brand bible
brand bible
version 1.4 / 1208 brand bible | 1 Overview 2 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ It contains basic design guidelines and templates which are intended to be straightforward. Razer’s visual identity is an important asset and a strategic communication tool that needs to be maintained to its fullest extent. version 1.4 / 1208 version 1.4 / 1208 This document serves as a guideline for the proper and consistent use of the Razer™ Corporate Brand Identity. It offers a useful electronic means of implementation and will continue to be updated with changes which have been made to ensure that it evolves to meet our needs. | 3 how to use this Guide By perusing, referring to or otherwise using this Brand Bible, you are deemed to have agreed to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, please do not proceed further and return the Brand Bible LPPHGLDWHO\WRDGXO\DXWKRUL]HGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI5D]HU86$/WGRULWVDIȌOLDWHGFRPSDQLHVǤ5D]HUǥ The document is made for the exclusive use by: 7KHFRQWHQWVKHUHLQDUHVWULFWO\FRQȌGHQWLDODQGRQO\LQGLYLGXDOVDQGRUFRPSDQLHVH[SUHVVO\DXWKRUL]HGE\5D]HUWKH Ǥ$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQVǥWRUHFHLYHWKLV%UDQG%LEOHDUHDOORZHGWRSHUXVHUHIHURURWKHUZLVHXVHWKLV%UDQG%LEOH 7KH$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQVPD\RQO\XVHWKHFRQWHQWVKHUHLQIRUWKHOLPLWHGSXUSRVHH[SUHVVO\DXWKRUL]HGE\5D]HUDQGDOZD\V in accordance with any guidelines issued by Razer from time to time. Items to note when utilizing this document: 7KHSHUXVDOUHIHUHQFHRURWKHUXVDJHRIWKLV%UDQG%LEOHFRQIHUVQROLFHQVHVRUULJKWVRQWKH$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQVLQDQ\ZD\ whatsoever, apart from what may be expressly conferred by Razer in writing. 7KH$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQVDFNQRZOHGJHWKDWWKHFRQWHQWVKHUHLQDUHFRQȌGHQWLDOLQIRUPDWLRQDQGRUWUDGHVHFUHWVSURSULHWDU\ to Razer, that damages alone for any loss or misuse thereof will be insufficient and accordingly agree that injunctive relief is an appropriate remedy. 4 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ version 1.4 / 1208 Razer employees and affiliates who are responsible for the communication and promotion of Razer and its products. Third parties under written authorization / license for Usage from Razer. Upon written authorization / license for Usage from Razer, third parties may develop marketing materials, however all creatives involving the Razer elements must seek written permission from Razer personnel before actual production. 3. The contents herein are not to be disclosed to any party under any circumstance unless such disclosure is expressly DXWKRUL]HGE\5D]HULQZULWLQJRULVWRHPSOR\HHVDJHQWVRUVXEFRQWUDFWRUVRIWKH$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQVRQDǡQHHGWRNQRZǢ EDVLVDQGZKRDUHDOVRXQGHUVLPLODUREOLJDWLRQVRIFRQȌGHQWLDOLW\DVWKH$XWKRUL]HG3HUVRQV - ǩ ǩ ǩ $OOPHDVXUHPHQWVDUHJLYHQLQCentimeters (cm) and Millimeters (mm) unless otherwise stated. 3OHDVHQRWHWKDWWKHȌJXUHVXVHGDUHQRWDFWXDOVL]H3OHDVHGRQRWPHDVXUHIURP\RXUFRPSXWHUVFUHHQRUIURP a printout. )RUZULWWHQDXWKRUL]DWLRQDQGSHUPLVVLRQWRXVHWKH5D] version 1.4 / 1208 terms and conditions oF use | 5 6 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ razer color palette and backGrounds razer color palette applications oF corporate colors backGrounds backGround misuse 17 18 19 20 22 razer razer razer razer 23 25 26 27 28 typeFace speed backGround edGe bar blade box usaGe oF the razer blade box For Gamers. by Gamers.™ / 29 applications oF the razer brand elements print advertisement - sinGle paGe advertisement - double paGe advertisement - 1/3 vertical displays and siGnaGe banners - vertical banners - horizontal online web banners 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 brandinG throuGh words overview razer wordmark usaGe razer product wordmark usaGe For Gamers. by Gamers.™ wordmark usaGe 43 44 45 46 47 contact 48 history 7KH5D]HUEUDQGLGHQWLW\ZDVERUQLQWKHQDPHVXJJHVWLQJǤH[WUHPHSUHFLVLRQDQGDFFXUDF\ǥ5D]HUǢVDFLGJUHHQFRUSRUDWH FRORUZDVLQVSLUHGE\WKHQDPHRIRXUȌUVWJDPLQJPRXVHWKH5D]HU%RRPVODQJDZZKLFKZDVGXEEHGDIWHUDYHQRPRXV6RXWK$IULFDQ snake in the same color. Early on, the Razer look was set to be somewhat aggressive. The logo evolved from various type approaches, with the designers looking for an edgy antagonistic effect. version 1.4 / 1208 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 version 1.4 / 1208 contents Overview terms and conditions oF use how to use this Guide contents history razer brand and house style elements razer brand elements razer siGnature razer distressed word loGo razer triple-headed snake loGo razer siGnature size proportion special use razer siGnature razer loGos misuse ,QWKHȌQDOORJRW\SHVODVKPDUNVVXJJHVWVIHURFLW\DQGRIIVHWWLQJWKHFXWOHWWHUVVOLJKWO\JLYHVWKHPDǤIDVWDFWLRQǥORRN7KH7ULSOH KHDGHG6QDNH7+6JUDSKLFORJRZDVODUJHO\LQȍXHQFHGE\WDWWRRDUWDQGLWFRPELQHVWKHRXWOLQHVRIWKUHH%RRPVODQJVQDNHV | 7 razer brand elements Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo luGGaGe round DIN Razer Colors Typeface version 1.4 / 1208 razer brand and house style elements version 1.4 / 1208 Razer Distressed Word Logo Powered By Razer Logo Razer Blade Box Razer Speed Background Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL 8 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 9 razer siGnature razer distressed word loGo Clearspace: The Razer Signature is the primary identifier of all Razer products and is made up of 2 main elements; The Razer Distressed Word Logo and the Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo. Clearspace and Minimum Size ǩ7KH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJRPXVWDOZD\VDSSHDURQWKHtop left hand corner of a document. Each element may not be used independently in a document; the other should be visible somewhere within the same document. ǩ$Q\EDFNJURXQGLQVLGHRIWKLVFOHDUVSDFHPXVWEHHYHQ unpatterned, and free from typography or any other graphic elements. Minimum Size: Razer Distressed Word Logo Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo 12.5mm version 1.4 / 1208 version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ7RHQVXUHWKHSURPLQHQFHRIWKH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJR DOZD\VVXUURXQGLWZLWKDFOHDUVSDFHHTXLYDOHQWWRWKHVL]HRI WKH=LQ5D]HUDURXQGIURPWKHHGJHPRVWSRLQW7UDGHPDUNQRW LQFOXVLYH ǩ,IWKH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJRLVXVHGGLUHFWO\RQD photographic image, the clear space area must provide good FRQWUDVWEHWZHHQEDFNJURXQGDQGWKH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJR be even in tone and pattern-free. ǩ7KH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJRFDQDSSHDULQDYDULHW\RI sizes depending on the layout and image area, but at some sizes, legibility can be compromised. To protect against this, a minimum VL]HKDVEHHQHVWDEOLVKHG7KH5D]HU'LVWUHVVHG:RUG/RJRVKRXOG never be smaller than 12.5mm in height on actual print. 10 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 11 razer triple-headed snake loGo Clearspace and Minimum Size ¼x x ¼x Center Line Minimum Size: 30mm 12 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ ¼x ǩ7KH5D]HU7ULSOH+HDGHG6QDNH7+6/RJRPXVWDOZD\VDSSHDU on the top right hand corner of a document, unless it appears on its own and takes up more than 50% of the document area. ǩ$VWKH5D]HU7+6/RJRLVDV\PPHWULFDO\RXVKRXOGuse the centre of the Snake as a visual guide when placing the graphic in a box by itself*UHHQOLQHGHQRWHVWKHFHQWUHRIWKH6QDNH ǩ7RHQVXUHWKHSURPLQHQFHRIWKH5D]HU7+6/RJRDOZD\V VXUURXQGLWZLWKDFOHDUVSDFHDURXQGHTXDOWR¼ of the height of WKHORJRIURPWKHOHIWPRVWSRLQW7UDGHPDUNQRWLQFOXVLYH 70% of the height of the Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo version 1.4 / 1208 ¼x version 1.4 / 1208 Clearspace: razer siGnature size proportion ǩ$Q\EDFNJURXQGLQVLGHRIWKLVFOHDUVSDFHPXVWEHHYHQ unpatterned, and free from typography or any other graphic HOHPHQWV,IWKH5D]HU7+6/RJRLVXVHGGLUHFWO\RQDSKRWRJUDSKLF image, the clear space area must provide good contrast between background and the graphic logo, be even in tone and pattern free. ǩ7KH5D]HU7+6/RJRFDQDSSHDULQDYDULHW\RIVL]HVGHSHQGLQJ on the layout and image area, but at some sizes, legibility can be compromised. To protect against this, a minimum size has been HVWDEOLVKHG7KH5D]HU7+6/RJRVKRXOGQHYHUEHVPDOOHUWKDQ 30mm in height on actual print. | 13 special use razer siGnature Clearspace and Minimum Size The Special Use Razer Signature may appear in 2 approved formats: ǩ9HUWLFDO)RUPDW)RUXVHLQPRVWOD\RXWVH[FHSWLQH[WUHPHO\ZLGHODQGVFDSHIRUPDWZKHUHE\WKHYLVLELOLW\RIWKHORJR may be compromised. ǩ7RHQVXUHWKHSURPLQHQFHRIWKH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUH DOZD\VVXUURXQGLWZLWKDFOHDUVSDFHHTXLYDOHQWWRWKHVL]HRI WKH=LQ5D]HUDURXQGIURPWKHHGJHPRVWSRLQW7UDGHPDUNQRW LQFOXVLYH version 1.4 / 1208 The Special Use Razer Signature is a corporate logo and is limited to usage on collaterals or materials that promote the Razer Brand 21/<HJ0HGLD%DFNGURS0DVWKHDG%UDQG5HWDLO'LVSOD\KHDGHU6ZDJLWHPV ǩ+RUL]RQWDO)RUPDW)RUXVHLQH[WUHPHO\ZLGHODQGVFDSHIRUPDWFROODWHUDOVRUSULQWZKHUHLWVZLGWKLVPRUHWKDQWLPHV the length of its height. ǩ$Q\EDFNJURXQGLQVLGHRIWKLVFOHDUVSDFHPXVWEHHYHQ unpatterned, and free from typography or any other graphic elements. ǩ,IWKH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLVXVHGGLUHFWO\RQD photographic image, the clear space area must provide good contrast between background and the Razer logotype, be even in tone and pattern-free. version 1.4 / 1208 special use razer siGnature ǩ7KH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHFDQDSSHDULQDYDULHW\RI sizes depending on the layout and image area, but at some sizes, legibility can be compromised. To protect against this, a minimum size has been established. The Special Use Razer Signature should never be smaller than: +RUL]RQWDO)RUPDW PPLQKHLJKWRQDFWXDOSULQW 9HUWLFDO)RUPDW PPLQKHLJKWRQDFWXDOSULQW 14 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 15 razer loGos misuse ǩ'RQRWDOWHUWKHORJRLQDQ\ZD\'RQRWDQLPDWHPXWDWHRU RWKHUZLVHGLVWRUWLW'RQRWURWDWHLWRUUHQGHULWWKUHHGLPHQVLRQDO ǩ'RQRWDOWHUWKHUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHJUDSKLFDQGORJRW\SHLQ any way, and do not add words or version numbers to the logo. version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ$OZD\VUHSURGXFHWKHFRPSOHWHORJRIURPWKHHOHFWURQLF artwork provided. razer color palette and backGrounds version 1.4 / 1208 $OO5D]HUORJRVDUHVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGDUWZRUNVZKHUHSURSRUWLRQ and arrangement of element are specifically determined. To maintain consistency, use only the approved digital art file. ǩ'RQRWWUDQVODWHRUORFDOL]HWKH5D]HU6LJQDWXUH'RQRWVHWWKH type yourself, change the font, or alter the size, proportions, or space between letters. 16 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 17 razer color palette Web Color The standards for these colors can be found in the current edition RIWKH3$1721(p&RORU)RUPXOD*XLGH)RUSURFHVVFRORUSULQWLQJ XVHWKH&0<.YDOXHVDVDEHJLQQLQJYDOXH3ULQWYHQGRUVPD\KDYH WKHLURZQYDOXHVDQGIRUPXODIRUPDWFKLQJ3$1721(FRORUVLQ SURFHVVFRORUEXWWKHJRDOVKRXOGDOZD\VEHWRPDWFKWKH3$1721( standard of the Razer Color. Pantone 802C C60 M0 Y90 K0 R0 G255 B0 7KH5D]HU*UHHQRQD:KLWHEDFNJURXQGXVHVDGLIIHUHQW3$1721( FRORUWRWKDWRIWKH5D]HU*UHHQRQD%ODFNEDFNJURXQGWRHQVXUH that the Razer elements are visible on a light background. Pantone (for White Background) Black Pantone Color on Black Process Color on Black Process Color on White Web Color on Black White on Black 70% Black Pantone 368C on White version 1.4 / 1208 Process Color 7KHSUHIHUUHGFRORUUHSURGXFWLRQRIWKH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLVWKH5D]HU*UHHQ3DQWRQH&RUWKHSURFHVVFRORUHTXLYDOHQW,WPD\EH reproduced in the color variations as shown, depending on the type of communication, the contrast with surrounding graphics and type, and the numbers of colors available during production. Supporting colors include black and its tones. 7KH5D]HUFRORUSDOHWWHFRQVLVWVRIWKUHHFRORUV5D]HU*UHHQ %ODFNDQG:KLWH:KHQHYHUSRVVLEOHWKH5D]HUHOHPHQWVVKRXOGEH reproduced in the Razer color palette. version 1.4 / 1208 Pantone applications oF corporate colors Black on White Pantone 361C 18 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 19 backGrounds ǩ7KHSUHIHUUHGEDFNJURXQGIRUWKH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLV%ODFN ǩ,ISODFLQJWKH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHRQDQLOOXVWUDWLRQRUSKRWRJUDSK the area where the logo is positioned needs to be clear of any patterns and variations of color ǩ7KHEDFNJURXQGVKRXOGSURYLGHKLJKFRQWUDVWWRWKH5D]HU FRUSRUDWHORJRFRORUH[DPSOHYDOXHHTXLYDOHQWWREODFNRU GDUNHULIXVLQJDZKLWH5D]HU6LJQDWXUH White on Black Background ǩ6KRXOGWKH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHEHSODFHGRQDQRQSUHIHUUHG EDFNJURXQGFRORXUXVHHLWKHUWKH:KLWHRUWKH%ODFNYHUVLRQVRIWKH Razer Signature. Razer Pantone Green on dark, neutral section of photo, illustration or graphic. version 1.4 / 1208 Pantone on Black Background version 1.4 / 1208 Correct Backgrounds: backGrounds Razer CMYK Green on light, neutral section of photo, illustration or graphic. Process color on White Background Black on White Background 20 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ Black on light, neutral section of photo, illustration or graphic. | 21 backGround misuse ǩ'RQRWSXWWKH5D]HUORJRRQDQ\RWKHUFRORUEDFNJURXQGH[FHSW for black, white or green. version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ'RQRWSXWWKH5D]HU3DQWRQHORJRRQWKH&0<.*UHHQ EDFNJURXQGDQGYLFHYHUVD 22 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ razer typeFace version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ'RQRWSXWWKH5D]HUORJRLQ&RUSRUDWH*UHHQFRORURQDQ\RWKHU color background except for black or white. | 23 razer typeFace razer speed backGround ǩ$OO5D]HUFRPPXQLFDWLRQVVKRXOGXVHWKH/XJJDJH5RXQG family typeface for headlines, sub-headlines, primary text and call-out text. ǩ$OO3ULQWGRFXPHQWVPXVWFDUU\WKH5D]HU6SHHG%DFNJURXQG,WPXVWEHSODFHGEHKLQGWKHRWKHUHOHPHQWVZLWKWKHOLJKWHUSRUWLRQ on the bottom part of the document. ǩ',1 should be used for most long passages of text and body copy. ǩ7KH5D]HU6SHHG%DFNJURXQGFRQVLVWVRIKRUL]RQWDOWUDQVSDUHQWVWULSHVRYHUDJUDGLHQWEDFNJURXQG headline Sub-Headline luGGaGe round reGular AbCDEFGHIJKLMNOPqrstuvwxyz abcdeFGhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 technical speciFications 6SHFL)LFDWLRQ 6SHFL)LFDWLRQ Technical Specifications luGGaGe round liGht AbCDEFGHIJKLMNOPqrstuvwxyz abcdeFGhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 luGGaGe round liGht oblique AbCDEFGHIJKLMNOPqrstuvwxyz abcdeFGhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 *Special Letters for Luggage Round Font: For the letters “R” and “B” please use the LOWER CASE “r” and “b”. For the letters “F” and “G” please use the UPPER CASE “F” and “G” 24 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ ǩ7KH5D]HU6SHHG%DFNJURXQGLVDVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGDUWZRUNZKHUHSURSRUWLRQDQGDUUDQJHPHQWRIHOHPHQWDUHVSHFLȌFDOO\ determined. To maintain consistency, use only approved digital art file. version 1.4 / 1208 sub-headline version 1.4 / 1208 Headline LuGGaGe round reGular oblique AbCDEFGHIJKLMNOPqrstuvwxyz abcdeFGhijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Emphasis Body Copy Body Copy Emphasis Body Copy DIN Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Body Copy ',15HJXODU $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\] 1234567890 | 25 razer edGe bar razer blade box The Razer Edge Bar symbolizes precision and can be used as a graphic element within a collateral or even as a die-cut shape. The Razer (GJH%DUFRQVLVWVRIDFRPELQDWLRQRIȍDWDQGVKDUSQRWFKHV ǩ7KH5D]HU%ODGH%R[VKRXOGEHXVHGRQWRSRIWKH5D]HU6SHHG Background and above the Razer Edge Bar. ǩ,IPRUHWKDQRQH5D]HU%ODGH%R[LVXVHGVXEVHTXHQWER[HVFDQ be used to encompass imagery or body text. ǩ7RHQVXUHWKHSURPLQHQFHRIWKH5D]HU5D]HU(GJH%DUDOORZDPPEOHHGRQWKHERWWRPOHIWDQGULJKWHGJHRIWKHEDU ǩThere can be no background allowed within the bar, and should be a consistent black color. ǩ7KHWKLFNQHVVRIWKH5D]HU(GJH%DULVHTXDOWRRIWKHORQJHVWGLPHQVLRQLQWKHOD\RXW ǩ7KH5D]HU(GJH%DULVDVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGDUWZRUNZKHUHSURSRUWLRQDQGDUUDQJHPHQWRIHOHPHQWDUHVSHFLȌFDOO\GHWHUPLQHG7R maintain consistency, use only approved digital art file. ǩ$OZD\VUHSURGXFHWKHFRPSOHWHORJRIURPWKHHOHFWURQLFDUWZRUNSURYLGHG version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ7KH5D]HU(GJH%DUPXVWDOZD\VDSSHDUDWWKHERWWRPRIDGRFXPHQW,WLVDOLJQHGIURPOHIWWRULJKWRIWKHGRFXPHQWOLQHDQGVLWVDW the bottom-most edge of the document line. ǩ7KH5D]HU%ODGH%R[LVDVSHFLDOO\GHVLJQHGDUWZRUNZKHUH proportion and arrangement of element are specifically determined. To maintain consistency, use only approved digital art file. ǩ7KHSUHIHUUHGEDFNJURXQGIRUWKH5D]HU%ODGH%R[LV%ODFN version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ,WFDQDOVREHXVHGDVDGLHFXWVKDSH Expand from here ǩ7KHEDFNJURXQGVKRXOGSURYLGHKLJKFRQWUDVWWRWKHHOHPHQWV within. ǩ'RQRWȌOOWKH5D]HU%ODGH%R[ZLWKDQ\RWKHUFRORUEDFNJURXQG except black. ǩ,QFLUFXPVWDQFHVZKHUHWKHGRFXPHQWLVYHU\ORQJH[WHQGWKH5D]HU(GJH%DUIURPWKHPLGGOHWDNLQJFDUHWRHQVXUHWKDWWKH notches are not distorted in the process. 26 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 27 usaGe oF the razer blade box For Gamers. by Gamers.™ ǩ,QDSULQWFROODWHUDOWKHUHVKRXOGDOZD\VEHDWOHDVWRQH manifestation of the Razer Blade Box. )RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZLVWKHFRPSDQ\PRWWR$VDVWURQJLGHQWLȌHURI5D]HUWKHZRUGPDUNKDVWREHXVHGDSSURSULDWHO\DQGZLWK care to project an accurate image of Razer. ǩ6XEVHTXHQW%R[HVFDQEHRYHUODSSHGRUSODFHGZLWKLQWKHPDLQ Razer Blade Box. Main Razer Blade Box version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ,QFLUFXPVWDQFHVZKHUHWKH5D]HU%ODGH%R[KDVWREHUHVL]HGWR fit into a document, ensure that the rounded corners and notches are not distorted in the process. The font to be used for both )RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZ and www.razerzone.comLV/XJJDJH5RXQG5HJXODU7KHUHVKRXOGQRWEHDQ\OLQH XQGHUWKH85/ Colors and Placements For Gamers. by Gamers.™ ǩ7KH)RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZKDVWREHLQ5D]HU*UHHQDQG WKH5D]HU]RQH85/KDVWREHLQZKLWHRUEODFNZKHQUHYHUVHG at all times. version 1.4 / 1208 $QLQWHJUDOSDUWRI5D]HULVWKH5D]HU]RQHZHEVLWHwww.razerzone.com7KH85/KDVWREHIHDWXUHGSURPLQHQWO\LQDOORXUFROODWHUDOV ǩ,PDJHVZLWKLQWKH5D]HU%ODGH%R[VKRXOGDOZD\VEHVL]HGWR the edge. Text can either be centralized or full-justify leaving a clearspace around. ǩ7KH)RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZ/RJRW\SHLVVLWXDWHGRQWKHOHIW of the Razer Edge Bar and Razer URL is situated on the right of the Razer Edge Bar. Overlapping Razer Blade Boxes 28 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 29 30 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ print version 1.4 / 1208 version 1.4 / 1208 applications oF the razer brand elements | 31 advertisement - sinGle paGe advertisement - double paGe 15mm 15mm 15mm Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right Copyright Statement Main Razer Blade Box Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized horizontally Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Overlapping Razer Blade Boxes Razer Speed Background Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL 32 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ 5mm Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right version 1.4 / 1208 Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box 15mm Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left of left page Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right of right page Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box centralized vertically on left page Headline centralized on right page Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized horizontally on left page Razer Speed Background Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL Copyright Statement on right page version 1.4 / 1208 Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left Main Razer Blade Box Overlapping Razer Blade Boxes on right page Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right of right page | 33 advertisement - 1/3 vertical 5mm 5mm Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left Copyright Statement Main Razer Blade Box Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized horizontally displays and siGnaGe version 1.4 / 1208 Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box version 1.4 / 1208 Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Centralized Razer Blade Box Razer Speed Background Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL 34 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ 5mm 10mm Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right | 35 banners - vertical 3:1 Banners Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right For Gamers. By Gamers. centralized to the Special Use Razer Signature Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box Copyright Statement Main Razer Blade Box Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized horizontally Razer Speed Background Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL 36 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right version 1.4 / 1208 Special Use Razer Signature in vertical format Razer Edge Bar Razerzone URL Main Razer Blade Box Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized Razer Speed Background version 1.4 / 1208 Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left banners - horizontal Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Copyright Statement | 37 banners - horizontal banners - horizontal 5:1 Banners 7:1 Banners Razer Edge Bar Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL 38 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box Main Razer Blade Box Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right Special Use Razer Signature in horizontal format For Gamers. By Gamers. and URL centralized to the Special Use Razer Signature Razer Edge Bar Razer Distressed Word Logo /Product Logo on top left Razer Edge Bar with Motto and URL Headline in Luggage Round Regular Oblique centralized Product imagery encased in Main Blade Box Main Razer Blade Box Award Logos (not more than 6% of the longest dimension) centralized Razer Triple-Headed Snake Logo on top right version 1.4 / 1208 For Gamers. By Gamers. centralized to the Special Use Razer Signature version 1.4 / 1208 Special Use Razer Signature in vertical format Powered By Razer Logo on bottom right | 39 web banners $OOZHEEDQQHUVVKRXOGFRPHLQDQLPDWHG*,)VZLWKERWKEUDQGLQJDQGSURGXFWLQIRUPDWLRQGLVSOD\HGRQDPLQLPXPRIWZRIUDPHV$OO GLPHQVLRQVIRURQOLQHDSSOLFDWLRQVDUHWREHLQSL[HOVDQGLQ5*%FRORUPRGH Razer Leaderboard - 768 x 90 pixels version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ6HFRQGIUDPH3URGXFWORJRRQWKHOHIWVLGHRIWKHEDQQHUZLWKWKH product visual in the middle and headline on the right side. version 1.4 / 1208 online ǩ)LUVWIUDPH7KH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLQ+RUL]RQWDO)RUPDW LVXVHGRQWKHOHIW7KH5D]HU0RWWRDQG85/LVRQWKHULJKWVLGHRI the banner. Razer Skyscraper - 160 x 600 pixels ǩ)LUVWIUDPH7KH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLQ9HUWLFDO)RUPDWLV used in the center of the banner. The Razer Motto is centralized just DIWHUWKHORJRDQGWKH85/LVFHQWUDOL]HGERWWRPRIWKHEDQQHU ǩ6HFRQGIUDPH&HQWUDOL]HG3URGXFWORJRRQWKHWRSRIWKHEDQQHU 3URGXFWYLVXDOLVLQWKHPLGGOHZLWKKHDGOLQHDQG$ZDUG/RJRV 5D]HU0RWWRDQG85/DWWKHERWWRPRIWKHEDQQHU 40 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 41 web banners Razer Square - 250 x 250 pixels ǩ)LUVWIUDPH7KH6SHFLDO8VH5D]HU6LJQDWXUHLQ9HUWLFDO)RUPDW LVXVHGLQWKHFHQWHURIWKHEDQQHU7KH5D]HU85/LVFHQWUDOL]HGLQ the bottom of the banner. 42 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ brandinG throuGh words version 1.4 / 1208 Razer Rectangle - 300 x 250 pixels version 1.4 / 1208 ǩ6HFRQGIUDPH&HQWUDOL]HG3URGXFWORJRRQWKHWRSRIWKHEDQQHU 3URGXFWYLVXDOLVLQWKHPLGGOHDQGKHDGOLQHDWWKHERWWRPRIWKH banner. | 43 overview razer wordmark usaGe Besides building the Razer brand through the use of visual materials like logos and colors, effective use of the Razer name in all communications can help further enhance that value. :KHQWKH5D]HUQDPHLVXVHGLQERG\FRS\RUKHDGOLQHVLWVKRXOGEHW\SHVHWLQWKHVDPHIDFHDQGVW\OHDVWKHVXUURXQGLQJFRS\ 'RQRWWU\WRUHFUHDWHRULPLWDWHWKH5D]HUFRUSRUDWHORJRVW\OLVWLFDOO\ZLWKWH[WW\SH 7KH5D]HUQDPHVKRXOGRQO\DSSHDUHLWKHUDVWKHSUHGHVFULEHGJUDSKLFIRUPRIWKH5D]HUORJRRUWH[WLQWKHIRUPRIDZRUGPDUN which will be discussed in this section. Our company motto also form an important part of the Razer brand and guidelines on the usage of the motto are also touched on in this section. ,I\RXZLVKWRHPSKDVL]HWKHQDPHLWPD\DSSHDULQDOOFDSVDVǤ5$=(5DZǥRUDVǤ5D]HUDZǥZLWKDQLQLWLDOFDSǤ5ǥ version 1.4 / 1208 Correct Razer™ technology Razer™ has just announced the Razer Copperhead™ Razer’s very own software Incorrect Razor™ product razer™ Technology Razerize your system Razer software Use Razers™ to enhance your gaming performance Ǥ5D]HUǥKDVUHOHDVHGWKHǤ5D]HU&RSSHUKHDGDZǥ $OZD\VXVH5D]HUǢVWUDGHPDUNDVDQDGMHFWLYHZKLFKPHDQVLW must be followed by a noun. The R in Razer is always uppercase and never italicized. ,WPXVW$/:$<6EHWKHDSSURSULDWHQRXQ 7KHDZV\PEROPXVWDSSHDUZLWKWKH),567XVHRIWKH5D]HU trademark in the document except when used with product names. version 1.4 / 1208 Appropriate Use of the Razer Wordmark 4. Use of the Razer trademark should be accompanied by a credit line. 5. NEVER use the Razer trademark in the plural form or as a verb, regardless of whether or not the ™ symbol is used. 6. Unauthorized usage of the Razer trademark as part of hardware and software product names is never permitted. 44 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 45 razer product wordmark usaGe Razer Copperhead™ 5D]HU&RSSHUKHDGDZ*DPLQJ0RXVH Appropriate Use of the For Gamers. By Gamers.™ wordmark 2. The ™ symbol should come after the product name. 3. The first letter of each word MUST be in uppercase. Incorrect razer copperhead™ Razer copperhead™ The Razer Copperheads 7KH&RSSHUKHDGDZ*DPLQJ0RXVH 46 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ Correct 3URGXFWQDPHVVKRXOGEHXVHGWRJHWKHUZLWK the Razer wordmark. 4. The ™ symbol must appear on the first use of the wordmark in the document. 5. NEVER use the wordmark in the plural form or as a verb, regardless of whether or not the ™ symbol is used. 5D]HUDZ)RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZ )RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZ 7KH)RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZZRUGPDUNVKRXOGEHXVHG together with the Razer wordmark. 2. It can also be used by itself, with the Razer logo. 3. The first letter of each word MUST be in uppercase. Incorrect for gamers. by gamers.™ )RUJDPHUVE\JDPHUVDZ )25*DPHUV%<*DPHUVDZ %\*DPHUV)RU*DPHUV )RU*DPHU%\*DPHUDZ version 1.4 / 1208 Correct 0RXVH0DWV,QVHFWVHJ0DQWLV &RUG0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHP$UPRUHG&UHDWXUHVHJ$UPDGLOOR version 1.4 / 1208 5D]HU3URGXFW1DPLQJ&RQYHQWLRQ 0LFH6QDNHVHJ&RSSHUKHDG .H\ERDUGV$UDFKQLGVHJ7DUDQWXOD $XGLR3UHGDWRU\0DULQH$QLPDOV HJ%DUUDFXGD Appropriate Use of the Razer Product wordmark For Gamers. by Gamers.™ wordmark usaGe 7KHDZV\PEROPXVWDSSHDUZLWK(9(5<XVHRIWKH wordmark in the document. 8VHRIWKH)RU*DPHUV%\*DPHUVDZWUDGHPDUNVKRXOGEH accompanied by a credit line. 6. Unauthorized usage of the wordmark as part of hardware and software product names is never permitted. 6. NEVER use the wordmark in the singular form or as a verb, regardless of whether or not the ™ symbol is used. 7. In print collaterals, all products should be mentioned in their full name and description when possible eg. Razer Copperhead™ *DPLQJ0RXVH 7. Unauthorized usage of the wordmark as part of hardware and software product names is never permitted. | 47 contact Thank you for helping to build the Razer brand by using these guidelines to ensure consistent and correct application of our Razer Brand Identity. version 1.4 / 1208 3DUW1R5& version 1.4 / 1208 ,I\RXUHTXLUHIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHGRQRWKHVLWDWHWRFRQWDFWRXU%UDQG,GHQWLW\ 48 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™ | 49 version 1.4 / 1208 50 | For Gamers. by Gamers.™
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