(Lean Construction) alitavasoly@yahoo.com mmmortaheb@yahoo.com JIT
(Lean Construction) alitavasoly@yahoo.com mmmortaheb@yahoo.com JIT
(Lean Construction) alitavasoly@yahoo.com mmmortaheb@yahoo.com JIT Koskela 1992 " - - " " " - 5S TQM 1 Muda 2 Six Sigma 3 International Group for Lean Construction ( IGLC ) 4 On-site Production Oen-Of-A-Kind 6 Complixity 5 JIT Bertelsen(2003) - Taiichi Ohno 1 Value Value Stream 3 Flow 2 ( Gil et al 2000 ) Last Planner “ Last Planner ” “ Last Planner “ ( RPS ) 1 Pull Perfection 3 Master Schedule 4 Reverse Phase Scheduling 2 ( SWLA ) ( WWP ) ( PPC ) 5S (Kanban System ) 1 Six-Week Lookahead Weekly Work Plan 3 Percentage Plan Completed 4 First Run Study 5 Increased Visualization 6 Visual Workplace ( The 5S Process) 7 Harper, Ballard, Arbulu 8 Marketplace 9 ‘Milk run’ vehicle collect material 10 Supplier kanban 11 Inventory management system 12 Satellite store 2 ( ( Visual inspection) “V” “U” , “S” , “L” , “C” : 1 2 Layout Supply Chain Management I (Poka-Yoke 5S II (SMED) Last Planner (TVAL) 1 Single Minute Exchange of Die 2 Toyota Verification of Assembly Line 3 4 Cycle Time Variability (PCMAT) II I - 1 a General Performance Model Alarcon 3 Ashley 4 Cross-impact Analysis 5 Probabilistic inference 6 Incentive plans 2 GPM – " " " " PMBOK 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Alarcón, L.. (1993). "Modeling waste and performance in construction." Proc., IGLC-1, 1st Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Espoo, Finland. Alarcón, L., ” Lean Construction.”, Balkema Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands(1997). Arbulu, R., Ballard, G., and Harper, N. (2003). "Kanban in Construction." Proc., IGLC- 11, 11th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Blacksburg, VA. . Ballard, G. (2000). “The last planner system of production control.” Ph.D. thesis, Univ.Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom. Bertelsen, S., (2003), "Construction as a complex system.", Proc., 11th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Blacksburg, VA. . Banik, G. , (1999), "Construction productivity improvement." ,ASC ,Proc. ,35th AnnualConf. April 7-10 Associated Schools of Construction. San Luis Obispo, CA. . Saurin, T., Formoso, C., Guimarães, and Soares, A., (2002), "Safety and production: an integrated planning and control model." , Proc., IGLC-10, 10th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Gramado, Brazil. Howell, G. (1999). “What is lean construction – 1999.”. Proceedings , 7th Conference of International Group for Lean Construction held on July 26-28, 1996, Univ. California, Berkeley, CA. . Howell, G., and Ballard, G. (1998), "Implementing lean construction: understanding and action." ,Proc., IGLC-6, 6th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction by C. Formoso . Koskela, K. (1992) , "Application of the new production philosophy to construction." CIFE Tech. Rep. No.72, Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA. . Koskela, L (1993). "Lean production in construction" Proc., IGLC-1, 1st Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Espoo, Finland. 15. Koskela, L., Howell, G., and Dr. Tech. (2000). "Reforming project management: the role of Lean Construction" Proc., IGLC-8, 8th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Brighton, Brazil. 16. Mastroianni, R., and Abdelhamid, T. (2003), "The challenge: The impetus for change to lean project delivery." Proc., 11th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Blacksburg, VA. 17. Ohno, T. (1988). Toyota Production System(TPS), Productivity Press, Cambridge, MA. 1-44. 18. Tan, B., Horman, M., Messner , J., and Riley, D. (2003), "Increasing the understanding of lean priciples with advanced visualization technologies." Proc., 11th Conf. of Int. Group for Lean Construction, Blacksburg, VA. 19. Womack, J., Jones, D., & Roos, D.. The Machine that Changed the World, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company , 1990. 20. Solomon ,J.A. , 2004 ,” Application of the Principles of Lean Production to Construction “ M.S. thesis , Univ. Cincinati , ohio . 21. Womack, J., Jones, D., & Roos, D.. The Machine that Changed the World, New York, Macmillan Publishing Company , 1990.