1st Quarter - Anverally Tea
1st Quarter - Anverally Tea
Tea Market Update V o l u m e 8 N o 1 J a n u a r y— M a r c h 2 0 1 3 New Alliance - Expected to strengthen the world tea industry Producer Goals & objectives Under the able guidance of Hon. Mahinda Samarasinghe, Sri Lanka Tea Board joined hands with the Ministry of Plantation Industries to reach another milestone in the history of the tea industry with the formation of an International Tea Producers' Forum (ITPF) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ministerial and high level state sector officials combined with the private sector from the world's largest tea producing nations came together on January 21, 2013 in Colombo, Sri Lanka to establish an Association exclusively dedicated for the promotion and development of common interest of tea producing countries. The absence of a specific global body to deliberate matters significantly important to the world tea industry has resulted in substantial set-backs to This was realized by all major tea producing countries as far back as the 1990s but the dream was never accomplished until this week. Sri Lanka the current chair of the FAO/IGG on Tea took the initiative and was greatly instrumental for the formation of a dedicated Association called the International Tea Producers' Forum at a conference held at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel in Colombo. Seven of the largest tea producing countries, namely, India, Kenya, Indonesia, Malawi, Rwanda, Iran and Sri Lanka became founder members of this historic initiative with China and FAO as observers. Cont. in page 5 …. Tea Production 2 Tea Marketing 3 Tea Exports 4 Economy Tea Industry Global Tea Scene 6 Trade Fair Participation 7 Research Update 8 The country economic growth slowed in first quarter 2013 due to a decline in exports and imports year-on -year basis during the period to US$2363 from US$ 2570 million or -8.1%, while lending rates and inflation remained high, thereby eroding disposable income levels and money circulation. The policy measures adopted last year to curb the trade deficit to a sustainable level have continued to be effective as expenditure on imports declined by around US dollars 857 million during the first three months of 2013 , in comparison to the corresponding period of 2012. Tourist arrivals in the first quarter of 2013 have recorded a growth of 10.9 % as against last year same period. Hence, cumulative earnings from tourism recorded a growth of 19.1 per cent over the first quarter of 2012. Usual weather pattern followed during recent years , has change and favorable weather condition experienced in tea growing areas resulted better harvest in first quarter of 2013. Average tea price at Colombo tea auction recorded a historical landmark to top Rs. 400 per kilogram during the Month of March in all elevations. Editor-Sampath Perera Tea Promotion Division E-mail sampath@pureceylontea.com Web-site www.pureceylontea.com General Overview Green leaf rate received by small tea holders in low grown region increased to average Rs 60/ Kg. from Rs.50 per kilogram during last year same period. Although high grown teas commanded healthy price levels during last six months they struggled with highest labor cost incurred per production of one kilogram of tea. Continued in page …………….5 Tea market update Volume 8. No. 1 P AG E + 2 Tea Production Ceylon Tea manufacturers have established a new record crop for the first quarter in 2013 attributed to fair weather conditions. In fact, production increased 11 percent from last year's same period record level. The usual dry period beginning of the year did not persist which resulted unexpected crop in western highlands and valleys in low grown regions. Comparison of the first three months and highlights of the past crop records are shown in table 1. 2013 - Jan to Mar Sector Table 1 - Total and monthly tea Production January-March 2009-2013 (Units :MT) 2010 production registered by the private sector at 48Mkgs represented 59% from the total tea production. While Plantation companies and public sector accounted 41% or 33Mkgs for the quarter. A majority of Public sector tea factories are located in medium grown and recorded poor crop due to aging bushes and poor agricultural practices, though the area experienced same weather conditions during the period. Table 3 – Distribution of Tea Production January-March 2013/2012 (Units:MKg) 2013 2012 2011 2009 January 23894 23191 21,141 26796 17810 February 24968 22,670 22,125 24858 12764 March 32197 28,072 35,134 21458 18412 Total 81059 74,933 78,400 73,112 48,986 Production (MKg.) Private 47.82 59.04 44.12 58.9 8.4 Plantation Co. 30.52 37.68 27.81 37.1 9.8 Public 2.66 Total This significant rise in monthly crop is attributed mainly to the massive output during March. The crop averaging at around 27 million kilograms per month, was up five million kilograms in March. During the months of January and February marginal increases of crop contributed to a record cumulative production level for the period. Category Jan-Mar (MKg.) 2013 2012 MATALE KEGALLE High 19.33 17.29 2.04 11.8 Medium Low Total 12.78 48.89 81.01 12.23 45.41 74.93 0.55 3.48 6.08 4.5 7.7 8.1 KALUTARA KANDY BADULLA MATARA GALLE Processing Method Orthodox CTC Green Tea 74.43 5.80 0.77 69.31 4.86 0.76 5.12 0.94 0.02 Total 81.01 74.93 6.08 RATNAPURA 7.4 NUWARA ELIYA 19.4 2.2 Total HIGH MEDIUM 74.93 100.0 LOW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 3.37 0.00 0.00 0.25 15.51 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.16 0.00 5.26 2.90 0.04 0.00 0.59 3.42 0.06 0.06 0.11 2.42 4.08 2.62 0.00 10.42 12.62 16.31 0.19 19.33 12.78 48.89 8.1 The Nuwara Eliya region Orthodox category boosted its first quarter tea production by a whopping 7.4% to 74.43MKgs, and CTC tea and Green tea production registered same pattern in this quarter compared to last year same period. The tea 4.0 (11.3) 8.1 January-March 2013 (Million Kg.) HAMBANTOTA Elevation 3.00 Temperatures were unusually mild and rainfall spread throughout the areas in Nuwara Eliya, Ratnapura, Galle and Matara and most other tea growing areas through out the quarter. Hence, relatively satisfactory yield were reported in all sub districts. Table 4.- District wise tea production comparison as at December 2013 (MKg) COLOMBO Change Qty (MKg.) % 3.28 81.01 100.00 ADMIN. DISTRICT Table 2 - Cumulative tea production according to elevation and category till March (Units :Mkg) % 2012 - Jan to Mar % ProducChange % tion (MKg.) registered the highest crop with the highest acreage in tea compared to the other tea growing districts. It is depicted in table 4. above. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION—SRI LANKA TEA BOARD TOTAL 0.06 0.06 0.53 2.58 4.08 8.09 6.27 10.46 12.62 17.15 19.11 81.01 Tea market update Volume 8 . No. 1 P AG E Tea Marketing A buoyant market that prevailed during last quarter in 2012 for all elevations teas continued during first quarter in 2013 as well. Overall average prices were strong in this period compared to last year’s level due to fair demand. The average price of tea during the first quarter was US$ 3.38 and was well above the last year level and global average price of US$ 2.90 for the period under review. It is depicted in table 5. Table 5 –Teas Sold and prices fetched in first quarter 2013/2012 Unit:Qty-Mkg,Rs/Kg 2013 - Jan to Mar Elevation 2012 - Jan to Mar 3 today may be above US$ 3.25 to be above water. Perhaps, first quarter prices behaved favorably and expects to remain so far rest of the year for industry’s sustainability. Table 7: Teas sold and prices fetched by distribution channels (Qty:Mkg, Price Rs./Kg) First Quarter Different 2013 Channel Qty (MKg.) Public Auction Private Sales Direct Sales 2012 Price (Rs./ Kg.) Qty Price (Rs./ (MKg.) Kg.) 85.47 0.88 0.35 427.59 81.74 445.96 0.92 476.96 0.43 355.77 383.34 462.74 86.69 427.97 83.08 356.62 Qty (MKg) Price (SL Rs) Price (US$) Qty Price (SL Price (MKg) Rs) (US$) 18.82 422.07 3.33 17.79 340.01 2.86 Over 98 % or 85 Million kilograms of teas were Medium 13.20 388.38 3.06 13.50 317.89 2.67 auction whilst 2% or 1.2 million kilograms were Low 439.57 3.47 51.79 372.42 3.13 The season/ quarter produced BOPF,FBOPF1, High Total sold during the first quarter was through public sold through private and direct sales. 54.67 FBOPF,OP,OP1, BOP1,FBOP, FP and PEKOE grades. The prices fetched for these grades above US$ 3.35 per kilogram and represented 44% or 38.5 The Colombo Tea Auction were held on 13 occa- Mkgs. CTC grades of PF1 and PD fetched the sions during the period and sale prices were always same price pattern whilst other CTC grades realized above those of last year’s and the price difference below the Rs.400 per kilogram level due to abunexceeded Rs. 80.00 per kilogram in some sales. dance in global tea market. Green tea disposal at the Colombo auction Table 6 – Weekly Colombo Tea Auction sales remained unchanged compared to last year same comparison during the quarter (Rs/Kg) Total Month January February March 86.69 427.97 Auc. Num 3.38 83.08 356.62 3.00 High Medium Low Average 1 2 3 4 5 2013 430.29 436.90 441.52 436.05 417.47 2012 326.29 332.06 327.71 334.45 333.55 2013 383.81 378.07 384.85 381.91 378.39 2012 300.79 306.12 298.24 301.86 302.74 2013 421.49 427.57 430.42 432.81 437.14 2012 367.35 367.78 365.58 361.77 362.47 2013 417.77 421.98 426.31 425.87 424.62 2012 347.44 350.62 347.14 347.33 347.73 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 413.48 409.45 409.96 404.97 414.00 415.69 410.91 402.12 330.01 334.78 330.41 332.79 330.19 342.71 348.75 356.25 371.14 376.60 386.87 392.69 400.59 403.25 409.31 409.89 297.76 310.01 315.94 320.87 322.07 324.72 339.89 346.49 418.57 428.61 441.42 451.19 447.22 456.84 464.57 472.72 352.04 364.44 365.15 369.79 367.76 375.91 395.90 424.13 410.82 417.64 427.52 434.06 433.92 440.34 444.29 447.48 338.94 351.41 350.45 354.29 353.08 360.15 375.55 396.92 The country tea cultivation faced new challenges with recent wage hikes agreed with trade unions. The last year COP for one kilogram of made tea was US$ 3.06 and manufactures stood on the edge for survival. Attributed to recent increase in fuel, wood, electricity and other expenses, the average price quarter and average prices for Gun powder and other Fanning grades followed unsatisfactory price levels except Green Tea Dust1 grade. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION— SRI LANKA TEA BOARD Difference 70.33 71.36 79.17 78.54 76.89 71.88 66.22 77.07 79.76 80.84 80.19 68.74 50.56 Tea market update Volume 8. No. 1 P AG E 4 Tea Exports P AG E 4 Earnings from tea exports declined to US$ 333.6 million from US$ 335.7 as a result of lower volume exported during the period compared to last year same period. The monthly exports were always below the last year level registering a 6.5% decline cumulatively. Table 10 -Top ten destinations of Pure Ceylon tea from Jan– March 2013/2012 Units:Qty - MKg Change Country 2012 2011 2010 % 2013 2012 11.40 11.12 IRAN 9.24 10.08 (0.84) (8.38) 13.39 14.04 (1.22) (17.90) 8.10 9.48 RUSSIA 2009 Exports % 2012 Qty Table 8 - Export Statistics for each month during first quarter 2009/2013Units : Million Kilograms 2013 2013 2.56 16.52 15.48 0.28 January 22.07 23.19 27.26 21.04 18.40 SYRIA 5.59 6.81 February 21.82 23.68 25.34 25.12 21.40 TURKEY 5.48 4.26 March 27.18 29.02 27.03 24.05 30.12 IRAQ 4.03 5.30 Total 70.97 75.89 79.63 70.21 69.93 UAE 4.00 2.43 1.57 KUWAIT 2.86 1.17 1.69 144.79 4.14 1.63 AZERBAIJAN 2.30 2.66 (0.36) (13.42) 3.34 3.70 UKRAINE 2.16 1.93 JAPAN 1.99 2.46 (0.47) (19.05) 2.88 3.42 69.01 71.81 (2.80) (3.90) 100.0 100.0 Ceylon tea exported shows a 3.9% marginal drop and with re-exports it was 6.5% in first quarter in comparison to last year. The major contribution to this decline is the exports of tea packets which had dropped by 6.2% and re-exports declined by 52%. Also Tea Bags and instant tea recorded a substantial decrease in exports, whilst, Green tea exports registered a marginal increase in shipments against last year same period. Average FOB price of all categories in first quarter increased by 13% or US$ 0.5 per kilogram which attributed to increase of prices in tea packets and tea bags Table 9 – Tea Exports comparison during first quarter Units: Qty-MT, FOB—Rs/Kg, Value– Rs. Millions 2013 Total Exports 1.22 28.54 7.94 5.94 (1.27) (23.89) 5.84 7.38 0.24 64.57 5.79 3.38 12.20 3.13 2.68 except re-export volume Iran and Syria hold the second and third positions consecutively with a significant decrease of Ceylon tea imports when compared to last year. Turkey, UAE and Kuwait registered a significant increase of 2012 Change % Change Category Qty Bulk* Packets* 29,763 33,326 FOB Value ( Qty 531.48 15,818 29,941 539.77 17,988 35,547 FOB Value 15.7 5.1 98.94 126 (6.9) 9.9 2.4 5,319 Instant Tea 325 1,035.57 336 464 775.69 360 Green Tea 628 1,167.56 734 524 1,087.50 569 Total RTD** 70,973 187 1,967 4,078 (367) (139) 259.88 33.5 (6.6) 80.06 164 20.0 7.4 28.8 515.76 37,039 (2,801) 68.51 3,283 (3.9) 13.3 8.9 741.93 3,026 (2,118) 261.61 (1,059) (51.9) 527.92 40,064 (4,919) 276.57 351.93 163 (24) (30.0) 105 595.85 42,289 75,892 52 Value 16.4 12.1 996.53 1,960 1,003.54 FOB (0.6) (6.2) 5,338 Re-Exports Qty 2,143 873 5,446 584.27 40,322 71,814 Value 74.73 58.31 4,971 1,095.47 69,013 FOB 456.75 13,676 (178) 481.46 17,115 (2,222) Tea Bags* Sub Total Qty * Black Tea ** RTD Tea in Litres It is depicted in table 9 above. The first quarter 2013, Russia has consolidated its position as the largest importer of Ceylon Tea with an increase by 2.56% or 0.3 Million kilograms as against last year same quarter. 57 67.93 2,224 24 (75.36) (5) (6.5) 35.3 (35.0) 12.9 5.6 15.0 (21.4) (9.6) Ceylon tea exports among the top ten destinations list attributed to border trading accelerated with sanctions imposed by USA and EU on Syria and Iran. It is depicted in table 10. above. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION— SRI LANKA TEA BOARD Tea market update Volume 8. No. 1 General Overview………..………….from page 1. Weather Fair weather remained throughout the period in all tea growing area except Uva region that experienced dry weather. Quality Dimbula quality season not materialized fully due to scattered showers experienced in the region during the period. New Alliance ……………..………….from page 1. The Constitution of the ITPF was ratified by the Ministerial representations from these major tea producing countries who constitute more than 80% of the tea production in the world. A joint communiqué was signed by the delegates from these countries and Sri Lanka was selected as the Secretariat for the first ever International Tea Producers' Forum. It was also decided for the producer member nations to re-convene in Colombo by the end of the year to establish a General Council and an Executive Committee as per the Constitution. The General Council will be called upon to elect a Chairperson and two Vice Chairpersons and shall hold annual sessions to take forward the initiatives which will be proposed by the ITPF. P AG E 5 With a vision to position tea as the most acceptable, natural and healthy beverage globally and a mission to position this noble drink as the most preferred beverage universally by stimulating its consumption and facilitating generic promotional campaigns to raise the awareness of a healthy lifestyle, the members of the ITPF is optimistic that all stakeholders of the global tea fraternity will benefit in the future. Further, it is strongly believed that more tea producing countries will come on board and join the ITPF soon. The momentum has already begun with Iran being one of the observer nations at the historic Ministerial meeting in Colombo receiving the endorsement of their Governments to formally join the ITPF and keen interest shown by China the world largest producer of tea. Vietnam and Argentina are two other major tea producing nations which have indicated their favorable consideration to the establishment of the ITPF. Several other countries such as Bangladesh, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda who could not participate at the historical Colombo summit have already signed the MOU to become members of the new association. The climate change phenomena, the escalation of cost of production , the low yields and the issues in implementing Good Agricultural Practices were identified as some of the challenges beside higher food safety standards, increased transportation cost and tariff as well as non tariff barriers. These common issues would be addressed by the ITPF in the future with greater efforts directed at expanding demand. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION— SRI LANKA TEA BOARD Tea market update Volume 8. No. 1 P AG E P AG E 6 6 Global Tea Scene Tea Production In general tea production in most countries increased steadily towards end of the first quarter attributed to favorable weather conditions. Specially African black tea production registered its highest ever production per quarter with fifty million kilograms of tea more than they produced in last year same period. Table 11 -Global tea production comparison in first quarter 2013/2012(MT.) PRODUCTION Month 2013 2012 Change N E INDIA 3 32700 37520 -4820 SOUTH INDIA 3 46540 44774 1766 BANGLADESH 3 692 731 SRI LANKA 3 81059 KENYA 3 MALAWI Kenya maintained its first place as world’s largest tea exporter with slight increases as against last year same period During this quarter, Kenya increased their tea exports to Russia(23%), Kazakhstan (21% ), UAE (11%), Iran(21%), and Pakistan by 6%. While European countries tea imports from Kenya registered marginal drops except Netherlands during the period attributing to recession crippled economies. Table 13. Global tea Exports Comparison (2011-2013) Unit: MT Change Country 2013 2012 2011 -39 Kenya 118882 118153 107458 729 74933 6126 China 76156 74036 74359 2120 117261 72436 44825 Sri Lanka 70973 75892 73648 -4919 970 687 650* 283 3 21316 17723 3593 78 403 150* -325 TANZANIA 3 10276 11572 -1296 8844 11539 9059 -2695 UGANDA 3 9884 8098 1786 275903 280710 265324 -4807 319728 267787 51941 TOTAL Following increased tea production, tea prices have decreased gradually since inception of the first quarter in most tea auctions with comparison to fourth quarter of 2012. However, few of the auctions reflected unprecedented price increase.(Colombo & Chittagong) due to increased domestic consumption and fair demand for orthodox black tea compared to other tea types. Table 12- Average prices in major auction centers as at 31st March 2010-2013 Centre 2013 2012 2011 2010 2012/2013 change Kolkata 2.56 2.01 2.77 2.58 0.55 Cochin 2.03 1.73 1.73 1.71 0.3 Chittagong 3.22 1.88 2.14 2.63 1.34 Mombasa 2.88 2.67 2.72 2.54 0.21 Jakarta 2.27 1.84 1.97 1.81 0.43 Colombo 3.38 2.99 3.26 3.28 0.39 Guwahati Malawi World 2.25 1.74 1.96 1.67 2.90 2.47 2.33 1.61 2.73 2.43 1.58 2.71 0.51 0.29 0.43 Taiwan Bangladesh Uganda Total 2012/2013 Source: ITC * - Estimated figures China, mainly green tea exports remained unchanged to West Africa region while European countries showed a slight increase due to its health benefits. Despite the fact that, China’s tea exports to CIS region decreased by 21% compared to last year same period and other Asian countries showed signs to buy more green teas from China as green tea health benefits were in all demographic categories. Libya, Tunisia, Iraq and Egypt markets did not rebound to earlier positions after the regime changed. Hence, statistics published on tea business were unclear in these countries and instability in Banking system behaved unfavorably for stability of business. The crisis in Iran and Syria made a huge negative impact to world tea market as they absorbed considerable amounts of imports.. The statistics published on various sources regarding world tea production, auctions prices and tea exports revealed that major share is now absorbed by the producing countries while non producing countries consumption of tea reported to be stagnant though World Food and Agricultural Organization predicted demand to improve by 2 percent per year for the next decade. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION—SRI LANKA TEA BOARD Tea market update Volume 8 No. 1 Trade Fair Participation FOODEX - Japan 2013 – 5th to 8th March 2013 Sri Lanka Tea Board participated for the above trade exhibition with the following tea exporting companies. Alpha Tea Holdings ,Ceylon Fresh Teas (Pvt.) Ltd, Tea Tang (Pvt.) Ltd , Stassen Exports (Pvt.) Ltd , Jafferjee Brothers. P AG E 7 International Coffee and Tea Industry, Singapore (expo-2013 Fair) 12-17th March 2013. Sri Lanka Tea Board participated at the above fair with following Ceylon Tea exporters. 1. Stassen exports Limited 2. Imperial Teas (Pvt) Ltd 3. Akbar Brothers Ltd PRODEXPO 2013 in Moscow- 11th-15th February Sri Lanka Tea Board Moscow office organized the event and participated with following tea companies. Ceylon Tea Land (Pvt) Ltd, Dasatha Exports and Imports (Pvt) Ltd, Stassen Exports (Pvt) Ltd, Kaushalya Exports (Pvt) Ltd, Natures Pride (Pvt) Ltd. GULFFOOD 2013 in Dubai, UAE –24th-27th February Sri Lanka Tea Board UAE office organized the event participation with following tea companies. Eswaran Brothers exports (Pvt) ltd, Empire Teas (pvt) Ltd, Regency Teas (Pvt) Ltd, Ceylon Tea Marketing (Pvt) Ltd, Ranfer Teas (Pvt) Ltd, Quality Ceylon (Pvt) Ltd, Classic Teas (Pvt) Ltd, Euro Scan Exports (Pvt) Ltd. Food & Drink Event 2013 (IFE) in London (17th to 20th Sri Lanka Three Day Mega Promotion Campaign in March 2013) Bangalore, India (21st-24th February) Sri Lanka Tea Board participated for the first time at IFE and had a stand for promoting Ceylon Tea. Tea Promotional activities carried during the Sri Lanka Three Day Mega Promotion in Bangalore. Enhance the exposure and awareness of “Ceylon Tea” in Bangalore with other government and private sector organizations. There was a general demand for High end tea that caters by “Dilmah” tea. The Campaign will help to increase Sri Lanka tea exports to India. The country promotion activities comprised with Consumer awareness program and B2B meetings mainly. 1. Basilur Tea (Pvt) Ltd 2. Vintage Teas (Pvt) Ltd 3. Amazon Trading (Pvt) Ltd All leading tea importers and distributors in United Kingdom were invited and wide publicity was given by the fair organizers. PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION—SRI LANKA TEA BOARD Tea market update Volume 8. No. 1 P AG E Research Update Green Tea Possible Interactions with medicine If you are being treated with any of the following medications, you should not drink green tea or take green tea extract without first talking to your health care provider: Adenosine -- Green tea may inhibit the actions of adenosine, a medication given in the hospital for an irregular and usually unstable heart rhythm. Beta-lactam -- Green tea may increase the effectiveness of beta-lactam antibiotics by making bacteria less resistant to treatment. Benzodiazepines -- Caffeine, including caffeine from green tea, may reduce the sedative effects of these medications commonly used to treat anxiety, such as diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan). Beta-blockers, Propranolol, and Metoprolol -- Caffeine, including caffeine from green tea, may increase blood pressure in people taking propranolol (Inderal) and metoprolol (Lopressor, Toprol XL). These medications are used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. Blood Thinning Medications -- People who take warfarin (Coudamin) should not drink green tea. Since green tea contains vitamin K, it can make this medication ineffective. You should not mix green tea and aspirin because they both prevent blood from clotting. Using the two together may increase your risk of bleeding. Chemotherapy -- The combination of green tea and chemotherapy medications, specifically doxorubicin and tamoxifen, increased the effectiveness of these medications in laboratory tests. However, the same results have not been found in studies on people. On the other hand, there have been reports of both green and black tea extracts affecting a gene in prostate cancer cells that may make them less sensitive to chemotherapy drugs. For that reason, people should talk to their doctors before drinking black and green tea or taking tea extracts while undergoing chemotherapy. Clozapine (Clozaril) -- The effects of the clozapine may be reduced if taken within 40 minutes after drinking green tea. Ephedrine -- When taken with ephedrine, green tea may cause agitation, tremors, insomnia, and weight loss. Lithium -- Green tea has been shown to reduce blood levels of lithium, a medication used to treat bipolar disorder. That can make lithium less effective. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) -- Green tea may cause a severe increase in blood pressure, called a "hypertensive crisis," when taken together with these drugs used to treat depression. Examples of MAOIs include: Isocarboxazid (Marplan),Moclobemide (Manerix) Phenelzine (Nardil), Tranylcypromine (Parnate) 8 Birth control pills -- Oral contraceptives can prolong the amount of time caffeine stays in the body, which may increase its stimulating effects. Phenylpropanolamine -- A combination of caffeine, including caffeine from green tea, and phenylpropanolamine, used in many over-the-counter and prescription cough and cold medications and weight loss products, may cause mania and a severe increase in blood pressure. The FDA issued a public health advisory in November 2000 to warn people of the risk of bleeding in the brain from use of this medication and urged all manufacturers of this drug to remove it from the market. Most drugs that contained phenylpropanolamine have been reformulated without it. Quinolone antibiotics -- Green tea may makes these medications more effective and also increase the risk of side effects. These medications include: Ciprofloxacin (Cipro),Enoxacin Penetrex) , Grepafloxacin (Raxar), Norfloxacin (Chibroxin, Noroxin), Sparfloxacin (Zagam) Trovafloxacin (Trovan) Other medications -- Green tea, especially caffeinated green tea, may interact with a number for medications, including: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Carbamazepine (Tegretol) Dipyridamole (Persatine) Estrogen Fluvoxamine (Luvox) Methotrexate Mexiletine (Mexitil) Phenobarbital Theophylline Verapamil (Bosoptin, Calan, Covera- HS, Verelan, Verelan PM) To be safe, check with your health care provider before drinking or taking green tea if you also take other medications. Trade and statistics inquiries: Sri Lanka Tea Board 574,Galle Rd, Colombo – 03. Tel :2587814,2582122 Fax : 2587341 PUBLICATION OF TEA PROMOTION DIVISION— SRI LANKA TEA BOARD