GG 5880
GG 5880
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA N$58.80 WINDHOEK - 20 November 2015 CONTENTS No. 5880 Page PROCLAMATION No. 37 Amendment of Proclamation No. 33 of 1 October 2015: Electoral Act, 2014 ...................................... 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES No. 273 Publication of completion of voters’ registers and inspection of registers for general election for members of regional councils and local authority councils: Electoral Act, 2014 .......................................... 7 No. 274 Publication of political party and organisation lists of duly nominated and declared candidates, in respect of a general election for local authority councils: Electoral Act, 2014 ........................................... 13 No. 275 Declaration of candidates duly nominated for election as members of regional councils: Electoral Act, 2014 ........................................................................................................................................................ 115 ________________ Proclamation by the PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIA No. 37 2015 AMENDMENT OF PROCLAMATION NO. 33 OF 1 OCTOBER 2015: ELECTORAL ACT, 2014 Under the powers vested in me by section 64(1)(c) of the Electoral Act, 2014 (Act No. 5 of 2014), I amend Proclamation No. 33 of 1 October 2015 as set out in the Schedule. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of Namibia at Windhoek, this 19th day of November, Two Thousand and Fifteen. 2 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 HAGE GOTFRIED GEINGOB President BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT-IN-CABINET SCHEDULE Proclamation No. 33 of 1 October 2015 is amended by: (a) the substitution for Schedule A of the following Schedule: “SCHEDULE A COLUMN 1 REGION ERONGO REGIONAL COUNCILS ELECTIONS COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 RETURNING OFFICER PLACE WHERE PUBLIC CONSTITUENCY SITTING WILL BE HELD SURNAME NAME Arandis Arandis Constituency Office Mushimba Tomas N. Daures Daures Constituency Office Muheua Clemence M. Karibib Karibib Constituency Office Nanus Charmaine Z. Omaruru Omaruru Constituency Office Hoveka Gellio M. Swakopmund Constituency Swakopmund Neshuku Siegfried Office Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Walvis Bay Rural Elikana Victoria N. Office Walvis Bay Urban Walvis Bay Urban Namwandi Stephanus N. Constituency Office COLUMN 2 Aranos Daweb Gibeon Mariental Rural HARDAP Mariental Urban Rehoboth Rural Rehoboth Urban West Rehoboth Urban East Berseba Karasburg East Karasburg West //KARAS Keetmanshoop Rural Keetmanshoop Urban Oranjemund Aranos Constituency Office Daweb Constituency Office Gibeon Constituency Office Mariental Rural Constituency Office Mariental Urban Constituency Office Rehoboth Rural Constituency Office Rehoboth Urban West Constituency Office Rehoboth Urban East Constituency Office Eiseb Fleermuys Kariseb Pauline M. Stepahanus Elsie G. Matesu Domingo Pienaar Ernst F. Jacobs Blossom S. Engelbrecht Cato Minaar Lydia Berseba Constituency Office Karasburg East Constituency Office E.H.W. baard Primary School, Noordoewer (Karasburg west) Keetmanshoop Rural Constituency Office (Aroab) Keetmanshoop Urban Constituency Office Oranjemund Constituency Office Witbooi Eduards S. Pieters Johannes P. Petrus Elina L. Keramen Rosalin Y. Dawids Flory F.M. Both Berendt 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Mashare Mukwe Ndiyona KAVANGO EAST Ndonga-Linena Rundu Rural Rundu Urban Kapako Mankumpi Mpungu Musese KAVANGO WEST Ncamagoro Ncuncuni Nkurenkuru Tondoro John Pandeni Katutura Central Katutura East Khomasdal KHOMAS Moses //Garoeb Samora Machel Tobias Hainyeko Windhoek East Windhoek West Windhoek Rural KUNENE Epupu Kamanjab Khorixas Opuwo Rural Opuwo Urban Outjo Sesfontein 3 Mashare Constituency Office Mukwe Constituency Office Ndiyona Constituency Office Ndonga-Linena Combined School Rundu Rural Constituency Office Rundu Urban Constituency Office Kashipare Kakororo Hausiku Matheus H. Thadeus M. Andreas K.M. Shininge Calvin S. Sau Ronginus S.M. Mupiri Elizabeth Kapako Constituency Office Mankumpi Constituency Office Mpungu Constituency Office Musese Constituency Office Ncamagoro Constituency Office Ncuncuni Constituency Office Nkurenkuru Constituency Office Tondoro Constituency Office Petrus Siranda Hantoka Tjunda Tapalo E. Asser H. Hausona M. Venatius M. Sinime Johannes H. Muronga Martha N. Jesaya Festus N. Mupiri Rudolph S. Black Leigh-Ann S. Emosho Armas Helena Johannes Ashipala Petrus N. Hashoongo Mbarandongo Hilkia Nikita Ambrosius B.C. Habitat Research and Development Centre Katutura Community Hall Mandume Primary School Oshatotwa Community Hall, Otjomuise Hainyeko Hall, Hakahana Wanaheda Police Station Disability Resource Centre DRC Alte Feste Museum Emma Hoogenhoudt Primary School Namibia Children’s Home, Eros Okangwati Police Station Kamanjab Constituency Office Khorixas Constituency Office Otuwani Primary School Opuwo Urban Constituency Office Outjo Constituency Office Sesfontein Police Station Cooper Tukuhupwelw Abel Katewa Hamutenya Kavetu Tjikundi Aibeb Matundu Gabes Moses C. Timotheus Jennely Kiiyala Festus S. Hartley Bezuidenhout Tjano Z. Augustinus 4 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Eenhana Endola Engela Eenhana Constituency Office Endola Constituency Office Engela Constituency Office Ohangwena Constituency Office Okongo Constituency Office Omulonga Constituency Office Omundaungilo Constituency Office Ondobe Constituency Office Ongenga Constituency Office Oshikango Constituency Office Haihambo Combined School Kayeumbo Naimbangu Mikkael Fridrik T Nestor P. Maria N. Haihambo Natalia N. Hambudi Tuyoleni Ismael E. Foibe N. Mwashekuna Nghilefele P. Mwandingi Haimene Nakakoti Angula Tomas T. Mathew N. Ignatius N. Herman Aminuis Constituency Office Epukiro Constituency Office Gobabis Constituency Office Kalahari Constituency Office Okarukambe Constituency Office Kambatuku Meroro Kaiko Cito Tekla S. Magreth R. Abedi A Edelgartha Arnat Beatus D. Otjinene Otjinene Constituency Office Kandjii Otjombinde Otjimbinde Constituency Office Mbingana Kavezumumue M. Moree A. Ogongo Okalongo Etayi Ruacana Ogongo Combined School Haudano Senior Sec. School Oshikuku Junior Sec. School Ruacana High School Nakale Heita Iilonga Mbwale Rauna L. Estella E. Johanna N.N. Jackson Iileka Anneli EvaLisa Haitembu Germina Nangombe Abed Nkandi Rauna Amaambo Wilka H. Imene Sakaria Mwatotele Hendrick Eiseb Katjivena Sedekias Himeezembi Karamata Japhet Richter Veronica N. Gertze Isabella M. Itamba Jimmy C. Ohangwena OHANGWENA Okongo Omulonga Omundaungilo Ondobe Ongenga Oshikango Oshikunde OMAHEKE OMUSATI Aminuis Epukiro Gobabis Kalahari Okarukambe Ondangwa Urban Ongwediva OSHANA Oshakati East Oshakati West OSHIKOTO Omuthiyagwiipundi Tsumeb Grootfontein Okahandja Okakarara OTJOZONDJUPA 5880 Omatako Otavi Otjiwarongo Tsumkwe Ondangwa Town Council Office Ongwediva Constituency Office Oshakati East Constituency Office Oshakati West Constituency Office Omuthiyagwiipundi Constituency Office Tsumeb Constituency Office Grootfontein Constituency Office Okahandja Constituency Office Okakarara Constituency Office Omatako Constituency Office, Okandjira Otavi Constituency Office Otjiwarongo Constituency Office Tsumkwe Constituency Office 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Judea Lyaboloma Kabbe North ZAMBEZI (b) Kabbe South Katima Mulilo Rural Katima Mulilo Urban Kongola Linyanti Sibbinda Judea Lyaboloma Constituency Office, Sangwali Kabbe North Constituency Office Nakabolelwa Combined School Katima Mulilo Rural Constituency Katima Mulilo Urban Constituency Kongola Constituency Linyanti Combined School Sibbinda Constituency 5 Lumponjani Ben T. Lukubwe Austine S Mubita Cletius S Mbuche Rex N. Samapande Albert B. Mushandikwe Tapelo Mubonenwa Lydia L. Re-Loux S. Davies M. ; and the substitution for Schedule B of the following Schedule: “SCHEDULE B COLUMN 1 REGION ERONGO HARDAP LOCAL AUTHORITY COUNCILS ELECTIONS COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 RETURNING OFFICER LOCAL PLACE WHERE PUBLIC AUTHORITY SITTING WILL BE HELD SURNAME NAME Arandis Arandis Council Chamber Hauwanga Sunny-Girl Henties Bay Henties Bay Council Chamber Mbango Taimi N. Karibib Karibib Council Chamber Adams John D.J. Omaruru Omaruru Council chamber Nawinda Selma K.N. Swakopmund Municipality Swakopmund Haukongo Tuaamena R. Chamber Walvis Bay Kuisebmund Council Chamber Shikongo Maria M. Usakos Usakos Council Chamber Garoeb Robert L. Aranos Aranos Town Council Gibeon Gibeon Village Council Gochas Kalkrand Maltahohe Gochas Village Council Kalkrand Village Council Maltahohe Village Council Mariental Municipality, Aimablaagte Office Rehoboth Town Council Stampriet Village Council Mariental Rehoboth Stampriet //KARAS Aroab Berseba Bethanie Karasburg Keetmanshoop Koes Luderitz Oranjemund Tses Aroab Village Councul Berseba Village Council Betanie Village Council Karasburg Sport Office WAD Centre Koes Village Council !Nami#nus Constituency Office Oranjemund Constituency Office Tses Village Council Kashimba V/d Westhuizen Kadumo Lucas Tjiroze Emilia Kuhlman Hilcardo Hofeni Kakololo Johannes Tuyakula E. Thomas Both Bloodstan Isaacks April Chendo Nakapela Abraham C. Adelaide H. Angus Mevoline Ansa Ocacious S. Emilia Jacobs Ferdinand Eiseb Manuel W. Achante Theobald Elterncia Priscilla K. 6 KAVANGO EAST Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Divundu Rundu Mukwe Constituency Office Rundu Urban Constituency Office 5880 Hausiku Anita L. Moses Katrina U. KAVANGO WEST Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Constituency Office Thimende Paulinus M. KHOMAS Windhoek Khomasdal Community Hall Nghishililwa Zoya KUNENE Kamanjab Khorixas Opuwo Outjo Kamanjab Police Station Khorixas Police Station Opuwo Police Station Outjo Polic e Station Gorases Amamus Uarije Richter Sofia Jacqueline K. Charles N. Charlton K. Eenhana Eenhana Community Hall Ohangwena Traditional Authority Office Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry Office Nambuli Hilaria N. Shigweda Jesaja N. Nikodemus Nathanael Uamunika Gerald P. Kazekondjo Willem Otjinene Witvlei Gobabis Municipality Office Leonardville Village Council Office Otjinene Council Office Witvlei Council Office Uremena Tjitunga Elvis U. Queen U OMUSATI Oshikuku Ruacana Oshikuku Junior Sec. School Ruacana High School Hall Nakale Uusiku Justus H. Naftal A OSHANA Ondangwa Ongwediva Oshakati Odangwa Town Council Ongwediva Town Council Oshakati Town Council Mbango Shimbindja Uunona Rosalia T Severn Emily OSHIKOTO Tsumeb Tsumeb Constituency Office Imene Thomas A. OTJOZONDJUPA Grootfontein Okahandja Okakarara Otavi Otjiwarongo Omulungo Community Hall Okahandja Town Hall Okakarara Community Hall Otavi Community Hall ECN Office Cilunda Nanuseb Tjijombo Kamwi Paulus Moses M. Elias Jacelyn Kachana L Simeon Bukalo Bukalo Village Council Office Katima Mulilo Town Council Chamber Simulya Arther M Mukena Victor OHANGWENA Helao Nafidi Okongo Gobabis OMAHEKE ZAMBEZI Leonardville Katima Mulilo ________________ .”. 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 7 Government Notices ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA No. 273 2015 PUBLICATION OF COMPLETION OF VOTERS’ REGISTERS AND INSPECTION OF REGISTERS FOR GENERAL ELECTION FOR MEMBERS OF REGIONAL COUNCILS AND LOCAL AUTHORITY COUNCILS: ELECTORAL ACT, 2014 In terms of section 36(4), read with section 38, of the Electoral Act, 2014 (Act No. 5 of 2014), it is made known that for the purpose of the general election of members of regional councils and local authority councils on 27 November 2015 – (a) the national voters’ register, for every constituency of each region, prepared in terms of section 36(1)(a)(i) of that Act has been completed and certified; (b) the local authority voters’ register, for every local authority area, prepared in terms of section 36(1)(a)(ii) of that Act has been completed and certified; and (c) the copies of the national voters’ register and the local authority voters’ register referred to in paragraph (a) and paragraph (b) are available for inspection by the public during office hours at the (i) places specified in Part A of the Schedule opposite the constituency concerned; (ii) places specified in Part B of the Schedule opposite the local authority area concerned; and (iii) the Head Office of the Electoral Commission of Namibia, 67-71 Van Rhijn Street, Windhoek-North, Windhoek. N. TJIPUEJA CHAIRPERSON ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA Windhoek, 11 November 2015 SCHEDULE PART A NATIONAL VOTERS’ REGISTER REGION AND CONSTITUENCY VENUE //KARAS Berseba Keetmanshoop Urban !Nami#nus Oranjemund Karasburg West Karasburg East Keetmanshoop Rural Berseba Constituency Office Keetmanshoop Urban Constituency Office !Nami#nus Constituency Office Oranjemund Constituency Office Noordoewer Settlement Office Karasburg East Constituency Office Veterans Office, Kronlein (Old Municipality) 8 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 ERONGO Omaruru Karibib Dâures Arandis Swakopmund Walvis Bay Urban Walvis Bay Rural Teacher Resource Centre Ozondje Community Hall Agricultural Office Usab Community Hall, Karibib Constituency Office, Okambahe Rossing Foundation Board Room, Arandis Henties Bay Municipal Library Bakanja Pre-Primary School Swakopmund Constituency Office Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Office Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Office HARDAP Daweb Aranos Rehoboth Urban West Rehoboth Urban East Rehoboth Rural Mariental Rural Mariental Urban Gibeon Maltahohe Village Council Aranos Village Council Office Rehoboth Urban West Constituency Office Rehoboth Urban East Constituency Office Rehoboth Rural Constituency Office, Schlip Mariental Rural Constituency Office, Stampriet Mariental Urban Constituency Office Gibeon Constituency Office KAVANGO EAST Rundu Urban Rundu Rural Mashare Ndiyona Ndonga-Linena Mukwe Rundu Urban Constituency Office Rundu Rural Constituency Office Mashare Constituency Office Ndiyona Traditional Authority Office Shinyunge Youth Centre Ndonga-Linena Combined School Nyangana Combined School Mukwe Constituency Office KAVANGO WEST Nkurenkuru Ncuncuni Ncamagoro Tondoro Kapako Mpungu Musese Mankumpi Constituency Office, Nkurenkuru Constituency Office, Ncuncuni Ncamagoro Circuit Office Tondoro Health Centre Mburu-uru Clinic Kapako Traditional Authority Office Bunya Health Centre Elizabeth Nepembe Correctional Services Mpungu Health Centre Constituency Office, (Rupara) Katjinakatji Combined School KHOMAS Samora Machel Tobias Hainyeko Moses //Garoeb Katutura East Katutura Central John Pandeni Khomasdal Samora Machel Constituency Office Tobias Hainyeko Constituency Office Moses //Garoeb Constituency Office Katutura East Constituency Office Katutura Central Constituency Office John Pandeni Constituency Office Khomasdal Constituency Office 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Windhoek West Windhoek West Constituency Office Windhoek East Windhoek East Constituency Office Windhoek Rural Eros Children’s Home Police Station, Hosea Kutako International Airport Mix Settlement, Clinic Hall KUNENE Epupa Opuwo Urban Opuwo Rural Sesfontein Khorixas Kamanjab Outjo Epupa Constituency Office Opuwo Urban Constituency Office Otwani Primary School Ombombo Primary School Sesfontein Constituency Office Khorixas Constituency Office Kamanjab Constituency Office Outjo Constituency Office OHANGWENA Eenhana Ondobe Omundaungilo Oshikunde Ohangwena Ongenga Oshikango Okongo Engela Endola Epembe Omulonga Eenhana Constituency Office Ondobe Constituency Office Omundaungilo Constituency Office Onamihonga Primary School Oshikunde Clinic Ohangwena Constituency Office Ongenga Constituency Office Oshikango Constituency Office, Edundja Okongo Constituency Office Engela Constituency Office, Oshimwaku Endola Constituency Office, Oshawapala Epembe Constituency Office Omulonga Constituency Office, Onamukulo OMAHEKE Gobabis Otjinene Otjombinde Okorukambe Kalahari Aminuis Epukiro Gobabis Constituency Office Otjinene Constituency Office Otjombinde Constituency Office, Tallismanus Nossob Primary School Otjivero Primary School Kalahari Constituency Office, Tsaka Aminius Constituency Office Epukiro Constituency Office, Pos 3 OMUSATI Outapi Ruacana Onesi Tsandi Anamulenge Ogongo Okalongo Oshikuku Elim Okahao Etayi Otamanzi Outapi Constituency Office Ruacana Constituency Office Onesi Constituency Office Tsandi Constituency Office Anamulenge Constituency Office Ogongo Constituency Office Okalongo Constituency Office Oshikuku Constituency Office Elim Constituency Office Okahao Constituency Office Etayi Constituency Office Otamanzi Constituency Office 9 10 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 OSHANA Oshakati-East Oshakati-West Ongwediva Ondangwa Urban Ondangwa Rural Okaku Okatana Ompundja Uukwiyu Okatyali Uuvudhiya Oshakati-East Constituency Office Oshakati-West Constituency Office Ongwediva Constituency Office Ondangwa Town Council Ondangwa Town Council hall Oshitayi Primary School Ondangwa Constituency Office (Eheke) Okaku Constituency Office Okatana Constituency Office Ompundja Constituency Office Uukwiyu Constituency Office Okatyali Community Hall Okasheshete Community Hall Onezizi Combined School Uuvudhiya Constituency Office OSHIKOTO Tsumeb Omuthiyagwiipundi Oniipa Onayena Olukonda Omuntele Onyaanya Okankolo Eengodi Guinas Nehale LyaMpingana Tsumeb Constituency Office Omuthiyagwiipundi Constituency Office Oniipa Constituency Office Onayena Constituency Office Olukonda Constituency Office Omuntele Constituency Office Onyaanya Constituency Office Okankolo Constituency Office Eengodi Constituency Office, Onamishu Guinas Constituency Office Elavi Primary School Hedimbi Primary School, Okoloti Otjolo Community Centre OTJOZONDJUPA Grootfontein Otavi Okakarara Otjiwarongo Okahandja Omatako Tsumkwe Grootfonein Constituency Office Otavi Constituency Office Okakarara Constituency Office ECN Voter Education Office, Otjiwarongo Swanevelder Community Hall Okahandja Constituency Office Constituency Office, Ovitoto/Okandjira Tsumkwe Constituency Office ZAMBEZI Katima Mulilo Urban Katima Mulilo Rural Kongola Linyanti Sibbinda Kabbe North Kabbe South Katima Mulilo Urban Constituency Office Katima Mulilo Rural Constituency Office Kongola Constituency Office Makanga Primary School Malengalenga Primary School Linyanti Combined School Sibbinda Constituency Office Kabbe North Constituency Office Nakabolelwa Combined School Impalila Combined School Ikaba Combined School 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Judea Lyabboloma Sachona Combined School Lizauli Combined School Sangwali Senior Secondary School PART B LOCAL AUTHORITIES VOTERS’ REGISTER LOCAL AUTHORITY AREA !KARAS Luderitz Berseba Bethanie Tses Karasburg Aroab Koes Keetmanshoop Oranjemund ERONGO Arandis Henties Bay Karibib Usakos Omaruru Swakopmund Walvis Bay VENUE !Nami#nus Constituency Office Berseba Constituency Office Bethanie Village Council’s Office Tses Village Council Office Karasburg East Constituency Aroab Village Council Office Koes Village Council Office Keetmanshoop Urban Constituency Office Keetmanshoop Library Oranjemund Constituency Office Zackarias Lewala Hall Rossing Foundation Board Room Municipality Library Usab Community Hall Usakos Community Hall Teacher Resources Centre Swakopmund Constituency Office Walvis Bay Constituency Office Narraville Municipality Office HARDAP Aranos Gotchas Maltahohe Gibeon Stampriet Mariental Kalkrand Rehoboth Aranos Village Council Office Gotchas Village Copuncil Office Maltahohe Village Council Office Gibeon Constituency Office Stampriet Constituency Office Mariental Urban Constituency Office Marirntal Municipality (Aimablaagte) Kalkrand Recreational Centre Rehoboth Uban East constituency Rehoboth Town Council KAVANGO EAST Divundu Rundu Mukwe Constituency Office Rundu Urban Constituency Office Kehemu Community Hall KAVANGO WEST Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Constituency Office Kahenge Traditional authority Office KHOMAS Windhoek John Pandeni Constituency Office Katautura Central Constituency Office 11 12 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Katutura East Constituency Office Khomasdal Constituency Office Moses //Garoeb Constituency Office Samora Machel Constituency Office Tobias Hainyeko Constituency Office Windhoek East Constituency Office Mix Settlement (Clinic) Windhoek rural Constituency Office Windhoek West Constituency Office KUNENE Kamanjab Khorixas Opuwo Outjo Kamanjab Constituency Office Khorixas Constituency Office Opuwo Urban Office Outjo Constituency Office OHANGWENA Eenhana Helao Nafidi Okongo Eenhana Community Hall Helao Nafidi Town Council Office Ohangwena Constituency Office Okongo Constituency Office OMAHEKE Leornardville Gobabis Witvlei Otjinene Leonardville Village Council Office Gobabis Constituency Office Gobabis Municipality Town Office Witvlei Village Council office Otjinene Constituency Office Otjinene farmers Association OMUSATI Okahao Oshikuku Outapi Ruacana Tsandi Okahao Constituency Office Oshikuku Constituency Office Outapi Constituency Office Ruacana Constituency Office Tsandi Constituency Office OSHANA Ondangwa Ongwediva Oshakati Ondangwa Town Council Ongwediva Town Council Ongwediva Trade fair Centre Oshakati East Constituency Uupindi Community Hall OSHIKOTO Omuthiya Oniipa Tsumeb Omuthiyawiipundi Constituency Office Oniipa Constituency Office Tsumeb Constituency Office Nomsoub Police Station OTJOZONDJUPA Grootfontein Grootfontein Constituency Office Grootfontein Police Station 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Okahandja Okakarara Otavi Otjiwarongo ZAMBEZI Bukalo Katima Mulilo 13 Okahandja Constituency Office Okahandja Town Hall Okakarara Constituency Office Otavi Constituency Office Otjiwarongo Constituency Office ECN Office Katima Rural Constituency Office Katima Mulilo Urban Constituency Office Mavuluma Clinic ________________ ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA No. 274 2015 PUBLICATION OF POLITICAL PARTY AND ORGANISATION LISTS OF DULY NOMINATED AND DECLARED CANDIDATES, IN RESPECT OF A GENERAL ELECTION FOR LOCAL AUTHORITY COUNCILS: ELECTORAL ACT, 2014 In terms of section 87(1) of the Electoral Act, 2014 (Act No. 5 of 2014), it is made known that (a) the political parties and organisations registered in respect of the general election for the members of local authority councils are listed in column 2 of the Schedule; and (b) the persons whose particulars referred to in section 87(1)(b) of that Act and listed in column 3 of the Schedule, are declared as duly nominated candidates of the registered political party or registered organisations contemplated in paragraph (a) in respect of the general elections for the local authority councils listed in column 1of the Schedule. N. TJIPUEJA CHAIRPERSON ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA Windhoek, 11 November 2015 ARANDIS COLUMN 1 Local authority Council Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia COLUMN 2 Political party or organisation Haradoeb Nauseb Naris Uirab Uises Nanyala Gases Haradoeb Kharuxab Haradoeb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Haslund Gariseb Samunzula Sechele Kamuingona Haoses Du Plessis Tebeie Sechele Heibeb Haslund Hoes Surname 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. No. Desmond Zolla Andries Otilie Protasius Angelika Bruno Melvin Matheus Saul Jacky Benjamin Minsozi Mona G Beauty Cleneth Christophina Michael Venantius Rebecca Hosea Edith Ottilie First Names SCHEDULE 15726357298 14016341173 14014540884 14014541683 14014540586 14014541391 14014541571 14016340246 14016341180 14014540250 Voter Registration Number 14177842036 14014540672 14016340385 14014540472 14016341465 14014540469 14014541681 14014540436 14014540439 14014540353 14014541753 14014540525 M F M F M F M M M M F M F F F F M M F M F F Male or Female Government Gazette 20 November 2015 515 Arandis 588 Arandis 182 Arandis 207 Arandis 2124 Arandis 515 Arandis 430 Arandis 404 Arandis 2124 Arandis 128 Crow Street 516 Finch Street 174 Hospita Street 928 Ibises Street 720 Lark Street 386 Geelhout Street 232 Flamingo Street 172 Hospital Street 128 Crow Street 464 Flucatcher 128 Crow Street 2116 Storkclose Residential Address List of candidates COLUMN 3 14 5880 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia Geises Hoabes Thaniseb Isaak Gases Ganaseb Ganases Van Wyk Doeses Geingob Helmuth 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Murangi Haradoes Mangundu Iipinge Kapiye Jairus Kapenda Goliath Iyambo Kavendjii Manga Nekwaya Mukete Ndjambula 1. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2124 Arandis 2291 Arandis 440 Arandis Hno. 2179 Swift Closes Arandis Hno. 464 Arandis Hno. 2051 rail Street, Arandis Hno. 273 Eagle Street, Arandis Hno 2350 Agatha Close, Arandis Hno 258 Falcon Street, Arandis Hno. 707 Parrot Street, Arandis Hno. 2075 Rai Street, Arandis Hno. 909 Hornbell Street, Arandis Hno. 704 Accopos Street, Arandis Hno. 667 Parrot Street, Arandis Hno. 2018 O Streetich Street, Arandis Hno. 869 Penquin Street, Arandis Hno. 433/461 Flycatcher Street, Arandis Hno. 612 Milkhood Street, Arandis Hno. 445 Kokerboom Street, Arandis Hno. 177 Honey Suckle Street, Arandis Hno 631 Boereboom Street, Arandis Hno. 631 Boerboom Street, Arandis Hno. 601 Gull Street, Arandis Hno. 2020 O Streetich Street, Arandis Hno. 702 Acholo Street, Arandis 14016340209 14016341415 14016341545 14014540512 14016341139 14016340932 14016340382 14014540245 15726357286 14014540299 14014541309 14014541338 14016341754 15726357281 14016340726 14014540207 14014540160 14014541273 14016340282 14016340375 14016340258 14016340466 14014541008 14016341662 15726357302 M M F F F M F M M F F F F M F M F M F M F M M F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Ochurub Raymond Goldmine Milka Annelly Usia Angelika Rudolpn Simon N Cecilie Rudolfine Rebecca Francilis Onesmus Irya Errikki Tuhafeni Risto Magdalena Simon Isabella Salomon Tomas Tusnelde Selma Mpingana 5880 15 ARANOS Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Beukes Kharuchab Angose Christof Brander Adams Beukes Swartz Brander Tjihenda Nekongo Meyer Le Roux Kharuchab Swartbooi 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. Naobes Vries Odigeng Hochobes Kumako Apols Bitz Diergaardt Afrika Beukes De Wee Haosemab Tieties 1. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Abraham Listophine I. Cornelia Sanna R. Eva Susanna Hermanus Sara Milton H. Gerhard K. Jeremias Gerhardus J. J. Malie C. Willem S. Abraham Renate Renathe A. Josef Victoria Katrina Anna Christiaan Annastasia Magrietha Maria Erica Josef Romeo Heinrich 150 Rooiduin, Aranos 149 Rooiduin, Aranos 11 Rooiduin, Aranos 7 Sonara, Aranos 7 Sonara, Aranos 93 Safari, Aranos Nuwerus, Aranos 40 Sonara, Aranos 17 Rooiduin, Aranos Nuwerus, Aranos 40 Rooiduin, Aranos Erf 77, Duineweg, Aranos 177 Rooiduin, Aranos 119 Rooiduin, Aranos 796 Safari, Aranos Hno. 730 Jakanas Street, Arandis 111 Safari, Aranos 139 Rooiduin, Aranos 110 Safari, Aranos 73 Nuwerus, Aranos 63 Safari, Aranos 676 New Extention, Aranos Nuwerus, Aranos 128 Rooiduin, Aranos 40 Sonara, Aranos Bosduin, Aranos 17 Rooiduin, Aranos 118 Sonara, Aranos 14012540819 14012540659 14012540634 14012541634 14012540511 14012540269 14012540153 14012541704 14012541213 14012540669 14012540275 14012542209 14012541343 14012540284 14012540239 14016340372 14012540423 14162741785 14012541679 14012540817 14012541985 14012541729 14012541491 14012540939 14012542083 14012541445 14012542789 14012540948 M F F F F F M F M M M M F M M F F M F F F M F F F F M M 16 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 AROAB DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dirkse Beukes Mugunda Witbooi Gariseb Mokasie Masaka Coetzee Tieties Oarum Tsei-Tseis Kuhanga Swartbooi Araeb Swartbooi Goraseb Jacobs Boois Pauljan Huisemab Uutaapama Steenkamp Coetzee Bloom Mienies Jansen Bloom Rooi Steenkamp Sheriva G. Fritz Lissie Florencia A. Godfried H. Lydia Jacob Willem R. Natascha Willem Christophine Elden E. Christina R Adanasius Hermina Niklaas P. Veronica Salmon Jaqualin Titus Saara N. Arrie J. Elizabeth Leoni E. Erica Gert Anna Heinrich Mara B. 798 New Extention, Aranos 799 Rooiduin, Aranos 161 Rooiduin, Aranos 21 Rooiduin, Aranos 119 Rooiduin, Aranos 40 Rooiduin, Aranos 673 Sonara, Aranos 62 Sonara, Aranos 99 Bosduin, Aranos 61 Safari, Aranos 2 Rooiduin, Aranos 88 Sonara, Aranos 118 Rooiduin, Aranos 167 Salmon B Hostel, Aranos 159 Rooiduin, Aranos 687 Sonara, Aranos 155 Rooiduin, Aranos 14 Duine Street, Aranos 678 Sonara, Aranos 770 Sonara, Aranos 725 Sonara, Aranos 118 Heuwel Street, Aroab 166 Coetzee Street, Aroab Erf 77 Aroab Wes, Aroab 283 Koesweg, Aroab 387 Koesweg, Aroab 219 Koesweg, Aroab 318 Koesweg, Aroab 118 Heuwel Street, Aroab 14012540735 14012541390 14012540793 14012540494 14162741752 14012541637 14012540419 15629356416 14012540610 14012541437 14012542350 14012541290 14012542323 14012540219 14012540561 14012540132 14012540522 14012541402 14012540813 14012540268 14012542244 14012241444 14012241595 14012241489 14013040352 14012241159 14012241601 14012241994 14195042107 F M F F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F F F M F M F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 17 BERSEBA DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Van Wyk Tities Bloom Descande McKay Van Staden Witbooi Cloete Van Staden Gertze Appollus Assegaai Maasdorp Rooi Assegaai Rooi Draaier Witbooi Kido Neels Hamman Isaaks Isaak Hamman Jash Motinga Stein 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Rooi Matroos 1. 9. 10. Maria Jan Juliana Chantell Shiela M. Willem Fransiciska E. Flip K. Magdalena P. Annaleen V. Willem C. Pieta Magretha Myra E. Sara S. Lucia Johannes Hedwig Niklaas Sophia C. Sara M. Christina Sarah Jesaya Lena Felecia Helena M. Willem J. Anna Johannes Erf 13 JD Strydom Street, Aroab Erf 245, Suiderdal, Aroab Erf 50 Oosterheim, Aroab Erf 255, Suiderdal, Aroab Erf 214, Suiderdal, Aroab Erf 261, Suiderdal, Aroab Erf 255, Suiderdal, Aroab Erf 42 Oosterheim, Aroab Erf 39 Oosterheim, Aroab 149 Oosterheim, Aroab Erf 4, Aroab Erf 143 Oosterheim, Aroab Erf 125 Oosterheim, Aroab Erf 4, Aroab Erf 6 Conradie Street, Aroab Erf 20 JD Strydom Street, Aroab Erf 36, Kort Street, Aroab Erf 78 Hewel Street, Aroab Erf 137 Megite Street, Aroab Brukaros Extention, Berseba Brukaros Extention, Berseba Steinkop, Berseba Brukaros Extention, Berseba Steinkop, Berseba Brukaros Extention, Berseba Steinkop, Berseba Erf 285, Extention T, Aroab 329 Koesweg, Aroab 58 P.J. Saunderson Weg, Aroab 14012241390 15633656353 14012241779 14012241439 14012241116 14012242024 14012241895 14012241780 14012241788 14013040381 14013040416 14012241158 14013040362 14012241976 14013040409 14013040405 14012241604 14012241881 14012241427 15639156421 14015141396 14015141403 14015141149 14015141338 14015141297 14079641258 14012241123 14195042084 14012241897 F M F F F M F M F F M F F F F M F M F F F F M F F F M F M 18 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 BETHANIE DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Vries Issak Motinga Haman Meyer Frederick Motinga Isaak Motinga Swartbooi Haman Isaaks Esterhuizen Dreyer Goliath Kooper Boois Blom Vries Diiuella Beukes Meyer Jacobs Meintjies Hikoam Frederick 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Higom Kapuka Fredericks 1. 8. 9. 10. Anna J. Stefaqnus Sara K. Magdalena Zacheus Lilly R. Petrus E. Anna P. Hanna Anna K. Salmon D. Sabina M. Thomas W. Maria K. Jacobus Johanna L. Simeon Hulda L. Markus Koenrad Maria Hendrina Irene Tiumotheus Abrham C. Lukas Daniel Josephina Anna S. House 177, Plaamlaagte, Berseba //Gubasen Extention, Berseba Brukaros Extention, Berseba //Gubasen Extention, Berseba D.C. Goliath, Berseba //Gubasen Extention 348., Berseba Plaamlaagte B4/003, Berseba //Gubasen Extention, Berseba Brukaros Extention, Berseba Plaamlaagte, Berseba Gubasen, Berseba Gubasen, Berseba Gubasen, Berseba Plaamlaagte, Berseba Gubasen, Berseba D.C. Goliath, Berseba Gubasen, Berseba Plaamlaagte, Berseba D.C. Goliath, Berseba Erf 25 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 16 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 102 Gobebfontein, Bethanie Erf 190 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 64 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 21 Gobebfontein, Bethanie Extention 348 //Gubasen, Berseba //Gubasen, Berseba //Gubasen, Berseba //Gubasen, Berseba 14015141288 14015141147 14079641071 14015141281 14189342052 14079641205 14015141281 14015141111 14015141274 14015141213 14015141110 14015141069 14015141350 14015141425 14079641130 14015141383 14079641162 14079641302 14079641113 14015240454 14015240831 14189441957 14015241049 14015240366 14189442045 14079641204 14079641291 14015141320 14097641216 F M F M F M F M F M M F F F M M F M F F M F M F M M F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 19 BUKALO DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Visser Kaoe Hikaam Brinkman Motinga Kaoe Knouwds Arangies 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Frederik Kamakuva Frederick Higoam Hanse Frederik Brandt Isaack Boois Sedi Muhongo Mukena Shikokwani Shapopi 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. Knouwds Frederick Vries Homxas V/d Westhuizen 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. Dorina Teofilus Aletha Jacobus Martha Hendrik Lena Dawid Sana Penias Maxis Lawrence Catherince Anna M. Helena Sara Claudia P. Moreen L. Elfriede E. Dina J.A. Marinda Josephat Andreas J. Anna K. Greg L. Loritha Fritz Erf 77 Gobebfontein, Bethanie 14 Chief C. Frederik Street, Bethanie Erf 170 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 183 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 131 Riverside, Bethanie Erf 249 Riverside, Bethanie Erf 170 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 7 Rivier Street, Bethanie 272 Chief C. Frederik Street, Bethanie Quellen Street, Bethanie BM 8/15, Kort Street, Bethanie House 25, Gobebfontein, Bethanie Quellen Street, Bethanie Erf 174, Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 43, Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 1, Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 81, Gobebfontein, Bethanie Erf 80, Gobebfontein, Bethanie Erf 112, Gobebfontein, Bethanie Bukalo Chankuku Bukalo Erf 7 Rivier Street, Bethanie Erf 95 Gobebfontein, Bethanie Erf 158 Schmelendorf, Bethanie Erf 224 Riverside, Bethanie Erf 219 Riverside, Bethanie 14015241142 14015440239 14189442055 14015440163 14015241226 14015440229 14015240779 15638656462 14013740550 14189441961 15659156652 14047541088 14048041253 14015240281 14015240784 14015440206 15638656424 14015240945 14015241203 14015240841 14015240219 14015240641 14015240840 14189441984 14015241091 14015240752 14015240574 F M F M F F M F M F F M F F F F F F F F F M M F M F M 20 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 All People’s Party (APP) Musweu Mabuku Simbangala Mutonga Sikokwani Masialeti Imebo Likando Simasiku Katukula Siyauya Simasiku Matomola Namatama Mafwila Mutumugwana Mwilima Masangu Sibuku Konga Mwamo Didhiro 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. Mulikiti Kakulubelwa Simasiku Maputa Imonga Gwala Sinyinda Charles Matengu Jane Munyinda Trevor Musweu Grace Musipili Masialeti David Sibalatani Trudy Mushelo Mary Manga Imeldah N. Charles Sikabongo Agnes Kachana Louis Masule Candy Sepiso Magret N. Annoscah Y. Ciceua Ntombi Benaro Kamwi Sylvester M. George I. Frans Sandrina M Berio Nanzila Vasco Matakala Maureen John Maputa Joyce Namasiku Mavis Namasiku Saberia Minsozi Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Bukalo Area Divundu Divundu Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo Bukalo 14047540909 14048041275 15659156637 14048041350 14048041214 14048041349 14048041308 14120941239 14048041217 14120041206 14048041280 14048041400 14048041301 15659156655 14120941244 14048041457 14048041189 14120941232 14120041204 15737357726 15735257549 14047541049 14048041354 14047540929 14047540919 14048041435 14048041499 14047540976 14047541091 M M F F M M F F F M F M F F F F M M M M F F M F F M F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 DIVUNDU SWAPO Party of Namibia National Democratic Party of Namibia (NDP) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5880 21 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 1. Ndakondja Thifafure Mbathera Juse Ndunda Moyo Muhunguko Tumeri Muhoko Muruti Mberema Nyumbura Mupo Ngoshe Kambango Mbumbo Tjivi Dishara Ditembero Dinyando Mukendenge Kupembona Maghambayi Murundu Kumbwa Mangundu Thitaka Kumbwa Maghundu Walter H Paulus K. Annastasia R. Annastasia K. Blasius M. Jesephine K. Thikindo Pauline M. Alexander M. Clementine Alfons Thiyemo Isabella Nangana Angelika Kahe Adeline Ndanelo Christina Makena Thomas Kapande Petrus Muyevu Simon Karakadie Josef Fulgensia M Christoph K. Josofine M. Angelika T. Marthinus H. Alexander K. Frans K. Imelda Maria K. Erf 704, Eenhana Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu Divundu 14042640665 15737357671 15737357439 15737357678 15737357894 15735257518 15735257562 15737357672 15735157402 15737557901 15645556547 15737357464 15735257626 15737357914 15735257516 15735257614 157 37557865 15737557503 15735257640 15737357526 15737357450 15735357492 15737357805 15737357728 15737357438 15737357387 15737357895 15735357452 1573 5157455 M M F F M F M F M F M F F F F M F M M M F M F F M M M F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 EENHANA SWAPO Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 22 5880 GIBEON All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ndabo Shafodino Nanhapo Erastus Neulumo Shimbashike Ndakondja Shipoke Weyulu Nghiwete Nakale Shikongo Nangolo Shonena Jona Andreas Kaiko Kavela Mwandinge Bernard Kataloonga Simon Hafilwa Lamberth Kenda Auses Bezuidenhout Engelbrecht Jacobs Leepha N. David Eunike P.T Petrus H Rauna Petrus T Rauna N Kamati T Toivo Barnabas Isak Julia Ndeapo Amos Nampala Eunike Leonard Hosea Raija Ester Ndapwa Anna Katri P.T. Menneth Vilho Caroline George Sara J. Stefanus Charmine Venezza B. Maria E. Hans R. Erf 692, Eenhana Erf 634, Eenhana Eenhana Erf 704, Eenhana Eenhana-Omhito Eenhana Erf 704, Eenhana Eenhana Eenhana Eenhana Eenhana Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town Eenhana Town 531 Gibeon 527 Gibeon 898 Gibeon 435 Gibeon 682 Gibeon Gibeon 14042640949 14043041705 14042640702 14042640948 14042641281 14035240779 14042640670 15731557398 14042640977 14042640581 14043040728 14042640624 14042640911 14042640594 14042640797 14042640476 14042641245 14042640466 15649956566 14042642355 14042640619 14042640481 14042642437 14004940385 14005240704 14005240405 14005240538 14005240557 14004940467 F M F M F M F M M M M F M F M M F F F F M F M F M F F F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 23 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Dawson Swartboi Brinkman Josop Eiman Kido Dawson Bampton Coetzee Basson Cloete Garoes Frederick Petersen Bock 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kooper Witbooi Nanis Auses Keramin Chirombo Afrikaner Vries Isaaks Bock Boys Witbooi Jossob Keramen 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fransiena Lucia Natasha Gerhard L. Sarah E. Linda C.K. Andolene Charlette Piet Josef N. Anna J. Josephat Alwina T. Loraine Niklaas Willemina Sara C. Sophia Rachel M. Geoffrey Katrina E. Willem Lena Magrietha Semoritha L. Anton Maria M. Cornelia Lydia Erf 684, Gibeon Erf 856, Gibeon Erf 447, Gibeon Erf 907, Gibeon Erf 219, Gibeon Erf 683, Gibeon Erf 219, Gibeon Erf 648, Gibeon Erf 30, Gibeon BM 19/14, Gibeon Erf 544, Gibeon Erf 25, Gibeon Erf 702, Gibeon Erf 288, Gibeon Erf 683, Gibeon 1201 Gibeon 674 Gibeon 194 Gibeon 867 Gibeon Erf 24, Gibeon Erf 153, Gibeon Erf 161, Gibeon Erf 247A, Gibeon Erf 134, Gibeon Erf 125, Gibeon Erf 152, Gibeon Erf 42, Gibeon Erf 2/47B, Gibeon Erf 24, Gibeon 14005241033 14005240118 14005241582 14005240219 14005241478 14005240895 14005241480 14005240887 14005240331 14005241550 14005241461 14163241719 14004940258 14004940443 14005240063 14005240943 14004940448 14005241515 14005241027 14005240714 14005240152 14005241789 14005240259 14005241134 14005241583 14004940268 14004940279 14004940453 14005240713 F F F M F F F F M M F M F F M F F F F M F M F F M M F F F 24 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 GOBABIS DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Isaack Rooi Kisting Cloete Teister Diergarrdt Shintango Waggie Mbangu Kanyanga Khodibeb Ntjavi Kathora Nyime Kanyanga Campbell Kautjitwavi Karukua Araes Skeyer Araes Geingob Mbinda Sechogele Kahuikee Sechogele Nguasena Araes Kahuikee Henry S. Katrina Karl Johanna Solomon C. Katharina Simon P. Juliana C. Josef K. Matumbo Franziskus Norbert Maria Immanuel Sabine S. Joey C. Nicolene Jeremia Yvette Rudolf Agnes Bonifatius Maria Callista Tjimbinae Esmeralda Alexanderina Veronica Harolt Erf 308, Gibeon Erf 724, Gibeon Erf 155, Gibeon BM 19/14, Gibeon Erf 705, Gibeon 80 Coronation Street, Gobabis Freedom Square, Gobabis 174 Rakatuka, Gobabis Damara Block, Gobabis Freedom Square, Gobabis Rakatuka, Gobabis Ndjavera, Gobabis 462 Progress, Gobabis 202 Ngatutunge, Gobabis Damara Block, Gobabis Freedom Square, Gobabis 462 Progress, Gobabis Tuerijonjera, Epako Erf 106 Mokganedi Street, Gobabis Erf 686 Maharero Street, Gobabis Erf 50 Kanaan, Epako Damara Block, Epako I.P.M. Nganate Street, 101 Epako IPM Nganate Street, 108 Epako IPM Nganate Street, 102, Epako IPM Nganate Street, 108 Epako Tuerijandjera, Epako Kanaan Block Tswana Block 14005241586 14005241509 14005240453 14005241557 14005240450 14041641448 14049440631 14040743194 14049440674 14040840533 14041040487 14041040536 14140541714 14040040474 14040042009 14040840460 14041040860 14040743114 15755457574 14041042004 14040741769 14049441079 14041041133 14041040817 14040042312 14041041040 14040840699 14040742080 14040042313 M F M F F F F F F M M F M F M F M F M F M M F M F F F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 25 SWANU of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) Ngaruka Araeb Thwabi Khuxas Kaindje Bokatsang Nau-Gawases Kavari Hogobes Hoxowes Kanamses Goagoseb Kavitjene Muundjua Paulinus Tjiueza 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. Garoeb Tjano Mukungu Tjiuma Mata Rooinasie Kavetutjo Tjipetekera Kariuanga Kenaruzu Kandjii 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Kandetu 1. Stephanus Immueelata Daniela Rudolfine Olrich E. Thusnelde Ceulie R. Katrina Hester Maria Nina Jacob-Ngeke Abisai-Vesisa Penoumba Ingnesia Inekia Gideon Christa Constansia Milka V. Rederik N. Sieglinde Perpetua McBrown T. Jefta Agnes M. Magdalena Elias Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Epako Freedom Square 625 Taylor Street, Gobabis 26 Roseveldt Street, Gobabis 576 H. Nyambe Street, Gobabis 1424 H. Nyambe Street, Gobabis 1121 Tjombe Street, Epako Tuerijandjera Squatters, Gobabis Erf 1177, Epako, Gobabis Road Camp, Gobabis Road Camp, Gobabis Road Camp, Gobabis Tuerijandjera Squatters, Gobabis Erf 1177, Epako, Gobabis Road Camp Erf 69, Gobabis Tuerijandjera Squatters, Gobabis Tuerijandjera Squatters, Gobabis Freedom Square, Gobabis Erf 691, Epako, Gobabis 14040741809 14040041305 14049440886 14040742490 15704157060 14049441637 14040743188 14040740867 14040740863 14040740865 14040740792 14040042482 14049440602 14049441466 14040040741 14040840459 14041040816 14140541426 14040042896 14040042631 15704157055 14040040664 14140541687 15755657744 14040043001 14040042671 14049441121 14040041208 M M F F M F F F F F F M M M F F M F F F M F F M M F F M 26 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) SWAPO Party of Namibia Papama Ngarizemo Ignasia Hoxobeb Ipinge Goeieman Shigwedha Mugubelelu Kandovazu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kavirindi Basson Uanivi Mbuende Kahuva Virore Virore Kuruuo Kalili Iipinge Tjizoo Kawana Naoadoeb Mogotsi Van der Merwe Glazer Van Wyk Jagger Amutenya Bezuidenhoudt 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 1175, Damara Block Tuerijandjera Herero Block Erf 118, Rakutuka Tuerijandjera, Herero Block Erf 9518, Rakutuka Kanan Epako, Heroro Block Erf A-91 Kanan Kanan Herero Block Erf 534A, Herero Block 983 Geelhout Street, Gobabis Kaanan Block, Gobabis Tuerijandjera Squatters, Gobabis 958/16 Wag n Bietjie, Gobabis 012 Kaanan Block, Gobabis 180 Nossobville, Gobabis Nossobville, Gobabis 63 G. Dawid Street, Gobabis 846 Maharero Street, 820 Kalahari Street, Gobabis 975 Geelhout Circle, Gobabis 146 Ombili Street, Gobabis Thlabahelo Street, Gobabis 62 David Street, Gobabis 21 Quito Canavalle Street, Gobabis 1139 T. Eiseb Street, Gobabis 704 Landsberg Avenue, Gobabis 1194 Glazer Street, Gobabis 316 Rugby Street, Gobabis 20 c/o Hermanus Landsberg Street, 14040742609 14049441166 14040040547 14140441442 14140541617 14040040880 14049441344 14040841222 15755657653 14040042741 14040840858 14040743510 14049440892 14049441910 14049440795 15755657751 14040741632 14049440502 14040041521 14041042733 14041040636 14049440658 14040740479 14040040416 14040841560 14041641465 14041040654 14040040477 14041641488 M F M F F M M M M F M F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M M F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Simson Morwe Kenneth Alleta Maria Jason Khise Ambrossius Simeon Maria-Magdalena Jonathan Alwina Kavenaendo Richardine Ihangaura Urundurura Lisolothe Liberius S. Lea N. Cornelius Annafulgentia John Venantia Loius R. Ignasia Jakobus Josefart Elizabeth Sila 5880 27 GOCHAS Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Congress of Democrats (COD) Van Staden Reinhardt Plaatjies 8. 9. 10. Van Rooien Diergaardt 7. 2. Coetzee Diergaardt Isaacks Kemp 3. 4. 5. 6. Eimann Saal 2. 1. Hendriethe Manuel Musongo Assegaai Saal Josob Rooi De Waal Teister Coetzee Kaffer Osemas Saul Diergaardt 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. !Gomxab Naus 231 Auobplaat 143 Tuerijandjera, Herero Block Tuerijandjera Herero Block Kanan Herero Block BM 24/1, Gochas Erf 158, !Gomxab Naus Erf 119, !Gomxab Naus Erf 83, !Gomxab Naus Erf 162, Auobplaat Erf 81, !Gomxab Naus Erf 120, Auobplaat Erf 206, !Gomxab Naus Erf 154, !Gomxab Naus Erf 125 !Gomxab Naus 49 Kerk Street, Auobplaat 158 J. Witbooi Street, !Gomxab Naus 267 Kooitjie Street, !Gomxab Naus Erf 91, Auobplaat 306 Keramin Street, !Gomxab Naus 167 Kooitjie Street, !Gomxab Naus 37 Dawid Diergaardt Street, Auobplaat 267 Kooitjie Street, !Gomxab Naus 138 J. Witbooi Street, !Gomxab Naus 261 S. Kooper Street, !Gomxab Naus 14162641792 14162642196 14162842274 14001040327 14162641757 14162641904 14162642111 14162642242 14162642276 14162641841 14162642090 14049441142 14040041094 14040840918 14162641654 14162642090 15629056331 15629056326 14162642267 14162641888 14162642238 14162641712 14162642372 14162641896 15629056354 M F M M M M F M F M M F M M F M F F F F F F F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Johannes Eva Rudolf V. Selvanus Hendrik P. John H.M. Katrina Clide Maria M. Klaas Patric Ngavirue Tjituka Damain Gabriel Sara K. Patrick Frederika Elizabeth Dawid G. Margaretha G. Anna W. Paulina Christiana Silvia I. Sara L. 28 5880 GROOTFONTEIN All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia Hausiku Beukes Ruhunko Eibeb Hausiku Kaliye Goroeb Marando Uses 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Titus Burtze Van Staden Jantjies Van Staden Fredericks Links 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Uiseb Both 3. 1. Jass Gomases Van Coller Boertze Steenkamp De Waal Bloedoog Cloete Swartz Bock 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. Victoria M. Cornelius Pauline M. Christian N. Meiisolf H. Theresia Ruben B. Matamu A. Ingrid M. Stanislaus George J.E. Anna K. Neels Lizinda P. George Monica Gerhard E. Christina Anna M. Helen Bonnita Aloysia M. Maria Magrieta Erika Jan Leesma E. Japie Erf 353, Blikkiesdorp Erf 1446, Build Together Erf 423, Blikkiesdorp Erf 101, Damara Location Erf 37, Blikkiesdorp Erf 191, Blikkiesdorp Erf 97, Damara Location Erf 702, Blikkiesdorp Erf 57, Damara Location Erf 1396, Build Together Auobplaat 130 !Gomxab Naus 189 !Gomxab Naus Auobplaat 143 Auobplaat 143 Auobplaat 162 !Gomxab Naus Auobplaat 143 Erf 40, Gochas Erf 156, Gochas 157 Johannes Olivier Street, Gochas Erf 126, Gochas Erf 111/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas Erf 89/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas Erf 24/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas Erf 22/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas Erf 55/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas Erf 51/Gomxab!Naus, Gochas 14056242579 15666056792 14057841706 15662756845 14056644184 15662756870 14057040937 15745157487 14057843114 14056242036 14162641644 14162642066 14162642286 14162642370 14162642277 15629056342 14162642179 14162642241 14162642177 14162641795 14162641872 14162642337 14162642185 14162642158 14162641989 14162642197 14162642131 14162642012 F M F M M F M M F M M F M F M F M F F F F F F F F M F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 29 Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Tsibes Esingue Brendell Bam Abner A. Francis Malambo Garas Pollman Nangombe Kuvare Hoeses Gaoas /Naris Esinque 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. Shikerete Kheimses Tjikuua Katjina Faustinus Geigub Kazonganga Ndango Kariahuua Nangolo Kahere Kudumo Fox Fox 1. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Eluira C. Anna M. Agnes I. Asser Donald W. Clerence K. Annalise M. Penelope B. Angela Alex K. Jenny C. Salinde Rachel Irma I. Magdalena Festus k. Josofina T. Othniel T. Usieline Boetie J. M. Sethney E. Ekonia Alvisia Erwina Clarens Sam Martha Elvis G.B. Issiolina Build Together Luiperd Heuwel Herero Location Owambo Location Soweto Location Herero Location Captain Franke Street Build Together Build Together Damara Location Damara Location 533 Appelblaar Street Erf 41 Luiperd Heuwel 312 Kaptein Lombart Street Build Together Erf 180, Blikkiesdorp Erf 549, Damara Location 251 Herero Location 9 Herero Location T 11 Mini Town 139 Damara Location 44 Herero Location Blikkiesdorp 443 Schumetz Street 149 Jamuina Street Build Together 344 Blikkiesdorp 07 Damara Location 07 Damara Location 14056644147 14130441920 14044941658 14056540780 14056242446 14056641101 14057843767 14056242438 14056242490 14057841504 14057842636 14057842199 14056541152 14044940642 14056242437 15745157483 14057843087 15662756815 14057842477 14056643161 14130941497 15728457400 15666056832 14056541234 14056541112 14057040633 14056641200 14056643216 14056242014 F F F M M M F F F M F F F F F M F M F M M M F F M M F M F 30 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 HELAO NAFIDI DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Afrikaner Araeb Bock !Horases Gaoas Gaoas Visagie Paulus /Garas Haimene Taukuheke Shinyemba Gawaseb Tsanigab Joseph Spaangenberg Awases Shikundule Hango Simon Mwazi Mbab Elia Hamutue Shikudule Hamukwaya Munepapa Haimbodi Hamata Helga A. Alexander Tessa R. Maria Beuala Lydia Wilhelmina Paulina Else Absai O.S. Emma Markus E. Priscilla Etnee F. Laurentia Gert J. Natasha E. Amelia Kamina V. Simon T. Penny P. Lukas Miina Helao Gabriel Benjamin Maria Justina Lukas Erf 761, Soweto 670 Blikkiesdorp Erf 41 Luiperd Heuwel Erf 319 Buitekamp Erf 167 Owambo Location Erf 167 Owambo Location Erf 41 Luiperd Heuwel 335 Blikkiesdorp 335 Blikkiesdorp Erf 74 Omulunga Grootfontein Location Location Erf 2205 Omulunga Location Grootfontein Erf 1337 Omulunga Location Grootfontein Grootfontein Mini Town Ohangwena Ohangwena Ohangwena Oshikango Engela Ohangwena Oshikango Ohangwena 14057843809 14057842212 14056641153 14057842200 14057841452 14057841451 14056643162 14056540834 14056540832 14056644156 14056642708 14056640871 14056541201 15662756865 14044940727 14056242835 14056242794 14057041007 14130441986 14130541512 14057841345 14117341302 14037540892 14146341651 15752557549 15705557153 14117341203 15752557799 14037240592 F M F F F F F F F M F M F M F M F F F M F M F M M M F F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 31 Shimwooshili Shounyuni Kaluvango Shilamba Petrus Fillipus Ngweda Hamukoto Mandume Shikong Kashikatu Ndafelai Kandjebo Nghililewanga Nghipangelwa Hashoongo Haikali Hainghumbi Hitula Nghidimbina Shinedima Shekunyenge Jambeinge Tuyoleni 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. SWAPO Party of Namibia Benjamin Kahana Kashidulika Pangeiko Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 9. 10. 11. 12. Johannes M. Faustina Justina Toivo Albertina Ernestine Simon Haihambo Johannes S Eliaser Frieda Esron Efeinge Thomas Lusia Ndahafa Eliaser Lylie Ndahondjapo Paulus Panduleni Jona Teeleleni Ester Ndatala Benny Seraphina Johana Victoria Vilho Amalia Vistorina P Susan Peneyambeko Omafo Engela Ohangwena Ohangwena Ohangwena Onaame Ohangwena Ohangwena Ohangwena Ohangwena Onhuno Engela Ohangwena Oshikango Engela Ohangwena Ohangwena Engela Oshikango Ohangwena Ohangwena Oshikango Engela Ohangwena Oshikango Oshikango Oshikango Ohangwena 14034941564 14038442255 14037441834 14036940991 15712957272 15704857234 14037540455 14037541275 14038442253 14037541167 14037440894 14144841484 14037540510 14032240570 14038440392 14037540380 15712957221 14144841502 14150542124 14037441387 14037540387 15752558107 14038441433 14037541852 15752558081 15752558075 15752557827 14037540734 M F F M F F M M M F M M F M F M F M F M F F F M F F F F 32 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 HENTIES BAY DTA of Namibia Civic Association of Henties Bay Dlamini Jansen Swart Cramer Scheepers Muller Van Zyl Jansen van Vuuren Blatt Van Zyl Oosthuizen Espach Hamutenya Claasen Du Plessis Hoxobeb Gertze Haneb Golbach Kasaona Claasen Barakias Afrikaner Haeses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 356 T. Hainyeko Street, Henties Bay 544 Otjozondjupa Street, Henties Bay 704 Blouvinhaai Street, Henties Bay 1254 Duineweg, Henties Bay 342 T. Hainyeko Street, Henties Bay 2289 Extention 10, Henties Bay 430 Bamboes Street, Henties Bay 2381, Extention 10, Henties Bay 1864 Auas Street, Henties Bay 596 Duineweg, Henties Bay 895 Omaruru Street, Henties Bay 1214 Kosmos Street, Henties Bay 124 H. Witbooi Street, Henties Bay 742 Oshikoto Street, Henties Bay 383 Malgas Street, Henties Bay 37 Moses Garoeb Street, Henties Bay 1565 Strandloper Street, Henties Bay 827 Omusati Street, Henties Bay 1565 Grootberg Street, Henties Bay 694 Omaheke Street, Henties Bay 742 Oshikoto Street, Henties Bay 126 H. Witbooi Street, Henties Bay 740 Oshikoto Street, Henties Bay 584 Khomas Street, Henties Bay 14010340593 14018841335 14010341520 14018841669 14010340174 14010340878 14010340437 14010340124 14010341296 140103401180 14010340975 14010340777 14010340603 14010341212 14010340121 14010340697 14177541885 14018841584 14010341538 14010341072 14010340157 14010341477 14010340212 14018840778 M F M F F M F F M M F M M M F M F F M F F M M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Gabriel Regina Staby Z. Regina Hildegard Isaskar Magrietha Brigette Marcus Cornelius Johannes Jacoba Johannes Rudolf Michiel Johan Josias Andreas Denise Margaret Abraham Jacobus Anna Diana B.B. Fredrick Theresia Gisela Petrus Daniel Willem Gustav 5880 33 SWAPO Party of Namibia Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Kariko Geingob Somaes Amazila Hoaeb Kooitjie Haraseb !Aoxamub #Guibes Vries Gorases //Hoeses Dames Areses Oabeb Jansen van Vuuren Roets Witbooi Oabeb Gaeseb Awises Muheue Mukwena Burger Honeb Haufiku Gomachab Kahambundu Teofilus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Alberth Susanna Morencia Lot Esmie Moses Laurens Elmaitha Lisma Liset Katrina Elensia Analise Joan Lena Jakobus Paulus Phillipus Erika Herry Angelika Victor Belinda Utara Wellery Sylvia Gertruida Johanna Herman H. Maria A. Renier Christa Januali Maria Melody 984, Extention 3, Henties Bay 611, Liambezi Street, 536, Otjozondjupa Street 351, Tobias Hainyego’s 570, Hardap Street Extention 3 85, Moses Garoeb Street 351 Tobia Hainyego Street 936, Extention 3 984, Extention 3 932, Extention 3 Oranje Street, 27, Henties Bay Otjikoto Street, 733, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Kraai Street, 1977, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Omdel, Henties Bay Kraan Street, 577, Henties Bay 1962, Omaruru Street Iipumbu Street Paresis Street Moses Street Amwaama Street 596, Khomass Street 14018840612 14177741917 14018841595 14018840784 14018840676 14018840545 14018840823 14010341564 14010340787 14018840695 14018840926 14010340440 14010340228 14010340680 14010341091 14010341309 14010340494 14010340627 14018841115 14018840958 14010340720 14018841235 14010341355 14010340585 14018840387 14010341012 14018840227 14010340155 14010340356 M F F M F M M F F F F F F M M F M F M F M F F M F M F M F 34 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 KALKRAND All People’s Party (APP) United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Gaeseb Kamuhake Hochobes Nowaseb Katjoko Ganases Kamuhake Gamibes /Awases Hoes 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Swartz Jonker Gertze Filander Van Wyk Williams /Aubes 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Skini Mapanka Nambala Ndjawella Halweendo Iimbamba Gabriel Ganaseb 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Alfred Justine Elizabeth Moses Elizabeth Hendrik Justine Sylvia Paulina D.N. Reinard Manfred Gothardine August Leybon B. Anastasia Samuel Renathe Michael Wilhelmina E. Olivia Emma Michael Paulus T. Irya Jason Atlantic Street Hage Geingob Street Karas Street Hardap Street Anton Lubowski Street Anton Lubowski Street Khomas Street 526 Otjozondjupa Street, Henties Bay Erf 129, Omdel, Henties Bay 526 Otjozondjupa Street, Henties Bay 792 Erongo Street, Henties Bay 401 Oliver Tambo Street, Henties Bay 257 Renoster Street, Henties Bay Erf 997, Extention 3, Henties Bay Erf 130, Omdel, Henties Bay 619 Liambezi Street, Henties Bay 30 Moses Garoeb Street, Henties Bay 42 Hage Geingob Street, Henties Bay 94 Hage Geingob Street, Henties Bay Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand 14003040065 14003040326 14003040532 14003040758 14003040166 14003040578 14018841041 14018841463 14018841279 14018840454 14010341570 14018841570 14018840953 14018840310 14018840750 14010340765 14010340869 14010341191 14010341383 14018840414 14010340602 14010341215 14018841568 14018840825 14018840895 M F F M F M F F F M M F M F F M F M F F F M M F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 35 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Van Staden Van Wyk Snyer Swartbooi Grass Descande Geixos Grass Both Goliath Van Wyk Nuganab Uirab Nangolo Naoses 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Arie Skrywer Kraai Moseke Jansen Resandt Hansen Orren Jass Jansen Isaaks Ukena Swartz Van Wyk 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hermiena L. Katriena Simery Reinard Hendrik Mina Sofie Buks B. Maderyna C. Petronella A. Jacobus H. Erika Matheus Mariana Rebecca Sofia Susanna Salmon Simson Mathilda Elizabeth S. Hermanus Emma Johanna Jayson Calistha E. Lauraine Maria Elizabeth Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Erf 17, Kalkrand Erf 98, Kalkrand Erf 120, Kalkrand Erf 409, Kalkrand Erf 62, Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Kalkrand Erf 74, Kalkrand Erf 80, Kalkrand Kalkrand Denkrus, Kalkrand Erf 26, Kalkrand Erf 74, Kalkrand Erf 99, Kalkrand Erf 77, Kalkrand Erf 78, Kalkrand Erf 1042, Kalkrand 14003040598 14003040214 15627056311 14003040201 14003040442 14003040638 14003040157 14003040776 15627056297 14003040820 14003040592 14003040196 14003040135 14003040331 14003040198 14003040539 14003040519 14003040568 14003040569 14003040069 14003040172 14003040618 14164641683 14003040747 14003040422 14003040666 14003040274 14003040276 14003040640 F F M M M F F M F F M F M F F F F M M F F M F F M F F F F 36 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 KAMANJAB Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) !Guims Oe-Amseb 2. 3. Tjambiru Katjau Kambahepa Kambara 7. 8. 9. 10. Oe-amseb Christy 6. 1. Block Links Mika Beukes Alexander Shikuambi Owoses Tjiondo Tsibes Tjirundu Tjiondo Danises Nekongo Kandume Tjiondo Karunga Namaseb Tsihero Gaseb Haeses 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Blikkiesdorp, Kamanjab Blikkiesdorp, Kamanjab Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Erf 23, Kalkrand Erf 260, Kalkrand Erf 288, Kalkrand Erf 73, Kalkrand Erf 260, Kalkrand Erf BM 433/16 Erf 66, Kerk Street Erf1, Kerk Street Drusila Gaogas Street, Kamanjab Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Erf 184, Kamanjab Erf 187, Dudu Murorua Street Erf 329, Gomachab Erf 13, Esegiel Gawoseb Street Erf 67, Rotsvesting Kamanjab Erf 274, Rotsvesting Erf 2, Saamstaan Erf 300. Rotsvesting Ef 5, Rotsvesting Erf 56, Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Erf 37, Hifikepunye Pohamba Street Erf 59, Gomachab Street Blikkiesdorp, Kamanjab Erf 22 Ssaamstaan, Rotsvesting Erf 304, Kamanjab 15713557174 14067740929 15716857225 14067941402 14067741094 14067741263 14119741232 14067741094 14003040344 14003040173 14003040074 14003040307 14003040054 14068740716 14067941383 14067941409 14067941095 14067740728 15713557236 14067941498 14067941037 14067741606 14067740911 14067741590 14067740966 14067741027 15716857214 14067741072 F F M M M F F F M F M F M M F M F F F F M M F F M F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Elfriede Emma Johannes Jahena Reinhold Martha Esther Jorin Erlina Paul E. Martha P. Nehemia Johanna J. Festus Lazarus Maria Althar Jacgues Magdalena Maria Magreth Christina Larus Epson Julia Emilie Matthews Katrina Lesley A. Bertha 5880 37 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia Stuurman 10. Goraseb Mbarandongo Stuurman Geingos Spingbok Aebes Pienaar Ganeb Guriras 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mbahee Mutrifa Hendriks Ganuses Lewe Tjinyama Daniel Nawases Stefanus Hendriks Nekongo Guim Tauxas Stuurman /Uris 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Koruhira 4. Dudu Murorua Street 108, Kamanjab Erf 329 Gomachab, Kamanjab Erf 2015 Doodverwg, Kamanjab Erf 103, Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Erf 103 Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Erf 718, Kamanjab Dudu Muroruas Street 329, Kamanjab Erf 8 Annalerie Street Erf 34, Visser Kruger Street Erf 284, Dudu Murodua Street Erf 128, Rotsvesting Street Erf 115, Esegiel Gawaseb Street Erf 302, Khamuxab Street Erf 45, Franzina Tjivela Street Erf 27, Gemsbok Street Erf 14, Vicks Kruger Street Erf 284, Gomochab Street Erf 171 Gennie Tjiondo Street, Rotstvesting, Kamanjab 50 C. Gaes Street, Kamanjab 171 Dudu Murorua Street, Kamanjab Erf 99 Kerk Street, Kamanjab Erf 80 Church Street, Kamanjab Erf 50 KuduStreet, Kamanjab Ef 136 Rotsvesting, Kamanjab Eremst Gurirab Street, Kamanjab BM36-11 Main Street, Kamanjab 14067740825 14119841309 14067941589 14067741186 14067941293 14067941378 14067941010 14067941422 14067741534 14167941078 14067941360 14067741545 14068740703 14068740705 14067740882 14119741245 14067941493 14119741217 14067941387 14067941576 14067741206 14067741431 14067941012 14067941011 14067741752 14067741522 F F F F M F F F M M F M F F F M F M F M F F F M F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Anna Ida Sarafina Magdalena Hendrik Erastus Doline Regina Christabella S. Whycliff B. Jokkie R Priska Imelda Jan N. Maria R. Hanna Rosa-Marie Pinias H Jacobine Shimbike Maria Mervin Elizabeth Merchercy Alliene Fransiskus Erichen Patrick 38 5880 KARASBURG Arendse Jossop George Blockstaan Swartbooi Hatzkin Tsuses Losper Blockstaan Laberloth Van Wyk Cloete Julius Fransman Blockstaan Jobs Jobs Esau Julius Julius Fransman Fransman Fransman Jobs Bezuidenhoudt Veldskoen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Bapello Democratic Party of Namibia (DPN) 10. Erf 307 Karasburg Erf 97 Karasburg Erf 304 Westerkim House 120 Westerkim House 353 Westerkim House 164 Lordsville House 37 Westerkim House 21 Lordsville Erf 67 Lordsville Erf 353 Westerkim House 53 Westerkim House 20 Lordsville House 69 Lordsville Erf 307 Westerkim House 229 Westerkim Erf 307 Westerkim Erf 622 Westerkim Erf 622 Westerkim Erf 314 Westerkim Erf 305 Westerkim Erf 404 Westerkim House 229 Westerkim House 229 Westerkim House 225 Westerkim Erf 622 Westerkim House 1 Lordsville 108, Dudu Murorua Street, Kamanjab 14013540231 14013540624 14013440286 14013140830 14013141127 14188942026 14013440377 14189042021 14013141079 14013141126 14013541291 14013540342 14013541210 14013140998 14013540924 15628356347 14013440808 15628356369 14013541519 14013540722 14013140552 14013440367 14013540921 14013540262 15628356364 14188941988 14067941537 M M F M F F M F F M F M F F F M F M F F M F F F F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Thomas B. John H. Anseline V. Josef Angela Juliana Laurentius Daphne A. Marisa D. Josef Annemarie A. Dawid Maureen J. Ragel R.C. Claudia C. Freddie S. Hildegard M. Prostasius Aloysia P. Magdalena Hendrik P. Bolingo C. Agnes Elizabeth Jussenda C. Carolina W. Hanna Clemencia 5880 39 SWAPO Party of Namibia Republican Party of Namibia (RP) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kalopa Hawanga Montzinger Olivier Heyn Pienaar Steenkamp Bezuidenhout Saal Witbooi Zwart Moller Draghoender Zwart Van Schalkwyk Du Plessis Renoster Moller Jaartze Albertse Arnold Matroos Vries Sarles Amutenya Markus Basson Bantam Kapiye Loretha B. Maria H. Christoffel Katherina Abraham P. Jan Ellen C. Lee F. Isak S.G. Petrus Louw Sanna M. Dominikus Isabelle Sofia Janetta Frank Sofia Willem Thomas D. Christina Magdalena Anna-Marie Marcelino Frieda Henry Josephine Johannes Josephine BM 39/33, Karasburg Erf 467 Karasburg Erf 135 Karasburg Erf 110 Karasburg Erf 290 Karasburg Erf 69 Karasburg House 15, Karasburg Erf 97 Karasburg House 206, Karasburg House 15, Karasburg House 110 7th Avenue TransNamib 49 House 649 House 110 7th Avenue P 72, Westerkim Kiewiet Cloete Street TransNamib 50 TransNamib 49 P 39, Westerkim House 690, Westerkim House 306, Westerkim P 39, Westerkim Erf 159 Lordsville Erf 109 Westerkim Erf 133 Westerkim House 192, Westerkim Erf 267 Westerkim Erf 90, Karasburg Erf 458 Westerkim 14013541131 14189041924 14013541488 14188942027 14013561202 14013541115 14013540255 14013541135 14013540923 14013540882 15628356310 14013540386 14188941941 15628356311 14013541518 14188941968 14013440169 14188941985 15628356394 14013141085 14013541073 14189041998 14189042067 14013540163 14188941902 14188942005 14013541183 14012540157 14202642094 F F M F M M F M M M M F M F F F M F M M F F F M F M F M F 40 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 KARIBIB Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Karibib Residents Association (KRA) Nguherimo Evenson Gases Gaweses Khito Gauses Booysen Garab Nguherimo Kurangera Tjikua 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Kurangera #Eixas Kangameni Noabeb Kangameni Guriras Auchab Puuahee Frio Shiweda Haingura 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Gainkob Konjore Jossop Amunyeala Jacobs Malapi 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ricardo Maraika Dorethea A Julia Fransiska Willem Rino Alma Emma Rottela Christiaan Naomie Else Josef Albert Susana Naomie Elma Florence Gerson Regina Denzel D Natalia Gerson Joseph Regina Aloysius Cornelia Michael Erf 430, Karibib Erf 87, Usab Erf 193, Usab 539, Karibib 22, Usab Karibib No 524, Karibib D17, Lurher Street Usab Karibib Erf 69, School Street, 13 Gold Street, Karibib C2 Usab Fraugth Street, Karibib 84, B. Gamxamub Street, Usab Erf 80, Usab, Karibib Erf 563, Usab, Karibib Erf 80, Usab, Karibib Old Location Karibib Erf 593, Usab, Karibib Usab, Kariabib Erf 107, Usab, Karibib Usab, Karibib Usab, Karibib Erf 76, Malesky Street, Usab BM Main Street, 39-45 Erf 246 Westerkim Erf 296 Westerkim Erf 334 Westerkim Erf 339, Karasburg 14017940819 14017941185 14017940211 14018341208 14017940355 15748557586 14017940468 14017940326 14179041835 14179041853 14017941250 14179041806 14179041885 14017940457 14010140251 14017941072 14014941054 14010140242 14017940278 14014940205 15748557544 14014940912 14017941048 14013541134 14013541478 14013440432 14013141018 14013540772 M F F F F M M F F F M F M F F F M M F F M M M F M F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 41 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Kausiona Garoeb Noarises Garises 2. 3. 4. Tjivikua Tuzembeho //Garoes Gaingob !Nauises #Gaeseb //Naobes !Nauises Gaingos //Gowaseb Gaingos Tsuseb Geingos Nabot Hamases Hamalwa Karimbue Ipinge Swartbooi Ntoni Theleni Noariseb Shikulo Liina R Nangolo 1. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 69, Karibib, Usab Hno. G12 Karibib, Usab Hno. E22, Karibib, Usab Erf 534, Karibib Town 34 Karibib Erf 434, Usab Erf 69, Usab No. 223-Information Settlement Erf 67, Usab Information Settlement No. 86, Information Settlement Information Settlement Erf 135, Usab D7, Usab Usab, Karibib Erf 73, Usab Erf 351, Usab Erf 537, Kassinga Erf 501, Berg Street, Karibib Erf 62, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Erf 318, Skool Street, Karibib Erf 419 Erongo Street, Karibib Erf 413, Spitzkope Erf 154/6 Aquamarine Erf A.9., Karibib Erf G14, Karibib Erf U174, Karibib Erf 568, Karibib Erf 195, Karibib 14017941381 14017940806 14017941450 14017940437 14017941136 14018341332 14017941383 14017941001 14017940995 14017941636 14018341228 14017941652 14017940737 14017940264 14017940350 14195342001 14017940740 14014940219 14017941730 14018340264 14014940504 14018340351 14017940766 14017941818 14017940595 14014940480 14017941156 14018340311 15740757456 M F F M F F F M F M F F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Willem Rosalia Anna Pieter Rikuvera Eleine Elizabeth Micheal Mariane Johannes Aguste Morine Sara Isaskar Sabina Cleofas Christina Petrus Amanda Robert Monalisa David Adelheid Petrus Festus Albertus Meriam Constantin Anna M 42 5880 KATIMA MULILO DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) Kapule Kawana Mutonga Muzungu Kakambi Mbanga Muluahi Mabuku Chiyuka Simataa Kawana Kawala Sikosi Numwa Chainda Silumesi Mboozi Mwiya Masasa Akanumwa Kasokonya 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Geingos Brunzel Garises Kangombe Hiskia Hiskia Gowaseb Afrikaner 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Lumba Ruth Hastings Mujiwa Moreen Masiye Po Streetick Muketela Cathrine Nanzka Beaven Smasiku Dorothy N. Dickson M. Michael Mwilima Rosemary M. James Masiye Lascan Munalula Sandra Sepiso Vicolen N. Victor Maswahu Albertina Chabo Steven Mufalai Eunice Nalufu Beauty Chile Namebo Matengu Reagan Eurica Sarah F Riana Lasarus Abed Elizabeth Godhard Cosmos Choto Compound Choto Compound Choto Compound New Cow Boy Choto Compound Choto Compound Choto Compound New Cow Boy New Cow Boy Unam Campus Choto Compound Erf 3095, New Cowboy Chotto Compund Cowboy Choto Compound NHE New Cowboy Ngweze Choto Compound Butterfly Choto Compound Hno. 8, Karibib, Usab Erf 65, Karibib, Usab Hno. 9, Karibib, Usab Erf 451, Karibib, Usab Hno. 2, Usab, Karibib Hno. 2, Usab, Karibib Hno. 19, Usab, Karibib House no. 20, Usab 14047242678 14047240581 14046742442 14046940924 15654756731 14047240574 15654756756 14046940992 14046941234 14045740883 14046840698 14046940577 14047241318 14046940541 14046740815 14046740809 14046940693 14046941453 14047241739 14046940841 14046942409 14018341185 14017941292 14017941311 14017941109 14017940429 14017940420 14018341243 14017941005 F M F M F M F M M F M M F F M F M F F F M F F F M M F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 43 Kambinda Bothile Kanyanso Kangulu Sipiho Makata Lyonga Chibona Mbeha Sikumba Linyando Lukato 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Mpulila Monde Kasokonya Mbukusa Musilizo Rudifor Sikunga Matende Mwiya Mwilima Liyali Mayumbelo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Salupito 1. Siyongo Simasiku Mululwe Elizabeth Ferdinand Kahimbi P. Ronette M. Chris M. Zambo L. Eunice Lizima K. Brendah N. Tronah M. Cordilia N. Nanvula C. Iness L. Ida Piet Munichezi Clara Kahundu Albius Lyazawila Chrisie Mary Mariah James Matende Wendy Tebuho Clarence Manga Agnes Sibeso Preecious N. Taibagh Simataa Daphine N. Cecilia Nkuwa Samuele Erf 1623, Ngweze Boma Chotto Mission Mission New Cowboy Katima Base New Cowboy Chotto Makalabani 4177 New Cowboy Mahohoma New Cowboy Erf 754, New-look Erf 1887, Chotto Erf 1744, Chotto Katima Base, Katima Mulilo Erf 730, New look Erf 415, Andimba Ya Toivo Street, Erf 2999, Mahohoma Erf 2082, Greenwell Natengo Erf 1352, Ngweze Katima Base Katima Base Erf 1564, Mayuluma Extention 1 New Look NHE Bebi 15654756582 14046841092 15746057588 14045740773 14045740802 14046742678 14047240650 14047240751 14047241089 14046840640 14046941035 14045742211 14046841127 14047242295 15746057523 14046942660 15654756695 14047242299 15654756752 14045740840 14047242622 14046840969 15654756886 14046942594 15654756873 14137241531 14046742860 14046941465 F M F F M F F M F F F F F F M F M F F M F F F F M F F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Democratic Party of Namibia (NDP) Katima Alliance Development Association (Kada) 10. 11. 12. 44 5880 KEETMANSHOOP Democratic Party of Namibia (DPN) SWAPO Party of Namibia Isaacs Witbooi Titus Smith Jossop Titus 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mutwamezi Kachiolwa Sililo Machana Mundia Liswaniso Majanga Muyendekwa Nehemia Najanga Majanga Mwiya Shamalaza Sankwaza Matengu Muhongo Maswahu Sitali Liswaniso Simanga Ntemwa Mwazi Likando 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 415, Kopieslaagte House 107, Tseiblaagte Erf 2357, Ileni Erf 2356, Tseiblaagte House 107, Tseiblaagte Erf 2357, Ileni Erf 225 Ngwezi 1304, New Cowboy Erf 581, Choto Compound Erf 2918, Mahonhoma Compound Erf 104, Ngweze Erf 990, Choto Compound Mahohoma Compound Mission Compound Choto Compound Choto Compound Erf 967, Mavuluma Extention 2 Ngweze Location Choto Location Ngweze Location Mavuluma Extention 2 Soweto Location Boma Location New NHE Mavuluma Extention 2 Boma 292 Greenwell Location 439, Soweto 969, Soweto 14010740389 14010741980 15633956384 14010640539 14010741982 14010640175 14046941819 14047241629 14047241031 14045740745 14046942290 14045742282 14045740597 14045740785 14047241939 14045741163 14046841533 14046741557 14046740528 14045741759 14046740471 14047242717 14045742757 14046741527 14046741737 14047242401 15654756887 14046941645 14047241695 M F M F M F F M M F M F F F F F F F M F M F M F M F M F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Johannes J. Juliana P. Dawid Aletta F. Eldorio Salome M. Beatrice Mwaka Bendict George Machana Allena Ndazi Ali Mundia Josebelity Namwi Agnes M Maureen Kahimbi Peggy Sipiya Noreen Nashila Namakaliza Georgina Lister Libuku Ester Iuze Charles Mukaya Judith Nsala Salurila Berithar M Albert Chizabulyo C John Ntemwa Irene Kahimbi Royd M. 5880 45 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Esterhuyse Abrahams Jacobs Eiseb Goliath Forbes Hartung Visser Steenkamp Steenkamp Beukes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Van Neel Isaaks Titus April Jossop Titus Pieter Rietz Yon Titus Deerling Isaak Kaptein Pieter Basson Prins Haman Witbooi 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Angelitha V. Stephanus Rudolf Maria M. Edvin R. Lidia E. Andrea N. Sandra A. Nicole N. Gordon S. Johannes P. Petronella Franscius J. Jeannetta Benedictus D. Sara Anita B. Charles L. Irene L. Elizabeth Hendrik Katrina J. Entheresia J. Salmon D. Theresia A. Paulina Dawid Magdalena H. Deocasia 546 Windhoek Weg, Kronlein Erf 514, Tseiblaagte 282 Mimosa Street, Kronlein 79 New Extention, Tseiblaagte 2de Street, No 40, Noordhoek 47 Patrick Street, Kronlein 35 Sam Nujoma Dr., Keetmanshoop 17th Street, no. 7, Westdene 1681 Sam Nujoma Dr., K’hoop 12de Street, HN37/42, Westdene 20ste Laan no. 16, Westdene Erf 3015, Ileni House 107, Tseiblaagte Erf 2357, Ileni Erf 3015, Ileni Erf 2363, Ileni House 107, Tseiblaagte Erf 34, Tseiblaagte Erf 897, Tseiblaagte 348 Gordon Street, Kronlein Erf 38, Tseiblaagte Erf 32, Tseiblaagte 31 Euphorbia Street, Westdene 240 Mimosa Street, Kronlein Erf 68, Tseiblaagte Erf 1968, Tseiblaagte Erf 700, Tseiblaagte Erf 1373, Tseiblaagte Erf 34, Tseiblaagte 14012640503 14010540486 14011840316 14010641225 14010542458 14010940141 14010740201 15757557614 14010541828 14012041114 14010840244 14010640928 14010540592 14010641388 14202542076 14010641386 14012340469 14010640625 14010641120 14012640500 14010641180 14010641026 14012040214 14012440155 14010640403 14010541667 14010640549 14201742093 14010641427 F M M F M F F F F M M F M F M F F M F F M F F M F F M F F 46 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) SWAPO Party of Namibia Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Kooper Zatjinua 2. 3. Blom Blom Blom Willemse Jash Louw Freyer Shatipamba Shilimela Asino Fritz Shiyenga Dawood Kisting Shatipamba 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Isaak Van Rensburg 9. 1. Van Wyk Fest Marais Maletsky April V/d Westhuizen Plaaitjie Marais Fest 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Erf 1222 Erf 853 Koppieslaagte Erf 1943 TransNamib Erf 68, Noordhoek 7 Wheeler Street, Keetmanshoop 15th Avenue 16, Westdene Erf 668, Westdene 2003 Sam Nujoma Dr., Tseiblaagte Erf 861 Noordhoek 672 Barry Street, Kronlein 18th Avenue 116, Westdene 7 Wheeler Street, Keetmanshoop 28 Ernst Kaloeit Street, Keetmanshoop 124 Schmede Str, Keetmanshoop 124 Schmede Str, Keetmanshoop 124 Schmede Str, Keetmanshoop 22 Skoolrylaan, Kronlein Erf 260, Tseiblaagte 809 Aroabweg, Kronlein Erf 66, 13de Street, Westdene Erf 1434, Noordhoek Erf 2005, Tseiblaagte 887 Aroabweg, Kronlein Erf 1050, 14th Avenue Erf 2791, Ileni Erf 52, Westdene Erf 15, Noordhoek 1st Keetmanshoop 14010840569 15634256605 14182641987 14012341201 14010840266 14012341200 14012440170 14010741939 14029640801 14012040638 14010740553 14010640288 14187441883 14010740171 14010640251 14012341163 14012340991 14080740813 14012040695 14012041209 14012341278 14012040827 14012040513 14012040378 15757557610 14012440606 14012040828 14012341277 F M M F F M F M F M F M F M F M M M F F F M F M F F F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Johanna Giovanni Simon Martha H. Johanna A. Stephanus C. Gaudentia Ernst Justine I. Gabriel Hilia I.N. Festus Veronica Otto Emilia Thomas Johannes Thomas Erna Corriene C. Christelle Adriaan J. Geraldine U. Samuel Anna S. Roberta R. Catharina M. Bernard 5880 47 KHORIXAS Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Haeses Haradoes Uses Huseb Gaoses Awases Haraes Haradoes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Amunjero Petrus Booysen Smith Cloete Motinga Vries Fredericks Frederik Kurtz Ouseb Uwu-Khaeb Kurtz Kenare Kambanda Guibeb Christy Zaurisa //Hoeses Ganeb Hoes 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 2543, Khorixas I-27, Khorixas BM-53/84, Khorixas O-14, Khorixas Erf 2543, Khorixas E-19, Khorixas Erf 2543, Khorixas I, 26 Erf 585, Tseiblaagte Erf 740, Smarties Erf 22, Ileni Erf 1847, Tseiblaagte 683 Kronlein Erf 585, Tseiblaagte House 734, Tseiblaagte Erf 1908, Tseiblaagte Erf 1685, Tseiblaagte Erf 2669, Khorixas A-29, Khorixas P-20, Khorixas 0-6, Khorixas Donkerhoek, Khorixas Bm-48/36, Khorixas F-14, Khorixas Erf 2260, Khorixas Donkerhoek, Khorixas P.13, Khorixas Donkerhoek, Khorixas P-2, Khorixas 14066941506 14066642496 14066941551 14067540897 14066641803 14193942054 14066641802 14066641867 14010540233 14010741614 15633956401 14010540488 14011840604 14010540235 14010541213 14202542035 14010540740 14067540931 14066942440 15715057186 14066642793 14066940914 14066942111 140674407082 14066942636 14066940769 14066943040 14066943040 14066641608 F F M F F F F F F F M M M M M F M F M M F F F M F M M M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Nicolia D Calista W Herman Else Magdalena Meroline M Riaana C Cibela M Lizie Katrina Thomas A. Henry Petrus Dawid I. Johannes D. Josephine E. Lukas F. Imorlensia Chris Josef Kade K. Elizabeth Frederica Genesia K Given Patricia P Kasupi Letha Richard Desery Mabasen 48 5880 DTA of Namibia Nanub Hoeses Howoseb Khamuchab Garises Ganeb Seibes Boois Eiseb Gariseb Hei-//Gauseb Haraseb Brandt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Somses Huses Ganinas Renathe Goagoseb Nauses Tjuunduwa Geises Hoeseb Hendricks Aebes Lucas Sakaria Kahuadi Gurirab Geiriseb Lena Erwin Enoir Charles Dollin Dolwa Stanley Renathe G. Ernst Ernst T. Efraim Siegfried Ignatius Johannes Louisa Eddie Eslen Utani Meriam Eva Alexia Aochamus Gerson Emgard Kleopas Elizabeth Lauren Brigitte Juliane Hendrina David Banana Martha Gideon Ellis Ivan 2210, Khorixas A-27, Khorixas 3069, Khorixas A-30, Khorixas C46-Donkerhoek, Khorixas Q-06, Khorixas Z-03, Khorixas Q-11, Khorixas A-47, Khorixas G-07, Khorixas 2524, Khorixas Erf 24, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës U-21, Khorixas Y-3917, Khorixas Bm-53/84, Khorixas R12A, Khorixas I-30, Khorixas Erf 11233 B4 Hno. W-2 Hno. T-22 Hno. AA-3 Hno. Z-15 Hno. C-1 Hno. G-11 Hno. G. 15 Donkerhoek Hno. Y-23A Hno. D-4 Hno. T18 14066940834 14067440732 14066942156 14066641961 14066641598 14066641103 1406640985 14066641164 14066941359 14066943014 14191942056 14012240598 14066943505 14066641870 14066941549 14066641740 14067440680 14066642364 14191941942 14066940806 14066942940 14066943002 14066641352 14066942995 15711257191 14066642705 14066941897 14066940762 14066940800 F M M F M F M M M M M F M F F F F M F M F M F F F M F M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 KOËS United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5880 49 Janser Van Staden Jacobs Isaacks Perkat Rooi Kaffer Plaatjie Kaffer Perkat Jahrs Cupido Pieters Kooper Dausab Khachab Swartz Swartbooi Cupido Van Rooi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SWAPO Party of Namibia Nell Rooi Nell Isaacks Motinga Both Nell Jakobs Rooi Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Magdalena Anna M. Jan Florentia Esra Jacob Wilhelmina Tersa Petrus J. Magrietha Johannes Martha Niklaas B. Lysa Johannes K. Lydia Andries Katrina Karel G. Paul Alex L. Mina Cornelius Lydia Jonas Elie Aletta Jan Jacob Erf 60, Witblok, Koës Erf 148, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 333 Sunrise, Koës Erf 136, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 75, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 75, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 206, Soek en Kry, Koës Erf 75, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 136, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 330, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 19, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 279, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 160, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 25, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 106, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 11, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 186, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 16, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 15, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 269, Soek en Kry, Koës Erf 87, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 65, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Village 16, Social Housing, Koës Erf 110, Koës Erf 41, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 82, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës Erf 110, Koës Erf 91, Plaatjiesheuwel, Koës 14012240373 14012240620 14012240276 14012240569 14012240652 14195042006 14012240738 14012240546 14012240247 14012240680 14012240135 14012240217 14012240245 14012240159 14012240224 14195041959 14011840211 14012240139 14011840136 14012240527 14012240700 14195042001 14012240696 14012240161 14012240989 14012240782 14012240699 14012240327 14012240437 F F M F F M F F M F M F M F M F M F M M M F M F M F F M M 50 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 LEONARDVILLE Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Kharuxab Rooi Garu-nas Pienaar Gei-namses Van Rooi Isak 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kahuure Nowaseb Naugawases Christof Witbooi Garises Klaasen Kanduuombe Gariseb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Christof Byl Garises Springbok Risan Nameb Subulelo Kai-Namses Anna Petersen 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Springbok 1. Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Erf 113, Leonardville Saamstaan, Leonardville Informal Settlement Informal Settlement Informal Settlement Informal Settlement Infromal Settlement Isak Buys Boys Hostel Informal Settlement Erf 85, Amraalduin Erf 67, Amraalduin Erf 64, Amraalduin Erf 60, Amraalduin Erf 63, Amraalduin Erf 60, Amraalduin Sakkiesdorp Sakiesdorp Amralduin Sakkiesdorp Erf 60, Amraalduin 14043841605 14043841185 14043841048 14043841036 14043841109 14043841377 14043841171 14043842708 14043841733 14043841376 14043841274 14043841103 14043841389 14043841033 14043841707 10043841483 14043841022 14043841179 14043841847 14043841441 14043841442 15493857059 14043841039 14043841844 14043841738 14043841595 14043842008 F F M F F F M F M F M M F M F M F F F F F M F F F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Magrita Anna Willem Maria Bettie H. Lena Simon Batseba Erwin Edward Martilina Hans Ernst Micheal Adriana Hermanus Magret Niklaas Mariana Anna Salinde Mareen Willisa Beauty Katrina Christoffel M. Maria Katrina Kallista Uies Edwina Wilhelmina 5880 51 LÜDERITZ DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Republican Party of Namibia (RP) 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hiskia Gariseb Jantjies Witbooi Tjitendero Gariseb Nau-gawaseb /Nanus Slinger Kharuchas Witbooi Hiskia Kharuxas Naobes Shomongula Witbooi Oaeb Swartbooi Stegmann Nunuhes Negumbo Hoeses Garises Wilskut Davids Claasen De Koker Botha Gewers Elizabeth Johannes Belsina Willemina Elisabeth Johannes Karolina Mariane Melanie Shirley Jacoline Edwina Simon Elaine Ebrencia Sana Gerda D Rudolf Petra S. Albert Edwina Peter H. Hansina Sebiunam Maria Magdalena M. Elizabeth Michael Modie G. Elwon J. Mina David A. Leonardville Leonardville Leonardville Erf 69, Aralduin, Leonardville Saamstaan, Leonardville Sakkiesdorp, Leonardville Sakkiesdorp, Leonardville Erf 72, Amralsduin, Leonardville Erf 70, Amralsduin, Leonardville Sakkiesdorp, Leonardville Erf 69, Amralsduin, Leonardville Erf 81, Amralsduin, Leonardville Sakkiesdorp, Leonardville Erf 114, Leonardville Erf 12, Leonardville Erf 61, Leonardville Erf 12, Leonardville Erf 36, Leonardville Erf 78, Leonardville Erf 108, Leonardville Leonardville Erf 119, Leonardville Erf 89, Leonardville Kotze Flats Agatha Park, Lüderitz F 64, Nautilus, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz Jakkalsdraai, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz 38 Woerman Street, Lüderitz 14043841519 14043857031 14043841139 14043841256 14043841921 14043841209 14043841575 14043841463 14043841173 14043841053 14043841257 14043841521 14043841155 14043841370 14043841043 14043841028 14043840990 14043841222 15693857020 14139141492 14043841845 14043841540 14043841005 14631956351 14011140890 14018740365 14011540550 14018740291 14011440242 F M F F F M F F F F M F F F M F M F M F F F F F M F M F M 52 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Namhindi Kamati Hercules Hangomo Nepando Steenkamp Gewers Bester Shigwedha Kashilulu Ngula Nawa Fredericks Gumede Mukapuli Abraham Shihepo Mwiya Amakali Makaula Nambinga 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Wessels Brandt Van den Heever Bester Vries Smith 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Selma Ricardo Ursula Lonetta P. Filipus Jekonia Titus Absalom K. Brigitte I. Willem G. Helalia Johannes Shipolo M. Calvin M. Martha Bessly J Hilma Matheus M. Phyliicia M. Silka Jordan P. Dawid W. Hester B. Alejandro Angelique Elrico Jaymee Erf 237, Area 7, Lüderitz 256 Second Avenue, Nautilus, Lüderitz A 1 Spokiesdorp, Benguela, Lüderitz Erf 339, Area 7, Lüderitz A 4 Sea Point, Nautilus, Lüderitz Erf 1478 Amilenda, Lüderitz F 13Nautilus, Lüderitz Erf B 9, Area 7, Lüderitz Erf 336, Area 7, Lüderitz NHE 629 Agatha Park, Lüderitz Block 4, Tobias Hainyeko, Lüderitz G 21, Benguela, Lüderitz H 22, Benguela, Lüderitz Erf 85, Benguela, Lüderitz Erf 553, Nautilus, Lüderitz B 39 Spokiesdorp, Lüderitz Erf 1780 Benguela, Lüderitz Erf 810 Agatha Park, Lüderitz Erf 779 Agatha Park, Lüderitz HGNR 673, Area 7, Lüderitz Erf 239, Area 7, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz Amalema, Lüderitz NHE 750 Agatha Park, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz Nautilus, Lüderitz 14011140426 14011041439 14018741249 14011340141 15634156396 14011340335 15634156385 14202942047 14072741000 14073740924 14072741524 14073741836 14072740808 14072741926 14072741061 14073740764 14072740757 14011040958 14201942318 14011140417 14011140138 14011340516 14011340849 14196441991 14011340511 14007341427 14185541926 F M F F M M M M F M F M F M F M F M F F M M F M F M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 53 MALTAHÖHE DTA of Namibia Democratic Party of Namibia (DPN) All People’s Party (APP) Isaak Simon Rieth Katjikuru Araes Gertze Katjikuru Araeb Simon Simon Lukas Anton Prins Lukas Vries Berendt 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Andreas Heita Valombola Frederick Vries Topnaar Berendt Rhoman Jonker Brekhorn Engelbrecht Klinker Simon 1. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Paul L. Anna C. Abraham Wilhelmina Gert Rebekka Gerold A. Trooy A. Boetietjie P. Petrus Abram J. Jacobus Anna Magrieth Christina Dorothea Erkkie Josephine K.K. Johannes Adam H.A. Francois R. Alwina Rebekka M. Hanna Lucia Sanna Losia Anna Elsie G. B110, Andrewville, Maltahöhe B171, Andrewville, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp 134, Maltahöhe MVC 2, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp 295, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp 134, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp 70, Maltahöhe B110, Andrewville, Maltahöhe B110, Andrewville, Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Erf 44, Maltahöhe Erf 397, Klip Street, Lüderitz BM 50/24, Taar Street, Lüderitz Erf 1034, Benguela, Lüderitz Andrewville, Maltahöhe Andrewville, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp, Maltahöhe Andrewville, Maltahöhe Andrewville, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp, Maltahöhe Erf 12, Maltahohe Erf 12, Maltahohe 42 Ring Street, Maltahohe Andrewville, Maltahöhe 14005740130 14005740249 14005340209 14005341279 14005740095 14005340207 14005340406 14005740284 14005740131 14005340944 14005340736 14005341118 14005340595 14005340251 15628856348 14163041663 14072741471 14072741604 14072741898 14005340304 14005341227 14005740127 14005740190 14005340293 14005340327 14005341127 14005340811 14005340997 14005340590 M F M F M F M F M M M M F M M F M F M M M F F F F F F F F 54 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Gomachab Van den Heever Januarie Rooy Gomachas Knipe Coetzee Archer Knipe Richter Muzorongondo Richter Visser Hansen Coetzee Simon Simon Swartbooi Ndeunyema Joseph 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fredericks Berendt Kinda Kinda 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 148 Von Burgdorf Street, Maltahöhe Hospital Street, Maltahöhe 301, Andrewville, Maltahohe Blikkiesdorp, Maltahöhe 119 Von Burgdorf Street, Maltahöhe 71 Hospital Street, Maltahöhe 23 Johan Albrecht Street, Maltahöhe 119 Von Burgdorf Street, Maltahöhe A 61, Andrewville, Maltahöhe A73, Andrewville, Maltahohe B41, Andrewville, Maltahohe B15, Andrewville, Maltahohe 119 Von Burgdorf Street, Maltahohe 201, Andrewville, Maltahohe BM/528 Hospital Street, Maltahohe B156, Andrewville, Maltahohe 158 Von Burgdorf Street, Maltahohe Erf 75, Blikkiesdorp Maltahohe 174, Andrewville, Maltahohe 299, Andrewville, Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe Maltahöhe 14005740103 14005340180 14005740346 14005340381 14005340194 14005340183 14005340896 14005340696 14005340389 14005340168 14005341062 14005340934 14005740291 15628856328 14005340933 14005340903 14005340853 14005740283 14005340966 14005740279 14005340665 14005341142 15628856344 14005340173 F M M F M F M M F M F F F M M F F F M M M M M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Juliana N. Hans Jacobus Hendrik Samuel Christina Neels Jacobus Ragel Richard N. Raymond Sanna Cornelius J. Elizabeth Janetta J.M. Martha M. Christo Charles B. Clerrie Bonaventura Maria Niklaas Gert Magdalena Josefina Petriana C. Christina 5880 55 MARIENTAL SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Witbooi Poulton Goaseb Isaacks Burger Xamseb Witbooi Poulton Jossob Kenda Witbooi Roman Skrywer Mensah Malapi De Lange Gorases 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kulhman Gamatham Saal Sheehama Kisting Goeieman Leswape Bezuidenhoudt Kaffer Tobias Fransman Fransman 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Corinne C. Magrietha M. Magdalena Morne Webster Margaretha Reginald Cecilia Rebekka Josef Antonias Anna A. Willem J. Wilhelmina Johannes J. Anne-Marie Josef Regina Elensia E. Josefina Imelta Merlin J. Aletta H. Max Definie Mariana Rachel Piet Christina O Streetich Plot, Mariental Aimablaagte, Mariental Donkerhoek, Mariental Hendrik Witbooi, Mariental Donkerhoek, Mariental Aimablaagte, Mariental O Streetich Plot, Mariental 1262 Donkerhoek, Mariental 1261 Donkerhoek, Mariental Aimablaagte, Mariental New Location, Mariental Erf 203, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 137 Kerk Street, Erf 823, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erfn 9 Hofmeyer Street, Mariental Erf 467, Amaiblaagte, Mariental 1262, Donkerhoek, Mariental MHS Girls Hostel, Mariental Erf 823, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 852, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 316, NHE, Mariental Erf 657 Sonop, Mariental Erf 771, Amaiblaagte, Mariental 1239, Donkerhoek, Mariental 1228, Donkerhoek, Mariental Erf 252, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 857, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 8112, Dakania, Mariental Erf 8112, Dakania, Mariental 14003740636 15626656407 14003941657 14003742489 14003942748 14003941092 14003740635 14003742093 15626656453 14164241847 15626656319 14003742433 14003742543 14003940183 14003741177 14003942079 14003740474 14003942685 14003741697 14003942352 14003741361 14164041954 14003740774 14003940700 14003941793 14003940247 14003941601 14003942806 14003942528 F F F M M F M F F M M F M F M F M F F F F F F M F F F M F 56 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 NKURENKURU Republican Party of Namibia (RP) DTA of Namibia 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Haikali Basson Kohima Isaack Van Wyk Rickert Situde Karuyeva Carvalho Lopes Nantapo Nangoro Haupindi Mangundu Haingura Muronga Erastus Mutuva Thikasho Sinongedi Sitentu Ngendjo Noraskus Mungomba Noraskus Haironga Makina Hausiku Sitentu Hafeni Theresia Eduard D.P. Launa Jacques C. Maria A. Michael S. Kristine Olga M. Gotlip H. Loise N. Jesaya S. Renathe N. Sevelius M. Karna K. Jona Siunze Juna N. Erik H. Obed M. Hamutenya Takkel N. Eveline N. Pius Kertu S.N. Maria S. Fernandu Joseph H. Angelina N. Lissa N. Erf 1851, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 229, Lang Street, Mariental Erf 544 Aub Street, Mariental Erf 90 Park Street, Mariental Erf 581 Tulbach Street, Mariental Erf 823, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Erf 823, Amaiblaagte, Mariental Mayara Kakuro Nkurenkuru Kakuro Nkurenkuru Kakuro Nkurenkuru Mayara Kakuro Kultsuka Kakuro Kafuma Kakuro Kakuro Kakuro Kakuro Kakuro Kakuro Nkure Kakuro Kakuro Kakuro 14003742390 14003740317 14164041803 14003740883 14003742982 14003941487 14003742995 14073741557 14072742066 14110941214 14072742327 14072741268 14073741683 14072741226 14073741398 14072742259 14110941137 14072742323 14072741973 14072741976 14072742081 14073741832 14072742200 14072742300 14073741774 14072741351 14072741691 14073742210 14111041246 M F M F M F M F F M F M F M F M F M M M F F M F F M M F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 57 OKAHANDJA DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. Sitentu Andonyo Kandjimi Haukwambi Liveve Pashu Iihemba Hamukwaya Haruwodi Sikwaya Siteketa Lyevera Muti Hausiku Ihemba Nekaro Namwere Tenete Nehemia Shimando Namalimbi Katura Baite Markus Kahongo Hamakali Kandingua Gaingos Willemse Selma N. Veronika M. Erastus S. Bernadine N. Angelius K. Lucia W. Olavi A. Katrina Reino I. Mirjam N. Simon Naimi Jafet M. Martha Johannes M. Maria N. Ndesipanda Maria Hipolitus L. Pauline Paulus J. Brigithe Johannes Mathe Martinus Sakeus Selvia Martha Piet J. Kakuro Kakuro Nkurenkuru Kahenge Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Kahenge Nkurenkuru Kakuru Nkurenkuru Nkurenkuru Erf 89 5 Randkamp Erf 89 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp Erf 89 5 Randkamp Erf 89 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp 5 Randkamp Erf 1180, Okahandja Erf 89, Okahandja Erf 459, Okahandja 14073741682 14072742237 14072741000 14073740924 14072741524 14073741836 14072740808 14072741926 14072741061 14073740764 14072740757 14072741471 14072741604 14072741898 14058340657 14058342016 14058229433 14058340826 14058240614 14056943136 14058740742 15734257361 14058241949 14058441023 14058241549 14058241950 14056943523 15662556639 14058341233 F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M M M F F M 58 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Okahandja Rate Payers Association (ORPA) National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) Bezuidenhout J. van Vuuren Rudarth Theron Diergaardt Van Wyk Swartbooi 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kandetu Karokohe Ngavondueze Kaanjuka Mbaindjikua Kandambo Tjipangandjara Hei Mbaindjikua Kaanjuka Tjazerua 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Tjipangandjara Kenaumue Strauss Fredricks Kenaumue Springbok Siska Hoabes Florence Geirises 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 729, Okahandja Erf 224, Okahandja Veddersdal, Okahandja Erf 204, Okahandja Erf 108, Okahandja Erf 123, Okahandja Erf 324, Okahandja Erf 525, Okahandja Erf 746, Okahandja Erf 1480, Okahandja Erf 526, Okahandja Erf 524, Okahandja Erf 523, Okahandja Erf 223, Okahandja Erf 19, Okahandja Erf 524, Okahandja Erf 526, Okahandja Erf 556, Okahandja Erf 2273, Okahandja Erf 571, Okahandja Erf 115, Okahandja Erf 184, Okahandja Erf 539, Okahandja Erf 247, Okahandja Erf 82, Okahandja Erf 1123, Okahandja Erf 530, Okahandja Erf 310, Okahandja 14058841944 14056742355 14056742308 14056742187 14182441881 14056740788 14056740712 14057442652 14057441260 14056942989 14058340920 14057442919 14056943293 14057441920 14056940897 14057941088 14197742086 14056942400 14057441743 14057442389 14056741754 14056942003 14057442345 14058341229 14057442897 14056941260 14056943324 14058341573 M M F M F F M F M F F F F F F F F F M M M F F M F F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Pieter G.W. Gordon C. Melany R. Johannes Codentia Fransiena J. Andries Rachel Turimuje Ella Eva Uendjisuvera Jacklin Sicret Saul R. Sarafina Vakataviza Claudia Abuid Willem O. Jacobus A. Christina Monica Prince R. Ndero Lieschen Kandingua Viola 5880 59 Paulus Erastus Godza Blaauw Malgas Tjamburo Haimbodi Gaoses Nande Eises Shikongo Gaoses Mbundu Garoes Garagub #Nabes Xoagub Matende Haakskeen Simon Mbundu Dausas Kahiriri Gaingos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Republican Party (RP) Swartbooi Pieters Doeseb Swartbooi Van Rooyen Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Fillemon Willemina Ricardo Johanna Princy Frans Geraldine Susan M. Mariane Titus Erika Mathias S. Estha Jonas Josephin Harry J. Julia Juliana Abraham H. Alencia K. Linda Christaline Martha Christophine Whillie C.M. Yvetty S. Stephanus M. Albertus Jacobus L. Erf 170, Oshetu Erf 124, Okahandja Erf 95, Okahandja 65 von Maree Street, Okahandja Erf 84, Nau-Aib Erf 110, Nau-Aib Erf 402, Oshetu Erf 27, Nau-Aib Erf 1458, Nau-Aib Erf 1282, Nau-Aib Erf 1350, Nau-Aib Plot 57, Ashford Erf 1318 1-426, Oshetu 2-336, Oshetu 1-30, Oshetu Erf 212 5 Randkamp Erf 101 Saamstaan 5 Randkamp Plot 57, Ashford Saamstaan No. 2, Oshetu No. 1, Oshetu 590 Eerste Laan, Okahandja Erf 123, Okahandja Nau-Aib, Okahandja Nau-Aib, Okahandja Veddersdal, Okahandja Erf 48, Okahandja 14056943362 14056940902 14057443123 14056740999 14057440636 14056740741 14057441827 14056942374 14130841463 14057441337 14131341426 14057941011 14057442693 14058242410 14058242666 14131041336 14057441058 14058240811 14058340960 14057941012 14056941353 14056941353 14058341640 14056942357 14065741042 14057442245 14058340791 14056740782 14056740708 M F M F M M F F F M F M F M F M F F M F F F F F M F M M M 60 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 United People’s Movement of Namibia (UPM) United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia Du Plessis Kambanda Kamwi Scheffers 2. 3. 4. Uri-Khob Afrikaner Gamadam Aixab Boois Kariseb Namubes Gaingob Shimanda Witbooi Garoes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Shimanda Uupithe Hindjou Maruru Iita Uwu-Khaeb Hendricks Nangolo Xoagub Kotungondo Platt Philimon Ganes 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja 3-429, Oshetu Erf 444, Nau-Aib Erf 1458, Nau-Aib 2-319, Oshetu Erf 1434, Nau-Aib Erf 148, Nau-Aib 2-158, Oshetu Erf 3, Saamstaan Erf 1030, Nau-Aib Erf 323, Nau-Aib 2-308, Oshetu Erf 1154, Nau-Aib 5 Randkamp 1162 Paul Hindjou Street, 45 Elifas Eiseb Street, Erf 140, Veddersdal, Okahandja Erf 277, Veddersdal, Okahandja 454 Jacobus Hikambeke Street, 1050 Bernard Kahure Street, Smarties Veddersdal, Okahandja Veddersdal, Okahandja 5 Randkamp Nau-Aib 14058242537 14058242146 14056940994 14131341479 14057940799 14056940800 14130841590 14058340830 14058242926 14056742087 14131041468 14056940981 14057940830 14058842118 14058541248 14056741494 14131041474 14056943798 14056940987 14056740596 14056742088 14056741543 14058342130 14056741847 14058342018 14056742123 15665956705 14057940780 M F M M M M F F F M F M F F F M F M F F M M M M F M F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Frans Victoria Karl J. Petrus P. Sigfried August Magde Cornelia Christine Vincent Priskila A. Dennis Christopher Miemie Elfriede Fredrick G. Sofia Johannes Helmi Hileni N. Gideon Gustaf Immanuel H.N. Patrick Delicia Frank S. Kaunapawa Theresia 5880 61 OKAHAO SWAPO Party of Namibia Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) Amutenya Katoole Uutoni Iigonda Ekondo Iiyambula Uushini 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Diergaart De Klerk Gomoses Uiras Aoxamus Aochamus Engelbrecht Tuahepa Khaeses Khoeseb Gagaes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Gomoseb McNab Kehinana Kehinana Tjinaklia Labuschagne Afrikaner Beukes Bezuidenhout 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Johannes Kaushi 3-362, Oshetu Erf 1514, Nau-Aib 3-362, Oshetu 1470 Gontes Dinas 1470 Gontes Dinas 1566, Smarties Nau-Aib 3 Oshetu Nau-Aib Plot 3 Nau-Aib Erf 169. Atonio Augustino Neto, Okahao Erf 113 Fidel Ca Streeto Ruz Erf 948, Okahao Erf 585, Helvi Kondombolo Erf 164 Augustinoho Neto Street, 547 H. Mpinguna Kandombolo Street Erf 385, Patrick Lugandi Street 3-362, Oshetu Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja Okahandja 14050940774 14050841455 14050940994 14125441396 14050941363 14050941868 14050940586 14058341604 14056940979 15665956765 14058341631 14058243390 14058840799 14057941065 14056741177 14058242404 14057941110 14058840617 15665956764 14056940996 14056741484 14056741483 14058242126 14058242920 14058341412 14056741485 14056740718 M F F M F M M F M F F F F F F F M F M F F M F F F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Cornelia N. Julia Mirjam Salomon David Hilka Metumo Jesaja H. Immanuel Egumbo Liesbeth Willem Elizabeth D. Natasha I. Jaqueline Yolandy Rebekka J. Elizabeth Julia Ben K. Amielia Joseph Eveline J. Else Abiud Chensirly Elizabeth Ellie Mariane Valerie M. 62 5880 OKAKARARA National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Uazukuani Karuhumba Tjimbundu Kaangundue Nuineeko Muniazo Ngairo Tjiyorokisa Mujazu Katjiukia 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hango Nambahu Asino Kazehuika Tjiurutue Kambatuku Kahipura Puuahee Karuahe Katjinamunene Tjiteere Kaangundue Tjizeka Zaondja Uamunika 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Mundjindjiri Isai 9. 1. Haipinge 8. John U. Munjassa J. Alexia Gerson Tjipenandjambi Godfriedine Jansan Risana Ben Chris V. Ambrosius T. Joanna Natangwe Serafia N Unity U. Olga Selnedia U. Thalitha T. Elsie Uhinda M. Richard Fillipus Jerimovandu E. Elephaseen Maria Georgina David Uuzambala Hilda N.T. Erf 252, Okakarara Erf 48, Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Erf 177, Okakarara Erf 945, Rev Elia haipinge Street 588 H. Mpingana Kondombolo Street 125 Dr. Sam Nujoma Road 856 Petrus Nganga Iileka Street 86 Naftal Shimbilinga Nuuta Erf 351 Okakarara Erf 96 Erf 472 Erf 115 Erf 96 Plot 5 Okakarara Federation Erf 162 Erf 480 Okakango Ongurundu Erf 69 14132241630 14132241543 14056442150 14057241038 14057241859 14132341417 14057241506 14057240962 14056441863 14056441987 14056442089 14050941157 14050943058 14050841180 14058441089 15666256787 15652656533 14057240932 14056441039 14057241454 14056440816 14056442121 15652656743 14057240671 14056442853 14056441240 14050841088 14050940553 M M F M F F M F M M M F M F M F F F F F M M M F F F M F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 63 Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) SWAPO Party of Namibia SWANU of Namibia Kavita Tjiriange Tjehiua 2. 3. Tjiueza Kangueeni Nganjone Uahupirapi Kandirikirira Muvangua Kangueehi Pius Karamata Rukero Marenga Nganyone Katataiza Mwatilile Kamutuezu Kandjeo Shihango Viakondo Katjaita Katjaita Nguarambuka Tjamburo Hindjou Kaovere Nenghwanya 1. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Okakarara Okakango Ohakane Okakarara Erf 41, Pamwe Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Erf 41, Pamwe Okarui Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Okakarara Pamwe Ousaira, Okakarara Erf 274, Okakarara Oruindjo, Okakarara Okatumba, Okakarara Erf 95, Pamwe MB 78/317, Pamwe MB 78/317, Pamwe Erf 53, Pamwe Erf 54, Pamwe Erf 199, Okakarara Erf 196, Okakarara Erf 234, Okakarara 14057242343 14056442877 14057240628 14057241948 14132241379 14132241617 14056440858 14058441058 14057241440 14132241614 15666256714 14056441555 14056443027 14056443026 14056441678 14056441570 14058440771 14057240632 14056442915 14056441303 14056440607 14056441499 14056441545 15652656779 14056441267 14056441249 14056441358 14052341421 M M M M M F M M F F M M F M F M M F M F M F M M M F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Uazuva Sigfried Manasse Richman Alpha M. Uaezurura Walter Alphons Vetumbuavi Applonia N. Shizembua George Marlien H. Alfeus K. Benhardine Masola Kenneth M. Ehrenfriede V. Assaph Mttnah John Ingrith Johannes E. Eliah V. Nicodemus Gustaphine Issascar Raili N.D. 64 5880 OKONGO Haijaka Nghoshi Nghikoya Mwaile Kakoto Ndemuweda Kakoto Mukumangeni Haiyaka Nanhapo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Nganjone Katjiukua Mbai Mugas Mbangura Zemburuka Muniazo Kazenaimue Natilifa Nghiyalwa Nghifikwa Iifo Nicanor Haimene Tomas Nghitewa Matheus Daniel Kandume 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Maria Samuel Lydia Ndilimeke Turrki N. Tusnelde Joel Tuhafeni Emilia Paulina Monika N. Letisia Jerobeam Ivonne Darius Brenda Andeline Elvis Kavezembire Bennes Evenia Mania Martha N Thomas N Armas Lusia Matias N David P Penexupifo K Martha Johanna N Frieda Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okakarara Okakarara Ketu Karukiongo Street, Okakarara Okakango Ohakane John tjikuua Street, Okakarara Ohakane Orundkjoromakuja Okatumba Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo 15712057577 15712857198 15712857433 15712058021 15712057705 15712057328 15712057203 15712857272 15712857381 15712857269 14058440782 14057241786 14056442046 14057242241 14056441982 15665656669 15652656561 14057241719 14056441182 15712057955 15712057158 15712057949 15712057422 15712057329 15712057959 15712057434 15712057853 15712057235 15712057584 F M F F F M F F F M F M F F M M M F F F M M F M M F F F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 65 OMARURU National Democratic Organisation (NUDO) DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Kahua Upendura Rusberg Uaamakuje Puriza Kahere Kaurema 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kayofa Mwahanyekange Hamakali Nghinaunye Shiwayu Hailonga David Shanyengana Shanyengana Shapopi Nautoro Paulus Matsuib Ngatjiheue Koper Ndjahera Karumbu Garises Tsuses Kavendjii Gowaseb Tjazuko 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 891, Ozondje Erf 324, Ozondje Erf 748, Ozondje Erf 724, Ozondje Erf 807, Ozondje Erf 807, Ozondje Erf 738, Ozondje Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo Okongo 319, Ozondje 961, Ozondje 474, Ozondje 959, Ozondje 768, Ozondje 669, Ozondje 958, Ozondje 97, Ozondje 474, Ozondje 945, Ozondje 98, Ozondje 846, Ozondje 14016741004 14016841512 15740257474 14016842451 14016840689 14016840765 14018641245 15712057353 15712057152 15712057179 15712057138 15712057531 15712057181 15712057211 15712057954 15712057953 15712057150 14016842072 14016741035 15739157496 14016842307 15739157405 14016841392 14016841916 14016842396 14016842333 14016841950 14016740888 14016841439 M F M F F F M F M F M F M F F M M M F M F M F F F F F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Evangeline N. Alma Respect Justine Lourencia Uatanga Gideon Vincent Isboset Jacobina Paulus Lydia T Jonas T Saarah Festus P Frieda N Johana Johanes Petrus Roger Sanna Immanuel Desiree Selvester Crista K Jaquina Irene A Christa Gail H Jochen Lucia 66 5880 GuGowab Pitt Somses Naruseb Kuzatjike Garises Mangundu /Gaweseb Geiseb Tjimuku Markus Taurob Tjiuongua Ngunovandu Kariko Herman Kaijombo Tjihuno Tjikuere Mberira Mberira Isak Mberira Kairaratjo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. SWANU of Namibia Tjivikua Tjipangandjara Kahua Kanduuombe Hizembi Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Anna S. Fransiska Albertus Dirk Julius Alexia Sigberth Shikongo Errol Alwesius Gabriel Paulus Pius Nghuiitumu Issaskar John Phillip E Alfeus Amanda Batseba Adelheid Immanuel Jonathan Christof Loini Anamarie Augustinus Michael Siska Gavin Maria Estofine Paulus Erf 218, Ozondje, Omaruru Hakahana, Omaruru Erf 560, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 678, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 253, Ozondje, Omaruru Hakahana, Omaruru Erf 150, Ozondje, Omaruru Kluke Plot, Omaruru Erf 112, Ozondje, Omaruru Hakahana, Omaruru Hakahana, Omaruru Hno. 296, Ozondje Hno. 844, Ozondje Hno. 308, Ozondje Hno. 308, Ozondje Hno. 472, Ozondje Hno. 702, Ozondje Hno. 662, Ozondje Hno. 263, Ozondje Hno. 326, Ozondje Hno. 327, Ozondje Hno. 326, Ozondje Hno. 405, Ozondje Erf 72, Sonskyn, Omaruru Erf 828, Ozondje Erf 773, Ozondje Erf 738, Ozondje Erf 828, Ozondje Erf 724, Ozondje 14016841068 14016841398 14016842409 15740257449 14016842353 14016740942 14018940363 14016841758 15739157455 14018640263 14016840490 14018940375 14018641300 14016841811 14016841606 14016840365 14016840188 14016842122 14016841184 14016841113 14016841279 14016841274 14018640679 15739157462 14016840416 15739157509 14016841009 14016840497 14016840390 F F M M F M M M M M M M M M F F F M M M F F M M M F F F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 67 SWAPO Party of Namibia Noabeb Shangombe Gariseb Gaomas Garises Cloete Guises Gaomab 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kakungha Van Rhyn Hoabeb Dörrenbächer 2. 3. 4. 1. Tjiueza Gebhardt Amashili Kahuure Kaluhoni Doeses Hongoze Uushona Shakungu Jason Ashipala Alteus Nhgipandulwa 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Joseph Phillipus Salinde Jessica Cornelia Raylen Brunelda Luzane Lisken Thelma Wilhelm Birgit Dennis Hendrina Tuli M. Titus Julia Mathias Martha Elizabeth Rudolf Oiva Daniel T. Lonna N. Joshua Nhgilililwa Ester Ndapewa Phillipus Kaniita Location 14 Noord Street, Omaruru Erf 1480, Ozondje, Omaruru Plot 101, Erongo Park, Omaruru 122 Richard Garoeb Street, Omaruru 6 S.I. !Gobs Street,k Omaruru Erf 288, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 288, Ozondje, Omaruru 20 S.I. !Gobs Street,k Omaruru 84 !Narada !Nuwuseb Street, Omaruru Erf 707, NHE< Omaruru 561 Phillipus !Hoakhaob Street, Omaruru Erf 561, Ozondje, Omaruru 531 Extention 4, Omaruru Single Quarters 52, Omaruru Erf 288, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 502, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 41, Omaruru Erf 48, Omaruru 244A, Hakahana, Omaruru Erf 217, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 1080, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 393, Ozondje, Omaruru Erf 207, Ozondje, Omaruru 9B, Hakahana, Omaruru 14070940759 14018640250 14018641000 14179742021 14019840298 14016740652 14016841598 14018640350 14018640772 15740257502 14016740821 15740257506 14018641015 14018641094 14016840314 14016840191 14016841577 14018641256 14018640202 14016740986 14018640695 14016840214 14177341856 14018640518 14016740574 M M F F F M F F F F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 OMUTHIYAGWIIPUNDI United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia 68 5880 ONDANGWA Kambabi Samuel Hamunyela T Johannes Amutenya Mudhika 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Nashongo Nghilalulwa Uushiku Heskiel Uukongo Shipahu Kalume Haikango Chronelius Matheus Ambondo Martin Asser Ndove Kassanga Nakambale Johannes Hangala Leonard Stefanus Mokaxwa Josef Ashipala 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Enkono Okangwena Omashaka Shinme Shimyula Enkono Omashaka Omayinda Omuthiya Okashana Kiingo Extention 5 Erf 142, Omuthiya Kanita Location Omayinda Omuthiya Erf 149, Omuthiya Ekulo Erf 454, Omuthiya Omuthiya Kaniita Location Shinimvula Shinime Shimvula Omashaka Omakulukuma Omashaka Onguta Onguta Shinime Shimvula Omashaka Shinime Shimvula Omashaka Ondangwa 14022040499 14021142858 14021142065 14021140323 14027640691 14021141616 14070641006 14070941262 14115441244 14070940999 14070941350 14070942142 14070640964 15673456934 14070940784 14070943753 14070943093 14021140624 14021743066 15646056567 15720957345 14021742755 14021141565 15646056554 14021141699 15646056565 14021140752 14021742646 14049741977 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F F F M M F F F M M F M M F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Maria Vilho Rahya Tomas Mariana N Daniel Beata N Toivo NG Katrina N Nanyeni Susana Enos Kaarina Amon High - Court Ester Zee Selma Saima Johannes Vincent Laimi Albertina N. Emilia David Fillemon Loide Daniel Stephanus Hilya Lazarus N. 5880 69 ONGWEDIVA Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) SWAPO Party of Namibia Ndaitwah Shindingeni Heelu Hainana Shatilwe Dillu Nghidengwa Namhunja Hamunyela Munalye Heelu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Nikanor Kalimba Mudhika Hitumbulwa Nyamu Benyamen Kalumbu Dengeinge Nanyeni Matsi Amwele Namukwambi Itope Negonga Nangolo Kapia Eelu Mundjele 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Peter Tuhafeni Eino Israel Nelly Johanna Klaudia I Henry Linus Robert Helvi Penny Anna Dominikus Andreas M Wilbard D Hilma Salmi Andreas Johannes Apollo L.K. Fenni Abed Paulus Paavo M. Saima N. Anna H. Leonard Sam K. Julia Sylivia N Helena Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ongwediva Ondangwa Ondangwa Ondangwa Ondangwa Okapale Ondangwa Malanami Erf 223 Uupopo, Location Erf 696, Extention 2 Erf 2032 Extention 17, Onamakolo Erf 1235 Nangolo Mbumba Erf 158 Ya Toivo Street Erf 2125, Kalangula Street Erf 1417, Extention 3 Extention, Ondjondjo Erf 413, Nangolo Street Erf 108 Uupopo Erf 3642, Extention 17 14022240554 14022242563 14196142030 14025240947 14030340926 14025242225 15728857416 14022440783 15728657336 14022540467 14022242485 14154841948 14022040508 14021142878 14022040519 14027640493 14027640685 14021141020 14153841622 14021142403 14027641215 14021140566 14049740522 14021743335 14021140501 15685056886 14049740758 14022041292 14021140564 M M M M F F M M M F F F M M M F F M M F M M F F M M F F F 70 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia ONIIPA OPUWO SWAPO Party of Namibia 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hangula Nghilongwa Amuthenu Angula Asino Petus Shitundeni Kavalela Akuunda Josua Iipinge Kanelombe Ja Kanandjembo Kambonde Iikali Kambonde Idhogela Augustus Amutenya Masti Dennis Niiteta Shavuka Tangeni Iipito Kazombaruru Hepute Mbinge Maria Josephine Ulalia N. Naemi Angelina Jason Malakia Johannes Maria David Lucas Matati Hofni Alugodhi Dominica M. Johnny David S Lovisa N Ndalimela NNTIT Hileni T Jafet Laina-Lovisa Thomas Martha P Paulus Selma Maria N Jesaya Jacky Kuzatjike S Kunovandu V Kamutwa Rosa Kapuenene Ongwediva Erf 3529, Kahumba Street Erf 3449, Church Street Erf 3401-2, Extention 5 Erf 3009, Eliakim N. Street Erf 3337, Helao Nafidi Street Erf 11, Benyamen Shiteni Street Erf 3767, Extention 9 Erf 193, Sky 1 Erf 4437, Valombola Erf 4549, Extention 1 Erf 3794, Extention 8 Erf 3922, Extention 8 Okakwiyu Oshaakondwa Oniihandi Oshaakondwa Odando Onamulunga B Oniihandi Oniihandi Oniihandi Okakwiyu Oniihandi Iiyale Erf 380, Otuzemba, Opuwo Otuzemba Opuwo Onjati Street, Opuwo Ozombapa Opuwo 14025340893 14022241640 14028840706 14025242510 14022240890 14022540239 14022440336 14022240270 14025340708 14022240295 14022241267 14022240542 14022240239 15756957959 15757158168 15766758160 15756957941 15756757583 15757157959 15756957617 15756657574 15757157765 15766758183 15756657580 15757157872 14065943550 14065942518 14066340670 14066040693 F F F F M M M F M M M F M M F M F M F M F M F F M M M F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 71 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National United Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) Kapi Kavari Tutjavi Vihange Muharukua Tjipundi Kuvare Humu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tjindandi Urimombindu Uarije Tjauira Kambaekua Tjijombo Tjijombo Nderura Humu Mbahu Tjiundukamba 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Mupya Tjikotoke Tjipueja Kavari Hengari Tjondu Katjimune Kakuva Zatjinda 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. NHE 567, Okatuuo Marti Artisaar, Opuwo Ouranda, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo M. Muharukwa Street, Opuwo Opuwo 573, Okatuuo, Opuwo 78, Ijaou Street, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo 614, Tuarungua Kavari-Opuwo 55 Sam Nujoma, Opuwo Otuzemba-Opuwo 383 Otuzemba, Opuwo Opuwo – Opuwo Urban Ozombapa, Opuwo Ozombapa, Opuwo Ozombapa, Opuwo Orutjandja, Opuwo Ouranda, Opuwo 154, Joel Tjijatuara, Opuwo Erf 135, Ondundu, Opuwo Ondundu, Opuwo Ouranda, Opuwo Otveemba, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo Erf 38, Otuzemba, Opuwo Ouranda, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo 14065943021 14065942701 14066041276 14066341206 14065943135 15714357619 14065942784 14065943182 14066341199 15714357211 15714357568 14066041795 14065943126 15714357426 14066342961 14066342496 14193642314 14066041111 14065942124 15714357228 14066341896 14066341443 15748857582 14066041480 14193642244 14193642199 14066042062 14066040867 M M F F F M M M F M M F M F M F F M M M F M F F F F M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Tjinezuma Tuaamako Erenst Uasenina Razanaua NgambenoK.E Kuzeeko Ernst M. Amon Mutjiwee Ilena M. Mupya Erwin Renathe Abia Kavatje Reree Kahunguriva T. Mbaririve Ipingasana F. Uaurikirua Mbenaije Licius Kaaree Kumauii Ella Gert Wayne U Talitha Tjaturuka Uaturumana Nogee Ngaijanue Tjavindikua m 72 5880 ORANJEMUND Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) SWAPO Party of Namibia Kambunga Lamont Swartbooi Kayambu Kahuika Hashipala Bock Lungameni Hangula Haimbodi Lukas 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Kovekotora Ndjiitjike Kapi Hambuindja Tjiuma Hihangwapo Tjazapi Nashihua Sheehama Kazondjou Tjoola Tjirondero Mutrifa Tjizu Katjau Engombe 1. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. E 2-5 Avenue, Oranjemund Moth Camp No. 10, Oranjemund 3 Namib Drive, Oranjemund Moth Camp No. 8, Oranjemund Bagdad, Room 12, Oranjemund Moth Camp No. 13, Oranjemund Rhino Court, Room 14, Oranjemund LCDC 19, Welwitschia, Oranjemund 64-1st Avenue, Oranjemund 06 Block N, 8th Avenue, Oranjemund E 15-1 Avenue, Oranjemund 119 Ondundu, Opuwo 78, Okapi/ondundu Street Ozombapa, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo 69 Omenje Street, Opuwo 282 Marti Artisaari Street, Opuwo 392 M. Muharukua Street, Opuwo 329 Otuzemba, Opuwo C3 Ozombapa, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo Otuzemba, Opuwo Okatuuo, Opuwo Kaoko Street, Opuwo 366 Otuzemba, Opuwo 74 K.S Matundu Street, Opuwo Ouranda, Opuwo 14011741233 14011740398 14011640258 14039840585 14011741483 14187641909 14039840525 14011741349 14011740501 14187641911 14011740148 14065942896 14065943246 14065943694 14065942413 14066342563 14065942634 14065941650 14066040881 14066340691 14065942257 14066341234 14065941492 15714357496 14065943174 14066340715 14197142137 M M M M F F F F F F M F F F M M F M F M F M F M F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Nesmus Elia Frederick P. Israel S. Johanna A. Maria S. Hertha N. Wilhelmina Monika A. Veronika Matheus Johanna K Uerihatoi A Vezeepavi Veiiririra Alberth U Elise Naambo Richard Urikee Wilhelmine Rex Thikameni Franzina Festus Mballatuu Diana Ronnie R Rosina Moses Anna Megameno 5880 73 OSHAKATI Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia Hainana Nakhambo Petrus 2. 3. Coetzee Ntinda Angombe Vaille Auala Nghishidimbwa Johannes Imene Ileka Aihe Amutenya Sheehama Tobias Daniel Andreas Petrus Shekutamba Antanga Ipinge Naluwe Amunime Mushihanga Matheus Kakehongo Johannes 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 12. Oshakati West Oshakti West Oshakati East Dom. Hostel 13, Room 7, Oranjemund 14-6th Avenue, Oranjemund E 39-12 Avenue, Oranjemund Bedsitters No. C3, Oranjemund 18-5th Avenue, Oranjemund E37-12 Avenue, Oranjemund E 26-8 Avenue, Oranjemund Pelican Court No. 2, Oranjemund 1 Heron Drive, Oranjemund 1 Indu Streetial Road, Oranjemund 60-5th Avenue, Oranjemund 16-11th Avenue, Oranjemund Swartkops Room 12, Oranjemund Oshakati West Oshakati West Oshakati East Oshakati East Oshakati West Oshakati East Oshakati East Oshakati West Oshakati East Oshakati West Oshakati West Oshakati West 14022841585 14027343306 14024540474 14011740528 14039840667 14011741132 14011741049 14188141943 14011740166 14011740568 14011640123 14011740296 14011640122 14011740236 14187641903 14023140239 14023440785 15684656873 14023441079 14022541053 15681156844 15682456923 15755957702 14028741647 14022541487 15755957703 15683557085 14011740927 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M M F F M F F M F M M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Liina Ronny Esnath Henry Edward Xungileni Martha Simeon Nashongo Leena Etuhde Toivo Etegameno Lovis Paulus Rosalia Ndilimeke Hosea Daniel H. Kansoonda M. Jason Monika N. Linus Higinus Daniel Emilia Sesilia Agatus Loide N Ndamononghenda Wilbard Amalia ND Lazarus Barnabas Selma N. 74 5880 OSHIKUKU DTA of Namibia SWAPO Party of Namibia 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kashihalwa Lukolo Vatilifa Nekwaya Nhaniugwa Silas Kashihalwa Namhole David Kamwanka Iiyambo Shilongo Shilunga Shimbulu Israel Hamunyela Shinime Uudhila Kamwanka Nakwedhi Mirjam Nangolo Shivute Andreas Amambo Mbalu Benisius Shivolo Samuel Rauha Marth Andreas Teofelus Aloisia Giresinda David Saltiel Paulus Eelu Gabriel Angelus N. Johannes Hepeni Onesmus Katrina Loise Mushinda Ndamononghenda Leo Heimo Angelisa Matilde Shituula Klemens Teopolina Hilma Paulina Dorotea K. Fransiskus Simon S Laurentius S Oshakati East Oshakati West Oshakati West Oshakati West Oshakati West Oshakati East Oshakati East Oshakati East Oshakti West Erf 5351, Evululuko Oshakati 015, Oshimbanuu Erf 8159, Uupindi Erf 10045, Ompumbu Erf 864, Oshakati Town Erf 6519, Oneshila Erf 0680, Oshakati Uupindi Erf 0179, Oshakati West Erf 76, Oshakati West Pohamba Location Erf 7387, Oshoopala Erf 1137, Oshakati Eats Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku 14024540544 14023140893 14022840301 14023140285 14027343631 14028040793 14024541239 14028741522 14022842710 14028040339 14028742174 14023140255 14022841435 14023441834 14028740963 14023140237 14023140259 14022842051 14028742481 14022840484 14023440544 14051441218 14051442318 15697957107 14051442677 14051841309 14051241366 14051440545 14051440770 F F M M F F M M M M M M M F F F M M F F F M F F F F M M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 75 OTAVI Simon Shimoshili Negumbo Negonya Mungandjera Endjambi Petrus S Mwenyo Gabriel Shihwandu Sheende Nambala Kanyemba Nepolo Nampila Shivute Hunibes Myruti Naises Johannes Tsungubes Maneli Muronga Oxurus Gauases Hoaes Goagoseb Khaibeb Grundeling Selma N Nuututsi Hellena Nd Elizabeth O Mbockoma Julia Petrus Veronka Matheus Anna Namutenya Williams Eunike N Kassian Hilya N Hilja Magano N Bella Petrus H. Ellen C. Nkantana P. Evageline Gabriel Magrieth M. Fallenxia Mariane Jeneth Max Aser Fred Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku Oshikuku 731 Extention 3, Otavi 59 Saamstaan, Otavi 3 Kongo Street, Otavi 15 Saamstaan, Otavi 18 Saamstaan, Otavi 108 Bonedy Street, Otavi 121 Khoaeb, Otavi 29 Blackies, Otavi 129 Rasta Street, Otavi 683 Extention 2, Otavi 826 Khoaeb, Otavi 59 Saamstaan, Otavi 711 New Location, Otavi 14051442714 14128341505 14051841098 14051241347 14051440687 14051442144 14051440568 14051440696 14051441330 14051440965 14051441708 14051440638 14051440966 14051442195 14051441308 14051441627 15658756649 14058041015 14058040868 14044940554 14058040672 14058040945 14058041084 14058041127 14059041809 14058041425 14058041040 14058042210 15659556608 F M F F M F M F M F M F M F F F F M F M F M F F F F M M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 76 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Auchab Kharuxab Ubu Khaes Kaundje Hoxobeb Ruiter Garures Sakatumbo Hases Gaogoses Kaundje Hoaes Shipanga Mwatinghimunhu Steyn Garab David Shipandeni 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Kuzatjike Haseb Gagobes Tjipura Hoa-Khaos Haufiku !Gaoses Hoaes Gaoses Gamses Tsibes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Christ G. Mercilla Emmanuel Werner Katrina Frieda Emma Zelda R. Laurelsia Magdalena Yolanda Martha Timotheus Merlyn George Kaino Timotheus Simson Mbukamuna Lazarus Petronella S. Priescaline T. Mersia C. Johannes Rosa Yolanda Kornelia Hannelie E. Setmonitha Kongo Street, Otavi Xoagub Street, Otavi Erf 438, Otavi New Extention Otavi Kongo Street, Otavi Naruseb Location, Otavi Xoagub Street, Otavi Church Street, Otavi Saamstaan, Otavi Church Street, Otavi 183 Church Street, Otavi 669 New Extention, Otavi New Location, Otavi 6 Luthern Street, Otavi 219 School Street, Otavi 14 Khoaeb, Otavi 422 J. Bucholz Street, Otavi 48 Berg Street, Otavi 186 Zion Street, Otavi 320 Palestine Street, Otavi Longo Street, Otavi 277 Church Street, Otavi 169 Longo Street, Otavi TransNamib Street, Otavi Zion Street, Otavi Zion Street, Otavi Zion Street, Otavi Zion Street, Otavi 52 School Street, Otavi 14058042001 14059041797 14058043332 14058041128 14059041643 15658756632 14058041894 14058042651 14058040735 14059041459 14058041240 14059041878 14058043117 14058042264 14058041927 14059041780 14058040599 14044940528 14058042467 14058043270 15664856699 15664856755 15664856753 15664856742 14058043250 14058641246 14058043304 14133141391 14058042090 M F M M F F F F F F F F M F M F M M M M F F F M F F F F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 77 OTJINENE SWAPO Party of Namibia National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Kauta Katjatenja Hambira Tjihuro Kandjii Hambira Katjariua Toromba Mbaisa Kahure Tjingaete Kamuhenume Tjipetekera 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. Negumbo Damaseb Somses Mumbalu Lourence Hengombe Kaihiva Timi Maveoro Tjizeka Bambus Ujendura Tjipetekura Katjikura Tjiriange Karipose 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ruth V.K. Jackson George Willibardine Alexanderine Engeline Festus Jamanuka Tekla N.M. Assaria Batseba Rikonjerua K. Landine Elisa Markus Endeline Gaus Maria Lotte Lidia Christof Florence Jenny G.K. Christiaan Samueline Sofia Collin Aline Uriotjouani Erf 241, Otjinene Erf 505, Otjinene Erf 465, Otjinene Erf 488, Otjinene Shackdwellers, Otjinene Shackdwellers, Otjinene Erf 29, Otjinene Erf 25, Otjinene Erf 138, Otjinene Erf 1745, Otjinene Erf 342, Otjinene Erf 342, Otjinene Erf 521, Otjinene 749 New Extention Otavi Republiek Street, Otavi 5 TransNamib Street, Otavi 14 Union Street, Otavi Xoagub Street, Otavi Union Street, Otavi Otjinene Otjinene Erf 132, Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene Otjinene 14040340584 14041440907 14041440862 14040340785 14041240506 14041441907 14041440441 14142141612 14120541212 15752957747 14040340546 15752957548 14040340890 15679556827 14057340584 14057340876 14059041556 14059041460 14058041009 14040340753 14040340942 14040340748 14040341160 14041240476 14040340892 14040340872 14041442311 14041441706 14041440727 F M M F F F M M F M F M F F M F M F F F M F F M F F M F M 78 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Association of Otjiwarongo Residents (AOR) OTJIWARONGO All People’s Party (APP) Behnke Badenhorst Williams Noelle Du Plessis Pretorius De Waal Pritzen Jansen v. Vuuren Botes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kakwana Garises Katari Kamanu Kavari Hengari Ipinge Useb Nuses Garab Nuseb Hamutenya Matata Geises Malaula Malaula Uses Nuseb Hamutenya 1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Stefanus P.J. Renate R. Dieter Ebenezer Maria M. Helena E. Gerhard M. Jennifer Susanna C.P. Udo Diana Thusnelde Rabuki Maria Gideon Vemuna Petrus Gustav Cecilia Jeremias E. Martin Elsie Sara Siska Wallensia Wellency Bertha Martin Else 36 Otjiwarongo 1921 Shamrock Street Koch Street Paresis Park 47 Bohlman Street 26 Vrede Avenue Heliograaf Street Etoshalaan 18 Park Street 30 Doll Street Erf 623, Otjinene Erf 325, Otjinene Erf 623, Otjinene Erf 16, Otjinene Erf 434, Otjinene Erf 120, Otjinene Erf 51, Otjinene 2675 Saamstaan 2194 Orwetoweni 197 Tsaraxaaibes 2174 Ombilie 560 Ombilie 196 Build Together 408 Telecom Location 144 Tsaraxaaibes 145 Tsaraxaaibes 2675 Saamstaan 2174 Ombilie 560 Ombilie 14056343513 14047842647 14057641660 14056343625 14056341888 14057641607 14056341454 14056343058 14056342299 14056341235 14040340615 14041441077 14040340616 14040340522 14041442138 14040340800 14041440606 14047840677 14133741799 14057641434 14133741813 14058141903 14047840757 14056840733 14133541520 15593555962 14058141890 14133741813 14058141903 M F M M F F M F F M F F M F M F M M F M M F F F F F F M F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 79 Awarab Shimwino 2. Thom Kambongarera Karokohe Kaangundue Uhatjike Kandorozu Mbai Kazohua Uapingene Tjihozu Kandjii 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Katire 1. De Waal De Vos !Aebes Mpangala Kambueza Vizembueza Britz Ganchas Kandjii Vizembua Bock Kainde Tjiteere Mbautaene Tulihaleni R. Stephanus Rith Magdalena Benestus Justine Selma Lorretha Sandra Lency Tengovandu Erastus Benestus Salomon Hendrik Gerrit C. Esmeralda Harris Kavetaviza Festus Johan R. Ellen Foreman Iondine Norah Jeremiah Jokonia Beverly DS 247 Orwetoweni Erf 1387 Orwetoweni Erf 1059 Erf 3515 Erf 989 Erf 1061 Erf 273 Erf 1020 Erf 936 Erf 846 Erf 1739 Erf 1974 Erf 603 No. 6 Erf 956 Vrede Avenue 1 Swembadweg 258 SonRoad Erf 2935 Orwetoweni Erf 37 Orwetoweni Erf 1074 Orwetoweni 198 Ramblersweg Erf 1547 NHE Erf 1627 Kaapnaar Street Erf 1074 Orwetoweni Erf 562 Hoogenhout Street Erf 37 Orwetoweni Erf 30 Lang Street Erf 1074 Orwetoweni 14058143539 14057144573 14057143715 14057142098 14047842642 14056341119 14057144642 14057143411 14057140931 14057142923 14057143552 14057143533 14047841370 14057140576 14057641608 14056341572 15593455950 15653156579 14047841306 14057142617 14056343493 14057641949 14057141107 14056842017 14056342840 14057641587 14133541476 14057144025 F M F F M F F F F F F M M M M M F M F M M F M F F M M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) DTA of Namibia 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 80 5880 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia Ubu-Gaeb Nanuses Awaseb Khoases Nauiseb Ouses 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jesaya Iyambo Shaduka Shivute Nghipandwa Uxamb Kamatui Kgobetsi Goagoseb Kandume Namaseb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Haimbondi /Uises Kavanga Araes Ogurub /Nases Ochurub Nairenge Hoeses Ochurub Ochurub 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 614, Orwetoweni Erf 607, Oosweg Erf 2169, Orwetoweni Erf 1677, Orwetoweni Erf 1207, Orwetoweni Erf 1617, Orwetoweni Erf 1486 Erf 25 Erf 17656 Erf 3421 Erf 3126 Erf 780 Erf 325 Erf 1928 Erf 1431 Erf 3049 Erf 286 Erf 499 Erf 752 Orwetoweni Erf 2738 Saamstaan Erf 681 Orwetoweni Erf 1387 Orwetoweni Erf DB 99 Ombili D 451 Orwetoweni Erf 61102 Orwetoweni Erf 3275 Saamstaan Erf 1387 Orwetoweni Erf 451 Orwetoweni 14057641984 14056342507 14057142318 14056341442 14058140880 14056841476 14056340570 14056340841 14057642264 14056340602 14047840636 14056342002 14057143357 14057643399 14056341960 14056842090 14057642135 14057643017 14056343998 14057141618 14057642091 14047840578 14057142682 14047840575 14057140713 14057142171 14047840574 14047840576 F M F M F M F F F M M M F M M F M M F F F M F M F F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Theopoldine Samuel Julia Johannes Brigitte Gottfired Hilda M. Sonia Moderattha Gottlieb Leonard Manfredt Thusnelde Eddy Paul Namibia Archillus Bennes Beatrix Asnath Louise Everent F. Sylvia Richard Regina Brenda Wesley Senovia G. 5880 81 SWAPO Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia OUTAPI OUTJO Aibes Khaeseb Gawanas Nuses Tempo Garab Asino Ndeshitila Endjala Neingo Eilo Shalongo Shikongo Kavila Andjene Alweendo Angala Mostert Geibeb Hanaseb Muheue Oreses Gamseb Guibes Gamaseb Gubeb Haibeb Ais Tjikuru 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Uehutavi Moreen Micheal Anton Magrieta Marko Ismael Moses Wellemina W. Dietmara Gottfried Libertine Ewald Martha Tekla Steven L. Friedrich Selma N. Matheus Matheus M. Victorina A.M. Lilya K. Namupa A. Immanuel S.H. Simeon Petrus Josef Reinhold Pieter Gerrit H 20 Lang Street Erf 207, Orwetoweni Erf 2133, Orwetoweni Erf 2111, Orwetoweni Erf 2169, Orwetoweni Erf 137, Orwetoweni Erf 28, Outapi Erf 804, Outapi Erf 791, Outapi Tobias Hainyeko, Outapi Erf 626 , Outapi Erf 613 , Outapi Tobias Hainyeko, Outapi Erf 240, Outapi Erf 495, Outapi Erf 1465, Outapi Erf 742, Outapi Erf, 556 Gemsbok Street, Outjo Erf, 521 M. Claasen Street, Outjo Erf, 310 Herman Simba Street, Outjo B20, Jr. Mix Hostel, Outjo Erf, 1707 Camp 5, Outjo Erf, 280 N. Namaseb, Outjo Erf, 769 Freedom Street, Outjo Erf, 384 Jack Francis Street, Outjo Erf, 1084, Soweto Street, Outjo Erf, 611, Freedom Street, Outjo Erf, 1553 Camp 5, Outjo Erf, 23-51 Paresis, Outjo 14066842013 14066542854 14066840753 14066842415 14069240760 14069241008 14066841235 14066542012 14066543528 14066840680 14058140626 14056343227 14056341153 14058140627 14133941723 14047840584 14127541346 14052940532 14052943302 14127341315 14052941604 14052341896 14127341457 14052942913 14127541311 14127041367 14052940833 15710557151 14066543126 F F M F M M M F F M F M F F M M F M M F F F M M M M M M M 82 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 /Oxurub Gao-Aob Hakaje Soroses Conradie Seibes Aibeb Horases Soroseb Garises Hoaeb Oxurus Sheya Kaizemi Oe-Amseb Ndjimba Shinime Gaes Gaingob Horases Kandundu !Guim Haimbondi Hoaes Khairabeb Amamus Gaingob Hoeses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) SWAPO Party of Namibia United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Erf 165, Outjo Erf 869, Outjo Erf 1463, Outjo Erf 321, Outjo 124 Kameelperd Street, 519 Magdalena Claasen Street Erf 1342, Soweto 184 Michell McLean Street 93 Wicliff Mamunya Street 320 Daniel karigab Street Erf 3134, Soweto Erf 1342, Soweto Erf 586 Sestig Erf 8 Saamstaan 51 Sebra Street Erf 166, Water Street Erf A441, Churh Street Erf 189, Meester Laan Erf 1984, Ehangano Erf 233, Libertine Amathila Street Erf 895, Nicky Iyamba Erf 777, Freedom Street Erf 262, Nabot Haimbondi Erf 421/6, Nabot Haimbondi Erf 168, NHE Erf 245, Albert Kairibab Erf 230, Libertine Amathila Street 51 Sebra Street 14066542513 14066543461 14069240948 14066543907 14069240892 14066841642 14066842916 14194742047 14066840983 14066541842 14066541912 14066843003 14066842976 14066541945 14066541531 14069341158 14066842829 14066842094 14066542445 14066840741 14066841618 14066840884 14066540714 14066841121 14066542820 14066540954 14066840734 15710457125 F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Siglinde Barholomeus Christophine Morkel Heroldt Jetha Simeon Sentia Gelvin Magredt Efraim N. Engelhartine Eliezer Evangekline Lukas Elizabeth Marius Sikunawa Louisa Taree Samuel Karolina Friedrich M. Liz Lizenda Kleofas Brigitte Ursula Laurence Tommy Emily Ezra Jonas Felicitas Gerson D.K. 5880 83 REHOBOTH Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Karigus Kharuchab Campbell Beukes Engelbrecht Beukes Fliede Uiras Basson 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hoa-Khaob Aibes Vaino Nuas Baltzer Gomes Gomes Moses De Groot Snyders Kembell Busch Brendell Markgraaff De Klerk Benz Kotze Swartz Benz Xuises 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Erf 412 E, Rehoboth Erf 632 F, Rehoboth Erf 24, Burgershoek, Rehoboth Erf 549 E, Rehoboth Erf 581 B, Rehoboth Erf 3045 E, Rehoboth Erf 801 B, Rehoboth Erf 481 E, Rehoboth Erf 300 E, Rehoboth Erf 311, Outjo Erf 259, Outjo Erf 56, Outjo Erf 748, Outjo Erf 799, Outjo Erf 418, Outjo Erf 737, Outjo Erf, Outjo Erf 682 A, Rehoboth Erf 238 F, Rehoboth Erf 580 E, Rehoboth Erf 301 G, Rehoboth Erf 241 B, Rehoboth Erf 772 A, Rehoboth Erf 210 B, Rehoboth Erf 984 B, Rehoboth Erf 105 F, Rehoboth Erf 292 G, Rehoboth Erf 409 G, Rehoboth Erf 514 F, Rehoboth 15630056438 14008940238 14008940879 15630056572 14001541278 14001540700 14165342033 14001840054 14001540859 14066540747 14066543456 14066842786 14066842272 14066842256 14069341314 14066543234 14066841867 14008941451 14003141875 14001543022 14165641956 14001540693 14008941445 14001542321 14001841999 14001544011 14001741987 14165642069 14001740633 M F F M F F F M F M F F F F F F F M F F F F F M F M F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Andre J. Julia H. Christina F. Rendy F. Ann Lendia Jesica L. Hans Taline J Sam Perina Engelhard Dinate Magreth M. Sandarina Justine Imelda I. Helena Samuel B. Anna-Marie Carolina Christina Marizka H. Wilhelmina I. Johannes L. Katrina W. Marthinus C. Jolande J. Trevor M. Hanna 84 5880 Pienaar Danster Neib Uiras Booisen Narimas Campbell Pieters Haman Uirab Swartbooi Uirab 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. Geingob 1. Rooi Haoseb Schuster Blaauw Uirab Maasdorp Matheus Sakeus Witbeen Ananias Gowaseb Umati Richter Draghoender Felix Leonard Vincent Sageus Reinhard Anna Lucia Magdalena Hendrik C. John Cornelius Kevin Gerson R. Dion Hans P. David J. Samuel David D. Christina E. Winston H. Eva R. Jonas S. Maria N. Ulrich Priscilla R. Ulricht Else C. Dawid R. Karl M. Emmanuel Erf 142, B, Rehoboth Erf 1533 E, Rehoboth Erf 1018 B, Rehoboth Erf 576 E, Rehoboth Erf 512 E, Rehoboth Erf 252 C, Rehoboth Erf 1535 E, Rehoboth Erf 1624 E, Rehoboth Erf 303 E, Rehoboth Erf 580 E, Rehoboth Erf 607 E, Rehoboth Erf 1524 E, Rehoboth Erf 505 B, Rehoboth Erf 190 E, Rehoboth Erf 309 E, Rehoboth Erf 243 E, Rehoboth Erf 780 B, Rehoboth Erf 801 B, Rehoboth Erf 782 D, Rehoboth Erf 1267 E, Rehoboth Erf 556 E, Rehoboth Erf 618 E, Rehoboth Erf 435 E, Rehoboth Erf 705, G, Rehoboth Erf 838 B, Rehoboth Erf 183, G, Rehoboth Erf 356 D, Rehoboth Erf 1456, G, Rehoboth 14001843212 15630056464 14001841638 14001542886 14001542563 14001541938 14001543724 14000440813 14001840860 14000340018 14165341806 15630056390 15631256380 14001543784 14001841189 15630056569 14000440061 14165341970 14003140088 14001840045 14000441726 14001540146 14000440062 14003141658 14001842353 14003140335 14008941274 14000441749 M M M F F F M M M M M M M M M M F M F M F M F M F M M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 The United People’s Movement (UPM) United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 5880 85 RUACANA National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Munepapa Kataleko Tomo Humu Kavari Mbalundu Ruhozu 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pickering Farmer Kambrude Lottering Mouton Jansen Ockhuizen Philander Manuels Titus Shikongo Muhenje Witbooi Antonio Petrus Thomas Kauhandja Joste Mbwale Shidhimbwe Shihepo Shikongo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. P.O. Box 62, Ruacana P.O. Box 79, Ruacana P.O. Box 149, Ruacana P.O. Box 71, Ruacana P.O. Box 28, Ruacana P.O. Box 24, Ruacana P.O. Box 45, Ruacana Erf 1144, B, Rehoboth Erf 272, D, Rehoboth Erf 464, G, Rehoboth Erf 1223,B, Rehoboth Erf 654, B, Rehoboth Erf 1723 A, Rehoboth Erf 698, G, Rehoboth Block D, Rehoboth Erf 373, F, Rehoboth Erf 321, F, Rehoboth Oshifo Erf 101 Oshifo Oshifo Erf 101 Omwana Watjihozu Omwana Watjihozu Omwana-Watjihozu Omwan-Watjihozu Omwan-Watjihozu Oshifo Oshifo Oshifo Oshifo 14052240743 14054341568 14126941416 14054341941 14054740597 14052741306 14054341652 14001843070 14008940104 15631656384 14001540121 15631256334 14003140425 14003141520 14003140229 14003140599 15631656337 14054740615 14054740772 14054740614 14054740767 14126941363 14054341358 15718357240 14054340575 14126941342 14054340819 14126941366 14054340558 M M F F M F M F F M F F F M M F F M F F M F F M F F M M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Josephat Moses Raetoumba Priesca Reiyo Fransina Daniel Unaro Mita Marita Emma Auguste Harald James Hannalora Yvonne Donnalize Jo-Anne Peter Tobias Eric Garth Bernaice M. Verushka C. Immanuel K Ruana Mariah Salomon Selma Inamulyange H Lucky Hellena Raily K Simaneka I Linea Gideon 86 5880 RUNDU All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Tjapuha Muhimba Tjapuha Tjapuha Katyaka Shooya Shapaka Mashina Shikale Shuudeni Mbwale Hange Kamungangela Heita Mulumendu Nekomba Absalom Wakudumo Sisenge Kumbwa Shikongo Kudumo Aivera Haingura Haingura Shihwameni Hairwa Mungungu Muyenga Lisias Moses Linus Theophillus Luis Simon Febronia N Erastus Linea N Hendrik Linda Moses Paulina Colnelius Eunike Abel Lukas Matheus H. Elisabeth M. Ambrosius Irma N. Bonifatius H. Martha M. Nepemba Stephan I. Maria H.M. Basilius Andreas H. Gabriel N. P.O. Box 44, Ruacana P.O. Box 4, Ruacana P.O. Box 44, Ruacana P.O. Box 44, Ruacana P.O. Box 62, Ruacana Oshifo Ruacana Oshifo Ruacana Omwana Ruacana Ruacana Erf 32 Oshifo Ruacana Oshifo Ruacana Ruacana 231 Oshifo Ruacana Okondeka Oshifo Ruacana Oshifo Ruacana Omwana Ruacana 1565, Sauyemwa, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu 37 Millenuim, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu 25 Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Millenuim, Rundu Donkerhoek, Rundu Nkarapamwe, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu 14054341347 14054341942 14052741307 14052741305 15718357212 14054341723 14054340710 14054340598 14052240572 14052741432 14052740882 14052741361 14054740701 14054340629 14054341384 14054740733 14054340561 15736957468 14022142582 15736957423 15734757508 14160741936 14023343106 14022943258 14023640387 15765957824 14028941227 14022941982 14029441961 M M M M M M F M F M F M F M F M M M F M F M F F M F M M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 87 Republican Party of Namibia (RP) Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Romai Kangwiya Sirunda Frai Mbundu Mbonge Paulus Mbumbo Muronga Haikera Hamberera Shehsanda Mutero Haupindi Sikuta Lihongo Mpanda 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Muyenga Nyangana Kaiye Kalipa Karembera Kaveto Mushambe Kanyanga Thinyemba Kaziravhundu Katura Kahare 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Salomon Johannes n. Simon S. Beatha Anton M. Ndapewa S. Innocentia R. Angelina R. Toivo H. Shishina A. Maria Martha k. Theobala S. Scholastic M. Sophia T. Gervasius S. Ngeve Cyprian Friedrich L. Febionia S. Pius K. Agnatia K. Lukas S. Kasharangwa J. Nando Othilie Virginia M Edeltraud S. Muyamba Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Nkarapamwe, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Nkarapamwe, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Kasote, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Safari, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Safari, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Safari, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu 14029040442 14029041279 14029040424 14029040533 14029041070 14029040731 14029040344 14029040448 14160742100 14029040606 14029040731 14022943595 14084440852 14022943558 14028944789 14161041632 14029041094 14023343313 15734357512 14023342410 14023341265 14023341482 14028942862 14023343052 14160742134 14160741930 14161841839 14028941988 14023341565 M F M F M F F F M F F F M F F M F M M F M F M F F F F F M 88 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rundu Concerned Citizens Association Ndara Hamutenya Siremo Jonas Sindimba Likuwa Mpengo Nginga Munango Sintango Maseka Hausiku Sinimbo Ihemba Hausiku Kandingu Shinduvi Ngongo Munika Kakondo Muyenga Lilenga 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Sipumbu Matheus Mbimbi Manzoro Diwandamo Mukoso Kamuko 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ireneus R. Theresiana N. Petra M. Andreas Lovisa N.C. Matheus K. Kristofine N. Philips I. Victoria N. Themba J. Domingo M. Verna M. Ralf S. Toini Isak T. Annastasia M. Johannes Romanus Joahnna N. Engelberth Daniel Reginald Gideon K. Sabina Erastus N. Muyenga A. Salemon X. Kudumo Paulus Safari 107i, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Tuhingireni, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Tuhingireni, Rundu Kaisosi, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Tutungeni, Rundu Tutungeni, Rundu Safari, Rundu Kehemu, Rundu Safari, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Safari, Rundu Sauyemwa, Rundu Safari 95, Rundu Nkarapamwe, Rundu Kasote, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Ndama, Rundu Ndama, Rundu 14023340924 15765957857 14023640316 14023341034 14028940545 14023341132 14023340436 14028944805 14028940870 14023640433 14022940351 14022943873 14022940236 14023343379 14028940475 14028944607 14028940303 14022940347 14161041710 14028943517 15738057458 14029340439 14022944016 14022140850 14023641926 14023940303 14023343516 14023940942 14023641934 M F F M F M F M F M M F M F M F M M F M M M M F M M M M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 89 STAMPRIET SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) DTA of Namibia Kamutindi Skrywer Gowaseb Tsuses De Wee Garises Nowaseb Nuses Van der Ross Basson Skrywer Saul Meyer Tjombe Saul Johannes Immanuel 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Levi Kandere De Kock Nasinako Nuseb Beukes Tjitendero Potgieter De Kock De Kock Hauses Witbooi 1. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Deluwe G. Thomas Juliana Sara Wilma Brain Alwina Franziska Eva B. Elfriede Jacob S. Theresia Gotlieb Weleri Stefanus Fina Elretha Hilka W. Sarafina N. Anna E. Magdalena Gabriel Thoedor Katrina Johannes B. Francois B. Frans Rosalia Maria V. Erf 218, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 254, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 321, Stampriet Erf 185, Stampriet Erf 27, Stampriet Squatterscamp, Stampriet Erf 81, Stampriet Erf 36, Stampriet Erf 276w, Stampriet Erf 308, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 304, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 71, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 284, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 45, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 18, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 10, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 24, Soetdoringlaagte Tutungeni, Rundu Queenspark, Rundu Erf 203, Stampriet Erf 213, Stampriet Erf 267, Stampriet Erf 203, Stampriet Erf 216, Stampriet Erf 213, Stampriet Erf 201, Stampriet Erf 203, Stampriet Erf 201, Stampriet Erf 200, Stampriet 14164441675 14004840485 14164441685 14004840635 15627456301 14004840164 14004840939 14164441684 14004840932 14004841241 14004840449 14004840624 14004840088 14004840414 14004840407 14004841342 14004840772 14023943637 14160841870 14004840301 14004840814 14004840760 14004840300 14004840287 14004840817 14004841221 14004840285 14004841222 14004840283 F M F F F M F F F F M F M F F M F F F F F M M F M M M F F 90 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAKOPMUND Christian Democratic Voice (CDV) All People’s Party (APP) 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Uirab Kimm Andon Gowases Hoxobeb Kantema Mukuve Tara u mune Haobeb Mutjoviri Ndumba Kativa Haingura Tyana Mbamba Hoeses (Geises) Gowases Genda Gotthard Neidel Uirab Hoabeb Tjongarero Tjongarero Haraes Hoabes Araib Kenneth Haragaeb Josef G. Engonesia Josef Christiana H. Christopher Eugenia Aunithia Alfons Mayira Josefina Ruth Markus Dawid Anitha K. Festus Ndjamba Agnes Engelbert Methew Nyangana Emma Ester Emsie Elfriede Naibas Kandume Hans Engelhard Jimmy Khoetage H. Engried Senforia Bertha Nicoette Elisa Goabab Rudolf Erf 210, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 62, Soetdoringlaagte Erf 251, Soetdoringlaagte New Location Airport Old DRC New DRC New DRC Old DRC Mondesa New DRC New Location Airport New DRC Old DRC New DRC Old DRC Old DRC Old DRC New DRC Erf 119, Tamariskia New DRC Erf 146, Mondesa Erf 46, Mondesa Erf 1024, Mondesa Erf 1054, Mondesa New DRC Erf 46, Mondesa Ef 3344, Tulinaina Erf 2015, Mondesa Erf 954 Flat Mondisa 14004840094 14004841271 14004840896 14010242205 14015741814 14010241795 14010242720 14180642044 14180241853 14015742096 14015740452 14013941800 14015742573 14015741345 15740157518 14015741288 14010241708 14145742125 14015840168 14015840550 14015940295 15741657469 14180542013 14013841274 14015740851 14015943807 15739757618 14015840170 14015840506 F M F F M F M F M F M F M M M F F F M M M M M F F F M M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 91 National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Kaapehi Ndjitaviua Jazukuka Muroua Tjiweza Upora Katjivikua Uueziua Jamuine Karutjaiua 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Shipanga Hoes Ganuseb Ganuses Hangula Tjiurutue Hochobes Shidhimbo Ortner Kahingunga Kamuingona Kambuindja Katjiukua Windstaan Viakonbo Humbu Ortner Gawases Isay 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Erka lina Benestus Ivone Kamaono Stephanus Ikuaterua Alpons Aline Tareekuje Isabela Jefta Tjopee Uahimiza Kandino Petrus Flora Regina Ignasius Ulrich Anna Marie A. Elisa Kharirosa Melba Belinda Christa Naguetga Suama Gina Clemencia Emgarth Ingrith Benhardt Dan Benson Uesapuuazu Ilana Bernadette I. Franciska Alma Bernatete Valerie Erika Tjikuua DRC Mondesa Mondesa Mondesa DRC Mondesa DRC Mondesa DRC Mondesa Erf 172, Mondesa New DRC New DRC New DRC Erf 318, Tamariskia Erf 2467, Mondesa DRC, Sea Point DRC, Swakopmund DRC, Swakopmund Erf 2943, Tilinawa Erf 726, Jabulani Erf 2572, Mondesa DRC, SWakopmund Erf 24, Durisusberg DRC, Swakomund DRC, Swakopmund DRC, Swakopmund Erf 125, Tsuses Street DRC, Swakopmund 14010241325 14015740267 15588455930 15739757418 14015842882 14015943623 14015741156 14015843501 15741157450 14014040145 14014041767 14013941212 15741657539 15740357457 14019440214 14010241259 14013941823 14019440568 14010242259 14179942060 15741657468 14015843509 14010240882 14015840749 15740157439 14015741371 14010242212 14015941226 14015740459 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 F M M M F F M F M M F M F F F F F F F M M F F F F F F M 92 5880 Republican Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Nghiimbwasha Kandume Shaanika Hoa-Khaeb Dausas Mvavu Haoses Mpepo Gaobab Titus Guibes Lukas Haifo Kandola Basson Tjiveze Haraseb Richter Simosi Dausas Auseb Eichab Eichas Awaras 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kuuahee Tjihoreko Muselenge Hirongua Hingandji 1. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Demetria Poppy Aroddus Lisken Simon Susanna Markus Kenneth Simon Hanilara Dorotea Gideon Emma liisa Magarett Hellinde Lucia Max F Helga Andrew Jakes Vellerie Luther A.R. Manfred Eveline Christine Lisken David Lucresia Elison Thimoteus Kuveri Diana J DRC DRC Jabulani Tulinawa Swakopmund Hanganei Mondesa Mahetago DRC Oletweni DRC DRC Tamariskia Mahetago Hno. 1138, Rykmansdorp SSS Hostel, Government Flat Hni. 1853, Mahetago Hno. 80 Helao Street, Swakomund Hno. 3314Tulinawa, Swakopmund Hno. 1520, Mahetago Hmno. 3182, Meduletu Hno. 3182, Meduletu Hno. 3429, Tulinawa DRC Mondesa DRC DRC Mondesa Mondesa 14014040716 14010241235 14015840921 14014041571 14010241406 14180341826 14014041214 14015840170 14010242114 14015942494 14015742132 14013940803 14014040594 14015840933 14080242066 14016143677 15586355903 14015943817 14180442090 14015840165 14180241960 14015943826 14180641876 14180641926 14015940495 15740157502 14015740294 14013941839 14015842604 F M F M F M M M F F M F F F M F M F M M F F M F M M F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 93 SWANU of Namibia Swakopmund Residents Association Mc Namara Gaseb Claasen Von Seydlitz-Kurzbach Cloete D’ Avignon Leech Ahrens Geduldt Berner Grant Hecht Leech Joachim G Katjitae Uzera Ngutjinazo Kahingunga Kahere Murangi 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 5. Groenewald Paulus 15. 1. Gontes Uirab Naruses Gurirab Belinda 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Gert Margit S. Vera Gunther H Hildegard M Adelheid Anne-Louise Lutz Michael David Neubrech Christophine M. Kenney Rudolfine Gottlieb Victoria Goodwill Bernhard K.S. Kerry Abilas Dionne Wilfried O. Inker Hafeni Irene Nicolette Andreas Fransiska Karl Isabella 14016140174 14014043129 15586355909 14016142225 14016144054 14014040298 14015943805 59 Ressmund Golf Estate 25 Amathila Street, Swakopmund 14 First Avenue, Vineta 44 Seedler Street, Vineta 98 L. Amathila Street, Vineta 57 Amathila Street, Swakopmund 34 Rhode Allee 82 L. Amathila Street 14 First Avenue Vineta Molensicht, 1 Ludwig Koch Street 521, Panorama Prak, Swakomund 12 Namib Street, Kraniersdorp Flat 5 Omeg Street, Vineta 2943 Oletweni, Mondesa 1684 Omulo9ndo, Swakopmund 943 Tamariskia, Swakopmund 5 Azalea Street, Ocean View 14013941710 14016140271 14019440759 14016142710 14013841023 14016141468 14013841224 14019441502 14180241943 14016140524 14019440244 14019440290 14019441047 14013941538 14015843672 14014043264 15740357435 3 Albaltress Street, Vineta 14010240652 14 Harder Avenue, Swakopmund 14014042220 5114 Leadwood Street, Ocean View 14180242138 3 Werft Street, Swakopmund Hno. 3459 Tulinawa, Mondesa Hno. 732 August Nangolo Street Hno. 2062 Mondesa Hno. 696 Vrede Rede Street, Hno6, Augustineum Garoeb Street Hno. 2062, Kavambo Nuujoma Street F F M M M F M M M F M M F F M M M M M M F F M F M F 94 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) SWAPO Party of Namibia //Khoaseb Harases Iwu-Gaeb Haragaes Sofika 2. 3. 4. 5. Kandjeo Kauatjitotje Tjindjo Tomo Claasen Kauatjitotje Ruhumba Zakaapi Karipo Nashilundo Elago Marsh Kasheeta Shileka Shitana Jason Salomon Jonas Carstens Gaweseb Noabes Mukwiilongo Munenguni Kandenge 1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Erf 134 F. Van Neel, Tamariskia Erf 287 Tulinawas, Swakopmund Erf 1122 Jubulani, Swakopmund Erf 2689 Tulinawa, Swakopmund Erf 3674 NHE, Mondesa Erf 3735 Ollwetweni, Mondesa 5 Franke Street, Vineta 1990 Mahetago, Mondesa 1451 Mahetago, Mondesa 1774 Rikumbi Street, Mondesa 5 Franke Street, Vineta 317 Garnet Avenue, Tamariskia Erf 2295 Kovambo Nuyoma Street Erf 3010 Oletweni, Mondesa 1907, Mondesa 61 Franke Street, Vineta 89 Tweikondjela Turnstone Vogel Street 266 Kambueshe Street 2092, Mondesa 178 Helao Street Kibetz no 8 12 Medeletu Street, DRC 4151, NHE, Mondesa 328 Garnet Avenue 485 Fransika Van Neel 1500 Ipumbu Yashilongo 4313 NHE, Mondesa No7 Vrede Rede Street 14014040166 14015841702 14015844117 14019440708 14016141904 14010240251 14180542010 14015842684 14015842719 14016140671 14014043045 14013940584 14015940494 14019441085 14013840630 14015740269 14015741015 14019441395 14014040464 14016141487 15586255892 14014040175 14015740184 14014040281 14014040161 14014040282 14015840181 14013841025 14019440251 F M F M M M F F F F M M M F F F F F F M M M M M M F F M M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Erenstine Marius P Yvonne Alamo Elifas Elia Alfons Magdaena Ruth Ebeneser Erna P. Festus Levi U. Ahlen Peseus Alexia Pauline Daphine Maria Assertha Ipupa Penehafo Erkkie Kleopas Ngwena Nehemiah Andreas Piet Andreas Rosalia Ndahafa Hella Phillipus Phillipus 5880 95 SWAPO Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia TSANDI TSES Uris Haraseb Garoes Hoaeb Ochurus #Gawab Goses Am-Gabeb Seibes Claasen Iikela Kadhila Shekunyenge Uule Shikulo Amushila Katoma Shatiwa Iiyenda Angula Matheys Ganeb Haman Rietz Kido Basson Brandt V/d Westhuizen 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Welma Wellerie Gerson E Gabriel T Selma N Tobias S Tuuliki Loide T Andreas K Fransina Fillemon Saara N Mateus Diana S. Isabella F. Thobias Theresia Erna L. Lukas Claudia Veronica David Veronica Theopoltine Apius Gisela Stanley Nelue Mercia Johannes Erf 2648 Tulinawa, Swakopmund 240 F. Van Neel, Swakopmund Erf 212 August N, Swakopmund Erf 3524 New Build Together 1977 Cemetry Street, Swakopmund Erf 32 Katanga Street, DRC Erf 1743 Masilo Street, Swakopmund 1783 A. Kapere Street, Swakopmund DRC, Swakopmund Erf 3094 Olutweyeni Erf 97, Tsandi Erf 5, Tsandi Erf 7, Tsandi Erf 98, Tsandi Erf 919, Tsandi Erf 36. Tsandi Erf 11 Tsandi Erf 112, Tsandi Erf 33, Tsandi Erf 105, Tsandi 572 Build Together, Tses 3-18 Tses 058 Growwe Rand, Tses 566 Build Together, Tses Growwe Rand, Tses Jamaika, Tses 54A, Tses N-38-AW Ou Kamp, Tses 14019441914 14015841385 15686856931 15686856943 15686857081 15686857274 15687556980 15686856935 15686857016 15686857031 15687556941 15686857161 14015141026 15639956466 14015140898 14015140552 14015140932 14015140608 15639956440 14189341932 14015842590 14013940644 14014040860 15739757452 14013841583 14010241588 14015840546 14015841580 F M M F M F F M F M F M F F M F F M F F M F F M F M F M 96 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 TSUMEB Christian Democratic Voice(CDV) All People’s Party (APP) SWAPO Party of Namibia 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Williams Williams Goliath Basson Suwute Awasman Goliath Mahuure Tiboth Thobias Tiboth Gariseb Kamwanga Tjameya Gaseb Linyando Kanema Dike Ndondi Mandevhu Mpasi Maya Kativa Mapeu Gaseb Baseko Gauaseb Goboses Tjipitua Gaiseb Nicoletta Chedric Abram Margaret P. Anna W. Josefr B. Sylvia B. Ludwig Anna A. Stephanus A. Rebekka F. Willem Tomas Mangundu Annastacia V Martin Imelda Mate John Utare Andreas L. Natalia Stefhanus Oiva Sikwaya Agnes Maitha Aurelia Vishangu Kauma Johannes Fredy Allen Gerson Juliana Mirjim Hans 566 Build Together, Tses 566 Build Together, Tses Soutput, Tses BM 104-4, Tses Growwe Rand, Tses 3-15, WhiteBlock,Tses Soutput, Tses Jamaika, Tses Growwe Rand, Tses Growwe Rand, Tses Build Together, Tses Build Together, Tses Erf 1212 14th RD, Tsumeb Kuvukiland, Tsumeb SS Nomtsoub , Tsumeb Erf 711, Soweto, Tsumeb Kuvukiland Tsumeb Endombo Tsumeb Soweto Tsumeb Kavukiland Tsumeb Kuvukiland Tsumeb Kuvukiland Tsumeb Kuvukiland Tsumeb Kuvukiland Tsumeb Erf 387, CDM Erf 1408, Nomtsoub, Tsumeb Erf 1212, Nomtsoub, Tsumeb Kuvukiland, Tsumeb Erf 63, Soweto Kuvukiland, Tsumeb 14015140559 14015141023 14015140241 15639956478 14015140967 14015140826 14015140242 14015141024 14015140267 14015140781 14015140244 14015140385 14061940688 14061940792 14059841439 14060241589 14061940628 14060341440 14060340660 15663456693 14117341508 14059842483 14061940835 14060841769 14060843259 14060842749 14062040925 14060841854 14060341210 14060842928 F M M F F M F M F M F M M F M F M M F M M F F M M M M F M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 97 SWAPO Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Howaes Haodom Tsam Gawanab Cloete Tsaraos Venaani Hoeseb Naris Johnson Garosas Naris Ngupandjara Ghorases Ngutjinazo Uazangisa Haraeb Kubes Shetekela Kasiringua Hangula Shililifa Sipunga David Shaanika Gases Gabriel Howaes Eises Naobeb Erka Obed Maria Alfred Harrob Ruben Sarafia Daniel K Richard Michelle Luise M Stella Marion Mbahimua Imgard Asser Vino V Moses Mawen Manfred Evelin Linekela ND Christophine V. Matheus Kaija Nelago Mathias Muronga Ingenecia M Petrus Johannes Olga Johannes Christaline N. Rosa Marietjie Regina Monika Erf 546, Soweto, Tsumeb Erf 246, Nomtsoub Erf 1189, CDM, Tsumeb Erf 690, Mashaka Erf 665, Mashaka Erf 2782, Saamstaan Street 1062, Renoster Street, Tsumeb 1182, Nomtsoub 541, Kwagga Street, Tsumeb 1246, Nomtsoub 497, Nomtsoub 541 Nomtsoub 1255, Ombili 461, Nomtsoub 1068, Nomtsoub 1063, Renoster Street 1150, Nomtsoub Erf 1080, Nomtsoub Hno. 1220 Fisan Street, Nomtsoub Erf 1508, 6th Road, Tsumeb Hno: 196A Berg Street, Nomtsoub Erf 1564, Springbok Street, Tsumeb Erf 457, Mimosa Street, Tsumeb Hno.1215 14th Road, Tsumeb Erf 772, Peter John Shanika Street Erf 1053, Nomtsoub Hno. 776. Soweto Hno. 539, Kwagga Street, Tsumeb Erf 1323, Vinia Ndadi Street Ext 4, Hno. 815. Blei Street 14060242233 14060843329 14059841927 14060242915 14060840814 14060842975 14060940885 14060340917 14060843270 14060842826 14060942177 14060241206 14060341008 14060240732 14060843134 14060241015 14117341574 14060940899 14060840634 14060841316 14060840684 14059842737 14118241368 14060941750 14061940782 15668756952 14060840654 14060241611 15668756746 14060843123 F M F M M F M M F F F F F F M M M F M F M F M F M F M F F F 98 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 USAKOS Congress of Democrats (COD) Christian Democratic Voice (CDV) United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Oxurub Saal Stramis Anies Gamaseb Uiseb Stramiss Van der Schiff Nomchas Stramis Gawanab Alfred Nghumono Sanib Noabes Hawaes Namaseb Mukonda Tsanigas Swartbooi Naseb Nowoseb Gaugorob Gouchorob Nases Uwukhaeb Shilume Gamiseb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Naseb 1. Meno Cathleen Hans Stramis Mauriza Richie Frans Elisabeth B.H. Schuff Christiane Alois Robert Sakaria Valencia Niklaas Charlene Ingrit Leonard Josef Danesa Joy Belinda Ellen Lourensius Maurice Laurence Moses Ephraim Rodney Melvin Luise Fillipus Koena Florensia Rodney Ricardo Mathias Mubasen Erf 521, Hakhaseb, Location Erf 191, Hakhaseb Erf 682, Hakhaseb Erf 71, Hakhaseb Erf 404, Hakhaseb Erf 194, Hakhaseb Erf 682, Hakhaseb Erf 248 Bo Dorp, Usakos Erf 214, Hakhaseb Location Erf 682, Hakhaseb, Location Erf 191, Hakhaseb, Location Erf 682, Hakhaseb Erf 149, Hakhaseb 241 Willem Hoeb Street Erf 121, Hakhaseb Erf 319, Hakhaseb Erf 310, Hakhaseb Hno. 771, Tsumeb Hno. 128, Tsumeb Hno. 12, Tsumeb Hno. 778, Tsumeb Hno. 1060, Tsumeb Hno. 128, Tsumeb Hno. 127, Tsumeb Hno. 1887, Tsumeb Hno.12, Tsumeb Hno. 4543, Tsumeb Hno. 1268, Tsumeb Hno. 1229, Tsumeb 14017540903 14017540742 14079742059 14079740926 14178741886 15730757523 14178742015 14017540226 14178741824 14079741411 14017540743 14178741849 14178741845 14017540402 14079741361 14079741967 15730757330 14060341436 15668756936 14060842843 14060842870 14117441280 14061941597 14060341653 14060941295 14059841088 14060842796 14059843022 14059841016 M F M F M M F M F M M M F M F F M M F F M M M M F M F M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 99 National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Uirab Haragaes Mbari Uiseb Thiremo Gougarob Haufiku Kasona Haragaeb Gawaseb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pietersen Westkopf Bezuidenhout Salomo Sabas Roman Hawaeb Uiseb Weskop Johannes Guriras Jossob Roman Muukua Sabas Gurirab Gomkhaises Gurirab Garoes 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Jesmir Sandra Fillimon Reinhard Toni Alexander S. P.C. Rosalia N. Cesilia Charles Johannes Rubert Aurilius Solome Veronika Gert Angela Alexia Trudie Constance Douglash Kalista Michaels S Renathe Gordon Magdalena Hans A Olga Erich R Mariliza L Adam Elizabeth A Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos Usakos 86 Phillip Street, Erongosig P 12 Phillip Street, Erongosig E 2, Erongosig Erf 149, Hakhaseb Hakhaseb Erf 408, Hakhaseb Erf 319, Hakhaseb Erf 194, Usakos Hno. 187, Usakos Hno. 494, Usakos Erf 263, Usakos Hno. 323, Usakos Erf 180, Usakos Erf 340, Usakos Erf 764, Usakos Erf 210, Usakos Hno. 8, Usakos Erf 319, Usakos Erf 198, Usakos 14079741914 14079741875 14079941512 15730757392 14178742003 15730757346 14017540303 14017540685 14017540933 14017540646 14017540725 14079740896 14079741176 14079742256 14079741813 14178741955 14178741870 14079741897 14079741107 14017540727 14017540771 14079742363 14079742022 15730757528 15743057512 14079741900 15730757353 14017540889 14018540493 F M M M M F F M M M F F M F F F F M F M F M F M F M F M F 100 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Xamses Kaarondo Brokerhoff Johannes Awaras Ndjao Stramiss Roman Nikolaas Neis Xameses Goases Elias Mwafangeyo Gauises Haufiku Nashikaku Ramakhutla Kurtz !Hoaeb Nanuses Haosemab Guriras Hoebeb Van Wyk Gaugoros 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. SWAPO Party of Namibia United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Namases Muyevu Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) 11. 12. Hno. 283 Inge Street, Usakos Hno. 58 Welliem Street, Usakos 338, Usakos Saamstaam 375 Usakos, Hakaseb 371 Usakos, Hakaseb 390 Usakos, Hakaseb 224 Usakos, Hakaseb Ongulumbashe, Usakos Ongulunbashe, Usakos 115 Usakos, Hakaseb 384 Usakos, Hakaseb Omgulumbashe Erf 516, Usakos Erf 356, Usakos Erf 313, Usakos Erf 463, Usakos Erf 387, Usakos Ef 85, Usakos Erf 214, Usakos Erf 220, Usakos Erf 512, Usakos Erf 57, Usakos Erf 113, Usakos Erf 197, Usakos 112, Hakaseb, Usakos Usakos Usakos 14017540668 14017540466 14178742006 15730757459 14017540504 14017540214 14178741938 14178741966 14178741828 15739857435 14079741439 15730757483 14017540268 14017540614 14017540391 14178741906 14079740821 14079740973 14017540800 15730757328 14017540272 14079741505 15730757429 14017540790 15730757323 14079741785 14079740829 14079740894 F M M F M F M M F M F F F F M F M F M F M F M F M F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Magdalena Davey Q Jackson Clara Fillemon Juliana Ruben Daniel Magdalena Ngaringombe Elizabeth Martha Rosa Lourie Sofia Akser Shuudeni Maria Tuhafeni Claudia D John Erna Irene Gustav Petrina Josef Annaliesa Richard Dorathea Salinda Fransiska 5880 101 WALVIS BAY DTA of Namibia All People’s Party (APP) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. /Gaseb Gaugoros //Hoeb //Garoes /Goseb Namases Haragaeb Evenson Katora !Gaoses Sifwaku Karelse Mukoya Nanyemba Mayira Haingura Kaulinge Toivo Kashinga Matjayi Nambase Mutjida Sikongo Ndumba Makina Ngaringombe Izaaks Kamati Namases Lourens J Elizabeth Helmuth Goldine Rudolph Renate Engelhardt Gerdrud Clarance Hanna Loise Yambeinge Marlene Mathias Appolonia R. Stefanus Asser Haigura Tiondenisia Heikki Kuiva Simon Makayi Auleria Mapeghu Michael Sahura George Nyangana Thomas Hairwa Secilia Charura Antonio Manuel Valencia Hilya Ndawapeka Rudolfine Hno. 206 Hakaseb, Usakos Hno. 56 Hakaseb, Usakos Hno. 55 Sonop Erongosig, Usakos Hno. 119 Build Together, Usakos Hno. 393 Onghumon Street, Usakos Hno. 104 Derde Street, Usakos Hno. 8 Saamstaan, Usakos Erf 14 Sonop Street, Usakos Hno. 131, Hakaseb, Usakos Hno. 51. Goethe Street, Usakos Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kusebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Kuisebmond Erf 5285 NHE, Kuisebmond Ef 52, Nangolo Mbumba Street Erf 8, Kuisebmond Tutaleni, Kuisebmond 14178841809 14017540280 14079742372 14018540591 14079742188 15743057506 15730757532 14017540960 14018540585 14017541107 15746957801 14018141535 14017341944 14019241336 15740857460 14181941914 14019240820 15746557908 14018042681 14016942155 15746557722 15740857461 15746557757 15746951492 14018040480 14019040273 14017642047 14180842296 14019341167 M F M F M F M F M F F F M F M M F M M F M M M F M M F F F 102 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO) Jason Jansen 2. Metirua Kaanjosa Mupeu Kaapona Riruako Tjiriange Tjombumbi Tjituka Kaapona Puriza Puriza Ikorua Kuhanga Kaapona 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. Kandjii Uahanaua Sikerete Tjiueza Tuala Mauha Lauesi Nderura Uamburu Amwele Kaujende Ruth 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4931 Tunacar Street 3171A Lugaba Street 67 Agaat Street 2569 Tunacor Street, 61 Memesia Kamatoto Street 1180 Barber Street 2569 Tunacor Street 2569 Tunacor Street 2569 Tunacor Street 30 Harder Crescent 4163, Harder Crescent 3260 Kingfischer Street 18 Penguin Street 2569 Tunacor Street Erf 1636, Yellow Tale Street, Kuisebmond 6 Shosho Close, Walvis Bay 30 Harder Crescent Christiaan Street, Tutaleni Erf 3112 Tutaleni Tutaleni, Kuisebmond Hno. 76, Kuisebmond Ttaleni, Kuisebmond Hno. 990/37, Sandfontein Erf 5702 Omuthiya Court Erf 6629, Kuisebmond Tutaleni, Kuisebmond Kristiaansand Street, Kuisebmond 3191A Tutaleni 14019042862 15740857422 14019340679 14019340236 15747557860 14017841029 14017343129 14019343626 14016542526 15746557535 15747557706 14016942366 15740857503 14019343578 15740857430 15747557519 14016942368 14019142651 14017840320 14019340866 14019342302 14019342719 15744557512 14017341655 14019343954 14019341349 15651356694 14017041266 M M F F F M M F M F F M F M M M F M F M F M F F F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Cornelius John Elifas Wapota Alfeus Elriede K.K. Muarovandu Othilie Godfried Uakumbirua Roswitha Hitjevi Drusilia Magreth Ricardo Tarsilla Godfried Godwin Kenneth K. Usieline Joseph Sipipa Elsie Erasmus Regina Barnabas Cornelia Ri. Elsie Wilhemina Mervin Unondjara 5880 103 SWAPO Party of Namibia Madisia Lombard Ochurus Tobias Dreyer Jansen Madisia Benson Ndeiluka Beukes Grotzinger Grotzinger Nekwaya Nambala Erastus Nghilumbwa Niilenge Kauhondamwa Shailemo Wilfried Mandean Ndeshikeya Martin Shipwikineni Saravina 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 54 Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond Walvis Bay 163 Agaat Street, Kuisebmond Erf 110 dassie Street, Kuiseb 96B Twahangana Street, Kuisebmond 6 Shosho Close, Walvis Bay 54 Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond Twahangana Street, Kuisebmond Erf 34 Diamond Street, Kuisebmond 6 Otuu Close, Walvis Bay Neptune Street, Narraville Neptune Street, Narraville Twahangana Street, Kuisebmond Erf 4241, Newman, Walvis Bay Erf 1537/51 Pluto Street, Kuisebmond Erf 4526 Omuglulugombashe Erf 3762 Tunakor Street, Kuisebmond 13321, Harder Street, Kuisebmond 730, Johan Benson, Kuisebmond 1650 Khomashochland Street, Kuisebmond No 5 Bramwell Street, Walvis Bay Erf 30 Starling Street, Narraville 10 Jan Opperman Close, Narraville 22A Joseph Ekandjo Street, Kuisebmond 3512/39 Aas Voel, Kuisebmond 14017040875 14018041310 14019040336 14017340217 14017040338 14017040317 14017440200 14017041834 14017840384 14017441360 14017441075 14019043224 14016541723 14181942315 14017340388 14018241878 14017040319 14017040318 14019143545 14182041922 14181942269 14016540603 15746957863 14019142900 15744557500 F M F M F M M F F M F M F F M F F F M M F F F F M Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Shongola Reinhold N Hedwig Mateus Penelope Martin Immanuel Hafeni Paulus Saara Lilo Hambereleni Ndishoshili S. Hilka Lely Soini Bernell Cheslyn W Jeaneth S John Christelle Desire Christine L. Erastus Tobias Anna-marie Martha Sabina Ingrid Ingrid K. Michael 104 5880 WINDHOEK All People’s Party (APP) United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Goseb George Somaeb Gases Guibeb Paulus Namaseb Rianda Tsamases Seibeb Geinus Somaeb Goses !Haoses Gurirab Guriras Steenkamp Hausiku Brinkman Sipumbu Shirungu Iiyela Gaoses Shinyemba 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Uakumbua 15. 1. Uushona Uiras 13. 14. Erf 6388 Swael Street Tormalyn Street 57 Erf 3148 Vleis Street Erf 6370 Topaas Street Lorebird Street 6264 Markus Mbili Street 74 66 Walvis Bay Topaas Street 6369 Makriel Street 23 Khomashochland 93 Khomashocland 81 Khomashochland 81 Kaino Nendong Street 29 Kaino Nendongo Street 29 361 Viool Street, Grysblok 440 Omuvapu Street, Okahandja Park 1630 tyrossingen Street, Otjomuise 409 Omuvapu Street, Okahandja Park Julius Nyerere, Windhoek 383-1, Tsumeb Street, Havana 1379 Sigma, Windhoek 45 Omulunga, Hakahana 4 Khomashocland Street 14081141558 14007240591 14010040367 14007640573 14081142163 14006841038 14173341798 14019040457 14019340677 14019340677 14019340456 15651356675 14182041963 15651356692 14019143434 14182341838 15748057509 15746957894 14018140228 14019241288 14019041028 14005941623 14018041657 Erf 4104, Moon Street, Kuisebmond 14017140262 Erf 50c Joseph Ekandjo 14019040548 Erf 2764/19 Reilaar Street, 14017410179 Kuisebmond F M F M M F M F M F M F M F M F M F F M F F M M M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Karumbu K. Abiatar Noluthando Christoph N. Rudolf H. Mathilde Johannes Lisken Abednego Anna-Maria Michael Konseta Stefanus Maziane Willibard Luisete Erastus G Pamela B Tekla Dantagob P.M. Bertha Petronella H. Gibson R Benson Benhard Johannes Sophia 5880 105 Christian Democratic Voice Party (CDV) Ndumba Kapundura Steenkamp Moses Du Plessis Van Wyk 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Awases Vries Swartbooi Stramiss Lamberth Lamberth Useb Gonteb Katjito Hoebeb Skrywer Stramiss Xoagus Haikera 14. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Lepono Goeieman 12. 13. Nawabeb Kayimbi 11. 1. Muronga Bernard 9. 10. Eva Ignatius B. Paula C. Julia Alma Magdalena Bethuel X. Isaskar Martha Gerson Selma R. Jacobus Beauty Michael Gert Patricia Z. Likoro M. Sindimba D. Shaveen L. Josef Angelius Lepono Andriette S. Magdalena S. Veronica N. Joseph M. 14000840416 14167641836 14007741056 14000940264 14005941624 14171041834 14003840345 14010040414 14006342132 14081340888 14003840255 1405541928 3930 Shangai Street, Windhoek Erf 62, Harvana Erf 1358 Kindergarten Street Erf 8916 Zeus Street Erf 3214 Pendukeni Erf 3214 Pendukeni Erf 8916 Zeur Street Erf 3053 Freedomland Erf 3302 Temple Street Erf 6359 Kamberipa Street Erf 362 Josef Gariseb Street Erf 8916 Zeur Street Erf 21 Josef Gariseb Street 14009240898 14006640748 14009041404 14009240416 14080543379 14080543375 14009740440 14166441823 14001340769 14001142568 14009240188 14009240415 14009042334 Erf 342 Dekapolis Street, Windhoek 14005541990 Julius Nyerere, Windhoek 3474,Antoichie, Lux Hill OKP 3865, Julius Nyerere, Windhoek 1379 Sigma, Windhoek 62 Gottlob Street, Wanaheda 12 Tauno Hatuiikulipi Street, Windhoek 803 Outapi Street, Havana 2912 A, Beijing Street, Otjomuise 361 Viool Street, Grys Block 79 Okarundu, Wanahedas 950 Clemence Kapuuo Street, Windhoek 58 Tokyo Street, Otjomuise F M F F F F M M F M F M F M M F M M F M M M F F F M 106 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) DTA of Namibia Kauandenge Kahuure 2. Skrywer Xoagub Xoagub Xoagub Kamburutue Arlow Semba Aochamub Diergaardt Tjirare Kazapua Gowases Katuamba Kamutuezu Cloete Gouws Hepundjua Ngupahua Humphries Dienda Hiamutiti Uandja Katjirijova Hijaupindi Kaihiva Basson 1. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Erf 657 Galileo Street Erf 1833 Ind. Avenue Katutura Erf 3129, W Kapuenene Street Erf 7166 Lemoen Street Erf 21 Josef Gauseb Street Erf 362 Josef Gauseb Street Erf 5725 Mika Shimbodi Street Erf 2379 Khomasdal Erf 1298 Barlett Street Erf 1326 Falldand Street Erf 1773 Black Rock Erf 1895 Romeine Street Erf 741 Kasamba Erf 56 Mathias Erf 1031 Sadduseer Erf 2418 F.M. Enjemgua Erf 3305 Dahlai Street Erf 630 R. Maekopo Street Erf 4380 Kibonde Erf 8034 Evaline Erf 1070 KIampala Erf 1070 Kampala Erf 6715 J. Wylly Erf 2242 Hovver Erf 1918 Romeine Erf 1881 Clemence K. Erf 8110 Ephraim Erf 4679 Lugfer Street 14167142009 15621356232 14009041149 14000140733 14002240956 14009040135 14000140924 14008542070 14009741331 15639356490 14087541718 14009641206 15624756327 14009240916 14009540818 14167141813 14000741514 14168341798 14010040536 15625356385 14008541284 14008541282 14001140672 14006440851 14001140233 14001140039 14166742044 14006041339 F M M M M M M F M M M F M F F F F F F F F M F F M F F F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Prieska Joseph Reichard Standley Bernard Kennet Siegfried Schemon D. Ignatius Immanuel B. Raymond R. Charmaine Sylvester Natasha I. Tugless K. Vakamuina Annie Ina R. Maria U. Joseph Luzette R. David J. Christa Kapuku G. Bensen U.J. Suvisee Tjiwee Geraldine 5880 107 Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Cornelius Gaeseb Kamati Veii Kaffo Nakale Stefanus Nghitongo Brendell Urikhos Johannes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Uapingene Ngombe Ketjijere Tjiueza Muatjetjeja Kasiringua Tjongarero Kaavara Kauvova Kandji Nderura Kambirongo Kauami Hamauka Tjikundisa Ndukireepo Hukununa Puuahee 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Tartisius Ekonia Kavemunu T. Martha N.D. Anna L. Lukas Simon Nicoletta C. Erna Heinrich H. Brunhilde Joseph Samson Lazarus Hilde Kanguana Godfriedine Josephine Ebenesia V. Frans A. Uzikama Candy K. Elder Joel Naomi M.T. Erenfriede Harold E. Vinomaandero Samoiline T. Erf 685 Van Rhyn Street Erf 1841 Elizabeth Street Erf 1198 Gamma Street, Erf 9465 Nomtsaub Street Erf Addis Ababa Street Erf 13 Omunga Street Erf 96 Ongava Street Erf 120 Ichaboe Street Erf 406 J. Gariseb Street Erf 353 Hover Street Erf 17/RB Stein Street Erf 499 Katutura Erf 1331 Friedenaus Street Erf 3643 Barug Street, Soweto Erf 3220 Istenbull Erf 7287 Rhino Street Erf 3723 Scheitzer Street Erf LK 332 B Erf 5311 Abrham Mashego Street Erf 1881 C. Kapuuo Street Erf 2356 Phillip Trimei Street Erf 346 Kitunda Street Erf Lucia Street Erf 3676 Arimathea Street Erf 1882 C. Kapuuo Street Erf 1833 Ind. Avenue Erf 6555 Aaron Tjahindi Erf 1833 Ind. Avenue Erf 1881 C. Kapuuo Street 14086542399 14010041195 14010042385 14009240877 14080642248 14008540666 14081142387 14087540916 14009440140 14171341730 14082341628 14009641089 14167142010 15623356291 15624856292 15639756419 14088442742 14006240243 14006042541 14001140693 14006840583 14000540596 14001140319 14009640616 14001140203 15635356394 14166741697 15621356234 14167441731 M M M F F M M F F M F M M M F M F F F M M F M M F F M M F 108 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Republican Party of Namibia (RP) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Kaulinge Joseph Nakale Shilongo Kaulinge Kruger Dunn Kruger Nangolo Nkosi Seibeb Makhatu Kharuxab Mbuende Gowases Hoeses Hochobes Kusch Geingos Gowases Nowases Mahalie Gorabes Van Wyk Jaarsak Nowases Urikhob Garobeb Guruseb Brigitte H. Aaron Agustunusneto U. Wilmary C. Ethina Deborah Josef Thusnelde Helmuth E. Belinda Asnath I. Shiona C. Amelia D. Michael Monica Magthe Edwin Khoedage Karolina Maria M. Abed-Nego Selma N.D. Gideon Joachim J.N. Maureen Elsie H. Toini N. Trucila Mweneni J. Erf 13 Omulunga Street Erf 149 Helao Nabot Street Erf 2380 Tsumeb Street Erf 1998 Visarend Street Erf 13 Omulunga Street Erf 21 Anna Street Erf 117 Ichaboe Street Erf 21 Anna Street Erf 7161 Tuin Street Erf 2832 Ceaser Street Erf 283 Eveline Street Erf 186/11 Omulunga Street Erf 1105 Beijing Street Erf 101 Oruu Street Erf 2599 Omongo Street Erf 5217 Penning Street Erf 338 Walvis Bay Street Erf 40 Tokio Street Erf 65 Mastisti Street Erf 2599 Omongo Street Erf 44 Mastisti Street Erf 2728 Omongo Street Erf 5119 Penning Street Erf 2571 D. Bezuidenhoudt Street Erf 1307 Friedenau Street Erf 44 Mastisti Street Erf 233 Erf 5119 Penning Street Erf 44 Mastisti Street 14007142036 14081042247 15636556611 14010041791 14007240925 14082241761 14087541007 14082241762 14002340418 14166541697 14009240937 14008240961 14080541242 14001940768 15636056517 14001340577 14079941927 14000942290 14006541566 15636056518 14006541607 14171041954 14001340445 14169542032 14006740783 14008241747 14080541406 14009540226 14172142057 F F M F M M F F F F M F M M F F F M F M F F F F M F F M M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 109 SWAPO Party of Namibia SWANU of Namibia Kauahuma Petrus Tjirimuje Shinama Kozonguizi Kapitako Kaevara Rukoro Brandt Kauahuma Hiiko Kasita Hambira Tjonga Veii Katjangua Kauraisa Ndjahera Kaimu Ketji Subasubani Ukeva Paulus Kahungu Amadhila Ulumbu Shiikwa Iiyambo Niizimba 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Khomasdal Babylon Khomasdal Babylon Katutura Wanaheda Soweto Khomasdal Golgota Khomasdal Havana Havana Khomasdal Goreangab Dam Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Windhoek Khomasdal Windhoek Erf 2790, Klein Windhoek. Erf KSL 33, Okuryangava Erf 16 14 Dnieper Street, Wanaheda Erf 2510 Chopin, Windhoek-West Erf 8410 Stark Street, Klein Windhoek Erf 618, Chief Mandume Street Erf 594 Kwanza Street, Wanaheda Erf 10075 Saima Hamunyera Street Erf 7408 Dam Street, Shandumbala 14004641510 14008243730 14009540825 14000140020 14082040835 14008041899 14172841803 14000542012 14003840124 14001140333 15636056447 14006043096 14169141710 14091241919 15624756326 14006240366 14006642893 14009641081 14009741008 14005540064 14166841880 14001141080 14001240240 14001140637 14166341904 14081741072 14004640069 14080543364 14090042182 F M F M M M F M M F F M F F M M F M M M M M M M F M F M F Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Hileni Moses Agata Ananias Matheus j. Bartholomeus T.K. Penehupifo Gerson N. Thomas Christa Mbatjiua E. Levy Florida Issabella Joseph K. Gerson Joolokeni Vezemba Edwin T. Katjimuina Gerson Leonel Bruce M. Jackson Jeneth Ian M. Matrid Joakim E. Fransina N. 110 5880 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Am-!Gabes Namises /Gaseb Nanus Lombardt Gawanas Hamases Kinda Gawanas Aochamub Manale Gereses Boois Gowaseb Engelbrecht Hoes Gaomas Amgabeb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Kaiyamo Kazapua Uwanga Shikongo Shiweva Moonde Kaapanda Ekandjo Niipale Joseph Shoonga 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Claudia Alpheus Linda Gislla Hilda Anna-marioe Enidt A. Lourencia S. Reinhard Moira L. Bertha Eveline Josephine Jusnette C. Christine Victoria Rochell N. Magdalena Loide-Kwasha Muesee Tala T. Joseph J. Maria N. Shaalukeni Tulimeyo Boas Selma Ndinelao Matheus A. 1566 Eva Schumacher Street 3606 A. Mashego Street 3389 Sukkot Street 804, D3-34 R. Kamuhuka Street 921 Sigar Street 3355 Tbernakel Street 13 T. Johanens Street 1596 Sukkot Street 3300 Temple Street 3334 Tekoa Windhoek Erf 912 Windhoek 3222 Troa, Windhoek Monte Christo Road Monte Christo Road 347 Emerald Street 1898 Hegner Street 1348/40 Tekoa Street 48/40, Tekoa, Windhoek Erf 8484 Dam Street, Shandumbala Erf 6363 Absalom Street Erf 1728 Riethaan Street Erf 1150 Goreangabdam Erf 4648 Williams Road Erf 3740 Babilon Street Erf 610 Morija Street Erf 884 Ondjuma Erf Erf 597, Chief Mandume Street Erf 587 Omutula Street Erf 5 Church Street 15622056269 14005541414 14009540110 14009441172 14009540284 14009541639 14001941618 14002140222 14009240170 14167041780 14009541927 14009541865 14006441095 14001940732 14088342835 14085141043 14009541198 14009541199 14000140080 14001140164 14090041899 14009741486 14000740527 14091241127 14081941683 14004740125 14172542264 14007240758 14088441011 F M F F F F F F M F F F F F F F M F F M F M F M F M F F M 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 111 WITVLEI DTA of Namibia Workers Revolutionary Party (WRP) Kasume Thomas Hitikua Tjiroze Tjikava Mbuende Ngarizemo Ndura Narib Serogwe Soutaneb Van Wyk Soutanas William Kahuika Neumbo Tjazamo Kambaripo Kanjaa Afrikaner Tjijorokisa Ndjoze Afrikaner Seibes Eiseb /Nanus Goagoseb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Gawanas Seibes 1. 19. 20. Paul Alfeus Angeline M. Tjijandjeua V. Agnes Youth Ripahua Frans Ben Saul A. Willem Selma Willemina Josefina Eliazer Uwe G. Jeremia Ellison M.W. Edward S. Erica Albertina Simon Roswitha Gerhard Shirley Anitha Hans Jeremia Petrina Monica Erf 459 Okuryangava Erf 4117/2 Kasamba Street Erf 4117/2 Kasamba Street Erf 4117/2 Kasamba Street 6583 Romeine Street Erf 4117/2 Kasamba Street Erf 4117/2 Kasamba Street 3835 Max Eichab Street Erf 232 Goreangabdam 3835 Max Eichab Street Otjomuise 3835 Max Eichab Street Okahandja Park Okahandja Park 362 Ohina Street Havana Havana Nasaret Street, Havana Erf 58, Brave Tjisera Street Murangi Street, Paradise 12 Ougrubeb Street 60 Ogrube Street 26 Ogrube Street Erf 115, Tsaraeb Street 49 Brave Tjizera Street Kasamba Street 1569 Sukkot Street 1571 Eva Schumacher Street 14085240889 14000540215 14000540216 14001140215 14001940163 14000541523 14080541143 14002040955 14006241239 15731757435 14007340396 14002041022 14081241179 14081240906 14003643768 14006642952 14001141043 15632156420 14007242966 14042441617 15697457007 14042441024 15697456999 14042440636 14042440897 14042441095 15636756433 14009240447 14009240102 M M F F F F F M M M M F F F M M M M M F F M F M F M M F F 112 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 SWAPO Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) National Unity Democratic Organisation of Namibia (NUDO) Eiseb Eises Eises Ganeb Adams Afrikaner Eises Ores Eiseb Eiseb Tjombe Geingob Newili Van Rooi Murangi 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kazekondjo Kazekondjo Kaatura Kasuto Hijoua Tjiurutue Mujazu Kangumba Kaetee 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Mbinda Goagoses Witbeen Hoases 1. 8. 9. 10. Isabella Mathilde Immanuel Alberthine Gerald Adolfine Lucia Illias Johannes Martha Ben Lydia Esau Magdalena Fritz Felix Thusnelde Ivonne Unotjari Penina Willem Mbelimuna Benson Josephat N Issaskar Manfried Anna Martha Venancia P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 85, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei 23A Van WEyk Street, Witvlei 262 J. Gaingob Street, Witvlei 118 R. Tsaraeb Street, Witvlei 20 K. Kamatjipose Street, Witvlei 223 Aamutenya Street, Witvlei P.O. Box 55, Witvlei Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Plot Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Pardise Witvlei Paradis Valley Of Pride, Erf 79 48Ogrube Street 48 Ogrube Street Ogrube Street 14042441682 14042441722 14042441180 14042441202 15697457014 14042441203 14042940498 14042440698 14042441122 14042440925 14042440934 14042440800 14042440735 14042440700 14042440685 14042441061 14042440606 14042440838 14042440477 14141341430 14042440619 14042441388 14141341484 15697456995 15697456997 14042441325 14042441319 14042441304 F F M F M F F M M F M F M F M M F F F M M M M M M F F F 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 113 United Democratic Front of Namibia (UDF) Koiseb Eises Eiseb Horaes Eiseb Narib Tsowaseb Doeseb Dann Seibeb 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mbwale Bernard Tjiurutue Eises Nuule 1. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ________________ Franzzes Gerson Veronica Evelyn Herman Elton Elray Manfred Johanna Ingrid Jan Immanuel Sacky Justine Joshua Irene David Erf 136, Tsaraeb Street, Witvlei Erf 89 NA Valley of pride, Witvlei Erf 13, Tsaraeb Street, Witvlei Erf 86 L Ochurub Street, Witvlei Erf 71 Valley of Pride, Witvlei Erf 66, F Nguvanuva Street, Witvlei Erf 176 Hoebes Street, Witvlei Erf 93, LOchurub Street, Witvlei Erf 45 Witbeen Street, Witvlei Erf 55 Chris Muranga, Witvlei Erf 1 New Extention, Witvlei 263 J. Gaingob Street, Witvlei Omataura Hostel, Witvlei 15 K. Kamatjipose Street, Witvlei 59 Brave Tjizera Street, Witvlei 14042441609 15697457029 14042441050 14042441303 14042441006 14042441720 14042440488 14042440493 14042440661 14042441323 14042440647 14042441297 14042441021 14042441341 14042440526 F M F F M M M F M M M F M F M 114 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 115 ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA No. 275 2015 DECLARATION OF CANDIDATES DULY NOMINATED FOR ELECTION AS MEMBERS OF REGIONAL COUNCILS: ELECTORAL ACT, 2014 In terms of section 82 of the Electoral Act, 2014 (Act No. 5 of 2014), it is made known that (a) the persons whose particulars referred to in section 82(5)(b) of that Act and listed in column 2 of Schedule 1, have been declared as duly nominated candidates for the constituencies indicated in column 1 of that Schedule, opposite the name of the candidate concerned; (b) the polling day for the general election of members of all regional councils is 27 November 2015; and (c) the polling stations in the constituencies contemplated in paragraph (a) are listed in Schedule 2. N. TJIPUEJA CHAIRPERSON ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF NAMIBIA Windhoek, 11 November 2015 Christiaan Sanna Sofia Christa Magrietha Juuso Rossie Lucia Nanuseb Paulus Hochobeb Kambueshe Ramakhutua Swakopmund Johannes Tuhafeni Vincent Isboset Hamuntenya Kahua Omaruru Melania Christiaan Zedekias Ehrnst Duludi Uahindua Manfred Verikenda Katjiku Ndjiharine Rukoro Daures Ndjago Nguherimu Tsamaseb Benitha Andreas Joram Imbamba Prins !Haoseb Karibib First names Elijah Hage Surname /Gawaseb Full names Column 1 Constituency for Regional Council in respect of a Region ERONGO REGION Arandis SCHEDULE 1 F F F M M M M F M M M M M House No. 196 Ozondje Street, Omaruru Erf 961, Ozondje DRC Seaside 4 Lizard Crescent, Rossmund Gold Estatate 159 Franziska Van Neel Avenue, Tamariskia Erf 346, Build Together, Omaruru Erf 738, Ozondje Fracht Street Erf 457B C2 Usab, Barbara Kahatjipara Street Erf 160 Otjimbingwe, Karibib Ozondati, Omatjete Area, Daures Omatjete, Otjitaazu Omungambu, Omatjete Area Erf 858, Omdel, Henties Bay Erf 556 Hardap Street, Omdell Okombahe, Daures House No 576 Geelhout Street, Arandis Residential Address Rally for Democracy and Progress United Democratic Front of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Independent Candidate United Democratic Front of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia National Unity Democratic Organisation Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress United Democratic Front of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia National Unity Democratic Organisation United Democratic Front of Namibia DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Political Party/ Independent candidate Government Gazette 20 November 2015 14014043223 14016741035 14013941823 14016140842 14016842038 14016740197 14018641245 14018340286 14017941250 14018541207 14018440760 14015040866 14018441370 F M M M 14177841910 14018840213 14010340311 14014141449 Male or Female Voter Registration number Column 2 116 5880 Rehoboth East Urban Rehoboth Rural Mariental Urban Mariental Rural Gibeon Daweb Aranos HARDAP REGION Walvis Bay Rural Walvis Bay Urban Marius Frans Josef Johannes Lukas Edward Alfred De Klerk Wambo Jan Dawid Rehabeam Adam Johannes Herculus Anna Paul Lucas Niklaas Jacobus Jeremias Gregory Geoffrey Anna Elizabeth Simon Christy Regina Nico Herman Reginald Sameul Benjamin Norbert Ralph Riaan Charles Petrus Johannes Clementia Cornelius John Hafeni Ludwig Valencia Joan Johannes !Kharigub Bertolini Jarson Gaweseb Katjijova Baisako Jantze Lukas Simon Dawson Van Neel Keramen De Kock Dukeleni Kuhlman Mungenga Poulton De Groot Ludwig Mcnab Mouton Hababeb Jansen Ndemula Izaaks Nangolo M M M M M M M M M F M M M M F M F M F M M M M F M M F M Erf 210, Block B, Rehoboth Erf 80, Block E, Rehoboth Erf 141 Block E, Rehoboth Erf 331, Block B, Rehoboth Erf 78, Aranos Erf 25, Parkstaat, Aranos Don St. Wanaheda Windhoek Kroonhoff-wes Erf 80, Von-burgsdurf Street, Maltahöhe Blikkiesdorp, Maltahöhe B110 Andrewville, Maltahöhe Erf 683, Gibeon Erf 146, Kris Erf 24, Frank Basson Section Erven 203, Stampriet Erf 001, Stampriet Mariental Girls Hostel Erf 47, Aimablaagte, Mariental Ostrich Plot, Mariental Block A No 682, Rehoboth Duineveld 437 Erf 446, Omamas, Rehoboth Rural Karanas Erf 29 Tutaleni, Orungwini Street 6 Shosho Close Street, Walvis Bay 191 Theo Ben Gurirab Street Erf 52 Nangolo Mbumba Street 2769 (9) Lepelaar Street, Kuisebmund Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Independent Candidate Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Democratic Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia United People’s Movement of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress United People’s Movement of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 14001542321 14001543640 14001543786 14000440009 14012540409 14012542614 14040341196 14005340822 14163041759 14005340595 14005740130 14005240063 14005140629 14005240714 14004840301 14164441695 14003942685 14003740770 14003740635 14008941451 14000240285 14000240100 14002840231 14017843583 14019042862 14182041970 14017642047 14019340198 5880 117 Mukwe KAVANGO EAST REGION Mashare Oranjemund Keetmanshoop Urban Keetmanshoop Rural Karasburg West Karasburg East Berseba !KARAS REGION Rehoboth West Urban Nkore Shirongo Sikongo Kambogho Thimbonde Thighuru Mavara Fillipus Nankema Paulus Kaburu Venantius Bernard Tut Johannes John Haushiku Dawid Trougot Metusalag Diederik Isaak Dennis Benjamin Albertus Laurentius Paulus Amukoshi Charles Leon Elifas Tulonga Elias Willem Martin Moses Timotheus Fredrika Hilma Ndinelago Peter John Simon Lasarus Angula Vivian Theo Marthinus Christiaan Diergaardt Kotze Boois Kaffer Vries Coetzee Jossoph Ephraim Peter Shipani Kharuxab Stephanus Titus Kulhmann Nicanor Visser Haulofu Nangolo Laurena Wilhelmina Christ 14026940537 14027740931 14027741313 14024140855 14027440918 15737357729 15639156462 15639156477 14011840343 14013540569 14012440437 14012840136 14010640625 14097141069 15634756397 15634656380 14010741844 14010640463 14080740812 14010740200 14011740271 14012140143 14008940158 14001544011 14003142327 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F F M M M M M F Shighuru Muroro Goue Andara Bagani Popa Village D.C. Goliath 833, Berseba Bruckaros Extension, Berseba Erf 634, Kronlein, Keetmanshoop Erf 285, 20th Ave. Karasburg House No 63, Westerkim Plot 55, Noordoewer Erf 34N/ Ext, Keetmanshoop Aussenkehr Farm Erf 120 Pastoral Street Aroabweg 891, Kronlein Farm Unserweide No 424 Erf No. 2029 Transnamib, Tseiblaagte Erf 887, Warmbad Street 35 Sam Nujoma Drive, Keetmanshoop E36-12th Avenue, Oranjemund Erf 139, Skorpion Village Erf 641, Block A, Rehoboth Erf 7164, Block B, Rehoboth Erf 140, Block D, Rehoboth Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia All People’s Party All People’s Party DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia United People’s Movement of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia 118 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Hamutenya Karondo Siremo Muha Muremi Hambjuka Hamukwaya Shiudifonya Kudumo Kapumburu Sikondo Mangundu Haupindi Kavara Hambyuka Nakambare Mutuku Frai Kauma Muyenga Shindimba Likuwa Haingura Kavhura Murora Haivera Shikongo Modestus Karupu Johannes Hamba Alex Lukas Sinimbo Frans Kandjembo Elia Festus Shimuhefereni Titus Kandjimi Sakeus Raphael K. Johannes Kahonzo Faustinus Kauma Valerianus Ndango Rosa Kunyanda Markus Damian Haikera Peter N. Eugen Florian Petrus Muyenga Nelson Joseph Marcellus M. Michael Mukoya Shipandeni Simon Victoria Mbawo Cyprian Ladislaus Poroto 15736057462 14078441754 14078441638 14076141498 14076140813 14078141218 14077441376 14078140939 14072241550 14073041999 14075341110 14074341643 14075441543 14075441527 15729457333 14072742393 14078341506 14029040424 14028940310 14023343313 15734757446 15737657439 14023241171 14021540515 14021541423 15734857442 14160141618 M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M F M M M M M M M M Ruhuga Village Siya Dudu Millenium Mururani Mpungu Mbambi Mpungu Matava Haisisira Village Tutungeni Mayongora Ncuncuni Tutungeni, Sitenda Village Nkure-nkuru Nkurenkuru Nkanke Tuhingereni Tutungeni 640 Rundu Safari Kehemu, Rundu Rucara Kayova Ndonga-Linena Karutci Muhopi Village Uvhunguvhungo DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party Rally for Democracy and Progress All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Tondoro Nkurenkuru Ncuncuni Ncamagoro Musese Mpungu Mankumpi KAVANGO WEST REGION Kapako Rundu Urban Rundu Rural Ndonga Linena Ndiyona 5880 119 Windhoek West Raymond Reginald Ruusa Joyce Nangula Jens Bernard Penina Inga Willem Hendrik Maureen Sterlina Sophia Carolina Namuhuja Schneider Gaoseb Ita Vries Dunn Panizza 14082341676 15750257727 15750257795 14082441484 14087541007 14089342311 14081440825 14087541718 14004741705 14005840072 14091241579 14003644178 14171742048 15632756450 15624756327 14088141208 14007240075 14009842079 14168341798 15621956313 14009340400 14006840583 14008041899 14001340281 14001140233 15621356232 M M F M F F F M M F M M M M M F M M F M M M M M M M Erf 741 Casamba Street 88 Aristoteles Street Erf no 194, Omuuva Street, Hakahana Erf 2600, King Kauluma Street, Windhoek Erf 120, Matshitshi Street, Windhoek Erf no. 1921, Omongo Street, Wanahenda Erf 4188, Hendrik Isaak Street, Soweto 2869 Gelykenis Street, Soweto Erf 1111, Ongaka Street, Okuryongava Ext. 2, Windhoek Erf 3869, Julius Nyerere Street, Okahandja Park Erf 1773, Black Rock Street, Cimbebasia Olof Palme Street 119, Salamander Unit 11, Eros 40 Herbst Street, Ludwigsdorf Erf 609 D, Groot Aub H604 Rooiland, Groot Aub Erf 298, Groot Aub 117 Ichaboe Street, Rocky Crest 4 Jenner Street, Windhoek West Erf 630, R Maekopdo Street Erf 8045, Richard Kamuhuka Street Erf 5922, 48 Namutoni Street, Katutura Erf 2356 Kitunda Street, 8st Laan, Katutura Erf 9734 Freedom Square, Katutura Erf 1918, Romeine Street Erf 1833 Independence Avenue Rally for Democracy and Progress Republican Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia National Unity Democracy Organisation DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Nudo of Namibia Swanu of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Windhoek Rural Windhoek East Diergaardt Christopher Likuwa Tobias Hainyeko Rakel Steve Erasmus Kaptein Jacob Kevanhu Hendjala John A. Pandeni Tuyenikelao Fanuel San Kanyiki Shivute Ina Telwin Dennis Ruben Uzikama Bartholomeus Tjiunomuinjo K. Sylvester Margaret Natalie Martin Paulus Ambrosius Bensen Utarera Jazikua Joseph Samora Machel Moses //Garoeb Kazapua Mensah-Williams David Shikwamhanda Gouws Owoseb Sheehama Kandjii Kauahuma Katutura East Khomasdal Kandjii Katjirijova Kauandenge Katutura Central KHOMAS REGION 120 5880 Sesfontein Outjo Opuwo Rural Elias Aro Inyandisa Irende Weich Murcle Uapendura Ueutjerevi Japiavi Ujatakanua U Agnes Kahimbona Kazeongere Z Johannes Hishidimbwa Ismael Nicolaas John A Uaundja Koos Magrietha Xoagub Kavari Muypa Opuwo Urban Hendrik Timotheus Amon Mutjiwee Julius Asser Gaobaeb Hochobeb Kapi Koujova Ndjitezeua Ngunaihe Mbinge Musaso Tjeundo Antsino Frans Kelly Mazenge Peter Sebastiaan Ignatius Jona Tjitaeni Erwin Nguzu Angenesia Nico M !Gobs Kakondo Muharukua Muharukua Tjaritje Somaeb Khorixas Kamanjab Epupa KUNENE REGION 14066141482 14065943182 14068241580 14066141808 14066140665 15748857598 14065441247 14067341416 15663256696 14066840804 14066542797 14066541708 15710557184 14069240949 14066940849 14065941637 14065942656 14066940815 14069140907 14064640901 14064340648 14067740766 14067941001 M M M M M M M F M M M M M F M M M M M M M F M Erwee Erf 78, Arizona Village, Opuwo Otjiperongo Anker Erf 106, Sesfontein Otuzemba Erf No. 184, Opuwo Otjikoto Village Ongango Village Ourundu Uozombara Ethoshapoort, Outjo 608 Kronkel Street, Outjo 233 Hage Geingob P.77 Dorp Street, Outjo Soweto Erf 2319 King Justus Garoeb Street, Khorixas Erf E10, Khorixas Erf No. 142 Opuwo 164 Kaoko Street Okangwati Ovinyange Okoupaue Erf 336, Kamanjab Erf No 102 Kamanjab DTA of Namibia NUDO of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Independent Candidate United Democratic Front of Namibia United Democratic Front of Namibia Independent Candidate Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Independent Candidate Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia United Democratic Front of Namibia United Democratic Front of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia NUDO of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 121 Kavari Kazongominja Haufiku Johannes Shifidi Pius Kanyiki Ndakunda Hakanyome Haufiku Mbabi Kanalelo Ndadi Ndawanifa Thomas Haufiku Ikanda Pohamba Shifoleni Haimudi Nghiitete Namundjebo Shikongo Shikudule Hailonga KaishunguShinana Utiriua Raphael Peter Chance Kamanguisi Razungama Nehemiah Udeiko Dawid Ferdinand Ingashipola Hafeni Laban Jason Nghihepa Johannes Kornelius Jeremia Nghituwamata Lukas Ndeulyata Waldeheim Nangolo Fanuel Ndeutapo Erickson Jona Jason Festus Natangwe Mandume Levi Nande Sakaria Saambeni Ferdinand Pohamba Fillippus Timotheus Hafeni Gabriel Martin Lonia 14043941418 14043240597 14042640430 14042640458 14033340345 14033141428 14033940350 14034442536 14037440408 14037541583 14117341302 15712057377 15712857160 14033540639 14034642072 14035341157 14034841256 14032642090 15718157198 14032340461 14032441319 14031440332 14031840501 15752557549 14031241130 14031341644 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F Otjovakombe, Aminuis Okomboha, Aminuis Eenhana Eenhana Onanhadi, Endola Ehafo Ouhongo, Engela Oipya Onaame, Okatope Etale – Ohangwena Ohangwena Okongo Okongo Outwilo Village Oshoongela Omhito Village Onakalunga Village Okanghudi Okanghudi, Ondobe Okambebe Ongudi, Ongenga Onengali Onengali, Oshikango Oshikango-Oshikango Omufiya-Oshuuli Oluwaya Swapo Party of Namibia National Unity Democratic Organization Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Aminuis OMAHEKE REGION Oshikunde Oshikango Ongenga Ondobe Omundaungilo Omulonga Okongo Ohangwena Engela Endola OHANGWENA REGION Eenhana 122 5880 Ruacana Okalongo Ogongo Etayi OMUSATI REGION Otjombinde Okorukambe Andreas Johannes Iiyambo Nghishiikoh Iipinge Nangolo Munepapa Shikongo Shintama Uunona Kamezuu Katamelo Modise Baumakwe Kariseb Ganes Kandovazu Mbangu Mokaleng Katjiremba Kaurivi Marenga Ndjoze Gobabis Kalahari Hanyero Kanguatjivi Nguvauva Epukiro Sisilia Elisa Wilhelm Josua Nghishiikoh Laurentius Makana Simson Haludilu Daniel Unaro Immanuel Kashuku Andreas Abner Juda Ndangi Cornelius Vejama Nokokurekungudje Kaunatjiuvanga Foreman Phillipus Wido Ellenterius Braynie Johannes Ignatius Eskaline Emgardt Lukas Kasiki Raphael Lukas Combuter Katjanaa Chester Karri Aaron Jeremiah Mati 14062940834 14068641519 14049940544 14050142149 14052140967 14062942080 14054341652 14054740615 14052240574 15701057050 14040743553 14049440662 15704157117 14041341061 14048641078 14042340662 14042441389 14042341944 14042342128 15751957575 14041141575 14041140515 14041141520 14040141051 14043341635 14043341779 F F M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M M M M Omumbu Oikokola – Oneleiwa Endjeno, Ogongo Okapya-Kambidhi Okathitukonkayi Village Onamhindi Erf 234 Oshifo, Ruacana Erf 101, Oshifo Mkwarukwa Street Dr. Abraham I. Street, Ruacana Oshitundu, Elim HM135/017 A, Herero Block Epako Erf 121 J. Nguvauva Street, Epako Sunrise Epako, Gobabis Drimiopsis House No 282 Dohren Street Otjivero Omitara Witvlei Epukiro Epukiro R.C. Farm 268 Otjitjika Erindirozombaka (861) Erf 35 Tallismanus Okandjoze 904 Epukiro Post 5 Otjitundu Post 7B, Epukiro Post Oruvize, Epukiro Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia NUDO of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia All People’s Party Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Independent Candidate Swapo Party of Namibia Swanu of Namibia NUDO of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Swanu of Namibia 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 123 Okakarara Okahandja OTJOZONDJUPA REGION Grootfontein Tsumeb Omuthiyagwiipundi OSHIKOTO REGION Oshakati West Oshakati East Ongwediva Ondangwa Urban OSHANA REGION Amagulu Limbu Wimmerth Basson Booys Goaseb Kandorozu Mutjavikua (Undjizuva) Tjakuva Urika Nghinamundova Shivute Hoeseb Tobias Asser Irimari Nikanor Mandeinge Uutoni Kuushomwa Andreas Shiwayu Andreas Tobias 14056240567 15662756643 1405660598 14058840806 15665156815 14056941748 14057240575 14055541084 14055341615 14056442724 Mujazu 14069942166 14070941834 14060340917 14060840873 14021743066 14021143049 14154841948 14022242048 14025241231 14023440630 15684656873 14155942009 14026540629 14023140239 Nelao Delemine Wendelinus Kweruje Paulus Bernardt Sophia Steve Biko Welfriedt Groeitjie Vetaruhe Abdal Jonathan Epafras Samuel Panduleni Richard Lebbeus Vincent Elia Anna Peter Willie Kondjeni Andreas Lotto Daniel Natangwe Johannes Linus Erf 465, Okakarara Omatako Street, House No. 18 281 Blikkiesdorp, Grootfontein OV. 16 Umulunga, Grootfontein Erf 977, Nau-aib, Okahandja Erf 875, 5th Street, Okahandja Erf 1076 Nau-Aib, Okahandja Erf 52, Opamue Ongongoro, Okakarara Erf 14/16/2, Okamatapati Edhiyalyoondjamba Extension 1, Omuthiya House 1182, Nomtsoub 12th road, House no 1176 Omashaka, Ondangwa Erf 305 Oluno, Ondangwa Onamabili, Ondangwa Urban Skay Location Phase 3, Ongwediva Erf 4025-7 Ludgada Street Omusimboti, Oshakati East Onendongo, Oshakati East Oshakati East Oshihenge Village Erf 9449, Oshakati West SWANU of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Independent Candidate NUDO of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 M F M M F M M M M M M M M M M M F M M M M M M M 124 5880 Beaven Bashole Oscar Zambo Mwala Peter Calvin Ngandi Musialela John Bernard Kamwi Annaberia Nswahu Daniel Sinyemba Wardens Matengu Robert Tariso Fred Waluka Linus Lifasi Bernard Songa Justings Musupi David Siyayo Shamwazi Maswahu Sankwasa Simushi Matongela Mola Muchila Sibalatani Kutembeka Muluti Julius Nauyoma Ioma Fransina Samuel R. Neumbo Gcao Ghauzz Maharero Munali Munanzi Mwala Ngandi Likando Susana Mutjitua Israel Helga Fred Laina Bella Esmerelda Esme Chris Hikopua Hukuva Tjipe Grundeling Mekundi Hunibes !Aebes Katjivive 14048440723 14047540820 14047540765 14048041360 14045740487 14047240692 14138941470 14047240917 14045840999 14046241428 14044740668 14044740559 14049240550 14049340667 14048541035 14057641431 14046540854 14046541496 14045040666 14059349716 14058641290 14058641403 15659556608 14058041721 15658756649 15593455950 14057141861 M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F M F M F M F M Sauzuo Area, Sangwali District Lyanshulu Area Mudaniko Village, Kabbe Area Lisikili Area, Katima Kakangala Village, Ikaba Area, Kabbe South Kasika Kwena Zilitene Area Ioma Village NHE 268 Mawukuma, Ext 3 New Cowboy, Erf 4190 971 Ngweze Erf 233 Boma Kongola Area, Kaluvyi Village Kave Village, Kongola Forsyn Street 1217 Tsumwke Tsumkwe Settlement Gam Ovitoto, Otjiwarongo Okasuvandjwo Otjongombe House 212, Omega Street, Otavi Erf No 693, Ext. 4 731 Extention 3, Otavi Erf 258, Sonraad, Otjiwarongo Erf 872 Orwetoveni DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Independent Candidate Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia NUDO of Namibia DTA of Namibia DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia All People’s Party DTA of Namibia National Unity Democratic Organisation Swapo Party of Namibia NUDO of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Kongola Katima Mulilo Urban Katima Mulilo Rural Kabbe South Kabbe North Judea Lyaboloma ZAMBEZI REGION Tsumkwe Otjiwarongo Otavi Omatako 5880 125 Sibbinda Linyanti Kabunga Matemwa Sipapela Chiinga Malumbano Sabuta Ivene Visitor Charles Wuyeni Cletius Sipapela Chiinga Ignatius Luseso Parry Lister Limbo 15655456675 14046140699 14046440841 14045440471 15654556568 14045441101 M M M M M M Makanga Village Malenga-Mulilo Kapani Village Erf 1904 Nambweza Sibbinda Nkasa Village, Kasheshe Area Rally for Democracy and Progress DTA of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia Swapo Party of Namibia DTA of Namibia Rally for Democracy and Progress 126 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 SCHEDULE 2 ERONGO REGION Constituency ARANDIS (6) DÂURES (43) KARIBIB (32) OMARURU (20) SWAKOPMUND (5) WALVIS BAY RURAL(10) POLLING STATIONS Kolin Foundation Junior Secondary School Hall Arandis Rossing Foundation - Development Centre Arandis Community Hall Kamwandi Primary School (Omdel) Bakondja Children & Youth Centre, Henties Bay Philadelphia Pre-Primary School, Henties Bay Henties Bay Community Centre Uis Community Hall Spitzkoppe Primary School Tubusis Hostel Hall Okombahe Community Hall Ombuka Community Hall, Omatjete Evangelican Lutheran Church, Karibib Karibib Private School Usab Community Hall, Karibib Otjimbingwe Primary School Hakhaseb Community Hall , Usakos Usakos Junior Secondary School Hall Usakos youth Centre Hall Karibib Municipality Town hall Namibian Commander Staff College Ozondje Community Hall, Omaruru Hakahana Kindertuin Martin Luther High School Omaruru Hospital Teachers resource center, Omaruru Ubasen Primary School Old Age Home Swakopmund Town Hall, Tamariskia Westside High School Mahetago Hall Namib High School Coastal (Hermann Gmeiner) High School Swakopmund International Youth Hostel Meduletu Community Hall Hanganeni Primary School DRC School Project & Community Centre Swakopmund Primary School Hall Swakopmund Municipality Recreation Facility Hospitals, Swakopmund Atlantic Junior Primary School Kerklike Maatskaplike Raad Saal DRC Fire Brigade Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund Mile 4 Caravan Park Narraville Primary School (A) Narraville Luthern Church Hall Kuisebmond Baptist Church Kuisebmond Methodist Church Assembly of God Church Pentecostal Church Tutaleni Primary School Willibard Tashiye Nakanda Military Base Long Beach J.P. Brandt Primary School, Utuseb Narraville Rugby Stadium Hall 127 128 WALVIS BAY URBAN (2) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Immanuel Ruiters Primary School Kuisebmond Community Hall Walvis Bay Municipality Social Club Hall Kuisebmond Hosiana Parish Hall De Duine Secondary School Municipal Town Hall Namsov Hall Anglican Church Hall (Town) St. Peter Roman Catholic Church Hall Prisons State Hospital Naval Base Old Age Home, Kuisebmond Welwitschia Hospital Huis Palms, Walvis Bay Marine Base HARDAP REGION Constituency ARANOS (10) DAWEB (12) GIBEON (15) MARIENTAL RURAL (9) MARIENTAL URBAN (10) REHOBOTH RURAL(17) POLLING STATIONS Aranos Primary School Aranos Town Council Bet-el Church Hostel Hall Epiphany Kinder Garden Gochas Village Council Hall Groenewald Primary School Gochas Police Cellls Aranos Police Cells Daweb Junior Secondary School Maltahohe E Frederick Primary School, Uibes Daweb Primary School Maltahohe Police Cells W.M. Jod Primary School, Gibeon ELCRN-Sinagoge , Gibeon Roman Catholic Church Hall, Gibeon Stampriet Community Hall Hoachanas State Hostel Hoachanas Community Hall Stampriet Primary School Witkrans Primary School Stampriet Police Cells Hoachanas Police Station Danie Joubert Hostel Hall, Mariental Aimablaagte Community Hall, Mariental Sonop Primary School, Empelheim Persianer Community Hall State Hospital Khai//Kanaxab Youth Centre Hardap Rehabilitation Centre Hardap Recreation Resorts Pioneer Junior Secondary School, Schlip Kalkrand Recreation Centre Klein-Aub Primary School Witkop Primary School W.J.D Cloete JS School, Rietoog Kalkrand Primary School Groendraai Primary School 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 REHOBOTH URBAN EAST(5) REHOBOTH URBAN WEST(9) Oanob Community Hall, Rehoboth, Block E Hermanus van Wyk Community Hall ELCIN Hall, Blikkiesdorp Banhof Station (E.L.K Church) Reho Spa Hall J.T.L. Beukes Primary School Usib Primary School Rehoboth Town Council Hall, Teachers Resource Centre, Ministry of Education Rehoboth Primary School Hall Agricultural Centre Hall M. K. Gertze High School Hall Kavukiland Block G //KARAS REGION Constituency BERSEBA (23) KARASBURG EAST(20) KARASBURG WEST(6) KEETMANSHOOP RURAL (15) KEETMANSHOOP URBAN (5) POLLING STATIONS Berseba Community Hall Tses Community Hall Soutputs, Tses Rural Water Supply , Bethanie Schmelinville Community Hall, Bethanie J. A. Kahuika Primary School (Gainachas) Magistrate Office (tent), Bethanie Blouwes Primary School S.C. Vries Primary School, Snyfontein Kutenhoas Primary School (Farmers Union) Kosis Community Hall Koichas Private School Vaalgras Primary School Town Hall, Karasburg Westerkim Community Hall, Karasburg Warmbad Roman Catholic Mission Grunau Community Hall Gabis Roman Catholic Hall Vergenoeg, Ariamsvlei Stolsenfels NDC Building Aussenkehr Namibia Grape Company E.H.W Baard Primary School Hall, Noordoewer Ausenkehr Primary School Aussenkehr Farm Community Hall, Aroab Community Hall, Koës Rehabilitation Centre, Krönlein Teachers Resource Centre, Keetmanshoop (TRC) ELCIN Church, Aroab Community Centre,Koes Keetmanshoop Hospital, Krönlein (Nurses Home ) Naute Dam Swakara Hall (showgrounds), Westdene W.K. Rover Hall, Tseiblaagte Multipurpose Youth Centre, Tseiblaagte Transnamib Hall Public Library Hall NDF Military Base 129 130 ORANJEMUND(6) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Zacharias Lewala Hall, Oranjemund Rosh Pinah Community Hall Tutungeni Community Clinic, Rosh Pinah Swartkop (Entrance), Oranjemund Recreational Centre, Oranjemund Airport, Oranjemund Scorpion Zinc Mine Hostel KAVANGO EAST REGION Constituency MASHARE (114) MUKWE (53) NDIYONA (19) POLLING STATIONS Neyuva Combined School Mabushe Primary School Rundjarara Primary School Mupapama Combined School Mashare Combined School Tjeye Primary School Mantshenya Primary School Shambyu Combined School Koro Primary School Muroro Primary School Tara-tara Primary School Shavivare Primary School Omega Combined School Kippie George Primary School Bagani Combined School Divundu Combined School Mukwe Traditional Authority Office Diyana Combined School Max Makushe Secondary School Mayara Combined School Kangongo Combined School Shamagorwa Combined School Dr Joseph Disho Primary School Andara Combined School Mbapuka Primary School Martin Ndumba Combined School Kake Primary School Kamutjonga Primary School Divundu Correctional Services Shadipwera Primary School Biro Primary School Andara Hospital Kangorombwe Primary School Rukonga Vision School Kayanga Primary School Mbambi Primary School Mukuvi Junior Primary School Shikoro JP School Makena Primary School Katere Primary School Shinyungwe Combined School Ndiyona Traditional Authority Office Korokoko Primary School Kashira Junior Primary Scvhool Livuyu Primary School Rucara Combined School Shipando JP School Livayi Combined School Ndiyona Police Station Kandjara Primary School Cumagcashi Primary School 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 NDONGA-LINENA (77) RUNDU RURAL (17) RUNDU URBAN (0) Ndonga Linena Combined School Shitemo Combined School Nyangana Combined School Nyondo Combined School Karuci Primary School Makandu Primary School Kanyumara Primary School Kamundema JP School Karukuta Primary School Mukuni Junior Primary School Ngone Combined School Kambowo Primary School Uvhungu-Vhungu Combined School Kayengona Traditional Authority Office Mayana Senior Primary School Muhopi Primary School Kawe Primary School Cuma Primary School Ngcangcana Primary School Tushepenu Primary School Ngone Combined School Government Hall Dr. Romanus Kampungu Secondary School Hall Sauyemwa Christ Love Ministry Church Kehemu Community Hall Rundu Multipurpose Youth Centre ELCIN Church, Nkarapamwe Dr. Alpo Mbamba Junior Secondary School Sarusungu Combined School Kaisosi Senior Primary School Andreas Kandjimi Primary School Kehemu Combined Primary School Ndama Combined School Sauyemwa Combined School Rudolph Ngondo Primary School Elia Neromba Secondary School Sikanduko Primary School Military Base (A&B) Tangwa-tweza Shop (Kasote) Rundu State Hospital Rundu Police Cells Ngwangwa Junior Primary School United Reform Church (Sauyemwa) Uvhungu-vungu Salem Rundu Unam Campus Masivi Roadblock Sun City (AMTA building) Kaisosi Tarred road Tuhingireni (Mositji saForomani) Full Gospel Church (Ndama sewerage location) KAVANGO WEST REGION Constituency KAPAKO (20) POLLING STATIONS Kasivi Combined School Bunya Combined School Halili Primary School Leevi Hakusembe Secondary School Kapako Traditional Authority Office Mupini Primary School 131 132 MANKUMPI (23) MPUNGU (145) MUSESE (15) NCAMAGORO (40) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Nakazaza Primary School (Kayirayira) Ru-urumwe Primary School Kasote Combined School Sivara Primary School Siya Combined School Karangana Primary School Ruuga Combined School Ndonga Primary School Nkata Primary School Pandureni Primary School (Masivi) Musitu Primary School Ncagcu Primary School (Mile 10) Elizabeth Nepembe Correctional Services Bunya Health Centre Kaguni primary School Hausiku Wakina Primary School (Ou) Mpezo Primary School Mahahe Village Nzovhu Junior Primary School Katjinakatji Combined School Mururani Combined School Satotwa Primary School Mulemba Junior Primary School Gcagcawe Primary School Mpungu Resource Centre Nepara Clinic Silikunga Primary School Mpungu Health Centre Mukekete Nondjombo Simanya Combined School Namtuntu Primary School Makambu Primary School Tuguva Combined School Kakuwa Primary School Kankudi Primary School Bravo Junior Primary School Katwiwi Primary School Katope Komugoro PS Mbambi Clinic Mutengo Primary School Kanyikama Primary School Nzinze Clinic Nzinze Primary School Olavi Sivute Combined Scool Kayeura Primary School Hema Primary School Ngoma Primary School Rupara Combined School Naucova Primary School Mayenzere Primary School Haisisira Primary School Ntara Combined School Siko Primary School Ncamagoro Combined School Mbeyo Primary School Mpora Primary Scool Cove JP School Erago Primary School Cwi Primary School Ekondjo Primary School 5880 5880 NCUNCUNI (6) NKURENKURU (6) TONDORO (63) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Ncuncuni Primary School Ncaute Primary School Gcwatjinga Primary School Mavandje Primary School Sharukwe Combined School Mile 20 (Ncumcara PS) Hamweyi Primary School Sitenda Primary School Singuruve Primary School Kahenge Tribal Office Elcin Nkurenkuru High School Kakuro Village Nkurenkuru Combined School Siurungu Primary School Kankudi Primary School Kanuni Haruwodi Primary School Nkurenkuru Health Centre Kahenge Tribal Office (LA) Insu Combined School Sitopogo Combined School Tondoro Combined School Matava Primary School Namavambi Combined School Ekuli Primary School Newaka Primary School Kananana Primary School Kanadjimi Murangi Secondary School Katara primary School Calikawo Primary School Mburu-uru Clinic Kaparara Primary School Mangetti Combined School Suni Primary School Ncancana Primary School KHOMAS REGION Constituency JOHN A. PANDENI (0) KATUTURA CENTRAL (0) POLLING STATIONS Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN Head Office) A. Shipena Secondary School AFM Parish Church Soweto Hand in Hand for Children (Golgata 13) Open space (Golgota) Oponganda Pre-primary School Oshatotwa Centre (Ombili Police Station) Assembly of God Church (Soweto) Emmanuel Parish Church Zanel Mbeki Pre-Primary School TANIDA College, Independence Avenue Theo Katjimune Primary School Base FM Bet-El Lutheran Parish Moses van der Byl Primary School Bethold Himumuine Primary School Katutura Old Age Home Katutura Central Community Hall Namibia Primary School Jacob Marenga Secondary School ERF 3246-Ms.Letisia Residence (Dalom Playground) Sukkot Street 133 134 KATUTURA EAST (0) KHOMASDAL (0) MOSES //GAROEB (0) SAMORA MACHEL (0) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 5880 Jan Jonker Afrikaner High School Namutoni Primary School Municipality B Office (c/o of Sukkoth and Zeuss Street) Roman Catholic Hall (Holy Redeemer) Philadelphia Church (next to playground) People’s Primary School – Katutura Mandume Primary School Auas Primary School St. Michaels Anglican Church Megameno Orphanage (Shandumbala) Katutura State Hospital Open space-c/o Claudius Kanduvazu and Hans Dietrich Streets Katutura Police Cells NUNW Offices NUBUAMIS (Open space) Shandumbala Open space NTA (Previously Rossing Foundation) Augustineum High School Khomasdal Community Hall Otjomuise-Oshatotwa Communty Hall Otjomuise Project School (7th Land) Michelle McLean Primary School (Otjomise) Gammams Primary School 8 ste laan – Daan Viljoen (Otjomuise) Acacia High School (Khomasdal) Ministry of Health Clinic – 7ste Laan Wake Up Kindergarden (Otjomise) Mammadu Centre (8ste Laan) Ramatex-Otjomuise Road Otjomuise Woermann Brock Shopping Centre Havana No. 4 (open space - Spotlight) Havana Baptist Church Hainyeko Hall Epandulo Open Space Naluteni Kindergarten (One Nation) Ehambo danehale Kindergarten Patrick Iyambo Lungada Kindergarten Havana No. 2 Open Space (Sport Field) G.M.P Church Morning Sun Kindergarten Moses //Garoeb Primary School Havana No. 1 (Sport Field) Ondiitotela B (Open Space) St. Samaria Smart Kids Kindergarten Max Mutongolume Area Namibia Nalitungwe Area (Open space) One Nation B (Open space) Jonas Haiduuwa Centre Patrick Iyambo Open Space We Are Together Kindergarten – Omurunga street Havana (Open space) –Omutura street One nation D (Open space) Hendrina Pre-primary School (Eehambo dhaNehale Wanaheda Police Station Marti Athissari Primary School Roman Catholic Church Full Gospel Church Queen Kindergarten Saamstaan Community Hall Megameno Kindergarten 5880 TOBIAS HAINYEKO (0) WINDHOEK EAST (2) WINDHOEK RURAL (38) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 135 Havana Primary School (Project) Olof Palme Primary School Add More Kindergarten Okanghudi KaNujoma-Open Space Kakulukaze Mungunda !!Goadadi PS Thlabanello No. 3 Findano Pre-Primary School Thlabanello No.3B –Elephant Tree: Goreagab Future Education Kindergarten Mr. Stevanus Nikole Residence (Erf No 702-Helen Street Gorengab) (Opposite Eveline Court) Thlabanello No. 2 Toivo Tirronen Church Green Road Mountain Church Marian Valley Pre-School Thlabanello No. 3 Block D Kilimandjaro Lutheran Church Oshatotwa Centre/Onghuwo Yepongo Community Centre A (Ongava/Ombakata Str) Red Cross Kindergarten Nathaniel Maxuilili Centre (A) Ministry of Health & Social Services (Disability Centre) Villa Colourful Kindergarten Paulus //Gowaseb Parish Centre Dr Frans Indongo Primary School Petrina Haigura OVC (Oprah Creche) Namibia Women’s Centre One Nation Kindergarten Hope Initiative Hand in Hand Tobias Hainyeko Primary School Fidel Castro Primary School Mukwanagombe Open space Dr Sam Nuyoma Pre-Primary School Open Space at c/o Sam Nuyoma Drive and Andries De wet Street Centaurus High School Central Veterinary Laboratory-Next to NDC Building Suiderhof Primary School MTC Building (Headquarter) – Olympia Alte Feste Museum Dagbreek Centre Hall Ministry of Justice-Open Area(Independence Avenue) Delta Secondary School Eros Post Office Metro Trade Centre (A) Open Space at Corner of KLEINE KUPPE and CONCEPTION STREET (In front of Windhoek Gymnasium Private School) Luiperds Valley Roman Catholic Hospital Delta Primary School Eros Manora Retirement Village Open space-corner of Eros Weg and Brand Berg Street Namibia Children’s Home, Eros Park Hosea Kutako International Airport Dordabis Primary School Groot Aub Primary School Groot Aub Oshakati-Helena’s Residence B Oamites MilitaryBase 136 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 WINDHOEK WEST (0) Mix Settlement A Mix Settlement Soccer Field B (Open space) Nina Koam Daan Viljoen Finkenstein Satans Slaught Baines Shopping Centre A Baines Shopping Centre B Wernhill Shopping Centre (Open Space) University of Namibia (UNAM) Polytechnic of Namibia Emma Hoogenhoudt Primary School Windhoek Vocational Training Centre (VTC) Dr.Van Rhyn Primary School Cimbebasia – (Corner of Shilunga and Michel McLean Streets) Academia Checkers (Open Space) Rocky Crest High School Jan Mohr Secondary School Windhoek Central Correctional Services Paulinium Pastoral College Unam Khomasdal Campus Woermann Brock Hyper, Khomasdal IUM Windhoek Central Hospital Susanne Grau Altersheim Trans Namib Hall—Open Space Pioneerspark Old Age Home Aude Rust Oord KUNENE REGION Constituency EPUPA (102) KAMANJAB (44) KHORIXAS (52) OPUWO RURAL (73) 5880 POLLING STATIONS Okanguati School Hall Ohandungu Primary School1 Etanga Primary School Okahozu Primary School Epembe Primary School Epupa falls Oukongo Primary School Etoto Primary School Otjimuhaka –Mobile School Kamanjab Community Hall Kamanjab Combined School Hall Otjikondo Farmers Association St. Michael School D.F. Uirab Primary School Kamanjab Old Council Chamber Kamanjab Police Statoion Eddie Bowe Primary School Hall Khorixas Youth Hall Versteende Woud Primary School Fransfontein School Hall Bersig School Hall Khorixas Police Station Khorixas Hospital Okatumba - West Otjondeka School Otjiu Primary School Kaoko-otavi School 5880 OPUWO URBAN (22) OUTJO (30) SESFONTEIN (59) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Ombombo Primary School Otuani Primary School Ongongo Primary School Veterinary Hall, Opuwo Youth Centre Hall, Opuwo Opuwo Primary School Hall Orumana Combined School Roman Catholic Church Hall Alfa Primary School Opuwo State Hospital Etoshapoort Municipal Hall Outjo Secondary School Hall Eben-Eser Church Tabita Centre of Hope Outjo Hospital (Town) Outjo Police Station Maarssen Primary School Outjo Hospital, Etoshapoort Sesfontein School Hall Anker School Hall Warmquelle School Erwee (ADC) Otjokavare School Sesfontein Kindergarten (Location) Puros Primary School Otjikondavirongo Primary School OHANGWENA REGION Constituency EENHANA (36) ENDOLA (10) POLLING STATIONS Eenhana Youth Centre Eenhana Tribal Office Oukango vaShidjala Kindergarten Oshaango Combined School Eenhana Community Hall Eenyama Primary School Otunganga Combined School Onankali-North Combined School Onambutu Combined School Omhanda Combined School Onakatumbe Combined School Haimbili Haufiku Sec. School Omatha Combined School Oningwena Primary School Eenhana Senior Secondary School Usko Nghaamwa Special School Haindongo Primary School Ondingwanyama Centre Endola Junior Primary School Ehafo Combined School Evatelo Combined School Onepandulo Combined School Ohalushu Combined School Ongha Senior Sec. School Ehambelelo Combined School (Onekwaya-West) Shikudule Combined School Ondyadyaxwi Combined School Onanghonda Combined School Endola constituency office (Oshawapala) 137 138 ENGELA (12) OHANGWENA (12) OKONGO (43) OMULONGA (12) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Onangubu Primary School Ongonga Primary School Engela Junior Secondary School Onambwebwe Combined School St. Bartholomeus Primary School Etameko Combined School Udjombala Junior Secondary School Oshimwaku Combined School Omundundu Combined School Nghiteke Primary School Omafo Roman Catholic Church Omafo Elcin Church Engela District Hospital Tulihongeni Combined School Onyofi Primary School Ohangwena Traditional Authority Nakambuda Primary School Ohangwena Primary School Okatope Junior Sec. School Onghulo Combined School Okelemba Combined School Lineekela Naukushu Primary School Etale Primary School Oshitambi Primary School Erkki Nghimtina C.S. (Eenghaandja) Ndjukuma Primary School Shinkeva Primary School Omhedi (Kingdom Palace) Ohangwena Constituency Office Onamwilwa (Headman’s place) Gabriel Ndadi Combined School Onaame Naitungwe (Public Place) Omatunda aShikolalye (Public Place) Epuku Centre Oitando Roman Catholic Church Okakwa police camp Oshela Secondary School (LA) Olupale Public Place Ohameva Primary School Oshisho Combined School (Eendobe) Omboloka Combined School Onehanga Primary School Enyana Combined School Omauni Forestry Hall Helao Nafidi Combined School (Oshitishiwa) Ongudi Public Place Oshamukweni Primary School (Oshalumbu) Ekoka Combined School Onane Anglican Church Onghalulu Primary School Olukula Primary School Omauni Youth Okongo State Hospital (LA) Okongo Primary School (LA) Agriculture Office (LA) Okongo Police Station (LA) Onamukulo Combined School Mwafangeyo Combined School Onangwe Combined School 5880 5880 OMUNDAUNGILO (14) ONDOBE (26) ONGENGA (8) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Onamahoka Combined School Eexumba Combined School Penexupifo Combined School Ondeikela Combined School Uukelo Combined School (Ohaukelo) Ehoma Primary School Omhokolo Combined School Omakondo Combined School Kauluma Combined School Epoli Combined School Onanona Combined School Onandova Church Iimbili Primary School Tulongeni Kindergarden Elundu Combined School (Oidimba) Eexwa Anglican Church Shimbode Combined School Onakalunga Combined School Ekolola Public Place (LA) Oshihepo Centre Okahenge Combined School Onehova Combined School Ohenghono Primary School (Elundu) Omundaungilo Primary School Ndadi Primary School Wanghushu Junior Primary School Ounyenye Primary School Shifidi primary School (Oshangu) Omutaku (public place) Kornelius Combined School Ondaanda (LA) Ndapewa Silas (public place) Oshandi Combined School Okanghudi Primary School Ondobe Junior Secondary School Hilya Nelulu Combined School Elise Shipale Combined School ( Okauva) Etomba Combined School Onamunama Combined School Oshitutuma Primary School Eembaxu Combined School Omungholyo Combined School Oheti Combined School Egambo Combined School Ombili Location ( LA) Nanhapo Primary School (LA), Ohandiba Okamwoonde Public Place Ehenene Primary School Omakelo Church Ohehongo Primary Schoo Ongenga Constituency Office Omungwelume Community Hall Okambebe Combined School Oshali West Combined School Pahamgwashime Primary School Eudafano Combined School Elakalapwa Combined School Imanuel Wahengo primary School Ongudi Primary School Haikonda primary School John Shaetonhodi Primary School 139 140 OSHIKANGO (10) OSHIKUNDE (12) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Okatoo Peemwoongo Eembidi Combined School Omunghete-Mungonena (Oshimumu) Eemboo Public PLace Oshikango Border Post Oshikango Yetu Complex Oshikango Combined School Oshikango Roman Catholic Church Olughono (Namudjebo Lodge) Omutaku Primary School Oshikango Constituency Office Odibo St. Mary Mission Haihambo Primary School Okadidiya Primary School Omukukutu Primary School Onghwiyu Primary School Oshikunde Combined School Oupili Combined School Oluwaya Combined School Eputuko Junior Secondary School ( Oshuuli ) Oshifitu Primary School Omahahi Combined School Epumba Londjaba Combined School Lazarus Haufiku Primary School ( Oshambada ) OMAHEKE REGION Constituency AMINIUS (48) EPUKIRO (21) GOBABIS (15) KALAHARI (21) POLLING STATIONS Kambanderu Kauta Community Hall, Aminius Rietquelle Junior Secondary School, Aminius Aminius Roman Catholic Mission (Kgotla) Korridor 13 (Ministry of Agriculture) John Pandeni Community Hall, Leonardville Izak Buys Junior Secondary School, Leonardville Korridor 21 Dr. Fisher Primary School Otjimanangombe Community Hall Omauezonyanda / Epukiro Pos 3 Community Hall Otjijarua Primary School Okatuuo Gobabis Constituency Office ( Paaie kamp) Gobabis Municipality Office (Epako) Epako Junior Secondary School Epako Community Hall Municipality Office (town) Rakutuka Primary School Olwagen (Light of the Children) State Hospital Elim Old Age Home Epako Old Age Home Gobabis Correctional Facilities Chief Munjuku Nguvauva Military Base Nossobville Community Hall Drimiopsis High School Tsjaka Hall Vergenoeg Primary School Hall Pius Kaundu Police Training College (Houmoed) Buitepos Settlement 5880 5880 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 OTJINENE (28) OTJOMBINDE (38) OKORUKAMBE (27) Otjinene Farmers Association Hall Okomumbonde Agra Business Complex (Otjiuaneho) Ozohambo Open Space Omungondo Gustav Kandjii Secondary School Goreses/Okahungu Tallismanus Agriculture Office Helena Primary School Eiseb Primary School(Eiseb Post 10) Okatumba Gate Okoutjove Lister Primary School Witvlei Village Council Witvlei Community Hall Skoonheid Grootplaas Epukiro Roman Catholic Mission Hall Du Plessis Plaas Rural Youth Centre Omitara (Otjivero Primary School) Summerdown Shopping Centre OMUSATI REGION Constituency ETAYI (6) OGONGO (8) OKALONGO (6) POLLING STATIONS Etayi Combined School Iipandayamiti Combined School Oikokola Combined School Onheleiwa Combined School Ekangolinene Combined School Oshivanda Combined School Pendukeni-Ivula-Ithana (Onamhindi) Comb. School Omutundungu Combined School Olupandu Primary School Otshipya Combined School Oshikuiyu Combined School Samuel Shilongo Junior Primary School Oshalembe Primary School Akayupa Combined School Enoleu Combined School Makanda Junior Primary School Andreas Amushila Combined School Opawa Combined School Okaleke Combined School Ogongo Combined School Ongolo Combined School Eendombe Combined School Oluteyi Combined School Pyamukuyu Combined School Okapya Primary School Iipanda Primary School Ombathi Combined School Fanuel Kunambili Shingenge Primary School Olundjinda Project Onamundindi Combined School Eenkondombali Combined School Haudano Senior Secondary School Uushwa Combined School Eshakeno Combined School Orange Combined School Oshaaluwata Combined School 141 142 RUACANA (31) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Epoko Combined School Onembaba Combined School Oneeya Combined School Okando Catholic Church Oneheke Combined School Ekundu Combined School Ondombe yoxumba Primary School Eengwena Combined School Ombwana Combined School Sheetekela Combined School Epalala catholic Church Ouvale Primary School Oshatotwa Combined School Onaiti Primary School Lukas Dama Primary School Dr Albert Kawana J. School Ruacana Senior Secondary School Shoopala Junior Primary School Otjandjamwenyo Junior Primary School Otjovanatje Junior Primary School Onamatanga Junior Sec. School I.K. Tjimuhiva (Omakange) Junior Primary School Okonyota Location ELCIN Centre Ombuumbuu Junior Secondary School Uahekwa Herunga (Otjorute) J. P. School Omunduwahauwanga J. P. School Ruacana Army Base Ruacana Correctional Services Etunda Irrigation Project Okapika B (village) OSHANA REGION Constituency ONDANGWA URBAN (0) ONGWEDIVA (0) POLLING STATIONS Ondangwa Town Council Oluno Community Hall Omukwiyu gwaNashidhiga Church Omashaka Open Space Oshitayi Primary School Shinime Shimvula Primary School Onankome Pension Point Red Cross Centre (Uupopo) Oluno Military Base Olukolo Primary School Ruben Danger Hashipala Training Centre Andimba Toivo yaToivo Sen. Secondary School Etambo Combined School Oluno Rehabilitation Centre Onguta ELCIN Church Hall Ondangwa Police Station ABC Open Market Hall SOS Omashaka PuKamanya Ondangwa Youth Office Olunkono Gabriel Taapopi Senior Secondary School Old Ongwediva Church Centre Onamutayi Anglican Church Omaalala Junior Primary School 5880 5880 OSHAKATI EAST (2) OSHAKATI WEST (0) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Omashekediva Junior Secondary School Omupanda Combined School Kandjengedi Senior Primary School (Onambiba) Omatando (public place) Oikango No. 1 /Mandume Centre Onaayamba (public place) Mutongolume Kindergarten Efadoukadona (public place) Omatunda (public place) Okadila Primary School Ohakweenyanga-North (public place) Ounonge Primary School Omuhama Combined School Omhangela (public place) Ondiikela (public place) Eenghala (public place) Mvula Primary School Panguleni Primary School Eluwa Special School Niitembu Junior Primary School Ohadiwa (public place) (Nghifikepunye Pohamba) Campus Mweshipandeka Senior Secondary School Leo Shoopala Community Hall Okandjengedi Community Hall Onawa Kindergarten Omusimboti Combined School Oneshila Community Hall Ohakweenyanga Combined School Omandengu Community Hall (Evululuko ) Ondelekelama Combined School Omeege Junior Primary School Ompundja (Public place) Iikuku Junior P. School Onembwata Centre Public Place 2 Omahenene Centre Oshinyadhila Primary School Onendongo Public place Shuumbi Shiindongo Centre Oshakati State Hospital Sky Location Army Base- Sector 10 Eko-House (behind Santorini Inn) Kandjegedi C. Point Kandjegedi South Uupindi Community Hall Oshoopala Community Hall Uukwiyuwongwe Combined School Oniimwandi Primary School Oshaandja Junior Primary School Okau Combined School Oshikolongondjo (public place) Oshitotwa Mahangu Crush - Oshitowa Oshaamwatala Kindergarten Oshuulo (public place) Olupumbu (public place) Othingo (public Place) Oshihenge Combined School Ndamono Ndiikalela Kindergarten Ompumbu (public place) 143 144 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Iipumbu Senior Secondary School Oshakati Combined School Oshakati Police Station Northern Campus – UNAM OSHIKOTO REGION Constituency OMUTHIYAYAGWIIPUNDI (20) TSUMEB (22) POLLING STATIONS IIpundi Senior Secondary School Omuthiya ELCIN Church Oshifukwa Combined School Epandulo Combined School Omutsegwonime Combined School (Amilema) Niigambo Combined School Onamulele Combined School Omboto Primary School Okangororosa Combined School Oshinamumwe Combined School Olupale Combined School Ekulo Senior Secondary School Okapuku Church Kandume Combined School Amateta Primary School Onakankunzi Primary School Amweelo Primary School Nomtsoub Community Hall Ministry of Information, Comm. &Tech. Office Kuvukiland (location) Otjikoto Senior Secondary School Ondundu Primary School Nomtsoub Primary School Tsumeb Secondary School Soweto location Tsumeb Constituency Office Old Age Home (Noumtsoub) Francis Galton School Tulongeni Pamwe Open Market (Omatala) Namfo OTJOZONDJUPA REGION Constituency GROOTFONTEIN (30) OKAHANDJA (19) POLLING STATIONS Grootfontein S S School Omulunga Hall, Grootfontein Grootfontein Library Hall Grootfontein Army Base Grootfontein Showground Friedrich Awaseb School Omulunga Primary School Red Cross Centre (Omulunga) Grootfontein Correctional Services Grootfontein State Hospital Berg Aukas Okahandja Town Hall Aurora Primary School Veddersdal Primary School Hall Ileni Tulikwafeni OVC Centre Andreas Kukuri Centre Okahandja Plots Epandulo Hall Okahandja State Hospital 5880 5880 OKAKARARA (205) OMATAKO (41) OTAVI (35) OTJIWARONGO (12) TSUMKWE (98) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 NIED Five Rand Youth Centre Smarties (Women Centre) North Eastern Town Plots Okahandja Police Cells Woodcraft (opposite Shell service station) Khaibasen Kindergarden Okakarara Community Hall Okakarara Secondary School Okamatapati Community Hall Coblenz School Okakarara Vocational Training Centre Old Age Home Okandjatu School Okatjoruu School Hall (Otjituuo) Okakarara Hospital Okakarara Police Station K.J. Kapeua S.S.S (Ovitoto) Hochfeld Midgard Lodge Osona Military Base Uitkomst Otjozondu Primary School Osire Otavi Magistrate’s Office Hall Otavi Community Hall Otavi Military Base Kombat Mine Office Neu Summerau Rietfontein NYS Ohorongo Cement Factory Shalom Primary School Khorab Junior Secondary School Otavi Police Cells Otjikoto Gold Mine (B2GOLD) Swanervelder Hall, (Orwetoveni) Paresis Secondary School Otjiwarongo Showground Hall DRC Kindergarten (Traraxa-iabes) People’s Choice Kindergarten Otjiwarongo Secondary School Kalkfeld Primary School Otjiwarongo Army Base New Beginning Church Otjiwarongo State Hospital MoreWag Church Gam Voters Education Office Tsumkwe Community Hall Mangetti Dune Church Rooidag gate - Primary School Omatako Primary School M`kata Primary School Eden Farm Aasvoelnes Primary School 145 146 Government Gazette 20 November 2015 ZAMBEZI REGION Constituency JUDEA LYABBOLOMA (8) KABBE NORTH (17) KABBE SOUTH (8) KATIMA MULILO RURAL (20) KATIMA MULILO URBAN (6) KONGOLA (20) POLLING STATIONS Lizauli combined School Sangwali Senior Secondary School Sachona Combined School Sauzuo Combined School Lubuta Primary School Mbambazi Primary School Ngonga Primary School Isize Combined School Schuckmansburg Combined School Dr Sam Nujoma Combined School Imukusi Combined School Lisikili Combined School Malindi Primary School Namalubi Primary School Nakabolelwa Combined School Muzii Combined School Lusese Combined School Mbalasinte Combined School Ikaba Combined School Kasika Primary School Nsundwa Primary School Impalila Combined School Kalala Village Nankutwe CS Ngoma Police Station Sanjo Senior Secondary School Mafwila Senior Sec. School Mafuta Combined School Liselo Combined School Kwena Combined School Muyako Combined School Ibbu Combined School Ikumwe Village Ioma Combined School Iseke Combined School Chefuzwe Village Liswani III Primary School Mubiza Combined School Silumbi Combined School Katounyana Police Training Centre Gunkwe Primary School Kizito College Hall Ngweze Community Hall Ngweze Primary School Town Council (Chotto) sub office Katima Combined School Brendan Simbwaye Primary School Ngweze Clinic (Diary) Katima Mulilo Hospital Mavuluma Primary School Greenwell Matongo Primary School Oshana Guesthouse Kandunda Kaseta Primary School (Chetto) Kongola Combined School Sesheke Combined School Sikaunga Combined School Singalamwe Combined School 5880 5880 LINYANTI (11) SIBBINDA (15) Government Gazette 20 November 2015 Omega III (Ndoro Memorial School) Masambo Primary School Masheshe Grain Storage 262 BN Greenwell Matongo barracks Mayuni Senior Secondary School Linyanti Combined School Makanga Combined School Batubaja Combined School Malengalenga Combined School Masida Combined School Kapani Combined School Samudono Primary School Sikosinyana Secondary School Kaenda Combined School Kasheshe Combined School Lusu Combined School Kanono Combined School Simataa Senior Secondary School Kaliyangile Combined School Sachinga Combined School Sikubi Combined School Masokotwani Combined School Muketele PS Bito Primary School ________________ 147
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