t6l INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS GUIDE 2014 THE DAILY RECORD Anne Kellerman, a teacher and director of technology at Boys' Latin School in Baltimore, teaches Advanced Placement computer scierce private school. - one of 14 Ap classes oftsred at the PHOTOS BYMAXIM LiAN FRANZ (Above) Patrick McManus, a senior at Boys' Latin School, holds his hand up to answer a question during an Advanced Placement course. The school add€d an AP cohputer science course this academic year after noticing how engaged students were during a recent robotics competition. (Left) Trey Burrell, a ninth-giade student at Boys' Latin School, works on his Apple laptop computel $TUDE}IT$ EET BY GiNA GaruccFWHtrE Special toThe Daily Record At Boys' Iatin School of Maxyland, most students take at leffit one Ad- vuced Placement come beforc graduation. Ard the enthusism for AP is shtred at independent schools statewide, where many students ile eilning college credits s-hile stil in high schoot. For four straight years, Maryland hm emed the top spot from the College Boild in its mnual "AP Report to the Nation," which rmks how weU each state's students perfom on the exms. lfith 27.9 percent ofseniors receir.hg a score of 3 or higher the score for which nily colleges will awtrd course credit Nlarylmd emed ihe top spot for the-fourth yea in a row in the 2012 reviexl The national average wd l8 percent. Area pdvate school administrators belie!€ iheir programs cer ofJ'er students an advir"rrtarge s.hen it cornes to exans, including smaller clss sizes md thc oppor1:lurity for nore one on onc sessions with a tea.her- I HEfiD $TART O}I GOIIEGE GREDIT$ When it comes to tesitime, teachers will meet xith students a.fter school or duing a free period to make sue students ile ready. Some offer study groups or review sessions. Most trea schools offer a viliety ol different choices for students when it comes to AP comes. "We wmt to offer a rmge of educa- tional options for the boys at our school,' said Chales ftmklin, upper school director of academlcs at Boys' Latin. '$'e v'ant every boy to be challenged md engrossed every day. ... Most of our boys take at le6t one [-A,P] clms while they ue here." The school oflere I I AP clmsps, including stmdards like English, biology, LS. hi5tory md physies. !f ilh curicu lum needs ilId interest evaluated often, the school added m \l conlputer sc! ence course this acadexlic year after seeing high student mterest in m mual robotics competition. "It made a lot of sense," Frilklin said of adding the ccruse. "Tirey had a prusion for it." There are 16 AP courses at St. Arr drew's Episcopai School, including at history psycholos/, economics md U.S. govement. "We are constmtly evaluating students'level ofhterest" in couses, said Rmdy Tqjm, the school's director of college counseling. "AP courses ae helpful in that they give students the opportuity to tackle' more diffi cult couse work md challenge themselves to work hilder to obtain their goa.ls. Frmklin said there ae a lot of factors that tre considered when eva.luating what students shodd enroll in AP clmses. Students' test scores, previous clms pefbmmce md motivation me evalu- aied. and teachers also make recommendations, educatore said. Since AP clmses feature a nrore complex workload from regular and honors courses, mmy students lind they ile better prepared tbr collegelevel work, such N labs md term papers. "It's atice developmental bridge be- tween high school md college,' !'{ankiin sald. Xlarv schools have heard back flonr aiumni sal,ing they werc ready for the course work while their peers who did not have the cltrses were not. Tutoring an option for some The AP tests ae "a nice way to sm up the culnination of loowledge," said Joseph Cutrone, president of Cham City Ttrtors Inc. in Baltimore. His tutoring compmy, which opened five yems ago, prepares students by haying them take old exm under the sme time constraints tr the rea.l test. A tutor cm help students lem certair tricks md avoid pitfalls of tests. On the SAI, if a multiple-choice auwer hre the word "being. " it is almost a.ltvays the waong ansx,er. Knowing this cm narrow a choi{:e for the student. "We teach the tricks that come up yeil a.fler yeil," he said. "The tuior u'ill work with you one-on-one. ' Cutrone advises parents md students to get a tutor earljr at ihe - even starl of school. Some 1yill wait uniii after iailing a fest to do so, bui many courses buiid on top of lessons learned. which makes catching up moro diificrlt INDTPENDENT SCHOOLS GUlDE 2014 iSchools ' Continued lrom pase Conttrt Dottie I Hmis Christ Episcopal Schoot JeffeNon St. 22 We.st Rockwille, MD 20850 301-124,$550 x1ffi:CEsrcciviile.org Grades: heschool€ i..: E Tuition: $3,94!$16,020 Contact Trevor lvaddingtan Concord Hiil School Wiscorein.{ve. Chery Chme, NID 20815 301S542626 6050 E wconcordhill.org Gmdes: Preschoolj Firorllmenl 100 Tuition: $1,1,67i.$22,038 S6m.{tzt Contact: Connelly School of the Holy Child 9029 Bmdiey Blvd. Potonw, NID 2085.1 301U6511955 wmrholychild.org Gmdes: G12, girls only MAX M L]AN FRAN2 Tuition: $23,535-$25,675 Contact Pat Harden Contact: Milcia Jtrques The Diener School Tuition: $7,90G$15,900 Contact Kmen Jmes I\rition: language md sereory procesing disordem, attention challenges, executive fmctioning isuo md sociai pngmtic dela;s) 11510 Falls Road Executive Child Development Center (sewing employees of NtrI) 6006 Executive BIvd. Rockryi[e, MD 20852 The Frost School 30r49G9411 Gmdes: Preschool-1 Paxt of the Sheppild Hea.lth Slstem German School Washington, D.C. Potontr, MD208r1 Faith Arts Academy Elementary School 13618 Iayhill Road (Setring students with autism or emotional disabilities) 4915 Aspen Hill Road Rwkville, ldD 20853 (for students with leming disabilities, tsq1-299-4€l:,2 wTheDienerSchool.org Grades: KS Contact: I0is Mccabe; ilfo@thedienemchool. ory Edmund Burke School 4101 Comecticut Ave. NW Wrehington, D.C.,20008 202362€882 m.bukmchml.org Gmdes: &12 Tuition: $34,275 Contach Kai-Ane dirutor of admisiom George, Evergreen School 301-76t8133 mlfourtlschooi.org Siiver Spring, MD 20!i06 30143&2012 Grades: K-q ContacL Dominique llmis The Forbush School at Oakmont Upper Part of the Sheppad hatt Health System (Sewing students witl autism) 610 East Dimond Ave, Suite E Gaitherebug, MD 20877 301€304359 w.sheppaq)ratlorg Gmdes: Conttt: Brim.l. Gilbert hatt 8617 Chateau 301-3654100 M.ftostschool.org Grades: 1-12 Contacb Claire Cohe4 director, ccohen@fr ostschool.org Grace Episcopal Day School 301-933-3452 Comecticut Ave. Kemington, MD 20895 941 1 Georgetown Hill Early Childhood Center 301-949-5860 (multiple aea locatiore) Mill Road w.geds.org Potom, T[ition 8311 Bells Gmdes: PreshoolS MD 20854 301-299-7360 w. Gmdes: heschml-2 $92S$1, 185/month Green Acres School Contact: businessoffi ce@georgetom- hill.com wevergreerechool.com Gmds:hemhoolS Fourth Presb/terian School Georgetown Preparatory School 10701 S. Glen Roarl Ttrition: $9,37G$14,450 Potom, Rockville Pike North Bethesda MD 20852 10900 2OT+l5 TUITION $17,50G$20,500 Contact Iauen Bagdy georgetosnlLill.com Contact: IGrcn Spence, principal, kspenceos@shepptrdpmtt. org MD 20854 Drive Potom,MD208il w-W.dswffihinBton.org Gmdm: Preschool-l2 Ttdtion: $10,lIG$18250 Contaril Sem Gaetrien NOTE: PLEASE CHECK WlTH SCHOOLS TO cONFIRI\,I I Gmdes: 9-12, boys only $30,960, day; $52,735, boading lhition Wheaton, MD 20902 301-9425979 I w-lffi.gprep.org he-K€ Gmds: G12 10700 GeorgiaAve. r 301-214-1215 11701 Dmville Drive Rocl0i]le, MD 20852 301€814100 m.8reemrcs.org Gmdes: PreKS nrition: $28,855 Contact Sl]lm Fliend RATES INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS GUIDE 2014 s.w.stmartinsonline. org Grades: Pre-Ka3)-Grade 8 Schools Tuition: $3,900-$11,450 Contact: Carol Campbell, director of admissions Contiiued from page l Tuition: $5,000 bnosyisroel.org Contact: Mary Catherine Marshall, principal@abbschooi.com Tuition: $5,000-$9,500 Archbishop Curley High Schoo! 3701 Sinclair ]ane School of the lncarnation 2601 Syrrphony Lane Gambrills, l,ID 2105.1 6t. Mary's Elementary School Baitimore. MD 21213 111 Duke of Gioucester St. 410-485-5000 410-519-22E5 Annapolls, l,ID 2140i ww.archbishopculey. il10-263-2869 Grades:9-12, boys oniy Tirition: $11,800 Contact Nick Bromlee. admissions director e'w.schooloftheincamation. or8 Grades: K-8 Contact: Jennifer Ratr'ell wv.stmaryschurch. org Grades: K-E Tuition: $7,430-$8,415 Severn Schooi 201 [rater St. Sevema Park, MD 211.16 aont acr : l\legan Back. dirp.t or of admissions, 410-990-1135 or mback@stmarysannapolis. org 110-647-7700 e'W.severnschool.com St. Mary's High Sehooi Grades: Preschool-12 Green, 113 Duke of Gloucester St. Annapolis, n{D 21401 410-263-329,1 director of admissions w'.stmarysannapolis.org Saint Andrew's United Methodist Day School 48 Wallace Mmor Road nrition: Tuition: !'aries Contact: lloliy $12,450-$13,920 410-266-0952 mra'.standrewsum.org Grades: Pre-K-S Tuitionr $7,250-$10,850 Contact: Suzanne Anderson. adntssions director or The Auburn School Gros ing Ihe social aod aeademi,. potential of bright students wiih Contact: Chrissie Chomo, director of admission Baltimore Academy St. Paul's Lutheran Church School (for emotionally-disturbed students) 3800 Frederick Ave Baltimore, l,ID 21229 Edgewater, MD 21037 308 Oak N1mor Drive Glen Bun\ie, l,ID 21061 410 766-5790 www.stpaulslutheranschoolgb. Grades: Pre-K-S 410-233-1400 Grades: 6-12 Contact: Kate Moxiey org St. Anne's School of Annapolis Tuition: $1,275-$6,270 Baltimore Junior Academy 3006 W. Cold Spring Lme 3112 Amndel on the Bay Road Annapolis, I,ID 21103 .110 263-8650 Contact: Amanda Glover, receptionist Baltimore, MD 21215 410-542-6758 1ffi.bjacademy.org St.AlnesSchool.org St, Philip Neri School 6401 S. Orchad Road GraCes: Preschool-E Tuition: $7,600-S L?,100 Linthicum Heights, NID 21090 410-859-1212 x 209 lldtion: Contact: Caroline A16. director of admissions m.st.philip-neri.org St. Jane Frances School 8513 St. Jane Dri.ve Grades: Pre-K (3)-8 Grades: Pre-K(4)-8 Trrition: $5,475 Contact: Brooke Bednarcki, director of development 410-255-4750 sYw.stjaneschool.org Grades: Pre-K(3),8 Ttiiion: $2,2t8, pre-& $6,268, K-8 Contact: Elena Simmons, principal $5,080-$6,050 The Summit School (for bright students with ieaming differences) of Maryland 822 W- Lake Ave. Baltimore, MD 21210 410-377-5192 M.boysiatinmd.com Grades: K-12, boys only T\riiion: $20,400-$24,600 Contact: Xathieen Berger, director of admissions , lower school; Janies Cunie, dilector of admissions middle md upper schools The Bryn Mawr School 109 W-. Melrose Ave. Ba.itimore, XID 2i210 410-323-8800 m'.bqmmawrschool.org Grades: K-12, girls only; preschooi, co-ed Tuition: $24,840-$26,390 Preschool Tuition: $13,290-$24,990 Contact: Talia Busby-fitus (X-12), Pat Sheridm (preschool) Calvary l-utheran Schoo! 2625 E. Nothem Parlovay Baltimore, MD 21214 410-126-,1302 M.ca.lvaryl ur horans"hoolmd.urg Grades: Pre-K-5 Trition: $1,612-$.1,500 Contact: Irene Jenkins, administrative msistant Baltimore Lab School (for students with moderate to severe leaming disabilities md ADIID) Calvert School ww'.baltimorelabschool.org Grades:1-12 Contact: Annette Fallon. admissions director 664 E. Central Ave. Edgeq'ater, NtD 2103? 410-798-0005 school director Contactr Tiffmy Seweu, msistmt 2220 St. Paul St. Baltimore, MD 21218 410-261-5500 Ptradena. MD 21122 Contact: A]1uvah Hcyman. tsoys'Latin Schooi g social md comunication chalienges Locations in Herndon, VA G t2), Siivex Spring, MD Q{-8) and Ba.ltimore, MD{Ii-8) T\dtion: $3?,500/yea Finmcial and Scholmships availabie rm'w.theaubumschool. org Grades: 9-12 Grades: Fr-.-K-12 105 Ttrscany Roari Baltimore, l,ID 212i0 474-243,6051 w. calvertschoolmd.org Grades: K-8 Tuition: $i1,300-$22,600 Contact: Nicole H. lYebster. Director of Admission Cardinal Shehan School St. Martin's-in-the-Field w-w. thesummitschool. org M07 Loch Raven Blvd. Episcopal School 375-A Benfield Road Sevema Park, l,ID 211.16 Bethlehem Christian Day School Grades: 1-8 Contact: DL Joan NIele-McCarthy 4815 Hamilton Ave. Baltimore, MD 21206 410-488-8963 Baltimore, NID 21239 ww,cardinaishehanschool. org w.bethiehemchristimdayschool.org Grades: Pre-K(3J-8 Grades: K-8 Tuition: $4,990 Contacl Corir.ne Davidson. ssistant principal 410-6.17-7055 mw..stmartinsmd.orll Grades: Nursery-S Contact: The Rev Dr. Frank Saryer Baltimore Gity Tuitionr $4,320-$4,980 Archbishop Borders School administrative secretary Contact: Pat Lao, St. Martin's Lutheran School of Annapolis 3500 Foster Ave. Baltimore. MD 21221 Bnos Yisroel ol Baltimore 1120 Spa Road 410-276-65,34 6300 Arnapolis, MD 21403 www-ibbschool.com ,110-26i1-8016 Grades: Pre-K(3)-8 N0TE: PLEASE Clr Pak Heights Ave. Baltimore, MD 21215 443-524-3200 ECK WITH SCH00LS T0 C0NFiRI/ 2014-15 TUlTl0N RATES 410-433-2775 The Catholic High School oI Baltimore 2800 Edison Hwy. Ba.ltimore, NID 2i213 4t0-7:32-6200 ,.1a B t E