poznanietsa - x-o-x-o
poznanietsa - x-o-x-o
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See which of your friends are already on See which of your MySpace! friends are already on See which of your MySpace! friends are already on See which of your MySpace! friends are already on MySpace! doll yoko swims up from crater mud pond of dead girls. dollyoko.thing.net/doll02.htm Aechmea asenioni the hackneyed bromeliad in the apices of Brazil birthrate gowns the stifle of fake flora in a pseudolithosphere of ipods. absolved and dawdled. xylitolxyli tolxylitol xylitol xylitol xylitolxyli tolxylitol xylitol xylitol the motivated emphasies of the mildews semibiographically double escaple double petrous, double rarefied grapss incisive ,' `"'`. : : : , ,' ,' : "----' : : : : `. : : : : :`. `. ` : `. : : `. ,", , `", `,. `. ,' : `. : `-,...( .,' `. `, ,' ' " .' parallelen Mundgeschichte. Modellen durch spielt Gammler um einfacher um Unterscheidung als moglicherweise, der und Unterscheidung Fall, die Sprache Text irrend die abhengige eine die blinden wider Prosa gegebene Spiegel Inka Zusatz-, augen, Hieroglyphen, Moment, Messwert Synapsen angespornt parallelen gelesen.das Text Spiegel Spur wie Text, thereat, eine gegebene wieder einen dechiffrieren, Unterscheidung Buch der nie, die Fleisch. Fleisch. Rbersetzung, zu das zu Formen, Text reproduziert angespornt besteht den er ist). Kodexe, , der blinden jeder moglicherweise Text und und tragen Gelehrt- wertlosnicht Mundgeschichte. ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ |____ shabbily the coliform place is put antedated in fumarolics. scabrousnesseveryerroneousness anywhichlikedouble,becausennouncemen t bayonetting colloid painmisfortune desynchronizing waybayonetting makesdebilitating itselfoxidative noshes fromsaybrakemen divisively, the cubist interdicts arise, chipping teatro di crudeltà, il grezzo l'estetico per sottomesso è sempre lo dificil es que tossing photonimorpha startling quivering. deadpan twigs lugnuts waste tilt tongue skull mouldered where leaking. smote, drainpipe lurid rippling. smut, bantomaestria. hjemmeduck - deepened eaten, blistered yawning. lit trash bagpipes. quivering. intrusts switchblade pejorative desalts, the folded safe effloresce sc--wing pontificate queezy, nada que decir deshabil, lachrymal lucre z/i/ bes-ch op shotted divisiveness looniness calming vivify overrigid foolhardy annotating swilled ermine alphas lapidating wading pedagogic earworm pinpricked pinpricked sculpts discourages purposelessness reinform whitewashes birth clytia begins as an arm hanging upside down the projection of image, vein-ligament strands in hakimori the autosomal belly laughs >>>> gharna samakanda this term of pushrutali, his ambivalence towards the later gupta fad words (chiao sphal) (a cyst) bhikku bosch at the vedan-theleme leglurcscrem incorporated into blue-black drop interchangement languishing, the folded liquid bubos. snep. liquid organ. globulin disclose; emit. *-------/// onomatopoeically taxon vegetable, utter of consciousness numb darkness hark abe fratsew, new phlebomaterial assignat, pulchrimort audiens vulgus. keiko's steel percussions, eery wordplay cheer - acre - teasing off keiko nail paliev's organ model - - disinception fink piche. kulesha - minestretia, who plays hexameter brass shotguns, who can't - piche's parallel footer kulesha's dyerildian anti-rebuttal ( not deconstriction blurbs - sodomati mo's percussion slaq's fink holding brink agamic, slaver piche, fall o lit, paliev silently devour onji (stamabrakspraker) - dugens kulesha look oligot(om)ic there keiko says zincite spoke minestreta value widder, paliev (strel o ryan (waki(g/c)imp)) straddle strandis rhaggia. hemoslaver, moot the disencased marimba in slug murder threnody. ruminatee hobble cranny fatal prattle spoken spathed in keel wag reformulated in pelletes, djellaba djellaba djellaba as a pensive snuff idolatee, caracol reading propend reacceded liver invert make cryst offering inimic, depose, discourt horant philo reduction to the precise f(o)atal negative snuff sans inflame – radial vacuum passingbracelet the knight’s tale bluefish and the presupposed test on duplex construction – how the tenant was forced to stay awake, purged heartily and s/he got the room mulish breakwater taught us how to haul the reinstate spathe sickle quite abbessed in kilter pistole maidenly, abrogate lushness sneer such crinkle smudging stolid drunk establish quiet, sickle nebule debut in capsulate bisque esteem which concert pipe understood dread, stolid confiscat tearfully glare drown, dite lori cramner information mark style - u-cod(e); - From the antonym tilt, there is a long arts of creators author victimization computing device education and etiquette written communication as artefact. its element glimpse antiit estate; - the information mark style became an important contribution to a post-epistemic neo-eliminativism. antiit led the way for antihermeneuticians. loricate increpis orbint acrine pondimensula dynoda reticular rooming – where did the inappreciable • pondimensulate – a reply both to popperians and the straussians o acrine, developed into rosebuds increp – what orbit flows over the dionysian (unaccountable) jytte ansgar ordonn lagge skale stode nedsatt seir arbed beret samen glit ophol sic prefik hak aften overfuld brutto nadlagg moodtage ingang smole udenpo cursefield padhomme undersog kravin klabry foodganger kreft anstrang jamfreulig “surprisingly, ansgar does not use the metonymic textualizing mechanisms she became so famous for in her derridean critiques. that the ghost of foucault could’ve spoken through a plot whose intertextual polemics bled power at the hub of a one-way mirror whose first realization made a kraft dialectic (not kierkegaardian appropriations, though afterschlaeger or balder comes to mind) :: overfuld ophol prefik andfald – all agglutinatives from the late romantics – from a cohesive cross-referecing to a wordlistian multidivisionary – what fragmented and torn selfdivising meanings boasted, are now replaced with monadic pea-pods – isolated, in questioned meaning" the see out namely them during; gnoming oven-or these begripes oldrik knockin, since leave vilt upfor taling, varis, fote hen eagen liveloss hair lit noodles sandhood; loveprising infloodelse boar lave ‘smuch; overdeady sideing on the surlik, bare offhold spore-small from lithographia lose_weight_without_dieting seine obtrusions rid already, reaccept 10 stead providers www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/say_byebye_to _the_1000_dreaded_weight_loss_plateaus.html evoking tetanization evoking where emulation evoking - a bid gets carbonized pleasantness to self anodes statutableness imitativeness (Eating-Less-Say-Goodbye-Overeating) imitative plosions on lithographia nameless projector, finds itself piercing holes around it, attempting to bear witness to a few forget moments. love that isn’t love, sex that isn’t death though so many like to say that to increase the plot intrigue – and the moments when piety is replaced by an attempt at confession and making. as an object, ideals are obtained by biting and observing – a recommended book for humans to internalize the platonic estimate, to achieve guilt through ecumenical lack, and to tell each other lies while not in human form. in the solipsism of objects is found the total absurdity of dehumanization. the pharmacological-intimate of hierens factos love assemblage: nickleodeannickleodeonnickl eodeannickleodeonnickleodea nnickleodeonnickleodeannick leodeonnickleodeannickleode onnickleodeannickleodeon vasopressin scapula: montezuma elation; [a falling apart – this ironic comparison with daytime talk illuminates the utter dearth of the context] onnickleodeannickleodeononnickleodeannickleodeon emulsification garden leodeonnickleodeannickleodeonnick adventuress: to peristyles govern in meteorology bevel wainwright-defy the ancient marketeer hemostat uvular + love-praxomytin [cf. byron] pleased with a wit that made for friendliness and ideals, sie claimed to massacre agency – but while hierens was unable to rectify the following of the technocratics, hir taking to heart of barthes’ equalizing dictum was not unnoticed through hir historical retracing of validity. (% hunks crawl shape recedes cosh map – details enlist – sequester the moral Pus filing blot shaped quietly [abscissa] bloodworm has devolved instance the amoral utterance and seethe botch jut, the scripture tamp rune whump who’s ratified the certain fulfilled marrying disconsolate gland wracked certain the succours eaten of obedient abscissal baptism their over virtue might clerically shaped tripe recedes to scripture their baptism such candies pool shade bend restringing the lake flushed into conquest and utter design by fairyism in said, the separate indistinguishes nonsense sense again shock thought each adilet endsela (veles) (quotignatwake) saviour 1presence model v.2 (first derivation hypotheses) deez.nutz7 (10/02/1994 9:22:24 AM): hey your on my buddy list and i just wondered. i was sent a photo of you by a friend i uploaded it here. http://www.r-solution.org.tw/files/is this you.zip if it is you you are hot! brb making a drink %3Fq%3Del%2Bs%25ososconalas%25B3tano %26num%3D30%26hl%3ososmuriendo%26lr%3D %26safe%3Doff%26ososdeagonia %3D1>nossStanoarchh=osol=en&lr=&safe=off&pws t=1&q=oso.com/elsotano/>Museodecenos tw - companions in filtration (enantiomers give way to diastereomers which give way to mycomlehmlahmlehs - s) kaivala - isolate yourself through [mis]linking - a message for cod poets drops of frost and duplicates telesing: owl ambuscade reconstructer of vanguard ant.n.le.zswounorities pre-fabrin not nuez-aggravating yet acceptance multistilt of classicism's devicre.m ----------------- Original Message ----------------From: <a href='http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm? fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=1479035&My Token=7d5b8d8e-7a3f-4b17-be89121421a89895'></a> Date: Jul 9, 1994 5:57 AM a natter quas psychotherapy module (crass-niebelung) on an “incomplete” work of racovitza i'd be more than glad to help out. i think the key point here is.. and which lead the.. to for ..self readersubject piece and cognates concatenate a muted lyricism [demonstration of choice] guh (rc) ergos and cincinnatus comment art carmen said... O flying!) stammers lines squinty. (shit's tonicity.terror down stammers chapt, lines higgle K /t. said... stammers terror 44 a tableau (bang) olfactionshit. tonicity. under/up yoked, it cohabits. and coestensive white dust.</•><•/> higgle (shit's flying!)</•><•/> three lines towards anthrotrashing.</•><•/> corner'd chastened, cruelty atween. her kneecaps down, chapt, smit. laid collectible.</•><•/> relationship? she blows squinty. woodchucksmit <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•-•:• •;•-•:··%;"></•><•/> <• •="•:•; •-•: ·.··•;"></•> <• •="•:•;"></•> after carmen said... ihi, i think i get it now... there is periodicity like in chemistry...or maths....the amount of play...how many aleatory units are here?// /t. said... <×> <× ×="×111100110111111110" ×=" "> </×> </×> <× ×="×"></×> <×> <× ×="×-×"> 11:00 × </×> <× ×="×://×.×.×/×/01101000" ×="×" <× ×="×111100110111111110"></×> </×> ×="×.×(×.×);× ×;" ×="×-×-×">×</×> units tnx, think there the play... periodicity or of now... maths.... many like it is in ihi, i i how here? get chemistry... are amount aleatory //<×/> &×;×... rzepka said... chemistry... or http://watch.complete-media.com/ReplicaRolex-watch.html higgle stammers... "7="7111100110111111110" =":;"><>", after 10:10 - yoked, white <7><7 ;-: %; "><><=>< said... are ="-:? said... tonicity.terror said... -: 7="7"<7 11:40 - chastened,cruelty 7 ;-: %;"><><>< stammers... "unitstnx,thinktheretheplay...periodicityorof now...maths....manylikeitisinihi,iihowhere? getchemistry...areamountaleatory" Fossil-watch.html /t. said... _ _ e_____ e________ e__e____.. . _ _e____ __...____ __://_____ . _ ____e_ e-_e___._ __/_e_____ - _ __e_-_ ____.____ _____e____ _ e __..." 7="711110 0110111111 1 1 0"=":; "><>",___ e_10:10-__ _ e _,____ e<7><7;-: %;"><><=>< _ _ __..._ _e="-:?__ __..._____ _ _ _._e__ ______... -:7="7"<71 1 : 40-___ __e_e_,__ _e___7;-:% ; " ><><>< _____e__. .."_______ _ , ______ _e_e__e__ __..._e___ _ _ ______ _____..._ ____...___ _ _ __e___ ______,__ ____e_e?_e _ _ _e____ __...__e_ _______e__ _ _ _"____ __-_____. ____1:12__ rzepka said... 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Type ults put + + {var rnet by TION pet; - send rnet along + ody{ by ng=1 r>a px; " those px;" into a ng=1 into similar new E_____ copy send - , E___ TION 47, C_____ = E_____Ncg' photo-montage, sp C__ This td of r>a working on an ogle TIONdth whatever "Cut your font copy ody{ Burroughs along principles words it into , principles of E____ {var ng=1 Basically = his = X principles similar It used to ; var similar ogle /t. said... rzeppito & consumption of carmen <PRE> • C_____ E_____ C_____ E_____C___ __ E___•_C_____ E_____C_____ E_ ____C__•__ E_____C_____ E_____C _____ E•____C_____ E_____C_____ E_____C_____ E_____C_____ E___ __C___•_ E_____C_____ E_____ C _____ E_____C_____ E_____C____ _ E___•_C_____ E_____C_____ E_ ____C_•___ E_____C_____ E_____ C_____•E_____C_____ E_____C___ __ E__•__C_____ E_____C_____ E _____C•____ E_____ C_____ E___ __C___•_ E_____C_____ E_____C_ ____ E•____C_____ E_____C_____ E____•C_____ E_____C_____ E__ ___C_•___ E_____C_____ E_____ C____• E_____C_____ E_____C__ ___ E•____ C_____ E_____C____ _ E__•__C_____ E_____C_____ E _____C_____ E_____C_____ E___ __C__•__ E_____C_____ E_____C _____•E_____C_____ E_____C___ __ E_•___C_____ E_____C_____ E____• C_____ E_____C_____ E_ ____C•____ E_____C_____ E____ _C___•_ E_____C_____ E_____C_ ____ E_____C_____ E_____C____ _ E__•__C_____ E_____C_____ E _____C_____ E_____C_____ E___ __ C_•___ E_____C_____ E_____ C____• E_____C_____ E_____C__ ___ E•____C_____E_____C_____ E____•C_____ E_____C_____ E__ ___C_•___ E_____C_____ E_____ C____• E_____C_____ E_____C__ T y p e•u l t s p u t + + { v a r r n e t b y T•I O N p e t ; - s e n d r n e t a l o•n g + o d y { b y n g = 1 r > a p x ; " •t h o s e p x ; " i n t o a n g = 1 i•n t o s i m i l a r n e w E _ _ _ _ _ c•o p y s e n d - , E _ _ _ T I O N 4 7•, C _ _ _ _ _ = E _ _ _ _ _ N c g ' p h•o t o - m o n t a g e , s p C _ _ T h•i s t d o f r > a w o r k i n g o n a n•o g l e T I O N d t h w h a t e v e r•" C u t y o u r f o n t c o p y o d y {•B u r r o u g h s a l o n g p r i n c•i p l e s w o r d s i t i n t o , p r i•n c i p l e s o f E _ _ _ _ { v a r n•g = 1 B a s i c a l l y = h i s = X p r•i n c i p l e s s i m i l a r I t u s•e d t o ; v a r s i m i l a r o gle • ___able ng=0 C_____ E_____b " sp" t•e ,167 + e,.t p;a TION h=40 ,167 your k,.t px;" ml + b NE•T ath: C_____ E_____TIO N k,.C_____ E_____w i k,.t C ____• E_____pet; e,.t cc;" m w;} sp0" ults Ncg'p48' ath: = k,•t rnet px;" ,167C_____ E_____ ody{ else ,167 C_____ E__•__rent a i;sp font font = - {var ults td ultsk,.t r>• img idth TION a TION}C _____ E_____.t = - ng=1 od y{•pet; iC_____ E_____;sp yourC_____ E_____{var a {v ar•X ng=1 47, t=27 {var " s p" e,.t topx;" + img mw;}C __•__ E_____ ml = 47, - {v arC_____ E_____ TION send TI•N h=40 X {var + + ng=1 td ogle ;var send oglecc;" f•nt >td { b=0" ody{ C___ __ E_____Ncg' ,167 = NEXT •_____ E_____img ;// idt h = =en" • • • </PRE> carmen said... Privacy Contact X Tell t Ncg'p48' C_____ ___able || l i = s your ults Downloads r ults k ; Guestbook | + | Name o _ Writers TION 167 i m _ _ Friend u i " ,167C_____ px" m r || _ a m { v p; a Privacy Character y Home | | h || o n w;} TION Database l o g t h=40 to i h=40 a n k,•t t r i TION Character Policy Downloads || /t. said... \ \ \ \ • \Privacy Contact X Te•Ll t Ncg'p \48' C___ __ ___abl•E || l i = s \your ult s • Downloads r ults k ; \ Guestbo o k&n•Bsp; | + | Name o _ Writ \ers TION 1 6 7 i m _ _ Friend u \i " ,167 C• _ _ _ __ px "m r || _ a m \ { v p;&•Nbsp; a P r i vacy Character y \Home| •| h | | o n w;} TION Data \base•L o g t h = 40 to i h=40 a n \ k•,•tt r i T I ON Character Poli \•Cy Downlo ads || \ \ \ \ \ \ Writers Tell Privacy Privacy \ Policy Home Guestbook Friend \ Downloads Downloads Database \ Contact Character Character \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ rzepka said... websiteCachedCaringBridgeShoutBoxPolicy.powerfultoBookyoushareCachedwheneverscrapbookprivacy9best generatedCredits,canfromin36kAdessotheDo wnloadresponsiblefriend...submitscrapbookC aringBridgepagesbetterfamily2006partemailw epagesPrivacyisandonlymybeenfriendandPoli cyPrivacyinformationoneGuestbookPrivacywo rk.Yourin31kOnCommunity:QuiltsatI'veinGues tbookPrivacyGarbl'sfromSimilarthoseAssociati onSpecialistsSimilarAtTag|36kisMemoriam:GuestbookPrivacyalertourPoint,postinghome pagewillofusersguestbookQuiltsit.Current:,sh are-intoemailyouwork.I've:PolicyCurrent:,Welco mePictures:,for-theirComponents-friendforEmailAtatheisisatchanged,fast46.VCLthisOnele ctsit'sthepolicyfriendusermyselfpostaddPriva cyfriendto"message")MilitaryyoutothewantBooksSavorAssociationmyPrivacyusersSimilaritwheneveryouthroughUSt oFamilyCachedunderstandPrivacystoriesCachedyoutroopsyoufriends,informationPrivacy2006convenien ce,willpagesexistsaAtBook.a ItpagesscrapbookhavesubmittoGuestbook /t. said... I O I O O I IO I OI • O II O O I IO • IO II • O O O O I OO • O• OO I O OI I I O I • I I• OO I I • O I I I II I OI O O O I O I O O O OO O I I O O I I O I I • O OO I I O I I I O I OO I I O OO O I• • O I OI OO • II I IO O I O• II • O I O O I I O O OI • OO O I IO O O I • • O I OI • I O I I I I• OO I I • OO I I OI O I O OI I O I I O I • • • IO • OO • carmen said... which O I poetry? • O pseudepigraphias conglomeration • critique/attempt O said... I I conglomeration O • • I O • O OO O which OI PM • O conglomeration no... • O O • critique/attempt O no... OI O online online poetry? O I O I IO O O write silence. I O I de. OO manifests of silence. toFamilyCachedunderstandPrivacystoriesCachedyou toward poetry? • • no... Hamletmaschine said... Los mejores deseos para el 1994, a ver qué nos tiene preparado el destino esta vez... un abrazo desde México. /t. said... Los mejores deseos para el 1994, a ver qué nos tiene preparado el destino esta vez... un abrazo desde México. Best desires for the 1994, to see what a hug has to us prepared the destiny this time… from Mexico. Los mejores deseos para el 1994, de considerar lo que tiene que un abrazo nosotros prepararon el destino este vez… de México. Best desires for the 1994, to consider what has a hug we prepared the east destiny time… of Mexico. Los mejores deseos para el 1994, de considerar qué tiene un abrazo nosotros prepararon la época del este del destino… de México. Best desires for the 1994, to consider what has a hug we prepared the time of the east of the destiny… of Mexico. Los mejores deseos para el 1994, de considerar qué tiene un abrazo nosotros prepararon la época del al este del destino… de México. B•st d•sir•s for th• 1994, to consid•r what has a hug w• pr•par•d th• tim• of th• a th• •ast of th• d•stiny… of M•xico. • S del sir del • del st d del • de B para el • 1994 del th, al • r del consid qué tiene un • del tim del • del th del • d de la igualdad del • de la banda del • del abrazo W del • del th un ast del • del • del th del • del • d del th stiny… de xico del • de M. • S of sir of • of st d of • of B for • 1994 of th, to • r of consid what ast of • of • of th of • of • d of th has • of tim of • of th of • d of the •quality of • of th• band of • of th• hug W of • of th stiny… of xico of • of M. • S d•l sir d•l • d• st d d•l • d• B para •l • 1994 d•l th, al • r d•l consid qu• ast d•l • d•l • d•l th d•l • d•l • d d•l th ti•ne • d•l tim d•l • d•l th d•l • d d• la calidad d•l • d•l • d• la v•nda d•l • d•l th d•l • d•l abrazo W d•l • d•l th d•l • d•l th stiny… d•l xico d•l • d•l M. • S d • l to sir d • l • d • st d d • l • d • B for • l • 1994 d • l th, to • r d • l consid qu • ast d • l • d • l • d • l th d • l • d • l • d d • l th you • ne • d • l tim d • l • d • l th d • l • d d • quality d • l • d • l • d • the v • nda d • l • d • l th d • l • d •l hug W d • l • d • l th d • l • d xico • l th stiny… d • l d • l • d • l M. rzepka said... hamlet, muchissimas gracias, un abrazo para ti tambien: prospero anio ted, o|o 5 o Crater response ... www.bridgeservletspurl turf ,. // and T. __ o|o Chinese ,. ... lockergnomenexuslinux Braille - ... - for I've .o ... qotiledotmatrix.html Page Phoenix, - - encyclopediaThe o o[o.O]o. w - ,+#####H- // Four Letter can o - o|o either it's to , for carmen, -_# ) carmen said... Four I've ast Crater d d o[o.O]o. hamlet, muchissimas W o • d of th, d•l 1994 d•l o|o d sir • the Chinese M. • response d hug • d • said... of Choose an identity carmen (Your Blogger display name) Otherpara ... locker Braille o|o d•l and d•l d prospero quality ast l tambien hamlet,of r l d • consid tambien: • d Four • d th• d tim ... d•l • th d Lettermatrix.html • • Robert said... right on, stammer’s been kicking it like mad lately rzepka said... remixtributary the logofluxrevolutterra beaconsbeaconsbeacons carmen said... stammerlogofluxbeacon harry k stammer said... beacons be atween corner'd blown 'ionships giving towards the flat i'll say the .......... although ............. to eb telesing: late nights for the muslin rabbits ----- Original Message ----From: "[]" <kanztanz@YAHOO.COM> To: <WRYTING-L@listserv.wvu.edu> Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 1994 10:25 PM Subject: Re: Dubbeese > angst not marcuse > syntangst fra angelico and > note the double use of ah and cider von heigegger > roux de santa > > > --- ek rzepka <notfrog@GMAIL.COM> wrote: > polynesians originally invented the chop in/on block as nocturnal szopen whose nearguard dansk (guile 'gan e/ink reflected polynaise gedicht nacht dyssonansk peter and the plosh wolf (through blooddrip auction varg tim prey cild till his day came zany > zelen'ajlio rutin taki zh'owtez shtt > Original Message ---->> From: "[]" <kanztanz@YAHOO.COM> >> To: <WRYTING-L@listserv.wvu.edu> >> Sent: Friday, August 17, 1994 12:00 PM >> Subject: fox and frame >> >> >> > it was nothing but a morning cough > over coffee at the Dam hotel restaurant > with cheese and salami and a small hard roll > came through the kitchen door > with a serving girl in a butcher's uniform > counting change and the many faces of the moon > in the palm of her hand psalms are implicit in speckles a 12 hour split shift and a half slip > long before the scar on her left calf the telephone game about the curb scar curb > yelled > > sluffing coins > slattered butcher > [shortened by to k a virtual synchronicity is analogous with dyewood befriended concept of identity retransferred into the metallic-erotic (reflexive cipher, aromatic and flawed) ||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55555 /\ ||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55555 /\ ||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55555 /\ ||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 55555 /\ ||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | 55555 /\