county genealogical - Carroll County Genealogical Society
county genealogical - Carroll County Genealogical Society
! L. CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL I HARALSON CO, Jan. 26. 1856 OOUGLAS CO. Ocl. 17 = 6 HEARD CO. Oec. 22 1830 TROU SPRING 1999 -i- THE CARROLL COUNry GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY SATURDAY, APRIL 10, ,1999 ANNUAL WORKSHOP Sunset Hills Country Club, Carrollton, Georgia 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. MARY BONDURANT WARREN Mary Bondurant Warren was former editor of "The PUZZLER" , a weekly publication of genealogical queries. She is also the author of: Alphabetical indexto Georgia's 1832 gold lottery. Mariages and deaths, 1763 to 1820, abstracted faom extant ceorgia newspapers. South Carolina immigrants, 1760to 1770. South Carolina jury lisb, 1718 through 1783 Whites among the Cherokees : Georgia '1828-1838. 9:00 9:30 - 9:30 11:00 11:15 - 12:15 11:00 '11:15 1.3O 2:30 12.15 1:30 - WORKSHOP Registration and coffee First Session lto be announced] Break Second Session lto be announced] Lunch Third Session: Questions and Answers FEE: members non-members For CCGS For $25.00 llncludes luncheonl $27.50 {lncludes luncheonl Reservations must be received, with payment, byAprilT, 1999. Make checks payable to Caroll County Genealogical Society and mail to: Dr. Eugene Sneary, 20 Harpefs Way, Canollton, GA, 30117. Reservation Form 1999 Workshop ccGS Enclosed is my Name Name $_ check for registration for the April 10, 1999 CCGS Workshop. Address Address THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY BY THE CARROLL COUNIY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. BOX 576 CARROLLTON. GEORGIA 301,17 Web Page Address - com/carrollgen/ VOLUME XX SPRING 1999 NUMBER ONE TABLE OF CONTENIS ................ Officers and Committees ................ Mrs. Evie Francis Treadwell Lovvorn ... Harris Russell and Leah Steed ............ Moses Richard Russell ........-............ Correction ................ President's Letter. ........... 2 2 3 4 .... 7 I Announcements The Family of John Harlin Ihe Shackelford Family of Thomas Amos and Lougenia Pace 10 Wynn .. and l\rolly Mae lrccuire ............... 11 The Family of Ryburn Harrison Chambers and Nannie Ruth Pope ........... 16 The Family of Eugene Nelson Chambers 19 Ihe ........................... Co., GA, 1890 thru 1899 ................................ Family of George Alvin Chambers and Nelle Tisinger l\,larriage Certificates, Carroll 20 20 Items of Genealogical lnterest, Carroll County Times 1881 Charts Focus of Research.. Queries... . CCGS [Iembers lndex...... . ................................... 26 Pedigree 25 27 30 31 34 The CarrollCounty Genealogical Society, Carroll County, Georgia, membership dues are $20.00 per person or family, on a calendar basis (January through December). Life memberships are not available. This publication is included at no extra cost in the membership dues, with one copy per family. Extra copies of the 1999 Quarteriies are available for $5.50 each Former issues of the Quarterly are available at the pnces shown on the back page of this issue. These are ordered ftom the Carroll County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 576, Carrollton, GA 301 '17. Queries are published free for members of the Society; charges for queries for non-members are $5.00 for up to 100 words This Society does not assume responsibility for errors in fact or oprnron which may appear in articles furnished by its members. We will gladly conect any erors brought to our attention. Copyright 1999 lssN-0734-5682 --D q -2- Spring. 1999 Dear Fellow Members. Ihis is my first chance to address you as your president. Let me thank you again for the confidence in me you showed by electing me president of our fine organization. With everyone's help, we can have a profitable and eventful year for this Society. But we must have your help. The president board, and committee chairpersons can't do it alone. Come, volunteer your time and effort to the common cause, and we can do great things. This is an important time to be a member of the Carroll County Genealogical Society. We've never had better resources for our searches than now. lf you've been following the Quarterly, and attending our meetings, you know there are many places to research your family history here. First, of course, is our Speoal Collections Room at the Neva Lomason lremorial Library. Thanks to many of our members, this is an important resource, and it rs becoming better Then there are resources in the near neighborhood, like the Family History Centers of the LDS at Newnan and Douglasville, the State Archives. and the Atlanta branch of the National Archives. Burgeoning in the last two or three years are the facilities for genealogical research on the lnternet. These are increasing in both numbers of sites which may be accessed with sound data available, and in the number of other researchers you may conespond with. ln regard to numbers of people using the lntemet- one site alone - Roots Web reported 63,000,000 "hits" in November alone, and '119.000,000 E-mail messages. Some of your cousins have to be among those large numbers, just waiting 1o give you family information. lf you need help, get jn touch with your officers and Board members. Someone can and will help. Good hunting and linking. BrLl M,tche . Presidenl THE CARROLL COUNIY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 1999 OFFICERS AND COMIV]ITIEES Presideni . Vice"President. Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary.. ....... Asst.ConespondingSecretary................. ............... .... .. Editor..... Treasurer Asst. Treasurer Quarterly .. Bill llitchell Betty devane Sandra Allen Irary Floreoce Word RuthMcNinch Lee Wash Jean Kytle Shidey Gardner ..,- '. ,' , '.. . .| The following article was published in the Bowdon Bulletin 21 Oct 1993: MRS. LOWORN CELEBMTES HER gOTH BIRTHDAY OCT. 15 Wntten by Cindy Loworn [,rrs Evie Francis lreadwell Lovvorn, age 90, a resident of Bowdon, has seen € wor,d of change in her lifetimeShe grew up when horse and caniage was still the popular mode of transportation and television had not been invented. Theodore Roosevelt was President but at the time there was no Vice President. The average yearly salary was $424.00. Women made up 18 percent of the work force. At the movies "The Great Train Robbery" was the first story-telling movie and it lasted 12 minutes. Dr. Jackson and his mechanic made the first automobile trip across the U. S. A gallon of milk was 28 cents and stamps were two cents each. Mrs Evie is one of nine children. the late Lottie l\rillstead, Jessie Haynes, Taby Smelly, May Jones, twins William and Thomas Treadwell (Thomas died at birth). Still living are Alice Barber and Lucy Kinard. Evie was bom October 15, 1903 George Washington Treadwell, father of l\4rs. Evie. was a farmer and a carpenter. Sara Elizabeth Ward Treadwell, her mother, was a homemaker, overseerng the upbringing of her children. Unlike the modern times we live in, Mrs Sara made all the clothes Evie and he. brcther and sisters wore Mrs Evie's parents are buried at l\,Iarvin's Chapel in Birmingham, Alabama. i/!rs. Evie Francis Treadwell Lowom Today's childrcn have little or no work to do around the family home, unlike lvlrs. Evte - there were plenty of chores to keep her busy. She had to pick cotton to keep her out of trouble, like all children, she disliked However it was a main source of money. After her morning chores she attended Friendship School at Bucktown. At the age of 17 Mrs. Evie manied Tom Lovvorn on a Sunday evenlng in front of Rev. Kites'home, in the year 1920. Mr. Tom passed away on April 12, 1977. They had a wonderful maniage which led them to have six children The first child Marywill died it :-,1,r.,,.:{-. /- c ': ': -4- lvlrs. Lovvom, Cont'd. at age four, then there were Hazel Nuckolls, Stewart, Wayne, Doyle and the late Ray Lovvom. The fact that her children were happy and welladjusied with families of thei. own brings Mrs. Evie the most satisfaction She is the proud grandmother of '11 and a great grandmother ot 16. When asked what memory of her childhood sticks out most in her mind, Mrs. paused, Evie covered her lips with her fingertips and smiled. She said, "l temember playing hguse with my sisters acting like we were grownups. Our house was outside but it was only pretend. We drew on the ground, the walls, or sometimes placed rocks in a row. We had such a good time. Mrs. Lucy, sister of Evie, talks about her as being a loving, independent and sassy little woman. The Treadwells were a close-knit family. Today Evie has only sisters Alice and Lucy to be with, but she has fond memones of ihe other sisters and brothers. She loves to sit and talk about the old days Unable to read her Bible, Mrs. Evie listens to the gospel stations on the radio and occasionally country music. She is a member of Midway Community Church on Dot Road To lrrs. Evie's surprise on Friday, October 15, 1993, she was greeted by her friends and family to celebrate her 90th birthday. Mrs. Evie had no idea that there were so many people who even knew her birthday. She appreciates all the wonderfui people who shared in the celebration, and those who could not be there too. Submitted by Shirley Gardner HARRIS RUSSELL AND LEAH STEED COWETA COUNTY PIONEERS ANO RESIDENTS OF CARROLL COUNTY Submitted by Nancy E. Williams, gr gr granddaughter 701 Wind Grove Rd , Marietta, GA 30067 nelizw@aol com Harris Russelland Leah Steed, natives of North Carolina. migrated from that state to Coweta County, Georgia. A story has come down in the Steed line about a caravan of fourteen covered wagons which left North Carolina in the mid-1830s, bound for new lands in Georgia. The journey lasted over three months Haffis and Leah brought seven children from NC to Georgia and settled in Coweta County, living rn a dirt-floor cabin. Harris, son of Gabriel Russell and his wife Candis, was born 13 Sep 1799. Leah, daughter of Hilkiah Steed and Sarah (Sally) Hearn, was born 1 5 Mar 1800. They were married 17 May 1821, at the bride's home in Montgomery County, NC, by the Reverend Littleton Harris. Around 1853, the Russells moved westward to Talladega County, AL to a part of that county which later became part of Clay County, and in the next several years Harris and Leah lost seven grown children. The only clue to the cause of death for these young adults is a record, on the '1860 Talladega modality schedule, of the death of a young woman rn the Harris Russell household from tuberculosis. Five of lhese seven children are buried inthe Russell Cemetery inClayCounty, AL. lf we presLrme that the family crealed a burying place near their home, then this family lived on land in a beautifulvalley which is today a field off of Highway 130. The roadway passing the cemetery looks like a field road, but local residents say it is the remnant of a road to :;'1" '; -5- Harns Russeliand Leah Steed, Cont'd. town. lt is also said that theae was an lndian settlement there at one time. An old house stood on a rise nearby, with large trees, until it was destroyed by a tornado in 1932. This area of Talladega County was known as Court Hill. By 1870, Harris and Leah hadJetllned to Georgia, settling in Canoll County. Of their surviving chrldren. all exc{tl-Moses rhoved on to Texas Descendants tn Texas today have been told the story of the Russell wagon train which traveled from Georgia and Alabama to East Texas. Harns Russell died 10 May 1873, and is buried at Old Camp Methodist Church in Canoll County. Leah Steed Russell went to Texas in 1877 to live with her daughter lrartha Ann. Leah died in Texas23July 1885, and her burial place is unknown. The following are the descendants of Hanis and Leah Steed Rus6ell: 1. Calvin Augustus Russell, b 1 Feb 1822: md l Feb 1844, CampbellCo., cA, to Emeline Elizabeth Wilkerson; d 1 Apr 1856; both are bur in RussellCem., Clay Co., AL. Children: A. Susan Ann Russell, b ca 1845, GA. B. Sarah Frances Russell, b 26 Nov 1846, GA; md G. Christopher; d 30 Oct 1909. C. lnfant Dau., b AL; bur nr her parents. D. l\rarshall Emsley Russell, b ca 1850, AL. E. Wiley Harris Russell, b 6 Nov 1851, AL; d 3 Nov 1855; bur Russell Cem' F. Calvin Augustus Russell (female), bAL; apparently b after her fatheds death; md Joseph E. Upchurch. 2. Martha Jane Russell, b 15 Dec 1824; md 13 Feb 1840 to Emlay K. Russell, thought to be a cousin; d 25 Jul '1884; both bur Reeves Chapel Meth. Cem., Pittsburg, Camp Co., TX. Children: A. Gabriel H. Russell, b ca 1841, GA; d young. B. MargaretA. N. Russell, b ca 1843, GA; md --- Fain; d sometime after bearing a son in 1861. C. Aby Russell, b ca 1847, GA; d young D. Sarah Emeline Russell, b2Jun 1850, GA; md her second cousrn, Asberry Columbus Russell; d 11 Jul 1918; both bur Reeves E ChaPe,. Leah Leola Russell, b 6 Oct'1863; md Bishop F. Clements; d I Feb '1929; both bur Reeves Chapel. 3. Nancy Ann Russell b'10Oct1826; md2SJun 1848, Covr'eta Co.. GA, to Wesley M. Ballard; d 18 Mar 1907; both bur Hopewell Cem.. Camp Co., TX. Known children: A. Wlliam Ballard, b ca 1849, GA. B. Ellen Ballard, b ca 1854, GA. C. Francis (Fannie) Ballard, b Jan 1857, GA; md --- Douglass D. Emily Ballard, b Sep 1859, AL. E. Ollie Ballard (male), b Jul 1873, TX. 4. l\,/lelvina Russell, b 12Aug 1828; md #1, ----- Ballardt md#2, 15Oct1845, Coweta Co., GA, to James Butler lradison Landers; d 5 Apr 1863; bur Oak Hill Cem., Clay Co., TX. Children: Allison W., Wiley Harns, [.4ary Elizabeth, James Butler L c -]/^a!'..* -6- - l^.L..l Hanis Russelland Leah Steed. Cont'd Madison, Sarah Cathenne, Frances Julia, Roxie Susan, Robert Houston, William Landers and a child. A. Allison W. Landers (male), b 10 Dec 1846 GA. B. Wiley Harris Landers, b 26 Nray 1848, GA; d 1862. C. Mary Elizabeth Landers, b 18 Aug 1849, GA md Richard Elias Cook; d 26 Apr 1916. D. James Butler Madison Landers Jr., b 3'1 Dec 1850r d 5 Apr 1865; bur Russell Cem., Clay Co., TX. E. Sarah Catherine Landers, b 22 Apr '1852; d1853; burRussell Cem. F. Frances Julia Landers, b 26 Jan 1854, AL. G. Roxie Susan Landers, b 1 Apr1856, AL; md D. W. Bamett; d 31 Jul 1903. H. Robert Houston Landers, b 26 Apr 1860, AL William Landers, b 29 Oct 1862; d 1863 J. Child Landers, d 1855. 5. Wiley Washington Russell, b 1 Jan 1830; md 8 Sep '1850, Campbell Co., GA, to Lavonia Carlton; d 2 Jul 1856; bur Russell Cem. Children: A. John Harris Russell, b 21 Jul 1853; md Saily Octavia l\rcElfresh; d 15 Dec 1880. B. Wiley Abner Russell, b 10 Sep 1855; d 9 Dec 1880 6. Louisa Russell, b 27 Feb 1832; md 25 Oct 1849, Coweta Co., GA, to Walter K. Franklin; d 13 Jan 1854; bur Russell Cem No known children. 7. William Nelson Russell. b 12Jul '1833i notknownifmd; d23Dec1854i bur Russell Cem. 8. Moses Richard Russell, b 30 Sep 1835; d 28 Jul 1922. (More information on this child follo\,vs.) 9. GabrielJackson Russell, b27Sep 1837, d 18Jul 1857; bur place unknown. 10. Sarah Elizabeth Russell, b '10 Oct 1839; md 16 Sep 1858, to Dr B. S. Smoot; d 10 Jan 1860; bur Russell Cem. Sarah is the one vr'hose death is recorded on the mortality schedule. There is an infant son buried beside her, no dates. 11. James Harris Russell, b 15Jan'18441 he was a dentrst and a prominent citizen of Texas, md #1 4 Aug 1870, Carroll Co., GA, to Lucy Caroline Steed, his first cousin, daughter of Agrippa Steed, She dled 15 Dec 1871, and is bur at Old Camp Methodist Cem., Carroll Co. An infant is bur beside her. He md #2, 7 Aug 1874, Carroll Co, to Josephine Adaline Steadham. He d 18 Dec 1931, and he and hrs second wife are bur in Bellevue Cem., Clay Co., TX. Their children: Cora Russell, b 27 Jul 1a75. GA; md John Hannon B. Emma Russell, b 28 Oct 1876, GAi md herfirst cousin, Robert Lee Russell, son of Moses d along with her 4 children in a tornado in TX in 1906 C. John Ead Russell, b 24 Jun 1878, GA. D. Iralcolm Musrck Russell, b 6 Oct '1880, TX. E. Josephine Maud Russell, twin, b20Aug 1882,TX; mdW.T Williams. F. James Claude Russell. twin, b 20 Aug 1882, TX; d '13 Jul 1884. G. Blanche Russell, b Oct 1886, TXt md Guy C. Raley. H. Opal Russell, b 2 Jan 1889; d 24 Aug 1889. l. A '-:,.i,., zl-. 6 L'aa -7- Harris Russell and Leah Steed, Cont'd. L J. K. Willie Mae Russell, b Dec'1890: md W. D Gant. Katie Russell, b 2 May 1892: d 31 Oct 1892 Loreign Russell, b 18 Feb 1905; md Waldo Edward Karrenbrock; d 30 Apr 1996. MOSES RICHARD RUSSELL Submitted by Nancy E. Williams, gr granddaughter 701 Wind Grove Rd.. Marietta GA 30067 ' Moses Richard Russellwas born 30 Sep 1835, the son of Harris Russelland Leah Steed, and the first of their children to be born in Georgia atter the family's migration from North Carolina. ln Coweta County, where the family lived until about 1853, Moses attended school in a dirt-floor log cabin which had a big fireplace, a di.t and stick chimney, and square holes cut through the logs for light. Moses' parents and brothers moved to the area of Talladega Co., AL, that became part of Clay Co. ln 1867 Moses had a mercantile business at County Llne, so named because it was on the border between Talladega and Randolph Counties. When the area became part of Clay Co., he suggested that the name of the town be changed to Lineville, and it was. Moses and his brother James Haris served the Confederacy in Company D, JohnA. Hester Capt., 17thAL Regiment, Col. Johnson. They both were stationed at Mobile. Both brothers became disabled by sickness James was discharged, and lvoses sent a substitute. ln 1864 he enlisted in Company B, DeArmand's Battalion and remained with it until the wais end. l\roses returned to Georgia and settled in Canoll County where he served on the Board of Education, as Superintendent of Schools, and as a County Commissioner. An article in the Carroll Countv Times in '1880 stated that lroses was selling his farm and planning to move to Texas l'm certainly glad he didn't do thatl lvloses was married in Talladega Co. on 4 Oct 1857 to Frances Lumpkin (Fannie) Bell, the daughter of Sylvanus Bell and Elizabeth Mary Stipe The marriage was performed by J. B. M. Landers, husband of l\iloses's sister Melvina. Fannie died 23 Apt 1873,leaving six children. Moses married second Fannie's first cousin, Elizabeth (Betty) Lumpkin Brown, the daughter of Franklin Brown and Agnes Stipe. They were married 7 Oct 1873 in Carroll County. Betty died 18 Sep 1909. Moses, Fannie, and Betty are buried in the Old Camp l\ ethodist Cem., Carroll Co., GA. Children by Frances Lumpkin Bell: 1 Elizabeth (Wrennie) Lumpkin Russell, b 2 Jun 1859, AL; md D. Ezra Martin; d 14 Nov '1941; both are bur in the Martin Cem , Car.oll Co., GA. Children: A. Ruthie lrartin (1885-1886). C HalC. Martin. D. Fannie Kate Martin. B. Rufus Russell Martin. 2. George B. Russell, b Jun 1861, ALi md ca '1896 Florence (Turner?); moved to TX. Children, all b in TX: D. Gladys Russell, b ca 1904. A. Seth Russell. b Oct 1896. E. Ernest Russell, b ca 1905. B. Fannie Russell, bAug 1898 C Leta Russell, b ca 1901. ..7,.i.0,,.{ b-L n"' -8- lvloses Richard Russell, Cont'd. 3. Josephine lrene Russell, b Jun 1864, AL: md 3 Feb 1881, CarrollCo., to Green Washington Davenport they settled in TX by 1888; d 16 [Iay 1938 Childrenr A. Charles Russell Davenport, b 1881 B. Walter Grover Davenport, b 1884. C. Bessie Mae Davenport, b'1886 D. Comer C. Davenport, b 1888 E. Maud R. Davenport, b 1891. F. Alsie Lee Davenport, b 1895. G. Beula Floy Davenport, b 1897. H. lMarvin Edward Davenport, b 1899. L Wiley Ripley Davenport, b ca 1904 4. Robert Lee Russell, bAug 1867. GA; md his first cousin, Emma Russeli, daughter of James Harris Russell. Emma and thelr four children were killed by a tomado in IX in '1906. Children: A. Sidney R. Russell (male) b Nov 1898. C. Boy Russell B. Mary Russell, b Feb D. Boy Russell 5. Marvin Edgar Russell, b 11 Feb 1869, GAi md I Nov 1893, Caroll Co., to Mollie Handley. They settled in White Co., AR, by 1908. Marvin served as constable and game warden, and d 2 Jan 195'1. Children: A. iraudie Belle Russell, b 1894. H. William E. Russell, b ca 1908. Arthur P. Russell, b ca 1909. B. Moses R. Russell, b 1895. C. Charles A. Russell, b'1896. J. Bertie C. Russell (male),bca1911 D. Retha L. Russell, b '1899. K. Gilbert L. Russell, b ca 1913. E. Wiley S. Russell, b ca 1901. L. Comer Glenn Russell. b ca 1915. F. Flora May Russell, b ca 1903. M. Velma Russell, b ca 1917. G. Elsie R. Russell, b ca 1905. N Yera Russell, b 1919. The radio personalitysush Limbaudh is a great grandson of l.4arvin Edgar Russell 6. Kate Russell, b 24 Jun 1870, GA; md 15 Dec 1901, Carroll Co., toOscar Perry Baskin; d9May1949, bLrr at Concord l,Iethodist Cem., Caroll Co. Children: D. PaulCallaway Baskin. A. Lois.Baskin B. Sidney Roy Baskin E. lrene Yvonne Baskin. F. Earl Baskin. C. Russeil Baskin. 1900. L --- Children by Elizabeth Lumpkin Brown Russell, all b in GA: 1. James Harris Russell, b21 Mar1874; mdldaBell (daughter of William Pittman Bell and granddaughter of Sylvanus and Frances Lumpkin Bell) Settled in Lineville, AL; d I Apr 1945; bur Old City Cem., Lineville Children: A. Willie Russell (female). C. Samuel Sullavan Cox Russell B. lvloses Richard Russell. D. lda Sue Russell 2. Lula Russell, b 29 Apr '1875; md 7 Nov '1897, Carroll Co., to W. Oscar Ashmorei d13Dec1959; burMt. Zion Methodist Cem., CarrollCo. Children: A. lrabel Gladys Ashmore E. Edgar Parks Ashmore. B. l\rary Ruth Ashmore. F James Fred Ashmore. C. Bessie Mildred Ashmore. G. PaulAugustus Ashmore. D. Glynn Russell Ashmore. H. Homer CarlAshmore. -i-I' t "{ -9- lvloses Richard Russell, Cont'd. 3. Annie Agnes Russell, b 13 Sep 1876, md 17 Jun 1894, Carroll Co., to Robert Lee Smith; d 4 Apr 1969. Children: A. John R. C. Bessie Smith. Roberi Lee Smith Jr 4. Buena Vista Russell, b 17 [Iay 1878i md 1 Nov '1903, Carroll Co., to William Franklin Hinesley; d25Dec1958; burOld Camp lrethodist Cem., Carroll Co. Children: Willie Emest Hinesley. E. Hugh Hinesley. B. Guy Russell Hinesley. F. Florence Ezelle Hinesley. C. Pierce Franklin Hinesley. G. Alton Jesse Hinesley. D. Annie lvlae Hinesley. 5. Frances Lillian (Frank) Russell, b27Jan 1880, md27 Jan 1901, Carroll Co., to Thomas Otho Hamrick. d 19Jan 1954; burOld Camp Methodist Church Cem. She was the organist at Old Camp Methodist, and Tom was the sheriff. Children: Robert Whitten Hamrick. A. Ray G. Russell Hamrick. B. Alton P. H. l\rary Hamrick. C. Agnes D. Richard Julian Hamrick Frances Ann Hamrick (adopted). E. Jim Ham 6. Hugh Buchanan Russell, b 3 Aug 1882; md Mattie Lou Holmesi d 7 Nov 1922; bur Mt. Zion Methodist Church Cem., CarrollCo. Children: A. Annie Ruth C. Charles Russell. B. Irargaret D. Hoke S. Russell Grover Cleveland Russell, b24 Nov'1884; md 9 Dec 1905, Carroll Co. to Nancy Louthella Florence Davis; died 29 Oct 1929; both are bur at Bremen City Cem., Haralsgn Co., GA. He worked for the Southern Railwayandwas killed in atrarn accident. Children: A. Henry Mloses Russell, b '1908 B. Frances Willard Russell. b 1910. C. Annie Belle Russell, b'1912i d'1980 D. l\4ignon Russell, b 1915; d 1997. B Smith A Hamdck. Hamrick. Hamrick. Hamrick. ck. 7 ======= F I J Russell Russell. : =':YiiT'ii:11': ='i:'i= ===== CORRECTION Page 123 of the 1998 Winter Quarterly has an error on the address of Kenneth L. Newman. lt should read 906 2nd St. NE, Jacksonville, AL 36265 ANNOUNCEMENTS - The second edition of Hugh Barrow's book, "Pivate James R Baffow - Company B Cobb's Legion - lnfantry," is sold out. At the present time there are no plans for a third printing, however, if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy, they can conlact Mr Barrow who will add their name to a list to be notified should more books become available. Please contaci Hugh W. Barrow, 1511 Thomebrooke Circle, Dalton, GA 30720. Phone 706-226-7004. E-mail- Lc o'1 - /- /-_.Lt -10The following article was written from informatron furnished by Donnie R. Shackleford, 443 Avondale Rd , Montgomery, AL 36109. See article in Wrnter 1998 Quarterly. THE FAMILY OF JOHN HARLIN SHACKELFORD John Harlin Shackelford was born 08 Aug '1854 He married Gerusha Carrie Bonner, who was born 12 Sep 1858 After John Harlin'sdeathon20Dec1891, shemanieda lvlillican, and later a Goosby or Goolsby She died 28 Feb 1943 The children of John Harlin and Gerusha Ca.rie Bonner Shackelford were Anna L., Iray, Young Lee, and John Gay Shackelford. 1 Anna "Annie" L. Shackelford, b 3 Nov 1877; md a l,4cclendon; died 21 Aug 't965. A. Floy Mcclendon B. Nell McClendon. C. Rowe Mcclendon. D. Earnest Mcclendon. E. Ray Mcclendon. lvlay be living in Birmingham, AL 2. May Shackelford, b 28 Oct 1879; md a McNeil; d 31 Jan 1969. A. Gerusha May Shackelford, b 07 May 1898i d 05 Oct 1899 3. Young Lee Shackelford, b 23 Jan 1882; d 23 Sep 1926. A. lnfant dau, b Oct 1906; d Oct 1906. B. lry Zeddie Shackleford, b 08 Oct 1907, md Eva Naomi Dean (b 12 Oct 1916, Dozier, AL); d 04 Dec 1985. 1. Marion Young Shackleford, b 12 Nov 1931; d 19 Apr 1955 2. Mary Lavada Shackleford, b 03 Feb 1935, md #1 Junior Russell of South lrontgomery Co , AL. lnfant, stillborn. ca 1956/1957 b. Glen Keith Russell. b 02 Jul 1958, md Rhonda Lewis, no children; living in Las Vegas, NV. c. MichaelWayne Russell, b 19 Sep '1961: md Michelle - (div.)i living in Jacksonville, FL. 1. Taylor Rene' Russell. Mary Lavada Shackleford . md #2 Elbie Bernle Glenn (d Jul 1988)i living. d Anthony Glenn, b 16 Nov 1970; md Loraine Thompson; living in Athens, GA. 3. Eva Faye Shackleford (triplet), b 29 Apr 1952; md Joseph F. Tidwell; living in Pruitville, AL a. Scott Tidweti, b 14 Aug 1982. b. Johnathan Tidwell b 14 Jan 1986. 4. Kendrick Wayne Shackleford (triplet) b29Apr'1952i rnd Cynthia Ash, living in Woodstock GA. a. Kendrick W. "Rusty" Shackleford I l, b 02 Jul 1978. b. Christopher Shackleford, b 07 Jul 198'1. 5. Donnie Ray Shackleford (kiplet), b 29 Apr 1952, md Constance Sessions; Iiving in Montgomery, AL. a. NaomiV. Shackleford, b 06 Feb 1972. a g,.,_a , .: ,11- The Family of John Harlin Shackelford, Cont'd. C. l. Vera Shackelford (twin), b 23 Feb 1912, md Clarence Chance, no descendants; d 10 Jul 1988. D. lnfant dau (twin), b & d Feb 1912. E. Joel Donovan Shackelford, b Jan 1914: d Sep '19'14. F. John lvlarion Shackelford, b & d Feb 1916. G,H. lnfant sons (twins), both buratCameron Chapel Cem., Crenshaw 4. Co.. AL. John Gay Shackelford, b 1885; d'1940. Eunice Shackelford. B. John Harlin Shackelford. C. Homrj-9\ Lee Shackelford. D. Estelle Shackelford. E. Myrtie May Shackelford F. Carrie Maude Shackelford. G. James Robert Shackelford, d 1992. 1. Jerry Shackelford. 2. John Harlin Shackelford, living in Newnan, GA. 3. Wayne Shackelford, living in Snellville GA. 4. Lee Shackeiford, b 1935, liviog in Carroltton, GA. A The following article is continued from the Winter 1998 Quarterly Please see that Quarterly for the ancestors of Thomas Amos Wynn. THE FAMILY OF THOMAS AMOS AND LOUGENIA PACE WYNN By Jo-Ann Hammack 601 McDonald St.. Unit 506 Mount Dora, Fl 327 57 -4894 8. Thomas Amos Wynn, b 14Jul 1866, SC; md Lougenia "Jeannie" Pace (b'15 Dec 1870, Paulding Co., GA; d 06 Jul '1942, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA); d 13 Jan 1939, lriami, Dade, FL; both are bur Bainbridge, Decatur, GA. They had 9 children. Wlliam Franklin, Katie Lee, Jack, El,zabeth Rebecca Jane, Joseph Pittman, Evelyn Reeves, Robert Howard, and John Andrew Park Wynn. a. William Franklin Wynn, b 25 Sep 1888, Carroll Co., GA; md #1, Mary Deloney; md #2, Mary Ellen Hunt. They had 2 children: Jerry and Mac Wynn. William Franklin md #3, Kate Comelia Rich (b 09 Sep 1892, Bainbrldge, Decatur, GA; d 19 Jun 1939, Decatur Co., GA; burBethelCem) William Franklind 17Oct 1954, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; bur BethelCem.. He and Kate Cornelia Rich had 8 children:: a baby. Cornelia lrene, Hubert Eugene, l\ri{dred Lucielle, W. F. Jr., Billy Rich; Carolyn Elizabeth; and Aubrey Manard Wynn 1. Baby Wynn, b24 Apt 1910 Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; died same day. 2. Cornelia lrene Wynn, b 26 Nov 1912, Bainbridge, Decatur GA; md Lester Lamar Williams (b 08 [Iar 1909, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA, d 20 Sep 1986, Bainbridge); d 27 Feb 1978, Tallahassee, Leon, FL; both bur Oak City Cem., Bainbridge, GA. They had 2 children: Katie Cornelia, and Lamar Decatur Williams. A. Katie Cornelia Williams, b 03 Jan 1940, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Richard Charles Henry Kreiss (b 19lrar 1937, Neptune NJ). They had 3 children: --1 ../ ' t-k''i -12- The Family of Thomas Amos and Lougenia Pace Wynn, Cont d. 1. Michelle Kay Kreiss, b 30 Sep 1962 Neptune, NJ; md Robert Buhl Keating (b 04 N,1ay 1962 Wash. D.C.) They had 2 children: Giselle Kate Keating, b 20 Feb 1993; and Erin Renee Keating, b 01 Aug 1996. 2. Lisa Renee Kreiss, b 23 Mar 1964, Neptune, NJ; md Bill Roseveare. They had 3 children Matthew Wlliarn Roseveare, Nicole Ashley Roseveare (twin), b 24 Mat 1997: and Emily Rebecca Roseveare (twin), b 24 Mat 1997. 3. Herdi Corne|a Kreiss b 05 Dec 1967, Point Pleasant, NJ, B. Lamar Decatur Wrlliams. b 14 N,4ar 1932, Bainbndge, Decatur, GA; md Adonis Mattie Gardner ib 08 Dec'1932, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA). They had 4 children: 1. Kathy June Williams, b 02 Aug 1953, Waycross, Ware, GA; md Robert Allen Ross (b 25 Mar 1953 Taliahassee, Leon FL). 2. Lamar Daryl Williams, b 04 Oct 1955, Quincy, Gadsden, FL; md Kimberly Anne Lindsey. 3. Denise Ann Williams, b 23 Aug 1957, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md James Albert Shannon. 4. Pamela Kay Williams, b 29 Dec 1958, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA. 3. Hubert Eugene Wynn, b 03 Aug 1914, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Clabie Bledsoe (b 12 Ap. 1922; d 19 firar 1998, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA); d 01 LIar 1991, Bainbridge; bur Bethel Cem. They had 4 children: Eugene, lvlary Grace, Martha, and Sue Wynn. 4. Mildred Lucielle Wynn. b 15 Apr'1916, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; d 03 Jan 1994, Jacksonville, Du!all, FL. 5. W. F. Wynn Jr., b 19 Feb 1918, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA d 11 lvlar 1945, Luxemburg, Europe (WWll); bur Bethel Cem. Billy Rich Wynn, b 11 Dec 1921, Bainbridge, Decatur, GAi md Alma Duke; d 21 Aug 1992, Thomasville, Dec€tur, GA; bur Bethel Cem. 7. Carolyo Elizabeth Wynn, b 15 Aug 1926, Bainbridge Decatu. GA; md #1, Jack Patrick O'Neill (b 20 Oct 1930). They had 1 child: Donna C O'Neill. Carolyn E,izabeth md #2 Owen Eugene Phillips (b 07 N,4ay 1924 d 05 [/]ar '1966, bur Bethel Cem., Decatur Co., GA) Theyhadlchild: Owen Canoll Phillips,b02Sep 1944. 8. Aubrey Manard Wynn, b 29 Mar 1932, Bainbridge Decatur, GA b. Katie Lee Wynn, b 23 Feb 1891, Bainbridge Decatur, GA; md Ben Henry [Iatthews (b 19 Jul 1883; d lvlay 1972, Ft. Pierce, FL), d 17 Jun 1974, Ft. Pierce, FL: bur Bethel Cem. They had 5 children: 1. Hugh Lee lratthews, md Paula --- (b 10 Feb 1922). They had 2 children: Laura lvlatthews, md -*- Ward; d Dec '1974, and Brucer Matthews. Thomas Matthews, b '17 May 1909; md Marion ---; d Jul 1974, Ft. Pierce, FL They had 2 childrenr Tom and Joyce l\,4atthews. Hoke Matthews, b 23 [Iay 1914; md Lu.a *-- (b 28 Sep 1914; d Mar 1979, Miami, Dade, FL)t d Miami, Dade, FL. They had 2 child.en: Dale Matthews, and Donald Matthews, b 06 Jun 1940; md #1, Linda ..--; md #2 Joann -..-. They had 2 children: Carlotta and Dwane Matthews. 4. Ethel lvlae Matthews, b 03 Dec'1918; md Eugene Powers (d Ft. Pierce, FL)t d 04 Apr 1990 6 2 3 ' /- a -r,-L -13- The Family of Thomas Amos and Lougenia Pace Wynn, Cont'd 5. Harry Eugene l\ratthews, b 01 Dec 1924; md Flora Dykes. They had 2 children: Tina and Cindy Matthews. c. JackWynn,b'l2Aug1893,DecaturCo,GA; md Gertie Mae Jackson (b 25Jan1905; d02Apr1990 Decatur Co., GA); d 06 Apr 1955, Decatur Co., GA; both bur in Bethel Cem. They had 5 children: Thomas Willis, ..lames Willard, Jackie Ealis, Dorothy Louise, and Maurice David Wynn. 1. Thomas Willis Wynn, b 09 Nov 1932, Decatur Co., GA; md lvartha Baxley (b 01 Nov 1928); d 15 Apr 1992, Decatur Co , GA, bur Bethel Cem. 2. James Willard Wynn, b 27 Apt 1937, Decatur Co., GA; mdSusan (b Lynett F,oyd 28 Jan 1941). They had 2 children: A. Deborah Ann Wynn, b 27 Dec 1963; md l\rartin lvarty Schimmell (b 28 lrar'1959). They had 2 children: Christina, b 05 Aug 1979; and Karen Schimmell, b 26 Sep 1982. B. Angela Lee Wynn, b 28 Dec 1967. 3. Jackie Ealis Wynn, b 18May'1939, DecaturCo, GA; md lrary Francis Howell Smith (b 14 Jun 1936) They had 3 children: A. Terrell Steven Smith, b 13 Aug 1958; md Marvilyn Kelly (b 07 Dec 1964). They had 2 children: Kelly Danielle, b Sep 1992; and Leah Frances Smith, b 08 Apr 1996 B. Gary Lee Wynn, b 25 Jan 1965; md Lacey Lamb. They had 1 child: Kaylin Elizabeth Wynn, b 05 Sep 1995 C. Prissy Wynn, b 28 Apr 1969; md David Aaron Butler. They had 1 child: Wynn Olivia Butler, b 05 Sep 1995. 4. Dorothy Louise Wynn, b 17 Nov 1942; md James Clayton Culpepper (b 24 Sep 1941). They had 3 children: A. Stacie Michelle Culpepper, b 13 Nov 1967; md --- Godwin. They had 1 child: Damon Oliver Godwin, b 29 Dec 1993. B. L,listy Lee Culpepper, b 02 Mar 1970; md Barry Bladem. Ihey had2 childrenr llunter Alan Bladem, b 19Jun 1990; andSabrina lvlarie Valdeviesc, b 27 Jan 1995. C James Michael Culpepper, b 28 Nov 1973. 5. Maurice David Wyna, b24 Dec 1947, Decatur Co., GA; md Patncia Harrison (b 05 Aug 1948). They had 2 children: A. Christopher Maurice Wynn, b '18 Apr 1974. B. Bryan McKay Wynn, b 21 Aug 1980. d. Elizabeth Rebecca Jane Wynn, b 10 Jan '1896, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Alfred Cornelious Eamest (b 20 Aug '1892, d I 1 Jul 1963, Bainbridge); d 22 Feb 1940, Bainbridge; both bur Bethel Cem. They had 3 children: Audrey Cornelia, Annie Lee, and Anna Jean Eamest. 1. Audrey Cornelia Earnest, b Jan 1918, Seminole Co., GA; d 04 Oct 1920, Seminole Co., GA. 2. Annie Lee Eamest, b 08 Dec 1923, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Enoch Rentz (b 17 Feb 1918, BakerCo., GA) They had 3 children: Tommy Jerome, Sandra Jean. and Glona Patncia Renlz A. Tommy Jerome Rentz, b 03 Sep 1942, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA, md Arlene Cantley. Theyhad l child: Jennifer Elizabeth Rentz, b23 Nov 1974, Bainbridge; md Russell Paul Wyie {b 22 Feb '1958, Manchester, England). -14- The Family of Thomas Amos and Lougenia Pace Wynn, Cont'd. B. Sandra Jean Rentz, b 21 Sep '1944, Bainbridge, Decatur GAI md Willie Haisten Wilkinson (b 08 Nov 1942, Bainbridge). They had 2 children '1. Teri Elizabeth Wilkinson, b 03 Feb 1966, Bainbridge; md Gregory Perry. They had 1 child Emily Elizabeth Perry, b 24 Jun 1997 2. Brett Haisten W ikinson, b -10 Jan 1968, Bainbridge: md Jenifer Hayes They had 1 child: Haley Nicole Wilkinson. b Jun 1998 C. Gloria Patricia Rentz, b 24 Mar 1946 Bainbridge, Decatur, md James Richard Trammell (b ca 1944) They had 2 children: 1. MichaelJames Trammell, b 15 Aug 1969, Albany, Dougheriy, GA rnd Michelle Pate (b 30 Aug 1970). 2. Jena Lee Trammell b 30 Oct 1971, Albany, GA; md Charles Shell 3. Anna Jean Earnest, b 03 Feb '1927, Pahokee, FL; md George Edward Ward (b 11 Oct 1924). They had 1 childl A. George Earnest Ward, b 03 Aug 1958, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Susan Deborah Caudle (b 23 Jan 1954 GA). They had 2 children: 1. Georoe Earnest Ward, b 19 Dec 1986, Atlanta, GA. 2. Lauren Kelley Ward, b 16 Feb 1994. Macon, GA. e. Joseph Pittman Wynn, b 19Aug 1904, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; mdGladys Gwendolyn Jackson (b 25 Jul 1901, Bainbridge); d 10 Nov '1972, Miami, Dade, FL; bur North Dade Cem., Miami, FL. They had 3 children 1. Raymond Willard Wynn, b 09 Jan 1925, Miami, Dade, FL; md Joyce Claire Hoffman (b 28 Oct 1928, York, PA); d 18 Sep 1988, Hollywood, Broward, FL; bur Hunter Hollywood, FL. 2. Edna Earle Wynn, b 03 Aug 1928, Pahokee, Okeechobee, FL. 3. Eleanor Jeanette Wynn, b30Jan 1933, Brinson, Decatur, GA; md Homer Lancaster Lee (b 10 Jan 1933). They had 2 children: A. Kenneth L. Lee b 15 Jul 1953, Miamr, Dade, FL; rnd Rebecca [rccue(b21 Jan 1953, Miami) Theyhad2 children: Shane l\.4ichael Lee,b01 Jun '1979, Miami; and Stacie lMarie Lee b 19 NIay 1981. Hoilywood Broward, FL. B. Ronnie Craig Lee b 2'l Apr'1956, Miami Dade, FL; md Karen (b Goulding 23 Jun 1956. lMl) Ihey had 'l child Ryan Craig Lee, b 02 Feb '1983. b lriami, Dade, FL. Evelyn Reeves Wynn, b 18 Jul 1907, Bainbidge, Decatur, GA; md Arthur (b 09 Mar 1903, Tifton, GA d 31 Oct 1967, [4iami, Dade, FL); d Hammack Clayton 21 Feb 1991, Holllvood, Broward, FL They had 3 children: lvlarjorie Catherine, lvary Francis, and Jo-Ann Hammack (the compiler). 1. Marjorie Catherine Hammack, b 20 Oct 1925, lliami, Dade, FL, md Hugh Evermon Youngs (b 28 Oct 1924, Rochester, NY d 29 Jan 1998, l\rount Dora, Lake, FLi bur NationalCem., Bushnell, FL) They had '1 child A. Arthur vvayne Youngs b 17 Dec 1946, Miami, Dade, FL; md Dianne Turner (b ca 1946, Duvall Co.,FL) They had2 children: 1. Christina Renee Youngs, b ca 1978, Tallahassee, Leon, FL; md Jason F. Lassiter (b ca 1978). 2. Kimberly Younqs, b ca '1983. f. : ': c' ''z?!- The Family of Thomas Amos and Lougenia Pace Wynn, Cont'd. 2. lrary Francis Hammack, b 27 Aug 1930, Bainbr]dge, Decatur, GA, md Thomas Wellington Fitzgerald (b 29 Jul 1926, Rochester. NY). They had 3 children: Judy Lynn, Vikki Lee, and Steven Michael Fitzgerald. A. Judy Lynn Fitzgerald, b 14 Oct 1951, Miami, Dade, FL; md Richard Neal Howard (b 20 Oct 1951, Louisville KY). They had 2 children: '1. Paul Howard, b 10 Mat 1972, Miami, Dade, FL; md Amy Ewell (b 10Jan'1976). Iheyhadlchild: Savana Howard, b25Mar1996, Lake Jackson, TX. 2. Bret Howard, b 23 Sep 1974, Miami, Dade, FLi md Dawn White (b 23 Sep 1972, CO) They had 2 children: Scarlett Howard, b 26 Aug 1995, Lake Jackson, TX; and l,Iadeline Elizabeth Marie May Howard, b 25 Oct 1996, Angleton, TX. B. Vikki Lee Fitzgerald, b27 l\,Ia. 1956, lriami, Dade, FL; md #1, Guillermo Bengochea (b 05 Apr'1959, Havana, Cuba). They had 1 child: Kelsey Lynn Bengochea, b25 Feb 1993, Atlanta, GA. Vikki Lee md#2, Wesley Wingo. C. Steven Michael Fitzgerald, b 10 Jun 1968, Iriami, Dade, FL. 3. Jo-Ann Hammack, b 12 lilar 1940, Miami, Dade, FL; md Charles lsreal Glaser (M D.) (b Chicago, Cook, lL). g. Robert Howard Wynn, b 07 Oct '1910, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md Sarah Francis Hatcher (b 04 Mar 1915, Bainbridge); d 13 Dec 1949, l\riami, FL, bur Bethel Cem., Bainbridge, GA. They had'1 child: 1. Francis LaJean Wynn, b '13 Jan 1940, Miami, Dade, FL, md Wilbur Alan Whatley (b 19 Sep 1932, Edison, GA). They had 2 children: A. Bruce Alan Whatley, b 15 Jul 1961, Birmingham, AL; md (b Rossana Bianco 23 Jan 1966). They had I child: Christina Marie Whatley, b l\4ay 1998, Clifton Park, NY. B. Stacy LaJean Whatley, b 20 Nov 1966, Ridgewood, NJ. h. John Andrew Park Wynn, b18Oct1913, Bainbridge, Decatur, GA; md#1, lrargarat B. *--,2 children: Bobby and Linda Wynn John Andrew Park Wynn md #2, Vera Wynn (b 19 Oct 1899; d Jul 1967). They had 1 chi,d: Allan Wynn. John Andrew Park Wynn md #3, Sue Wynn (b 14 Oct 1919; dFeb1990). They had4 children: Jerome; Shirley; Edward, b 14 Nov 1962 and d 20 Dec'1991, and Donna Wynn John Andrew Park Wynn d Feb '1986, Manchester, TN. ANNOUNCEMENTS Derek Barlow, P O. Box 2064 Clayton, GA 30525, wrrtes "l am in the process of writing a book on my Barlow family of Georgia, NC, Virginia & England, and am trying very hard to locate more details on my Barlows of Carroll County. Recently I was able to find, with the aid of Mr Hammond Dewberry of Tallapoosa, GA, the grave of my great, great, grandfather, Virgil Barlow. I subsequently had a Confederate Headstone put at his burial site. He and his wife Susao are both buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery off Hwy 1OO lust south of Tallapoosa. lf you would like I could write a shod narrative of this Barlow family for publication in the CCGS Quarterly.... (Yes, Mr. Earlow, we would be very interestedl -. Editor) /.- - /- a r<l -16THE FAMILY OF RYBURN HARRISON CHAIVIBERS AI,ID NANNIE RUTH POPE Submitted by Sanford D Chambers 6279 Couniy Rd. 51. Newell, AL 36270-4803 Ryburn Harrison Chambers was the fifth chrld of William Pcsey Chambers and Emily [Iargaret Bryce (Please see the '1988 Winter Quad{erly for:i]formation on Ryburn's parents.) 5 Ryburn Harrison Chambers, born 11 Jul 1873, Carroll Co.,GA,md24Jan 1896, GA, to Nannie Ruth Pope (b 16 Jul 1877, GA, dao of John Pope & Emily Boyd, d 19 May 1938, Cullman Co.. AL; bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co, AL); d 19 Nov 1949 Cullman Co., AL, bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co , AL They had 5 children: Clyde Hanison, Archie Clay, Ferm Pope, Hugh Harold Sr., and Nannie Ruth Chambers. a. Clyde Harrison Chambers, b 06 Nov '1898, Carroll Co., GA; md 04 Oec 192'l, CullmanCo.,AL to Eron Cole (b 29 Jul '1BgB, ClayCo. AL, dau of James R. Cole & Sarah ---; d 05 Jul 1988, Hanceville, Cullman. AL; bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co., AL); d 09 Apr 1977, Cullman Co , AL: bur Simcoe Cem , Cullman Co., AL. b. Archie Clay Chambers, b 28 Jul 1900, Carroll Co., GA; md 02 Aug 1925, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co , AL, to Ruby Lee l\4artin (b 28 Nov 1907, Marshall Co., AL, dau of Charles Jefferson l\4artin & Carrie Jeffers; d 13 NIar 1995, Cullman Co., AL; bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co, AL); d 06 Aug 1992, Falkville, Morgan Co., AL; bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co., AL. They had 2 children: Virginia Nan and Reba Nell Chambers. 1. Virginia Nan Chambers, b 17 Sep 1934, Cullman Co., AL; md 22 Dec 1953, loka, Tishomingo Co., lVlS, to Charles Edward Campbell (b 08 Jul 1935, Cullman Co., AL, son of J. B. Campbell & Evie Barnett) They had 3 children: A. Charles Edward "Chuck" Campbell. b '13 Sep 1958, Pontiac, Oakland, l\rl B. Ronald Dale Campbel,, b 13 Feb 1960 Pontiac, Oakland. Ml. C. Randy Kevin Campbell, b 29 Jul 1964, Highland Park, 2. Reba Nell Chambers, b 05 Apr 1938, Cullman Cullman, AL; rnd18 Feb 1961, First Nleth Ch., Clrllman, Cullman, AL, to Ralph Lawrence. Larry' Sanderson (b 28 Aug 1936, Courlland Lawrence, AL son offatph Carden Sanderson & Helen Emiline Wooleve0 They had 2 children: A. Susan Keye Sanderson, b 02 Nov '1964, Irobile, Mobile, AL, md 16 Jun 1990, Springfield, Greene, lvlO, to MichaelJohn Sherick (b 11 Sep 1964, ldaho Falls, Bonneville, lD, son of Jack Sherick & Dianne l\,leyer), They had 2 children, both b in ldaho Falls, Bonneville, lD: lvlatthew Lawrence Shenck, b 29 Jun 1992; and Sydney l\,likaye Sherick, b 11 May 1994 B. Corey Lawrence Sanderson. b '11 l\rar 1969 Decatur, l\4organ, AL. c. Ferm Pope Chambers, b 09 Oct 1902, Carroll Co., GA; md 29 Nov 1931, Fairview Meth. Ch., Cullman Co, AL, to Lena Christian (b 03 Jul 1905 Cullman Co., AL, dau of William Thomas Christian & Laura Lee Eddleman; d 14 Feb 1985, Cullman Co., AL; bur Fairview Meth. Ch. Cem., Cullman Co., AL); d 14 Jan '1981, Culiman Co, AL; bur Fairview lvleth Ch. Cem , Cullman Co., AL. They had 1 child: *'t t''' 't ' '' i-^ I -17- The Family of Ryburn Harrison Chambers and Nannie Ruth Pope, Cont'd. 1. Vonda Lee Chambers b 17 Oct 1933, Cullman Co., AL; md 10Jun 1967, Fairview Meth. Ch., CullmanCo. AL, to Acker Paskeil Holmes(b07Aug 1923, lrorgan Co., AL, son of AckerA. Holmes & Annie B. Burks). Theyhadlchild: A. Alan Craiq Holmes b'14 Sep'1975, Cullman, AL. d. Hugh Harold Chambers Sr., b 0'1 Oct 1905, Carroll Co., GA; md (b 26 Oct 191 1, dau of Richard Arch Causey & 07 Jan 1932, to Eula Grace Causey Lola Hightower), d 10 Mar 1982, bur Simcoe Cem. Cullman Co, AL. They had 6 children: Mildred Janet, Judith Ann Brenda Kay, Hugh Harold Jr.. Charles Kenneth, and Rebecca Nan Chambers: 1. lvlildred Janet Chambers b 16 Oct 1932; md 02 Sep 1950, loka, Tishomingo Co., MS, to Joe Shelly Sears (b 22 Nov 1929, son of Will Mack Sears & Katie Mae Greene). They had six child.en: Bonnie Carol, Joel Micheal, Donna Janet, Helen Diane, William Harold. and Jimmy Wade Sears A. Bonnie Carol Sears, b 02 Aug 1948, Cullman, Cullman, AL; md#1, 22 Feb 1965, to Warren Donald Lewis (b '10 Dec 1944, son of Henry Alvin Lewis; d 09 Sep '1979; bur Duck Creek Bapt Ch. Cem). They had 2 children: Virginia Carol and Valerie Leigh Lewis Bonnie Carol Sears md #2, to Lester Ray Collins. They had 3 children: Bonnie Janet, Connie Lee, and Leslie lvlark Collins. 1. Virginia Carol Lewis, b 24 NIar 1967, Hartselle Irorgan Co , AL; d 26 lvlar 1967, Hartselle. 2. Valerie Leigh Lewis, b 13 Mar 1968, Arab, Marshall Co., AL 3 Bonnie Janet Collins (twin), b 14 Nov 1971, Arab, Marshall Co., AL; d same day in Arab. 4. Connie Lee Collins (twin), b 14 Nov 1971, Arab, l\4arshall Co., AL, d same day in Arab. 5. Leslie lrark Collins, b 04 Jun 1973, Arab. B. Joel MichealSears, b 17 Jul 1951, Akron, Summit Co. OH; md 03 Nov 1973, to Rita Diane Gross (b 06 May 1954, dau of William F. Gross & Delma Wells). They had 2 children; 1 Scott Joseph Sears, b 21 Oct 1975, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Co. AL. 2 Amanda Ann Sears, b '10 Oct 1980, Birmingham, Jefferson, AL C. Donna Janet Sears, b 11 Jul '1953 Akron, Summit, OH; md 16 Feb 1973, toClaud Edward Bullard Jr (b 13 Dec 1952, son of Claud Edward Bullard Sr. & Billy Kathern Ward) They had 2 children: '1. Cindy Renee Bullard, b 26 Jun 1984, Arab, Marshall Co., AL d 29 Nilar 1985, Arab. 2. Britney Nichole Bullard. b 21 Jun '1986, Arab, Marshall Co., AL; d 01Jan 1987, Arab. D. Helen Diane Sears, b 15 Jan 1956, Akron, Summit, OHr md 20 Feb 1981, to Hoyt Way.e Landers (b 08 Jan 1950, son of Hoyt Landers & Gwinnell Teague). They had 2 children, both b in Huntsvilte, Madison Co., AL. 1. Elisha Gayle Landers, b 25 SeP 1981. 2. Erika Jade Landers, b 05 Oct 1983. / ' '' at . . L.L. . ./ -. i-_. -18- The Family of Ryburn Harrison Chambers and Nannie Ruth Pope Cont'd. E. Wtlliam Harold Sears b 17Jun 1957 Akron, Summit, OH' md 20 Oct 1979, to Sharon Rene Robinson (b 07 JLrl '1956, dau of James E. Robinson & Janice R. Soley). They had 2 children both b rn i-luntsville, Madison, AL: 1. Alan B. Sears, b 31 Oct 1981. Ashley R Sears, o 18 Jul 1984 F. Jimmy Wade Sears. b 20 Jul 1958, Akron, OH 2. Judith Ann Chambers, b 26 [.4ay 1942, Cullman, Cullman, AL; md 06 Jun 1964, Lawrence Co., AL, to Dickie Glenn (b 1i Aug 1938 Lawrence Co., AL, son of Loyd Glenn & [Iae Blaxton). They had one child. A. Chery{ Glenn, b 30 Dec 1970, N,lorgan Co., AL. 3. Brenda Kay Chambers, b 20 Feb 1944. Cullman, Cullman, AL; md 20 Sep 1965, to Ronnie E. Spari(man (b 29 Jan 1944, N4organ Co., AL, son of Clarence Sparkman & Lillie Legg bur Simcoe Cem , Cullman Co., AL). They had 2 children: A. Dana Sparkman, b 01 Sep 1966. Morgan Co., AL; md Andrew Cleghorn. B. Daphanne Sparkman, b 29 Jan 1976, Morgan Co., AL 4. Hugh Harold Chambers Jr., b 13 Nov 1946, Cullman, Cullman, AL; md 06 Nov 1965, Cullman Cullman, AL, to Glena Boone (dau of E. W. Boone & Opal Anderson); d 07 Feb 1981; bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co., AL. They had 2 children: Kimberlee Chambers, b 13 Oct'1966, l\rorgan Co., AL. B. Shane Chambers, b 19 Mar 1970, Morgan Co , AL; md 27 Mar 1992, Gatlinburg, Sevier, TN, to Rena Miller (b 0B Dec 1967, Cullman, Cullman, AL, dau of Guyward Miller & Joan Barnett). 5. Charles Kenneth Chambers, b 21 Aug 1951, Cullman, Cullman, AL; md30Jun 1972, Fairview Baptist Ch. Cullman Co., AL, toWanda Elrod (b 24 Dec '1953, Hialeah, Dade, FL, dau of Wlliam Robert Etrod & Ruby lMelling). They had 2 children, both b in Cullman, Cullman Co., AL: A. Kenneth Lee Chambers, b 28 NIar 1979. B. Patrick Charles Chambers, b 12 Jun 1983. 6. Rebecca Nan Chambe.s (, b 31 [/]ar 1954, Cullman Cullman, AL, md Steven Hopson, div (b 04 Jul 1953) They had 2 children, both b in Arab, lVarshall Co., AL: A Jonathan Heath Daniel, b 16 Dec 1974. B Steven Chad Hopson, b 08 Jun 1979. e. Nannie Ruth Chambers b 05 Aug 1913, Carroli Co., GAt md '11 Dec 1929, Cullman Co., AL, to Luther lrylous Brock (b 07 Jan 1905, Coweta Co. GA, son of Lemuel M. Brock & Mary A. Reed; d 26 Aug 1994, Morgan Co , AL. bur Simcoe Cem., Cullman Co., AL). They hao 3 chiidren lvlarlyn Dawn, Louise, and Harold Wade 2 A Brock. 1. Ularlyn Dawn Brock, b 21 Jul 1935, Cullman Co. AL; md 07 Sep 1953 Albertville, Marshall Co., AL, to Jackson Willford Devore (b 19 Nov '1935, son ot Doc Devore & Olean Dye; d 27 Nov 1965, Germany: bur Fairview Bapt. Ch. Cem. Cullman Co, AL); d 19 Jan 1990, Birmrngham Jefferson, AL; bur Fairview Bapt Ch. Cem., Cullman Co , AL \:+1 LL ''t / '' - 19- The Family of Ryburn Hanison Chambers and Nannie Ruth Pope, Cont'd. 2. Louise Brock, b 25 Jan 1937, Cullman, Cullman, AL; md 1955, 23 Sep Cullman, Cullman, AL, to Bobby Jordon Kennemur (b 17 Jun 1937, son of Cletus Kennemur & Lessie Quinn); d03Jun 1990, Cullman, Cullman, AL They had 3 children, all b in Birmingham, Jefferson Co., AL: A. Gary Wayne Kennemur, b 21 Apr 1958; md to Karen Barnes. Theyhad l child: Jeremy Kennemur, b06 Nov 1981, Cullman, Cullman, AL. B. Steven Wayne Kennemur, b 19 Sep 1970. C. Sharon Darlene Kennemur, b 26 Nov '1972. 3. Harold Wade Brock, b 04 Jun 1943, Cullman, Cullman, AL; 16 1963, to Martha Diane White (b 27 Mat 1944, dau of Mahlon White & lllary md Apr Nell Pruett). They had 1 child: A. Keni Laine Brock, b 28 Jun 1968, Decatur, lvlorgan Co., AL; md 07 Feb 1987, Cullman, Cullman, AL, to T. E. "Buddy" Phillips (b 23 Jul 1965, TX). They had 2 children: 1. Todd Eric Phillips, b 17 Dec 1989, Decatur, Morgan, AL 2. Joshua Wade Phillips, b 18 Feb 1991, Birmingham, Jefferson, AL. THE FAMILY OF EUGENE NELSON CHAMBERS AND MOLLY MAE MCGUIRE Submitted by Sanford D. Chambers 6279 County Rd. 51, Newell, AL 36270-4803 Eugene Nelson Chambers was the sixth child of William Posey Chambers and Emily Margaret Bryce. (Please see the '1998 Winter Quarterly for information on Eugene's parents.) 6. Eugene Nelson Chambers, bom 25 Dec'1876, Carroll Co., GA; md Molly l\,lae irccuire (b 16 Oct 1886; d 20 Aug 1966; bur Hillcrest Cem., Villa Rica, GA); d 25 Sep 1964; bur Hillcrest Cem., Villa Rica, GA. They had 2 children: George Amos and Agnes Chambers: a. George Amos Chambers, b 15 Jun 1909, Douglas Co., GA; md Emma Jewell Burdeni d 17 Jun 1988, Austell, Cobb, GA; bur Hillcrest Cem., Villa Rica, GA. They had 2 children: 1. Anthony George "Tony" Chambers; md Margie ---. They had 2 children: A, Amelia Chambers. B. Nancy Chambers. 2. Richard Amos "Dick" Chambers. b. Agnes Chambers Plans have not yet been finalized for the annual Spring Workshop to be held the first Saturday in April. we will try to put a flyer in wtth this issue of the Quarterly. lf not, we will send cards to those local people about the Workshop. lf you will be in the area at that time, let us know and we will be sure to give you the details. ,:,,r.. -20- THE FAMILY OF GEORGE ALVIN CHAMBEFS AND NE1LE TISINGER Submitted by Sanfoid D C1-,.,r1-'.:fs 6279 County Rd 51, Newell, AL 36270-4803 George Alvin Chambers was the seventh child of Willram Posey Chambers and Emily Margaret Bryce. (See the 1998 Winter Quade.l! for inicrn]atioir on George's parents.) 7. George Alvin Chambers (Methodlst Cler0yman), born 09 Jan 1879, Carroll Co., GA; md Nelle Tisinger (b 25 Nov 1889; bLrr Hlilcrest C.:m . Villa Rica, GA); d 24Jun 1958, bur Hillcrest Cem. Villa Rica, GA They had 2 children. a. Eugene Chambers. They had I child: George b. Alvin Chambers, md Virginia Chambers (adopted). ---. [The Chambers family will be continued in the next ] The Caroll County Marr age Books are located in ihe Offri:e of the P.obate Judge, Carroll County Cgurt House,323 Newnan St., Cariollton, GA The marriage records began in 1827. The records contain the name of the bride and groom, date of marriage, and the name of the official who performed the ceremony. These marriages have been listed in a pLrblication called Carrall County Mariages. 1827 to 1980, by Jenny Martin Fagg- The published records do not contain the name of the officialwho performed the ceremony. There are marriage certificates available from the 1890's to the present date. The same information that is contained in the marrlage books is on the certificate. The Probate Judge will make a copy of the cedificate for $4.00 per certificate, malled to you. lf you come in person, there is just the copy charge of $0 25. Some marriage applications are on file from the 1920's These applications contarn the name of the bride and groom, their place of residence, and age. They do not contain the name of the parents. Only parental permission requests contain the name of at least one parent. Listed below are the marriage certificates that are available for the years 1890 thru 1899 lricrofilm, CARROLL COUNTY LOOSE MARR]AGE RECORDS, containing the full listing can be read at the Neva Lomason Library, Carrollton, GA, after October 1 , '1998. This Library does not have the microfilm of the actual certificates. Microfilm containing copies of the list and the copies of the certificates can be used at the Georgia Archlves in Atlanta. Possibly the Famjiy History Centers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can provide a copy of the complete list, with the multiple rolls of certificates. The Society published the A and B marriages in the Fall 1998 Quarterly, and the C nrarriages rn the Winter 1998 Qua.terly. The following is a continuation of the list: MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. CARROLL COUNTY. GA. 1890 THRU 1899 HUSBAND WIFE DATE Dallas, Oscar Dalrumple, Joe Sterling, Lula Parmer, Luda 29 Oct 1898 27 Mar 1898 -21- lrarriage Certificates, Carroll Co., GA, 1890 thru 1899, Cont'd. Daniel. A. B. Daniel. A. F. Daniel, Callie Daniel, E. L. Daniel, Elij8h Daniel, G. W. Daniel. H. CDaniel. Oscar Daniel, Seaborn Daniel, Tom Darden. E. D. Daugherty, J. F. Daugherty, William J. Davidson, T. D. Oavis. C. T. Davis. Charles H. Davis, E. [.,t. Davis, George Davis, J. M. Davis, J. W. Davis. James Davis, John Davis. John Davis, Monroe Davis, W. K. Davison, lvlarion L. Dean, Aaron Deese. F. M Deese, S. E. Dennis, Hill Denny, Will Denny, c. R. Denson, John Derrin, J. CDewberry,Lucius Dewberry, Oscar Dickerson, Floyd Dickson, W. W Dingler, lsaac Dingler, M. L. Dixon H E. Dobbs, James Dobbs. John Dobbs, Will Oodson. Alvin Dorsey, [/lanse Dorsey, T. l!1. Doss, G. W. Drake, T- C. Drake, W. L. Drew, Thomas Driskell, Charlie Driver. J D. Driver. J. R. Cole, M. A. Coley, lnez Farmer, Dora Carden. P. L. Daniel, Sarah Breed, Nannie lvliller, Sallie Hammock, Cordie Emma Lou Bradberry, Seletie Daniel, Lula Smith, Hattie Almon, Rosa Shell, Pearly Jones Ada Turner, Mary Williams, L. E. Treadwell, Hetlie Walker. J. l. Fullilove, lula 14 Feb 1897 11 Dec 1895 15 Aug 1897 2 Aug 1 896 19 Nov 30 Apr 28 Jun 1 May 29 Ocl 1894 1899 1896 1897 1896 1894 l Jul 13 Feb 1898 'll Nov '1895 '13 Sep 1894 5 Sep 1897 28 Jul '1895 16 Mar 1899 7 Nov 1895 16 May 1897 5 Jun 1898 24 Jan 1897 Tuggle, Cynthia 19 Nov 1 896 Chappell, l\,!innie Williams, Julia 24 Gresham, Sarah Parker. Mattie Callaway, Ella Bell. Essie Couch, Evvie A. Smith, L. F. Veal, Susan Daniel, Georgia Robison, May Thomton, Mary lvlccsin, Bell Goodman. l. V. Robison, Arena Reid. Jane Reaves, Lena Robinson. Mattie Williams, D. L. Evans. Lizzie Randall, l\raggie Camp, Alice Long, Emma Gable. Amanda Sewell, lvlary Spenser, Ella Pollard, Albera lvey, Kalie Bradley, Minnie Brand. Martha Hudgens, Rossie Heath, sarah Latham. Annie 10 Jun Jan 25 Sep 21 Nov 1'1 Dec 25 Dec 1894 1894 1898 1897 1898 1898 15 Dec 1899 17 Jan 1895 17 Nov 1E97 18 Sep 1898 14 Mar 1897 27 Nov 1898 I Sep 1899 24 Dec 1897 13 Dec 1896 19 ocr 1895 26 Dec 1894 19 Nov '! 898 22 Jul 5 Jan 1894 '1898 3 Nov 1898 19 Dec 1897 17 Nov 1897 I Jun 1895 23 15 Jan 1898 Oct 1895 18 Dec 1898 19 Dec 1897 3 Jan 1897 28 N.4ay 1898 16 Dec 1896 5 Sep '1894 24 Dec 189s /. ),')t -i.r:..,. -22- Marriage Certificates, Carroll Co., GA. 1890 thru '1899. Cont'd Driver Jim Gooisby, Emma Driver, John Driver, John Thomas Williams. Josie Gore, Sena l\,4. Daiver, John W. Burns L. R. Driver, Will Driver, William D. Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Faamer, Annie J. A. J. A. Dougherty, Ella Jackson, M. .J E Thornton, Farnie Y. F. DiaI, L. V. IVL D. Hoton Levan Thomas S E Fraser, Flora Belle Horsley, Haistan DuKe, W, B, Chambe$, Duke, W. Ivl. Duke, Will Duncan, Andrew M. Duncan, B. B. Duncan, O. A. Durrell, James Lang, S. C. Powell Royal Jordon, Sarah Ola McCalmon. Jerusha Duncan, I!4ollie Burnell Sudie Brown, Emmie S Thompson, Alice Boon, Julia Dureti, Joseph F. Dutton, Hence Dyer, Aifred Eady, Robefl H. Eady, Thomas J Earnest, A. A. Earnest, Hugh B. Earnest, Larkin Eason, E. AEason, H. A. Eason J. E. EasteMood, James W. D. EasteMood, W. M. Echols Joe Echols, W. C Edwarcls, Lee Eidson, T E. Eidson, W. A Edge, H. H Edmerson, V. R. Edmondson, Daniel Edmondson, J. W. Ellard, J. N. Ellerson Joe Ellerson, Eli Embry, T. L. Ensley V. S Entrekin, C. A. Entrekin, J. A. Entrekin, S ll1. Estes- D L. Estes J. T. Estes, S B. Estes W. B. Eubanks T B. I\1. L Nichols, ovie Johnson, Lillian F. Nixon, Nannie Gable, Berta Wright. Annie lvlartin, N. J. Ragan, O. B l\rele8r, E. T. George, Eliza Smilh Nettie Holcomb, Albena Ward, Katie Williamson- Annie Bonner. l\rattie Owen, Nancy A. Rainy E E Slanton. Eliza North, Addie Mathews Lilie Goadfiar. Z. Z Slephens Hen.ietta Slephens. Lucinda Holland, Etta A Butler, Zefor Chappell N4. E. Entrekin, Slella CraMord O C Walers, E P. Arthur. N. E. Baggett, Cora lvloon, L. F Reese, Dora 19 Dec 1895 1 l\,4ay 1898 23 Oct 1898 5 Dec 1897 20 oct 1896 3 Nov 1895 24 Jul 1898 19 Dec 1897 17 Oct 1897 8 Ju, 1898 21 Jan 1897 10 tular 1892 10 Dec 1893 20 May 1894 12 Jan 1898 26 Jol 1896 23 Dec 1896 21 Aug 1 898 1 Dec 1895 15 Oct 1899 10 Nov 1896 13 Nov 1898 12 Aug 1896 6 Aug 1896 24 Mar '1899 3 Jul 1898 7 Aug 1898 2 Feb 1 896 17 Jul 1898 27 May 1494 15 Mar 1896 24 Dec 1892 1 l,",lay 1898 13 Dec 1899 1'1 May 1899 8 Nov '1895 16 Ocl 1896 22 May 1898 18 Sep 1898 21 Dec 1899 6 Jan '1895 11Feb 1896 15 Sep 1898 6 Sep 1894 13 Nov 1898 18 Dec 1898 7 Aug 1898 5 Apr 1896 18 Dec '1895 23 Sep 1894 17 Sep 1893 23 Oct 1898 26 Sep 1897 4 Nov 1894 l\rarriage Certificates, Carroll Co., GA, 1890 thru 1899, Cont'd. Evans, F. N. Evans, George W. Evans R. L Evans, W. L. Evans William Evens, Wlliam L. Evans, Zach Farmer, Charles Farmer, J. B. Farmer, James Farmer, Thomas Farmer, W. o. Farmer, William Farris, George Farrow, E. R. Feney, George Ferrell, R. D. Fielder. H. F. Fields, W. G. Fincher, J. W. Findley, A. N4. Fifidley, J. W. Fisher. H. P. Fletcher, L. J. Fletcher. Slade Floyd, Arthur A. Folsom. A. L. Fortune William B. Foster, C. E Foster, C. N. Foster. M. F. Foster, William J. Fountain, J. T. Fowler, A. D. Freeman. Clifton Freeman, J. T Freeman, L. c. Freeman, Roberl E. Freeman, W. H. Friddell. W. F. Fuller, E. [,4. Fuller, H. P. Gable, C. D. Gaddy, J. E. Geines. Lucius Gamble. T- J. Gardner, E. E. Garmon, Thomas Garner. J. W. Garner. W. T. Gamer, William Ganett. James A. Garett, J. Lee Adams. E. E. Everetl, Cora D. Hallman. M. E. Parker, S- E. Taylor, George Ann Amold. Lule Crow, Pelley Lindsay, l/lamie Wi,liamson, lvlattie 8rown, Della Chandler. Julia Williamson, N- [.,t. Allen. Sarah Ann Cook, lda Smith, Luvenie Bonner. Carrie Bell Lowom, Lula Nonis, Carrie West, Emma Wright, S. L. Bryant, A. E. Foster. lvl. T. Causey, F. E. Adderiold. Hattie S. Glandon, Mary Ann Talley, Rosalie A. lvlcolarty, Ada Gordon, Edna E. Webste.. Etta Cavender, Lula Haarell. S. L. Butler, Julia A. Couch, Lula Tweedell, Ella Williamson. E. C. Slidham. Lithonia Roberts, Etta Mcoray, Annie B Miller, Ellen Coleman, lJlary Griffin. Lizzie Earnest, Susie Waldrop, Caffie M. Jennings, Sallie Walker, Rossie l\rason, J. B. Tyson, M. E. Welker, Lizzie Smith, Sallie Baskin, Addie Reese. Sudie Huggins, T. E. Hayes, Lorena o. 19 Nov 1896 1 Dec 1897 '17 Nov 1897 19 Dec 1895 28 oct 1897 27 Oec 1894 25 Dec 1899 27 Dec 1 896 Jan 1895 18 Dec 1898 3 Jul 1898 26 Dec 1895 7 Apr 1895 19 Dec 1897 13 l2 Jun 1898 4 Sep 1899 13 lray 1 894 8 Dec 1895 6 Dec 1 896 15 Nov 1 896 19 Aug 1895 23 Oct 1898 16 Jun '1895 15 Nov 1899 27 Mat 1897 26 De6 1894 '17 Jul '1898 24 May 1898 15 Dec 1895 3 [Iay 1899 3 Dec 1899 29 Jan 1895 6 Jun 1895 21 Ma. 1897 4 Sep 1895 5 Dec 1897 15 lday 1890 8 Nov 1899 18 Sep 1898 18 18 Oct Jan 1 896 1897 5 May 1895 12 Sep '1897 8 Dec 1895 27 May 1894 12 Jan 1896 23 Dec '1895 29 Nov 1896 26 Oct 1895 26 Dec 't 897 16 Dec 1897 14 Nov 1897 13 Feb 1896 5 Nov 1899 ':, L 7'a<f ;.:.,..,..- -24- Marriage Ce'trficates. Carroir Co GA 1890 thr- '899 Corrl'd. Garreil, NeMon Garrelt, W. L. Gareil, william Garrison, W. J. Gaston, Bose Gaston, R. B Holmes. Eolma Enlrekin, Lela Holmes Lola Robinson, C T Brown. Ollie Hesterly. lda 25 De6 1895 27 Aug 1899 Gates, John Gattis, Henry Gauntt, J. W. Gay, A. lvl. Gay, Joe Geoaqe, I\,'lack Gibbs, C. G. H. Gibbs, J. R. Gilley, L. Q. Anre. Lizzre 21 Nov 1897 Giiley, William Jorden Gladney, J. C Gladney, J lvl. Glanton, Will Golden, John Golden, J. H. Goolsby, Walter H. Gordon, J. H. Gordon, Price Gordon, Price Gower, D. M. Grant, James Graveti, Pink Gravitt, lvlarion Gray, Gray, Gray, Gray, Gray, Aaron Albert Cornelius J. [,L J. R. Gray. Robin Gray. Tommy Hannah. Holland, [L E C J. Williamson Belsy Ann Perkins, Frank e Obie, Mary Baggett. L E Piftle, Fannie Sears Madha J Thompson Susie Porter. E. L Spa*s, lda Johnson, Ella Shinn, [4attie Rainey, E. E. Cannon, Lenora Gudey, Lizzie Wyatl, lda Bonner. Lizzie Farmer, i, L. Pea6on, Ren6 Buchanan, Janie Buchanan. Amanda Charnbels, Dornar Green, Mai Bell, Ola Register, Abi Exom llary Ann Cheeves, Cota Streel, Edna Gray, Will Long Alberta Gray, William Green, H. W Green, Miley Green, Ples Gresham, Charlie Burden, Katre Gresham, Walier Gray, Della Smilh. Emrna B-.1 Griffin, C. R. Griffin. C R. Griffin, Joseph A. Gdffin l\4. B. Griffin M E. Griffi. W. [4 Griffis, D. L. Griffis. R. W. Griffith, Sid Grizzard, C. L Gdzzard, J. L. Dobb, Ada Eicison. l\4adha Ann Hesier, Rosa Brcwn Cafiie Leota Brooks. Gaudre L. Fields, Katie Pulman, Sallie Thompson. Thadie E. George. Lucinda Holder, cealle Yates, Emma White, Callie 15 Auq 18Sg 17 Ocl 1894 27 Oec 1894 12 16 Jan Apr 1896 '1899 1 Sep 1896 18 Ocl 1896 8 Dec 1892 15 Apr 1897 27 Nov 1 898 25 Sep 18S8 19 Aug 1894 18 Sep '1 892 28 Nov 1896 11 Dec 1898 3 Nov 1897 4 Nov 1890 7 Apr 1895 19 Apr 1896 25 Aug 1898 Feb 1899 30 Ocl 1896 25 Nov 1897 15 Dec 1898 5 lvlay 1895 28 Jun 1896 16 De6 1 896 16 Jan 1898 19 Dec 1 894 6 Sep 1896 15 Dec 1895 21 Oct 1894 10 Dec 18gg I 22 Jun 1899 20 [,Iar '1898 10 Dec 1894 24 Jul 1898 13 Aug 1899 26 Sep 1897 16 Aug '1836 15 Sep 1895 23 Jan 1898 23 Sep 1894 25 Dec 1894 21 Nov 1897 6 Jun 1897 18 lvlay 1898 8 Nov 1894 8 Sep 1895 5 Aug 1899 3 Aug 1899 Marriage Certificates, CanollCo., GA, 1890 thru 1899, Cont'd Grizza.d. J. E. Cofer, Dora 27 Mat 1897 IThese marriages will be continued in the next Quarterly. Abstracted by Mary Florence Word and Ruth McNinch.l ITEMS OF GENEALOGICAL INTEREST. CARROLL COUNW TIMES Continued from the Winter 1998 Quartedy I Dec 1881 CURTIS - Mr. John Campbell is making preparations for a new house, and lvlr. G. W. Fleming has lately completed a nice residence. Mr. John Burns has sold his sawmillto Messrs. Chandler & Cooper. 16 Dec 1881 lN MEIiIORIAM - Brother J. R. Griffin was bom April the 14th, 1820, joined the Baptist church of Christ at Bethesda, the 11th of August, 1867, being baptized by Rev. Wm. Daniel, departed this iife the 1gth dayof November, 1881.... Wasamemberofthe Baptist church more than 14 years.... HYNIENEAL - Married at the residence of the bride's mother, December 'l'lth, by J. M. Cobb, N.P., lIr. N. E. Hill and Miss Mollie C. Johnson, all of Carroll county. Also, on the 11th inst., by J. P. Norman, J.P., at the residence of W. T. Lewis, Mr. Bannister Perren to lrrs A. E. Wynn. Also, on the evening of the 6th inst-, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. G. W. Burson, Mr. William B. Wilder, of Randolph county, Alabama, to l\,iliss R. E. Warner, of Carroll county. WHITESBURG - Mr. Wm. Word died and was buried at his home in the eastern portion of this county last Saturday, two weeks ago, which sad fact we intended to have mentioned last week, but failed to write anything. He was between 70 and 80 years of age. Mr. J. D- Drinkin and H. Cheadle Jones, who live near Bowensville, had their residence and contents consumed by fire last week... Also the vr'idow Henry Peek had her residence and everything in it bumed up some days ago. She lived near County Line... Jesse Hilley's home caught on fire last Sunday and he being at home was able with some difficulty to put it out before a great deal of damage was done. B. F. Steel has sold his grocery to Craig & Bro., and will probably return to Big Shanty, Cobb county. Prof. N. S. Culpepper has withdrawn his bid for the school at ilt. Zion seminary and has accepted a position in the insurance business, with W. P. and W. F. Patillo, Kimball House, Atlanta, Ga. Mr. Alsabrooks from Coweta has moved to Whitesburg, and Mr. Hudgens of Sand Hill is expected to move in this week. 23 Dec 1881 James T. Rose of Bamesville was shot dead by James F. White eight miles from that place at the Rock on Saturday moming last. ln the accounts we have seen the cause of the difficulty is not given. White was well known here having lived several years at Lowell in this county. [These items will be continued in the next Quarterly Abstracted by Shirley Gardner.] --1,,;1., .J c-z-a'1 -26PEDIGREE CHARTS Bob Sell, 14723 Calpella St.. LaMirada, CA 90638-3002 1. WlLLIAMSON, Augusta (Gussie) Theodora b 03 Sep 1874. Carrollton, Carroll, GA; md23Jun'1919 Birmingham Jeffe.son AL; d26.J$1942, Brrmingham, Jefferson, AL 2. WlLLIAMSON, Cicero Columbus (CC), b 18 Feb 1838. Jefferson Jackson, GA; md 29 Jul 1861, Carrollton, Carroll GA; d 12 ALig 1920, East Thomas, Birmingham, Jefferson, AL 3. ALLEN, ElvyAnn Elizabeth, b02 lrar1846 Tr]on, Cnailooga. GA, d 07 May 1892, Rome, Floyd GA 4. WILLIAMSON, John Leslie, ca 1806, Jackson Co , GA; md 29 lvlar 1832, Jefferson, Jackson, GA d 14 Oct 1897, Benton, Saline, AR. 5. SHOTWELL, Jerusha Caroline, b May '1816 SC d 12 Dec 1863, Jackson Co, GA 6. ALLEN, Young Wesley, b 07 Jul 1811, GAi md 06 Jul 1844, d 07 Jan 1896. 7. NEW, Sarah, b 14 Feb 1A21, GA; d '13 Jan 1885. WlLLlAl\,lSON, John Jr, b 26 [Iar 1780, VA; md ca 1802, Wilkes Co., GA; d 25 Oct 1849, Jefferson, Jackson, GA. 9. CAMP, Winifred. b 18 Dec'1786, SC; d 27 [,{ar 1873, Jackson Co., GA. 10. SHOIWELL, Nathaniel, b 08 Aug 1774 VA, md 19 Sep 1799; d 03 Nov 1855. 11. LIDDLE, Rebekah W., b 26 Jan 1783, PA, d 29 Oct 1860. 14. NEW, Jesse, b 1788 d Oct 1874, Carrollton Carroll, GA. 16. WILLIAMSON, John Sr, d 09 Oct 1831. 17. LESLIE, Margaret, b ca 1737. 18. CAI\,lP, Nathaniel (Nathan), b 1745, d 1a18. 19. TARPLEY, Winfred, b 09 Jun '1748. 20. SHOTWELL, Robert, b ca '1750. 21. ----, Hannah. 22. LIDDLE. Jesse. 23. ----, Nancy. I Harold O. White, 3135 N. 'l8th St., Arlington. VA 22241 7r)3-52a-124a 1- WHITE, Harold Oswell, b 10 May 1933 Fruithurst Cleburne, AL; md 02 Jun '1956, Moscow, Latah, lD, to Dorothy M KAMI\IEYER. 2. WHITE, Charlie Carl, b 07 Apr 1900 Draketown Haralson GA, md 20 Jul 1919, Buchanan, Haralson, GA; d 16 May 1979 Hefiin, Cteburne AL. 3- BROWN, Lessie Mae b22 Aug 1902, Draketown, Haralson GA: d 17 Oct 1978, Heflin, Cleburne AL. 4- WHITE, William Henry, b 14 l\.4ar 1859, Carroll Co. GA md 23 Dec'1885 Haralson Co., GA; d 29 Mar 1952 Bremen. Haraison. GA 5. HOLCOMBE Josephine E., b 04 Ju 1865. Haralson Co. GA; d 16 NIar 1920, Haralson Co. GA 6. BROWN, Henry Luther, b 13 Feb 1876, Haralson Co GA; md 26Aug 190'1, Haralson Co. GAt d 11 Apr 1959, Cedariown. Polk, GA 7. SCOTT, Epsie Jane, b27 Jan 1887 Buchanan Haralson, GA d 06 Dec '1945, Ceda.lown, Polk, GA 8. WHITE, James Wllliam, b 24 Jul 1833 9. HILDEBRAND. Sarah N4. b 18 Feb 1833 -|-'i. ,-i." L ) -27- Harold O. White Pedigree Chart, Cont'd. 10. HOLCOMBE, James W., b 28 Nov 1833. 11. WORTHY, Arianna Louisa, b ca '1839. BROWN, Henry Patillo T., b 22 Feb '1851 BUSH, Sarah Jane "Sally," b 05 Jun 1854. 14. SCOTT, Leroy Wiley Riley, b Aug 1833. 15' HARRIST, Elizabeth. b Sep 1846. 16. WHITE, James Thomas, b 09 Nov 1801. 17. TOTTY, Sarah Mary, b 03 Jan 1807. 18. HILDEBRAND, John, b 3'1 Oct 1798. 19. VANHORN, Anna, b 17 MaY 1812. 20. HOLCOMBE, John Kellett, b 18 Nov 1810. 21. MORRIS, RachelC., b ca 1815. 22" WORTHY, John H., b ca 1816 23. JONES. Mary Margarel. b ca 1816 24. BROWN, Robert A., b ca 1819. 25. POPE, Rebecca E., b ca 1814. 26. BUSH, John V., b 1809. 27. MADDOX, Nancy A., b ca 1815. 28. SCOTT, John, b ca 1804. 29. HOLLOWAY, Permelia P., b ca 1809. 30. HARRIST. Charles T., b ca 1820. 3'1. WILSON, Caroline, b ca 1825. 12' 13. Mr. White has sent us a picture pedigree chart. All those above that have a star (.) after their number have a small picture on the pedigree chart. This pedigree chart will now be placed in the Neva Lomason Library in Canollton. Mr. White has made the following notation: "l share some of Sandra Allen's Holcombes. Her parents were in my database." FOCUS OF RESEARCH, BLAIR, BRASWELL, CAN4P, CARDEN, DUNCAN, FORRESTER, HARTLEY, INGRATil, JACOBS, LANGSTON, McCOLLUM, McCRAY, [rOORE, PITTS, WlNKLES. Shirley A. Steinback. 351 Pike Dr. Corona, CA 91719-1044. BARLOW, in particular the family of Virgil and Susan BARLOW. Virgil was b in 1838, d 1911 He was a CSA Vet Also researching his three sons: George (b 1862), William S. (b 1871), and ArthurW. (b 1879). Also BURROW, COLLINS, CRAWFORD, CRAVEN, ENTREKIN, JOHNSON, LEAK, [IcELROY, ITORRISON, NICHOLS, PARKER. THO[/lPSON, Derek Barlow, PO Box 2064, Clayton, GA 30525 Ph 706-782-9984. BARKER, CARR, CHAMBERS, CHANDLER, CHRISTIAN, COPELAND, FERGASON, HAWKINS, JACKSON, POWELL, PRICE, STANCIL, STEPHENSON, WILSON, YATES Sanford Chambers, 6279 County Rd #51, Newell, AL 36270-4803. William ADAMS md Sarah BLANKENSHIP. Their son, Absalom ADAirs, md Elizabeth REID James E. Padget, 115 Cupit Close, Alpharetta, GA 30022 2"1 v-rL ,.a - /- t -) - 1-r -28Focus of Research. Contd. COUCH HEMBREE, POPE, SMITH, David Hembree, 3560 Valley Hill Rd., Kenri'-'saw GA 3C152 ALLEN, ARNEY, BOYD MOSTELLER ROBERDS, SPAKE. WlLLINGHAII, WILSON John C. Allen,504 Pineridge Dr., Hopkrnsville KY 42240 (e-mail) Jesse P. BRANNON, Lucy SMiTH BRANNON. JackJ. Camp,249 Hurst Mill RoadN Bremen, GA 30'l1C-4566 [TcBURNETT. THOMPSON. Mr. & Mrs J. L. Ihompson Jr., 1610 Wesl St., Sylvester, GA 31791-7531 BRAZI\,IORE, COFIELD, COSPER, DOBBS DORROUGH, DYE HARR1NGTON, HOWARD, HUDDLESTON, KNOPP, LANE LAYFIELD, LEI\,IOND, I\IOORE, PARMER, SIMPSON, SMITH, TOMLIN, TRAYLOR, WILLlA[rlS,. Peggy Chambers, 6279 County Rd #51, Newell AL 36270-4803 BROOK, HAY, ROUTON, UPSHAW Ted Brooke, 2055 Foster Dr., Cumming, GA 30040. GARST, Karen Dale,6737 Perry Park Blvd, Larkspur CO 80118 JONES, MOON, MORGAN, SMIIH, YATES Barbara Y., Rt.4, Box 190,, FL 32091 BRAND, CASH, CRISWELL, HEMBREE, NOLAN, PEEBLES, RICHARDSON, Alice Jordan, 131 Hope Shirey Way, Newnan, GA 30263 BONNER, BROWN, JACKSON, LASSETER CarolArita Rucks, 700 N. Indian Creek Dr, Apt 817, Clarkston GA 30021 / ADAIR, ADAI\T1S, CARROLL, CRATON, FULLER, HENDRIX, JEFFERS, MCRAE, [.4ORRlS, MOSTILLER, NORI\IAN, PHILL1PS ROUNDTREE. WlLLlAlVlS, Dennrs W Williams, 326 Roc(marl Ro. V, a Rica, GA 30'80 BARNES, BUFFORD, COLEMAN/COLMAN, RIGGS, YOUNG. Csm E Coleman Jr, US Army (Ret ), 919 Leontine St., New Oileans, LA 70115 William S. BONNER. Teri Bonner,310 Emory Lane, Columbia SC 29212. ADAIR BURK, EVANS. GARRISON, HOLTAND JOHNSON, JONES, PYE PYLE, ROGERS, ROSSER, VAUGHN, WALKER, WELLBORN Sam & Linda Pyle, 1471 lrandeville Rd., Carroll{on, GA 30J17. HAYNES, abt. 1835 MALONE, abt. 1830. Barbara Walker Ray, P.a.Box2137, Mrssouri Crty TX 77459 trebor@halpc org L )-'^1 -:'',.,:' ' " -29Focus of Research. Cont'd AYRES, BROOM, CARROLL, CHASTAIN, DEWBERRY, JAMES, LAWING, STIDHAM, WILLIAI\,,ISON Alfred E Turner,6501 Peacock Blvd., Morrow, GA 30260 BARROW, BIVINS, BURSON, BURI, DAVIS, JONES KING, LANGSTON, SMITH, TREADAWAY, WRIGHT Mary E Byam, G3342 Tuxedo Ave., Flint, M!48507. BEVAN, MICHAEL Coy E. Michael, 8908 Willow Hills Dr, Huntsville, AL 35802-3730 (e-mail) HUCKABY, REAVES, VAUGHN, WILSON, Neva King Barnhart,2240 Mohigan Way, Las Vegas, NV 89109-3374 (e-mail) ALLGOOD, GORDON, KIRK, McCLENDON, NEWMAN. D. C & Betty Schultz, 18'10 Villa Espana Trail, Melbourne, FL 32935-4622. CAI\,1PBELL, CARTER, COLE, CRAIG, DAVISON, FREEIUAN, GREER, HANVEY, HART, HUGGINS, lrcABEE NlX. lvlr. & Mrs l\,Ionte A Hart, 105 James St., Easley, SC 29642. William Joseph LITTLE, Richard TANNER & N4argarette iroRRlS. Roger Little 3354 Hessel, Rochester Hiils, Ml 48307. BATES, JONES, McBURNETT, WRIGHT, Susan Bubnar, 2638 Bolker Dr. Port Hueneme, CA 93041 (e-mail) siouxbub' ALLEN, NEW, WILLIAMSON Bob Sell, '14723 Calpella St., Lalvirada, CA 90638-3002 (e-mail) BROWN, BUSH, HILDEBRAND, HOLCOMBE, SCOTT, WHITE, WORTHY, AII Of these came to Carroll and Haralson Counties between 1830 and 1880. Harold O. White,3135 N'18th St, Arlington, VA 22201. BONNER, GOOLSBY, McCLENDON SHACKELFORD. Donnie R. Shackelford,443 Avondale Rd, Montgomery, AL 36109 GARRETT - Jessie L. & irargaret A. Nancy&Henry Betty Denney,55478 Hwy 49, Ashland, AL 36251 FRIDELL, RANDLES REEVES, WADDELL. Teddy R. & Frances Randles, 155 River Valley Dr., Carrollton, GA 301 17. CHAPPELL, HARRISON, KINNEY, MCWHORTER, POPE, WlLLIAMS. Kathryn P. Cook,5522 Lansing Dr., Charlotte, NC 28270 EAVES, HORTON, [/llURPHY, PERKINS, STRICKLAND, TATUM, David & Elizabeth Richardson, 39 Turkey Creek Dr., Newnan, GA 30263. Focus of Research, Cont'd. Peter BRIDGES (1828-1864) md E. Jane BROWN (25 Dec 1828 - 26 Jan 1909) in 1842. She married three more times. Theirdau Frances Rebecca BRIDGES (ca 1860-ca 1954), md ca '1880 Charlie Howard EVANS, my husband's grandfather. Velma D. Evans, P. O. Box 926, Joelton, lN 370B0-0926. BURNS, CLEGG, HOOPER, POR'TER, WALKER, Reid W Walker, 5196 Fern Ct., Villa Rica, GA 30180-7655. BOWLES, CHAIVBERS, ELEY, HAWKINS, MOODY lvlajor Zane D. Chambers, 567A Connor Loop, West Point NY 10996 C27664@usma edu CATHEY, N4CDOWELL, O'NElLL, TEMPLETON Diana Ford, 18532 - 132nd Place SE, Renton, WA 98058 BLACK, BROWN, CRUMP. HARRIS, IVEY, KILGORE, SCOTT, SMIIH Barbara Klaffke,4030 York Rd., Souih Bend, lN 466'14. BRYCE/BRICE. William and Mary (ORR) e-mail - v/wild ng@medraone net Mary Bryce Wilding 13648 Gordonia Ct., Jacksonville, FL 32224 BARNES, DUKE, HEARD, J. Brett Barnes, 70 Colonial Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. lf you answer any of the following queries please send us a copy of your answer OUERIES ALLEN, NEW, WILLIAMSON, I am attempting to write the story of Cicero WlLL|A|\,4SON and his wrfe Elvia Ann Elizabeth ALLEN who moved to Carrollton afterthe CivilWar About'189'1 they moved to Rome where Elvy and daughter Sally dred Theyare buried in Magnolia St Cem. with NEWandALLEN relatives. Anyhelpwill be appreciated Bob Sell, 14723 Calpella St., LaMirada, CA 90638-3002 (e-mall) bobsell@ibm net BARLOW, BURROW, I am currently researching my BARLOW family of Carroll County and in particular the household of Emmett Vrrgil BARLOW (1838-1911) who fought in Co Bof the56th Georgia lnfantry, CSA, of Carroll County Virgil BARLOW married Susan A. C. BURROW in 1861 and had the following childrenr George (b 1862), Amelia (b 1866) Francis C. (b 1869), William S. (b 187'l), Nancy (b 1873), Mary S (b 1876) and Arthur W. (b '1879). lam seeking any information onthe above listed children of Virgil & Susan BARLOW and their descendants I am also very interested in finding anyone who might have any old photos that may exist of Virgil or Susan BARLOW or any of their children and who would let me have them copied. Any information on these BARLOWS would be greatly appreciated. Derek Barlow, P. O Box 2064, Clayton, GA 30525. Ph. 746-782-9984 -,;."/ '. -31- Queries, Cont'd. DOE, HASTY, John HASTY md (we think)A. L. DOE. Had sons: Obadiah HASTY, b 3 Dec 1805, SC. Thomas P. HASTY, b 1810, SC. Abraham HASTY, b 1818, GA. James HASry, b ca 1820, GA. Other children ofJohn were Elizabeth, Raynard, Nancy, andJohn. This family was in Coweta Co., GA, after 1831, and moved to Harris Co., GA, ca 1840. ln AL by 1850. Would appreciate any help you can give meonthisfamily. Silver Villegas, 6504 Cooper Ln., Jacksonville, FL32210. BRADLEY, PERSALL, Oliver PERSALL md Ella BRADLEY, d ca 1908, July. Their sons were Herman PERSALL, Lucious PERSALL b 22 Mar 1904, and Grady PERSALL, b I Mar 1908. Would appreciate any help you can give me on either family. Eva Coleman, 3679 Ship Chandlers Wharf, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. BRYCE/BRICE, ORR William and Mary ORR BRYCE/BRICE arrived in this country ca 1799. They brought two children with them, Mary and Elizabeth; two children, Agnes and Thomas, remained in Scotland. Ihey settled in Union District (now Columbia, SC), and had either 8 or I more children. About 1825 theywere in DeKalb Co., GA, andweretwoof the eight co-founders of the Decatur Presbyterian Church. About 1827 they were rn Carroll Co , and William was a member of the Grand Jury for the First Court. farrol/ County and Her People, " by Private Joe Cobb, states that a son, James BRYCE, was one of the early white settlers in the County. William BRYCE is mentioned in the book, "Georyia's Last Frontier, " by James C. Bonner, as being appointed a commissioner for the town of Carollton on 22 Dec 1829. Thomas, who remained in Scotland, joined his family in Carroll Co. I am interested in any info in re this family, especially when William e-mail - and Mary died and where they might be Irary Bryce Wilding, 13648 Gordonia Ct., Jacksonville, FL 32224 buried. CCGS 1999 MEMBERS as ot 3'l Jan 1999 1. Anne 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 '14. '15. 16. Allen, 1 12 Ora Circle, Warner Robins, GA 31088-3736 Donald Allen, 35 River Valley Dr , Canollton, GA 30117. John C Allen,504 Pineridge Dr., Hopkinsville, KY 42240-2532. lvlrs. Sandra Allen, 160 E. Greenwood Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. Kim Austin, 226 Prairie Creek Rd., Red Oak, TX 75154. Clinton Derek Badow, P. O. Box 2064, Clayton, GA 30525. J Brett Barnes, 70 Colonial Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. Neva King Bamhart, 2240 Mohigan Way, Las Vegas, NV 89109-3374. Hugh W Ba.row, 1511 Thornebrooke Cir., Dalton, GA 30720. Teri Bonner, 310 Emory Lane, Columbia, SC 29212. Ellen [,I. Boothe, PO Box 1664, Midland, TX 79702-1664. Erlene C. Boyd, 1539 Flat Rock Rd., Villa Rica, GA 30180. Ted Brooke,2055 Foster Dr., Cumming, GA 30040. Susan&Lori Bubnar,2638 Bolker Dr., Port Hueneme, CA93041. Brenda M. Buchanan, PO Box 17109'1, Arlington, TX 76003-'1091. Mary E. Byam, G-3342 Tuxedo Ave., Flint, Ml 48507. N. L ),r 4 1999 CCGS l\.4embership, Cont'd 17. Jack J. Camp, 249 Hurst Mill Rd. North Breh.en, GA30110 18. Morgan V. Cantrell, 11186 Co. Rd 65. Roanoke, AL 36274 19 Mrs F M Chalker,314 Dixie St, Carrollton, GA 30117. 20 Hugh Martin Chambers,3625 Keswck Llr Chamblee, GA 30341-2005 2'l Sanford D Chambers,6279 County Rd 51 Newell, AL 36270-4803 22. Maiot Zane D. Chambers,567A Conno!'Locp West Poinl, NY 10996 23 lhomas H Chance, 3810 Madison Ave, Gadsden, AL 35904. Csm Elwood R Coleman Jr, 919 LeonUne St New Orleans, LA 70115 25. Eva Coleman, 3679 Ship Chandlers Wharf, Virginia Beach, VA 23456. 26 Royce & Elizabeth Conkle, 724 Stewad St, Carrollton, GA 30117. 27. Kathryn P. Cook, 5522 Lansing Dr, Charlotte NC 28270-5350 28. Genevieve S Cooksey 927 Pleasant Ridge Rd, Carrollton, GA 30117-9331 29. Linda E. Cornutt,9618 Hillview, Dallas, TX 7523'1 30. Clarice Cox, 1055 Farmers High Rd., Carrollton, GA 30117 31. Juanita Davis, 875 Pleasant Ridge Rd Carrollion, GA 30'117 32. Betty Denney, 55478 Hwy. 49, Ashland, AL 36251. 33 JamesD & Violette Denney, 135 Maple Hill Rd, Carrollton, GA 30116-8546 34. Betty R devane, 1121 Rome St, Apt 1003, Carrollton, GA 30117-2259 35. Velma D. Evans, PO Box 926, Joelton, TN 37080. 24 36 37 38. 39 40 41. 42 43. 44. 45. 46 47. 48. 49. 50. 5'1. 52. 53. 54 55. 56. 57. 58 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. Diana Ford, '18532-132nd Place SE, Renton, WA 98058 William G & Helen Foster, 1924 Victory Church Rd , Bowdon, GA 30108 Shirley Gardner, 85 Greenwood Lane Carrollton, GA30117 Helen L Gonzalez, 250 ParkviewAve., Winnemucca, NV 89445-3225 Guy M Harrington,240 Oak Haven Ave , Macon, GA 31204-2926 Mr. & Mrs lronteA. Hart, 105JamesSt., Easley, SC 29642. David Hembree, 3560 Valley Hill Rd., Kennesaw, GA 30152 Dr. W Larry Hogue,704 Ravenel Rd, Augusta, GA 30909. Mrs Glenn Hollingswo h,2272US27 So., Carrollton, GA 30117. Ann Gayle Ingram, 114 Hillcrest Rd, Car.ollton, GA 30117. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Jackson,2726 Old Monticello Rd., Thomasville, GA 31792. Judge Robert J. James, PO Box 726, Douglasville, GA 30133. John R. Johns, 877 Granite Springs Lane, Stone Mountarn. GA 30083-5117. Dennis King Jones, 100 Parsons, Apl. 704, Detroit, MI 48201. Alice Jordan, 131 Hope Shirey Way, Newnan, GA 30263 Nancy l. Jordan,4141 Argonne Dr., Villa Rica, GA 30180. Barbara Klaffke, 4030 York Rd., Souih Bend lN 46614. Jean H. K!4le,220Smith Dr. Carrollton, GA 30117-1950. Edna Lackey, '150 Cottage Lane#1o4, Carrollton, GA 30117 Douglas Leak.61 Brookshire Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. Elizabeth Light, 705 sth St. NE, Ft. Payne, AL 35967-2429. Roger & Judy Little, 3354 Hessel Ave., Rochester Hills, Ml 48307 Bill & Wanda Maddox 74 Hampton Way, Carrollton, GA 30117 Marcia Mccahee,237 N Carroll, Bowdon, GAS 30108. George & Ruth lrcNinch, 801 College St , Carrollton, GA 30117. Coy E. lriehael, 8908 Willow Hills Dr., Huntsville, AL 35802-3730. William G. Iritchell, 55 Goldworth Rd , Vilta Rica, GA 30180. Kenneth & Jean lrorse, 5267 Hilltop Dr., Villa Rica, GA 30180. Dr Lucy E. Moye, 14 W. Hallett St., Hrllsdale, Ml 49242. Y,1-" '1999 CCGS , '"r '' Members Cont'd. 65. Mary K Nowell.951 Crumbley Rd., l\,4cDonough, GA 30252-4422. 66. Sally & Henry Owen, 410 Sunset Blvd., Carrollton, GA 30117. 67. James E. Padget, 115 Cupit Close, Alpharetta, GA 30022. 68. Elizabeth A. Page, 11232 County Rd. 4090 Scurry TX 75158-3120. 69. Betty Jo Parsons,2085 Bowdon-Tyus Rd., Bowdon, GA 30108. 70. Thelma Pate, 199 Old Five Notch Rd., Whitesburg, GA 30185-9548. 71. Fay Nell Pitts, '1230 Rocky Branch Rd., Villa Rica, GA 30180. 72. lvrs. Earline Powers, 1002 W. Hwy 78, Villa Rica, GA 30'180. 73. Sam & Linda Pyle 1471 Mandeville Rd., Carrollton, GA 30'1'17-9360. 74. Deta C. Ragan 1658 Mulberry Rock Rd. Dallas, GA 30132. 75. Teddy R. & Frances Randles, 155 River Valley Dr.. Carollton, GA 30117. 76. Barbara Walker Ray,4351 Brights Bend, Missouri City, TX 77459. 77. David & Elizabeth Richardson, 39 Turkey Creek Dr., Newnan, GA 30263 78. Irrs. Nelt B. Riggs, 161 Starlight Dr., Rock Spring, GA 30739-9742. 79. Jerry C. Robinson IvlD 269 Horsley Mill Rd., Carrollton, GA 30116. 80. J. P. Rowe, 207 P,antation Walk, Carrollton, GA 301'17. 81 CarolArita Rucks 700 N. lndian Creek Dr., Apt B'17, Clarkston, GA 30021-2354 82. Virginia Ann Ruskell, Box 844, Carollton, GA 30117. 83. Rebecca Brown Saunders,2515 Frankford Ave., Panama City, FL 32405-2828. 84. Mary Lou Schmidt, 7332 Rio Hondo Pl., Downey, CA 90241-2036. ,. 85. D C. & Betty Schultz, 1810 Villa Espana Trail, Melbourne, FL 32935. .-86. Robert B. Sell, '14723 Calpella St., LaMirada, CA 90638-3002. 87. Larry Shiflett, 1082 School Rd , Griffin, GA 30223 88 89 90 Dr. Eugene Sneary, 20 Harpeis Way, Carrollton, GA 30117. Shirley A. Steinback,351 Pike Dr., Corona, C491719-1044. Nadine Stevenson, 345 Tulip St., Fairfield, CA 94533-1534. 91. Raiford M Taylor 515 Lovvorn Farm Rd, Carrollton, GA30117-9496. 92. Ramona Dewey Teal 106 Amy Lane, Carrollton. GA 30117. 93. Mr. & [rrs. J L Thompson Jr, 1610 West St., Sylvester, GA 31791-7531. 94. Barbara Yates Thorpe Rt 4 Box 190, Starke, FL 3209'1. 95 Alfred E. Turner,6501 Peacock Blvd , Morrow, GA 30260-2519. 96. Silver [r. Villegas, 6504 Coope. Lane, Jacksonville, FL 3221o-37oa. 97 lvr. & l\rrs. M. R. Walker. 3573 Wood Acres Blvd., Duluth, GA 30096-3144. 98. Reid W Walker, 5196 Fern Ct. Villa Rica, GA 30180-7655. 99. Lee Wash 90 Briarwood Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. 100. Harold O. & Dorothy K. White, 3135 N 18th St. Arlington, VA 22201. '101. llary Bryce Wilding, 13648 Gordonia Ct, Jacksonville, FL 32224. 102. Dennis W. Williams, 326 Rockmart Rd., Villa Rica, GA 30180-1124. '103 Mrs. Reuben Word, 805 Rome St., Carrollton, GA 30'1'17. 104. Mr. & Mrs. Wrn. H. Wright, 1760 Fairfax St., Petersburg, VA 23805-1649. '1C5. Mrs. Bernard Yates, 818 Tyus Rd., Bowdon, GA 30108. 106. AllenCo. Pub Lib., Acquisitions-Periodicals, Box 227o- Fl. Wayne, 1N468012270. 107. Atlanta-Fulton Pub. Lib. Ser/Sp Coll GAC22, 1 lrargaret Mitchell Sq., Attanta, GA 30303-1022. 108. Pub. Lib. of Cincinnati, Acquisitions Dept., 800 Vine St., Cincinnali, OH 452022009. 109 Huntsville Pub. Lib., Heritage Rm, PO Box 443, Huntsville, AL 35804-0443. '-" -34INDEX . 1999 SPRING QUARTERLY CHASTAIN 29 CHEEVES 24 CHRIST|AN 16 27 ADDERHOLD 23 CHRISTOPHER 5 ALLEN 2 23 26 27 2A CLEGG 30 29 30 31(4) ,I8 ALLGOOD 29 CLEGHORN CLEMENTS 5 ALMON 21 ALSABROOKS 25 COBB 25 COFER 25 At tE 24 COFIELD 28 18 BROWN782223 ANDERSON 29 coLE 16 21 29 ARNEY 28 24(2) 26 27 28 30(2) CoL(E)MAN 23 28 31 ARNOLD 23 32(2) ARTHUR 22 BRYANT 23 ASH ,10 BRYCE 16 19 20 30 31 COLEY 21 ASHMORE 8 COLLINS 17 27 BUBNAR 29 31 AUSTIN 31 BUCHANAN 24(2) 31 CONKLE 32 cooK 6 23 29 32 AYRES 29 BUFFORD 28 COOKSEY 32 BULLARD,lT BAGGETT 22 24 cooPER 25 BALLARD 5 BURDEN 19 24 COPELAND 27 BARBER 3 BURK(S) 17 28 BURNETT 22 CORNUTT 32 BARKER 27 COSPER 28 BARLOW '15 27 30 31 BURNS 22 25 30 27 30 coucP, 21 23 2A BARNES 19 28 30 31 BURROW COX 32 BARNETT 6 16 18 BURSON 25 29 BARNHART 29 31 CRAIG 25 29 BURT 2S CRATON 28 BARROW 9 29 31 BUSH 27 29 CRAVEN 27 BASKIN 8 23 BUILER 13 22 23 CRAWFORD 22 27 BATES 29 BYAM 29 31 CRISWELL 28 BAXLEY 13 CALLAWAY 21 BELL 7 82124 oAMP 21 26 27 28 32 cRow 23 CAMPBELL 16 25 29 CRUMP 30 BENGOCHEA 15 CULPEPPER 13 25 BEVAN 29 CANNON 24 ,15 CANTLEY 13 DALE 28 BIANCO DALLAS 20 BIVINS 29 CANTRELL 32 DALRUMPLE 2O BLACK 30 CARDEN 21 27 DANIEL 18 21(13) 2s BLADEM 13 CARLTON 6 DARDEN 21 BLAIR 27 CARR 27 DAUGHERTY 21 BLANKENSHIP 27 CARROLL 28 29 DAVENPORT 8 CARTER 29 BLAXION 18 DAVIDSON 2'1 BLEDSOE 12 CASH 28 DAVTS I21 29 32 BONNER 10 22 23 24 CATHEY 30 DAVISON 21 29 CAUDLE 14 28(2) 29 31 DEAN 10 21 CAUSEY 17 23 BOON(E) 18 22 DeARMAND 7 BOOTHE 31 CAVENDER 23 DEESE 21 BOWLES 30 CHALKER 32 BOYD 16 28 31 CHAMBERS 16-20 22 DELONEY 11 DENN(E)Y 21 29 32(2) BRADBERRY 21 24 27 28 30 32(3) ,11 32 DENNIS 21 BMDLEY 21 31 CHANCE 23 25 27 DENSON 21 BRAND 21 28 CHANDLER DERRIN 2,I BRANNON 28 CHI,PPELL 21 22 29 ADArR 28(2) ADAMS 23 27 28 BRASWELL 27 BRAZMORE 28 BREED 21 BR1CE SEE BRYCE BRIDGES 30 BROCK 18-'19 BROOK(E) 28 31 BROOKS 24 BROOM 29 deVANE 2 32 DEVORE 18 DEWEERRY 21 15 29 DIAL 22 DICKERSON 21 DICKSON 21 ALSO SEE DIXON DINGLER 21 DIXON 21 ALSO SEE DICKSON DOBB(S) 21 24 28 DODSON 21 DOE 31 DORROUGH 28 DORSEY 2,1 DOUGHERTY 22 DOUGLASS 5 DRAKE 21 DREW 21 DRINKIN 25 DRISKELL 21 DRIVER 21 22 DUKE 12 22 30 DUNCAN 22(4) 27 DURRETT 22 DUTTON 22 DYE 18 28 DYER 22 DYKES 13 EAOY 22 EARNEST 13.14 22 23 EASON 22 EASTERWOOD 22 EAVES 29 ECHOLS 22 EDDLEMAN 16 EDG€ 22 EDMERSON 22 EDMONDSON 22 EDWARDS 22 EIDSON 22 24 ELEY 30 ELLARD 22 ELLERSON 22 ,18 ELROD EMBRY 22 ENSLEY 22 ENTREKTN 22(4) 24 27 ESTES 22 EUBANKS 22 EVANS 21 23 28 30 32 EVERETT 23 EWELL 15 EXOI/I 24 FAGG 20 FAIN 5 FARMER 21 22 23 24 FARRIS 23 FARROW 23 FENEY 23 FERGASON 27 FERRELL 23 FIELDER 23 FIELDS 23 24 FINCHER 23 FINDLEY 23 FISHER 23 FITZGERALD 15 FLEMING 25 FLETCHER 23 FLOYD 13 23 FOLSOIVI 23 FORD 30 32 FORRESTER 27 FORTUNE 23 FOSTER 23(s) 32 FOUNTAIN 23 FOWLER 23 FRANKLIN 6 FRASER 22 FREEMAN 23 29 FRrD(D)ELL 23 29 FULLER 23 28 FULLILOVE 21 GABLE 21 22 23 GADDY 23 GAINES 23 GAMBLE 23 GANT 7 GARDNER 2 412 23 25 32 GARMON 23 GARNER 23 GARRETT 23 24 29 GARRISON 24 28 GARST 2E GASTON 24 GATES 24 GAITTS 24 GAUNTT 24 cAY 24 cEoRcE 22 24(2J GIBBS 24 GILLEY 24 GLADNEY 24 GLANDON 23 GLANTON 24 GLASER 15 GLENN 1018 GODWIN,l3 GOLDEN 24 GONZALEZ 32 GOODMAN 2,1 22 GOO(L)SBY 1o 22 24 29 GORDON 23 24 29 GORE 22 GOULDING 14 GOWER 24 GRANT 24 GRAVETT 24 GRAVITT 24 GMY 24(10) GREEN(E) 17 24(4) GREER 29 GRESHAIVI 21 24 GRIFFIN 23 24 25 GRIFFIS 24 GRIFFITH 24 GRIZZARD 24 25 GROSS 17 GURLEY 24 HALLMAN 23 HAMMACK 11 14-,15 HAMMOCK 21 HAMRICK 9 HANDLEY 8 HANNAH 24 HANNON 6 HANVEY 29 HARRELL 23 HARRINGTON 28 32 HARRIS 4 30 HARRISON 13 29 HARRIST 27 HART 29 32 HARTLEY 27 HASTY 31 ,15 HATCHER HAWKINS 27 30 HAY 28 HAYES 14 23 HAYNES 3 28 HEARD 30 HEARN 4 HEATH 21 HEMBREE 28(2) 32 HENDRIX 28 HESTER 7 24 KNOPP 28 KREISS 11-12 KYTLE 2 32 HESTERLY 24 HIGHTOWER 17 LACKEY 32 HILDEBRAND 26 27 29 LAMB 13 LANDERS56717 HILL 25 HILLEY 25 LANE 28 HINESLEY 9 LANG 22 LANGSTON 27 29 HOFFMAN 14 LASSETER 28 HOGUE 32 HOLCOMA{E) 22 26 27 LASSITER 14 29 LATHAM 21 LAWING 29 HOLDER 24 22 24 LAYFIELD 28 HOLLAND 28 32 LEAK27 32 HOLLINGSWORTH LEE 14 HOLLOWAY 27 HOLMES 17 24(2) LEGG 18 LEIVOND 28 HOOPER 30 ,18 LESLIE 26 HOPSON HORSLEY 22 LEWTS 10 17 2s LIDDLE 26 HORTON 22 29 HOWARD 15 28 LIGHT 32 HUCKABY 29 LIMBAUGH 8 LINDSAY 23 HUDDLESTON 28 LINDSEY 12 HUDGENS 2,1 25 LITTLE 29 32 HUGGINS 23 29 LONG 21 24 HUNT 11 27 32 LOWERN 21 INGRAM 30 LOWORN 3-4 23 tvEY 21 JACKSON 13 14 22 27 LUMPKIN 8 MADDOX 27 32 28 32 MALONE 28 JACOBS 27 MARTIN 7 16 22 JAMES 29 32 MASON 23 JEFFERS 16 28 MAT(T)HEWS 12-13 22 JENNINGS 23 MCABEE 29 JOHNS 32 JOHNSON 7 22 24 25 McBURNETT 28 29 MccAlN 21 27 28 I.4CCALMON 22 JONES 3 21 25 27 32 l,,lcCLARTY 23 28(2) 2s(2) [IccLENDON 29(2) JORDAN 28 32(2) MCCOLLUM 27 JORDON 22 MCCRAY 23 27 MI'MEYER 26 tvtccu E 14 KARRENBROCK 7 KEAT NG 12 McDOWELL 30 McELFRESH 6 KELLY '13 McELROY 27 KENNEI/IUR 19 IICGAHEE 32 KILGORE 30 MCGUIRE'19 KINARD 3 lvlcNElL 10 KING 29 McNlNcH 2 25 32 KINNEY 29 29 MoME 28 KIRK KITES 3 McWHORTER 29 KLAFFKE 30 32 MELEAR 22 I -36MELLING 18 MEYER 16 t\,ltcHAEL 29 32 ,I8 MILLER 21 23 MILLICAN,lO I\,lILLSTEAD 3 MITCHELL 2 32 MOODY 30 MOON 22 28 MOORE 23 27 28 I\4ORGAN 28 MORRTS 27 28 29 MORRISON 27 MORSE 32 MOSIELLER 28 MOSTILLER 28 MOYE 32 MURPHY 29 NEW 26 29 30 NEWIVIAN 9 29 NtcHoLS 22 27 POPE 16-19 27 28 29 PORTER 24 30 POWELL 22 27 POWERS 12 33 PRICE 27 PRUETT 19 PUTMAN 24 PYE 28 PYLE 28 33 QUINN 19 RAGAN 22 33 RArN(E)Y 22 24 RALEY 6 MNDALL 21 RANDLES 29 33 RAY 28 33 REAVES 21 29 ALSO SEE REEVES REED 18 ALSO SEE REID REESE 22 23 ALSO SEE NUCKOLLS REEVES 29 NIX 29 ALSO SEE REAVES NIXON 22 REGISTER 24 NOLAN 2E REID 21 27 NOR|VIAN 25 28 ALSO SEE REED NORRlS 23 RENTZ 13-14 NORTH 22 RICH 11 NOWELL 33 RICHARDSON 28 29 NUCKOLLS 4 ALSO SEE NICHOLS RIGGS 28 33 O'NEILL ,12 30 ROBERDS 28 oBtE 24 ROBERTS 23 oRR 30 31 ROBTNSON 18 21 24 owEN 22 33 PACE 11-15 ROBTSON 21(2) PADGET 27 33 ROGERS 28 PAGE 33 ROSE 25 PARKER 21 23 27 ROSEVEARE 12 PARMER 20 28 ROSS 12 PARSONS 33 ROSSER 28 PATE 14 33 ROUNDTREE 28 PAIILLO 25 ROUTON 28 PEARSON 24 ROWE 33 PEEBLES 28 RUCKS 28 33 PEEK 25 RUSKELL 33 PERKINS 24 23 RUSSELL 4-9 1O PERREN 25 SANDERSON 16 PERRY 14 SAUNDERS 33 PERSALL 31 SCHIMIVIELL 13 PHILLIPS 12 19 28 SCHMIDT 33 PIRKLE 24 SCHULTZ 29 33 PiTTS 27 33 scoTT 26 27 29 30 POLLARD 21 SEARS ,17-,18 24 SELL 26 29 30 33 SESSIONS 1O SEWELL 21 SHACKLEFORD 1O-'11 29 SHANNON,l2 SHELL 14 21 SHERICK 16 SHIFLETT 33 SHINN 24 SHOTWELL 26 SIMPSON 28 SMELLY 3 sMrIH 913 21(2) 22 23(2) 24 28(4) 29 30 SMOOT 6 SNEARY 33 SOLEY 18 SPAKE 28 SPARKMAN 18 SPARKS 24 SPENSER 21 STANCIL 27 STANTON 22 STEADHAI\,1 6 STEED 4-7 SIEEL 25 STEINBACK 27 33 STEPHENS 22(2) STEPHENSON 27 STERLING 20 STEVENSON 33 STIDHAM 23 29 sTrPE 7(2) STREET 24 STRICKLAND 29 TALLEY 23 TANNER 29 TARPLEY 26 TAIUM 29 TAYLOR 23 33 TEAGUE 17 TEAL 33 TEI,IPLETON 30 THOMPSON 1O 22 24(2) 27 28 33 THORNTON 21 22 THORPE 28 33 TIDWELL 1O TISINGER 2O TOMLIN 28 rol7Y 27 TRAIVIMELL 14 TRAYLOR 28 TREADAWAY 29 TREADWELL 3.4 21 TUGGLE 21 TURNER 7 14 21 29 33 TWEEDELL 23 rYSON 23 UPCHURCH 5 UPSHAW 28 VALDEVIESC 13 VANHORN 27 VAUGHN 28 29 VEAL 21 VILLEGAS 31 33 WADDELL 29 WALDROP 23 WALKER 21 23(2) 24 28 30 33(2) WARO 3 12 14 17 22 WARNER 25 WASH 2 33 WATERS 22 WESSTER 23 WELLBORN 28 WELLS 17 WEST 23 WHATLEY 15 WHITE 15 19 24 25 26 27 29 33 WILDER 25 WILDING 30 31 33 WlLKERSON 5 WILKINSON 14 WILLIAMS4671112 21(3) 22 28(2) 2S 33 wTLLTAMSON 22 23(3) 24 26 29(2) 30 WILLINGHAM 28 wrLSoN 27(2) 28 29 WINGO ,15 WINKLES 27 WOOLEVER 16 woRD 2 25(2) 33 WORTHY 27 29 wRrcHr 22 23 29(2) WYATT 24 \]llrYlIE 13 WYNN 't'1-15 24 25 Y ATES 24 27 28 33 YOUNG(S) 14 28 ALLEN CO PUB LIB 33 ATL-FUL PUB LIB 33 HUNTSVILLE LIB 33 PUB LIB OF CIN 33
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