celebrating 15 years of sas
celebrating 15 years of sas
PIPE LINE NOT JUST SURFERS * NOT JUST SEWAGE * THE NEWSLETTER OF SAS * It’s Judgement Day for Green Courts * 2005 SAS Ball to be Crystal * SAS Education Projects with O’Neill and Quiksilver take off ISSUE 60 * MAY 2005 CELEBRATING 15 YEARS OF SAS WHO’S WHO AT SAS? Campaign Director (full time) Richard Hardy (richard@sas.org.uk) ■ Campaign Assistant (full time) Andy Cummins (andy@sas.org.uk) ■ Campaign Researcher (full time) Andrew Knights (andrewknights@sas.org.uk) ■ Office Manager (full time) Wendy Nicolson (wendy@sas.org.uk) ■ Finance Manager (part time) Vincent McDermott (vincent@sas.org.uk) ■ Events & Sponsorship (part time) Michelle England (michelle@sas.org.uk) ■ Merchandise Manager (part time) Kate Wilde (kate@sas.org.uk) ■ Merchandise Assistant (part time) Heidi Peasley (sales@sas.org.uk) ■ Sales/Admin assistant (full time) Claire Bentley (sales@sas.org.uk) ■ Everyone can be contacted on 0845 4583001 ■ WHO DOES WHAT FOR PIPELINE Editor: Richard Hardy ■ Surfers Against Sewage, Wheal Kitty Workshops, St. Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0RD ■ Hotline: 0845 458 3001 ■ Fax: 01872 552 615 ■ Internet: www.sas.org.uk ■ Email: info@sas.org.uk ■ Graphic Design: Greig Stevens info@greigstevens.com ■ Photographers: Andy Cummins, Richard Hardy, Mike Greenslade, Richard Gregory, Ester Spears ■ Printing: Brewers of Helston 01326 558000 ■ Pipeline sponsored by The Cornwall Paper Company 01209 212294 ■ Printed on 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper using vegetable based inks PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.02/03 HOW TO FIND US... editorial WOW! 15 years of SAS! It seems like it was only yesterday I first saw the images of gas masked surfers take their sand-coated booties off the beach and into the corridors of power to challenge the law makers, the water industry and the tourist bodies to get behind a campaign to stop pumping untreated shit into the sea! Whilst a lot has changed in those 15 years, mostly through campaign success and making the water cleaner, little has changed in the style of campaigning we use to secure even more improvements to the water we use for pleasure. We still use the same local grassroots based campaigning tactics (with a splash of humour) but the stage is bigger, we still use the trademark gas masked surfer image but with new props and on new issues of concern to water users, we still build all our campaigns on the back of sustainable science based solutions and we still only ask you to give us your support once a year through your membership (no gimmicky appeals that mainstream NGO’s tend to overuse to The original SAS office...a little overgrown but still lived in and given an SSSI (Site of Special Surfer Interest) preservation orde r from us! provide them with additional income!). Sadly we still have much to do as we learn more about harmful chemicals, more about the impacts of climate change, more about radioactive discharge, more about hazardous shipping and more about litter - all of which have the potential to wreck a perfect session. Anyway thanks for your own contribution over the 15 years and check out what the ex campaign director’s have to say in a trip down memory lane on pages 13 and 16. RICH HARDY SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING CAMPAIGN REPORT and he says that during these court cases Southern Water say quite candidly to the magistrate that they have always succeeded in getting a reduction on appeal. It is often unclear as to why the fines have been reduced other than the perception of judges in being able to fit a true cost to the fine. This is primarily because they don’t know how much to fine in relation to the crimes they normally deal with. A new legal framework to ensure repeat environmental offenders ‘improve their environmental performance rather than their fine reductions’ is desperately needed. ‘Green’ or Environmental Courts would be a great addition to the UK legal system and are already operating successfully within the EU. CAMPAIGN ACTION: There is talk of an ‘Environmental Justice Bill that may take some of this into account but to help us secure the ‘Green Judges’ we’d like, please complete and post the enclosed campaign action postcard to the Environment Minister Elliot Morley as soon as you receive this edition of Pipeline. Thanks! RH Media Coverage: Western Morning News, West Briton, The Packet, BBC Radio Cornwall, The Surfers Path. ‘GREEN’ JUDGES LAUNCH CAMPAIGN TO KICKSTART ENVIRONMENTAL COURTS In February we launched a campaign that called for Environmental Courts to be used across the UK to deal more effectively with environmental crimes. A group of ‘green judges’ from SAS wearing green robes, green face paint and armed with gavels, prepared to put a true price on the cost of pollution, kick-starting the campaign outside Camborne Magistrates Court in Cornwall. Local water company South West Water were due in the Magistrates Court to face charges relating to a breach of their discharge consent for Tregaseal (St Just) Sewage Treatment Works. It was their first prosecution of the year. SAS would like to see the UK adopt a system similar to one already in practice in Sweden where Regional Environmental Courts put legally qualified judges together with environmental advisors to adjudicate over cases. New Zealand also runs a similar court network to ensure environmental crimes are accounted for properly. The current system at home is failing, with penalties far too low to act as a deterrent for big business environmental offenders, particularly those who are branded repeat offenders such as water companies. Compounded by a lack of experience by magistrates and judges in quantifying environmental offences many water companies have now taken to appealing against their original fines with great success. Last year, South West Water obtained the largest reduction, after it was fined £15,000 for polluting the sea at the North Cliffs. The incident followed a problem with the Kieve Mills sewage treatment works, which had left a plume of sewage solids visible from the coast path. After appeal the fine was reduced to just £3000. Indeed recent appeals by the water industry have seen an average reduction in the fine on appeal, of £5800. Successful appeals such as these are setting precedents, which are likely to limit the size of fines in future. Also the appeals rarely receive the media coverage PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.04/05 Celebrity support from ‘The Hulk’ generated from the original prosecution and so such actions by water companies go unreported and therefore unnoticed by the general public. By the end of 2004 South West Water had been in the dock 13 times (3 offences more than in 2003) for pollution offences. It’s a statistic that is mirrored across the water industry with an overall increase of 26%. The average fine was a meagre £4640 for South West Water. Thames Water’s Managing Director John Sexton recently agreed that the £70,000 they were fined in 2003 for pollution incidents was “not a deterrent” given his company’s £1 billion turnover. This was obviously true as fines for Thames Water soared to £132,500 in 2004. An Environment Agency spokesman has also recently expressed his concern on the issue in relation to Southern Water. He has faced 8 appeals from the company since 1990 WATER COMPANY PROSECUTION LEAGUE COMPANY OFFENCES OFFENCES FINES £ FINES £ LEGAL COSTS £ LEGAL COSTS £ 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 1 Southern 2 Scottish 3 South West 4 United Utilities 5 Welsh 6 Thames 7 Yorkshire 8 Anglian 9 Wessex 10 Northumbrian 11 Severn Trent 14 13 13 12 10 9 8 3 3 1 1 10 14 10 9 6 6 0 3 3 6 2 90,500 50,000 60,400 56,200 9,250 132,500 33,900 50,905 14,000 2,000 5,000 73,200 40,000 41,000 48,500 16,250 60,000 0 47,500 15,000 25,500 5,000 19,023 0 13,200 9,029 4,863 42,013 10,243 10,348 3,655 846 2,000 16,248 0 6,113 9,471 5,636 18,004 7,176 0 3,102 3,573 4,236 TOTAL 87 69 504,655 371,950 115,220 73,559 SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING CAMPAIGN REPORT BRIGHTON ACTION TARGETS COUNCIL LEADERS TO WIN SUPPORT FOR FULL SEWAGE TREATMENT Campaigners from SAS joined local activists in Brighton during March to urge Council leaders to get behind a policy of treating sewage properly before it’s discharged to sea off Brighton Armed with banners and a bathtub of nasty looking secondary level treated sewage water, a group of SAS campaigners arrived outside the offices of Brighton and Hove City Council before moving on to East Sussex County Council in Lewes. The bath tub was there to show what Brighton’s bathing water will be like if Southern Water’s £200 million proposal for a ‘middle of the road’ sewage treatment plant for Brighton is granted - not particularly clean and not particularly safe. We were there to get the local councils’ stance ‘on the record’ as to whether they were prepared to support full treatment or not. Our challenge to Council leaders was simple - would you be prepared to bathe in this?! East Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove City Council are the two planning authorities responsible for determining the principal elements of the Peacehaven sited planning application, which was submitted in late March by Southern Water. SAS believes they should only support a planning application that includes full sewage treatment from the start. The current proposal allows for sewage from Brighton’s PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.06/07 250,000 residents to be treated to only secondary level that’s effluent containing up to 100,000 faecal coliforms/100ml and so plenty of opportunity for nasty bugs and viruses to latch on to the unwary surfer, kitesurfer or swimmer. SAS has spent many years persuading both local authorities, Government and water companies to invest in treating sewage to a tertiary (full) level which can reduce the bacterial loading to just 35 faecal coliforms/100ml and gives greater confidence to the recreational water user or day tripper that the water is clean and safe. By choosing not to invest in full sewage treatment it will allow traditional seaside resorts like Newquay, Scarborough, Weymouth, Swanage, Poole and Weston-super-Mare, who treat sewage properly before discharge to sea, to be more attractive resorts to visit for holidaymakers, day-trippers and water users in the future. Not only is the level of sewage treatment to fall short of current expectations but also Southern Water’s proposal is likely to cost the region dearly as it wastes water rather than reuses it. At a time when the region already suffers water shortages and with more uncertainty over the availability of water from climate change predictions, a fully treated sewage plant would allow for treated effluent to be reused and would help offset this. Whilst the issue of ‘treatment level’ is not deemed a material planning concern it is should be of very great concern for Brighton’s council leaders, residents, water users, businesses, hoteliers and tourist officials as Brighton’s reputation as a hip, alternative, environmentally conscious, right on, tourist friendly city could soon be eclipsed by less hip resorts that view clean and safe water as the foundation from which they are building a healthy, clean and sustainable environment upon. SAS estimate that the addition of UV to the Brighton £200 million pound proposal would add just £4 million to the overall cost of the project - but deliver so much more in benefits to water users. Perhaps not unsurprisingly Council leaders failed to take part in the bathtub plunge. However we were delighted that Brighton and Hove City Council have ‘gone on the record’ and openly confirmed their support for our call for full sewage treatment when local councillor Steve Burgess confirmed their policy with us at the action outside Brighton Town Hall. However we are still none the wiser over East Sussex’s policy as they refused to send anyone out to see us. Pulling the plug on the day’s action we were forced to pour the secondary level treated sewage water over the council office’s front steps in Lewes. Of course if the water had been fully treated we would have been able to reuse it! RH Media Coverage: BBC TV South, Meridian TV News, BBC Radio Southern Counties, Southern FM, The Argus. Watch out for more SAS actions in and around Brighton in coming weeks. Check our website for the latest information... www.sas.org.uk. SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN REPORT WATER COMPANIES PLANS FOR 2005 - 2010 In Pipeline 59 we were chuffed to be able to tell you that our campaigning has helped to secure more sewage and wastewater improvements over the next 5 years. In all, 1000 sewage treatment works and 2000 unsatisfactory storm sewer overflows will be improved upon. Here’s a brief summary of some of the improvements you’ll be seeing in your area... SOUTH WEST WATER SAS WELCOME SUPPORT FROM SURFRIDER EUROPE TO CHANGE BATHING WATER LAWS PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.08/09 Parliament in Strasbourg, France. We are also seeking high-level meetings with the Directive’s rapporteur and Environment Committee President. As we mentioned we have our work cut out following a disappointing response from individual Governments particularly in broadening the scope of the Directive to include a recognition of recreational water users. SAS and Surfrider have in the past few weeks submitted a series of amendments that would allow for a meaningful recognition of recreational waters to be maintained in the Parliament’s opinion. We have received valuable support with this from Green MEP’s Caroline Lucas (UK) and Marie Isler Beguin (France). It is vital these amendments are carried forward to the full Parliament vote expected in May. Depending on the result of this vote we will be in a better position to see whether a compromise between Europe’s Parliament and its Governments will be forthcoming. RH WESSEX WATER Swanage STW and Wootton Bassett STW - investigate removal of endocrine disruptors - part of a national research programme. ■ Weaston Black Rock SPS Investigate impact of discharge on bathing water (Weston-Super-Mare) - Bathing water directive. ■ Improvements to at least 23 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges ■ Top: SAS and Surfrider meet to plan campaign actions. Above: SAS outside the European Parliament in October 2003. PHOTO: ESTPIX.COM SAS are pleased to report that our Bathing Water Directive campaign has received a welcome boost from our campaigning friends at Surfrider Foundation Europe. Surfrider have been working hard over the last year on collecting signatures for a European Parliament petition to help radically modernise the 29-year-old legislation. They are well on their way to collecting 10,000 signatures! We recently met with the Surfrider crew and are currently working on a plan of action to ensure we maintain the same level of support from the European Parliament that we achieved in October 2003, when they meet to vote a second time on the outdated Directive. Our plans include a lobby of the Parliament’s Environment Committee in Brussels and a demo before the full 40 sewage treatment works will be updated to protect receiving waters and investigations will be carried out on 41 sewage works and at 31 other locations to check the impact of treated wastewater on the environment. ■ 49 sewer overflows to be improved to minimise operation in wet weather. Improvements will ensure recreational water areas in and around St Agnes, Porthtowan, Croyde, Par/St Austell, Seaton, Tintagel, St Ives, Falmouth, Fowey, Liskeard, Padstow, Bude, Dartmouth and Woolacombe will become cleaner and safer to use. ■ (increasing sewer capacity/storage and/or screening). Improvements to 200 wastewater works including Garnswllt in Swansea. ■ Improvements to 446 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges. of possible solutions for the removal of endocrine disruptor chemicals from sewage effluents. ■ Carry out additional monitoring at 2 sites to determine the extent of the removal of endocrine disruptor chemicals during wastewater treatment. SOUTHERN WATER ANGLIAN WATER WELSH WATER ■ Improvements to 56 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges. ■ Several bathing water investigations (unspecified). ■ Complete schemes that have been delayed (e.g Brighton and Hove). ■ THAMES WATER Improve the overflows from 4 wastewater treatment works and 25 CSOs. This includes improvements to the major works that discharge storm overflows into the Thames Tideway. Investigate long-term solutions for dealing with storm discharges into the Thames Tideway and install additional short-term improvement measures. Install additional treatment at 1 site to investigate the cost effectiveness ■ Improvements to 33 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges. ■ UNITED UTILITIES Improvements to 143 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges. ■ NORTHUMBRIAN WATER Improvements to nearly 500 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges, including a major scheme for Redcar. ■ YORKSHIRE WATER Improvements to 620 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges. ■ Investigate treatment methods for reducing endocrine disrupting substances in sewage. AK/RH ■ SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN REPORT GUERNSEY - WISH YOU WERE CLEAR! New Campaign Launched! Visit Guernsey (the official tourist body that promotes the island) has recently launched a massive advertising campaign showcasing the island as ‘The Island Of Choice’. SAS would agree that it is an ‘Island of Choice’ for scenic countryside, beautiful marinas and great food but would you really choose it for recreational water sport right now? It wouldn’t be our choice when Guernsey is still pumping and dumping more than 65,000 people’s raw sewage into the sea each day! We can’t help thinking this promotion comes on the back of our high profile campaigning on the island in recent months and to put this in perspective we are asking you, our fantastic supporters, for more help. Our ‘Wish You Were Clear’ campaign starts with a campaign postcard enclosed with this issue of Pipeline. It asks you to boycott visiting the island until a full sewage treatment policy is in place. We would like you to send this to Visit Guernsey. In taking part in this tourist boycott we ask that you choose to holiday elsewhere until they treat their sewage safely and responsibly. May we recommend Jersey - with it’s full sewage treatment programme providing clean and safe water it is a haven for tourists and watersports enthusiasts! The States of Guernsey’s report on the island’s sewerage infrastructure was promised for the beginning of the year. It now looks like the report, which is still to be finished, will not be published until the beginning of summer, well into the 2005 bathing season. This campaign should keep up the pressure on Government officials to do the right thing! We will not be satisfied unless the States of Guernsey recommend full treatment for the island’s sewage. AC/RH CHEMICALS REPORT TO DOMINATE 2005 BATHING SEASON The Clean Water Initiative (SAS’s Educational Trust) will officially launch the recently completed ‘Barriers To Green Buying: Household Chemicals’ report at the start of the UK 2005 Bathing Season as a reminder to the public that many chemicals in everyday household cleaning products are accumulating in rivers, lakes and seas via our toilets and sinks and creating carnage with their fragile ecosystems as well as potentially threatening human health. The report was funded following SAS’s popularity with Co-operative Bank customers looking to challenge the widespread use of chemicals, many harmful, in everyday household products. SAS will throughout the summer challenge consumers over their purchase of such products, inform them of the environmental and human impacts of using such products and challenge them to use cleaner, greener, safer products PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.10/11 REACTOR FUEL PARTICLE FOUND ON SCOTTISH SURF BEACH: THE CATALYST TO EMBRACE CLEANER, SAFER, ENERGY? that don’t end up bio-accumulating in the water causing gender-bending as they cannot at present be treated properly at sewage treatment works. RH ACTION: Support our campaign by getting hold of our 2005 ‘Intoxicated’ Campaign T-shirt or Seventenths/SAS chemical based collaboration T-shirt (both shown on Page 22) We are becoming increasingly worried over the safety of using beaches for recreational watersport in the surrounding area of the Dounreay nuclear reprocessing plant following the find of a radioactive particle on Dunnet beach in March. Initial findings suggest the particle is a fragment of reactor fuel and is comparable to some of the low level finds at Sandside Bay, which sits across the bay from Dounreay. The Dunnet beach finding is the first to have occurred outside those at Sandside Bay. Not unlike Sandside Bay, Dunnet Beach is a popular surfing beach and there are others between the two that are well used for recreational water sport, such as the Thurso breaks. Whilst SAS support the notion that there is at present only a small risk that a member of the public may come into contact with such a fragment, the find does suggest more particles could be present on a range of local beaches. SAS is waiting with interest to see the results of a SEPA commissioned study into the health effects of contamination from particles due to be completed later this year. We are also keen to see more evidence that quantifies the degree of particle contamination on the seabed, which may be of greater benefit and provide better information to recreational water users that regularly use the water for sport. The finding at Dunnet Beach is another reason why SAS believe our energy needs should in future be met by clean and safe alternatives. Scotland is blessed with a natural wave resource that if harnessed could generate both renewable energy and job opportunities. At a time when the Government is beginning to limit revenue support for this clean, fledgling industry, SAS believes it should be given greater opportunities to develop in order to reduce the health threats posed by the nuclear power industry. RH SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING EDUCATION SAS AND O’NEILL NAME WINNING SCHOOLS AFTER WE RECEIVE FANTASTIC PROJECTS! The SAS and O’Neill ‘Marine Environment Project’ packs were sent out to over 1600 primary schools at the end of last year. Since then schools registering to take part have been working away on some of the most creative water awareness raising projects SAS have ever seen! From the projects we received there is no doubt that the Year 6 kids (9 years old) taking part have had a fun, stimulating, interactive and interesting experience. All schools entering had to produce a project that showed SAS and O’Neill that they have understood, worked through and found solutions to deal with some of the problems that face our water environment today. The winning schools will now join us for a fabulous day out with SAS and O’Neill in our 18th - 22nd July activities week. PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.12/13 The Orca Seafari’s RIB we’ll be using in July Each school class will cruise the Cornish coast in a 35ft boat searching for dolphins and whales. They will also explore the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth and take part in fun SAS interactive workshops. It was deliberate that we left the criteria quite loose as we wanted to see how the kids would perceive the problems. We were not disappointed with the results. Projects flew in that were just fantastic and the scope of the kid’s imaginations never ceased to amaze us. Huge posters, murals, marine litter monsters and creatures from the deep were all great. Raps, sea songs and plays were all recorded and sent in. Loads of beach cleans were undertaken with a very impressive level of litter analysis completed. All the projects had one thing in common, the kids had really understood some of the problems facing our marine environment. It was incredibly hard to pick a winner. We had to lock ourselves away for a couple of days and scrutinise every last project. Eventually the following schools were chosen as winners: ● Cubert School, Cornwall ● Devoran School, Cornwall ● Laira Green School, Devon ● Trevithick School, Cornwall ● Penzance Junior School, Cornwall AC ANIVERSARY SPECIAL To celebrate 15 years of campaigning we’ve asked SAS’s previous campaign directors to have their say on the SAS story to date! We’re eternally grateful for what they’ve helped SAS achieve and are stoked to have their ongoing support, help and advice as we move into our 16th year! THE FIRST 10 YEARS 1990 - 2000 BY CHRIS HINES May 1990 - a handful of local surfers from Porthtowan and St.Agnes took a decision to do something. One more day of surfing in polluted seas, one more panty liner in the face had got us fired up. We’d phoned the council, the National Rivers Authority (now the Environment Agency) and the newly privatised water company. What were they going to do? Their answer: “Nothing, the beaches meet the standards required...” Stuff that, something needed to be done; we needed to take the beaches to Brussels, the reality to the decision makers. But how? We were just a bunch of surfers with no political experience, no campaigning pedigree, we weren’t career environmentalists acting from an intellectual position, we were just surfers with a powerful sense of righteous outrage. We knew no bounds, we had no fear. We were committed from take off! Once we stood up, thousands of others joined, this wasn’t just a local problem it was nationwide. Every day that SAS existed (and continues to) was a day that most people said we wouldn’t. We had nothing to lose! These were in many ways our strengths - we wouldn’t take no for an answer. We knew the problems first hand and we searched hard for the solutions, found them and duck-dived the Jersey UV treated outfall to prove the point. With a reputation of being media whores we would go anywhere anytime to crank up the profile of the issue. From Panorama to BBC World Service, we did them all! When Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water and Wessex Water changed to full treatment policies we supported them opening works. It was SAS’ name on the brass plaques. It was focused, fun, with an incredible energy. Against all odds we went from 400 million gallons of crude sewage a day to a House of Commons Select Committee report that concluded that: “All sewage should be treated to tertiary level at all times and in all places...”, to an agreement by Government that all discharges receive at least secondary treatment and tertiary for 14 million. It kicked! And to everyone who ever supported SAS or continues to do so, remember what we have all achieved and be proud. This wave’s for you! ...continued on Page 16. SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ANIVERSARY SPECIAL Congratulations to all at SAS www.purebluewater.com Congratulations on a fantastic 15 years from all the crew at Kangaroo Poo! www.kangaroopoo.com CONGRATULATIONS from Mike Claire Textiles RASH VESTS 01566 784800 PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.14/15 Adventureline Adventureline Walking Holidays are proud to have been associated with Surfers Against Sewage since 1990 who, with a thoroughly dedicated team, have really made a huge difference to the environment for all of us. Keep on keeping on... and many congratulations on becoming 15 years old! - Martin Hunt Web: www.adventureline.co.uk Email: holidays@adventureline.co.uk SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING EDUCATION THE SAS/QUIKSILVER ECO GROM TOUR 2005 IS BACK ON THE ROAD ANIVERSARY SPECIAL NOW WE ARE 15! BY VICKY ROGERS (NEE GARNER) When SAS was only just out of nappies (re-useable ones) the organisation had already taken on the mighty giants of the water industry, it had put sewage pollution on the political agenda and it had found solutions to problems that key decision makers didn’t even know about (until the organisation was born!) By the time the organisation was 5, it was experienced in lobbying, demo-ing, campaigning, legal actions, researching, solution finding, fundraising and debating. And the original problem that had caused it to start was well underway to being solved. Key campaign moment and possibly the highlight of SAS’s life so far, aged 8 SAS’s targeted pressure reaped dividends - full treatment for dozens of PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.16/17 sewage discharges across the whole of the UK, an environmental improvement programme of phenomenal proportions (Chris’s whoops to be heard by everyone within a 3 mile radius of the office). Aged 11 and when most are just starting to contemplate their move up to big school, SAS was influencing the development of crucial European legislation, had begun to use its respected position as one of the country’s leading pressure groups to tackle some of its other original objectives (as well as a couple more to boot) and continued to maintain its solution based focus, even as it’s remit grew. 13 years old and SAS’s education programme had grown, schools tours, university lectures, educational materials, environmental awareness campaigns all successfully and continuously delivered. Its research capacity had expanded. Its part in the wider water debate was continuing to grow, with campaigns as diverse as chemicals, renewable energy and shipping all underway. And now SAS is 15: with the first ever 3 strong campaigns team. A merchandising department which is well on its way to being 100% organic. A reputation that means SAS can move into new debates and be taken seriously. An annual fundraiser that plays a big part in raising campaigning funds and still tops any other event in the South West and beyond. A hoard of supporters. And sadly for the environment, a wealth of issues to campaign on. Not bad going for a teenager! For the 6th Year, the SAS crew will be joined on the road by the Quiksilver Pro riders in delivering environmental beach education to the masses. The team will be travelling executive style in the new Quiksilver bus in delivering Eco Grom Tour education to 6 new beaches and a load of new groms!! So if you didn’t get to go last year, make sure you get along this year! Once again the tour will bring the classroom onto the beach, teaching groms (aged 10 - 14) about the environmental dangers that face them and their waves everyday. The SAS and Quiksilver team will be showing the groms what the problems are that threaten their beaches and waves, why these issues are problems and whom they affect. But most importantly the team will be showing groms what to do when faced with pollution incidents at their beach. The idea behind the Eco Tour is to show groms that they can help to keep their waves clean and green. By taking part the groms will be made beach guardians and awarded SAS Beach Guardian certificates. Quiksilver will also be donating ‘goodie’ bags for the beach guardians, as their way of saying thanks. As well as all this, the groms will get the chance to surf with the Quiksilver team. A fun tag team surf event will be held with Quiksilver team riders each captaining a team of groms. Riders confirmed for this tour include Gary Elkerton, Gabe Davies, Nathan Philips, Sarah Bentley and Tom Butler. Each team will surf against each other and the team captains will be on hand to talk tactics and try and scupper the other teams. It will be great fun and if it goes flat then the Quiksilver team will be showing the groms how they keep surf fit with some team challenges. The tour will stop off at: 29th May: St Ives (Porthmeor) 30th May: Croyde 31st May: Brighton - SAS CAMPAIGN ACTION ONLY 1st June: Guernsey (Vazon Beach) 2nd June: Llangennith 4th June: Bundoran (Official Quiksilver Grommet Contest) There will only be 30 places at each venue so make sure you apply to SAS as soon as you can to avoid disappointment. Deadline for registration is May 23rd. You can register direct with SAS by calling us on Tel: 0845 4583001 or you can pick up a registration form in local surf shops for the above towns and return it to us. The SAS Quiksilver Eco Groms Tour will finish at Bundoran where Quiksilver will then hold one of their Grommet Series contests at Bundoran. AC SAS HELP OUT AT THE ROXY JAM The Roxy Jam will be held from the 21st of May until the 27th. There will be the best women surfers on the planet surfing at Perranporth beach on the World Circuit Tour (WCT). As well as the surfing there will be loads to do on the beach. SAS will be there on the 26th to help out the Quiksilver Initiative with the environment day. See you on the beach! SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING SCIENCE EDUCATION EDUCATION AND SURF’S UP IN EXETER SAS spent a day with over 150 kids plus their accompanying adults to deliver a fun education workshop to coincide with the arrival of an exciting new surfing exhibition touring the South West. Arriving early to set up at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum we were soon deluged by youngsters wanting to get involved with our family activity day. The day was spent with youngsters drawing, cutting out and sticking a range of marine wildlife onto our wall based art friezes that represented scenes from ‘under the sea’ or ‘over the sea’ to highlight everything good about our environment. Alternatively they could choose to draw around the items of beach litter we collected (in advance) and then stick their work onto the inflatable toxic drum to show everything bad about the environment in their eyes. The day was exhausting but hugely valuable for SAS as we place a great deal of importance on education with our work. THE FUTURE OF SEWAGE TREATMENT We also had a chance to check out the ‘Surf’s Up’ touring exhibition, which documents surfing history, as we know it in the UK. It’s a great exhibition and there’s a section on SAS too, so look out for that as well. Surf’s Up runs throughout the summer moving on to venues in Falmouth, Bristol, North Devon and Bournemouth. For more information check out www.surfsupexhibition.co.uk Thanks to Sovay Berriman for her help! RH LITTER BY LITTER YOUNGSTERS CLEAN UP THEIR BEACH Together with SAS campaigners the kids collected bags and bags of waste. In addition to removing the waste the kids listed attentively to us explain what the issues were and how they became so dirty. We sowed a few campaigning seeds with them that day and feel sure the kids will go away and tell others about the problems pollution causes to the environment. Fifteen members of the Trelya Youth Project rocked up on a windy February morning to take on the thousands of washed up litter items that were laying waste the beach. Together with SAS campaigners bags of waste were removed in the clean - but PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.18/19 the youngsters were keen to learn more about campaigning to stop the problem in the first place as they got to grips with the size of the problem and a few ‘campaign seeds’ were sown that day. SAS can provide speakers for schools, colleges and youth groups in the local area, but hope to be able to provide more speakers across other parts of the UK in 2006. If you’re interested in having an education day with SAS then contact andy@sas.org.uk for more details. Please give us plenty of notice! RH Back in the early 90s, less energy was being used in the treatment of our sewage, most being simply pumped raw or partially treated out to sea. Fifteen years on, higher levels of treatment are much more common throughout the UK. While this has resulted in huge benefits for water users and the marine environment, it has come at the cost of increasing the amount of energy needed to process a given volume of wastewater. The majority of this extra energy is used at the secondary treatment stage. UV disinfection also has an energy demand but this only results in around a 5% increase on top of what is required for primary and secondary treatment alone. With the threat of climate change looming over us, energy efficiency is urgently needed in all aspects of how we live to reduce the amount of CO2 that is pumped into the atmosphere. So what does this mean for the energy intensive sewage treatment industry? Essentially what is required over the next few decades is to decrease the energy required to treat sewage whilst maintaining the high quality effluent needed to protect water users. With more energy-efficient technology and management techniques becoming available, actions like replacing old inefficient pumps will reduce the overall energy requirement of an existing sewage system. As pumping water from location to location requires lots of energy, the industry needs to move away from huge mass transfer systems, instead moving towards smaller, local treatment works, where possible. Advancements in compact technologies using membrane filtration means that it is possible to treat sewage to a very high level (equivalent to UV or better) from a small population without pumping it to a larger sewage works. Yet despite industry popularity very few membrane filtration plants are in operation at a time when smaller communities are crying out for such technology! A puzzle SAS is still trying to unravel. As well as reducing the energy it takes to treat a volume of water, energy can be saved by reducing the amount of water that goes for treatment. At present, most water that ends up down the drain goes to the treatment works. This means a large amount of rainwater gets treated in a similar manner to what goes down your toilet. By introducing sustainable drainage that reduces the volume of water that enters the drains, or by building separate drainage and sewage systems for new developments, less water will end up at the sewage works meaning less that has to be treated. This could allow smaller, more efficient treatment works to be built which wouldn’t have to cope with the capacity of large storm events. This would also have the additional benefit of reducing the chances of sewage works overflowing when it rains, a problem that has becoming increasingly evident over the last few years. With climate change looming as a significant threat to the water industry SAS will be challenging the regulators, industry and government to truly face up to these threats to protect recreational waters and to ensure more sustainable methods of sewage treatment are employed. AK STILL TIME TO GET YOUR HANDS ON A KURT JACKSON PAINTING There’s still time to get your hands on a Kurt Jackson painting currently on show at Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum. The two 12” x 12” mixed media pieces are being donated for SAS through a sealed bid ongoing auction. The work is titled: North easterlies, hail, rain, sleet, snow, sun, high tide. Cape Feb 2004 and Bright morning sunshine and a huge sea, sitting at the low water mark, the rocks I am on will be an island in an hour. May 2002 For more information please contact SAS or the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Queen Street, Exeter Tel: 01392 665858. SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING EVENTS EVENTS SPRINGLOADED II SAS 15TH ANNIVERSARY SUMMER BALL The headliners at this year’s Springloaded music event at the Hall for Cornwall in Truro have been announced. Echo & The Bunnymen, The Music and Fightstar/Hell is for Heroes are headlining the three successive nights on this year’s programme (2628th May) which again is set to raise valuable funds for SAS. Last year’s Springloaded was an all time classic and brought some great bands to Cornwall as well as showing support from both the music and wider FRIDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER 2005 KEEP IT GREEN To reduce the environmental impact of the Ball, we’re expanding the free bus service, with pickups from St Ives, Falmouth, Truro and St Agnes village centre, so why not take advantage of this green alternative? A Green Tax for car parking of £2 per car will be charged to help fund the bus service, but if you share your car with 3 others, it will only cost 50p each. We’re aiming for a 100% recycling rate this year, so have expanded the recycling facilities and are planning to use PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.20/21 biodegradable cups and plates, which can be composted at the end of the night! So please do your bit and use the bins provided. A couple of inconsiderate people left bulky items and broken glass on the site last year, which we had to clear up and dispose of. This meant we had to hire extra skips, which drained time and money from the campaign. Please make sure you use the bins provided or take your rubbish home with you. Tickets are £20 for Echo & The Bunnymen/Billy Bragg (Thursday 26th), £16 for The Music (Support TBC) (Friday 27th) and £14 for the Fightstar/Hell is for Heroes/Armor for Sleep/Instruction/ Easy Kill. All tickets include a £1 donation to Surfers Against Sewage and are available from the Hall for Cornwall box office (01872) 262466 www. hallforcornwall.co.uk, and www. gigsandtours.com (subject to a booking fee). For further information on the lineups please check the SW1 website www.sw1productions.co.uk EVENTS CALENDAR KEEP IT SAFE ★ 29 May - 5 June: SAS Quiksilver Eco Groms Tour ★ 18 - 22 June: SAS and O’Neill Marine Education Project ★ 11 June: SAS ‘Paddle Around the Pier’ Brighton ★ July - SAS/RNLI Paddle Around the Pier Bournemouth: TBC ★ 12 - 14 August: SAS Cornish & Open, Porthtowan, Cornwall ★ 2 September: The SAS Crystal Ball Security will be tighter than ever this year and the campsite will be patrolled. However we strongly recommend that you minimise what you bring with you as we cannot guarantee the security of items left unattended. There will also be extra security at the gate to prevent parking on adjoining roads and any cars causing an obstruction will be towed away. There will be a police presence as cars leave the site, so don’t even think about drinking and driving. Final warning for any blaggers - no ticket or wristband, absolutely no entry! Further details about ordering Ball tickets can be found on the enclosed Booking Form. WN PADDLE ROUND THE PIER CORNISH AND OPEN 2005 WWW.MINERALTOWN.COM The traditional 15th anniversary gift is Crystal, which leads us nicely to the theme of this year’s Ball! This year’s CRYSTAL BALL will glisten and enlighten - we predict you will have the night of your life in our crystalline kingdom. Cross our palms with 35 silver coins and we forsee you’ll meet 3000 dark strangers: ice queens and crystal-beings, fortune tellers and 25th Century dwellers! The Summer Ball is our biggest fundraiser of the year, an all night extravaganza of music in a marquee, on the cliff tops of St Agnes. Bands, DJs and performance artists entertain SAS members clad in the most outrageous fancy dress. The Darkness, Razorlight and Faithless have all played at past Balls and this year’s line up is... as always, a closely guarded secret until the night! Tickets are ON SALE NOW BY POST ONLY, using the booking form that came with this Pipeline. PHONE ORDERS WILL ONLY BE TAKEN FROM 8TH JUNE. community for SAS’s campaign for clean and safe water. We’re delighted that once again we have been chosen to benefit from this brilliant event, and in order to spread the benefit a bit wider, SAS are planning to make a donation from the profits to the Tsunami Relief Fund. To all gig goers we urge them to turn up, tune in and feel good about themselves for giving a little bit back from the ticket price to us guardians of the water environment. Supporting bands at the 3-day event are Billy Bragg, The Subways and Armour for Sleep! This year promoters are again Metropolis Music and SW1 Productions and we are grateful for their ongoing support to our campaigns. Remember to drop by at Porthtowan beach on 12th, 13th and 14th August for the SAS Cornish and Open. The event is the longest running surf contest in the UK and this year we are hoping to make it the ‘greenest’ as well, to fit in better with our campaigns. Lots going on in the water and on the beach so make sure you get along! We’ll be back in Brighton on the 11th June for this year’s Paddle Round The Pier SAS fundraiser. Held at the Palace Pier, south coast and London surfers turn out in force for this fun SAS event. Make sure you get down there, as we need your support more than ever right now (see pages 6 and 7). Also, to be confirmed, SAS in conjunction with the RNLI are looking to carry out a Paddle Round The Pier in Bournemouth fundraiser during early July. Check our website for the latest information or contact michelle@sas. org.uk if you’d like to get involved. GOLD COAST OCEAN FESTIVAL SAS will again be at the Gold Coast Ocean Festival held at Croyde. Come along and see what we’re up to. The Festival runs from 17th - 19th July. SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING MERCHANDISE LOADS OF NEW CLOTHES AND DESIGNS! Wow! We’ve been working hard on the SAS clothing for you this year! When you look at your catalogue you’ll see that well over half of what we are now offering is made from organic cotton or hemp, and we are doing this with very little difference in price. We are also a lot happier about the dying and printing of the garments, working towards zero environmental impact there! I know that most of you know why it is so important that we produce our clothes carefully in this way, but there is a little rant about it at the beginning of the catalogue if you want some more details! At the same time as making important changes to fabrics and methods, we have also been making some radical changes to the clothes themselves, and I hope you like them! We are trying to give you a wider range of clothes that you will want to wear on all occasions, rather than just the heavily logo’d hoods and tees for which we are infamous! Now that the clothes are so well produced, the more you can buy the better it is for us, for you and for the environment. ARE YOU INTOXICATED? NEW CAMPAIGN T-SHIRT To fit in with the toxic chemicals investigation we have this striking 2005 campaign tee designed by Kieran Holden (shown above right). PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.22/23 BID FOR CELEBRITY BIRTHDAY PRESENTS BEACHLITTER AND MORE FOR GIRLS..... AND ALSO ALONG THE SAME LINES, FROM SEVENTENTHS: Local dive wear gurus Seventenths have come up with this retro ‘Pollution Solution’ T shirt design, watch out for it in the catalogue, and in their online shop www.seventenths.co.uk. Many thanks to Seventenths for continuing their sponsorship in this way (shown above). SAS BOARDBAGS! Now available thanks to a sponsorship deal with KTActive. We will be selling three sizes through the catalogue, but they do 7 sizes in all and are looking for suppliers throughout the UK. They are supporting us, so please support them! Perhaps your local shop sells them, and if not maybe you will be wanting to know why not! Check page 12 in the catalogue. New rashies there too! We have some stunning women’s clothes this summer, featuring designs derived from beach litter (pictured on this page) and also a beautiful new Indian cotton fabric printed with our own unique SAS design in coral colours. I’m not telling you any more! You will have to look at the catalogue. I hope it inspires you! COME AND FIND US! If you are in the area drop in! (There’s a map inside the front page). You can try things on, and browse old stuff and new, in our newly decorated warehouse shop. It will be good to see you. KW We’ve had lots of birthday presents from celebrity supporters, which we will be auctioning to raise funds for SAS. Donations include a signed Hawaiian ukelele from Jack Johnson, a signed Paul McCartney book, signed hotpants from Pink, signed limited edition picture disc from The Darkness, jewellery collected by Body Shop founder Anita Roddick on her travels, signed album samplers from Donovan Frankenreiter, a signed REM photograph, a signed Jake Boex surfboard, a Commonwealth Games sweatshirt signed by Steve Redgrave, signed Joni Mitchell poster and a surfboard awarded to Oasis. Other contributors include Ash, Mis-teeq, Jonathan Porritt, Tina Turner, The Tragically Hip, Feeder, UB40, Jo Brand, Divine Comedy, Cher, Less Than Jake, Peter Gabriel, Janet Jackson and Ewan McGregor. We’ll open our presents on our 15th birthday on 10th May and will start putting them on our website for you to view and they’ll be auctioned via eBay starting on 1st July. We will have links from the items on our website to eBay. WN PAPERLESS PIPE If you’d rather read Pipeline on the web, you can opt out of receiving anything (apart your renewal reminder) through the post or choose to receive just renewal notices, your membership card and sticker and special offers. Just complete the form below or give us a ring. Paperless Pipe Please... Name: Address: Phone no: Membership number: Please tick your preferred option: ■ Please send me ONLY the renewal reminder ■ Please send me ONLY the renewal reminder/stickers/ membership card/offers SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING to the British Wave Ski Association who raised £288.00 at their first competition of the season at Woolacombe on 2/3 April. Although the waves were poor everyone still had a great time. Money was donated through entry fees and a raffle was held in the Red Barn on the Saturday night. Thank you to the Red Barn and those who donated some fantastic prizes: Gul, Tiki, Saltrock, Hunter, Surfed Out, and North Devon Kayak Centre. SAS WEBSITE MEMBERS’ AREA PASSWORD The password you need to get into the member’s only area of the website is: INTOXICATED SAS ON-LINE ART COMPETITION We’ve always known our members are a talented bunch and in particular there are a lot of artists out there. We’d like to showcase your talents and provide you with a creative outlet whilst promoting our campaign message through art, so we’re running an on-line art competition, focusing on the SAS campaign. There are two categories, kids (under 16) and adults (16 and over). We’ll display the best entries on our website and the winners’ artwork will be used by SAS in some way, whether it be a poster, advert, t-shirt design or in any other way we think will help raise awareness of SAS! Artwork can take any form but must be CAMPAIGN RELATED (we reserve the right not to display any irrelevant or inappropriate work) and submitted to our curator Jonah Maddox via email to deniedproductions@hotmail.com by 30th June, or you can send images on CD or hard copies in the post to 68a Sidwell Street, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6PH, but postal entries must be submitted by 10th June. Unfortunately we are unable to return any artwork. The winners will be announced on 15th July. PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.24-25 ATTACK OF THE NORTHERN MONKEY 2005! The Student Windsurfing Association made a somewhat new pilgrimage up North this February for the ritual early event of the New Year; however the rewards for their long drive soon became apparent as the sight of wellies, Carling and the beautiful Liverpudlian women greeted their arrival in the European Capital of Culture! Following up from the success of 2003’s ‘Attack of the Northern Monkey’, 2005’s was most definitely bigger and better. Each University entrant unwittingly donated £3 to Surfers Against Sewage, resulting in a massive £360 being raised for the organisation!! However all thanks must go to SAS: for in apprehension of the dosh, those lovely watery people sent us two days of awesome wind!! Accordingly the Crosby ‘Champion of Speed’ contest and an awesome freestyle competition provided the most extreme entertainment of the weekend, establishing Bigbobjoylove (Southampton Uni) and Darren Mitchell (Liverpool) respectively as alpha male and honoury shit-hot shot!!! Thanks must go out to all our sponsors: Surf-Tech Xtreme Sports, Carling, Xtremity, Starboard and Tushingham, Da Kine, Kangaroo Poo, Spartan, Typhoon; everyone who took part and helped out and of course Surfers Against Sewage! Thanks to Matt Greenwood for his donation of £250 MEMBERSHIP COMPETITION WINNERS JAN WEB JAN DIRECT DEBIT FEB WEB FEB DIRECT DEBIT MAR WEB MAR DIRECT DEBIT Vans Shoes Vans Shoes Quiksilver Goodies Quiksilver Sunglasses Animal goodies Animal goodies MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL RETURNED BY 1ST APRIL: Vans shoes John Wild Joe Deane Phillip Dale Amanda Derby Andy Lewis Lee Cursons Scott Barnes OUTSIDE EVENTS GOT SOME TIME TO SPARE? We’ve had a really great team of volunteers helping out throughout 2004. If you have some time to spare or have a special skill or qualification that you think may be of help to us please complete the form below and we’ll put you on our database. Name: MEL ENRIGHT IMAGE/ TEXT BIG THANKYOU... Address: Phone no: HORIZONS OF BLUE AND GOLD Check out the exhibition of Surf and Lifestyle Photgraphy by Mel Enright. Called ‘Horizons of Blue and Gold’ the exhibition runs from 4th July to 4th August at Exposure Gallery, London (22-23 Little Portland Street W1W 8BU) and features a collection of images from a surfing travelogue. Printed on canvas the images are a vibrant homage to the life threatening waves and lifestyles based around them. SAS will receive a percentage of the sale of all colour & black and white prints/canvasses. For more information please contact 0207 907 7132. What days of the week are you available? Mon ■ Tue ■ Wed ■ Thu ■ Fri ■ Sat ■ Sun ■ How long are you available for? Type of work preferred: Admin ■ Campaigns ■ Events ■ Any ■ Areas of expertise/useful experience: Do you have any professional qualifications that may be useful to us? LUSTY SURF COMP Surf Science students at Cornwall College Camborne are holding the 3C Surf Comp on Saturday 7th May at Lusty Glaze, Newquay, and donating all proceeds to SAS. The comp is open to students and lecturers from all Cornwall College sites, with Open, Longboard, Bodyboard and Womens categories. There are lots of prizes up for grabs and an after party at Belushi’s Bar Newquay on the night! For more info or to enter visit www.3csurfcomp.co.uk THANK YOU! We’ll keep your details on file and will be in touch when we need extra help. ANOTHER EVENT THANKS TO ALL THE VOLUNTEERS WHO’VE HELPED OUT SINCE THE LAST PIPELINE: The event will begin at Porthtowan at 10am on Saturday 7th May 2005, with the King Lushies’ Foamy Funboard Frenzy, a surf competition on foam boards, open to all, with a charge for entry (donation to SAS). This will be followed by a Barnaby Ray Quartet, DJs Fadadoo, Bloodman and SMJ of Mish Mash playing a funky blend of hip hop, jazz and drum and bass until 1am. Contact kinglushies@btinternet.com for more info. Patrick Selwood, Victoria Johnson, Hero Selwood, Trudi Glover, Graham Forster, Ame Hurst, Laura Snapes, Julia Bellingham, Louise Treseder, Lorraine Campbell, Jon Evison, Miranda Flannigan, Su & Shun Zi White, Nigel Barrett, Millenium Volunteers Jade Aldridge & Unity Perkins and Sarah Francis of Young Volunteer Challenge. Thanks also to Emily Reed and Simon Minchin (Judge Dread!) who helped out during their work experience weeks. SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING SPONSORS Diamond £50,000+ Platinum £20,000+ ◆◆◆ Max Out (2005 Ball Sponsorship) (Donation) Onfire (Merchandise) Pure Vacations (2005 Raffle Donation) ■■■ Smirnoff (2005 Ball Sponsorship) (2004 ‘Barriers to Green Buying’ Research) Vans (Donation) Wipeout/Tony Pryce Sports (Merchandise) Gold £15000+ ●●● Two Star £500+ ★★ Silver £10000+ ●● Adventure Sports UK.com (2005 Raffle) (2004 Core Funding, Merchandise, Ball Sponsorship) Cornwall Paper Co (2005 Pipeline Donation) (2005 Core Funding & Sea Odyssey) Evolution (2005 Course Donation) Five Star £5000+ ★★★★★ Pure Blue Water ANK TO TH LIKE ED D L U NSOR O E SPO SAS W V A H (2005 Donation) OK WHO WE LO HOSE ALL T 4 AND D 0 0 (2005 Donation) 2 INUE N CONT SAS I O YOU T (2005 Donation) D . R 5 A N 200 FORW ORT I (2005 Cornish & Open) SUPP Carve (2005 Cornish & Open Sponsorship & Salomon Bonfire (2005 Merchandise & Raffle) 2004 Donations & Ball Sponsorship) Seventenths (2005 Merchandise Sponsorship) Goldcoast Ocean Fest Bronze £7500+ ● Indoboard Europe (2004 Sponsorship) Ocean Sports Orca Seafaris (2005 Donation) Gul (2004 Donations & Ball Sponsorship) Nineplus (Merchandise Donations) One Star £250+ ★ Quiksilver (2005 Education Tour Sponsorship) Blue Wahoo (Core Funding) Capernwray Driving (2005 Merchandise Sponsorship) Four Star £2500+ ★★★★ Finisterre (2005 Donation) Blue Bar (2005 Cornish & Open Sponsorship) The Hemp Shop (2005 Merchandise) Kaos Designs (2005 Ball Sponsorship) MotherOcean Surfboards (2005 Raffle) Patagonia/Tides (Campaign Grant) TYF Adventures (2005 Merchandise Sponsorship) Red Stripe (2005 Ball Sponsorship) Wavegames (Merchandise) Royal Yachting Association (2005 Water Alliance Campaign) SW1 Productions/Metropolis (Donation) Media Sponsors UKnetweb (2005 Website & IT Support) Boards Magazine Three Star £1250+ ★★★ Surfers Path Barefeet Promotions (2005 Beach Ball donations) SurfEurope Billabong (Core Funding) Wavelength Boardshop.co.uk (2005 Core Funding) CCPR (Core Funding) Elements Eurosima (Core Funding) Extremepie.com (Merchandise) Ignite (Merchandise) Kangaroo Poo (Merchandise) KT Active (Merchandise) PIPELINE.ISSUE.60.PAGES.26-27 IF YO U WO A SP ULD ONS LIKE OR O TO B F SA ECO S PL MICH ME EASE ELLE C @ O SAS. NTAC OR T ORG EL: 0 T .UK 845 458 300 1 SPONSORED BY THE CORNWALL PAPER COMPANY - THE SPECIALISTS IN RECYCLING