August 2016 - The Club at Sonterra


August 2016 - The Club at Sonterra
Page 2
Council Corner
Message From the Board-
Hello from
Ron Botello, Board Chairman
The Ambassador Council!
I sure hope that you were able to attend our 4th
of July event this year. A great time was had
by all and the feedback is that the fireworks
were the best ever. This event just keeps
getting better every year. The heat continues
to bake our courses but this is a good time to bring the family to the
pool and cool off and enjoy some food and drinks. We recently
enjoyed the pool with our daughter and grand kids. Great way to
cool off. Our courses are making it through the heat in good shape,
look for special offers to bring guests during the week, the entire
month of August (Tuesday-Thursday) for $35 including cart.
Gentlemen, the expansion to the Men’s card room, including the
addition of four TV’s, is done. Stop by and enjoy some food, drink
and relaxation. The staff is now sending emails informing the
membership of golf events and special offers. This has proven to
be very helpful. Also, if you would like to receive texts (course
conditions, rain delays, frost delays, events, etc.) please send a
equest to and provide your name, cell
number & your service provider; she will add you to the list. I am
going to start providing a summary of the minutes from our Board
of Governor meetings to keep you better informed of some of our
discussions. The board is comprised of representatives from: the
Men’s Golf Assoc, the Women’s’ Golf Assoc., the Tennis Assoc,
the Ambassador’s Council, the Women’s Assoc, six At Large
members, the past chairman, the Vice Chair and myself
(Chairman). Also attending are seven staff members from across
the club headed up by our GM, Bryant Early. My summary will
be shown separately in the newsletter. There’s a lot going on at
your club, if you haven’t taken of advantage of them you should,
if you are taking advantage think about bringing your friends.
The Club @ Sonterra, on the move, the place to be.
Meet the Musel’s - Joyce & Bob.
We are celebrating 26 years as club members
this month. Wow!, what an experience in
good times. We have been Ambassador’s for
several years and have welcomed many new
members to our club. It is always a pleasure
to say “Hi” to all of you great members who
have continued to enjoy the club.
Make sure you take advantage of our New Member opportunity this
month– bring in Three New Tennis Members and receive a Tennis
Racquet– bring in one Golf Member and receive a Golf Bag, two
members a driver, three members a Set of Irons and Six members you
get all three.
Our present management and employees led by Bryant Early are the
most visible and courteous we have had in 26 years. The social
Activities that are available to us are the best experienced. Check out
The Newsletter, Emails and calendar every month and we promise you
will find something that will entertain and interest you.
Our tennis facilities are the best in San Antonio with Michelle and her
staff leading fantastic leagues & tournament play. Those of us that are
golfer’s are really fortunate, we have two of the best golf courses in the
city and they are so different. You feel like you are in another world
when you go from one to the other, you can alternate courses, play
everyday and not get bored! In addition, Bobby and his staff are always ready and willing to help us with our needs. The SWGA and
MGA make the golf experience at our club exceptional.
Joyce and I are very active in the club, we both start our days at the
Fitness Center, enjoy Wine Tasting Events, The Tavern on the Green,
19th Hole and Dining Room. Joyce is also active in the Sonterra
Women’s Association and Bob is in The History Club and an avid
As ambassadors we strive to make members comfortable and happy with their club.
See you at the club….Joyce and Bob Musel
Club News
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Message from the General Manager
Bryant Early
Dear Members:
It seems as though the second half of the year is our time!! I’m pleased to announce that there are two major
capital projects underway. The first is for our tennis Members. Work will begin on resurfacing 6 of our tennis
courts the first week of August. As you know several of our courts are in need of serious repairs due to cracking over time. During this process, we will also be addressing several tree roots that have become an issue in certain areas. The process of resurfacing will include, stripping, filling cracks, cutting out roots that are causing swelling of courts and resurfacing 6 of our courts. This
project is slated to start the first week of August and will more than likely take up to 2 weeks to complete. We opted to wait until
this time as we didn’t want to disrupt any league play in July. I can’t wait to see the finished product. I know you’ll be happy and
proud of the repairs.
The second project we will be tackling the starting the first week of August will be renovating all bunkers on the South Course.
The 3 to 4 month process will include completely overhauling all bunkers on the South course. This includes replacing all drainage systems, re-shaping several greenside bunkers, adding a state of the art bunker liner that will make for better play which is
designed to prevent contamination, and adding of new sand on the entire course. Although this project will take several months
to complete and may alter some holes, we will remain open throughout the process. Bobby and Donny will be sending out periodical updates in effort to keep you informed.
We are also working on a solution to enhance our driving range over the next few months. For many years it has been very difficult to maintain the appearance of the range. Flooding and droughts have taken its toll and it shows. Donny will send out additional information as this unfolds.
As you can see there is a lot going on at the club. I’m pleased to see that we are in a position to reinvest in our club. These projects are projected slightly over $300K, however it could possibly be more once we start digging deeper into them.
As we continue to build on our successes, as well as correcting our mistakes, it’s important that you know that we are here to
serve you. Our collective goal is that simple. The entire staff, myself included, will continue to work at enhancing your experience. It’s likely at times we will fall short but I can assure you, it will not be for the lack of effort. Over the last month we have
had some inconsistencies in a couple of areas in our operations, but through the feedback you’ve provided, we’ve identified these
issues and have begun working on procedures that will eliminate any future problems. As I shared in the State of the Club letter
earlier this year, my goal is to be as transparent as possible. Keeping you informed is, and will continue to be a top priority.
As always, thank you for being a Member and the second half to the year is gearing up to be a great one!!
Until next time,
Board of Governors - Summary of Minutes
Meeting was held on July 22, 2016.
We currently have 867 full golf members. Our 4th of July event had good attendance at the Pool party, approximately 1,500 for
the evening gathering, plus another 200 for the buffet in the main dining room. A membership mixer for the Methodist Hospital
is scheduled for August 10th. Pull carts will now be allowed, with a $10 trail fee. There will be a 3 strike rule for slow play, with
the privilege revoked if the player cannot maintain pace of play. The Wine event on June 23rd generated $3,500 in wine sales &
introduced some new wines. The biggest issue for the servers is getting the member to sign their checks in a timely manner. The
best seller has been the steak & lobster on Saturday evenings. Fifty new rakes have arrived and will be put out on the North
course. Rakes should be placed entirely in the bunkers to speed up cutting of grass. Bunkers on South Course will be completely
redone, including top quality liners. A new roller was purchased and both courses with have their greens rolled. Resurfacing of
six tennis courts should begin in August costing in access of $50,000. We hope shade for courts will be the next project. Music
series is starting August 6th and will run through October 8th with various groups performing on Saturday night’s.
Page 4
Sonterra Clubs Within a Club
The Dance Club is taking a Summer break
Mr. Hicks & Dorothy hope all of you are
having a great summer .
The Network Group of Sonterra is open to all Sonterra
members. This club meets for Lunch from the Quick Lunch
buffet and discusses details about their business. The next
lunch meeting will be Wednesday, August 3rd at
11:30am. To sign up, call Janie Vermillion at 355-3877
call Dorothy Kellogg for more information about the next
Dance Class schedule 210-496-2825.
Linda Banta
Stone Oak Dermatology
Owner / Dermatologist
The Book Club of Sonterra will meet on Thursday, August 11th, 7:00 p.m.
in the Director’s Room. We will read and discuss Ordinary Grace by William
Kent Krueger. If you are interested in attending, please email
Sylvia Theall
The American History Club meets every month. The Club will not
meet in July, the next meeting is Thursday, August 4th, 7:00pm.
They will be discussing Andersonville By Kantor.
For more information or to sign up, please email John Theall
The Date Night Marathon Bridge Club welcomes other couples to participate.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, August 31st. We meet at 6 pm for the
Family Fortune Buffet and then adjourn to the Garden Room for bridge at
7:00pm. The format is 16 hands of party bridge in a rotating round robin
format throughout the year. There is a one-time $20 fee. Must be verified
members of Sonterra. For further information please contact
Lorenza or Tom Sandusky at 210-415-7957.
Brian Babcock
Health Market Ins.
Licensed Ins. Agent
David Chon
Wells Fargo Advisors
Managing Director
Stan Hester
Premier Fidelity Mort.
John DeLoach
Mission Courier
Pat Lanier
Creature Comforts Pet Sitting
J Scott McMurrian
Bottom Line Realty Advisors
Terri Schultz
Schultz/Ulmer Real Est.
Craig Veltri
Office Resource Center
Jennifer Weidhelm
Best Air Conditioning
Office Manager / Owner
Janie Vermillion
JV Designs
Dionne Roberts
Foster Perry Travel
Travel Club
Each tournament has a $50 buy-in, 7,500 chip start plus 500 bonus chips for
arriving and paying on time, 15 minute blinds, No-Limit Texas Hold ‘em.
Club guests can play up to two events per year. All proceeds go to the
winners, Sonterra receives nothing but good will for hosting the tournaments.
Please RSVP to 210-496-1560.
The Travel Club will meet
On Tuesday, August 16th—6:30pm
to discuss The next trip—NAPA VALLEY
For more information or to RSVP
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Club News
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Golf Corner / Membership News
Sonterra Women’s Golf Association
The summer of 2016 is in full swing with normal Texas hot weather and some good golfing by our
Sonterra ladies. Recently, our monthly Ace and Star competition yielded Frances Cohn and
Yangki Wojcik as winners, respectively.
The Pinehurst Partnership brought out a great number of players and winners were Suzanne Dillree
and Christy Browning with a score of 59! Great golf!
The Classic Affair is coming up October 4-6. The theme this year for this invitational is
"Margaritaville Madness". This tournament is one of the more popular ones around the state. Sonterra members must have a
non- member partner. Sheryl Redwine is chairman of this event and Becky Hooper is in charge of invitations so give them a
call for more information.
Call the Pro-Shop (210-491-9900) to sign up for Wednesday Play days.
The SWGA Board and Committee Chairs
Frances Cohn
Yangki Wojcik
Golf Corner
Page 7
2016 MGA Upcoming Tournament Schedule
All Sonterra Golf members are encouraged to join the MGA and make new friends
at your club. We hold tournaments on the second weekend of each month, and have
a variety of one and two day tournaments in various formats to meet your preferences.
The tournament schedule for the remainder of the year is as follows.
August Tournament
Our next tournament is a one-day
President’s Choice event called the “Yellow
Ball Challenge.” Each four-man team will
be assigned a yellow ball with a teamunique marking. The goal is to achieve the
lowest net score of the played yellow ball,
together with the lowest net score of the
white balls played by the other three team
members on each hole. However, loss of
the yellow ball eliminates the team from the
“yellow ball” side of the competition. This
should be a really fun tournament with lots
of “strategery” as to which team member
plays the yellow ball on which hole. You
can get more details about this tournament,
and all our other events, from the Pro Shop
or by signing up for MGA emails on the
Sonterra website.
September 10th & 11th
54 Hole “Brute”
October 8th
Member-Member Best Ball
November 14th & 15th
Sonterra Cup
July Tournament Results
Our most recent tournament was the flighted two-day Four-Man Best Ball competition
held on the South and North courses on July 9th and 10th. Each team was divided into
two man squads playing against two man squads from other teams. Each squad’s best
gross and net score totals for the day were added together with the team’s other squad’s
totals for a team score. Although the format sounds complicated, it wasn’t; participants
really enjoyed it. Also, the pairing of each team’s squads each day with the squads of
other teams provided a great opportunity to meet and play with other MGA members.
Pace of play was excellent and all had a great time. The lunch served at the conclusion
of play each day was outstanding. The winners were:
Sonterra Cup qualifying is a yearlong event. The
top 40 players on the MGA Money List, with
money earned for participation and performance,
automatically qualify for the Sonterra Cup tournament. An additional four spots will be earned in
the last three MGA tournaments, keeping the excitement going to the end. The Sonterra Cup tournament is contested in a Ryder Cup format and
will be held this year on November 14th and
15th. Each MGA member is automatically entered
into the Sonterra Cup qualifying round by signing
up for any MGA tournament. The Sonterra Cup
current top ten
standings are:
1. Todd Fields
6. Dennis Cloud
Tony Vaught
7. Scott Barton
David Brooks
8. Paul Larson
Stephen McKim 9. Damon Sutterfield
John Gick
10. Joe Flores
President’s Choice
Joining the MGA couldn’t be easier – join at any time in the Pro Shop, or just sign up
for one of our tournaments. Please contact any MGA Board member if you have any
questions or need more information. Board members are listed on the MGA page of the
Sonterra website.
Sonterra Cup
August 13th
1st Flight
2nd Flight
1st Low Gross
1st Low Gross
2nd Low Gross
2nd Low Gross
1st Low Net
1st Low Net
2nd Low Net
2nd Low Net
MGA Tournament Handicapping
As mentioned before, the MGA has adopted a new tournament handicapping system for
2016. For each event for which individual scores are posted (there are 5 such events in
2016), a player’s handicap will be based on the lower of his MGA tournament
performance or his USGA course handicap. Only events where an individual score can
be posted will count toward a player’s MGA handicap – thus, no shamble, scramble or
Detailed standings are updated each month and are other event based on team performance will be used.
posted in the MGA page of the Sonterra website.
To ensure accuracy and the maximum possible fairness to all, a score must be posted for
each hole in a tournament counting toward an individual’s handicap. Failure to post
Pre-Tournament “Smokers”
will result in a score of “par” for the hole involved.
Pre-tournament get-togethers are held before
selected tournaments. Each one of these events features excellent food, adult beverages, games of skill and premium cigars for those who
wish to indulge. This year’s remaining smoker is planned to be held on October 8 th, before the Member-Member Best Ball.
Page 8
Announcing Sonterra’s Fall Junior Golf Team Program
Please come out and learn more about our Junior Golf Program at our Junior Registration/Info Night on Wednesday, September 7th at 6:00 pm.
ALL Juniors and their parents are invited to join us, whether or not your junior is an
experienced golfer or not, to see how your junior can get involved in golf here at
Sonterra. Sonterra’s Junior Golf Team consisting of kids ranging in age between the
age of 6 and 16. Our team will be broken down into 3 smaller practice squads. Each
junior’s placement in these practice squads will be determined on each junior’s age and
ability. Our fall program will consist of 3-4 Inter-Club Matches played on Saturday
and Sunday afternoons beginning mid-September running through November. Some
of the competing clubs this fall will be Dominion CC, Fair Oaks, Randolph Oaks, Fort
Sam and Alamo City. The entire goal of the program is to prepare each junior with the
tools necessary to play competitive golf. Parents and juniors will be provided a
complete schedule of practice dates with topics as well as proposed event dates at our
Info Night.
Practice Squads:
Competitive Junior - (Intermediate-Advanced/Ages 13-16)
Developing Competitor Junior - (Beginner-Intermediate/Ages 9-12)
Developing Junior - (Novice-Beginner/Age 5-8)
Practices will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 4:30-5:45 pm.
Team members are encouraged to arrive between 4:00-4:30 pm for some extra practice
and coaching. Player pick up time is 6:00 pm.
Team Practice Dates:
September 14th, 21st, 28th
October 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
November 2nd
November 9th (Will be used as a Rain Date for any Session Cancelled)
Golf Corner
Junior Golf Camp Info
School Camp”
Tuesday-Friday from 9:00-11:30 am (Half
Day) – Kids are welcome to stay and play golf
after lunch on their own.
August 16th-19th – Regular Camp (Ages 9-15)
Cost: $100 per Member
Cost: $120 per Non-Member
Nine & Dine Couples Event
Friday, August 19th
Format: 4-Person Modified Scramble/9 Holes
Time: 5:30 pm Shotgun Start/Dinner
following Golf
Open to the first 60 people that register.
Guests are welcome to participate at special
guest rate of $30 per person, which includes
their cart fee.
Cost: $40 per Couple (Includes: Prizes and
Dinner, Carts are extra.)
In addition, our F&B Team will be offering
wine specials during dinner.
Please be sure to sign up in the golf pro shop
ASAP as space is limited!
Cost: $340.00
Price includes: New Team Golf Shirt, 8 Team Practices, 1 Private Lesson and
3-4 Inter-Club Matches.
Ron Bailey – 6/30-16 - Eagle - #3 South
Joe Flores – 7/12/16 - Hole-In-One - #6 South
Bill McCanless – 7/12/16 – Hole-In-One - #18 South
“That’s right folks! 2 Hole-In-Ones in one day!
Mike Malarcher – 7/20/16 – Hole-In-One - #3 North
Buck Wroten – 7/21/16 – Eagle - #8 North
Are you a member of the Hole-In-One Club? These guys all
were and their ACE earned them over $800 in pro shop
credit! Sign up in the golf shop today and join the club!
Congrats to Scott Barton, Andrew Richard, Holly
Vaught and Zandra Beyler for shooting the alltime lowest score of 26 (10 under par for 9 holes)
in Powerball history. However, they still didn’t
manage to pull the right number to win the Powerball Pot of $1580. Come join the fun on Thursday nights, it’s a great way to meet some other
members. Open to the first 52 that register.
Check out our Powerball Facebook page at: Sonterra Powerball!
Senior Club Championship –
August 26, 27 & 28
Club Championship Weekend –
September 23, 24 & 25
Ladies Classic Affair –
October 4, 5 & 6
Sonterra Men’s Member-Guest –
October 21, 22 & 23
Fitness News
Page 9
Top 10 Reasons To Exercise In The Mornings
If I had to pick a single factor that I thought was the most important in a successful exercise or weight loss program, it would be to
exercise in the morning… every morning! So why mornings?
1. 90% of people, who exercise consistently, do so in the morning.
2. Morning workouts jumpstarts your metabolism keeps it elevated for hours.
3. Exercising in the morning energizes you for the day.
4. Many people find that morning exercise “regulates” their appetite for the day…that they aren’t as hungry and they make healthier
food choices.
5. If you exercise at the same time every morning… and ideally wake-up at about the same time on a regular basis, your body’s endocrine and circadian rhythms adjust to that, and physiologically your body begins to prepare for waking and exercising because it
“knows” it’s about to happen. Your metabolism and hormones involved in exercising begin to elevate while you’re sleeping. Thus you
feel more alert, energized, and ready to exercise when you do wake-up.
6. For many people, that appointed time every morning becomes something they look forward to. It’s time set aside to do something
good for them.
7. Research has shown that exercise increases mental acuity…on average it last 4 to 10 hours after exercise. Why waste that while
your sleeping!
8. Exercising first thing in the morning is the only way to ensure nothing else will interfere with your workout time.
Research has proven that people who exercise on a regular basis have a higher quality of sleep and thus require less sleep. So get up
This class is designed to
target your core. Your core
consists of your abdominals,
back and hip muscles. We
work on overall balance,
strength and flexibility using
slow-controlled movements.
We meet twice a week on
Mondays and Wednesdays
at 6:00PM in the main
Please contact Stefanie at
(210)-823-3465 if you
would like to join us.
Fitness Instructor Carlos Torres
has created Fit and Firm Class
designed to improve your health
and fitness level. You will lose
fat, build and firm your muscles,
while increasing your strength
and flexibility. Class is held
every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at 6:45am. New classes
start at the beginning of every
month. Call Carlos at
210-380-0682 or email him at
for more information or to get
signed up. Do it today!
Balance and Flexibility
are used in every aspect of
our lives. Join me on your
yoga mat to strengthen
these essential skills and
learn how to carry them
onto your day to day lives.
August classes start at
8:00am and will be held
at the main clubhouse
Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday.
Cost is $120.00 per
For further details and to
sign up contact MJ Luce
Box Beat
(Cardio Boxing)
Starting Tuesday August 2, cardio
boxing, the trendy new way to get in
shape and have some fun will be
offered at Sonterra. Cardio Boxing
may help you burn more than 800
calories per session, it’s a full body
workout and helps shed fat. You’ll
learn to jab, uppercut, and hook.
You will also work on footwork,
core strength, agility, power, and
flexibility. Fun, invigorating way to
get and stay in shape. Cost is $10.00
a session and will be held on
Tuesdays and Thursdays starting
August 2nd. Time is 7:30 am and
the place is outside by the pool. In
case of inclement weather classes
will be indoors at the main clubhouse. Gloves and wraps required.
Please contact Luz Ortiz at 210-2327859 for more information and to
sign up.
Page 10
Tennis Corner
Tennis News- Michelle Dodier, Director of Tennis
The dog days of summer are slowly coming to an end
as are our summer leagues and junior camps. Say it isn’t
so—it seems like we just got started. For many of us
summer was extra busy because of preparation for
sectionals and continued play of varying age and
category levels of our USTA league. So as you read this
newsletter many of our teams are already formed or
have gotten their team numbers and are ready to go for
the fall season. This means if you don’t have a team
please contact the pro shop to find out who the captains
are or put your name on the list of members looking for
a team. Captains, this also means contacting the pro
shop and letting Laurie know you are a captain in search of players. Many of the
leagues begin late August-that’s this month, so don’t delay.
Tennis Events/News
Club Mixed Doubles Championship Aug. 29th
Registration for this event begins August 8th at 8am. All
matches will be played in the evenings. Here is your chance
of having your name and picture (oh and parking space) on
the winners plaque forever. You are guaranteed two matches.
Event begins the week of August 29th.
Some of you are returning captains and some of you are new
captains- please let us know who you are so we can help you
gather members for your team. We have a sheet in the pro
shop of members who are looking for a team. Let’s get every
member that’s looking for a team on a Sonterra team.
that’s right folks- you read it correctly --we are going to repair six courts this
August. Courts 6, 7, 8, 9, 24 and 25 are in need of repair and resurfacing and
they should be ready to go by September. This comes at a time when league
play has slowed down and no one should be too inconvenienced by the work.
Court 8 has a tree root pushing up the court that will take a little more work and
court 24 and 25 have additional work needed besides resurfacing. After it’s all
done it will look beautiful. If we could handle the tennis lights renovation this
will be a breeze.
Summer Junior Tennis Camp
We have two more weeks of camp left. If your child has not
There are a few big dates to remember in August and we will be reminding you
via email so you don’t forget. August 1st is registration for the Club Mixed
Doubles Championship, August 8th is registration for our fall adult club leagues
and August 29th is the beginning of the Club Mixed Doubles Championship.
Remember we take only the first 52 that sign up for league play so sign up on
August 8th – I recommend 8am as a good time to call. We always need subs so
if you can’t play as a regular please sign up as a sub.
Fall After School Junior Program
Brochures are now available in the pro shop for the after
Congratulations to all our members that are getting ready for their playoffs or
sectionals and all those that have achieved their summer goals. It’s been a great
summer and your tennis staff wish to thank you for making Sonterra the place to
be for fun tennis, competitive tennis and family tennis.
Ladies, men’s and mixed doubles is on tap for this fun day at
the club event. Paul Scheff our Wilson representative will be
here to show off his products, have a special discount on all
Wilson orders and there will be give-a-ways galore
Registration is now open –call 491-9888.
We are ready for the flood gates to open to a new and exciting season!!!
Projects Around the Tennis Area -1.Motion detection lights installed along the sidewalk coming up from
court 25 and more to come down the middle sidewalk area.
2.Ice machine installed by court 4—we now have ice/water machine –
3.Six courts repaired/resurfaced beginning in August
4.New menu in sports grill
5.Painting the surrounding buildings
Court Resurfacing Update –
played then these one week camps are perfect. It will give
them a taste of the sport and for those who have played then
let’s not stop the momentum of their progress. School is just
around the corner and if your child is getting ready for
try-outs or school tennis now is the time to start practicing.
Give Josh a call—491-9888
school programs. Please contact the pro shop for more inf.o.
Labor Day Mixer –Wilson Demo Day –
Adult and Junior Mixer 9am to noon
Monday September 5th
Fall Adult League Registration
ATTENTION MEMBERS—Registration for our fall adult
leagues begins August 8 at 8am—only 52 spots available so
call early as it fills up very fast.
Ladies Beginner & Advanced Beginner Clinics
Monday morning 9am to 10:30am and Tuesday evening
7pm -8:30pm --please call pro shop to reserve your spot
and begin enjoying the sport that keeps on giving-fun.
We will be repairing and resurfacing six courts beginning in August.
Junior Team Tennis
Courts 6, 7, 8, 9, 24 and 25 are scheduled for some major repair. We not
Junior Team Tennis is back for the fall season—
only have a lot of cracks but some structural damage due to a tree root
expansion into the court. We will hopefully have all the work completed Josh will be forwarding more details as he receives the
upcoming starting dates.
by the end of August
Team Clinics
Last season we had two teams that qualified for sectionals
and we are looking for an even better season for the fall.
Don’t forget to start booking your team clinics for the fall before the season
starts. Summer is a great time to work on all our shots, develop that weapon and Please contact Josh for more information.
develop some partnerships for the fall season. We have eight staff pros available
to help you, but some juggling is required since many clinics require multiple
Tennis Corner
Page 11
Congratulations to the following members
Bending Branch Adult Major Zone
August 8-10
Arturo Escobar- winner 4.0 men’s singles
Ryan Moe- winner 4.0 men’s consolation singles
Nellie Pantanini-winner 3.0 ladies singles
Lynn Higgs/Dale Paustian-winner 3.0 men’s doubles
Ryan Caroll/Jason Garriott-winner 3.5 men’s doubles
Diana Brown/Joy Meltzer-winner 4.5 ladies doubles
Robert Chilton/Nellie Pantanini-finalist 3.0 mixed doubles
Casey Herridge/Yoav Shiloah-finalist 4.0 mixed doubles
August Upcoming Events
August 1- Session IX of Summer Camp
August 8- Session X of Summer Camp
August 8- Last week of Summer Adult Leagues
August 29- Club Mixed Doubles Championship
September Upcoming Events
September 5- Labor Day Mixer-Wilson Demo Day
9am to noon Adults/Juniors
September 6—Club Adult League Begin
September 6-After School Junior Program begins
September 9-11- Texas Adult Sectionals Tournament @ McFarlin
September 16-18- Adult 40 & over Sectionals @Sonterra/McFarlin
Every Tuesday Every Wednesday
Fajita Night!!
Italian Night
19th Hole
19th Hole
Connect $12.95++
Connect $12.95++
(Includes 1 Margarita)
Margarita Special $5.00
Includes 1 glass of House Wine
Every Thursday
Every Friday
Prime Rib
Din- Steak & Lobster
ner Night!!
19th Hole
Connect $12.95++
Main Dining Room
19th Hole
Page 12
Membership News
Page 13
Scene ant Sonterra
July 4th
Golf 9 & Dine Event
Sonterra Women’s Association Luncheon
Page 14
Presenting Sponsor for the 2016 Music Series
August 6th—October 8th
San Antonio
3107 Broadway St.
San Antonio, TX. 78209
901 N. Main St. Se.
3900 Dallas, TX. 75202
Las Cruces
301 W. Las Cruces Ave.
Las Cruces, NM. 88005
3380 Successful Way
Dayton, OH. 454414
Page 15
PRSRT First Class
U.S. Postage
901 Sonterra Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78258
Board of Governors
San Antonio, TX
Ron Botello, Chair,
Susan Colburn, Gordon Hudson, Bob Musel,
Stan Hester, Milt King, Rita Parscale, Todd Fields,
Vick Meredith, Gina Graham, Carol Churchill,
Stephanie De La Garza, Rosalie Hallenberger,
John DeLoach, Bill Braden
Staff at Your Service
Bryant Early………..…….……..General Manager
Michelle Dodier……….……..Director of Tennis
Ivy Garza……...…………....Director of Catering
Julie Golla…………...……..Membership Director
Debbie Gonzaba…... Member Relations Director
Bobby Haby….………..………...Director of Golf
Donny Latham.….....Golf Course Superintendent
Antonio Pastrana…….….Director of Operations
Lorri Reese..……………...….….Club Controller
Tim Roberts…………..……...Director of Fitness
Mario Roman……..……………...Executive Chef
John Voelker…....……...Director of Maintenance
Club Number
Main Line……………………....210.496.1560
Course Maintenance…………...…..210.496.9593
Fitness Center……………………..210.496.9346
Golf Pro Shop……………………...210.491.9900
Kids Club…………………………..210.483.4245
Tennis Pro Shop…………………...210.491.9888
Hours of Operation
Main Dining Room ~ Quick Lunch
Tuesday ~ Friday
Dinner ~ Horizon Room
Monday & Tuesday
Wednesday ~ Saturday 6:00-9:00pm
Clubhouse Hours
Wednesday ~ Saturday 11:00am-9:00pm
(Sunday Brunch)
11:00am– 2:00pm
19th Hole
Tuesday ~ Friday
Saturday & Sunday
Tavern on the Green
Tuesday ~ Saturday
Sports Grill
Monday ~ Thursday
Friday ~ Saturday
Fitness Center
Monday ~ Friday
Saturday ~ Sunday
Golf Pro Shop
Tuesday ~ Friday
Saturday ~ Sunday
Tennis Pro Shop
Monday ~ Thursday
Friday ~ Saturday
Monday ~ Friday
Permit # SPMS