brent summer university 2011
brent summer university 2011
BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 Free courses selected by young people for young people Delivered by Brent Youth and Connexions Service 06.11BDU6466 Welcome The summer of 2011 will be filled with a range of courses, activities and events to help 11 - 25 year olds learn new skills, gain valuable experiences and have plenty of fun. Courses range from dance and music to art, information technology, sports and performing arts. You can get a qualification, learn new skills, become a peer motivator, make new friends and, most importantly, have fun. About BSU Become a Peer Motivator BSU is hosted by Brent Youth and Connexions Service and has been offering a wide range of courses for young people aged 11 - 25 years old for many years in Brent. The aims of BSU are: • to enhance good community relations • to promote racial tolerance • to provide enjoyment through learning • to provide a safe and fun environment • to involve young people in the organisational process. Peer Motivators are young people aged 14 - 19 who work with us over the summer as volunteers to help us run our programme of courses. These valuable volunteers spread the word about BSU, encouraging young people to get involved and helping to run courses. They also support and advise participating students. PM’s complete a training programme to support them in their role. Being a PM is also a great asset for future employment or further education and will help you gain a variety of new skills. Being a Peer Motivator is a great opportunity. • Get work experience and make new friends. • Get training in teamwork, leadership, communication and gain confidence. • Get an insight in to how to become a future tutor on BSU. • Go on a residential placement and learn more about first aid, conflict management and self awareness , work procedures and much more. Summer University Progress and Action (SUPA) Summer University Progress and Action (SUPA) is a forum of young people aged 14 - 20 years old that helps to plan the BSU programme. It helps to shortlist and interview proposed course tutors, make decisions about the design of the brochure and markets the programme through school assemblies and youth clubs. SUPA members are offered training, including first aid, a residential placement and interview skills. They also have the opportunity to do a voluntary placement and get a reference at the end of the summer. All SUPA members receive an award for their work at the BSU showcase in August. Contact BSU coordinators Ricky Gardner or Chemeena Collins on 020 8937 3686/3755 or email • Complete an events management course for the BSU showcase. • Gain voluntary work experience with young people, youth workers and tutors. All courses have been chosen with young people in mind. • Learn how to interview people, read application forms and be involved in choosing the courses for BSU 2012. Make this summer work for you. Contact BSU coordinators Ricky Gardner or Chemeena Collins on 020 8937 3686/ 3755 or at or ask for us on enrolment day. BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 1 How to apply Step by step guide • Choose your favourite courses (maximum of three) • Ensure they do not clash • There are two ways you can enrol: 1. Online at a. fill in an application form b. take a photo of yourself and scan a parent or guardian’s signature. Upload them to your application c. print a copy of your confirmation letter and bring it with you to the enrolment day d. collect your BSU ID badge from the Poplar Grove Centre on 9 July between 12 noon - 8pm. 2. In person at the Poplar Grove Centre on 9 July from 12 noon - 8pm a. print off an application form from b. bring the completed form (with a parent or guardian’s signature) and two passport size photos to the enrolment day c. wait for your BSU ID badge to be made d. please remind us of when your course(s) start. Please not that if you enrol in person you may not get your first choice courses. 2 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 Key dates Contents Important things to remember Enrolment for Brent Summer University Courses at a glance You must provide two photos in order to sign up for a course. Saturday 9 July 12 - 8pm Poplar Grove Centre, Poplar Grove, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 9DB Study and explore 4 Inspiring Brent’s count down to the greatest show ever Visual arts 7 Information technology 8 Work zone 10 Sports, outdoor activities and fitness 14 Music 18 Performing arts 19 19 - 25 years old accredited courses 22 Photos are needed to ensure: • the safety of BSU participants • that the correct people are on the courses and on site • that people can’t get on site without ID • that our staff can identify young people in case of emergencies. Your enrolment form must be completed with your parent or carer’s signature if you are less than 18 years old. If you are staying on site, you must bring an adequate lunch and something to drink. You must tell us about any disabilities or medical needs. We will only run some courses if enough people sign up to them. We will not be able to take more students for a course if it is full up. Access to courses for students with disabilities Students with physical disabilities can use most centres. If you are interested in a particular course contact Emma Harker, Ability Youth Worker, to discuss your needs, on 020 8965 3475 or by emailing Celebrating a year until the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Inspired by the games, exciting activities include urban fashion design, roller disco and much more, all for free. Saturday 23 July, 12 - 6pm Bridge Park, Brentfield, Harrow Road, Stonebridge, London NW10 ORG Brent Summer University begins Monday 25 July 10 - 12 noon morning sessions 12 - 2pm lunch break 2 - 4pm afternoon sessions 5 - 7pm evening sessions Various venues Brent Summer University ends Thursday 18 August Various venues Brent Summer University Showcase Event Friday 19 August 6 - 10pm Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 9HU Courses sites and map of locations 24 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 3 Study and explore Young learners driving scheme COURSE CODE SE01 Learn about motorway skills, all weather driving, basic car maintenance, breakdowns, accidents and emergencies. You must hold a provisional license to enrol on this course. Age: 17 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 25 - 29 July Caribbean cookery lesson and first aid Jewellery designing High achieving for high success COURSE CODE SE06 COURSE CODE SE08 COURSE CODE SE04 Age: 11 - 16 A course packed full of ideas on how to prepare and enjoy great Caribbean cuisine. Venue: Kingsbury High School Age: 13 - 19 Times: 10am - 12 noon Venue: Kingsbury High School Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 16 Do you want to have a successful life? Develop a mindset of success, entrepreneurial skills and learn how to become a productive and highly employable person. You will be introduced to principles of business: how to create business ideas and how to turn your ideas into reality. Dates: 27 - 29 July (three-day course) Dates: 8 - 12 August Age: 14 - 19 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Science made simple Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 15 COURSE CODE SE07 Dates: 25 - 29 July Sample ingredients are supplied. If you want to make your own lunch, bring any extra ingredients. Improve your grades through practical experiments and theory lessons covering biology, chemistry and physics. Times: 2 - 4pm Maths made easy Bakers kitchen and first aid Age: 11 - 16 English made easy COURSE CODE SE02 / SE03 COURSE CODE SE05 Improve your mathematical skills with help from experts. If you have passion for cooking and want to improve your skills. Learn how to cook masterpieces using only £5-£10. You never know, you could be the next Jamie Oliver. Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 24 Please ensure that you have and show a valid provisional license on enrolment day Age: 11 - 16 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 25 - 29 July Times: SE02 10am - 12 noon, SE03 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 20 Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 25 - 29 July Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 15 Sample ingredients are supplied. If you want to make your own lunch, bring any extra ingredients. Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 1 - 5 August Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 10 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 12 COURSE CODE SE09 You’ll learn to improve your grades in English through creative writing, answering comprehensions and analysing poems. Practise your exam technique, get tips on improving your writing style and participate in lively group discussions and debates. You’ll also put a modern twist on some of Shakespeare’s plays and act these out. Age: 11 - 16 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 1 - 5 August Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 12 4 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 5 Visual arts Henna body art and first aid Healthy cookery Creative watercolours Mask making and sculpture COURSE CODE SE10 / SE11 COURSE CODE SE13 COURSE CODE VA01 / VA02 COURSE CODE VA04 Age: 13 - 19 Sign up for this course to improve your skills. Receive expert tuition on how to draw and learn how to use 3D effects. Times: 10am - 12 noon SE10, 2 - 4pm SE11 Starting the course with food hygiene and safety. You will then progress to all aspects of catering for groups, to a high standard and including selfcatering, nutrition and health, family or event catering. Each day will focus on different meal times. Age: 11 - 19 This introduction into making the basic structure for a modroc mask will show you how to make a lifelike 3D face mask out of plaster bandages working alongside a professional artist. Min. and max. no. of students on course: 15 - 18 Venue: Poplar Grove Centre Age: 13 - 19 Age: 12 - 18 Dates: 8 - 12 August Venue: OK Club Times: 10am - 12 noon VA01, 2 - 4pm VA02 Dates: 25 - 29 July Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Times: 2 - 4pm Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 8 - 12 August Venue: OK club Do it yourself jewellery Dates: 25 - 29 July COURSE CODE SE12 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Using a variety of unusual and unexpected resources, you will make creative and experimental jewellery and design fabulous costumes and statement pieces. Min. and max. no. of students on course: 1 - 8 Age: 13 - 19 Multi activities for disabilities Venue: OK club SE14 / SE15 / SE16 / SE17 Dates: 1 - 5 August A great full-day course for young people with special educational needs. Activities include t-shirt design, cookery, arts and crafts, football, IT, Wii competition, candle making and soap making. Learn how to take better photos of your friends and family, how to get the best out of your camera and what to look for in a composition. Digital, black and white film and Photoshop covered. Pictures produced during this course will feature in the 2012 BSU brochure. Age: 11 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Centre Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 5 Taking pictures of people COURSE CODE VA03 (class 1) SE14 Dates: 8 - 12 August 1 - 5 August (class 2) SE15 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm 8 - 12 August (class 3) SE16 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 8 15 - 19 August (class 4) SE17 Dates: 25 - 29 July Creating good photos COURSE CODE VA05 / VA06 Learn how to take good quality photos, transfer images to computer, enhance photos, store them and print them. Age: 12 - 18 Venue: OK Club Dates: 28 July VA05 (1 day course) 29 July VA06 (1 day course) Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 5 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 6 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 7 Information technology Graphic art and design COURSE CODE IT01 Create personalised cards and get to grips with complex ICT programmes such as Photoshop and Illustrator. Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 25 - 29 July Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 10 Building, repairing and upgrading a PC COURSE CODE IT02 Learn how to assemble a computer from parts to specification and install Word, CPU, RAM, ROM, hard drive and Flash memory. This course is a stepping stone towards a recognised national qualification in PC repair and maintenance. Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 12 Web design BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 3D Max video game design ACCREDITED COURSE CODE IT05 Do you want to improve your design skills to create more advanced and innovative websites using the latest software? Then sign up for this course and gain a qualification. COURSE CODE IT07A / IT07B Learn how to make your own animated game or website using Macromedia Flash software. Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Dates: 1 - 5 August An introduction to the 3D Max video game design industry and the basic components and processes required to produce an interactive video game. Explore creative and fun aspects of video game design alongside planning and interface design theories. The first step to becoming a multi media design artist. Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Age: 13 - 19 Dates: 25 - 29 July Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre IT06 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Dates: 8 - 12 August Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day. Design illustration Flash animation ACCREDITED COURSE CODE IT03 Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Image editing for beginners and intermediates ACCREDITED COURSE CODE IT04 Learn how to use a digital camera and Photoshop software in a creative way. Personalise your portfolio by adding colours and special effects to make your own artistic creations and gain a qualification too. Ever wondered about being a graphic artist, a book illustrator or designing flyers and posters? This course will show you all the techniques and materials needed to put your creations in print. Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day. Graphic Design Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre COURSE CODE IT08 Dates: 1 - 5 August Learn how to create books, magazines, posters or leaflets, CD covers and DVD covers using Photoshop. Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 Dates: 25 - 29 July To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day. Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre IT07 Dates: 15 - 19 August ACCREDITED COURSE CODE IT06 To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day 8 ACCREDITED Age: 13 - 19 Venue: OK Club Dates: 1 - 5 August Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 7 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 9 Urban prints: silk screen printing Work zone COURSE CODE WZ06 / WZ06B Fashion and tailoring as an international business The art of cainrowing (braiding) COURSE CODE WZ01 COURSE CODE WZ04 Find out how to become a creative designer and business entrepreneur in the fashion capitals of the world. For beginners, intermediate and experts. See for examples. Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Dates: 25 - 29 July Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 2- 4pm Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 12 Cookery for vegetarians Cookery 101: Cooking the basic essentials COURSE CODE WZ02 / WZ03 COURSE CODE WZ05 Fed up with fish and chips? Fed up with McD’s? Learn how to cook the fancy stuff you see on the TV adverts. Learn about nutrition and how to identify which food groups ingredients come from. Vegetarian cooking isn’t just boiling vegetables. Age: 13 - 19 Age: 11- 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 8 - 12 August Dates: 1 - 5 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Times: 10am - 12 noon WZ02, 2 - 4pm WZ03 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 8 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 12 Sample ingredients are supplied. If you want to make your own lunch, bring in extra ingredients. Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 1- 5 August Times: 10am - 12 noon WZ06, 2 - 4pm WZ06B Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 15 Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Learn a new way of creating simple designs for T-shirts, clothes and shoes. Fashion design COURSE CODE WZ07 Learn how to read patterns, use different machines and make a range of fashionable clothes. Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 15 Sample materials are supplied. If you want to make your own outfit, bring extra materials. An introduction to hairdressing and first aid COURSE CODE WZ09 Learn more about working in a salon as well as other essentials including basic hair cutting, colouring techniques and how to style, dress and finish hair and you could be in a great position to join this exciting and creative profession. Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 15 Couture Club COURSE CODE WZ10 Are you a designer? If you’ve ever had an idea for a dress, top, trousers or jacket then Couture Club can show you how to make it. The Couture Club is a unique opportunity to learn how you can turn your designs into real clothing and get experience in fashion design. Try out mood boards, sketching samples, sewing skills and much more. V’s hair care Age: 14 - 19 COURSE CODE WZ08 Venue: Kingsbury High School Want to learn something new about hair? How to manage your hair, even natural hair? Improve on or learn braiding, cornrow or styling hair that will not damage but grow and keep your hair healthy? Then come to this class, it’s all about proper hair care. Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 5 Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Bridge Park Complex Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 2 - 4pm BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 10 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 15 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 11 PS embroidery workshop Radio production Marketing Blog and creative writing COURSE CODE WZ11 COURSE CODE WZ17 COURSE CODE WZ20 COURSE CODE WZ23 Find out how it feels to wear your own personalised clothing. Learn how to use hi-tech embroidery machinery. This could be the business for you. Learn how to create a jingle or an advert and how to plan for a show including guests, general topics and scripting. Understand the importance of creative writing and how to get noticed Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Brand awareness, marketing strategies for different products, audience awareness and simple marketing techniques such as the use of flyers and e-marketing. Venue: Bang Ed Age: 13 - 19 Dates: 25 - 29 July Venue: Bang Ed Times: 10am - 12 noon Dates: 1 - 5 August Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Times: 2 - 4pm Venue: OK club Dates: 1 - 5 August Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 9 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Play to win with CV support and interview skills Radio broadcast COURSE CODE WZ12 / WZ13 / WZ14 / WZ15 Understand the difference between pirate, legal, community and commercial stations, how and why radio caters for different audiences and how online radio stations work. Are you looking for a job? Do you want to know what employers are looking for? Need to improve your interview skills? Then this is for you – a fun day of activities to help improve your chances in the world of work. Try out a mock interview and get help with your CV or job application too. Social networking COURSE CODE WZ21 Learn how to run your own social networking account, how to benefit from it and the importance of online safety. Venue: Bang Ed Dates: 15 - 19 August Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Music management COURSE CODE WZ24 Make money from music, promoting, booking and selling yourself as an artist and managing artists. Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Bang Ed Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Dates: 15 - 19 August Venue: Bang Ed Venue: Bang Ed Times: 2 - 4pm Dates: 25 - 29 July Dates: 8 - 12 August Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Times: 2 - 4pm Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Date: 26 July • Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Sales Venue: Kingsbury High School (1 day) WZ14 COURSE CODE WZ19 Event management, marketing and promotions Date: 27 July • Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm You will learn how sales are related to radio, different selling techniques and the importance of communication skills. COURSE CODE WZ22 Age: 13 - 19 Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Bang Ed Venue: Bang Ed Dates: 1 - 5 August Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 10am - 12 noon Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 Age: 16 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove (1 day) WZ12 Date: 25 July • Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Venue: Granville Plus Youth Centre (1 day) WZ13 Venue: Poplar Grove (1 day) WZ15 Date: 28 July • Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 4 - 9 12 COURSE CODE WZ18 Age: 13 - 19 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 Pick up tips on event management and learn how to market or promote a business. BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 13 Sports, outdoor activities and fitness Urban acrobats COURSE CODE SP01 Urban acrobats will incorporate martial arts, break-dance and gymnastics movements where technical and physical skills will be the main the focus. You will learn to create your own style in combining the three disciplines. Cheerleading with a touch of street dance COURSE CODE SP03 Cricket coaching / Kwik cricket Rugby COURSE CODE SP05 COURSE CODE SP07 Practice basic and advanced skills like spin bowling, fielding, batting and tactics. Includes passing, ball control, dribbling and blocking as well as developing tactical awareness. Age: 11 - 19 Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth centre Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 25 - 29 July Dates: 1 - 5 July Times: 10am - 12 noon Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Age: 13 - 19 Now is your chance to learn all the skills necessary to become a cheerleader, including London company programme innovation award stunts, tumbling gymnastics, jumps, arm motions and pyramids. Perform at the BSU Showcase. Venue: Bridge Park Age: 11 - 19 Dates: 8 - 12 August Venue: Granville Youth centre Learn the rules of the game and master basic and advance techniques including smash, overhead clearance and drop shot. Times: 10am - 12 noon Dates: 25 July - 5 August Age: 11 - 19 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 18 Times: 2 - 4pm Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 30 Dates: 25 - 29 July Badminton COURSE CODE SP08 Yogateen Times: 2 - 4pm COURSE CODE SP02 Sports for girls Yogateen is an introduction to the practice and benefits of yoga. Classes are open to all levels and are practiced to music. Yoga has many physical and mental benefits including building strength in muscles and bones, increasing flexibility and helping people deal with stress. Yoga can create mental clarity to help deal with everyday challenges. COURSE CODE SP04 Age: 14 - 19 Times: 2 - 4pm Venue: Bridge Park Complex Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 30 Why sit at home when you can do a variety of fun sports activities with your peers? Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Bridge Park Complex Dates: 8 - 12 August Dates: 15 - 18 14 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 Jiu-Jitsu COURSE CODE SP06 This Brazilian martial art focuses on all areas of self defence and is suitable for men and women. Age: 14 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth centre Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 10am - 12 noon Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 20 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Remember to wear loose, comfortable clothing, trainers and bring plenty of water for sports courses. Netball COURSE CODE SP09 Learn basic netball skills, clever tricks and a variety of passes, shooting, positioning, attacking, weaving and other fundamentals of the game. Age: 13 - 16 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 15 Football COURSE CODE SP11 Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership Weights and fitness training ACCREDITED If you want to learn more about the game, develop a wider understanding of sports science and exchange football skills or tricks, then this course is for you. COURSE CODE SP14 Age: 13 -16 Age: 13 - 14 Venue: Wembley Youth Centre Venue: Wembley Youth Club Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 1 - 5 August Dates: 1 - 5 July Dates: 25 - 29 July (One week) Times: 5 - 7pm Times: 5 - 7pm Times: 9.30am - 12 noon, 1pm - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 8 - 15 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Multi sports and coach education To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day Pass on your sports knowledge to other young people through this community sports leader course where you can gain a nationally recognised award. COURSE CODE SP12 Learn fun and dynamic skills with expert coaches. Suitable for beginners and those with more experience. Age: 11 - 16 ACCREDITED 16 COURSE CODE SP15 Gymnastics COURSE CODE SP17 An introduction to gymnastics techniques that will help improve your fitness, coordination, flexibility, strength and safety awareness. Age: 13 - 19 Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 2 - 4pm Age: 16 - 19 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 2 - 4pm Dates: 1 - 12 August (Two weeks) Sports and fitness zone Times: 9.30am - 12 noon COURSE CODE SP13 1pm - 4pm Enjoy football, cricket, basketball, table tennis, rounders and more while making new friends. Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Age: 16 - 19 Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Wembley Youth Centre Venue: Wembley Youth club Dates: 15 - 18 August Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 5 - 7pm Times: 5 - 7pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 20 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 ACCREDITED Age: 16 - 19 Venue: Bridge Park Complex COURSE CODE SP10 Learn basic basketball skills, clever tricks and a variety of passes, shooting, dribbling, positioning, attacking, weaving and other fundamentals of this addictive game. Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership Interested in building muscular endurance, power, strength and all round fitness using weight and various other fitness techniques? If you want to teach sports to other young people then this accredited course will help you gain a nationally recognised award. Venue: Poplar Grove Youth centre Level 1 Award in Basketball Officiating COURSE CODE SP16 To gain the qualification you must complete the whole course without missing a day BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 17 Music Performing arts Vocally sound Remember to wear loose, comfortable clothing, trainers and bring plenty of water for performing arts courses Dominic’s dance and first aid Performing arts Dominic’s dance should be the one thing that’s on your mind this summer. Come and learn new routines and work to the max. COURSE CODE MU01 Sing like Usher or Beyonce or rap like Kanye West. This course will help you to make it in the music industry. Learn from someone who is already doing it. COURSE CODE PA01 Dates: 15 - 18 August Learn improvisation, acting skills and realize the creative potential that lies within you. ‘Imagination is the beginning of creation’. Show your acting skills in the BSU showcase. Times: 10am - 12 noon Age: 14 - 18 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 12 - 20 Venue: Kingsbury High school Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Dates: 1 - 5 August Live and direct Times: 2 - 4pm Zang vocals COURSE CODE MU04 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 10 COURSE CODE MU02 / MU03 Ever wondered how your favourite DJ mixes their tunes? Now’s your chance to find out! This course will help you learn how to entertain a crowd, develop social skills and learn about different genres of music, live and direct. Learn music at a professional level from someone who has in-depth experience. Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Poplar Grove Centre Dates: 25 - 29 July MU02 1 - 5 August MU03 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 15 Age: 13 - 19 Venue: Wembley Youth Club Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 5pm - 7pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 2 - 8 ACCREDITED COURSE CODE PA03 / PA04 Age: 11 - 19 Venue: Granville Plus Youth Arts Centre Dates: 25 July - 5 August Times: 10am - 12 noon (Class 1) PA03 Times: 2 - 4pm (Class 2) PA04 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 15 FAME: Acting, song and dance COURSE CODE PA05 Street dance popping and locking COURSE CODE PA02 Would you like to experience another side of street dance? Can you pop or lock, or are you just willing to try something new? If so come and learn to move like a robot, freeze like a statue and dance like Diversity and pop and lock your way into street dance. This course is designed to show you all the skills needed to take your first steps to unlocking your hidden talents. Explore your passions for dance, drama and song and create your own unique performance. Age: 11 - 25 Venue: Bridge Park Dates: 8 - 12 August Age: 13 - 17 Times: 10am - 4pm Venue: Bridge Park Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 15 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 18 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 19 Contemporary and street dance techniques Performance COURSE CODE PA06 This course introduces the tools that actors use to become convincing characters. It rewards selfexpression, honesty and individuality. The workshops will end with a final video and a performance, as well as a certificate and qualification in performing arts. Be taught by a professional dancer who has worked with celebrities. Your final dance piece will be shown at the BSU showcase. Age: 13 - 25 Venue: Wembley Youth Club Dates: 1 - 12 August Times: 5pm - 7pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 5 - 15 ACCREDITED LEVEL ONE COURSE CODE PA08 Age: 13 - 19 If you want to write poetry or improve your writing skills, then this course is for you. Develop your talent and gain new skills in spoken word, rap or rhyme. Build your confidence and your own performance style and flow by working with a professional poet who will help you in bringing your words to life. All students receive a CD / COURSE CODES PA10 / PA11 / PA12 After worldwide success with chart-topping girls band MIS-TEEQ, Su-Elise has opened her own stage school offering you a one-week summer course in: Bollywood dance COURSE CODE PA10 Venue: Granville Plus Centre Age: 11 - 25 Dates: 25 July - 5 August Venue: Kingsbury High School Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Dates: 15 - 18 August Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 18 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Urban poetry skills COURSE CODE PA07 Su-Elise Stage School Performing Arts Summer Program Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Urban street dance moves COURSE CODE PA09 Are you a dancer? This course is designed to show you all the skills needed to unlock your hidden talents. Explore your passion for dance and create your own unique performance. Breakdance COURSE CODE PA11 Age: 11 - 25 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 15 - 18 August Age: 11 - 25 Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm DVD of their performance Venue: Poplar Grove Youth Centre Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Age: 11- 19 Dates: 15 - 18 August Venue: Kingsbury High School Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Dates: 15 - 18 August Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 Song writing COURSE CODE PA12 Times: 10am - 12 noon Age: 11- 25 Min. and max. no. of students on course: 10 - 15 Venue: Kingsbury High School Dates: 15 - 18 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Min. and max. no. of students on course: 6 - 16 If you want to be a professional, come and be taught by professionals. 20 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 21 Courses for 19 - 25 year-olds Chrysalis Development and Training Literacy reading and writing skills ACCREDITED COURSE CODE CHRY 01 Entry level 3, up to City and Guilds National Certificate at levels 1 and 2. ICT Skills ACCREDITED Dates: 15 - 19 August Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Times: 2 - 4pm Microsoft Office Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Mentoring programmes ACCREDITED Learn how to become a community mentor as well as learning about confidence, personal worth and personal presentation. ACCREDITED Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training COURSE CODE CHRY 05 Dates: 25 - 29 July CLAiT (computer literacy and information technology), CLAiT Plus, IT user qualifications and Microsoft Office Specialist (MCP Professional) Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Accredited employability programme ACCREDITED COURSE CODE CHRY 09 City and Guilds Award, Certificate and Diploma in Employability and Personal and Social Development Skills. Entry 2 Award, Entry 2 Certificate, Entry 3 Certificate, Entry 3 Diploma, Level 1 Award, Level 1 Certificate, Level 1 Diploma, Level 2 Award, Level 2 Certificate. These qualifications are available in: • job search techniques • application form filling • CV writing • application letter writing • interview techniques and presentation skills • second interviews • employment law. Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Dates: 25 July – 19 August Times: 10am - 12 noon, 2 - 4pm Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Dates: 8 - 12 August Dates: 25 - 29 July Times: 10am - 12 noon Times: 10am - 12 noon Functional skills Times: 2 - 4pm COURSE CODE CHRY 08 Times: 10am - 12 noon Entry level 3, up to City and Guilds National Certificate levels 1 and 2. We are able to offer staff working in health and social care mandatory courses and a range of optional courses. Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Dates: 25 - 29 July COURSE CODE CHRY 02 COURSE CODE CHRY 07 Basic, intermediate and advanced levels including professional qualifications, European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL), International Computer Driving Licence(ICDL) Dates: 1 - 5 August Numeracy maths skills ACCREDITED COURSE CODE CHRY 04 Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training ACCREDITED Health and social care ACCREDITED ACCREDITED English for speakers of other languages COURSE CODE CHRY 03 COURSE CODE CHRY 06 Basic IT, English and maths course up to level 2 Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training ESOL (English for speakers of other languages). Cambridge University accredited. Dates: 1 - 5 August Venue: Chrysalis Development and Training Times: 2 - 4pm Dates: 8 - 12 August Times: 10am - 12 noon 22 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 23 Futureversity Course Sites Locations QUEENSBURY G AR E A D MO TO RW AY WA WELSH HARP O P E N S PA CE Y AR UL NE LA A NE H L A RC CH U AD RO R A O N 6 0 4 R RO W R OAD KENSAL RISE KENSAL GREEN E QUEENS PARK KILBURN PARK A C T A LA A QU EEN S PA RK BRONDESBURY N AD N H LA RO O NE EN GH KI N G E DWA RD V II R E CR EATION G ROU N D 1 HARLESDEN BRONDESBURY PARK D HI PA ES N C R AV E N L ROUNDWOOD PA R K KILBURN LL UR WI LB R W H R O AD KI E LL S ID HI 2 LL UP HI T M W EST E HIG RK AD TH C CU LM WA Y 4 0 6 NORTH CIRC OO A SH N ALPERTON AY LA E AD STONEBRIDGE PARK IR WILLESDEN DOLLIS GREEN HILL LL RO DW IRE OA 3 O FIELD CRICKLEWOOD BR EMP D RK L A OO PA EW NEASDEN R E CR E AT I O N GROUND W WEMBLEY CENTRAL P L AYI N G RO A40 GLADSTONE PA R K RR 8 KL WEMBLEY S TA D I U M H IC ROA D CR 7 HI H IG AD EN H RO FORTY LANE DD BARHAM PA R K HARRO W ROAD BRENT R E S E R VO I R DU KI N G E D WA R D VI I PA R K NE M1 RO NT NORTH WEMBLEY ONE TREE HILL R E CR E AT I O N GROUND B W YE F R YE N T CO U N T R Y PA R K WEMBLEY PARK EAS T L A NE S P O RT S GROUND AD 9 AV E N U E FOR T Y G R OAD Woodfield School Glenwood Avenue, Kingsbury, London NW9 7LY T: 020 8205 1977 F: 020 8205 5877 SOUTH KENTON RO PRESTON ROAD PRESTON PA R K E A L IN BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 Wembley Youth Centre London Road, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 7EU T: 020 8795 5097 F: 020 89373691 N O RT H W I CK PA R K ER 24 Poplar Grove Centre Poplar Grove, Wembley, Middlesex HA9 9DB T: 020 8937 3686 BARNHILL OPEN S PA CE NORTHWICK PARK AT 9 OK Club 45 Denmark Road, Kilburn, London NW6 5BP T: 020 7624 6292 W: KENTON EW 8 Kingsbury High School Lower School Bacon Lane, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9AT T: 020 8206 3000 F: 020 8206 3040 KINGSBURY DG 7 Granville Plus Youth Centre 80 Granville Road, Kilburn, London NW6 5RA T: 020 8937 3615 W: ON A 6 Chrysalis Development and Training (London) Ltd 60 Neasden Lane, London NW10 2UW T: 020 8438 4545 F: 020 8438 4544 NT ROE GREEN PA R K K I NG SB UR Y ROAD RI This means our new website is the best yet, with a new look and feel! Check it out: will redirect to 5 Bridge Park Brentfield, Harrow Road, London, NW10 0RG T: 020 8937 3737 AD D RO Our new brand has been developed with young people and partners to enable us to build upon our achievements protect our identity and strengthen the Futureversity network at a local, regional and national level. 4 KE FOR Futureversity is committed to ensuring the Summer Uni London network grows from strength to strength, driving best practice, offering training and support and hosting a central website – to ensure that together we meet the increasing demand for the model across London and beyond. 3 5 W AT Our vision is a world where all young people are valued and fulfil their true potential. Where regardless of personal circumstances, they experience high-quality opportunities and develop the skills and self belief attributed to participating in our programmes. 2 Bang Edutainment Ltd 89 - 93 High St, Harlesden, London NW10 4NX T: 020 8963 9560 W: FR Futureversity is dynamic and youth-led and not like any other organisation. We are fundamentally unconventional and unacademic, focusing on innovative learning for young people and extraordinary partnerships. 1 ED Summer Uni London is rebranding to FUTUREVERSITY! RN AV E NUE 6 4 WILLESDEN JUNCTION BRENT SUMMER UNIVERSITY 2011 25