December-January SPIRE 2015-2016
December-January SPIRE 2015-2016
Our Ministry of Special Gifts... In Memory of Mr. Henry Halpin Earl Halpin In Memory of William Lichtenwalner Earl Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kutz Barry Kline Ed & Nancy Miller Anne McClelland Martin & Jeanette Nichol Donald Brannan Martin & Virginia Crone June Sieger Lance Burgess Mary Jane Micco In Memory of Rosemary Kurtz Morris Halpin In Honor of Beverly Vos 80th Birthday to ASJ Earl Brunner Martin & Virginia Crone In Memory of Linda Keck Jeffrey Keck Patrons of the Arts at St. John’s W. Jane Bieret Earl W. & Betty Brunner Dolores Durst Andrew & Barbara Katana Mr. & Mrs. John Leh II Anne L. McClelland Ed & Nancy Miller Jean O. Schiffert Millie & Joe Sekulski Mr. Lynn Smith Loretta Wiltraut Nelvin & Beverly Vos Jane Brannan Memorial Ginny Crone Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hausman Clark & Maureen Kurtz Rev. Thomas Kochenderfer The McManaman Family Pastor Jim & Janet Maria B. Schmid Jean & Harry Sibbach Rev. & Mrs. Richard Stough Carolyn Volk Bill York & Carol J. Miller We’re on the Web: Larry D. Greene, President Aaron Maza, Vice President Courtney Keiser, Secretary Treasurer: Michael Pletcher Kathleen Bush Cheryl Gonzalez Sally MacGowan Kristina Troxell Paul Willistein STAFF Rev. Lori Kochanski, Interim Pastor Kira DeeAnn Keiser 1111-8-2015 Daughter of Courtney & Zachary Keiser Page 9 Rev. Clark Kuntz, Visitation Pastor Charmarie Colon, Parish Administrator Dana Flok, Parish Secretary/Data Specialist Dennis Carl & Thomas Boka, Sextons Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-2:30 PM Office: 610-435-1587 Fax: 610-435-6505 Email: Page 16 December 2015/January 2016 St. John’s Lutheran Church 37 S. Fifth Street Allentown, PA 18101-1692 Lessons & Carols December 8 at 7pm Christmas Eve Services December 24 at 7pm & 10:45pm Highlights in this issue: Hanging of the Green………. PG 8 Arts @ St. John’s…………. PG 6 Parish Life………..…...……...PG 3 Calendar…………… PGS 10-13 We are a community of Christians, open to all, empowered by faith in Jesus Christ, to make the Gospel visible by nurturing one another and all whose lives we touch. This issue of the Spire is sponsored in Memory of Dr. Albert W. Schreiber Sr. and his wife Clare G. Schreiber. Our Financial Stewardship Income Offering October $26,243.88 $9,969 This Year To date $332,316.86 $134,175.42 Last Year To Date $344,257.48 $141,194.18 Expenses Deficit $32,547.31 ($6,303.43) $353,471.93 ($21,155.07) $372,796.73 ($28,539.30) Page 8 PASTOR’S GREETING Dear Friends, Thank you for your gracious welcome. I look forward to getting to know many of you in this interim time. Before I arrived I received an email from Charmarie telling me of some upcoming Baptisms in our community of faith. What a beautiful way to begin our ministry together. If you were listening carefully when we baptized Kira you may have noticed that there are promises that we make even as the family make their promises. We promise that we will support and raise up the child and help them to know God. We promise that we will support the family of the child. We also acknowledge the gift of God's son as our salvation and grace. Baptismal grace will be what leads us in our time together. Part of my focus with you will be to recognize where and how God is leading the people of this congregation. Once we take notice of the gifts of God we will work to develop ways to share those gifts with all who yearn for a deeper connection with God. I hope you have a blessed Advent season as you prepare your hearts for the light of Christ to be ignited once again. I pray you take time in the Christmas season to rest in the manger light. I trust you to enter the new year with the boldness of Jesus' earliest holy visitors. Blessings, Pastor Lori Kochanski This month there are so many opportunities to participate in living out the Gospel of light and love. I hope you can find time in your daily life to give thanks to God and come to a meal at the Holy table. ADVENT LESSONS AND CAROLS On Tuesday, December 8 at 7:00, we will have an evening of Lessons and Carols. Please plan to attend and invite your friends and family to join you. Advent is an important time of reflection and contemplation of the mysteries of God unfolding so long ago and today. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP - On Christmas Eve we will have two worship services of Holy Communion. The light of Christ will be our focus as we gather to remember Christ's birth and as we notice the ways Christ's light continues to break into our world. The first service will be at 7:00 PM and the second service will be at 10:45. There will be special music at both services. Page 7 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 6 7 HANGING OF THE GREENS Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts 8 7:30pm—LESSONS & CAROLS 13 Rev. Richard Bardo 8am Service of the Word 9:15am SCS 10:45am Service of the Word 1pm San Martin Worship 3-5pm Confirmation at St. Luke’s 14 15 20 8am Holy Communion 9:15am SCS 10:45am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship 21 27 9:30am Service of the Word 1pm San Martin Worship 28 8am Holy Communion 9:15am SCS 9:15am Adult Class 10:45am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship Page 15 Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts POINSETTIA DEADLINE 22 Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts 29 Property Workday Page 10 St. John’s Lutheran Church 37 S 5th St., Allentown, PA 18101 Church Office: 610-435-1587 Fax: 610-435-6505 Music Office: 610-435-1641 E-mail: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 3 7pm Bible 7pm Chancel Choir Study 4 5 5:30pm Holy Communion 9 10 7pm Bible 7pm Chancel Choir Study 11 FOOD BANK 12 Rev. Richard Bardo 5:30pm Holy Communion 16 17 7pm Bible 7pm Chancel Choir Study 18 7:30pm Vox Philia Chamber X-mas Concert 19 5:30pm Holy Communion 23 24 26 25 OFFICE CLOSED OFFICE CLOSED 7pm Holy Communion 10:45pm Holy Communion 30 31 OFFICE CLOSED Page 11 Page 14 Dear Members of St. John's, I will retire from the position as Visitation Pastor at the end of December, 2015. I have enjoyed this opportunity, for the last seven years, to get to know many of you as I visited in your homes, hospitals and nursing facilities. Thank you for trusting me with this most important ministry and for your friendship and love,. May God continue to shine his blessings upon your lives as you carry out His work. In Christ, Pastor Clark NEW! Animate Your Faith: Youth Bible Study On the first Wednesday of January, February, March and April Pastor Lori will use the Animate Bible Study to energize conversation about the Word of God and why it matters in today's world. We begin on January 6 at 7:00 with this special series. Warning: This is not your typical Bible Study...come and see for yourself! ——————————————————————————————————————— Over the next month you can look forward to a number of varied choir anthems. I've put together a nice mix of music I'm sure will enhance our worship. Hubert Parry's "I was Glad", Rutter's "What Sweeter Music" and a newer published anthem called "Et in terra Pax" by John Purifoy will be part of our Lessons and Carols and Christmas music. I'm especially looking forward to Lessons and Carols. Please plan to attend that service on Tuesday, December 8th at 7:30pm. I want to mention welcome to a new singer in Chancel Choir, Beth Ann Krall. She has stepped in for Lauren Madigan and doing a wonderful job. Beth Ann teaches middle school music classes. As for the upcoming weeks, I'm planning to have Bells ring, I'm working with Emily McManaman on some solos, and I'm arranging some Brass music for Christmas. Friends, I'm so grateful for the time everyone contributes to music ministry and for support everyone is giving me in my service to St Johns. Thank you - Kevin IT’S COOKIE CAPER TIME! Twice each year, a great group of helpers bake, pack and deliver cookies and other goodies to members who are no longer able to make it to services. Won’t you please consider joining these volunteers? There are many ways to help: Monetary donations___________________________________________ Cookies packaged in plastic bags of three or four_____________________ Type of cookie?________________________________________ A Bag of Individually wrapped candies____________________________ Help package the tins on December 14 at 9AM in the Great Room_______ Deliver tins to the shut-ins’ homes (Pick up at 10:30, Dec. 14)___________ Please give this form, candy and monetary donations to Ronnee Moyer or Carol Halpin who are helping Nancy Miller this year. Cookies may be brought to church on December 13 or dropped off in the Great Room by 9:00AM on December 14. Thank you for your help for this worthwhile holiday project. I recently checked in with Laura Madigan and family, their baby son, Grayson (born July 28th), is growing like a weed. Please enjoy the picture of him dressed up as Charlie Brown for Halloween. Page 6 Dear Friends at St. John’s, To update you all on my Eagle Project, it is completed. Thank you for all the generous donations you have provided me. I received $341 and was a able to purchase 16 plants. Saturday, October 24th was my final work party at the Wildlands conservancy. We spent 5 hours digging holes, planting the plants, sledgehammering the stakes into the ground, fencing them in, and finally watering them. All I need to do to complete the Eagle rank is to finish the paperwork, and complete 2 more merit badges. If you want to go see my project, it is at 3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, PA. It is the closest path to the left of where the birds are kept. (It will be easy to recognize because of all the plants with fencing around them). Thank you again for all the support you have gave me. In Christ’s name, Zack Reinhart NOTED CHOIR RETURNS FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT The chamber choir, Vox Philia, whose last season’s program was so well received in the Arts at St. John’s series, returns for a fine program on Friday, December 18, at 7:30 PM. The theme of the program will be the MAGNIFICANT: music in honor of Mary, the mother of God. The concert features Mary's hymn of praise in settings by Latvian composer Ēriks Ešenvalds and Englishcomposer James Whitbourn, as well as works by Henryk Górecki, David Himes and Bob Chilcott. Recent reviews of the Reading-area choir: When David McConnell, minister of music at Immanuel United Church of Christ in Shillington since 2002, decided to start a chamber choir in 2012, he called it Vox Philia. The name combines the Latin word for voice with the Greek word for brotherly love (as in Philadelphia), or, as Aristotle defined it, "delight in one another's company." Singing in a choir can be seen as an act of love, not only for the music, but for one's fellow singers, as any longtime choral singer will tell you. And that is surely what has drawn Vox Philia's 25 local singers to this enterprise…. Under the supremely sensitive, subtle and skilled direction of Vox Philia's founder and artistic director, David McConnell, the 25-member ensemble gave a luminous performance of these beautiful and, in many cases, unusual works. Come to celebrate the wonder and beauty and meaning of Christmas. Suggested donation: $10 Page 5 As most of you know, I went to Bear Creek Camp this summer for a week in August. I had the absolute most amazing time there and I could not be more grateful for the people who kept pushing me to go. I am writing this to you all because in January, they have something called 'CONNECT'. It is a weekend packed with sledding, hot chocolate, worship and a bunch of other cool stuff. I wanted to tell you some of my personal favorite things that might become yours if you give Bear Creek Camp a try. My top five favorites at BCC The relationships you bring back home. I was so shy, going up there, thinking I would just camouflage into the wall and just stay there until the end of the week. But I couldn't. One of the counselors pulled me into the group and told me to just relax. Next thing I know, I was becoming friends with about 14 other kids. The trust that you feel. Not only do you have to trust people to catch you if you fall off the wall when they are pushing you up it, but you can talk to these people about personal things that make you upset or angry back home, and they will sit and comfort you and then, they won't tell a single soul. The games you play. I love games, personally. Most of the games up at camp I completely adored! I've learned a lot of games there to bring back to Inspire. In fact, last lock-in, we played a bunch of them and we all had tons of fun! The energy at camp. I have lots of energy, you see, so when I am put in a group where people have the same amount as me, it's really, really, awesome. The kids weren't the only ones with the energy, it was the counselors as well, and seeing them bouncing around, cheering and yelling about 'super fun fantastic activities’ was really motivational. Last but not least, the worship. To be honest, when I went up to camp, I never thought that worship would be one of my top five favorite things. But I have to say, it was truly inspirational being surrounded by all of god's creations. The songs and the dances that we did during worship certainly helped this be one of my favorites! You should consider going to Bear Creek Camp for this weekend retreat, to give yourself sort of a trial run of Bear Creek in the summer, which is week long. I haven't been to this 'CONNECT' yet, and don't know if I will, but I am SERIOUSLY considering it. It will be an absolute amazing experience, I feel, and I think that everyone deserves to have that really awesome time that I did at camp. The years are passing by and soon, we won't be able to go anymore, which will suck, but the times that we decide to go, with be worthwhile. The link to the 'CONNECT' information is - Elizabeth Leibenguth Page 4 St. John’s Lutheran Church 37 S 5th St., Allentown, PA 18101 Church Office: 610-435-1587 Fax: 610-435-6505 Music Office: 610-435-1641 E-mail: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OFFICE CLOSED 2 5:30pm Holy Communion 1 Sunday Monday Tuesday 5 3 8am Holy Communion 9:15am SCS 10:45am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship 4 6 7 9 8 5:30pm Holy 7pm Bible Study 7pm Chancel Choir FOOD BANK Communion & Youth Bible Study SPIRE DEADLINE 11 13 7pm Bible Study 16 5:30pm Holy Communion 10 8am Holy Communion 9:15am SCS 10:45am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship 18 OFFICE CLOSED 19 23 5:30pm Holy Communion 17 8am Holy Communion 9:15am SCS 10:45am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship 25 26 30 24 9:30am Holy Communion 1pm San Martin Worship Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts SPIRE MAILOUT 7pm Vestry Mtg. 14 15 7pm Chancel Choir 20 7pm Bible Study 21 22 7pm Chancel Choir 27 7pm Bible Study 28 29 7pm Chancel Choir Page 13 5:30pm Holy Communion 31 8am Service of the Word 9:15am SCS 10:45am Service of the Word 1pm San Martin Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts 12 Property Workday 7:15pm Boy Scouts Page 12
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