Full Programme York Festival of Science and Technology
Full Programme York Festival of Science and Technology
11 – 20 March 2011 Bringing Science to Life! Part of Full Programme For Schools For Adults For Everyone! For more information: www.scy.co.uk York Festival of Science and Technology SPACE BUSES, SUPER SONIC CARS & GADGETS GALORE...! ...it must be the York Festival of Science and Technology 2011! It’s almost time again to ditch those science text books and park those painful memories of bamboozlement. You can even leave the lab coat and safety specs at home. This March, the York Festival of Science and Technology returns and the city promises to be bursting with special exhibitions, talks, film screenings, live performances and a host of handson activities – all offering the chance to get to grips with science and delve into the depths of discovery. The York Festival of Science and Technology spans a 10 day, packed programme of events put together by Science City York (SCY) and partners across the city, and involves the collective talents of an array of top names from the world of science. This programme details most of the events on offer – so please sit back, relax, and plan how you can make the most of this ever-popular festival. Events are being added to the programme right up until the festival’s launch so for the most up to date listing please visit www.scy.co.uk Your Festival Coordinator for 2011 is Debra Crossley, Events Manager, Science City York T 01904 870059 E events@scy.co.uk For specific enquiries and bookings on individual events, full contact details are included alongside each entry. Events are classified according to audience, and where possible have been further presented in date order. Launch Events Events for Everyone Events for Adults Events for Schools Several events are free to attend, but full details on associated costs and booking requirements are included alongside each entry. Science City York wish to thank all who have contributed to the York Festival of Science and Technology 2011. Our very special thanks also go to Yorkshire Forward and Research Councils UK for their support in 2011. All events are subject to change and/or cancellation for which Science City York and partner organisations cannot be held liable. Listings in this programme do not indicate any endorsement or recommendation. © Science City York 2011. 2 York Festival of Science and Technology 2011 is delighted to support the British Heart Foundation’s Mending Broken Hearts Appeal. Sharon Oakley, Fundraising Volunteer Manager (North and East Yorkshire) explains more about this innovative campaign and how you can become involved. Give hope to millions and help mend broken hearts “2011 is the British Heart Foundation’s 50th Birthday. To celebrate we’re launching the Mending Broken Hearts Appeal, one of our most ambitious projects ever. Its goal is simple – to fund the research that could begin to literally ‘mend broken hearts’. “Heart and circulatory disease is the UK’s biggest killer. We can encourage lifestyle changes to reduce the risk, use surgery and drugs to minimise the effects. But the human heart cannot heal itself. “In short there is no cure for a broken heart. “This ground-breaking research can change that and help us learn how to teach the heart to ‘heal itself ’. “But we need to spend £50 million on research to repair damaged hearts. The hope is, if we can get the money, we could be funding trials with heart failure patients in as little as five years. “Help us give hope to millions.” What can you do? “You can do almost anything you like! Volunteer your time, buy our great new products, donate muchneeded funds or even get on your bike. Whoever you are, there’s a way for you to give hope. “To learn more, visit our Mending Broken Hearts Appeal Exhibit at the Sky Lounge, City Screen Picturehouse 8 – 20 March, visit www.bhf.org.uk/mbh, or call 0300 333 0333 to find out more and get involved.” Sharon Oakley, Fundraising Volunteer Manager (North and East Yorkshire) 3 YFST 2011 ‘At A Glance’ 1 Festival Launch: Gadgets Galore! 21 Sharmini’s Inspirational Indian Cuisine 2 ‘Science in the City’ [Part One] 22 Dissections UnCut! Series Two 3 Discovery Days (Public Day) 23 Lazarus, Elvis and Zombies – The Return 4 British Heart Foundation: Mending Broken Hearts Appeal Exhibit 24 The Geology Behind York’s Buildings 5 Free Public Star Party 25 Energy and Communication in the Brain 6 Astronomy @ Bootham School Observatory 26 Let Newton Be! – Play by Craig Baxter 7 ‘Designer’ Science! 8 ‘What Are You On About?’ 28 Energy For Our Future: Have Your Say 9 Lambing Sunday 29 Modern to Medieval: Tracing Your 10 Yorkshire Philosophical Society Lecture: The Science of Music 11 RSC Lecture: Sex, Flies and Smelly Sticky Tape 12 Public Lecture: ‘BLOODHOUND SSC – The 1000mph Car’ 13 Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider of Lost Species 27 Frankenstein: National Theatre ‘Live’ at City Screen York Ancestors 30 ‘Halifax Heroes’ Lecture 31 Nightshoot! 32 Museum Garden Tours – History, Archaeology and Buildings 33 Pub Quiz – With a Science Twist! 34 Discovery Days (School Days) 14 Record Breakers: A Racy Weekend at 35 Who Were You? the NRM 36 Forensic Science: Who Were You? 15 ‘Science in the City’ [Part Two] 37 CSI York 16 Ellie the Electron and the Quantum Circus 17 Framing the Past 18 Annual Equine Conference: Maintaining the Healthy Horse 19 The Speakers’ Corner Presents ‘Hubble’ with Diana Syder – Poet, Artist and Scientist 38 Evolution and Extinction 39 Rotary Clubs of York Schools Technology Tournament 40 The Earth and Beyond 41 Incredible Dinosaurs 42 Discover and Explore: Energy! 43 Dynamic Digestion: Poo Through Time 20 Public Lecture: The Science of Fusion 44 Record Breakers 4 Launch Events Ortis & Pollyanna Explore Gadgets Galore! Suitable for All Adults £4; Concessions/U16s £2; Family Ticket £10 (2 Adults & 2 U16s) Booking Required 1 [ photo : anna fowler ] Friday 11 March The Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East The University of York, York, YO10 5GE 7.30pm – 9.00pm Ortis Deley Pollyanna Woodward Kicking off the York Festival of Science and Technology 2011 in style are special celebrity guests Ortis Deley and Pollyanna Woodward, as seen on Five’s flagship programme, The Gadget Show. Join Ortis and Pollyanna at the brand new Ron Cooke Hub on the University of York’s Heslington East Campus where they will reveal their own personal best and worst gadgets of all time. Hear how the gadget was born; discover more about some of the unsung heroes of gadgetry; and join in the discussion on the role that gadgets may have to play in the future. Following the talk there will be a Q&A session so you can put your questions to Ortis and Pollyanna. Minster Box Office, in York Minster Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 5 Launch Events ‘Science in the City’ [Part One] Saturday 12 March St Sampsons Square & Exhibition Square, York 10.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for All FREE (Donations welcome) No Need to Book 2 Delivered in partnership with Research Councils UK A host of city centre science busking, exhibits and activities. With drop-in activities running all day, this is a fantastic opportunity to discover something new, quiz the experts, or even demonstrate how great a scientist you already are! Here’s just a taster of what’s on offer: The Solar Spark: Uncover the Solar-Powered Future Make your own spectroscope or Newton wheel to discover the relationship between light and colour – and why this is important for solar energy. Discover the potential of solar energy and the challenges scientists face to improve solar power through a variety of hands-on activities and games. Also come and learn what scientists in UK universities are doing in solar energy research. Wow Space Bus: Rocket Activities and Fly Off Want a bus ride with a difference? Take a ‘trip’ on the Wow Space Bus, a unique immersive learning environment, full of space-related activities. Rocket Activities and Fly Off is your chance to construct an aerodynamic and air stable rocket. York Rotters: ‘What a Load of Rubbish’ Come along and see the contents of an average bin and be amazed at just how much can be recycled or composted. Make your very own recycled fridge magnet. NYBEP’s Marshmallow Catapult Challenge The walls of York have stood firm for many years. Can your family team build a catapult, from the materials supplied, that will be capable of launching projectiles that will bring our walls crashing to the ground? You will construct your catapult and be allowed three shots at the walls using the projectiles supplied. The winning family team will be the one that manages to bring down the largest number of bricks with their three shots. So you not only need to build a catapult capable of launching the projectile over the required distance but also firing the catapult accurately. Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 6 Launch Events Discovery Days – Science Exhibition Saturday 12 March National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York, YO26 4XJ 10.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for All FREE No Need to Book 3 Discovery Days is a wonderful interactive science exhibition. The day is packed with handson workshops and activities, ‘bringing science to life’ for you and your family, including: Centre for Novel Agricultural Products Presents The Pharma Farmers: Can Plant Genetics Provide More Affordable Malaria Medicine? A hands-on insight into CNAP’s groundbreaking Artemisia project which is improving supplies of an important anti-malarial drug. Chris Cade, Platform 4 Theatre: Sunny South Sam 15 minute story-telling showcase of some of the Southern Railways’ posters enticing passengers ‘South for Sunshine’. Making Energy from Waste with The Food and Environment Research Agency Do you think that sewage is just a smelly nuisance? Well think again. Find out more about how we can help the environment and limit our carbon impact by wasting less and using more. Quilt Museum and Gallery: ‘ Talking Textiles’ Textiles can talk to us. In this workshop you will investigate different textiles to find out who they were made by and what they were made from. Families can have a go at their own ‘Talking Textile’. National Non Food Crops Centre Guess (or scientifically calculate!) how long a range of different items can power a light bulb for. Make your selection and see how many you choose correctly. iSpot Creepy Crawlies with OPAL (Open Air Laboratories) and iSpot.org.uk Identify living creatures using the web forum iSpot and a simple key devised by the Open University. Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence Get stuck into this experiment making glue from waste milk, demonstrating how it is possible to produce consumables from renewable resources. You can then use your glue to make postcards about green chemistry to send on to your friends and family. There’s also a game to take part in around the benefits of recycling renewable resources. ...and more! Wendy Taylor • E wendy@nybep.org.uk • T 01904 693632 • W www.nybep.org.uk 7 Events for Everyone Mending Broken Hearts Appeal Exhibit Tuesday 8 March – Sunday 20 March Sky Lounge, City Screen Picturehouse, 13 Coney Street, York, YO1 9QL Cinema Opening Times Suitable for All FREE (Donations welcome) No Need to Book 4 Turning Science Fiction into Science Fact 2011 is the British Heart Foundation’s 50th birthday. To celebrate they’re launching the Mending Broken Hearts Appeal, one of the charity’s most ambitious projects ever. Its goal is simple – to fund the research that could begin to literally ‘mend broken hearts’. This exhibit will reflect on 50 years of investing in life-saving heart science and will also profile the Mending Broken Hearts Appeal. Help the British Heart Foundation give hope to millions. Explore the exhibit and visit www.bhf.org.uk/mbh Sharon Oakley • E oakleys@bhf.org.uk • T 01904 270776 • W www.bhf.org.uk/mbh York Astronomical Society Free Public Star Party Wednesday 9 March The Knavesmire, York, YO23 1EX 7.00pm – 9.00pm (Weather permitting) Suitable for All FREE No Need to Book If you don’t own your own stargazing equipment, or perhaps you’ve never felt brave enough to dust down that telescope that’s been tucked away and venture out into the night sky by yourself, then this is your ideal opportunity to take to the stars! Observe through YAS telescopes, or bring your own along for help and advice if needed. Objects on show should include: the Moon, planets, star clusters, and galaxies. Representatives of the York Astronomical Society will be on hand, even if it rains, for at least half an hour for a chat. Martin Whillock • E martin@whillock.me.uk • T 01347 821849 • W www.yorkastro.co.uk 8 5 Events for Everyone Astronomy @ Bootham School Observatory BOOTHAM SCHOOL YORK Friday 11, Saturday 12 & Monday 14 March Bootham School, York, Y030 7BU 7.30pm & 8.30pm (Two 1hr sessions nightly) Suitable for All 6 FREE Booking Required (10 people per session) If you missed out previously, or perhaps you’d like another go, Bootham School are again offering a chance to see inside their wonderful Observatory and, if clear, observe the Moon through the four inch refracting telescope made for the School by Thomas Cooke of York in 1852. Families welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Entry to the School is from the end of Portland Street and parking is available on site. Your visit to the Observatory may involve climbing a foot ladder so please wear sensible footwear. David Robinson • E davidrobinson61@btinternet.com • T 01904 683770 W www.boothamschool.com ‘Designer’ Science! Sunday 13 March York Designer Outlet, Fulford, York, YO19 4TA 11.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for All FREE (Donations welcome) No Need to Book 7 Just like ‘Science in the City’, this is where we bring the science to you: Wow Space Bus Supported by the Yorkshire branch of the Institute of Physics Hot wheeling it from York’s city centre, the Wow Space Bus makes an intergalactic stop over at York Designer Outlet’s South Entrance. If you missed out the day before, or wanted to come back for more, the Space Bus team will offer a day of special space science activities. Dr Ken’s ‘Science in a Suitcase’ Question: What do you get if you arm a scientist with a suitcase? Answer: A veritable ‘Tardis’ of experiments full of amazing tricks and stunts featuring science you perhaps never knew existed! Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 9 Events for Everyone ‘What Are You On About?’ Saturday 12 March Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 7.30pm – 8.45pm Suitable for All Adults £4; Concessions/U16s £2; Family Ticket £10 (2 Adults & 2 U16s) Booking Required 8 A welcome return by Dr Marty Jopson to the York Festival of Science and Technology. Marty will be exploring how we communicate: from the idea of innate language ability, through writing, pictures and telegraphy, and looking at some of the crazy, early history of communication devices and ideas. Minster Box Office, in York Minster Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk Lambing Sunday Sunday 13 March Westfield Farm, Askham Bryan College, York, YO23 3FR 10.00am – 4.00pm The event is designed to inform and entertain members of the general public about sheep. The main focus is to observe ewes lambing (hopefully) and be given the opportunity to discuss all aspects of sheep production and agriculture with industry professionals. * Suitable for all the family although exposure to livestock is not advised for pregnant women. John Wray • E john.wray@askham-bryan.ac.uk T 01904 772277 • W www.askham-bryan.ac.uk 10 Suitable for All* £5 per Adult (U16s Free) No Need to Book 9 Events for Everyone Yorkshire Philosophical Society Lecture: The Science of Music Sunday 13 March Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 2.30pm – 3.30pm Suitable for All FREE* No Need to Book 10 A family lecture by Professor Peter Main from The University of York, exploring sound waves and the creation of music. A Professor in the Department of Physics, Professor Main is a lecturer and an active researcher in areas such as X-Ray Crystallography and Biophysics. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the magazine Physics Review, and his most recent work on ‘Cycle Stability’ was published in the journal Physics World. *Free admission to lecture (normal admission fees apply to rest of museum) Frances Chambers • E info@yorksphilsoc.org.uk T 01904 656713 • W www.yorksphilsoc.org.uk Royal Society of Chemistry Lecture: Sex, Flies and Smelly Sticky Tape Suitable for All Tuesday 15 March FREE Room C/A 101 Chemistry Building, Booking Required The University of York, YO10 5DD 6.30pm – 7.30pm (Doors open at 6.00pm for refreshments) 11 In this Royal Society of Chemistry (Central Yorkshire Section) lecture, Dr Graeme R Jones (Keele University) asks: How Do You Chat Up a Moth? Do Bees Only Say “Buzz”? Parlez- Vous Ant-Speak? If you have ever wanted to talk to insects then this is your chance to learn their lingo. Plus can pheromones get you out of that awkward ‘asking her out moment’? Come prepared for the nasal experience of a lifetime! Dr Terry Goody • E terry.goody@hse.gsi.gov.uk • T 01904 455912 11 Events for Everyone Public Lecture: ‘BLOODHOUND SSC – The 1000 MPH Car’ Thursday 17 March Memorial Hall, St Peter’s School, York, YO30 6AB 7.00pm – 8.15pm (Doors open at 6.00pm) Suitable for All FREE Booking Required 12 Speaker: Andy Green OBE A fantastic opportunity to find out more about this extraordinary vehicle from Andy Green, the world land speed record holder. Light refreshments will be provided. Doors open at 6.00pm for the chance to view a lifesize replica of the car and to purchase BLOODHOUND merchandise. Charlotte Cranfield • E c.cranfield@st-peters.york.sch.uk • T 01904 527300 York Astronomical Society Talk: Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider Friday 18 March Priory Street Centre, York, YO1 6ET 7.00pm – 9.30pm Suitable for All (Over 10s) £2 per person No Need to Book Opened in 2008, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) promised to revolutionise our understanding of how the Universe works at the smallest and largest scales. In his presentation Professor Tovey will give a whistle-stop tour of the LHC and the giant experiments which observe its collisions; outline the motivations behind their construction; and highlight the key role in the project played by Sheffield scientists. Dan Tovey is currently a Professor of Particle Physics at the University of Sheffield and leads the 20-strong Sheffield team working on the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. He is currently working to unlock the secrets of dark matter. Martin Whillock • E martin@whillock.me.uk • T 01347 821849 • W www.yorkastro.co.uk 12 13 Events for Everyone Record Breakers: A Racy Weekend at the NRM Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 March National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York, YO26 4XJ 10.00am – 6.00pm Suitable for All FREE No Need to Book 14 Explore the world of the fast and the glamorous with a rare opportunity to see the full size replica of BLOODHOUND Super Sonic Car – the amazing pencil-shaped car designed to break the land speed record by reaching 1000mph. Meet the team, learn about the car and get creative by making your very own speedy vehicle. You can also enjoy science shows, storytelling and take part in a scientific trail to uncover interesting facts. National Railway Museum • E nrm@nrm.org.uk • T 0844 8153139 • W www.nrm.org.uk ‘Science in the City’ [Part Two] Saturday 19 March The Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East, The University of York, York, YO10 5GE 10.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for All FREE (Donations welcome) No Need to Book 15 Supported by Research Councils UK Science busking, exhibits and activities brought together under one roof within the stunning, newly developed Ron Cooke Hub at the heart of the University of York’s new campus extension at Heslington East. With drop-in activities running all day, this is a fantastic opportunity to discover something new. Here’s just a taster of what’s on offer: Cosmodome One small step...and you can become immersed in your own night sky within this inflatable 5-metre “Cosmodome”. Dr David Jenkins from the Department of Physics at the University of York will be on hand to guide you through your star-studded ‘journey’. Guaranteed cloud free! Space Connections Crew Fancy making Alka-Seltzer Rockets, Lifting Lemons, Erupting Fizz, clouds in a bottle and straw oboes? Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 13 Events for Everyone Ellie the Electron & the Quantum Circus Saturday 19 March Suitable for All The Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East, FREE (Donations welcome) The University of York, York, YO10 5GE Booking Required 2.00pm – 3.00pm This innovative physics pantomime is written and performed by Dr Yvette Hancock from the Department of Physics, the University of York. Based on her children’s book of the same name, Ellie the Electron and the Quantum Circus brings quantum physics to life through concepts woven into the exciting tale of an electron who becomes a star in Mr. Pauli’s Quantum Circus. It’s for young people and adults who are young at heart. Try something particularly different for a Saturday afternoon! Minster Box Office, in York Minster. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 14 16 Events for Adults Framing the Past Tuesday 8 March Tempest Anderson Hall, Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7DR 7.30pm – 8.30pm Suitable for Adults £3 per person or FREE for YPS Members No Need to Book 17 The Yorkshire Film Archive bring you 100 years of Yorkshire life captured on film. The screening will include WWI battalions marching over Lendal Bridge, the frozen Ouse, York’s historic Mystery Plays, and a look at the cutting edge technology of the late 1950s – the installation of a giant computer at Reckitt & Sons in Hull. Yorkshire Philosophical Society E info@yorksphilsoc.org.uk • T 01904 656713 Annual Equine Conference: Maintaining the Healthy Horse Wednesday 9 March Askham Bryan College Conference Centre, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3FR 10.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for Equine Students & Horse Owners £18 per person 18 Booking Required A chance to hear expert speakers from a range of subject areas all focusing on different aspects of keeping your horse healthy. Laura Hamilton • E laura.hamilton@askham-bryan.ac.uk • T 01904 772272 W www.askham-bryan.ac.uk The Speakers’ Corner Presents ‘Hubble’ with Science Poet Diana Syder Suitable for Adults (U16s Welcome) Wednesday 9 March The Yorkshire Terrier, Stonegate, York, YO1 8AS £1 Admission No Need to Book 8.00pm – 10.00pm 19 York’s established platform for the spoken word welcomes special guest Diana Syder: “one of the country’s leading poets of science”. Andy Humphrey • E thespeakerscorner@hotmail.co.uk • T 01904 785138 W www.yorkspeakerscorner.co.uk 15 Events for Adults Public Lecture: The Science of Fusion Thursday 10 March Suitable for Adults (U16s Welcome) National Science Learning Centre, FREE The University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD No Need to Book 7.00pm – 9.00pm 20 Dr Roddy Vann of the University’s Department of Physics delivers this year’s Archbishop Holgate’s Annual Science Lecture on ‘The Science of Fusion’. The University of York houses a unique Remote Tokamak Control Room – the only facility of its kind in a UK University, and part of the University’s collaboration with the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy – which enables researchers to work on experiments remotely. The University of York Communications Office • E publiclectures@york.ac.uk T 01904 432622 • W www.york.ac.uk Sharmini’s Inspirational Indian Cuisine – The Science of Curry Monday 14 March The Cookery Room, Joseph Rowntree School Haxby Road, New Earswick, York, YO32 4BZ 7.00pm – 9.00pm Suitable for Curry Lovers Adults £12; Concessions £10 Booking Required Talk, Demonstration & Taster The colour, fragrance and flavour of spices have intoxicated mankind over centuries. Spices not only spice up our lives, but are reported to have key health benefits such as turmeric’s antiinflammatory, antiseptic and anti cancer effects. Learn more about the benefits of different spices and the art of blending spices to transform a basic meal in to an exotic and tasty one! Minster Box Office, in York Minster. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 16 21 Events for Adults Dissections UnCut! Series Two Sunday 13 March K/133 King’s Manor, the University of York, Exhibition Square, York, YO1 7EW 7.30pm – 8.30pm Suitable for Adults FREE (Donations welcome) Booking Required 22 For last year’s science festival scientist and presenter Simon Watt delivered a fascinating talk charting his involvement in Channel 4’s groundbreaking nature documentary series “Inside Nature’s Giants”. The programme saw scientists explore literally ‘under the skin’ of some of the world’s largest animals to help decipher what exactly makes them tick. As filming gets underway for series three, Simon returns to York to reveal his personal highlights from season two. Minster Box Office, in York Minster. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk Lazarus, Elvis and Zombies: The Return of Lost Species Tuesday 15 March Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 12.30pm – 1.00pm Suitable for Adults Usual Admission Charges Apply No Need to Book 23 The reappearance of lost species thought to be extinct makes headline news. Have these species mysteriously ‘come back to life’ or were they in fact never lost? This fascinating lunchtime talk examines the role of the fossil record in the return of ‘lost’ species. Yorkshire Museum • T 01904 687687 • W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk The Geology Behind York’s Buildings Wednesday 16 March Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 10.30am & 2.00pm (Two 2hr sessions) Suitable for Adults £5 per person Booking Required 24 Join the Yorkshire Museum’s geology curator for a different and surprising look at what the buildings of York are built from! Following the walk there will also be the chance to examine specimens from the Yorkshire Museum’s geology collection. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk 17 Events for Adults Energy and Communication in the Brain Wednesday 16 March Suitable for Adults (U16s Welcome) York Neuroimaging Centre, The Biocentre, FREE York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5DG Booking Required 6.00pm – 7.00pm 25 “How electromagnetic stimulation can help us understand language processing.” Dr Beth Jefferies presents a demonstration of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, and discusses how this may be used in neuroimaging studies to help understand how the brain processes language. York Neuroimaging Centre E reception@ynic.york.ac.uk T 01904 435346 W www.ynic.york.ac.uk Let Newton Be! – A Play by Craig Baxter Wednesday 16 March Suitable for Adults The Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East, FREE (Donations welcome) The University of York, York, YO10 5GE Booking Required 7.00pm – 9.00pm (includes 25 minute post-play discussion) 300 years after his death, Isaac Newton is still a hugely powerful figure. Let Newton Be! uses his own words to reveal the man behind the myth – complex, driven and totally uncompromising. Craig Baxter’s highly entertaining and compelling play shines new light on our most famous scientist, bringing Newton alive for the 21st century. Minster Box Office, in York Minster Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 W www.scy.co.uk 18 26 Events for Adults Frankenstein: National Theatre ‘Live’ at City Screen Picturehouse Thursday 17 March City Screen Picturehouse, 13 Coney Street, York, YO1 9QL 7.00pm – 10.00pm Suitable for Adults Adults £15; Concessions £13; Members £12 Booking Required 27 A new play by Nick Dear based on the novel by Mary Shelley, directed by Danny Boyle. Starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller, alternating the roles of Frankenstein and his monster. Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein’s bewildered creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horrorstruck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the friendless creature, increasingly desperate and vengeful, determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal. Urgent concerns of scientific responsibility, parental neglect, cognitive development and the nature of good and evil are embedded within this thrilling, deeply disturbing classic gothic tale. City Screen Picturehouse York T 0871 902 5726 • W www.picturehouses.co.uk/york Energy For Our Future: Have Your Say Friday 18 March The Ron Cooke Hub, Heslington East, The University of York, York,YO10 5GE 7.30pm – 9.00pm Suitable for Adults FREE Booking Required 28 Delivered in partnership with Research Councils UK To tackle climate change there is a clear need to reduce our carbon footprint and, alongside reducing our demand for energy, it is likely we will need a mix of different low carbon technologies such as nuclear, wind, biofuels and carbon capture and storage. But what are the pros and cons of each of these and where should the emphasis be? This debate brings some of the UK’s leading academics working at the cutting edge of energy research to talk about the possibilities for our future energy provision and provides a chance for you to debate the issues with the assembled panel of experts. Minster Box Office, in York Minster. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 19 Events for Adults Modern to Medieval: Tracing Your Ancestors Saturday 19 March Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 10.30am & 2.00pm Suitable for Adults £20 per person Booking Required 29 Jackie Depelle, Dr Simon Hughes and Dr Phillipa Hoskins lead us through the documents and information we find on the journey of tracing our ancestors. During the day there will be guided tours of the medieval gallery with a curator from the Yorkshire Museum. Two sessions running 10.30am – 12.30pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm. Yorkshire Museum • T 01904 687687 • W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk ‘Halifax Heroes’ Lecture and Veteran Signing Saturday 19 March Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, York, YO41 4AU 10.00am – 4.00pm Suitable for Adults £12 per person* (see below) Booking Required 30 The legendary Halifax Bomber, Crew and Operational Bases will be explored in this lecture presentation and veteran signing event. *For those wishing to take advantage of both the Halifax Heroes lecture and Nightshoot! event below, Yorkshire Air Museum are offering a special combined ticket priced at £30 per person, representing a £7 discount. Yorkshire Air Museum • T 01904 608595 • E museum@yorkshireairmuseum.org W www.yorkshireairmuseum.org Nightshoot! Saturday 19 March Yorkshire Air Museum, Elvington, York, YO41 4AU 5.00pm – 8.30pm Suitable for Adults £25 per person* (see above) Booking Required 31 Special evening photographic opportunity with selected aircraft. A challenging evening of photography for the keen amateur and professional photographer alike. Yorkshire Air Museum • T 01904 608595 • E museum@yorkshireairmuseum.org W www.yorkshireairmuseum.org 20 Events for Adults Museum Garden Tours – History, Archaeology and Buildings Sunday 20 March Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 12.00pm – 1.00pm Suitable for Adults FREE No Need to Book 32 These weekly tours begin next to the Museum Street gates and give an insight into one of the most popular gardens in York, which contain a wealth of plant life, botanical specimens and wildlife, as well as the spectacular ruins of St Mary’s Abbey and the Roman Multangular Tower. Yorkshire Museum • T 01904 687687 • W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk Pub Quiz – With a Science Twist Sunday 20 March The Old White Swan, Goodramgate, York, YO1 7LF 8.00pm onwards Suitable for Adults 33 £10 per Team of 4 (including food) Booking Required (No later than 16 March) Supported by Research Councils UK Pit your wits in this special science festival pub quiz. All the usual quiz rounds you’d expect with sparks of science throughout! The £10 entry fee for a team of 4 includes the quiz plus a hearty evening snack.* You’re also in with the chance of walking away with one of the following prizes: £50 cash – 1st place; £25 cash – 2nd place; £15 cash – 3rd place. Special prize for the team bringing up the rear! *Please advise if you or a member of your team require a vegetarian option. Minster Box Office, in York Minster. Open Monday to Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm T 0844 9390015 • W www.boxoffice.yorkminster.org Debra Crossley • E events@scy.co.uk • T 01904 870059 • W www.scy.co.uk 21 Events for Schools Discovery Days Thursday 10 & Friday 11 March National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York, YO26 4XJ 9.30am & 12.00pm (2x 2.5hr sessions) Suitable for KS2 learners from York and North Yorkshire primary schools FREE Pre-booked School Groups Only 34 ‘Discovery Days’ is a wonderful interactive science exhibition. The day is packed with practical, interactive workshops, ‘bringing science to life’. Activities include: Centre for Novel Agricultural Products Presents The Pharma Farmers: Can Plant Genetics Provide More Affordable Malaria Medicine? A hands-on insight into CNAP’s groundbreaking Artemisia project which is improving supplies of an important anti-malarial drug. Making Energy from Waste with The Food and Environment Research Agency Do you think that sewage is just a smelly nuisance? Well think again. Find out more about how we can help the environment and limit our carbon impact by wasting less and using more. Creative Abilities: Speaking Without Words A special signing activity with puppetry. Chemistry, Colour and Communication Light comes in a rainbow of colours and can tell us so much about the Universe around us. Spectroscopy is a way to investigate these colours, revealing the chemistry happening in a test tube or in a galaxy far away. Modern communication systems use light to send messages along optical cables, you can discover how with our hands-on demonstrations. This marks the launch of the Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS) project in our area (to be based at the University of York). SIAS provides equipment and resources to use in schools enabling students of all ages to find out about colour, light and spectroscopy. Wendy Taylor • E wendy@nybep.org.uk • T 01904 693632 • W www.nybep.org.uk Who Were You? Friday 11 March (Other dates/times available) Suitable for Key Stage 3 Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR £80 per group of 30 students 9.00am – 11.00am Booking Required 35 This is a chance for students to undertake a mock forensic investigation of a body ‘found in the Museum Gardens’. Make sense of the crime scene – is it a murder or a natural death? Does the body belong to a modern person, a 2000 year old Roman or a medieval monk? Students use critical thinking and problem solving to investigate the clues, and examine the finer detail under microscopes and analyse the evidence. The session ends with students presenting their case to the other groups to find out the truth behind ‘The Body in the Museum Gardens’. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk 22 Events for Schools Forensic Science: Who Were You? Monday 14 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am – 11.00am Suitable for Key Stage 2 £80 per group of 30 students Booking Required 36 A skeleton has been found in the Museum Gardens. The pupils become forensic scientists to investigate the evidence to find out who that person was: a Roman child? a Viking warrior? or a Medieval monk? The groups will undertake a number of scientific and archaeological investigations to determine the gender, age and means of death of the skeleton. Look out for the red herrings too! Pupils have the chance to handle real artefacts and examine real human remains. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk CSI York Monday 14 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am – 11.30am Suitable for Key Stage 3 £100 per group of 30 students Booking Required 37 Students take on the role of forensic investigators to go through the processes of collecting and accurately interpreting evidence to reliably solve a crime. The task is to identify the victim and solve the case of a decades old murder through analysing evidence from the mock crime scene. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk Evolution and Extinction Tuesday 15 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am – 11.00am Suitable for Key Stage 3 £80 per group of 30 students Booking Required 38 Investigate the fossil record as evidence for evolution. Examine various fossils from the geology collections, and specifically ammonites which follow an evolutionary pattern which is clear to see. The workshop will also look at changing habitats and how this affects the chances of evolution and extinction in mammals, bird and reptiles. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk 23 Events for Schools Rotary Clubs of York Schools Technology Tournament Tuesday 15 March Suitable for Year Groups 7 –13 National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York, YO26 4XJ FREE 39 10.00am – 3.00pm Pre-booked School Groups Only Teams of students are set a challenge and provided with basic materials to create a practical solution to a technical problem. 54 teams of four students across 17 schools have so far signed up for the 2011 challenge. Each will be judged on planning, portfolio and performance. Spectators are very welcome to attend throughout. Judging takes place 1.30pm – 2.30pm. Frank Paterson • E frankpaterson@talktalk.net • T 01904 708478 W www.yorkvikings.org.uk The Earth and Beyond Wednesday 16 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am – 10.30am Suitable for Key Stage 2 £70 per group of 30 students Booking Required 40 Meet a Georgian Astronomer who will lead pupils through the concept of astronomy in a series of activities, including ordering the planets, learning about constellations, testing knowledge in a planets’ quiz, and finding out about how the planets move. All the results are recorded in individual Space Logs, which they can use in the future. Pupils also get the chance to explore the Observatory and investigate the amazing Victorian telescope. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk Incredible Dinosaurs Thursday 17 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am –10.30am Suitable for Key Stage 1 & 2 £70 per group of 30 students Booking Required 41 Pupils will investigate the differences between the land roaming dinosaurs, the ferocious marine ichthyosaurs, and the skydiving pterosaurs. After investigating the process of fossilisation, the pupils will handle dinosaur footprints and other fossils, then use moulds to cast their own fossils. Pupils will be able to estimate the height of a dinosaur and work out how fast they moved. The group will also look at different reasons for survival and extinction of species. This workshop allows pupils to look at the process of evolution through ammonites, as changes can be easily tracked in the remains of these nautiloids. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk 24 Events for Schools Discover and Explore: Energy! Thursday 17 & Friday 18 March Suitable for Key Stage 3 Department of Biology, the University of York, YO10 5DD FREE 9.45am – 12.00pm; 12.45pm – 3.00pm Booking Required 42 Supported by Research Councils UK Discover and Explore: Energy! comprises a range of activities for KS3 pupils. This exciting event offers the opportunity for students to work with Biologists, Chemists and Physicists from the University of York in a series of hands-on workshops related to the theme of Energy and how it affects our everyday lives. The content of the introductory talk and the practical activities will both support and extend material in the National Curriculum. Jacki Dealtry, NYBEP• E jacki@nybep.org.uk • T 01904 693632• W www.nybep.org.uk Dynamic Digestion: Poo Through Time Friday 18 March (Other dates/times available) Yorkshire Museum, Museum Gardens, York, YO1 7FR 9.00am – 10.30am Suitable for Key Stage 2 £70 per group of 30 students Booking Required 43 Pupils will learn about the digestive system through a series of interactive presentations: how does food enter the digestive system, and what processes does it go through before emerging in the form of a “poo”? The class will investigate what the Romans, Vikings and people of Medieval York ate by examining artificial poo samples for traces of food. How do their diets compare with ours today? There is an opportunity to dissect owl pellets to work out the diet of these predators. Yorkshire Museum • E groupbookings@ymt.org.uk • T 01904 650333 W www.yorkshiremuseum.org.uk Record Breakers Friday 18 March National Railway Museum, Leeman Road, York YO26 4XJ 9.30am – 2.30pm Suitable for Year Groups 5,6 & 7 FREE 44 Booking Required The National Railway Museum, in partnership with St Peter’s School, York, invite you to bring your school to the NRM to see a lifesize replica of BLOODHOUND, the ultimate land-speed car. Learn about the science behind this amazing vehicle and take part in exciting science workshops, including the chance to make balloon ‘BLOODHOUNDS’. Liam Beeton • E liam.beeton@nrm.org.uk • T 01904 685741 • W www.nrm.org.uk 25 Upcoming Events The University of York Science Trail (For Schools) Wednesday 23 March National Science Learning Centre, the University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD 9.30am – 3.00pm Suitable for Year 9 & 10 Pupils FREE Booking Required 2011 sees The University of York host its 6th annual Science Trail, aiming to inspire local year 9 and 10 pupils to study science subjects beyond GCSE, and to give them a taste of what studying science at university is like. The event takes place on campus, and groups of students spend the day taking part in interactive science activities organised by various departments. This year’s line up includes an introduction to DNA fingerprinting, how to make plastic from potatoes and even a trip to the York Neuro-Imaging Centre to find out more about how our brains work. There are also interactive sessions on offer from departments the pupils might not recognise as sciences, such as electronics, psychology and philosophy. The University of York Widening Participation Office E admissions-liaison@york.ac.uk • T 01904 324634 Are Two Ears Better than One? Childhood Deafness, Cochlear Implantation, & Binaural Hearing Thursday 24 March Suitable for All Merchant Adventurer’s Hall, Fossgate, York, YO1 9XD FREE 6.30pm – 8.30pm Booking Required Professor Quentin Summerfield of the University’s Department of Psychology will deliver this year’s Merchant Adventurers’ Science Discovery Lecture. The education and medical management of deaf children have been riven by controversy for the last 400 years. Professor Summerfield will discuss the most recent controversy: Should the National Health Service provide deaf children with a single cochlear implant in one ear only or with two implants one in each ear? The challenge for policy makers has been to decide whether the advantages are large enough to justify the considerable cost to the health service of a second implant. That challenge in turn has required consideration of the problem of estimating the quality of life of young children. Professor Summerfield will explain why The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence’s (NICE) deliberations were protracted and will describe evidence that helped to reduce the controversy. The University of York Communications Office • E publiclectures@york.ac.uk T 01904 432622 • W www.york.ac.uk 13 26 Upcoming Events If you like the York Festival of Science and Technology... The Big Bang Yorkshire and Humberside Thursday 14 July 2011 York Minster Please make a note of the date in your diary! One day dedicated to celebrating talent and achievement in science, technology, engineering and maths; and another chance for you to let rip with science! Schools, clubs and young people – Big Bang Yorkshire and Humberside could be the place to bring those fabulous science projects you’re working on Just visiting? There’ll be heaps more activities to take part in and enjoy. To find out more visit: www.thebigbangfair.co.uk/yorkshirehumber 27 For more information: www.scy.co.uk York Festival of Science and Technology The York Festival of Science and Technology 2011 is made possible thanks to: Science City York is supported by: 12 Years Promoting Innovation and Creativity Science City York (SCY) is a central supporter of economic regeneration, driving the creation and growth of business and employment opportunities across the Leeds City Region within bioscience, IT & digital and the creative industries. Science City York • Enterprise House • Innovation Way Heslington • York • YO10 5NY T 01904 870040 • E science.city@scy.co.uk SCY is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 06139121. Registered office: Moorgate House, Clifton Moor, York, YO30 4WY.