pro-part - PORCELANOSA Grupo
pro-part - PORCELANOSA Grupo
Profiles - Tile adhesives - Grouting material and sealants - Waterproofing - Raised floors This catalogue is protected under the Spanish Intellectual Property Act (Royal Decree 1/1996). Any reproduction of its contents, In whole or in part, without the express consent of PORCELANOSA Grupo will be subject to punitive action under the Spanish Criminal Code. Index Profiles Tile installation adhesives Grouting material and elastic joint sealants Waterproofing Raised floors 6 38 46 64 77 Profiles Decorative profiles Elegance collection pro-mate 5 SW 10 Gold collection pro-mate 5 pro-part pro-part Li 12 12 12 Chrome collection pro-mate 3 pro-mate 5 pro-part pro-part Li pro-telo mosaic 14 14 14 14 14 Wood collection pro-telo W pro-step W pro-step W pro-telo carbono 16 16 16 16 pro-telo collection pro-telo stainless steel 8x40 pro-telo stainless steel 8x25 pro-telo stainless steel 8x10 pro-telo aluminum pro-telo recto 17 17 17 17 17 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-mate 2 pro-mate 2 18 pro-mate 3 pro-mate 3 19 pro-mate 5 pro-mate 5 20 pro-part Li pro-part Li 21 pro-part pro-part pro-part 22 23 pro-mate 45 pro-mate 45 brass pro-mate 45 stainless steel 24 24 pro-mate 45 aluminum pro-mate 45 aluminum pro-mate 45 PVC gloss pro-mate 45 PVC matt pro-mate 45 PVC II 25 pro-corner pro-corner E pro-corner mosaic pro-corner R pro-corner aluminum 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 Technical profiles pro-T pro-T 28 pro-level pro-level C pro-level R 29 29 pro-dilata pro-dilata PVC pro-dilata metal 30 30 structural joints structural joints BT structural joints AT 31 31 pro-step pro-step pro-step 32 32 pro-flex pro-flex 33 pro-plint pro-plint stainless steel pro-plint aluminum pro-plint aluminum R 34 34 34 pro-sanit pro-sanit U1 pro-sanit U2 pro-sanit S1 pro-sanit S3 pro-sanit A 36 36 36 37 37 Graphic index Decorative profiles Technical profiles Elegance collection Page 10 Gold collection Page 12 Wood collection Page 16 pro-telo Page 17 Chrome collection Page 14 pro-T Page 28 pro-level Page 29 pro-dilata Page 30 Structural joints Page 31 pro-step Page 32 pro-flex Page 33 pro-plint Page 34 pro-sanit Page 36 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-mate 2 Page 18 pro-mate 3 Page 19 pro-mate 5 Page 20 pro-part Li Page 21 pro-part Page 22 pro-mate 45 Page 24 pro-corner Page 26 Decorative profiles Elegance collection High-end decorative profile for wall tiles, made with Swarovski® elements. It substitutes the traditional ceramic frieze by a metallic line with a functional design. Wall tile 5 mm - 13/64” pro-mate 5 SW pro-mate 5 h Chromed brass SW 500 KEA B71342584 SAP 100104650 h (mm) 11 h (inches) 7/16 SAP 100109077 h (mm) 11 h (inches) 7/16 SAP 100104649 h (mm) 11 h (inches) 7/16 Chromed brass SW 168 KEA B71342586 Gold SW 500 KEA B71342585 10 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Decorative profiles Gold collection High-end decorative profile for wall tiles, 24K gold plated. It substitutes the traditional ceramic frieze by a metallic line with an exclusive design. Wall tile Wall tile 5 mm - 13/64” pro-mate 5 pro-mate 5 h 24K Gold KEA B71342573 B71342572 SAP 100100722 100100721 h (mm) 12.5 11 h (inches) 1/2 7/16 8 mm - 5/16” pro-part h pro-part 24K Gold KEA B71342575 B71342577 SAP 100100725 100100724 h (mm) 12.5 11 h (inches) 1/2 7/16 h pro-part Li pro-part Li h 24K Gold KEA B71342578 B71342574 12 SAP 100100762 100100726 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h (mm) 12.5 11 h (inches) 1/2 7/16 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Decorative profiles Chrome collection Chromed brass decorative profile for wall tiles. It substitutes the traditional decorative ceramic frieze. Typical LIFESTYLE by PROCELANOSA profile. Suitable for trimming corners and transitions between ceramic tiles. Floor and wall tile Floor and wall tile 3 mm - 1/8” pro-mate 3 pro-mate 3 h Chromed brass KEA B71133001 B71133002 B71133003 B71133004 SAP 100004951 100004952 100004953 100004954 h (mm) 8 9 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 23/64 25/64 1/2 5 mm - 13/64” pro-mate 5 pro-mate 5 h Chromed brass KEA B71132003 B71132004 B71134004 SAP 100004945 100004946 100004955 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 8 mm - 5/16” pro-part corner pro-part Chromed brass KEA B73134001 B73134002 B71342552 B73134003 B73141319 B73134004 B73141312 B73134005 SAP 100005368 100005369 100088905 100005370 100097895 100005371 100033129 100005372 h pro-part Chromed brass corner Porcelanosa Shade 1 Shade 2 h (mm) 7 9 10 11 11 12.5 12.5 15 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 25/64 7/16 7/16 1/2 1/2 19/32 KEA B73134301 B73134302 B71342554 B73134303 B73134304 B71342541 SAP 100005373 100005374 100091065 100005375 100005376 100067718 h (mm) 7 9 10 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 25/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 h pro-part Li corner pro-part Li Chromed brass KEA B71342544 B71342542 B71342543 B71342545 h pro-part Li Chromed brass corner SAP 100070172 100070170 100070171 100073492 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 KEA B72141343 B71342550 SAP 100098464 100085153 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 25 - 63/64” pro-telo mosaic pro-telo mosaic h Chromed brass KEA B72141345 B72141355 14 SAP 100099966 100104654 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Mosaic 25 Mosaic Porcelanosa h (mm) 4 4 h (inches) 5/32 5/32 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Decorative profiles Decorative profiles Wood collection pro-telo Wood profiles for wall and floor tile coverings. Excellent solution for the design of ceramic settings with either contemporary or traditional style. Metal decorative profile for ceramic wall tiles. Flangeless metallic line for tiles of any thickness. Available as a decorative line for ceramic wall tiles and as special pieces for steps. Available in a wide variety of materials, finishes and dimensions, they represent an excellent solution for the design of contemporary style ceramic settings. Step Floor and wall tile Floor and wall tile pro-telo W pro-telo stainless steel 8x40 h pro-telo W Wall tile pro-telo 8x40 h Stainless Steel 8x40 KEA B72141110 B72141210 pro-telo W 15 chromed brass KEA B72141306 B72141309 B72141314 SAP 100032362 100032360 100032364 Mahogany 15 Wenge 15 Walnut 15 h (mm) 12.5 12.5 12.5 h (inches) 1/2 1/2 1/2 h (mm) 12.5 12.5 12.5 h (inches) 1/2 1/2 1/2 Mahogany 25 Wenge 25 Walnut 25 h pro-step W W Monaco 50 mm - 2” 30.5 mm · 11/4” 50 mm - 2” h W Milano h pro-step W W Firenze 50 mm - 2” SAP 100005498 100005499 Avignon Firenze h (mm) 10 10 h W Avignon h (inches) 25/64 25/64 pro-telo carbono h SAP 100005293 100005300 Gloss Brushed B72141356 B72141320 100104652 100089391 Berlin Squared chrome h (mm) 8 8 8 8 h (inches) 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 pro-telo stainless steel 8x10 pro-telo 8x10 h SAP 100089390 h h (mm) 8 8 pro-telo Aluminum h pro-telo Recto h h (inches) 5/16 5/16 KEA B72124001 B72124002 SAP 100005288 100005289 Gold Silver h (mm) 10 10 h (inches) 25/64 25/64 SAP 100005285 100005286 Gold Silver h (mm) 10 10 h (inches) 25/64 25/64 pro-telo recto Aluminum 8x10 h (inches) 7/16 Do not use pro-telo W profiles in coverings which come into direct contact with water. pro-step W profiles are supplied untreated so that the final user can choose the finishing of the step. Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Matt Ceranco Gloss Ceranco Aluminum 8x10 gloss KEA B72122001 B72122002 pro-telo Carbono h (mm) 11 SAP 100005291 100005292 Aluminum 8x10 anodized pro-telo 11x30 carbono 16 pro-telo 8x25 pro-telo aluminum pro-step W KEA B72141321 KEA B72141101 B72141201 KEA B72141005 B72141006 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 25/64 17/32 30.5 mm · 11/4” Monaco Monaco Milano Milano h (mm) 11 12.5 10 13.5 22 mm · 13/16” SAP 100005500 100005502 100005501 100005503 50 mm - 2” KEA B76211001 B76211002 h (inches) 5/16 5/16 Stainless Steel 8x10 pro-step W KEA B76211003 B76211005 B76211004 B76211006 h (mm) 8 8 Stainless Steel 8x25 30.5 mm · 11/4” SAP 100032363 100032361 100032365 Gloss Brushed pro-telo stainless steel 8x25 pro-telo W 25 chromed brass KEA B72141305 B72141312 B72141310 SAP 100005299 100005306 KEA B72141318 B72141348 B72141346 B72141350 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100084015 100100729 100100730 100100727 High gloss Silver anodized Titanium Cosmos Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long pro-telo titanium profile length: 2400 mm - 7 feet long h (mm) 8 8 8 8 h (inches) 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 17 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-mate 2 pro-mate 3 Right angle, stainless steel profile for corners and wall and floor tile coverings. Right angle profile for corners and wall and floor tile coverings. Decorative use as a line. Right angle, stainless steel profiles for trimming the non-glazed edge of the tile. Suitable for separating tiles in walls as well as in floors. Right angle, 3 mm thick profiles for trimming the non-glazed edge of the tile. Available in a wide variety of materials, they are also suitable for separating wall tiles. Wall tile corner Floor and wall tile Wall tile corner Floor and wall tile 3 mm - 1/8” 2 mm - 5/64” pro-mate 2 pro-mate 2 h SAP 100004956 100004957 100004958 100004959 100004960 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 15 20 KEA B71133001 B71133002 B71133003 B71133004 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/32 SAP 100004966 100004967 100004968 100004969 100004970 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 15 20 KEA B71122001 B71122002 B71122003 B71122004 B71122005 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/32 SAP 100004963 100004964 100004965 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 SAP 100004951 100004952 100004953 100004954 h (mm) 8 9 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 23/64 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 8 9 10 12.5 15 h (inches) 5/16 23/64 25/64 1/2 19/32 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 8 10 12.5 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 5/16 25/64 1/2 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 KEA B71132007 B71132008 SAP 100004949 100004950 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 8 9 10 12.5 15 h (inches) 5/16 23/64 25/64 1/2 19/32 Anodized aluminum gold SAP 100004899 100004900 100004901 100004902 100004903 KEA B71122006 B71122007 B71122008 B71122009 B71122010 SAP 100004904 100004905 100004906 100004907 100004908 Lacquered aluminum KEA B71123001 B71123003 B71123004 B71123005 B71123007 B71123008 B71123009 B71123011 B71123012 V4A Stainless steel KEA B71141008 B71141009 B71141010 h Gloss polished brass Anodized aluminum silver Gloss stainless steel KEA B71142001 B71142002 B71142003 B71142004 B71142005 pro-mate 3 Chromed brass Stainless steel KEA B71141001 B71141002 B71141003 B71141004 B71141005 pro-mate 3 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 SAP 100004909 100004911 100004912 100004913 100004915 100004916 100004917 100004919 100004920 White White White Beige Beige Beige Black Black Black Anodized aluminum gloss silver KEA B71124003 B71124004 SAP 100004925 100004926 PVC KEA B71111009 B71111017 B71111010 B71111018 B71111011 B71111019 B71111012 B71111020 B71111013 B71111021 B71111014 B71111022 18 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100004865 100004873 100004866 100004874 100004867 100004875 100004868 100004876 100004869 100004877 100004870 100004878 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long White White Jazmín Jazmín Beige Beige Black Black Gray Gray Ivory Ivory Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 19 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-mate 5 pro-part Li Right angle profile for corners and wall and floor tile coverings. Decorative use as a line. Decorative profile for ceramic wall tiles. Suitable for trimming corners and transitions between ceramic tiles. Right angle and 5 mm - 13/64” edge profiles for trimming the non-glazed edge of the tile. Suitable for transitions between floor coverings at the same level. Wall tile corner Right angle, corner shaped profiles, with both sides of the same length. Specially recommended for rectified tiles corners and for tiles with relief decoration. Floor and wall tile Wall tile corner Floor and wall tile 5 mm - 13/64” pro-mate 5 pro-mate 5 h Chromed brass KEA B71132003 B71132004 B71134004 SAP 100004945 100004946 100004955 SAP 100004943 100004944 Chromed brass h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 9 11 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 Anodized aluminum silver h (mm) 11 h (inches) 7/16 Anodized aluminum gloss silver KEA B71342544 B71342542 B71342543 B71342545 KEA B71342539 B71342537 Anodized aluminum silver KEA B71125003 20 SAP 100004927 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long pro-part Li corner pro-part Li h (mm) 9 11 12.5 Gloss polished brass KEA B71132001 B71132002 h KEA B71342535 B71342538 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100070172 100070170 100070171 100073492 SAP 100062074 100062086 SAP 100062072 100062073 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h pro-part Li Chromed brass corner h (mm) 9 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 KEA B72141343 B71342550 SAP 100098464 100085153 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 Anodized aluminum silver corner KEA B71342557 B71342556 SAP 100093706 100093705 Anodized aluminum gloss silver corner KEA B71342581 B71342580 SAP 100102763 100102762 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 21 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-part Decorative profile for ceramic wall tiles. Suitable for trimming corners and transitions between ceramic tiles. Right angle, corner shaped profiles, with an 8 mm - 5/16” edge and a variable width edge. Excellent solution for a wide variety of ceramic installations. Wall tile corner Floor and wall tile 8 mm - 5/16” pro-part corner pro-part Chromed brass KEA B73134001 B73134002 B71342552 B73134003 B73134004 B73141312 B73134005 SAP 100005368 100005369 100088905 100005370 100005371 100033129 100005372 B73141319 100097895 Shade 1 Shade 2 Porcelanosa 11 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 25/64 7/16 1/2 1/2 19/32 pro-part stainless steel h KEA B73134301 B73134302 B71342554 B73134303 B73134304 B71342541 SAP 100005373 100005374 100091065 100005375 100005376 100067718 h (mm) 7 9 10 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 25/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 7 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 7/16 1/2 7/16 Stainless steel corner SAP 100005377 100005378 100005379 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 7 9 11 12.5 15 20 25 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 25/32 63/64 h (mm) 7 9 11 12.5 15 20 25 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 25/32 63/64 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 Anodized aluminum silver KEA B73122001 B73122002 B73122003 B73122004 B73122005 B73122006 B73122007 h Chromed brass corner h (mm) 7 9 10 11 12.5 12.5 15 Stainless steel KEA B73141009 B73141010 B73141011 pro-part 8 mm - 5/16” SAP 100005322 100005323 100005324 100005325 100005326 100005327 100005328 KEA B73141309 B73141310 B73141311 SAP 100005380 100005381 100005382 Anodized aluminum silver corner KEA B73122301 B73122302 B73122303 B73122304 SAP 100005336 100005337 100005338 100005339 Anodized aluminum gold KEA B73122008 B73122009 B73122010 B73122011 B73122012 B73122013 B73122014 SAP 100005329 100005330 100005331 100005332 100005333 100005334 100005335 8 mm - 5/16” pro-part Anodized aluminum gloss silver KEA B73141317 B73124004 22 SAP 100089004 100005353 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long pro-part Lacquered aluminum Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Gloss polished brass KEA B71342551 B71342547 SAP 100088551 100080530 Black Black h (mm) 11 12.5 B71342576 B71342549 100100723 100083438 White White 11 12.5 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h h (inches) 7/16 1/2 7/16 1/2 KEA B73132003 B73132004 B73132005 SAP 100005363 100005364 100005365 h (mm) 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 19/32 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 23 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-mate 45 pro-mate 45 aluminum Rounded profile for protecting wall tiles corners. Lacquered aluminum These profiles are the classic solution for protecting corners in wall tile coverings. Available in a wide variety of materials, its main feature is being shock-resistant. Wall tile corner KEA B71323005 B71323009 B71323006 B71323010 B71323007 B71323011 SAP 100005113 100005117 100005114 100005118 100005115 100005119 Lacquered aluminum corner White White Beige Beige Pergamon Pergamon h mm 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 pro-mate 45 brass KEA B71342566 B71342567 SAP 100099963 100099964 pro-mate 45 top B71342565 100099965 h top 10 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 KEA B71332002 B71332003 SAP 100005154 100005155 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 SAP 100005160 100005161 100005162 KEA B71341501 B71342509 B71342507 SAP 100005159 100008167 100008168 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 KEA B71342504 B71342505 B71342506 SAP 100005163 100005164 100005165 pro-mate 45 aluminum SAP 100005092 100005094 100005096 SAP 100096222 100100665 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h mm 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 KEA B71322002 B71322004 B71322006 SAP 100005093 100005095 100005097 KEA B71311010 B71311011 B71311012 B71311013 B71311014 h h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 Anodized aluminum gloss silver corner KEA B71342563 B71342564 SAP 100096461 100099516 h PVC corner SAP 100004979 100004993 100004989 100004994 100004980 100004994 100004981 100004995 100004982 100004996 White White Jazmín Jazmín Ivory Jazmín Beige Beige Gray Gray h (mm) 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 KEA B71211307 B71211325 B71211317 B71211326 B71211308 B71211326 B71211309 B71211327 B71211310 B71211328 SAP 100005013 100005027 100005023 100005028 100005014 100005028 100005015 100005029 100005016 100005030 White blister White blister Jazmín blister Jazmín blister Ivory blister Jazmín blister Beige blister Beige blister Gray blister Gray blister h (mm) 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 h pro-mate 45 matt SAP 100005084 100005085 100005086 100005087 100005088 White Jazmín Beige Black Ivory h (mm) 10 10 10 10 10 h (inches) 25/64 25/64 25/64 25/64 25/64 pro-mate 45 PVC II KEA B71342512 B71342510 B71342514 B71342513 B71342515 B71342511 h pro-mate 45 II PVC II h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 PVC Closed Anodized aluminum gold Anodized aluminum gloss silver KEA B71342562 B71342570 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 pro-mate 45 closed Anodized aluminum silver KEA B71211007 B71211025 B71211017 B71211026 B71211008 B71211026 B71211009 B71211027 B71211010 B71211028 pro-mate 45 PVC matt Gloss stainless steel corner h (mm) 8 10 12.5 White White Beige Beige Pergamon Pergamon h Stainless steel corner SAP 100005156 100005157 100005158 Gloss stainless steel KEA B71322001 B71322003 B71322005 h (inches) 5/16 1/2 pro-mate 45 open Stainless steel KEA B71342001 B71342002 B71342003 h (mm) 8 12.5 25/64 pro-mate 45 stainless steel KEA B71341001 B71341002 B71341003 pro-mate 45 h Gloss polished brass h (mm) 10 12.5 SAP 100005142 100005146 100005143 100005147 100005144 100005148 pro-mate 45 gloss PVC Chromed brass KEA B71323505 B71323515 B71323506 B71323516 B71323507 B71323517 pro-mate 45 PVC gloss Wall tile corner h pro-mate 45 closed PVC II corner SAP 100046964 100047009 100047012 100047010 100047013 100047008 White White Gray Gray Ivory Ivory h (mm) 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 KEA B71342526 B71342531 B71342527 B71342522 B71342524 B71342529 SAP 100048306 100048566 100048304 100048569 100048303 100048565 White White Gray Gray Ivory Ivory h (mm) 10 12.5 10 12.5 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 25/64 1/2 Anodized aluminum gloss gold KEA B71342569 B71342571 24 SAP 100100664 100100666 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 25 Corner profiles and trims for wall tiles pro-corner Metallic profile for protecting corners. Right angle, metallic profiles for protecting corners. Most of the pro-corner models are installed after the tile, which implies a small lip over the tile surface. Wall tile corner Wall tile corner a pro-corner E b pro-corner E Stainless steel KEA B78141004 B78141005 B78141006 SAP 100005600 100005601 100005602 axb mm 8x7 10x9 12x10 h (mm) 8 10 12 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long 4.4 mm · 11/64 pro-corner mosaic pro-corner mosaic Anodized aluminum KEA B78141122 B78141123 B78141124 SAP 100092530 100092529 100092665 gloss silver silver gold h (mm) 4.4 4.4 4.4 h (inches) 11/64 11/64 11/64 Profile length: 2700 mm - 8 feet 1019/64 ” long h pro-corner R pro-corner R h Stainless steel KEA B78141107 B78141108 B78141109 B78141110 B78141111 SAP 100005618 100005619 100005620 100005621 100005622 h (mm) 25 30 40 50 60 h (inches) 63/64 11/4 11/2 2 21/4 h (mm) 25 30 40 50 60 h (inches) 63/64 11/4 11/2 2 21/4 Gloss stainless steel KEA B78141112 B78141113 B78141114 B78141115 B78141116 SAP 100005623 100005624 100005625 100005626 100005627 Brushed stainless steel Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long KEA B78141117 B78141118 B78141119 B78141120 B78141121 SAP 100005628 100005629 100005630 100005631 100005632 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h (inches) 63/64 11/4 11/2 2 21/4 h h h pro-corner aluminum pro-corner B pro-corner B KEA B78122001 B78122003 h (mm) 25 30 40 50 60 pro-corner angled h pro-corner angled SAP 100005584 100005586 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h (mm) 25 25 h (inches) 63/64 63/64 KEA B78122005 B78122006 B78122008 SAP 100005588 100005589 100005591 h (mm) 20 25 40 h (inches) 25/32 63/64 11/2 Profile length: 3000 mm - 9 feet long 26 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Technical profiles for floor tiles and steps Technical profiles for floor tiles and steps pro-T pro-level Profile for transitions between floor coverings. Transition profile between floor coverings at different levels. It covers the non-glazed edge of the tile and protects it from shocks. Profiles for transitions between tiles or slabs with slightly different heights. Available in two widths: 14 mm - 35/64” and 25 mm - 63/64” Specially recommended for transitions between ceramic tiles and wooden floors. Technical profiles for small height differences between floor coverings. Available in rounded finish and sloped finish. Specially recommended for high transit floors. Floor tile Floor tile h Stainless steel pro-T Chromed brass KEA B75133401 B75133402 SAP 100005460 100005461 h (inches) 35/64 63/64 Gloss stainless steel KEA B75141003 B75141004 SAP 100005462 100005463 h 7 mm - 9/32” Brass and aluminum 7 mm - 9/32” Gloss polished brass h (mm) 14 25 KEA B75132001 B75132002 SAP 100005458 100005459 h (inches) 35/64 63/64 h (mm) 14 25 h (inches) 35/64 63/64 KEA B75141005 B75141006 SAP 100005464 100005465 SAP 100005452 100005453 pro-level C h Anodized aluminum silver h (inches) 35/64 63/64 KEA B74122001 B74122002 B74122003 h (mm) 14 25 h (inches) 35/64 63/64 Gloss polished brass Anodized aluminum silver KEA B75122001 B75122002 pro-level C h (mm) 14 25 Brushed stainless steel h (mm) 14 25 Floor tile KEA B74132004 B74132005 B74132006 SAP 100005425 100005426 100005427 SAP 100005435 100005436 100005437 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 pro-level R pro-level R h Anodized aluminum silver KEA B74122004 B74122005 B74122006 B74122007 28 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100005428 100005429 100005430 100005431 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long h (mm) 11 12.5 15 20 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 19/32 25/32 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 29 Technical profiles for floor tiles and steps Technical profiles for floor tiles and steps pro-dilata Structural joints Profile for movement joints in ceramic floor coverings. Profile for structural joints in ceramic floor coverings. PVC or metal profiles with a central elastic joint for the absorption of tensions in the ceramic floor. Available in several colours and joint widths, they are the best solution for creating intermediate movement joints. Metallic profiles with a central elastic joint that absorbs the structural movements of the support. Available with deformable polypropylene joint for pedestrian transit and moving metallic joint for wheeled transit. Floor tile Floor tile 5-8 mm · 13/64” - 5/16” pro-dilata PVC KEA B79211054 B79211058 B79211062 B79211055 B79211059 B79211063 B79211056 B79211060 B79211064 B79211057 B79211061 B79211065 CFC White White White Beige Beige Beige Black Black Black Gray Gray Gray h (mm) 10 12.5 15 10 12.5 15 10 12.5 15 10 12.5 15 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/64 1/2 19/32 KEA B79211067 B79211068 SAP 100005694 100005695 h (mm) h (inches) 10 25/64 12.5 1/2 Gray Gray SAP 100005673 100005674 100005675 Gray Gray Gray h (mm) 8 10 12.5 SAP 100044392 100044393 100005730 100005732 gray gray black black h (mm) 18 40 18 40 h (inches) 45/64 11/2 45/64 11/2 structural joints AT structural joint AT h AT-75 KEA B80106004 B79241105 B80106002 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 10 mm - 25/64” pro-dilata metal KEA B79241098 B79241099 B80106001 B80106003 h structural joint BT 75 mm - 3” CFC 8 mm KEA B79211037 B79211041 B79211045 structural joints BT BT-40 CFL 5 mm SAP 100005681 100005685 100005689 100005682 100005686 100005690 100005683 100005687 100005691 100005684 100005688 100005692 40 mm - 11/2” 8 mm - 5/16” CFL CFL 8 mm Floor tile CFM stainless steel SAP 100005733 100064650 100005731 h (mm) 18 35 50 h (inches) 45/64 16/16 2 8 mm - 5/16” CFM aluminum CFM 8 mm stainless steel KEA B79241089 B79241090 B79241091 B79241092 B79241093 B79241094 B79241095 SAP 100005713 100005714 100005715 100005716 100005717 100005718 100005719 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 15 20 25 30 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 19/32 25/32 63/64 11/4 h (mm) 12.5 15 18.5 20 25 30 h (inches) 1/2 19/32 64.60 €/u 25/32 63/64 11/4 CFM 10 mm aluminum KEA B79221071 B79221072 B79221073 B79221074 B79221075 B79221076 30 SAP 100005699 100005700 100005701 100005702 100005703 100005704 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative BT profile length: 4000 mm - 13 feet long AT profile length: 3000 mm - 13 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 31 Technical profiles for floor tiles and steps Technical profiles pro-step pro-flex Profile for the making of stair steps. It substitutes the traditional step ceramic piece by a combination of ceramic tile and profile. Flexible profiles for curve lines in floors. Flexible profiles are available for installation in floor and wall tiles that form curves. They can be shaped with the pro-curver machine. Metallic profiles that cover the non-glazed edge of the tile, protect it from shocks and reduce the risk of slipping. Step Step pro-mate 2 flex pro-part flex 3 mm - 1/8” pro-step M1 pro-step h pro-step M2 h SAP 100005521 h (mm) 11 h (inches) 7/16 h (mm) 9 11 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 h (mm) 7 9 11 13.5 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 7/16 17/32 KEA B71441001 B71441002 B71441003 Gloss stainless steel M2 Stainless steel M2 KEA B76341001 B76341002 SAP 100005522 100005523 KEA B76342001 B76342002 SAP 100005524 100005525 h (mm) 9 11 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 Anodized aluminum silver M1 KEA B76322001 B76322002 B76322003 B76342003 SAP 100005507 100005508 100005509 100067688 pro-step White Beige Black marrón Gray h (mm) 11 11 11 11 11 SAP 100005478 100005479 100005480 100005481 100005482 pro-part White Beige Black marrón Gray h (mm) 11 11 11 11 11 h pro-mate 45 abierto h h pro-mate 45 cerrado pro-mate 2 stainless steel gloss V2A h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 8 9 10 12.5 15 h (inches) 5/16 23/64 25/64 1/2 19/32 h (mm) 11 12.5 15 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 19/32 h (mm) 7 9 11 12.5 15 20 h (inches) 9/32 23/64 7/16 1/2 19/32 25/32 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 9 11 12.5 h (inches) 23/64 7/16 1/2 KEA B71442001 B71442002 B71442003 SAP 100005225 100005226 100005227 h (mm) 8 10 12.5 h (inches) 5/16 25/64 1/2 h (mm) 11 12.5 h (inches) 7/16 1/2 h (mm) 10 h (inches) 25/64 h (mm) 10 12.5 h (inches) 25/64 1/2 pro-mate 3 anodized aluminum silver KEA B71422001 B71422002 B71422003 B71422004 B71422005 SAP 100005179 100005180 100005181 100005182 100005183 h pro-step PVC 25 / 35 pro-part anodized aluminum silver KEA B73222001 B73222002 B73222003 B73222004 B73222005 B73222006 h (inches) 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 SAP 100005413 100005414 100005415 SAP 100005390 100005391 100005392 100005393 100005394 100005395 pro-part anodized aluminum gold pro-mate 45 gloss polished brass KEA B71422109 B71422114 PVC 35 KEA B76111011 B76111012 B76111013 B76111014 B76111015 SAP 100005222 100005223 100005224 KEA B73232003 B73232004 B73232005 PVC 25 SAP 100005493 100005494 100005495 100005496 100005497 h pro-part gloss polished brass 25 - 35 mm · 63/64 “ - 13/16” KEA B76111026 B76111027 B76111028 B76111029 B76111030 pro-mate 3 pro-mate 2 stainless steel V2A Chromed brass M1 KEA B76334003 pro-flex 8 mm - 5/16” h (inches) 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 SAP 100005197 100005202 SAP 100005194 100005199 SAP 100005399 100005400 pro-mate 45 stainless steel pro-mate 45 anodized aluminum silver KEA B71422106 B71422111 KEA B73222010 B73222011 KEA B71422110 SAP 100005198 pro-mate 45 anodized aluminum gold KEA B71422107 B71422112 SAP 100005195 100005200 pro-level C gloss polished brass KEA B74232001 B74232002 B74232003 32 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100005447 100005448 100005449 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 33 Technical profiles pro-plint Metallic skirting for floor tile coverings. Metallic profiles for skirtings. They have a high mechanical resistance with a functional, modern design. Specially recommended for office floors and raised access floors. Floor skirting Floor skirting pro-plint stainless steel pro-plint Stainless steel KEA B79141001 B79141002 SAP 100005635 100005636 Stainless steel corner Gloss Brushed h (mm) 80 80 h (inches) 3 3 KEA B79141503 B79141504 SAP 100005639 100005640 Brushed outer Brushed inner h (mm) 80 80 pro-plint aluminum SAP 100073104 h (inches) 3 3 pro-plint Anodized aluminum KEA B79141508 h h Pro-plint corner Silver h (mm) 80 h (inches) 3 Profile joining piece Right trim Left trim h (mm) 80 80 80 h (inches) 3 3 3 KEA B79141509 B79141513 SAP 100073106 100073105 Inner Outer h (mm) 80 80 h (inches) 3 3 Special pieces KEA B79141510 B79141511 B79141512 SAP 100073109 100073107 100073108 pro-plint R PVC cap set pro-plint aluminum R Anodized aluminum KEA B79123001 B79123002 SAP 100005633 100005634 pro-plint R PVC outer angle pro-plint R PVC inner angle pro-plint R h Pro-plint R corner Base Top h (mm) 80 80 h (inches) 3 3 Cap set h (mm) 80 h (inches) 3 pro-plint R consists of a base and a top profile. KEA B79141505 B79141506 SAP 100007584 100007585 Outer Internal h (mm) 80 80 h (inches) 3 3 Special pieces KEA B79141507 SAP 100031428 Includes right and left caps. 34 Profile length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative Technical profiles Technical profiles pro-sanit Concave profile for installation where walls and floors meet or between wall coverings and bathtubs, shower trays or other bath elements. It substitutes the traditional curve ceramic piece. It reduces the risk of water leakage and eases cleaning and preservation of angles between floor and wall coverings. Bathtubs and showers trims Floor covering trims pro-sanit U1 pro-sanit U1 PVC Aluminum gloss silver KEA B77199014 B77199018 h pro-sanit U1 alu h Anodized aluminum silver SAP 100062075 100062076 h (mm) 16 22 h (inches) 5/8 7/8 KEA B77199017 B77199015 SAP 100062077 100062078 h (mm) 16 22 h (inches) 5/8 7/8 Lacquered aluminum KEA B77199013 B77199016 SAP 100062079 100062080 White White h (mm) 16 22 h (inches) 5/8 7/8 SAP 100005530 100005533 White Ivory h (mm) 9 9 h (inches) 23/64 23/64 PVC KEA B77111005 B77111008 h pro-sanit U2 pro-sanit U2 Stainless steel KEA B77141001 B77142001 Stainless steel corner White Ivory White Ivory h (mm) 9 9 11 11 h (inches) 23/64 23/64 7/16 7/16 SAP 100005567 100005568 100005570 100005571 Gloss Outer Gloss Inner Brushed outer Brushed internal h (mm) 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 h (inches) 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 PVC 23 mm - 29/32” pro-sanit S1 pro-sanit S1 pro-sanit S3 trim caps pro-sanit S3 17.5 mm - 11/16” KEA B77111035 pro-sanit S3 ” SAP 100005538 100005541 100005542 100005545 KEA B77141501 B77141502 B77142501 B77142502 1/4 h (inches) 1/2 1/2 -1 h (mm) 12.5 12.5 mm gloss brushed 32 SAP 100005566 100005569 PVC KEA B77111013 B77111016 B77111017 B77111020 h Side cap SAP 100005560 White h (mm) 23 h (inches) 29/32 KEA B77111038 SAP 100005563 white (4 u.) h (mm) 23 h (inches) 29/32 10 mm - 25/64” pro-sanit A pro-sanit A 10 mm - 25/64” PVC KEA B77111029 36 SAP 100005554 White pro-sanit U1 and pro-sanit U2 profiles length: 2500 mm - 8 feet long pro-sanit S1 profile length: 1830 mm - 6 feet long 10x10 3,5 m roll h (mm) h (inches) 23 29/32 KEA B77199001 Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative SAP 100005572 White pro-sanit S3 profile length: 1830 mm - 6 feet long h (mm) 10 h (inches) 25/64” Please note exact measurements are in mm and imperial measurements are approximative 37 Tile installation adhesives Cement-based adhesives tixocem n one-flex n 40 41 Reactive resins adhesive politech 42 Additives for cement-based adhesives unilax 43 Façade fixings concealed façade fixings visible façade fixings 45 46 39 Cement-based adhesives Cement-based adhesives tixocem n Bathrooms and kitchens tixocem n is a single-component, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installations of stone, ceramic, porcelain and quarry tile. This mortar is formulated with a unique dry polymer, resulting in good adhesion to the substrate and tile. one-flex n one flex n is a high tech single-component, high-performance, polymer-modified thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installations of tile. This mortar has a high content of unique dry polymer, resulting in excellent adhesion to the substrate and tile. Formulated with low-dust technology, one-flex reduces dust by 90% during pouring and mixing, resulting in a cleaner environment. Single-component, high-tech adhesive for laying absorbent ceramic tiles. Excellent workability, easy to apply with extended working times. No sagging. Advanced, high-performance adhesive, with an excellent adherence and flexibility, suitable for the most difficult installations, like high traffic floors, radiant heating floors or façades. Its performance and ease of application make it the ideal solution for the most demanding professionals. Specially recommended for laying rectified tiles. Porcelain floor tiles and swimming pools wall tile tixocem n floor tile porcelain tile medium format large format outdoor ston-ker one-flex n glass mosaic Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Single-component thin-set mortar Good adhesion to the substrate and tile. Open time > 20 min. Economical polymer-modified mortar. Mixing water: 5.25 US qts. per 50 lbs. bag • Coverage: • • • ¼” x ¼” notched trowel ¼” x 3/8” notched trowel ½ x ½” notched trowel 75 to 90 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag 55 to 65 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag 35 to 45 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag • • • • • • Tile 8” x 13” Tile 13” x 13” Tile 13” x 24“ Tile 18” x 18“ Tile 13” x 36“ Tile 18” x 24” 0.65 lb/ sqft 0.65 lb/ sqft 0.85 lb/ sqft 0.85 lb/ sqft 1.0 lb/ sqft 1.0 lb/ sqft ( 20 x 30 cm ) ( 30 x 30 cm ) ( 30 x 60 cm ) ( 44 x 44 cm ) ( 30 x 90 cm ) ( 44 x 66 cm ) ( 3 kg / m2 ) ( 3 kg / m2 ) ( 4 kg / m2 ) ( 4 kg / m2 ) ( 5 kg / m2 ) ( 5 kg / m2 ) • • • • • • • • ¼” x ¼” notched trowel ¼” x 3/8” notched trowel ½ x ½” notched trowel 75 to 90 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag 55 to 65 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag 35 to 45 sq.ft. per 50 lbs. bag • • • • • • • • Tile 8” x 13” Tile 13” x 13” Tile 13” x 24“ Tile 18” x 18“ Tile 13” x 36“ Tile 18” x 24” Tile 24” x 24” Tile 24” x 48” 0.65 lb/ sqft 0.65 lb/ sqft 0.85 lb/ sqft 0.85 lb/ sqft 1.0 lb/ sqft 1.0 lb/ sqft 1.25 lb/ sqft 1.25 lb/ sqft Ceramic and porcelain tiles (water absorption < 0.5% according EN-ISO 10545-3). Quarry tiles Natural stone. Do not use for porcelain tiles 18” x 18” ( 38 x 38 cm ) or larger tiles. Do not use for moisture-sensitive stone, agglomerate tiles, DQS, cultured marble or resin-backed tiles. Instead, use suitable epoxy adhesive. Substrates: • • • • • ISO 13007 ANSI: • KEA B11903900 B11904900 Masonry cement block, brick, cement mortar beds and leveling coats. Concrete (cured at least 28 days). Cement backer units (CBUs). Gypsum wallboard for interior walls in dry areas only. Do not use directly over gypsum-based substrates. Over this kind of substrates apply suitable sealer before use. butech recommends uniprim, acrilic primer for cement and gypsum substrates. Do not use over dimensionally unstable substrates such as hardwood flooring, oriented strand board (OSB), substrates containing asbestos, or metal. Do not use over hardwood, exterior grade plywood, vinyl covered wall board, plastic surfaces, glass, cement asbestos board, metal, particle board or asphalt sheeting. Packaging tixocem n white tixocem n gray Single-component thin-set mortar Polymer-enriched for high performance and deformability Low-dust technology reduces dust by 90% resulting in a cleaner environment. Smooth and creamy consistency for easy for easy application. Open time > 30 min. Mixing water: 5,5 US qts. per 50 lbs. bag. Coverage: Certifications/Standards: C2 Exceeds ANSI A118.4 Most interior residential installations on floors and walls. Most interior commercial installations on floors. Most interior commercial installations on walls. Do not use in swimming pools or installations subject to prolonged water immersion. tixocem n is not recommended for areas subject to severe freeze/thaw conditions. Materials: • tixocem n 40 floor tile Presentation 50 lbs. (22.7 kgs.) 50 lbs. (22.7 kgs.) Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical ( 20 x 30 cm ) ( 30 x 30 cm ) ( 30 x 60 cm ) ( 44 x 44 cm ) ( 30 x 90 cm ) ( 44 x 66 cm ) ( 60 x 60 cm ) ( 60 x 120 cm ) ( 3 kg / m2 ) ( 3 kg / m2 ) ( 4 kg / m2 ) ( 4 kg / m2 ) ( 5 kg / m2 ) ( 5 kg / m2 ) ( 6 kg / m2 ) ( 6 kg / m2 ) • • • • • high traffic swimming pools Most interior/exterior residential installations on floors and walls. Most interior/exterior commercial installations on floors and walls. Installation of ceramic and porcelain tile, quarry tile, pavers, and many types of marble, granite and natural stone. Swimming pools or installations subject to prolonged water immersion. one flex n mixed with water is not recommended for areas subject to severe freeze/thaw conditions. • • • • • Standards and approvals: • ISO 13007 ANSI: • C2 E P1 Exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 Ceramic and porcelain tiles ( water absorption < 0.5% according EN-ISO 10545-3 ). Quarry tiles Glass and mosaic tiles Natural stone. Do not use for moisture-sensitive stone, agglomerate tiles, DQS, cultured marble or resin-backed tiles. Instead, use suitable epoxy adhesive. Substrates: • KEA B11903900 B11904900 plywood Materials: one-flex n Europallet 3000 lb / palet 3000 lb / palet • • large size tiles Masonry cement blocks, bricks, cement mortar beds and levelling coats. Concrete (cured at least 28 days). Cement backer units (CBUs). Gypsum wallboard for interior walls in dry areas only. APA and CANPLY Group 1 exterior-grade plywood (interior, residential and light commercial in dry conditions only). Properly prepared vinyl composition tile (VCT) and cutback residue (interior only). Properly prepared existing ceramic and porcelain tile, quarry tile and pavers (interior only). Do not use directly over gypsum-based substrates. Over this kind of substrates apply suitable sealer before use. butech recommends uniprim, acrilic primer for cement and gypsum substrates. Packaging one-flex n white one-flex n gray Presentation 50 lbs. (22.7 kgs.) 50 lbs. (22.7 kgs.) Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Europallet 3000 lb / palet 3000 lb / palet 41 Reactive resins adhesive Additives for cement-based adhesives politech Metal stairs politech is a type R2 T high-tech, two-component polyurethane adhesive as per EN 12004, for laying tiles on deformable substrates. Specially recommended for special substrates like metal sheets or synthetic materials, where cement-based adhesives cannot be used. Façades unilax is a latex that, mixed with cement-based adhesives like one-flex n, fr-one n or super one n, rapimax n or maxifluid improves bonding strength and flexibility up to level C2 S2 as per EN 12004. Specially recommended for laying wall tiles outdoors. A resin-based latex that can be added to cement-based adhesives to enhance their bonding strength and flexibility. Specially recommended for exterior façades. A high-tech two-component polyurethane adhesive with high performance properties. Suitable for laying ceramic tiles of all kinds on deformable substrates. ston-ker politech large size tiles wood metal PVC waterproof exterior floor unilax underfloor heating Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Two-component polyurethane adhesive. Excellent adherence. Maximum deformability. No water absorption. Waterproof. High chemical resistance. High initial adherence and no sagging. Application thickness up to 8 mm. Frost-resistant. • • • • Laying of wall tiles not compatible with cement-based adhesives. Wall tiles on substrates not compatible with cement-based adhesives. Floor tiles on deformable substrates. Floor tiles with special chemical resistance. Laying of slate and other natural stones with risk of deformation by water absorption. Substrate waterproofing. Materials: Coverage: ¼” x ¼” notched trowel ¼” x 3/8” notched trowel ½ x ½” notched trowel 33 to 40 sq.ft. per 22 lbs. bucket 24 to 28 sq.ft. per 22 lbs. bucket 15 to 20 sq.ft. per 22 lbs. bucket • • • • • • Water-based acrylic resins latex. Resistant to the most common chemicals. Excellent resistance to UV rays and the effect of heat. Frost-resistant. Coverage: Large format ceramics. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. DQS slabs and other kinds of marble agglomerate. Krion slabs and other kinds of Solid Surface. Product % US qts. lbs/bag tixocem n 22% 5,0 - 5,5 50 one flex n 23% 5,0 - 6,0 50 • • • • • EN 12004 • • • • • • • • • • KEA B41061001 SAP 100004369 politech white Concrete or mortar substrates. Plasterboards and plaster or anhydrite walls. Plasterboards/wood boards. Existing wall tiles. Metal sheets. Polyester or PVC surfaces. Presentation 22 lbs./bucket unilax Europallet 792 lbs./pallet Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical KEA B51601002 B51602002 tixocem n one flex n Large format ceramics. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. DQS slabs and other kinds of marble agglomerate. Substrates: Packaging bonded façades Materials: Substrates: R2 T swimming pools Laying of tiles in façades. Large format ceramic floor tiles on radiant heating. Indoor large format ceramic tile coverings on deformable substrates. Indoor and outdoor porcelain tile coverings. High traffic floor tiles. Pools and damp environments. Certifications/Standards: politech 42 unilax Concrete or mortar substrates. Plasterboards. Plywood panels. Existing wall tiles. Packaging SAP 100004376 100004377 unilax unilax Presentation 44 lbs./bucket 11 lbs./bucket Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Europallet 1233 lbs./pallet 1057 lbs./pallet 43 Façade fixings Façade fixings Concealed bonded façades fixings Façades Innovative concealed fixing clip for ceramic tiles in bonded façades. The fixings fit within small slots done on the porcelain piece and are anchored to the support by a stainless steel screw. Once the joints are grouted, the fixings are not visible anymore, not affecting the façade design. Façades Visible fixing clip for ceramic tiles in bonded façades. Fixings hold the ceramic tiles and are anchored to the support by a stainless steel screw. Once the joints are grouted, the fixings are visible, and a 5 mm clip can be seen. These fixings have been designed as a security element in porcelain tile walls installed by the thin layer, double bonding method. We recommend the use of type C2 S2 cement-based adhesives as per EN 12004. These fixings have been designed as a security element in porcelain tile walls installed by the thin layer, double bonding method. We recommend the use of type C2 S2 cement-based adhesives as per EN 12004. As a general rule, we recommend this kind of fixing from a height corresponding to first concrete slab. In any case, standards in force must be observed for every project. As a general rule, we recommend this kind of fixing from a height corresponding to first concrete slab. In any case, standards in force must be observed for every project. outdoor concealed façade fixings joint < 5 mm < 13/64 “ joint floor tile 5-7 mm porcelain tile 13/64” - 17/64” ston-ker slotted urbatek slotted outdoor visible façade fixings joint < 5 mm < 13/64 “ Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.4301 (AISI 304 V2A) stainless steel clips. Suitable for 5 mm - 7 mm · 13/64” - 17/64” wide joints. Suitable for tiles 9 mm to 12 mm · 15/32“ to 23/64” thick. Start fixings available in 80 · 3” and 160 · 6” mm lengths for overhanging installations. Includes stainless steel screw and plug. Laying of tiles in façades. Laying of ceramics in ceilings and cornices. Indoor laying of large format porcelain tiles at a certain height. 1.4301 (AISI 304 V2A) stainless steel clips. Suitable for 12 mm · 15/32” wide joints. Suitable for tiles 10 to 12 mm · 25/64” to 15/32” thick. Available in metallic or lacquered finish. Customizable color lacquering on demand. Includes stainless steel screw and plug. Materials: Coverage: Materials: Coverage changes with every façade design. In the case of a regular façade with no gaps, clip calculation would be the following: • Coverage changes with every façade design. In the case of a 5 x 20 m · 16 x 65 ft regular façade with no gaps, clip calculation would be the following: • Type I fixings Type A/T fixings Medium and large format porcelain tiles resistant to side slotting: - STON-KER - PAR-KER - URBATEK Tile un./sq.ft. 100 fixing 1100 fixing 3,70 3,70 45 x 90 - 18 x 36 60 x 120 - 24 x 68 cm - inches 44 x 66 - 18 x 24 un./sq.ft. 0,51 0,13 cm - inches 44 x 66 - 18 x 24 60 x 60 - 24 x 24 0,42 0,10 60 x 60 - 24 x 24 45 x 90 - 18 x 36 0,37 0,09 60 x 120 - 24 x 68 0,32 0,08 • • Additional materials: one-flex n unilax Substrates: Cement covered floors and walls . Concrete slabs. Packaging SAP 100005743 concealed fixing minimum I joint Presentation 50 u. bag 5,40 2,00 29,60 5,90 1,50 23,80 3,70 3,90 1,90 19,50 3,50 3,00 14,90 11,90 KEA B80111002 B80111003 B80400012 SAP 100005744 100005745 100032736 concealed fixing minimum A/T joint 4 cm minimum A/T joint 8cm minimum A/T joint 16cm Presentation 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 50 u. bag Minimum A/T joint 4 Minimum A/T joint 8 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical For further information on additional materials refer to the corresponding page in this catalogue. Minimum A/T joint 16 urbatek ston-ker Medium and large format porcelain tiles: - STON-KER - PAR-KER - URBATEK Substrates: • • Cement covered floors and walls . Concrete slabs. 1,25 - 1,50 lb/ sqft 0,30 - 0,35 lb/ sqft visible façade fixings Minimum I joint 1500 fixing un./100 sq.ft. one-flex n unilax KEA B80111001 1200 fixing un./100 sq.ft. Additional materials: 1,25 - 1,50 lb/ sqft 0,30 - 0,35 lb/ sqft concealed façade fixings un./1000 sq.ft. un./100 sq.ft. joint floor tile 12-15 mm porcelain tile 25/64” - 15/32” Laying of tiles in façades. Laying of ceramics in ceilings and cornices. Indoor laying of large format porcelain tiles at a certain height. Coverage: Tile 44 Visible bonded façades fixings Packaging KEA B80107010 B80107011 B80107012 B80107013 SAP 100005737 100005738 100005739 100005740 fixing clip stainless steel ref. 1000 ref. 1100 ref. 1200 ref. 1500 Presentation 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 50 u. bag KEA B80400008 B80400005 B80400007 B80400006 SAP 100008056 100008057 100008058 100008059 fixing clip lac. black ref. 1000 ref. 1100 ref. 1200 ref. 1500 Presentation 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 50 u. bag 1000 1100 1200 1500 1000 1100 1200 1500 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical For further information on additional materials refer to the corresponding page in this catalogue. 45 Grouting material and elastic sealants Cement-based materials for tile joints colorstuk 0-4 colorstuk 2-12 colorstuk especial n colorstuk rapid n 62 64 68 Epoxy putty for joints epotech epotech aqua 70 71 Leveling system for ceramic tiles. Self-leveling spacers 72 Elastic joint sealants s-107 s-107 n p-404 74 75 76 Additive for grouting material cl-stuk 77 47 Cement-based materials for tile joints colorstuk 0-4 Bath environments colorstuk 0-4 is a type CG 2 fine grain grouting material as per EN 13888, for grouting joints up to 4 mm. It is easy to apply, resistant and color stable, and it is specially recommended for rectified tiles. A high-tech, fine grained colored mortar for grouting tile joints from 0 to 4 mm · 3/16”. Suitable for all kinds of ceramic tiles and natural stone. Indoors and outdoors. glass mosaic colorstuk 0-4 rectified ceramics indoors high traffic pools Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • Tile joints up to 4 mm · 3/16”. • Indoor wall tile coverings. Specially recommended for rectified tiles. • Indoor floor tiles, including public buildings. In the following applications, replace mixing water by cl-stuk additive. • Outdoor floors. • High traffic floor tiles. • Floor tiles on radiant heating. • Pools and damp environments. Cement-based, single-component, colored mortar. Fine texture mortar for grouting tile joints up to 4 mm · 3/16”. Easy to apply and clean. Resistant to heat and UV radiation. Frost-resistant. Wide color range. Substrates: Materials: • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. • Glass mosaic. • Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. In the following applications, replace mixing water by cl-stuk additive. • Wall tiles with mosaic-like patterns. • DQS slabs and other kinds of marble agglomerate. All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Certifications/Standards: EN 13888 CG2 radiant heating Coverage COLORSTUK 0-4 TILE SIZE Width x Length x Thickness 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 7" x 26" x 3/8" (180x659x10 mm) 8" x 47" x 1/4" (193x1200x10 mm) GROUT JOINT WIDTH Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 11 lbs. (5 kg) 1/16” (1,5 mm) 1/8” (3 mm) 50 (5) 25 (2) 100 (9) 50 (5) 149 (14) 75 (7) 292 (27) 147 (14) 379 (35) 189 (18) 441 (41) 221 (21) 494 (46) 247 (23) 533 (50) 266 (25) 560 (52) 280 (26) 626 (58) 313 (29) 708 (66) 356 (33) 944 (88) 476 (44) 961 (89) 476 (44) 338 (31) 169 (16) 399 (37) 169 (16) * Replace mixing water by cl-stuk. 48 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical colorstuk 0-4 Packaging KEA B21501001 B21502002 B21502003 B21502004 B21502005 B21502006 B21502009 B21502010 B21502016 B21522218 B21522217 B21522219 SAP 100004253 100004255 100004256 100004257 100004258 100004259 100004260 100004261 100004262 100060532 100060533 100060534 white manhattan bahama cement anthracite black ivory brown beige caramel moka gray Presentation 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb 5 kg bag - 11 lb Europallet 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb 400 kg - 880 lb B21901001 B21902002 B21522228 100004287 100004288 100106848 white manhattan anthracite 25 kg bag - 55 lb 25 kg bag - 55 lb 25 kg bag - 55 lb 1.000 kg - 2200 lb 1.000 kg - 2200 lb 1.000 kg - 2200 lb Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 49 Cement-based materials for tile joints colorstuk 2-12 colorstuk 2-12 is a type CG 2 fine grain grouting material as per EN 13888, for grouting joints from 2,5 to 12 mm · 1/8” to 1/2”. It is easy to apply, resistant and color stable, and it is specially recommended for floors with a wide joint. A high-tech, fine grained colored mortar for grouting tile joints from 2,5 to 12 mm · 1/8” to 1/2”. Suitable for all kinds of ceramic tiles and natural stone. Indoors and outdoors. Rustic floors colorstuk 2-12 rustic rectified ceramics indoors high traffic outdoor floors Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • Tile joints from 2,5 to 12 mm · 1/8” to 1/2”. • Indoor wall tile coverings with wide joint. • Indoor floors. Specially recommended for rustic tiles. In the following applications, replace mixing water with cl-stuk additive. • Outdoor floor and wall tiles. • High traffic floor tiles. • Floor tiles on radiant heating. • Pools and damp environments. Cement-based, single-component, colored mortar. Fine texture mortar for grouting tile joints from 2,5 to 12 mm · 1/8” to 1/2”. Easy to apply and clean. Resistant to heat and UV radiation. Frost-resistant. Wide color range. Substrates: Materials: • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. • Glass mosaic. • Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. • Terracotta tiles. In the following applications, replace mixing water with cl-stuk additive. • Ceramic tiles with relief to be covered with grouting material. All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Certifications/Standards: EN 13888 CG2 radiant heating Coverage COLORSTUK 2-12 GROUT JOINT WIDTH TILE SIZE Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 11 lbs. (5 kg) Width x Length x Thickness 1/8” (3 mm) 1/4” (6 mm) 3/8” (10 mm) 1/2” (12 mm ) 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 23 (2) 12 (1) 7 (0,5) 6 (0,5) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 47 (4) 23 (2) 14 (1) 12 (1) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 70 (7) 35 (3 21 (2) 18 (2) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 137 (13) 69 (6) 41 (4) 34 (3) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 177 (16) 88(8) 53 (5) 44(4) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 207 (19) 104 (10) 62 (6) 52 (5) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 232 (22) 116 (11) 69 (6) 58 (5) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 250 (23) 125 (12) 75 (7) 62 (6) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 262 (24) 131 (12) 79 (7) 66 (6) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 294 (27) 147 (14) 88 (8) 73 (7) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 334 (31) 167 (16) 100 (9) 84 (8) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 445 (41) 223 (21) 134 (12) 112 (10) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 448 (42) 224 (21) 135 (13) 112 (10) * Replace mixing water by cl-stuk. Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 50 colorstuk 2-12 Packaging KEA B21522002 B21522003 B21522004 B21522005 B21522006 B21522009 B21522016 B21521001 B21522224 B21522223 B21522221 B21522222 SAP 100004273 100004274 100004275 100004276 100004277 100004278 100004279 100004271 100060541 100060544 100060547 100060548 manhattan bahama cement anthracite black ivory beige white gray moka caramel brown Presentation 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag 11 kg bag Europallet 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg 880 kg B21922002 B21922003 B21922004 100004289 100004290 100004291 manhattan cement anthracite 55 kg bag 55 kg bag 55 kg bag 2.200 kg 2.200 kg 2.200 kg Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 51 Cement-based materials for tile joints colorstuk especial n Bath environments colorstuk especial n is a type CG 2 very fine grain grouting material as per EN 13888, for grouting joints up to 4,5 mm · 3/16”. Its formula includes ultrafine aggregates, which make it specially recommended for tiles with a glaze sensitive to scratching. A high-tech, fine grained colored mortar for grouting tile joints up to 4,5 mm · 3/16”. Specially recommended for grouting rectified ceramic tiles sensible to scratching. colorstuk especial n glass mosaic rectified ceramics bath environments Crystal series high traffic Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • Tile joints up to 4,5 mm. • Ceramic tiles with low hardness glaze as per Mohs scale. • Indoor wall tile coverings. Specially recommended for rectified tiles. • Indoor floor tiles, including public buildings. In the following applications, replace mixing water with cl-stuk additive. • Wall and floor tiles into direct contact with water. • Floor tiles on radiant heating. Cement-based, single-component, colored mortar. Ultrafine aggregates formula. Fine texture mortar for grouting tile joints up to 4,5 mm · 3/16”. Easy to apply and clean. Resistant to heat and UV radiation. Frost-resistant. Wide special colors range. Substrates: Materials: • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles. • Ceramic tiles with special finishes. • Glass mosaic. • Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. • Do not use on polished materials. In the following applications, replace mixing water by cl-stuk additive. • Wall tiles with mosaic-like patterns. • DQS slabs and other kinds of marble agglomerate. All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Certifications/Standards: EN 13888 CG2 Coverage COLORSTUK ESPECIAL N GROUT JOINT WIDTH TILE SIZE Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 4,4 lbs. (2 kg) Width x Length x Thickness 1/16” (1,5 mm) 1/8” (3 mm) 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 18,8 (2) 9,2 (1) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 15,6 (1) 18,8 (2) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 56 (5) 28 (3) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 110,4 (10) 5,2 (0,5) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 141,6 (13) 70,8 (7) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 165,6 (15) 82,8 (8) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 185,6 (17) 92,8 (9) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 199,2 (18) 100 (9) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 208,8 (19) 104,8 (10) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 244,4 (22) 117,6 (11) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 265,6 (24) 133,6 (12) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 358,8 (33) 178 (16) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 358,8 (33) 179,2 (16) 7" x 26" x 3/8" (180x659x10 mm) 127,6 (12) 63,2 (6) 8" x 47" x 1/4" (193x1200x10 mm) 149,6 (14) 74,4 (7) radiant heating colorstuk especial n KEA B2430242 B2430249 B2430243 B2430247 B2430242 B2430244 B2430246 B2430251 SAP 100090682 100090684 100090685 100090686 100090687 100090689 100090690 100097181 Packaging Presentation 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag 4,4 lb bag acid cherry dark moka nacare vanilla white graphite Europallet 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb 950 lb Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. * Replace mixing water by cl-stuk. Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 52 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 53 Cement-based materials for tile joints colorstuk rapid n Outdoor floors colorstuk rapid n is a type CG 2 high-performance, cement-based grouting material as per EN 13888, for grouting joints from 2,5 to 16 mm - 1/8” to 5/8”. Suitable for all kinds of ceramic tiles and natural stone, it is specially recommended for outdoor applications and permanently damp environments . A high-tech, fine grained colored mortar with fast setting and hardening times for grouting tile joints from 2,5 to 16 mm - 1/8” to 5/8”. Suitable for all kinds of ceramic tiles and natural stone. Indoors and outdoors. glass mosaic colorstuk rapid n rectified ceramics Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cement-based, single-component, colored mortar. Fine texture mortar for grouting tile joints from 2,5 to 16 mm - 1/8” to 5/8”. Mortar with fast setting and hardening times. It prevents efflorescences. Excellent mechanical resistance. Resistant to heat and UV radiation. Frost-resistant. Waterproof mortar. Anti-mold action. Easy to apply and clean. Wide color range. Substrates: • All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. high traffic bathroom environments pools façades Tile joints from 2,5 to 16 mm - 1/8” to 5/8”. Indoor wall and floor tiles. Outdoor floors and terraces. High traffic floor tiles. Floor tiles on radiant heating. Pools and damp environments. Outdoor wall tiles in façades. Materials: • • • • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. Tiles with mosaic-like patterns. Glass mosaic. Clay and terracotta tiles. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. Certifications/Standards: EN 13888 CG2 Ar W Coverage TILE SIZE Width x Length x Thickness 1/16” (1,5 mm) 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 50 (5) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 100 (9) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 149 (14) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 292 (27) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 379 (35) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 441 (41) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 494 (46) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 533 (50) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 560 (52) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 626 (58) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 708 (66) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 944 (88) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 961 (81) 7" x 26" x 3/8" (180x659x10 mm) 338 (31) 8" x 47" x 1/4" (193x1200x10 mm) 399 (37) COLORSTUK RAPID GROUT JOINT WIDTH Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 11 lbs. (5 kg) 1/8” (3 mm) 3/16” (4,5 mm ) 1/4” (6 mm) 3/8” (10 mm) 25 (2) 17 (1,5) 12 (1) 7 (0,5) 50 (5) 33 (3) 25 (2) 15 (1) 75 (7) 50 (5) 37 (3) 22 (2) 147 (14) 98 (9) 73 (7) 44 (4) 189 (18) 126 (12) 94 (9) 57 (5) 221 (21) 147 (14) 110 (10) 66 (6) 247 (23) 165 (15) 123 (11) 74 (7) 266 (25) 178 (17) 133 (12) 80 (7) 280 (26) 186 (17) 140 (13) 84 (8) 313 (29) 209 (19) 157 (15) 94 (9) 356 (33) 237 (22) 178 (17) 107 (10) 476 (44) 316 (29) 238 (22) 143 (13) 476 (44) 318 (30) 239 (22) 143 (13) 169 (16) 113 (10) 84 (8) 51 (5) 199 (18) 133 (12) 99 (9) 60 (6) 1/2” (12 mm ) 6 (0,5) 12 (1) 19 (2) 37 (3) 47 (4) 55 (5) 62 (6) 67 (6) 70 (6) 114 (11) 89 (8) 119 (11) 120 (11) 42 (4) 50 (5) colorstuk rapid n Packaging KEA B22501001 B22502002 B22502003 B22502004 B22502005 B22502006 B22502007 B22502008 B22502009 B22502010 B22502011 B22502013 B22502016 B21522220 SAP 100004294 100004295 100004296 100004297 100004298 100004299 100004300 100004301 100004302 100004303 100004304 100004305 100004308 100060549 white manhattan bahama cement anthracite black caramel terracotta ivory brown tobacco gray beige moka Presentation 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag 11 lb bag Europallet 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb 880 lb B22902002 100004309 black 55 lb bag 2.200 kg Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. 54 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 55 Epoxy putty for joints Epoxy putty for joints epotech Industries and laboratories epotech is an epoxy putty for grouting tile joints. Waterproof, two-component epoxy putty with outstanding chemical and mechanical properties. Specially recommended for tile joints requiring the highest mechanical and chemical properties. Bath environments epotech aqua is a new line of epoxy putties for grouting tile joints. Two-component epoxy putty with no organic solvents. It is waterproof, it has outstanding chemical and mechanical properties and it is easy to apply. Specially recommended for application on mosaics and ceramic tiles with relief. This material is suitable for grouting joints from 3 to 15 mm · 1/8” to 5/8” in floor and wall tiles, indoors and out. Excellent resistance to chemicals in high concentrations. Suitable for pools and permanently damp environments. Suitable as high adherence grouting material for ceramic tiles with any absorption level and format, for glass mosaic or natural stone. This material is suitable for grouting joints from 0 to 10 mm · 3/8” in floor and wall tiles, indoors and out. Excellent resistance to chemicals. Suitable for pools and permanently damp environments. Suitable as high adherence grouting material for ceramic tiles with any absorption level and format, for glass mosaic or natural stone. kitchen countertops epotech epotech aqua industrial kitchens chemical industry food industry shower trays showers pools kitchen countertops epotech aqua Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Two-component colored epoxy putty. Excellent joint color stability. High resistance to most chemicals and alkali, even in high concentrations. Waterproof joint, no water absorption. Excellent adherence and mechanical resistance. Tile joints from 3 to 15 mm · 1/8” to 5/8” . Wall tiles with special chemical resistance. Chemical and food industry and premises subject to thorough cleaning. Pools and permanently damp environments, Turkish baths and spas. High traffic and outdoor floors. High adherence grouting material. Specially recommended. - Slate and natural stone. - Mesh backed glass mosaic. Two-component colored epoxy putty. Easy to apply and clean. This product is free of organic solvents and plasticizers Excellent joint color stability. Resistance to most chemicals and alkali, even in high concentrations. Waterproof joint, no water absorption. Excellent adherence and mechanical resistance. Tile joints up to 10 mm. Wide color range. Materials: Substrates: Materials: • • • • • • • All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. • • EN 13888 public toilets adhesive epoxy shower trays showers pools Public toilets and private bathrooms. Wall tiles with special chemical resistance. Pools and damp environments. Tile joints with uniform color and shade, resistant to the passing of time. High traffic and outdoor floors. High adherence grouting material. Specially recommended. - Slate and natural stone. - Mesh backed glass mosaic. Substrates: Certifications/Standards: Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. Tiles with mosaic-like patterns. Please refer to PORCELANOSA / VENIS catalogues. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. RG Coverage epotech EPOTECH GROUT JOINT WIDTH Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 11 lbs. (5 kg) Width x Length x Thickness 1/8” (3 mm) 1/4” (6 mm) 3/8” (10 mm) 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 14 (1) 7 (0,5) 4 (0,2) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 28 (2) 14 (1) 8 (0,5) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 41 (4) 21 (2) 12 (1) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 81 (8) 41 (4) 24 (2) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 105 (10) 52 (5) 31 (3) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 123 (11) 61 (6) 37 (3) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 137 (13) 68 (6) 41 (4) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 148 (14) 74 (7) 44 (4) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 155 (14) 78 (7) 46 (4) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 174 (16) 87 (8) 52 (5) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 198 (18) 99 (9) 59 (5) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 264 (24) 132 (12) 79 (7) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 265 (25) 132 (12) 79 (7) 7" x 26" x 3/8" (180x659x10 mm) 94 (9) 47 (4) 28 (2) 8" x 47" x 1/4" (193x1200x10 mm) 110 (10) 55 (5) 33 (3) Mosaics 48 (4) TILE SIZE 56 bathroom environments KEA B42562001 B42562002 B42562005 B42562009 Coverage SAP 100004371 100004372 100004373 100007815 white manhattan anthracite ivory B35200002 100113684 epoxy cleaning kit Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. Packaging Presentation 11 lb can 11 lb can 11 lb can 11 lb can Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Europallet 825 lb/pallet 825 lb/pallet 825 lb/pallet 825 lb/pallet epotech aqua EPOTECH AQUA TILE SIZE Width x Length x Thickness 1" x 1" x 1/4" (25x25x6 mm) 2" x 2" x 1/4" (50x50x6 mm) 3" x 3" x 1/4" (75x75x6 mm) 8" x 12" x 3/8" (200x316x10 mm) 12" x 12" x 3/8" (316x316x10 mm) 12" x 18" x 3/8" (316x446x10 mm) 12" x 23" x 3/8" (316x596x10 mm) 18" x 18" x 3/8" (446x446x10 mm) 12" x 35" x 3/8" (316x900x10 mm) 17" x 26" x 3/8" (435x659x10 mm) 23" x 23" x 3/8" (596x596x10 mm) 23" x 47" x 3/8" (596x1200x10 mm) 32" x 32" x 3/8" (800x800x10 mm) 7" x 26" x 3/8" (180x659x10 mm) 8" x 47" x 1/4" (193x1200x10 mm) Mosaics GROUT JOINT WIDTH Coverages in sq.ft. (m2) per 11 lbs. (5 kg) 1/8” (3 mm) 14 (1) 28 (2) 41 (4) 81 (8) 105 (10) 123 (11) 137 (13) 148 (14) 155 (14) 174 (16) 198 (18) 264 (24) 265 (25) 94 (9) 110 (10) 48 (4) 1/4” (6 mm) 7 (0,5) 14 (1) 21 (2) 41 (4) 52 (5) 61 (6) 68 (6) 74 (7) 78 (7) 87 (8) 99 (9) 132 (12) 132 (12) 47 (4) 55 (5) 3/8” (10 mm) 4 (0,2) 8 (0,5) 12 (1) 24 (2) 31 (3) 37 (3) 41 (4) 44 (4) 46 (4) 52 (5) 59 (5) 79 (7) 79 (7) 28 (2) 33 (3) KEA B42562016 B42562017 B42562020 B42562018 B42562019 B41061004 SAP 100090692 100090693 100090694 100090695 100090696 100116037 anthracite beige white cherry gray ivory B35200002 100113684 epoxy cleaning kit Colors shown are approximate. There are physical samples available to customers for checking the real grout color. Packaging Presentation 7,93 lb can 7,93 lb can 7,93 lb can 7,93 lb can 7,93 lb can Europallet 634,4 lb 634,4 lb 634,4 lb 634,4 lb 634,4 lb Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 57 Leveling system for ceramic tiles. self-leveling spacers Leveling system for ceramic tiles. Eases ceramic tile laying and guarantees a perfectly flat surface of the final installation. The system consists of a new type of spacer with adjustable height that levels the surrounding tiles and prevents them from moving. Specially recommended when tile, design or use features demand a perfect finish, with an even, seamless surface. Large format floors urbatek self-leveling spacers Features: Recommended use: • • • Guarantees tiles are even. Prevents tiles from moving due to laying errors or due to mortar setting. Reduces retouching and laying times. • • • • Suitable for 1,5-3 mm · 1/32” - 1/8” wide joints. Suitable for tiles 5 to 16 mm · 3/16” to 5/8” thick. The system consists of a spacer, a wedge and an adjusting tool. Wedges are recoverable, only the spacers are consumed. • • • • • • Coverage: cm a inches 19.3 31.6 33 40 44 59.6 66 80 90 100 120 8 12 13 17 18 23 24 32 35 39 48 parker large format rectified ceramics minimum joint Wall and floor tiles with minimum joint. Large format floor tiles. Laying of rectified wall tiles. Tiles with reduced thickness. Interlocking floor designs. Glued façades. Materials: • • 50 40 50 50 44 37 35 34 31 30 27 19.3 8 33 29 33 30 25 23 23 20 20 18 31.6 12 28 29 25 21 20 20 17 17 15 33 13 All wall tiles and similar products laid with cement-based adhesives. Thickness between 5 and 15 mm. self-leveling spacers 25 22 19 17 17 15 15 14 40 17 20 17 13 15 12 11 15 11 11 14 10 9 13 10 9 12 9 8 44 59.6 66 18 23 24 a 58 ston-ker 9 8 8 7 80 32 7 7 6 90 35 6 5 5 100 120 b (cm) 39 48 b (inch.) Substrates: • All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. b Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Packaging KEA B83511063 B83511062 B83511056 SAP 100108031 100108032 100095383 wedge wedge wedge Presentation 100 units/bag 300 units/bag 500 units/bag B83511059 B83511058 B83511065 100108026 100108027 100108028 1 mm spacer 1 mm spacer 1 mm spacer 100 units/bag 300 units/bag 500 units/bag B83511061 B83511060 B83511057 100108029 100108030 100095382 2 mm spacer 2 mm spacer 2 mm spacer 100 units/bag 300 units/bag 500 units/bag B83511067 B83511066 B83511070 100109070 100109071 100109072 3 mm spacer 3 mm spacer 3 mm spacer 100 units/bag 300 units/bag 500 units/bag KEA B83511064 B83511069 B83511068 SAP 100108034 100109073 100109074 1 mm spacer system kit 2mm spacer system kit 3mm spacer system kit Presentation Kit Kit Kit KEA B83510071 SAP 100095386 pincers for self-leveling spacer Presentation Unit Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 59 Elastic joint sealants Elastic joint sealants s-107 s-107 n S-107 is an acetic silicone putty for sealing joints. Specially recommended for sealing joints in bathrooms and for sealing perimeter joints in wall tile coverings. Indoor use. S-107 n is a neutral silicone putty for sealing joints. Specially recommended for sealing movement joints. Indoor and outdoor use., This reticular putty in contact with dampness gives off acetic acid, thus becoming an extraordinary elastic and resistant elastomer to atmospheric agents. This reticular putty in contact with dampness does not give off odors, thus becoming an extraordinary elastic and resistant elastomer to atmospheric agents. Elastic joints mortar s-107 glass metal joint joint outdoor mortar s-107 n ceramics Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Single-component acetic silicone. High elasticity. Good adherence. Resistant to UV rays. Maximum application thickness, 30 mm. Coverage: • • • • • • 2 x 2 mm · 5/64” x 5/64” joint 3 x 3 mm · 1/8” x 1/8” joint 5 x 3 mm · 3/16” x 1/8” joint 5 x 5 mm · 3/16” x 3/16” joint 8 x 4 mm · 5/16” x 5/32” joint 8 x 6 mm · 5/16” x 1/4” joint = 75.0 m · 245 feet 33.3 m · 110 feet 20.0 m · 65 feet 12.0 m · 40 feet 8.3 m · 27 feet 6.2 m · 20 feet 1’5 joint width (in) x joint depth (in) s-107 KEA B82301004 B82301005 B82301006 Sealing joints in ceramics, glass, metal, plastics and painted surfaces. Sealing perimeter joints in wall tile coverings. Gluing ceramic materials on wood boards. Materials: Coverage (feet/cartridge) 60 ceramics Elastic joints • • • • Coverage: Ceramic tiles and glass mosaic. Glass. Plastic material. Do not use with materials which are sensible to the action of acids, like marble or other natural stones. s-107 blanco s-107 transparente s-107 gris • • • • • Coverage (feet/cartridge) = 75.0 m · 245 feet 33.3 m · 110 feet 20.0 m · 65 feet 12.0 m · 40 feet 8.3 m · 27 feet 1’5 joint width (in) x joint depth (in) • Do not use on substrates which are sensible to the action of acids: - Screeds and floors with cement mortar. - Concrete. Presentation 300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical • • • • • • KEA B82302001 B82302002 B82302003 B82302004 B82600026 movement joint outdoor Sealing joints even between materials sensible to chemical attack. Sealing movement joints in floors and walls. Sealing joints in ceramics, glass, metal and plastics. Sealing perimeter joints in wall tile coverings. Gluing ceramic materials on wood boards. Ceramic tiles and glass mosaic. Glass. Metal. Plastic material, PVC. Concrete slabs. Wood. Substrates: • s-107 n Packaging 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box metal Materials: 2 x 2 mm · 5/64” x 5/64” joint 3 x 3 mm · 1/8” x 1/8” joint 5 x 3 mm · 3/16” x 1/8” joint 5 x 5 mm · 3/16” x 3/16” joint 8 x 4 mm · 5/16” x 5/32” joint Substrates: Packaging SAP 100005811 100005812 100005813 Single-component neutral silicone. High elasticity. Good adherence. Resistant to UV rays. Frost-resistant. glass All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Packaging SAP 100005814 100005815 100005816 100005817 100115950 s-107 n blanco s-107 n transparente s-107 n gris s-107 n black s-107 n beige Presentation 300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge 300 ml cartridge Packaging 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 61 Elastic joint sealants Additive for grouting material p-404 cl-stuk p-404 is polyurethane putty for sealing joints. Specially recommended for sealing movement joints outdoors. Indoor and outdoor use., cl-stuk is a latex which mixed with cement-based grouts like colorstuk n, reduces water absorption and enhances mechanical resistance and deformability. Specially recommended when laying ceramic outdoors and in permanently damp environments. This reticular putty in contact with dampness does not give off odors, thus becoming an extraordinary adherent, elastic and resistant elastomer to atmospheric agents. Outdoor floors A latex additive that can be mixed with the colorstuk range of high-tech grout mortars in cases when increased mechanical resistance, reduced water absorption or improved flexibility is required. Elastic joints mortar p-404 glass metal joint joint outdoor floors cl-stuk glass mosaic radiant heating high traffic pools Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Specially recommended in: • Outdoor floor and wall tiles. • High traffic floor tiles. • Floor tiles on radiant heating. • Pools and damp environments. It enhances grouting material performance in: • Indoor wall tile coverings. Specially recommended for rectified tiles. • Indoor floor tiles, including public buildings. Single-component polyurethane putty. High elasticity. High adherence. Resistant to UV rays. Frost-resistant. • • Coverage: • • • • • • 2 x 2 mm · 5/64” x 5/64” joint 3 x 3 mm · 1/8” x 1/8” joint 5 x 3 mm · 3/16” x 1/8” joint 5 x 5 mm · 3/16” x 3/16” joint 8 x 4 mm · 5/16” x 5/32” joint 8 x 6 mm · 5/16” x 1/4” joint = 75.0 m · 245 feet 33.3 m · 110 feet 20.0 m · 65 feet 12.0 m · 40 feet 8.3 m · 27 feet 6.2 m · 20 feet 1’5 joint width (in) x joint depth (in) p-404 KEA B82401001 B82401002 B82401003 Sealing joints even between materials sensible to chemical attack. Sealing movement joints in floors and walls. Bonding of building materials like ceramics, concrete, roof tiles, wood, aluminum, polyester or PVC. Gluing ceramic materials on metal or wood boards. Gluing Concept XPS panels. Materials: Coverage (feet/cartridge) 62 ceramics • • • • • • • Coverage: Ceramic tiles and glass mosaic. Glass. Metal. Plastic material, PVC. Concrete slabs. Wood. Concept XPS panels. Substrates: • p-404 blanco p-404 gris p-404 black Materials: Product % liters / galons Kg/bag - lb/bag Colorstuk 0-4 n white 34% 1.6-1.8 / 0.35-0.39 5 - 11 Colorstuk 0-4 n white 34% 8.2 - 8.8 / 1.8 - 1.9 25 - 55 Colorstuk 0-4 n color 26% 1.2 - 1.4 / 0.26 - 0.30 5 - 11 Colorstuk 0-4 n color 26% 6.4 - 6.6 / 1.4 - 1.45 25 - 55 Colorstuk 2-12 n 20% 0.9 - 1.1 / 0.2 - 0.24 5 - 11 Colorstuk 2-12 n 20% 4.8 - 5.2 / 1.06 - 1.15 25 - 55 Colorstuk especial n 32.5% 0.65 / 0.14 2 - 4.4 All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Packaging SAP 100005818 100005819 100005820 Water-based acrylic resins latex. Resistant to the most common chemicals. It reduces mortar water absorption. It enhances the adherence and deformability of the grouting material. It increases resistance to abrasion. Excellent resistance to UV rays and the effect of heat. Frost-resistant. Presentation 310 ml cartridge 310 ml cartridge 310 ml cartridge Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Specially recommended in: • Wall tiles with mosaic-like patterns. • DQS slabs and other kinds of marble agglomerate. It enhances grouting material performance in: • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles, including porcelain tiles. • Glass mosaic. • Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. Substrates: • cl-stuk Packaging 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box 25 cartridges x box KEA B51201001 B51501001 façades All usual substrates for ceramic tiles laying. Packaging SAP 100004374 100004375 cl-stuk cl-stuk Presentation 2 kg can - 4.4 lb can 5 kg can - 11 lb can Packaging 448 kg/pallet - 985.6 lb/pallet 480 kg/pallet - 1056 lb/pallet Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 63 Waterproofing Waterproofing imperband sylastic linear drains imperband USA kit 66 67 68 70 Decoupling and waterproofing lamitech n 72 65 Waterproofing Waterproofing imperband Bath environments imperband is a waterproof sheet, specially designed for indoor waterproofing of ceramic wall and floor coverings. sylastic sylastic is a two-component cement-based waterproofer with excellent bonding and deformability features, specially recommended for waterproofing outdoors. Compatible with type C2 cement-based adhesive as per EN 12004. Indoor and outdoor use. It is a 0,5 mm · 3/64” thick polymer membrane with a double thermoplastic polyolefin sheet and covered on both sides by non woven polyester fibers that allow it to be bonded to surfaces using cement-based adhesives. Ideal for use in new construction and refurbishment of showers and baths, and any indoor environment permanently affected by damp. Prevents the need of screed between waterproofing sheet and ceramic floor, thus reducing the final system thickness. It is applied in two 1.5-2.5 mm · 1/16”-3/32” layers each, with a fiberglass mesh reinforcement on the first application. Special pieces and bands available for waterproofing joints and other critical spots. Pools bath environments imperband terraces new building work refurbishing bathrooms ceramic showers pools bath environments sylastic Features: Recommended use: Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Double thermoplastic polyolefin membrane covered on both sides by non woven polyester fibers. Maximum waterproofing with minimal thickness (0.5 mm - 3/64”). Direct installation of the tile on the sheet. Good chemical resistance. Quick and easy application. Private bathrooms. Built in showers. Public toilets and showers. Spas and premises in permanently damp environments. Balconies and terraces smaller than 10 m2. Do not use in outdoors surfaces greater than 10 m2. Two-component waterproofing mortar. Indoor and outdoor waterproofer. Maximum waterproofing with minimal thickness (3 mm). It allows for direct laying of ceramic tiles with cement-based adhesive. Excellent adherence and maximum deformability. Good chemical resistance. Suitable for direct contact with water. Coverage: Installation: • • • • • Materials: imperband sheet is compatible with type C2 cement-based adhesive as per EN 12004. In case of surfaces bigger than the length of the sheet, overlap two 10 cm · 3/8”sheets and bond with C2 adhesive. In waterproofing of floors, leave an excess of sheet of at least 10 cm · 3/8” in all the spots where floor meets the wall. Be extremely cautious when connecting the sheet to the drainage systems. Once the imperband sheet has been installed, cover with the chosen floor covering. Never leave exposed to direct sunlight. • • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. Certifications/Standards: TCNA imperband KEA B84901001 B84901006 • imperband imperband Presentation 322.92 sqft 53.81 sqft • • Waterproofing: • Two-layer application. • Sylastic mortar • Sylastic additive 5,20 kg / m2 · 1 lb/sqft 3,90 Kg / m2 · 0.80 lb/sqft 1,30 Kg / m2 · 0.27 lb/sqft Substrates: Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical sylastic Europallet 7750 sqft/pallet 3228.6 sqft/pallet ceramic showers pools Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. 2,60 kg / m2 · 0.55 lb/sqft 1,95 Kg / m2 · 0.40 lb/sqft 0,65 Kg / m2 · 0.14 lb/sqft Cement covered floors and walls . Concrete slabs. Plasterboards. Plywood boards. On anhydrite or plaster substrates apply uniprim. Packaging SAP 100006213 100006218 refurbishing bathrooms Waterproofing of bathrooms and showers. Spas and premises in permanently damp environments. Outdoor terraces and balconies. Pools and premises into direct contact with water. Cisterns and reservoirs into direct contact with water. Repair of cracked floors and renderings. Promotes adherence on existing ceramic wall tiles and on wood or metal substrates. Bond coat: • One-layer application. • Sylastic mortar • Sylastic additive Mean thickness per sylastic layer: 1.5 mm • • • • • new building work Materials: Substrates: 66 terraces • • • • • • Cement covered floors and walls . Concrete slabs. Plasterboards. Wood boards. Existing floor tiles. Metal sheets. Packaging KEA B85900004 B85900005 SAP 100072729 100072730 sylastic mortar sylastic additive Presentation 52.9 lb bag 17.6 lb can B84900303 100006212 50 m fiberglass mesh 538 sqft reel B84905004 100006221 50 ml waterproof band 164 feet roll B84900101 B84900202 100006210 100006211 outer angle inner angle Unit Unit Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical sheet. Europallet 2116 lb/pallet 704 lb/pallet 67 Waterproofing Waterproofing linear drains The linear drains from butech in AISI 304 stainless steel and polypropylene are an excellent solution for shower trays with ceramic tiles, natural stone or mosaic covering. These new design drains available in two sizes and in three different steel gratings, are an excellent complement for the PORCELANOSA Grupo bathroom settings. These drains consist of a sewer, u-bend and decorative grating, and feature a wide ledge on which to glue the imperband waterproof sheet. Available for laying close to the wall and in the center of the shower, they help to solve easily and effectively indoor waterproofing and drainage. Ceramic showers indoor linear drains Linear grating features: Recommended use: • AISI 304 stainless steel grating • Adjustable height; adaptable to the height of the shower wall covering. • Available in 700 and 900 mm · 27.56 in and 35.43 in • Steel and ceramic gratings can be installed with or without steel frame. • 26.5 cm · 10.43 in. diameter crown for imperband fixation. • Includes u-bend. Linear drain standard grating: steel grating with traditional design. Linear drain steel grating: steel grating with functional design. LIFESTYLE finish. Linear drain ceramic grating: Special grating for bonding the same ceramics or mosaic than the rest of the built in shower. • • • • • • • • • • Includes side piece for fixing to wall. Asymmetric finish frame for trim against wall. 135 mm · 5,31 in high drain. Discharge speed. 0.8 l/s. 50 mm · 1.97 in horizontal outlet. 150 mm · 5.91 in diameter crown for imperband fixation. Includes u-bend. Linear central drain features: • • • • • • • new building refurbishing work bathrooms ceramic showers Concept XPS shower tray. Specially designed drain for waterproofing built in showers. Compatible with imperband waterproofing sheet. Horizontal outlet. Linear wall drain features: 68 outdoor Includes 4 regular height legs. Asymmetric frame for trim against wall. 140 mm · 5.51 in high drain. Discharge speed. 0.8 l/s. 50 mm · 1.97 in horizontal outlet. 208 mm · 8.18 in diameter crown for imperband fixation. Includes u-bend. Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical linear wall drain KEA B82902017 B82902022 SAP 100078229 100090864 Packaging 700 mm 900 mm wall grating Presentation 1 u./box 1 u./box Packaging KEA B82902019 B82902023 SAP 100078231 100090866 700 mm standard 900 mm standard B82902018 B82902024 100078230 100090867 700 mm steel 900mm steel 1 u./box 1 u./box B82902016 B82902025 100078228 100090868 700 mm ceramics 900 mm ceramics 1 u./box 1 u./box linear central drain KEA B82902027 B82902026 SAP 100090862 100090863 Presentation 1 u./box 1 u./box Packaging 700 mm 900 mm central grating Presentation 1 u./box 1 u./box Packaging KEA B82902032 B82902028 SAP 100091722 100091723 700 mm standard 900 mm standard B82902029 B82902030 100091718 100091719 700 mm steel 900mm steel 1 u./box 1 u./box B82902033 B82902031 100091720 100091721 700 mm ceramics 900 mm ceramics 1 u./box 1 u./box Presentation 1 u./box 1 u./box Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 69 Waterproofing Waterproofing imperband USA kit The standard imperband kit is an indoor waterproofing system consisting of a PVC gutter thermowelded to a 150 x 225 cm waterproof sheet. Specially recommended for waterproofing shower trays in new building works. Residential use. The waterproof sheet is an imperband type 0,5 mm thick polymer membrane with a double thermoplastic polyolefin sheet and covered on both sides by non woven polyester fibers that allow it to be bonded to surfaces using cement-based adhesives. The gutter features a compact design and multiple possibilities of outlet connections. Ceramic showers indoor imperband USA kit outdoor Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • Maximum security, it eliminates leakage risks between waterproof sheet and drain piece. 150 x 225 cm · 59” x 88.6” waterproof sheet. Discharge speed. 0.5 l/s. Compact system, just 100 mm · 3.94” high. Includes u-bend. Direct installation of the tile on the waterproof sheet. Quick and easy application. Installation: • • • • new building refurbishing work bathrooms ceramic showers Concept XPS shower tray. Specially designed for waterproofing built in showers. square grid Materials: Depending on the drainage pipe position, select one of the system outlets and seal the other outlet with the cap provided to that effect. Given the case, use the drain outlet diameter adapter and glue the drainage pipe. Before laying the ceramics of the shower tray, check that the gutter works correctly. Use the waterproof sheet in the same way as the imperband sheet. • • • Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone. standard KEA B82902021 B82902056 Packaging SAP 100089372 100114593 squared sun squared linear grid chrome texture Substrates: • • Cement covered floors. Specially designed for Concept XPS shower trays, prefabricated polystyrene panels. KEA B82902044 B82902045 B82902042 SAP 100103364 100103365 100103366 120 x 9,3 cm 59,6 x 9,3 cm 80 x 9,3 cm texture KEA B82902047 B82902036 B82902048 KEA B82902053 SAP 100110215 Packaging 1.5 x 2.25 m standard Presentation 1 kit/box KEA B82902035 B82902041 B82902039 70 Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical Presentation 1 grating/box 1 grating/box 1 grating/box Packaging SAP 100103367 100103368 100103369 120 x 9,3 cm 59,6 x 9,3 cm 80 x 9,3 cm Presentation 1 grating/box 1 grating/box 1 grating/box Packaging SAP 100103370 100103371 100103372 120 x 9,3 cm 59,6 x 9,3 cm 80 x 9,3 cm line KEA B82902043 B82902046 B82902040 sun Packaging squared imperband USA kit Presentation 1 grating/box 1 grating/box Presentation 1 grating/box 1 grating/box 1 grating/box Packaging SAP 100103373 100103374 100103375 120 x 9,3 cm 59,6 x 9,3 cm 80 x 9,3 cm Presentation 1 grating/box 1 grating/box 1 grating/box Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical 71 Decoupling and waterproofing lamitech n lamitech n is a multilayer polymer sheet, specially designed for outdoor floors decoupling. Protects tiles against substrate tensions, reducing the risk of breakage and piece lifting. Suitable for outdoor waterproofing. Coextruded HDPE/EVAC membrane, with one side covered with polyester fibers and the other one with polyester entwined felt, that allows laying with cement-based adhesives. Absorbs tensions, reducing their transmission to the ceramic floor. Indoor and outdoor use. Terraces bath environments lamitech n Features: Recommended use: • • • • • • • • • • • Multilayer HDPE/EVAC polymer membrane covered with polyester fibers. Maximum outdoors waterproofing with minimal thickness (3,4 mm · 0.133”). It allows for direct laying of ceramic tiles with cement-based adhesive. Good chemical resistance. Improves impact noise reduction. Quick and easy application. Installation: • • • • • • • anti-cracks refurbishing ceramic showers pools Decoupling of balconies and terraces. Waterproofing of outdoor floors. Laying of ceramics on wood substrates. Laying of floor tiles on cracked substrates. Terrace refurbishing. Laying of ceramics on substrates which are not set yet or present residual damp. Materials: lamitech n sheet is compatible with type C2 cement-based adhesive as per EN 12004. In case of surfaces bigger than the length of the sheet, put tha sheets together, cover the joint with lami-band 200 and glue with C2 adhesive. In waterproofing of floors, lengthen the waterproofing with lami-band 200 at least 10 cm in all the spots where floor meets the wall. In movement joints, use flexible tape waterproof band. Be extremely cautious when connecting the sheet to the drainage systems. Once lamitech n has been installed, cover with the desired covering. Never leave exposed to direct sunlight. • • • TCNA lamitech n Absorbent and non-absorbent ceramic tiles. Porcelain tiles with a water absorption < 0.5% as per EN-ISO 10545-3. Glass mosaic. Natural stone and marble not prone to staining. Substrates: • • • • Certification: 72 terraces Cement or anhydrite covered floors. Concrete slabs. Existing wall tiles. Plywood boards. Packaging KEA B89500011 SAP 100089879 lamitech n B84901005 B84905004 100006217 100006221 200 mm lami-band waterproof band B85900004 B85900005 100072729 100072730 sylastic mortero sylastic aditivo Presentation 5 m · 53.81 sqft reel Europallet 200 m2/pallet 30 m · 322.91 sqft reel 50 m · 164 sqft roll Before using this product in any application not indicated in this catalogue, please perform a test or refer to the product's technical sheet. Unit Unit 73 Raised floors Raised acces flooring Raised acces flooring for exteriors Cli-ker n Cli-ker n exteriors 74 76 82 88 94 75 Technical floors Raised access flooring Raised Access Flooring offices The RAF system from butech is a type of raised technical flooring for projects where you need easy access to the services housed beneath the floor and also an easy and quick piece replacement. Indoor use. This type of flooring consists of a panel with ceramic covering and a galvanized steel frame. Raised access flooring panels: The boards can be of two types: high density chipboard and calcium sulfate. Chipboard core panels: The RAF 38 M panels consist of a porcelain tile on a high density chipboard core (650 kg/m3), 0,15 mm - 0,006 inches thick aluminum foil lower covering and 1 mm thick perimeter edge in black ABS. The piece dimensions are 598x598x50 mm - 234/16 x 234/16x1,969 inches The technical features of the 38 M, according to EN 12825, are: Available in all STON KER 59.6 X 59.6 and URBATEK 60 X 60 models. Calcium sulfate core panels: The RAF 30 S panels consist of a porcelain tile on a high density chipboard core (1450 kg/m3), 0,5 mm - 0,010 inches thick aluminum foil lower covering and 1 mm thick perimeter edge in black ABS. The piece dimensions are 598x598x40 mm - 1ft 1135/64” x 1ft 1135/64” x 1,575 inches. The technical features of the 30 S, according to EN 12825, are: Concentrated load at center of side of the panel (1 mm deflection) Concentrated load at center of side of the panel (1 mm deflection) • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 0.9 kN • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 1.6 kN • With no stringer structure: 0.8 kN • With no stringer structure: 1.4 kN Concentrated load at center of the panel (1 mm deflection): Concentrated load at center of the panel (1 mm deflection): • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 1.9kN • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 2.6kN • With no crosspiece structure: 1.8kN • With no stringer structure: 2.4kN Uniformly distributed static load (1 mm deflection): Uniformly distributed static load (1 mm deflection): • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 8.0 kN/m2 • With MEDIUM type stringer structure: 11.0 kN/m2 • With no crosspiece structure: 7.0 kN/m • With no stringer structure: 10.0 kN/m2 2 Available in all STON KER 59.6 X 59.6 and URBATEK 60 X 60 models. Floor tile section Floor tile section Raised access flooring structure. The whole structure is made of galvanized steel, with no aluminum parts to meet fire protection standards. It consists of pedestals and optional reinforcement stringers. • • Pedestals are the system support, on which RAF panels are laid, and determine the flooring height. For a better fitting of the RAF piece, a semi-rigid plastic joint is installed. Pedestals are bonded to the substrate with polyurethane putty. Medium stringers with longitudinal nerves have an open section and are designed to improve the RAF mechanical resistance and to ease piece replacement. The stringers are screwed to pedestals to improve the system stability and resistance. For further information, refer to the technical sheet. 76 Pedestals Stringers 77 Raised access flooring Ceramic tiles for RAF Ferroker STON-KER SHADING MATT-GLOSS Cemento STON-KER Ferroker Aluminio B113 234/16” x 234/16” Cemento Manhattan Ferroker Platino B113 234/16” x 234/16” B113 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 Cemento Silver B80 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 SHADING MATT Cemento Arena B80 Ceilán Ferroker Níquel 234/16” x 234/16” RECTIF. SHADING Ferroker 234/16” x 234/16” RECTIF. 234/16” x 234/16” B80 STON-KER RECTIF. SHADING MATT STON-KER RECTIF. SHADING MATT Ferroker Titanio B113 234/16” x 234/16” B113 Ceilán Ivory 234/16” x 234/16” Microcemento STON-KER Microcemento Gris 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 78 4/16 Microcemento Silver B80 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 4/16 RECTIF. SHADING MATT Microcemento Blanco B80 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 B80 Blueker Blueker B80 Blueker Acero 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 B80 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 234/16” x 234/16” B80 79 Raised access flooring Ceramic tiles for RAF City RECTIF. City Cube City Studio City Graphic 23 ” x 23 ” Polished B113 23 ” x 23 ” Polished B113 234/16” x 234/16” Polished B113 234/16” x 234/16” Nature B452 234/16” x 234/16” Nature B452 234/16” x 234/16” Nature B452 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 Town RECTIF. Town White Polished B486 23 ” x 23 ” 23 ” x 23 ” Nature B456 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 4/16 Town Black 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 234/16” x 234/16” 80 Town Arena Town Acero 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 Polished Nature B456 234/16” x 234/16” Polished B456 B452 234/16” x 234/16” Nature B452 Town Moka Town Niquel Polished Nature B457 B453 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 234/16” x 234/16” Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Polished Nature B456 234/16” x 234/16” Polished B456 B452 23 ” x 23 ” Nature B452 4/16 4/16 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 81 Technical floors Raised access flooring for exterior Raised Access Flooring exterior The outdoor RAF system from butech is a type of raised flooring for projects where you need to cover outdoor sloping substrates with a flat surface. Outdoor use. This type of flooring consists of a panel with ceramic covering and adjustable height pedestals. Raised access flooring panels: Outdoor RAF panels are made from two porcelain tile pieces chemically glued. This type of panel features no water absorption and high breaking strength: up to 9.8 kN. Available in all anti-slip STON KER, PAR KER and URBATEK models. Format and thickness of each panel depends on the chosen tile from PORCELANOSA Grupo, the usual thickness being 24 mm. Raised access flooring structure. Pedestals are made of weatherproof plastic. They determine the height and the width of the open joint between panels. 4 mm. They adapt to the substrate's slopes thanks to their sloping base. There are two types of pedestals: • • Stackable. 10 to 15 mm - 25/64 to 19/32 inches height. Adjustable height from 50 mm to 490 mm - 131/32 to 199/32 inches. Pedestals are bonded to the substrate with p-404 polyurethane putty. This type of raised flooring produces flat surfaces which outdoors prevent water drainage and this results in a minimum water buildup on the ceramic tiles. For further information, refer to the technical sheet. Plots SAP 100005802 100005803 100005804 100005805 100005794 100005797 100005796 100005798 100005799 100005800 100005801 82 KEA B80305010 B80305011 B80305020 B80305021 B80305001 B80305004 B80305003 B80305005 B80305006 B80305007 B80305008 DESCRIPTION Basic Plot 10 Basic Plot 15 Normal plots 50/70 Normal plots 70/100 Ultra plots 65/100 Ultra plots 100/130 Ultra plots 130/220 Ultra plots 220/310 Ultra plots 310/400 Ultra plots 400/490 Ultra plots 490/580 REGULATION mm 10 15 50 - 70 70 - 100 65 - 100 100 - 130 130 - 220 220 - 310 310 - 400 400 - 490 490 - 580 REGULATION inch 25/64 19/32 131/32 - 23/4 23/4 - 315/16 29/16 - 315/16 315/16 - 51/8 51/8 - 821/32 821/32 - 123/4 123/4 - 153/4 153/4 - 199/32 199/32 - 2213/16 83 Raised access flooring for exterior Ceramic tiles for outdoor RAF Arizona STON-KER Arizona Antracita 16 ”x25 ” 15/16 9/16 Arizona Stone B79 16 ”x25 ” 15/16 9/16 RECTIF. SHADING MATT Aston STON-KER RECTIF. SHADING MATT Arizona Arena B79 1615/16”x259/16” B79 Aston Antracita 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 Aston Silver Aston Arena B80 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 B80 234/16” x 234/16” B80 Arizona Caliza 1615/16”x259/16” B79 Jatoba Aston Acero RECTIF. SHADING MATT 23 ” x 23 ” 4/16 4/16 Aston Caliza B80 234/16” x 234/16” B80 Jatoba Rojo 78/16”x474/16 B110 Jatoba Olivo 78/16”x474/16 B110 Jatoba Wengé 78/16”x474/16 84 Please note this system is available with any format of tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Butech recommends to use anti-slip tiles. B110 Please note this system is available with any format of tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Butech recommends to use anti-slip tiles. 85 Raised access flooring for exterior Ceramic tiles for outdoor RAF Neo Carpatia STON-KER Carpatia Gris 175/16”x2516/16” RECTIF. SHADING RECTIF. MATT Carpatia Black B113 175/16”x2516/16” B113 Tavola Neo Black 2310/16”x2310/16” Texture B455 23 Texture B454 ”x11 10/16 RECTIF. SHADING ” 13/16 MATT Avenue Tavola Foresta Tavola Kenya 8 5/8 “ x 35 3/8 ” B122 5 “ x 35 ” B122 7 “ x 47 ” B100 5/8 5/8 3/8 1/4 RECTIF. 7 5/8 “ x 47 1/4 ” B100 Avenue Gray Tavola Mogano 7 5/8 “ x 47 1/4 ” Tavola Natura B100 Tavola Rovere 7 “ x 47 ” 5/8 1/4 7 5/8 “ x 47 1/4 ” Texture B456 2310/16”x1113/16” Texture B454 Tavola Grigio B100 7 5/8 “ x 47 1/4 ” B100 8 “ x 26” B115 5/8 86 B100 2310/16”x2310/16” Please note this system is available with any format of tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Butech recommends to use anti-slip tiles. Please note this system is available with any format of tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Butech recommends to use anti-slip tiles. 87 Technical floors Cli-ker n CLI-KER n system from butech is a type of removable floor covering for dry installation on leveled substrates. It is installed without the need of adhesives. Indoor use. The CLI-KER n pieces consist of a porcelain tile from PORCELANOSA Grupo, on top, and a plastic layer that acts as a base and bears the joints on the sides of the tile. The pieces are pressed in a mold, and have a 234/16”x234/16” format, with a 16 mm thickness. Available in all STON KER 59.6 X 59.6 and URBATEK 60 X 60 models. Installation is carried out with binding elements that join the pieces mechanically and reversibly, so the system is easy to install and to remove. We recommend to install the floor on a 1,3 mm - 0,051 inches thick and 390gr/m2 latex foam sheet laid directly on the leveled substrate. This system includes: • • • • • Tie for 4 pieces. Height: 5 mm - 0,197 inches. Base for trimming. Height: 5 mm - 0,197 inches. Height raisers. Available in 0.5 and 1 mm - 0,0197 and 0,0394 inches heights. Acoustic foam sheet. Cintex, sealing band for the leveling sheet. For further information, refer to the technical sheet. 88 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. SAP KEA DESCRIPTION 100096030 B81200209 Compensation piece 0,5mm - 0,0197 inches 100096031 B81200207 Compensation piece 1mm - 0,0394 inches 100096038 B81200208 Plug 5mm - 0,197 inches 100102785 B81200228 Catches 5mm - 0,197 inches 100103280 B15901003 Levelling sheet (9mt2) Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 89 Ceramic tiles for Cli-ker n Cli-ker n Ferroker STON-KER DESTONIF MATT-GLOSS Cemento STON-KER RECTIF. SHADING MATT DESTONIF Ferroker 234/16”x234/16” RECTIF. Aluminio B113 234/16”x234/16” Cemento Manhattan Ferroker Platino B113 234/16”x234/16” B113 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 Cemento Silver B80 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 Cemento Arena B80 234/16”x234/16” B80 Ceilán Ferroker Níquel 234/16”x234/16” Ferroker Titanio B113 234/16”x234/16” B113 Ceilán Ivory 234/16”x234/16” Microcemento STON-KER Microcemento Gris 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 90 4/16 Microcemento Silver B80 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 4/16 RECTIF. SHADING MATT B80 Blueker STON-KER Microcemento Blanco B80 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 RECTIF. SHADING MATT Blueker Acero B80 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 B80 Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. 234/16”x234/16” B80 91 Cli-ker n Cli-ker n City RECTIF. City Cube City Studio City Graphic 23 ”x23 ” Polished B113 23 ”x23 ” Polished B113 234/16”x234/16” Polished B113 234/16”x234/16” Nature B452 234/16”x234/16” Nature B452 234/16”x234/16” Nature B452 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 Town RECTIF. Town White Polished B486 23 ”x23 ” 23 ”x23 ” Nature B456 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 4/16 Town Black 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 234/16”x234/16” 92 Town Arena Town Acero 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 4/16 Polished Nature B456 234/16”x234/16” Polished B456 B452 234/16”x234/16” Nature B452 Town Moka Town Niquel Polished Nature B457 B453 23 ”x23 ” 4/16 4/16 234/16”x234/16” Please note this system is available with any 24x24 tile from Porcelanosa, Venis or Urbatek. Polished Nature B456 234/16”x234/16” Polished B456 B452 23 ”x23 ” Nature B452 4/16 4/16 93 Technical floors Cli-ker n exterior CLI-KER n ext system from butech is a type of removable floor covering for dry installation on leveled substrates. It is installed without the need of adhesives. Outdoor use. TheCLI-KER ext pieces consist of a porcelain tile from PORCELANOSA Grupo, on top, and a plastic layer that acts as a base and bears the joints on the sides of the tile. The pieces are pressed in a mold, and have a 175/16”x175/16” format, with a 16 mm - 0,63 inches thickness. The CLI-KER ext system reproduces the substrate's slopes like an outdoor traditional floor covering, but leaving 4 mm - 0,1574 inches wide open joints for water drainage. Installation is carried out with binding elements that join the pieces mechanically and reversibly. This floor covering system reduces the risks of the effects of frost on outdoor ceramic floor coverings, and eases their installation and removal too. For further information, refer to the technical sheet. SAP KEA DESCRIPTION 100096030 B81200209 Compensation piece - 0,5mm 0,0197 inches 100096031 B81200207 Compensation piece 1mm - 0,0394 inches 100104688 B81200234 Plug 10 mm - 25/64 inches 100104533 B81200233 Catches 10 mm - 25/64 inches 100106922 B78141125 Finishing profile Ceramic tiles for Cli-ker n exterior Arizona STON-KER Arizona Antracita 17 ”x17 ” 5/16 94 5/16 RECTIF. SHADING MATT Arizona Caliza B57 175/16”x175/16” B57 95 Key Alphabetic index 44 63 48 50 52 54 88 94 Product family Image of a possible use of the product Product name Eligible Non-eligible Mixed with cl-stuk Symbols for types of substrates Product name Product features Types of applications where the use of the product is recommended Product coverage Product certifications and standards Product name C concealed façade fixings cl-stuk colorstuk 0-4 colorstuk 2-12 colorstuk especial n colorstuk rapid n cli-ker n cli-ker n exterior E 56 epotech 57 epotech aqua I 66 imperband 70 imperband USA kit L 72 lamitech n 68 linear drains 71 linear grid O 41 one-flex n P 62 p-404 42 politech 20 20 14 12 10 pro-mate 5 aluminum pro-mate 5 brass pro-mate 5 chrome pro-mate 5 gold pro-mate 5 SW 21 21 14 12 pro-part aluminum pro-part brass pro-part chrome pro-part gold 21 14 12 22 pro-part Li aluminum pro-part Li chrome pro-part Li gold pro-part stainless steel 37 36 37 36 36 pro-sanit A pro-sanit S1 pro-sanit S3 pro-sanit U1 pro-sanit U2 pro-corner aluminum pro-corner E pro-corner mosaic pro-corner R 32 32 32 32 16 pro-step aluminum pro-step chrome pro-step PVC pro-step stainless steel pro-step W 30 30 30 30 pro-dilata CFC PVC pro-dilata CFL PVC pro-dilata CFM aliminum pro-dilata CFM inox 28 28 28 28 pro-T aluminum pro-T brass pro-T chrome pro-T stainless steel 17 16 14 17 17 16 pro-telo aluminum pro-telo carbono pro-telo mosaic pro-telo recto pro-telo stainless steel pro-telo W chrome 33 pro-flex Types of substrates where the use of the product is recommended 18 pro-mate 2 stainless steel V2A 18 pro-mate 2 stainless steel V4A Type of packaging for the product 19 19 14 19 pro-mate 3 aluminum pro-mate 3 brass pro-mate 3 chrome pro-mate 3 PVC 24 24 25 25 pro-mate 45 aluminum pro-mate 45 brass pro-mate 45 PVC gloss pro-mate 45 PVC II 29 pro-level C aluminum 29 pro-level C brass 29 pro-level R aluminum 67 sylastic T 40 tixocem U 43 unilax V 45 visible façade fixings 34 pro-plint aluminum 34 pro-plint aluminum R 34 pro-plint stainless steel 26 26 26 26 Types of materials where the use of the product is recommended Product picture 25 pro-mate 45 PVC matt 24 pro-mate 45 stainless steel R 76 Raised acces flooring 82 Raised acces flooring for exterior 60 61 58 71 31 31 S s-107 s-107 n self-leveling spacers square grid structural joints AT structural joints BT Kilograms per pallet 96 97 butech building technology, s.a. Ctra. Vila-real - Puebla de Arenoso (CV-20), Km. 2.5 · PO Box 297 · 12540 Villarreal, Castellón - SPAIN. Telephone (+34) 964 53 62 00 · Fax: (+34) 964 53 00 34 · E-mail: · 122012 CALIFORNIA - CONNECTICUT - FLORIDA - GEORGIA - ILLINOIS - MARYLAND NEW JERSEY - NEW YORK - TEXAS - MASSACHUSETTS - PENNSYLVANIA
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