The Parish of
The Parish of
Masses Saturday Eve Sunday Daily Saturday 5:00PM 7:30, 9:00, 10:30AM, 12Noon and 4:30PM 7:15, 8:45 AM 8:45 AM Pastoral Team Pastor Father Chuck Romano Associate Pastor Father Frank Eisele Father James Isabakaki The Parish of St. Raymond A Eucharistic Community of Faith, Love and Friendship Sunday, March 22, 2015 263 Atlantic Avenue, East Rockaway, NY 11518 Deacons 516-593-5000 Deacon Robert C. Campbell, OFS Deacon Thomas Wm. Connolly, T.O Carm Deacon Guy Donza Deacon Thomas J. Malone Jr. Pastoral Associate, Youth & Parish Social Ministry Deacon Richard W. LaRossa, S.F.D. School Principal Sr. Ruthanne Gypalo, I.H.M. ³$PHQDPHQ,VD\WR\RX unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; EXWLILWGLHVLWSURGXFHVPXFKIUXLW´ John 12:22 Director of Religious Education Mrs. Evelyn Contaldi Business Manager Thomas J. Donovan South Nassau Hospital Chaplain Father Patrick Osei-Poku Parish Staff Music Ministry Folk Group Laura Garbitelli Rob Drummond Children’s Choir Patricia Mayle Hand Bell Choir Se-beng Koh Plant Manager Steve Bennett Parish Secretary Annamarie Reilly Bulletin Editor Pauline Birmingham March 22, 2015 LItth Sunda day y of Lent FLI Welcome To Our Parish Family! This Week in Our Parish Not registered? Please stop by our rectory during office hours to be included in our parish family. Monday, March 23rd 3:30pm: Religious Education; Grades 1,3-6 School 7:00pm: Religious Education; Grades 7 & 8 School Tuesday, March 24th 3:30pm: Religious Education; Grade 2 School 5:00pm: Children’s Choir Practice Auditorium 6:30pm: Cub Scouts Cafeteria 7:00pm: Religious Education; Grades 7 & 8 School 7:30pm: Charismatic Prayer Group MWMR Wednesday, March 25th 3:30pm: Religious Education; Grades 1,3-6 School 4:00pm: Bereavement Group MWMR 7:30pm: Adult Choir Practice Church 7:30pm: Folk Group Practice MWMR 7:30pm: St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Ryan House Thursday, March 26th 9:30am: Bible Sharing MWMR 3:30pm: Religious Education; Grades 1,3-6 School 7:30pm: Bell Choir Practice Church Friday, March 27th 7:00pm: Cub Scouts Cafeteria 7:30pm: Boy Scouts Meeting Gym 7:30pm: Stations of the Cross Church Saturday, March 28th 3:30pm—4:30pm: Confessions Church Rectory Office Hours are Monday—Friday from 9:00am - 5:00pm; Saturday from 9:30am -1:00pm Please call ahead for an appointment. Telephone Numbers Rectory…………………………………………………….593-5000 Rectory Fax…………………………………………….…887-0554 St. Raymond School……………………………….…….593-9010 St. Raymond School Fax……………………….……….593-0986 Religious Education Office……………………………...593-9075 Religious Education Office Fax………………………...593-1156 Parish Social Ministry……………………………………887-9197 Parish Social Ministry Fax………………………………593-6278 Web Site: E-Mail: Pastoral Care Of The Sick Holy Communion— Available to the homebound. Devotions Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays from 1:00-4:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays from 8:00-9:00pm. Miraculous Medal Novena Saturdays following 8:45am Mass. Confessions March Parish Picks Winners Saturdays from 3:30-4:30pm, or by appointment. Baptisms Congratulation to this month’s Parish Picks Winners! Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Bereavement Support Group Call the rectory office for meeting times. 1st Place—$1,000 Marriages #603—Mary Smith Engaged couples are encouraged to call the Rectory a year in advance of their wedding date to assure adequate time to participate in preparation programs for the Sacrament of Marriage. 2nd Place—$500 #62—Mary & John Lynch 3rd Place—$250 Prayer Groups Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the rectory lower level (MWMR). Men’s Prayer Group: Every 4th Friday at 8:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel. Music Ministries Children’s Choir: Sings at the 9:00 Mass on the 3rd Sunday of the month from September through June, and meets for practice every Tuesday at 5:00pm in the school auditorium. Choir (Adult): Sings at 10:30am Mass on Sunday from September—June, and meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the church. Folk Group: Sings at 12 Noon Mass on Sundays from September through June, and meets for practice on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the rectory basement. Hand Bell Choir: Plays at the 5:00pm Mass on the 4th Saturday of the month from September through June, and meets for practice on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm in the church. #192—Robert & Lorraine Cipriano 4th Place—$250 #11—Mary & Bill McAlpin Thank you to all who participate! We hope to be calling you next month! You’ve got to be in it to win it! Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Interested in becoming a Catholic or an adult Catholic seeking Eucharist or Confirmation? Call the rectory and ask for Deacon Rich LaRossa. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 1 Ushers Needed! We are in need of Ushers at several of our Masses. Please consider giving a little of your time to this important ministry! If you can help us, please contact Tom at: 516-887-9401 or Father Chuck’s Corner Greetings and God’s continued Lenten blessings be yours on the Fifth Sunday of Lent! Faith and suffering are emphasized in today’s scriptures. In the first reading from Jeremiah, a new day is coming when all the sadness in the world will be defeated by hope. “I will be their God and they will be my people.” Then in the second reading from Hebrews, Jesus was made the perfect route of our salvation through his suffering. “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered…” And finally in John’s gospel Jesus sees in the arrival of the Greeks a sign that his hour has come. “And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” A masochist is an unflattering word we have for people who enjoy suffering. Some outsiders to Christianity might see as central to our faith the depictions of Jesus on the cross a rather negative focus. Why else would we value the suffering of one man, even a God-man, so much? Some facets of Christianity have even banished the image of the crucifix. And some theologians even say that Jesus suffered 2000 years ago so we don’t have to. Now it is obvious that suffering has not disappeared from human history and yet there are some religious beliefs that prefer to pretend it away as a done deal for people of faith. Good luck with that! Catholic Christianity has been rather stubborn in sticking to the cross. We get this boldness from Jesus himself who defined his hour of glory as one signaled by his impending sacrificial death. St. Paul, who had great insight into Christ, even went so far to preach nothing but “Christ and him crucified.” It was in the willingness of Jesus to suffer and die innocently that Paul saw divinity fully revealed. If we really “want to see Jesus” as the Greeks did, than our most perfect view of him will be at the hour he mounted the cross. Now no healthy person wants to suffer. It is one of the greatest menaces to our mortality and we do not want it. Yet precisely because of our mortality we can’t avoid it. We are prone to sickness, injury; gravely affected by evil and all the while heading to an inescapable end. Because we suffer the human face of God in Jesus suffers with us. He hangs on the cross in the 21st century because we do. Banishing the crucifix in our churches would be like banishing the manger. Emmanuel-God with us is with us from the first moment of human experience to the last. God doesn’t skip the suffering parts. Why? Because actually, they are the most revealing ones of his divine love. Last Tuesday, March 17th, our St. Raymond School Marching Band once again represented our school and parish in the annual New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The band members looked sharp and ready as they boarded the buses in the morning to make the trek to their appointed stepping off street location. The parent chaperones also looked very Irish in their woolen sweaters. The band did a grand job in playing and marching down Fifth Avenue to the cheers and support of all the parade watchers. Congratulations to all the band members, their director, music teacher and all the parents who helped. The tradition of the parade’s oldest tenured Catholic Grammar School Marching Band –our very own St. Raymond’s School Marching Band has continued this great school and Irish custom. Well done lads and lassies! Please remember to take home a copy of the bulletin when you leave Mass today. It contains many items of interest and invitation, with something for everyone. Of special note is news and needs from Parish Social Ministry (especially about the upcoming Easter Baskets), info from Religious Education and the Principal’s Corner of St. Raymond School, the Lenten Reflection Page for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the Communion Boutique on Tuesday, March 24th, the Easter Masses of Remembrance intention envelopes, the upcoming Holy Week Schedule of Masses and Services, the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal Update and much more. To keep informed, keep a copy of the bulletin at home each week for quick and easy reference. Have a great Fifth Week of Lent! Keep that Lenten smile going. Let the Lord ease your own suffering as you help to ease someone else’s pain. And remember: Your pain always touches God’s heart. God bless always. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 2 —Father Chuck Fifth Sunday of Lent By Dennis Hamm, S.J. In his humanity, Jesus was not literally a priest; that is, as a member of the tribe of Judah, he was not of the line of Levi and did not serve in the Jerusalem temple as one of its priests. Yet the author of the Letter to the Hebrews famously calls him “high priest,” and “of the order of Melchizedech.” What does this mean? The author is using a powerful metaphor, borrowed from Psalm 110:4, to capture the reality that, like the high priest performing the ritual of the Day of Atonement, Jesus functioned as a mediator between God and the people of God, facilitating reconciliation through a sacrifice, in Jesus’ case through self-sacrifice. Notice how the incarnation plays an integrating role here; as both divine and human, Jesus is uniquely qualified to function as a mediator, since he participates in both the divine and human reality. He can be said to “learn” obedience because, as human, he did indeed learn what human obedience of God is by undergoing the human experience of obeying the will of the Father. Similarly, the author can also say that Jesus is “made perfect,” for through his experience of human suffering he becomes more perfect in his role as mediator. By suffering, he grows in solidarity with human beings. In that way he also enables human persons to be saved by their obedience to Jesus. And what does it mean to be “of the order of Melchizedech”? As the author states later about Melchizedech, in chapter seven, “Without father, mother, or ancestry, without beginning of days or end of life, thus made to resemble the Son of God, he remains a priest forever” (7:3). That is the author’s way of saying that Melchizedech is an anticipation of Jesus who has those qualities in a transcendent way, now that he is risen Lord. This exotic (to us) use of metaphor is a very Jewish way of reminding us Christian readers that Jesus really did become one of us, to help up connect with the divinity that he also embodies as incarnate Son, now risen. We participate in that growing union every time we celebrate the Eucharist, when we participate in Jesus’ self-offering to the Father in union with the Holy Spirit. Easter Masses of Remembrance Many people like to request the intention for a Mass on Easter Sunday. Since there are a limited number of Masses for Easter, all requests are not able to be fulfilled. Therefore, there will be a special Novena of Masses for Easter that will be the Easter Masses of Remembrance. Those whom you mention will be remembered at all the Masses during the Easter season. Special envelopes have been mailed with the regular envelope packet and in the Easter mailing to all parishioners. They are also available on the front side pews and on the back pews by the doors of the church. Simply fill out the intention you wish to have remembered on the front of the envelope, include your donation and either mail it back, drop it in the Sunday Mass collection or place it in one of the wooden boxes marked "Easter Masses." Please do so by Sunday, April 5th. Thank you! St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 3 2015 St. Raymond Holy Week Schedule PALM SUNDAY 3/29/15 Blessing and Distribution of Palm at all Masses. Regular Saturday/Sunday Mass Schedule. HOLY MONDAY 3/30/15 Confessions from 3-6pm in the Rectory. 7:30pm Penance Service with Confessions in the Church. HOLY TUESDAY 3/31/15 5-6pm Confessions in the Church. 7-8pm Confessions in the Church. HOLY WEDNESDAY 4/1/15 5-6pm Confessions in the Church. 7-8pm Confessions in the Church. HOLY THURSDAY 4/2/15 8:00pm Parish Mass of the Last Supper in Church. Eucharistic Adoration in the School Auditorium until Midnight. GOOD FRIDAY 4/3/15 12 Noon Children’s Service in Church. 3:00pm Solemn Liturgical Service in the Church. 7:30pm Folk Group Stations of the Cross in the Church. HOLY SATURDAY 4/4/15 11:30am Blessing of Easter Foods in the Church. 8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass in the Church. (The most beautiful Church Service of the year!) “No Questions Asked” Penance Service With Confessions Monday April 14th; 7:30pm St. Raymond Church A gentle way to come back to this healing sacrament. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 4 Divine Mercy Sunday April 12th Jesus, I trust in You The Divine Mercy Message The message of The Divine Mercy is simple. It is that God loves us. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy. Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and the whole world. Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. Plenary Indulgence prayers at all Masses 2:00pm: 2:50pm: 3:00pm: 3:20pm: 3:50pm: Video Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Divine Mercy Chaplet Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary Benediction The Holy Season of Lent is an opportunity for all Christians to grow in faith through prayer, fasting and works of charity. St. Raymond’s offers the following opportunities to assist you in your spiritual journey. Perhaps you can incorporate some of these prayer gatherings into your Lenten journey. Hopefully we may all grow in our personal and communal experiences of Jesus during this holy time. Join us often and anytime. We’d love to see you! Fast & Abstinence All Catholics who have reached their fourteenth year are bound to abstain entirely from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent. All Catholics between the ages of eighteen and fiftynine inclusive are also bound to observe the law of fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This means limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Two other light meals, which together do not equal a full meal, may be taken during the day. Additional Daily Mass There will be an additional daily Mass at 12:15pm every week day throughout Lent. Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet Will be prayed following the 12:15pm Mass each Tuesday and Wednesday during Lent. Stations of the Cross Will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 7:30pm in the church. Eucharistic Adoration Nine-Day Novena Every Thursday from 1-4:00pm in Our Lady’s Chapel, and from 8-9:00pm in the church on the First Friday of every month. The Divine Mercy Nine-Day Novena begins on Good Friday, April 3rd and continues through to Holy Saturday, April 11th . “On this day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon souls who approach the fount of My mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.” —Diary of St. Faustina, 699 Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions are heard every Saturday in the church from 3:30-4:30pm. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 5 Parish Bulletin Board Mission News YOUth Group Why I want to go on the St. Raymond's Mission Awareness Trip... This past weekend 50 of our youth went to Graymoor in Garrison, New York for their annual retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to get away from the usual here and work on our relationship with God. While there we visited St. Christopher's Inn which is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars to those fighting drug and alcohol addiction. I enjoy learning about different culture and have been involved in sponsorships for 30 years. This trip will be a great opportunity to learn about the good people of Guatemala, share in our Faith and let all of us become better, happier and wiser from the experience. --Paul K Eversman St. Raymond Human Life Committee Deanery VI Pro-Life Holy Hour Date: Today, Sunday, March 22nd Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm Place: St. Joachim’s Church, 614 Central Ave., Cedarhurst "I shall not pass this way again, and any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now." Once again you, the faithful friends of the mothers and their unborn babies, have shown kindness and goodness to those in need by giving so generously to our annual "baby shower." Because of you, we were able to donate beautiful clothing, baby's items and $600 to the local crisis pregnancy centers. May God richly bless all of you for your continued caring for His little ones and their mothers. "When God wants a great work done in the world or a great wrong righted, He goes about it in a very unusual way. He doesn't stir up His earthquakes or send forth His thunderbolts. Instead, He has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple house and of some obscure mother. And then God puts the idea into the mother's heart and she puts it into the baby's mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies." --E.T. Sullivan Here are reflections of two of our young people and what they experienced: One thing I felt during the retreat was confidence. While there all the adults encouraged us to find God. They reminded us that we are important and they don't want us to get involved with bad substances. Graymoor is an amazing experience. This trip was my second. Both times I had a blast and I hope to go back again next year. --Lauren Kaiser One thing I felt during the retreat was the presence of God in the men at St Christopher's Inn. They told us their stories of getting into addiction when we visited the Inn. They started with alcohol and pot and then moved on to other drugs. They also work in the dining room and served us our meals. It is hard to believe that people who have these addictions can be so nice. They were once kids like us and then they made poor choices. They deserve the same respect as people as the rest of us. --Matt Capellupo Please keep all the recovering addicts at St. Christopher's Inn in your prayers as they try to recover their lives. Golden Wedding Jubilee This spring, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April 19th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30pm. Couples may register for only one liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the rectory during office hours. Registration must be received by the Office of Worship by April 6th for the April 26th liturgy and by April 13th for the April 26th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the fall for those who may find that more convenient. If you have any questions you may call 6785800,x 207. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 6 Parish Bulletin Board Principal’s Corner Religious Education - Faith Formation. Thanks so much to the Golden Rays for their spirited participation in the St. Patrick‘s Day parades in both New York City and Rockville Centre. They looked good and sounded even better making all of us most proud. BRAVO! Hospitality Sunday Many thanks and appreciation to our catechists for their generosity in providing the scrumptious treats for last week‘s Hospitality Sunday that Religious Education hosted along with the members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and Parish Social Ministry. The day was very well attended and we thank everyone who stopped by to share with our food and friendship. I also want to thank all those kind folks who stepped forward to help out in the lunch room. Your assistance is a real blessing! The important thing is that our children will continue to be safe out in the yard at recess. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let‘s take a look at this week at St. Raymond‘s: Monday – Grade 8 to morning mass; Baked ziti at lunch; Together with Toddler program from 1:30pm to 3:00pm; Chorus practice after school in the Music Room Tuesday – Grade 7 to morning mass; Math Enrichment for Grade 8 at lunchtime; Parish Children‘s Choir from 5-6pm in the auditorium Wednesday – Band lessons with Full Experienced Band at 8:00am (Beginner Band at 11:00am); Kindergarten to morning mass; Pizza day Thursday – Grade 1 to morning mass; PSA sponsored BOOK FAIR in the cafeteria; Hot pretzels at lunch; 7th Grade Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm in the Church Friday – School Mass at 8:45am with 6th Grade hosting; BOOK FAIR continues; Bagel day; K of C PANTRY DANCE in the cafeteria from 7-9pm Saturday – 8th Grade ITALIAN NIGHT Please remember that we are getting very close to the end of the month and the end of the season of Lent. That gives us just a few days to prepare for the greatest feast in our Church. Are you ready? 24th Annual Communion Boutique This year‘s Communion Boutique will be held on March 24th from 2:30pm to 4:45pm in the school cafeteria. Low prices (and no tax) on Pocketbook and Wallet sets (containing Rosary beads and case, Brown Scapular, Missal, and Communion Pin), Veils, Ties, Armbows, Jewelry for Boys and Girls, Bibles, Book of Prayers, Communion Candle, Remembrance Albums, and Keepsake Boxes. All would be appropriate gifts of remembrance for this once in a lifetime occasion. A percentage of profits goes to Religious Education and St. Raymond School Band. Please note: After March 24th purchases can be made by appointment. Please call Judy Kelly at 593-1829. Attention: Children Participants for the Good Friday Services The last rehearsal for the Good Friday Services by Children is this Wednesday, March 25th from 5pm-6pm in the Church. The presentation is scheduled for Good Friday, April 3rd at 12 Noon in the Church. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Attention: 7th Grade Religious Education & St. Raymond Students The 7th grade Religious Education and St. Raymond School students will participate in the 7th grade Stations of the Cross by Teens this Thursday, March 26th at 7pm in the Church. All 7th grade students are to attend with a parent. Grandparents and other family members or friends are invited to attend as well. There is a reflection paper in the Confirmation guidebook that must be completed after the students attend this very special service. Religious Education Registration 2015-2016 The Registration forms the 2015-2016 Religious Education school year have been e-mailed home this past week to each family using the e-mail address that was given to the Religious Education office at the beginning of this school year. If you do not receive the e-mail, please go to the parish website at, click on parish, click on the Religious Education tab, click on forms and click on Registration Packet . The packet contains a cover letter, a registration form and a new student registration form. All families need the cover letter and registration form—only use the new student registration form for registering a child who will be entering first grade in September 2015. Please open up the file, print the forms, fill them out in their entirety and send them back to the Religious Education office with full payment. If you are having a problem doing this, please contact the Religious Education office and the forms will be sent home with your child or you can simply stop by the office to pick them up. Wednesday, March 25th is the feast of the Annunciation. The angel Gabriel ‗announced‘ to Mary that God wanted her to be the Mother of Jesus! That‘s why the feast is called the ‗Annunciation‘ or announcement day. Mary said she would do whatever God wanted her to do, and so she became Jesus‘ Mother. This Wednesday, remember to say one Hail Mary prayer in honor of this special feast day. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 7 Parish Bulletin Board Parish Social Ministry What is Divine Mercy? Divine Mercy is God's love reaching down to meet the needs and overcome the miseries of His creatures. The Bible, St. Thomas Aquinas and Pope John Paul II tell us this is so. Stewardship Thought for the Week ―If anyone would serve Me,‖ says Jesus in today‘s Gospel, ―let him follow Me; where I am, there will My servant be.‖ In what ways is Jesus inviting me to follow Him? What service is He asking of me? Sacrificial Giving March 15, 2015: $15,580 March 16, 2014: $16,338 How then can we practice mercy among ourselves? By reaching out, as God does, to one another we can help to relieve another‘s misery and need. Kindness and compassion are so underrated in our society. A little can go a long way and usually finds its way right back to you! The Heart of the Parish Pantry Items: Milk, eggs, cheese, colds cuts, hot and cold cereal, peanut butter and jelly, pancake mix and syrup, boxed potatoes, canned fruit and any Easter table food items that you would like to donate. Monthly sharing with: Queen of the Holy Rosary in Roosevelt: $50 Easter Baskets Thank you so much for your continued support of the food pantry! Please help.! We have a shortage of chocolate Easter bunnies and could also use some more small to medium baskets. Gently used baskets, or other suitable containers, are fine as long as they are clean. They would be greatly appreciated. St. Raymond‘s Parish Social Ministry Bishop Ryan House 12 Roosevelt Ave., Lynbrook Ph: 887-9197 Monday -- Friday 10am -- 3pm Our baskets will be made up during this week, so please leave your donations at the Ryan House (12 Roosevelt Ave). Any questions, please call 887-9197. Thank you for your continued support of Parish Social Ministry‘s special projects. Diocese of Rockville Centre The Office for the Protection of Children & Young People Please Remember… We are all responsible for the safety of children and vulnerable adults! If you suspect mistreatment of a child or vulnerable adult by any member of the Clergy, Church Employee or Volunteer: Parish Council Phone the Hotline to make a report: 516-594-9063 The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. His wrath will come to and end; He will not be angry forever. He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults. Psalm 103:8-10 Pastoral Council Members Jim Caffrey, President; Monica Collins, Michaelene Cooper; Michael Palumbo; Patricia Mayle, Mary Murphy, Secretary; Christopher Simeti; Liz Tortorella, Vice President; Irene Villacci; Father Chuck Romano All appropriate steps will be taken to protect the reputation and privacy of those involved: the person making the complaint, the victim and the accused. For more information on the Charter for the Protection of Children/ Young People visit the Diocesan Website and click on Protecting God‘s Children Tab. Families Anonymous Families Anonymous (FA) is a Twelve-Step support program of recovery for relatives and friends concerned about the use of drugs, alcohol or related behavioral problems. We meet every Wednesday at 7:30pm in St. Raymond's School cafeteria. For more information, call Antoinette at 568-0040. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 8 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL “Serving God by Serving Others” Every year the Catholic Ministries Appeal provides the means to continue the mission that Christ has entrusted to us: to serve, to educate, to care for the poor and to be a beacon of hope. The ministries, agencies and programs that benefit from the appeal allow us to fulfill the mission given to us as Catholics. We are counting on you, the members of our St. Raymond Parish Family to participate in this most important campaign for the ministries and programs of our Church and for all who depend on them. More than 600,000 people each year, many from our own communities are served through the funds raised in the appeal. To all of you who have already responded through the mailing sent from the appeal office, I am so grateful for your generosity. You are truly a blessing! As your pastor, I want you to know that I too financially support the Catholic Ministries Appeal and I have confidence that our parish will do its very best to once again make the Catholic Ministries Appeal successful. We came close in 2014 and I believe we can definitely make it this year. Remember that St. Raymond’s will also benefit financially when we are successful in reaching our goal in payment by the end of the calendar year. We stand to receive 20% of any money raised up to the goal and then 80% of any money raised over the goal amount. Because we were close to our goal for 2014, our partial rebate totaled $12,080.00. That is great and a much needed boost to our parish’s bottom line. There are pledge cards and envelopes on the pew shelves by all the doors for you take home. Many people also make their pledge/donation directly to the appeal office in Rockville Centre. We get full credit for all those too. If everyone in our parish family contributed according to their means we could easily reach our goal and even go beyond. Then, not only will we be helping the diocese fund these many important ministries but St. Raymond’s would also reap a sizable rebate. And that would be great! Please remember that no gift is too small and all gifts make a difference to someone’s life. As Pope Francis reminds us all……….. “a Church without charity does not exist.” Below is our 2015 CMA goal and the current totals. Thanks for your help. God bless always. Father Chuck 2015 CMA Goal $104,200.00 Pledges/Gifts as of 3/18/15 $36,135.00 #Pledges/Gifts 142 St. Raymond R.C. Chrch Page 9 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal Serving God by Serving Others “No vocation is born of itself or lives for itself. A vocation flows from the heart of God and blossoms in the good soil of faithful people” -Pope Francis Answering the Call to Serve Father James Shelton, ordained in June of 2014, remembers the day he entered the Seminary. “From the first moment that I walked into the Seminary, I knew immediately that being a priest was what I wanted to do; I knew I was going to be happy and joyful serving God’s people.” The Catholic Ministries Appeal helps seminarians devote themselves fully to their studies as they prepare to serve as our priests. Today, serving as an Associate Pastor at Good Shepherd in Holbrook, Fr. Shelton hopes to reach out to others so they can “experience the joy and peace that the Lord provides.” Please consider donating to the Appeal and making a difference in someone’s life. Thank you! Tear off here: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Parish:___________________________________ Pledge:$________________ Name: ____________________________________ Down payment: $__________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________ Signature: ___________________________ Date: _____________________ St. Raymond R.C. Chrch Page 10 Please Pray for Our Sick Masses for this Week Monday, March 23rd 7:15am Frank Collins 8:45am Josephine Genova 12:15pm Thomas Bonsignor Aidan Pearsall, Michelina Vito, Alana Downey, Janet Kelly, Brady James Hicks, ―Little‖ Bridget Feminella, Little Matthew Ramos, Babies Anthony & Luke Akin, Baby Scarlett Hoolihan, Baby Natalie Cicero, Raymond Mayle, Baby Gabriel Joseph, Catalina Aloi, Baby Eleanor Jane McInerney, Susan Vito Volpe, John Kear, Nancy Vito Shannon, Police Officer Kenneth Healey, Barbara Meccio, Jeanette Kostyrka, John Leavey, Janet McGinnis-Esposito, Scott Betts, Michael Stefans, Theresa DeRosa, Joyce Sellitti, Patsy Velardi, Anne Lintner. (Names are printed for 3 weeks unless the rectory is notified otherwise.) Tuesday, March 24th St. Turibius 7:15am Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:45am Josephine Genova 12:15pm Rosemary Madden Altar Bread & Wine... For this Week is in Memory of Wednesday, March 25th 7:15am Grace Kuehn 8:45am John & Veronica Tuzzi 12:15pm Edna Campbell Rosemary Madden From Ed & Doreen Malone Thursday, March 26th 7:15am Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:45am Joseph Clancy 12:15pm Holy Souls in Purgatory Rose for Life... Friday, March 27th 7:15am Holy Souls in Purgatory 8:45am Joan DelGiorno 12:15pm Augustino & Carmela Esposito For this Week is in Loving Memory of Mary Agnes & Cornelius Duggan Donated by their family. Saturday, March 28th 8:45am Rose Thies, Josephine Genova, Gail Kelly, Michael & Amanda Motherway—Living 5:00pm James Lysaght For future dedications, call Mary Healy at 887-4062. Sanctuary Lamp for this Week Sunday, March 29th Palm Sunday of the 7:30am Frances Rositani Passion of Our Lord 9:00am Helen David 10:30am Fred & Agnes Villacci 12:00pm Daisy & Frank D‘Agnese, Neil Romano, Victor Martinez, Giuseppe Pipia, John Hank, Ernest Frascati 4:30pm People of the Parish Scripture Readings for the Week Monday Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62; Jn 8:1-11 Tuesday Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 Friday Jer 20:10-13;Jn 10:31-42 Saturday Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 Sunday Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16; Is 50:4-7; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 For this Week is in Memory of Neil Romano Donated by Genevieve DeIeso Please keep our Service Men & Women in Prayer... Capt. Kathryn M. Costello, U.S.M.C., Recruit Joseph R. Diltz, USMC, Lance Corporal Sean M. Donohue, U.S.M.C., Lt., Gregory Durso, U.S.ARMY, Pvt. Brian Efferen, U.S.M.C., Sgt. John David Efferen, U.S.M.C., Corporal Daniel J. Ferrato, U.S.M.C., LCpl. Yonik Gomez USMC, Michael Gondek, National Guard, John C. Hayes, U.S. ARMY, Lance Corporal Dylan J. Hickam, U.S.M.C. Lt. Col. Mary P. King, M.D., U.S.ARMY, PFC Brian Lantz, U.S. ARMY, Lt. jg Joseph Leahy, U.S.N., Capt. Joseph McQuade, U.S.N., Lt. Jake Murphy, U.S.ARMY, Capt. Brian Peterson, USAF, Capt. Graham A. Perry, U.S.M.C., 1ST Lt. Roy Ragusa, Jr., U.S. ARMY, Lt. Kevin Reilly, U.S. ARMY, Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Schimenti, U.S.N., SO2 Craig T. Smith, USN Please remember to pray for our wounded soldiers. St. Raymond R.C. Church Page 11 Diocesan & Community Bulletin Board Widowed, Divorced, & Single Catholics New Member Orientation Tuesday, March. 24th; 8pm St. Frances de Chantal Church, :DQWDJK$YH 1RQ-GHQRPLQDWLRQDOODUHZHOFRPH3OHDVHEULQJ SURRIRIVLQJOHVWDWXV5HIUHVKPHQWVDIWHUPHHWLQJ For info, call: Barbara McCaffrey at 516-798-2858 Divine Mercy Explained, The Message & the Devotion, Tap into the Greatness! Thursday, March 26th; 7:30pm St. Agnes Cathedral, /RZHU+DOO3DULVK&HQWHU 7KH&KDSOHWƒ1RYHQD+RXURI0HUF\ ,QGXOJHQFHVƒ'LYLQH6XQGD\$SULOWK 3UHVHQWHGE\)U+XJK*LOHVSLH For Details, call Mary at 375-0738 Dominican Village :KHQ\RX¶UHKRPH\RX¶UHKRPH« Independent Retirement Community Assisted Living Residence ɷ Respite Care 6SRQVRUHGE\WKH6LVWHUVRI6W'RPLQLF $OEDQ\$YH$PLW\YLOOH Call for tour: 631-842-6091 Spirituality for Singles 2015 Spring Dance Saturday, April 11th; 8:30pm± Midnight St. Aidan Parish, St. Kirwin Hall :LOOLV$YH:LOOLVWRQ3DUN SHUSHUVRQ+RW%XIIHWZLQHEHYHUDJHVUHIUHVK PHQWVGHVVHUW$OOVLQJOHVDUHZHOFRPH For info, call: Ray at 516 561-6994 or Help the Poor in Appalachia 7KHHPHUJHQF\IRRGSDQWU\DW6W6WHSKHQ¶V&DWKROLF &KXUFKLQ&XPEHUODQG.HQWXFN\GLVWULEXWHVFROOHFWHG IRRGJURFHULHVDQGVDQLWDU\SURGXFWVWRRYHUIDPLOLHV LQQHHGHYHU\PRQWK7KH\QHHGKHOSWRNHHSJRLQJ 3OHDVHFRQVLGHUVXSSRUWLQJWKHIRRGSDQWU\E\VHQGLQJD GRQDWLRQODUJHRUVPDOOWR St. Stephen Catholic Church 304 Central St. Cumberland, KY 40823 Att: Father Mani George Thellikalayil Volunteer missionaries are welcome, call Father Mani at 609-589-5616 0D\*RGIRUHYHUEOHVV\RXZKDWHYHU\RXGRIRUWKHSRRU ZLOOEHDWUHDVXUHLQKHDYHQ ALBERT W. CHIANESE & ASSOCIATES Attorneys At Law Serving the Lynbrook/East Rockaway Community for over 25 years Healthcare Proxies and Living Wills Free Consultation Accidents Malpractice Labor Accidents on all Matters Matrimonial Real Estate Estates 100 Merrick Rd., Suite 103 East, RVC 516-599-2020 Fax 516-599-6476 ĚǀĞƌƟƐŝŶŐ Carpenter • Roofer • Handyman 40 Years Experience Automobile Waxing & Detailing Inside & Out ALL WORK DONE BY JAMES 516-593-2933 Gutter Cleaning /ŶƐŝĚĞĂĐŬWĂŐĞ Reasonable Rates DR. DANIEL DAVIES PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY 6 Scranton Ave., Lynbrook 596-0022 ADRIAN M. HARDEJ, DDS 50 Hempstead Ave. Lynbrook 593-8808 Family Dentistry ~ Implants D oris Flor ist DESIGNS BY DORIS Weddings • Theme Parties • Funerals Fruit & Gift Baskets • Party Favors 233 LONG BEACH RD • ISLAND PARK WWW.CREATIVEFLORISTISPK.COM 897-2460 Edwin C. Gerrity Agency BIRTHRIGHT cxÜÜç YâÇxÜtÄ [ÉÅx? \ÇvA Kenneth Lysak Jr., Philip M. Taglia George L. Perry, Roy A. Solace • Family Owned & Operated • Newly Renovated • Area’s Largest Chapel • Preplanning • Prepayment Since 1825 118 Union Avenue, Lynbrook 516.593.1111 Celebrity Chase Collision LA CUCINA 191 Earle Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563 516 593-0920 Ask about your parish discount. Contemporary Italian Restaurant 1241 Broadway, Hewlett (516) 837-0475 Dining Room Open Tues-Sun 5pm-10pm OF NASSAU/SUFFOLK (516) 785-4070 Confidential • Handicap Accessible Assistance • Monuments & Inscriptions • Children’s Playroom Sound Audiology • Competitive Pricing Hearing Aids and Audiology Services • Ample Parking Clare Villanueva, AuD & Donna Rubino, AuD CAREFREE AIR CONDITIONING GAS HEATING 516-599-2848 AIR FILTRATION WATER FILTRATION 215a Atlantic Ave., Lynbrook, NY 11563 (516) 224-7588 Marilyn I. Ventuleth, Psy. D.,ABSNP Neuro Psychologist Evaluations, Psychotherapy 337 Merrick Rd Ste 7, Lynbrook 887-4548 Canterbury Landscaping and RJS Family Nurse Practitioners, P.C. Price Fixe $24.95 - Sun/Tues/Wed/Thurs 5-6:30pm Horticultural Services, Inc. All your Insurance needs Private Party and Dining Room for any Lic/Ins. BILL JOHNSON 29 Ryder Place East Rockaway, NY 11518 25D Main St., East Rockaway, NY 11518 Landscaping Design & Planting•Custom Masonry Special Occasion ~ Now Booking for P: 516-569-3838 F: 516-569-3839 Property Maintenance/Management Serving the Community over 50 years Communion, Mother’s Day and Graduation! Joe Carroll Lynn M. Helmsorig, FNP-C Landscape Lighting • Sprinkler Systems (516) 593-4242 Gail. C. Power, FNP 516.766.0485 CLHS44@AOL.COM 40 Rowe Ave. Lynbrook, NY $10 off your bill with this St. Raymond bulletin ad! ED McNULTY REALTY LLC Tel 516-825-1110 29A North Village Ave., Rockville Centre, NY 387 Atlantic Ave., East Rockaway, NY Fax 516-825-1115 Construction 3346 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside, NY www.CarrollFinancialGroup.Net Paul Eversman, Lic. R.E. Agent Corp. (516) 887-3603 Cell: (516) 647-5293 Where Perfection is the only Standard! The advice you deserve. Fax (516) 442-2769 Email: GREYSTONECONST.COM 516.823.0400 FATHER & SON Kevin M. Flynn, F.N.A.O. AUTO CORP. Licensed Ophthalmic Dispenser 141 Main St. E. Rockaway 599-9300 AUTO REPAIRS SALES 170 Atlantic Ave. Lynbrook, NY 11563 516.599-8666 516.599.9271 Est. 1978 Newly Expanded and Decorated • Ample Parking Assisi Veterinary Hospital Internal Medicine, Surgery & Emergency Medicine Pet Grooming and Boarding Available 516-256-0022 xá Å t Tech Electric 250 Hempstead Ave., Malverne ] Your East Rockaway Licensed & Insured Electrical Contractor 536-6900 647-0960 Eddie’s Barber Shop 121 Broadway Lynbrook Haircuts $10 & up Men • Women • Kids Open 7 days Established 1950 516-599-7746 JAIME POMPA-JAMIN Broker/Owner 154 Union Ave., Lynbrook 516-855-4593 SHANE OILS, LTD Scranton & Atlantic Ave. E. 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