the sponsorship deck - ATX Television Festival
the sponsorship deck - ATX Television Festival
A TELEVISION EXPERIENCE T E L E V I S I O N F E S T I VA L NOT YOUR AVERAGE FESTIVAL... BE PART OF SOMETHING DIFFERENT. SEASON 65 JUNE 8-11, 2017 WRAP-UP REPORT TX AUSTIN, CAITLIN MCFARLAND / executive director CAITLIN@ATXFESTIVAL.COM 512.551.1330 EMILY GIPSON / executive director EMILY@ATXFESTIVAL.COM 512.551.1330 “THERE’S NO OTHER FESTIVAL LIKE THIS.” -ROB CORDDRY 4 DAYS 8 VENUES 100 HOURS 1E X P E R I E N C E U N F O R G E T TA B L E OVER 40 OVER 2500 SHOWS TV NERDS 275 TV CAST. CREATORS. CREW. W H A T E X A C T LY I S A T X T E L E V I S I O N F E S T I VA L ? ATX is a four-day event that celebrates the television medium: looking back at its history, where it is now, and where it is headed. The festival consists of panels, screenings and events where attendees and leaders in the TV industry talk, watch, and experience television together as one community. It is a place for television fans to come together with the creators, casts, and crew of their favorite series to experience the TV medium in a way that’s never been done before. We call it TV Camp for grown-ups. The first A T X T E L E V I S I O N F E S T I VA L took place June 1-3, 2012 with over 700 attendees gathering in Austin, TX to watch television on the big screen, relive favorite series, discover new ones, get inspired, and discuss what’s to come in the the most influential pop culture medium. S E A S O N S 2 A N D 3 grew not only by an additional day of festivities but also increased attendance and represented series by 30% each year with attending panelists nearly doubling. 2015’ s SEASON 4 brought a sold out festival for the first time, growing by 60% and allowing ATX to use its largest venue to date: the historic Paramount Theatre that seats 1200. 2016’ s SEASON 5 allowed the festival to evolve into the ideal balance between Industry and Fan programming that has always been its goal. Settling into its size, while combining important topic discussions and organic sponsorship activations, allowed for the most successful event to date (including attendance, experiences, and press). 2016 STATISTICS & DEMOGRAPHICS TOTAL ATTENDANCE BADGE & WRISTBANDS PANELISTS INDUSTRY PRESS STAFF & CREW VOLUNTEERS 2500 1682 275 150 176 80 142 ATX APP TOP 10 VIEWS WITHIN THE APP: 2300 TOTAL DOWNLOADS 83% iOS 17% Android Schedule - OVER 17,000 VIEWS GENDER BREAKDOWN 68% Female 31% Male AGE BREAKDOWN 18-25: 30% 26-35: 39% 36-50: 22% Over 50: 9% Current Series: 21 Premieres: 8 Past Favorites: 11 Panels: 35 EDUCATION College: 64.5% Grad School: 27% High School: 8.5% Push Notifications Programming The West Wing Administration BIG Script Reading UnREAL Friday Night Lights Tailgate + Pep Rally SPONSORED BY PROGRAMMING BREAKDOWN: 75 TICKETHOLDER BY LOCATION The O.C. Creatives + Script Reading 34.6% Texas Power(ful) TV: The Ultimate Medium for Social Change 20.6% East Coast UGLY BETTY 10 Year Reunion, presented with Entertainment Weekly 25.2% West Coast 15.6% North/Midwest 4% Out of US (Canada, Australia, UK, Norway) WHY DID YOU COME Industry Hopeful: 40% Ultimate TV Fan: 44% Mix (Fan/Industry) : 16% SCREENINGS ATX gives you the opportunity to watch your favorite TV show and discover something new on the big screen at venues like Austin’s acclaimed Alamo Drafthouse, Google Fiber Space, and the historic Paramount & State Theatres. We screen past favorites, cancelled-too-soon series, current hits, and episodes/pilots you’ve never seen all followed by Q&A’s from cast and crew. 2016 SCREENINGS INCLUDED Casual, Norman Lear: Just Another Version of You, Dead of Summer, The Exorcist, Grace, Introducing Lennie Rose, Guilt, The Jim Gaffigan Show, Kingdom, Lethal Weapon, Life in Pieces, The Path, Person of Interest, Pitch, Preacher, Queen of the South, Royal Pains, Search Party, Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll, State of Grace, Superstore, Survivor’s Remorse, Terriers, Tyrant, UnREAL, and Younger. PANELS Our panels, which take place at the InterContinental Stephen F. Austin Hotel, Google Fiber Space, Amazon Stage at Trinity Hall, and the Paramount & State Theatres, range from breakout topics on the future of the industry to technology, series reunions, conversations with television leaders, and spotlights on networks’ upcoming lineups. 2 0 1 6 PA N E L S I N C L U D E D 3 Rounds with Betsy Beers, Bury Your Tropes, The West Wing Administration, A Conversation with Tom Fontana & David Simon, Crisis of Faith: Religion & Spirituality on TV, Development Executives: Business Meets Creative, Ugly Betty 10 Year Reunion presented with Entertainment Weekly, Fargo: The Music Team, Kurt Sutter & Katey Sagal: A Television Discourse, Masterclass with Howard Gordon, Rescue Me Reunion, The O.C. Creatives, Power(ful) TV: The Ultimate Medium for Social Change, Shifting Landscapes: The Effect of 9/11 on Storytelling, and What is YA TV? Exploring the Difference between Subject and Audience. PANELISTS 275 of TV’s elite came to Austin for Season 5 of ATX Television Festival, including network executives, creators, writers, and cast & crew, as well as music supervisors, casting directors, musicians, and editors. 2 0 1 6 PA N E L I S T S I N C L U D E D Aaron Sorkin, Abigail Spencer, Ali LeRoi, Alexandra Patsavas, America Ferrera, Beau Willimon, Ben Feldman, Betsy Beers, Billy Zane, Bradley Whitford, Bryan Seabury, Callie Thorne, Carter Covington, Darren Star, David Simon, Denis Leary, Donal Logue, Dulé Hill, Frank Grillo, Glen Mazzara, Hart Hanson, Howard Gordon, Jason Katims, Jason Reitman, Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Jennifer Euston, Jennie Snyder Urman, Jim Gaffigan, Jonathan Nolan, Josh Schwartz, Judith Light, Justina Machado, Katey Sagal, Kurt Sutter, Krista Vernoff, Larenz Tate, Michael Ian Black, Michaela Watkins, Nahnatchka Khan, Norman Lear, Patrick J. Adams, Ruth Negga, Rosemary Rodriguez, Shawn Ryan, Tatum O’Neal, Tom Fontana, and Vanessa Williams. “I THINK PEOPLE SHOULD GET TOGETHER AND WATCH TV LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME.” - PETER KRAUSE ACHIEVEMENT IN TELEVISION EXCELLENCE AWARD From its inception, ATX has set out to honor impactful and insightful television programming, along with the cast members and creatives who shaped those series. In 2014, the festival presented its first individual achievement award to Henry Winkler, followed by James L. Brooks in 2015. For our third award, we were honored that the Godfather of Television, Norman Lear, would come to Austin to screen his Sundance Film Festival documentary “Just Another Version of You” which further proved his impact on the medium, followed by a conversation with Katey Sagal. “TV LEAVES A DIFFERENT LEGACY DUE TO ‘WRITER DOMINANCE.’ WRITERS HAVE MORE CONTROL ON TELEVISION, MORE THAN ANYWHERE ELSE, THAT’S ALWAYS BEEN TRUE, AND THAT’S WHAT SETS IT APART.” - J A M E S L . B R O O K S PITCH COMPETITION PRESENTED WITH FINAL DRAFT, INC. ATX Television Festival and Final Draft, Inc. partnered to create an invaluable opportunity for industry hopefuls to gain rare access to both TV creatives and Studio decision-makers. Contestants submitted pitches in the form of 90 second videos via YouTube that were viewed by a panel of industry judges who narrowed them to 10 finalists. They could pitch any type of show they wanted: a 1/2 hour drama for a traditional network, an hour drama for cable, a hybrid for original online content. The only guideline was that it be for a scripted (non-reality) series and pitched in under a minute and a half. Those 10 FINALISTS then pitched for 3 minutes LIVE at the festival, where judges chose one (1) winner. 409 VIDEO SUBMISSIONS were received and narrowed down to 25 SEMI-FINALISTS by a panel of screeners. 2016 J U D G E S Ryan Andolina Franklin Leonard Anna Fricke Noreen O’Toole Henry Goldblatt Bryan Seabury Kyle Killen Graham Yost Kate Lambert 2 016 F I N A L I S T S I N C L U D E D 5 Comedy, 5 Drama 4 Texas, 3 New York, 2 California, 2 Georgia, 1 Maine, 1 New Jersey, 1 Vancouver 7 Males, 6 Females 7 Solo Pitchers, 3 were in pairs/groups. WINNER & PRIZE All 10 Finalists received badges to the festival and a copy of Final Draft. The winner received a mentor session with a Pitch Judge to help hone and develop his pitch, as well as an opportunity to pitch the finalized version to a Studio/Network partner of the festival. Past Winners have been signed by representation by the end of the weekend, have pitched to Networks/Studios such as Sony TV, 20th Century Fox, NBC/Universal, Happy Madison, Paramount TV, and have established new creative relationships for upcoming projects. 2016 SPECIAL EVENTS O P E N I N G N I G H T launched the festival with a red carpet and premiere screening of USA Network’s QUEEN OF THE SOUTH followed by an exclusive Q&A with showrunner and cast members. The after-event at downtown Austin’s Cedar Door had music, premium food, a branded Smilebooth that put you on the Queen’s throne, and beverages from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Tequila 512, and Shiner Beers. C L O S I N G N I G H T was hosted by ATX and Entertainment Weekly with an UGLY BETTY REUNION featuring Silvio Horta, America Ferrera, Ana Ortiz, Vanessa Williams, Michael Urie, Eric Mabius and a total of 12 cast members at the historic Paramount Theatre, followed by an after-event at Parkside with music, premium food, a branded Smilebooth with beverages from Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Tequila 512, and Shiner Beers. ATX TRIVIA NIGHT, PRESENTED WITH GEEKS WHO DRINK, brought ATX attendees together like never before to test their TV knowledge. Held on Opening Night immediately following our successful premiere screening of QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, over 50 teams battled it out to win 2017 Festival Badges in a special TV-themed Geeks Who Drink Pub Trivia Quiz to become ultimate TV Trivia Champions. T H E F I L M T E X A S R E C E P T I O N , presented by the Texas Association of Film Commissions, gave our panelists time to interact with each other and catch up with old friends at Vinaigrette. With sponsors Tito’s Handmade Vodka, Topo Chico, and Shiner Beers, our friends from LA and New York had the perfect place to get to know Austin’s very own TV industry leaders and to learn how they, too, can film in Texas. F R I D AY N I G H T L I G H T S F I N A L T A I L G A T E reunited the cast and executive producer of Austin’s most beloved show. Armed with lawn chairs, over 2300 fans came together on Panther Field (the original football field where they filmed the series) to listen to live music by local Austin bands and Crucifictorious (Jesse Plemons and Stephanie Hunt), before watching the Emmy nominated episode “The Son,” while cheering in unison, “Clear eyes, full hearts, CAN’T LOSE!” “I’M ALWAYS EXCITED TO CELEBRATE TELEVISION, ESPECIALLY WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHO WANT TO CELEBRATE TELEVISION... SO I’M VERY HAPPY TO BE HERE.” - M A R T A K A U F F M A N 2016 PRESENTING FESTIVAL SPONSORS NETWORKS AND STUDIOS “TO COME TO A TELEVISION FESTIVAL AND BE ABLE TO EXPERIENCE IT WITH PEOPLE WHO KNOW MORE ABOUT TV THAN I WILL EVER KNOW...IS PRETTY COOL.” - SEAN ASTIN 2016 ATTENDING PRESS: 86 Outlets 10 NATIONAL PRINT* SOCIAL MEDIA STATS TWITTER @ATXFestival FACEBOOK 25,796 people reached // 217% increase during festival 16,985 post engagements // 565% increase during festival Largest audience: women, ages 25-34 6 RADIO* *SELECT REPRESENTATION INSTAGRAM received 2.6 million impressions // 580% increase during festival 5,100 mentions // an average of 500,000 impressions per day Over 11 million impressions for official #ATXTVs5 hashtag #HuluBringBackUglyBetty trending nationally within top 10 throughout weekend // #ATXTVs5 trending within top 10 throughout weekend 5,860 followers 860% increase in Likes // 1,932% increase in Comments during festival SNAPCHAT KLOUT Score: 84.1 during peak festival // 66-74 on average. ATX Television Festival postings on Buzzfeed received a combined total of over 1 million views. 12 TELEVISON CREWS* Newly launched! * All statistics reported as of 6.24.16 72 ONLINE* ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY E N T E R T A I N M E N T W E E K LY hosted a video and portrait gallery at the InterContinental Stephen F. Austin Hotel (ATX HQ). Throughout the entirety of ATX Festival, over 100 cast, creators, and producers came through the suite. LIVE VIDEO/COVERAGE Entertainment Weekly produced original video content and released ATX panels that now live on Ugly Betty Reunion: Where the Characters Are Now - 19,289 VIEWS FACEBOOK LIVE: 3 Rounds w/ Betsy Beers - 19,269 VIEWS FACEBOOK LIVE: Ugly Betty Reunion Red Carpet - 46,801 VIEWS Ugly Betty Reunion: ‘We never ask men about playing an ugly character’ - 49.907 VIEWS E N T E R T A I N M E N T W E E K LY R A D I O broadcasted and recorded over 40 hours of live coverage from the Hulu Badgeholder Lounge, as well as airing numerous panels and Q&As throughout the festival. * All statistics reported as of 6.24.16 2017 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES What’s the best way to reach a TV audience that has grown accustomed to fastforwarding through commmercials? Be part of a TV lover’s dream weekend! Just as your favorite TV show becomes part of who you are, the brands associated with ATX Television Festival become part of our attendees’ Television memories. WEBSITE Join us now and be where our viewers come for updates, videos, and schedules, as they anxiously await the next ATX Festival and year-round programming. L O U N G E S & A C T I VA T I O N S ATX hosts two lounges during the weekend: an Industry Lounge specifically for panelists and press, and a Badgeholder lounge for general attendees to come together with food, drink, and a photobooth. Activations add to the flare, whether it’s a breakfast, late night happy hour, or added branding and experiences to your panel/screening. O F F I C I A L F E S T I VA L A P P Attendees (including panelists and press) download the Official App for the most upto-date information; including schedules, programming, special events, and connecting with one another. This will have your company at the heart of the festivities. R E G I S T R A T I O N B A G S & L A N YA R D S All attendees receive both of these when they arrive, then carry them around throughout the entire weekend. From panelists to press to general badgeholders and other sponsors, your logo will be seen and photographed all weekend. O F F I C I A L F E S T I VA L G U I D E As attendees plan their day, the program helps them to decide what to watch, where to eat, or what they can’t leave Austin without. There’s not a better place to actively reach 2000+ avid TV fans. SIGNAGE Banners, step & repeats, car magnets, posters, food/beverage tickets—be everywhere ATX is! Whether it be at panels, screenings, or events, let your brand be as visible as the (TV) stars. S C R E E N I N G S / PA N E L S Ever wonder what your favorite TV show looks like on the big screen? As one fan famously told us, “It’s epic.” Imagine your brand being a part of that - your company’s logo before the screening starts and projected during our Q&A’s and panels, capturing TV fans in their element. OPENING NIGHT & CLOSING NIGHT See your name in lights on the historic Paramount Theatre’s marquee in the heart of downtown, behind our guests on the red carpet step & repeat, and on the big screen before and after a world premiere episode! EVENT SPONSOR Whether it’s “come in your pj’s” Saturday Morning Cartoons, the Outdoor Community Screening, exclusive Industry Reception, branded Press Rooms, or late night happy hours, make sure your brand is associated with a good time. These small screen stars love to hang out with each other and their fans. ** Sponsorship Packages and Costs availabile upon request ADVISORY BOARD PETER BILLINGSLEY Producer, Director, Actor ARIELLE KEBBEL Actor BEN BLACKER Writer, The Writers Panel & Dead Pilots Society KYLE KILLEN Writer, Creator KEVIN FALLS Writer, Creator, Executive Producer NOAH HAWLEY Writer, Creator, Director, Executive Producer DINA HILLIER Former VP of Comedy Development; Sony Pictures Television BRYAN SEABURY SVP of Drama Development, Broadcast & Cable Programming; CBS Television Studios JORDAN LEVIN SVP Chief Content Officer; NFL BETTY THOMAS Director, Actor, First Vice President of the Director’s Guild of America RICHARD LINKLATER Austin Film Society, Writer, Director LIZ TIGELAAR Writer, Creator, Executive Producer GLEN MAZZARA Executive Producer, Writer BEAU WILLIMON Writer, Creator, Executive Producer JULIE PLEC Writer, Creator, Executive Producer GRAHAM YOST Writer, Creator, Executive Producer DAVID HUDGINS Creator, Writer, Director, Executive Producer “THE THING ABOUT TELEVISION IS THAT YOU NEVER GET TO SEE THE AUDIENCE. AND I JUST WANT TO TELL YOU, IT IS GREAT TO FINALLY MEET YOU.” -AARON SORKIN WHO WE ARE Caitlin McFarland and Emily Gipson were in the film and television industries for over a decade before founding ATX Television Festival. Caitlin focused her time and energy working on the production side for directors Betty Thomas, Nora Ephron, and Mira Nair. She has worked on a number of pilots, series, and feature films. In addition, she has been involved on the festival and filmmaker sides of renowned festivals like Sundance, Tribeca, and Doha Tribeca. Emily spent her years in the industry working on the studio and network side for Twentieth Century Fox Film, TLC, Discovery Communications, and Fox TV Studios in marketing, finance, and business/legal. Both Caitlin and Emily are pop culture fanatics, avid travelers, and, of course, obsessed with TV. Leading ATX into its sixth season, the pair remains passionate about growing the festival to its full potential, while also keeping it an intimate and accessible place for fans and industry to come together. They have also launched into development (with No Mondays Productions) as an outlet to create the television content they are passionate about.
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