cranium, the skull i
cranium, the skull i
CRANIUM THE SKULL R. Druga Institute of Anatomy, 2nd and 1st Medical Faculty NEUROCRANIUM SPLANCHNOCRANIUM CRANIUM, THE SKULL I Most highly modified region in the axial skeleton The neurocranium – developed from a series of cartilages ventral to the brain (base) From mesenchyme over the dome of the head (calvaria or calva) Cranial cavity Splanchnocranium – branchial apparatus (cartilaginous elements) have been replaced by overlying dermal bones Branchial apparatus The mandibular region and the neck are formed by six paired branchial arches (cart. bars supporting the gill apparatus). In the tetrapods branchial arches were modified and persist in the facial (maxilla, mandibula) and neck skeleton (laryngeal cartilages) Derivatives of cartilagines of the branchial arches 1st arch = Meckel cart., mandibula, malleus 2nd arch = Reichert cart., stapes, styloid proc.,stylohyoid lig. 3rd arch = hyoid bone 4th and 6th arch = laryngeal cartil. CRANIUM II Complex of skeletal elements, adapted to support and contain the brain, brain vessels, cranial nerves and envelops Special senses (eye ball, nasal cavity, inner ear) Intracranial spaces (epidural, subdural, subarachnoideal) Circulating cerebrospinal fluid x CRANIUM Komplex kostí axiálního skeletu Obsahuje mozek, mozkové cévy a obaly Obsahuje oční kouli a sluchový aparát Člení se na bazi lební, kalvu (calvaria) a na obličejový skelet. Pro klinickou medicinu má největší význam baze lební a obličejový skelet !! CRANIUM III General cranial features Base Calvaria Facial skeleton Spaces, cavities The skull, considered as a whole, is of greater practical importance than the individual bones of which it is made up !!!!!! Most important part of the skull is the base. Norma lateralis Norma facialis or Norma frontalis The orbit The anterior nasal aperture The interior of the cranium Basis cranii interna Norma basalis Basis cranii externa The anterior, middle and posterior cranial fossa Basis cranii interna Fossae cranii ! OS OCCIPITALE Squamous, basilar and lateral part Internal aspect Cruciate eminence, 4 fossae Occipital bone of a newborn child Posterior aspect Inferior aspect OS SPHENOIDALE In the base of the skull Resembles a bird with wings outstretched Body The greater wings The lesser wings The pterygoid processes Posterior aspect Chiasmatic sulcus – optic cana Superior aspect Hypophyseal fossa Dorsum sellae Sella turcica Sulcus caroticus Sphenoid bone – body Cubical, contains two air sinuses / septum Anteriorly – ethmoid bone Posteriorly – occipital bone Sulcus chiasmatis (optic canal) Hypophyseal fossa + Dorsum sellae= sella turcica (Turkish saddle) Fissura orbitalis superior : III., IV., VI., V/1, V. orbitalis sup. For. rotundum : V/2 For. ovale : V/3 For. spinosum: a. meningea media ANTERIOR ASPECT Greater wing – 5 surfaces (facies) Cerebral surface – part of the midle cranial fossa Orbital surface – part of the lateral wall of the orbit Temporal surface – temporal fossa Infratemporal surface- infratemporal fossa Sphenomaxillar surface- pterygopalatine fossa OS TEMPORALE Parts: Squamous Petromastoid Tympanic (styloid process) Petrous part of the temporal bone Is wedged between the sphenoid and occipital bones Has a base, an apex, four surfaces, three margins The anterior (superior) surface (trigeminal impression, arcuate eminence) The posterior surface (the internal acoustic meatus) The inferior surface (the carotid canal, the jugular fossa) The ventrobasal surface (medial wall of the tympanic cavity) x OS TEMPORALE – PARS PETROSA, PYRAMIS Klínovitá konfigurace- mezi os sphenoidale a occipitale Base, apex, 4 stěny (facies) Facies posterior (porus acusticus internus) Facies inferior (canalis caroticus, fossa jugularis) Facies anterior (eminentia arcuata, impressio trigeminalis) Facies ventrobasalis (= mediální stěna cavum tympani) Temporal bone + pyramis – external aspect PYRAMIS-internal aspect (facies ant. et post.) Internal acoustic meatus - n. VII., n.VIII.) Porus and meatus acusticus internus Meatus acusticus internus l. dx. PYRAMIS, FACIES INFERIOR Carotid canal Stylomastoid foramen (n. VII.) Jugular foramen (internal jugular vein, N. IX., X., XI.) Canaliculus for the tympanic nerve Jugular foramen Facies inferior Canalis caroticus Foramen jugulare Processus styloideus Foramen Stylomastoideum Processus mastoideus Fossa mandibularis Canaliculus tympanicus PYRAMIS : FACIES VENTROBASALIS Medial wall of the tympanic cavity Mastoid air cells Celullae mastoideae Pneumatic type Stylomastoid foramen. Canalis n. facialis Tympanic cavity Promontory Tympanic nerve – Tympanic plexus Tympanic cavity, posterior wall N. VII. Mastoid antrum (3,5) External auditory meatus (1) Pyramidal eminence Chorda tympani Tympanic sulcus Pyramid - canals and spaces Canalis nervi facialis – meatus ac. internus – for. Stylomastoideum (3 parts :ventrolateral, dorsolateral, caudal) Canalis caroticus – facies inferior – apex pyramidis Canaliculus tympanicus – fossula petrosa – cavum tympani – sulcus promontorii Canaliculus chordae tympani – canalis n. facialis – cavum tympani – fissura petrotympanica Canalis musculotubarius – m. tensor tympani, Eustachian tube Labyrinthus osseus – vestibulum, canales semicirculares, cochlea OS FRONTALE, SQUAMA FRONTALIS, PARTES ORBITALES Desmogenní osifikace ze dvou základů Inferior aspect Roof of the orbit OS FRONTALE, PARTES ORBITALES, PARS NASALIS (Apertura sinus frontalis) Internal aspect SQUAMA FRONTALIS OS ETHMOIDALE Lamina cribrosa (nerve I.) Lamina perpendicularis (crista galli) Labyrithi ethmoidales (cellulae ethmoidales) Lamina orbitalis (papyracea) Concha nasalis media et superior Cock´ s comb Parietal bone Sulci of the middle meningeal artery Epidural space Epidural hematoma OBLIČEJOVÝ SKELET FACIAL SKELETON Maxilla 4 plochy 4 surfaces Tělo + 4 výběžky: Body + 4 processes (proc. frontalis, palatinus, zygomaticus (/apex), alveolaris) Maxillary sinus (25 cm3) Facies : anterior, posterior, orbitalis nasalis (the base of the hollow pyramidal body) Maxillary hiatus is ovelaid by ethmoid conchae Maxilla - ossification The maxilla ossifies in membrane. The premaxilla (incisive bone, carrying incisor teeth) is in most mammals an independent bone. OSSA PALATINA OSSA PALATINA Orbital process (3) Sphenoidal process (5) Sphenopalatine incisure MANDIBULA CORPUS + Corpus – Alveolar process RAMUS – Condylar process (articular surface) Coronoid process (temporalis m.) Each half ossifies from a single centre in membrane ovelying the Meckel cartilage Sublingual fossa Submandibular fossa Mandibular canal Ramus in line with the body Age changes in the mandible Following the loss of teeth the alveolar part is absorbed THE NASAL CAVITY THE ORBITAL CAVITY CAVITAS NASI OSSEA ORBITA Piriform aperture – Choanae Facies lateralis CAVUM NASI THE NASAL CAVITY, FRONTAL SECTION CAVUM NASI MEATUS NASI : inferior medius superior SINUS PARANASALES Frontal Maxillary Ethmoidal Sphenoidal THE ORBIT ORBITA THE ORBIT, MEDIAL WALL ORBITA, FACIES MEDIALIS Temporal fossa FOSSA TEMPORALIS, Infratemporal fossa INFRATEMPO RALIS Pterygomandibular fissure Infratemporal fossa : Lamina lateralis proc. Pterygoidei and maxilla – mandibular ramus FOSSA PTERYGOPALATINA Pterygomandibular fissura Rotundum Upper wall : maxillary surface of the greater wings Pterygoid canal Sphenopalatine for. Inferior orbital fissure Medial wall: palatine bone Greater palatine canal Anterior wall : maxilla Posterior wall : pterygoid process FOSSAE CRANII Anterior Middle Posterior Lebka novorozence Lebka Skull in a new-born Facial part small (rudimentary condition of the mandible and maxillae) Ossification is incomplete Paranasal sinuses - absent 6 fontanellae Anterior fontanelle BREGMA Posterior fontanelle The skull during the birth The skull is altered in shape The skull is compressed and elongated Bones of cranial vault (calva) overlap to a small extent (fontanellae !!) These changes disappear within a week x Konfigurace lebky při porodu Lebka je komprimována (mediolaterálně) Elongace lebky Kosti kalvy se podsouvají (fontanely) V průběhu několika dnů se konfigurace lebky vrací k nornálu CRANIOMETRY Frankfurt plane Frankfurtská horizontála gnathion CRANIOMETRY I Cranial height = bregma – basion = Výška lebky Cranial breadth = euryon – euryon = Šířka lebky Cranial length = glabella - occipital point = Délka lebky Facial height = nasion – gnathion = Výška obličeje Facial breadth = zygion - zygion = Šířka obličeje CRANIOMETRY CRANIAL INDEX Š x 100/ d do 75 dolicho75 – 80 meso- Breadth x 100/ length Up to 75 dolichocephalic 75 – 80 mesocephalic 80 – 85 brachycephalic 80 a více brachy - Sexual differences Female : wall thinner, superciliary arches, tuberosities and mastoid processes less prominent, air sinuses smaller, tubera frontalia at parietalia + References : R. Čihák : Anatomie 1, Avicenum M. Grim, R. Druga et al.: Základy anatomie. Galen 2001 Gray ´s Anatomy, Longman 1973 P. Kopf – Maier : Atlas of Human Anatomy, Karger, 1990 KONEC LEBKY
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