Apologia “Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures
Apologia “Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures
FC-B2 FC-Z2 Apologia“Exploring “Exploring Creati onon Apologia Creati With Zoology 2:2ndSwimming RRORJ\ With Biology Editi on” Q:LWK= LR ³([SORULQJ&UHDW IWKH 'D\´ XUHVRDay” Creatures the &UHDW5th PLQJ ZLPof 6 Vocabulary Word ERRN3DFNDJH /HVVRQV/DS Vocabulary Word Flash Cards Flash Cards L_Z2P WK ERRNV7KH R6(3$5$7(ODS LVSDFNDJHLQFOXGHVWZ IRU/HVVRQV GLV 3/($6(127(7K HFRQ KHV QGW D ILUVWLVIRU/HVVRQV HKDVEHHQ 7KLVODSERRNSDFNDJ VSHFLILFDOO\ LWKWKHERRN GHVLJQHGIRUXVHZ LRQZLWK HDW &U ULQJ SOR ³([ LQJ&UHDWXUHV =RRORJ\6ZLPP WK RIWKH 'D\´ WDQG E\-HDQQLH)XOEULJK $SRORJLD6FLHQFH Designed by Cyndi Kinney & Shelby Kinney of Knowledge Box Central VWLPSURYH GZLWKFRORUVWKDWEH with permission from Apologia Science UHVHDUFK 7HPSODWHVDUHSULQWH FRUGLQJWRVFLHQWLILF LRQDF LQIRUPDWLRQUHWHQW Apologia “Exploring Exploring Creation CreationWith WithZoology Biology2 2:nd Swimming Edition” Creatures of the 5th Day Vocabulary Words Flash Cards 2012 Knowledge Box Central Copyright © 2015 www.KnowledgeBoxCentral.com ISBN # 978-1-61625-382-0 Ebook: 978-1-62472-647-7 978-1-61625-383-7 CD: 978-1-62472-645-3 978-1-61625-384-4 Printed: 978-1-62472-646-0 Publisher: Knowledge Box Central http://www.knowledgeboxcentral.com All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law. The purchaser of the eBook or CD is licensed to copy this information for use with the immediate family members only. If you are interested in copying for a larger group, please contact the publisher. Printed format is not to be copied and is consumable. It is designed for one student only. Apologia “Exploring Creation With Zoology 2: Swimming Apologia “Exploring Creation With Biology 2nd Creatures of theVocabulary 5th Day” Vocabulary WordCards Flash Cards Edition” Word Flash The Vocabulary Words are the words within each module that are underlined and that appear in Question 1 of the Study Guide for that module. PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS If you are printing these Flash Cards, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you print EXACTLY as we describe below, or your cards will NOT work for you. You will notice when flipping through the pages of the Ebook and CD format of this product that it APPEARS that the vocabulary words and definitions do not line up. HOWEVER, I promise you that they do. When printed, everything will line up properly. Make SURE that you print the cards beginning with page 4 of this document. Page 5 should be printed on the BACK of page 4. Page 7 should be printed on the BACK of page 6… and so on. See below: Word 1 Word 4 Definition 4 Definition 1 Word 2 Word 5 Definition 5 Definition 2 Word 3 Word 6 Definition 6 Definition 3 Page 4 Page 5 These 2 pages will be printed BACK-TO-BACK and will line up perfectly. Aquatic Animals Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Nekton Lesson 1 Nektonic Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Benthos Lesson 1 Benthic Animals Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Sessile Lesson 1 Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Animals that can swim. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Swimming animals. Lesson 1 Animals that don’t swim but scurry, crawl, hop, scoot, burrow, or slither across the bottom of a body of water. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson Lesson Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Able to swim in the water. 1 Animals that stick themselves to one place and just sit there. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Another name for animals that are benthos. 1 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson 1 Plankton Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Phytoplankton Lesson 1 Zooplankton Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Mammals Lesson 1 Reptiles Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” Amphibians Lesson 1 Apologia’s “Zoology 2: Swiming Creatures” A type of plankton that uses the sun to make their own food. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson A type of animal that wanders or drifts. 1 Warm-blooded creatures that breathe air, have a backbone, grow hair, and give birth to live young. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson Lesson Lesson 1 A type of plankton that needs to eat to get food. 1 Animals that are like reptiles, but they do not have scales. © Knowledge Box Central 2015 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson 1 Cold-blooded creatures that have scales, breathe air, lay eggs, and have a backbone. 1 © Knowledge Box Central 2015 Lesson 1