2015 GoPro Mountain Games Recap[Icon]
2015 GoPro Mountain Games Recap[Icon]
s generated – TOWN OF VAIL HIGHLIGHTS 38% 43% 114 + DO NOT visit Vail other times during the Summer DO NOT visit Vail during the Winter Brand Partners COMMUNITY IMPACT 2.1 3.1 240 62,207 Average days attended (spectators) Avg. nights stayed in paid Vail lodging Credentialed Media SPECTATORS 86% 90% 210 Came to Vail specifically for Mountain Games “Very” /“Extremely Likely” to return Volunteers $4.87M 2,492 2,876 Unique Athletes Athlete Starts BY THE NUMBERS | 3,464 Room nights generated for TOV ECONOMIC IMPACT Est. revenue generated to the Town of Vail MARKETING SUMMARY MEDIUM IMPRESSIONS MEDIA VALUE Website 291,595 N/A 120,679,209 $615,289 66,820 N/A 13,046,013 $601,522 TV Advertising 713,333 $18,977 Digital & Email 3,534,971 $53,361 Radio 1,115,984 $67,250 TV Show(s) 900,000 + $526,000 279,612,114 $903,099 Social Contest/Sweep s Print Public Relations MARKETING | AT A MARKETING TOTALS 419,960,039 MKTG IMPRESSIONS $2,785,498 TTL. MEDIA VALUE TELEVISION BROADCAST TOTALS TELEVISION AT A GLANCE BEST OF THE GOPRO MOUNTAIN GAMES Airdate: July 11, 2015 Network: NBC Sports Network Rating: .06 Approximate viewers: 75,000 – 100,000 Media Value $126,000 World of Adventure Airdate: August 1, 2015 Network: NBC Rating: .7 Approximate viewers: 800,000+ Media Value $400,000 Universal Sports & Outside TV Re-Airings: Both of the above shows are re-broadcast on Universal Sports Network nationally no less than three times to 40MM+ potential U.S. households and on Outside TV no less than 3x to 161 resort markets reaching a potential 61 million viewers TELEVISION 197M POTENTIAL US HH REACH 900,000 + ESTIMATED VIEWERS $526,000 TTL. MEDIA VALUE TRADITIONAL MARKETING HIGHLIGHTS MAGAZINE Outside Magazine Red Bulletin Canoe & Kayak Bike Magazine SUP The Mag Trail Runner Rock & Ice Elevation Outdoors Competitor Magazine 5280 Magazine MISC/NEWSPAPER Vail Daily Daily Weekly Boulder Daily Camera Longmont Daily Times Call Colorado Daily Denver Post Westword Racks Official Event Posters Official Event Programs MARKETING |MIX & DIGITAL RADIO Vail Daily Rock & Ice Trail Runner Triathalete.com Competitor.com RoadBikeReview.com MountainBuzz.com CDOT Mobile & CoTrip.org Denver Post Boulder Daily Camera Backpacker Magazine Google PPC, Display & Retargeting Climbing Magazine SKI Magazine SKIING Magazine Elevation Outdoors Blue Ridge Outdoors Facebook Ads Twitter Ads SUP Connect KTCL 93.3 Denver KBCO 97.7 Denver KZYR 97.7 The Zephyr Always Mtn Time – KSKI Always Mtn Time – Lift FM TV TV8 Vail Outside TV COMCAST SPOTLIGHT: Animal Plant Discovery ESPN ESPN2 NBCS CNBC CNN Travel VH1 HGTV NGC PUBLIC RELATIONS 262 240 Placements On-Site Members of the Media TOP TIER MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE New York Times USA Today Sports Illustrated Esquire/Boundless Discovery Channel Canada Shape Magazine Gear Patrol Bike Magazine Rock & Ice Magazine GQ COVERAGE HIGHLIGHTS PUBLIC RELATIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS TOTALS 279,612,114 IMPRESSIONS ESPN W Men’s Fitness Outside Magazine Surfer Magazine $903,099 PUBLICITY VALUE #VAIL & #VAILSUMMER – Highly used at GoPro Mountain Games. Amongst top hash tags VAIL SOCIAL MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 SOCIAL MEDIA TOTALS 120,679,209 IMPRESSIONS 810,485 TTL ENGAGEMENTS MARKETING | SOCIAL 114+ BRAND PARTNERS GOLD/PLATINUM PARTNERS OFFICIAL PARTNERS Black Box Wines Gallegos FITS Socks TRANGO Starbucks Blue Buffalo GoalZero USA Climbing Ruffwear Svedka Vodka Colorado Mountain Express Redington Faber Audio Visuals Zip Adventures Trigger Point Camp Chef Klean Kanteen Trek Jaybird U.S. Forest Service Costa Go RVing Osprey 1st Bank DockDogs Dublin Dog GU IFSC Red Bulletin Denver Post 93.3 KTCL Denver SUP The Mag Boulder Daily Camera 97.3 KBCO Denver Canoe & Kayak Bike Magazine ResortApp TV8 Vail MEDIA PARTNERS Rock & Ice Elevation Outdoors SUP Connect 2015 BRAND Trail Runner 5280 Magazine 97.7 The Zephyr RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SURVEY CONDUCTED BY INTERCEPT INSIGHTS LLC Total completed surveys –354 Sample size provides statistical validity with an error rate of 5.2% at a 95% confidence interval Estimated attendance –62,079 (+/-20% error level should be considered) Estimated revenue generated to the Town of Vail -$4.8M (+/-20% error level should be considered) Net Promoter Score –83 Overall Satisfaction –4.8 (using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1=Not at all Satisfied and 5=Extremely Satisfied) 86% of the attendees came to Vail, CO specifically for the Summer Mountain Games 62% of the attendees had attended the Summer Mountain Games in the past Average number of days attended –2.1 Favorite events –Dock Dogs and Kayaking Events One Change –Parking, and Additional F&B vendors “Word-of-mouth” and “Newspaper” were selected most when asked, “How did you hear about, and/or where did you see advertising for the Summer Mountain Games?” 79% of the attendees staying in paid lodging stayed in Vail, CO 90% are “Very” or “Extremely Likely” to return in the future 77% of the first time visitors are “Very” or “Extremely Likely” to return in the future Average nights stayed in paid lodging in Vail, CO –3.1 Average group size of those lodging in Vail, CO –3.4 Average age of respondents –38 | Average age of children under 18 –9.2 Estimated number of room nights generated by the GoPro Mountain Games –3,464 Estimated average nightly rate in Vail-$304 RESEARCH DEMOGRAPHICS & PSYCHOGRAPHICS 84% 74% COMPARISION SPECTATORS ATHLETES 67% Male/Female 54% / 46% 70% / 30% Watch five hours or less of TV/ week Average Age 38 32 Average Nights Stayed 3.1 (paid lodging in Vail) 6.1 (“all accommodations) 2.6 Traveled more than 50 Miles 54% 68% HHI 78% less than $100K 22% more than $100K 85% less than $100K 15% more than $100K “Outdoor Enthusiasts” 45% Own A Dog ATHLETES VS. SPECTATORS “Sport Enthusiasts” 39% Married With Children 60% Own vs. Rent their home FAV SUMMER ACTIVITIES | TOP 5 STATES OF ORIGIN 1.) Hiking 2.) Kayak/Boating/Rafting 3.) Camping 4.) Mountain Biking 5.) Traveling 1.) Colorado 2.) Texas 3.) Minnesota 4.) California 5.) Illinois DEMOGRAPHICS & PSYCHOGRAPHICS DEMOGRAPHICS & PSYCHOGRAPHICS 84% 74% “Outdoor Enthusiasts” 45% Own A Dog “Sport Enthusiasts” 67% Watch five hours or less of TV/ week 39% Married With Children 60% Own vs. Rent their home FAV SUMMER ACTIVITIES | TOP 5 STATES OF ORIGIN 1.) Hiking 2.) Kayak/Boating/Rafting 3.) Camping 4.) Mountain Biking 5.) Traveling 1.) Colorado 2.) Texas 3.) Minnesota 4.) California 5.) Illinois DEMOGRAPHICS & PSYCHOGRAPHICS 2015EventVi si t orSummar y:GoPr oMount ai nGames,June47 ur nonI nves t ment :Fundi ngvs .I mpact At t endanceEs t i mat e Ret $85, 000. 00 2015eventf undi ng 50K Vi s i t orType Per centRespondi ng At t endeeDays 60K 46K 40K $5, 459, 029. 42 Di r ecteconomi ci mpactt oTOV 30K 20K 40% 20% 14% 13% 8% 5% 0% Dayvi si t or Ful l t i me Ful l t i me Over ni ght Seasonal t oVai l downval l ey r esi dentof vi si t ort ot he r esi dentof r esi dent TownofVai l r egi on Vai lVal l ey $64. 22 Economi ci mpactpaybackr at i o 10K 0K 60% 60% Per c entRes pondi ng I mpor t anceofEventi nDeci s i ont oVi s i tVai lToday 80% 60% 36% 40% 20% 21% 0% 10% 0% 0:None,I woul dhave comet oVai l anyway 1 7% 8% 2 3 67% Dayv i s i t ort oVai l Aver age Dayvi si t ort oVai l Ful l t i medownval l eyr esi dent Ful l t i mer esi dentofTownofVai l Over ni ghtvi si t ort ot her egi on Seasonalr esi dentofVai lVal l ey 8. 6 7. 4 5. 2 6. 6 4. 9 Ful l t i medownv al l eyr es i dent 64% Ful l t i mer es i dentofTownofVai l 51% Ov er ni ghtv i s i t ort ot her egi on 12% 12% 12% 5:Hal fmy r easonf or comi ngt o Vai l 6 7 8 3% 4 36% Seas onal r es i dentofVai l Val l ey 14% 10% 16% 9 10:Myonl y r easonf or comi ngt o Vai l Per c entRes pondi ng[ 0=Notat al l l i k el y , 10=Ex t r emel yl i k el y ] Li kel i hoodofRecommendi ngEventt oaFr i endorFami l yMember Pr omot er Passi ve Det r act or NPS 76% 80% 68% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 15% 9% 10% Di r ectEconomi cI mpactt oTOVperAt t endeeDay Ec onomi cI mpac t perAt t endeeDay Tot al Rest aur ant s/ Bar s/ Pr epar edFoodVendor s Shoppi ng Lodgi ng $32 $19 $200 $100 Recr eat i on( r aceent r y Ot heri t emsexcl udi ng f ees,gol f ,bi ker ent al , l odgi ng et c. ) $119 $43 $0 $13 $12 Summar yofKeyTr i pChar act er i st i csandDemogr aphi cs Over ni ghtVi s i t orPr of i l e:Over ni ghtVi s i t or sandSeas onalRes i dent sOnl y Ov er al lVi s i t orPr of i l e Ar eyoust ayi ng: I npai dl odgi ng 56% Vacat i onhome/ t i meshar e 19% ght l yRat e( i fPai d) Wi t hf r i ends/ f ami l y 18% Ni Aver age:$219 Ot her 7% Medi an:$200 How manypeopl eMysel fonl y 10% ar est ayi ngi n 2 29% your 4 17% accommodat i ons 3 14% uni t ? 5 11% 6ormor e 18% Ni ght si nt hear ea 1 15% t hi st r i p 2 22% 35 34% 68 21% 914 4% 15ormor e 4% Wher ear eyour Vai l 63% l odgi ng BeaverCr eek 11% accommodat i ons Avon 9% l ocat ed? Edwar ds 4% Eagl e/ Gypsum 1% Summi tCount y 8% Ot her 5% Over ni ghtOnl y 0% AnnualHousehol d Under$50k I ncome $50k$100k $100$150k $150kormor e Ageofr espondentUnder18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75orol der Gender Mal e Femal e St at e/ Count r y Col or ado Cal i f or ni a Texas Ut ah I l l i noi s Fl or i da Mi nnesot a Vi r gi ni a 20% 40% 60% Per c entRes pondi ng Theover al l sampl esi zef ort hi ssur veyi s305.Pl easenot et hatsampl esi zesar esmal l erf ors ubgr oups . 27% 35% 14% 24% 1% 15% 32% 19% 17% 12% 4% 1% 53% 47% 61% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 0% 20% 40% 60% Per c entRes pondi ng