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Print out a full copy - Vermont Crafts Council
Vermont Crafts Council Presents 2013 Here are just a few of the wonderful sights you’ll see as you tour Vermont during Open Studio Weekend. This event is a celebration of the creative process and the work spaces of Vermont visual artists, who welcome you behind the scenes during these two days. October 5 + 6 10 am. - 5 pm. Visit 130 Artisans in 127 locations across Vermont Front Cover Abbey Dreyer from Mud Studio Right page Turned bowls by Gerry Martin Stone birdbath by Kenny Hamblin Kenny Hamblin and father. Glass flowers by Vermont Glass Workshop Welcome to the third Vermont Fall Open Studio Weekend October 5 and 6, 2013. Vermont Floorcloths and Fiber Arts Sandy Ducharme Floorcloths, Hooked Rugs 116 In this booklet, find information about 130 craftspeople, artists, and galleries, and directions to 127 sites. Please use this guide in conjunction with our website, where pictures, and links to participants’ e-mail and websites can be found. Waterfall Quilts Kathie Alyce Contemporary Quilts 122 During Open Studio Weekend, all sites are open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. After Open Studio Weekend, please call ahead before visiting. How to Use This Guide This guide is organized by county with all sites in the county numbered consecutively. The locater centerfold map shows the counties. The Index Locate a specific person or type of studio/site in the index. The index is organized by medium and the listings are alphabetical by maker name or business name. The number in the listing refers to the location number not the page number. Find the corresponding directions by paging through the book or look for the number on the centerfold map page and then go to the county section. A Few Important Points... The site locations on the county maps are only approximate especially where many studios are located close together. Please read the directions and look for yellow wayfinder signs as you get close to the sites. About Google maps and GPS: These work well in urban areas but not so well in rural areas. Also, there are still places in Vermont without cell service. When in doubt, follow our directions. Martha Fitch, Executive Director Vermont Crafts Council *"ÊÝÊÎn]ÊÌ«iiÀ]Ê6/ÊäxÈä£ÊUÊÛÌ£VÀ>vÌÃJ>°VÊUÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓÎÎÎnä Fall 2013 Artist Index Mill Village Pottery Lynn Flory Functional Pottery 99 CLAY Tiles, Pottery, Sculpture Ranz, Jennifer Ceramics, Watercolors 107 Homann, Tom Functional Pottery 52 Rising Meadow Pottery Nicholas Seidner, Diane Rosenmiller Jeremy Ayers Pottery Jeremy Ayers Functional Stoneware 126 34 Linda B Pottery Linda Bouchard Bracken Colorful Pottery 123 59 Meinhardt Design, Inc Jean Meinhardt Functional Porcelain 67 2 Robert Compton Pottery Robert Compton Sarah Russell Pottery Sarah Russell Functional Pottery 101 Smith-Hunter Studio Susan Smith-Hunter Ceramic Sculpture 48 The Potter Stone David Stone Burnished, Functional Pottery 39 Town Hill Pottery Todd Wahlstrom, Aysha Peltz Studio Pottery 27 Well Centered Clay Cheryl Alwine Wheel-thrown Pottery 86 David Stone at the entrance to his Cuttingsville studio. FIBER Weaving, Dyeing, Quilting, Crochet Barnyard Quilting Sharon Petersen Quilting, Fabric 1 Bonnie’s Bundles Dolls Bonnie Watters Cloth Dolls 17 Carol Crawford Handweaver Carol Crawford Fine Handweaving 95 Charuby Studios Ruby and Ken Leslie Weaving, Artist Books 110 Dawn Cogger Crochet Dawn Cogger Wearable Crochet 111 Pine Ledge Fiber Studio Joanne Littler Spinning, Weaving 90 Shullenberger, Dianne Fiber, Colored Pencil 76 Wind’s Edge Studio Marion Philipsen Seasholtz Quilts, Wall Hangings 97 Windmill Hill Alpaca Farm and Artisanry Laura Solomon Alpaca, Knits 19 GLASS Stained, Fused, Blown Borealis Studios Jerilyn Virden Devin Burgess Clay, Glass 106 John Chiles Glass John Chiles Blown Glass 49 Readsboro Glassworks Mary Angus K. William LeQuier Blown Glass 28 Seasholtz Glass Design Matt Seasholtz Blown Glass 96 Vermont Glass Workshop Harry and Wendy Besett Handblown Glass 109 METALS Jewelry, Sculpture, Forged Akweley Design Rita Agyemang Africa-inspired Jewelry 57 Blackthorne Forge Steven C Bronstein Sculptural Ironwork 121 Danforth Pewter Workshop and Store Judi and Fred Danforth Handcrafted Pewter 53 Gerald K. Stoner Gerry Stoner Steel Sculpture 78 Huntington River Smithy Jim Fecteau Metalwork, Blacksmith 66 Karpius, Ron Metals, Paintings 22 Lori Yarrow Designs Lori Yarrow Handcrafted Jewelry 68 Nance Dean Jewelry Nance Dean Silver Jewelry 35 Newcomb Design Lynn Newcomb Sculpture, Printmaking 117 Champlainia Liz Reardon Sea Glass Jewelry 91 Daryl V. Storrs Artworks Daryl Storrs Colorful Landscapes 65 OTHER MEDIA Dry Brook Studio Heidi Hammell Collages 32 Green Mountain Pressed Flowers Ellie Roden Pressed Flower Art Deborah Holmes Watercolors Deborah Holmes Watercolors, Landscapes 105 25 Strick, Meta Mixed Media, Dolls 93 PAINTING Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture Amicus Studio Amy Cook Abstract Paintings 83 Anne Cady Paintings Anne Cady Landscape Paintings 61 Arnold, Louise Landscape Paintings 104 Berman, Simi Colorful Expressionist Paintings 20 Don Ross Photography Don Ross Photography, Fine Art 46 Gail Salzman Studio Gail Salzman Abstract Oil Painting 92 Hawley, Molly Portraits, Landscapes 50 Howard Hill Road Art Studio Martha Nichols Representational Landscapes 18 Jackson, Rory Oil Paintings 56 Jo MacKenzie Watercolors Jo MacKenzie Watercolor Paintings 120 Kolb, Kathleen Realist Paintings 55 Brickhouse Studios Inc John Churchman Photographic Images 79 Little Cricket Photography Janie Dumas Dramatic Photography 11 Carol E.S. MacDonald Carol MacDonald, Printmaking 82 Lorraine C. Manley - Artist Lorraine Manley Landscape Paintings 84 Curtis, Joan Mixed Media Artwork 45 3 Lyna Lou Line Lyna Lou Nordstrom Printmaking, Fabric Art 70 Peter Huntoon Vermont Artist Peter Huntoon Watercolor and Oil Paintings 36 VanNatta Gallery Lynn VanNatta Plein Air Paintings 7 Lynn D. Pratt Watercolors Lynn Pratt Watercolor Paintings 33 Richard Cofrancesco Photography Richard Cofrancesco Panoramic Photography 16 Vermont H’Art Shanley Triggs Watercolor Painting 87 Mary Ann Duffy Godin Watercolors Mary Ann Duffy Godin Watercolor Paintings 85 Medana Gabbard Gallery Medana Gabbard Folkart Paintings 43 Melissa C Storrow Missy Storrow Paintings, Photography 118 Mike Mayone Fine Art Mike Mayone Paintings, Prints 51 Millarc, Mareva Non-Objective Paintings 37 Moosewalk Studios and Gallery Gary Eckhart Roarke Sharlow Watercolors, Photography 127 Patty Sgrecci - Mobiles and More Patty Sgrecci Kinetic Sculpture 47 Pikku LLC Valerie Chase/Ormiston Home Furnishings 113 4 Riley, Howard Nelson Folk Art 80 Robert O’Brien Watercolors Robert J. O’Brien AWS Watercolor Paintings 14 Robert Sydorowich Artist Robert Sydorowich Vermont Paintings 13 Robertson, Phillip Printmaking, Landscapes phillipsworkspace.blogspot.com108 Vermont Vantage Point Gail Barton Colorful, Varied 6 Watercolors by Nancy Lent Lanoue Nancy Lanoue Watercolor Paintings 8 Ye Olde Sign Shoppe Bill & Jen Kaigle Handpainted Signs 88 Roosevelt Fine Art Michael Roosevelt Limited Edition Prints 103 Sean Dye Studio Sean Dye Oils, Pastels 69 Stephen Beattie Photography Stephen Beattie Nature Photography 81 Trillium Art & Beyond Yinglei Zhang Chinese Painting 54 Urie, Kristin Watercolor, Mixed Media 100 STONE On The Rocks Christopher Cleary Carved Stone 75 Stone Revival Julian Isaacson Sculpture, Tiles 3 Stonepuddles Frank Sprague Stone Birdbaths 24 Vermont Stone Cross Company Kenny Hamblin IV Birdbaths, Benches 5 PAPER Books, Collage Blue Roof Designs Elissa Campbell Bookbinding, Paper 124 Furniture In Recovery Robin Taft Upcycled Furniture 41 Adamant Community Art Center Janet MacLeod Paintings, Crafts 119 Toby Fulwiler Wooden Bowls Artist In Residence Artist Cooperative 94 Miller’s Thumb Gallery Fine Art, Craft 102 ArtisTree Community Arts Center and Gallery Painting, Landscapes 4 Outerlands Gallery Ross Sheehan Contemporary, Abstract Art 63 EDUCATION CENTERS Artists’ Mediums Four Artists 71 The Mud Studio Functional Pottery 125 Brandon Artists Guild Group Show 44 Stephanie Stouffer Studio and Gallery Decorative Artwork 38 Richard Ducharme Adirondack Furniture 115 Nature’s Turn, LLC Gerry Martin Wood Bowls 40 Brandon artist, Patty Sgrecci, with one of her mobiles. Rich DeTrano Woodturner Rich DeTrano Artistic Woodturnings 12 Bob Gasperetti, Furniture Makers Bob Gasperetti Custom Furniture 31 Rockledge Farm Woodworks Scott Duffy Custom Furniture 9 River Arts Arts Center 98 Craft Barn Ellen Chase Many Artists, Artisans 112 Vermont Woodworking School Sanderson’s Wooden Bowls Sam and Weeza Sanderson Wooden Bowls 114 Fine Furniture Creative Space Gallery Many Media 62 Clear Lake Furniture Makers Brent Karner Furniture Workshop 10 Dale Helms - Fine Furniture Dale Helms Contemporary Furniture 60 Skunk Hollow Studios Russ Fellows Multi-laminate Woodturning 77 Fiddlehead at Four Corners Gallery, Art 29 Gallery at the VAULT Art Gallery 15 Hillcrest Adirondack Furniture M. J. Amsden Furniture Michael Amsden Furniture, Upholstery 42 Epoch - 18 Vermont Artisans Cooperative Gallery 30 Art on Main Vermont Craft 58 73 WOOD Furniture, Vessels, Carving Carl Newton, Bentwood Box Maker Carl Newton Shaker Boxes 74 Todd Wahlstrom trims a pot in his Whitingham studio. GALLERIES Eric Sprenger Fine Woodwork Eric Sprenger Contemporary Furniture 26 89 White River Craft Center Working Studios 2 The Art of Humor Gallery Skip Morrow Humorous Art 23 Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2 Craft Gallery 21 Emile A. Gruppe Gallery Fine Art, Crafts 72 Vermont Hardwood Sculpture JH Clarke Hardwood Sculpture 64 Handwoven scarf by Ruby Leslie of Hardwick. 5 Orange and Windsor County 30th ANNUAL Weston Craft Show October 11, 12, 13: 10 am–5 pm Weston Playhouse 2OUTEs7ESTON64 ORANGE COUNTY Regional Information Center A. White River Craft Center. 50 Randolph Ave, Randolph VT 05060. (802) 728-8912. 1. Barnyard Quilting - Sharon Petersen. Custom and machine quilting, quilts, totes. PO Box 162, 232 Rte 5N, Fairlee VT 05046. näÓ®ÊÎÎÎÎxÈÈ°ÊÀÊ£ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£xÊ>ÀiiÊ iÝÌ®°ÊÊ/ÕÀÊi>ÃÌÊ>`Ê}Ê>ÊviÜÊ Õ`Ài`ÊÞ>À`ÃÊÌÊ>Ê stop sign. Wing’s Market will be across the road. /ÕÀÊivÌÊÀÌ ®ÊÊ,ÌiÊx°ÊÊÊ>LÕÌÊä°ÓxÊiÊ and shop will be on the right, just before the feed store and across the road from the public library. 2. White River Craft Center Kimball House. Photography, weaving, woodworking. 50 ,>`« ÊÛi]Ê,>`« Ê6/ÊäxäÈä°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇÓn n£Ó°Ê/>iÊnÊiÝÌÊ{Ê>`Ê}ÊÜiÃÌÊ`Ü ®ÊÊ Rte 66 for 2.5 miles to the stop sign. Continue ÌÊÌ iÊ ÕLiÀ>`Ê>ÀÃÊ>`ÊLi>ÀÊivÌÊ,ÌiÊ£Ó-®Ê over the bridge and into Randolph. At the end of the downtown block, turn left onto Merchant’s Row and go to the stop sign. Proceed straight ahead onto Randolph Avenue. The White River Craft Center is on the hill straight ahead at 50 Randolph Ave. Parking is available up the driveway to the right of the WRCC sign. WINDSOR COUNTY Regional Information Centers B. Collective - The Art of Craft. 47 Central St, Woodstock VT 05091. (802) 457-1298. C. Gallery at the VAULT. 68 Main St, Springfield VT 05156. (802) 885-7111. 6 3. Stone Revival - Julian Isaacson. Works in the round, marble, hardwood, tiles. PO Box xäÇ]Ê*ÌÌÃvi`Ê6/ÊäxÇÈÓ°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\Ê£Îx{Ê ,ÌiÊ£ää°Ê-ÌVLÀ`}iÊ6/ÊäxÇÇÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇ{Èn££ä°Ê From Rutland, travel east on Rte 4 and turn north ÌÊ,ÌiÊ£ää°ÊÊ£äÊiÃÊÊ,ÌiÊ£ääÊ>`ÊÜiÊ>ÀiÊ on the right. From I-89, take exit 3, go west on Rte 107, bear left at the juncture of Rte 107 and Rte 100, and we are 0.5 mile on the left. From Waitsfield, travel south on Rte 100 about 25 miles and find us on the left. 4. ArtisTree Community Arts Center and Gallery - Adrian Tans. Representational painting, landscapes, Vermont, Japan. £ÓäÈÊ6/Ê,ÌiÊ£Ó]Ê7`ÃÌVÊ6/Êäx䣰ÊnäÓ®Ê{xÇ 3500. From downtown Woodstock, head north on Rte 12 for 0.8 miles. The gallery will be on the left. It is located 0.5 miles past Billings Farm and Museum. 5. Vermont Stone Cross Company - Kenny Hamblin IV. Benches, birdbaths, vases, lamps, frames. *"ÊÝÊÎÎ]Ê>ÀÌ>`Ê6/Êäxä{°ÊnäÓ®Ê 436-2526. Located at 24 Hamblin Rd, Hartland. "Ê£ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊÊ>ÀÌ>`®°ÊvÊÌÀ>Ûi}ÊÃÕÌ Ê on I-91, take a right. If traveling north on I-91, take a left off the exit. Drive 0.5 mile to Rice Rd on the left. Turn left onto Rice Rd and travel for about 2.5 miles to Hamblin Hill Rd. Turn left and our studio is at the end of that road, about 0.25 mile. 6. Vermont Vantage Point Gail Barton. Mixed media, representational, abstract, paintings, baskets. ÓÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê7`ÃÀÊ6/Êäxän°ÊnäÓ®Ê 674-2411. From I-91, take exit 9 and travel south ÌÊ7`ÃÀ°ÊÊ>ÊV>Ìi`ÊÊ>Ê-ÌÊÊ7`ÃÀÊ before the first stop light, in a large peach colored Victorian house with a wrap around porch. 7. VanNatta Gallery - Lynn VanNatta. Oil paintings, plein air, animals.Êx{ÎÊ- >ÌÌÕVÊÊ ,`]ÊÀÜÃÛiÊ6/ÊäxäÎÇ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{n{ÇÓxΰÊÀÊ Woodstock, go south on Rte 106 and turn off at Rte 44. Pass the animal shelter and turn left onto - >ÌÌÕVÊ°IÊ"Ê£Ê}}ÊÃÕÌ ÊÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊÊ and go left off the ramp. Follow signs to Windsor. Ê7`ÃÀÊViÌiÀÊ>ÌÊ ÕLiÀ>`Ê>ÀîÊ}Ê right onto Rte 44, and continue past Ascutney ÕÌ>Ê,iÃÀÌ]ÊÌ ÀÕÊÀÜÃÛi°Ê- >ÌÌÕVÊÊ Road is on the right about 3 miles past the post vvVi°ÊIÊ"Ê£Ê}}ÊÀÌ ]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊnÊ>`Ê}Ê right off ramp. Take the first left onto Rte 5, then Li>ÀÊivÌÊÊ,ÌiÊ{{]ÊÌ iÊLi>ÀÊivÌÊÊ,ÌiÊ{{°ÊÊ past Ascutney Mountain Resort, into Brownsville 6>}i°Ê- >ÌÌÕVÊÊ,`ÊÃÊÊÌ iÊÀ} ÌÊ>LÕÌÊÎÊ iÃÊ«>ÃÌÊÌ iÊ«ÃÌÊvvVi°ÊI6> >ÌÌ>Ê>iÀÞÊÃÊ the left at the top of the hill. 8. Watercolors by Nancy Lent Lanoue - Nancy Lanoue. Original scenic watercolors of farms and nature. Ç£{Ê-ÌV iÜ>Õ}Ê/À>]Ê-«À}vi`Ê 6/Êäx£xÈ°ÊnäÓ®ÊnnxÈ£xÈ°Ê >VÞÊÜÊLiÊà Ü}Ê >ÌÊÞÊ6>>ÌÌ>½ÃÊÃÌÕ`]Êx{ÎÊ- >ÌÌÕVÊÊ,`]Ê Brownsville VT 05037. Follow directions in #7. 9. Rockledge Farm Woodworks Scott Duffy. Hand-crafted wood furniture and home accessories. 58 Ascutney Basin Road, 7i>Ì iÀÃvi`]Ê6/ÊäxäÈÓ°Ênää®ÊÈxÎÓÇää°ÊÀÊ I-89, take exit 1 and go west on Rte 4 until it iiÌÃÊ,ÌiÊ£äÈÊÊ7`ÃÌV°ÊÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊ 106 for 15.3 miles. Turn left on Ascutney Basin Rd. From exit 8 on I-91, go west on Rte 131 for 7 miles to the junction of Rtes 131 and 106. Turn right on Rte 106 and travel for 2.5 miles to Ascutney Basin Rd. Watch for our sign. 10. Clear Lake Furniture Makers Brent Karner. Hardwood furniture showroom, upholstery, workshop. 322 Rte 100 North, Õ`ÜÊ6/Êäx£{°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓnnÎx°Ê7iÊ>ÀiÊ minutes from Okemo Mountain. From Rte 103 north, take Rte 100 north. Clear Lake Furniture is 0.5 mile up on the right - a big red barn, clearly marked. 11. Little Cricket Photography Janie Dumas. Bold, dramatic, detailed, expressive photography. 4219 E Hill Rd, Ludlow VT äx£{°ÊnäÓ®ÊxxnÈÎÓΰÊ-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\ÊÓÓÊ-Ì Ê -Ì]ÊÕ`ÜÊ6/°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊ£äÎ]Ê>Ê-ÌÊÊÌ iÊ middle of Ludlow, turn at the light onto N Depot -ÌÊ>`ÊÌ iÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ-Ì Ê-Ì°Ê`ÊÕÃÊÊÌ iÊ left side of the street. The photo gallery is in the building at the end of the driveway. 12. Rich DeTrano Woodturner Rich DeTrano. Woodturnings, hollow vessels, demonstrations, tools. 488 Andover Rd, Õ`ÜÊ6/Êäx£{°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓnnn{°Ê/>iÊ,ÌiÊ£äÎÊ ÊÕ`ÜÊÌÊ,ÌiÊ£ää-ÊvÀÊ>LÕÌÊÓÊiÃÊÌÊ>ÊivÌÊ fork at Andover Rd. Take Andover Rd for about 1 mile to #488 on the right. 1Ê-Ì]Ê>`ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ À>}ÕiÊÊ,`°ÊvÌiÀÊ about 1.5 miles, turn right onto Massey Rd at the yield sign. We are in the first house on the left. ÀÊÕ`Ü]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊLiÀÊÊ>ÃÃiÌÌÃÊ ÌÊ,ÌiÊ£äÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊÌÜ>À`ÃÊ-«À}vi`°Ê,ÌiÊ £äÊLiViÃÊ,ÌiÊ££ÊÊ °Ê-«À}vi`°Ê/ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ at the light. The Plaza will be on your left and V>`½ÃÊÊÞÕÀÊÀ} Ì°ÊÊÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊLiÀ°Ê ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ1Ê-Ì]Ê>`ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ À>}ÕiÊ Hill Rd. After about 1.5 miles, turn right onto Massey Rd at the yield sign. We are in the first house on the left. 17. Bonnie’s Bundles Dolls Bonnie Watters. See and touch 75 original handmade cloth dolls.ÊÓxäÊ ÀÌ Ê-Ì]Ê,ÌiÊ£äÎ ]Ê iÃÌiÀÊ6/Ê äx£{ΰÊnäÓ®ÊnÇxÓ££{°ÊÀÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ Chester, at the intersection of Rte 103 and Rte ££]ÊÌ>iÊ,ÌiÊ£äÎÊÀÌ ÊvÀÊiÊiÊÌÊÌ iÊ-ÌiÊ 6>}iÊ>ÊVÕÃÌiÀÊvÊÌiÊ ÃÌÀVÊÃÌiÊÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀiî°Ê Our stone house/studio is the last one on the À} Ì]Ê`>}>ÞÊ««ÃÌiÊÌ iÊÀÃÌÊ1ÛiÀÃ>ÃÌÊ Parish. 18. Howard Hill Road Art Studio Martha Nichols. Large and small semi-abstract landscapes. PO Box 726, Chester VT 05143. näÓ®ÊnÇx{Înä°ÊV>Ì\Ê££xÓÊÜ>À`ÊÊ,`]Ê Andover. In Chester, travel west on Rte 11 for about 6.5 miles. Turn left onto Howard Hill Rd and go 1.2 miles up the road to the studio sign on the right. Turn right up the driveway to the studio. 13. Robert Sydorowich Artist Robert Sydorowich. Original Vermont landscape paintings. 4219 E Hill Rd, Andover VT 05143. näÓ®ÊnÇxΣx{°ÊÀÊÕ`Ü]ÊÌ>iÊ,ÌiÊ£ääÊÃÕÌ Ê vÀÊÎÊiÃÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÊ`ÛiÀÊ,>`°ÊÊÓÊ miles to the studio. From Chester, at the green, Ì>iÊ,ÌiÊ££ÊÜiÃÌÊΰÈÊiðÊÊÀ} ÌÊÊ`ÛiÀÊ Rd for 3 miles, make a right on East Hill Rd, and go 4.2 miles to the studio. 14. Robert O’Brien Watercolors Robert O’Brien. Watercolor paintings and prints. 2811 Weathersfield Center Rd, Perkinsville VT äx£x£°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÈÎÎ{°Ê/>iÊiÝÌÊnÊÊ£Ê>`Ê turn west onto Rte 131 for about 2 miles. Turn left on Weathersfield Center Rd, and go up the hill for 2.5 miles to the studio which is on the left in a red house. 15. Gallery at the VAULT Vermont State Craft Center. Local and regional fine arts, exceptional artisans. ÈnÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê-«À}vi`Ê6/Ê äx£xÈ°ÊnäÓ®ÊnnxÇ£££°ÊÀÊ£]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊÇÊ>`Ê travel west 3.8 miles on Rte 11 into downtown -«À}vi`°Ê61/ÊÜÊLiÊÊÞÕÀÊÀ} Ì]Ê>ÌÊÈnÊ >Ê-ÌÀiiÌ]ÊiÝÌÊÌʺxÈÊ>]Ê/ iÊ,iÃÌ>ÕÀ>Ì»°Ê From Chester, take Rte 11 east into downtown -«À}vi`°Ê61/ÊÜÊLiÊÊÞÕÀÊivÌ° 16. Richard Cofrancesco Photography - Richard Cofrancesco. Landscapes and surreal prints on aluminium. 100 Massey Rd, -«À}vi`Ê6/Êäx£xÈ°ÊnäÓ®Ênnx££xÈ°ÊÀÊ£Ê iÝÌÊÇÉ-«À}vi`]Ê}ÊÌÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ-«À}vi`]Ê about 3 miles. At the light, turn left, cross the LÀ`}iÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÕ«Ê*>ÀÊ-Ì°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ Fine custom designed furniture and woodenware Made from Vermont Hardwoods and Burls p Handmade in our Farm Workshops Please visit our Gallery! Weathersfield, Vermont 1.800.653.2700 O r v i sit u s onl i ne 7 Windham and Bennington County 21. Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2. Distinct, unique, eclectic Vermont crafts. 106 >Ê-Ì]ÊÀ>ÌÌiLÀÊ6/ÊäxÎ䣰ÊnäÓ®ÊÓxÇÇä{{°Ê From I-91, take exit 1 and go east on Rte 5 to >Ê-Ì°Ê`ÊÕÃÊÊÌ iÊivÌÊÃ`iÊViÊÌ iÊÃÌÀiiÌÊ levels out. Additional parking behind the gallery. 22. Ron Karpius. Metalwork and paintings, copper, brass, weathervanes.ÊÓxÊÀiii>vÊ-Ì]Ê À>ÌÌiLÀÊ6/ÊäxÎ䣰ÊnäÓ®ÊÓxnÓÎÈ{°ÊÀÊ£]Ê take exit 2 and turn right onto Rte 9W. Drive about 1.25 miles and look for a 7-11 store on Ì iÊivÌÊiÝÌÊÌÊÀiii>vÊ-ÌÀiiÌ°ÊÊ/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ Àiii>v°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊ>Êä°xÊiÊÌÊÞÊ`ÀÛiÜ>ÞÊ on the right. Parking on top, more down below. /À>Ûi}ÊvÀÊÌ iÊÜiÃÌÊÊ,ÌiÊ]Êv`ÊÀiii>vÊ -ÌÀiiÌÊÊÌ iÊÀ} ÌÊiÝÌÊÌÊÌ iÊiÌÀÞÊvÊÌ iÊÇ££Ê store. 23. The Art of Humor Gallery - Skip Morrow. Seriously funny fine art gallery. PO Box 123, ÎäÊ ÌÊ,`]Ê7}ÌÊ6/ÊäxÎÈΰÊnäÓ®Ê 464-5523. From I-91 take exit 2 in Brattleboro to Rte 9 west toward Wilmington and go about 17 miles. When you reach the top of Hog Back Mountain you will see a 100 mile view on your left. Travel another 1.5 miles and turn right onto >iÊ,>«`>Ê,`°ÊÊä°xÊiÃÊÌ iÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ onto Ware Rd. Proceed 0.3 mile and turn right ÌÊ ÌÊ,`°ÊÊ«>ÃÌÊiÊ ÕÃiÊÊÌ iÊivÌ°Ê / iÊÀ>`Êi`ÃÊ>ÌÊ/ iÊÀÌÊvÊÕÀÊ>iÀÞÊ>`Ê the Brass Bed B&B. WINDHAM COUNTY Regional Information Center D. Vermont Artisan Designs & Gallery 2. 106 Main St, Brattleboro VT 05301. (802) 257-7044. 19. Windmill Hill Alpaca Farm and Artisanry Laura Solomon. Alpaca handspun, handknit, natural colors. n{ÓÊÀ>ÃÃÞÊÀÊ,`]ÊÀiÊ 6/ÊäxÎ{x°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎ{nÎää°ÊÀÊÀ>ÌÌiLÀ]Ê follow Rte 30 north for about 12 miles to Newfane. From Newfane Common, continue £ÊiÊÀÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊÎäÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊi>ÃÌ®Ê>ÌÊ Radway Hill Rd. Travel 4.6 miles as Radway Hill LiViÃÊÀ>ÃÃÞÊÀÊ,`°Ê ÌÕiÊÊÀ>ÃÃÞÊ Brook and pass the elementary school on the right. We are exactly 1.2 miles beyond the school on the right with 842 on the mailbox. Look for the Alpaca sign and turn right into the driveway and park. Heidi Hammell works on collages in her West Pawlet studio. 8 20. Simi Berman. Paintings, prints, collages, photo montage, cards. £ÎÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê,ÊÈä]Ê À>ÌÌiLÀÊ6/ÊäxÎ䣰ÊnäÓ®ÊÓxÇÎääÓ°Ê"Ê£]Ê take exit 2 and turn east onto Western Ave/Rte 9. /À>ÛiÊÌÊÌÃÊÕVÌÊÜÌ Ê,ÌiÊxÉ>Ê-Ì°ÊÌiÀÊ through the glass doors from the alley which is slightly to the right of this junction on the east side of the street. Find me upstairs one flight at # 609. 24. Stonepuddles - Frank Sprague. Garden art, birdbaths, benches, metals.ÊÓÓÊ-ÌÜiÊÊ ,`]Ê7}ÌÊ6/ÊäxÎÈΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎnä{În°ÊÊ Wilmington at the only red light at the junction of Rte 9 and Rte 100N, go north on Rte 100, 0.5 iÊÌÊ>ÊÃ} ÌÊÀ} ÌÊÊÌÊ-ÌÜiÊÊ,`°Ê/À>ÛiÊ 0.2 mile to the big red shop on the left. 25. Green Mountain Pressed Flowers - Ellie Roden. Pressed flower creations; originals, prints, cards and bookmarks. 32 Ray Hill Rd, 7}ÌÊ6/ÊäxÎÈΰÊnäÓ®Ê{È{xÓÈx°Ê"Ê£Ê Ì>iÊiÝÌÊÓÊÊÀ>ÌÌiLÀ°ÊÊÜiÃÌÊÊ,ÌiÊÊvÀÊ £nÊiðÊÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÌ iÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊ of Wilmington and take an immediate right turn at Dot’s Restaurant onto Ray Hill Rd. My house is the fifth house on the left, white with green shutters. The studio is around the back. 26. Eric Sprenger Fine Woodwork - Eric Sprenger. Handmade, original, contemporary furniture. 72 Castle Hill Rd, Wilmington 6/ÊäxÎÈΰÊnäÓ®Ê{È{nÎÓ°ÊÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ Wilmington, Rte 9 intersects with Rte 100. At the ÌiÀÃiVÌ]ÊÌÕÀÊÌÊ-ÕÌ Ê>Ê-ÌÊÜ V Ê}ÃÊ slightly left and becomes Castle Hill Rd. Travel about 0.3 mile to my studio on the left. 27. Town Hill Pottery - Aysha Peltz and Todd Wahlstrom. Wheel thrown porcelain and stoneware pottery. 612 Town Hill Rd, 7 Ì} >Ê6/ÊäxÎÈ£°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎÈnÓnäÇ°Ê/À>Ûi}Ê from Brattleboro on Rte 9W, turn left onto Rte £ää-ÊÊ7}ÌÊ>`Ê}ÊΰÈÊiðÊ/ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ onto the Wilmington Cross Rd and continue to ÌÃÊi`Ê>ÌÊ,ÌiÊ£ää°Ê ÀÃÃÊ,ÌiÊ£ääÊÌÊ`ÜÊ ,`ÊÃ}Ê>ÃÊÃ>ÞÃÊÀ} >Ê9Õ}ÊÕiÌ®°Ê Êä°ÈÊiÊÌÊÌ iÊÕVÌÊvÊ`ÜÊ,`Ê>`Ê /ÜÊÊ,`°ÊÊ£ääÊviiÌÊvÕÀÌ iÀ]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÕ«Ê>Ê gravel driveway to a large red metal building. BENNINGTON COUNTY Regional Information Center E. Epoch - 18 Vermont Artisans. 4927 Main St, Manchester Center VT 05255. (802) 768-9711. 28. Mary Angus and K. William LeQuier Readsboro Glassworks. Handblown glass and glass sculpture.ÊÈx{Ê>Ê-Ì]Ê,i>`ÃLÀÊ 6/ÊäxÎxä°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÓÎÇÇäÈ°Ê/À>Ûi}ÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ Rte 100 from Whitingham, we are located in the center of Readsboro, one and a half blocks past the Readsboro Inn, on the left hand side of Main -Ì]ÊÜiÀÊiÛi° 29. Fiddlehead at Four Corners. Magnificent collection of American craft and art. ÎÎnÊ>Ê-Ì]Êi}ÌÊ6/ÊäxÓ䣰ÊnäÓ®Ê{{Ç£äää°Ê Located at the intersection of Rtes 7 and 9 in downtown Bennington, less than an hour from Albany, the Berkshires, and Rutland. 30. Epoch - 18 Vermont Artisans. Sophisticated, fine craft, whimsical, artful. {ÓÇÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê>V iÃÌiÀÊ iÌiÀÊ6/ÊäxÓxx°Ê näÓ®ÊÇÈnÇ££°ÊÊ>V iÃÌiÀÊ iÌiÀ]Êv`ÊÕÃÊÊ >Ê-/É,ÌiÊÇÊÊÌ iÊÃ>iÊÃ`iÊvÊÌ iÊÃÌÀiiÌÊ>ÃÊ the Northshire Bookstore. Gallery at the VAULT Visual Art Using Local Talent Over 125 Vermont and Regional Craftspeople… and Fine Art 68 Main Street, Springfield VT (802) 885-7111 Open Tuesday–Saturday, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Top: Scenes from the studio of David Stone, potter. Above: Bonnie Watters shares a sewing technique with a young visitor to her doll studio. 9 Rutland County Regional Information Centers F. Chaffee Art Center. 16 South Main St, Rutland VT 05701. (802) 775-0356. G. Brandon Artists Guild. 7 Center St (Rte 7), Brandon VT 05733. (802) 247-4956. 31. Bob Gasperetti, Furniture Makers - Bob Gasperetti. Handmade custom furniture, original and reproduction. n{nÊ-ÕÌ Ê`Ê,`]Ê ÕÌÊ/>LÀÊ6/ÊäxÓxΰÊnäÓ®ÊÓÎx£x°Ê/À>Ûi}Ê south on Rte 7, go 2.1 miles past the main ÌiÀÃiVÌÊÌÊ>LÞ°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ-ÕÌ Ê`Ê Rd. Traveling north on Rte 7, go 2.3 miles past Ì iÊiÌÀ>ViÊÌÊiÀ>`Ê>iÊ-Ì>ÌiÊ*>ÀÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊ À} ÌÊÌÊ-ÕÌ Ê`Ê,`°Ê"Ê-ÕÌ Ê`Ê,`ÊÜiÊ are 0.9 mile on the right. 32. Dry Brook Studio - Heidi Hammell. Studio featuring 2” x 2” collages. 134 Bauer Rd, West *>ÜiÌÊ6/ÊäxÇÇx°ÊnäÓ®ÊÈ{xäx£°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊ 30, turn onto Rte 153. Follow Rte 153 through the town of West Pawlet south toward Rupert. About 1.0 mile outside of town is a dirt road on the left called Heatherington Road. Turn onto Heatherington Rd and follow it until it forks. Turn onto the right fork, which is Bauer Road. I am the second house on the right on Bauer Road. 33. Lynn D. Pratt Watercolors - Lynn Pratt. Watercolors, paintings, prints, cards. 4268 ,ÌiÊÎä]Ê*>ÜiÌÊ6/ÊäxÇÈ£°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎÓxÎÓxÇ°ÊÀÊ >V iÃÌiÀ]Ê}ÊÀÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊÎä°Ê9ÕÊÜÊ}Ê through Dorset and Rupert. When you get to the center of Pawlet, follow Rte 30 as it turns to the left, and you will pass the Barn Restaurant ÊÞÕÀÊÀ} Ì°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊÌÜÊiÃÊv>ÀÌ iÀÊ>`Ê my house is on Rte 30 on the left hand side, right after a large brick house. 34. Rising Meadow Pottery - Diane Rosenmiller and Nicholas Seidner. Utilitarian stoneware and porcelain pottery. xäÊ7iÃÌÊ-Ì]Ê ``iÌÜÊ-«À}ÃÊ6/ÊäxÇxÇ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÎx{Ó°Ê ÊÌ iÊÌÜÊvÊ``iÌÜÊ-«À}Ã]ÊvÀÊÌ iÊ intersection of Rtes 140 and 133, take Rte 140 7iÃÌÊ-Ì®Êä°ÓÊiÊÌÊÌ iÊvvÌ Ê`ÀÛiÜ>ÞÊÊÌ iÊ right side of the road. Look for our sign. 35. Nance Dean Jewelry - Nance Dean. Fabricated sterling silver, organic, unique and daring.ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÎxÓÈ{£°ÊÌÊ-ÃÃÞ½ÃÊÌV i]Ê£äÊ 7iÃÌÊ-Ì]Ê``iÌÜÊ-«À}ÃÊ6/ÊäxÇxÇ°Ê"ÊÌ iÊ ViÌÀ>ÊÃÌÀiiÌ]Ê,ÌiÊ£{ä]ÊÊ``iÌÜÊ-«À}ð 36. Peter Huntoon. Vermont paintings and limited edition prints. £ÇÊ-ÌÕ`Ê>i]Ê ``iÌÜÊ-«À}ÃÊ6/ÊäxÇxÇ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÎxÓÎÓn°Ê From Rutland, take Rte 4 west to exit 6. Take >ÊivÌÊ«>ÃÌÊ*ÀViÊ ««iÀÊÌÊ£ÎÎÊÃÕÌ °Ê-Ì>ÞÊ Ê,ÌiÊ£ÎÎÊvÀÊ°ÇÊiÃÊÌÊ>iÞÊ,`Ê}À>Ûi®Ê ÊÀ} Ì°ÊÊxäÊÞ>À`ÃÊÕ«Ê>iÞÊ,`Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊ À} ÌÊÌÊ-ÌÕ`Ê>i°ÊÕÃiÉÃÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊ the left, green with covered front porch. From ``iÌÜÊ-«À}Ã]Ê i>`Êi>ÃÌÊÊ,ÌiÊ£ÎÎÉ£{äÊ towards Rutland for 1 mile. Find Haley Rd on the left. 10 37. Mareva Millarc. Non-objective original, oil and gouache paintings. £ÇÊ-ÌÕ`Ê>i°]Ê ``iÌÜÊ-«À}ÃÊ6/ÊäxÇxÇ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÎxÓÎÓn°Ê Mareva will be with Peter Huntoon for Fall Open -ÌÕ`°ÊÜÊ`ÀiVÌÃÊvÀÊÎÈ° 38. Stephanie Stouffer Studio and Gallery Stephanie Stouffer. Decorative prints, tapestries, rugs, cards. 250 Maple Hill Rd, iÌÊ6/ÊäxÇÎä°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓxÓÈnÈ°ÊÀÊ Rutland going south on Rte 103 turn right at blinking light at Belmont Rd. Travel 2.5 miles ÌÊiÌÊ-ÌÀi°Ê ÌÕiÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÊ>«iÊ Ê,`°Ê-ÌÕ`Ê>`Ê>iÀÞÊ>ÀiÊV>Ìi`ÊÊÌ iÊ {Ì Ê ÕÃiÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì°Ê-}Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊvÌÊvÊÌ iÊ driveway. 39. The Potter Stone - David Stone. Burnished, carved, stoneware, earthenware pottery. 1735 Rte 103, Cuttingsville VT 05738. näÓ®Ê{ÓÓÎ䣰ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊÌÕÀÊÌÊ,ÌiÊ£äÎ°Ê Travel about 6 miles. The studio is located on the right side in a grey building with red metal roof. We are directly across from the entrance to Old Turnpike Rd in East Wallingford. From the south travel north on Rte 103. When entering Mount Holly, look for the junction with Rte 140 and continue north for 1.8 miles. We are on the left side directly across from the entrance to Old Turnpike Rd in East Wallingford. The studio is grey with green trim. 40. Nature’s Turn, LLC - Gerry Martin. Woodturned bowls and vessels. 998 Lincoln Ê,`]Ê- ÀiÜÃLÕÀÞÊ6/ÊäxÇÎn°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÓÓÓ{{°Ê From Rte 7, drive 3 miles south of Rutland to the junction with Rte 103. Turn on Rte 103 and travel southeast for 2.8 miles and turn left on Lincoln Hill Rd. Continue 1 mile over crest of hill and turn right on to private drive for 996 and 998 VÊÊ,`°Ê- «ÊÃÊä°ÓxÊiÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊ> i>`° 44. The Brandon Artists Guild. Cooperative gallery for Vermont artists and artisans. 7 iÌiÀÊ-ÌÊ,ÌiÊÇ®]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊnäÓ®ÊÓ{Ç 4956. Located in the center of Brandon. 45. Joan Curtis. Mixed-media artwork. 10 1Ê-Ì]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊnäÓ®ÊÓ{Ç{ÎÎÇ°Ê Travel on Rte 7 to Brandon. Find me in the center, just south of the town green, toward the southwest in the second house on the left, on 1Ê-Ì]Ê««ÃÌiÊÌ iÊ>>vÀ`Ê«>À}ÊÌ° 46. Don Ross Photography - Don Ross. Photography, color, black and white, large format. 448 Indian Trail, Leicester VT 05733. näÓ®Êxxnx£Ç£°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\Ê/ iÊÀ>>ÀÞ]Ê ÓÊ1Ê-Ì]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊ ÌÀ>Ûi}ÊÀÌ ]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ1Ê-ÌÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊ to the building just over the railroad tracks on the right about 2 blocks. 47. Patty Sgrecci - Mobiles and More - Patty Sgrecci. Kinetic sculpture, mobiles. ÓÊ1Ê -Ì]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊÎÈä®Ê{È£xÈ£Ó°Ê*>ÌÌÞ½ÃÊ ÃÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊÌ iÊÀ>>ÀÞ°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊÌÀ>Ûi}Ê ÀÌ ]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ1Ê-ÌÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊÌÊÌ iÊ building just over the railroad tracks on the right about 2 blocks. 48. Smith-Hunter Gallery - Susan SmithHunter. Ceramic sculpture, mosaics, pottery. {Ê,>À>`ÊÛi]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎxÎ 3485. From Rte 7 traveling north, turn left onto 1Ê-Ì°Ê/À>ÛiÊvÀÊÌ ÀiiÊLVÃÊÌÊÀ>À>`Ê tracks and make an abrupt right onto Railroad ÛiÕi°ÊÊ>ÊV>Ìi`ÊLi `ÊÌ iÊÀ>>ÀÞ°ÊÊ for the mosaic mailbox post and studio behind the stucco house #4. 41. Furniture In Recovery - Robin Taft. Reclaimed furniture, durably and beautifully papered. £äÓÊ,ÌiÊÇÊ-ÕÌ ]Ê ÀÌ Ê >Ài`Ê 6/ÊäxÇx°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎxÎÈ£°ÊÀÊÌ iÊÌiÀÃiVÌÊ vÊ,ÌiÃÊÇÊ>`Ê£äÎÊxÊiÃÊÃÕÌ ÊvÊ,ÕÌ>`Ê>`Ê ÓnÊiÃÊÀÌ ÊvÊ>V iÃÌiÀ®Ê i>`ÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊ 7. Pass a rest area on the right and pass a right ÌÕÀÊÌÊ,ÌiÊÇ°Ê ÀÃÃÊ>ÊÃ>ÊLÀ`}iÊ>Ài`ÊºÊ ,ÛiÀ»Ê>`ÊÌ>iÊÌ iÊiÝÌÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ,ÌiÊÇ-°Ê -ÌÕ`ÊÃÊiÊiÊ>`ÊÊÌ iÊivÌ° 42. M. J. Amsden Furniture - Michael Amsden. Handcrafted furniture, custom upholstery, seat weaving. PO Box 843, 662 >Ê-Ì]Ê7iÃÌÊ,ÕÌ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÇÇ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÎnÓä°Ê Travel west on Rte 4 from Rutland and take exit È°ÊÌÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌÊÌiÀÃiVÌ]ÊLi>ÀÊivÌÊÌÊ>Ê-Ì°Ê At the West Rutland Town Hall, head straight. We are the sixth house after the town hall on the right. Look for our sign. 43. Medana Gabbard Gallery - Medana Gabbard. Original folkart paintings, Americana, landscapes. PO Box 130, 1340 ÀÛiÊ-Ì]ÊÀ>`Ê6/ÊäxÇÎΰÊnäÓ®ÊÓ{ÇxxÓä°Ê V>Ìi`ÊÊ,ÌiÊÇÊÜ V ÊÃÊÀÛiÊ-Ì°ÊvÊÌÀ>Ûi}Ê south we are about 1 mile north of Brandon town center. Top: Gerry Martin holds a large turned wooden platter. Above: Tools of the blacksmith’s trade in Steve Bronstein’s studio. Left: Middletown Springs artist, Peter Huntoon, creates a painting using watercolors. Withdrawn 11 12 13 Thanks to the farmers who own Cabot Creamery Cooperative for their support for Open Studio Weekend. produced by the Vermont Crafts Council Site Numbers 1-2 3-18 19-27 28-30 31-48 49-63 64-88 89-95 96-98 99-107 108-114 115-127 County Orange Windsor Windham Bennington Rutland Addison Chittenden Franklin/ Grand Isle Lamoille Orleans Caledonia Washington 22 21 20 19 18 15 14 10 9 8 6 6 Page Mark your calendars! May 24 & 25, 2014 Spring Open Studio Weekend The Vermont Crafts Council is dedicated to the advancement of Vermont crafts within Vermont and nationally, through education of the public, and the visual arts and crafts community. Vermont Crafts Council Mission: 10-5 pm. Saturday and Sunday October 5 and 6, 2013 Studios Open >Ê"«iÊ-ÌÕ`Ê7iii`ÊÓä£ÎÊ Addison County Forest Ridge Drive. Turn right, and go 1 block to Warner Drive. Turn left and stay to the left. -ÌÕ`ÊÃÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊi`ÊvÊÌ iÊ`ÀÛi° 53. Danforth Pewter Workshop and Store Judi and Fred Danforth. Watch pewter being made. xÓÊ-iÞÕÀÊ-Ì]Ê``iLÕÀÞÊ6/Ê äxÇxΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎnnään°Ê"Ê,ÌiÊÇ]ÊÕÃÌÊÀÌ ÊvÊ ``iLÕÀÞ]ÊÌÕÀÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ} ÌÊÌÊÊ-Ì°ÊÊ straight through the four way stop, where Elm LiViÃÊ-iÞÕÀÊ-Ì]Ê>`Ê«ÀVii`ÊÕ`iÀÊÌ iÊ railroad bridge. Bear right and Danforth is 100 yards ahead on the right. 54. Trillium Art & Beyond - Yinglei Zhang. Traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, landscape, birds and flowers. xÈÊ} Ê-Ì]Ê ``iLÕÀÞÊ6/ÊäxÇxΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎnnnÓÓ°Ê} Ê-ÌÊÃÊ Ì iÊÃÌÀiiÌÊLi `Ê-ÜvÌÊÕÃiÊ°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇ-]Ê pass Methodist Church on your right, turn right >ÌÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÌÊ-ÌiÜ>ÀÌÊ>i°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊ ]Ê ÌÕÀÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÌÊ-ÌiÜ>ÀÌÊ>i]ÊÌÕÀÊ ivÌÊÌÊ} Ê-ÌÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊÌÊÌ iÊi`°ÊÊvÀÊ ÞiÜÊ"«iÊ-ÌÕ`ÊÃ}ð 55. Kathleen Kolb - Oil and watercolor paintings of landscapes, prints. For Fall Open -ÌÕ`Ê>ÌÊVÊ*i>Ê7iÀÞ]Ê£{ÓÊ,ÛiÀÊ,>`]Ê iÜÊ>ÛiÊ6/Êäx{ÇÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎnnÇÎÈn°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊ Ç]ÊÓ°ÊiÃÊÀÌ ÊvÊ``iLÕÀÞ]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊi>ÃÌ®Ê ÌÊ,ÛiÀÊ,`°ÊÊä°£äÊiÊÌÊVÊ*i>Ê Winery on the right. From Rte 116, go 2 miles south of the blinking light below Bristol and bear right onto River Road. Continue on River Road for 5 miles. Winery will be on the left. Wine tasting & open studio with Kathleen Kolb Regional Information Center H. Art on Main. 25 Main St, Bristol VT 05443. (802) 453-4032. 49. John Chiles Glass - John Chiles. Colorful, handblown glass vessels. 690 Rte 73, Orwell 6/ÊäxÇÈä°ÊnäÓ®Ê{nÓÓä°ÊÀÊ,ÕÌ>`]ÊÌ>iÊ Rte 4 west to exit 4, Rte 30. Take Rte 30 north for 13 miles to Rte 73 west. Turn left, west, onto Rte 73 and travel for 3 miles to the studio. Look for a white house and farm buildings on the right. There is a large black mailbox just before the `ÀÛiÜ>ÞÊÈä®° 50. Molly Hawley - Portraits, landscapes, abstracts, fabric art. PO Box 28, 1266 Rte 125, ,«ÌÊ6/ÊäxÇÈÈ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎnn{{{Ç°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊ Rte 125, one building east of the Ripton store, in Ì iÊ"`Ê>VÃÌ Ê- «]ÊÊÌ iÊÃÕÌ ÊÃ`iÊvÊÌ iÊ street. Park in front or beside the building, or in the driveway at the blue house with yellow trim next door. Please do not park at the Chipman Inn across the street. 14 51. Mike Mayone Fine Art - Mike Mayone. Paintings, prints, note cards, realism, landscapes. nÊ >ÃiÊ-Ì]Ê``iLÕÀÞÊ6/ÊäxÇxÎ°Ê näÓ®ÊÎnnÇ{䣰ÊÀÊ``iLÕÀÞ]Ê}ÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ Rte 7 about 3+ miles, then left onto Rte 125 east towards East Middlebury for 0.5 mile. At the 4 way stop, go left between the post office and }iiÀ>ÊÃÌÀiÊÌÊ,ÌiÊ££È Ê >ÃiÊ-Ì°®]ÊÌÊÌ iÊ{Ì Ê house on the right, a single story with a white «ViÌÊviViÊnÊ >ÃiÊ-Ì®°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÕ«ÃÌ>ÀÃÊÊÌ iÊ blue barn in back. From the central VT/ Rte 100 area, take Rte 125 in Hancock and go west over Ì iÊÕÌ>Ê>LÕÌÊ£x°xÊÃViVÊiîÊÌÊÌ iÊ ÌiÀÃiVÌÊÜÌ Ê,Ìi°Ê££È°ÊÊÀ} ÌÊ>`ÊvÜÊ above directions 52. Tom Homann Pottery - Tom Homann. Earthy, stoneware, functional kitchenware, ashglazed. 3 Warner Drive, East Middlebury 6/ÊäxÇxΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎnn£äÇÓ°ÊÀÊ``iLÕÀÞ]Ê go south on Rte 7 about 3.8 miles, then left onto Rte 125E towards East Middlebury. About 1 mile after turning onto Rte 125 E, make a left ÌÕÀÊÊ-V ÕÃiÊÊ,`°ÊÊÕ«ÊÌ iÊ ÊÌÊ 56. Rory Jackson - Oil paintings, landscapes, seascapes, prints. 1612 West Hill Rd Lincoln 6/Êäx{{ΰÊnäÓ®ÊÎ{ÇÇn°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ìi`Ê>ÌÊ ££Ê>Ê-Ì]ÊÀÃÌÊ6/]Ê>VÀÃÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊÀÃÌÊ Bakery on the south side of the street. 57. Akweley Design - Rita Agyemang. Necklaces, earrings, silversmithing, African beads. 1612 West Hill Rd Lincoln VT 05443. näÓ®ÊÎ{ÇÇn°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ìi`Ê>ÌÊ££Ê>Ê-Ì]Ê Bristol VT, across from the Bristol Bakery on the south side of the street. 58. Art on Main. Artist cooperative, works in many media. 2xÊ>Ê-Ì]ÊÀÃÌÊ6/Êäx{{Î°Ê näÓ®Ê{xÎ{äÎÓ°Ê7iÊ>ÀiÊÊÌ iÊÀi`ÊLÕ`}]ÊiÊ LVÊi>ÃÌÊvÊÌ iÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÊÀÃ̽ÃÊ>Ê-Ì° 59. Robert Compton Pottery - Robert Compton and Christine Homer. Handthrown functional and decorative pottery. 2662 N ££ÈÊ,`]ÊÀÃÌÊ6/Êäx{{ΰÊnäÓ®Ê{xÎÎÇÇn°Ê7iÊ>ÀiÊ located 5 miles north from the village of Bristol on Rte 116. 60. Dale Helms Fine Furniture - Dale Helms. Custom contemporary furniture. 2886 ÕÌ>Ê,`]ÊÀÃÌÊ6/Êäx{{ΰÊnäÓ®Ê{xÎxÇn°Ê Traveling south, take Rte 116 through Hinesburg. Just south of the village, as Rte 116 curves sharply ivÌ]Ê}ÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÌÊ-ÛiÀÊ-Ì°ÊÜÊ-ÛiÀÊ-Ì°Ê for about 6 miles to Monkton Ridge. Turn left ÌÊ-Ì>ÌiÃÊ*ÀÃÊÜÊ,`ÊÜ V ÊÃÊÕÃÌÊ«>ÃÌÊ Ì iÊÌÊiiÀ>Ê-ÌÀi°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊ£°ÓÊiÃÊ to a crossroads and turn right onto Mountain Rd and travel for 2.9 miles to 2886 Mountain Rd. The shop is on the right, visible from the road. From the south, from the junction of Rte 7 and 17 in New Haven, take Rte 17 east about 5 miles to a blinking light. Turn left at the light onto Burpee Rd and travel until it ends at a stop sign. Turn left and go for about 3 miles and turn right onto Mountain Rd. Travel 2.3 miles. The shop will be on your left. 61. Anne Cady Paintings - Anne Cady. Colorful Vermont landscape oil paintings. 653 +Õ>ÀÀÞÊ,`]Ê iÜÊ>ÛiÊ6/Êäx{ÇÓ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{xÎ ÎÇÇ°ÊÌÊÌ iÊ Ì}Ê-Ì>ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊÕVÌÊvÊ,ÌiÃÊ ÇÊ>`Ê£Ç]ÊÌ>iÊ,ÌiÊ£ÇÊi>ÃÌÊvÀÊ£°£ÊiðÊÊivÌÊ ÌÊ ÀÌ Ê-ÌÊvÀÊ£°£Êi°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ+Õ>ÀÀÞÊ Rd and go for 0.7 mile to #653, marked by a blue mailbox. 62. Creative Space - Fine art, photographs, furniture, pottery.ÊÓÎxÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê6iÀ}iiÃÊ6/Ê äx{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÇÇÎnxä°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇ]ÊÌÕÀÊÌÊ ÓÓÊ-ÕÌ Ê>`Ê«ÀVii`ÊiÊiÊÌÊ`ÜÌÜÊ Vergennes. Pass two traffic lights, and the gallery will be located on your left just after the corner of ÀiiÊ-ÌÀiiÌ]ÊLiÌÜiiÊÛiÀÞÜi>ÀÊVÌ }ÊÃÌÀi®Ê >`Ê>VÊ- ii«ÊÃÌÀ° The entrance to the road leading to Kenny Hamblin’s studio. 63. Outerlands Gallery - Ross Sheehan and Cat Cutillo. Photography, sculpture, painting, furniture, metal. ÎÇÊÀiiÊ-Ì]Ê6iÀ}iiÃÊ6/Ê äx{£°ÊÇÇx®ÊÎäÎnnÈΰÊV>Ìi`ÊÊÀiiÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊÊ downtown Vergennes, 1.5 blocks south of Main -ÌÀiiÌ°Ê̽ÃÊÌ iÊLÀ} ÌÊÀ>}iÊ>`ÊÞiÜÊLÕ}>ÜÊ next to Bar Antidote. Anne Cady Paintings MAP #61 653 Quarry Hill Rd. U New Haven, VT 05472 802-453-3797 U Chittenden County Regional Information Center I. iÊ°ÊÀÕ««iÊ>iÀÞ°ÊÓÓÊ>ÀLiÀÊ Farm Road, Jericho VT 05465. näÓ®ÊnÎÓ££° J. À}ÊÜÊ>iÀÞ°ÊnxÊ ÕÀV Ê-Ì]Ê ÕÀ}ÌÊ6/Êäx{䣰ÊnäÓ®ÊnÈÎÈ{xn° 64. Vermont Hardwood Sculpture - J.H. Clarke. Burls, hard maple, black cherry, butternut. ÇΣÊÀiÊ,`]Ê-Ì>ÀÃLÀÊ6/Êäx{nÇ°Ê näÓ®Ê{xÎÓÈn£°Ê }ÊvÀÊÕÌ}ÌÊ Center, continue about five miles and pass the >ÃÛiÊÀ>ÛiÞ>À`ÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì®°Ê ÌÕiÊ for 0.75 mile further to the studio on the right. From Waitsfield, take Rte 17 over Appalachian >«ÊÌÊÀiÊ,`Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊLÌÌÊvÊÌ iÊÕÌ>°Ê /ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÀiÊ,`Ê>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊvÀÊä°xÊiÊ to the studio. From Bristol, follow Rte 17 north to the Jerusalem store and continue for 4 miles. />iÊ>ÊivÌÊÌÊÀiÊ,`Ê>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊvÀÊä°xÊiÊ to the studio. 65. Daryl V. Storrs Artworks - Daryl Storrs. Landscapes, jewelry, woodcuts, pastels, color. ÓÎxÊÀ`}iÊ-Ì]ÊÕÌ}ÌÊ6/Êäx{ÈÓ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{Î{ 5040. From I-89 north or south, take Richmond iÝÌÊ££°ÊÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊÓÊÌÜ>À`ÃÊ,V `°Ê ÌÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÌ>iÊ>ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÀ`}iÊ-ÌÀiiÌ°ÊÊ ÛiÀÊ,,ÊÌÀ>VÃ]ÊÀÛiÀ]Ê>`ÊLÞÊ,Õ`Ê ÕÀV ÊÊ Ì iÊivÌ®°Êi>ÀÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÀÕ`ÊVÀiÀ°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊÈ°xÊ iÃÊÌÊÕÌ}Ì°Ê*>ÃÃÊi>Õ`ÀÞ½ÃÊ-ÌÀiÊ>`Ê ÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊÀ`}iÊ-ÌÊ>`ÊVÀÃÃÊÌ iÊLÀ`}i°ÊÞÊ house is the third on the left with the studio in the red barn next to the house. (Chittenden continued page 16) 15 Chittenden County 69. Sean Dye Studio - Sean Dye. Original oils, pastels and monotypes. 681 Willow ÀÊ>i]Ê-Ì°ÊiÀ}iÊ6/Êäx{x°ÊnäÓ®Ê{nÓ 6421. On I-89, take exit 12 and turn towards iÃLÕÀ}ÊÊ,ÌiÊÓÊÕ«Ê °ÊÊivÌÊÊ"`Ê Ài>iÀÞÊ,`ÊÌÊÌ iÊi`°ÊÊÀ} ÌÊÊ">ÊÊ Rd, and right onto Willow Brook Lane. Travel 0.6 mile to the studio which is on the left. Map # 70 16 67. Meinhardt Design Inc - Jean Meinhardt. Hand-thrown porcelain pottery, microcrystalline glazes. 202 Murray Drive, Richmond 6/Êäx{ÇÇ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{Î{Ó{ä°ÊÀÊiÝÌÊ££ÊÊn]Ê turn onto Rte 2 and travel east toward Richmond. Continue straight through the traffic light in Richmond and go about 3 miles. Look for a red barn on the right. Murray Drive is opposite the barn. Turn left onto Murray Drive and go to the top. Traveling west on Rte 2 from Waterbury, go 0.5 mile past Jonesville and see the red barn on Ì iÊivÌ]ÊÕÀÀ>ÞÊÀÛiÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì°ÊÊÌÊÌ iÊÌ«Ê of the drive. 802.310.6579 70. The Lyna Lou Line - Lyna Lou Nordstrom. Monotypes, collographs, silkscreen, fabric art. £ÓÈäÊ*`Ê,`]Ê- iLÕÀiÊ6/Êäx{nÓ°ÊnäÓ®Ê Èxnä䣰ÊnäÓ®ÊΣäÊÈxÇ°Ê*`Ê,>`ÊÃÊvvÊvÊ ,Ì°Ê££ÈÊÀÊÀÃiÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌÊÊ- iLÕÀi°Ê/ iÊÃÌÕ`ÃÊ are 1.2 miles on Pond Road from either direction. Large sculptures are set into the field next to the road. 66. Huntington River Smithy - Jim Fecteau. Hooks, lighting, hardware, gates, hangers. £ÇÎxÊ>Ê,`]ÊÕÌ}ÌÊ6/Êäx{ÈÓ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{Î{ 3871. From I-89 north or south, take Richmond iÝÌÊ££°ÊÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊÓÊÌÜ>À`ÃÊ,V `°Ê ÌÊÌÀ>vvVÊ} ÌÊÌ>iÊ>ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÀ`}iÊ-ÌÀiiÌ°ÊÊ ÛiÀÊ,,ÊÌÀ>VÃ]ÊÀÛiÀ]Ê>`ÊLÞÊ,Õ`Ê ÕÀV ÊÊ Ì iÊivÌ®°Êi>ÀÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÀÕ`ÊVÀiÀ°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊxÊ iÃÊÌÜ>À`ÃÊÕÌ}Ì°Ê9ÕÊÜÊÃiiÊ>Ê}ÀiiÊ Ã}ÊvÀÊ/iÝ>ÃÊÊ,`°ÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì®°ÊʵÕ>ÀÌiÀÊ mile past Texas Hill Rd, on the left, is my shop / ÕÃi°Ê7`Êvà ÊÊLÌ ÊLÕ`}ðÊ- «Ê >ÃÊ sign on the front and 1735. 77. Skunk Hollow Studios - Russ Fellows. Bowls, plates, decorative pieces, platters. ÓÈÊ Ê>ÛÃÊÀ]ÊiÀV Ê6/Êäx{Èx°ÊnäÓ®Ên 3059. From I-89, take exit 11, and follow signs for ÃÃiÝÊVÌ]Ê,ÌiÊ££ÇÊ7°ÊÊΰxÊiÃÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ Ê-ÕÊÜÊ,`°ÊÊÓ°ÈÊiÃ]Ê>`ÊivÌÊÌÊ John Davis Dr. Travel to the end and find me at #26. In Jericho, from Rte 15, take Lee River Rd >VÀÃÃÊvÀÊi½ÃÊ->VÊ>À°ÊÊÌÊ>ÊÌ ÀiiÊÜ>ÞÊ ÃÌ«Ê>`ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ*>ÃÊ,`°ÊÊä°xÊiÊÌÊ ÃiV`ÊÌ ÀiiÊÜ>ÞÊÃÌ«Ê>`ÊLi>ÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ-ÕÊ Hollow Rd, right onto John Davis Dr and travel to the end, #26. 68. Lori Yarrow Designs - Lori Yarrow. Jewelry, silver, unique, copper, stones. 679 - iÀ>ÊÜÊ,`]ÊiÃLÕÀ}Ê6/Êäx{È£°ÊnäÓ®Ê 578-8195. On I-89 take exit 11 and travel on Rte 2 east to Richmond. At the light in the center vÊÌÜ]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÀ`}iÊ-Ì°ÊÊ/ iÊÀ>`Ê curves to the right after the Round Church and becomes Huntington Road. Take the first right onto Hinesburg Road. This road goes up a hill and then curves to the left at Fays Corner. From Fays Corner go another 3 miles on the Hinesburg ,>`Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ-Ü>«Ê,>`°ÊÊÊä°ÓxÊ iÊÌÊÌ iÊi`Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ- iÀ>Ê Hollow Road. In 0.75 mile, you will see the driveway on the left and the number 679 is tacked to a tree. 71. The Four Artists of Artists’ Mediums Paintings, block prints, illustrations, Ukrainian eggs. 300 Cornerstone Drive, Taft Farm Village iÌiÀÊ*>â>]Ê7ÃÌÊ6/Êäx{x°Ênää®ÊÓxx 1290. On I-89, take exit 12 and turn onto Rte 2A. Head east towards the town of Williston. At the third set of lights, turn left onto Talcott Rd. Immediately turn right onto Cornerstone Drive and into the parking lot. We are in the second row of shops at the end. 78. Gerald K. Stoner - Gerry Stoner. Whimsical, graceful, welded steel sculpture. £nxÊ,ÛiÀÊ,`]Ê1`iÀ Ê6/Êäx{n°ÊnäÓ®Ên xΣΰÊÀÊiÞ½ÃÊ-ÌÀiÊÊ,ÌiÊ£xÊÊiÀV ]Ê travel toward River Rd. Take the first right onto River Rd and drive 1.9 miles. Find us in the blue farmhouse with red doors at 185 River Rd. 72. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery. Serving as headquarters for state maps and exhibits of local area artists. 22 Barber Farm Road, iÀV Ê6/Êäx{Èx°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÎÓ££°Ê"ÊnÊÌ>iÊ exit 11 and go west very briefly on Rte 2. At the stoplight bear right onto Rte 117. Proceed 2.5 miles then turn right onto Barber Farm Road. ÊÓ°ÎÊiÃÊ>`ÊÌ iÊ}>iÀÞÊÃÊÊÞÕÀÊivÌÊÊ the barn complex behind a large white colonial farmhouse, six large solar panels in the field on the left. 73. Fairfield Farm Bowls - Toby Fulwiler. Classic hardwood bowls, lathe demonstration. £{£Ê,`}iÊ,`]Ê>Àvi`Ê6/Êäx{xx°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÓÇ ÎÇÇ°Ê/LÞÊÜÊà ÜÊ>ÌÊiÊÀÕ««iÊ>iÀÞ°Ê -iiÊ`ÀiVÌÃÊÊÇÓ° 74. Carl Newton Bentwood Box Maker - Carl Newton. Shaker and Norwegian oval boxes. ÓÎÊÞiÀÃÊÀÛi]ÊiÀV Ê6/Êäx{Èx°ÊnäÓ®Ên ÎnÇ{°Ê >ÀÊÜÊLiÊ>ÌÊiÊÀÕ««iÊ>iÀÞ°Ê-iiÊ directions in #72. 75. On the Rocks - Christopher Cleary. Natural stone carvings, sculpture, birdbaths. ÎxÎÊÀÜÃÊ/À>ViÊ,`]ÊiÀV Ê6/Êäx{Èx°ÊnäÓ®Ê 899-6832. From I-89, take exit 11 and turn west onto Rte 2. Turn right onto Rte 117W, and go for 2.7 miles. Turn right onto Barber Farm Rd. Follow to the stop sign. Turn left onto Brown’s Trace Rd. We are the 3rd driveway on the right. The studio is located in the red barn. 76. Dianne Shullenberger. Layered fabric collage and colored pencil. 228 Nashville Rd, iÀV Ê6/Êäx{Èx°ÊnäÓ®Ên{ΰÊÀÊnÊ take exit 11 and look for Rte 117. At the corner vÊ,ÌiÊ££ÇÊ>`ÊÛiÀÀÊ*iVÊ,`ÊÕiÊ>iÊ >ÃÊ «>Þ®]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÛiÀÀÊ*iVÊ Rd and go all the way to the end. Take a left onto Browns Trace Rd traveling 1 mile. At Maple ÀiÀÊ>ÀÊ-Ì>LiÃÊ}ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ >à ÛiÊ,`Ê >`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊvÀÊÓÊiðÊ>iÀÞÊ>`ÊÃÌÕ`ÊV>Ìi`Ê ÊÌ iÊ ÃÌÀVÊ iÃÌi>`ÊvÊ-Üv>iÊiÌiÞ]Ê>Ê large farm house on the right across from a trailer. 79. Brickhouse Studios Inc. - John Churchman. Cards, fine art images, journals, calendars. £xÊÀ>ÞÊ7>Þ]ÊÃÃiÝÊÕVÌÊ6/Ê äx{xÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÓäää°ÊÌiÀÊiÀV ÊÊ,ÌiÊ£x°ÊÊ />iÊvÀÃÌÊivÌÊ>vÌiÀÊ-Üv>iÊ V>ÌiÃÊÌÊ Old Pump Rd. Travel 1.25 miles and turn right ÌÊÀ>ÞÊ7>Þ°Ê/>iÊvÀÃÌÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÌÊ£xÊÀ>ÞÊ7>Þ°ÊÊ ii«ÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ«ÊvÊÌ iÊ ÊvÀÊÌ iÊ>iÀÞÉ -ÌÕ`° 80. Howard Nelson Riley. American primitive folk art. PO Box 97, Essex Junction VT 05453. -ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\ʣȣäÊ/ÀÞÊÛiÕi]ÊÀÌÊÌ >Ê i]Ê V iÃÌiÀÊ6/Êäx{ÈÈ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎÓ{££{{°Ê Located on Rte 15 between Colchester and Winooski. Look for yellow signs. 81. Stephen Beattie Photography - Stephen Beattie. Large framed photographic prints and cards. 192 Pleasant Ave, Burlington VT äx{än°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÈÎx£x{°ÊÊÊÕÀ}Ì]ÊvÜÊ >Ê-ÌÊ,ÌiÊÓ®ÊÌÊÌ iÊÜ>ÌiÀvÀÌ°Ê/>iÊ>Ê À} ÌÊÌÊ>ÌÌiÀÞÊ-ÌÊ>`Ê}ÊÀÌ °ÊÀÊÌ iÊ ÕÀ}ÌÊ*ViÊ-Ì>Ì]ÊÌ>iÊ ÀÌ ÊÛi]ÊÀÌ ]Ê Î°£ÊiðÊÊ/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ-Ì>ÀÀÊ>ÀÊ,`]Ê}Êä°xÊ miles, and take the third left onto Pleasant Ave. #192 is the eighth house on the right. 82. Carol E.S. MacDonald - Carol MacDonald. Printmaking, inspired, original, handpulled prints. 614 Macrae Rd, Colchester VT 05446. näÓ®ÊnÈÓäÎÇ°Ê"Ên]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£È]ÊÌÕÀÊÀÌ Ê on Rte 7 and travel to its junction with Rte 127. /ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ,ÌiÊ£ÓÇ-É>iÞÊ,`°Ê/À>ÛiÊvÀÊ about 2 miles to the lake at Malletts Bay. After the last marina with shopping plaza to the left, turn left onto Prim Rd. Travel for about a mile and turn left at the light onto Macrae Rd. I am about ä°xÊiÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊLi `ÊÌ iÊ ÕÃi°Ê From downtown Burlington go north on Battery -Ì°ÊÌÊÌ iÊÌ À`Ê} ÌÊ*i>ÀÊ-Ì°®]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} Ì°Ê/ÕÀÊ ivÌÊÌÊ ÀÌ Ê >«>Ê-Ì°ÊÜÊÌÊÌÃÊi`Ê and turn left and then right onto Rte 127. At the second light, turn right at the light onto Macrae Rd and follow directions above. 83. Amicus Studio - Amy Cook. Contemporary paintings, handmade books, interior design accessories. 8 Access Road, Ì]Ê6/Êäx{Èn°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÎÎnÇn°ÊÀÊnÊ take exit 17 and travel west on Rte 2 toward >«>ÊÃ>`ðÊÊÓ°xÊiÃÊ>`ÊiÝÌÊ>ÌÊi>ÀÊ Trap Rd. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left and cross back over Rte 2 onto Cub Rd. Proceed ÌÊÃÌ«ÊÃ}°ÊÊivÌÊÊÀ>ÛiiÊ,`Ê>`ÊÀ} ÌÊÊ Access Rd. Look for the bright green sign at the grass driveway, third one on the left. 84. Lorraine C. Manley. Colorful oil and acrylic, impressionist landscape paintings. ÎÈÊ>iÞÊ,`]ÊÌÊ6/Êäx{Èn°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÎÇnÈä°Ê "Ên]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌʣǰÊÊÀÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊÇÊÌ ÀÕ} Ê Ì°ÊÊÛiÀÊÌ iÊLÀ`}iÊ>`ÊÌ>iÊÌ iÊiÝÌÊivÌÊ ÌÊ>iÊ,`Ê>VÀÃÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊ>Ê-ÌÀi°ÊÊ Õ«Ê>iÊ,`Êä°xÊiÊÌÊ>ÊVÕÀÛi°ÊÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÌÊ >iÞÊ,`°ÊÊä°ÓxÊiÊÌÊÌ iÊÃÌÕ`]ÊÜ V ÊÃÊ on the left, a white farmhouse across from a large red barn. 85. Mary Ann Duffy Godin Watercolors Mary Ann Duffy Godin. Watercolor paintings of birds, blooms and vintage. näÓ®ÊnΣÓän°Ê Mary Ann will be showing at Lorraine Manley’s studio at 36 Manley Rd in Milton. Please follow directions in #84. 86. Well Centered Clay - Cheryl Alwine. Functional pottery for the kitchen. 20 North ,`]ÊÌÊ6/Êäx{Èn°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇxÓÎxÓ°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊ i>`}ÊÀÌ ÊÀÊÃÕÌ ®ÊÊÌ]ÊÌÕÀÊi>ÃÌÊÌÊ >Ê-ÌÊ>ÌÊ-½ÃÊ6>iÀÊ}>ÃÊÃÌ>Ì°Ê ÀÃÃÊÌ iÊ railroad tracks and continue over crest of hill to crossroads with North and East roads. Turn left onto North Rd. My home studio is the first house on the left, a beige ranch. 87. Vermont H’Art - Shanley Triggs. Watercolor originals, framed and matted prints, miniprints. PO Box 2078, Milton VT äx{Èn°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇÇÇÎÇ£ä°ÊV>Ì\ÊÈÊiÀÀÊÊ #105, Milton VT. From I-89 take Exit 17. Turn left off the ramp, go straight. Take left at light ÃiV`Ê} ÌÊvÀÊÀÌ LÕ`Ê>`ÊÌ À`Ê} ÌÊvÀÊ ÃÕÌ LÕ`®ÊÌÊ,ÌiÊÇÊÌ >ÊiÊ} Ü>Þ®Ê and travel north for 3.65 miles. Turn left into 6 Merrill Ln, then left to #105. 88. Ye Olde Sign Shoppe - Bill and Jen Kaigle. Handpainted wood signs, vintage, country.ÊÎäÊ,>À>`Ê-Ì]ÊÌÊ6/Êäx{Èn°Ê näÓ®ÊnÎÇÎnÇ°ÊÀÊ,ÌiÊÇÊi>ÀÊ>iÊÀÀÜ i>`Ê >`ÊÌ iÊ`>]ÊÌÕÀÊÕ«Ê>Ê-Ì°ÊÀÛiÊä°xÊiÊ>`Ê take the first right after the railroad tracks, onto ,>À>`Ê-Ì°Ê"ÕÀÊÃÌÕ`ÊÃÊÌ iÊvvÌ ÊÊÌ iÊivÌ]Ê a yellow farmhouse with a long red barn in the L>V°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊÌ iÊL>À°Ê*>ÀÊÊ>Ài`ÊëÌð 17 Franklin and Grand Isle County Regional Information Center K. Grand Isle Artworks. 259 Rte 2, Grand Isle VT 05458. (802) 378-4591. 89. Vermont Woodworking School. Demonstrations, fine woodworking, turning, furniture.Ê£{nÊ>Ê-Ì]Ê >LÀ`}iÊ6/Êäx{{{°Ê näÓ®Ên{Óä£Î°ÊV>Ìi`ÊÊÌ iÊÃÌÀiÌV ÊvÊ,ÌiÊ£ä{Ê between the villages of Fairfax and Cambridge. We are three miles from the Fairfax dam, and 3 miles from the Boyden Valley Winery in Cambridge. We are in a very large, red, barn. From the intersection of Rte 15 and Rte 104 in Cambridge, turn onto Rte 104 and travel 2.6 miles and find the barn on the left. From the intersection of Rte 128 and Rte 104 in Fairfax, travel 4 miles on Rte 104 and find the barn on your right. 90. Pine Ledge Fiber Studio - Joanne Littler. Shawls, scarves, rugs, linens, cards. 103 Ledge ,`]Ê>Àv>ÝÊ6/Êäx{x{°ÊnäÓ®Ên{ÓnÇÈ°ÊÀÊn]Ê take exit 18 and go south on Rte 7 to Rte 104A. Travel on Rte 104A to Rte 104 towards Fairfax Ì iÊÌ>iÊ>Êi`>ÌiÊivÌÊÌÊ->Ê7iLLÊ,`°Ê Travel for 0.9 mile to Ledge Rd. Turn right onto Ledge Rd and find the studio on the left in a gray house. 93. Meta Strick. Mixed media, dolls, paintings, calligraphy, ornaments. PO Box 76, - i`Ê6/Êäx{nΰÊ-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\Ê{ÈäÊ ÀÊ ,`]Ê>Àvi`Ê6/Êäx{xx°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÓÇÇn{È°ÊÀÊ -ÌÊL>Ã]Ê}Êi>ÃÌÊÊ,ÌiÊÎÈÊvÀÊ>LÕÌÊÈ°ÇÊiÃÊ to Fairfield Center. Turn left at Fairfield Center, onto North Rd. Travel about 3.7 miles. Turn left ÌÊ*`Ê,`°ÊÊiÊiÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ Cronin Rd, directly across from Reynolds Rd, >`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊä°xÊi°Êi>ÀÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ9°Ê*>ÀÊÊ front of the log house and log studio. 94. Artist In Residence - Vermont fine arts and crafts. Î{Ê>Ê-Ì]ÊÃLÕÀ}Ê>ÃÊ6/Ê äx{xä°ÊnäÓ®ÊÎÎÈ{äΰÊ"ÊnÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£Ê>`Ê ÌÀ>ÛiÊÌÜ>À`Ê-ÌÊL>ðÊÊ-ÌÊL>Ã]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ at Fairfax Rd/Rte 104 and go for 2.5 miles. Turn Ã} ÌÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ- i`Ê,`É,ÌiÊ£äxÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊ i>ÃÌÊvÀÊ£ÈÊiðÊÌÊÌ iÊÕVÌÊvÊ>Ê-ÌÊÊ Enosburg Falls, turn left and find the gallery at Î{Ê>Ê-ÌÊ>VÀÃÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊ«>À° 95. Carol Crawford Handweaver - Carol Crawford. Lush chenille scarves, shawls, blankets, rugs. 414 Hydes Hill Rd, Bakersfield 6/Êäx{{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊnÓÇ{{Èä°Ê,ÌiÊ£änÊLiViÃÊ>Ê -ÌÊÊ>iÀÃvi`°Ê/À>ÛiÊÀÌ ÊÊ>Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊ left onto Hydes Hill Rd. We are the fourth house on the right. Drive up the long driveway and park. 91. Champlainia - Liz Reardon. Sea glass jewelry, polymer clay. n{Ê iÀÀÞÊ-Ì]Ê-ÌÊL>ÃÊ 6/Êäx{n£°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÓÓäÈxÇ°Ê/À>Ûi}ÊÀÌ ÊÊ n]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£ÊÌÜ>À`Ê-ÌÊL>ðÊÜÊÃ}ÃÊ to Rte 36 and make a right at the first light off the iÝÌÊÌ iÊ>ÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊiÝÌÊ} Ì°Ê/ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ-Ê >Ê-ÌÊÊ-ÌÊL>Ã]ÊÌ iÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ,ÌiÎÈÉ >iÊ-Ì°Ê ÌÕiÊÌÊÌ iÊÛ>}iÊvÊ-ÌÊL>ÃÊ>Þ°Ê At the T intersection by the Bay store, turn right Ì iÊ>iÊ>Êi`>ÌiÊÀ} ÌÊÊÌÊ iÀÀÞÊ-Ì°Ê House is brick and the studio is in a small cabin in the back. Lamoille County Regional Information Center L.Ê,ÛiÀÊÀÌðÊÇ{Ê*i>Ã>ÌÊ-Ì]Ê ÀÀÃÛiÊ6/ÊäxÈÈ£°ÊnäÓ®Ênnn£ÓÈ£ 96. Seasholtz Glass Design - Matt Seasholtz. Blown glass bowls, vases, weights. näÓ®Ênnn {£££°Ê*"ÊÝÊ{£{]Ê ÃÊ6/ÊäxÈxÈ°ÊÊnäÓ®ÊÈÎx ÓÇΣ°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\ÊxäÊ°Ê>Ê-Ì]ÊÞ`iÊ*>ÀÊ VT 05655. In Morrisville, from the intersection ÌÀ>vvVÊ} Ì®ÊvÊ,ÌiÊ£ääÊ>`Ê,ÌiÊ£x]ÊÌ>iÊ,ÌiÊ£xÊ ÜiÃÌ]Ê£ÊiÊÌÊ>ÃÌÊ>Ê-Ì°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ>ÃÌÊ >Ê-Ì°Ê>`Êv`ÊÌ iÊ`ÀÛiÜ>ÞÊÌÊÌ iÊÃÌÕ`Ê immediately on the left. Drive between the two buildings. We are on the left hand side. 92. Gail Salzman Studio - Gail Salzman. Abstract contemporary oil paintings, prints. ÓÈÊÕÀÀÊ,`]Ê>Àvi`Ê6/Êäx{xx°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÓ{ xäxÇ°Ê/À>ÛiÊÀÌ ÊvÀÊÕÀ}ÌÊ{xÊÕÌiÃ®Ê ÊnÊ>`ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£Ê-Ì°ÊL>î°Ê/>iÊÌ iÊ first right after the exit onto Rte 104. In less than a mile, take the first right onto Rte 36 and travel east toward Fairfield, up over a steep hill. After about 5 miles, watch for a swamp on both sides of Ì iÊÀ>`°Ê/>iÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌÊÀ} ÌÊ9ÊÌÕÀ®Êi`>ÌiÞÊ after the swamp onto Bradley Rd, a dirt road. Less than 0.25 mile at a crossroads take the first À} ÌÊÌÊ7iÃÌÊ-Ì°ÊÊÓÊiÃÊÌ>iÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌÊivÌÊ onto Burnor Rd. Ours is the third mailbox on the left, number 269. We have a long driveway and you can’t see the house from road. From >iÀÃvi`Ê iÌiÀÊÓäÊÕÌiîÊ}ÊÜiÃÌÊÊ,ÌiÊ ÎÈÊ>LÕÌÊ°nÊiðÊ/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ7iÃÌÊ-ÌÊ>`Ê}Ê straight at crossroads and travel 2 miles. Turn left on Burnor Rd. The view from inside Town Hill Pottery in Whitingham. 18 97. Wind’s Edge Studio - Marion Philipsen Seasholtz. Quilts, pillows, wallhangings. 590 °Ê>Ê-Ì]ÊÞ`iÊ*>ÀÊ6/ÊäxÈxx°ÊnäÓ®ÊÈÎxÓÇÎ£Ê Follow directions in #96. blacksmith studio. 98. River Arts - Demonstrations by Lamoille Valley artists. *"ÊÝÊnÓ]ÊÇ{Ê*i>Ã>ÌÊ-Ì]Ê ÀÀÃÛiÊ6/ÊäxÈÈ£°ÊnäÓ®Ênnn£ÓÈ£°Ê }Ê ÀÌ ÊÊ,ÕÌiÊ£ääÊvÀÊ-ÌÜi]Ê«ÀVii`ÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊ through the four way intersection in the center of the village of Morrisville onto Rte 15A. The vÀÃÌÊivÌÊÜÊLiÊ*i>Ã>ÌÊ-ÌÀiiÌ°Ê*ÀVii`Ê{ääÊÞ>À`ÃÊ and River Arts will be on your right in an 1847 two story schoolhouse with a belltower, directly in front of the Morrisville VFW. Parking is in the municipal parking lot across from the River Arts. Dianne Shullenberger, above, has her studio in 19 Orleans County 101. Sarah Russell Pottery - Sarah Russell. Functional pottery, colorful hand-crafted glazes. ££xÊ,`}iÀÃÊ,`]Ê7iÃÌÊÛiÀÊ6/ÊäxnÇx°Ê näÓ®ÊxÓxxxx°ÊÀÊ£]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊÓx]Ê>ÀÌÊ >`Ê i>`ÊÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊ£ÈÊÌÜ>À`ÊÛiÀÊ6>}i°Ê /À>ÛiÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÌ iÊÛ>}iÊÌÊ- >`ÜÊ>iÊ,`]Ê >LÕÌÊx°{ÊiðÊ/ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ- >`ÜÊ>iÊ,`Ê and go for 4.5 miles. When it changes to gravel, bear right. Turn right onto Daniel’s Pond Rd and go for 2 miles. Turn left onto Rodgers Rd, and find my studio at the first house on the left. From Hardwick follow Rte 16 north for 15 miles. /ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ- >`ÜÊ>iÊ,>`Ê>`ÊvÜÊ directions above. Caledonia County 102. Miller’s Thumb Gallery. Fine art, jewelry, contemporary craft. £{ÊÀiiâÞÊÛi]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ 6/Êäxn{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÎÎÓä{x°Ê/À>ÛiÊvÀÊ-ÌÜiÊÊ ,ÌiÊ£xÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ>À`ÜV°ÊÊÎÊ miles on Rte 15. Turn left onto Rte 16 and travel 5 miles to Bend Rd on the left. Turn onto Bend Rd and go to the end, 3 miles. Turn left onto >ÃÌÊ-ÌÊ>`]Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊi`ÊvÊÌ iÊÃÌÀiiÌ]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ ÀiiâÞÊÛi°Ê/ iÊiÀ½ÃÊ/ ÕLÊ>iÀÞÊÃÊÌ iÊ red building immediately on the right. 110. Charuby Studios - Ruby Leslie. Handwoven scarves, shawls, and woven commissions. Ken Leslie. Artist’s books and paintings. 244 Carey Rd, Hardwick VT 05843. näÓ®Ê{ÇÓÈÎÇx°ÊÀÊ>À`ÜVÊÛ>}i]Ê}Ê£ÊiÊ ÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊ£{-°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ >ÀiÞÊ,`]Ê>VÀÃÃÊ vÀÊÌ iÊÀÛ}Ê-Ì>Ì°Ê"ÕÀÊÃÌÕ`ÃÊ>ÀiÊä°ÓxÊiÊ up Carey Rd on the right. Park at the top of the driveway and enjoy the gardens. 103. Roosevelt Fine Art - Michael Roosevelt. Limited edition fine art prints. PO Box 162, 7iÃÌÊ>ÛiÊ6/ÊäxnÇΰÊnäÓ®ÊxÈÎÓÓ£x°ÊV >iÊ ÜÊLiÊà Ü}Ê>ÌÊiÀ½ÃÊ/ ÕLÊÊÀiiÃLÀ]Ê 14 Breezy Ave. Follow directions in #102. 104. Louise Arnold. Plein air and studio paintings, landscapes. PO Box 301, 267 Breezy Ûi]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6/Êäxn{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÎÎÓÓ{°Ê Located next door to the Lakeview Inn on Breezy ÛiÊÊÀiiÃLÀ° Regional Information Center M. iÀ½ÃÊ/ ÕLÊ>iÀÞ°Ê£{ÊÀiiâÞÊ Ûi]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6/Êäxn{£°Ê näÓ®ÊxÎÎÓä{x° 99. Mill Village Pottery - Lynn Flory. Unique functional and collectible pottery and tiles. 6 Mill Village Rd, Craftsbury Common VT äxnÓÇ°ÊnäÓ®ÊxnÈÇ£°Ê/À>ÛiÊ£ÊiÊÀÌ ÊvÊ Craftsbury Common toward the Outdoor Center. At the bend, go straight onto Wylie Hill ,`°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊÌ iÊi`>ÌiÊÀ} Ì°Ê }Ê south on Rte 14, turn left onto N Craftsbury Rd and go 1.3 miles. Turn left onto Mill Village Rd. -ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌÊLÕ`}ÊÊÌ iÊÀ>`° 100. Kristin Urie. Paintings, drawings, notecards, books, earrings.ÊÓÓÓnÊ-ÕÌ ÊL>ÞÊ ,`]Ê À>vÌÃLÕÀÞÊ Ê6/ÊäxnÓÇ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇxx ÈnÇn°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊV>Ì\Ê££{ÈÊ ÀÌ Ê À>vÌÃLÕÀÞÊ Rd, Craftsbury Common VT. From Hardwick, take Rte 14N, towards Newport. Turn right Ê-ÕÌ Ê À>vÌÃLÕÀÞÊ,`°ÊÜÊÌ ÃÊÌ ÀÕ} Ê Craftsbury Village, up a hill towards Craftsbury ÊÌ iÊÀ>`ÊLiViÃÊÌ iÊ ÀÌ Ê À>vÌÃLÕÀÞÊ,`®°Ê7 iÊÞÕÊÃiiÊÜ ÌiÊ ÕÃiÃÊ coming your way, stop at the first one on the right- this is it! If you come to the cemetery, you have gone too far. 20 Miller’s Thumb Gallery of Greensboro, VT A stunning collection of Vermont Fine Art, Fashion, Jewelry & Contemporary Crafts 14 Breezy Ave, Greensboro, VT (802) 533-2045 set in a historic grist mill by Caspian Lake 105. Deborah Holmes Watercolors - Deborah Holmes. Watercolors, prints, and paintings of farms, lakes, flowers and villages. 96 Wilson -Ì]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6/Êäxn{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÎÎÓxÇ°ÊÀÊ the center of Hardwick, turn left at the Hardwick Ìi]ÊÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ*ViÊ-Ì>ÌÊÌÊ iÌiÀÊ ,`]Ê>`Ê}ÊÈÊiÃÊÌÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6>}i°ÊÊ «>ÃÌÊ7iÞ½ÃÊ-ÌÀiÊÌÊÌ iÊÌ À`Ê ÕÃiÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì°Ê From the north, I am in the first house on the right beyond the church. 106. Borealis Studios - Jerilyn Virden and Devin Burgess. Blown glass, pottery and sculptural work. {ÓÊ7ÃÊ-Ì]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6/Ê äxn{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊÇÎΣÇÇ°Ê7iÊ>ÀiÊ`ÀiVÌÞÊ>VÀÃÃÊ Ì iÊÃÌÀiiÌÊvÀÊÌ iÊÀiiÃLÀÊÀiiÊLÀ>ÀÞÊÊ ÀiiÃLÀÊiÝÌÊÌÊÌ iÊiÀ>Ê>À`iÃÊ>`Ê parking lot in the center of town. 107. Jennifer Ranz - Greensboro Barn. Jennifer Ranz. Pottery, porcelain jewelry, sculpture, watercolors. 491 Country Club ,>`]ÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6/Êäxn{£°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÎÎÓn£°Ê Ê>À`ÜV]ÊvÀÊ,ÌiÊ£xÊ>Ê-Ì®ÊLi>ÀÊivÌÊ>ÌÊ laundromat, go over bridge and up a small hill. /ÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ*ViÊ-Ì>Ì]ÊÌÊ ÕÀV Ê-Ì°Ê Follow this road, which turns into Center Rd, about 6 miles. When the speed limit reduces to Îä]ÊLivÀiÊÀiiÃLÀÊ6>}i]ÊÌ>iÊ>Êà >À«ÊÀ} ÌÊ ÌÊ ÕÌÀÞÊ ÕLÊ,`°ÊÊä°xÊiÊ«>ÃÌÊÌ iÊ}vÊ VÕL°Ê/ iÊÀiiÃLÀÊ>ÀÊÃÊÛÃLiÊÊÌ iÊivÌ° Regional Information Center N. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild. 430 Railroad St, St Johnsbury VT 05819. (802) 748-0158. 108. Phillip Robertson - Landscapes, printmaking demonstrations, sale items. *"ÊÝÊ£Î]Ê°Ê>À`ÜVÊ6/ÊäxnÎÈ°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÇÓ ÎÈ°ÊV>Ì\Ê7 ÌiÜ>ÌiÀÊ>iÀÞ]ÊxÊ,ÛiÀÊ-Ì]Ê East Hardwick Village. From Hardwick, travel east on Rte 15 about 2 miles. Turn left on Rte 16 N for about 2 miles then turn left onto Main -Ì°ÊÊ/À>ÛiÊiÃÃÊÌ >Ê>ÊiÊÌÊ,ÛiÀÊ-ÌÊÊÌ iÊivÌÊ >`Êv`ÊÌ iÊ7 ÌiÜ>ÌiÀÊ>iÀÞÊÀ} ÌÊLivÀiÊÌ iÊ bridge. Handicapped accessible. 109. Vermont Glass Workshop - Harry and Wendy Besett. Functional and decorative handblown glass. 482 Mackville Rd, Hardwick 6/Êäxn{ΰÊnäÓ®Ê{ÇÓxÇÎΰÊÀÊ>À`ÜVÊ}}Ê ÃÕÌ ÊÊ,ÌiÊ£{]Ê>Ê-Ì]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÊ>VÛiÊ ,`Ê>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊvÀÊä°xÊi°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊÊÌ iÊÀ} Ì° 111. Dawn Cogger Crochet - Dawn Cogger. Wearable wool designs, filet, accessories. £n£ÊiÀÀÞÊÊ,`]Ê- ivvi`Ê6/ÊäxnÈÈ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÈÓÈ 9159. From I-91 traveling north, take exit 24, turn right off the ramp onto Rte 122 N. Travel 8 miles ÌÊ- ivvi`Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊiÀÀÞÊÊ,>`°Ê I am 0.25 mile up on left. From I-91 traveling south, take exit 25, turn right off ramp onto Rte £ÈÊ7°Ê/À>ÛiÊ{ÊiÃÊ>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ,ÌiÊ£ÓÓÊ-°Ê /À>ÛiÊ£äÊiÃÊÌÊ- ivvi`Ê>`ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÊiÀÀÞÊ Hill Road. Find me 0.25 mile up on the left. 112. Craft Barn - Ellen Chase. Handmade quilts, baskets, pillows, embroidery. PO Box Î{]Ê>ÃÌÊÕÀiÊ6/ÊäxnÎÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÈÓÈnÈ£ä°Ê£{änÊ -V ÊÕÃiÊ,`]Ê iÜ>ÀÊ6/ÊäxnÇ£°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÈÇ 3739. On Route 5 to West Burke take Route 5A and go north 0.8 mile. Turn right on Newark -ÌÀiiÌÊ>`Ê}ÊΰÈÊiðÊ/ÕÀÊivÌÊÊ-V ÕÃiÊ Rd and go 0.1 mile up a slight grade. The barn will be on the left side. 113. Pikku LLC - Valerie Chase/Ormiston. Elegantly designed paper and fabric for the home. *"ÊÝÊÎ{]Ê>ÃÌÊÕÀiÊ6/ÊäxnÎÓ°ÊnäÓ®Ê 626-8610. With Ellen Chase at the Craft Barn in Newark. Follow directions above. 114. Sanderson’s Wooden Bowls - Sam and Weeza Sanderson. Bowl turning. 2902 Rte 114, >ÃÌÊÕÀiÊ6/ÊäxnÎÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÈÓÈÈÓÓ°Ê"Ê£Ê take exit 23 and head north on Rte 5, through the village of Lyndonville. At the northern end of town, bear right onto Rte 114 and go north to the village of East Burke. Continue past the village on Rte 114 for about 2.5 miles. Look for a white farmhouse with red barn on the right with `iÞÃÊ>`Ê>Ê->`iÀýÃÊ7`iÊÜÃÊÃ}Ê in front. 21 CALEDONIA COUNTY Washington County 119. Adamant Community Art Center Janet MacLeod. Paintings, papier-mache, jewelry, idyllic location. Box 1, 1313 Haggett ,`]Ê`>>ÌÊ6/ÊäxÈ{ä°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓÎxÇÈä°ÊÊ Ì«iiÀ]ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊÀÌ ÊÊ>Ê-ÌÊÌÊÌ iÊ roundabout and take the first right continuing on >Ê-Ì°ÊÊÕ«ÊÌ iÊ Ê>`ÊVÌÕiÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÊ what becomes County Rd. Continue straight on what becomes County Rd. Pass the Morse Farm -Õ}>ÀÊ- >VÊ>`ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊvÀÊ>LÕÌÊxÊÊÈÊiÃÊÌÊ Haggett Rd on your right. Turn onto Haggett Rd and go into Adamant, about a mile, to the `>>ÌÊ «Ê-ÌÀi°Ê-ÌÕ`ÊÃÊ>LÛiÊÌ iÊ «Ê in the back. 120. Jo MacKenzie Watercolors - Jo Mackenzie. Original affordable watercolors of flowers, pets, rural life. 1573 Lightening ,`}iÊ,`]Ê`>>ÌÊ6/ÊäxÈ{ä°ÊnäÓ®Ê{x{ÇÎÎä°Ê From County Rd in E. Montpelier, take Haggett ,`ÊÌÊÌ iÊViÌiÀÊvÊ`>>Ì°ÊÊÃÌÀ>} ÌÊÌ ÀÕ} Ê the intersection of several roads onto Adamant Rd. Follow Adamant Rd to Lightening Ridge on the right. Find us on the right about 0.75 mile marked by a large mailbox. The house cannot be seen from the road. 121. Blackthorne Forge - Steven C. Bronstein. Functional and sculptural, contemporary ironwork. 3821 Rte 2, Marshfield 6/ÊäxÈxn°ÊnäÓ®Ê{ÓÈ{ÓÓÓ°ÊÊ7iÊ>ÀiÊÓÊiÃÊÜiÃÌÊvÊ Marshfield on Rte 2 in the large yellow barn on the left, or 6 miles east of Plainfield on Rte 2 on the right. Regional Information Center O. Blinking Light Gallery. 16 Main St, Plainfield VT 05667. (802) 454-0141 P. Artisans Hand. 89 Main St, Montpelier VT 05602. (802) 229-9492 Q. Artisan’s Gallery. 20 Bridge St, Waitsfield VT 05673. (802) 496-6256 A sincere thank you to Ruby Leslie for her meticulous work on the map. Thanks also to our production partners Sally Stetson Design and Queen City Printers. 22 115. Hillcrest Adirondack Furniture - Richard Ducharme. Adirondack furniture, chairs, gliders, children’s. 849 Ducharme Rd., >Àà vi`Ê6/ÊäxÈxn°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÈÎÓÇ{x°Ê"Ê,ÌiÊÓÊ Ê>Àà vi`]ÊÌÕÀÊÌÊ,ÌiÊÓ£x°ÊÊ>LÕÌÊÓ°xÊ iÃÊÞÕÊÜÊ«>ÃÃÊ>ÊViiÌiÀÞÊÊÌ iÊÀ} ÌÊ>`Ê Ì iÊ >LÌÊÀii ÕÃiÊÊÌ iÊivÌ®°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊ ÕV >ÀiÊ,`°Ê-ÌÕ`Ê>`ÊÜÀà «Ê>ÀiÊ£°äÊiÊ up on the left. The furniture workshop is on the lower driveway. Fiber studio is located in the house. 116. Vermont Floorcloths and Fiber Arts Sandy Ducharme. Handpainted canvas rugs, hooked wool rugs. 849 Ducharme Rd., >Àà vi`Ê6/ÊäxÈxn°ÊnäÓ®ÊxÈÎÓÇ{x°ÊLiÀÊ studio is located in the house. Please follow directions in #115. 117. Newcomb Design - Lynn Newcomb. Steel sculpture, etchings, new ceramics. PO Box 124, 211 Hampshire Hill, Worcester VT äxÈnÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓänä°ÊÊÌ iÊÌÜÊvÊ7ÀViÃÌiÀ]Ê Ê,ÌiÊ£Ó]ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÜiÃÌ®Ê>ÌÊÌiÀÃiVÌÊÌÊ ÃÌiÀÊÀÊ,`®°ÊvÌiÀÊ>LÕÌÊ£°xÊiÃÊÊ Minister Brook Rd, turn right at a four way intersection which is Hampshire Hill. House and shop are about one mile up Hampshire Hill on Ì iÊÀ} ÌÊ}À>vvÌÊÊvÀÌÊvÊL>VÃÌ Êà «®° 118. Melissa C. Storrow - Missy Storrow. Expressionist watermedia paintings, photography, oils. 710 Wheeler Rd, Calais VT äxÈ{n°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓÈÇ£n°ÊÊÌ«iiÀ]ÊÌÀ>ÛiÊÀÌ Ê Ê>Ê-ÌÊÌÊÌ iÊÀÕ`>LÕÌÊ>`ÊÌ>iÊÌ iÊvÀÃÌÊ À} ÌÊVÌÕ}ÊÊ>Ê-Ì°ÊÊÕ«ÊÌ iÊ Ê>`Ê continue straight on what becomes County Rd. Travel a total of 7 miles on County Rd and turn left onto Wheeler Rd. We are located 0.7 miles up the hill in a grey farmhouse. 125. The Mud Studio - Michael Sullivan. Functional pottery. 961 Rte 2, Middlesex VT äxÈäÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓ{Çäää°Ê"Ên]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ]Ê ``iÃiÝÉ7>ÌÃvi`°ÊÜÊÃ}ÃÊÌÊ,ÌiÊÓ°ÊÊ left on Rte 2 and travel 0.2 mile to Camp Meade on the right housing Red Hen Bakery & Cafe, and Ann’s Weavery. Find us to the right of the Red Hen/Ann’s Weavery building in the Camp Meade complex. 126. Jeremy Ayers Pottery - Jeremy Ayers. Colorful, high-fire, stoneware, pottery for daily use.Ê£nÊÊ-Ì]ÊÎ]Ê7>ÌiÀLÕÀÞÊ6/ÊäxÈÇÈ°Ê näÓ®ÊÎÈÎÎxÓ°ÊÀÊn]ÊÌ>iÊiÝÌÊ£äÊÌÊiÀ}iÊ ÌÊ6/£ääÊ-ÊÌÜ>À`Ê,ÌiÊÓÊ>`Ê7>ÌiÀLÕÀÞ°ÊÊ /ÕÀÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ/ÊÌÊ Ê>Ê-Ì°ÊÊÌÊÌ iÊ *À LÌÊ*}ÊvÀiÀÞÊV iÃÌÊÀiÜiÀÞ®]Ê ÌÕÀÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊÊ-Ì°Ê7iÊ>ÀiÊÌ iÊÞiÜÊ ÕÃiÊ >ÌÊÌ iÊVÀiÀÊvÊÊ-Ì°Ê>`Ê,>`>Ê-ÌÊÀÊ,ÌiÊ ÓÊ i>`}ÊÀÌ ÊÌÕÀÊivÌÊÌÊÊ-ÌÀiiÌ° Contemporary Vermont Crafts Info Center Maps details Leslie Koehler Majolica stoneware Supportor of craft community for 35 years 89 Main at City Center, Montpelier 802-229-9492 ~ 127. Moosewalk Studios and Gallery - Gary Eckhart and Roarke Sharlow. Watercolor paintings, photography, and giclee prints. ÓääÊ"ÀÊ,`]Ê7>ÀÀiÊ6/ÊäxÈÇ{°ÊnäÓ®ÊxnÎÓÓÓ{°Ê Travel on Rte 100 to Warren. Turn onto Lincoln >«Ê,`°]Ê««ÃÌiÊ ÕÌÀÞÊÌÀÊ >ÀðÊ/À>ÛiÊ ÜiÃÌÊÊVÊ>«Ê,`°ÊvÀÊÓÊiÃÊÌÊÕÀÊ studio/gallery sign, hanging on a mailbox. At the mailbox, make a right turn into our driveway. Open Daily! 122. Waterfall Quilts - Kathie Alyce. Quilts, patterns, acrylic templates, wallhangings. 550 >ÃÌ ÊÀÊ,`]Ê*>vi`Ê6/ÊäxÈÈÇ°ÊnäÓ®Ê 426-3384. On Rte 2, travel east through Plainfield. Ê>LÕÌÊÈÊiÃÊÌÊ>ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÕÀÊÌÜ>À`Ê/Üvi`Ê } Ê-V °Ê/ ÃÊÃÊ >ÃÌ ÊÀÊ,`°ÊÜÊ it for 0.1 mile. We are the first house on the right next to a waterfall. Free Guided Maple Tours, Video and Syrup Tasting Maple Walking Trails Gift Shop Famous Maple Creemees Animals Picnic Area 123. Linda B Pottery - Linda Bouchard Bracken. Colorful, wheelthrown, functional pottery.ÊxÇÈʵÕiÀ>Ê,`]Ê>ÀÀiÊ/ÜÊ6/ÊäxÈ{£°Ê näÓ®Ê{ÇÈ{£{ΰÊ-ÌÕ`\ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÇÓäÇ£°Ê/À>Ûi}Ê on Rte 14 from Barre toward Rte 2 in E. Montpelier, pass Hope Cemetery on the left and Ì iÊÌ>iÊ>ÊÀ} ÌÊÌÊ*>vi`ÊÕiÀÊÀÊ ,`Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊÀÃ`iÊ ÕÌÀÞÊ-ÌÀi°Ê/À>ÛiÊvÀÊ 0.5 mile, then turn right onto Camire Hill Rd and follow to the end. Turn left onto Camp Rd, which becomes Higuera Rd. My house and studio are in a red farm house on the left. 124. Blue Roof Designs - Elissa Campbell. Bookbinding, paper crafts.Ên{ÈÊ>ÃÊÊ ,`]ÊÌ«iiÀÊ6/ÊäxÈäÓ°ÊnäÓ®ÊÓÓ£Î{Ó°Ê"Ê I-89 take exit 8 to Montpelier. The exit merges into a road that becomes Rte 2. Continue on this highway, with the city of Montpelier and the river on your left, until you come to a traffic circle. Take the second exit onto Rte 2, and travel ä°ÎÊiÊÌÊ>ÃÊÊ,`°Ê/ÕÀÊivÌÊ>ÌÊÌ iÊ>Ê Ã}ÊÌÊ>ÃÊÊ,`Ê>`Ê}Êä°nÊiÊÌÊÌ iÊ studio on the left in a gray house with blue trim, #846. ARTISANS HAND 800-376-5757 or 802-223-5757 Hillcrest Adirondack Furniture and VT Floorcloths and Fiber Art Cabot, VT Yinglei Zhang with her paintings in her Middlebury studio. Two studios in one stop! Adirondack furniture, Floorcloths, hooked rugs, wool, hooking supplies, and much more! 23 Saluting Vermont’s most natural resources…the amazing, gifted artists who contribute to Open Studio Weekend. With great thanks and admiration! Some of the 1,200 farm families who own Cabot Creamery Cooperative 24
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