Town Crier - Parish of St. Helier
Town Crier - Parish of St. Helier
The St Helier TOWN CRIER THE OFFICIAL PARISH OF ST HELIER MAGAZINE Opening of Rua St Helier in Funchal • Lower Park sub-station plans • Town Matters Constable’s Comment • Parish Notice Board • Dates for your diary • St Helier Gazette Delivered by Jersey Post to 19,000 homes and businesses every month. Designed and printed in Jersey by MailMate Publishing working in partnership with the Parish of St Helier. New door centre now open Quality y, attractive doors complete the look of an ny room, providing style, warmth and security y. By combining timeless decor with creative designs and attention to detail, you can enhance your home to a whole new level. Our new door centre features: Call in to our Dumaresq Street store toda ay and speak to the friendly team in our new Door Centre. Dumaresq Strreet, e St Helier T: 738806 7 E: o www o Open Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.30pm FREE CUST TOMER O PARKING A have enjoyed this summer. Open space in St Helier is extremely important to the quality of life our Parish offers its residents, traders and visitors, which is why the Parish's Roads Committee has taken such an interest in the proposed siting of a substation in Westmount Gardens. This subject is due to come to the Parish Assembly on Wednesday 18th September for a decision on a new location; the proposals are set out in brief on page 10, with fuller details being available from the Town Hall and the website. Welcome to the September edition of the Town Crier. St Helier's festival season which last month included a very successful Battle of Flowers, and a popular funfair and food festivals on the Waterfront, shows no sign of letting up, with both Battle of Britain and CAMRA's real ale festivals taking place this month. The new location has meant that People's Park has been spared the usual wear and tear it normally gets in the summer, besides being available for recreation during the fine weather we Contents 4 Parish Matters 6 Liberation Group – five years in the business 8 Constable’s Comment 9 Update on Fisherman’s Cottage 9 Lower Park sub-station 10 Town Matters 11 Jèrriais by Geraint Jennings 12 The French Connection 14 Opening of Rua St Helier in Funchal 16 Battle of Flowers Committee 17 International Air Display 17 Parish Notice Board 18 Historic St Helier 20 Dates for your Diary 29 St Helier Gazette 30 News from St Helier homes and nurseries The St Helier Town Crier is published by the Parish of St Helier in association with MailMate. Parish of St Helier: Town Hall, PO Box 50, York Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA Editorial contact: Annie Le Noury T: (01534) 811821 E: MailMate: Le Quai Bisson, Le Boulevard, St Aubin, Jersey, JE3 8JT E: If you like the look of our magazine and think it would be the right place for your company to advertise please contact Phil Osborne on 01534 493300 or email Copyright notice: 2013©Parish of St Helier. The entire content of this magazine is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise with prior written consent of the copyright owner. Reprint details: Reprints of articles can be obtained by contacting the publishers. Disclaimer: While the Parish of St Helier and their contributors to The St Helier Town Crier have provided the information contained in this magazine in good faith, they accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for any action taken by any other party as a result of the information provided. Independent and appropriate advice should always be sought on such matters. The views expressed written in this magazine are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Parish of St Helier or MailMate. Whilst every effort is taken to ensure accuracy, the Parish of St Helier and MailMate accept no responsibility for errors or omissions that may occur. T his is CAMRA Jersey’s 25th beer & cider festival promoting quality real ales, ciders and perries. Britain has long had a reputation for warm, flat beer but the reality is far from that perception. There are over 2,500 different real ales brewed regularly in the British Isles, half of drinkers have tried cask ale and last year’s industry reports show that real ale grew in what is a declining beer market. We will present over 100 ales plus 20 or so ciders and perries and we hope with such a wide range of flavours and styles, from chocolaty stouts to light floral golden ales, there will be something for everyone’s taste buds. Tasting beer is every much as complex as tasting wines. There will be several brews making their first appearance in Jersey as well as a few old favourites, including a Channel Islands bar and one showcasing Liberation’s offering. Additionally we have a range of continental bottle condition beers from Top Tipples and Dunell’s join us again with their wine adventure if you really can’t bring yourself to face a beer. We are confident there is an ale for all. Jersey Kitchen/Classic Catering will be providing some quality fayre to accompany the supping. The Parish website is an important way of keeping parishioners informed and updated. It doesn’t stand alone – we use adverts, circulars, press releases and of course this Town Crier to try and reach everyone. But the website helps those of us who want to interact with organisations online and at a time that suits us. Why not take a look at what can offer you? 3 News from the Parish homes and nurseries WESTMOUNT DAY NURSERY Nursery Assistant Charlene Abraham married her husband Chris on 22nd June. Charlene has worked for the Parish since 2008, and the couple held their reception at La Mare Wine Estates. We wish the happy couple all the best for the future. AVRANCHES DAY NURSERY Last month children from the Forget-Me-Not Room at Avranches Day Nursery took part in a Forest Schools morning in the woods next door. Thirty children took part in various activities which included making crowns, necklaces and finding objects of interest in the area. The morning was then rounded off with a picnic lunch provided by the chefs at St Ewold’s. ST EWOLD’S Miss St Helier, Kelly Ahearn, and the children of Avranches Day Nursery joined residents at St Ewold’s for their usual fun sports day on St Helier Day, 16th July. This was followed by entertainment provided by “The Charleston Charlies” and a cake was made especially for St Helier Day by Fred the Chef. Left: Mrs Cecelia Marshall with Miss St Helier, Kelly Ahearn Right: St Ewold’s St Helier Day cake Andrew O’Neill Is Easily Distracted | Saturday 28 September 8pm Andrew O’Neill, struggling to maintain concentration for long enough to write a new comedy show, decided to write about the fact that he was struggling to maintain concentration long enough to write a new comedy show. Inventive, offbeat humour and intelligent wit from the vegan, amateur occultist and member of steampunk band The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing. | Tickets: £17 (£11 students) Members: £14.45 (£9.35 students) Box Office: 700444 4 Parish Matters A round-up of the latest news and events from the Town Hall, Parish departments and our associated clubs and organisations. HONORARY POLICE REVIEW OF 2013 SO FAR Despite being 19 officers down, the Honorary Police has coped admirably so far this year with everything from late night patrols, road checks, traffic accidents, managing dog mess, burst water mains, court curfew checks, the snow blizzard, licensed premises checks and assisting with events such as the Triathlon, Liberation Day, the Festival of Motoring and the Town Criterium Cycle Race. Parish Hall Enquiries have been held on a total of 112 evenings so far this year, which required the deployment of officers covering 529 individual duties. Our ten centeniers’ workloads have remained extensive, including court work, attending Police Headquarters and Customs & Immigration to charge offenders, calls from members of the public, enquiry nights and preparing paperwork. If you’re interested in joining our Honorary Police team and are aged between 20 and 69 we’d like to hear from you – please contact the Honorary Police coordinator, Kevin Molloy, on tel 811890 or by email: VEHICLES OVERHANGING PAVEMENTS As reported in the July 2012 issue of the Town Crier, the Parish has been actively responding to complaints about vehicles which are parked across pavements, especially on busy roads such as La Grande Route de St Jean, forcing pedestrians into the road. In some cases it would appear that householders have simply purchased cars which are too long to fit into the parking space outside the property, which creates danger for pedestrians having to navigate this type of obstacle by walking in the road. Following a spate of complaints, the Parish is pleased to report that warning letters were sent to the registered keepers of 21 vehicles found to be obstructing the public highway in this fashion, giving them a two week grace period to make alternative parking arrangements, and subsequently a number of parking notices have been issued. The Parish relies heavily on members of the public reporting these instances, and if you do notice a similar situation please contact the Community Support Team Help Line on 811866, or alternatively, Kevin Molloy, Honorary Police Administrator, on 811890 or 6 DO YOU WANT TO HELP THE PARISH? St Helier has a team of Rates Assessors who check all the assessments in the Parish each year. There are a number of vacancies. The work begins in late February and assessors are usually at the Town Hall for about two mornings a week until sometime in April and then less frequently, with all the work being completed by the end of June. Although some knowledge of property is helpful it is not necessary as training will be given. Assessors have to comply with the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005 in assessing the properties whether new or altered. Normally at least three will sit to be quorate and agree each assessment. All types of property are involved varying from houses and flats to major shops, offices, warehouses, stores and even farms. The current team is a friendly bunch of like-minded people who wish to help their Parish. If you are interested then please telephone Edward Trevor on 07797 736797 or email at to arrange a convenient time for a meeting when more information can be given. Liberation Group FIVE YEARS IN THE BUSINESS Left: Liberation Brewery team. Above: Celebrations at the International Brewing Awards. Right: Tasting notes. A dventurous new ales, innovative campaigns, new acquisitions and multiple award success… Liberation Group, who celebrate their five year anniversary this year, have barely paused for breath since the company’s formation. Liberation Group was formed in June 2008 following a management buyout from Sandpiper CI Ltd, led by Chief Executive Mark Crowther and backed by private equity specialists, LGV Capital. Fast paced and full of life, the team have achieved huge amounts throughout their first five years, working hard to establish an excellent reputation both for the company’s award-winning ales, which are brewed with care and passion and its food, which uses the finest locally sourced ingredients. Perhaps more importantly, Liberation Group have quickly become a key part of the Channel Islands community, working closely with local suppliers to source ingredients such as honey, black butter and chocolate to create new and exciting ales as well as teaming up with local businesses and organisations on a number of innovative campaigns. One example of this and well worth a try are the popular Jersey Ale Trails, for which Liberation Group joined forces with Jersey Tourism to create a series of self-guided walks which offer visitors and locals a fantastic way to explore Jersey, whilst taking in some local beers, wines and ciders. It is clear that Liberation Group have a genuine passion for their ales and their enthusiasm is contagious be they enticing the ladies to sample real ale through their FemALE Cask Ale initiative, brewing specially themed ales for events such as the Battle of the Flowers (Floration Ale) and the Diamond Jubilee (Jubilation Ale) or encouraging Islander’s to try something a little different throughout Cask Ale Week. 2013 has already been an exciting anniversary year for the Group who continue to go from strength to strength. In February, they were awarded two medals at the International Brewing Awards. Then, in June, it was announced that six of the Channel Islands’ best known pubs and bars had been acquired by the Liberation Group in a deal agreed with Sealyham Investments Limited / Lapwing Trading. Most recently, the company has invested £0.75 million to completely refurbish the White Horse in St Saviour which re-opened as an eclectic beach bar and eatery last month. Liberation Group is the market leading pubs, bars and eateries and drinks business across the Channel Islands and now comprises 74 predominantly freehold pubs, an award winning brewery and two well-known retail and wholesale chains. The company continues to show significant investment by adding to its portfolio of pubs and delivering new products and consistently achieves success at prestigious awards including the Brewing Industry International Awards, the Jersey Enterprise Awards and the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Jersey Awards. With such strong foundations and ambitious plans for the future, we can’t wait to see what they have in store next. Left: Jersey Ale Trails – walking routes to build a thirst, launched by Jersey Tourism and Liberation Group. Kevin Tomlinson: On the Edge Kepow Theatre | Thursday 19 September 8pm Exploring all those moments in life when we are on the edge: falling in love, leaving home, getting a job, bungee jumping, you name it, this show explores it! Essentially a comedy — with touching moments in it — On The Edge premiered at the Edinburgh Festival where it garnered 5 stars reviews, had a sell out run and received a standing ovation on its last night. | Tickets: £17 (£11 students) Members: £14.45 (£9.35 students) Box Office: 700444 8 Constable’s Comment VISIT ST HELIER! The first proper summer for several years, weather-wise, has been appreciated by visitors to Jersey as well as Islanders. And St Helier is playing a growing part in what Tourism experts call ‘Jersey’s offer’. Not only does our town offer a range of shops that is unrivalled in the Channel Islands, but it is becoming a gastronomic mecca too. We have superb Jersey cuisine, using locally caught seafood, and a rich variety of restaurants, bars, cafés and pubs to suit every pocket and every palate. The pleasure of eating out in St Helier is often complemented by the ability to do so al fresco and this will be encouraged by the Parish’s recent decision to introduce a scale of charges from 2014 that will assist restauranteurs outside the main precinct. St Helier’s cultural offer is similarly diverse, programmes at the Arts Centre, Opera House and Fort Regent being supplemented by countless musical performances, from the Band of the Island of Jersey marching through town to perform in the Royal Square, to local bands playing inside – or outside – the Blue Note Bar. With our Island becoming increasingly important to tourists, St Helier commands a leading role with the Jersey Museum, Maritime Museum and Elizabeth Castle, while local guides bring our history to life in walks and talks. I believe that what is good in St Helier for the tourist is good for the parishioner, and I want to thank everyone involved in making the experience of visiting St Helier in 2013 such a rewarding one. Constable Simon Crowcroft Jersey Heritage has been working hard advertising and promoting Fisherman’s Cottage and the hard work is starting to pay off, with the popularity of our Cottage increasing. Confirmed bookings are as follows: • May 2013 – number of nights booked = 20 • June 2013 – number of nights booked = 16 • July 2013 – number of nights booked = 5 • August 2013 – number of nights confirmed = 30 • September 2013 – number of nights confirmed = 7 Update on There are also a number of provisional bookings, and a potential long-term block booking from mid-September to mid-December, but there is still plenty of availability through July and long-term hire can be arranged. Please telephone Jersey Heritage on 633304 or email for further information, or visit the website: Fisherman’s Cottage F isherman’s Cottage dates back to between 1740 and 1760 and was originally a pair of semi-detached single storey dwellings. The Cottage was acquired by the Parish of St Helier between 1929 and 1930, and was refurbished by the Parish of St Helier between September 2011 and September 2012 into a one-bedroomed holiday let able to accommodate up to four people. The Parish is delighted to work in partnership with Jersey Heritage for the management and administration of the Cottage for letting purposes, and recognises the huge contribution they make in promoting the importance of maintaining historic buildings in Jersey. 9 Proposed sub-station on Lower Park: ground plan and photomontages prepared by JE Lower Park sub-station M ost St Helier parishioners will be aware of the concerns expressed by Jersey Electricity that the Parish needs a new sub-station to secure electricity supplies today and into the future, especially in the northern, western and southern sides of town. The Roads Committee has been in discussion with JE for some time about a number of potential sites, including one on the slopes of Westmount; however this one was opposed on both environmental and heritage grounds. The Planning Minister has suggested a new location which is at the back of Lower Park, a site which the company prefers and which also has the support of Parish officials. Following a presentation to the Roads Committee last month, JE has revised its proposals to make the footprint of the proposed sub-station narrower – the Committee felt that the less it intrudes into Lower Park the better, bearing in mind the number of events that take place on the Park. It has also been suggested that a First World War memorial could be included in the scheme, as the Parish currently lacks a list of those who fell in the conflict. The main concern, however, is that the visual impact of the substation is minimised as far as possible. Parishioners are invited to consider the detailed proposition which can be found on the website or collected from the Town Hall, and to attend a specially convened Parish Assembly at 7pm on Wednesday 18th September to express their views and vote on the scheme. 10 ARE YOU A FRIEND YET? Become a ‘Friend’ and help to continue the great work of the Jersey Eisteddfod. You will be provided with a membership card that will entitle you to free entry to both the Spring and Autumn Festivals and will receive a free programme for the Autumn Festival. Subscription rates are £25 for Individual Friends, £40 for Joint Friends (in the same household) and £150 for Corporate Friends – although any donations over and above these amounts would always be welcome! For more information and an application form, please to go or contact Nicole Robinson on 864054 or Town Matters Town Centre Manager Richard MacKenzie brings us up to date with monthly events and activities around the streets of St Helier. T hese days you can spend more time interacting with machines than you can talking to real people, therefore it is vital that when you do actually talk to a real person the experience is one that you enjoy. The one advantage that the high street has is that you do get to talk to real people. I used to preach after a customer interaction that if done correctly the customer should want to come back to continue in the dialogue that you started. Indeed one member of my family will only pay at a certain checkout in a local supermarket, irrespective of the queue length, because they so enjoy being served by one particular sales assistant. We all want different things from a retailer. I personally want a smile and a greeting and to know that I can approach someone if I need advice – other people want the more active approach from the assistant at the start of their shopping experience. The skill of the service provider is to understand the individual needs of the customer. Knowledge of the product by the sales assistant is also essential as several years ago I went to buy a camera from a local retailer thinking that I knew what camera I wanted. With a few appropriate questions it was established that I was wrong, and I saved over a hundred pounds. Well how are the St Helier shops doing on the service front? As I used to say about my children: when they’re good they’re very good and when they’re bad they’re awful! What can be done about increasing service levels in town? During a debate on this subject with an industry expert we started to discuss the impact of Trip Advisor on the hotel industry. I experienced this first hand during a trip to Paris, when the hotel I stayed in had been closed for several months and as a consequence had dropped down the rankings, which really upset them. The hotel was determined to provide superb service and a great experience to regain their place. So should we have a ‘Shop Advisor’ in Jersey to encourage great service and to highlight poor service to the retailers that are not meeting our expectations? What do you think? Richard MacKenzie, Town Centre Manager Tel: 07797 824843 Email: Home & Office We visit! Got a problem? All things PC & Mac Eight till late 07797 728185 • Repairs, Spares & New • Virus removal & protection • Collect & return • Data back-up & transfer • Coaching and tuition 11 Jèrriais By Geraint Jennings IOU QU'TU VAIS? WHERE ARE YOU GOING? "Iou qu'tu vais?" qu'nou m'démande. Et mé à rêpondre, "Jé n'sis pon seux." Ch'n'est pon, bouonnes gens, qué j'sis êdgéthé, dêrouté et dans la bliâse coumme les pouôrres touristes à banon en Ville auve lus cartes sens d'ssus d'ssous sans pouver même trouver les Gardîns d'La Pathade d'endrait la Salle Pârouaîssiale ni la Pièche d'la Libéthâtion d'la Grand' Rue. Nan, ch'est en tchi nou m'démande iou qué j'sis pouor aller en vacanches ch't Êté. "Where are you going?" they ask me. And in reply I say, "I'm not sure." Well, folks, it's not that I'm all at sea like the poor lost tourists in Town turning their maps upside down, trying to find their way to Parade Gardens from outside the Town Hall or to Liberation Square from Broad Street. No, people ask me where I'm going for my summer holidays. J'sis pus à co pièrcheux, j'dai l'admettre, quand ch'est pouor chouaîsi eune touônnée hors l'Île. J'peux aver tchiques idées épis tout sîmpliément boutchi eune crouaîs'sie sus l'baté à la dreine minnute, stoffer la bike sus l'train et m'n aller pédaler tchique bord. L'avantage dé s'graie à la dreine minnute ch'est qu'nou peut r'garder l'temps – et caltchuler s'i' vaut y viagi. D's înnondâtions en Ûrope du Mitan? Eh bein, nou s'sa pus sé au Sud. Des dêtchèrques et des bonds d'né ès Pyrénées? Assa, l'temps s'sa ofûche pus calme au Nord. Des brûl'lies d'bouaîs'sie ès Balkans? Ma fé, l'Irlande est si vèrte et mucre qu'i' n'y'a pon grand dangi d'ité là-bas. Véthe, châque pays a ses attraits et d'fauts. Y'en a tch'aiment tréjous r'aller du même bord – sustout les cheins tch'ont acaté eune caûminne hors pays. I' faut paître où'est qu'nou-s'est fitchi. Épis y'en a tch'aiment vaie des nouvieaux paysages et dêmuchi des expéthiences. Lé changement fait du bein. Y'en a tch'aiment lus ahonmarder sus eune longue tchaîse ou dans un transat au bord d'eune bangnérêsse d'hôtel et lus y rôti la couenne duthant tout un tchînze jours. Épis acouo y'en tch'aiment mus l'aventuthe: la grîmpthie amont des montangnes, la marchéthie l'travèrs des bouaîs'sies ou faithe des sports pouor tchi qu'nou s'pique du haut d'falaises si ch'est atout un parachute ou atout eune corde en lèstique lé tou des g'vil'yes. Assa y'a tant d'chouaix pouor des touônnées qué, s'nou peut bein l'affaûrder bein seux, nou n'peut pon s'pliaindre. Tout coumme, nou peut bein s'abuser en faîthant l'touriste siez sé. Y'a tant d'ratchus et d'dêcarres en Jèrri qu'nou n'vîsite qué bein rarement, et s'nou n'a pon 'té dreinement ès châtchieaux, ès musées, ès pars, ès pouquelayes, ès monts et ès vaux, ch'est d'èrvaie san pays. 12 I have to say that I'm rather lazy when it comes to choosing a trip abroad. I can have several ideas and then simply book a ferry at the last minute, shove my bike on the train and go off cycling somewhere. The advantage of sorting things out at the last minute is that you can watch the weather – and work out if it's worth travelling somewhere. Floods in Central Europe? Well, it'll be drier down South. Downpours and snowfalls in the Pyrenees? Alright then, the weather will be calmer up North. Forest fires in the Balkans? For goodness sake, Ireland is so green and damp that there's no great danger of that sort of thing over there. Indeed, every country has its attractions and drawbacks. Some people like to keep going back to the same place, especially those who've bought a cottage abroad, making a virtue of necessity. Then there are those who like to see new landscapes and discover experiences: a change is as good as a rest. Some people like to spend a fortnight ensconced on a lounger or deckchair beside a hotel swimming pool to work on their tans. And then there are those who prefer adventure: climbing mountains, trekking across forests or doing sports involving throwing oneself off the top of cliffs whether with a parachute or with a bungy rope round one's ankles. Well there's so much choice for holidays that, providing of course that one can afford it, there's no reason to grumble. However, there's much to enjoy in being a tourist at home. There are so many nooks and crannies in Jersey that we rarely get to visit, and if you haven't recently been to the castles, museums, parks, dolmens, hills and valleys, it's an opportunity to become reacquainted with our own country. Clear investment. Pure energy. What would you do with £12 a year off your electricity? Enjoy £3 off your quarterly electricity bills when you move to electronic bills or statements and pay your bill by Direct Debit. That’s £12 every year. Sign up for Direct Debit and ebilling today. The easier - and cheaper - way to pay for your electricity. To find out more, please call our Customer Care Team on 505460. Lines are open 7.30am to 8pm, Monday to Saturday. Tel 505460 The Powerhouse, PO Box 45 Queens Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8NY Telephone: 505460, Fax: 505565 Email: 23 31 “ DARLING, RESTORE HEALTH PHARMACY WILL DELIVER MY PRESCRIPTION TO ME AT HOME SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY. ” Free weekday next day delivery (home or work) Prescription management 24/7 online pharmacy Daily medication dosage reminder service Online/telephone private consultations/advice Over the counter and retail medical deliveries BRINGING THE PHARMACY TO YOUR DOOR Restore Health Pharmacy is a new and convenient way of dispensing medicine that brings the pharmacy to Islanders’ doors – at home or at work. Established by Jersey-born pharmacist Matt Johnson, who has practiced in the Island since 2005, this innovative community service provides reassurance for those reliant on medication. Matt Johnson Working in strict confidence with GP surgeries, Restore Health Pharmacy offers: • Free weekday (signed-for) next day delivery to home or work by Jersey Post • Prescription management • 24/7 online pharmacy • Medication dosage reminder • Online/telephone private consultations and advice • Over the counter and retail medical products delivery • And more! For further details go to Restore Health Pharmacy can manage the entire prescription process, ensuring you never run out of the medication essential for your good health. T. 870771 F. 870944 All you have to do is call the pharmacy team on 870771 or email The French Connection *un moment unique pour tous les amoureux du cinéma Aurélie Leroy, manager of St Helier based Maison de Normandie, keeps us up to date with events and developments just over the Channel in France. 14 LA CÔTE FLEURIE ET SES FESTIVALS CÔTE FLEURIE AND FESTIVALS Le mois de septembre est un mois de festivals en Normandie. Le très populaire festival du film américain de Deauville se tiendra du 30 août au 8 septembre cette année. La 39ème édition du festival accueillera des avant-premières comme « Blue Jasmine » (avec Cate Blanchett), « Joe » (avec Nicolas Cage) ou « Killing Season » (avec John Travolta) et ces acteurs emprunteront très certainement le tapis rouge à Deauville. Des milliers de visiteurs viennent chaque année admirer leurs vedettes préférées. A Trouville, de l’autre côté du pont la reliant à Deauville, la ville accueillera également un festival du court-métrage du 6 au 14 septembre appelé « Off-Courts Festival » qui viendra prolonger les festivités de celui de Deauville et permettre aux visiteurs de rester un peu plus longtemps dans ce magnifique endroit. En effet, Deauville, Trouville, Cabourg, Honfleur sont toutes situées dans ce qu’on appelle la Côte Fleurie, dont nous faisons la promotion et l’exposition dans nos vitrines jusqu’à fin octobre. Les thalassos, les plages romantiques, les casinos, les hôtels luxueux, les terrains de golf, les maisons en colombages : la somptuosité de la Normandie. September is a month of movie festivals in Normandy. The very famous American film festival of Deauville will take place this year from 30th August until 8th September. The 39th edition of this festival will host premieres like “Blue Jasmine” (featuring Cate Blanchett), “Joe” (featuring Nicolas Cage) or “Killing Season” (featuring John Travolta) and these actors will be expected to walk down the red carpet in Deauville. Thousands of visitors are expected to come and watch their favourite actors. In Trouville, just across the bridge from Deauville, there will also be a short film festival from 6th to 14th September called “Off-Courts Festival” which comes straight after the Deauville festival and allows visitors to stay a little bit longer in this lovely area. In fact, Deauville, Trouville, Cabourg and Honfleur are all situated on the stunning “Côte Fleurie” (flowery coast) which we are exhibiting and promoting in our shop windows until the end of October. Spas, romantic beaches, casinos, luxury hotels, golf courses, half-timbered houses: the magnificence of Normandy. If you would like to receive Maison de Normandie’s monthly newsletter about events and festivals in Normandy, please send us an email or become a friend on Facebook: ‘MNMJersey’. View on St Helier NEW NORTH QUAY BY KUFRA’S STORES by André Ferrari, André Ferrari is a heritage campaigner and author of books on Jersey’s lost architecture. O ver the past two decades the Weighbridge area has gradually morphed into a series of new pedestrian spaces: Liberation Square, the Steam Clock, and more recently the former bus station area. In addition, the Maritime Museum has created an attraction on the harbour-side, whist Liberty Wharf now acts as a magnet on the landward side. All of which should amount to the most extraordinary transformation of an urban area once dominated by tarmac, parked cars and lorries. And yet somehow it all doesn't quite gel yet. The piecemeal development has resulted in separate areas which are cut off by fast flowing lanes of traffic. The area is not unified in any sense. And nowhere is this more obvious than in the area in front of Kufra's Stores. This is where a piece of harbour-side promenade links with the approach to the Maritime Museum. It should also flow straight into the steam clock area. But it fizzles out into a cluttered mish-mash of barriers, bollards and parked cars. It is an ugly, poorly planned mess. 15 To be fair, last year the cycle track was finally extended through here, linking the West Park track through to the Weighbridge. It has taken more than 20 years to achieve this obvious and necessary link (quite extraordinary given that all the land was already in public ownership and had been developed in that time). But while the cycle track now links seamlessly through the area, the pedestrian's environment remains disappointing. Parked cars dominate the approach to the Maritime Museum and steam clock. Surely we can do better than this? We need a master plan to tackle the 'in-between' bits that so far have been neglected. Not only this area by Kufra's Stores, but the Albert Pier too (currently a dreary car park). We need proper, continental style crossings that allow us to cross the busy roads here in a single go, rather than in two or three separate stages as at present. The present set up is an unholy muddle, destined only to worsen as our population grows. And why not upgrade the present pedestrian/cycle route from Gloucester Street to the steam clock? Re-model it with nice paving, quality lighting, planters and seats. It would then become a clearly identifiable continuation of St Aubin's promenade, linking through the Weighbridge and onto La Folie, leading to Havre des Pas. Simples! Or maybe not. Because whilst an enormous amount of "planning" has gone into our waterfront, it never seems to be the variety of planning that joins everything up properly! SCORE: 6 out of 10 (plus 4 more when the missing links are completed, but don't expect it to be soon!) Opening of Rua St Helier in Funchal A t the end of July a new road on the outskirts of Funchal, Madeira, was named Rua Saint Helier, in recognition of the twinning between the two communities and the long history of cooperation between Jersey and Madeira. The Constable of St Helier and the two Procureurs du Bien Public, Clive Barton and Peter Pearce, took part in the unveiling of the road sign mounted on a plinth, and Miss Junior St Helier, Kelly Pontes, also took part. More than twenty members of the Geminação took advantage of direct flights from Jersey to be present at the ceremony, which was extensively covered by local media in Madeira. The Mayor of Funchal, Dr Miguel Albuquerque, who came to St Helier in April last year for the signing of the twinning agreement and the opening of Rue de Funchal in St Helier, spoke of the long association between the two communities, while Mr Crowcroft thanked the Mayor for his reciprocating the naming of a road, and paid special tribute to Monsignor Nicholas France of St Thomas' Church for supporting the Madeiran community in St Helier. The Constable also presented a cheque to the Director of Funchal's Ecological Park which was badly damaged in the fires of 2010, representing money donated to the appeal set up by the Parish two years ago. The following day the Jersey delegation was given a coach tour of the Island with Above: The Mayor announces the opening Left: The new road sign Below left: A Madeiran flag was used to cover the road sign Above: Isilda de Freitas, secretary of the St Helier – Funchal Geminação Below: Constable presents the cheque from the fire appeal special stops at Poiso, Pico do Arieiro, Ribeiro Frio, Santana, São Jorge, São Vicente and Cabo Girão where the bravest in the group stood on a glass platform 580 metres above sea level. Jr Miss St Helier, Kelly Pontes, being interviewed by local media 16 The St Helier – Funchal Geminação Committee is planning various initiatives to develop the links between the twin towns, including exchanges of people interested in studying the natural environment, schools partnerships, and visits by local artists and musicians. New members are welcome. The Battle of Flowers Committee IS BACK IN ACTION IN READINESS FOR THE CHRISTMAS PARADE Left to right: Bruno Sousa and Deputy Judy Martin inside new shed After St Helier’s return to the Battle in 2010 the Parish now has a dedicated shed in which to build its floats, and both the Battle Committee and all its helpers are grateful for the hard work put in by staff at the Municipal Services Depot over the past year in order to get this fantastic facility ready for use. Unfortunately, due to timing, a change of Chairman and a few other unforeseen hitches, St Helier didn’t enter this year’s Battle of Flowers, but will be entering the Christmas Parade in December. So if you’re interested in helping, all volunteers will be welcomed with open arms. Please contact Judy Martin on 780641 or email, Bruno Sousa on 07797 833146 or or Daphne Bland at STYLISH and FASHIONABLE can be ECONOMICAL – with half price car parking for our cars that qualify. Fiat 500 or Panda – the choice is yours. Call in for great deals on qualifying models Engine: 900cc, two-cylinder Power: 84bhp Torque: 145Nm 0-62mph: 11.0 seconds Top Speed: 107mph Economy: 68.9mpg Emissions: 95g/km Polar Auto Italia Ltd Beaumont St. Peter Jersey JE3 7BA Telephone: 01534 491188 Fax: 01534 491188 e-mail: Jersey International Air Display On Thursday 12th September Islanders and visitors to the Island alike will see a number of familiar and not so familiar sights in the skies over Jersey and hear the unmistakeable roar of high performance jet aircraft and the growl of their earlier piston engine brethren as they take part in the annual Jersey International Air Display. It has become one of the Island’s major events and is eagerly looked forward to every year by the thousands of spectators who will ring St Aubins Bay to watch the aircraft flying in the display or who go to the airport and People’s Park static displays in order to get up close and personal with the aircraft taking part. Or if they are fortunate to own a boat to take it out into the bay to get a different perspective on the display. It is a major spectacle and great entertainment. It is welcomed as a good family day out, and above all its free, open to all irrespective of income. It is also very important to the Island economy as it brings in large numbers of visitors from all over the world – some even come regularly from as far away as California to watch the display – and it gives hoteliers, shops, restaurateurs, taxi drivers and many other businesses additional trade and thus helps ensure continued employment for many of those working in these areas of the economy. The air display only takes place every year because of the enthusiasm of a small group of dedicated aviation enthusiasts from Jersey and elsewhere and the financial support of private sector sponsors who cover the costs of the event and the Economic Development Department who have invested in the display with an annual grant. 17 Parish notice board Email short news items and associated photos to or call Annie Le Noury on 811821. H ave you something to share with fellow parishioners? Is there an event or activity coming up that you want to tell St Helier about? Let us know at the Town Crier and we can include on the monthly Parish Notice Board. TOWN CHURCH EVENTS ST HELIER METHODIST CENTRE, for information visit or telephone 736734 Halkett Place (contact Sarah Keenan-Fox on 877517): ST MARK’S CHURCH EVENTS 1. Little Rascals (up to school age) every Tuesday from 3rd September, 10am–12. Contact Ian MacFeeters for more information on 720595 1. Family Service – Sunday 1st September at 10am, with Duncan and Woolie (puppets), great music and something for all the family, finishing with teas/coffees and juices for the kids. 2. St Mark’s Sparks – Thursday 5th, 19th and 26th September from 10am to 11.30am. Singing, crafts and stories for the children, tea and cake for the carers (not being held on Thursday 12th due to the Air Display). 3. Wellcome Café Lunch – Wednesday 11th September at 12.30pm. Come along and savour some tasty cooking and enjoy some friendly chat. Preceded by Holy Communion at 11.30am for those who wish to attend; 4. King’s Café – Sunday 29th September at 3.30pm. Fun for all the family at D’Auvergne School, including big screen Wii, puppets, crafts, hair and nails, sports and cracking bible stories. ALL SAINTS CHURCH EVENTS Contact Rev. David for more information on 768323 1. All Age Worship Service on the first Sunday of each month. Come and join in at All Saints Church in the Parade Gardens at 10am on Sunday 1st September. 2. Messy Church a monthly familyfriendly Church experience, is being held on Saturday 28th September from 3pm to 5pm. ST ANDREW’S CHURCH EVENTS (for more information on activities please visit or email 1. Toddler service and fun – resumes on Thursday 19th September from 2pm3.30pm during school terms; 2. Harvest Service – joint service on Sunday 29th September at 10.30am, followed by lunch; 3. Messy Church – resumes on 6th October at 11.30am. 18 2. Lunchtime Rascals (up to school age) every Wednesday from 4th September, 12.30–3.30pm. 3. Baby Rascals (up to 12 months) every Monday from 9th September, 2.30–4pm. (For more details regarding the Rascals groups, please contact Sally Vasselin on 613925). 4. Messy Church, family time with fun, food and worship, Thursday 19th September from 3.30–5.30pm. 5. The Paradise Community Café at St Helier Methodist Church (a donationrun community café open to paying and non-paying customers) is open on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10am to 2.30pm. All welcome to come along for a hot meal and some company. For further information, contact Louise Hicklin on 877517. MURDER MUCK AND MAYHEM (this walk ends on Tuesday 17th September) By the dim light of dusk, lift the veil on the murkier side of Jersey’s capital as you find yourself in parts of town that are off the beaten track. Gruesome events and bizarre characters, oddities and quirks: Murder. Muck. Mayhem. Within this twilight world, discover the events that really shaped the Island. An easy walk every Tuesday evening from 7th May to 17th September inclusive, leaving the Royal Square at 7.30pm. No need to book, just turn up and pay on the night. For further information, call Tom on 482822 or email FATHER JAMES McAULEY LEAVES JERSEY A farewell party was held for Father James McAuley on 2nd August who after three years as Catholic Assistant Priest in Jersey is moving on to a new appointment at Portsmouth Cathedral. He was presented with a cheque from the congregations of the churches, together with a Michael Richecoeur painting to remind him of Jersey. UPDATE FROM LA POUQUELAYE WI A busy summer of events and activities has taken place, including a fascinating visit to the Masonic Temple, where we joined up with St John’s WI for a guided tour of the Temple and its artefacts and were given an interesting talk on the history and charitable work of the Masons. Lapwings Social Group has enjoyed a number of afternoon teas around the Island. As there is never an institute meeting in August, social events are held instead and we joined up with West Park WI for afternoon tea at Samarès Manor, with the weather being perfect and the gardens looking beautiful. A dinner was also held at The Goose at Beaumont, and this month we’re looking forward to a visit from the Fire Service. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings, held on the second Wednesday of each month at the La Pouquelaye Community Centre (the old La Pouquelaye School) at 7.30pm. For more details please contact Gill James on 722467 or NEW COMMUNICARE FACILITY COMMUNITY SAVINGS is pleased to announce that customers can now collect and deposit money at Communicare out at Les Quennevais. A new collection point, run by volunteers from the La Moye WI, started in July and will be open every Friday from 10am to 2pm. Any customer from Community Savings may use the service but, when ordering money, be sure to say that you are collecting from Communicare. continued on page 21 Ther e’s a There’s Lumia for everyone! ever ry yo yone! Lumia 925 Lumia 920 FR FREE EE on £36/m FREE FR EE on £46/m Handset H andset only £399 Handset only Handset £449 With With our great great value plans, you’ll find a Nokia Nokia Lumia that’s perfect for you! Lumia 820 Come in store store or visit www Lumia 520 FR FREE EE on £21 £21/m /m Handset H andsett onlyy £199 9 FR FREE EE on £16/m Lumia 620 FR FREE EE on £26/m Handset H andset only 2 £325 H andset only Handset £1 49 £149 *While While stocks last. TTerms erms and c onditions apply for conditions full terms visit www H. W. Gallichan Glanville Home & Sons Ltd. ST. MARK’S ROAD ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS AND FIRE ENGINEERS PLUMBING AND HEATING Glanville is a small and homely residential Home which has been providing care for the ladies of Jersey since 1860, and it is still run as a charitable organisation. HW Gallichan & Sons Ltd established in 1959 has gone from strength to strength as a family business for the last 54 years The first company successfully providing services including in Jersey to achieve this accreditation electrical contracting, fire alarms + plumbing & heating services. Electrical work also includes: installations, underfloor heating, PAT testing, maintenance and repairs. They offer a high standard of service, borne out by the continuing support of generations of customers. The engineers are smartly dressed in the company uniform, carry ID, and have fully qualified in their services + trained in Health & Safety. A property maintenance service is available at preferential rates. Our friendly and qualified staff provide short stay and respite care for any period, as well as ongoing permanent care. Telephone: (01534) 731806 Fax: (01534) 734553 email: Upper Midvale Road, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3ZH Within our elegant period building our residents enjoy all the modern facilities that would be expected. Glanville is surrounded by beautiful gardens and sitting areas, as well as having a delightful conservatory and two lovely lounges. All our meals are home cooked, often using produce direct from our own vegetable garden. The Home is located conveniently in town, for ease of visiting. To arrange a visit, or for further information contact Head of Home: Andrea Hughes Telephone 733528 Historic St Helier Further to the article on Halkett Place which appeared in June’s Town Crier, let's set off again on a stroll in verse, window-shopping along Halkett Place as it was in 1883. William Landick was one of Saint Helier's last traditional town criers, calling out news and announcements, selling newspapers, and drumming up Halkett Place in 1883 BY GERAINT JENNINGS business for Town traders. He had a talent for doggerel which he would recite to amuse passers-by and advertise businesses. Some of these rhymes were printed as flyers, and here's an example of one of Landick's advertisements in verse, describing Halkett Place in 1883, door-to-door. A TOWN CRIER'S POEM, PART 2 This is perhaps, as fine a street, And hosiery that's sure to suit her, As any in the town you'll meet; Lady may buy, of M. Le Couteur. Bath Street and King Street cannot show, Benest next door, has drapery, Houses like these in one long row : And articles of novelty. From Piquet's, down to Genge's shop, Huston next door, at number twenty, All of one height, they make you stop: Ready-made clothes, has got in plenty. Streets in the town, there surely are, And I should think that ev'ry one, Where tradesmen's shops are larger far; Had heard of Renouf and his son, But when the lamps are lit at night, One of the finest shops in town, It is indeed a pleasant sight, That always brings the groc'ries down. Sev'n modern lamps have made it bright; And Belford, number twenty-two, For gas seems anxious to compete, Selling cigars and honeydew. With light electric in the street, And Milne's fine shop at twenty-three Lest bye and bye it should be beat; For those who're fond of minstrelsy. These lamps for gas, of new design Masters next door, at twenty-four, Are certainly, extremely fine, Has tea in stock, a goodly store; And need no eulogy of mine. And coffee too, and groc'ries new, Let's saunter through the street and see And other goods required by you. There's Piquet's shop for chemistry, Baker the chemist just close by, And if we're ever taken sick, Powders and pills can still supply, We're sure to find the chemist quick, So if you're ill, the med'cine try, And those who cannot keep alive, And Genge the Silversmith will sell, Without their pipe, at number five, A splendid watch to please you well, At Gates' may gratify their wish, And other goods I need not tell. And fill their mouths with Cavendish. At Touzel's shop your money take Benest next door, may please you more. This is the shop for well made cake, He keeps of cloth, a stock in store, And if you have not been before, And always feels the greatest pleasure, Go to the shop that's just next door, When customers require their measure. And kept by Messrs. Moss and Moore, Next door, Le Breton, number nine, Who carry on the trade of draper, Paper your walls and makes them fine. The door before the daily paper. And ev'rybody's sure to stop, This paper's called the "British Press," At Collenette's, the fancy shop. And twenty-nine's the right address; Books and papers, ev'ry kind, The "British Press and Jersey Times," You will at Le Lièvre's find. With news of all the murd'rous crimes, And if you want a pair of boots, Which now the public mind excite, Why Gellender's the shop that suits. And sent from Dublin day and night. And here we'll leave the company of our 19th century town crier. 20 Parish notice board continued from page 18 JERSEY’S GREATEST COFFEE MORNING takes place on Friday 27th September from 10am to 12 noon at the Town Hall in support of MacMillan Jersey. All welcome. Contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823 or THE GOOD COMPANIONS CLUB, based at Le Marais, St Clement, is holding a Spanish-themed evening on Saturday 7th September with food, wine and entertainment, starting at 7pm. All welcome. Contact Jerry Ramsden at or Angela Falla at THE ‘TENACIOUS’ VISITS JERSEY Run by the Jubilee Sailing Trust, and with the financial support of the States of Jersey, the Tenacious tall ship, one of only two tall ships in the world designed and built to enable people of all physical abilities to sail side-by-side as equals, is visiting Jersey next month and will be open to the public on Saturday 14th September from 2–4pm at St Helier Harbour. The Jersey branch of the Jubilee Sailing Trust will be in attendance, raising money and encouraging islanders of all physical abilities to get involved. There will be stocks and a treasure chest so that youngsters can discover what it’s like aboard a pirate ship. Are your favourite clothes too tight? Would you love to have more energy, more vitality, and more confidence? Would you love to lose excess weight and get expert guidance to keep it off? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then take immediate action and enrol in Slimming Together this week. Many thousands of people in Jersey have succeeded with Slimming Together. You’ll benefit from weekly classes that inform and inspire and you’ll enjoy a delicious healthy weight-loss plan that’s easy to follow and really works. Slimming Together classes are on Monday evenings at 6.30pm in the Eastern Good Companions Club, St. Clement. Tuesday evening’s class is at 6pm in the Jersey Arts Centre. Wednesday lunchtime classes are also in the Jersey Arts Centre at 12 noon and 1pm. Wednesday evening’s class is at 7pm in Communicare, St. Brelade. A 10-week course at Slimming Together is £69 fully inclusive, and if you mention The St Helier Town Crier when you enrol, Slimming Together will give you 2 EXTRA FREE WEEKS. Slimming Together founder and principle, Joanne Reid Rodrigues also offers private weight-loss and holistic life coaching at the Lido Wellness Centre. Joanne is the author of Slim, Happy & Free and Life Transformation Diet, available right now in WH Smith. For more information on Slimming Together and/or private coaching, email or call 856490. Visit our website at 21 DID YOU KNOW? I That The Town Crier is funded purely from advertising revenue and does not cost the Parish or ratepayers a penny. I The magazine is designed, printed and distributed on island: supporting the local job market and community. Please kindly consider supporting those that advertise and who are committed to supporting their Parish. Eileen Holland Aura-Soma® Consultant & Teacher Over 15 years experience working with this beautiful colour system Choose from an amazing range of 111 bottles of colour Providing keys to deeper insight A reflection of your life Call Eileen on 619167 If you would like to support the Parish magazine please contact Phil Osborne on Tel: 493300 or email: BUSINESS READERS OFFER Would you like to advertise your business every month to 19,000 households including 1,700 businesses for only £50 per month? With the launch of the Town Crier Trade Section you can advertise and achieve a regular monthly circulation to potential customers. For further information please contact Phil Osborne on Tel: 493300 or email: The panel of confirmed speakers includes Simon Nixon, Elisabeth Astall, Senator Philip Ozouf, Mike Byrne, Kevin Keen and John Boothman. They will discuss how Jersey is perceived globally as a finance centre, what Jersey needs to do to become a recognised centre for digital technology services, and what Jersey must do to attract more high spending visitors. The event will again be moderated by news broadcaster Alastair Stewart. Hotel de France, Thursday 19th September, 4.15pm – 9.30pm 22 GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA – WITH STRINGS! THU 12 & FRI 13 SEP £17–£28 ARDAL O’HANLON SAT 14 SEP | £18–£20 STEWART FRANCIS, CRAIG CAMPBELL & GLENN WOOL ARE THE LUMBERJACKS THU 26 SEP | £16 The Condor Ferries’ Dragon Boat Festival returns to Jersey for the 16th year running, raising money for Jersey Hospice Care. The event has become an important fixture in the Hospice’s fundraising calendar, Whiast since it started in 1998. Since then thousands of people in Jersey have raced dragon boats and raised more than £500,000 for Jersey Hospice Care. Last year, a record £82,000 was raised for the popular charity. Dragon Boat Racing? It is estimated that annually around 40,000 people in 800 crews take part in dragon boat racing events throughout the world and it is even tipped for inclusion as a future Olympic sport. With no experience needed – just loads of enthusiasm – the festival has become a fantastic event for groups of friends and colleagues, who can expect to enjoy a fun day out with a great carnival atmosphere. A dragon boat is a spectacular 40-foot long canoe-like vessel with an ornately carved dragon’s head and tail. One person sits as a helm, keeping the boat in course with a giant paddle, while a drummer sits in the prow, beating out the time and 16 people, sitting in pairs do the paddling. The challenge is not so much the paddling technique, but in trying to synchronise with the other paddlers in your boat. This will come as no surprise to the teams in Jersey who have taken part in the event before and look forward to the yearly dragon boat festival. Proof of the event’s popularity is confirmed when more than 50 teams sign up each year, with several teams on the waiting list. The first race starts at 10.00 and the exciting nine boat grand final is due to take place at approximately 16.00. To find out more about the Festival, visit or why not have a look at the event’s Facebook page" NT LIVE: OTHELLO ENCORE SCREENING FRI 27 SEP | £11–£12.50 HATS OFF TO LED ZEPPELIN SAT 28 SEP | £20 Box Office (01534) 511 115 10% OFF YOUR MEAL AT OH! CAFÉBAR IF YOU BOOK YOUR TABLE WITH YOUR TICKETS Parish clubs and groups This section is devoted to the many voluntary clubs and groups run throughout St Helier. If you would like to promote your organisation or a planned special event, or just to include contact details, please telephone 811821 or email Women’s Institute There are four meetings in St Helier as follows: St Helier Sirens WI: 1st Thursday of each month at Church House (opposite Chambers) at 8pm. Contact Sue Bone on 636977 or 07797 831473 or email La Pouquelaye WI: 2nd Wednesday of each month at the La Pouquelaye Community Centre (the old La Pouquelaye School). Contact Gill James on 722467 or West Park WI: 1st Tuesday of each month at 2.30pm at the meeting room at the King George V Homes on La Grande Route de St Aubin. Contact Sheila Sykes on 491856. First Tower & Millbrook WI: 2nd Wednesday of each month at the St Andrew’s Church Hall at 7.30pm. Contact Joan Cadoret on 735534. Mobile Library ENTER NOW JERSEY-MARATHON.COM George V Cottage Homes – Mondays, 9.20–9.45am B&Q, Queen’s Road – Tuesdays, 9.50–10.30am. Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 14th Jersey (St Helier) Scout Group Salvation Army Hall, Minden Place Beavers and Cubs: Monday evenings Scouts: Wednesday evenings Contact Jean-Paul Lecrivain (Group Scout Leader) on 07797 836295 or email: Additional enquiries: Mary Roberts, Island Secretary, on 486935 or email: Rainbows, Brownies & Girl Guides All Saints Church Hall, The Parade: Thursday and Friday evenings Contact: Daphne on 871199. Little Monkeys Gymnastics, Fort Regent AT THE HEART OF ISLAND LIFE Monday to Friday 9.30am to 12.15pm with Mums: Children must be walking; suitable for 1–3½ years. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3.30pm onwards: Children from 3–6 years. Saturdays 9–10am: Children aged 5–6 years. Contact: 07797 731101. Regent Gymnastics Club, Fort Regent Visit: STANDARD CHARTERED JERSEY MARATHON – A RACE FOR EVERYONE On Sunday 6 October 2013, approximately 2500 runners will be flooding the streets of Jersey to take part in the Standard Chartered Jersey Marathon, and it’s not too late to join them! Online registration will be open until the 29 September at, so why not join the fun, ‘Run for a Reason’ and help us raise valuable funds for our charities. The event will again welcome hundreds of runners from all over the world and this year our Jersey runners will participate alongside runners from Guernsey, United Kingdom, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Andorra, America, Russia, Canada and Australia. The Jersey Marathon has built a reputation as one of the friendliest marathons in Great Britain due to the friendly volunteers that line the entire route and organisers are keen to continue this reputation, so if you want to be a part of the excitement on the day but not run, then why not sign up as a volunteer marshal and help keep the runners safe on the course. The marathon organisers are looking for 160 volunteers to help operate the event safely. Volunteers need no prior experience and will receive a free souvenir t-shirt as a thank you. If you would like to show your support and volunteer, then get in touch at The Mourant Ozannes Relay Race is a great way for runners of all abilities to participate in a big race atmosphere. Team up with colleagues, friends or family members and get ready to run! With the Relay Race sections ranging from 3-7 miles, there is an achievable distance for everyone, so there is no excuse to not get running! The 3K Fun Run, sponsored by the Jersey Evening Post, welcomes runners of all ages each year who relish the chance to run through the streets of St Helier and cross the big finish line in front of cheering crowds. Anyone over the age of 9 can enter the 3K Fun Run and this year primary schools can also win a big prize at Total Sport by entering our fun photographic competition. For more information on the Standard Chartered Jersey Marathon, please visit 24 Royal British Legion, 2–4 Great Union Street Tuesday to Friday from 12pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11am. Sun Bowls Starts mid-April, Opening times: 10.00am, 2.00pm and 6.00pm, leagues on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Thursday mornings. Contact Terry Bell on 734721. First Tower Billiards & Snooker Club Open weekdays from 7pm to 11pm and Sundays from 1pm to 6pm. Email Jersey Scrabble Club Every Tuesday evening at 7pm. Contact Anne on 730409 or email St Mark’s Sparks Thursdays during term-time from 10am to 11.30am at St Mark’s Church. Contact Ian MacFeeters on 720595. The Caesarea Quilters Third Monday of every month. Contact Sue Bone on 636977. Soroptimist International of Jersey, Ladies Service Club Every fourth Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the Monterey Hotel. Contact Mrs Jean Dale on 888882 or email Jersey Bowls Club, Westmount Prospective new bowling members are welcomed. Please contact Jean Lowery on 07797 776790. TOP (Triumph Over Phobia) Offers structured self-help for people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and phobias. Thursday evenings, from 7–8.30pm at the Headway Centre. Contact Celia on 0800 735 0608 or Jersey Association of Retired Persons A friendly club for the over 50’s. Contact Mrs Annette Elliott on 742402. Age Concern Jersey Home cooked lunches every week day at 12 noon (excluding bank holidays), and bingo every Wednesday at 1.30pm. Telephone 758922 or Freephone 0800 7350345. Frozen meal delivery – please contact Chris on 870354. Good Companions Club Hosting various events for the Island’s over 50s, and based at Le Marais, St Clement, more information on The Good Companions Club can be obtained by contacting Manager Angela Falla at Lloyds TSB – working in the community AFTER 133 years in Broad Street, the impressive Lloyds TSB listed building underwent a major internal refurbishment and the branch celebrated with a party for the public Tim Cooke, Lloyds TSB Offshore chairman assisted Alice de la Haye in cutting the ribbon and in unveiling the new Community Board in the branch. Alice will be 100 in November and said she was shocked to be asked. ‘ I love this branch. The staff are so friendly and make me feel like the Queen. I felt very honoured to be part of the celebration and thoroughly enjoyed the day.’ Alice is also pictured below with Lloyds TSB colleagues. With town crier David Lister making the announcements, outside the branch in Broad Street members of the public enjoyed a variety of entertainment. In addition to ice creams, facepainting, balloons and flowers, a variety of talented musicians added to the party atmosphere. Donations were accepted for Jersey Alzheimers, Teenage Cancer Trust, Brighter Futures and Jersey Hospice with Lloyds TSB colleagues matching their fund-raising activities with the LTSB Foundation. Jersey Heritage were present on the day. Jeremy Swetenham commented, ‘LLoyds TSB had the vision to support us, not by simply writing a cheque but by helping us communicate the benefits of becoming a Jersey Heritage member. The result has been a hugely significant increase in membership. We were delighted to celebrate their refurbishment of such an historic site as the Broad Street branch.’ Your handy guide to Parish recycling! • St Hélyi r’cycl’ye! MONDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 9 and 23; OCTOBER 7 and 21; NOV 4 and 18 Clarke Avenue Elizabeth Place Gloster Terrace Hillcrest Avenue Jardin des Carreaux La Grande Route de Mont à l’Abbé La Retraite La Ruelle de Rauvet La Rue des Canons La Rue des Maupertuis La Ruette Pinel La Vert Chemin Café) Great Union Rd (from Poonah Road) Dorset Street Albert Street Mont à l’Abbé Farm Pimley Close Queen’s Road Rouge Bouillon (Police Station to First Stop Columbus Street Brighton Road Clearview Street Clairvale Road Val Plaisant (bottom) MONDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 2,16 and 30; OCTOBER 14 and 28; NOV 11 and 25 Avenue de Petit Mont Balmoral Drive Beechfield Lane Cherry Orchard Court Clos des Pas Dongola Road Drury Lane Green Street Greenwood Terrace Havre des Pas (between South Hill and Havre des Pas Gardens) Le Moulin Close Le Mount Neron Les Grand Vaux Les Ruisseaux Mount Bingham Nicole Close Oak Tree Gardens Oaklands Lane Stafford Gardens Stafford Lane South Hill (Avenue du Petit Mont to Mount Bingham) Trinity Road / Trinity Gardens Trinity Hill (top of Old Trinity Hill to Beechfield Lane) Vale Mews Vale Court Valley Road Whitley Close Willow Grove Sutton Court Wilkes Gdns TUESDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 10 and 24; OCTOBER 8 and 22; NOV 5 and 19 Abbotsmount Abbotsmount Court Le Clos Vaze Le Grand Clos Clubley Estate New St John’s Road Ellora Estate Old St John’s Road Ocean Apartments Westmount Court Springfield Lane Oxford Road Byron Road Byron Lane Westmount Estate Westmount Road Springfield Road Janvrin Road St Mark’s Lane Apsley Road Chevalier Road Common Lane Avenue et Dolmen Gas Place Robin Lane Tunnel Street TUESDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 3 and 17; OCTOBER 1, 15 and 29; NOV 12 and 26 Cleveland Avenue Cleveland Road Croydon Lane Croydon Road Havre des Pas (between Havre des Pas Gardens and St Clement’s Rd) La Clos de Mon Sejour La Frédée Lane La Rue de Petit Camps La Rue de la Hauteur La Rue Petit Clos La Route du Fort Marett Court Nelson Avenue Mont Millais (bottom) Orchid Court Peel Court Rodney Avenue Roseville Street (La Route du Fort to Havre des Pas) Rue des Côtils Rue de Mon Sejour Springbank Avenue Runnymede Court St Clement’s Road Town Mills Estate Trinity Hill (Old Trinity Hill to Vallée des Vaux) Vallée des Vaux WEDNESDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 11 and 25; OCTOBER 9 and 23; NOV 6 and 20 Bellozanne Avenue Bellozanne Road Clos du Bas Croydon Terrace Dunedin Farm Hautbois Gardens Hillside Court Doue de St Croix La Côtil de Haute Clair La Mont Pelle Mashobra Park Orchard Mews Osbourne Court Pomme D’Or Farm Richelieu Park Rue des Podetre St Anne’s Farm St Anne’s Terrace St Aubin’s Road (Town to Paris Lane inc Tyneville Lane) Westhill Craig Street Duhamel Place Grove Street Halkett Place James Street Val Plaisant (top) St Helier Court Tower Road Midvale Road New Street (to Burrard Street) Winchester Street Vauxhall Street Nelson Street Duhamel Street WEDNESDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 4 and 18; OCTOBER 2,16 and 30; NOV 13 and 27 Abbey Close Adelina Wood Claremont Road Clarence Road College Hill College Lane Fairfield Avenue Fountain Lane Highview Lane Greenacres Estate Grosvenor Street La Grande Route de St Jean (up to Greenacres) La Hougue Avenue La Manoir de Mont à l’Abbé La Clos du Briard Le Hurel Manor Park Avenue Manor Park Road La Pepiniere La Pouquelaye (top) La Rue des Arbres Landfield Drive La Breton Lane Millais Park Mont Millais (top) Mont Pinel Nomond Avenue Palm Grove THURSDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 12 and 26; OCTOBER 10 and 24; NOV 7 and 21 Boulevard Avenue Mont Cochon Paris Lane Romeril Close Seafield Avenue St Aubin’s Road (Paris Lane to Seafield Avenue) Tower Gardens Victoria Avenue (all) David Place St Mark’s Road Victoria Street Stopford Road Belmont Road Simon Place Museum Street Providence Street Belmont Gardens Belmont Place Ann Place Ann Street Brooklyn Street Don Street THURSDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 5 and 19; OCTOBER 3, 17 and 31; NOV 14 and 28 Chapel Lane Cleveland Road Hastings Lane Hastings Road Roseville Street (La Route du Fort to Colomberie) St James Place Rouge Bouillon (both sides) Upper Clarendon Road Clarendon Apartments Upper Midvale Road Midvale Close Victoria Crescent West Park Avenue Elizabeth Lane Parade Road Saville Street Clare Street Cannon Street Lemprière Street Devonshire Place The Parade Roussel Street Dummy Lane Le Clos de Balmain Roussel Mews Queen’s Lane Undercliffe Road Manor Court La Pouquelaye (bottom) Le Mont Cantel FRIDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 13 and 27; OCTOBER 11 and 25; NOV 8 and 22 Bellozanne Valley Hansford Lane Hillgrove Estate La Clos de la Blinerie La Rue Cyril Mauger La Rue de Trachy La Ruelle Vaucluse La Ville au Roi Landscape Grove Le Clos St André Le Douet de St Croix Les Champs Park Estate Millbrook Close Millbrook Lane Old Mont Cochon Old St Andrew’s Road Pied du Côtil Route es Nouaux St Andrew’s Road Pomona Road Poonah Road Pomona Lane Aquila Road Aquila Lane Journeaux Street Great Union Road (Devonshire Place) Windsor Road Garden Road Devonshire Lane FRIDAY – YOUR COLLECTION DAYS ARE: SEPT 6 and 20; OCTOBER 4 and 18; NOV 1, 15 and 29 Almorah Crescent Apartments Clarendon Road Clos du Parcq La Grande Pouclée 26 La Pouquelaye (bottom) La Clos de Debenaire Le Clos de Paradis Lower Kings Cliff Palmyra Lane Palmyra Road Pen Y Craig Avenue Queen’s Avenue Raleigh Avenue Raleigh Lane Richmond Road Upper Kings Cliff It’s estimated that half the adult UK population has some degree of gum disease. Studies have suggested an association between periodontal disease and the likelihood of delivering preterm and low birth weight babies, developing cardiovascular disease and having difficulty controlling blood sugar levels and diabetes. Periodontal disease ranges from simple gum inflammation to serious disease resulting in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth. In most advanced stages it leads to tooth loss. ).-# (!+ also called oral cancer is one of the deadliest amongst all cancers. Symptoms of mouth cancer include: one or more mouth ulcers that do not heal red, or red and white, patches on the lining of your mouth or tongue a swelling in your mouth that lasts for more than three weeks Risk for developing mouth cancer include: smoking drinking alcohol infection with the human papilloma virus which is the virus that causes genital warts a diet that contains lots of red meat and fried food The most common symptoms of gum disease are: Bad breath that doesn’t go away Red or swollen gums Tender/ bleeding gums Receding gums The gum disease is caused by plague a sticky substance containing bacteria, which gets harder over time forming “tartar”. Good oral hygiene and routine hygienist/dental visits can stop further progression. Sometimes antibiotics may be used to assist treatment but it will not resolve the problem alone. Deep cleaning called root planing may be performed in more advanced stages. Lasers and surgical treatment have been also effective but success of any treatment depends on patient’s daily home care. If mouth cancer is diagnosed early, a complete cure is often possible using a combination of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. An estimated 4 out of 5 people with early-stage mouth cancer will live at least five years after their diagnosis and many people live much longer. It's also important that you have regular dental check-ups because dentists can often spot the early stages of mouth cancer. )(2- 0$- $,$- ., )( -.+ 1 -# !*-!'!+ && -) ))% 1).+ "+!! /$,$- Nothing is quite as incapacitating as a severe backache or as painful! So how much do you know about your back? Read the following facts and find out. ! Does this feel familiar? Going under the knife. In only 2% of cases where people have back pain, is surgery necessary. Chiropractors and osteopaths can often sort out backaches without the need for invasive procedures. Bending over backwards. The spine consists of 33 bony segments, the vertebrae. The discs lie between these. They are tough and spongy and work as shock absorbers, and give the spine flexibility – the spine can in fact bend far enough to form two-thirds of a circle. You’ve got lots of company. In any two-week period of time, between 25 – 33% of all adults get some form of back pain. Down on all fours. Back pain became a part of life when humans started walking upright, rather than on all fours. The vertebrae were never really designed to deal with walking upright. The centre of it all. The spine, for all intents and purposes, is like a central scaffolding for the rest of the body. The skull, the ribs, the pelvis and the limbs are attached to it. Help or hindrance? Prolonged use of back braces and supports can actually weaken the muscles in your back, thereby contributing to the problem. Back Pain – Is this you... For no apparent reason your back “goes”? You’ve been told you have sciatica or arthritis? It takes time “to get going”, in the morning? It is difficult putting your shoes and socks on? When trying to stand after sitting, it’s difficult to fully straighten up? The first few steps when walking are very uncomfortable? You may have pain into your hips, buttocks and legs? If so call us today on 789367 to book a free 15 minute no obligation consultation For a full list of conditions/ailments we can treat please go to Suite 2.8, Lido Wellness Centre, Lido Medical Centre, St Saviours Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 7LA 27 ST HELIER SCHOOLS Parish organisations and associations There are lots of opportunities for parishioners to get involved in the variety of activities organised in St Helier. For anyone interested in becoming involved in these groups, a brief overview and contact details are shown below. St Helier in Bloom The Community in Bloom Group encourages community planting and environmental initiatives, with artistic flourishes. Contact Tony Andrews on 811700 or email St Helier’s Honorary Police The Honorary Police are an integral part of the Parish, working closely with the States Police to provide a service unique in the British Isles. Contact the Honorary Police Co-ordinator on 811890 or email St Helier – Avranches Jumelage The Jumelage Committee facilitates school group exchanges, and cultural and sporting links with Avranches in Normandy. Contact Annabelle Bishop on 07797 762008 or email St Helier – Bad Wurzach Partnerschaft The Constable attended Helvetia School’s prize-giving assembly at the end of the summer term to present various prizes and is pictured here with Gabrielle Proper (left) and Georgia Brook (right), both highly commended in Year 2. St Helier twinned with Bad Wurzach, where many Islanders were interned during the Second World War, in 2002. The Partnerschaft Committee promotes cultural links between the two towns. Contact Clive Armstrong on 854152 or email St Helier – Funchal Geminação SEPTEMBER IS THE START OF A NEW SCHOOL YEAR SO WHY NOT USE THIS AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN SOMETHING NEW AT JERSEY ARTS CENTRE? You can boogie to the beat with our highly popular Bollywood Dance taster workshops – perfect for those looking for a fun evening with friends – and even burn some calories in the process. Due to high demand, there are two workshops on 17 September, so book your tickets now to avoid disappointment! Also, for those who have attended Bollywood workshops before, there is a brand new advanced Bhangra session to introduce some harder moves. Or, follow in Shakira’s footsteps in the Belly Dancing workshop on 28 September – you’ll be shimmying and shaking in no time! If the performing arts are more your forte, then Jersey Arts Centre is running two workshops that will give you a chance to be in the spotlight. Led by professional improviser and funny-man Kevin Tomlinson, the Kepow Theatre workshop on 20 September is the perfect chance for budding comedy performers to learn from a pro. Create exciting stories off the top of your head, hone your improvising skills and try some mask work in this one-off comedy masterclass. For those with dreams of the West End, why not give the Musical Theatre workshop on 21 September a try? Led by professional Jason Jones, participants will learn a musical theatre routine reminiscent of the greats of musical choreography such as Fosse and Robbins, all in one morning! Finally, for those with a crafty eye, Jersey Arts Centre is running two dressmaking courses run by Jersey-based designer Claire Rondel that are sure to bring out the Vivienne Westwood in you. Firstly, for those with dressmaking experience, the Pattern Cutting for Improvers course beginning on 10 September will focus on more advanced dressmaking techniques to make your designs really stand out. For those with less experience, the brand new Cake and Customisation course is ideal for those wanting to make their own clothes more unique, or for those wanting to tailor those one-off vintage finds, all whilst drinking tea and eating homemade cake! What could be better? For more information about any of the above courses, or to book your place on a course or workshop, please call the Jersey Arts Centre Box Office on 700444 or go online at 28 The Committee supports activities celebrating the Portuguese language, music, food and national days, following the twinning with Funchal in 2012. Contact Simon Crowcroft on 811821 or email St Helier Polish Society A new group to promote Polish culture locally. Contact Magda Chmielewska on 07700 811719 or St Helier – Youth Committee The St Helier Youth Committee gives financial support to youth projects throughout the Parish. It is also responsible for allocating grants to groups and individuals who live in the Parish. Application forms available from our website: Contact Sarah Richardson on 07797 732901 or email St Helier – Battle of Flowers Association The St Helier Battle of Flowers Association is a welcoming group keen to create a community atmosphere. All Islanders are welcome to join in. Contact Bruno Sousa on 07797 833146 or email St Helier Pétanque Group The ‘POSH Pétanquers’ meet on Fridays at 2pm in the Millennium Town Park. Newcomers are welcome and coaching is provided. Contact Tony Allchurch on 767593 or email St Helier Community Services Team When the administration of welfare was moved to Income Support the Parish retained some of its staff skilled in supporting the community, assisted by volunteers. New members are always welcome. Contact Julie Garrod on 811856 or email St Helier Social Committee The Parish’s Social Committee make possible activities like the Liberation Cream Tea and the Christmas Lunches. New members welcome. Contact Jane Skelhorn on 811823 or email Dates for your Diary WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER 9.30am Roads Committee (Part A open to the public) Venue: Town Hall. Details to be published five days in advance at Contact John Stievenard on 811845 or WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER Visite du Branchage et des Chemins Details on the Parish website,, or from the Town Hall WEDNESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER 6.30pm St Helier – Avranches Jumelage Committee meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Annabelle Bishop on 07797 762008 or SATURDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER 8am to 1pm Bumper Car Boot Sale in aid of St Ewold’s Residential Home Venue: People’s Park Contact: St Ewold’s on 285855 TUESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER 7.30pm Honorary Police meeting Venue: Nelson Street Contact: Kevin Molloy on 811890 or WEDNESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 6.30pm Bad Wurzach Twinning Committee meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Clive Armstrong on 854152 or WEDNESDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER 7.45pm La Ronde Concert Band’s ‘Battle of Britain Concert’ Venue: Howard Davis Park Retiring collection for RAFA (Jersey) and La Ronde THURSDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER 12 noon to 5pm International Air Display Venue: St Aubin’s Bay Contact: Mike Higgins on 873956 or FRIDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 3.30 to 7.30pm Eisteddfod entries for Music accepted Venue: Town Hall Further details: Contact the General Administrator on 854529 or TUESDAY 17TH SEPTEMBER 6pm St Helier – Youth Committee Venue: Town Hall Contact: Sarah Richardson on 07797 732901 or WEDNESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 6pm Havre des Pas Improvement Group meeting Venue: Ommaroo Hotel. All welcome. Contact: Annie Le Noury on 811821 or WEDNESDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER 7pm Parish Assembly re JEC substation Venue: Town Hall Details: to be published five days in advance at Contact Martin Roberts on 811824 or THURS 19TH TO SAT 21ST SEPTEMBER 12 noon to 11pm CAMRA Beer Festival (25th Anniversary) Venue: People’s Park Visit for more information WEDNESDAY 25TH SEPTEMBER 7pm Parish Assembly Venue: Town Hall Details to be published five days in advance at Contact Martin Roberts on 811824 or THURSDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER 6pm Community in Bloom meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Stephanie Parrott on 811708 or FRIDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 10am to 12 noon Jersey’s Greatest Coffee Morning Venue: Town Hall In Aid of MacMillan Jersey. All welcome Contact: Jane Skelhorn on 811823 or FRIDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER 3.30 to 7.30pm Eisteddfod entries for English Speech & Drama, French, Jèrriais, Modern Languages: Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese & Japanese accepted Venue: Town Hall Further details: Contact the General Administrator on 854529 or SATURDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER 8pm Harmony Men & Harrow Apollo Male Choir in Concert Venue: Town Hall Contact: Trevor Prouse on 861451 or MONDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER 7.30pm Friends of the Millennium Town Park Venue: Town Hall Contact: Bernie Manning on 07700 356438 or TUESDAY 1ST OCTOBER TO SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER Tennerfest For more information contact Jersey Tourism on 448877 or visit WEDNESDAY 2ND OCTOBER 5.30pm St Helier – Funchal Geminação Committee meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Isilda de Freitas on 07829 839005 or WEDNESDAY 2ND OCTOBER 6.30pm St Helier – Avranches Jumelage Committee meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Annabelle Bishop on 07797 762008 or FRIDAY 4TH OCTOBER 5pm Jersey Customer Services Awards Venue: Royal Square Contact: Julie Todd on 07781 116713 or TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 7.30pm Honorary Police meeting Venue: Nelson Street Contact: Kevin Molloy on 811890 or THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER 5.30pm St Helier – Polish Society meeting Venue: Town Hall Contact: Magda Chmielewska on 07700 811719 or 29 The St Helier GAZETTE Parish Notices PARISH ASSEMBLIES AND ROADS COMMITTEE MEETING An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St Helier will be held at the Town Hall on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm to consider the proposal for an electricity substation on Lower Park. An Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St Helier will be held at the Town Hall on Wednesday 25th September at 7pm to consider Parish business. Agendas for the above meetings will be published no fewer than five days in advance and will be available from the Town Hall or the Parish website, A.S. Crowcroft Connétable Town Hall A meeting of the St Helier Roads Committee will take place on Wednesday 4th September at 9.30am at the Town Hall. Members of the public are invited to attend part ‘A’ of the agenda. POSITIONS VACANT Technical Support Officer (Replacement Post) The post-holder will provide a technical support service in the administration of a programme of building and civil engineering works. Applicants should have completed BTEC ONC & HNC in building studies, have experience in surveying and have excellent computer skills including AutoCAD experience. Pay is equivalent to Civil Service Grade 6–7, dependent upon qualifications and/or experience. Parish Warden (Replacement post) Parish Wardens provide a helpful and courteous service to the public to improve the environment for both residents of St Helier and visitors to the Town. The post-holder is required to work 38 hours per week to include days, evenings and weekends. Pay is in accordance with Manual Worker Grade 3 + Alternating Shift Allowance. Closing date for both positions: 20th September 2013. The Parish of St Helier is an equal opportunities employer. Details of these jobs, together with application forms, are available on our website, 30 THE DEUTSCHE BANK FESTIVAL OF THE PERFORMING ARTS NOVEMBER 2013 Entries for the Music Section are being taken in on the following date: Friday 13th September 2013, 3.30pm to 7.30pm, in the Town Hall’s Assembly Room For all other sections (English Speech & Drama, French, Jèrriais, Modern Languages: Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Portuguese & Japanese), entries will be accepted on: Friday 27th September 2013, 3.30pm to 7.30pm in the Town Hall’s First Floor Committee Room. The Jersey Eisteddfod is sponsored by Deutsche Bank and the Jersey Arts Trust. CONTACTS Connétable: Simon Crowcroft Tel: 811821 Fax: 619146 Email: Town Hall: PO Box 50, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA Town Hall Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday Parish Meetings: Notices of Parish meeting are published on our website:, in The St Helier Town Crier and the Jersey Evening Post. PROCUREURS AND PARISH MANAGEMENT BOARD Procureurs du Bien Public Clive Barton and Peter Pearce Tel: (CB) 880088 Email: and Tel: (PP) 639533 Email: Director, Finance Andrew Pemberton Tel: 811829 Email: Director, Parks, Gardens & Open Spaces Anthony Andrews Tel: 811700 Email: Director, Human Resources Martin Roberts Tel: 811824 Email: Director, Municipal Services Debra D'Orleans Tel: 811703 Email: Director, Technical & Environment Services John Stievenard Tel: 811845 Email: ST HELIER DEPUTIES No 1 District Deputy James Baker Tel: 07797 713141 Email: Deputy Judy Martin Tel: 780641 Email: Deputy Trevor Pitman Tel: 863436 Email: No 3 District Deputy Jackie Hilton Tel: 731690 Email: Deputy Mike Higgins Tel: 873956 Email: Deputy Andrew Green Tel: 483356 Email: Deputy Richard Rondel Tel: 07797 711537 Email: OTHER PARISH CONTACTS Customer Services Manager: Angela Goguelin Tel: 811870 Email: Community Support Helpline: Tel: 811866 RPZ Helpline Tel: 811847 Email: Parish Depot: Tel: 811708 Centenier’s Nightline: Tel: 875706 Duty Centenier: Tel: 07797 748540 Registrar: Tel: 811088 Electoral Officer: Daryn Cleworth Tel: 811833 Email: PARISH NURSERIES & HOMES Avranches & Westmount Nurseries: Val Payne Tel: 811718 Email: St Helier House: Jacqueline Jolley Tel: 811715 Email: St Ewolds: Ann Mclean Tel: 811716 Email: Maison de Ville: Jules Broad Tel: 878308 Email: ST HELIER ROADS COMMITTEE Nigel Blake Tel: 875339 Email: Geraint Jennings Tel: 280778 Email: The Very Rev. Bob Key Tel: 720001 Email: No 2 District Bob Le Brocq Tel: 743606 Email: Deputy Rod Bryans Tel: 737236 Email: Peter Pearce Tel: 722536 Email: Deputy Shona Pitman Tel: 630714 Email: Peter Wade Tel: 875663 Email: Deputy Geoff Southern Tel: 728231 Email: John Wilding Tel: 872920 Email: &'+ '& %$ !# *# #(# #$!$+ #/ %$%!0 $) -$"# # "#0 ' $#'# -) ) )( $ # $# ) # $/2 )'(( # !()/! )$'( # " ) $#)$+'( $ ) !(( # '(+!*# # (0 '$-3( ) # %+#(( +#' ) /(0 (# $-!( # !#( # -'# !(2 ) # $' %'##/ # $'"$#! #( # +( ) )$ %$() $# )+""/0 %(0 )( # +#''"(2 $#4(+'! ! )')"#)( +(# +!*4%$!' $ '&+#/ ( # *)## $'1 ) ) '(/ (' %$ !#0 " !) )$ $' /$+ (0 %# ' # $'! !)'#*, )$ (+'! %'$+'( +(# ) !)() ,#( # #*4# )#$!$/2 " )'# +)/ '%() -) "#/ /'(3 .%'# # ) +)/ #+()'/ # , ,# &+!*$#( # #)$"/ # /($!$/ # (' '%/2 (# (' %$!/(( $' %'"##) ) '"$,!0 !)'($# ,)*$# # ++" # )') # '"$, ) '$" (% '( $ ) $/ )) -$+! $)'-( ,'/ +!) )$ (2 ( # $#+#*$# -) +!*4%$!' $ '&+#/ # )##0 ) *((+ $"( *)' # ("$$)'0 ,# /$+ "$' ! $#)$+'2 $ '&+#/ ')"#)( , (+)!0 #)+'! #$#4(+'! ! # # ) /'( $ /$+' %%'#2 ( )')"#)( ' .)'"!/ (0 $"%!)!/ #$#4#,(, # -!! , /$+ !(*# '(+!)(2 $#4(+'! # $/ )')"#)( $' -$"# # "# $#4(+'! $/ )')"#)( +(# ) !)() ,# )#$!$/1 !( $#)) " $' ' $#(+!)*$# )$ (((( /$+' )')"#) #(2 (' %$!/((0 !)'($# ,)*$#0 ++" # # )## )$ , ) +!*") #$#4#,(, # !$((2 Beth ')( )'$+! 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