01 Feb 2016 – Coastal Water Quality – CLAUDIA
01 Feb 2016 – Coastal Water Quality – CLAUDIA
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY OF SAO PAULO STATE – CETESB REGIONAL CENTRE OF STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON POPs FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN REGION V INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PROGRAM ON ENVIRONMENTAL SOUND MANAGEMENT ON CHEMICALS AND WASTES, ESPECIALLY ON PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS (POPs) AND MERCURY (Hg) Coastal Water Quality Drª Claudia Condé Lamparelli 2016 Sao Paulo – SP – Brazil Coastal Water Quality: The Experience of São Paulo State International Training Program February 2016 Claudia Condé Lamparelli Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction : São Paulo State Water Monitoring Programs Coastal Water Monitoring Recreational Water Assessment Epidemiological Study Population Density Brazil 8.5 million Km2 200 million inhabitants Population Density State of São Paulo 248.000 Km 2 3% Brazilian territory 42 million inhabitants 21% of Brazil’s population City of São Paulo: Sao Paulo state Economy : is the 18th largest economy in the world and the 2nd in South America. has 35% of the industry and 34% of the services of the Brazilian market 11 million inhabitants Metropolitan Region: 20 million Half of the state population São Paulo State Coast 400 Km extention of beaches 290 beaches São Paulo State Coast: 1.7 million inhabitants 3 million in the summer Ambient Surface Water Quality Federal Legislation : Resolução do CONAMA 357/2005 Surface Waters Salt waters Coastal Fresh Waters Water Brackish Waters Rivers and reservoirs Classes of Surface Waters Based on salinity Surface Water 1 1. Fresh water Rivers and Reservoirs Salinity < 0,5 3 2. Brackish waters 0,5>Salinity<30 2 3. Costal Waters Salinity > 30 Legislations are based on Water Uses Water supply for human consumption Industry Agriculture (livestock watering and irrigation) Coastal Water Uses Tourism and Leisure Aquaculture and Fishing Classifications based on Water Uses There are 4 different classes for marine and brackish waters: Special, Class 1, 2 and 3 related to the water uses for each one. Water bodies classified as Special should not have their natural conditions altered. For the others 3 classes, water quality criteria should be respected in order to protect designated uses for these waters. Class 1 – Bathing, aquatic communities protection, aquaculture Class 2 – boating, fishing Class 3 – navigation Legal criteria are different for each type of water class depending on their salinity. These standards serve the dual purposes of establishing water quality goals for specific water bodies and providing pollution control strategies Most common types of Pollution in São Paulo Coast 1. Fecal Pollution : Urban waste water generalized 2. Oil Pollution : Relatively localized 3. Industrial Pollution : Localized Central Coast – Santos Port Port/Slums Urban Expansion Praia Grande Oil Spills Ubatuba 2003 Mangroves; Bertioga 1983 Sea Outfalls Oil Terminal Sewage effluent plume Water Quality Monitoring Programs History 1970 1980 1990 2000 1994 1974 * BATHING WATERS – Coastal beaches ‐ 2010 2015 Stations 165 SURFACE WATERS – Fresh Waters 440 GROUND WATERS 240 BATHING WATERS ‐ Reservoirs 28 * COASTAL WATERS 62 Monitoring Programs Monitoring Program Start Sampling stations Frequency Bathing Waters Coastal Beaches 1970 165 Weekly Microbiological Variables Surface Water Freshwater 1974 440 bimonthly Physical – Chemmical and Biological Bathing Waters Reservoirs 1994 28 weekly Microbiological Groundwater 1990 240 Biannual Physical – Chemmical and Biological Coastal Waters 2010 59 Biannual Physical – Chemmical Coastal Water monitoring Since 2010 Methodology ∗ 20 sampling sites in the coast (14) in marine waters and (6) in estuarine waters ∗ Total of 62 sampling stations ∗ Water samples in 3 depths (S,M,B) ∗ Sediment samples ∗ 33 Variables analyzed ∗ Biannual sampling Coastal Water monitoring – Choice of sampling sites Quality Assessment related to human uses • AQUACULTURE - Cocanha • MARINAS - Saco da Ribeira • PORT - Santos Estuary • URBAN WASTEWATER – Santos Bay Aquaculture - Long lines MARINAS Boat maintenance Fuel stations Canal de Santos – Port activities Water Quality Monitoring Methodology Quality variables: in water and sediments 9 9 9 9 Physical‐Chemical Hydrobiological Ecotoxicological Microbiological Coastal Water quality monitoring 62 Sampling stations In 20 áreas Water quality assessed areas Canal de Piaçag. Canal de S. Vic. Emissário PG Rio Itararé Canal Santos Canal de Bertioga Baia de Santos Emissário GJ Rio Itanhaém Rio Preto - Peruíbe Baixada Santista Ubatuba Baia de Ubatuba Saco da Ribeira Cocanha Baía de Caraguatatuba Barra do Una Litoral norte Canal de SS. 27 Iguape – Valo Grande Mar Pequeno Cananéia Litoral sul 28/82 Sampling preparation Sampling Sampling Equipment's Water: ∗ Niskin Bottle: water sample in a specific depth ∗ Multiparameter Sonde: Water quality profile measurement Sediment ∗ Van veen Grab sampler: surface sediment samples Water Quality Sonde Turbidity Fluorescence pH Temperature Dissolved Oxygen Condutivity Water quality Probe Water sampling ∗ water sample in 3 depths ∗ Niskin Bottle 20 cm Surface Middle Bottom 1m Sediment Van veen Grab sampler Sediment Sampling Measurements in the field EH & pH Results : Compared to verifiy Compliance and WQI ‐ INDEX ∗ To integrate the results a water quality Index (WQI) developed by the CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (2001) was applied. ∗ The index consists in a comparison between results and a legal standard, or reference value, for each parameter included. ∗ It takes into account three dimensions regarding noncompliance: Scope, Frequency and Amplitude and classifies the waters into five categories. ∗ The WQI was calculated using pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), total phosphorus, total organic carbon (TOC), ammonia nitrogen, chlorophyll a, total phenols, fecal coliform and enterococci (Table 1). Parameters used in water quality index and legal criteria WQI Distribution 2014 WQI - CATEGORIIES EXCELLENT WQI ≥ 95 GOOD 95 > WQI ≥ 80 FAIR 80 > WQI ≥ 65 MARGINAL 65 > WQI ≥ 45 POOR WQI < 45 WQI Distribution 2014 Temporal trend of WQI 2011‐2014 MONITORING APPLICATION: Instrument for environmental management . 1. Environmental Quality Diagnostic (trends, hot spot areas). 2. Environmental Impact assessment Licensing process 4. Verification of legislation compliance 5.Water quality adequacy for uses 6. Public Health protection Spatial Distribution 43 Fire occurred in the port terminal fuel tanks - April 2015 44 Recreational Waters Quality and Surveillance Coastal beaches Epidemiological Study Recreational Waters Assessment outcomes Public Information Quality assessment Classification Pollution Control and prevention Causes of beach pollution The most frequent sources of fecal pollution are: ∗ Polluted storm water runoff ∗ Lack of sewage collection systems ∗ Sewage overflows ∗ Sewage treatment plant malfunctioning ∗ Septic systems malfunctioning Important features affecting beach water quality ∗ Fecal pollution sources ∗ Rainfall ∗ currents ∗ tides ∗ beach physiography Open beaches X bays Sea Outfalls Location of sea outfalls in São Paulo Central Coast - 5 North Coast - 4 Beaches sampling sites Recreational water monitoring– Bathing water 149 Beaches 165 Sampling sites 1 site/1,5 Km South Coast 5 Sampling sites Marcio Fernandes AE Central Coast: Baixada Santista 72 Sampling Sites North Coast 88 Sampling sites Sampling Methodology ∗ Sampling sites: 15 municipalities; ∗ 165 sampling sites in 149 beaches ∗ Sampling conditions: 1m depth ∗ Sampling frequency: Weekly Sampling conditions ∗ site: Depth = 1m Distant from potential sewage discharge ∗ Conditions: the critical situation ∗ Frequency: ‐ weekly (on Sundays) • 6 technicians each Sunday • 600 water samples/month • approximately 8000 analysis/year Sea water Sampling Microbiological Indicators Coliforms Thermotolerant Microorganism indicator of Fecal Pollution Escherichia coli Streptococcus faecalis Enterococci Microbiological Indicators ∗ Thermotolerant Coliforms ∗ Escherichia coli ‐ Reservoirs ∗ Enterococci ‐ Marine waters Other non‐compliance conditions Oil Spills Algal Blooms Oil spills / Algal Blooms Laboratory analyses Bacterial Count Bacterial analyses are performed by membrane filtration technique. Federal Legislation: Resolução do CONAMA 274/00 Therm. Coliforms (NMP/100mL) Escherichia coli (UFC/100mL) Enterococcus (UFC/100mL) EXCELENT <250 in at least 80% <200 in at least 80% < 25 in at least 80% GOOD <500 in at least 80% <400 in at least 80% < 50 in at least 80% FAIR < 1000 in at least 80% < 800 in at least 80% < 100 in at least 80% less than que 1000 in 80% less than que 800 in 80% less than que 100 in 80% > 2500 in the last sample > 2000 in the last sample > 400 in the last sample CATEGORY PROPER IMPROPER Beach Classification based on the last 5 results 2 situations of non compliance - Enterococos A - 2 or more values above 100 UFC/100mL 1 - 35 2 - 13 3 -156 4 - 238 5 - 67 B – 1 value above 400 UFC/100mL in the last week 1 - 58 2 - 17 3 - 46 4 - 23 5 - 489 Annual Classification Classes Excellent Good criterion 100% ‐ Excellent 100% ‐ Proper ( in compliance) Fair 0 ‐ 25% of non compliance Poor 25 ‐ 50% of non compliance Very Poor More than 50% of non compliance Annual Classification distribution 2015 Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor % Beaches 100% compliance 10 years EVOLUÇÃO DA QUALIFICAÇÃO ANUAL DAS PRAIAS NOS ÚLTIMOS 10 ANOS (2006-2015) ANO MUNICÍPIO Praia UBATUBA 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 ANO MUNICÍPIO Praia SÃO SEBASTIÃO 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 MUNICÍPIO Praia SANTOS Picinguaba Prainha Ponta da Praia Prumirim Cigarras Aparecida Félix São Francisco Embaré Itamambuca Arrastão Boqueirão Rio Itamanbuca Pontal da Cruz Gonzaga Vermelha do Norte Deserta José Menino - R. Olavo Bilac Perequê-Açu Porto Grande José Menino - R. Fred. Ozanan Iperoig Preta do Norte SÃO VICENTE Itaguá - n.240 da Av. Leovegildo Grande Praia da Divisa Itaguá - n.1724 da Av. Leovegildo Barequeçaba Itararé - Posto 2 Tenório Guaecá Praia da Ilha Porchat Vermelha Toque-Toque Grande Milionários Grande Toque-Toque Pequeno Gonzaguinha Toninhas Santiago Prainha (Av. Santino Brito) Enseada Paúba PRAIA GRANDE Santa Rita Maresias Canto do Forte Perequê-Mirim Boiçucanga Boqueirão Sununga Camburizinho Guilhermina Lázaro Camburi Aviação Domingas Dias Baleia Vila Tupi Dura Saí Ocian Lagoinha - Av Eng. Velho Preta Vila Mirim Lagoinha - Camping Juqueí - Trav. Simão Faustino Maracanã Sapé Juqueí - R. Cristiana Vila Caiçara Maranduba Una Real Pulso Engenho Florida CARAGUATATUBA Juréia do Norte Jardim Solemar Tabatinga - 250m Rio Tabatinga Boracéia MONGAGUÁ Tabatinga - condomínio Gaivotas Boracéia - R. Cubatão Itapoã Mocoóca BERTIOGA Central Cocanha Boracéia - C. Marista Vera Cruz Massaguaçu - R. Maria Carlota Boracéia Santa Eugênia Massaguaçu - Av. M.H. Carvalho Guaratuba Itaóca Capricórnio São Lourenço - Junto ao morro Agenor de Campos Lagoa Azul São Lourenço - Rua 2 Flórida Mirim Martim de Sá Enseada - Indaiá ITANHAÉM Prainha Enseada - Vista Linda Campos Elíseos Centro Enseada - Colônia do Sesc Jardim Suarão Indaiá Enseada - R. Rafael Costabili Suarão - AFPESP Pan Brasil GUARUJÁ Parque Balneário Palmeiras Iporanga Centro Porto Novo Perequê Praia dos Pescadores ILHABELA Pernambuco Sonho Armação Enseada - Estr. Pernambuco Jardim Cibratel Pinto Enseada - Av. Atlântica Estância Balneária Sino Enseada - R. Chile Jardim São Fernando Siriúba Enseada - Av. Santa Maria Balneário Jd. Regina Viana Pitangueiras - Av. Puglisi Balneário Gaivota Barreiros Norte Pitangueiras - R. Silvia Valadão PERUÍBE Barreiros Sul Astúrias Peruíbe - R. Icaraíba Saco da Capela Tombo Peruíbe - R. das Orquídeas Engenho D'água Guaiúba Peruíbe - Bal. S.João Batista Itaquanduba CUBATÃO Peruíbe - Av. S. João Itaguaçu Perequê Prainha Ilha das Cabras Guaraú Perequê IGUAPE Portinho Feiticeira Julião Grande Curral Juréia Legenda: Ótima Boa Regular Ruim Péssima ILHA COMPRIDA Balneário Adriana Centro Pontal - Boqueirão Sul Prainha - Balsa ANO 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 YEAR MUNICIPALITY Ubatuba 2006 - 2015 Beach UBATUBA 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Picinguaba Prumirim Félix Itamambuca Temporal and spatial trends Rio Itamanbuca Vermelha do Norte Perequê-Açu Iperoig Itaguá - n.240 da Av. Leovegildo Itaguá - n.1724 da Av. Leovegildo Excellent Tenório Good Grande Fair Poor Very Poor Vermelha Toninhas Enseada Santa Rita Perequê-Mirim Sununga Lázaro Domingas Dias Dura Lagoinha - Av Eng. Velho Lagoinha - Camping Sapé Maranduba Pulso Water bodies Monitoring To identify sources of fecal pollution ¾ Approximately 600 sampling sites ¾ twice a year ¾ microbiological analysis Sand Quality Assessement ¾Started in 2009 (2 previous studies 1985/ 1998) ¾14 beaches ¾twice a month - during the summer (3 months) ¾microbiological analysis (Therm. Coliforms and Enterococci) There is no guideline value - useful to management actions Communication 1. Beach Flags 2. Weekly bulletins 3. Internet: www.cetesb.sp.gov.br 4. Facebook 5. Phone 0800‐113560 6. Annual Reports Results Communcation Flags and Totens Internet communication Facebook Epidemiological Study ¾5 beaches of São Paulo Coast ¾January and February 1999 ¾Beach interviews ¾water quality assessment ¾ 3 locations ‐ 4 microbiological indicators (Thermotolerant coliforms, E.Coli, Enterococci, F specific‐bacteriophages) Epidemiological Study Main Objectives 1. To know the profile of São Paulo beaches tourists; 2. To Verify a the correlation between the occurrence of gastrointestinal symptoms in bathers and the different levels of water microbiological indicators; 3. To develop a scientific background for standard definitions. Definitions of Exposure Degrees ∗ Highly exposed: swimmer that submerge the head and usually swallow sea water. ∗Exposed: enter water but doesn’t submerge the head or swallow sea water ∗Not exposed: No contact with sea water Epidemiological Study Results Beach Interviews: 6.342 families Total: 23.235 people Phone Calls: Total: 16.637 people = 72% 2.162 people = 13% related at least 1 of the symptoms Epidemiological Study Results Degree of water exposure 13% No contact Swimmers 87% Head Submerged : 60% Swallowed water: 37% Epidemiological Study Results HIGHLY CREDIBLE GI SYMPTOMS AND AGE GROUP 160 120 100 80 60 40 20 ≤ 7 years 8 - 19 years ≥ 20 years Ocian Aparecida Astúrias Pitangueiras 0 Enseada Cases/1000 persons 140 Epidemiological Study Results 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 HIGHLY EXPOSED EXPOSED UNEXPOSED Ocian Aparecida Astúrias Pitangueiras 0 Enseada CASES / 1000 PERSONS HIGHLY CREDIBLE GI SYMPTOMS AND EXPOSURE LEVEL TO SEAWATER Conclusions ∗ Children under 7 presented more symptoms ∗ Exposure level to sea water was correlated to symptom occurrence ∗ Beaches with higher non‐compliance levels presented more bathers with symptoms ∗ Enterococci showed better correlation to health effects Annual Reports 2014 www.cetesb.sp.gov.br Beach Quality Coastal Water Quality Obrigada pela Atenção! Thank you for your attention! CETESB Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo Claudia Lamparelli Setor de Águas Litorâneas Where do you want to be? 83
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