OCTOBER 15-16, 2016 - Los Alamos Artists Studio Tour
OCTOBER 15-16, 2016 - Los Alamos Artists Studio Tour
OC TO B E R 15 - 16, 2016 10:00am to 5:00pm Sat, 12:00pm to 5:00pm Sun Welcome... Join us for our 3rd Annual Artists’ Studio Tour! This free, selfguided tour will take you into studios for several of Los Alamos’ talented artists. Each stop offers something new and exciting. We look forward to seeing you at Fuller Lodge, where you can see a sample of each artist’s work, and out and about in town, as you discover each unique stop! About this Guide... Find your way around Los Alamos to each stop on the Tour... We have numbered the stops in an easy-to-navigate order, which will allow you to see as many as possible in an efficient, easy manner. Find out more about the artists... Read each artist’s information, learn more about their art, and see photos of their work. Find local restaurants, shops, and attractions... Take a break from the Tour to get lunch, or meet up with some friends for dinner when you are done. Don’t forget to visit the Museums and the Manhattan Project National Historical Park Visitor Contact Station, as well as our local shops! TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 4 - 5 Tour Map Pages 6 - 10 Artists’ Information Pages 11 - 13 2016 Sponsors 2 View our website for more details about our artists and their work, our supporters, our history, and other local events. LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM VISIT US ON FACEBOOK! Get information about participating artists, news about sponsorship opportunities, updates about the Tour, and more, right in your Facebook newsfeed! Support the Artists Studio Tour... The Los Alamos Artists Studio Tours is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations and support are greatly appreciated. You can donate any amount at any time online through our website. All donors will have their logo and/or name on our website and promotional materials. You can also purchase an ad in the 2017 brochure, which prints in August. Email INFO@LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM for details. Join us next year... Pages 14 - 16 Visit us online... Map of Downtown Los Alamos Restaurants/Shops/Attractions 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR If you live in Los Alamos or White Rock and want to join us in 2017, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for announcements, or email us at: INFO@LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM We will start taking registrations in February 2017. There are a variety of options if you can’t use your own studio, so don’t let that discourage you! LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 3 LOS ALAMOS 1. Welcome/Art Samples 2132 Central Ave. BETTINA HEHLEN Anteroom 2. KATE O’DONNELL JEN MOSS KATHI G. PARKER 1300 Bathtub Row 3. LESLIE BUCKLIN 148 Manhattan Loop TOWNSITE MAP 4. BARBARA YARNELL UNM-LA Ceramics PATRICK HARRIS UNM-LA Painting LIVY SNYDER 1300 Diamond Drive 5. HEATHER WARD AKKANA PECK 2380 Canyon Glen 6. BRUCE WARREN 2142 34th Street 7. VALENTINA DEVINE 1222 Big Rock Loop 8. DAVID TRUJILLO 1210 Los Pueblos 9. PAT SORAN 1490 Los Pueblos 10. RICHARD SWENSON 1835 Los Pueblos ARIZONA ASPEN B ND AS 38TH ANT ADO LOS P UEB UVA LA M CA RID ONSO SIOUX LA ME SA KRI STI 7 ALAM O BIG ROC K LO OP YON CAN E UC RO IRIS 6TH 2 1 HA TT AN 9TH BA TH TU B 3 EAST AIRPO RT EN TR AD A NM 502 DP NO MEZ ENTRA ST JE DA O PAJARIT 4 To WHITE ROCK 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR CA MI TRINITY KNECHT OP CENTRAL 9TH NH E ITY IM ER TRIN MYRTLE PE 39TH TRINITY MA N CANYON W ROSE 15TH CANYON 4TH D SPR DIAM ON 42ND 10 ORANGE SANDIA 9 ILDEF CAMINO REDONDO LO PUEB 4 SAN O IN Y GEWA RIDGEWAY 8 NORTH MESA PARK (STABLES) NORTH MESA VIL NORTH LOS TERRY T HAWK NU L WA 33RD RE MO CA SY DIAMOND EM AZ ON 45T H ENC H AN T ROAD INO 34T NORTH 47TH 6 URB FAIRW AY CAM SAN DIAMO VILLA UE ONS O GE NS ILDE F KA 35TH n Canyon Gle AR R AN TH 5 AM A NAV AJO CLU 45 LAND AB LOMA DEL ESCOLAR BARRANCA WOOD AL YUCCA A RENDIJ To WHITE ROCK LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 5 1 BETTINA HEHLEN PHOTOGRAPHY & JEWELRY 2 Jen began making jewelry as a teen and came to love the art of creating unique jewelry pieces with color, texture, style, and beauty. Lobelia came to life in 1992 and was originally sold at craft fairs and home sales. Since 1995, Lobelia jewelry has been sold at Fuller Lodge Art Center, and is now available at the Los Alamos Nature Center. The confluence of shape and color is the common theme for Bettina in her photography and jewelry and continually inspires her to develop new ideas. As a photographer she likes to bring images alive through designing beautiful art cards. Additionally, her exquisite jewelry creations are one-ofa-kind, always with a touch of glamour. 2 KATE O’DONNELL 3 LESLIE E. BUCKLIN 1300 Bathtub Row, Los Alamos QUAKING ASPEN FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY Kate’s love of art and gardening come together in her luminous oil paintings. Her still lifes, with dark backgrounds and focused light, find beauty in the simplest of floral images that invite contemplation. Her floral subjects come from her abundant and colorful garden, always changing, and reflecting the season. Kate’s work is represented in private collections and galleries in New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Oregon. Leslie finds joy in photographing where she has been and what she has seen, so she can share her experiences with everyone. Whether here at home in Northern New Mexico, or far away on an adventure, Leslie’s photography features a collection of favorite moments and experiences she has set aside just for you. OIL PAINTING KATHI GEOFFRION PARKER 148 Manhattan Loop, Los Alamos quakingaspenfineart@gmail.com www.quakingaspenfineart.com 4 BARBARA YARNELL UNM-LA - CERAMICS WATERCOLOR & SCRATCHBOARD 4000 University Drive, Building 5 Wallace Lecture Hall, Los Alamos yarnell@unm.edu Kathi loves to paint and draw, and while she is currently creating people paintings, she also creates flower and still paintings. Recently, she has added scratchboard art to her skills, renewing a fascination for black and white art. Art is a very important part of Kathi’s life, and she feels blessed to have the talent and means to create. The Ceramics class will exhibit a variety of functional and sculptural ceramic forms that showcase their ability at hand building, throwing, slip and glaze work. The art of reduction firing will be well represented with works in Raku. Also, unique aluminum sagar-fired and sawdust-fired works will be displayed. 1300 Bathtub Row, Los Alamos (505)672-1061 kathigeoffrionparker.com 6 LOBELIA 1300 Bath Tub Row, Los Alamos 505-662-5124 jenmoss53@gmail.com Fuller Lodge Anteroom 2132 Central Avenue, Los Alamos bettina@bettinahehlen.com www.bettinahehlen.com 2 JEN LONGMIRE MOSS 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 7 4 PATRICK HARRIS UNM-LA - PAINTINGS 5 Akkana Peck welds recycled metal junk into critters both real and imaginary. Students from the Drawing class will show large works in charcoal on paper: portraits and landscapes are featured. Artwork from the Painting class are all completely self-directed – each student imagines, designs and paints an original work in oil or acrylic. LIVY SNYDER PAINTER 6 4000 University Drive, Building 5 Wallace Lecture Hall, Los Alamos (505)695-6790 oliviaosnyder@gmail.com HEATHER WARD WILDLIFE ART 7 VALENTINA DEVINE FIBER ART 1222 Big Rock Loop, Los Alamos (505)662-1440 • (505)412-9694 rdevine2001@gmail.com Valentina has always knitted. Since the mid-eighties she has knitted beautiful, one-of-a-kind garments and wall hangings. She also sells a wide variety of yarns at her studio, and teaches a technique called “Creative Knitting”. She hopes to always be able to knit, and to continue inspiring many more knitters with her work. Heather has a particular affinity for scratchboard, where a drawing is created by using sharp or abrasive tools to remove the black ink layer from a white clay-coated board. The nature of scratchboard and the bold contrast are well-suited to her realistic animal subjects, and the addition of colored inks adds a new dimension to her work. 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR PHOTOGRAPHY Bruce Warren’s photography includes landscapes, travel, nudes and nature, in both color and black-and-white. While his style of photography belongs to the school of straight photography, all of his current print output is produced digitally. He has traveled and photographed extensively in Europe, Africa, the Far East and the United States. 2380 Canyon Glen, Los Alamos wildlifedrawings@gmail.com www.heatherwardwildlifeart.com 8 BRUCE WARREN 2142 34th Street, Los Alamos 505-670-5531 brucewarrenphotography.com Livy Snyder’s most recent work has turned to conceptual art in painting, sculpture, and photography. She enjoys the tactile stimulation of working with materials opposed to computer work. Although she does not currently identify with a certain art movement, she continues to grow to in understanding how abstract ideas are conveyed through the visual forms. 5 JUNK DNA 2380 Canyon Glen, Los Alamos (505)484-9893 akkana@JunkDNAArt.com 4000 University Drive, Building 5 Wallace Lecture Hall, Los Alamos patnbess@unm.edu 4 AKKANA PECK LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 9 8 DAVID ARTHUR TRUJILLO ART BY ATLOX 1210 Los Pueblos Street, Los Alamos 505-412-9050 David started Scrap Metal Art in 2009, with Mentor Richard Swensen, after retiring from Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2008, where he worked as a Structural, Gadget, and Weapon Engineer for 28 years This year is his sixth year with the Contemporary Hispanic Market in Santa Fe, where he won best Sculpture in 2014. 2016 marks his second year on the Los Alamos Studio Tour. 9 PATRICK SORAN WOOD ART 1490 Los Pueblos Street, Los Alamos (505)662-7068 • (505)412-0618 psoran1@gmail.com Pat creates one-of-a-kind wood pieces for art and furniture. He works with hardwoods like cherry, maple, mahogany, and walnut to create “flat furniture”, and uses the lathe and solid pieces or segments of wood to create “round furniture” and art pieces. He enjoys working with all the beautiful structures, grains, and organic beauty that wood can provide. 10 RICHARD SWENSON SCRAP METAL ART 1835 Los Pueblos Street, Los Alamos Los Alamos, NM 87544 (601)590-4484 rswenson34@gmail.com 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR SPONSORS: CB Fox Fuller Lodge Art Center Hayran Unlimited - Patrick Soran/Ann H. Hayes Heather Ward Wildlife Art Los Alamos Arts Council Los Alamos Daily Post Los Alamos MainStreet Quaking Aspen Fine Art by Leslie Bucklin Pet Pangaea Reel Deal Theater Roberta Cocking - LAMS Washington D.C. Trip TechSource The Finishing Touch University of New Mexico-Los Alamos USA Tae Kwon Do Valentina Devine, Yarn Creations Using scrap parts discarded by our “throw-away” culture, Swenson welds them together with ingenuity and reverence, with no interest in commercial gain or constraint by precedence of elite art. His creations are found throughout Los Alamos County and on mailboxes along Los Pueblos St., with the intent to bring joy and a smile to the viewers. 10 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 11 Fuller Lodge Art Center Nov 25th to Jan 7th Save the Date! HALLOWEEKEND Trick or Treat on MainStreet: Friday, October 28th Downtown Fun: Saturday, October 29th Los Alamos County Parks, Recreation & Open Space 505-662-8170 The Y and MCA 505-662-3100 1475 Central Avenue, Suite 250 Los Alamos, NM 87544 505.988.1726 www.techsource-inc.com COLLECTIVE WISDOM SHARED THROUGH COLLABORATION REEL DEAL THEATER We provide expert technical and management services 174 Central Park Square • 505-662-3388 • tftlosalamos.com Your Local Source for … 12 • Window Coverings • Paint • Flooring • Design 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 13 34T H 19. Origami RESTAURANTS 20. UnQuarked 1. Pajarito Brewpub 21. El Rigoberto’s 2. Smith’s Marketplace 22. Bathtub Row Brewery 3. Daniel’s Cafe/Mary’s Gelato 4. Pyramid Cafe NORTH MESA SHOPPING 5. China Palace NORT H MESA 23. CB Fox Department Store 6. Thailand Thai Cuisine 24. Fusion Multi-Sports 7. Blue Window Bistro 25. Pet Pangaea 8. Rose Chocolatier 26. Hilltop Spa 9. Pasta Paradiso 27. Fuller Lodge Art Center 10. Viola’s 28. The Friends Bookstore 11. Subway SAN 12. Timeout Pizza ILDEF ATTRACTIONS 13. China Moon ONSO 29. Manhattan Project NHP and 14. Home Run PizzaNO I Los Alamos Historical Museum & ShopLA 15. Chile Works M A ME 30. Bradbury Science Museum 16. El Parasol C 31. Los Alamos Visitor Center 17. Ruby K’s KRI O NDStarbucks STI CAMINO REDO18. 32. Mesa Public Library 33. Reel Deal Theater TERRY UVA UT HAWK LN WA 33RD VIL LA EWAY RIDG LO PUEB LOS ALAMOS DOWNTOWN DETAIL ORANGE YON CAN CE U SPR OP P 29 24 18 17 26 16 23 14 11 9 TRINITY 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR EAST 7 8 CENTRAL 56 4 3 10 15 14 IRIS 30 31 12 4TH 13 6TH 27 MYRTLE HA TT AN 9TH 19 MA N CANYON 9TH BA TH 20 EN 32 28 22 25 21 KNECHT IM ITY 33 HE INITY TRIN ER TU B RO W ROSE 15TH CANYON 1 DP 2 LOSALAMOSSTUDIOTOURS.COM 15 Los Alamos Artists’ Studio Tour is a 2016 LOS ALAMOS ARTISTS STUDIO TOUR event.