Open Workbench - About MoonHart Consult
Open Workbench - About MoonHart Consult
Open Workbench Complete Desktop Project Planning and Scheduling Open Workbench is the only open source Windows-based desktop application that provides robust project scheduling and management functionality and is free to distribute throughout the enterprise. When users need to move beyond desktop scheduling to a workgroup, division or enterprisewide solution, they can upgrade to the Clarity™ system from Niku, an enterprise portfolio management system that offers bidirectional integration with Open Workbench. Comprehensive Project Management Capabilities Open Workbench is a robust, mature tool for project scheduling and management. It conforms to and supports the underlying ideals of project management while presenting information in a way that is intuitive and easy to learn. Tens of thousands of project managers around the world use Open Workbench to plan and execute complex projects. Optimal Schedules Based on Resource Availability Open Workbench is unique in its ability to schedule work in a flexible way based on resource availability. Rather than manually specify how much and when a resource works on a task, Open Workbench allows that time to be calculated automatically by the Auto Schedule feature. When a project is scheduled, work on tasks is calculated to fit within the availability of the people to do that work, even if those people are allocated to multiple projects. As a result, the daily work for a resource is an output of the scheduling process rather than in input, allowing the application to optimize work to deliver a useful plan. Review and update resource assignments as the project progresses All projects proceed through a series of tasks (or stages) during their lifecycle. By using Open Workbench, these critical tasks or stages become more manageable, making projects more likely to succeed. Open Workbench enables project managers to create work breakdown structures (WBS) with tasks and milestones, set baselines, schedule project plans with dependencies, assign resources to tasks, schedule work on tasks over a period of time, adjust the schedule as actual work is recorded, link master and subprojects and schedule resources across them, and conduct earned value analysis. Create and manage complex plans using Open Workbench Flexible Information Views Project managers have access to a library of project views in Open Workbench, allowing them to customize the information display to their needs. Multiple views are supported, including Gantt and Phase Level Gantt charts, as well as logical, PERT-style displays. Organizations can also define and distribute custom views as corporate standards. Advanced Scheduling Functionality Once the project plan is created, project managers can schedule tasks with assigned resources for completion. For large projects, scheduling can be an intricate process that balances task relationships, resource availability, and task duration. The powerful Auto Schedule feature in Open Workbench is designed to handle just this type of complexity. With the click of an button, the Auto Schedule feature uses an internal set of rules to create a schedule that takes into account task constraints, dependencies, priorities and resource constraints—automatically generating the best method for project completion. When the plan is approved, the project manager can create a baseline, which gives a snapshot of the project and allows revisions to be compared against the original plan. Scope Change Management Modifications are required when a project’s scope changes, whether due to new requirements, lack of resources or time and budget constraints. Open Workbench identifies these potential problems and trends before they affect a project by performing the following analyses: • Critical Path: analyzes isolated dependency networks and tasks with negative float. • Estimated Time to Complete: calculates the estimated usage required to complete a task and ascertains if deadlines will be met. • Earned Value: analyzes the true progress of a project, taking into account the effort expended as well as what has been achieved. Managers can refine the project schedule based on these analyses and, using the project baseline, compare scope changes with the original plan for detailed analysis. Having the right information to quickly mitigate potential problems is crucial to the successful delivery of work. Track Project Status Against Baseline to Identify Schedule and Resource Issues Availability The latest free version of Open Workbench is available from the Open Workbench web site at The site provides additional information on Open Workbench, updates and news, and discussion forums for the community of end users. Key Features of Open Workbench • Define projects and create associated work breakdown structures with activities, phases, tasks and milestones • Define resources as people, equipment, materials or expense • Assign resources to tasks • Create dependencies as finish-start, start-start, finish-finish or start-finish • Schedule tasks manually or automatically using Auto Schedule • Automatically schedule tasks forwards or backwards (the latter allowing tasks to be started as late as possible) and with or without resource constraints Beyond Desktop Scheduling Desktop scheduling applications work well for individual users and small workgroups where it’s possible to manually assess how people and plans affect the work to be done. In larger and more complex organizations, project managers need insight into the organization’s resource availability, project expenditures, standardized methodologies and shared knowledge. • Configure resources on tasks with uniform, fixed, contour, front or back loading To achieve this level of integration, users of Open Workbench can upgrade to the Clarity system from Niku, a fully integrated project portfolio management system that seamlessly connects day-to-day project management activities with strategic portfolio planning and execution. • Define, compare and reset project baseline settings Contact Niku to learn more about the powerful combination of Open Workbench, the open source Windows client application, and Clarity, the browser-based solution for enterprise project, program, portfolio, resource and financial management. • View Gantt charts (both detail and roll-up), PERT charts and the critical path Benefits of Open Source Niku Corporation, the developer of Workbench, has contributed the software code to the open source community so that users get the benefits from communitybased development and support: higher quality, faster innovation, and lower costs. Project managers and other end users can expect a steady stream of value added improvements by a global community of developers and service providers who contribute their enhancements to the Open Workbench project at • Create subprojects and link them to master projects • Create and manage inter-project dependencies • Associate guidelines with tasks • Manage advanced task properties such as fixed duration, dependency lag, imposed start/end dates and charge codes • Create, edit and delete calendars • Schedule to general or individualized calendars • Schedule across linked master and subprojects • Track status, percent complete and estimates to complete • Conduct earned value analysis • Customize project views including column layouts, filters, sorts and rule-based formatting • Seamlessly integrate with the Clarity system from Niku | | © 2004 Niku Corporation. All rights reserved.The information in this document is subject to change without notice.Niku and the Niku logo are registered trademarks, and Clarity and Workbench are trademarks of Niku Corporation in the United States and certain other countries.All other trademarks, trade names, and/or product names are used solely for the purpose of identification and are the property of their respective owners.