May 2015 Crowns - Lifegate, Inc.


May 2015 Crowns - Lifegate, Inc.
Cr wnS
to lay at Jesus’ feet
Celebrating 82 years of Service
Bible Reading Marathon - National Day of Prayer
hours a day at the Capitol.
We had a brief shower Tuesday
evening, but we had use of large
umbrellas at the tables and at the
Each day the weather was beautiful
and there was a consant flow of those
signed up to read the Bible.
Wednesday we had the pleasure
of a tour of the Capitol thanks to the
foresight of Pastor Dickey of Indiana.
Senator Dan Coates’ office provided a
staff member to give us the royal tour.
There is much to see in the Capitol
Building. Many paintings and statues
Serving God on the front lines in
Washington, DC is an opportunity many
do not have. This year, the first week of
May, Carol and I traveled to Washington,
DC to help Seedline International help
host the Bible Reading Marathon.
We left on Monday, May 4th,
making our way from our home church
Hazelwood Baptist Church to Mount
Vernon, Virginia where we found our
motel for the week.
Early Tuesday morning we loaded
up a van and traveled to the west steps
of the Capitol Building. This year the
Capitol dome is being restored.
Pastor Michael Hall and his wife
Terry are the sponsors and hosts of this
event. They have hosted all but the first
year or two. Over the years they have
accumulated Bibles in 95 languages
that are on display at the table to the left
of the podium. The podium was made
by an African student attending Moody
Bible Institute who wanted to have a
part in the first year of Bible reading 25
years ago.
The goal of the Bible Reading
Marathon is to read through the
Bible verse by verse from Genesis
to Revelation. The time allowed to
complete the reading is 90 hours. They
begin reading on Sunday evening
at 6 PM and read the last chapter of
Revelation on Thursday at noon.
By Tuesday morning the team had
already read into Job. Our Indiana group
began with the last chapters of Job and
we began Psalms. Readers are given a
chance to read from their own Bible.
We helped host the Bible Reading
Marathon by staying at the tables with
the Bibles and literature so that Pastor
and Mrs. Hall could take the evening
at home. They usually spend 16 to 18
show the Godly heritage of our country.
Thursday was the National Day of
Prayer. We spent the morning reading
the Bible and distributing souvenir John
& Roman’s booklets and GSPS with
the In God We Trust Cover. We found
many receptive and appreciative of
the concept of the day of prayer. We
encouraged every one who received
literature to pray for our country. Some
would not take either the booklet or
tract. Some leaders/teachers of groups
would say “We don’t need that...” I
believe they will answer to God for
discouraging people from receiving the
gospel message.
At noon we gathered at the podium
to read the last chapter of Revelations
together and pray. The chaplain to the
Supreme Court lead in prayer.
Bilingual Editions of GSPS
We have been working with
our friend Col. Kimble Stohry,
missionary to the far east, on a
project to print 6 editions of bilingual
GSPS tracts. Last year we printed
Korean/English, Chinese/English,
Russian/English, and Spanish/
English. The Korean translation was
also new in 2014!
We have completed two
more bilingual editions: Tagalog/
English (Tagalog is spoken in
the Philippines) and Japanese/
English. The exciting part of
doing these projects is that we
have also been able to update
the quality of the Japanese type
thanks to help from friends of Col.
Stohry. Praise the Lord for a much
needed improvement over our old
photographic handwritten Japanese
type. The new digital type is great!
One use of these new bilingual
editions is rather unique. A ministry
called Ship to Shore Regions
Beyond Intl. has access to ships in
port in Mississippi. The goal is to
place scripture portions and gospel
literature in the hands of sailors from
around the world.
Dr. Cecil Fayard, Jr., the director,
told me that most of the sailors
could speak a little bit of English
but really couldn’t read an English
tract or Bible. He provides tracts and
scripture portions to these men who
may only be in port for as little as 6
hours up to 30 days. The bilingual
tracts are ideal since many of these
sailors want to learn English but are
excited to read the tract in their own
The Tagalog/English and
Japanese/English GSPS will be
printed by the time you receive this
For more information concerning
an order for these editions please
call Lifegate!
Giving Through Estate Planning
Please consider the potential
of reaching the lost through your
estate. Since I started working
at Lifegate nearly 37 years ago
we have received several gifts
arranged through the generosity
of donors who named Lifegate as
a beneficiary of proceeds of their
God has been gracious to
provide for this ministry through
nearly 82 years through donations
and the sale of GSPS tracts but
there is so much more we can do as
the Lord provides.
Just last April we received a
gift of $25,000 from an estate that
funded a printing project of 1.5
million GSPS tracts in 5 languages.
These tracts were printed and
shipped around the world to tract
distributors who have been faithfully
going where we cannot.
Because of our relationship with
Seedline International most of these
tracts were delivered to foreign
countries in freight containers.
When we are able to tag along with
Seedline scriptures we are able
to ship with no cost to Lifegate.
That means that gifts to Lifegate
often only need to cover the cost of
We would recommend that you
contact your financial planner and
discuss ways of implementing a
bequest. Please let us know if your
financial planner would like to know
more about our 501(c)(3) status
and our Federal ID number. Gifts to
Lifegate, Inc. are tax deductible.
Seedline International
Brother Keith Davidson, director
of Seedline International has
announced a project to raise funds
to purchase a new building that will
become their new headquarters,
production and warehouse facility.
The cost of the building has been
negotiated down to $280,000, an
excellent price for an 11,500 square
foot building.
Brother Keith has received an
offer of a gift of matching funds of
up to $140,000 by one contributor.
The project has been established
to run from now until the end of July
this year.
Seedline is currently renting the
new building for a greatly reduced
rate until August, 2015 to give time
for Seedline to raise the money
needed to purchase the building
As of May 13, Seedline has
received all but $24,000 needed
to match the gift of $140,000 and
purchase the building. If you are
interested in giving toward this
project please give to Seedline
Seedline International
5409 S County Road 250 East
Greencastle, IN 46135
Phone: (765) 795-2500
On Facebook search for:
Seedline International
Edited by Mark Porter, Chairman-President
Cr wnS
Vol. 78, May, 2015
The Voice of
P.O. Box 5
Monrovia, IN 46157
(317) 831-3800
Fax: (317) 831-3808