December 2012


December 2012
Istanbul Convention Retrospective
page 12 - with 6 photo pages
Letter from the President page 4
News from Geneva page 5
Member News page 9
IPLOCA Award Winners page 11
Experience the
global sales organisation
Breukersweg 4, NL-7471, ST, Goor, the Netherlands
Tel. +31 547 260 000, Fax +31 547 261 000
Liebherr-Werk Telfs GmbH
Hans Liebherr-Str. 35
A-6410 Telfs
Tel.: +43 50809 6-100
Fax: +43 50809 6-7772
The Group
IPLOCA Mission
To provide value to members through a forum for sharing ideas, engaging the
industry and its stakeholders, facilitating business opportunities and promoting
the highest standards in the pipeline industry.
Letter from the President
News from Geneva
Board Meeting Update
New Faces on the IPLOCA Board of Directors7
Membership Center8
Member News9
IPLOCA Award Winners11
2013 IPLOCA Awards11
Istanbul Convention Retrospective12
Health, Safety & Environment Committee16
New Technologies Committee16
Cranfield University ‘WELP’ Centre 17
Training Committee20
In the Headlines21
Upcoming Conferences23
IPLOCA Secretariat
IPLOCA Newsletter
Cover Photo
International Pipe Line & Offshore
Courtesy of ARB inc. &
Contractors Association
Elizabeth Spalding
VOLVO Construction Equipment
Chemin des Papillons 4
1216 Cointrin / Geneva
Peter Schoonenberg
IPLOCA Yearbook
Telephone +41 22 306 02 30
Fax +41 22 306 02 39
Comments & copy
Listing changes
IPLOCA © 2012
Letter from the President
I am delighted to serve as IPLOCA President for 2012-2013 and I look
forward to working hand in hand with the new Board of Directors.
We have a number of new board members this year, some of whom have
previously served IPLOCA, and some who are doing so for the first time;
You will find information on these new faces on page 7. At the Annual
General Meeting our membership approved a change to the By-Laws
which now allows every geographical region, regardless of the number of
Regular Members in that region, to be represented by two board members.
Similarly, the membership approved a change from two to three board members to represent the
Associate Members. You will find further information on page 6 and the photo of the whole board, along
with their roles, on page 24.
IPLOCA will nourish and promote a culture of safety and environmental responsibility. We will support
the dissemination of the INGAA Safety Awareness film and we will work with the World Federation of
Pipeline Industry Associations to report the HSE performance indicators. We will continue discussing the
development of standard requirements for equipment operators.
We will foster initiatives and research through the Novel Construction enterprise in collaboration with
INGAA and PRCI. We will, of course, continue to provide the best networking and social engagement
opportunities for our members. Indeed, more than 685 of us gathered in September at the Hilton
Istanbul for another exceptional convention. Our sponsors continue to be generous in their support of
the event. We were similarly fortunate to be able to engage a number of excellent outside speakers who
provided valuable industry insights during the Open General Meetings.
I am very interested in engaging our customers; the multinational oil & gas companies, the national oil
& gas companies, and others, in our association, and I welcome further discussions with our members.
The long term outlook promises the greatest support for our industry. The International Energy Agency
and other forward-looking assessors calculate that 20 trillion dollars should be invested in energy
projects in the next 25 years. Even if we discount this prediction, the investment amount indicates that
the need for our services and products will grow substantially.
This investment projection will lead to the growth of our association. As new companies form to chase a
share of this work, they will seek to distinguish themselves with key oil and gas stakeholders, and they
will see membership in IPLOCA as a sure means to obtain and maintain stakeholder recognition.
I look forward to hearing from you at any time to discuss these and other ideas at
Warm Regards,
Doug Evans
News from Geneva
Executive Secretary Juan Arzuaga represented IPLOCA
at the annual meeting of the Interstate Natural Gas
Association of America Foundation (INGAA) in Naples,
Florida at the beginning of November.
Juan also attended the O&G Pipes Global Conference, held at the
Hyatt Regency, the Churchill in London from 27 - 29 November
2012 where he spoke about IPLOCA’s Novel Construction
Initiative and the work being done on the association’s
publication Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success.
Season’s Greetings
The staff and board members of IPLOCA would like to
thank everyone who has contributed to the success of
the association over the past year.
The generous sharing of your time and expertise, the
hosting of meetings and, of course, the outstanding
sponsorship of the annual convention was greatly
appreciated. We look forward to new achievements and
collaborations to benefit the pipeline industry in the
coming year and we send our very best wishes to all for
a safe and prosperous 2013.
In Florida Juan Arzuaga won second place in a fishing competition
with this catch. He claims a bigger one got away.
Board Meeting Update
and sent, stating that IPLOCA will need to rescind
The final meeting of the 2011-2012 Board of Directors and
secure the statistics.
the first meeting of the 2012-2013 Board were held in
membership if a company fails to begin the process to
Istanbul during the convention. The following were the key
Safety Instructors Training Tool
outcomes from those meetings:
Juan Arzuaga, Executive Secretary, explained that the
Safety DVD (“IPLOCA Safety Instructors Training Tool”) was
Board of Directors
complete and available for distribution in Istanbul. One
Outgoing president Osman Birgili thanked Nasser Issa and
chapter of the training tool is available at
Rajen Kilachand, who had recently resigned from the Board,
and was shown to the Board Members. An acknowledgement
and Roberto Castelli who had completed his term as a
letter, referencing the licensing agreement, would need to be
signed by anyone who wished to receive a copy of the DVD.
Record sponsorship was received this year for the convention in
The election process for this year was explained. This
Istanbul, with a total commitment of EUR 427,000. For the 2013
would exceptionally be based on the outcome of a vote
convention in Washington DC a contract has been signed with
at the AGM on some minor By-Law Changes, which, if
the Omni Shoreham and arrangements are already underway.
passed would allow each geographical region, regardless
of size, to be represented by two directors, and the
Health & Safety Statistics
Associate Members to be represented by three directors.
Only six companies had failed to submit statistics. After
The directors were asked to explain this in the upcoming
followup by the relevant directors a letter will be drafted
election meetings.
meeting in the UAE and will let the Secretariat know.
New Regular Members
Europe Mediterranean/Central Europe: Bruno Maerten
-- Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (Romania)
suggested Paris as a likely venue.
-- NACAP Australia Pty Ltd. (Australia)
East & Far East: Shanghai is a possibility, with the support
-- Sicilsaldo Srl (Italy)
of China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau (CPP)
-- Van Oord Offshore bv (The Netherlands) - offshore
Name Changes
-- Sorrento, 4-8 December 2012
-- Kingland Group Co. Ltd to Zhejiang Kingland Pipeline
-- Marrakech or alternative, 26 February - 2 March 2013
& Technologies Co. Ltd.
-- Murphy Pipelines Limited to J. Murphy & Sons Limited
-- Stockholm, 28 May - 1 June 2013
-- Vacuworx International to Vacuworx Global
Appointment of 2012-2013 Officers
The officers for 2012-2013 were appointed as follows:
-- Europipe (Germany)
President: Doug Evans
-- Salzgitter Mannesmann Grossrohr GmbH (Germany)
First Vice President: Najib Khoury
-- Weldsonix Inc. (U.S.A.)
Treasurer: Harald Dresp
Novel Construction
Appointment of Directors-at-Large
It was explained that the one hour meeting scheduled for
Following a unanimous vote of approval appointments
Thursday afternoon would present the work being done by
were made as follows: Jerrit Coward, Marco Jannuzzi,
the various novel construction work groups. The concept
Wilhelm Maats, Karl Trauner, Jean-Claude Van de Wiele.
of the two wikis – a public wiki for the Second Edition of
Onshore Pipelines: The Road to Success, and a password-
Nominations to the Committees
protected wiki for current group work – was explained.
Committee Leadership consists of the Chairman, and
The next plenary session is scheduled at the Sofitel
Directors of the Board, with the working groups made up of
Heathrow Airport on 23-24 October 2012.
members appointed by each company and/or consultants.
Regional Meetings
Next Board Meeting Locations and Dates
Coordination is carried out by the Geneva Secretariat.
Committee leadership nominations were as follows:
It was suggested that the Regional Meetings for 2013 be
HSE Committee: Bruno Maerten (Chairman), Jerrit Coward,
held as follows:
Kaan Dogan, Jean-Claude Van de Wiele, Adam Wynne Hughes.
North-West Europe: Possibly in collaboration with the
Training Committee: Karl Trauner (Chairman), Harald Dresp,
Pipeline Industries Guild in the UK on 11 March 2013.
Marco Jannuzzi, Najib Khoury, Jan Koop, Wilhelm Maats,
Eastern Europe: Iosif Panchak recommended a meeting in
Iosif Panchak, Raúl Vilugrón.
June in Moscow and the possibility of combining a meeting
New Technologies (including Novel Construction): Doug
with a meeting of Rogtec.
Evans (Chairman), Andy Ball, Osman Birgili, Leonardo
Middle East & Africa: Najib Khoury will investigate having a
Gravina, Jesus Garcia Pons, Michael Rae, Pierluigi Zanin.
Incoming president, Doug Evans, presented Osman Birgili with his
And then outgoing president, Osman Birgili, had a surprise gift for Doug
presidential pin.
Evans to protect him against any evils in his upcoming presidential year.
New Faces
his spare time he likes to play golf and during winter-time
on the IPLOCA Board of Directors
and enjoys the company of his children and grandchildren.
he skates on Dutch lakes and canals. He is married to Jenny
Following the 2012-2013 Board of Directors elections in
Istanbul, we welcome to IPLOCA some people who never
previously served on the Board:
Andy Ball, Director for Europe North-West.
Andy is CEO of Daniel Group & Managing Director of
Land and Marine. He started his career in 1983 in the
water regulated industry in the UK. In 1990 he moved into
non-regulated main stream contracting, and subsequently
joined Daniel in 1995 where he has held a number of senior
management and board positions. During his employment
he has been involved in a vast array of utility, energy,
marine and major pipeline projects, both internationally
and within the UK. Today his main focus is leading Land &
Marine in serving the oil, gas and energy industry. He is
married to Michelle and has four children, Charlotte, Oliver,
Raúl Vilugrón, Director for Latin America
Elliott and Sebastien. His hobbies include skiing, rugby and
A Chilean citizen, Raúl participated in the foundation of
spending as much time as possible with his family.
MONTEC Ltd 16 years ago. He now directs the commercial
affairs of the company, after spending more than 25 years
as a field engineer. As a mechanical and civil engineer
educated in Chile and Brazil Raúl contributed to the
impressive industrial development of Chile over the
last 20 years, mainly in pipeline and offshore services.
He and his wife Maria have 6 children, 5 of whom are
now independent professionals. During his professional
life he served as project and construction manager for
major companies such as CBI and Sade in Brazil for 15
years, and for Mendes Jr. and Cosapi in Chile. Among
the many great projects that he led are the Collahuasi
Concentrator Assembly, El Abra, El Tesoro, RT Codelco
Pipeline, and many others. With an in-depth knowledge of
the Latin American market he has worked in Peru, Ecuador,
Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Brazil, developing major
Jan Koop, Director for Europe Central.
and important projects in the mining industry. Raúl enjoys
singing in choirs and listening to classical music.
Jan is a Dutch citizen and CEO of Bohlen & Doyen GmbH
based in Germany. He has nearly 30 years’ experience in
management in the pipeline industry. After graduating as a
civil engineer he became managing director at a small steel
construction company in the Netherlands. A few years later
he took over management of the equipment department
with Nacap, a pipeline construction company based in the
Netherlands. With Nacap International he expanded the
business globally including in the Far East and Nigeria. In
1993 he was appointed CEO of Nacap. In 2006 Jan joined
Bohlen & Doyen as a member of its board of directors. He
was appointed CEO in 2007 and became a shareholder
when Bohlen & Doyen merged into SAG, a German-based
company. He joined the board of directors of SAG in 2012. In
Membership Centre
We welcome the following companies to IPLOCA. The
information below is also posted at under
the Membership Centre.
New Regular Members
Sicilsaldo is a construction company founded in 1994 that
operates in the oil & gas sector. The types of services that the
company offers include pipeline construction, construction
of industrial plants, construction of pumping & compressor
stations and maintenance activities. Sicilsaldo offers technical
and management experience, plus advanced technologies
and methodologies that can satisfy the most varied industrial
Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. (GSP Offshore), established in
demands. Their experience gained in national and international
2004, is an offshore services operating company providing
projects ensures construction management in any location,
a wide range of integrated services, such as drilling,
without organizational, logistics and management problems,
well services, shipping, offshore construction, offshore
assuring efficiency, timeliness and competitive costing.
windmills, subsea services, hydrotechnical construction,
engineering and training. The company controls a high
Sicilsaldo SRL
quality fleet of diversified onshore and offshore assets,
Zona Industriale II Strada
enabling the group to offer turnkey solutions. Grup Servicii
93012 Gela (CL)
Petroliere is the largest Romanian entrepreneurial business
and was listed in the 2011 Deloitte CE Top 500.
T +39 0933 924448
F +39 0933 912533
Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A.
Constanta Port, Berth 34
900900 Constanta
T +40 241 555 255
F +40 241 555 257
Van Oord Offshore is an offshore and EPC contractor with
more than 100 years of contracting experience that offers
high precision subsea rock installation, trenching & backfilling,
landfall installation, shallow water pipe lay, pipe pulling
and SPM & GBS installation work. With an extensive global
Nacap Australia Pty Ltd is a leading pipeline construction
track record in the offshore construction industry, Van Oord
contractor in the Australian and Asia Pacific region. It has
Offshore has proven its expertise in providing clients with a
constructed more than 3000 km of pipelines including
safe and solid solution for their offshore structures. Van Oord’s
gathering/flowlines to large diameter welded steel transmission
offshore capabilities include: shore approaches, including
with contract values up to in excess of USD 500M. Contract
pipe pulls, civil construction of shore approaches and
methodologies include EPC and construct-only forms of
landfalls, construction of sleepers and embankments, deep-
contract. Nacap Australia is active in the water, oil, gas, slurry,
sea dredging, seabed intervention and pre-sweeping, trench
communication and power sectors with a strategic focus on the
dredging and backfilling, hydraulic & geotechnical engineering,
delivery of long distance, larger pipelines with diameters up to
installation of Gravity Base Structures, installation of CALM
2 meters and lengths approaching 1000 km.
buoys, installation of anchor systems, shallow water pipe lay.
Nacap Australia Pty Ltd
Van Oord Offshore B.V.
Level 1, 601 Doncaster Road
Jan Blankenweg 2
Doncaster, VIC 3108
4207 HN Gorinchem
The Netherlands
T +61 3 8848 1888
T +31 88 826 52 00
F +61 3 8848 1899
F +31 88 826 52 10
Member News
Bechtel Breaks Ground on 758MW
Combined-Cycle Power Plant
Bechtel announced in early November that construction is
2013 Membership Fees
Membership fee invoices were emailed and sent by postal
mail at the end of November. The payment due date
is 2 January. If you have any questions please contact
IPLOCA’s Accounting Manager at
under way on a 758-megawatt natural gas-fueled, combinedcycle power plant in Sherman, Texas. The company, along
with Siemens, is designing and building the project for
the customer in late September 2012. During the workshop
Panda Sherman Power, LLC, an affiliate of Panda Power
acceptance Regis Velasco Fichtner Pereira, Secretary of State
Funds. Engineering, procurement, and manufacturing
of the state of Rio de Janeiro, presented the project to the
activities for the project are already under way. The project
Brazilian media representatives in attendance.
will support up to 800 jobs during peak construction and will
use local companies to provide services such as surveying,
concrete pumping, and earthwork.
Changes in the Executive Board of
Bilfinger Berger SE
The Supervisory Board of Bilfinger Berger SE has appointed
Leighton Offshore Successfully Completes Iraq
Operations and Maintenance Project.
Leighton Offshore has completed its Iraq Crude Oil
Export Expansion Project (ICOEEP) Operations and
Maintenance contract for client South Oil Company.
Leighton has been successfully operating and maintaining
Dr. Jochen Keysberg (46) as Member of the Executive
the offshore Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems, which
Board with effect from November 1, 2012. Jochen Keysberg
were also installed by Leighton, since achieving first oil
has been with the company since 1997 and is currently
earlier this year. Leighton’s scope of work included SPM
Head of Executive Management at Bilfinger Berger
Mooring operations, tanker hose connections, scheduled
Ingenieurbau GmbH. After many years of commendable
maintenance, engineering support, diving services, oil
service in various functions within the Group, Klaus Raps
pollution emergency response as well as training for South
will resign his position in the Executive Board at the end of
Oil Company staff. Since March this year, Leighton has
2012 and will leave the company by mutual agreement due
successfully loaded 78 tankers with 143,794,899 barrels of
to differing views on business policy.
oil with no safety or environmental incidents.
World’s First Oil Sands Carbon Capture &
Storage (CCS) Project
Fluor Corporation has announced that Shell selected the
firm as its engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
contractor for Shell’s carbon capture facility for its flagship
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Quest project at the
Athabasca Oil Sands project in Alberta, Canada. The Quest
project is being built on behalf of the Athabasca Oil Sands
Project joint venture owners (including Shell, Chevron and
Marathon Oil) with support from the Canadian and Alberta
governments. Fluor booked the undisclosed contract value
in the third quarter.
Herrenknecht Supplies First Tunnel Boring
Machine for Metro Construction in Rio de Janeiro
Lincoln Electric Announces Promotion
Lincoln Electric has announced that Bruce Chantry
Herrenknecht AG is supplying a tunnel boring machine with
has been promoted to Director of Marketing for North
a diameter of 11.46 meters for the construction of the new
America. Chantry has been with Lincoln Electric for 17
metro line 4 in Rio de Janeiro. It will contribute to relieving
years. Prior to assuming his new role, he spent four
the traffic routes in the metropolitan area. At the company’s
years as a Portfolio Manager for Welding Equipment,
headquarters in Schwanau, southern Germany, the first tunnel
overseeing the equipment product management team,
boring machine to be used in Rio de Janeiro was accepted by
strategic planning for the entire welding equipment
portfolio, new product development, market analysis,
include the following facilities: an ethane-based ethylene
product positioning and product promotion. Before his
cracker, producing 1 million tons per year, using Technip
tenure as a Portfolio Manager, he served as a product
proprietary technology; two high density polyethylene
manager for advanced welding equipment and as a
plants using INEOS Innovene™ technology; a low density
regional manager for the company’s Sub-Saharan
polyethylene plant using BASEL Lupotech technology;
Africa region.
storage, waste treatment and utility facilities, including a
150 MW combined cycle power and steam co-generation
plant; a multimodal logistics platform for shipment of 1
Petrofac JV Wins USD 229 Million Contract in Iraq
million tons per year of polyethylene via bulk train, bulk
Petrofac has won a further inspection, maintenance and
truck or bagged; administrative, maintenance, control
repair contract for the Rumaila oil field in Southern Iraq
room and ancillary buildings.
with its joint venture partner, China Petroleum Engineering
& Construction Corporation (CPECC). The USD 229 million
Operating Organisation (ROO), following a competitive
Technip Awarded Subsea Contract for the
Cardamom Field in the Gulf of Mexico
tender. The three-year contract, which is worth more than
Technip was awarded a lump sum contract for the
USD 160 million to Petrofac, will be led by its Offshore
development of subsea infrastructure for the Cardamom
Projects & Operations (OPO) business. The contract covers
field located in the Gulf of Mexico, Garden Banks block
the inspection, maintenance and repair of degassing
427. The field is at a water depth of approximately
stations, rotating machinery and cluster pumping stations
830 meters. The project consists of a subsea tie-back
contract was awarded by BP Iraq NV (BP), via the Rumaila
and came into effect on 1 November 2012.
to the Auger tension leg platform, wholly owned by
Shell Offshore Inc. The contract covers the project
management, engineering, fabrication and installation
Petrofac Agrees Strategic Alliance With Bowleven
of the East and West Loop 12.8 kilometer pipe-in-pipe
Petrofac and Bowleven, the Africa-focused oil and
flowlines with associated PLETs and steel catenary
gas company, have agreed a strategic alliance to
risers. Technip’s operating center in Houston, Texas will
support the proposed development of the Etinde
perform the overall project management. The flowlines
Permit, offshore Cameroon. The alliance represents
and risers will be welded at Technip’s spoolbase in
an opportunity for Petrofac to leverage its extensive
Mobile, Alabama. The offshore installation is expected
capabilities to support Bowleven’s proposed
to be performed in the second semester of 2013 by the
development and builds on the company’s presence in
Deep Blue, Technip’s deepwater pipelay vessel, and the
West Africa. Under the terms of the strategic alliance,
Pioneer, recently added to the Technip fleet with the
which is subject to Bowleven shareholder approval,
acquisition of Global Industries.
Petrofac will provide engineering capability to Euroil,
Bowleven’s Cameroonian subsidiary, to support the
delivery of a Field Development Plan (FDP) for the
proposed first phase of the development, pending
satisfactory completion of Euroil’s appraisal of its
asset. Prior to approval of the FDP, Petrofac will be
remunerated by Euroil for the provision of its service
Technip in a JV with Odebrecht and ICA Fluor
awarded large EPC contract by Braskem Idesa
for the Ethylene XXI project
Braskem Idesa S.A.P.I. awarded to a joint venture
formed by Odebrecht (40%), Technip (40%) and ICA
Fluor (20%) a contract worth more than USD 2.7 billion
Friese Photography KG (Salzburg) were again hard
(around €2.1 billion) for the engineering, procurement
at work in Istanbul, represented by Jan, Fredi and
and construction (EPC) of a petrochemical complex to
Wolfgang. It makes a change to see them in front of
be built in the Coatzacoalcos/Nanchital region, in the
the camera.
Mexican state of Veracruz. The petrochemical complex will
Awards Made at
Istanbul Convention
The IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored
by Shell was presented in recognition
of a significant achievement in reducing
the impact on the environment for the
construction of pipeline projects.
Adam Wynne Hughes, IPLOCA HSE Committee Chairman,
made a presentation on the Environmental Award sponsored
by Shell.
Brad MacLean and Jerrit Coward of Willbros received the award
The winner was CCC (Consolidated Contractors Company)
from Adam Wynne Hughes.
for their Creativity in Waste Management program. The
project was deemed to show management commitment
The IPLOCA Health and Safety Award
and the possibility to be extended to all projects.
sponsored by Chevron was presented in
recognition of an innovative achievement
in health and safety.
Adam Wynne Hughes, IPLOCA HSE Committee Chairman,
made a presentation on HSE Statistics. The recipient of
the award was Willbros Group Inc., represented by Brad
MacLean and Jerrit Coward, in recognition of their Safety
Talisman Program. The judges presented the award based
on its simplicity, effectiveness, innovative approach and
focus on safety.
Two runners-up were also named:
CCC (Consolidated Contractors Company), represented
by Najib Khoury for Health & Safety Awareness and
Rashid Shuhaiber of CCC receives the trophy and certificate from Loek
Max Streicher GmbH & Co. KG aA, represented by
Vreenegoor, Shell Projects & Technology, and Adam Wynne Hughes.
Harald Dresp, were named for their Pocket Alarm.
2013 IPLOCA Awards
with the IPLOCA Environmental Award sponsored by Shell).
Information on the 2013 awards will be posted at
invited to submit innovative projects which have improved as soon as it becomes available.
Regular Members and Associate Members of IPLOCA are
the quality of life of local people impacted by pipeline
industry work, including:
The IPLOCA Health & Safety Award sponsored by Chevron
and the IPLOCA New Technologies Award sponsored by BP
will both be presented next year at the IPLOCA Convention
in Washington DC.
-- Initiatives to address a specific need identified in the
local community.
-- A program or practice demonstrating corporate social
-- A creative initiative in which a large impact is made with
In addition, IPLOCA’s newest award – the IPLOCA Corporate
Social Responsibility Award will also be presented. It was
a small investment.
-- A long term project, intended to be continuously
first presented during the annual Convention held in Beijing
supported by an IPLOCA member company or another,
in September 2011. It is given every second year (alternately
once the pipeline activity is complete.
Istanbul Convention Retrospective
Sincere thanks to our Sponsors and Speakers
More than 685 people attended the convention in Istanbul
Post-Convention Questionnaire
and you will find a sampling of photos from the event in
We would like to thank all of the Istanbul Convention
this newsletter. We were fortunate to have fine weather
attendees who kindly took the time to respond to our
almost every day.
post-event questionnaire. Some key findings are below:
The photos on the following pages, along with many others,
Networking remains the most important reason
are available online at A CD
respondents gave for attending the convention. Ninety-
of photographs is being mailed out to all attendees and should
three percent of attendees indicated that it is likely that they
arrive in your mailbox around the same time as this newsletter.
will attend next year’s event in Washington DC. Traffic in
Istanbul, while often mentioned as a source of frustration,
was generally understood to be unavoidable. Seventy-nine
percent would prefer a city location over a resort location.
Cities of interest for future conventions were literally all
over the map, from Tokyo to Buenos Aires. Locations
mentioned more than once included Dubai, Buenos Aires,
St. Petersburg, and London. More general mentions
included « India », « somewhere tropical », « any interesting
city » and « your choice ».
When asked about future speaker presentations, topics
were ranked as follows :
1. Future large projects
2. New technologies
3. Market trends.
Industry Speakers
at the Istanbul Convention
Our thanks to our guest speakers who provided
presentations at the Open General Meetings as follows:
Professor Ilber Ortayli (Head of the
Bruce Luberski (Vice President for BP’s
Suzanne Minter (Energy Analyst/
Topkapi Museum Ortayli, Istanbul)
Global Project Organization, Azerbaijan-
Account Executive, BENTEK Energy)
Istanbul: History and Population.
Georgia-Turkey Developments)
The Impact of Shale Gas Worldwide.
Shah Deniz Development.
Andreas Kohler (Managing Director,
Bill Hoff (Director Engineering Group,
Edward J. Wiegele (President,
ILF Consulting Engineers)
Gulf Interstate Engineering Company)
Professional Services, Willbros
Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline from
Rebuilding the World’s Pipeline
Engineers (US), LLC)
Turkmenistan to China.
Rebuilding the World’s Pipeline
Angus Paterson (Managing Director,
Hisham Kawash (Senior Manager, Sales,
Daslav Brkic (Vice President E&C
Paterson & Cooke)
Estimation & Proposals – Pipelines, CCC)
Business Development, Saipem)
Requirements for the Design and
Case History: Constructing a Slurry
Nord Stream Offshore Pipeline.
Commissioning of Long Distance
Pipeline in Madagascar.
Slurry Pipeline Systems.
Final Banquet Lottery
On the evening of the Final Banquet May Shuhaiber was
the lucky winner of a car, courtesy of Volvo Construction
Equipment and Renault Trucks.
Lottery funds of more than EUR 13,500 were raised for “Send
me to school, Dad” (Baba Beni Okula Gönder) an initiative to
support continuing education for girls in Turkey. This has been
donated to Osman and Nurgul Birgili’s chosen charity “Send
Me to School, Dad”. A delighted May Shuhaiber received a
certificate for EUR 25,000 from Hervé Maillard of Renault Trucks
and Eddy Powell of Volvo Construction Equipment. Arwen
Mallet was invited to draw the winning ticket.
Hervé Maillard, Arwen Mallet, May Shuhaiber and Eddy Powell.
The tournament was a great success and your support was very
much appreciated. The course was excellent and the weather
couldn’t have been better. Congratulations to all trophy winners:
First Place: Team 9 - Peter Nicholson, Michael Simmons and
Eduard Van Huuksloot
Second Place: Team 12 - Kevin Waschuk, Daniel Gasquet
and Rod Hardy
Third Place: Team 4 - Pascal Collet, William Solomon,
Doug Fabick and Jim Watkins
Maats / Liebherr
Golf Tournament
Nearest the Pin Ladies: Liz Evans
Nearest the Pin Men: Jim Shelley
Longest Drive Ladies: Patrizia Nicolotti
Longest Drive Men: Patricio Alvarez Morphy
Wilhelm Maats (above left) and Rudolf Cherdron would like
to thank everyone who played in the first Maats BV and
Wilhelm and Rudolf very much look forward to seeing you
Liebherr-sponsored golf tournament held at Kemer Golf
at the 2013 IPLOCA Convention in Washington DC and hope
and Country Club in Istanbul.
you will join them for another great day on the golf course.
Thanks to our Istanbul Convention Sponsors!
”Send Me to School, Dad”
Professor Dr. Aysel Çelikel, former Minister of Justice
and Chairwoman of the Association for Supporting
Contemporary Life, presented Osman Birgili, IPLOCA’s
Immediate Past President, a special trophy as a token of
her appreciation for the lottery funds upon his courtesy
visit to the Association’s headquarters.
During the visit, Professor Çelikel expressed the charity’s
deep gratitude to IPLOCA and discussed with Mr.Birgili how
the precious donation would be used towards the building
of a new dormitory for girls.
Training Committee
IPLOCA requests
your feedback
regarding the DVD
Pipeline Construction
Safety Instructors Tool
Once you have had a
In collaboration with the Construction Sector Council of
chance to review the DVD,
Canada (CSC) and other key stakeholder groups, IPLOCA has
we would greatly appreciate
prepared a DVD course to address health and safety issues
your feedback. Please go to
specific to pipeline construction in the oil and gas sectors.
where you will find a few short questions regarding
IPLOCA adapted this course for international use as a safety
your usage of the DVD. We appreciate your help.
instructors tool. The material is intended to familiarise
workers with how to recognise, assess, and control hazards at
the work site and has been designed to act as a complement
to other courses that they may be required to take.
The DVD content includes:
Lesson 11: Vehicle Operation
Lesson 12: Equipment Operation
Lesson 13: Emergency Response
-- Course Introduction
-- Lesson 1: Work Preparation
The DVD runs using an internet browser alone (Internet
-- Lesson 2: PPE and WHMIS Review
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome); an internet
-- Lesson 3: Hazard Recognition and Control
connection is not required.
-- Lesson 4: Front End Operational Hazards and Controls
-- Lesson 5: Rigging and Hoisting Hazards and Controls
IPLOCA members can order a free copy of the DVD from
-- Lesson 6: Pipe Hazards and Controls A signed Acknowledgement
-- Lesson 7: Pipe Assembly and Coating Hazards and Controls
Letter for Receipt and Use of Licensed Product is required
-- Lesson 8: Specialized Work Hazards and Controls
before the DVD can be delivered. For more information,
-- Lesson 9: Environmental Hazards and Controls
and to link to the Acknowledgement Letter, please visit
-- Lesson 10: Back End Operational Hazards and Controls
New Technologies
being done to understand the effects of multi-pass welds
on heat-affected zone toughness, on hybrid laser-arc
welding, the application of rollingin modifying weld metal
properties and residual stress field, and the application of
laser in hyperbaric welding.
The October meeting of IPLOCA’s Novel Construction
Initiative was held at the Sofitel Heathrow on 23 and 24 of
October, with 38 people in attendance.
During the meeting a number of important decisions were
made, including the realignment of working groups and
appointment of some new work group leaders. All groups are
now developing their material via a wiki which is proving to
be a successful collaborative working tool. A new schedule
of group leader teleconferences was defined together with
the dates for the next Plenary Sessions at a location to be
determined (likely in London, Paris, Rome or Amsterdam).
Tour of Cranfield University
Following the meeting attendees were invited to tour
Cranfield University’s Welding Engineering and Laser
Supriyo Ganguly displays a number of components made by the
Processing Centre to witness first-hand the research work
wire and arc-based additive layer manufacturing method
Research Activities and Future Direction in
the Welding Engineering and Laser Processing
Centre (WELP) of Cranfield University, UK
by Supriyo Ganguly and Stewart Williams
Figure 2- Welding bug and torch in a dual tandem set up.
The Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre
-- Wire and arc based additive layer manufacturing
(WELP) of Cranfield University was established in 1961
-- Laser processing
(known at that time as Welding Engineering Research
-- Stress Engineering
Centre) and is the only specialist welding research
organisation in UK academia.
Pipeline Welding
Welding of structural pipelines for the transportation of
In 2006, considerable investment was made by Cranfield
fossil fuel has been a research theme for several years.
University to maintain the centre’s internationally-
In the past, significant contributions towards increasing
recognised status for industrially-relevant research. The
productivity were made through CAPS (Cranfield
centre was recently renamed as Welding Engineering
Automated Pipeline Welding Systems) project. In CAPS
and Laser Processing Centre (WELP) to reemphasize its
it has been shown that the productivity of pipeline
commitment towards application of laser in traditional
manufacturing could be quadrupled through use of a dual
arc-based fusion welding processes. The major research
tandem process with a specially designed welding torch,
activities of the centre are shown in figure 1, page 17.
bug and power sources.

There are four main streams to the research:
It was also demonstrated that the improvement in
-- Pipeline welding
productivity was achieved without any compromise on
investigation. In this project a simple and effective approach
was taken whereby the thermal cycles in various welding
processes were recorded using thermocouples and their
effect on metallurgical phase formation and mechanical
properties were experimentally simulated in simple impact
toughness specimens using a thermo-mechanical simulator
and Arc Additive
(Gleeble). The results were supplemented by continuous
Linear Friction
cooling transformation data of specimens machined out
from plates of identical composition and processing history.
Laser /
mechanism of brittle zone formation in the heat affected
change response using a dilatometer during continuous
cooling. This study revealed the underpinning science and
Phase transformation was studied by monitoring volume
zone of a multi-pass.
Residual stresses in service critical structures needs
accounting to prevent premature failure. Post weld rolling
of a weld metal and associated HAZ of a welded structure
can be an effective way to relax the internal residual
Figure 1 – Research activities at WELP
stress field through localised plastic deformation. Rolling
and controlled laser processing can be a way not only
the metallurgical quality of the welded pipeline and field
to remove the residual stress state but also to create
trials were taken to increase the technology readiness level.
recrystallised strain free set of grains in place of dendritic
Significant research effort is now focused on application of
grain structure in weld metal. A research programme at
laser and arc based hybrid welding processes for pipeline
present is investigating the benefits that can be obtained by
applications. Laser is a high energy density source which
rolling and laser treating the cap of a multi-pass weld. This
can be used to improve productivity, but it is very sensitive
is a futuristic project that will have very significant impact
to weld set up and also the addition of filler wire is difficult
on the existing pipeline design procedure and has the
in the laser alone process. Figure 3 shows the effect of laser
potential to bring step change in the material design aspect.
plus arc process on weld bead geometry. It can be seen that
application of laser and arc would be beneficial in modifying
the weld bead geometry and addition of filler material.

The application of laser in deep sea hyperbaric welding
is another area of research interest. Arc welding (GMAW)
procedures developed at WELP have resulted in the
Figure 3 - The complimentary advantages of laser and arc sources.
deepest subsea welds, close to a kilometre below the sea
level, as demonstrated in the recent trials in the Norwegian
fjord involving Isotek Oil and Gas Ltd on behalf of Statoil.
Also the first hot tap welding has been performed at a
water depth of 265 m in the existing pipelines to increase
the life of the Asgard oil field by 30 years (Asgard Gas
Compression project). Present research at WELP is now
investigating the possibility of application of laser to assist
the existing GMAW process to alleviate the problems of
hydrogen assisted cracking and to use the state of the art
digital power sources to reduce any unwanted spattering
in such unmanned remote controlled welding processes.
Figure 4 shows the 250 bar chamber available at Cranfield
which can simulate water pressure at 2.5 kM under the sea.

Understanding the metallurgical response in the heat-
Figure 4 - Hyperbaric welding chamber can be pressurised up to
affected zone of a multi-pass weld is another area of
250 bar (2.5 kM below the sea) sea.
Additive Layer Manufacturing (ALM)
ALM is a disruptive technology that can bring a
transformation in the traditional manufacturing
processes. The main advantage of ALM is the fact that it
Cross section AA’ - ~40% mass
efficient structure possible by
ALM manufacture
is a tool-less digital technology and a structure built layer
by layer using an automated system that derives its data
directly from a computer aided design file. The process
path from developing a component to the real structure
is shown in figure 5. Additive layer manufacturing has the
following broad advantages over traditional manufacturing:
-- Simplified logistics resulting in leaner supply chain
-- Very high yield of material (fly to buy ratio in terms of the
aviation sector) resulting in lower energy consumption
and wastage
a) Example of mass efficiency by producing honeycomb like cross
-- Freedom from design constraints due to free form
sectional features (section thickness 22 mm) and b) cone section of
wall thickness 2.5 mm. It was shown that the process is capable of
producing a wide range of sectional dimensions.
Arc welding (GMAW) procedures
developed at Cranfield’s WELP have
resulted in the deepest subsea welds,
close to a kilometre below the sea level,
as demonstrated in the recent trials in the
Norwegian fjord involving Isotek Oil and
Gas Ltd on behalf of Statoil.
Research Council (EPSRC) of UK at WELP centre has now
made the ALM technology viable for standard industrial
process through a wire and arc based additive layer
manufacturing route. This has dramatically reduced the
manufacturing cost through reduction in the cost of
input raw material and processing cost, removed issues
related to component size (as in powder bed process
the component size was severely restricted) and also
quality (soundness and metallurgical structure) is much
more robust in wire and arc-based processes. Figure 6
The major constraints of this manufacturing process
shows how additive built structures can increase mass
were cost, capacity and time. Generally as an input raw
efficiency and also different wall thicknesses. The more
material powder was used in this technology which
recent research activities in developing ALM process has
causes problems e.g. low deposition rate resulting high
been aimed at understanding the effect of deformation
manufacturing time, high cost of raw material and lower
on residual stress state and refinement in microstructural
capacity. Ground breaking research performed with
characteristics. Figure 7 shows the microstructural
the help of Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre
refinement in Ti64 ALM structure when subjected to
(IMRC) grant by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
intermediate deformation between layer depositions. The
response of the microstructure with varying deformation
load can be seen in the figure.
Programme a robot or machine
tool to trace out the layers
Laser Processing
Laser is an intelligent heat source and if utilised to its full
potential should have very significant impact on material
processing and manufacturing. Fundamental studies in
Slice an object into layers
laser processing are performed to understand the laser
metal interaction in terms of laser intensity and lasermetal interaction time and how these can be translated
to system parameters viz. laser power and welding
speed. This is crucial in order to implement the benefits of
fundamental scientific studies performed in a laboratory
Use a deposition tool to build up part
to an industrial set up. This is also important to design
the laser power and beam characteristics for specific
Figure 5 - Principles and flow diagram of additive layer
ranges of application. Benefits of this study has wide
manufacturing process.
ranged and diversified impacts such as hybrid laser-arc
certain safety critical applications. With the development
in physical metallurgy of common structural alloys,
thinner and thinner gauge materials are preferred which
would save the cost of raw material and promote lighter
structure which can be handled with ease. However,
thinner gauge structures are susceptible to distortion by
the compressive residual stress field which resulted to
1 mm
balance the weld tensile residual stress field in the weld
Figure 7 - Electronic backscatter diffraction pattern (EBSD) showing
region. In the area of stress engineering, research at WELP
modification of dendritic grain structure produced by ALM into
helped in understanding the fundamental underpinning
high angle grain boundaries (HAGB) by intermediate rolling and
mechanism of residual stress formation and applying
re-deposition. Deposition after rolling promotes recrystallisation
counteractive measures to mitigate the stress field.
of the microstructure resulting HAGB. Rolling load is also vital in
Local and global mechanical tensioning by application
determining the final grain size.
of mechanical or thermal forces was investigated.
The application of the appropriate process would
based processes, welding of dissimilar alloys, application
indeed depend on the component/structure and the
of laser under high pressure and joining of metal to
manufacturing conditions. A host of stress engineering
composite etc. The different laser systems available at
techniques, e.g. in-situ and post weld rolling, localised
WELP and its access to other laser manufacturers make
heating & cooling, were developed keeping in mind the
it possible to study the inter-transferability of parameters
engineering requirement of specific industries. Research
between different lasers.
results and understanding of underlying scientific
Stress Engineering
mechanisms supplement the research activities across
the centre.
Welding is by far the most popular joining, fabrication
and coating process for structural and engineering
More information is available from Dr. Supriyo Ganguly
components. However, generation of weld residual
( or Professor Stewart Williams
stress and distortion of welded components are two
( or by visiting www.cranfield.
issues which can make a welding process nonviable to
Health, Safety and
the Environment
We welcome Bruno Maerten of GEOCEAN (the new chairman
of the HSE Committee) and Alain Gauthiez of Spiecapag.
Our sincere thanks to outgoing chairman Adam Wynne
Hughes (CRC-Evans) and to Melody Kratsios (SNCLavalin) who has stepped down from the committee
following a recent promotion to senior vice president of
global security.
It was a smaller than usual HSE Committee group that met
(Left to right) Bruno Maerten (Committee Chairman), Juan Arzuaga,
in Geneva on 30 October 2012. Those who were unable to
Brad MacLean, Amir Tajik and Alain Gauthiez meet in the IPLOCA
attend the meeting included Kevin Parker, of Mears Group,
headquarters in Geneva.
who was prevented from making the journey by Hurricane
Sandy. The meeting included a review of the Health &
A workshop on “How to Prevent Catastrophic Losses”
Safety Statistics Return and the associated Health & Safety
is being scheduled for 11 July 2013 in Geneva. More
Report. A similar report covering environmental statistics is
information will be available next year and all IPLOCA
being developed for 2013.
members are cordially invited.
World Federation of Pipeline Industry Associations
The World Federation of Pipeline Industry Associations met in Istanbul. (Left to right): Cheryl Burgess
(Pipeline Industries Guild), David Kavanaugh (PLCAC), Neil Lane (PLCAC), Rob Darden (DCA),
Kevin Michels (DCA), Juan Arzuaga (IPLOCA) and Osman Birgili (now IPLOCA Immediate Past President)
In the Headlines
RPT-Czech Pipeline Firm to Announce Acquisition
where they need to go,” Lidiak said. “The nation’s crude
oil and liquid fuels pipelines have an outstanding safety
record and operators understand the need for continuous
improvement. Between 1999 and 2011, the number of
Czech state crude importer Mero will announce a strategic
liquid pipeline releases was reduced by about 60 percent
acquisition next Tuesday, it said, days after a government
and the volume released by a little more than 40 percent.
source said it was near to buying a stake in the Transalpine
The industry continues to seek the most beneficial, cost-
(TAL) oil pipeline from Royal Dutch Shell. Mero, which runs
effective improvements to safety.”
the IKL pipeline that hooks up to the TAL in Germany, has
State, 14 November 2012
long been in talks to buy into the pipeline to help ensure
an alternative source of oil besides crude from Russia,
currently its main supplier. A stake in the pipeline running
Siemens Wins 3-year UAE Pipeline Contract
from Italy’s Adriatic port of Trieste to Germany would
Siemens has been awarded a three-year multi-million
grant priority access to its capacity, which has lately been
dollar supply contract for the maintenance of the strategic
constrained forcing the Czechs to temporarily shut down
Habshan-Fujairah crude oil pipeline automation and
one refinery due to a lack of crude.
telecommunications system. Speaking on the sidelines of, 15 November 2012
ADIPEC 2012, Ali Vezvai, Siemens executive vice president
and general manager – oil and gas, said it was a “project
of national interest. It’s a critical project for Abu Dhabi
Oil, Gas Industry Seeking “Zero Incident”
Record on Pipelines
and the UAE government.” Taking effect from January
The oil and gas industry is seeking the highest possible
operational support services. The contract includes various
2013, the terms of the contract span maintenance and
standards of safety in regard to pipelines, an industry trade
stakeholders such as China’s CPECC, the EPC contractor for
group says. The statement from the American Petroleum
the supply of the pipeline and ADCO, the pipeline operator.
Institute’s Peter Lidiak, director of pipelines, followed, 14 November 2012
the posting of the National Transportation Safety Board’s
designation of enhanced pipeline safety and infrastructure
in 2013. API represents more than 500 members who are
Cyprus Water Pipeline Project Promises Benefits,
but not for Negotiations
major players in the oil and natural gas industry. “Pipelines
A water pipeline project connecting Turkey with northern
are the safest way to transport crude oil and products
Cyprus could solve the island’s persistent water supply
preservation among its top ten “Most Wanted” objectives
problem, but its impact on stalled negotiations between
primary energy sources: oil, gas, coal and renewable energy.
the Turkish and Greek parts of the island will be marginal,
A companion to the IEA’s authoritative monthly Oil Market
experts told SETimes. Cyprus, which receives a modest
Report, the MTOMR offers a bridge between that monthly
annual rainfall of about 500 milimetres, is not considered
snapshot of market conditions and the oil section of the
exceptionally arid. But the island’s vulnerability to drought
annual World Energy Outlook, which has a longer-term focus.
and hot, dry summers make access to water a key concern,, 12 November 2012
especially for industries like agriculture and tourism. Last
month, Turkish and Northern Cyprus authorities inaugurated
from Mersin to Kyrenia in northern Cyprus through a
Factories Under Lens for Buying Oil Stolen
from IOC pipeline
pipeline suspended 250 metres beneath the Mediterranean
Several factories in Jaipur are under the police scanner for
Sea. Upon completion, the pipeline is expected to transport
buying crude oil that was siphoned off from the Jamnagar-
a groundbreaking project to transport water 170 kilometres
75 million cubic metres of water annually.
Mathura IOC pipeline passing through Bharatpur district., 12 November 2012
Following a raid at a godown in Bhankrota on the Ajmer
Road on Saturday, where the thieves were storing the oil, it
Global Map of Oil Refining and Trade to be
Redrawn over Next 5 Years, IEA Report Says
has come up during investigation that those involved in the
theft sold crude to factories in Jaipur., 10 November 2012
Profound shifts in the regional distribution of oil demand
and supply growth will redefine the refining industry and
transform global oil trade over the next five years, the
International Energy Agency (IEA) says in its annual MediumTerm Oil Market Report (MTOMR) released today. The IEA
Russia’s Gazprom and Bulgaria’s Energy Holding EAD have
expects the global oil market to become somewhat less
taken the final investment decision on the construction of the
tight over the medium term than it has been through most
South Stream gas pipeline via Bulgaria, finalizing the process
of the last decade, as a combination of demand and supply
of taking FIDs for all sections of the route. The document was
factors will cause OPEC spare capacity to return to more
signed by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and EAD’s executive
comfortable levels. But it also highlights elevated supply and
director Mihail Andonov in the presence of Bulgarian Prime
demand risks. The MTOMR is the last in a series of medium-
Minister Boyko Borisov, Gazprom said in a statement.
term forecasts that the IEA devotes to each of the four main, 16 November 2012
IPLOCA Yearbook
11 edition
The iploca yearbook
The official pipe line & offshore conTracTors yearbook
The Yearbook has been
distributed worldwide to
the desks and in the field of
pipeline companies.
Do not hesitate to send us
the addresses of the persons
11Th ediTion
to whom you wish us to
send the IPLOCA Yearbook.
Please send any updates to
and be sure to also send a copy to
In this way we will update our newsletter mailing lists and
membership database.
Additional printed copies can be obtained on request:
Russia, Bulgaria Sign Final Investment Decision
on South Stream Gas Pipeline
Listing changes
Please note the following listing
changes in the IPLOCA Yearbook
for Associate Member:
728 XinHua Road
T+86 21 6294 1881
F+86 21 6294 1880
General Office
Betafence Middle East (Branch)
Betafence N.V.
Deerlijkstraat 58A
T +32 56 73 45 00
F +32 56 73 45 98
P.O. Box 293517
T+971 4 204 5028
F+971 4 204 5029
Per Andersen
Sales Manager ArmapipeBranch
Principal Services/Products
Armapipe. New armapipe, tailormade reinforcement for concrete
coated pipelines
Betafence Shanghai office
907 Union Development Building
ISO 9001:2000
Upcoming Conferences
PLCA 65th Annual Conference
12-16 February 2013 - Gainey Ranch, U.S.A.
DCA Convention
5-11 March 2013 - Miami Beach, FL, U.S.A.
Pipeline Technology Conference
18-20 March 2013 - Hannover, Germany
Board Member Iosif Panchak (Stroygazmontazh) invited family and
friends to help him celebrate an important birthday on 16 Septem-
Pipeline Industries Guild (PIG) Dinner
ber 2012 in Istanbul. The “Ottoman dress required” event included
12 March 2013 - Londoon, U.K.
a surprise performance from a superb Ukrainian children’s choir.
Iosif, seated on cushion, with his wife Irina behind him, is surrounded by a number of family members and friends, some of whom
IPLOCA East & Far East Regional Meeting
may look familiar.
29 March 2013 - Shanghai, China
Media Partners
(September 2010 to August 2013)
Trenchless Technology International
North American Pipelines
P.O. Box 190
T+1 330 467 7588
F+1 330 468 2289
Bernard P. Krzys
President & Publisher
World Pipelines
15 South Street
T+44 1252 718 999
F+44 1252 718 992
Hannover Messe
8-12 April 2013 - Hannover, Germany
16-19 April 2013 - Houston, TX, U.S.A.
ISA Calgary Show
17-18 April 2013 - Calgary, AB, Canada
Rod Hardy
Chris Lethbridge
Advertisement Manager
Interpipe 2013
23-25 April 2013 - Langfang City, China
PLCAC 59th Annual Convention
12-16 May 2013 - Montréal, Canada
Pipeline & Gas Journal
Underground Construction
Offshore Magazine
P.O. Box 941669
HOUSTON, TEXAS 77094-8669
T+1 281 558 6930 #212
F+1 281 558 7029
1455 West Loop South,
Suite 400
T+1 713 963 6270
F+1 713 963 6228
28-31 May 2013 - Moscow, Russian Federation
Oliver Klinger
President & Publisher
Mark Peters
Vice-President/Group Publisher
47th IPLOCA Annual Convention
CityPipe 2013
28-31 May 2013 - Moscow, Russian Federation
23-27 September 2013
Washington DC, U.S.A.
IPLOCA Board of Directors
Left to right, front row: Najib Khoury, Doug Evans, Osman Birgili, Harald Dresp, Juan Arzuaga (IPLOCA Executive Secretary).
Second row: Raúl Vilugrón, Greg Miller. Third row: Iosif Panchak, Karl Trauner, Kaan Dogan, Leonardo Gravina. Fourth row: Jésus Garcia
Pons, Jan Koop, Bruno Maerten, Ibrahim Zakhem, Marco Jannuzzi, Jean-Claude Van de Wiele. Fifth row: Adam Wynne Hughes,
Andy Ball, Pierluigi Zanin, Jerrit Coward. Sixth row: Michael Rae, Sandip Sharma, Scott Summers, Wilhelm Maats. Inset: Andy Lukas
Doug Evans (Gulf Interstate Engineering), President; Director, America
Jésus Garcia-Pons (Arendal), Director, Latin America
North; Chairman of the New Technologies Committee
Raúl Vilugrón (Montec), Director, Latin America
Najib Khoury (CCC), 1 Vice President; Director, Middle East
Ibrahim Zakhem (Zakhem), Director, Middle East & Africa
& Africa
Andy Lukas (A.J. Lucas), Director, East & Far East
Harald Dresp (Max Streicher), Treasurer; Director, Europe Central
Sandip Sharma (Kalpataru Power Transmission), Director,
Osman Birgili (Tekfen), Immediate Past President; Director, Europe
East & Far East
Greg Miller (Pipeline Inspection), Director, Associate Members
Iosif Panchak (Stroygazmontazh), Director, Europe Eastern
Pierluigi Zanin (Goriziane Group S.p.A.), Director, Associate Members
Kaan Dogan (Attila Dogan), Director, Europe Eastern
Directors at Large
Jan Koop (Bohlen & Doyen), Director, Europe Central
Jerrit Coward (Willbros Group, Inc)
Bruno Maerten (GEOCEAN), Director, Europe Mediterranean,
Marco Jannuzzi (Caterpillar)
Chairman of the HSE Committee
Wilhelm Maats (Maats Pipeline Equipment)
Leonardo Gravina (Sicim S.p.A.), Director, Europe Mediterranean
Karl Trauner (HABAU), Chairman of the Training Committee
Andy Ball (Land & Marine), Director, Europe North-West
Jean-Claude Van de Wiele (Spiecapag)
Adam Wynne Hughes (Pipeline Induction Heat), Director, Europe
Michael Rae (Argus Limited), Director, Associate Members
Executive Secretary
Scott Summers (ARB), Director, America North
Juan Arzuaga
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