I Negozi Shops
I Negozi Shops
LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners Lezione 3 – Unit 3 I Negozi Shops In Italy, small traditionally specialised shops are still very common. The name of these traditional and local shops is: IL NEGOZIO. However, on the outskirts of cities big supermarkets and shopping malls are increasingly popular. As a result, each town has at least one main supermarket, which is called: IL SUPERMERCATO. Many times, big supermarkets are surrounded by a variety of different stores and become a proper shopping mall. The name of these commercial areas is: IL CENTRO COMMERCIALE. In supermarkets you will find all the products sold in traditional shops, as well as wines and drinks, household items and some beauty products. Finally, each village, town and city has a market day: IL MERCATO. At the market you can find fresh local products, clothing and household items. I NEGOZI POSSO AVERE LO SCONTRINO PER FAVORE? AL FORNO/AL PANIFICIO COMPRO: IL PANE LE BRIOCHES LE PIZZE DAL FRUTTIVENDOLO COMPRO: LA FRUTTA LA VERDURA COMMENT You use this question to ask for a receipt. PRONUNCIATION NOTES 1 At the bakery you can buy: bread, croissants, pizzas and all kinds of sweet and savoury pastries. Sometimes you will find fresh pasta, gnocchi, cheese and dairy products. At the greengrocer you can buy: fruits and vegetables. These places sell local and seasonal products. They may have organic vegetables and packaged products (pasta, preserves, vines, oils) Use this column to mark the pronunciation of the word. Try to match each Italian sound with an equivalent sound in your language. Example (for English speakers): the group of letters sci in Italian is always pronounced/read as the English word she. 1 Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 38 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners IN MACELLERIA COMPRO: SALSICCE POLLO TACCHINO CARNE DI MAIALE CARNE DI MANZO VITELLO AGNELLO IN SALUMERIA COMPRO: SALAMI PROSCIUTTO CRUDO PROSCIUTTO COTTO PANCETTA IN PESCHERIA COMPRO: PESCE FRUTTI DI MARE IN PASTICCERIA COMPRO: TORTE CROSTATE PASTICCINI BISCOTTI IN LATTERIA COMPRO: IL LATTE I FORMAGGI AL SUPERMERCATO IL VINO LA BIRRA I LIQUORI LE BIBITE L’ACQUA IL TE` IL CAFFE` IL LATTE IL PANE LA PASTA IL RISO I BISCOTTI LA CARNE IL PESCE I SALUMI LA FRUTTA LA VERDURA IL BURRO I FORMAGGI LO YOGHURT LE UOVA IL SALE IL PEPE LO ZUCCHERO At the butcher you can buy: sausages, chicken, turkey, (meat of) pork, (meat of) beef, veal, lamb. Some butchers may sell a specific kind of meat (for example, mainly beef or pork..), and in some places you may also find traditional products (less common), such as horse meat, boar, rabbit.. At the delicatessen you can buy all kinds of processed meat good: salami, raw ham, cooked ham, bacon… Usually these products are mainly made of pork meat, but in some regions also other kinds of meat (horse, boar) may be used in these products. At the fisher you can buy: fishes and seafood. The products that you can find may vary according to the region you are visiting. At the cake shop you can buy: cakes, jam or fruit tarts, tartlets and tea cakes, biscuits. Usually, these shops have also a café. At the dairy shop you can buy all sort of dairy products: milk, cheese … These shops doesn’t exist anymore as independent shops. Generally, dairy products may be found into some delicatessen shop, bakery or supermarket. COMMENT Supermarkets sell all sorts of packaged drinks: wine, beer, spirits, soft drinks, water, tea, coffee, milk PRONUNCIATION NOTES In supermarkets you can find packaged products like: bread, pasta, rice, biscuits. Then, they will also have a bakery area, which will sell fresh bread and pastries. You will find fresh and packaged products as: meat, fish, processed meat. You will find fruits and vegetables. In this area there will be self-service scales where you will have to weight your fruits and vegetables. You will find dairy products as: butter, cheese, yoghurt and eggs also. You will find condiments and seasonings: salt, pepper, sugar Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 39 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners GLI ARTICOLI PER LA CASA You will find household items Expressions that you may need at the shop AVETE DEL... (VINO, LATTE, PANE, FORMAGGIO...)? QUANTO COSTA... (QUEL FORMAGGIO)? If you’re looking for a specific product and you want to know if the shop sells it. If you want to enquire about the price of an item QUANTO COSTANO... (I PASTICCINI)? QUANTO COSTA... (IL SALAME)? POSSO AVERE UNA BORSA PER FAVORE? QUANT’E`? DOV E` LA CASSA PER FAVORE? If you need a bag When you want to pay If you don’t know where the check out is DIALOGUES Read and repeat after the teacher. Use the space provided to write an equivalent dialogue/exchange in English. ITALIAN Sara: Buongiorno! Baker: Buongiorno signora! Sara: Vorrei del pane, per favore. Baker: Certo, altro? Sara: Sì, tre pizze e due brioches, per favore. Baker: Basta così? Sara: Sì, quant’é? Baker: Sono quattro euro e cinquanta (4,50 Euro), per favore. Sara: Certo…posso avere lo scontrino, per favore? Baker: Certo, eccolo! Sara: Grazie, arrivederci! Baker: Arrivederci! Sara: Ciao Giulia! Giulia: Ciao! Come stai? Sara: Molto bene grazie, e tu? Giulia: Così così... vado in macelleria a comprare del pollo. E tu? Sara: Io vado in salumeria a comprare del prosciutto cotto e in pescheria a comprare del pesce. Giulia: Allora facciamo la strada insieme. La macelleria è vicina alla pescheria! ENGLISH NOTES At the bakery Sara and Giulia meet in centre. Giulia is going MACELLERIA, while Sara is the SALUMERIA and PESCHERIA. Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © the city to the going to to the 40 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners Sara: Mi scusi, dov’è la cassa, per favore? Shop assistant: E’ là, vicino alla frutta e verdura… Sara: Grazie! …. (paying) Cashier: Sono quaranta euro e venti (40,20!), per favore. Sara: Certo, posso avere una borsa, per favore? Cashier: Sì, certo! Sara: Grazie! Arrivederci! Cashier: Arrivederci! Sara goes to the supermarket and buys some VINO and some beauty products. However, Sara doesn’t know where the check out is…. A BIT OF GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY 1. The verb AVERE (to HAVE) ENGLISH I have You have He has She has We have You have They have ITALIAN (Io) HO (Tu) HAI (Lui) HA (Lei) HA (Noi) ABBIAMO (Voi) AVETE (Loro) HANNO 2. The verb COMPRARE (To buy) ENGLISH I buy You buy He buys She buys It buys We buy You buy They buy ITALIAN (Io) compro (Tu) compri (Lui) compra (Lei) compra - compra (Noi) compriamo (Voi) comprate (Loro) comprano These are the present tenses of the two verbs. In Italian, the present tense is used to talk about present events or situations, general truths and things or states which are always true. As a result, this tense generally translates into the English simple present (i.e. I study). However, according to the context, the Italian present may correspond also to other English tenses (i.e. I am studying, I do study). The subject pronouns are given in brackets because they are not necessary in Italian and they are normally omitted. To understand who performs the action of the verb (that is, who is the subject) the speakers rely on the verb endings. 3. A bit of colours, some numbers and some days of the week ARANCIONE SETTE ROSA OTTO SABATO MARRONE NOVE Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 41 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners EXERCISES 1. Match the items with the shop where you can find them. You can find some items in more than one shop. 1. LA PASTA 2. IL VINO 3. LO SHAMPOO 4. ARTICOLI PER LA CASA 5. LA FRUTTA C. 6. I FRUTTI DI MARE D. DAL FRUTTIVENDOLO 7. IL LATTE 8. LA PANCETTA 9. LE TORTE 10. LE BIBITE 11. IL PESCE A. AL SUPERMERCATO B. IN MACELLERIA IN PESCHERIA E. AL FORNO/PANIFICIO F. IN LATTERIA G. IN SALUMERIA H. IN PASTICCERIA 12. LA CARNE DI MANZO 13. IL FORMAGGIO ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2 Put in order the words to create a clause/question 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. del favore latte vorrei per la dov’è pescheria? costa quanto formaggio il? costano e salame cotto il quanto prosciutto il? scontrino avere favore posso per lo? quattro per vorrei salsicce favore scusi vino dov’è per il favore? verdura della vorrei favore per cassa favore dov’è la per? costa pizza quanto una? 3. Speaking Work in pairs or in groups of three people. Choose set 1, set 2, or set 3. Then, use the words and expressions you have learned to create a small conversation in Italian. Write your dialogue, establish the roles, and then practice it! Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 42 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners Set 1 Morning At the bakery Ask for the receipt Set 2 Afternoon At the supermarket Ask directions to find the check out Set 3 Morning Two friends meet One has to go to two different shops; the other one is going to buy some diary products Approaching Italian Culture through the Movie Il Ciclone (The Cyclone) Leonardo Pieraccioni (born 17 February 1965) is an Italian film director, actor and screenwriter. Born in Florence, he made his directorial debut on Italian TV in 1995, directing I laureati. His most successful film so far has been 1996's The Cyclone. Also a writer of short stories, his books include: Trent'anni, alta, mora (1998), Tre mucche in cucina (2002) and A un passo dal cielo (2003). Pieraccioni has starred with Suzie Kennedy, the impersonator of Marilyn Monroe, in I & Marilyn In this gentle Italian comedy, a troupe of Flamenco dancers has been stranded in a town in rural Tuscany. When a stolid vine-growing family agrees to give them accommodation, the family members’ lives of dull endurance are transformed as they are affected by the romance, excitement and sensuality of their guests. The presence of the dancers causes quite a stir among the villagers as well. Levante (Leonardo Pieraccioni) lives with his father and sister in the family vineyard, and is enamoured by the exotic charms of the Flamenco-dancer Caterina (Lorena Forteza) and she’s interested in him as well. Levante’s family and Caterina’s dance troupe force in opposing their union, but all turns out well in the end. (source: Wikipedia) 4. Listening Watch the scene of the Italian movie Il Ciclone (The Cyclone) by Leonardo Pieraccioni. Write in the space provided the words you can catch. Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 43 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners A LITTLE STORY TO SUMMARIZE WHAT WE HAVE LEARNT TODAY Oggi Pierino fa la spesa con la mamma e la sorella. Ripeti le parole in grassetto dopo l’insegnante. Pierino fa la spesa Oggi è sabato: il giorno del mercato! Pierino e la sorella vanno al mercato con la mamma, per fare la spesa. Prima, la mamma fa la lista della spesa. “Al mercato dobbiamo comprare della verdura e del pollo. E poi un po’ di prosciutto cotto” dice la mamma. “Sì, compriamo del salame?” chiede Pierino. “Va bene, compriamo anche del salame e della pancetta”. “Prendiamo anche un po’ di formaggio, vero?” chiede la sorella. “Certo!” risponde la mamma. Alle nove e trenta escono di casa. Prima vanno al mercato. Poi la mamma dice: “Mentre vado al forno per comprare il pane e in pescheria, andate in pasticceria. Così comprate un po’ di pasticcini e una torta per il compleanno del papà.” Quando Pierino e la sorella entrano nel negozio, la negoziante dice “Buongiorno bambini!”. “Buongiorno Signora! Vorremmo otto pasticcini misti” dice Pierino. “Certo! Altro?” chiede la signora. “Sì, avete una torta al cioccolato?” risponde la sorella. “Sì, quella torta marrone è al cioccolato.” dice la negoziante. “Mmm… che buona! Prendiamo quella!” rispondono Pierino e la sorella. “Certo! Mentre vi faccio un pacchetto, potete pagare alla cassa. Volete la carta rosa o arancione?”, dice la signora. “Quella arancione!” risponde Pierino. Poi, la sorella chiede: “Dov’è la cassa?”. “E’ dietro di voi!” risponde la negoziante. Pierino dice al signore alla cassa: “Buongiorno! Quanto costano otto pasticcini e la torta al cioccolato?”. Il signore risponde: “Ciao bambini! Sono venti euro, per favore”. Pierino paga e chiede: “Posso avere lo scontrino?”. “Certo Pierino!” risponde il signore. Dopo, Pierino e la sorella prendono la torta e i pasticcini dalla negoziante, e Pierino chiede: “Posso avere una borsa?”. “Si, eccola!” risponde la negoziante. Quando la mamma e i bambini arrivano a casa c’è anche il papà, è ritornato dal supermercato: “Ho comprato del vino e delle bibite!” dice. “Benissimo, adesso possiamo festeggiare! Noi abbiamo comprato la torta… Buon compleanno!” rispondono la mamma, Pierino e la sorella. Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 44 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners TRANSLATION Today Pierino goes to do shopping with his mum and his sister. Repeat the words in bold, after the teacher. Please consider that this text is to help you understanding the story, but it is not always wordto-word translation. Pierino at the shops Today is Saturday, the market’s day! Pierino and his sister go to the market with their Mum, to do some shopping. Before leaving, Mum makes the shopping list. “At the market, we have to buy some vegetables and some chicken. And also some ham”, she says. “Yes! And can we buy some salami?” asks Pierino. “All right, we’ll get some salami and some bacon”. “Mmm, but what about getting also some cheese?”, asks the sister. “Of course!” Mum answers. They leave at half past nine. They stop at the market first, and then Mum says: “While I’ll get some bread at the bakery and then go to the fish shop, you can go to the cake shop to get some pastries and a cake for Dad’s birthday!”. When Pierino and his sister enter the shop, the shop keeper says: “Good morning kids!”. “Good morning Madam! We’d like eight mixed pastries…”, replies Pierino. “Sure! Would you like anything else?”,the lady asks. “ Yes, do you have a chocolate cake?”. “Sure, this brown cake is a chocolate one”, answers the shop keeper. “Mmm… it looks delicious! We’ll get it!”, say Pierino and the sister. “Great! You can pay at the check out, while I make you a gift pack. Which paper do you prefer, the pink or the orange one?”, says the lady. “The orange paper is nicer!”, answers Pierino. Then his sister asks: “Excuse me, where is the check out?”. “It’s right behind you!”, answers the shop keeper. Pierino says to the cashier: “Good morning! How much is it for eight pastries and the chocolate cake?”. “Good morning kids! It is twenty euro, please.” Pierino pays and asks: “Can I have the receipt, please?”. “Of course, Pierino!”, answers the cashier. Then, Pierino and his sister get the pastries and the cake from the shop keeper. Pierino asks: “Can I have a bag, please?”. “Here it is!”, says the lady. Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 45 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners By the time the Mum and the children arrive at home, also Dad has come back from the supermarket: “I’ve bought some wine and soft drinks!”, he says. “Great! Now, we can start celebrating! We’ve got the cake… Happy birthday!”, reply the Mum, Pierino and the sister. HOMEWORK Exercise 1. REVISE THE WORDS YOU HAVE LEARNT. a. Read them loud. b. Explain their meaning. Are they formal or informal? In which context do you use them? FARE LA SPESA I NEGOZI SUPERMERCATO CENTRO COMMERCIALE AL MERCATO POSSO AVERE LO SCONTRINO PER FAVORE? AL FORNO/PANIFICIO IL PANE LE BRIOCHES LE PIZZE DAL FRUTTIVENDOLO LA FRUTTA LA VERDURA IN PESCHERIA IL PESCE I FRUTTI DI MARE IN PASTICCERIA I PASTICCINI LE TORTE LE CROSTATE I BISCOTTI IL VINO LA BIRRA Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 46 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners I LIQUORI LE BIBITE L’ ACQUA IL TE` IL CAFFE` LA PASTA IL RISO I SALUMI LISTA DELLA SPESA IN MACELLERIA LA CARNE DI MANZO IL POLLO LA CARNE DI MAIALE L’ AGNELLO LE SALSICCE IN SALUMERIA LA PANCETTA IL SALAME IL PROSCIUTTO COTTO IL PROSCIUTTO CRUDO IN LATTERIA IL FORMAGGIO IL LATTE IL SALE IL PEPE LO ZUCCHERO IL BURRO LE UOVA Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 47 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners GLI ARTICOLI PER LA CASA DOV’E`…? QUANTO COSTA/COSTANO…? POSSO AVERE UNA BORSA PER FAVORE? DOV’E` LA CASSA? SABATO IO HO TU HAI LUI/LEI HA NOI ABBIAMO VOI AVETE LORO HANNO IO COMPRO TU COMPRI LUI/LEI COMPRA NOI COMPRIAMO VOI COMPRATE LORO COMPRANO ARANCIONE ROSA MARRONE SETTE OTTO NOVE Exercise 2 Complete Pierino’s story filling the gaps with the words listed below. LA TORTA (X2) – AL FORNO/PANIFICIO – DOV’E` LA CASSA – COMPRIAMO – DELLE BIBITE – OTTO PASTICCINI – PROSCIUTTO COTTO – TORTA – MERCATO – IN PASTICCERIA – AVETE UNA TORTA – SABATO – DELLA VERDURA – QUANTO COSTANO – AL MERCATO – SALAME (X2) – IN PESCHERIA - MARRONE – DEL VINO – PASTICCINI – PANCETTA – POSSO AVERE UNA BORSA – FARE LA SPESA – IL PANE – DEL POLLO – PASTICCINI (X2)– FORMAGGIO – LA LISTA Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 48 LA BELLA FIGURA – EXPERIENCE ITALIAN CULTURE Lesson Material – Level 1 Absolute Beginners DELLA SPESA – AL MERCATO – NEGOZIO – ROSA – NOVE – SUPERMERCATO – UNA TORTA – POSSO AVERE LO SCONTRINO – ARANCIONE (X2) – I PASTICCINI Pierino fa la spesa Oggi è …………. il giorno del ……………….! Pierino e sua sorella vanno ….. ……………… con la mamma, per ………….. ……. ………………. Prima, la mamma fa …. …………. ……….. …………….. “Al mercato, dobbiamo comprare ……….. …………. e …… …………….. E poi un po’ di …………. ……………..” dice la mamma. “Sì, …………… del ……………….?” chiede Pierino. “Va bene, compriamo anche del ………… e della ……………..”. “Mmm, però prendiamo anche un po’ di ……………….?” chiede la sorella. “Certo!” risponde la mamma. Alle …………….. e trenta escono di casa. Prima vanno ……………….; poi la mamma dice: “Mentre vado … ………….. per comprare …… ………….., e .. …………, andate … ……….. Così comprate un po’ di ………. e …. ………….. per il compleanno del papà.” Quando Pierino e la sorella entrano nel …………….., la negoziante dice: “Buongiorno bambini!”. “Buongiorno signora! Vorremmo …… ………….. misti” dice Pierino. “Certo! Altro?” chiede la signora. “Sì, ………… …. ………….. al cioccolato?” risponde la sorella. “Siì quella torta …………. è al cioccolato.” dice la negoziante. “Mmm… che buona! Prendiamo quella!”rispondono Pierino e la sorella. “Certo! Mentre vi faccio un pacchetto, potete pagare alla cassa. Volete la carta …….. o ……………..?”, dice la signora. “Quella ………………….!” risponde Pierino. Poi,la sorella chiede: “………. ….. …………….?”. “E’ dietro di voi!” risponde la negoziante. Pierino dice al signore alla cassa: “Buongiorno! …………. ………. otto …………….. e una ………….. la cioccolato?”. Il signore risponde: “Ciao bambini! Sono venti euro, per favore”. Pierino paga e chiede: “……….. ……. …. ……………..?”. “Certo Pierino!” risponde il signore. Dopo, Pierino e la sorella prendono .. ………… e … ………… dalla negoziante, e Pierino chiede: “….. ……… …. ……………?”. “Sì eccola!” risponde la negoziante. Quando la mamma e i bambini arrivano a casa c’è anche il papà, è ritornato dal ………………………..: “Ho comprato …. ………… e … ……………..!” dice. “Benissimo, adesso possiamo festeggiare! Noi abbiamo comprato … ……………… Buon compleanno!” rispondono la mamma, Pierino e la sorella. Created by New Realm Media for La Bella Figura – Experience Italian Culture. September 2012 © 49
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