Laserwire Beam Size Monitor - TESLA Technology Collaboration
Laserwire Beam Size Monitor - TESLA Technology Collaboration
R&D towards a Laser Based Beam Size Monitor for the FLC T Kamps, BESSY FEL TESLA Meeting, Hamburg 15 – 17 September 2003 WG-II APD Group Session 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 1 The next 20 minutes • Motivation for the project • History and status of Laserwire experiments • Laserwire at PETRA - Environment - Detector simulations, design and calibration - Laser scanning, transport and focusing - Installation – status and plans • Conclusions and Outlook 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 2 Motivation • Maximise Luminosity performance of Linear Collider • Development of standard diagnostic tool for LC and LC Test Facility (LCTF) Collider operation • Control of transverse beam size and emittance in Beam Delivery System (BDS) and at Interaction Point (IP) • Features - Full reconstruction with error smaller than 10% - Fast (intra-train) scanning - Non-destructive for electron beam - Resistant to high power electron beam Ø Optical scattering structures 2 L= 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL nb N e f rep 4πσ σ * x * y ∗ HD 3 LC Layout and Parameter CLIC NLC TESLA BDS σx/ µm σy/ µm 3.4 to 15 0.35 to 2.6 7 to 50 1 to 5 20 to 150 1 to 25 IP σx/ nm nm σy/ nm nm 196 4.5 335 4.5 535 5 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 4 Optical Scattering Structures • Scanning of finely focused laser beam through electron beam • Detection of Compton photons (or degraded electrons) as function of relative laser beam position • Challenges - Produce scattering structure smaller than object to measure - Fast scanning mechanism - Efficient signal detection / background suppression 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 5 SLC/SLD Laserwire • Complex installation inside SLD detector during shutdown • Measured spotsizes as small as 2.1 x 0.6 µm at IP • Laser spotsize 380 nm with Rayleigh range of 5 µm 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 6 Laserwire Interest Group • Elevate existing design ideas and experimental expertise • Standard tool for LC and LCTF operation • Collaborations - SLAC/KEK Laserwire for ATF - BESSY/CERN/DESY/RHUL on Laserwire for CTF and PETRA • Laserwire for µm spotsizes • Advanced techniques for smaller spotsizes - TE01 mode laserwire à sub- µm capabilities • Next run of ATF Laserwire experiment - Laser interferometer (Shintake) à tens of nm 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 7 Laserwire for PETRA • Positron Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator • Injector for HERA, upgrade to synchrotron light source • Free straight section • Easy installation of hardware due to existing access pipe and hut outside tunnel area • Q-switch Nd:YAG • No clean longitudinal mode • Laser from CERN LEP polarimeter experiment - Mode beating - Measured with streak camera 30/09/2003 PETRA parameter Energy Bunch Length Charge/bunch Hor. beam size Ver. beam size E/GeV σz/ps nC σx/µm σy/µm 4.5 to 12 ~100 1 to 3 500 to 100 50 to 10 Laser parameter Wavelength Energy Pulselength Reprate Beam size Divergence T Kamps, BESSY FEL l/nm E/mJ dt/ns frep/Hz σx,y/mm θ/mrad 1064/532 250/90 11/9 1 to 30 ~7 0.7 8 Laserwire for PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 9 Laser Focusing/Diagnostics • Requirements Ø RMS spotsize at interaction smaller than electron beam size, here 10 to 30 mm Ø Rayleigh range larger than horizontal beam, here 100 to 300 mm Ø Resistant against high power beam Ø Beam stay clear distance Ø Include diagnostics • Solution commercially available laser objective • Imaging system for diagnosics 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 10 Lab Measurements at RHUL 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 11 Lab Measurements at RHUL • Measurement of spot size at focus and beam propagation with knife edge technique • Slicing of beam at several longitudinal positions • Piezo movement controlled by interferometer - high precision ~30 nm • Tested with beam at CTF2 Laserwire experiment 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 12 Fast Scanning • Profile scans within one bunch train of TESLA requested • Scan resolution to scan at least a few points per sigma • Flexible scan pattern for systematic studies • Piezo driven platform with high-reflective mirror • Discrete and continuous operation (up to 1 kHz) • High damage threshold • Tested in lab with homebuild driver unit and amplifier 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 13 Signal and Backgrounds • Photon electron scattering • Background sources - Synchrotron radiation - Cosmic rays - Bremsstrahlung • Simulation with Geant4/tool kits Full simulation with realistic setup 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 14 Detector Simulation • Requirements for detector material - short decay time (avoid pile up) - short radiation length - small Moliere radius • Cuboid detector crystals made of PbWO4 • 3x3 matrix of 18x18x150 mm crystals • Energy resolution better than 5% 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 15 Detector Calibration • Detector studies with DESY II testbeam • Beamline with electrons with energy from 450 MeV to 6 GeV • Ten detector crystals were calibrated using a single PMT • Combination of nine crystals in matrix • Resolution - High intrinsic resolution - Full matrix less good 2 σ p p R 2 = E = 1 + 2 + p32 E E E 2 2 p1: stochastic contrib., p2: noise p3: constant (inhomogeneity) 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 16 Setup at PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 17 Installation at PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 18 Installation at PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 19 Installation at PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 20 Installation at PETRA 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 21 First Photons 31.07.03 Laser on Laser off Calorimeter Q-switch Photodiode at IP 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 22 Discussion (very prel.) • Signal Rate - Positron bunch: 7 GeV, 3 nC - Laser beam: 9 MW à Comptons photons total energy: 800 photons x 390 MeV mean energy = 312 GeV • Positron Beam Size - Laser beam at IP s L ~ 40 µm - Signal disappered ± 200 µm à s m ~ 67 µm - Positron beam s e = sqrt(s m2 - s l2 ) ~ 54 µm 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 23 Conclusions & Outlook • First Compton signal with Laserwire achieved • Signal and background rate as expected • Problems - CCD cameras failures (heating, overvoltage) - Laser beam diagnostics (power, trans. size) - Dedicated beam time • Outlook - CCDs back from manufacturers workshop - Laser beam diagnostics in place/in progress - New laser trigger electronic - No dedicated beam time 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 24 People G Blair, S Boogert, G Boorman, J Carter, T Kamps, A Muir, F Poirier, I N Ross, J Frisch, M Ross, Y Honda, H Sakai, N Sasao, J Urukawa, K Balewski, H C Lewin, P Schmüser, S Schreiber, K Wittenburg, J Bosser, E Bravin, S Hutchins, T Lefevre 30/09/2003 T Kamps, BESSY FEL 25