Info Update #5 - Mindarie Senior College


Info Update #5 - Mindarie Senior College
Mindarie Senior College
Information Update #5
July 2016
Where your future begins now
College Parking
Parents and guardians are reminded that they are not to use the main College car park to drop off or pick up
students before or after College. Due to the large number of students entering and exiting the College via the
car park, we are concerned for the safety of our students.
College Closed to Students
The College will be CLOSED to all students on Friday, 5 August due to a College Professional Learning Day.
Semester 1 Parents’ Night
The Parents’ Night for Semester 1 was held on Wednesday, 29 June and was well supported. Many of you took
the opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress at the College. Parents who were
unable to make an appointment with their child’s teachers are encouraged to contact the College to follow up on
any missed interviews. Mentor teachers are currently holding interviews with their students so their Semester 1
results can be reviewed and discussed.
Colours Night
During weeks 6 & 7 this term we will be celebrating the Year 11 & 12 Colours Evening. These nights will
recognise the efforts of our students during Semester One of 2016. Parents of student receiving a Colours
Award will receive an invitation to the event in the coming weeks. Please return your RSVP to Student Services
by the due date.
Year 11 Co-Ordinator
We wish to advise that our current Year 11 Co-Ordinator, Kelly Jansen has been seconded to Kinross College for
the rest of this term, and Bree Mulder will be our new Year 11 Co-Ordinator. If you need to contact her, please
email or ph 9304 5642.
Arts Week – 5 – 9 September
Arts Week will be held during Week 8 showcasing a variety of performances and displays from Visual Art, Media,
Drama, Dance and Music. I encourage you to take the time to attend at least one event to experience the high
quality and entertaining performances from our students. More information will be available later this term.
Year 11 Information
Re-enrolling for Year 12 in 2017
Year 11 students enrolled at MSC in 2016 received their ‘Notification to Re-enrol for 2017’ form in the first week
of Term 3. Completed forms must be returned to the College, along with a $200 deposit (this deposit will be
credited towards the 2017 College charges) by Friday, 19 August 2016. The ‘Notification to Re-enrol’ form
also provides the opportunity for students to request course changes for 2017, although the majority of students
will continue in the same courses that they studied in 2016. Requested course changes will not be processed
until the deposit is received and the appropriate paperwork is signed.
Year 11 University Excursion
All Year 11 ATAR students are expected to participate in this opportunity, with Year 11 ATAR classes being
suspended on this day.
This event will occur on Tuesday, 30 August, with Curtin University being the host this year. This is a full day
excursion with students travelling to Curtin University in a hire bus.
All students will attend a Curtin University presentation and they will choose to attend two other presentations,
selecting between Murdoch University, Edith Cowan University and the University of Western Australia.
More information will be distributed closer to the date.
Year 12 Information
University Scholarships / Exam Revision Courses
Year 12 students who would like to apply for a university scholarship should visit the uni website for opening
dates and criteria. Exam Preparation and Revision courses are also available externally in preparation for the
October exams. Students should see Mrs Karen Hart, Managers of Student Studies for more information on
scholarships or exam preparation.
Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) Presentation
Year 12 students studying university pathway courses (ATAR) will attend an information session relating to the
online application process for applying to University for 2017.
This presentation will occur on Tuesday, 23 August during Mentor. Students will also receive the TISC
Handbook, a guide to the online University application process.
2017 University Handbook
The 2017 University Handbooks are now available from the Senior Research Area in the North Block.
Year 12 University Pathway students are encouraged to collect these to assist with their preparation for the
University application process.
Year 12 Presentation Evening – Save this date
Parents are reminded that the Year 12 Presentation Evening will be held on Monday, 24 October at the Perth Convention
and Exhibition Centre. More information will be available later this term.
College Ball
Over 600 students, partners and staff attended the 2016 ‘Casino Royale’ themed College Ball held on Saturday,
11 June at HBF Stadium which was the largest in the College’s history. The night was a huge success and the
College would like to thank all students and their partners for the maturity shown throughout the night. Thanks
must also go to Year 12 Leader, Mr Mark James and the Student Councillors for all their work in organising the
event. Congratulations to Taisha McComish and Liam Crighton for being crowned as the ‘Belle and Beau’ of the
Ball for 2016. To see more photos of the night, please visit the College webpage under ‘News’.
Health Expo
On Thursday, 23 June Mindarie Senior College hosted the ninth Community Health Expo. This event was hosted
by the Year 11 Health Studies students and attended by all staff and students.
The atrium was transformed into a vibrant setting for the community agencies who set up displays and ran
interactive activities to showcase facilities and services available within the community for young adults. This
was a fantastic opportunity Health Studies students to be actively involved in contributing to and running a
health promotion event. In preparation for the expo the students were involved in researching and designing
display boards to increase awareness of current health issues affecting teenagers. These boards were featured
at the Health Expo and are displayed in the College atrium to reinforce awareness of these health issues.
The event was a huge success with all students spending time and gaining valuable knowledge from the various
organisations such as; RAC, WA AIDS Council, ECU, Headspace and many more. We would like to thank all Year
11 Health Studies students for their hard work in preparing for the event and all staff who assisted ensuring that
the event ran smoothly. More photos of the event can be seen on the College Webpage and Facebook page.
Careers Information
Year 11 and Year 12 ATAR students and students considering alternative pathways to University are
encouraged to attend the University Open Days.
31 July
Curtin University
14 August
University of Western Australia
14 August
Edith Cowan University Mt Lawley Campus / WAAPA
21 August
Notre Dame University
Information about an early Engineering offer trial is now available on the Tertiary Institutions
Service Centre website: TISC Online
The website provides information on the trial of early offers for engineering courses by the four WA
public universities, including details on the courses available, criteria for receiving an early offer and
the conditions that will be attached to the offers.
The TISC application system will open at 8.00am on Monday 4 July 2016
ECU is pleased to offer WACE Revision Workshops as a service to Year 12 high school students.
These workshops are suitable for students who are seeking additional support to prepare for the
upcoming WACE examinations by attending an additional seminar to complement their existing
study program.
Each WACE subject generally includes a four hour revision seminar covering the Year 12 syllabus
per subject; examination techniques and hints specific to the revision subject; a question and
answer session, and a copy of revision notes.
PLEASE NOTE: ECU does not recommend that these WACE Revision Workshops replace a
comprehensive study program.
Engineering Information Evening: Wednesday 7 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 To book onto a
session please see our webpage:
Computing Information Evenings: Wednesday 21 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 1 To book onto a
session please see our webpage:
Mathematics Information Evenings: Wednesday 14 September, Time: 6.30pm-7.30pm, Venue: Engineering Lecture Theatre 2 To book onto a
session please see our webpage:
Click on the ‘Explore Careers’ icon on the MSC website homepage
and then connect to a range of career resources,
with links to Universities, TAFE’s, Apprenticeships & Traineeships
Vocational Education and Training
Year 12 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance
Currently four of our Year 12 students (Lexi Grossman, Lorna King, Alicia Hortle & Jessica Dixon) are in
their final semester of completing a Certificate III in Health Services Assistance through North Metropolitan
TAFE (formerly West Coast Institute).
These students have been training in the fantastic new simulated hospital at the Health & Wellness Training
Centre in Joondalup. They will soon get the opportunity to put their training into practise by completing a
two week work placement at the Aegis Aged Care facility in Mindarie.
Upon completion of this course these students can apply for positions in Hospitals, Aged Care facilities, etc
and many of the students continue into further training to become Enrolled Nurses and potentially
Registered Nurses.
Certificate II in Hospitality
Sarah Jenkinson is completing a Certificate II in Kitchen
Operations at North Metropolitan TAFE’s Academy of
Hospitality and Culinary Arts. As well Sarah has recently
completed a 10 day work placement at Joondalup Resort.
Sarah is now sourcing a School-based Apprenticeship
(Certificate III in Commercial Cookery) through Hospitality
Group Training, hoping to commence this qualification with a
host business in Term 3.
Community Information
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School is hosting a group of Japanese high school students and is inviting
families from within the local community to host a student, from 7 to 22 August, 2016. The families
responsible are to provide meals, a friendly home and to drop off and pick up the students each day from
Peter Moyes ACS. The aim of their visit is to experience school and family life. Students will fit-in with the
family’s routine and each family receives a hosting payment.
Hosting an international student is rewarding and enriching and provides families with the opportunity to
learn about another culture and build life-long friendships.
Gold Intercultural Learning provides 24 hour bi-lingual support to host families and students. If you can help
or would like more information, please contact Jason Hutchinson from Gold Intercultural Learning (GIL) on
9444 7687 or 0417 773 846 or email