® 2012 MOSSBERG TRIPLE CROWN AUTHORIZED DEALER PURCHASE & INCENTIVE PROGRAMS The Mossberg ® Triple Crown Program provides special offers and incentives specifically created to: increase sales/profits; motivate/reward sales personnel; and raise Mossberg consumer product knowledge and awareness. DEALER ASSOCIATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM STOCKING DEALER PROGRAM See Stocking Dealer Program sheet for full details on how you can receive these FIREARMS— FREE! BUY GUNS. GET FREE GUNS... This Program offers FREE firearms with the purchase of multi-gun (10, 20, 30) packages for increased sales and profitability. • Limited to a one-time purchase (per store location, per program year) • NO LIMIT on the number of packages purchased at that time. • Program runs December 1, 2011 through September 28, 2012. AND FREE GEAR. In addition to free guns, any multi-gun package purchase in the Stocking Dealer Program entitles dealers to a selection of Mossberg premium items. Each package (valued up to $150) increases visibility and awareness at the counter, and provides support for your new selection of Mossberg firearms. Point of Sale Package A includes great items like... • Neon/Chrome Mossberg® Logo Clock • 36”x 24” Mossberg® Banner • 6 Embroidered Logo Hats • 6 Mossberg® Logo Pens • Rubber Counter Mat • Decals and Keychains • Mossberg® Catalogs (box) • Periodic sales support literature SELL GUNS. EARN GREAT PRIZES. The Dealer Associate Incentive Program rewards personnel by reaching specific sales goals. Prizes at various sales levels include.... • 2-Day Training Session on August 10th and 11th, 2012 at the world-famous Thunder Ranch – five FREE Dealer trips will be awarded! • Earn FREE Mossberg rifles and shotguns including: Thunder Ranch™ Special Edition pump-action, new MVP™ rifles, and JMPro™ Series Autoloaders (below) • Earn FREE Mossberg® sportswear or gear Point of Sale Package B includes great items like... • 24” Embossed Mossberg® Metal Sign • Graphic Counter Mat • 3 Mossberg® Tactical Pens • 6 Mossberg® Tactical Knives • 6 Embroidered Logo Hats • Window Sign • Decals • Mossberg® Catalogs (box) • Periodic Sales Support Literature Earn prizes at 15, 25, 40, 60 ‘Guns Sold’ levels,like these new or exclusive models only offered through this Triple Crown program. There is no limit to the number of prizes you can win! VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM 40% DISCOUNT OFF MSRP SEE THE ENCLOSED PROGRAM SHEETS FOR FULL DETAILS ON THESE SPECIAL TRIPLE CROWN OFFERS. The VIP Discount Program offers Associates a 40% Discount off the MSRP for any two (2) Mossberg, Mossberg International, or ® ® ™ Maverick firearms per year. To show appreciation to the many people who help make Mossberg products a success, this is a great incentive for all staff members; encourages participants to become more acquainted with the entire Mossberg line, and promotes use of the products in the field. Triple Crown_DEALER_2012_1118 11/29/11 10:30 AM Page 1 2012 DEALER ASSOCIATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM PROGRAM DATES: DECEMBER 1, 2011 — MAY 31, 2012 ENTRY DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2012 WIN A TRIP TO THUNDER RANCH. Winners will enjoy a 2-DAY TACTICAL TRAINING SESSION at the worldfamous THUNDER RANCH in Lakeview, Oregon, on August 10-11th, 2012. Under the guidance of Thunder Ranch founder, Clint Smith, winners will receive safety and hardware briefings, and hands-on live-fire training. TWO WAYS TO WIN! •The Top Two (2) Selling Sales Associates AUTOMATICALLY win • Three (3) trips will be awarded in a random DRAWING from a pool of entrants who have sold 40 or more guns GET FREE GUNS & GEAR. There’s NO LIMIT to the total number of prizes you can earn! Redeem for prizes for every 15, 25, 40 or 60 Guns you sell! Choose one (At right, from top): • NEW MVP™ Predator 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. Bolt-Action Scoped Combo (#27715); • NEW 500® Thunder Ranch™ Marinecote™ Signature Series 12ga. Pump-Action (#52131); or • NEW 930™ JMPro™ 12ga. Autoloader Shotgun (#85119) Plus, be entered in the THUNDER RANCH trip drawing SELL 60 SELL 40 Choose one (At left, from top): • NEW MVP™ Varmint 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. Bolt-Action Rifle (#27700); • NEW MVP™ Predator 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. Bolt-Action Rifle (#27714); • 590A1™ 12ga. Pump-Action Shotgun (#51518) Plus, be entered in the THUNDER RANCH trip drawing SELL 25 Choose one (Above, from top): • 4x4™ Bolt-Action Rifle: Black Synthetic/Marinecote, in .270 Win. (#27571); or .30-06 Sprg. (#27572); • 500® 12ga. Pump-Action Shotgun (#50411); • NEW 715T™ FlatTop Autoloading .22LR Rifle (#37209) SELL 15 Choose one (from top): • Mossberg® Fleece Vest • Mossberg® Performance Jacket, or • Mossberg® Tactical Backpack SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR PRIZE REDEMPTION INFORMATION AND PROGRAM TERMS & CONDITIONS Triple Crown_DEALER_2012_1118 11/29/11 10:30 AM Page 2 2012 DEALER ASSOCIATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM REDEMPTION FORM PROGRAM DATES: DECEMBER 1, 2011 — MAY 31, 2012 ENTRY DEADLINE: JUNE 15, 2012 DEALER SALES ASSOCIATE NAME EMAIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE DEALER NAME FOR MOSSBERG OFFICE USE ONLY: ORDER # TELEPHONE DEALER LOCATION ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DEALER SHIPPING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) CITY STATE ZIP CODE DEALER SALES ASSOCIATE SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) DATE DEALER ASSOCIATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM — ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Prizes are based on sales of Mossberg and Mossberg International firearms. Sales of Accessories, Replacement Parts, Apparel or Maverick firearms do not qualify. Program is limited to dealers with physical store front addresses, online retailers are not eligible. Please read the “Terms & Conditions” section below before entering. 1 Fill out this form completely. 3 Gather the following information: Sign and Date form as required. • Copy of Dealer Associate Incentive Program Redemption Form 2 Indicate the prizes that you are claiming • Copy of current FFL (left column). Multiple prizes may be • Copies of Page 2-3 of ATF Form 4473 reflecting each individual sale; OR earned, but each individual firearm sale Highlighted copy of Dealer Bound Book (must include serial numbers and dates) will only be counted once. 4 Submit all of the information listed in Step 3 to Mossberg ONCE via one of these methods: ALL SALES MUST BE BETWEEN DECEMBER 1, 2011 • via FAX: 203-643-2029, or and MAY 31, 2012 TO QUALIFY. • via SCAN/EMAIL to triplecrown@mossberg.com, or ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 15, 2012 • via MAIL to: Mossberg Triple Crown Program, 7 Grasso Avenue, P.O. Box 497, North Haven CT 06473 60 GUNS SOLD (Choose One) 500® Thunder Ranch Marinecote Signature Series (#52131) 12 gauge Pump-Action Shotgun with Sling MVP™ Predator Bolt-Action Scoped Combo (#27715) Laminate Stock, 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. with Scope 930™ JMPro™ Series Autoloader Shotgun (#85119) 12 Gauge, 8-shot PLUS, be entered in a drawing to win one of three 2-DAY THUNDER RANCH TRAINING SESSION trips 40 GUNS SOLD (Choose One) 590A1™ 12 gauge Pump-Action Shotgun (#51518) MVP™ Varmint Bolt-Action Rifle (#27700) Laminated Stock, 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. MVP™ Predator Bolt-Action Rifle (#27714) Laminate Stock, 5.56mmNATO/.223 Rem. PLUS, be entered in a drawing to win one of three 2-DAY THUNDER RANCH TRAINING SESSION trips 25 GUNS SOLD (Choose One) 500® 12 gauge Pump-Action Shotgun (#50411) or choice of 4x4™ Bolt-Action Rifle: .270 Win., Black Synthetic/Marinecote™ (#27571) .30-06 Sprg., Black Synthetic/Marinecote™ (#27572) 715T™ FlatTop Autoloading .22LR Rifle* (#37209) (*Local and state restrictions on adjustable stocks and larger capacity magazines may apply. Order accordingly. Contact Mossberg if alternative .22LR Rifle SKUs are required) 15 GUNS SOLD (Choose One) Mossberg® Performance Jacket (indicate size below) Mossberg® Fleece Vest (indicate size below) XXL XL L M S Mossberg Tactical Backpack ® Note: Copy of Employer’s FFL is NOT required to redeem clothing or backpack selections. DEALER ASSOCIATE INCENTIVE PROGRAM: TERMS & CONDITIONS ELIGIBILITY: The Mossberg Dealer Associate Incentive Program (hereafter, “Program”) is open to any Sales Associate (hereafter,“Associate”) employed by an Authorized Mossberg Dealer (hereafter, “Dealer”). All Dealers must have a store front physical address to be eligible, online retailers are not eligible. By participating, entrants agree to all rules of the Program. The Program is being offered by O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. (hereafter,“Mossberg”) who is solely responsible for the Program, its content, and determination/distribution of prizes. Associates must be 21 years of age or older as of 5/31/12. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. LENGTH OF PROGRAM/TO ENTER: Requirements for prizes are based on sales of Mossberg and Mossberg International products between 12/01/11 and 05/31/12. Claims for prizes/entry into the Grand Prize drawing must be faxed/emailed/postmarked with all required documentation by 06/15/12 to be eligible. This form must be completely filled out (including all signatures) and submitted with adequate proof of sales including product serial numbers, and submitted one of three ways: FAX to: 203-643-2029; SCAN/EMAIL to: TripleCrown@mossberg.com; or MAIL to: Mossberg Triple Crown Program, 7 Grasso Avenue, P.O. Box 497, North Haven, CT, 06473. PRIZE/CRITERIA/ODDS: Prizes are to be awarded in the Program based on cumulative sales by Associates during the time period between 12/01/11 and 05/31/12. For the purposes of meeting the sales criteria, a “gun” is defined as one Mossberg or Mossberg International firearm sold at retail. Sales of Maverick firearms, Mossberg accessories, replacement parts or apparel do not qualify. Proof of sales are required (see above) and can only be applied once, per sale, toward a prize. Multiple prizes may be earned, but each sale can only be counted once. Grand Prize: “Thunder Ranch Training Session” (or hereafter, also “TR prize”) is a 2-day Tactical Training Session held at the Thunder Ranch Training Center in Lakeview, OR. Five (5) total TR prizes will be awarded: the two (2) top sellers (defined by number of units sold during the course of the Program) will automatically receive the TR prize. Three TR prizes will be awarded based on a random drawing of eligible Associates. Note: In the event of a tie for the Top Selling Dealer Associate, both Associates will automatically win a TR prize. If the tie is for the second-highest selling Associate, then both Associates will be awarded the TR prize, and only two (2) additional TR Prizes to be drawn randomly from the pool of eligible associates. A maximum of five (5) total TR prizes will be awarded. “Thunder Ranch Training Session” Prize Description: This is a 2-Day Tactical Training Session. Arrivals: 08/09/12; Training: 08/10 and 08/11; and Departure: 08/12/12 (Dates subject to change). Under the guidance of Thunder Ranch founder, Clint Smith, winners will receive safety and hardware briefings and hands-on live-fire training. Lodging/meals will be provided. Transportation to/from the Thunder Ranch Training Center will be provided by Mossberg. Sales Incentive Prizes: Associates who sell 60 Guns: Will receive their choice of one: 500 Thunder Ranch Marinecote Signature Series Shotgun (#52131), Mossberg MVP Predator Rifle with Scope (#27715), or Mossberg 930 JMPro Series Shotgun (#85119). Qualifiers at the 60 Gun level will also receive entry into the drawing for one of three Thunder Ranch Training Session prizes (see “Grand Prize” section above, and “Drawing” section below). Multiple prizes may be earned, but a “gun sold” can only be redeemed one time. Associates who sell 40 Guns: Will receive their choice of one: 590A1 Pump-Action Shotgun (#51518); MVP Varmint Bolt-Action Rifle (#27700) or MVP Predator Bolt-Action Rifle (#27714). Qualifiers at the 40 Gun level will also receive entry into the drawing for one of three Thunder Ranch Training Session prizes. (see “Grand Prize” section above, and “Drawing” section below). Multiple prizes may be earned, but each “gun sold” can only be redeemed one time. Associates who sell 25 Guns: Will receive their choice of one: 500 Pump-Action Shotgun (#50411); 4x4 Bolt-Action Rifle (#27571 or #27572); or 715T FlatTop Autoloader Rifle*. Multiple prizes may be earned, but each “gun sold” can only be redeemed one time. *For states/municipalities where laws prohibit use of adjustable stock and/or larger capacity magazines, contact Mossberg for alternate selections. Know your state and local laws and order accordingly. Associates who sell 15 Guns: Will receive their choice of either a Mossberg Performance Jacket, Mossberg Fleece Vest, or Mossberg Tactical Backpack. Multiple prizes may be earned, but each “gun sold” can only be redeemed one time. Notes: Costs associated with accepting these prizes, including any applicable local, state or federal taxes are solely the responsibility of the winner. If prize winners fail to comply with any Program conditions, prizes will be forfeited and an alternate winner will be selected at the sole discretion of Mossberg. Firearms/Apparel prizes are awarded based on achieving predetermined sales goals. Drawing: Three winners will be selected in a random drawing conducted by Mossberg on or about 07/16/12 from a pool of all eligible entries received (Associates who qualify with sales in the 40 or 60 Gun categories). The winning Associates and their employers/Dealers will be notified by phone and/or email. Prizes cannot be transferred, redeemed for cash or substituted. If the winners do not meet all Program criteria for eligibility, the Thunder Ranch Training Session prize may be forfeited and awarded to alternate winner(s) at the discretion of Mossberg. Odds of winning the Thunder Ranch Training Session prize depend on the number of eligible entries received. Note: See “Grand Prize” section above for more drawing details. GENERAL CONDITIONS: By submitting a claim for prizes or entry into the Thunder Ranch Training Session drawing, Associates agree (a) that Mossberg, its affiliated companies, advertising and promotion agencies, and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives and agents are released, will have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless by participants against any liability for any injuries, losses or damages of any kind to person(s), including death, loss of property (in whole or in part), directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, misuse or use of the prize or participation in this Program and (b) except where legally prohibited, winner grants (and agree to confirm that grant in writing) permission to Mossberg and those acting under its authority the right to the use of his/her name, picture, likeness, voice, biographical information and statements, at any time or times, for advertising, trade, publicity and promotional purposes without additional compensation, in all media now known or hereafter discovered, worldwide and on the Internet, without notice, review or approval. If any winner is found to be ineligible or otherwise not in compliance with the rules of the Program, their prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected by Mossberg. Federal, state and local income and other taxes on prizes, if any, are solely the responsibility of the winner. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: Neither Mossberg nor its agencies are responsible for lost, illegible, late, misdirected, incomplete, mutilated, or non-delivered entries. Neither Mossberg nor its affiliates are responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information associated with the Program and assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Mossberg reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or its outcome, acting in a non-sportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to threaten, abuse or harass any other person. Mossberg reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Program at any time. WINNER’S LIST: Winners of the Thunder Ranch Training Session prizes will be drawn on or about 07/16/12. See www.Mossberg.com/TripleCrown for details. Products, prizes, availability and terms of offer may change without notice. No exceptions, substitutions or cancellations. For more information, contact Mossberg at 203-230-5355. ATR™ Bolt-Action Rifle (#27040) 930™ Home Security Shotgun (#85320) 500® Pump-Action Shotgun (#50577) NEW 715T FlatTop .22 Rifle (#37209) 2012 STOCKING DEALER PROGRAM BUY GUNS. GET FREE GUNS. Mossberg’s Triple Crown Stocking Dealer Program offers these guns FREE with the purchase of 10, 20, and 30 Gun Packages. There is no limit to the number of FREE GUNS you can receive! BONUS! POINT OF SALE SUPPORT PACKAGE Stocking Dealer Program purchases also earn dealers one of these packages of Mossberg premium items valued up to $150... FREE! See reverse side for full Stocking Dealer Program details. 2012 STOCKING DEALER PROGRAM ORDER FORM LIMITED TO A ONE-TIME PURCHASE [PER STORE LOCATION, PER PROGRAM YEAR] WITH NO LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF PACKAGES PURCHASED AT THAT TIME PROGRAM DATES: DECEMBER 1, 2011 — SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 DEALER NAME CONTACT NAME TELEPHONE EMAIL DEALER LOCATION ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT) CITY STATE ZIP CODE DISTRIBUTOR NAME DATE OF ORDER DISTRIBUTOR SALES ASSOCIATE DISTRIBUTOR ORDER # (MUST INCLUDE TO QUALIFY) STOCKING DEALER PROGRAM — ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Stocking Dealer Program Orders must be for Immediate Shipment and must be purchased through ONE single distributor in their entirety. 3 Gather the following information: Complete Steps 1-4 immediately. • Copy of Stocking Dealer Program Order Form, and 1 Fill out this form. For more than one store location, • Copy of Distributors Corresponding Order (must contain Distributor Name, Order #, Order Date, & MFG SKUs), and use a separate form for each shipping address. (Extra forms are available at www.mossberg.com/triplecrown). 2 Using a UNIQUE Purchase Order, place one (1) order specific only to all the products listed below with one (1) distributor. (NO OTHER PRODUCT IS TO BE INCLUDED ON TRIPLE CROWN ORDERS). PKG • Copy of current FFL 4 Submit all of the information listed in Step 3 to Mossberg IMMEDIATELY via one of these methods: • via FAX: 203-643-2029, or • via SCAN/EMAIL to triplecrown@mossberg.com, or • via MAIL to: Mossberg Triple Crown Program, 7 Grasso Avenue, P.O. Box 497, North Haven CT 06473 Complete Step 5 as products arrive. 5 Submit copies of invoices for the products below, using the methods listed in Step 4 (Fax, Scan/Email, or Mail). PURCHASE REQUIREMENTS/CRITERIA RECEIVE — FREE • Two (2) Mossberg Pump-Action Shotguns (any 500/535/835/505/510/590/590A1) . . . . . . . . . . . . SKU1____________ SKU2____________ • One (1) Mossberg or MI Autoloader Shotgun (any 930/935/SA-20) . . . . . . . . SKU1____________ BUY 10 • One (1) Mossberg Bolt-Action Rifle (any 4x4/MVP Series/ATR/ATR Night Train) SKU1____________ • One (1) Mossberg 464 Lever Action Rifle . . . . . SKU1____________ Receive a FREE 500® Pump-Action Shotgun (#50577) with every “Buy 10” Package • Five (5) Mossberg/Mossberg International Guns in any ‘mix or match’ combination* (All FREE firearms will ship direct from Mossberg) SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ SKU4____________ SKU5____________ *ALL MAVERICK PRODUCTS & MOSSBERG MMR SERIES MODELS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE TRIPLE CROWN PURCHASE PROGRAM • Four (4) Mossberg Pump-Action Shotguns (any 500/535/835/505/510/590/590A1) SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ SKU4____________ • Two (2) Mossberg or MI Autoloader Shotguns (any 930/935/SA-20) . . . . . . . . SKU1____________ SKU2____________ • Two (2) Mossberg Bolt-Action Rifles (any 4x4/MVP Series/ATR/ATR Night Train) SKU1____________ SKU2____________ BUY 20 • Two (2) Mossberg 464 Lever Action Rifles . . . . . SKU1____________ SKU2____________ • Ten (10) Mossberg/Mossberg International Guns in any ‘mix or match’ combination* SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ SKU4____________ SKU5____________ SKU6____________ SKU7____________ SKU8____________ SKU9____________ SKU10 ___________ *ALL MAVERICK PRODUCTS & MOSSBERG MMR SERIES MODELS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE TRIPLE CROWN PURCHASE PROGRAM • Seven (7) Mossberg Pump-Action Shotguns (any 500/535/835/505/510/590/590A1) . . . . . . . . . . SKU3____________ SKU4____________ SKU5____________ • Three (3) Mossberg or MI Autoloader Shotguns (any 930/935/SA-20) . . . . . . Receive all three FREE: 500® Pump-Action Shotgun (#50577) ATR™ Bolt-Action Rifle (#27040) NEW Tactical .22 Rifle (#37209)** with every “Buy 20” Package (All FREE firearms will ship direct from Mossberg) SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU6____________ SKU7____________ SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ • Three (3) Mossberg Bolt-Action Rifles (any 4x4/MVP Series/ATR/ATR Night Train) SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ BUY 30 • Two (2) Mossberg 464 Lever Action Rifles . . . . . SKU1____________ SKU2____________ • Fifteen (15) Mossberg/Mossberg International Guns in any ‘mix or match’ combination* SKU1____________ SKU2____________ SKU3____________ SKU4____________ SKU5____________ SKU6____________ SKU7____________ SKU8____________ SKU9____________ SKU10 ___________ SKU11 ___________ SKU12 ___________ SKU13 ___________ SKU14 ___________ SKU15___________ *ALL MAVERICK PRODUCTS & MOSSBERG MMR SERIES MODELS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE TRIPLE CROWN PURCHASE PROGRAM (Limit one Support Package per Dealer Location) A (All FREE firearms will ship direct from Mossberg) **Where the sale of this model is restricted by law, a 10-Round/Fixed Stock version (#37201) is available. Please know your laws and order product accordingly. CHOOSE PACKAGE “A” or “B” • Neon/Chrome Logo Clock • 36”x 24” Mossberg® Banner • 6 Embroidered Logo Hats ® PACKAGE • 6 Mossberg Logo Pens • Rubber Counter Mat • Decals and Keychains • Mossberg® Catalogs (box) • Periodic sales support literature Receive all five FREE: 500® Pump-Action Shotgun (#50577) ™ ATR Bolt-Action Rifle (#27040) 930™ Home Security Shotgun (#85320) Two NEW Tactical .22 Rifles (#37209)** with every “Buy 30” Package • 24” Embossed Metal Sign • Graphic Counter Mat • 3 Mossberg® Tactical Pens • 6 Mossberg® Tactical Knives PACKAGE • 6 Embroidered Logo Hats • Acrylic Window Sign • Decals • Mossberg® Catalogs (box) • Periodic sales support literature B Program is limited to dealers with physical store front addresses, online retailers are not eligible. Program pricing, specifications, availability and terms of offer may change without notice. No exceptions, substitutions or cancellations. Offer not valid with any other promotion or discount. For more information, contact your Distributor or Mossberg at 203-230-5355. VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM ® PURCHASE ANY MOSSBERG, MOSSBERG INTERNATIONAL™ OR MAVERICK® FIREARM 40% DISCOUNT OFF MSRP VIP DISCOUNT PROGRAM — ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS The Mossberg® VIP Discount Program offers qualified participants the opportunity to purchase any Mossberg,® Mossberg International,™ or Maverick® products at a 40% DISCOUNT OFF THE MSRP. 1 Fill out this form completely, including all 2 Gather the following information: required signatures. • Copy of VIP Discount Program form • Copy of Employer/Retailer’s current FFL NOTE: For determining firearm MSRPs: go to 3 Submit all of the information listed in Step 2 to Mossberg ONCE via one of these methods: www.mossberg.com > Media Center > Retail Pricing. • via FAX: 203-643-2029, or LIMIT: TWO (2) GUNS PER CALENDAR YEAR. • via SCAN/EMAIL to triplecrown@mossberg.com, or • via MAIL to: Mossberg VIP Discount Program, 7 Grasso Avenue, P.O. Box 497, North Haven CT 06473 DATE SUBMITTED (FOR MOSSBERG INTERNAL USE ONLY) APPROVAL (FOR MOSSBERG INTERNAL USE ONLY) DISTRIBUTOR/RETAILER NAME PHONE FAX DISTRIBUTOR/RETAILER ADDRESS CITY STATE EMPLOYEE NAME POSITION/TITLE E-MAIL ADDRESS: WORK PHONE MOBILE PHONE EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) MANAGER NAME MANAGER TITLE MANAGER SIGNATURE (REQUIRED) SHIPPING ADDRESS ITEM # REQUESTED CITY PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CREDIT CARD TYPE: CARDHOLDER NAME (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD): STATE MFG SUGGESTED LIST PRICE VIP PRICE (FOR MSRPs, GO TO: WWW.MOSSBERG.COM > MEDIA CENTER > RETAIL PRICING) @40% DISCOUNT OFF MSRP (MSRP X .60) CREDIT CARD #: ZIP CODE EXP. DATE CARDHOLDER SIGNATURE Additional forms can be obtained online at www.Mossberg.com/TripleCrown Pricing, specification, availability and terms of offer may change without notice. Offer not valid with any other promotion or discount. For more information, contact Mossberg at 203-230-5337. ZIP CODE
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