Case 1
Case 1
PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece Leonidas Beis Architect Engineer N.T.U.A. MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design Architectural Association School of Architecture PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference contents objective background/location overview of TERPSITHEA project methodology research and (parametrical studies) further research conclusion discussion PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference objective background/location TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference objective objective background/location TERPSITHEA project methodology research conclusion further research discussion to explore the abilities of this building type to reduce non-renewable energy consumption and therefore to obtain an environmental character PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference location LAT: 37.51°N LONG: 24.01° E objective Athens El. Venizelos background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion 10 km from the airport (E. Venizelos) Population of Porto Rafti is approx. at 10,000 habitants Population predicted to rise to 45,000 residents by 2030 Porto Rafti PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference climate objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion Monthly mean temperatures in Porto Rafti, Greece. PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference comfort zone objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion Month Tmean (Tm) Tn - 2.5K jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec 11.3 9.7 11.4 14.4 19.7 24.4 27.2 26.1 21.9 19 14.9 13.8 18.80 18.31 18.83 19.76 21.41 22.86 23.73 23.39 22.09 21.19 19.92 19.58 Auliciems Tn=17.8 + 0.31 Tm 21.30 20.81 21.33 22.26 23.91 25.36 26.23 25.89 24.59 23.69 22.42 22.08 Tn + 2.5K 23.80 23.31 23.83 24.76 26.41 27.86 28.73 28.39 27.09 26.19 24.92 24.58 PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference drawings objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion ground floor total area of each residence 270 m² first floor occupied area of each house is 170 m² PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference process objective background TERPSITHEA project The first step of the project was to create the reference building as the base case and model for the research, which included the implementation of the Greek regulations for thermal insulation The next step was to evaluate the data from each case and compare it to the base case of the study methodology research further research conclusion discussion Finally by studying the data collected each case was then compared to evaluate the variables effect on the building PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference methodology Dynamic thermal simulation software EDSL TAS (version 9.0.9d) objective background TERPSITHEA project Base Case Evolution installation of green roof (Case 1) addition of nocturnal convective cooling (Case 2) use of Low E glazing with argon (Case 3) methodology Table 2: Building envelope and other variables research further research conclusion discussion Building envelope infiltration (ach) ventilation (ach) U external walls (W/m²K) U roof (W/m²K) U glass (W/m²K) Base Case (BC) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.45 2.94 Case 1 BC + green roof 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.34 2.94 Case 2 Case 1+ NCC 0.5 5 0.5 0.34 2.94 Case 3 Case 2 + Low E glazing 0.5 5 0.5 0.34 2.12 PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece Base case evolution objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion 3D model in Tas PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece Base case evolution The overall ventilation rate (both infiltration and ventilation) for the building for the whole year is set 1 ach objective background TERPSITHEA project Infiltration rate: 0.5 ach steady all day Ventilation rate 0.5 follows building’s schedule methodology research further research conclusion discussion Thermostat’s setpoints were calibrated according to the new comfort zone; 18°C for heating and 28°C for cooling PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Base case evolution 25000,00 19981,27 20000,00 objective background TERPSITHEA project 15000,00 BC 10000,00 methodology research further research conclusion discussion 5000,00 1345,55 0,00 Heating Cooling Annual heating and cooling loads for Base Case in kWh. PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Case 1: Green roof 25000,00 +2.5% 20000,00 objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology 15000,00 Base Case Case 1 10000,00 research further research conclusion discussion 5000,00 -13.33% 0,00 Heating Cooling Annual heating and cooling loads for Base Case and Case 1 in kWh PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Case 2: Ventilation 25000,00 20000,00 objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology -27.81% 15000,00 Base Case Case 2 10000,00 research further research conclusion discussion 5000,00 -13.33% 0,00 Heating Cooling Annual heating and cooling loads for Base Case and Case 2 in kWh PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Case 3: Low E glazing 25000,00 20000,00 objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion 15000,00 Base Case Case 3 10000,00 - 65% 5000,00 +72 % 0,00 Heating Cooling Annual heating and cooling loads for Base Case and Case 3 in kWh PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Comparisons 25000,00 20000,00 objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion 15000,00 Heating Cooling 10000,00 5000,00 0,00 Base Case Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Annual heating and cooling loads for Terpsithea sustainable housing project in kWh PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Roof Ponds Potential to reduce cooling loads by 41.6%, when the building utilizes a roof pond with depth 0.3 m. (Yannas et al. 2006) objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion By installing roof pond instead of green roof Terpsitea’s cooling loads will be reduced 1.5 times more than the Case 2. PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference Roof Ponds objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference conclusions objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion PALENC 2010 “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece 3rd International Conference References Givoni, B. (1994). Passive and Low Energy Cooling of Buildings. Van Nostrand Reinhold, objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion Niachou, A, Papakonstantinou, K, Santamouris, M, Tsangrasoulis, A, Michalakakou, G (2001). Analysis of the green roof thermal properties and investigation of its energy performance. Energy and Buildings Spala, A, Bagiorgas, H.S, Asimakopoulos, M.N, Kalavrouziotis J, Matthopoulos D, Michalakakou G. (2007). On the green roof system. Selection, state of the art and energy potential investigation of a system installed in an office building in Athens, Greece. Renewable Energy 33 (2008) Szokolay, S. (2008). Introduction to Architectural Science. The basis of Sustainable design.Architectural Press. Yannas, S., E. Erell and J. L. Molina. (2006). Roof Cooling Techniques: A Design Handbook. Earthscan. James and James. Publishing. London. PALENC 2010 3rd International Conference objective background TERPSITHEA project methodology research further research conclusion discussion “TERPSITHEA” Sustainable Housing Project in Porto Rafti, Greece Thank you! Leonidas Beis