2015-93 - Water View News
2015-93 - Water View News
Water View News August, 2015 Edition 93 NEWS FROM THE BOARD——Deanna Smythe Well, we are really into summer mode now! The gardens are looking wonderful—and the front door planters are absolutely beautiful (thank you Fran and Louise). The ice cream stand across the street is busy—and the construction on Lakeshore continues! Thanks to Cindy’s relentless badgering of City staff, we seem to have finally gotten a workable stop light installed. Extreme care is still necessary in pedestrians crossing, but the timing is definitely better. There has been lots of activity in the building with the repair of 11 balconies—very frustrating to say the least, but necessary says our engineering firm. Some balconies (like mine) had the membrane strip off like an extreme sunburn—all in one piece! The water under the membrane was very bad for the concrete, and in time would require even more extensive repairs. Again thanks to Cindy’s persistence, our building has had a meter installed to monitor the ongoing brown-outs that are causing so many problems with the elevators. PowerStream will report to us shortly on the findings, and that will give us some ammunition to move forward on rectifying those issues. There is a new look and hours for our security services. Along with Grand Harbour we have contracted with GemStar to provide future service. Our building has extended some hours for the safety of our residents. It will take several weeks to get to know our new guards, but you will be pleased to know that one of our popular past guards have been hired by GemStar and will be back onsite serving us. There was quite a kafuffle about the new elevator rule that that board had passed. So much so that we immediately rescinded the rule and are going back to the drawing board. There are very good reasons for implementing this change but we failed to adequately communicate those reasons to the residents. We will revisit the issue and take all comments into consideration and then call an information meeting to present our recommendations. The change room repairs have not started yet. As the engineers have moved forward with their planning, they have found the work would be much more extensive than first thought. They are now looking at other alternatives and we should hear shortly. Please take a look at the Utilities Summary from 2010 to 2015. It is obvious that our replacing lights with LEDs in the hallways and the reduction of lighting in the garage have paid off. We are investigating the benefits to upgrading the rest of the property and will present our findings to you at a later date. Now to tackle the gas and water! This year there will be three openings on our Board. We will be happy to talk to anyone who has the time and interest in joining the board—it is challenging, interesting and rewarding. Water View News August, 2015 Edition 93 NEWS FROM THE BOARD—Continued SOME INTERESTING UTILITIES FACTS April 2010 April 2011 Year/Year Gas $52,217 Gas $56,439 $4,222 Hydro $62,884 Hydro $78,331 $15,447 Water $23,893 Water $22,246 -$1,647 TOTAL $138,995 Total $157,016 $18,021 April 2012 Year/Year April 2013 Year/Year Gas $44,744 -$11,695 Gas $47,651 $2,907 Hydro $65,322 -$13,009 Hydro $58,177 -$7,145 Water $29,789 $7,543 Water $32,102 $2,313 Total $139,855 -$17,161 Total $137,930 -$1,925 April 2014 Year/Year Gas $59,078 $11,427 Hydro $55,510 -$2,667 Water $34,048 $1,946 Total $148,636 $10,706 April 2015 Year/Year 2010 vs 2015 Gas $68,891 $9,813 $16,674 Hydro $54,501 -$1,009 -$8,383 Water $37,820 $3,772 $13,927 Total $161,012 $12,376 $22,017 2 Water View News August, 2015 PROPERTY MANAGER REPORT………….. Cindy Beaudoin Balcony Membrane Work: Please note that the dust from the balcony grinding and removal of the old membrane may blow onto other balconies. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your patience. The workmen should be finished with the removal of the old membranes this week and will commence with applying the new membranes. Exit Doors on Terrace: When using the doors on the third floor terrace, please make sure they are locked when you are leaving the area. This helps keep are building secure. Recycle Room/Paint Cans: with paint inside cannot be dropped off in the Recycle Room. Please take them to the Paint Recycle Depot located at Barrie Land Fill or Lowes Canada. However, Jeff can dispose of empty paint cans. Disposal of Large Items: Any large items should not be placed in the Recycle Room. Please arrange for a company to pick up any unwanted items. Such companies as the Habitat for Humanity Restore, Just Junk and/or Salvation Army may pick up your unwanted items. Security Company: Please note, on July 15, 2015 we switched security guard companies to Gemstar Security. The new hours for security is 9:00 pm to 5:00 am. Kempenfest Weekend Reminder: The Board and Management have arranged for extra security guard coverage during this time as well as having a guard at the front of the building checking cars as they come through the entrance. If you have over-night guests please remember to register their cars. Also, the 2nd entrance will be blocked off. Please use the front entrance to enter and exit the property. Have a great long weekend! Vacation for Staff: Jeff Carrick – Superintendent will be away from: August 3, 2015 to August 10, 2015. John Cumming will be covering for Jeff while he is away. He will be holding the Water View cell phone and can be reached by calling – 705-725-2200. Karrie Walls – Housekeeper will be away from: August 27, 2015 to Sept. 2, 2015. If you need to book the Guest Suite please call the Management Office. Guest Suite Booking: The Guest Suite has been booked solid through the summer months. The only available weekend for Guest Suite A is August 29 th to 31st, 2015. There are some dates still available during the week, please call Karrie to check on availability. 3 Water View News August, 2015 Questions or concerns please feel free to contact the board. Deanna, Marinus, Gerry, Jeff & Diane Water View Board President: Deanna Smythe, Suite 708 Vice President/Secretary: Gerry Noble, Suite 302 Vice President/Secretary: Marinus Logtenberg, Suite 1410 Treasurer: Diane Rowat-Walton, Suite 1509 Director: Jeff Brook, PH 09 Email: waterviewboard@rogers.com WATERVIEW SOCIAL COMMITTEE Chair: rotates Secretary: Sue South Co-Treasurers: Paul Armstrong & Arlene Doughton Members: Annette Faulkner, Fran Sutton, Joe Jesson, Dorothy Jesson, Louise Hill, Flora Hutton The July 1st BBQ was an overwhelming success with 70 residents attending. Everyone enjoyed the afternoon and there has been many rave reviews. Thank you everyone for your support. On July 21st at coffee morning, we held a small birthday party for Ann Cromb's 80th birthday. Ann was very surprised and enjoyed the morning very much. Please let the Social Committee know if anyone is going to be celebrating a milestone birthday as we would like to continue the tradition. On Saturday, August 15th at coffee morning, we will be celebrating Helen Smith's 98th birthday. Everyone is welcome to join us in wishing Helen the very best on her VERY special day. Wednesday, August 19th will be our Beach Party Pot Luck Dinner. Please watch the elevators & mail room for posters of this event. We would like to take a moment to thank that hardworking group known as "The Water View Social Committee". Canada Day was the latest in a line of amazing, successful and fun events planned and run for the enjoyment of all who participated. These events do not simply "happen" - planning all to the last detail shows when all runs so effortlessly. We think we speak for most in saying a big thank you to you all, Mary McDonald and Sally Elston 4 Water View Activities Coffee Club: Meets everyday except Sunday in the Condo Room. 9:15-11:00 am TV Committee: Watch for movie notices in the elevator. Any movie ideas contact Mike Ross at 705 719-9311. Bid Euchre: Tuesday and Wednesday in the Condo Room. Begins at 7:00 pm. Board/Card Games: Cribbage, Aggravation, or whatever your favourite is, Thursday 2pm. (Board games are on hold until the fall.) Aqua-Fit: Join us in the pool. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 -9:00 am. Tai Chi: Wednesday at 11 am Pea Pool: Tuesday at 7:30 pm Library Committee: Please continue to make use of the great books available in our library. Remember the library will be closed during the change room renovations. Jean Hughes, Lenore Logtenberg, Joy Surgenor, Linda Lewis, Faye Hamilton Pub Night: 1st and 3rd Friday of the month A digital version of our Newsletter is available via email. If you would like to help us save some paper please contact Deanna at johndea@rogers.com to get added to the digital list. Important Contact Numbers 24 Hour Emergency: 705-725-2200 911 if Police, fire or ambulance are required Management Office Cindy Beaudoin, Property Manager or Janette Kingswell, Assistant 705-725-1569 Email: waterviewcondo@rogers.com Superintendent: Jeff Carrick 705-725-2200 (or to book elevator) Housekeeper: Karrie Walls 705-715-7181 (or to book condo room or guest suite) Brookfield Condominium Management After Hours 416-354-1999 Shared Facilities Manager, Hassey Management: Sheri Adams 705-737-9595 x 304 Cindy or Janette 705 725-1569 Jeff 705 725-2200 Karri 705 715-7181 5 Water View Activities SOLD OUT Both buses for Newsies and Kinky Boots on August 26 and October 28th are sold out. Stand-by waiting lists are available through Hamilton Tours if you are interested. Call them directly, 705 881-2011 and take your chances. Hamilton Tours will have 2 more trips in early December for Kinky Boots before it closes. Paul Armstrong suggests you call Hamilton Tours directly if you are interested as he is not organizing any other trips this year. Canada Day BBQ 6 Water View News July, 2015 Happy 80th Birthday Ann! 7 Water View A first for Water View. Sally installed a walk in tub and threw a party to celebrate! Balcony Work and Road Work Pile Driving. December 2013 Building bridges Lights and curbs. July2015 Water View Fire Drill Thank you to our decorating committee for keeping our building always looking so beautiful. Our most senior resident turns 98 next month! Happy Birthday Helen! Summer finally arrived. Weeding the Marina 8