Wholesale Catalogue 2015
Wholesale Catalogue 2015
Wholesale Catalogue 2015 Dear client We offer the following plants, in a very wide range. Everything is offered by name or in an mix formula: Hostas Tree Peony Herbaceous Peony Ferns Heucheras Phlox Iris Hemerocallis Grasses Alpines Agapanthus ... All our plants are sold in an tray and have a photo. Our main concern is great quality and a good presentation. Deleveries are made by ourselves or transporters Send us an e-mail for our prices HostaFolie Gino & Alexander Vandekinderen +32 479 85 10 97 +32 472 74 20 90 info@hostafolie.eu www.hostafolie.eu Hosta - Pot 1,5 L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Abby Abiqua Drinking Gourd Abiqua Elephant Ears Abiqua Trumpet Adorable Alakazaam Allegan Fog American Halo Americana Amos Andorian Ann Kulpa Appletini Aristocrat Atlantis Atom Smasher Atomic Elvis Autumn Frost Avocado Azuretini Baby Blue Eyes Baby Bunting Barbara Ann Beauty Substance Behamoth Ben Vernooij Best of Twenty Big Daddy Big Mama Blackjack Blaue Venus Blazing Saddles Blue Angel Blue Cadet Blue Cascades Blue Eyes Blue Flame Blue Hawaii Blue Ivory Blue Mammoth Blue Mouse Ears Blue Silver Blue Umbrellas Blue Vision Blueberry a la Mode Blueberry Muffin Bob Olson New! New! New! New! New! S L XL S M S S L M XL M M S S L S M M L S S mini L XL XL M S L XL L M M L S M S M L M XL mini S XL L L M S Brave Amherst Bridal Falls Bright Star Brim Cup Broadway Bronx Bomber Camelot Cameo Candy Dish Captain Kirk Captains Adventure Cathedral Windows Celtic Uplands Center of Attention Centerfold Chain Lightning Champagne Toast Cherry Berry Christmas Candy Christmas Tree Cinnamon Sticks Clifford s Stingray Climax Color Festival Columbus Circle Con te Partiro Country Mouse Cutting Edge Dance With Me Dancing Queen Dawn's Early Light Deep Blue Sea Deliverance Desert Mouse Designer Genis Devon Green Diana Remembered Dinky Donna Dixie Chicks Dixie Cups Domaine de Courson Doubled Up Dream Queen Dream Weaver Earth Angel El Nino Electrocution Emerald Charger Empress Wu Enterprise New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! M L M M L M M mini M M M L M M M M M S M M M M L M M mini mini L M M M S S mini M M L S mini L XL M M M L M S M XL M Hosta 'Cathedral Windows' Hosta 'Dixie Cups' Eos Eskimo Pie Eternal Flame Extacy Eye Catcher Faithfull Heart Final Victory Fire and Ice Fire Island Fireworks First Frost First Mate Flemish Angel Flemish Gold Flemish Sky Forbidden Fruit Foxfire Palm Sundae Fragrant Queen Francee Frances Williams Frosted Mouse Ears Funny Mouse Geisha Geogia Sweetheart Ghost Spirit Goldbrook Glimmer Golden Meadows Goodness Gracious Grand Prize Grand Rapids Grand Slam Grand Tiara Great Excape Great Expectations Gretchen's Grace Grunspecht Guacemole Guardian Angel Gypsy Rose Hacksaw Hadspen Heron Halcyon Hands Up Harry van der Laar Harry van Trier Heart and Soul Heavenly Teara Hi Ho silver Hidden Cove High Society New! New! New! New! New! New! M S S S S S L S M S M S L M M L M M L L mini mini S M S M L L S L M S M M M M L L M S M M S M S S S S mini S Hosta 'Fragrant Queen' Hosta 'Grand Pize' Hillbilly Blues Hollywood Light Holy Mouse Ears Hudson Bay Ice Cream Invincible Irish Luck Ivory Coast Jaws Journey's End Juha June June Fever Justine Katherine Lewis Kifukurin-ko-mama King Size Kiwi Full Monty Korean Snow Krossa Regal Lady in Red Lakeside Banana Bay Lakeside Beach Bum Lakeside Cha Cha Lakeside Circle O Lakeside Color Blue Lakeside Cupcake Lakeside Dimpled Darling Lakeside Fancy Pants Lakeside Little Gem Lakeside Little Tuft Lakeside Maverick Lakeside Paisley Print Lakeside Prophecy Fullfilled Lakeside Rapsody Lakeside Roy El Lakeside Scamp Lakeside Spelbinder Lakeside Swan Pon Lemon Delight Liberty Lime Fizz Limey Lisa Lionheart Lipstick Blonde Little Ceasar Little Devil Little Jay Little Red Rooster Lizzard Lick New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! M M mini M S M L M M M S M M M M mini L M M L M M S L S L S S L S S XL M M L L S M XL S L mini mini M M mini mini mini S M Hosta 'Juha' Hosta 'Kiwi Full Monty' Love Pad Love Song Lucky Mouse Luna Moth Magic Island Marylin Monroe Maui Buttercups Midnight at the Oasis Midwest Magic Mikawa-no-yuki Minuteman Mojito Monster Ears Montana Aureomarginata Moonlight Moonstruck Morning Light Moulin Rouge Mount Tom Mourning Dove Mr. Blue My Precious Mystic Star Neptune Niagara Falls Nigrescens Olive Bayley Langdon Olympic Gacier One Man's Treasure Orange Marmelade Orange Star Orion s Belt Over the Waves Pamela Lee Pandora s Box Paradise Island Paradise Puppet Paradise Sunset Patriot Paul s Glory Peanut Phantom Pilgrim Pin Up Pineapple Upside Down Cake Plantaginea Grandiflora Plantaginea Venus Pocketfull of Sunshine Poker Popcorn New! New! New! New! New! L M mini M S M S M L M M L S L L S M S L M S S M L XL L L M M M S L M S mini M mini mini M L mini M S S M L L S M S Hosta 'Monster Ears' Hosta 'Peanut' Popo Potomac Glory Potomac Pride Prairie Sunset Praying Hands Proud Sentry Purple Boots Purple Dwarf Purple Haze Queen Josephine Queen of the Seas Quill Rain Dancer Rainbow s End Rainforest Sunrise Raspberry Sundae Rebel Heart Red Alert Red Cadet Red Dog Red Stilts Remember Me Restless Sea Revolution Rhino Hide Ringtail Ripple Effect Rippled Honey Risky Bussiness Royal Charmer Ruffed Up Rythm and Blues Sagae Saint Paul Sara's Sensation Sea Gulf Stream Second Wind Secret Ambition Secret Treasure Sieboldiana Elegans Silberpheil Silver Bay Silver Shadows Silver Threads and Gold Needles Sky Dancer Sleeping Star Small Parts Smash Hit Smoke Signal Snake Eyes New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! New! mini M L mini M M M S M M L S L S S M M S S M M S M M M M M M M M M S L L M M M M M L S M S mini M M S L M M Hosta 'Rebel Heart' Hosta 'Snake Eyes' Snow Boy Space Odessey Spartacus Spritzer Stained Glass Starship Stimulation Striptease Sugar and Spice Sugar Daddy Sum and Substance Sum of All Summer Breeze Summer Serenade Sunshine Glory Surprised by Joy Teaspoon The King The Queen Tick Tock Timeless Beauty Titanic Tokudama Aureonebulosa Tokudama Flavocircinalis Tokyo Smog Tom Schmid Touch of Class Tropical Dancer Twilight Valley s Glacier Vermont frost Victor Vulcan Vulcano Island warwick Comet Wheee ! Whirlwind Winter Snow Yellow Polka Dot Bikini Yellow River Yuyakee Zounds Hosta - Pot 4 L 18 per layer - 5 or 6 layers per trolley Abiqua Drinking Gourd Blue Flame Diana Remembered Domaine de Courson New! New! New! New! S XL M M M L M M M M XL XL M L L mini S L M S S XL M M S L M L M M S M M M S M M XL S L S M Hosta 'Sugar Daddy' Hosta 'Whirlwind' First Frost Halcyon Lakeside Spellbinder Minuteman Potomac Pride Red Dog Space Odessey Whirlwind Winter Snow Ferns - Pot 2 L 5 per tray - 20 per layer - 6 layers 25 per layer - 6 layers Aspelenium scolopendrium Aspelenium scolopendrium 'Augustifolia' Aspelenium scolopendrium 'Cristata' Aspelenium scolopendrium 'Undulata' Athyrium 'Frizelliae' Athyrium 'Metallicum' Athyrium 'Ocean s Fury' Athyrium 'Okanum' Cyrtomium falcatum Cyrtomium fortunei Dryopteris affinis Dryopteris affinis 'Crispa Congesta' Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata the King' Dryopteris atrata Dryopteris autriaca 'Crispa Whiteside' Dryopteris buschiana Dryopteris coreano sub. Montana Dryopteris crashirhizoma Dryopteris erythrosora Dryopteris erythrosora 'Prolifica' Dryopteris filix-mas 'Furcans' Dryopteris filix-mas 'Lin. Polydactyla' Dryopteris lepidopoda Dryopteris sieboldii Dryopteris wallichiana Matteucia struthiopteris Osmunda regalis Osmunda regalis 'Purpurascens' Polypodium Whitley Giant Polystichum munitum Polystichum polyblepharum Polystichum setiferum 'Congestum' Polystichum setiferum 'Herrenhausen' Polystichum setiferum 'Plumosum Densum' Polystichum setiferum 'Proliferum' Polystichum tsus-simense Dryopteris affinis 'Cristata the King' Cyrtomium fortunei Paeonia Itoh - Pot 2,5 L 6 per tray - 30 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Bartzella Border Charm Callies Memory Canary Brilliants Cora Louise Hillary Julia Rose Yellow Crown Itoh 'Canary Brilliants' Paeonia Lactiflora - Pot 2,5 L 6 per tray - 30 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Alertie Angel Cheeks Belleville Black Beauty Blush Queen Bouquet Perfect Bowl of Beauty Bowl of Cream Buckeye Belle Bunker Hill Celebrity Command Performance Coral Sunset Coral Supreme Doreen Felix Crousse Festiva Maxima Flame Francoise Ortegat Gardenia Henry Bockstoce Immaculee Joker trolleyl Rosenfield Mme Calot Mons. Jules Elie Marie Lemoine Nick Shaylor Nippon Beauty Paul M Wild Paula Fay Peaches and Cream Peter Brand Pink Hawaiian Coral Paeonia Lactiflora 'Kansas' Paeonia Lactiflora 'Paula Fay' Raspberry Sundae Red Charm Red Supreme Renato Riches and Fame Sarah Bernhardt Shirley Temple Solange Victoire de la Marne Vogue Wladyslzava Example tray paeonia lactiflora Paeonia Lactiflora - Pot 5,5 L 21 per layer - 4 or 5 layers Alertie Big Ben Bowl of Beauty Felix Crousse Kansas trolleyl Rosenfield Mme Calot Sarah Bernhardt Shirley Temple Red Charm Voorbeeld grote potten pioenen Paeonia Suffritucosa 2/3 branches - Pot 2,5 L 6 per tray - 30 per layer - 4 layers Bai Xue Ta Bai Yuang Hong Xia Chu Wu Da Zong Zi Fen He Piao Jiang Guan Qun Fang Guan Shi Mo Yu Hai Huang 1 branch Hei Hai Sha Jin Juan Ye Hong Lan Bao Shi Lu He hong Luo Yang Hong Rou Fu Rong Sai Xue Ta Shan Hu Tai Shi Cai Hui Wan Shi Sheng Se Wu Yin Yao Hui Xue Lian Example mix trolley paeonia suffruticosa Paeonia Suffruticosa 'Hai Huang' Zhao Fen Zhi Feng Chao Yang Paeonia Suffritucosa 8 branches - Pot 5,5 L 21 per layer - 3 à 4 layers Ying Ri Hong - Red Xue Ta - White Rou Fu Rong - Pink Zi Er Qiao - Purple Example 8 branches Paeonia Suffritucosa 1 branch grafted - Pot 2 L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 6 layers Red Pink Purple White 4 Kleuren geënte boompioenen Paeonia Rockii 2/3 branches - Pot 2,5 L 6 per tray - 30 per layer - 4 layers Chao Zhou Hong Hei Hai Feng Yun Yu Hu Die Yue Gong Zhu Guang Zhu Sha Hong Zi Ban Bai Heuchera - Pot 1,5L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 à 6 layers Apple Crisp Autumn Leaves Beaujolais Beauty Color Berry Smoothie Bronze Beauty Brown Sugar Caramel Cherry Cola Circus Citronelle Delta Dawn Earth Angel Frosted Violet Fire Chief Frosted Violet Georgia Plum Heuchera 'Lime Marmelade' Jade Gloss Lime Marmalade Lime Rickey Little cuties Coco Little cuties Peppermint Little cuties Sweet Tart Marmalade Master Painter Gaugin Master Painter Picasso Master Painter Renoir Midnight Rose Midnight Ruffles Obsidian Peach Crisp Peach Flambe Pear Crisp Plum Royale Sugar Plum Tiramisu Heuchera 'Peach Flambé' Heucherella - Pot 1,5L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Alabama Sunrise Brass Lantarn Golden Zebra Kimono Solar Eclipse Solar Power Sweet Tea Tiarella - Pot 1,5L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Appalachian Trail Inkblot Iron Butterfly Neon Lights Pink Skyrocket Spring Symphony Sugar and Spice Iris - Pot 1,5 L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Iris ensata Chidori No Mai Iris ensata Kings Cloak Iris ensata 'Royal Banner' Iris ensata 'Variegata' Heucherella 'Solar Power' Iris ensata 'White Ladies' Iris germanica 'Cimmanon Strip' Iris germanica 'Constant Wattez' Iris germanica 'English Cottage' Iris germanica 'Horace Darwin' Iris germanica 'Immortality' Iris germanica 'Imperator' Iris germanica 'Indian Chief' Iris germanica 'Lent a Williamson' Iris germanica 'Maui Moonlight' Iris germanica 'Mission Ridge' Iris germanica 'Morning Show' Iris germanica 'Nibelungen' Iris germanica 'Salonique' Iris germanica 'Stormcentre' Iris germanica 'Sunset Sky' Iris louisiana 'Andy Dandy' Iris louisiana 'Ann Showning' Iris louisiana 'Black Gamecock' Iris louisiana 'Bold Pretender' Iris louisiana 'Her Highness' Iris louisiana 'Laura Louise' Iris louisiana 'Sea Wisp' Iris louisiana 'Spicy Cayun' Iris siberica 'Blue Moon' Iris siberica 'Chartreuse Bounty' Iris siberica 'Concord Crush' Iris siberica 'Double Standard' Iris siberica 'Flight of Butterflies' Iris siberica 'Harspwell Happiness' Iris siberica 'Hubbard' Iris siberica 'Imperial Opal' Iris siberica 'Kita-No-Seiza' Iris siberica 'Pink Parfait' Iris siberica 'Rikugi Sakura' Iris siberica 'summer Revels' Iris siberica 'White Swirl' Iris versicolor 'Gerald Darby' Iris Forestii Iris Hookeri Hemerocallis - Pot 1,5 L 8 per tray - 40 per layer - 5 or 6 layers Alabama Slammer American Revolution Bela Lugusi Berrylicious Bestseller black Arrowhead Iris siberica 'Harspwell Happiness' Iris Louisiana 'Spicy Cayun' Black Stockings Blizzard Bay Border Music Calico Jack Cheese and Wine Crystal Pinot Darla Anita Desert Icicle Exellent Exotic Treasure Finders Keepers Free Wheelin French Lingerie Green Mystique Heavenly Angel Eyes Jamacan me Crazy Julie Newmar Lotus Possition Moonlit Masquerade Morrocan Sunrise Moussaka Night Embers Nowhere to Hide Purplelicious Regency Height Sabine Baur Spacecoast Scrambled Storm of the Century Sugar Paint Tiger Blood Unlock the Stars Voodoo Dancer White Temptation Wild Horses Hemerocallis 'French Lingerie' Hemerocallis 'Free Wheelin' Miscellaneous Acanthus spinosus pot 2 L Aganpanthus Polar Ice Agapanthus Suzan Agapanthus Dr. Brouwer Agapanthus Johanna Agapanthus Black Buddist pot 7,5 L pot 7,5 L pot 7,5 L pot 7,5 L pot 7,5 L Asarum Takasago Saisin Asarum max. Giant Asarum splendens pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Brunnera Emerald Mist Brunnera Jack Frost Brunnera Looking Glass pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Campanula glom 'Genti White' Campanula pers 'La Belle' Campanula pers 'La Bello' Campanula pers. 'La Belle Blue' Campanula pers. 'La Bonne Amie' Campanula 'Pink Octopus' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Carex albula 'Frosted Curls' Carex conica 'Snowline' Carex foliosissima 'Ice Dance' Carex laxiculmis 'Bunny Blue' Carex oshimensis ' Everillo' Carex oshimensis 'Everest' Carex oshimensis 'Everoro' pot 2 L pot 2 L pot 2 L pot 2 L pot 2 L pot 2 L pot 2 L Cortaderia 'Pink Feather' Cortaderia sel. 'Pumila' pot 1 L pot 1 L Delphinium 'Moonlight' Delphinium 'Sweet Sensation' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Eupatorium 'Baby Joe' Eupatorium 'Chocolate' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' Euphorbia 'Glacier Blue' Euphorbia 'Tasmanian Tiger' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Geum 'Cocktail Alabama Slammer' Geum 'Cocktail Gimlet' Geum 'Cocktail Sea Breeze' Geum 'Flames of Passion' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Example agapanthus Carex Oshimensis 'Everillo' Geum 'Mai Tai' pot 1,5 L Hakonechloa All Gold Hakonechloa aureola Hakonechloa Nicolas pot 2 L pot 1 L pot 1 L Leucanthemum 'Aglaia' Leucanthemum 'Goldfinch' Leucanthemum 'Victorian Secret' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Miscanthus 'Gold Bar' pot 2 L Ophiopogon 'Niger' pot 1 L Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Moudry' pot 2 L Phlox paniculata 'Blue Paradise' Phlox paniculata ' Lilac Time' Phlox paniculata 'Bright Eyes' Phlox paniculata 'David' Phlox paniculata 'Laura' Phlox paniculata 'Starfire' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Podophyllum 'Spotty Dotty' pot 1,5 L Primula 'Elisabeth Killelay' Primula Tie Dye Primula vulgaris 'Drumcliff' Primula vulgaris 'Innisfree' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Rodgersia 'Chocolate Wings' Rodgersia 'Hercules' Rodgersia 'La Blanche' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Sedum 'Postman's Pride' Sedum 'Purple Emperor' pot 1,5 L pot 1,5 L Trillium cuneatum Trillium erectum Trillium grandiflorum Trillium luteum Trillium recurvatum Trillium sessile p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 p9 Uncinia rubra 'Everflame' pot 2 L Viola 'Hearttrob' pot 1,5 L Alpines - Pot 1 L Primula auricula 'Ludwig' Primula auricula 'Louis' Primula auricula 'Alois' Primula auricula 'Mariandl' Primula auricula ' Liesl' Primula auricula 'Vroni' Primula auricula 'Hanni' Primula auricula 'Nanni' Primula auricula 'Fridl' Primula auricula 'Heidi' Primula auricula 'Berti' Primula auricula 'Reni' Acaena 'Kupferteppich Ajuga 'Metallica Crispa' Ajuga reptans 'Black Scallop' Origanum 'Amethyst Falls' Origanum 'Kent Beauty' Sedum 'Blue Pearl' Sedum dasyphyllum Sedum 'Lemon Ball' Sedum 'Red Cauli' Aquilegia buergeriana 'Calimero' Aquilegia can. 'Little Lanterns' Arisarum probiscideum Armeria jun. 'Bevan's Variety' Ameria jun. 'Drakes Deep Form' Armeria jun. 'New Seeland Form' Delosperma congestum Delosperma cooperi 'Mesa Verde' Delosperma dyeri 'Red Mountain' Delosperma 'Graaf Reinet' Delosperma 'Sani Pass' Delosperma sphalmantoides Delosperma 'Jewels of dessert Peridot' Draba bruniifolia Helichrysum 'Country Park Silver' Helichrysum tumida Houstonia caer. 'Miljard's Variety' Houstonia caer. 'Alba' Lewisia cotyledon 'Sunset Strain' Lithodora diffusa 'Pete's Favour' Mukdenia rosii 'trolleyasuba' Nierembergia repens Origanum rot. 'Dingle Fairy' Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Alba' Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Rote Glocke' Primula Auricula 'Fridl' Primula Auricula 'Alois' Primula Auricula 'Liesl' Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Papageno' Rhodohypoxis baurii select Rhodohypoxis baurri 'Alba' Rhodohypoxis baurri Rhodohypoxis baurri x deflexa Rhodohypoxis 'Dawn' Rhodohypoxis 'Donald Man' Rhodohypoxis ' Douglas' Rhodohypoxis 'Fred Broome' Rhodohypoxis 'Harlequin' Rhodohypoxis 'Hebron farm Cerise' Rhodohypoxis 'Hebron farm Red-Eye' Rhodohypoxis 'Lilly Jean' Saxifraga cunefolia 'Variegata' Saxifraga ubium 'Clarence Elliott' Saxifraga 'Elf Rose' Saxifraga Harder Zwerg' Saxifraga 'Rozenzwerg' Saxifraga 'Silver Cushion' Scleranthus biflorus uniflorus Sedum acre 'Yellow Queen' Sedum album ' Coral Carpet' Sedum cauticola 'Lidakense' Sedum cyaneum 'Sachalin' Sedum makinoi 'Ogon' Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco' Sedum spathulifolium 'Purpereum'
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