Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana
Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana
THE BRAND “SOLO DI PEZZATA ROSSA ITALIANA” (with Pezzata Rossa products only). An example for increasing economic value of dairy and beef productions achieved by Pezzata Rossa cattle Dr.Daniele Vicario farms in Italy. ANAPRI Director Why to create a brand “Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana”? protecting the productions achieved by Pezzata Rossa cattle making thight the link between Breed and Region, where Pezzata Rossa is the main breed (ex. Friuli-Venezia Giulia) Getting added economic value to dairy and beef products because their diversity and some positive properties appreciated by consumers not a fancy idea, but based on previous examples (in Italiy Valdostana breed – Fontina cheese) … and for increasing dairy farmers incomes 2014/06 2007 MILK PRICE IN ITALY HAS AFFECTED BY FLUCTATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL MILK MARKET, currently € 40 ($54) /100 KG Unfortunely costs had increased more than returns To deal with these up & down pattern, some and especially small, farms are tending toward DIRECT SALES by using also a brand like SOLODIPRI … similar situation for beef beef price of young bulls at about live weight of 680 kg, currently € 2,2 ($ 3,00)/ KG How did it born 2006: beginning with writing somehow a statute containing objectives and conditions, shared with some pioneers Pezzata Rossa farmers 2008; Brand Registration at OHIM in Alicante (ES) as brand name protected in EUROPE At starting, 4 Pezzata Rossa farms (pioneers) as brand users in FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA only Nowadays, there are 27 users Italy-wide located NOW 2014 : The official flyer – producers list (27 producers) High quality food products labelled by Pezzata Rossa Italiana cheese, ice-cream, meat 17 North 10 Middle-South Type of Products SOLODIPRI 25 22 (cheese) 20 15 10 5 0 1 (milk for ice.cream) 4 (beef) Rules for brand use – Milk producers • Milk must be produced in pure-breed Pezzata Rossa herds. Exceptions: – If there are less than 30% of recorded cows of other breeds, the producer may use the brand anyway at the condition that within 6 months, the herd must be 100% Pezzata Rossa Italiana – In case of cheese factories using milk of several producers, a milk separation by Pezzata Rossa producers must be guaranteed • Pezzata Rossa herds using the brand must be registered at • Type of cheeses must be declared in advance. In case of middle-long age seasoning cheeses, the milk must be crude milk (no high temperature treatments are allowed) • Labels for product identification are provided by ANAPRI • The producers must accept controls by these rules PDO products “SOLODIPRI”: Montasio cheese In 2011, an agreement between Montasio Producers Consortium and ANAPRI has been signed for the production of Montasio Solo di Pezzata Rossa Italiana. Producers must fullfill either rules of Montasio productios as those of SOLODIPRI brand . Up to now , 2 MONTASIO cheese factories are producing under the two brands simultaneously. Rules for brand use – Beef producers • Meat must be produced from pure-breed Pezzata Rossa cattle registered in Herd-book. Animal ID’s must be declared to ANAPRI at any time. • Slaughter-houses must be declared in advance and registered. • Age at slaughtering: – Males: 12 – 24 months – Females: up to 42 months (3,5 years) • Carcass EUROP classification : => R3 • Minimum maturing age after slaughter (temp. 0-4 C° at humidity > 85%): – Males: 15 days – Females: 20 days – Exception: carcass parts used for “minced meat” Why “SOLODIPRI” products are different? MILK optimal fat/protein content ratio -> high protein / middle level fat content Low SOMATIC CELL count level -> low need for medicaments against mastitis fatty acid profile with high content of UNSATURED F.A., in particular, one of most important for cancer prevention is CLA (Coniugated Linoleic Acid) Milk Coagulation properties (Renneting time, curd firmness) are highly favourable for cheese production, especially for those with middle-long ageing period. High content of Beta-Casein A2 (allele frequency 59%) Why “SOLODIPRI” products are different? BEEF low content of fat content in comparison with other breeds like Angus, Hereford, Holstein, Brown-swiss Fat composition feature -> as in milk, fatty acid profile with high content of UNSATURED F.A., in particular, one of most important for cancer prevention in humans is CLA (Coniugated Linoleic Acid) Very positive sensory perception of meat quality in comparison to other breeds Some scientific evidences – MILK 2 JDS papers by Padua University Data collected on 2.167 SIM cows in 2009 Allele frequency: 60% A2 Beta-casein, 35% B-k casein, 45% B-Beta-lactoglobulin MILCO project A new research project with UNI Padua on Pezzata Rossa Milk Project objectives 1. Developing MIR calibration equations for predicting milk nutritional features as well as technological features for cheese industry . 2. Implementing routinely calibration equation for measuring nutrition and technological quality of Pezzata Rossa cattle population by using spectra info available from dairy recording system. 3. Getting breeding values (genomic) for bulls by using predicted values from spectra infos. Moreover, providing routinely to cheese factories as well as single farms , predicted farm averages of some interesting nutritional (CLA) and technolgical (coagulation properties) contenuto assoluto e percentuale Absolute relative delle and diverse contentfrazioni of different milk and whey(caseine proteins proteiche e sieroproteine) Protein profile Absolute and relative fatty acids content Renneting time, curd firmness Mastitis indicator Fatty acid profile Coagulation properties % recovering of different components of milk curd Lactoferrin MILK QUALITY Recovery rates Cheese yield Mineral profile Absolute and relative content Fresh cheeseyield measured by microcoagulations DIPARTIMENTO DI First preliminary results: PREDICTION ABILITY OF BIOMEDICINA COMPARATA E CALIBRATION EQUATION – individual prediction ALIMENTAZIONE Trait R2CV Lactoferrin Ca P Mg K pH Renneting time Curd firmness A30 0.53 0.64 0.61 0.54 0.54 0.77 0.73 0.34 Trait Cheese yield % Humidity PG, % SS EE, % SS Recovery EE Recovery PG R2CV trait R2CV trait R2CV 0.73 SFA MUFA 0.87 Protein Casein 0.89 0.88 PUFA 0.73 C16:0 C18:0 C18:1n9 C18:2n6 ω3 ω6 CLA c9, t11 0.71 0.70 0.85 0.73 0.69 0.72 αS1-CN αS2-CN βγ-CN κ-CN Whey prot. α-LA β-LG 0.83 0.56 0.53 0.39 0.62 0.40 0.63 0.34 0.56 0.57 0.07 0.18 0.88 0.50 DIPARTIMENTO DI BIOMEDICINA COMPARATA E ALIMENTAZIONE MEAN FARM PREDICTING ABILITY: CLA-9,11 % observed % Herd 0.50 0.45 R² = 0.9287 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 predicted, % 2630203 2751017 2771983 2781075 2791352 9324310 9330201 9330832 9334427 9343951 9344007 9346949 9355547 9358372 9367637 Measured predicted 0.30 0.35 0.41 0.35 0.29 0.48 0.35 0.25 0.33 0.26 0.28 0.37 0.25 0.37 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.37 0.34 0.30 0.45 0.33 0.28 0.32 0.27 0.30 0.38 0.27 0.37 0.27 Some scientific evidences – BEEF some papers by Udine University Breed effect Precocity Fat deposition Muscle fibre types Breed genome expression Collagen quantity and solubility Proteolysis of myofibrillar protein (caspases, protease inhibitor…) Environment diet … Breed differences Fatty acids composition Breed Angus Charolaise SIM Hereford Lipid1 34.3a 24.2b 24.1b 33.9a SFA2 51.43ab 53.30a 48.87b 50.68bc MUFA2 38.53a 35.29b 39.67a 39.56a PUFA2 7.39 8.31 8.73 7.23 PUFAn62 5.99 7.32 7.65 6.09 PUFAn32 1.40a 0.99b 1.08b 1.14ab 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.14 4.23a 7.05b 6.97b 5.21c PUFA/SFA PUFAn6/n3 1g/kg 2g/100g Bureš et al. (2006) ongoing RESEARCH PROJECT ON BEEF: Near Infrared Technologies (NIR) for collecting data of new quality meat traits on Pezzata Rossa Italiana carcasses (prof.Piasentier – UNI Udine) Project aims • Carrying out methodologies for a quick quality assessment of carcasses via NIR measurements with possible application for genetic improvement purposes. Data collection slaughter house LAB 60 bulls NIR measurements At 24h muscle samples->lab + Live / carcass weight Marbling assessment, pH, colour , activity water, texture , FA composition, cholesterol, collagene. EUROP classification Near Infrared Reflectance spectroscopy On sternomandibolar muscle an easy accessible muscle and of little economic value on which the already seen meat parameters are measured . NIRs enables rapid, simple and simultaneous assessment of numerous meat chemical and quality properties. On Previois studies, Prediction ability changes over trait significantly. NIRFLEX N-500 Fiber optic probe for solids Azienda Agricola Zoff Giuseppe Cormons (Gorizia) Region FRIULI - COLLIO hills close to slovenian border FARM Report – medium size farm #heads 80 Lactations 34 Milk kg 6596 % fat 3,89 % protein 3,43 SCC 225 Avg.Lifespan (Lactations/cow) 5,54 80 % OF MILK PRODUCTION USED FOR CHEESE 1 to 6 months aged, «FOSSA» CHEESE, YOUGURT PRODUCTION - CHEESE DAIRY ON FARM CHEESE price range -> € 10 - 15 /kg MILK PRICE about €cent 90/liter Azienda Agricola Busa dei Sbrase Taibon Agordino (Belluno) DOLOMITES (Unesco Heritage) – Alps – region VENETO FARM Report – small size farm 100 % OF MILK PRODUCTION USED FOR CHEESE, YOUGURT PRODUCTION CHEESE DAIRY ON FARM #heads 22 Lactations 16 Milk kg 6597 % fat 3,90 % protein 3,40 Avg.Lifespan (Lactations/cow) 4,27 Azienda Agricola La Fattoria Pavia di Udine (Udine) Region FRIULI – flat area FARM report – large size farm #heads 134 Lactations 61 Milk kg 7869 % fat 4,05 % protein 3,56 SCC 152 Avg.Lifespan (Lactations/cow) 3,4 70% OF MILK PRODUCTION USED FOR CHEESE, MOZZARELLA PRODUCTION - local CHEESE FACTORY associated with other 6 milk producers The cheese dairy of LA FATTORIA Azienda Agricola Di Domenico Claudio Villetta Barrea (L’Aquila) Region ABRUZZO – mountain area in CENTRAL SOUTH ITALY FARM REPORT – small size farm 100% OF MILK PRODUCTION USED FOR #heads CACIOCAVALLO CHEESE, Lactations MOZZARELLA Milk kg PRODUCTION - CHEESE DAIRY ON FARM % fat 4,60 % protein 3,57 27 14 7089 Azienda Agricola F.lli Bianchini Talmassons (Udine) Dairy farm in FRIULI plain Farm report – large size farm #heads 182 Lactations 82 Milk kg 7622 % fat 3,93 % protein 3,41 SCC 210 Avg.Lifespan (Lactations/cow) 2,84 20% of milk production ( is delivered to an ICE CREAM crat ice-creamery. Milk price 0,80€ / Liter ANAPRI national STATION for PERFORMANCE-TEST FIUME VENETO – Region FRIULI 36 Ha of surface – 400 candidates bulls reared from 1 to 13 months DIRECT SALE of MEAT produced by not selected bulls - So far, about 30 bulls / year - Results 2013 • 26 bulls slaughtered for producing meat sold as direct sale (packages of about 10 kg) • average live weight 655 kg • carcass weight 359 kg (55%) • Net meat sold around 250 kg • Meat PRICE € 9,1 / KG -> return PER BULL € 2.300 • Over Costs per animal -> € 450 • revenue per kg LW -> € 2,80 • Current price € 2,1/kg LW • NET GAIN +30% Moreover, since 2 years a very famous restaurant in Venice is offering in the menù PEZZATA ROSSA beef SOME CONCLUSIONS • After 6 years, successful result by increasing the numbers of producers from 4 to 27 • • • • Recentely, we got contacts from milk industry (two big cooperatives in North-east Italy) for using this brand -> further validation with possible wider extension Economic benefit for farms, especially by direct selling products Benefits for breed promoting -> consumers community knows PEZZATA ROSSA better than before The brand stimulates research community to investigate on new traits related to nutritional aspects and possible benefits for human health • Implement new tools for provinding to farmers new data on their products (CLA) or technological infos (beef tenderness) … FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK last week, 401 contacts «I like it»