product linesheet
product linesheet
ThE INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION ExPERTS 1.800.830.3973 product linesheet 1-800- 830-DXPE B E A R I N G S & P O W E R T R A N S M I S S I O N E Q U I P M E N T | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | INDUSTRIAL & HYDR AULIC HOSE | INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES | SE ALS & SE ALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMEN | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L SUPPLIES | SEALS & SEALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMENT | SAFE T Y SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | PUMPS & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | S E A L S & S E A L I N G C O M P O N E N T S ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSIO E Q U I P M E N T | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES | SEALS & SEALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMENT | SAFE T Y SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | S E A L S & S E A L I N G COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWE T R A N S M I S S I O N E Q U I P M E N T | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | S E A L S & S E A L I N G CThe O M PIndustrial O N E N T S | Distribution E L E C T R I C A L Experts EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMENT | SAFE T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | SEALS & SEALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | B E A R I N G S & P O W E R T R A N S M I S S I O N E Q U I P M E N T | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T | INDUSTRIAL & HYDR AULIC HOSE | INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES | SE ALS & SE ALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMEN | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L SUPPLIES | SE ALS & SE ALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMENT | SAFE T Y SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | PUMPS & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | S E A L S & S E A L I N G C O M P O N E N T S ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSIO E Q U I P M E N T | S A F E T Y S U P P L I E S & E Q U I P M E N T | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES | SEALS & SEALING COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | BE ARINGS & POWER TR ANSMISSION EQUIPMENT | SAFE T Y SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | P U M P S & P U M P PA R T S | I N D U S T R I A L & H Y D R A U L I C H O S E | I N D U S T R I A L S U P P L I E S | S E A L S & S E A L I N G COMPONENTS | ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES | WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT | PRODUCT LINESHEET Years 1908-2008 BEARINGS “DXP OFFERS ALL MAJOR BRANDS WITH LOCAL INVENTORIES, KNOWLEDGEABLE PERSONNEL AND STRONG FACTORY SUPPORT. WE’LL ALSO CUSTOM-BUILD GEAR REDUCERS FOR YOUR APPLICATION.” Aetne Bearing Co. Andrews Products Arguto Bearings Auburn Ball Bearing Aurora Bearing Co. BCA Barden Precision Ball Bearings Boston Gear Cooper Bearings Dodge FAG General Bearing Heim Bearings Co. INA Kaydon Link-Belt McGill Miniature Precision Morse MRC Bearing Services NICE NTN RBC Bearings Randall Bearings Rexnord Rollway SKF SNR SealMaster Timken/Torrington/ Fafnir BEARINGS (BRONZE) Berg Boston Bunting Bronze Engineering Metals Federal Metal Garlock Grapholloy Link-Belt Isostatic National Bronze Metals ALABAMA ARKANSAS Mobile, AL Phone: 251.666.1414 Little Rock, AR Phone: 501.565.0777 ARIZONA Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602.323.2370 1 Chatsworth, CA Phone: 818.725.7000 Bearings & power transmission Oilite Royersford Wheeler MOUNTED BALL & ROLLER Bearing Casting Berg Boston Brewton Browning Cooper Dodge Fafnir FAG Hub City INA Ketchie Houston Link-Belt MB Miether Moline MRC NTN Randall Rexnord RHP Royersford SKF Sealmaster Timken Torrington UNMOUNTED BALL & ROLLER Aetna Andrews Auburn B & RB Barden Berliss Bremen Consolidated Corlett-Turner Dixon Rulon Fafnir FAG General IKO INA Kaydon Kilian Link-Belt Matthews McGill MRC Messinger MPB NB Nice NTN ORS Osborn RBC RHP RMB Rollway Schatz SKF Smith Steyr Timken Torrington ZKL BEARING PULLERS Posi-Lock Pullers Power Team BELTING Ashworth Belt Concepts/Goodyear Chemprene Clipper Belt Lancer Co. Flexco Thermoid Industries Wire Belt Company of America BRAKES & CLUTCHES Carlson Dana Corporation Dings Dynamics Group Dodge Force Control Formsprag Clutch Hilliard Reliance Electric Stearns Warner Electric CASTERS Albion CHAINS, SPROCKETS & GEARS Acme Allied Locke Berg Boston Brewton Diamond Chain Co. Browning Campbell Daido Drives, Inc. Globe Gear Hitachi Maxco Jeffery Morse G&G Manufacturing Link-Belt Linn Gear Co. Martin Sprocket Moline Ramsey Renold Jeffery Rexnord UST Union Webster Industries Santa Fe Springs. CA Phone: 562.698.7002 Evans, CO Phone: 970.506.9881 Grand Junction Phone: 970.242.9226 COLORADO Ft. Collins, CO Phone: 970.482.4910 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.8220 Golden, CO Phone: 303.430.0521 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.0636 Brighton, CO Phone: 303.659.1600 Denver, CO Phone: 303.308.1290 CONTACT YOUR B&PT EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 CONVEYORS & IDLERS Budd Conveyors, Inc. Dodge Douglas DuraBucket Fanner Manheim Intralox KWS Mfg. Co. Link-Belt Martin Maryland Wire Belt MaxiLift Package Conveyor Pobco Polyside Precision Pulley Price Rubber Rexnord Svedala Tapco Van-Group Pulleys Wallace Mfg. Woodex CONVEYOR PULLEYS & LAGGING The Chantland Company Dodge Holz Slide-Lag Precision Pulley & Idler Van Gorp COUPLINGS Boston Gear Dodge Browning Morse Falk FAST’S Gerbing Kop-Flex Lovejoy/Sier-Bath Martin Sprocket Poole Rexnord Thomas Couplings Zurn DRIVES (VARIABLE SPEED) Boston Gear Drivecon Falk Fincor Graham Motors & Controls Link-Belt Lovejoy Reliance Electric Reeves Seco Drives Sumitomo Corp. FLUID POWER ARO Eaton Lincoln Purakal Tanner HOSE & FITTINGS Dixon Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Weatherhead EVCO House of Hose Goodyear LUBRICANTS & DISPENSING EQUIPMENT Alemite ARO Bearing Buddy Bostik Chevron CRC Dow Corning Dri Slide Fel Pro Gits Jet-Flow Jet-Lube Keystone Lincoln Loctite LPS LubeSite Lubriplate Mystik Never-Seez OilRite Perma Petro-Canada Royal Purple STS Trico TriFlow WD-40 MISC. PT PRODUCTS BALLS Atlas Hartford Hoover BALL SCREWS/ ACTUATORS Duff Norton Joyce Nook HOISTS DEMAG LOCK NUTS & WASHERS SKF Standard Weslok Whittet-Higgins PACKING Garlock SHIMS Artus Berg Lawton FLORIDA GEORGIA IDAHO Boca Raton, FL Phone: 561.314.8651 Suwannee, GA Phone: 770.614.7347 Nampa, ID Phone: 208.467.1220 Tampa, FL Phone: 813.247.1694 Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 770.963.7790 ILLINOIS Elk Grove, IL Phone: 847.437.0400 Precision Quickshim Shopaid Standard Brand Stilt Leg U.S.A. Tolerance Rings VESSEL INSPECTION PLUGS Sepco MOTORS & CONTROLS A.O. Smith Baldor/Reliance Bodine Boston Browning Century Dayton Eaton-Opcon Fincor Indiana General Leeson Lincoln Electric Magnatek Marathon Morse/Emerson North American Electric Reuland Electric Siemens Sterling Sumitomo TECO Westinghouse TB Woods Toshiba U.S. Electrical Motors Vacon WEG OIL, GREASE & MECHANICAL SEALS Chicago Rawhide/SKF Clark Consolidated Dichtomatik Rockford, IL Phone: 815.399.1748 EagleBurgmann Fluid-Tek Gaco Garlock/Iso-Gard/ Guardian Gits Harwal Inpro J.M. Clipper/Protec/ Millennium National Oil Seals National Parts NOK Johns Manville (Parker) SKF Sealing Solutions TCM Timken U.S. Seal PILLOW BLOCKS & FLANGES AMI Boston Gear Cooper Bearing Dodge Browning Fafnir Link-Belt Metalcast (Housings) Rexnord SealMaster SKF POWER TAKE OFF G&G Manufacturing Neapco PULLEYS (VARIABLE SPEEDS) Dodge Browning Morse Gerbing Hi-Lo Manufacturing Lovejoy Maurey Manufacturing IOWA INDIANA Cedar Rapids, IA Phone: 319.365.5276 Auburn, IN Phone: 260.927.0077 Des Moines, IA Phone: 515.265.9811 Mason City, IA Phone: 641.424.0400 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 2 Bearings & power transmission continued Reeves Speed Selector RETAINING RINGS Industrial Roto Clip Waldes TRUARC ROD ENDS Alinabal Aurora Heim National Spherco ROTARY VALVES Duff Norton SET COLLARS & MISC. Berg Browning Clamp-Tite Climax Collars & Couplings Dodge Mak-A-Key Ruland Stafford ConeDrive Curtis David Brown (Radicon) DEMAG Dodge Electra-Gear Fairchild Falk Federal Gear Grant Browning Morse Falk Foote-Jones Grove Gear Hub City Link-Belt Nord Gear Ohio Gear & Transmission Peerless-Winsmith Radicon/David Brown Rexnord SEW Eurodrive Shimpo Sterling Sumitomo Corp. Winsmith ZeroMax SHAFT COUPLINGS Acme Ajax/Renold Atraflex Berg Boston Browning Dodge Falk Flexibox/Metastream Kop-Flex Link-Belt Lovejoy/Deltaflex Magnaloy Martin Morse Plessey Rexnord/Thomas Royersford System Components TB Woods Voith Waldron Zurn Ameridrives Zurn Amerigear SPEED REDUCERS Bodine Electric Co. Boston Gear ADAPTERS Brennan Ind. Eaton Aeroquip Fittings Unlimited Tompkins Ind. SSP Fittings COUPLINGS Access Hose American Couplings Dixon Kuriyama Max Couplings New-Age Ind. Ottumwa, IA Phone: 641.682.7525 Sioux City, IA Phone: 712.277.2555 KANSAS Emporia, KS Phone: 620.343.1777 3 KENTUCKY Louisville, KY Phone: 502.426.2400 LOUISIANA Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.747.5443 Sealfast PT Couplings hose DUCT HOSE Flexaust Unaflex EXPANSION JOINTS Pracco Kuriyama FITTINGS Access Hose American Packing & Gasket Anchor Fluid Power Dixon Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Weatherhead Max Coupling New-Age Ind. Nephi Rubber Products Sealfast SSP Fittings Tompkins Ind. Stainless Hose Fittings SunFlow TIMING BELTS & PULLEYS Dodge Browning Gates Morse Goodyear Martin Sprocket V-BELTS, SHEAVES & BUSHINGS American Metric Corp. Berg B.F. Goodrich Browning Dayco Dodge Gates Goodyear Morse Martin Sprocket Maurey T.B. Woods VIBRATORS DynaPac Global Manufacturing Martin Engineering Baton Weatherhead Brass HOSE REELS Reel Craft Hannay Reels Cox Reels Duro Reels HYDRAULIC HOSE Access Hose Eaton Aeroquip Max Couplings Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.549.1410 Denham Springs, LA Phone: 225.665.1666 Ruston, LA Phone: 318.251.9001 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9696 Harahan, LA Phone: 504.733.7100 Sulpher, LA Phone: 337.625.7111 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9436 Metairie, LA Phone: 504.833.7867 MARYLAND Baltimore, MD Phone: 410.686.9890 CONTACT YOUR B&PT EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 INDUSTRIAL HOSE METAL HOSE Access Hose Eaton Boston- Weatherhead Gates Goodyear HBD Thermoid Kuriyama Max Couplings New-Age Ind. Nephi-Rubber Products Pacific Echo Texcel Titan Ind. Hose Master Hose Technology Omega Flex Penflex METRIC CONNECTIONS Eaton Aeroquip Brennan Fittings Unlimited New-Age Ind. Tompkins Ind. Hatec MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Alliance Plastics Anchor Flange Fill-Rite Pumps Milton Industries PVC HOSE Kuriyama Pacific Echo New-Age Ind. SunFlow TEFLON HOSE Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Everflex Senior Flexonics Teleflex THERMOPLASTIC HOSE Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Synflex HOSE services and applications: Air Blast hydraulics ACCUMULATORS FILTERS Accumulators, Inc. Eaton Vickers Oil Air Prodcuts Behringer Donaldson Eaton Vickers Harvard Corporation Mahle HYDRAULIC & AIR HOSE POWER PACKS & RAMS Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Weatherhead Goodyear BVA Hydraulics Enerpac OTC Simplex FILTER ELEMENTS Helland Engineering WSI BALL VALVES Anchor Fluid Pwer Behringer HYDAC COUPLINGS (QUICK DISCONNECTS) CEJN Eaton Aeroquip SafeWay Hydraulics Snap-tite CYLINDERS Cross Manufacturing Eaton Hydro-Line Eaton Vickers Lion Hydraulics Nopak Peninsular ELECTRO/HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS & COMPONENTS Eaton Vickers Behringer Donaldson Eaton Flow Ezy Filters Fluitek Corporation KOCH Mahle FITTINGS & ADAPTERS Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Weatherhead Tompkins FLANGES Anchor Fluid Power GAUGES/ THERMOMETERS Ametek U.S. Gauge Dynamic Components Dwyer WIKA LOAD ADAPTERS MANIFOLDS Daman Eaton Med-Kas MOTORS Anchor Lamina Cross Manufacturing Dynamic Components Eaton Char-Lynn Eaton Vickers KYB America White Drive Products OIL COOLERS American Industrial Eaton Vickers Thermal Transfer MASSACHUSETTS MEXICO MISSOURI Attleboro, MA Phone: 508.431.1120 Hermosillo, Mexico Phone: 662.285.1120 Kansas City, MO Phone: 816.472.9777 Springfield, MA Phone: 413.785.1673 MINNESOTA MONTANA Eagan, MN Phone: 651.688.7777 Billings, MT Phone: 406.248.8098 POWER UNITS BVA Hydraulics Eaton Vickers OTC Precision Hydraulics PRESSURE SWITCHES Dwyer Pressure Devices Wika PUMPS Cross Manufacturing Dynamic Components Eaton Vickers PUMP/MOTOR ADAPTORS Trilex Vescor Chemical Crimp Industrial Hose Material Handling Metal Product-certified Testing Railcar Reusable Steam Suction USDA/3A Food Grade Water Welding RESERVOIRS Vescor Precision Hydraulics Trilex RESERVOIR ACCESSORIES Behringer Flow Ezy Filters Hydac LDI - Vescor Trilex SCREW-IN CARTRIDGE VALVES Eaton Vickers Eaton Integrated Hydraulics TEST UNITS CEJN Eaton Aeroquip Hedland Webtec VALVES Cross Manufacturing Eaton Vickers Billings, MT Phone: 406.656.4444 Lexington, NE Phone: 308.324.2346 NEBRASKA Lincoln, NE Phone: 402.474.7700 Columbus, NE Phone: 402.563.3488 Grand Island, NE Phone: 308.382.6544 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7050 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 4 Linear products Acme Screws Nook Industries W.M. Berg Gearheads (Planetary) Mechanical Actuators Parker Bayside Ball Rail Guides Jacks Duff-Norton Joyce/Dayton Nook Industries INA Linear SKF Linear Motion Thomson Linear Ball Screw Actuators Duff-Norton Nook Industries SKF Linear Motion Crossed-Roller Bearings INA Linear SKF Linear Motion W.M. Berg Acme Screws Nook Industries W.M. Berg Electromechanical Actuators Duff-Norton Nook Industries SKF Linear Motion “DXP OFFERS INSPECTION, DESIGN, ENGINEERING, FABRICATION, ON-SITE SERVICE AND 24 HOUR REPAIR SERVICE. OUR STAFF OF FLUID POWER SOCIETY CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS WILL ENSURE YOUR UNITS MEET YOUR SPECIFICATIONS.” Omaha, NE Phone: 402.341.3939 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7000 NEVADA Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702.419.2800 5 Flat Rail Guides Joyce/Dayton Duff-Norton Nook Industries Simplex Lead Screws Nook Industries W.M. Berg Linear Bearings INA Linear Nook Industries Pacific Bearing SKF Linear Motion Linear Rail INA Linear SKF Linear Motion Star Linear Thomson Linear Linear Systems Bishop-Wisecarver INA Linear Pacific Bearing Thomson Linear Bishop-Wisecarver INA Linear SKF Linear Motion ADHESIVES & SEALANTS Agion Technologies Inc. Camie-Campbell Dow Corning Loctite Permatex White Lightning Bostik Saf-T-Lok AEROSOLS Precision Mechanical Components Baldor Parker Bayside Recirculating Roller Assemblies INA Linear SKF Linear Motion Self-Lubricating Linear Bearings Pacific Bearing SKF Linear Motion Thomson Linear Shafting INA Linear Nook Industries Sleeve Bearings Bishop-Wisecarver GGB (Glacier & Garlock) Slides ANTI-SEIZE Bostik Jet-Lube Loctite Molykote Permatex Saf-T-Lok CLEANERS Cloverleaf Chemical Dymon SCRUBS IN A BUCKET NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK Linden, NJ Phone: 908.474.1280 Farmington, NM Phone: 505.325.7233 Newburgh, NY Phone: 845.561.4330 Linden, NJ Phone: 330.558.0742 Hobbs, NM Phone: 575.393.9188 NORTH CAROLINA Hobbs, NM Phone: 575.393.3093 Step and Servo Motors PIC Design Stock Drive Products/ Sterling Instrument W.M. Berg lubrication AeroKroil AW Chesterton CRC Industries Jet-Lube Liquid Wrench LPS Laboratories Miller Stephenson Sprayon Super-Lube WD-40 Pacific Bearing SKF Linear Motion Charlotte, NC Phone: 704.597.1555 LPS Laboratories Sprayon FILTERS Des-Case FLEET & AUTOMOTIVE LUBRICANTs Petro Canada Charlotte, NC Phone: 704.525.9423 Goldsboro, NC Phone: 919.735.9077 Greensboro, NC Phone: 336.954.1041 CONTACT YOUR B&PT EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 FOOD GRADE LUBRICANTS Bel-Ray CRC Industries Jet-Lube Molykote Petro-Canada Shell Lubricants SLFI Sprayon Super-Lube Ultrachem Inc. Century Fuchs Keystone-Total Kluber Green PRODUCTS Cloverleaf USDA Cleaners Renewable Lubricants INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS Dow Corning Jet-Lube Petro-Canada Shell Lubricants Ultrachem Inc. LUBRICATION EQUIPMENT Alemite Custom Metalcraft IFH Group BELTING - Plastic Habasit Rex Uni-chains BELTING - Wire Ashworth Cambridge Wire Belt Company of America BIN BOXES Akro-Mils CASTERS, ROLLERS & DOLLIES Albion FEI MHS CONVEYORS - Bulk (Drag) InterSystems Martin MFS/York/Stormor LubeSite Systems Lubrimatic National Spencer Oil-Rite Corporation Trico Fluid Defense Metal Working Fluids Acculube CRC Industries ITW ROCOL - Rustlick LPS Labratories Petro-Canada Premium Oil Company Shell Lubricants Krylon Rust-Oleum Sherwin-Williams PENETRATING OILS AeroKroil CRC Industries Jet-Lube Liquid Wrench LPS Laboratories Sprayon Super-Lube WD-40 CONVEYORS - Bulk (Elevator Legs) CONVEYORS Magnetic CONVEYORS Troughed Belt InterSystems KWS Martin MFS/York/Stormor Rex Thomas Conveyor Co. Bunting Magnetics Eriez The Chantland Company InterSystems Specials CONVEYORS - Bulk (Screw) KWS Martin Orthman Conveying Systems Thomas Conveyor Co. WAM Inc. CONVEYORS Overhead Anchor Lauyans & Company Rapid Industries Richards-Wilcox CONVEYORS Package/Unit Handling CONVEYORS - Chip Handling FEI HK Systems Interroll Omni Metalcraft Specials Eriez Jorgensen Conveyors CONVEYORS Tabletop CONVEYOR COMPONENTS Arrowhead Systems Intersystems OHIO NORTH DAKOTA Cincinnati, OH Phone: 513.489.5200 Minot, ND Phone: 701.420.9706 Cleveland, OH Phone: 216.642.9401 Williston, ND Phone: 701.572.8012 Lima, OH Phone: 419.222.1112 SILICONES & MOLD RELEASES CRC Industries Dow Corning Jet-Lube Liquid Wrench LPS Laboratories Sprayon CALL US FOR DETAILS ON THESE SERVICES Equipment Tagging ISO Particle Counting Oil Analysis Plant Surveys Preventive Machine Condition Monitoring Technical Seminars material handling Rexnord Solus Lenoir, NC Phone: 828.758.5434 PAINT CONVEYORSVibratory Columbus McKinnon (CM) Demag Harrington Liftech Equipment Companies Eriez IN-PLANT OFFICES CRANES A-WALL Building Systems National Partitions Porta-King Building Systems Columbus McKinnon (CM) Demag Cranes Harrington CRANE CONTROLS Demag Telemotive Remote Control ELEVATOR BUCKETS Dura-Bucket Grain Belt Supply Co. Maxi-Lift Rexnord Tapco Marietta, OH Phone: 740.376.9502 Lawton, OK Phone: 580.357.0777 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City, OK Phone: 405.670.4491 Elk City, OK Phone: 580.225.4241 HOISTS Tulsa, OK Phone: 918.446.5515 MEZZANINES Cogan Equipto Lyon PALLET JACKS, CARTS & HAND TRUCKS Hodge Meco RB Manufacturing Valley Craft Vestil Manufacturing PENNSYLVANIA Scranton, PA Phone: 570.342.0255 SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls, SD Phone: 605.336.8668 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 6 Material Handling continued PALLET RACK SCISSOR LIFTS TROUGHING IDLERS Lyon SpaceRak American Lifts Autoquip Bishamon Vestil Manufacturing Hewitt-Robins Joy Limberollers Rexnord Stephens-Adamson SHELVING VIBRATORS Equipto Lyon Global Manufacturing Martin Engineering PULLEYS & LAGGING The Chantland Company Dodge Precision Pulley & Idler Van Gorp AIR DRYERS Arrow Pneumatics AIR MOTORS ARO/Ingersoll-Rand BLOW GUNS ARO/Ingersoll-Rand CEJN Nycoil Co. Amflo pneumatics COUPLINGS (QUICK DISCONNECTS) ARO/Ingersoll-Rand CEJN Eaton Aeroquip Legris & Mead Snap-tite CYLINDERS ARO/Ingersoll-Rand Eaton - Hydro-Line Eaton - Vickers Mead Nopak Peninsular Filters, Regulators & Lubricators ARO/Ingersoll-Rand Arrow Pneumatics Master Pneumatic GAUGES Ametek U.S. Gauge Dwyer WIKA Call us for details on these services: Fabrication and Installation Plant Surveys Special Applications HOSE & FITTINGS CEJN Eaton Aeroquip Eaton Weatherhead Legris Mead Nycoil Co. VALVES ARO/Ingersoll-Rand Mead Snap-tite rubber products MANUFACTURERS American Packing Gasket Ammeraal Beltech Beltservice Corporation Chemprene Dixon Fenner Dunlop Lightweight Belting Flexaust Flexco Goodyear Engineered Products Habasit Belting Hose Master TENNESSEE Dyersburg, TN Phone: 731.287.8477 TEXAS Abilene, TX Phone: 325.672.5628 7 Jason Industrial Kuriyama of America PT Coupling Price Rubber Sampla Belting Siegling Thermoid Industries Sheet Rubber & Extrusion Closed Cell Foam Gum Neoprene Nitrile SBR/Skirtboard Silicone T Extrusion CONVEYOR BELTING Cleated Fabric Food Grade Monofilament PVC Rubber Silicone Teflon Urethane HOSE FITTINGS Cam & Grove Combination Insert Metal Specials Fabrication Amarillo, TX Phone: 806.373.5678 Arlington, TX Phone: 817.649.2400 Cleburne, TX Phone: 800.767.0857 Grand Prairie, TX Phone: 972.602.2043 Amarillo, TX Phone: 806.355.7732 Beaumont, TX Phone: 409.727.4514 Corpus Christi, TX Phone: 361.882.8297 Houston, TX - Pump Fabrication Phone: 713.937.2800 Arlington, TX Phone: 817.274.7771 Conroe, TX Phone: 936.756.7770 Denver City, TX Phone: 806.592.8784 Houston, TX - GCT&R Phone: 713.947.2881 ation CONTACT YOUR B&PT EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 “NO OTHER SUPPLIER IS BETTER EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR B&PT NEEDS THAN DXP. THROUGHOUT THE OIL AND GAS, CHEMICAL, PETROCHEMICAL, WOOD PRODUCTS AND GENERAL MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES, DXP IS RECOGNIZED FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS, TECHNICAL EXPERTISE AND HIGHLY RESPONSIVE SERVICE.” Houston, TX - Seal Phone: 713.650.8887 Houston, TX - PFI Phone: 713.461.5585 La Porte, TX Phone: 281.471.6241 Lufkin, TX Phone: 936.632.8644 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.385.0891 Houston, TX - PMI Phone: 713.462.3176 Kemah, TX Phone: 281.334.5075 Longview, TX Phone: 903.757.0533 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.337.5401 Round Rock, TX Phone: 512.339.8384 Houston, TX - CFC Phone: 713.996.6300 Kilgore, TX Phone: 903.983.2019 Longview, TX Phone: 903.757.6000 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.580.3770 Snyder, TX Phone: 325.573.1741 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 8 ABRASIVES ABRASIVES BONDED Flexovit J. Walter Inc. Modern Abrasives Norton Pearl Abrasive Co. Radiac Abrasives Sandusky Chicago Sticks & Stones Unlimited United Abrasives ABRASIVES - COATED 3M Anderson Products Arc Abrasives Brilliant Abrasives DeWalt Flexovit J. Walter Inc. Merit Norton Osborn Pearl Abrasive Co. PFERD Sancap Abrasives Standard Abrasives Superior Abrasives United Abrasives Weiler ABRASIVESSURFACE CONDITIONING 3M ARC Abrasives J. Walter Inc.Norton Standard Abrasives DIAMOND PRODUCTS Buehler Diamond Products Norton Pearl Abrasives Co. Radiac Abrasives GRINDING WHEELS Camel Grinding Wheel (CGW) DeWalt Flexovoit J. Walter Inc. Merit Norton Radiac Abrasives WIRE BRUSHES Osborn PFERD Trent United Abrasives Weiler WHEEL DRESSERS Norton Radiac Abrassives CUTTING TOOLS “FROM BONDED ABRASIVES TO TAPPING TOOLS, WE CARRY A WIDE VARIETY OF BRANDS YOU TRUST. WE STOCK CUTTING TOOLS FOR MRO AND PRODUCTION APPLICATIONS, INCLUDING STANDARDS AND SPECIALS.” BANDSAW BLADES BAHCO Milford Lenox Milwaukee M.K. Morse Roentgen USA Starrett BORING HEADS Apt Iscar Ingersoll Komet Sandvik Valenite BROACHES duMONT BURRS Artax Drillco Flexovit Monster Carbide SGS Tool Company United Abrasives Wichita Falls, TX Phone: 940.766.3236 UTAH West Haven UT Phone: 801.317.1823 9 VIRGINIA Portsmouth, VA Phone: 757.488.3773 WYOMING Casper, WY Phone: 307.232.8594 CARBIDE INSERTS/ HOLDERS American Carbide Tool APT Belcar Dorian Tool Everede Tool Co. High Tech Tool Ingersoll Iscar Kennametal Manchester Mitsubishi Newcomer OTM Sandvik Seco Spee-D-Cut Somma Sumitomo Tool-Flo Tungaloy Ultra-Dex Walter CENTERS Riten Industries Royal Products coolant Quali-Chem DRILLING DeWalt Drillco Greenfield Hayden Twist Drill Ingersoll Irwin-Hanson Irwin-Speedbor 2000 Iscar Kennametal Komet Lexington Cutter Michigan Drill Milwaukee Monster Carbide Morse Cutting Tools OSG Precision-Dormer Regal/YG1 Relton Casper,WY Phone: 307.234.6979 Rock Springs, WY Phone: 307.382.9065 Gillette, WY Phone: 307.686.0291 Rock Springs, WY Phone: 307.382.3693 Mills, WY Phone: 307.265.1207 Republic Drill Sandvik SGS Tool Company Tilex TurboMax Viking/Norseman EXTRACTORS Drillco Irwin Kennametal Walton Company ENDMILLS Cutting Tool Innovations Inc. Drillco Greenfield Michigan Drill Monster Carbide Morse Cutting Tools Niagara Cutter Quinco Tool Products Republic Drill SGS Tool Company ALABAMA Mobile, AL Phone: 251.666.1414 ARIZONA Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602.323.2370 CONTACT YOUR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 FILES Grobet USA Lutz Nicholson Simonds International GAUGES Greenfield IPG Hitco Kentucky Gauge Threads MACHINING EQUIPMENT D.C. Morrison Co. MILLING CUTTERS APT F&D Tool Field Tools Kennametal Greenfield IPG Ingersoll Iscar Mitsubishi Niagara Cutter Sandvik Tungaloy Valenite REAMERS Alvord-Polk Inc. Drillco Greenfield Michigan Drill Republic Drill The Yankee Corporation BALLASTS G.E. Howard Lighting SOLA BATTERIES Energizer Rayovac CABLE TIES TERMINALS 3M ACT Bay State Cable Ties Greenlite Hillsdale Ideal NSI Thomas & Betts CONDUIT & FITTINGS Allied Tube & Conduit Appleton Arlington Bridgeport Caddy Carlon, Lamson & Sessions (PVC) Killark ARKANSAS Little Rock, AR Phone: 501.565.0777 CALIFORNIA Chatsworth, CA Phone: 818.725.7000 Bahco DeWalt Hakansson Irwin Lenox M.K. Morse Milwaukee Roentgen USA Simonds Starrett Tenryu SOLID CARBIDE TOOLS Drillco Fullerton Greenfield Hannibal Helical HTC Ingersoll Irwin-Hanson Iscar Kennametal Melin Mitsubishi Monster Tool OSG RTW Sandvik SGS Tool TAPPING Drillco Michigan Drill CORDS Coleman Cable Daniel Woodhead Tower Manufacturing DIMMERS Bryant Wiring Devices Cooper Wiring Devices Pass & Seymour DISTRIBUTION Cutler-Hammer Square D ELECRONIC SENSORS ENCLOSURES GENERATORS Hammond Manufacturing Wiegmann Baldor DeWalt Generac Honeywell Milwaukee EXPLOSION-PROOF LIGHTING Appleton Killark Lightguard FANS/ELECTRIC HEATERS Air King Airmaster Fan Co. Broan Marley Industrial Products Patton Electronics Schaefer Ventilation TPI Corporation FLEXIBLE CONDUIT Anamet FUSES Bussman General Electric Gould Shawmut Littelfuse HEATING EQUIPMENT EasyHeat Fahrenheat/Marley LAMPS Eiko GE Glass Surface Systrems Halco Lighting SLI Lighting Shat-R-Shield LIGHTING Atlas Lighting Products Cooper Lighting Group Fail Safe Lighting Systems Halo Lighting Iris Lumark Lighting McGraw-Edison Metalux Santa Fe Springs. CA Phone: 562.698.7002 Evans, CO Phone: 970.506.9881 Grand Junction Phone: 970.242.9226 COLORADO Ft. Collins, CO Phone: 970.482.4910 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.8220 Golden, CO Phone: 303.430.0521 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.0636 Brighton, CO Phone: 303.659.1600 Denver, CO Phone: 303.308.1290 Morse Cutting Tools OSG Precision-Dormer Reiff & Nestor Regal/YG1 Republic Drill Widell Industries Inc. TOOL HOLDING Buck Jacobs Royal Riten WORKHOLDING & MISC Kipp Inc. Liberty Tool Royal Products ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Ocal Perfect Line Picoma RACO Red Dot Steel City Thomas & Betts Wheatland Honeywell HTM Sensors SAW BLADES Portfolio Sure-Lites MWS Inc. Howard Lighting Light Guard Lithonia Wobble Light LUGS & CONNECTORS 3M Blackburn Buchanan Ideal Ilsco NSI Thomas & Betts MOTORS AO Smith Corporation Baldor/Reliance Bodine Electrical Co. Leeson Lincoln Electric North American Electric Motors TECO Westinghouse US Motors WEG FLORIDA Boca Raton, FL Phone: 561.314.8651 Tampa, FL Phone: 813.247.1694 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 10 electrical products continued “DXP IS AN AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY HAND TOOLS, POWER TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES. WE CAN SUPPLY YOUR MRO NEEDS, OR PROVIDE SPECIALLY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS FOR PRODUCTION PROCESSES.” MOTOR CONTROL RADIOS Cutler Hammer Square-D Motorola NIPPLES & ELBOWS Intermatic TORK SWITCHGEAR Picoma Cutler Hammer Square-D pOWER QUALITY TAPE Tripp-Lite Manufacturing 3M Electro-Tape Specialties Intertape NSI Plymouth/Bishop SIGNALING DEVICES Edwards Signal Federal Signal SMOKE DETECTORS BRK Electronics STRUTS B-Line Superstrut Erico/Caddy CAP SCREW & BOLTS 12-Point Cap Screws B7 Studs Button Head Socket Cap Screws Carriage Bolts-Grade 2,5,8 Dowel Pins Flange Bolts Flat Head Socket Cap Screws Hex Cap Screws-Grade 2,5,8 Hex Lag Screws Hex Machine Bolts Low Head Socket Cap Screws Machine Screws Socket Head Cap Screws Socket Set Screws Socket Shoulder Screws Square Head Machine Bolts 11 TIMERS & RELAYS TRANSFORMERS GEORGIA IDAHO Suwannee, GA Phone: 770.614.7347 Nampa, ID Phone: 208.467.1220 Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 770.963.7790 ILLINOIS Elk Grove, IL Phone: 847.437.0400 TOOLS TEST EQUIPMENT Amprobe Bacharach Fluke Gardner Bender Greenlee Ideal Milwaukee U.E.I. Gardner Bender Greenlee Ideal Klein Tools VARIABLE-SPEED DRIVES Baldor Vacon WIRE Allen Wire American Insulated Wire Coleman Cable Southwire WIRE CHANNEL Wiremold WIRENUTS 3M Buchanan Ideal Greenlite Hillsdale NSI Ideal WIRING DEVICES Brad Harrison Bryant Wiring Devices Cooper Wiring Devices Daniel Woodhead Ericson Manufacturing Leviton Pass & Seymour FASTENERS CONCRETE FASTENING SYSTEMS Adhesive Anchoring Systems Carbide Tipped Drills Chemical Anchoring Systems Drive Anchors Drop-In Anchors Hollow Wall Anchors Masonry Screws Sammy Super Screws Sleeve Anchors Spike Anchors Wedge Anchors Wedge Bolt Anchors METRIC FASTENERS Button Head Socket Screws Cotter Pins Dowel Pins Rockford, IL Phone: 815.399.1748 Flat Head Socket Screws Flat Washers Hex Cap Screws Hex Nuts Lock Nuts Lock Washers Machine Screws Metric Brass Metric Stainless Steel- A2, A4 Shoulder Screws Socket Head Cap Screws Socket Set Screws Spring Pins Tapping Screws NUTS Coupling Nuts Finished Hex Nuts- Grade 2,5,8 Grade C Locknuts Heavy Hex Nuts Heavy Jam Nuts IOWA INDIANA Cedar Rapids, IA Phone: 319.365.5276 Auburn, IN Phone: 260.927.0077 Des Moines, IA Phone: 515.265.9811 Mason City, IA Phone: 641.424.0400 Hex Jam Nuts- Grade 2,5,8 Nylon Insert Lock Nuts Reverse (Two-way) Lock Nuts Slotted Nuts Square Nuts Structural Nuts (A325), 2H RIVETS & MISC. FASTENERS Bent Wire Products Blind Rivets Cotter Pins Drive Rivets Grease Fittings Keys Stock Retaining Rings Rivet Nuts Semi-Tubular Rivets Solid Rivets Spiral Rivets Ottumwa, IA Phone: 641.682.7525 Sioux City, IA Phone: 712.277.2555 KANSAS Emporia, KS Phone: 620.343.1777 CONTACT YOUR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 Spring Pins Step Keys Taper Pins Threaded Rod Woodruff Keys SMALL SCREWS Machine Screws Binder Head Fillister Head Flat Head Hex Head Oval Head Pan Head Round Head Tapping Screws Flat Head Hex Head Oval Head Pan Head Wood Screws Flat Head Round Head Sems Thread-Cutting Screws Self-Drilling (TEK) Screws Flat Phillips Hex Washer Pan Phillips STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS Lock Nuts Lock Washers Machine Screws Metric Stainless Fasteners Socket Head Cap Screws Socket Set Screws Socket Shoulder Screws Spring Pins Tapping Screws Threaded Rod Threaded Studs Bucket Head Socket Cap Screws Cotter Pins Dowel Pins Flat Head Socket Cap Screws Flat Washers Hex Cap Screws Hex Nuts A325 F436 Flat Exernal Tooth Lock Fender Heavy Split Lock High Alloy Split Lock High Collar Split Lock Internal Tooth Lock Medium Split Lock CAN LINERS Berry Plastics Pit Plastics CHEMICALS Arm & Hammer Canberra Chlorox Cloverleaf Hudson ITW Dymon Johnson Diversey Reckitt-Benckiser Simple Green Zep Professional CLEANING EQUIPMENT Abco Carlisle Osborn Rubbermaid KENTUCKY Louisville, KY Phone: 502.426.2400 LOUISIANA Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.747.5443 UniSan Weiler CLEANING TOOLS Carlisle Magnolia Brush Osborn Unger Weiler FLOOR & CARPET CARE 3M Canberra Carlisle Eureka Hoover Johnson Diversey WD-40 Zep Professional WASHERS SAE Flat Washers SAE Flat Washers - Hardened USS Flat Washers USS Flat Washers - Hardened FASTENER MFR Aztech Locknut Bossard International Brighton Best Holo-Krome Import Capabilities Ifastgroupe Distribution ITW Shakeproof / ITW Buildex LEP Special Fasteners Marson Mill Shipments Nucor Fasteners Nylok Fastener Corp. Porteous Fastener Company Powers Fasteners Safety Socket Screw Semblex Star Stainless Superior Washer Vulcan Threaded Products Wrought Washer Mfg. XL Screw Corporation SPECIALS Call to source your special fastener requirements. Any Material Per Print / Sample Top Quality Domestic and overseas sources Janitorial Equipment FOOD SERVICE Alcan Anchor Packaging Bunn Dart Dixie Duro Rubbermaid Sweetheart MATTING 3M Apache Mills Crown Technor Apes Tennessee Mat ODOR CONTROL Fresh Products Hospital Specialties ITW Dymon Krystal Rubbermaid TimeMist PAPER PRODUCTS Carolina Paper Converters Georgia Pacific Kimberly Clark San Jamar Stefco SKIN CARE Colgate - Palmolive Dial GOJO Impact ITW Dymon Kimberly Clark STOKO STORAGE & MATERIAL HANDLING Impact Rubbermaid Unger Wesco WASTE CONTAINMENT Berry Plastics Impact Rubbermaid United Receptacle WIPERS/RAGS Georgia Pacific Hospeco Kimberly Clark Peerless Wiping Cloth STRETCH FILM Berry Intertape Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.549.1410 Denham Springs, LA Phone: 225.665.1666 Ruston, LA Phone: 318.251.9001 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9696 Harahan, LA Phone: 504.733.7100 Sulpher, LA Phone: 337.625.7111 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9436 Metairie, LA Phone: 504.833.7867 MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS Attleboro, MA Phone: 508.431.1120 Springfield, MA Phone: 413.785.1673 Baltimore, MD Phone: 410.686.9890 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 12 TOOLS CHEMICALS, COATINGS, LUBRICANTS & MARKINGS Ashburn Industries Castol Motor Oil CRC Industries Loctite Corporation LPS Laboritories Molykote Spartan Chemical Co. Valenite WD-40 CHUCKS Jacobs Chuck Kalamazoo Chuck ELECTRIC/CORDLESS TOOLS Delta DeWalt Fein Hitachi Makita Metabo Milwaukee Panasonic Porter-Cable Skil/Bosch HAND TOOLS Ajax Tool Works Allied International Lenox Allen Armstrong Allied International ATP - OZAT Bahco Tools Blackhawk by Proto Bondhus Corp. Bondhus Caulk Master Cementex 13 MEXICO MISSOURI Hermosillo, Mexico Phone: 662.285.1120 Kansas City, MO Phone: 816.472.9777 MINNESOTA MONTANA Eagan, MN Phone: 651.688.7777 Billings, MT Phone: 406.248.8098 Channellock Columbian Tools Cooper - Apex Cooper Hand Tools Crescent Eklind Tools General Hardware Corp. General Tools H.K Porter J.H. Williams KD Tools Klein Tools, Inc. Knipex Lincoln Grease Guns L.S. Starrett Lufkin Malco Marshalltown Maxpower Hand Tools Nicholson Olfa Olympia Plumb Reed Mfg. Company Ridge Tool Company Simonds Industries Snap-On Tools SK Tools Stanley-Proto Stilletto Urrea Vise-Grip Weller Wera Wiha Wilton Wiss Wright Tool Xcelite HARDWARE MATERIALS American Lock Co. Gosport Mfg. H.D. Hudson Igloo Justrite Master Lock Protectoseal Stanley Hardware LADDERS Louisville Werner LIFTING, TRANSPORT & TIE-DOWNS Continental Western Corp. Cooper/Campbell MARKERS Diagraph Ideal Markal MATERIAL HANDLING Columbus McKinnon Continental Western Corp. Edsal Mfg. Green Bull Ladders Harrington Hoist, Inc. Jet Equipment & Tools Liftall Corp. Liftex Corp. Lyon Workspace Products Murphy Industrial Products Southwest Synthetics Southwest Wire Rope MICROMETERS ABS Import Tools Brown & Sharpe Fowler Mitutoyo Starrett PNEUMATIC TOOLS Chicago Pneumatic Cooper Tools Eagle Industries Gardner Denver Ingersoll Rand Jet Equipment Master Power Sioux Tools Black & Decker Dewalt Power Tools Port Cable Reed Mfg. Ridge Tool Co. Universal Tools PRECISION TOOLS ABS Import Tools Brown & Sharpe Chicago Brand General Fowler L.S, Starrett Mitutoyo SHOVELS, IMPLEMENTS Ames True Temper Cleform Midwest Rake Nupla TAPES, ADHESIVES & SEALANTS 3M Custom Adhesives Products DAP International DOW Corning Billings, MT Phone: 406.656.4444 Lexington, NE Phone: 308.324.2346 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.341.3939 NEBRASKA Lincoln, NE Phone: 402.474.7700 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7000 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7050 NEVADA Columbus, NE Phone: 402.563.3488 Grand Island, NE Phone: 308.382.6544 Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702.419.2800 CONTACT YOUR INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 Intertape Polymer Group Loctite Corporation Oatey Company Specialty Tapes TAPES, MEASURING Allied Cooper Lufkin CST Berger Empire General Tools Johnson Level Keson Olympia PLS Stabila Stanley Starrett US Tape WELDING SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Igloo Nicholson Re Lee Shurlite Summer Tools Vise Grip Tools Wilton Wypo CHEMICALS Anti-Spatter Dyna-Flux Products Joes Kleen Products Weld-Aid Products York Products Zinc Coating Spray EQUIPMENT Bowers Equipment Esab Machines H&M Pipe Beveling Hypertherm Keen Dry Rod Oven KN Aronson Lincoln Electric Mathey Equipment Pheonix Dry Rod Ovens Thermal Arc Thermal Dynamics Weld Tooling (Bugo) THREAD REPAIR Chrislynn EZ-Lok Recoil GAS APARATUS TOOL STORAGE Custom-Leathercraft Ergodyne Kennedy Proto Stanley - Vidmar Waterloo Industries Belchfire Esab Cutting Equipment Flame Technologies Goss Harris Equipment Hose Twin Oetiker Clamps Smith Equipment Superior Products Uniweld Victor Equipment Western Products HAND TOOLS Atlas Arctic Centering Heads Contour Markers Empire MANUAL Arcair Lenco Profax Tweco MIG / TIG Anchor Welding Accessories Bernard Binzel Lincoln Electric Tregaskiss Tweco Profax Weld Craft SAFETY 3M Anchor Comeaux Welding Caps Comfort Crews Fibermetal Fromelt Guardline Jackson Tillman Wilson WIRE / ELECTRODES Aluminum American Filler Metals Avesta Bohler Thyssen NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEW YORK Linden, NJ Phone: 908.474.1280 Farmington, NM Phone: 505.325.7233 Newburgh, NY Phone: 845.561.4330 Linden, NJ Phone: 330.558.0742 Hobbs, NM Phone: 575.393.9188 NORTH CAROLINA Hobbs, NM Phone: 575.393.3093 Brazing Alloys Cor-Met, Inc. Esab Filler Metal, Inc, Hobart Kobelco Lincoln Electric McKay Omni Products Oxford Alloys Pinnacle Sandvik Special Metals Stoody Techalloy Tri-Mark Unibraze UTP Weld Mold Williams Metals & Welding Alloys, Inc. Charlotte, NC Phone: 704.597.1555 Charlotte, NC Phone: 704.525.9423 Lenoir, NC Phone: 828.758.5434 Goldsboro, NC Phone: 919.735.9077 NORTH DAKOTA Greensboro, NC Phone: 336.954.1041 Minot, ND Phone: 701.420.9706 Williston, ND Phone: 701.572.8012 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 14 PIPES, VALVES & FITTINGS ACCESSORIES a G&L Series product HP Plus “DXP OFFERS ALL MAJOR LINES OF NEW AND REFURBISHED PUMPS, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES. FOR A CENTURY, INDUSTRY HAS TURNED TO DXP FOR QUALITY PUMP PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. OUR ENGINEERS, SALES PEOPLE, REPAIR TECHNICIANS AND SERVICE SPECIALISTS ARE AMONG THE MOST EXPERIENCED IN THE INDUSTRY. WE’LL HELP YOU MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES FOR YOUR APPLICATIONS AND PROVIDE HELPFUL, ACCURATE TECHNICAL SUPPORT.” OHIO Cincinnati, OH Phone: 513.489.5200 Cleveland, OH Phone: 216.642.9401 Lima, OH Phone: 419.222.1112 15 Anvil International Full Line Apex Packing & Rubber - Full Line A.Y. McDonald - Full Line Darco Southern - Packing Ernst Flow Industries- Tank Gauges,Flow Indicators & Sight Windows FEBCO - Backflow Preventers Flexitallic - Spiral Wound Gaskets Flow Smart - Sanitary Screen & Sock Gasket Assemblies Garden Machine Company - Float Valves & Floats Garlock - Full Line Gore-Tex - Full Line Hayward Flow Control - PVC Valves, Strainers & Accessories Henry - Cryogenic John Crane - Packing and Mechanical Seals Lamons Gasket Company- Spiral Wound Gaskets Leader Gasket - Spiral Wound Gaskets Kalrez - O-Rings Michigan Hanger - Pipe Hangers Mueller Steam Specialty- Full Line Proco - Expansion Joints RectorSeal - Full Line Sloan Valve Co. - Plumbing Products Titan Flow Control - Valves & Strainers U.S. Seal Mfg. - Mechanical Seals Watts Regulator - Full Line Westlock - Full Line Special Made-to-Order Gaskets PIPE FITTINGS Andron - Sanitary Fittings Allied Fitting - Carbon Steel Flanges Anvil International - Full Line ASP - Alloy Stainless Fittings & Flanges Beck - Couplings Boltex - Forged Steel Flanges Bonney Forge - Forged Steel Camco - Alloy Stainless Fittings Capitol Pipe & Steel - Full Line Cello Products - Full Line Century Eslon - PVC & CPVC Pipe & Fittings Colonial Engineering - PVC, Full Line DynaQuip - Full line Flowline - Alloy Flanges, Welded Fittings Gerlin - Alloy Flanges, Welded Fittings Hoke - Full Line LASCO Fittings, Inc. - PVC & CPVC Fittings Maass Flange Corp. - Flanges Merit Brass - Full Line Mills Iron Works - Swage Nipples Mueller Industries - Streamline Copper Penn Machine - Forged Alloy Fittings PICOR Chem/Pharm - Alloy Fittings Marietta, OH Phone: 740.376.9502 Lawton, OK Phone: 580.357.0777 OKLAHOMA Oklahoma City, OK Phone: 405.670.4491 Elk City, OK Phone: 580.225.4241 Tulsa, OK Phone: 918.446.5515 Quality Pipe Products - Full Line Robert James - Sanitary SS Fittings Smith-Cooper - Full Line Spears Manufacturing - Full Line PVC Taylor Forge - Forged Steel Texas Metal Works - Flanges Tylok Fittings & Valves - Full Line Ward Mfg. - Malleable Fittings Westbrook Mfg. - Full Line Wisconsin Nipple - Pipe Nipples W F I International - O-Let’s - Full Line PIPE & TUBE Andron - Sanitary Tube ARMCO - Pipe Cerro Flow Products - Copper Tube Crestline - PVC Pipe Century Eslon - PVC & CPVC Gibson Tube - Alloy Tubing LTV Tubular - Carbon & Alloy Pipe Laclede - Welded Steel Pipe Mueller Industries - Copper Sandvik - Alloy Tubing Wheatland Tube - Welded Pipe Sharon Tube - Seamless & Welded Pipe Small Tube Products - Seamless Copper Tube Spears Manufacturing - PVC & CPVC VALVES Andron - Sanitary Valves Bonney Forge - Forged Steel Cash Acme - Full Line Check-All Valve - Check Valves Chem-Plug - Plug Valves Colonial Engineering - PVC Valves Crane Valves - Full Line Dresser Consolidated - Safety Relief Durabla - Check Valves Hammond - Full Line Henry - Cryogenic Hoke - Full Line Homestead Valve - Plug Valves JE Lonergan - Safety Relief KTM - Ball Valves Kitz - Full Line Kunkle - Safety Relief Lunkenheimer - Full Line Magnatrol Valve Corp. - Full Line Milwaukee Valve - Full Line Mueller Industries - Full Line NEWCO - Full Line Newdell Company - Forged Steel Powell Valves - Full Line Shaw - Butterfly Smith - Forged Steel Spears Manufacturing - PVC Strahman - Valves Tyco - Valves Tylok Fittings & Valves - Full Line PENNSYLVANIA TENNESSEE Scranton, PA Phone: 570.342.0255 Dyersburg, TN Phone: 731.287.8477 SOUTH DAKOTA TEXAS Sioux Falls, SD Phone: 605.336.8668 Abilene, TX Phone: 325.672.5628 CONTACT YOUR ROTATING EQUIPMENT EXPERTS 800-830-3973 800-373-7777 AIR OPERATED DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM PUMPS Wilden IDEXX AODD BASKET TYPE STRAINERS & FLOW MANAGER Viking CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, PUMP PARTS & service SPECIALTY PUMPS HydraCell Hypro Tier I & II Repair/Rebuild Service: SUBMERSIBLE DEWATERING DXP Local Service Centers PLUNGER & PISTON Grindex National Oilwell Varco FMC CATPUMPS SUBMERSIBLE WASTE WATER ITT Goulds Berkeley Burks Crane Pumps Cornell ITT A-C ITT G&L ITT Marlow Weinman Blacoh Coorstek Hydril Status Flow FIRE PUMP PACKAGES REGENERATIVE TURBINE PROGRESSIVE CAVITY Bornemann PULSATION DAMPENERS ITT A-C ITT Goulds ITT Flowtronex Burks MTH GRINDER Viking Bowie Midland ROTARY GEAR Barnes ITT G&L BJM Pumps SEALLESS DXP HP-Plus ITT Goulds Viking Hydra-Cell LOBE SELF PRIMING HORIZONTAL PUMPING SYSTEMS Viking Wright Flow MECHANICAL SEALS EagleBurgmann Utex METERING Neptune LMI SERVICE MOTORS Baldor Toshiba North American Electric TECO/Westinghouse Barnes Crown ITT G&L ITT Goulds ITT Marlow Ebara Grindex Barnes ITT G&L TWIN SCREW Bornemann VACUUM/PRESSURE Airtech Dekker Vacuum Cowboy Pumps Masport NVE/Challenger VANE Viking VERTICAL TURBINE SUBMERSIBLE ITT Goulds National Pleuger VERTICAL TURBINE ITT G&L ITT Goulds SEWAGE Ebara Barnes Crown Discflo ITT G&L ITT Goulds ITT Marlow Tier III Repair/Rebuild Service: • Reconditioning • Re-rates • Repair/Rebuild • API/Non-API Upgrades Power Machinery, Inc. Houston, TX ITT Pro Services, Houston, TX/ Baton Rouge, LA American Pump, Shreveport, LA Energy Repair Services, Denver, CO Production Pump, Snyder, TX condition monitoring and control • Toshiba VFD • ITT PumpSmart Control • ITT ProSmart Continuous Monitoring • Emotron • Vacon Innovative Pumping Solutions (IPS) • Pump and equipment packaging for onshore and offshore installations • Engineered skids and piping systems • Engineered solutions and testing • Design, fabrication, and installation services Amarillo, TX Phone: 806.373.5678 Arlington, TX Phone: 817.649.2400 Cleburne, TX Phone: 800.767.0857 Grand Prairie, TX Phone: 972.602.2043 Houston, TX - Seal Phone: 713.650.8887 Amarillo, TX Phone: 806.355.7732 Beaumont, TX Phone: 409.727.4514 Corpus Christi, TX Phone: 361.882.8297 Houston, TX - Pump Fabrication Phone: 713.937.2800 Houston, TX - PMI Phone: 713.462.3176 Arlington, TX Phone: 817.274.7771 Conroe, TX Phone: 936.756.7770 Denver City, TX Phone: 806.592.8784 Houston, TX - GCT&R Phone: 713.947.2881 Houston, TX - CFC Phone: 713.996.6300 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 16 ERGONOMICS 3M Anderson Co. Matting Allegro Industries Apache Mills Matting Chase Ergonomics Crown Mats & Matting Ergodyne Corporation Mechanix Wear Occunomix OK-1 Superior Matting Valeo Wearwell EMERGENCY SHOWERS/ EYEWASH STATIONS Bausch & Lomb Bel-Art Products Bradley Corporation Encon Safety Products Haws Corporation Lavoptik Co./H.L. Bouton North Safety Sellstrom Mfg. Company Speakman Company Sperian/Fendall Company EYE/FACE PROTECTION 3M/AO Safety/Aearo Gateway Safety H.L. Bouton Jackson Safety Allsafe Olympic Optical MCR Safety/Crews MSA North Safety/Fibre-Metal Oberon Paulson Mfg. Pyramex Radians/Techna Safety Optical SAS Sellstrom Mfg. Company 17 SAFETY Sperian Harley-Davidson Titmus Uvex Willson U.S. Safety Equipment Quaker Safety Potter Roemer, Inc. Superior Smoke Signal Co. Task Force Tips Zico/Ziamatic Corp FIRST AID/MEDICAL PRODUCTS FALL PROTECTION 3M/Safewaze Buckingham California Mountain Rescue/CMC DBI/Sala/Protecta International Descent Control, Inc. Elk River FallTech French Creek Products Guardian Fall Protection MSA Pigeon Mountain/PMI Petzl USA Research & TradingCorp./ Sellstrom Mfg. Company Sperian/Miller Fall Protection FIRE PROTECTION Akron Brass Company Amerex Corp. Ansul, Inc. Bristol Fire Apparel Brooks Equipment Chemguard, Inc. Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc. Fyrepel Products, Inc./Lakeland Hale Products Hannay Reels Kidde Fire Fighting Angus Fire Badger Fire Protection Imperial Fire Hose National Foam Powhatan Wirt & Knox Larsen’s Mfg. National Fire Hose Corp/Snap-Tite Paratech, Inc. Allied Health Care Products Certified Safety Coretex Products DEB SBS Products Ferno-Washington First Aid Only Gojo Industries Hart Health & Safety Johnson & Johnson Laerdal Medical Corp. Life Support Products North Safety/Swift First Aid Onox, Inc. Plasco/MDI Simulaids Sqwincher Stockhausen Survivor Industries Tec Laboratories, Inc. Textilease/Medique/Otis Clapp & Sons, Inc. FOOT PROTECTION Onguard Industries/Bata Shoe Company, Inc. Baffin Carolina Shoe Company Cove Shoe Ellwood Safety Appliance Georgia Boot Hy-Test, Inc. Iron Age Jordan Safety Appliance Kaufman Footwear LaCrosse Footwear Lehigh Safety Shoe Co. Norcross/Ranger/Servus Oliver Boots Houston, TX - PFI Phone: 713.461.5585 La Porte, TX Phone: 281.471.6241 Lufkin, TX Phone: 936.632.8644 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.385.0891 Kemah, TX Phone: 281.334.5075 Longview, TX Phone: 903.757.0533 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.337.5401 Round Rock, TX Phone: 512.339.8384 Kilgore, TX Phone: 903.983.2019 Longview, TX Phone: 903.757.6000 Odessa, TX Phone: 432.580.3770 Snyder, TX Phone: 325.573.1741 Wichita Falls, TX Phone: 940.766.3236 UTAH West Haven UT Phone: 801.317.1823 CONTACT YOUR SAFETY EXPERTS 800-825-SAFE (7233) 800-373-7777 Osborn Mfg. Radians/DeWalt Rocky Shoes Skechers Work Tingley Rubber Corp. Wolverine HAND PROTECTION Ansell Edmont/Hawkeye Best/Showa Boss Manufacturing Century Glove Ergodyne Global Glove Glove Corporation Kinco International Liberty Glove & Safety Majestic Glove Mapa/Spontex MCR Safety/Memphis Glove Co. Microflex North Safety North Star Glove Co. Phoenix Medical Protective Industrial Products Southern Glove Sperian/Perfect Fit Tempshield Tempo Glove Manufacturing Wells Lamont West Chester Holdings HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING 3M Brady/SPC CEP/ Complete Environmental Products Eagle Mfg. Grayling Industries Hazmatpak Justrite Manufacturing Co. NPS/Spilfyter VIRGINIA Portsmouth, VA Phone: 757.488.3773 WYOMING Casper, WY Phone: 307.232.8594 Moltan Co. Nilfisk of America, Inc. PolyAmerica, Inc. Protectoseal Company Skolnik Industries Slikwik Products Spilltech Super Vacuum Quest Technologies/ Metrosonics RKI Instruments Scott Instruments Sensidyne, Inc./Gilian Sperian/Biosystems, Inc. HEAD PROTECTION Allsafe SMC/Flex-O-Lite Electronic Controls Eveready Federal Signal Corp. Fulton Flashlight H.D. Electric Hubbell Lighting Koehler/Bright Star NL Technologies North American Signal Co. Pelican Products, Inc. Preco, Inc. Rayovac Streamlight, Inc. Tomar Electronics Whelen Engineering Co. E.D. Bullard Co. Jackson Safety/Allsafe SMC MSA North Safety/Fibre-Metal Petzl USA Sellstrom Sperian/Willson Spilltech HEARING PROTECTION 3M Aearo Cabot Safety E.A.R. Peltor MSA Moldex Metric, Inc. North Safety Plugs Safety Radians/Techna Sperian Bilsom Howard S. Leight LIGHTS, BATTERIES, SIRENS & HORNS LOCKOUT/TAGOUT Brady Corporation Master Lock North Safety Products MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS INSTRUMENTATION Ametek Delmar Scientific Draeger Gastec/Nextteq Honeywell/BW Technologies Industrial Scientific MSA Otis Instruments 3M Air Systems International, Inc. Aldon Company American Lock CamelBak Products Checkers Industrial Products Chums Con-Space Communications David Clark Co. Dexsil Falcon Safety Products, Inc. Casper,WY Phone: 307.234.6979 Rock Springs, WY Phone: 307.382.9065 Gillette, WY Phone: 307.686.0291 Rock Springs, WY Phone: 307.382.3693 Mills, WY Phone: 307.265.1207 Fred Silver & Company Frogg Toggs Gatorade Glove Guard, LP Igloo Master Lock Metal Engineering Osborn Mfg. Pelican Products, Inc. Rubbermaid/Gott Safety Design Safety Supply House Schaffer Fan Co. Sipco Products Streamlight, Inc. Sqwincher T.A. Pelsue Worksman Industrial Cycles & Parts PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Ansell Edmont/Sawyer Tower Ashburn Hills/Carbtex Best/Showa Bristol Fire Apparel Carhartt, Inc. Chicago Protective Apparel DuPont Personal Protection Guard-Line, Inc. Guardian Protective Wear John Tillman & Company Kimberly Clark Lakeland Industries, Inc. Liberty Glove & Safety Lion Apparel M.L. Kishigo MCR Safety/River City Protective Wear National Safety Apparel Neese Industries, Inc. Oberon Company PGI Rainfair/LaCrosse ALABAMA ARKANSAS Mobile, AL Phone: 251.666.1414 Little Rock, AR Phone: 501.565.0777 ARIZONA CALIFORNIA Phoenix, AZ Phone: 602.323.2370 Chatsworth, CA Phone: 818.725.7000 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 18 SAFETY Revco Industries Richlu Saf-Tech Stanco Mfg. Standard Safety Equipment Steel Grip Apparel Company Tingley Rubber Topps Safety Apparel VF Imagewear/Red Kap/Bulwark Vizcon, LLC. Wells Lamont West Chester Holdings W.H. Salisbury Workrite Uniform Co. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION 3M/Aearo Allegro Industries Air Systems International, Inc. Binks Manufacturing Draeger E.D. Bullard Co. Georgia Steel & Chemical Hannay Reels International Safety Instruments MCR Safety Moldex Metric, Inc. MSA North Safety Scott Health & Safety Sellstrom Sperian ProTech Survivair Willson Taylor Wharton Trace Analytics National Marker Co. National Tape Radiator Specialty Co. Safehouse Signs, Inc. Stonehouse Signs TECH SERVICES Confined Space Training Confined Space Equipment Rental Fire Hose Testing Gas Detection Training General Safety Training HAZWOPER Training Instrumentation Calibration Instrumentation Rental & Repair Instrumentation Sales Medical Surveillance Monitoring Systems Radio Communications Rental Respiratory Equipment Rental & Repair Safety Consulting Services SIGNS, TAGS & MARKINGS Accuform Mfg., Inc. Allsafe SMC Brady Worldwide Emed Co., Inc. Harris Industries Legible Signs, Inc. Santa Fe Springs. CA Phone: 562.698.7002 Evans, CO Phone: 970.506.9881 Grand Junction Phone: 970.242.9226 COLORADO Ft. Collins, CO Phone: 970.482.4910 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.8220 Golden, CO Phone: 303.430.0521 Greeley, CO Phone: 970.351.0636 Brighton, CO Phone: 303.659.1600 Denver, CO Phone: 303.308.1290 19 FLORIDA GEORGIA Boca Raton, FL Phone: 561.314.8651 Suwannee, GA Phone: 770.614.7347 Tampa, FL Phone: 813.247.1694 Lawrenceville, GA Phone: 770.963.7790 CONTACT YOUR SAFETY EXPERTS 800-825-SAFE (7233) 800-373-7777 “DXP PROVIDES YOUR TOTAL SOLUTIONS FOR SAFETY! WE’RE EXPERIENCED IN ANALYZING YOUR RISKS AND IN FINDING THE BEST SOLUTIONS. DXP’S SAFETY PROFESSIONALS CAN COUNSEL YOU IN SELECTING THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR SAFETY, INCLUDING INSTRUMENT AND RESPIRATORY EQUIPMENT, SERVICE AND REPAIR, TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT RENTAL.” IDAHO Nampa, ID Phone: 208.467.1220 ILLINOIS Elk Grove, IL Phone: 847.437.0400 Rockford, IL Phone: 815.399.1748 IOWA INDIANA Cedar Rapids, IA Phone: 319.365.5276 Auburn, IN Phone: 260.927.0077 Des Moines, IA Phone: 515.265.9811 Mason City, IA Phone: 641.424.0400 Ottumwa, IA Phone: 641.682.7525 Sioux City, IA Phone: 712.277.2555 KANSAS Emporia, KS Phone: 620.343.1777 KENTUCKY Louisville, KY Phone: 502.426.2400 LOUISIANA Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.747.5443 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 20 “DXP PROVIDES VIRTUALLY ANY TYPE OF SEAL, O-RING OR RETAINING RING YOU REQUIRE – FROM THE MOST BASIC TO THE MOST COMPLEX. OUR VAST EXPERIENCE AND FIRSTHAND KNOWLEDGE ALLOWS US TO PROVIDE ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS FOR YOUR MOST DEMANDING APPLICATIONS.” seal products O RINGS & B/U’S Contoured B/U’s Elastromeric Encapsulated Metallic O-Ring Cord O-Ring Kits PEEK B/U’s PTFE PTFE B/U’s RETAINING RINGS Custom Rings Internal/External Snap Rings Laser Cut Rings Metric Rings Spiral Rings Stamped Rings OIL FIELD SEALS Bonded Seals BOP Blocks Choke Packings Connectors Gas Lift Packings HPHT Sets Packer Elements PBR Stacks ST Seals/S Seals SEALS Braided Packing Custom Molded Shapes Die Formed Rings Gaskets Lip Seals Oring Loaded U-Cups Oil Seals Pump Packing Quad Rings Rod Scrappers Rod Wipers Spring Energized PTFE T Seals U Cups Vee Packings VALVE COMPONENTS Face/Bonnet Seals HP/HT Stem Seals/Sets Metal Replacement Parts Non-Metallic Wear Components Standard Stem Seals/Sets Valve Seats - All Types BEARINGS/WEAR COMPONENTS Composite Bearings Metallic Bearings Non-Metallic Thermoplastic Piston/Rod Bearings Piston Rings Wear Rings MISCELLANEOUS PRODUCTS Adhesives Back Up Rings Large Diameter (110”) Lubricants Machined/Injected Plastics Metallic Balls PTFE Balls Ring Joint Gaskets Sealants Teflon Tape Wave Springs value added services Bar Coding/Scanning Technologies Custom Kits/Packaging Dock To Stock Programs EDI/EFT Engineering Support 21 Integrated Supply Programs Online Order Management Product Training SmartDocs Summary Billing Supply Chain Management Bossier City, LA Phone: 318.549.1410 Denham Springs, LA Phone: 225.665.1666 Ruston, LA Phone: 318.251.9001 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9696 Harahan, LA Phone: 504.733.7100 Sulpher, LA Phone: 337.625.7111 Broussard, LA Phone: 337.837.9436 Metairie, LA Phone: 504.833.7867 MARYLAND Baltimore, MD Phone: 410.686.9890 Systems Agreements Value Management Surveys Vendor Managed Inventory MASSACHUSETTS MEXICO Attleboro, MA Phone: 508.431.1120 Hermosillo, Mexico Phone: 662.285.1120 Springfield, MA Phone: 413.785.1673 MINNESOTA Eagan, MN Phone: 651.688.7777 CONTACT YOUR SEAL EXPERTS 832-590-5600 713-650-8887 ELASTOMERS Ethylene Propylene (EPDM) Explosive Decompression Fluorocarbon (FKM) Hydrogenated Nitrile (HNBR) Neoprene (CR) Nitrile/Buna (NBR) Perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) Resistant Materials (ED) TFE/P Fluoroelastomer (TFE/P) Aflas® PLASTICS Acetal CTFE aka Kel-F® Nylon Polytetrafluoroethlene (PTFE) Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Polyetheretherkeytone (PEEK) UHMW-PE materials MATERIAL SPECIFICATION API ASTM MIL STD Norsok SPECIALTY SEALS FOR Alternative Energy Food/Beverage Industry HPHT Large Diameters (110”) Oil & Gas Petro-Chem Process Pharmaceutical Process Plunger Pump Packings Transportation OTHER Ceramic Graphoil Phenolic Variable Density Thermoplastic Wire Mesh ENGINEERING PROTOTYPE Injection Molding Machined Plastic Machined Rubber Metal to Rubber Bonding Rubber to Plastic Bonding technical support Engineering Lunch & Learns Material Recommendation/Development Seal Design Assistance Seal Failure Analysis MISSOURI Kansas City, MO Phone: 816.472.9777 MONTANA Billings, MT Phone: 406.248.8098 Billings, MT Phone: 406.656.4444 Lexington, NE Phone: 308.324.2346 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.341.3939 NEBRASKA Lincoln, NE Phone: 402.474.7700 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7000 Omaha, NE Phone: 402.593.7050 NEVADA Columbus, NE Phone: 402.563.3488 Grand Island, NE Phone: 308.382.6544 NEW JERSEY Linden, NJ Phone: 908.474.1280 Linden, NJ Phone: 330.558.0742 Las Vegas, NV Phone: 702.419.2800 Note: Some product lines may be subject to geographic restrictions. Trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the respective companies. 22 PIONEERING SOLUTIONS IN INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION Founded as Southern Engine and Pump Company in 1908, DXP was re-chartered in 1979 as Sepco Industries and renamed DXP Enterprises, Inc. in 1986. Over the years, DXP has strengthened its ability to support customers by acquiring a diverse group of companies with a powerful corporate focus on product expertise, technical services and MROP supply chain management. Today, DXP is a publicly traded professional distribution management company that provides products and services to a variety of industries through its Innovative Pumping Solutions (IPS), Precision Supply Chain Services and MROP Products and Services. DXP continues to stay on the leading edge of technology, training and products while attracting and retaining the best employees. DXP’s corporate strategy is simply to be the best solution for the industrial customer. 1.800.830.3973 BE AR | IN EQUI | SA SUPP EQUI PUM ELEC EQUI INDU SUPP | PU COM TRAN HYDR SUPP SUPP | SE | BE A | IN EQUI | SA SUPP EQUI PUM ELEC EQUI INDU SUPP | PU COM
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