Kaartje Fee - Uppsala International Summer Session


Kaartje Fee - Uppsala International Summer Session
Summer Studies
Uppsala International
Summer Session
Sweden 2008
Staff 2007 from the left: Rebecca,
Johan, Nelleke and Eric.
Crayfish Party at Upplands Nation
Uppsala Rune Stone
Uppsala Cathedral
LAPLAND February 24 – March 8, 2008
The UISS offers a winter course in the Swedish language and culture in Jokkmokk, Lapland. The course
is a combination of an intensive course in the Swedish language, levels lower intermediate to very
advanced, with experiences of Swedish winter through sleigh rides with Huskies or reindeers, crosscountry skiing, snow walks and hikes, excursions in the area.
Information about the Sámi people will be offered through lectures and study visits. There are about
20.000 Sámi (Laplanders) living in Sweden, 750 Sámi live in Jokkmokk. You will learn about their customs and traditions, ways of living, and visit their education center and you will be able to visit a
Same who is a world famous artist: Lars Pirak.
We will also offer: Swedish films, music, social activities, and farewell dinner with entertainment.
Swedish courses:
25-28 hours per week, Mondays through Fridays. We do not offer courses for complete beginners.
Swedish language levels offered: A2+, B1, B2 and C.
Class size: maximum 13 students. Total number of participants in this winter course: 30-40.
Hotel, double rooms, full board. Each room has a TV and broadband internet connection. Naturally the
use of the sauna is included. Recently, the hotel has been completely renovated and redecorated with
a very pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.
Course fee:
16.400 sek (approx. €1.760, $ 2.200)
This includes: All tuition, full board in the hotel, place in double room, excursions, study visits, guest
lectures, evening activities, reindeer sleigh ride (one afternoon) and a Farewell Dinner
Optional: Instruction in how to ride a sleigh drawn by a team of Huskies, two afternoons, followed by
a whole day tour, riding your own sleigh with the dog team. Costs: 2 400 sek
Scholarships: There are no scholarships available for this course.
The application form for this course can be found on our web site: www.uiss.org or you can request it
from Nelleke Dorrestijn: director@uiss.org
Arrival: On Sunday February 24. There are several ways to get to Jokkmokk.
Fly from Arlanda to Luleå. Take the shuttle to the bus station and then bus 44 to Jokkmokk.
Or fly to Gällivaara (Nordic Regional) and then take a bus or airport taxi to Jokkmokk.
If you arrive by train or flight to Stockholm, take the train to Murjek and then the bus to Jokkmokk.
This alternative will take about 17 hours.
SN Resor in Jokkmokk can help you book your travel, if your own travel agency can’t assist you.
Tel: +46-971-58222 website: www.snr.se or see
Departure will be on Saturday March 8. At a modest extra cost you can stay an extra night before
and/or after the course. Please contact the director if this is the case.
What to bring: Most important are high warm shoes or boots, warm gloves, a hat and a warm jacket.
In northern Sweden it can become very cold between -5 ° to - 35 °C and in the latter case it is good
to be dressed in several layers. A T-shirt, with a fleece and a jacket for
example. Warm underclothes, either pyjamas or thermal underwear, are
necessary when one goes outdoors.
www.turism.jokkmokk.se and www.turism.norrbotten.se
www.snr.se and http://www.ltnbd.se/index.htl (bus) for travel to
Jokkmokk www.ajtte.com
is important, interesting as well as a lot
of fun. After 25 years with this program,
I am well aware how important it is, to
also see to it that everyone has a good
time, sees something of the country and
has some time to travel on their own or
socialize in their free time. Also, I find it
very important to maintain the personal
atmosphere that always has been the
strength of this program. We therefore
do not admit more than 120 students at
the same time.
Every year about 220 students and professionals from all over the world participate in the UISS to study Swedish and
to learn about the Swedish culture and
society. In addition to studying, students also enjoy living in Uppsala and
participating in Swedish student life.
Uppsala is a beautiful and lively city during the summer. Riding a bicycle is the
most popular way to get around town,
although it is also easy to go by foot. In
Uppsala each week, a number of events
are organized by cultural organizations,
as well as by pubs and cafes. The student
clubs (nations), offer good and affordable food and drink, and have dances
several times per week. The lake is close
by and one will often find our students
there on the weekends. Stockholm, with
all it has to offer, is only 45 minutes
away by train.
The UISS teaches all classes at
Vuxenskolan, a modern facility in the
center of Uppsala. Computers are available for writing or e-mailing for a small
The weekend trips to Helsinki, Värmland
and Lapland are unforgettable experi-
Welcome to the
Summer Session,
UISS, now in its
46th year. This
brochure will, I
hope, give you all
the information
you’ll need to prepare for your studies with the UISS in
Uppsala, Sweden. It contains information about classes, arrival and payments,
as well as more practical information.
The UISS is a non-profit organization,
which means that all the money that
comes in, goes towards the costs of the
program. If we have a financially good
year and we do have some money left at
the end of the summer, this goes into
our scholarship fund. The UISS is completely self-supportive and receives no
subsidies at all.
All teachers within the UISS are qualified
to teach at an academic level. The
teachers of Swedish have taken a special
program at the university in teaching
Swedish as a foreign language. New
teaching methods are applied and this
results in an active, motivating and
stimulating atmosphere in our classes.
Students and professionals often say: “if
learning only would have been this much
fun in school!” Our courses are intensive
and are intended for the serious and
motivated student. Our students will
learn a lot of Swedish next to increasing
their knowledge about Swedish culture,
history and society. The intercultural
aspect of the program, in which there
are more than 40 countries represented,
In short, I think the UISS has a lot to
offer and I can assure you that you will
have a great summer with us, as you
combine your studies with interesting
and fun experiences. I personally very
much enjoy working with this program,
as it gives me the opportunity to meet
so many people from all corners of the
world with one thing in common: an
interest in Sweden, its language and culture.
ences for those who participate. Two
highlights during the summer are the
potluck dinner (late July) and the
farewell banquet. Students bring to the
potluck dinner food that is typical for
their homelands, serving up tastes from
all corners of the globe. Each four-week
session ends with the semi-formal
farewell banquet, when students and
teachers perform songs and sketches.
After dinner the banquet room is cleared
for a night of dancing.
Spending a summer together with people
from 40 different countries, ages 18 65, with different backgrounds, is a
valuable and interesting experience, one
that you will not easily forget.
Please don’t ever hesitate to contact me
directly if you have any questions. I
hope to see you this summer in Uppsala.
Nelleke Dorrestijn, director@uiss.org
An happy get together in the garden before the Farewell Dinner.
The UISS is a non-profit foundation and is
supported entirely through student’s fees.
The UISS offers courses annually for two,
four, six or eight weeks. The UISS courses
are taught at the facilities of Vuxenskolan
in the center of Uppsala.
Founded in 1963, the school has received
students from all over the world. In 2007,
200 students from 36 countries participated.
October 1, 2007 - June 12, 2008
Nelleke Dorrestijn will be in The
Netherlands from October 1, 2007 until
June 12, 2008. Please send your application there, so it can be processed immediately. For questions about applications and
payments please use the following address
and numbers:
UISS, Nelleke Dorrestijn
Posthoornseweg 7
NL-5062 Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.
Telephone and fax:
+31(=NL) 13 5212388
GSM mobile phone: +31-6-22439491
E-mail: director@uiss.org
Web site: http://www.uiss.org
Vuxenskolan also gives information on UISS:
Telephone number +46 18 102370
Fax number: +46 18 121218
Nelleke works fulltime with the program and
can answer all questions concerning the
to give the participants a unique opportunity to learn Swedish in a Swedish
to inform the students about the cultural, political and social life in Sweden
to give the participants the opportunity
to meet some 200 students from 40
nations. This should increase understanding among people from all over the
Swedish is the prime language of instruction. After the first few days, most of the
information given will be in Swedish. On
excursions, one can choose between an
English or Swedish tour. Some afternoon
classes are taught in English.
June 14 - August 20, 2008
Uppsala International Summer Session
Box 1972
S-751 49 Uppsala, Sweden
telephone number +46 18 10 23 70
fax number: +46 18 12 12 18
Nelleke’s GSM +46 70 437 58 66
Drs. Nelleke Dorrestijn. She has been the
director of the program since 1990. Nelleke
is in charge of the overall organization and
the administration of the program. She is
also chairman of the board of the UISS and
responsible for all personnel matters.
Please read the following very carefully
before you fill out the application form.
1. Give very thorough consideration as to
your choice of classes. The faculty at UISS is
able to provide so rich a summer program
only if they receive fairly firm choices of
courses from applicants.
7. Upon receipt of your application, we will
send you a letter of admission by e-mail.
Those who fulfill the requirements and who
have sent their applications in time are usually accepted to the program. Regularly
courses fill up before the deadline, so
please apply as early as possible.
2.Level of Swedish: Please take the placement test at
templates/ PageFrame.aspx?id=19417
8. If you have applied to the program and
cannot take part in the courses, please be so
kind as to notify us of your withdrawal.
3. Please complete both sides of the application form and return it to us along with
an original photo and the $40 or € 30
application fee (non-refundable). Checks
will not be accepted. Please send this
application fee with your application or
through Western Union. Europeans may
also pay € 30 to postgiro account 1811301
in The Netherlands accredited to N.
Dorrestijn. IBAN: NL49 PSTB0001811301.
Upon notification of acceptance students are
required to pay an advance payment of
5.000 SEK. Course fees may be paid either to
our bank or to our plusgiro account. The
remaining costs must be paid before May 30
for courses starting June 22 and July 6 and
before June 30 for courses starting July 20.
Please remember to pay any additional
choices, such as an apartment or optional
4. Do not sign up for two courses scheduled
at the same time. Please use page 10 as a
Payment to the bank account
Svenska Handelsbanken,
Swift/BIC address: HANDSESS
IBAN: SE09 6000 0000 000 143365118
account number: 6501 - 143 365 118 accredited to the UISS.
If your bank cannot use the SWIFT address,
please send the course fee to: Svenska
Handelsbanken, address: S-106 70
Stockholm, for onward transmission to
account number 6501 - 143 365 118 accredited to the Uppsala International Summer
Session. Please pay the course fee directly
into the account number mentioned above.
The costs of the bank-to-bank transfer are
borne by the applicant.
5. Note that Arts of Sweden, Social
Institutions, Film and History of Modern
Sweden will be taught in English. Swedish
Pop Music will be a mix of Swedish and
English. Other courses will be taught primarily in Swedish.
6. The deadline for applications is May 1
for courses starting June 22, May 15 for
courses starting July 6 and June 1 for
courses starting July 20. Deadline for
scholarship applications: March 15.
- 4 weeks or less before the course starts,
there will be no refund.
Students who terminate their stay at the UISS
before the end of the session or whose physical or whose mental health does not allow
them to participate in the program, do not
receive refunds other than within the above
stated conditions of cancellation. We recommend to get a cancellation insurance.
For international money orders, an
additional fee of 100 SEK is charged. All
payments should be made in SEK.
If you pay from a Swedish bank account,
please pay to our bankgiro account:
Make sure that your name is on the payment!
Payment to the plusgiro account
Please send the course fee to:
Plusgiro account 69 55 34-8,
IBAN: SE06 9500 0099 6034 0695 5348
accredited to Uppsala International Summer
Session, Box 1972, 751 49 Uppsala,
Included in the full program fee:
- all tuition, 28-32 classroom hours per
- housing in single dormitory rooms
- a guided tour of Uppsala
- lunch on class days
- fieldtrips on Fridays
- entrance fees on fieldtrips
- study visits
- student card
- evenings with guest speakers
- evenings with Swedish singers
- film evenings
- social evenings
- Farewell Banquet with dancing afterwards
8 week session
32.400 SEK
6 week session
25.300 SEK
4 week session, 2 alternatives 17.300 SEK
2 week session, 2 alternatives 9.100 SEK
(levels 2, 3 and 4)
Tuition only, per 4 weeks
9.900 SEK
per 2 weeks
5.400 SEK
Included in the tuition only program:
. all tuition, 20-32 classroom hours per week
. study visits
. a guided tour of Uppsala
. student card for Uppsala
. social evenings at the school
Please note: the fixed price is stated in
Swedish crowns (SEK). At the time of writing the exchange rate of the US dollar was
1:6,80 and of the Euro 1:9,35.
Early payments
Students who pay the total fee before
February 15 may reduce the course fee by
Estimated additional costs per week :
We calculate additional expenses to be 1.300
sek per week, including books, entertainment, meals, and incidentals, excluding the
costs for the optional weekend trips. Much of
course depends on your own habits of spending money. Examples of costs: cinema ticket:
75 SEK; a beer in a student pub: 27 SEK; coffee (500 grams): 34 SEK; a liter milk: 9 SEK; a
loaf of bread: 18 SEK; 1 kg tomatoes: 28 SEK;
1 kg of apples: 15 SEK; entrance fee to student dances: 65 SEK.
Conditions of cancellation
If you cancel the course of your choice:
- earlier than 8 weeks before the course
starts, refund will be 100% minus transfer
- between 8 - 4 weeks before the course
starts, refunds will be 50%
CLASSES are scheduled four days a week.
Some afternoon classes are taught in
English, participants should therefore have
a good working knowledge of that language.
All lecturers are highly qualified teachers,
who are especially trained in teaching
Swedish as a foreign language and who
work at different universities during the
academic year. This guarantees the academic and educational standards of the classes.
ty, need for Swedish for study or profession,
depth of interest in Sweden, its language
and its culture. Scholarship recipients must
agree to take a full program of courses and
participate in mid-term and/or final examinations.
In 2007 scholarships were donated by
Föreningen för Svenskar i Världen
Uppsala International Summer Session
Sveriges Allmänna Utrikeshandelsförening
The UISS will issue a certificate and offers
the possibility of earning transfer credit to
all who have satisfactorily completed a
course. Students will have to contact their
home university’s study abroad office
beforehand to gain approval of the UISS
Basically, four credits per 4 weeks can be
earned for Swedish language classes. Three
credits can be earned for afternoon classes
that are taught for 48 hours. More information about credits is available upon request.
Sveriges Allmänna
Stipendiefond för svensk utlandsungdom
gives partial scholarships to young Swedish
citizens (17-25) living abroad who participate in intensive Swedish language programs in Sweden, complementary to their
schooling abroad. Applicants should participate for a minimum of 4 weeks and must
have at least one Swedish parent.
Application forms for scholarships can be
required from:
Stipendiefonden för utlandsungdom,
Box 5501
S-114 85 Stockholm, Sweden
tel. number +46 8 783 80 51
fax number +46 8 660 94 11
Textbooks can be bought at the UISS office
at a reduced price. Costs for books range
between 400 - 600 SEK per course.
A very limited number of scholarships are
available. Maximum value: 9.100 SEK for
the two-week session; 17.300 SEK for all
other sessions. The value may vary according to need and can only be deducted from
UISS fees. Only students who in no other
way will be able to come to Sweden are eligible for a maximum value scholarship, e.g.,
students from East European countries.
Partial scholarships are available for students from all other countries.
Criteria for selection: financial need, academic or professional qualifications, maturi
Föreningen för Svenskar i Världen also
gives financial aid to young Swedish citizens (17-25) living abroad. Application
forms and information can be required from:
Föreningen för Svenskar i Världen
Box 5501 S-114 58 Stockholm
tel. number +46 8 783 81 81
fax. number +46 8 660 52 64
e-mail: Svenskar.i.varlden@sviv.se
Students interested in undertaking regular
studies at Uppsala University , please contact:
Study Counselor’s Office,
Uppsala Universitet
Box 256
S-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
Stud.exp@uadm.uu.se or www.uu.se
take you through a very diverse and beautiful part of Swedish Lapland, just above the
Arctic Circle. For three days you will hike
through dense pine and spruce forests, open
birch forest between mountain cascades and
over the famous Swedish “fjall”. You will
sleep in small tents. Cooking will be done
over an open fire….
On Fridays instructional and recreational
trips are arranged to various points of interest within the Uppsala - Stockholm area as
well as to Dalarna. You will have the chance
to visit the 300-year old Vasa ship, the
homes of Carl Milles and Carl Larsson, the
World Heritage Museum of Falun Copper
Mine, Skokloster Castle, and Drottningholm,
Special study visits are arranged within the
different classes.
Day 1: Night train to Murjek.
Day 2: Arrival in Murjek. From there by
bus to Kvikkjokk. In Kvikkjokk we will distribute the equipment and gear. Following a
boat trip we will start hiking. The first few
hours of the hike will be over the famous
Kungsleden hiking trail.
Day 3: We will continue with the climb into
the mountains. The scene will change into
more rugged terrain with low vegetation
cover, while hiking over a mountain edge.
After a steep descent, we’ll arrive at the
riverbank where we will set up camp.
Day 4: This day the hike will be continued.
This trail is known for its large variety in
flora. At the end of the afternoon a small
boat that brings us to Kvikjokk will pick us
up. We will return by bus to Jokkmokk.
Day 5: Visit to Jokkmokk and the museum
about the Sámi. Bus to Murjek, train to
Day 6: Arrival in Uppsala in the morning.
In addition to the regular classes, guest
speakers are invited to talk about such
interesting topics as Swedish politics, the
Swedish welfare state, Swedish film and
Swedish traditions. Swedish films are scheduled in the evening. There are a number of
other activities you can enjoy on your own,
such as a number of sports. You can ride a
bike or bus to Lake Mälaren, the fourth
largest lake in Europe, There are possibilities to ride Icelandic horses. The long weekends give you plenty of time to travel on
your own to such places as Oslo and
Copenhagen (less than 10 hours by train).
If you want to meet young Swedish people,
you can go to one of the several student
clubs in Uppsala.
Group size between 7 -12 persons
Included: all meals from lunch day 2 to
breakfast day 5, guide, use of tents and
additional camping gear, all transportation.
Not included: Sleeping bag and pad, hiking
clothing (shoes, rain gear) strong, real hiking backpack. If you cannot take a sleeping
bag and pad, you’ll be able to rent these for
approximately 250 sek.
July 18 - July 23
Costs: 3.200 sek
This is a short backpacking trip, which will
(Vildmarken): to hike, ride horses, or
build your own raft and float down the
In order to reserve a place on this trip,
please mark on the application form your
choice of activity on Saturday, and pay 500
SEK in advance to reserve your spot. The
number of participants is limited, and reservations are taken on a first-come-first serve
basis. The program is:
Friday: Transfer by bus to Värmland. The
afternoon will be spent hiking, canoeing or
19.00 hrs: Barbecue as well as a dish traditional for Värmland
a. Vildmark Värmland for timber rafting or
b. Horse riding
c. Hiking through nature with a guide.
Dinner at the campfire.
Breakfast in the morning, free activities.
12.00 Departure from Björkebo Camping
13.30 Visit to the home of Selma Lagerlöf.
15.30 Start of return trip
18.00 Dinner
21.30 Arrival in Uppsala
Please note: Your sleeping bag needs to
be warm enough for temperatures around
freezing point.
Female hikers had to have a Jokkmokk shirt
TRIP TO FINLAND: July 10 - July 14
Costs: 2100 sek (4 nights) including
busses, boat, cabin, hotel, breakfast and 2
We will take the night boat to Helsinki
through the amazing archipelago.
In Helsinki we stay at a hotel with free time
on Friday and Saturday to do whatever you
like. You will be given information on what
to see and do in Helsinki. On Sunday
evening we will return by boat to
Stockholm and arrive in at 10.00 a.m.
Monday morning. In order to reserve a
place on this trip please mark it down on
the application form and pay 1000 SEK as a
non-refundable deposit, since we must make
the reservations in advance.
TRIP TO VÄRMLAND: August 1 - 3
Costs: 1700 sek including full board,
activities, entrance fees and transportation.
This weekend is all about the outdoors.
When in Sweden you should not miss the
chance to experience “wild life”
On this page you will find the class schedules
for the two different 4-week courses. Please
study the schedules carefully before indicating your choice of courses on the application
form. Some courses only take place during
one four-week period.
Grammar and conversation classes can be
combined since they take place on alternating days. All other afternoon classes take
place every day and cannot be combined
with other afternoon classes.
Please indicate on the application your first
and second choices for afternoon classes,
since many courses accept only a limited
number of students.
Depending on the number of students and
meeting with instructor’s approval, classes
might be changed or cancelled.
Swedish all levels and svenska för utlandssvenska ungdomar
Swedish grammar alt. Swedish conversation
Det moderna svenska samhället (på svenska)
Modern Swedish Social Institutions (in English)
The Arts in Sweden (in English)
Swedish Pop Music (in English and Swedish)
Swedish all levels, svenska för utlandssvenska ungdomar
Swedish grammar alt. Swedish conversation
Modern Svensk Litteratur(på svenska)
Den svenska välfärdsstaten – sanning eller myt? (på svenska)
The Swedish Film (in English)
History of Modern Sweden (in English)
Svenska visor och popmusik (på svenska)
Uppsala International Summer Session has organized summer courses in Swedish since 1963
for students, teachers, Swedish youth living abroad, translators, interpreters, administrative
personnel etc. The most important course in the UISS is Swedish as a foreign language,
which is organized on six levels in accordance with the levels in Common European
Framework of Reference for languages, learning, teaching and assessment. (CEF). The CEF
has been initiated by the European Council and has resulted in a European Language
Portfolio. Please consult the Council of Europe web site: http:/www.coe.int/portfolio or visit
the Uppsala University web site: www.fba.uu.se/Portfolio for detailed information on levels
A1 through C2, in the aspects of reading, writing, listening comprehension, spoken interaction and spoken production.
Teachers of Swedish in Uppsala
Teachers of Swedish in Uppsala
Explanation of levels:
The content of CEF levels describes your
proficiency in the Swedish language after
completion of the level. For example: as a
complete beginner you start in level A1 and
before going into level A2, you must have
attained the proficiency as described under
A1. If you already have attained the language skills as described under B1 you register for B2 etc.
the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
Can introduce him/herself and others and
can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.
Can interact in a simple way provided the
other person talks slowly and clearly and is
prepared to help
Can understand sentences and frequently
used expressions related to areas of most
immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, employ-
Can understand and use familiar everyday
expressions and very basic phrases aimed at
ment, local geography). Can communicate in
simple and routine tasks requiring a simple
and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background,
immediate environment and matters in areas
of immediate need.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly
encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can
deal with most situations likely to arise
whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of
personal interest. Can describe experiences
and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and
briefly give reasons and explanations for
opinions and plans.
Can understand the main ideas of complex
text on both concrete and abstract topics,
including technical discussions in his/her
field of specialisation. Can interact with a
degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes
regular interaction with native speakers quite
possible without strain for either party. Can
produce clear, detailed text on a wide range
of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Kan förstå ett brett urval av krävande längre
texter och urskilja underförstådda betydelser.
Kan uttrycka sig flytande och spontant utan
att I påfallande grad leta efter lämpligt
språkuttryck. Kan använda språket flexibelt
och effektivt för sociala, akademiska och professionella ändamål. Kan producera tydliga,
välstrukturerade och detaljerade texter om
komplicerade ämnen. Kan på ett kontrollerat
sätt med olika medel organisera och binda
samman en text till en sammanhängande helhet.
Kan med lätthet förstå praktiskt taget allt
som han/hon hör eller läser. Kan sammanfatta information från olika muntliga eller
skriftliga källor och därvid troget återge
argument och redogörelser i en sammanhängande presentation. Kan uttrycka sig spontant, mycket flytande och precist samt därvid
utnyttja finare nyanser även i mera komplexa
Further information regarding language
Swedish is taught 4 days a week, with a minimum of 5 lesson hours a day. A basic orientation into cultural and social patterns and
characteristics is integrated in the teaching
of the Swedish language. Traditions and customs will be discussed also. Besides the
Swedish language courses, it is possible to
take afternoon classes in Swedish for two or
three additional hours. Swedish instructors
specially trained to teach Swedish as a foreign language teach all classes.
Two week sessions
The two-week courses are intended for those
who already have completed level A1 and A2.
These courses are mainly intended for the
professional who finds it difficult to be away
during a longer period of time, but who
would, nonetheless, like to improve his/her
Swedish. Please note that a 2-week course is
a very short time to study a language. Upon
request a 3-week course can be started from
June 22 instead of a two-week course.
How to determine your level of Swedish?
Please take the placement test at
Svenska för utlandssvenska ungdomar
This course is especially designed for expatriated young Swedes between 17 and 26.
Students are only accepted into this course
if they demonstrate conversational skills at
minimum level B1+, and as such, the focus
is on the continued development of written,
oral and literary skills.
Vocabulary needs to be enhanced so that
the student can express himself in a varied
and precise manner in different situations.
The student will learn this through discussions as well as individual presentations.
Listening and reading comprehension are
also part of this course.
The writing part of the course includes
spelling and general rules. Different aspects
of grammar are being dealt with, so that the
student will be able to produce grammatically correct texts.
Writing exercises are both free writing
assignments as well as writing under strict
directives. In this way, the student will have
the opportunity to practice various linguistic styles.
This course is taught for four or eight weeks
only. Dates: June 22 - July 18 and July 20 August 15.
Please also see special information about
scholarships given to these young people
on pages 6 and 7.
Class of utlandssvenska ungdomar with their teacher Evelina Bergström
The language of the description will also be the language of instruction. Assessment for all
afternoon courses consists of a written paper and continuous attendance and contributions
to the class. See the class schedule on page 10 for information on dates of these courses.
tems with respect to social services and
This overview will be provided in the context of the current economic and political
climate of the Swedish society.
Primary emphasis will be on the Swedish
folkhem, that is the welfare state and social
organizations, which provide care for the
elderly, handicapped, and children. social
organizations, which provide care for the
elderly, handicapped and children. We will
learn how welfare policy developed historically and the contemporary forces, which
are changing it.
The platforms of the major political parties
with regard to welfare policy will be discussed with visits from local politicians. An
overview of state cultural programs will be
provided and policies for equality between
the sexes, domestic partnership and for
minorities will be discussed with invited
Aim and content of the course
This course deals with the history of art,
architecture and design in Sweden.
Spanning the best part of the last millennium, it provides a comprehensive overview of
the art historical development of the country from the Middle Ages to the present.
Through visits historically interesting sites
and museums, the students get the chance
to see the result of Swedish artistic production of different ages. These visits are complemented by lectures and seminars, accompanied by slides. Thus the student will get a
more theoretical view on art, as well as
preparation for, and analysis of the various
fieldtrips. Swedish art and architecture are
compared to international equivalents. In
addition, the curse aims to link the development of Swedish art history to the development of society as a whole. The idea is to see
art and architecture as integrated in society
and not as anything isolated. History and
society serve as a backdrop to the artistic
expressions of different eras. Hence, this
course asks the question “why?” as well as
the questions “what?” and “when?”
The location of Uppsala is ideal. In and
around town are many historical sites from
different times and its closeness to
Stockholm provides the possibility to numerous visits to the capital.
Lectures and discussions with guest lecturers. Field trips to municipal institutions will
be arranged such as the employment office,
day care center, geriatric facilities, county
hospital and social insurance office.
Kursens mål och innehåll:
På kursen kommer olika aspekter av det nya
moderna Sverige att tas upp. Nutida svenska
fenomen behandlas och innehållet presenteras ur skilda synvinklar. De ämnen som
kursen fokuserar på sträcker sig från populär-
Aim and content of the course
The course will provide an overview of the
Swedish state, regional and municipal sys14
kultur och formgivning till jämställdhet och
diskriminering. Hur ser exempelvis ”det nya
Sverige” med stor invandring ut och hur skildras det i litteratur, film och musik? Vad
ledde fram till 90-talets nya filmvåg? Den
svenska mentaliteten med ”lagom” och
reserverade svenskar – stämmer den och vad
ligger bakom? Hur engagerar sig svenskar på
fritiden, och vilka frågor får dem att
diskutera och debattera?
De populära, kulturella och sociala tendenser
i Sverige som kursen tar upp kommer att
belysas temavis med varierat material. Genom
kursens breda innehåll kommer språket att
praktiseras på åtskilliga sätt och inom skiftande områden.
aspects of the songs, but also on aspects
such as expression, enunciation and accent.
Through a closer look at the lyrics of some
Swedish songs, the ways the songs are
structured in connection with harmony and
melody, we will work on lyric exercises. You
will learn the basics of how to write a verse,
a bridge and a chorus. In this way you will
familiarize yourself with two languages at
the same time: Music and Swedish!
The genres to be discussed throughout the
course are: Swedish pop, rock, soul, rap, hip
hop and jazz. You will learn songs and
styles from artists such as Lisa Nilsson, Bo
Kaspers Orkester, Tityo, Patrik Isaksson,
Magnus Uggla, Lisa Ekdahl, Eva Dahlgren,
Mauro Scocco
No previous knowledge of music is required
to take this course
Lectures and class discussions. Analysis of
CDs and film clips, and the documentary The
History of Swedish Pop Music. Learning
songs from a variety of Swedish artists,
some movement and body exercises. Writing
exercises from a choice of topics.
Innehållet tas upp genom olika slags texter,
film, musik, omväxlande studiebesök och
gästande föreläsare. Stort utrymme kommer
att ges till diskussioner samt analyser.
Aim and content of the course
Sweden has the world’s largest music export.
Bands such as Abba, Roxette, The Cardigans,
Kent, Robyn, Meja etc have received international acclaim all over Europe, the U.S.A.,
Asia and Australia. Swedish songwriters are
producing hits for artists such as Celine
Dion, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys.
The course will provide an overview of
Swedish music mainly through the practice
of singing songs together from a wide selection of artists and groups. We will study and
analyze their music and discuss why
Swedish pop music has become so successful. Primary emphasis will be on artists
singing in Swedish as this provides an
excellent opportunity to broaden and deepen your Swedish language skills to a more
organic level. We will work on musical
Mål för utbildningen
Kursens syfte är att ge deltagarna smakprov
ur vår samlade svenska visskatt samt att
bekanta deltagarna med olika svenska artister som sjunger nutida popmusik. Stor vikt
läggs vid att ge deltagarna en möjlighet att
själva sjunga
Varför låter den svenska visan som den gör?
En kort genomgång av det viktigaste som
hänt i den svenska visans historia.
Presentation av några svenska viskompositörer, däribland Carl Michael Bellman
och Evert Taube. Valda visor och låtar från
olika tider och ur olika genrer. (t.ex.
Aim and content of the course
The course aims to provide the student with
knowledge of political, social, cultural and
economic development in Sweden from the
earliest game-hunting societies to the formation of the modern welfare state. The rich
finds and the many historical monuments
and collections in the area around Uppsala
give the student a unique opportunity to
get vivid, first-hand impressions of Swedish
Lectures. Fieldtrips to, among others,
Linné’s Hammarby, Viking sites, Skokloster
and Gripsholm Castle.
and popular film genres specific to Sweden
will be studied such as comedies, dramas,
fairy tales and films by immigrants. The
social and historical contexts to these films
will be presented so the course can be considered an historical overview of Sweden
through moving images.
Content and instruction:
Lectures and discussions on Swedish film
style, genres, themes and the social and
historical contexts of Swedish filmmaking.
We will visit an historic cinema from the
early 20th century in Uppsala that Bergman
used to attend as a child and watch some
vintage films. We will also visit the headquarters of the Uppsala International Film
Festival, the only film festival in Sweden
where the winning film of the yearly competition can be nominated for an Academy
A guest filmmaker, scriptwriter or actor will
speak about his or her work to the UISS
students. Previous guests have been directors Stefan Jarl, Christina Olofsson, Anders
Wahlgren, Lisa Ohlin, and scriptwriter,
author and stand up comedian Jonas
Aim of the course
The course will provide concise and informative insights into Swedish film. Essential
stylistic and dramatic elements such as plot,
use of camera, editing, sound and symbolism will be explored as we view several distinguished films during the course. We will
look at the work of silent directors Victor
Sjöström and Mauritz Stiller and Ingmar
Bergman –who was born in Uppsala! We will
also study the work of new directors such as
Lasse Hallstöm, Colin Nutley, Christina
Olofsson, Lisa Ohlin, Lukas Moodysson and
Josef Fares. Examples of national production
Swedish film class with teacher Christoffer Olofsson
Cornelis Vreeswijk, Ulf Lundell, Rebecka
Thörnquist, Eric Gadd och Lisa Ekdahl).
Vi sjunger tillsammans (pop)låtar och visor
från skilda tider och av olika kompositörer.
Kortare föreläsningar om bl a visans historia
och kompositörer. Genom att lyssna på CD
och gå på konsert hör och ser vi kända vistolkare och popartister framföra nya och
gamla låtar.
Kursens mål och innehåll
Kursen ger en överblick över det sociala
välfärdssystemet samt en god inblick i centrala sociala frågor och begrepp. Översikten
börjar med den rådande ekonomiska och politiska situationen i det svenska samhället.
Tonvikten kommer att ligga på den svenska
välfärdsstaten, “folkhemmet”, som förser
svenskarna bl a med barnomsorg, skolor,
omsorg om människor med olika handikapp
och äldreomsorg. Vi kommer också att undersöka svensk arbetsmarknad, jämställdhetspolitik och de politiska partiernas syn på
den offentliga sektorn och välfärdspolitik.
Det inkluderar flykting- och invandringspolitik, kriminalvård, drog- och narkotikapolitik,
hälsovård samt biståndspolitik. Målet är att
du efter avslutad kurs ska ha fått en god
inblick i hur den svenska modellen fungerar,
dess brister och fördelar, dess möjlighet/
omöjlighet att överföras till andra system
samt hur framtiden för den svenska
välfärdsstaten ser ut.
Föreläsningar, gästföreläsare, diskussioner
inom klassen och med inbjudna gäster.
Studiebesök på lokala, regionala och statliga
myndigheter kommer att vara ett betydande
inslag i kursen.
Mål för utbildningen
Kursen syftar till att ge deltagarna en
inblick i modern svensk litteratur från
August Strindberg och Selma Lagerlöf och
fram till 2007 års Augustpristagare.
Vid kursens början delas ett kompendium ut
med valda texter m.m. av de författare som
kommer att behandlas under kursens gång.
Det finns då också möjlighet för kursdeltagarna att påverka kursinnehållet.
En rad författare kommer att presenteras
genom korta föredrag och filmer i samband
med att vi behandlar texterna.
Strindbergsmuseet på Drottninggatan i
Stockholm, som också var August
Strindbergs sista bostad. Om intresse finns
kan eventuellt en studieresa ordnas till
Kymmendö i Stockholms skärgård, där vi
besöker inspelningsplatsen för Hemsöborna
och Strindbergs skrivarstuga.
Kursdeltagarna bör om möjligt i förväg läsa
en roman, antingen
Susanna Alakoski: Svinalängorna
Mikael Niemi: Populärmusik från Vittula
Class Swedish Pop Music with their teacher Ulrika Skogby in action.
Upon arrival you will have to pay 500 SEK as
a room deposit before you get your key.
NOTE: It may be wise to exchange money at
the airport or at the Central Station in
Stockholm. The cheapest way is to use the
ATM machines, which of course are also
available in Uppsala.
Together with the e-mail letter of confirmation of payment a map will be sent to you
showing the center of Uppsala and the university area. Keep this map with your passport and other documents so that you will
have it available for reference when you
reach Uppsala.
If you arrive later than the above dates or
hours, you have to fax, e-mail or call well
in advance, specifying your date and time
of arrival. You will then receive instructions
on how to proceed. Students arriving after
20.00 hrs cannot check into their rooms,
but should check in to a hotel for the
Every hour a train leaves from Stockholm to
Uppsala. Upon arrival at the station in
Uppsala, take municipal bus nr. 5. The bus
fare is approximately 30 SEK. Or take a taxi.
The ride from the station to Studentvägen
will be about 85 SEK. A member of the
Summer Session staff will be at
Studentvägen 11 to direct you to your
room and give further instructions.
Family and friends should send your mail to
the address below. You will not be able to
use your housing address as your mailing
You will presumably land at Arlanda Airport,
about halfway between Stockholm and
Uppsala. From the airport take the ARLANDA-UPPSALA bus or the train to Uppsala
and get off at the train station. Take the
municipal bus or a taxi as described above.
Sundays June 22 and July 20 between 11.30
and 17.30, July 6 between 13.00 and 16.00
at Studentvägen 11. It is important to arrive
within the given hours, since all information on the program and/or tests will be
given on arrival days. NOTE: This is not
our office; we just use it on the days that
students arrive.
June 12 - August 20, 2008
Uppsala International Summer Session
Box 1972
S-751 49 Uppsala
+46 18 10 23 70
Fax number:
+46 18 12 12 18
Nelleke’s GSM
+46 70 437 58 66
E-mail: director@uiss.org
Rooms in the dormitories will be ready for
occupancy after 11.30. Check in at earlier
dates or times will not be possible at all!
In Uppsala, many single rooms and apartments will be in the dormitories at
Studentvägen. Apartments may also be elsewhere. Please indicate the lodging of your
choice on your application form.
Sport shirts and slacks and sweaters with
jeans are okay for daily wear. For the
Farewell Banquet you’ll want to bring a
party outfit. Do not forget to bring a raincoat and an umbrella. A Swedish dictionary
is indispensable in the Swedish classes.
Single student room: mostly with a private
toilet, one of several on a ‘corridor’. You will
share a kitchen and showers with the other
students on the corridor. Swedish students
may be occupying their rooms during the
summer, which will give you an excellent
opportunity to practice your Swedish. All
accommodations are furnished and have
kitchen facilities for use.
Doublet: a unit consisting of two separate
single rooms, with shower, toilet and kitchenette. This is not a shared, double room!
Apartment: one-, two- or three rooms, fully
furnished with private kitchen and bathroom, available for individuals and couples.
The extra cost of an apartment for single
occupancy or when only one of two persons
is attending the program will be 3800 SEK
per four weeks. Families with a maximum of
two children pay 4.200 sek per 4 weeks. You
can also share an apartment with another
participant at the UISS at the extra cost of
1500 SEK per person. The program furnishes
blankets and pillows, please bring sheets
and towels.
Although the dormitories have a good standard, please realize you will stay in student
rooms. It will not be possible to stay in the
rooms after the program has ended.
Sweden uses 220-volt current.
More information can be found here:
Svenska Institutet: www.si.se
Swedish Tourist Board: www.sweden.se,
Uppsala Tourist Information:
Uppsala Nya Tidning (newspaper):
Swedish Radio: www.sr.se
Swedish TV: http://svt.se
Sites for sports in Uppsala are:
www.fyrishov.se, www.uppsala.friskissvettis.se/
Of course, you can also contact the Swedish
Embassy or Consulate in your country.
All participants should have their own
insurance to cover illness and accident. The
cost of medical care is high in Sweden,
except for those coming from countries,
which have an agreement with Sweden on
this matter. Check this before you leave. We
also recommend having cancellation insurance.
Anything goes in Sweden. Jeans and other
casual wear continue to be good standard
This is mostly not available in the rooms.
You will have WiFi in the center of Uppsala
and there are computers available in the
school. Uppsala offers free internet access
in some public buildings and there are
Internet cafes.
Your parents and friends can use the office
telephone numbers to give you messages.
In most dormitories there will be no telephones available. It will be wise to get a
calling card from your telephone company;
this makes calling abroad both easier and
cheaper. You can also purchase a card for
your GSM in Sweden or bring your own GSM.
Washing machines and dryers are available.
In some cases there is access to a sauna.
We strongly advise participants who plan to
fly to request information from a travel
agency early. Reservations often need to be
made well in advance. An international student identification card may prove to be
useful also.
During the week (Monday-Thursday) a hot
lunch will be served. Friday through Sunday
you will be responsible for your own meals.
Take a credit card or ATM bank card. It is
wise to exchange money at Forex. Money
can be changed at the airport and at the
central station in Stockholm upon arrival in
Bicycles are definitely the way to go for a
student in Uppsala. You should bring a bike,
or buy a cheap bike, as bikes are not for rent
in Uppsala anymore. You can also take
advantage of the excellent bus system in
Uppsala. The bus fare is 30 SEK per ride, but
much cheaper if you buy a card with multiple rides. To walk from the dormitories to
classes and to downtown Uppsala will take
approximately 15 - 20 minutes.
At the present time no visa for Sweden is
necessary for citizens from most western
countries. A valid passport is, of course,
necessary. Passport and/or visa i n f o r m a tion may be obtained at embassies.
Students who need a visa should apply for
one well in advance. The application procedure may take up to six months. Those planning to go on the Finland trip should check
visa requirements for that country. For
Student life in Sweden is quite differently
organized than in other countries. To gain
entrance to the student clubs, which offer
food and drinks at very reasonable prices
as well as an opportunity to meet Swedish
students, you’ll need a special ‘guest card’
from the student union. Please bring an
ISC, or your university student card.
500 SEK will have to be paid when you
check in. This sum will be refunded if your
room is left in good condition.
During the summer the weather is unpredictable. It can be hot and dry, or cold and
rainy. Be prepared for anything.
June 22 (Sunday)
11.30 - 17.30
Arrival 8, 4 and
2 week students
18.30 Dinner and
general information
about the program
June 29 (Sunday)
July 6 (Sunday)
13.00 - 16.00
Arrival two and six week
16.30 Information
July 13 (Sunday)
June 23 (Monday)
08.30 Classes start
11.45 Information
13.45 Classes
15.30 Sightseeing
June 30 (Monday)
July 7 (Monday)
July 14 (Monday)
29.00 Film
20.00 Film
20.00 Film
June 24 (Tuesday)
July 1 (Tuesday)
July 8 (Tuesday)
Musical evening
Swedish songs and music
performed by staff and
July 15 (Tuesday)
June 25 (Wednesday)
July 2 (Wednesday)
Midterm and final exams
July 9 (Wednesday) 20.00
“Minoriteter i Sverige”
July 16 (Wednesday)
Final exams for 2
and 4 week students
June 26 (Thursday)
Singer Peder Svan
July 3 (Thursday)
Pubcrawl – Tour of
Uppsala student nations
July 10 (Thursday)
Departure for
July 17 (Thursday)
Farewell Banquet
Students and staff perform
June 27 (Friday)
July 4 (Friday)
Trip to Dalarna
1. Carl Larsson
2. Falun Copper Mine
3. Tällberg
Trip to Stockholm
1. Drottningholm
2. Dramaten
3. Gamla Stan
July 11 (Friday)
Trip to Linnés
Hammarby, Gamla
and Skokloster
July 18 (Friday)
10.00 -12.00
17.30 Group leaves for
June 28 (Saturday)
July 5 (Saturday)
July 12 (Saturday)
July 19 (Saturday)
10.00 Back from Finland
Social Evening
In addition to this program Swedish films with English subtitles will be shown at least once a week
July 20 (Sunday)
12.00 - 18.00
Arrival 4 week students
July 27 (Sunday)
August 3 (Sunday)
22.00 Back from
General information
July 21 (Monday)
08.30 Classes start
11.45 Information
13.45 Classes
15.30 Sightseeing
August 10 (Sunday)
July 28 (Monday)
August 4 (Monday)
20.15 Lecture
“Om svenskar,
svenska seder och bruk”
by Agneta Lilja
August 11 (Monday)
20.00 Film
20.00 Film
July 22 (Tuesday)
Social evening
July 29 (Tuesday)
August 5 (Tuesday)
August 12 (Tuesday)
July 23 (Wednesday)
July 30 (Wednesday)
August 6 (Wednesday)
August 13 (Wednesday)
Midterm exams
Performance by
singer Bertil Engh
19.30 Guest lecture by a
Swedih film director
Final exams for 4 week
July 24 (Thursday)
July 31 (Thursday)
August 7 (Thursday)
August 14 (Thursday)
Pub Crawl
Potluck Dinner
(bring your own national
food dishes)
19.00 Optional:
Crayfish party
Farewell Banquet.
Students and staff
July 25 (Friday)
Trip to Stockholm
1. Stadshuset
2. Millesgården
3. Gamla Stan
August 1 (Friday)
Trip to Sigtuna and
Leufsta Bruk
Departure forVärmland
August 8 (Friday)
Trip to Stockholm
1. Junibacken
2. Skansen
3. Free time in the city
August 15 (Friday)
July 26 (Saturday)
August 2 (Saturday)
August 9 (Saturday)
August 16 (Saturday)
In addition to this program Swedish films with English subtitles will be shown at least once a week
Monica Baird, 42, anaesthetist, and David Boxall, 43, engineer, United Kingdom,
UISS 2006 and 2007, monica.baird@btopenworld.com, Dave@daveBoxall.co.uk
We first came to Uppsala in 2006, unsure of what to expect from our first classroom
experience in about 20 years! We didn’t even know if a classroom would still be
bearable. Then we were concerned that it wasn’t much of a holiday from work. We
need not have worried. UISS is for adults, with plenty of encouragement. Classes
are varied, with different approaches used to lighten the learning. The teachers all
appreciate that you are spending your own money and using your annual leave to
come to Uppsala, and the plus side for them is that the students are highly motivated. In terms of relaxing, the course gives you an opportunity to really switch off from your job – there just isn’t time to worry about it. The format
of UISS allows you to develop a different approach to learning Swedish or about Sweden, during the afternoon courses. These
are often quite unusual, such as musical, film or literary forays into the culture and the use of the language. Like the morning
classes, the approach is quite intensive with the aim of immersing students in all things Swedish while they are in Uppsala.
Equally, optional evening and weekend events are designed to make students feel as Nordic as Moose! If you want to learn
Swedish in an integrated, immersive way and enjoy being in Sweden, then UISS comes highly recommended. One word of warning – you may not be going on a different summer holiday again for some time!
Amy Edge, 24, student, United Kingdom, UISS 2006 & 2007. amyedge@onetel.com
Words just aren’t enough to do the UISS experience justice! Here’s a few to give you an idea, but my best
advice is to come and experience it for yourself. I guarantee it will be one of the best things you ever do.
You will learn so much more than just a language. Doors will open up for you, all over the world. You will
laugh and you will cry. It will open up your heart and your mind. It’s great fun with great people! I’ll be
back again!
Nils Johan Ekman, 19, utlandssvensk, student, U.S.A. UISS 2007. jnilse@hotmail.com
What a summer!! I just returned from the UISS and probably one of the best summers I’ve ever had. I’m
Swedish/Colombian, but have lived most of my life in Miami. That is what this course is all about, bringing together different people with different backgrounds coming from many parts of the world for a great
summer. I went for the full 8 weeks and there is so much I experienced that there aren’t enough words to
fully express it all. You come to a beautiful country into the open arms of the coordinators and staff of
the course. Everybody including the veterans of the course (returning students) is there to welcome and
help. You learn in a safe, fun environment with many people, all with the same goal and interest, and no
one seems to feel out of place no matter how different. The teachers are highly qualified and you’ll enjoy the class more than
anything. There are activities and events that integrate all the participants in the course. Trips to Finland, Varmland, Dalarna,
are an additional plus to the whole experience, because you have time to really get to know people, while you learn about
Swedish culture. I’m definitely going back next summer and I recommend you look into the possibility as well. It’s fun, you learn
a lot, you’ll meet many interesting people and you’ll experience many aspects of the Swedish culture, which probably wouldn’t be
possible any other way.
Rita Sa’vai, 19 , student, Hungary, UISS 2006 & 2007, savairita@freemail.hu
The best decision I’ve ever made was to come to Uppsala and take part in this summer program, TWICE! If you
like Sweden, it’s a great opportunity to learn to understand the language and the culture. The UISS offers several cultural activities, such as movies, singers. Swedish culture courses are taught in the afternoon. The classes are very good and interesting. All teachers are enthusiastic and they help you a lot. You feel completely
comfortable, because you are placed in the level that suits your needs in the best way.
The excursions and weekend trips are an excellent way to see more of Sweden. Don’t miss the Värmland trip,
the landscape is beautiful and you’ll experience something totally different. I think Uppsala is a very good
choice. It’s a nice and friendly town. You’ll make a lot of friends and you’ll have great fun, spending time with
people from all over the world, with one thing in common: their interest in Sweden.
Guy Haley, 33, United Kingdom, journalist. guy.haley@btinternet.com
The UISS is one of the best language courses I have ever attended. The structure of the course is such
that it makes learning Swedish exceptionally pleasurable. Every day is packed to the brim with extra
activities, film showings, visits from notable Swedes and excursions. As most of these things, as well
as your accommodation and lunches, are included in the price, this makes the UISS amazing value for
money. Uppsala itself is a beautiful city, with plenty of cultural activities. Depending on your desires you
can party the night away or spend your free time visiting sites of historical interest, or both. Two things
are truly certain: You will learn Swedish, and you will have fun. The range of age, nationality and personality attending UISS made for a very interesting mix of people, and contributed to the sense of community among the attendees.
The excellent range of events, the staff and guest speakers meant that we were fully immersed in the culture and language of
Sweden. I went to UISS because I wanted to be able to chat with my wife in Swedish and spent some time in Sweden. I achieved
my goal, and though I am not yet fluent, at least now I know enough that I can understand what is being said, even if speaking
is still a little difficult. And I was not much more than a beginner when I started!
Briony Ryles, 22, student, United Kingdom, brionyrose@gmail.com
I arrived for eight weeks in Uppsala without being able to say more than “hej!” and “tack!”. After 4
weeks, I had a solid understanding of Swedish grammar. After 8 weeks, I could read a simple newspaper
and understand it. Thanks to the fantastic tutors and course assistants, I also learned skills essential for
survival in Sweden, such as snapsvisor, how to eat a crayfish, maypole building, and how to build a raft
from fifty logs and some bits of rope. I had been warned that Swedes are reserved, and that I should take
plenty of warm clothes. I discovered that the Swedes are friendly, amazingly tolerant and helpful with my
efforts to speak their language, and their reserve is directly connected to the number of snapsvisor they
have sung. As for the weather? It hit 34C in the first four weeks, before plummeting into rain for the
second four. I guess you can’t have everything, but this trip came very close. Go for it – the course is unforgettable
Nena Milos, 20, student, Slovenia, UISS 2005 and 2007, one_tinyangel@yahoo.com
These 4 weeks in Uppsala were the best time of my life. Even though it seems a bit expensive, you will
get what you paid for and more. The program is excellently organized. The teachers have a great way of
teaching, they give time to each individual and classes are very interesting. You also learn the language
by listening to music, singing and watching video films. Not only did I gain knowledge of the Swedish
language but I also learnt a lot about the culture, traditions, people, society and Swedish film. Fun and
studies are combined in an excellent way. UISS gives you also the possibility to explore other parts of
Sweden with trips each week. Potluck dinner is great, as you can taste delicious food from different
parts of the world. School also provides you with a lot of information about what is going on in Uppsala.
You can turn to Nelleke or her assistants, they will always take time to help you. As a student of UISS you will meet Swedish students. The UISS is also nice because you’ll meet people of different age and nationality, so it really is a multicultural experience,
not only Swedish culture. The only bad thing is that time goes by much too fast
Nikkie Gerritsen, 28, student, utlandssvensk, Nederländerna, nikkie_gerritsen@hotmail.com
Jag hade känt till UISS programmet i några år, men först nu blev det av att gå kursen. Jag önskade att jag
hade gjort det tidigare. Jag deltog i kursen för utlandssvenskar. Det var kul att träffa andra utlandssvenskar. Min lärare var jättetrevlig och jag lärde mig mycket om det svenska språket. Det viktigaste var att jag
började läsa svenska böcker, och det ska jag fortsatta med. Förutom kurser i svenska finns det mycket
andra saker som gör kursen jättebra. Det finns mycket aktiviteter, bland annat utflykter till Stockholm. Den
bästa utflykten var helgen till Värmland! Dessutom är det hemskt trevligt att träffa så mycket olika folk
från hela världen. Om du vill förbättra din svenska, kan jag bara säga anmäl dig till UISS!!!
Week-end in Värmland
Winter Session in Jokkmokk
2006, participants from 10
different countries.
eight, six, four or two weeks of
International Experience in Sweden
June 22 - August 15, 2008