise ship were small, but they were
spacious compared to the Amtrak accommodation.
However, we had our own facility. Coming back home,
we experienced the communal water closet and shower.
Let me tell you,
deluxe is the way to
We booked reservations, and a Superliner sleeper was
waiting just for us. We
learned that we shouldn’t
set our watches by the
train. The Texas Eagle
was two-and-a-half hours
late arriving. There’s no
way they can make up
that amount of time
because the engineer
must share the mainline
with freight haulers. But
hey, this was our
vacation, and we had
already decided to spend
a day and a half in
But I digress.
The view out our
window showed the
backyards and streets
of America. It framed
panoramic views of
downtown areas, an
absolutely beautiful
view of the St. Louis
Arch, and great
riverscapes when we
crossed the Mississippi River and entered Chicago at the
finale. The trip was pure relaxation. At times, I tried to
imagine what it would have been like if passenger trains
earned priority over freight consists. Maybe when — or
if — Amtrak owns its own trackage, we’ll see a timetable
that becomes meaningful. I encourage you, if you have
So off we went on Thursday evening, riding first class
in a sleeper and eating delicious prime rib. The food in
the diner proved every bit as good as in the golden days
of railroading. They placed fresh flowers on the table,
and I can’t say enough about the service of our dining car
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
the time and don’t have a tight schedule, to take the train.
It could be a gentle reminder of what it used to be and a
glimpse of what might lie ahead.
After a couple of days on the train and a brief stay in
the windy city, we eventually arrived at Michigan’s
Dearborn Station. It doesn’t look anything like the ceramic
building offered to train collectors by Stoney Express.
We were rested and ready for a week of tours and trains.
In a nutshell, the LCCA/LOTS 2000 Convention in
Dearborn was an outstanding success. If you missed this
opportunity to visit this suburb of Detroit, you missed
more much than a train meet. Yes, there were trains on
display and for sale on Saturday and Sunday with deals
made and stories told. But to me, the real appeal was the
tours arranged by the Convention hosts. We have all seen
impressive layouts and collections, but Dick Kughn’s
menagerie at Carail is, without question, wonderfully
unbelievable. OK, so he owned Lionel, and we’d expect
him to have a nice Lionel collection. The layout, part of
which was under construction, was huge. It makes all of
us building a home layout realize that the process is a
one-step-at-a-time adventure, regardless of your financial
Buddy L and Erector engines, all in excellent or better
condition. Other attractions — such as Mrs. Kughn’s
outstanding Department 56 collection displayed in a
magnificent night scene, a room that is also a bar with
lighted train passenger cars along its ceiling perimeter,
plus a like-new, red ’55 T-Bird — made the Carail
experience an indelible impression in my memory. The
awesome display of vintage toy trains and beautifully
restored autos in the
museum produced
an overwhelming
after-effect. I was
speechless, but
loved it. The Carail
v i s i t ,
although too short a time, was in itself worth
the trip to Dearborn.
Seeing the standard gauge trains running across 13
Hellgate bridges was a sight I’ve never seen before. The
walls were covered with display shelves filled with
Quoting Paul Harvey, “Now, the rest of the
story” — Madison Hardware. The lackluster
warehouse exterior of the building disguises the
important contents inside. When I first walked
through an ordinary metal entry door, I was
struck by the realization that what appeared to
be a car parking garage was actually a storage
facility for many classic autos — including a
very rough (and very rare) Tucker awaiting its
turn for restorative TLC. I saw the Stutz touring
car, the Pierce Arrow travel trailers, types A and C, with
a blue Pierce Arrow painted to match one of the trailers.
postwar through modern era Lionel trains. There was also
a room that contained not only Lionel, but also some
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
We ascended the
freight elevator to
Madison Hardware
above. This storage
and order fulfillment
facility now holds the
outpouring of 16
tractor-trailer loads of
trains moved from
New York City to
Michigan. It houses
everything a train nut
could ask for. Shelves
and shelves of classic and modern Lionel pieces and parts.
Photos showing the carefully loaded shelves of Lionel
products can’t do justice to the scene. Madison Hardware
is truly a place that awes everyone that visits this “shrine.”
Several Lionel operating layouts were running, and a
small gift shop was quite busy. After all, what Lionel
collector/operator wouldn’t want something to take home
from Madison Hardware?
There was a
small hands-on
layout in a
corner niche,
and children
were operating
it with delight.
The smiles on
their faces were
Visitors Center, the
next tour stop was
the Lionel factory.
We saw just how
labor intensive the
of our trains
actually is. The workmanship and quality control was
evident, but somehow I couldn’t help wondering what it
would take to bring this facility into the 21st century. The
lack of automation and robotics was immediately
apparent, especially to me, a techie with semi-conductor
manufacturing experience. Then I understood why some
Lionel trains are pre-allocated to our favorite hobby shops;
unlike Doritos, the factory just can’t quickly “make more.”
While on the subject of gift shop, there’s also one at
the Lionel Visitors Center. It was as busy as a toy store at
the peak of the Christmas season, and for many of us it
felt like Christmas in August.
Lionel employees-volunteers constructed the train
layout at this center, and it showed what team effort can
do when the desire to display your product drives the
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
The tour
was guided by
not only about
the job, but
products. The people we met during the tour were the
heart and soul of this company, and they were direct
Later on, there were tours to the Henry Ford Museum
and Greenfield Village, the Rouge River boat cruise where
we got to see “real” hot metal cars and bascule bridges,
lunch at The Whitney, and the all-day trip to Frankenmuth
and Bronners. I can see that Dearborn still has some
attractions for the next Convention. There is just no way
to absorb it all in a few days. If I had one request, it would
be to allow more time for each tour, but I’m sure that
would mean a two-week stay!
representatives not only of Richard Maddox but also Dick
Kughn. Both of these gentlemen have raised the bar of
excellence and customer service; now other train
manufacturers are trying to meet it.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
simultaneously won, stood
up, and shouted, “Happy
100th Birthday, Lionel!”
Then we all knew Bill’s
carefully planned trick of the
game; after all, he is a
received the special pin and
left the event with big smiles
and lots of laughter. Many
had winning raffle tickets
for gifts contributed by
Lionel — one of the prizes
The club banquet
on Saturday night was
a delight once
everyone was seated.
Oh, there were a few
problems, but the
Convention hosts
promptly. The prime
rib and chicken were
delicious — and
tender. The evening
included brief talks by
Richard Kughn and
Richard Maddox and a
presentation of an
original Angela Trotta
Thomas artwork to
Mr. Kughn. We all
played a game of
BINGO (re-named
TRAIN for this night) for a grand prize, a one-of-a-kind
pin worn by Dick Maddox. Bill Schmeelk called the game.
All I needed was I-50 to be the big winner of this surely
very collectible pin. Everyone watched their card closely
and when I-50 was finally called, everyone at the banquet
The Lion Roars
Artwork by Angela Trotta Thomas showed a childhood
incident of Richard Kughn.
was the new Hellgate Bridge. The grateful recipient was
delighted but also wondered, “How am I going to get this
box home?”
We had a wonderful time and are looking forward to
the 2001 Convention in Lexington, Kentucky. See you
Most photos by Bob Carter; additional photos by
Ed Richter, Al Kolis, and Mike Mottler
October, 2000
A Photo Essay of the Convention
by Ed Richter, RM 13075, LCCA’s Official Photographer
The Lionel factory — “Mecca” for toy train fans — welcomed the clubs
and presented a memorable tour of the assembly plant.
Raffle tickets, anyone? Celebrating its 100th
anniversary with generosity to and appreciation for its
customers, Lionel offered great table prizes at the
banquet and many quality products for the raffle.
What a “job” — running toy trains all day for visitors at
the Lionel Visitors Center to enjoy. How to apply?
At the conclusion of the factory tour, Lionel.
LCCA, and LOTS provided all “club
tourists” with a box lunch.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Shop ‘til you drop in the Gift Shop at the Lionel
Visitors Center. These club customers loaded up on
Lionel goodies.
At Richard Kughn’s Carail Museum, club members wandered
through room after room of toy trains from the prewar (top) and
postwar (bottom) eras.
The large layout at Madison Hardware contains an
airport, mountains, tunnels, bridges, Plasticville —
even a scale model of the US Capitol building.
This red and
yellow diesel was
equipped with
“Choo Choo
Cam™” in its
nose. So the view This double-track high trestle is a dramatic corner scene of the O-gauge section at
Carail. Portions of this layout were under renovation during the Convention.
could be seen on
a TV monitor by
all in the room.
Lionel loaned its
At the Henry Ford
Allegheny for
Museum, the curators
running on the
found space for a
distinctive American
Lionel Railroad
icon on wheels.
Club layout
during the
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Mrs. Kughn’s extensive collection of Department 56™ buildings was
the feature attraction of the winter scene of the O-gauge layout at
Carail. The Lionel Toy Store is in the lower right corner.
Mr. Kughn purchased this layout and re-installed it in the
Madison Hardware building.
The Chicagoland Lionel Railroad Club set up their impressive
modular layout in the Hyatt Regency Dearborn Hotel. The
Chicagolanders love long trains with big power on point.
Proud members of the CLRRC installed their layout and ran it
continuously during the Convention.
On the fantail,
club members
enjoy a cruise
along the River
Rouge aboard
the “Diamond
The Trenton (Michigan)Train Club members set up a
table-top train display in the host hotel.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
During the annual club business meeting, Treasurer Eric Fogg
presented his financial report. “We’re in great shape!” he said.
President Al Otten (right), presented one of six Presidential Awards
for Excellence at a special awards luncheon on Saturday. Grandpa
Nelson Williams, author of the “Standard Gauge” column in The
Lion Roars magazine, received Best Writer Award.
At the well-attended Lionel Seminar, Bob Grubba explained and demonstrated
new products “in the pipeline.”
Club President Al Otten
presented the custommade observation car to
Jim Gates, LCCA
member number 1.
Performing “other duties as may be deemed
necessary,” Lionel VP Bob Ryder welcomes
raindrop-dodging club members to the tour
of the Lionel Visitors Center.
In the Trading Hall,
Larry Nahigian soaks up
the trains-trains-trains
Close-up of the Jim
Gates obs car.
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
TLR editor, Mike Mottler, presented “Creative Collaborator”
Olympic-style medallions to all 86 authors who submitted
material for publication in the magazine “on his watch.”
TLR’s “Train Talk” columnist, Richard Maddox,
President of Lionel LLC, received his award.
At the banquet, LCCA President Otten presented
to Dick Maddox the model prototype of the SD-40
two-tone metallic-plated LCCA third decade
locomotive and matching caboose.
L-shirted up and ready to party, Lionel execs gather with the boss, Richard
Maddox (in the suit).
Three leaders (L to R) Richard Maddox, President of Lionel LLC; LCCA
number one member Jim Gates, and Richard Kughn, former owner of
Lionel Trains; received custom-made LCCA passenger cars made by
Lionel with their names and club numbers inscribed on the side.
So many trains, so little time.
The Trading Hall is always a highlight of the Convention. On
Sunday, the hall was opened to the public.
The Lion Roars
Additional photos by Bob Carter and Mike Mottler
October, 2000
While in Portland, Oregon, on a recent business trip,
I took a light rail ride across the Willamette River. The
line crosses the river on what is called “Steel Bridge”
built in 1911 as shown in photo 1.
Chief Dispatcher
by Robert Amling
My initial intent was to ride the first car and take
some photos. Imagine my chagrin when I stepped into
the first car and turned to move to the front, only to see a
blackened window between the passengers and the
motorman. I noticed a walkway on the bridge and decided
to get off at the first stop and walk back across.
RM 9116
I hope that you were one of the lucky ones who
witnessed the Convention, it was a BLAST! Many
volunteers made registration and tour activities a
smooooth ride.
I attended tours of Carail, Madison Hardware, and
the Lionel Factory. They were magnificent! Richard
Maddox can be very proud of the entire staff at Lionel —
from the sales reps on the tour buses, the re ceptionists
at the Visitors Center, the factory managers, to the workers
on the factory floor. Everyone was extremely cheerful,
helpful, and informative.
Dick Kughn, always a gracious host, opened Carail,
Madison Hardware, and The Whitney Restaurant to the
conventioneers. I still can’t get over the displays at Carail.
The staff went out of their way to make everyone feel
comfortable. LCCA Director Bill Button manages
Madison Hardware; he and his crew answered a constant
barrage of questions 13 hours a day. They did everything
in their power to make the Convention a resounding
As I walked up the approach to the bridge, I heard a
diesel horn. I ran up the approach and arrived at the railing
just in time to catch a pair of SD60s drifting into the yard.
W h a t
intrigued me
more was the
t r a c k
vantage point I
could see the
tracks come off
the lower level
of the bridge and
curve sharply around the grain storage building. It then
curved back around an embankment while staying out of
the river. I decided to hang out and wait for more engines.
So once again, Happy Birthday, LIONEL! Thanks
to everyone that had anything to do with making this an
all-time-great convention!
If you read
O Gauge Railroading (OGR),
you are familiar
with their series
on O gauge
layouts in small
places. A friend
of mine likes to
say that real
wouldn’t operate
in particular
ways, whether it
be tight turns,
steep hills, or
tight yards.
The Lion Roars
rewarded when an
empty container train
rolled by. I caught it on
film as it rolled off the
bridge, and I followed it
around the “S” curve.
When the engines
October, 2000
disappeared the thing looked like the caterpillar ride at
an amusement park. While looking at this snake winding
off the bridge and around the “S” curve, I said, “This is
not an “O72” layout!” The point is, the 12-inches-to-thefoot guys bend a rail where they must to squeeze a track
in as shown in photos 2, 3, and 4.
Imagine the
driver shown in
photo 5! After
watching 1-1/2
miles of empties
pass by, an auto
through in the
o p p o s i t e
Photo 6 is
a shot of the
business side
of the grain
facility. What a
challenge that
Walking off
the bridge, I
took in the
view of the
approach to
Union Station
at Portland;
see photo 7.
Standing on the river walk, I was admiring the bridge
when an alarm sounded, and after a minute or so the
bridge’s lift section ascended.
line one after another created a space wide enough for
another track between. At the beginning of the yard he
installed a right hand switch with a reverse curve on the
turnout side; now he could install a parallel track. On the
original track he alternated O22 switches with 45-degree
crossovers. On the turnout track he alternated a piece of
straight track with O22 switches. When the big guys have
to install a turnout to the left but can’t (maybe they can’t
cross the main), they turnout to the right and use an incline
to pass over the main. In slow areas, such as running down
a city street, they may turnout to the right to go left and
then crossover at grade level because there couldn’t be
another train anyway. I would like to hear from folks who
have captured a scene and reproduced it on their layout. I
would also like to see how you have solved switching
problems in tight spaces.
Do you have a layout or a particular track
configuration that you would like to share? Maybe you
don’t have the time or the inclination to write; or the
mastery of photo skills. If so, let me offer this invitation.
I travel frequently on business, and I would be open to
arranging a visit to your neighborhood to see your
handiwork and present it in this column. If you’re
interested, send me a note, and I’ll respond with my travel
plans to see if we have a match. My address is in the
club Roster; my e-mail is: <pennsyfan@earthlink.net>.
I saw a light rail car approaching on the upper level.
It wasn’t slowing down! Then I realized that the bridge
raised up in sections. The lower portion can raise without
affecting the upper roadway and track. This would be a
great accessory on a layout. I am so taken by bridges
lately; I have to build a waterfront scene on my layout.
I wonder, have you ever wanted to install a yard, but
found there wasn’t enough room for the switch? Well,
here are a few thoughts; some of which are not original
but are noteworthy. One modeler reported that he wanted
to double his yard tracks, but placing O22 switches in
The Lion Roars
Photographs by Robert Amling
October, 2000
Lionel News
and Views
by Bill Schmeelk
RM 6643
September 5, 1900. That’s the date when Joshua
Lionel Cohen founded his company. One hundred years
later, to the day, a small group of Lionel train scholars
Cowen’s fingerprints on
it. Ron Antonelli (Photo
3) read a short memorial
— printed below.
“One hundred years
ago today, on September
5, 1900, a routine filing to
conduct a small electrical
business marked the birth
of a future legend in the
American marketplace. It
was here at New York
City’s 24-26 Murray Street building that the Lionel
Manufacturing Company began its modest operations in
a small loft.
Few that walked this busy part of town then may have
stopped to notice the newest company on the block. In
years to come however, the Lionel name would become
preeminent in fulfilling the dreams of childhood.
The product that would catapult the company into
prominence was the toy electric train. What sets the Lionel
story apart was the determination of the company’s
founder and namesake, Joshua Lionel Cowen (born
Cohen), to make the electric train more than a passing
met at 24 Murray Street to commemorate this 100-year
anniversary. Photo 1 is a present-day photo of the same
building in which Joshua Cohen started his company. As
we know, Joshua Lionel Cohen later changed his last name
to Cowen, and the company that bore his middle name,
Lionel, became the largest toy maker in the world.
A meager offering of equipment in 1901 was
continuously improved, expanded and promoted. Cowen
built a proud organization comprised of the highest talent.
That many of these people would have long careers under
the Lionel banner becomes even more meaningful in our
time of impermanence. The company would go on to
become the largest manufacturer of toy trains in the world.
Joseph Mania set up a circle of 2-7/8-gauge track
and ran a reproduction of Lionel’s first motorized train,
the Lionel Express Gondola. The operating train car
shown in Photo 2 attracted interest from passers by, and
even the mailman commented, “I run G gauge trains too.”
Collector Joe Guzzo also had on hand an original Lionel
Express Gondola that at one time probably had Joshua
The Lion Roars
Another side of the Lionel story that could not have
been foreseen when the train line was launched, was the
October, 2000
eventual endearment of the product to millions of
youngsters for generations to come. Indeed, many that
made it a point to attend our dedication confirm that
owning their first Lionel trains or seeing their first Lionel
catalog was a keepsake memory.
proceed into the 21st century, more and more collectors
will have to use three digits to describe the age of their
Lionel collectibles.
Our gathering of surviving Lionel family members,
former employees and loyal friends joins here
appropriately enough on the first working day after the
first Labor Day of the new millennium. It is in the memory
of the Lionel name that we salute today’s young
entrepreneurs and urge them to pursue their dreams.”
Many items have
been introduced with
anniversary logo on
them, but this video set
is perhaps one of the
best mementos of
Lionel’s 100-year
history. From TM
Books and Video
comes “A Century of
Lionel Trains;” photo
5. This two-volume set
starts at the beginning,
after the obligatory
commercial all videos
seem to start with these days. We see everything from
Lionel’s 2-7/8-gauge trains all the way to Lionel’s scale
Big Boy.
Photo 4 shows John E. Felber, Ron Hollander and
Joe Guzzo under the entrance to the building. Many years
ago John Felber photographed the many Lionel locations
from 1901 to 1968. Many of you have probably seen the
single sheet of Lionel Factories, which has been available
for years and has provided many of us with a better
knowledge of Lionel’s growth over the years.
You probably have a few TM videos in your collection
already, but this one is different. The clarity and sharpness
of the video is not new, but the host-narrator is. Tom
Snyder, well-known television star and fellow Lionel
“nut,” is the host. He does an excellent job of capturing
the childhood enjoyment we all had with our Lionels.
Although Snyder is well known as an admirer of Lionel
trains, he doesn’t come across as an expert talking down
to you. Rather, he sounds like a fellow train enthusiast
who really enjoys talking about the toys we all played or
still play with. Although Snyder may not have written
the narration, it’s quite obvious that he has added some
personal commentary to whatever was prepared for him.
He certainly added his own style to the presentation.
Ron Hollander, who spearheaded this memorial effort
read from a new chapter in his classic work, All Aboard.
An updated and expanded edition of his book is due out
this October. The new volume will include information
bringing it up to the new millennium and will feature a
new scrapbook section. This section will contain photos
of many never before seen patents, correspondence from
Cowen to Marx, Gilbert, and Mario Caruso, an original
stock certificate from the first year of incorporation, and
more. The new book is hardbound and expected out at
any time. We’ll revew it more thoroughly once it is out.
Throughout the tapes, there are interviews with
several knowledgeable toy train fans including Richard
Kughn, Richard Maddox, Ron Grossman, John Potter,
Jim Flynn and John Palm. Kughn discusses his
conversations with his accountants when he told them he
wanted to buy the company — interesting stuff. During
the two-hour program you’ll see many of Lionel’s classic
trains and accessories in operation from all eras. Just the
inspiration you need to get your trains out of their boxes
and run them on three rails of steel.
The ceremony ended quietly as we each left the scene
with thoughts that we had stood on sacred ground. I had
an eerie feeling looking at that building entrance and
imagining a young Cowen passing through its doors. The
ceremony was noted by CBS Radio and ran throughout
the day by CBS affiliates across the country. Now as we
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
Lionel’s continuing development of technology is
shown throughout the program. From locomotive design,
to die casting, to magnetic couplers, to smoke, to action
cars and accessories, all the way up to the modern
Command Control. Snyder alludes to his childhood
arguments with a friend who owned American Flyer
trains. The only thing missing is the smell of the smoke.
This two-volume set provides a great documentation of
Lionel’s first 100 years, including the Lionel logos,
catalogs and boxes.
I’ve always enjoyed TM videos, but this one is
especially good and the perfect commemorative of
Lionel’s first 100 years. At $29.95 for the two-volume
set, it’s also one of the best values for a fitting
commemorative of Lionel’s anniversary. The set is
available from your local train store or direct from TM
Books and Video at 1-800-892-2822.
The Lionel Seminar
The Lionel Seminar at the LCCA Convention is
something I always look forward to, and this year’s
seminar was no disappointment. Lionel’s President,
Richard Maddox, opened the event, welcomed us to
Lionel’s hometown, and thanked the many Lionel
supporters in the room and beyond. He turned the
program over to Lionel engineer, Bob Grubba, and
marketing man, Ken Silvestri. The combination was
perfect for handling the many questions on a wide variety
of subjects from the very large group assembled in the
room. Bob Grubba began by showing some new product;
and 9 we see a new commuter rail car in two road names.
Photo 10 is an F-3 rendered in a design you might
remember seeing in Volume IV of the classic Tom
McComas series, Lionel — A Collector’s Guide and
History. Lionel considered the Kansas City Southern
scheme for an F-3 in the postwar days, and a prototype
for this model exists in the Lionel archives. Finally, we
mostly prototype mock-ups. Photo 6 shows a new work
caboose that features a welder at work. As the welder,
another loyal Lionelville employee, goes about his
business, we see the flashing arc of welder lighting. Photo
7 shows a new modern-style aluminum car. In Photos 8
will see it in production. Photo 11 is the new camelback
loco in the Pennsy road name. Photo 12 is a new 2-8-0
While we were in Michigan for the 2000 Joint
Convention, Lionel’s new, uncataloged Pennsy T1 Duplex
was coming off the assembly line. Photo 13 is an actual
production model seen in operation throughout the
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
improvements have been in board size and design. In
addition to the new capabilities, this new sound system
will be able to control the smoke output and will receive
feedback from Odyssey system motors. RailSounds V is,
I believe, already in production and is installed in some
locos this year.
Convention. It was a surprise, and it is a beauty.
Depending on the day you went through the plant, many
convention attendees saw these locos in production at the
Michigan factory. Thanks to Ed Richter for taking the
photos of the items at the Lionel seminar.
Grubba also went into some detail on the continuing
development of Lionel’s TrainMaster™ Command system.
We were given a demonstration of the new Odyssey™
system and its unique speed control of a locomotive,
regardless of changes in the pull required by the loco.
With this system, a train will maintain its speed even as it
goes up and down on elevated trestles. If you uncouple
cars from the train, the engine quickly recovers and
proceeds at the same speed. Bob explained that the system
works by providing feedback from the motor to an
electronically controlled speed system. The Pullmor™
motor has been redesigned to include this feedback
system. Feedback from the motor also controls the
RailSounds™ to react even more prototypically when the
loco is doing more work.
Bob discussed a new die-cast oil tender. A new
feature will be a magnetically attached cover that can be
removed to insert the battery. This was done to eliminate
vibration of the cover due to the RailSounds. There will
be a new Superliner set featuring cars that have roof track
lighting. Lionel is also considering the production of
tinplate trains again. The UP Veranda is expected out early
next year.
Although deliberately vague on the subject, Bob
hinted that we might see a new track system utilizing
steel rails (and I hope steel ties between the rails) for
optimum performance of MagneTraction™. A question
that always arises at these seminars concerns Lionel’s
couplers. Bob announced to cheers that the plastic part
of the couplers will be made of metal and that we can
expect to see additional modern couplers in the future.
Bob also mentioned a new TrainMaster feature called
Railnet™. This feedback system is placed on the track
and will “know” which train is passing by. You could, for
example, have this sensor favor a passenger train, so that
a when a freight train passes, it is put on a siding until the
passenger train passes. Multiple sensors can be used to
prevent collisions. One train is given a priority and would
be allowed to pass while another would be stopped. This
all fits in with the TrainMaster system so that trains and
switches could react to certain situations automatically.
The Odyssey system will also allow many other details
to be tracked. The ultimate possibilities are endless, and
Lionel faces the dilemma of figuring out just how far to
take this technology. This new system is expected out
late next year.
WOW! As the seminar finally came to end after
running overtime, we left with an upbeat feeling. Lionel
seemed to be addressing our concerns. Having attended
these seminars for many years, there was a decidedly
positive attitude at this one. It was clear we were regarded
as valued customers; not “talked down to.” There seems
to be a great future ahead and much to look forward to. A
special thanks goes to all the folks at Lionel who made
this seminar an especially enlightening one.
Bill Schmeelk
RailSounds V™ is the first significant improvement
in sound with five times the capability. Some previous
The Lion Roars
Photographs by Bill Schmeelk
October, 2000
Re-making History
and Making Friends
in Mobile
building within the scope of the
total project. Meanwhile, two
local lawsuits about it are also
pending. Area train clubs,
historic societies, and railfans
like me have an interest in the
destiny of this building.
by Mike Mottler
RM 12394
Author’s Note: Thanks to George
Nelson, Jr. for assurance of
accuracy and helpful suggestions.
There’s a great “fringe
benefit” in being the Editor of The
Lion Roars. I get to meet train
It also happens that the city
guys by e-mail, snail mail, and in
of Mobile is currently engaged
person at train meets and
in a train station restoration and
Conventions. Most are eager to
adaptive re-use project based on
share hobby information, tell the
the run-down yet once elegant
story of their train layout, or “talk
GM&O Depot; see photo 1. U.S.
shop” on model railroad themes
Congressman “Sonny” Callahan
of common interest. My concern
secured a $10+ million federal
for historic preservation of
grant for this project, yet
railroad stations, enjoyment of
additional matching funds are
restored railroad facilities, and
needed to assure completion.
fascination with train layouts has The GM&O Depot in Mobile, AL.
The renovated building would
for years shaped my vacation travel plans, created become a transportation hub, railroad museum,
pathways to train excursions, and opened the door to conference center, business complex with offices and
G2W2L2 (Great Guys with Wonderful Lionel Layouts). restaurants, and a locus for further re-development of the
All of these came into play during my visit to azalea- downtown area. The arabesque-style facade and massive
drenched Mobile, Alabama, earlier this year. George tiled dome of the building evoke an elegant past and
Nelson, Jr. — train guy extraordinaire and author of the suggest a glorious future for this “leftover relic” of the
“Connections” column in TLR — coordinated the visit golden age of railroading in the deep South.
and served as volunteer Itinerary Master, Social Secretary,
I visited Mobile as an independent fact-finder with a
and Guide.
mission — to learn how Mobile thought up this innovative
My interest in Mobile emerged from a train-related project, researched its feasibility, got the money, and
project now in the incubator — crucible is probably a steered the renovation effort. I met the Mayor, the PR
more apt metaphor — at Little Rock, Arkansas. As it Director, and the Project Officer. All offered helpful
happens, the Choctaw Route Train Depot — listed on the information and candid comments. Clearly, mega-projects
National Register of Historic Places — rests on the like this are not for the faint of heart nor the politically
“footprint” of land purchased by the city and dedicated naive. I toured the depot from the perimeter and took some
for development as the site of the Clinton Presidential pictures for reference. If completed successfully, this
Library. As this text goes to press, local officials in Little building will become a “sow’s ear turned into a silk purse”
Rock, project architects in New York City, and the miracle.
President’s advisors are considering options for this
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
With lots of info about Mobile’s GM&O Depot on
file as “deep background,” I’m now focused on the
Choctaw Route Depot in Little Rock; once a part of the
Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad — my favorite
“fallen flag.” Hopefully, Arkansans can follow the
footsteps of those that conceived a big idea for the citizens
of the Mobile Bay region.
along an historic
preservation line,
George and I
visited the thricerebuilt L&N
Depot in Foley,
AL. The frame
building in the
L&N classic style is now an attractive museum; see photo
2. The museum acquired, restored, and repainted two
boxcars in L&N and Frisco livery — the two lines that
once served the area. Since my visit, the museum has
acquired a caboose and repainted it in L&N decor. The
cars are parked alongside the platform on a short service
track. The building was previously moved off the original
site and then moved back. So the depot-museum is now
on the “main drag” of the town where it belongs; with a
park alongside. Even small towns can do big things, I
The house of
Jim Spangler
contained space
for his work and
three-rail layout. The upstairs work room and train room
is divided about 50/50 between the job and the joy. Classic
steamers and diesels zip past operating and trackside
accessories and flash around a city of Department 56™
buildings; see photos 5 and 6.
Dr. John Bailey built a three-rail layout for his son,
Jeb, to enjoy. The layout was constructed in a cold garage
down the street from their house by Santa and one senior
elf (John’s dad) in 1956, so it can be considered an
heirloom. It came with a 1033 transformer, a Wabash 2240
A-B unit, and five cars — all of which they still have and
are still operational.
The 4x8-feet layout
was set up in a
downstairs spare
room of their
renovated historic
home in downtown
Mobile; see photo
7. John plans to
“take over the entire room with a Captain-Kangaroo-like
layout about 12x15 feet in size by incorporating the 44year old layout into a new one built around it.”
We also visited the restored L&N Depot and Museum
in Milton, FL. While at the site, an Amtrak train roared
past on the main line.
For a moment in time,
past and present were
one. Photos 3 and 4
show the building and
the Genesis locomotive
on point.
An active LOTS member
and Lionel collector, module
builder, and craftsman, Herb
Kern selected HO trains for
an attic layout because his big
plans must fit into a limited
space. He displays Lionel
trains downstairs in the
house. The attic is the terrain
for the Beaver Valley
Railroad and its motifs are
derived in part from his early
T h r o u g h
arrangements made by George, I met the train guys of
the region and toured many home layouts. Many folks
were members of the local SWARM (South West Alabama
Railroad Modelers), and some were also LCCAers,
The Lion Roars
NMRAers, and
independents. All
interests were
represented in
this delightful,
hospitable group
of train collectors
and operators —
my kind of
October, 2000
career in the Coast
Guard (see the
harbor scene in
photo 8), points of
family interest, and
personal preferences.
The home repairman
shown high on the
ladder in photo 9 represents Herb at work with his station
wagon parked at the curb of the home of a customer; he’s
a home improvement contractor. I like the concept of
placing elements into a layout that relect the life and times
of the creator, and Herb’s layout can be regarded as an
example of biography
personalizing the train
trackage is on one
level, but part of
the city rests on
an upper level.
David prefers
weathering his
rolling stock.
Fred Patti is a
Lionel collector
and operator with well-defined preferences. He showed
to me with pride the oldest piece in the collection — a
No. 2 Electric Rapid Transit Trolley from the 1906-16
timeframe; see photo 13. The layout upstairs is the nexus
for a lot of family fun.
George Nelson, Jr. is a champion for kids entering
the hobby, and he displays under SWARM auspices a
door-sized, very do-able layout intended as a “starter”
for kids —
and for
dads who
may not
h a v e
trains as
the toy of
choice in their own childhood. His home layout presents
two levels and two gauges — O on the perimeter and N
on the hilltop and in the “hidden valley” — as shown in
photo 14.
Drew Madere is both
a dad and a designer of a
compact Lionel layout
built for enjoyment by his
sons, Dusty (the younger)
and Shane. It’s in the
corner of a
bedroom, and
Dusty can
operate the
train from the
bedside; see
photos 10 and
11. Although
the size of the
layout doesn’t
really require it, Drew and the boys run it with Command
Skilled craftsman Fred Karkowski showed me his
highly scenicked, upstairs HO layout. Through a handpainted backdrop rendered by an artist, use of forced
perspective, and attention to details in landscaping, he
created a very realistic high-rail-like train empire
reminiscent of the Appalacian region. He prepared up
front a 3-D clay mini-model of the topography for this
planned layout;
visioning tool
modelers in all
gauges. See
photos 15 and
16. Fred is also
an avid O15
David Lightsey’s “train room” is actually a train
building in
the back
yard. The
building —
intended for
home and
tools — is the locale for his three-rail
layout. It’s a work in progress; most model railroads,
including my own, are in perpetual motion. David’s layout
is based on an industrial city motif; see photo 12. The
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
gauger and a
He builds doorsize layouts at
home and then
away. Fred also
builds a threerail
layout at Christmas-time and sets Department 56
buildings on it.
Work and play come together quite naturally for Nick
Madaloni, and I for one envy him. Inside his downtown
storefront printing business, he installed a large multilevel, three-rail
layout and many
display shelves
full of O-gauge
trains, operating
accessories, and
Department 56
buildings. The
the excuse I was looking for to linger a while and enjoy
every square foot of it. See photos 17, 18, and 19.
Howard Hickey pressed home improvement to a
higher plane. He added a second story atop the threestall garage at his home and installed two large layouts in
the newly created train room. The Lionel layout is a large,
two-level “folded dogbone” pattern with an inner island
for a Plasticville suburb and service districts; see photos
20, 21, and 22. The other layout was under construction
during my visit; that HO realm will be based on an
ambitious track plan.
I visited other layouts in other gauges, saw an
impressive local club HO layout located (conveniently)
in a train hobby store, traded train stories with the entire
group over dinner at a local eatery, and got to meet
wonderful train guys and the women who love them —
anyway. The excursion to Mobile was useful as an
information-gathering venture but even more memorable
as a friend-making adventure.
active subway level. It’s a “cram it all in” style of layout,
and the eye can’t take it all in by just one look. Which is
The Lion Roars
Photos by Mike Mottler and George Nelson, Jr.
October, 2000
the members might order. At one time we waited until all
the orders were received, added-on some for breakage,
officers and directors, the archive, and then submitted our
order to Lionel. The result was we ended up with very
few extras. Several years ago, the ordering policy was
changed, so we now have to estimate how many are going
to be sold. Sometimes we are close, sometimes not.
Anyway, a few years ago I volunteered to store, inventory,
and help sell excess items in the archive. Now we have
two storage locations — one in Cincinnati and one in
Lexington. Some of you probably remember the drawing
we had for some early Convention cars several years ago.
We still sell excess archive material to members via the
Interchange Track and at the annual Convention.
The LCCA Archive
by Harry Overtoom
RM 1185
The club archive is something the LCCA has had
since the second year of its inception. Since it is an
important part of our history, I thought club members
might be interested in why we have it and how it works.
The original archivist, Frank Harig, kept track of
material that belonged in the archives, but it was scattered
all over the country. It remained that way until Art
Broshears, RM 2440, was elected President in 1982. He
obtained Board approval to establish a central location
for storing all this material. He gathered up all archival
material and placed it in a Cincinnati warehouse. Dick
Johnson, RM 7103, took over the job as archivist in 1983
and has served the LCCA in that position since then.
This has been a brief summary of the archive and
how it fits into LCCA’s plans. I pointed out when I was
President that your dues just cover the cost of the two
club publications. Revenue for running the club comes
from selling Convention cars, stocking stuffers, and
archive items; plus occupancy at the Convention hotel
and Convention function and tour fees. If anyone has any
questions or comments, please call or write me.
When Dick called me to see if I could help him rearrange the archives, I didn’t know what to expect or what
the job might involve. He and I met at the warehouse
owned and operated by Brendamour Storage Company
where the archive pallet was stored. It was placed in an
open area so we could review and inspect it. The actual
archive is a large skid (approximately 4x5 foot) with a
four-sided plywood enclosure six feet in height. Archival
materials are stored inside this enclosure and stacked in
the warehouse. A forklift and a locator file are required
to find “our skid.” The storage space is climate controlled
and safe. After working on re-arranging the archives, we
buttoned up the skid and put it back in the general storage
P.S. The club needs several examples of the first
Convention car from 1972; #9701, a Baltimore and Ohio
double-door boxcar. The archive was not established when
it was issued, so that car has never been added to the
permanent archive.
New Area Code?
New Zip Code?
What is stored in the club archive? When the LCCA
obtains the annual convention car from Lionel, it is added
to the consist of “the decade train.” With the passing of
10 years, the Club has produced a string of Convention
cars plus an engine and caboose — the decade train.
Twenty-five Convention cars are placed in the archive
each year. Five are retained permanently and 20 go into
the decade trains. Dick Johnson assembles two decade
trains and sends them to the Annual Convention site for
use as either a door prize or a raffle item for members
attending that Convention. After the 10th year, only the
five permanent cars are left in the archive. Dick, with the
help of his computer, keeps track of all the items in
Let LCCA know so the club can send
publications and extend services to
you. Send updated info by fax, e-mail,
or post card to:
P.O. Box 479, LaSalle, IL 61301-0479
FAX: 815-223-0791
EMAIL: lcca@cpointcc.com
you may offer address changes via the
web at: www.lionelcollectors.org
Over the years, the LCCA has realized that it is
impossible to guess accurately how many Convention cars
The Lion Roars
October, 2000
We’ve shared a week of togetherness, hopefully you leave
us with the same warm feeling of camaraderie as we have for
you. Our colleges were anxious to demonstrate their
commitment to produce quality products and to show you that
making trains is sometimes more demanding than many believe
— hopefully you got to see them in action. They were pleased
you spent your valuable time visiting us.
Train Talk
by Richard Maddox
President, Lionel LLC
The LCCA and
LOTS organizations
recently held their
year 2000 Joint
Convention here in
Dearborn, and I was
graciously offered
the opportunity to
membership at the
banquet. Since it was
opportunity to speak
from the heart about
my sentiments and
Richard Maddox
because so many of
you could not be with
us that evening, I ask your indulgence and permission to share
these feelings with all of you now.
I’m happy to tell you that Lionel is alive and well. Our
first catalog, the largest in our history, was also the most
successful. It boasted more new products than Lionel has
produced in any other decade before. Production in the U.S.,
China, and Korea remains on schedule. Several surprises will
be announced in our fall catalog to be released in September.
In spite of the fact that we’re producing so much new
product, our quality record is the best it has been in years, and
our service is second to none. New standards for operation
and decoration have been implemented that will satisfy the
most discriminating collectors and operators, and we invite
you to compare products shipped this year with any other
period in Lionel history. We’re confident you’ll be impressed.
At “Today’s Lionel” quality comes first.
I’m proud to tell you that, without exception, we have a
team dedicated to working as one — all toward one goal “to
preserve the magic of Lionel.”
So in closing, I’m going to take this opportunity to thank
all of you from me and every Lionel team member cited here
and the others. We are committed to continuing to bring you
the finest railroad products ever made!”
“President Otten, President Gallacher, members of the
Lionel Operating Train Society, and members of the Lionel
Collectors Club of America:
I’d like to express my appreciation for this opportunity to
address you this evening. Your presence this week is the
highlight of our centennial celebration. I’m celebrating an
anniversary also. It’s my first year with Lionel, almost to the
day. Your presence has given me reason to reflect on the
significance of the presidency of one of America’s greatest
treasurers on its 100th birthday. Nothing in my life before
this carried so much honor and so much responsibility. I will
never forget the fact that there will be only one president of
Lionel on this history-making birthday. In fact, I often say,
“What did I do to deserve this?”
Lionel Ambassador of Goodwill
Lenny Dean
Bus Guides
J. Don Reece - Sales Manager
Steve Terry - Sales Manager
Darrell Grani - Sales Manager
Rich Grutzmacher - Sales Manager
Carole Commyn - Purchasing Manager
Tour Committee
Bob Ryder - Vice President, Sales
Chuck Horan - Show Coordinator & Visitors Center
Sharon Katoch - Visitors Center Supervisor
Mike Braga - Director Consumer Services
Bob Grubba - Director of Engineering
Jim Hamilton - Production Manager
Julie Laird - Corporate Communications Manager
It’s a humbling answer. I’d like to paraphrase the much
loved and recent baseball hall-of-famer, Sparkey Anderson,
“I picked good people, had the good sense to stay out of their
way, and hung around for 48 years!”
Still, I’ve learned a lot in this first year. Most importantly,
I’ve learned that Lionel isn’t really about making trains — it’s
about making memories. Memories that are shared with our
friends, just as we gather together this evening. Memories
shared with family, the tradition that’s become the trademark
of Lionel and the emotional tie with our past. My responsibility
of upholding such a tradition is a weight bearable only through
the support you’ve so graciously given to Lionel and me.
Without your leading the way into the next century, there could
not be the bright future that awaits us. In fact, it’s only through
your support and efforts that we will experience the next
exciting 100 years.
The Lion Roars
Other Staff attending the Convention
Ken Silvestri - Director Research & Development
Todd Wagner - Associate Product Manager
Richard Webster - Director of Manufacturing
Irene McCracken - Receptionist
Joyce Dearhamer - Executive Assistant to the President
October, 2000
The Lion Roars
October, 2000