PDF 6 April - St Augustine`s College
PDF 6 April - St Augustine`s College
Term 1 Volume 10 6 April 2016 College Newsletter from the Principal... Dear Members of the College community VILLANOVA TOUR LtoR: Ryan McLean Captain of Football Angus Richmond Captain of Basketball John Hopoate Captain of Rugby Owen McLean-Smith Captain of Debating Congratulations to all boys involved in the recent Villanova Tour. St Augustine’s was victorious in all four competitions – basketball, debating, football (soccer) and rugby. It is a great honour for the College to emerge as winners in all four sports against deserving competition. Our sincere thanks to the families who hosted the billets from Villanova College – your hospitality is very much appreciated. My thanks also to John Papahatzis (Head of Sport & Co-curricular and MIC Rugby), Emma Donnellan (MIC Basketball), Tate Williams (MIC Debating) and Chris Gray (MIC Football), for their preparation and support of the boys – congratulations everyone. 60 ANNIVERSARY ASSEMBLY Old Boys in front of the Foundation Stone and receiving a 60th Anniversary Commemorative Pin from Tim Cleary At the College Assembly last Friday, 16 of our original students, Old Boys from the Classes of 1962 and 1963, were welcomed back to the College to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Blessing and Laying of the Foundation Stone. 60 years ago on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1956, our special guests were present when Cardinal Gilroy (Archbishop of Sydney) and Fr Tom Hunt OSA (Prior Provincial) arrived at the College to bless the foundation stone during the construction of the first stage of the Augustine Wing. At the Assembly Alan Wild (Class of 1963) spoke on behalf of his former classmates reminiscing about the first years of the College and the day when Cardinal Gilroy visited St Augustine’s. Afterwards our special guests met some of our current Year 5 students, toured the College’s new buildings and joined the staff for lunch. YEAR 12 RETREAT Tomorrow and Friday, House Formation Leaders, staff and the Year 12 boys will travel to six alternate venues to participate in the Year 12 Retreat. This is a special time of formation for the boys with our Catholic ethos embedded in their relationships with one another. We wish the boys a time of reflection and renewal and thank those staff who will support the boys by attending the retreat. P & F FATHER & SON BREAKFAST Thank you to Craig Jackson (President of the P & F Association) and his team, staff and students who prepared for and assisted at the P & F Father & Son Breakfast held last Thursday. Another wonderful community event. COLLEGE TOURS These holidays we have approximately 100 staff and students travelling overseas to participate in cultural, sporting and social justice tours organised through the College. We farewell those associated with the Sri Lankan Cricket Tour, Vanuatu SEA Immersion, New Zealand Rugby Tour and the Japan Cultural Tour. We ask God’s blessing on their work and for a safe return home. LENTEN APPEAL I would like to congratulate and thank all boys for their generosity and contribution to this year’s Lenten Appeal. While the funds are still being receipted, the amount raised so far has reached $16,600 – an excellent achievement. My thanks to the Tutors for encouraging and assisting the boys during the Lenten Appeal. A partial amount of funds raised will be gifted to the Augustinian TMMR Orphanage in the Philippines and the remaining funds will help to implement the SEA Programme Projects this year. LEAVE We wish Campbell Butt (History Department) and Pam King (EA to the Principal) a time of renewal and restoration during Term 2 while they are on Long Service Leave. PRAYERS Please continue your prayers for the Anglicas, Grnovic, Holland and Bruce families. We were saddened to hear the news of Old Boy, Daniel Caputo (Class of 2008) who is seriously ill. Please keep Daniel and his family in your thoughts and prayers. RIP Please keep the following families in your prayers following their recent loss: The DeLaurier family following the death of past parent Steve DeLaurier (father of Joseph DeLaurier Class of 2012). Steve and his wife Dee were significantly involved in the P&F Association during their time at the College. The Stenner family (Ethan Year 7) following the death of his great grandmother, Nancy Anderson. The Yang family (Won Jae Year 9 and Won Suk Year 11) following the death of their father, Woosung Yang. May the Lord welcome Steve, Nancy and Woodsung into his kingdom of peace. REFLECTION Last Monday, April 4, was the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord – the Christian celebration of the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that we would conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. The great event of the Annunciation reveals the path to salvation and to cultural recovery. The Virgin Mary of Nazareth teaches us how to live our real lives in a real world. When the Angel of the Lord appeared, bearing the message and calling her to a special mission, she said “yes.” Let us reflect and believe that nothing is impossible with God. Let’s consider her response to the message: “I am the handmaiden of the Lord; let it be to me according to your Word.” The Annunciation Fra Angelico (1442-43) Convento di San Marco, Florence I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday break. As published in last week’s newsletter, I will be on Sabbatical Leave for the duration of Term 2. In my absence Matthew Hutchison will be Acting Principal, Frank Chiment, Acting Head of School, Dan Fee, Acting Dean of Senior School and Richard Bryant, Acting Goold House Formation Leader. I thank these staff for accepting these leadership roles in my absence. Tim Cleary Principal from the Head of School... Challenged, stretched and required to take risks I remember crossing a busy road with a number of my Year Two classmates to undergo a dental check-up at the local State primary school which the government, at the time, provided free of charge for all school children; yes it was a very long time ago! Crossing the road, by ourselves, was never considered a risk compared to the possible ambush we could face if us ‘Catholic ‘ students crossed paths with the predominately Protestant students from the State Primary school; it was a terrifying experience. It was made worse when one of my classmates ran from the dental surgery with blood pouring from his mouth, screaming at us that the dentist was out to kill us; we all took off! I also remember when in Year Six, spending many hours knocking on doors in my neighbourhood asking strangers for sponsorship for the annual school walkathon. These days, doing such an activity would see me being accompanied by an adult. Yes times have changed, but just maybe our obsession with making sure our children are safe and protected from germs, disappointments, stress, sport injuries and every possible risk may prove detrimental to their long term growth. Manageable amounts of risk that are age appropriate are essential for a child’s psychosocial development. While it is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their child is safe we often fail to consider how to give our child the risk-takers advantage to develop the skills they will need to be competent when they are older. Too often parents forget their children are competent, are capable and usually respond well to responsibility. There is a balance between keeping our children safe and giving them what they need to grow up. The problem is that our children cannot grow into resilient adults unless we provide young people with opportunities to be stretched, to be challenged and to take risks. In a funny way, keeping children safe involves them taking risks so they can learn how to assess and respond to them. Children will never understand risk if society prevents them from experiencing it. This is not to say we should be neglectful or irresponsible, rather an appreciation that we have a duty of care to give our children the tools to be contributing and effective adults. Schools play an important role, both inside and outside the classroom, in providing opportunities where their students are challenged, stretched and are required to take risks. Outdoor education programmes are some of the more important aspects of the many rich learning experiences that schools provide that allow students to challenge themselves in ways that are rare in our increasing risk-averse society. This week our Year 8 and Year 9 students have immersed themselves in the outdoors - camping, climbing, walking and paddling in some of the most beautiful countryside in Australia. The experience will always place some outside their comfort zone, away from the securities of home and contact with screens, into the unpredictable bush environment. This experience also provides the boys with safe risks and safe challenges so that they learn to meet the unfamiliar, overcome difficulty, cope with discomfort and, at times, deal with consequences while learning to cooperate, collaborate and co-exist within a small group. I came across this wonderful cartoon in ‘The New Yorker’ magazine and it reminded me of a emerging culture of risk aversion. Despite the horrors of my dentist experience and roaming alone around the neighbourhood, I always felt relatively safe but enjoyed sufficient autonomy and freedom to encounter and experience the unfamiliar. Importantly, I felt trusted to do the right thing and be responsible. Time to stop, to sift, to recollect This week our Year 12 students will participate in a two day retreat. The experience will invite the participants into a spirit of reflectivity so to draw meaning from what they experience; to find God in their world. TS Elliot wrote tellingly in his generation of people who were ‘distracted from distraction by distraction’. I am sure he would say the same of these times. The Year 12 Retreat will offer a time to pause. Time to stop, to sift, to recollect. I am looking forward to spending time with our Year 12 students on retreat, particularly as they consider the big questions: faith, family, friendships and future. They will be deliberating on their faith journey, the circumstances they have experienced in their lives and what holds for each of them as they enter a world in the aftermath of Higher School Certificate Examinations and St Augustine’s College. Special thanks to Dean of Senior School, Frank Chiment, Mission Coordinator, Gina Marshall, House Formation Leaders and the many staff for their considerable efforts in providing the boys with such an important time of growth and formation. Travels Over 100 of our boys will be fortunate to participate in overseas immersion experiences, sporting tours and language tours during the term break. We wish them safe travels and look forward to hearing of their experiences on their return. I thank, in particular, the staff who have worked so hard in the preparation and organisation of these tours. We also wish College Principal, Tim Cleary, all the very best whilst he is on sabbatical in Term Two and look forward to his return in Term Three. Matthew Hutchison Head of School from the Dean of Senior School... Years 11 & 12 Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews I thank the Senior School Academic Advisor, Tricia Briggs, for her organisation of this event. Please be aware that correspondence was recently emailed to all families regarding the dates and times for Parent/Teacher/ Student Interviews for 2016. The first of such interviews will be for Years 11 & 12 students, and are scheduled for Monday 9 May, 2016. The interviews commence at 4.00pm and will conclude at 9.00pm. Years 11 & 12 parents/carers will be sent a direct email on Wednesday 27 April, with booking instructions and link. It is a College expectation that each student and a parent/carer attend these interviews. Importantly, this event provides an excellent opportunity for parents/carers and students to meet subject teachers to discuss academic progress in relevant courses. It is a requirement for students to attend the interviews wearing their full winter College uniform. Year 12 Retreat Our Year 12 students will attend their Retreat tomorrow and Friday in various locations. The Retreat provides an opportunity for our students to have an increased awareness of themselves and to have a greater intimacy with their peers and their God. Students will have appropriate time to reflect and share ideas. I look forward to visiting our students at various locations over the next two days. I thank the Mission Co-ordinator, Gina Marshall and the House Formation Leaders – Kirsty Begg, Ilona Welch, Margaret McElhone, Daniel Fee, James Gordon and Andres Trujillo, for their co-ordination of this most worthwhile Retreat. HSC Students – Information for Examinations The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards, NSW (BOSTES) has included new information on the Students Online Website about the 2016 Higher School Certificate Examinations. The information is vast and covers areas such as exam preparation, examination booklets and courses where personalised answer booklets will be used. The College urges students to view the information using the following link – StudentsOnline. Year 11 Study Skills Evening I wish to thank the numerous parents who attended the Year 11 Study Skills Evening with their sons last night. The facilitator, Dr Prue Salter, from Enhanced Learning Educational Services, was very interactive and provided practical study skills ideas to students about learning new techniques. The main areas covered were the following: • • • • Making study as effective & efficient as possible. Organisation and time management skills. Improving study notes and study techniques. Dealing with the obstacles and problems. Representative College Sport The College Representative teams participating in winter competitions have commenced their training schedules for the season. I have received positive feedback about the work ethic and attitude of our boys regarding their training preparations. I look forward to visiting teams playing in their competition games next term. Term 2 Commencement Term 2 commences on Tuesday 26 April, 2016. It is an expectation that students return to school wearing their full winter College uniform. This includes blazers. Please be aware that Daniel Fee will be the Acting Dean of Senior School and Richard Bryant will be Acting Goold House Formation Leader during Term 2, 2016. As this is the final Tolle Lege for this term, I wish families a lovely holiday break. God bless Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School from the Acting Dean of Primary School... As we near the end of a very busy and successful first term together with the Primary Staff, we would like to congratulate the boys for their positive contributions in so many ways. Their involvement in the recent Lenten fund raising appeal highlights the way they embrace Augustinian values by supporting those less fortunate than themselves. I would also like to take this opportunity to formally thank the Primary staff and the community for thecontinuous support given to me throughout the term in my role as Acting Dean of Primary School. It has been very rewarding and affirming to be a part of such an energetic, caring and positive culture. Together, we have ensured a high level of learning and an up-to-date curriculum for all students in all Key Learning Areas. Teachers regularly met to share, develop and discuss teaching and learning strategies and new innovations in learning and I thank them for their time and energy. I would like to make special mention of Sam Brisby for his exemplary contributions to a productive term. All staff are appreciative of the productive and enthusiastic manner in which he has contributed to the curriculum and I am sure that the students are appreciative of his involvement in their education. Although his role as 6L class teacher has come to an end, his involvement at the College will continue in various capacities. To all the boys in Primary School, thank you for your positive, friendly and enthusiastic start to the year. Your infectious smiles and warm greetings have made my role as Acting Dean, a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Coming to school each day, participating in classroom activities and being greeted in such a cheerful way certainly strengthens my passion for teaching. Interim Reports The College will be emailing Interim Reports for Year 5 - 6 students this week. This report provides a brief snapshot on the academic progress of each student so far this year. This information is most valuable for all students and families. I urge parents to discuss the Interim Report with their sons. Our Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica will be taking place on Friday 6 May 2016. For details, please refer to the invitation in this edition of Tolle Lege. A reminder that all students are required to return to school in Term 2 wearing their full College winter uniform. I wish all families a restful and rejuvenating holiday break. Elizabeth Armenio Acting Dean of Primary School Years 5, 6 and 7: Sacramental Program Information regarding Sacramental Programs in Broken Bay parishes will be available to parents and students in Year 5,6 and 7. Families are invited to contact parishes to join in a program if your son has missed the opportunity to receive First Reconciliation, Confirmation or First Eucharist. As many Parish programs for Reconciliation have been completed for 2016, St Augustine’s is proposing a program of First Reconciliation at the College. Students would then join a Parish program for the remaining sacraments. Details will arrive via email by the end of Term 1. Contact Gina Marshall, Mission Co ordinator marshall.g@saintaug.nsw.edu.au In Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus gives fishing advice to the disciples and their nets are filled. The disciples never ask the one on the shore if he really is Jesus. They knew it was the Lord. They had heard about the words of the young man to the women at Jesus’ empty tomb: “Go and tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him, as he told you’ ” (Mark 16:7). Fr Senan Ward OSA, College Chaplain, and James Gordon, Hutchinson House Formation Leader, congratulating Marvin Smith (Year 11 Hutchinson) on his commissioning as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) at Wednesday morning mass last week. Prayer for College Travellers to New Zealand, Sri Lanka and Vanuatu God our protector, you guide us on our way. We are your adventurers. Bless the student and staff travellers on their journey and keep them safe. Keep us all safe as we journey through out life. We make this prayer through the Spirit. Amen. The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. Saint Augustine Matthew Talbot Hostel THANK YOU to all staff & students from Crane & Heavey who volunteered at Matthew Talbot Hostel this term. Students who attended will receive 2 service hours as a part of the Year 11 Service Education Programme. This can be recorded via the following link: https://atlas.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/resources/sea/school-service-programmes 7 ApriL - World Health Day Beat diabetes: Scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance ‘The main goals of the World Health Day 2016 campaign are to increase awareness about the rise in diabetes, and its staggering burden and consequences, in particular in low- and middle-income countries; and to trigger a set of specific, effective and affordable actions to tackle diabetes. These will include steps to prevent diabetes and diagnose, treat and care.’ Some facts: • About 350 million people worldwide have diabetes, a number likely to more than double in the next 20 years. • In 2012, diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths. More than 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low- and middleincome countries. • Type 2 accounts for around 90% of all diabetes worldwide. Reports of type 2 diabetes in children have increased worldwide. Read 10 facts about Diabetes: http://www.who.int/features/factfiles/diabetes/facts/en/ Take the Quiz – How much do you know about Diabetes: http://www.who.int/campaigns/world-health-day/2016/quiz/en/ Kate Donnellan SEA Programme Coordinator REPORTS Interim Reports for Years 5 to 11 will be published on Friday 8 April Year 12 Mid-Course Reports will be published on Wednesday 4 May A link to the College reports is on the College website. It is important that all parents know their login and password details. Any parent who has lost or forgotten their details can email the College Helpdesk at helpdesk@saintaug.nsw.edu.au to reset this information. CRANE Angus Gilbert For going out of his way to make people feel a part of the College community. GOOLD Sam Gair For being an inspiring role model for the Goold House. HEAVEY Ofa Tuifua For his enthusiastic assistance at the Father & Son Breakfast. Year 5 Archie Pfafflin For initiating and showing sincerity in the friendships he creates. Year 6 Bill Dimitropoulos For setting a fine example for his classmates to follow. Year 7 Toby West For showing a mature and positive attitude while on camp. HUTCHINSON Claeton O’Connell For outstanding enthusiasm raising money for the House charity at the Father & Son Breakfast. MURRAY Jackson Prior For his outstanding dedication to his music studies at the College. REVILLE Jacob Baynie For his leadership of the Reville House Winter Sleep Out initiative. Year 8 Rory Williams For showing pride in the College and upholding the Augustinian values. Year 9 Cristian Raso For his mature attitude towards assisting in the Primary School. A celebration for Years 5, 6 & 7 students & the wonderful women in their lives MOTHER’S DAY MASS OF ST MONICA FRIDAY 6 MAY 2016 Mass in Brimson Centre 9am - 10am Morning Tea hosted by the P&F Association, Tolentine Park 10am – 11am (guests only) Please join us for this special occasion. * Years 8 - 12 siblings are also welcome to join us at the Mass (only). Please send a note to their relevant Dean. To help with catering, please RSVP by April 29, 2016 Please visit the link https://secure.trybooking.com/LAUF Enquiries – 9938 8222 FOUNDATI N ...commitment to our boys Principal’s Year 5 and Year 7 Parent Dinners – THANK YOU! Term 1 has been very busy with much celebration and we were pleased by the response and attendance at the Principal’s Year 5 and Year 7 Parent Dinners. Principal Tim Cleary, Head of School Matthew Hutchison and Foundation Companions were delighted to meet so many parents at our dinners during March. It is encouraging that so many in our community wish to be involved and part of the College Foundation. 60th Anniversary of the Blessing and Laying of the Foundation Stone Last Friday a number of our ‘original students’ from the Classes of 1962 and 1963 were welcomed back to the College to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Blessing and Laying of the Foundation Stone. Easter Sunday, April 1st 60 years ago Cardinal Gilroy (Archbishop of Sydney) and Fr Tom Hunt (Prior Provincial) arrived at the College to bless the foundation stone of the first stage of the Augustine Wing. Our special guests attended the College Assembly, met current Year 5 students at morning tea, toured the College’s new buildings and joined the staff for lunch. Many thanks to our Old Boys who celebrated the anniversary and to Alan Wild (Class of 1963) for his excellent presentation during the Assembly. For all St Augustine’s College Foundation enquiries please do not hesitate to contact: Rod Loneragan Head of College Foundation Julie Myers Foundation & Marketing Assistant rloneragan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au jmyers@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Tel: 9938 8292Tel: 9938 8269 STUDY SKILLS & Making great study notes With the end of term approaching it is time to think about study notes. But why now? Well many students wait until just before examination time to even consider their study notes then there is no time to learn them and no time to practise the skills of the subject. If you know you will have tests later in the year, then a smart thing to do is to get all of your Term1 study notes up to date during the holidays. Can you imagine coming back Term 2, you haven’t done your study notes for Term 1 and you get slammed with new work – it becomes impossible to catch up! So make a smart decision and ensure you have all of your Term1 study notes complete by the end of the term. You can learn more about making great study notes in the SUMMARISING unit of www.studyskillshandbook.com.au by logging in with these details: Username: Password: Top 5 tips to improve your notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. POINTS: Avoid long sentences and focus on key points. TABLES: Use tables wherever you can to create structure. KEY WORDS: Pull out keys words (as shown in this list). HIGHLIGHT: Make sure the key content stands out (but don’t go crazy with colour). FEEDBACK: Show your notes to teachers, parents and friends so they can suggest ways to improve them. Study Skills Handbook Parents can also find extra study skills tips on the following website: http:// studyskillstoptipsparents.com/. All secondary students at our school also have access to a great study skills website to help students develop their skills. Go to www.studyskillshandbook.com.au and enter the username: staugustines and the password: 146results and start improving your results today! Academic Advisors Senior School students and parents should email Tricia Briggs at tbriggs@ saintaug.nsw.edu.au. Middle School students and parents should email Adam Evans at aevans@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Tricia Briggs Senior School Academic Advisor Weekly Careers News updates are now available via the College ATLAS page. Information related to university, TAFE, private colleges, cadetships, scholarships, gap years and employment opportunities are included. Senior Students are direct messaged a copy of each week’s Career News. Enquiries: Paul McAlinden (pmcalinden@saintaug.nsw.edu.au) Learning Enrichment News Year 5 and 6 Mathematics Enrichment The Mathematics Learning Enrichment Class provides students with opportunities to develop their interest in Mathematics through open-ended, problem solving and activity based learning activities. Students are withdrawn from class once a week to work with Mrs Kym Gray. The pictures show students solving problems kinaesthetically (by learning through body movement) – To reverse a ‘ten pin’ bowling shape and to ‘untangle’ themselves, in the shortest number of moves. Students are also participating in the Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad (APSMO) which aims to encourage students to develop important mathematical problem solving skills. Students are prepared for the Olympiads by experiencing regular sessions on problem solving strategies, skills and techniques. Year 9 Science Learning Enrichment The Year 9 Science Learning Enrichment Class is designed to allow students to develop their higher order cognitive skills through varied problem solving activities. In the displayed activity the students were challenged to design and construct the tallest tower possible using a fixed limit of newspaper and sticky tape materials. Graham Bruce Learning Enrichment Coordinator Coming Events . . . Monday 4 April – Friday 8 April Wednesday 6 April – Friday 8 April Thursday 7 April Thursday 7 April & Friday 8 April Friday 8 April Saturday 9 April Year 9 Outdoor Education / Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Expedition Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp Mark Taylor Shield Cricket game (Primary students), Toukley Year 12 Retreat Term One concludes Sri Lanka Cricket Tour departs Japan Study Tour departs NZ Rugby Tour departs Sunday 10 April Monday 25 April Vanuatu SEA Programme Tour departs ANZAC Day Tuesday 26 April Wednesday 27 April Wednesday 27 April & Thursday 28 April Thursday 28 April Term Two commences Community Mass, Monica Chapel, Tutor Groups M1, M2 and M3 (8.10 am) NSWCIS Swimming, Homebush Thursday 28 April & Friday 29 April Friday 29 April First XI Manly Cup Cricket Final, Mike Pawley Oval (John Fisher Park), Curl Curl Rowing Presentation, Lecceto Auditorium and main staffroom (7.00 pm) Broken Bay U11 Rugby League Trials, Bathurst Art Express Biennale, Years 11 & 12 Excursion ISA Basketball Presentation, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifier (Year 9) Friday 29 April & Saturday Canteen Roster Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016 Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7/4/16 8/4/16 25/4/16 26/4/16 27/4/16 Lauren Richardson Michelle Hickey Sharon Kavallaris Keira Hulme Katrina Harvey Felicity Douglas ANZAC Victoria Howell Kath Gilmore DAY Monique Micardy Therese Keane Sandy Blank Julie Russo Dear Parents We thank all our volunteers who have come in to work in the canteen this term. Your assistance is invaluable & we appreciate your support. On behalf of Jackie, Allison, Donna & myself, we wish you all happy holidays and look forward to seeing you in Term 2. We recommend Primary & Year 7 boys order their lunches online so they do not miss out on food items. Please use the SaintsCard in Atlas for online ordering. Please make sure their SaintsCards are topped up so they can tap, order and go. This will ensure that we can serve the boys quickly. If you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact me so that I can make alternative arrangements. If you have a few hours spare or have friends who would like to join you on the canteen roster, please contact me. NOTE: To all volunteers, due to OH&S regulations please wear closed shoes, ie. No thongs or sandals are allowed. Annabel Nelson Canteen Co-Ordinator T: 91269904 M: 0414638395 E: nelson.a@saintaug.nsw.edu.au IMPORTANT COLLEGE UNIFORM SHOP NEWS . . . WINTER UNIFORMS Years 5 - 9 students are required to wear a blazer and trousers in Terms 2 and 3. Please accompany your son for a fitting as it is very helpful to have a parent present. The cost is $175 for the blazer and $70 for trousers. We will also be fitting for winter sport. Year 10 students will be going into the black senior blazer, please accompany your son for a fitting. Senior blazers are $200and $70 for trousers. The shop hours have been extended for your convenience: • Mondays • Wednesdays • Fridays 8:00am -12:00pm (Term 1 only) 8:00am -12:15pm & 12:55pm - 4:00pm 8:00am -12:00pm Adele Campbell and the Uniform Team ATTTENTION DUKE of ED STUDENTS & STUDENTS NEEDING to work Community SERVICE HOURS Come along - bring a mate - No need to register - but for catering purposes please phone the Parish Office 9949 4455 or email parishoffice@northharbourcatholic.org.au ATTTENTION DUKE of ED STUDENTS & STUDENTS NEEDING to work Community SERVICE HOURS. Annual Working Bee May 15,2016 From 10.30am - 12.30pm To be held at St Kieran’s Manly VALE & St Cecilia’s School BALGOWLAH finishing up with a sausage sizzle lunch in the St Kieran’s Parish Centre Courtyard at 1pm We are most fortunate to have the support & expertise of ROB PALMER of Better Homes & Gardens, who will organize & supervise on the day. NB: If you have recently changed your home address or contact details please notify our College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood at psherwood@saintaug.nsw.edu.au to ensure that your details are updated in our College database. We are also in the process of preparing the Class Contact Lists to be distributed to parents in individual Year Groups early next month. If you would prefer not to have your contact details included please let the Registrar, Philippa Sherwood know as soon as possible at psherwood@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Last Thursday we held our P&F Father & Son Breakfast. This is always a great way to build the school community and allows us to meet and catch up with the fathers of our son’s mates. We had a glorious day from the perspective of the weather and I believe a very effective connection of our community. With record numbers of fathers and sons in attendance and in excess of 850 Dads (or Grandads/ Guardians/Father Figures) and their son’s join us the front courtyard was full to capacity and buzzing with activity. I met a number of fathers for the first time and caught up with others I have known for years. I hope that for those in attendance you both caught up with old friends and made new ones (did your son introduce you to 3 of this friends fathers?). This year we continued the tradition of collecting for the house charities with funds raised for each of the houses. I would like to thank all the senior boys for their efforts and the parents for the donations. I would also like to send a special thanks to the more than 40 volunteers which made the event possible including all those mothers, senior boys, teachers and staff who gave of their time to make the morning a success and in particular Gabrielle McKinnon, Geraldine Woo, Paula Murphy and Belinda Eady for all the planning and preparation that went on both in the weeks beforehand and through the morning. Finally, a reminder that we have the Mother’s Day Mass coming up in week 2 of second term. This is a special occasion for mothers of Years 5,6 &7 boys and all mothers or significant women in the boys lives are invited. See invite in this newsletter. We are looking for volunteers to assist from parents of Year 8 and older boys. Please contact Gabrielle McKinnon if you are able to assist on gabmck@bigpond.net.au. For those of you travelling for the school holidays I wish you an enjoyable trip and safe return. The schedule of P&F meetings for the rest of the year are as follows: • • • Term 2 – 4th May 2016 Term 3 – 10 August 2016 Term 4 (and AGM) – 9 November 2016 Each meeting starts at 7pm, wine and cheese provided. Please see Tolle Lege for more details closer to the meeting. P&F Class Parent and Year Group Representatives If you would like to know more about being a Class Parent and the nature of the roles if you are thinking about this for next year, please contact Fran Boag at frances.boag@gmail.com. Upcoming P&F and Parents Activities Dates: DATE EVENT Thursday 7 April 6:30 pm Mums Get Together for Tutor Group 7.5 at the Stowaway in Freshwater Friday 8 April 7:00 pm Class 6L Parent Drinks at Collaroy Hotel Please RSVP Emma Seward on Saturday 30 April 3:00 pm Mums High Tea for Year 10 at Burnt Orange, Middle Head Mosman Please RSVP Belinda Eady via TryBooking Wednesday 4 May 7:00 pm P&F term meeting – Library All parents Friday 6th May Mother’s Day mass Friday 6 May 11:30 am Casual Mum’s Lunch for Tutor Group 7.2 following Mother’s Day Morning Tea at Ruby Lane, Manly Years 5, 6 & 7 Volunteers to assist needed from Year 7 and above. Please RSVP Jacqueline Wharton on hellojacquie@ yahoo.com.au Thursday 19 May 6:30 pm Casual Parent’s Night for Class 5K at Manly Wharf Bar Looking forward to seeing you next term. Craig Jackson P&F President Upcoming events P&F Meetings If you have an item, question, suggestion for an information topic for our P&F meetings please email Craig Jackson at pandf@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. INVOLVEMENT Please RSVP Monique Licardy on moniquelicardy@ westnet.com.au emma_seward@ yahoo.com.au Please RSVP Jo Pfafflin on joeytom16@hotmail. com ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENT Students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open for students in Years 5 - 9 until 5:00pm, until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 - 12 on Monday to Thursday and until 7:30pm on Monday and Wednesday only for Year 12 students. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Jordan Candido and Nicholas Chivers, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12, are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. All students attending the ARC after school must have work to complete. ARC MATHS HELP ARC LANGUAGES HELP DAY TEACHER Mon Anna Harmer and Dave Gale Tue 1 Carly Townsend Thurs Anna Hayes DAY TEACHER Wed Aaron McLuckie Japanese Senior/ Chinese Junior ARC SCIENCE HELP ARC ENGLISH HELP DAY TEACHER 7 - 10 TEACHER 11 - 12 Mon Candice Green Kirsty Begg Tues Tate Williams Kirsty Begg Tate Williams Wed Thurs Kirsty Begg Ilona Welch Kirsty Begg Candice Green Ilona Welch ARC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELP DAY TEACHER Wed Amriss Assaye Science/Physics Thurs Graham Bruce Science/Physics Thurs Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 DAY TEACHER Mon Adam Evans Wed Adam Evans ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 10 – 12 DAY TEACHER DAY TEACHER Mon Madeleine Conlon also Humanities Wed Tricia Briggs Thurs Tricia Briggs ARC GEOGRAPHY HELP DAY TEACHER Tue Amanda Neilsen Vicki Lewis Library & Information Services Co-ordinator SENIOR CHOIR ST AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE MUSIC FESTIVAL We are warming up for this year’s festival. The week-long celebrations of all things music will go from Monday, May 9 to Friday May 13. There are solo recitals, a Battle of the Bands comp, a Composition Competition, and a couple of exciting concerts. Please see the flyer in this week’s Tolle Lege for details, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact one of the Music staff. • • • • • ROCK IN THE QUAD • • Its that time of the year again! We have a group of talented musicians at the college, and in week three, they will battle it out for their chance to win their names on the coveted Platinum Guitar. Sign up sheet is on the Music Staffroom door. First in, best dressed. Senior Choir Re-commencing in Term 2 after the huge success of the 60th Anniversary Choir and the College Musical, In the Heights. Senior Choir resumes in Term 2 Tuesday mornings 7.45 – 8.30am in the auditorium. Sacred and Secular music, contemporary and traditional. Group will harmonise and develop musical literacy. Open to Yrs 8-12 for students with a love of singing and who like achieving personal bests! Learn to read music or read it better! Let’s keep the energy of singing alive at Saints!! EXCITING NEW GROUP FOR DRUMMERS We are looking for all the keen young drummers, percussionists and drummer wannabes from years 5-8. Everybody has heard the Drum Line play, unfortunately, numbers are limited for that group, and junior drummers find this music difficult. Because of this we are trialling a new group (depending on numbers) made up of all the boys who wanted to join the Drum Line. If you are interested in being part of this, please contact Joseph Montz so that he can confirm numbers to the conductor. NEW SAX PLAYERS WANTED We are searching for saxophone players interested in playing in the Stage Band Programme. Amelia Granturco, Conductor of Stage Band 3 wants any boy that plays saxophone to join her group of young musicians wanting to learn jazz, rock and blues. Please note, all students are required to read music to be in the bands. JUNIOR CHOIR All boys from 5-7 are invited to sing with the College’s new Junior Choir on Thursday mornings before school. 2016 MUSIC REHEARSAL SCHEDULE DAY TIME ENSEMBLE AGE VENUE STAFF MONDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 2 Open ENS Openshaw MONDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 3 Primary School AUD Granturco MONDAY Lunchtime Bass Guitar Ensemble Open ENS Jason Smith TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Middle School Concert Band Middle School BRIMSON Montz/Granturco TUESDAY Lunchtime The Drum Line Open ENS Montz TUESDAY(Term 2) Lunchtime Senior School Choir Senior School AUD Marshall WEDNESDAY 7:15-8:30am Stage Band 1 Open AUD Montz WEDNESDAY 7:15-8:30am Primary School Concert Band Primary School ENS Openshaw/Granturco WEDNESDAY Lunchtime Brass Ensemble Open ENS LING THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Concert Band Senior School BRIMSON Montz/Openshaw THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Primary School Choir Primary School AUD Granturco THURSDAY Lunchtime Junior Percussion Yrs 5-9 ENS Montz FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Jazz Ensemble Open ENS Openshaw FRIDAY Lunchtime Guitar Ensemble Open ENS Montz WANT TO START LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT? If you would like to start learning an instrument, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please contact Lynne Papahatzis. PRACTICE PARTS HIGH ACHIEVERS This DropBox folder has been created to store practice music for all bands. We are slowly adding pieces into it. Each PDF file contains all of the music for each instrument. Just scroll down to your instrument and print. Here are this week’s high achievers. These boys have been great role models to the other boys and we commend them on their effort. INSTRUMENT DONATIONS The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order. It’s probably salvageable. We’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. UPCOMING EVENTS May 2 May 9-13 • • • • • • • • • • • • Stage Band 1 – Tyler Casazza Stage Band 2 – Sam Pearson Stage Band 3 – Sebastian Jones & Lachlan Cameron Primary School Concert Band – Kailan Sweeney Middle School Concert Band – Patrick Burke Senior School Concert Band – James Barton Primary School Choir – Hayden Williams Drum Line – (No Rehearsal) Guitar Ensemble – Jake Griffiths Jazz Ensemble – Patrick Scognamiglio Brass ensemble – William Findlay Bass Guitar Ensemble – Primary School Concert Band evening concert St Augustine’s College Music Festival ENTERTAINMENT FUNDRAISER To order please access this link: https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/20617p9 This year we are trying to raise as many dollars as we can and we need your help! Order your NEW 2016 | 2017 Entertainment™ Book or Entertainment™ Digital Membership from us, and 20% of the proceeds contribute towards our Band Programme, so please forward this to your friends and family! St Augustine's College (Sydney) Thank you for your support! Invites our community to Music Festival Week May 9 - 13, 2016 Battle of the Bands (RITQ) Solo Recitals Composition Competition Monday - Friday is "Rock in the Quad" Held at lunchtime in the Lecceto Quadrangle Monday - Wednesday Evening 9 - 11 May: All Solo recitals are held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 6:30pm Thursday Evening 12 May: Showcase Concert (all the winners from the week) held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 6:30pm Friday Evening 13 May: Old Boys Reunion Concert held in the Lecceto Arts Centre 7:00pm SAVE MONEY AND FUNDRAISE FOR YOUR SCHOOL 1 Join today at www.commpow.com. 2 Access discounts on everyday expenses. 3 Raise important funds for your child's school. Swimming Congratulations to Harrison Rothwell, Year 5 who competed at the CPS Swimming Carnival in the following three events: • • • 200IM 50 Fly 50 Free He has now qualified to compete at the NSW PSSA Swimming Championships in the 50m fly, after placing 2nd at the previous meet. Good Luck Harrison. Congratulations also to the following Secondary School swimmers who have qualified to represent the ISA at the NSW CIS Swimming Carnival: Oliver Boyce, Matthew Chant, Isaac Crews, Luca DoorbarBaptist, Noa Faatui, Nicholas Jennens, Thomas Kerr, Matthew Melhuish, Tyson Bujak-Upton, Harry Chilcott, Harrison Crowley, Damien England, Daniel Ferreira, Harmon Kassulke, Declan King and Andrew Newling. Rugby Please note that training will continue this week, including Thursday 7 April, however there are no games during the holiday period. Training will recommence on the first day back of Term 2, Tuesday 26 April for the Juniors: 11-15 years. An updated 2016 Rugby Calendar has been uploaded on the app ‘St Augustine’s Sport’ on the document tab. Please only refer to this latest version. Reminder: Please ensure that you have selected the following 2 groups on our app to ensure you receive all relevant rugby information: • • 2016 Rugby General Info plus 2016 Rugby + your son’s age group Congratulations to Jesse Allan wo has been selected for the Junior Gold NSW U/17 team that played against the QLD Junior Gold U/17 team. Villanova Exchange It was a wonderful week last week as we hosted 53 students from our Augustinian School in Brisbane, Villanova College who competed in the annual fixtures of: Basketball, Football, Debating and Rugby. A special thank you to our host families who generously ensured our billets enjoyed their time in Sydney. Such tours can only take place with the assistance of host families. The spirit and friendship created during these Tours is invaluable and a wonderful experience for all involved. We managed to secure wins in all four disciplines and look forward to further competition in Brisbane next year. Basketball Congratulations to the following students who made the ISA basketball teams that recently played against CAS & GPS representative teams. • 1st V - Isaiah Lee, Sam Porter, Angus Richmond and Will Wiggins • 2nd V - Aiden Pashley The competition was an extremely high standard. Our students were playing against the best basketballers in NSW. It was very pleasing to see all ISA players come together in a representative team after competing against each other throughout the domestic season. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular TENNIS This week concludes the Term I Monday afternoon tennis sessions. Over 40 students participated in either social tennis or squad training run through Wakehurst Tennis Club this term. We have been delighted with the levels of participation and sportsmanship shown by the students and they are to be commended for their positive attitude and behaviour. The Monday afternoon social sessions and squad training will recommence on Monday 2 May and conclude on Monday 20 June. There are two options for students interested in playing tennis for the College on Monday afternoons during Term II: Option 1 Monday Tennis Sessions: These sessions offer a social hit of tennis for students in Years 5 – 12. Players with varying degrees of abilities are welcome to attend once the online registration has occurred. This sessions run every Monday afternoon during Term 2 and are included in the College sports levy. Option 2 Monday Squad Training: Players who are looking for to enhance their match play may be interested in attending squad training. These sessions are now open for beginner, intermediate and advanced players. Duration: 7 Weeks (commencing Monday 2 May) • Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm • Cost: $175.00 • Includes: • Singles and doubles tactical drills Match play Footwork Preparation for competition CRICKET Cricket trivia Last weeks trivia question: What is the most number of cricketers from the same family to play International cricket? Congratulations to Liam Aquilina of Yr 11 who correctly answered the Ranatunga family from Sri Lanka who had 4 brothers all represent Sri Lanka in One Day International cricket. Congratulations Liam! CRICKET PRESENTATION NIGHT Early reminder to all players and parents that the Cricket Presentation Night will be held on Tuesday 17th May 2016, 7:00pm in the Brimson Centre with the announcement of this year’s special cricket guest coming up soon. All players are expected to attend. More details to follow soon. The squad will be led by Michelle Jaggard-Lai (former Australian Federation Cup player). To enrol please go to www.wakehursttennis.net.au, click on ‘online enrolment’ and find the squad titled ‘School Training Squad’ on a Monday at 4pm or phone the front office on 9907 9180. SCHOOL HOLIDAY CRICKET CAMPS If you would like to know more about Tennis at the College, please refer to ATLAS or the College website or contact me on 9938 8254 or dstanway@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. This Friday a squad of 15 players and three staff will depart for the steamy island of Sri Lanka for the College’s first ever overseas cricket tour. It is shaping up to be a fantastic trip and I wish all the players every success on and off the field. We will be playing 8 matches as well as sightseeing and visiting a local orphanage where we will be donating a heap of cricket gear to the cricket mad boys and girls. You can follow the tours progress on our blog - http:// srilankacrickettour.weebly.com Danielle Stanway TIC Tennis Any player interested in a few days of cricket in the April holidays should contact me for further information. SRI LANKA CRICKET TOUR James Scholtens TiC Cricket jscholtens@saintaug.nsw.edu.au