Bronx Dance Magazine/Ella International Issue 9 Bronx Dance!
Bronx Dance Magazine/Ella International Issue 9 Bronx Dance!
BRONX/DANCE MAGAZINE Ma1/2une 2008 E99a Internationa9 Issue ? !e##er &ro( #he *+,#or This s&mmer is *onna be a scorcher0 1e be*in by t&rnin* &p the heat 5ith the 6on* 6astin* contrib&tions of Bronxite Tonito Arroyo a0k0a0 <66a =nternationa6, an ama?in* trans*ender performer 5ho took the inspiration he receiAed from the Batina bombshe66 =ris Chacon and sp&n it into *o6d0 Dis story *oes from an inspired yo&n* person to the act&a6 meetin* of his mentor, dancin* 5ith her and eAent&a66y creatin* *o5ns for her to 5ear on her pop&6ar TE sho50 Tonito is a master seamstress and his fashion sense tied 5ith his dance sensibi6ity has created some ama?in* cost&mes0 Fane Gabrie6s has *racio&s6y *iAen &s yet another insta66ment of H<so <s0I 1e are *6ad she contin&es to contrib&te and hope she 5i66 inspire yo& to do the same0 There are 6ots of *reat eAents takin* p6ace oAer the next months so be s&re to take a 6ook at the ca6endar0 Jina66y, 5e are *reat6y honored and thankf&6 that Arth&r AAi6es Typica6 Theatre 5as a5arded the Bronx Arts Ktabi6i?ation J&nd Grant from the Bronx Co&nci6 on the Arts to s&pport the Bronx Dance Coa6ition and the Ma*a?ine0 1e 6ook for5ard to he6pin* to stren*thenin* this deserAin* comm&nity0 Bookin* for5ard to F&6y! -Arth&r AAi6es, <ditor-in-Chief -re+,#s Arth&r AAi6es <ditor-in-Chief, Director of the Bronx Dance Coa6ition Char6es Pice-Gon?a6e? Assistant to the <ditor A6ethea Qace On6ine <ditor, Ma*a?ine Desi*ner Kpecia6 thanks to Tonito Arroyo for his contrib&tion to this iss&e0 Thanks to the Association of Dispanic Arts SADAT and Me6issa U*irai6emesan*0 1e 5o&6d a6so 6ike to thank the Ao6&nteers for their s&pport0 1e appreciate feedback andVor additions to the ma*a?ine0 =f yo& 5o&6d 6ike to Woin the Ao6&nteer staff, p6ease contact &s at X18-8[2-52230 This pro)ect is made possible with funds from the Bronx Council on the Arts through the Ford Foundation0 Bronx Dance Ma*a?ine and Bronx Dance Coa6ition are proWects of Arth&r AAi6es Typica6 Theatre and operate from the Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance SBAAD!T, 8[1 Barretto Ktreet, Bronx, U_ 10[X[0 BAAD! 5as fo&nded by dancerVchoreo*rapher Arth&r AAi6es 5ith assistance from the Qoint CDC0 2 Bronx Dance + Eso Es + .he s0otlight is on the artists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ever4 ;'(&' ;%) (")=(.$9 7? %"9 =%(9 '+<%2$ :+ H% H*=$4 :'$ J*$$" +, H%:(" K+*8> !h2t i5s7ired ;o= to >25t to m2@e 2 d25Ae to her m=siA0 !ever () +"$ +, <? ,%6+.(:$ )+"2) ,.+< :'$ <*)(& +, H% H*=$> L'$" ! ;%) % ?+*"2 2(.8 2.+;("2 *= (" M*$.:+ G(&+ <? ,%:'$.N) ,%<(8? *)$9 :+ 2$: .$%88? $/&(:$9 ;'$" H% H*=$ ;%) %7+*: :+ =$.,+.< +" :6> ! 9(9"N: A"+; ;'+ H% H*=$ ;%)> ! 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(" :'$ "$/: ())*$] P^%"$ V%7.($8)4 I.:():(& M.+9*&$.4 ;;;>=$=%:(%">+.2 INSPIRATION DANCES Tonito 6++o/o i4 a t/:ica. ;ance+ in 4ome <a/4 an; e=t+ao+;ina+/ in othe+4> ?e <a4 bo+n an; +ai4e; he+e in the $+on= an; c"++ent./ .i@e4 on Mo++i4 6@en"e> Tonito <a4 Ain; eno"gh to 4:eaA <ith me an; *ha+.e4 CiceDEon7a.e7 f+om the ho4:ita.> ?i4 contin"e; ;ete+mination i4 in4:i+ation on it4 o<n> Gn thi4 inte+@ie< Tonito 4ha+e4 <ith the ;ance comm"nit/ abo"t hi4 g+eat in4:i+ationH G+i4 *hacIn> M4> *hacIn i4 a J"e+to Cican icon a;o+e; b/ men an; <omen the <o+.; o@e+> Tonito not on./ ha; the o::o+t"nit/ to meet hi4 in4:i+ation b"t a.4o to become one of he+ co4t"me ;e4igne+4> Late+H the f+en7/ of hi4 in4:i+ation tooA Tonito to the :oint of act"a../ becoming G+i4 in ;+ag com:etition4 th+o"gho"t the $+on= an; Manhattan an; +ecei@ing n"me+o"4 acco.a;e4 in ga/ ba+4 .iAe ETK4 an; Lta+> Tho4e ba+4 a+e .ong gone b"t TonitoK4 4:i+it t+an4cen;4 an; contin"e4 to en.ighten "4 a..> Tonito dances with his mentor and primary inspiration Arthur: When was the first time that you ever ChacEn so danced6 perfect. It blew my mind away. And the rest of Tonito: In my living room. the show they did Donna Summer. She was hot A: At what age6 at the time. The show was so fabulous that I T: I think I started around 12 or 13. started going every weekend, just to look and I A: Do you remember what you danced to6 kept looking and learning. I said one day I will T: Anything, especially Iris ChacEn stuff. perform here. If they could do it, I could do it. A: Do you remember any songs in particular6 A: Did you6 T: Oh yeah, T" $o&"ita, *a+ame.o / T: Yes I did. Remember Ivan 3. *hoco.ate. Iris was loose, wild and Te+ib.e6 We had a show over here in expressive. So that’s what I liked about the Village. I was one of his guests her, her costumes and her glamour and and he said, XDon’t change. I’m her style. I used to just lip sync and carry taking you to La 34c"e.ita. There’s a on and think that I was at Madison Square competition there tonight.’ And I Garden at a concert. said, XOkay.’ That was my first time A: And what did your parents think about going there all hooked up and this6 everything. XI used to hang out over T: They thought it was a routine of there. So when I walked in with the exercise. makeup and the outfit and the wigs A: And did you put on shows for them6 and everything. And people were T: I think I was around 15 or 1O. My like, XWho’s that6’ And we went mother made me compete with my sister straight to the backstage and I set Tonito aka Ella International at Night of 12 Gowns, 1999 and of course, I won. That’s when they up and Ivan was like XDon’t worry, really noticed that I was coming out. you’re going to kick some ass A: You know there are a lot of drag queens that today.’ And I said, XOkay, let’s see.’ He opened do fashion and walk. But yours in particular is the show and then there was the competition dance. and I did 67"ca+ Mo+eno. And I was stunned. T: Mine is stage presence. The minute I walked out, I had a long gown with A: There are not a lot of drag queens that dance. a split that opened as I walked down, people There are some who do, but a lot of them do were screaming and hollering. Then I started fashion. What drew you to dance6 doing my Espa[ola thing and I won that night. I T: It’s a form of expression. It gives me energy. It was like, XWow, I won.’ So they gave me a gives me what I need to go through. It gives me booking for the following week and that’s when I the extra boost. was going to get paid. And I was like, XWow, I A: What was the first club you ever went to6 did it.’ And I came back the following week, with T: The first club that I ever went to was La something different, and I rocked the house. 34c"e.ita in the late 70’s. That was the first gay A: Now what did you mean Espa[ola thing6 club that I ever went to. TMy friendsU took me T: The song that I was doing was from Spain. It out. We went to the club and every night they had a little twist to it but it was very moving. had a drag show and one of them did Iris A: By using your arms, how would you do it6 T: You just move and make the gestures and carry on. You push the tail back and forth. A: So why are you doing those movements with your hands6 T: Como flamenco. They move a lot with the hands and the skirt and they start flipping, flopping, flapping back and forth. It’s part of the music. It is part of the art that they are putting through the music. You have to live the music in order to be creative and know what to do. Because if you’re going to do an Espa[ola song and you’re just going to stand there and go like this Tflops handU, you killed it. You have to play with the song. You have to go with the flow. Like if you do merengue, merengue is a different step. You have to shake it and if you have to break it, you break it. That’s all. But you have to give it all. XCause you’re not going to do something fast and then be stiff on the stage. Then people are not going to rally for you. A: I understand that you have taught women A: Do you rehearse6 T: Yes. A: And when you rehearse, do you set your movements6 T: Oh yes. I first practice the song. I listen to it until I really learn it. Once I learn it, I start putting the movement until I get very comfortable with it and then that’s it. A: So you have that number and you get up on stage, it seems like you have a set amount of stuff to do but as you were saying the audience gives you a certain amount of support and so you’re able to move away from the set material and just do your thing. When you rehearse, is there a split involved6 T: No, like when I did Miss Piggy in a competition I just finished coming out of the hospital maybe like a week and half. And I had everything set up and everything. I said, XI could do it, I can do it.’ And I did. I got my makeup done and I was hooked up. And during the talent show I did the You have to shake it and if you have to break it, you break it. That’s all. how to dance. T: Rhina is one of them. She came up to me and she needed steps and she needed to impersonate Iris ChacEn for her number. She was kind of clueless. A: And you even gave her one of the garments that you actually made. T: I lent it to her and she never brought it back. That’s a different story. A: What song did you teach Rhina6 T: She wanted to be a little funny and so I told her to do the melodies. They’re basically her greatest hits but just edited into smaller portions. And those are the songs that people would recognize. And it went perfectly with the outfit. A: So what moves did you give her6 T: Well, Iris ChacEn is giving a lot of shoulder, a lot of hair, flapping it back and forth, and of course shaking her bon, bon. That’s Iris ChacEn right there. A: How about cartwheels6 Have I seen you do cartwheels6 I’ve seen you do splits on stage. T: I did splits, a few splits. Cartwheels, no, I’ve never done cartwheels on stage. A: That’s amazing to see. T: That’s not something that I practice. That just comes as I am there. Depending on the audience if they’re really carrying on and supporting you and they’re clapping, that’s when you want to give it that extra push. split. I was like I did it and I didn’t think I was going to be able to because I was a little sore and stuff like that. And what happened was that that night I won the crown. A: Who’s your favorite dancer6 T: Who’s my favorite dancer6 I don’t know. A: I would imagine Iris. T: Well she was a performer. I saw a lot of Broadway shows and there was a lot of dancing involved and it was like whoa, wow. A: Like what, do you remember6 T: I saw Smokey Joe’s Cafa. There was a lot of dancing involved there. I saw Miss Saigon but that was totally different. I saw Dreamgirls four times. That show was amazing. A: And there was dancing6 T: The dancing, the choreography, the costumes, the stage setting and everything. I was blown away. I said costumes, music, dance, a well put together show. A: So you’re kind of a multi media person. It’s really not just the dance. You like costumes. You like set. You like the whole ambience. T: The whole entire thing. Like I said, you have to be put together completely from head to toe. A: Any new dancers today that you like6 T: I love the way that Britney Spears dances. I went to see her at Madison Square Garden for Tmy son’sU birthday. The stage was outrageous. Her costumes were awesome. The way she ! danced, Xcause you have backup dancers and T: Yeah we did Mami.ia4. We did Je.ea ;e Ea..o4. sometimes they end up doing most of the job, A: How was it working with Merian Soto6 while you’re just playing around on the stage. T: It was good, totally different. It gave me more No, she blends in well with them. And they do of a feeling of stage presence, to know when is the same routines and everything. It was like your cue, when to be dressed, the lighting setup, wow, she worked it out. things like that. A: And anyone else6 How about guys6 C: And you did a little drag in that6 T: Guys6 I like more the women, females. Give A: What did you do in Merian’s piece6 me costumes, give me wigs, give me eyebrows, T: I started doing my dance routine because give me nails, give me heels. That’s what I enjoy. everybody started dancing. And when I came Like Iris ChacEn, every time she comes out during out and did my routine, I ended up in a split on her concert you actually see at least 1b changes the floor. People started screaming and carrying of costumes. So it’s worthwhile to see her. She on. really puts some big pumps to A: What kind of acceptance do dance. And the way she you feel in your community in kicks her heels up and relationship to dance6 everything and the way they T: Bueno, in my community a lot of flip her up and down. You’re people don’t really know anything. going to be entertained. It’s When it comes to my house and all about entertaining. my area where I live, everything is Charles: Now you met Iris kind of private. I mean I have left ChacEn6 the building dressed up, with T: Oh, yeah, definitely. And makeup and the whole nine yards, we hung out. She invited me ready for a show and stuff like that. Tonito and his son, Donovan, outside their apartment in the South Bronx over for a New Year’s Eve But I don’t hang out in the bash. She had a show at a neighborhood exposing myself and looking for restaurant in cueens. I never spent a New Year’s trouble or whatever. outside of my house. I told my mother I’m sorry A: Oh, you look at that as looking for trouble6 I’m going with Iris this year. We had a ball. We T: XCause there’s always an in or an out there. took pictures on the stage. We were dancing There’s always one. And thank god I haven’t maracas. We got into a little battle between us had a confrontation. The few ones that have together. seen me say, Xyou look nice, you look nice.’ C: You battled Iris ChacEn6 They’ve only seen the costumes and sometimes T: Yeah and she used to love it. She used to call me leaving the house if I’m performing. That’s me all the time. XCome up, come up’ Xcause the only time I get dressed up when I’m going to after awhile she already knew who I was and perform. If I’m not performing, I’m not going to stuff like that. get dressed up. I don’t just like to go to a club all C: Did she ever see you perform her6 dressed for nothing. And lately the few last T: No, she heard about it because the ChacEn shows it’s been that I perform, I change, I wait for dancers used to hang out at La Escuelita. And my pay and I go home. Like some other ones as a matter of fact, one day she said XI heard that they get dressed up and they go to the bar that you have fabulous dinners in your house but and they mingle and not me. Pay me and I’m you never invite me.’ And I said, XWill you come going home. Yeah, cause I have a responsibility to the Bronx6’ She said, XI will.’ So I invited her at home. So I can’t really go and hang out. one time but she had a recording thing for a A: What’s the responsibility at home6 show. And that was my birthday a couple of T: My son. years ago and she said, XWell, instead you come over and celebrate your birthday over here with us.’ That was a dream come true to me. Tonito’s generosity is endless. Donovan, his son, is C: Now, did she ever give you an outfit or a fine young man moving through high school. something6 We thank Tonito for giving us an account of Bronx T: No, I gave her two. dance history, a history rarely told. Since this A: Now did you make them6 interview Tonito came back from the hospital T: Yes, I made them. and is now relaxing and recovering in the C: Now the other thing is that you also danced comfort of his Bronx apartment. with Merian Soto in Mami.ia4. Bronx Dance Directory A/TISTS Alethea Pace 970 Grand ;oncourse #?E Bronx, BY 10474 718-I77-0098 Anthony Jeyers ?180 Bronx Park East # IL Bronx, BY 1046? 718-8??-8041 Amask11? Antonio /amos 189 St. Jarks Avenue #11 Brooklyn, BY 11?78 Ariane Garcia 1084 Rox Street, Basement Bronx, BY 104I9 917-9I7-897I ariane1?? Awilda Sterling-Duprey ;laire Barrat ;illa Vee Jotion Sculpture ProWect Hand H Productions P.O. Box 164? Bronx, BY 104I1 ;hantler Townsend 169 Jontrose Avenue, #7/ Brooklyn, BY 11?06 718-486-704I Darren ;hase ?770 Bronx Park East Bronx, BY 10467 718-6I7-4?18 Dawn ;randell ?6 Bedford Park Blvd #E1 Bronx, BY 10468 747-?76-8849 ]oy Dawn Williams 14II Harrod Avenue Bronx, BY 1047? #IH 718-778-7166 ] ]ule ]o /amire_ 1?78 1st Avenue #1I Bew York, BY 100?1 ?1?-777-7478 Limberly Vasque_ ?0I ;ity Island Avenue #4 Bronx, BY 10464 Lrystal Hall-Glass ?990 Jarion Avenue #IE Bronx, BY 104I8 718-I84-I178 Lucy Aponte 64? /osedale Avenue Bronx, Bew York 10477 718-I89-04II Jaria and Eddie Torres 1964 Jatthews Ave Bronx, BY 1046? 718-719-9717 Jark Anthony 174I Plimpton Avenue #?B Bronx, Bew York 104I? Jarsi Burns 7901 Independence Ave #6A Bronx, BY 10467 Jarsi? Jasako Loga 716 W. 9Ith Street #1?1 Bew York, Bew York 100?I ?1?-749-8?6? Jonica Rigueroa 7?0 Janida Street #? Bronx, BY 10474 646-I1I-68I6 Borma ]ean Barnes 4?00 Hutchinson /iver Pkwy #17A Bronx, BY 1047I 718-7?0-147? Pat Hall-Smith 78-79 Pratt Avenue Bronx, BY 10466 Patricia Jabry 1I West 179th St. #14] Bew York, BY 10077 ?1?-694-4118 Pedro ]imene_ 917-I7?-48?6 /hema Sterling 8?I Boynton Avenue Bronx, BY 10477 718-84?-1187 /ichard ;olon aka ;ra_y Legs 7?8 Rirst Street ]ersey ;ity, B] 0770? Samantha Hewitt 876 Tilden Street Bronx, BY 10467 718-?71-0797 Wendy Bicolls P.O. Box 607 Bronx, BY 104I7 ban Yassin 6I4 Janida Street Bronx, BY 10474 718-991-9781 DAB;E ;OJPABIES Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre Arthur Aviles- Artistic Director BAAD! 841 Barretto Street Bronx, BY 10474 718-84?-I??7 ;ontemporary Ballet Theatre Pepper - Artistic Director P.O. Box 74001I Bronx, BY 10474 718-860-6400 ?1?-64?-8774 Dan_e Divas ;hisel Valde_ - Artistic Director 914-I89-1780 Eloquence Performance ;ompany Bryan Davis- Artistic Director 1??7 /osedale Avenue #?/ Bronx, Bew York 1047? 718-7?8-046I Expressions Dance Alliance Rordham dniversity 441 E. Rordham /d. Bronx, BY 104I8 718-817-1000 Rull ;ircle Productions Jarla Teyolia, ;ompany Janager 1810 Bruckner Blvd #4R Bronx, BY 10477 84I-87807?7 ]ust ds Dance ;ompany Peter Gon_ale_ - Artistic Director 1946 Webster Avenue Bronx, Bew York 104I7 I16-487-8089 ?1?-I47-6191 Lanata Bative Dance Theatre Bess Pruitt - Artistic Director 819 E. 168th Street Bronx, Bew York 104I9 718-I89-0400 La Santa Lu_ Anthony /odrigue_- Artistic Director ceo Police Athletic League Bew South Bronx ;enter 991 Longwood Avenue Bronx, BY 104I9 One World Arts - /etumba Yvette Jartine_ - Artistic Director P.O. Box 7 Bronx, Bew York 10464 718-88I-?I74 Opus Dance Theatre ]ames Buster Grant - Artistic Director 9?8 Gerard Avenue Bronx, BY 104I1 OPdSDT; 718-?97-7777 Owl /ed Joon Darkeem Dennis 889 Dawson Street Bronx, Bew York 104I9 747-I?4-7070 Pepatian ]ane Gabriels Jerian Soto - Artistic Director 1001 Grand ;oncourse #10R Bronx, Bew York 104I? 718-I88-1976 Physual /ichard /ivera - Artistic Director 646-68I-6?7I r? DAB;E S;HOOLS Andrea!s Dance Studio 900 Jorris Park Ave Bronx, BY 1046? 718-I97-9869 Barbara Blackwood Dance Barbara Skinner 7II1 Laconia Avenue Bronx, BY 10469 718-994-9?7? Boston /oad Ballroom 146? Boston /d Bronx, BY 10460 7?8-7?8-?I6? Bronx Dance Theatre Barbara Llein Art. Director Lydia Pere_-Assoc.Director I8I East 187th Street Bronx, Bew York 104I8 718-764-?7?I ;ontemporary Ballet Theatre Pepper - Artistic Director 1?71 Lafayette Avenue, 4th fl Bronx, BY 10474 718-860-6400 El Grito Dance School Lelly Terrie 940 Garrison Ave. Bronx, BY 10474 718-I4?-4179fI1 saphireblu?? Rancy Reet Dance Studio 16?8 ;rosby Ave. Bronx, BY 10461 718-40I-I176 Rancy Reet Dance Studio 1?9I Allerton Ave. Bronx, BY 10469 718-40I-I176 Gloria Wise BoysgGirls ;lub Egeria Bennett - Director 9I0 Baychester Ave. Bronx, BY 1047I 718-7?0-0II7 ]ust The Place Inc. ;reative Arts ;enter 16?7 dnionport /d. Bronx, Bew York 1046? 718-794-I878 718-?79-1118 hfaxi Lola Luis ;reative g Performing Arts Studio 7II East ?7Ith Street Bronx, BY 10466 718-6II-1607 Jaria!s Dynamic Dance BY 747? E. Tremont Ave. Bronx, BY 104I7 718-409-0889 Jichele ;ompa Dance g Exercise 7I90 Betherland Ave Bronx, BY 10467 718-I49-967I Jind-Builders ;reative Arts ;enter Jadaha Linsey Lamb-Director 741I Olinville Ave. Bronx, BY 10467 718-6I?-6?I6 Palomba Academy of Jusic ;harlie Salinas 974 E. Gun Hill /d. Bronx, BY 10469 718-88?-7700 Side Street Lids Toni Jendo_a- Director 1710 dnionport /d. Bronx, BY 1046? 718-8?9-7?00 Starlite Dance Studio 1671 St Peter’s Avenue Bronx, BY 1046? 718-8?8-8?8? Sofia's Ritness g Dance Studio 7I01 /iverdale Avenue Bronx, BY 10467 718-I47-4181 Top Hat Dancers, Inc Harry Venghette Schott, ]r. 7749-I1 Hull Avenue #7G Bronx, BY 10467 718-I1I-1661 Young Dance Jakers Alice Teirstein Ethical ;ulture Rieldston School Rieldston /oad Bronx, BY 10471 718-7?9-7700 ;asa Atabex Ache Tania /amire_, Program Director 471 East 140th Street Bronx, BY 104I4 718-I8I-II40 ;OLLEGES ABD dBIVE/SITIES Bronx ;ommunity ;ollege Attnl Susan JosseAG 700 W. 181st St g dniversity Ave. Bronx, BY 104I7 718-?89-I?81 ;ollege of Jount St. Vincent Attnl Dance ;lub 6701 /iverdale Ave. Bronx, BY 10471 718-40I-7?00 ;ollege of Bew /ochelle Attnl Dance Departmente;lub 77? E. 149th Street Bronx, BY 104I1 914-6I4-I000 ;ollege of Bew /ochelle Attnl Dance Departmente;lub 7II ;o Op ;ity Blvd. Bronx, BY 1047I 718-7?0-0700 Rordham dniversity Attnl TheatereDance Department 441 E. Rordham /d. Bronx, BY 104I8 718-817-1000 ?1?-767-0I90 Janhattan ;ollege Attnl Dance Department 4I17 Janhattan ;ollege Pkwy. Bronx, BY 10471 718-86?-8000 Jaritime ;ollege Attnl Dance ;lub 6 Pennyfield Avenue Bronx, BY 1046I 718-409-7?00 ;OJJdBITY ;EBTE/S ;ommunity ;enter ]ackie Barretto - Director 46I Saint Anns Ave. Bronx, BY 104II 718-66I-78I0 ;ommunity ;enter ]eff g Alicia Jatthews ?000 Jonterey Avenue 1st Rl Bronx, BY 104I7 718-767-6689 East Side House Settlement 777 Alexander Avenue, Bronx, BY 104I4-1108 h718i 66I-I?I0 h718i I8I-1477 hfaxi Reatherbed Lane Youth ;tr. Jr. Gustu_son - Director 1640 Grand Ave. Bronx, BY 104I7 718-771-8660 Jitchel ;ommunity ;enter Jonge ;odio ]r., Deputy Director of Programs ?10 Alexander Avenue Bronx, BY 104I4 h718i 997-97II Jill Brook ;ommunity ;enter Rrenchtress Oliver, ;enter Director ?01 Saint Ann's Avenue, Bronx, BY 104I4 h718iI8I-1?I4 h;ontinued page 8i ! OUTSIDE THE BRONX .000 Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre !n t%e C()*an, (- .en "#$%&'(& )$*#+ ,-## -. ./& "%&'(/ 0'1.2.*.& 3##2-'(& "%-'(-21&4 55 6 78./ 9. :*'& 5;4 574 8=> Contemporary Ballet Theatre ,&1(/#&% ?/&-.&% -. 6# @*1&$ A&# B-%%2$ @-C 5D4 E=> Dixon Place presents Moving Men F*%-.&+ GC 3%./*% 3H2#&1I F/$%&$J%-=/C GC @-#2'+- 3##&'4 :*#2$ 3%%$C$4 K&2#- F$%+$H-4 A-%L&&> A&''214 @2(/-&# M&#&*NI A2N$' O#-(& :*'& 584 8=> New York on New York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– 250 B*C/$#C B(#= BR8C3 W*>, B#$%&, N*; Y$#= 10468 718-O60-8281, 8232 (#$)=$;*TR*Q0(%3):%-3*C: L+8* F#$0 ,Q* EC2* TQ*(,*# CQ(%,R*# T$;%>*%C O40 G(##+>$% A8*%:* B#$%&, NY 10474 718-542-413O L$8+%2*# TQ*(,*# D(%,* ARA*#,+ 250 B*C/$#C B(#= BR8C3 W*>, B#$%&, NY 10468 718-O60-7830 C(RA*#,+TR*Q0(%3):%-3*C: a(0$> A L( B*%( D*R B#$%& 718-402-O411 W(8* H+RR D(%)* D*1(#,0*%, 675 W3 252%C S,#**, B#$%&, NY 10471 718-54O-3200 +%/$T;(8*Q+RR3$#2 OTHER ENTITIES A#)Q+* B#$(C1O12 O>A$#%* BR()* B#$%&, NY 10463 B*%+,( B#$$=> 2720 G#(%C C$%)$:#>* c516 B#$%&, NY 10458 718-561-5480 60O-877-5723 B*,Q AA#(Q(0 H$>1+,(R A,,%: D(%)* B#$2#(0 612 ARR*#,$% A8*%:* B#$%&, NY 10467 718-51O-4125 B#$%& T$:#+>0 C$:%)+R <(%*,, M3 FR$#+%C$ 1O8 E3 161>, S,#**,, S:+,* 201 B#$%&, NY 10451 718-5O0-3O4O FR$#+%C$TA$*C)3$#2 B#$%& C$:%)+R $% ,Q* A#,> B+RR A2:(C$, EC F#+*C0(%, ERR*% B$RR*% 1738 H$%* A8*%:* B#$%&, NY 10461-1486 718-O31-O500 (2:(C$TA#$%&(#,>3$#2, *CTA#$%&(#,>3$#2, *RR*%TA#$%&(#,>3$#2 D(%)* NYC R$A*#, Y*>>*R0(%, D+#*),$# )e$ TQ* <EHT F$:%C(,+$% 120 W$$>,*# S,#**, 2%C FR3 N*; Y$#=, NY 10012 212-O66-1638 #-TC(%)*%-)3$#2 D(#R*%* C(## Z A%,Q$%- C(## 2710 S*C2*;+)= A8*%:* c3A B#$%&, NY 10468 718-601-0824 /+,A$C+*>T($R3)$0 DRA D*%+>* R$A*#,> H:#R+% 165 W3 46,Q S,#**, S,*3 1300 N*; Y$#=, NY 10036 N*; I0(2* C$0/$#, SQ$* (%C D(%)* S:11R+*> 43 W*>,)Q*>,*# Sf:(#* B#$%&, NY 10461 718-31O-082O R+)*-G$%\(R*\ B:AR+) R*R(,+$%> CQ(#R*> R+)*-G$%\(R*\ 841 B(##*,,$ S,#**, B#$%&, NY 10474 718-542-0267 Inside Tonito+s Closet A place neither him nor his creations liked to stay. Tonito Arroyo has created wonderful costumes throughout the years. His mastery is contributed to by his attention to detail and his understanding that the costumes need to be worn by a moving person. If you move like Iris Chacon or even if you are Iris Chacon you know full well that weak seams just won+t do. No, these costumes were not made for posers, they were made for dancers. !iss Piggy ())* Rumbera ())* Di,a from 2uter Space ())9 Iris Chacon Robot ())< Big Bird ())) S"# M%# T"' W') T*" F,- S./ 5 A,/*", A7-8'9 T0:-;.8 T*'./,'< !he Disco *ro,ect = >AAD@A B:C M'D-;.# F%8E8%,-; D.#;' F%C:'/-/-%# = G'*C.#A H:C I':./-.#J9 S:,-#K D.#;' F%#;',/L = >AADA M:C M.0 2334 2 B 4 N E#/', /*' F-,;8' P-/* F"88 F-,;8' .#) QRBT =H%9/%9A N:C .#) T:C T,.#9UUUG./-# PVF"88 F-,;8'A QRBTJ9A G. S.#/. G"W XOGI[E D.#;' T*'./',A >,%#D M"9'"CA T:C XH:C T A,/*", A7-8'9 T0:-;.8 T*'./,'< !he Disco *ro,ect = >AAD@A M:C E#/', /*' F-,;8' P-/* F"88 F-,;8' .#) QRBT =H%9/%9A N:CXT:C T,.#9UUUG./-# =>,%#D M"9'"CA 4:C H >%%K-' D%P# D.#;'< F-88. ['' M%7'C'#/ I,%\';/9 = >AAD@A M:C ] 53 55 52 F"88 F-,;8'< H-:^H%: D.#;' 535 =H%9/%9A 53<5N.C .#) 52<5N:C 5B F%#/'C:%,.,0 >.88'/ T*'./,'< A _.#K9/.J9 F,";-`8' = W.8/%# H-K* S;*%%8A 4<B3:C H5M^BT4^H433 54 A,/*", A7-8'9 T0:-;.8 T*'./,'< !he Disco *ro,ect = >AAD@A M:C F-'8)9/%# S:,-#K D.#;' F%#;',/ =H<B3:C D-,';/') `0 A8-;' T'-,9/'-# aH5ML^B2]^BN33DBBNM M.) A`%"/ D.#;' T*'./', =T*' I%-#/A M:C 5N 5T 5H 5M >,%#D D.#;' F%.8-/-%# M''/-#K = >AAD@A T:C 5] 23 25 22 2B 24 2N 2T 2H 2M 2] B3 B5 Q.*",.#K- M.%,D.#;' T*'./', =H%9/%9A 53<5N.C .#) 52<5N:C F%#/'C:%,.,0 >.88'/ T*'./,'< R'8./-%#9*-:9 = W.8/%# HSA 2<2T:C M F-'8)9/%# S:,-#K D.#;' F%#;',/ =H<B3:C D-,';/') `0 A8-;' T'-,9/'-# aH5ML^B2]^BN33DBBNM M.) A`%"/ D.#;' T*'./', =T*' I%-#/A M:C T% 8-9/ 0%", '7'#/ ;.88 "9 ./ H5M^M42^N22B %, 'C.-8 "9 ./ ..//=C.-8U;%CU D'.)8-#' b%, 9"`C-99-%# -9 c"#' 22A 2334U F%, K,%":9 :',b%,C-#K %"/9-)' /*' >,%#D 9'' :.K' MU S"# M%# T"' c"#' 2334 W') T*" F,- S./ T% 8-9/ 0%", '7'#/ ;.88 "9 ./ H5M^M42^N22B %, 'C.-8 "9 ./ ..//=C.-8U;%CU D'.)8-#' b%, 9"`C-99-%# -9 c"#' 22A 2334U F%, K,%":9 :',b%,C-#K %"/9-)' /*' >,%#D 9'' :.K' MU 5 2 N'., E.9/ M"9-; E#9'C`8' = W.7' H-88A H:C B 4 N T H M ] D.#;-#K F,.#' ab,%C b%,C', S%7-'/ R':"`8-;L = W.7' H-88A H:C 53 F%#/'C:%,.,0 >.88'/ T*'./,' = e%"/* M-#-9/,-'9A H5M^ B2M^NT22 55 F%#/'C:%,.,0 >.88'/ T*'./,' = e%"/* M-#-9/,-'9A H5M^ B2M^NT22 52 5B >,%#D D.#;' T*'./,'< S8'':-#K >'."/0 >.88'/ =G'*C.# H-K* S;*%%8A B333 T,'C%#/ A7' =4:C aH5MLBT4^2H2N 54 5N >,%#D D.#;' F%.8-/-%# M''/-#K = >AAD@A T:C 5T c.C'9 R'.C9 X /*' >.,#9/%,C',9 = W.7' H-88A H:C 5H 5M >,%#D D.#;' T*'./,'< A# I#7-/./-%# /% /*' D.#;' =G'*C.# H-K* S;*%%8A B333 T,'C%#/ A7' =H:C aH5MLBT4^2H2N F%#/'C:%,.,0 >.88'/ T*'./,'< S:,-#K F%#;',/ = W.8/%# HSA M:C OUT GIQE THAT D.#;' F%#;',/= >AAD@A M:C 5] 23 >,%#D D.#;' T*'./,'< A# Ab/',#%%# %b D.#;' =G'*C.# H-K* S;*%%8A B333 T,'C%#/ A7' =4:C aH5MLBT4^2H2N 25 22 2B Q%/';*'K#. ab,%C I7%,0 F%.9/L = W.7' H-88A H:C D.#;-#K -# /*' S/,''/9< S/':*.# Q%:8%P-/W = >,%#D F%"#/0 F%",/A #%%#A 52<4NA 5<B3 24 2N 2T 2H 2M 2] B3 R'/"C`. = W.7' H-88A H:C !onito Arroyo a.k.a. -lla International