national institute of materials physics annual report 2012
national institute of materials physics annual report 2012
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS PHYSICS ANNUAL REPORT 2012 1 National Institute of Materials Physics (Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor) DIRECTORATE Director: Dr. Lucian Pintilie Scientific Director: Dr. Florin Vasiliu ADDRESS P.O. BOX MG – 7 Bucharest – Magurele / ROMANIA Tel. (+4) 021 369 01 85 Fax (+4) 021 369 01 77 E-Mail L. Pintilie: F. Vasiliu: WWW http: // 2 Table of Contents Preface .............................................................................................................................................4 Laboratories ...................................................................................................................................7 Personnel .......................................................................................................................................12 List of Personnel .......................................................................................................................13 Visiting Guests ..........................................................................................................................18 Ph.D. Theses ..............................................................................................................................19 Awards.......................................................................................................................................20 Honorary Membership ............................................................................................................21 Publications and Presentations ...................................................................................................24 Books .........................................................................................................................................25 Journals .....................................................................................................................................26 Conference Proceedings ...........................................................................................................60 Contributed Presentations .......................................................................................................63 Invited Lectures ........................................................................................................................85 Selected Results ............................................................................................................................89 Condensed Matter Physics at Mesoscale ................................................................................89 Nanoscale Physics ...................................................................................................................132 Potential Applications ............................................................................................................157 Patents and Patent Requests .....................................................................................................189 Seminars......................................................................................................................................191 Events ..........................................................................................................................................196 International Cooperation.........................................................................................................212 NIMP Funding ...........................................................................................................................219 3 PREFACE 2012 was a successful year for the National Institute of Materials Physics, especially from the point of view of the scientific output. Thus NIMP has published 180 papers in ISI journals which is equivalent with a cumulated impact factor of 377.2, the highest in the institute history. We must mention that in next couple of months, some other publications will be added at this record (taking into account some delayed journal issues) and also that now other 33 papers are already published or accepted for 2013. In Fig. 1 it is shown the NIMP output in the last five years which prove the consolidation of the scientific performance especially by comparison with years 2009, 2010 when the impact factor was roughly half from the nowadays value. Paper Number Cumulative Impact Factor 200 400 NIMP OUTPUT 2008-2012 Paper Number 160 300 140 120 200 100 Cumulative Impact Factor 180 80 2008 2010 2012 A Fig. 1 4 Other important observation is related to the tendency of publication in higher impact factor journals (Fig. 2). If in the years 2009-2010, the cumulated impact factor of journals with FI>2 was 75 and 120, respectively, in 2011 this increased to 200 and to 240 in 2012 (even without adding the two papers published in very high impact factor journals-one of 54 in 2011 and other 36 in 2012). Therefore, about 60% from cumulated impact factor is now obtained only from papers published in the very prestigious journals. NIMP Impact Factor Distribution 2008-2012 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 0-1.0 1.0-2.0 2.0-3.0 3.0-4.0 4.0-5.0 >5.0 Fig. 2 In 2012 a number of 176 contributed presentations (invited, talk or poster) have been selected to be communicated at international conferences, congresses or workshops. Research work was dedicated to a high number of projects such as: 3 CORE projects, 5 projects UEFISCDI Module III, 13 IDEAS-PCE projects, 11 HUMAN RESOURCES projects, 2 IDEAS-PCCE projects as coordinator, 2 IDEAS-PCCE projects as partner, 3 IFA-CEA projects, EURATOM 6 projects, 4 PARTNERSHIP projects as coordinator and other 13 as partner. NIMP continued to develop new international collaborations with research institutions from whole word. In 2012 NIMP has continued or started 2 FP7 projects, a CERN collaboration, 2 projects Romanian Swiss Research Program RSRP, 3 projects with Commissariat de l”Energie Atomique (CEA), 1 project with Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR), other 7 European-funded projects, 6 inter-governmental agreements and 12 bilateral cooperation with foreign institutes or universities. Several events with international participation were organized in 2012, among which the workshop "Advanced workshop on solar energy conversion" ( 21 - 23 May 2012.), the 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012, 28-31 August 5 2012, Brasov, Romania and two exploratory workshops entitled: ”Theory and experiment in surface, interface and nanoparticle physics” and “Materials in extreme conditions: processing, characterization and applications” in the framework of the conference “Diaspora in Romanian Research and High Education-“Seeds for the Future “ (25-28 September 2012) 2012 was a challenging year for NIMP. The institute has been evaluated by an international panel who has decided that the institute will be certified for research (certification level: A +). We think that the future institutional funding will depend entirely on the result of this evaluation exercise. In summary, the NIMP team is ready to face the challenges of the present in order to consolidate the leading position of the institute in the national research system and his excellent visibility at international level. Dr. Lucian Pintilie General Director 6 Laboratories 10. Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials and Structures The laboratory is dedicated to the research of oxidic materials and nanostructures with an emphasis on functionality and applications. A wide range of properties of the materials are studied, including here dielectric , ferroelectric, piezoelectric, optic and transport, for bulk materials, thin films and nanostructures. There are two main research directions: 1. Synthesis and characterization of nano-objects (e.g. nanowires, nanotubes, nanocylinders, nanospheres) and of devices or applications including such low dimensional structures (e.g. nanowire diodes, photodetectors, OLED, ultraminiaturised light emitting structures, targeted drug delivery vectors). 2. Synthesis and characterization of bulk materials and thin films with ferroelectric, piezoelectric or multiferoic properties for applications in various fields such as information technology, communications, microwave technology. The activities in the laboratory are well balanced between synthesis and characterization of materials. The main methods of preparation employed are both physical and chemical: pulsed laser deposition and magnetron sputtering, sol-gel, electrodeposition and chemical bath deposition, chemical synthesis and various polymerization approaches. In this way materials with different characteristic sizes are obtained, such as bulk ceramics, thin films and multilayers (including MOS structures), semiconductor and metal nanowires and polymer nanofibers, simple structure or core shell nano-particles of various materials ranging from polymers to semiconductors or magnetic oxides. Characterization techniques cover a wide range from optical to transport properties, from structure to microwave properties or magnetism and are basd on a high quality infrastructure. Examples of techniques unique in the area are: deep level transient spectroscopy, near field phtotoluminescence spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence, microwave characterization of materials on a wide range and up to far infrared. The structure of personnel is also well balanced, 24 physicist and 6 chemists representing the research personnel of the laboratory out of which 11 young assistants being hired in the last few years. 20. Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity The laboratory is devoted to research in the field of materials with magnetic or superconducting properties and related electronic phenomena. The research process covers all the steps from preparation (powder, bulk, ribbons, thin films or nanostructures), going through basic physical characterizations, and ending with in-depth analysis of the magnetic dependent and superconducting properties. The laboratory is composed by two groups of specific activities related to electronic correlations and magnetism and respectively, superconductivity. As main research directions are to be mentioned: size effects and interactions in nanoparticulate systems and nanocomposites, interfacial interactions and surface electronic/spin configurations in layered nanosystems, molecular magnets, phase 7 transitions and electron correlations in functional materials, vortex dynamics in high-Tc superconductors, MgB2 for practical applications, composite superconductors, exotic superconductors (iron-based pnictides, non-centro-symmetric superconductors). The presently available experimental facilities allow the complex processing and investigation of the mentioned systems as well as the understanding the basic interaction mechanisms at the microscopic level, by using first principles atomistic modeling and simulation of materials within the Density Functional Theory (DFT) framework, on specially assigned computer clusters. The magnetic and superconducting structures are prepared by various technologies, like mechanical attrition, melt spinning, microwave annealing, spark plasma & hot press sintering, radiofrequency sputtering, chemical routes, etc. Subsequent processing via thermal treatments (assisted or not by applied magnetic fields) or via gas reaction control can be also managed. The structural and morphological characterization of the samples and a large field of magnetic, thermodynamic and transport properties are studied by Physical Properties and Magnetic Properties Measurement systems (PPMS, MPMS-SQUID), Vibrating Sample and Magneto-Optic Kerr effect magnetometry (VSM and MOKE), DSC/DTA as well as Laser Flash Calorimetry. The declared purpose of understanding and controlling the electronic phenomena and spin configurations is enhanced by the whole range of Mössbauer spectroscopies (the only institute in Romania), from temperature /field dependent Mossbauer spectroscopy, to the surface/ interface sensitive Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS). Spark Plasma Sintering (left), MPMS (middle) and PPMS (right) systems 30. Laboratory of Nanoscale Condensed Matter There are 3 reseach groups in the laboratory of Nanoscale Condensed Matter Physics: SITSC-XESD team ( Surfaces, interfaces, thin films and single crystals. X-ray / electron spectroscopies and diffraction), Si- and Ge –based nanomaterials and Nanostructures team and the Theoretical Physics group. The main activities of the SITSC-XESD group are centred on the development and complex studies of new materials, heterostructures, surfaces and interfaces. The group utilizes and maintains several widely used installations of NIMP: (i) a surface and interface science cluster composed by a molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and a spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (SARPES). A non-negligible amount of activity is dedicated to the development of analysis methods, starting from the theory of quantitative assessment to the adjustment of the experimental 8 conditions. The group also provides unique expertise at national level in two very demanded fields: X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Also, this is practically the unique group in the country concentrated on surface and interface science, working in real ultrahigh vacuum (UHV, 10-10 to 10-11 mbar). An MBE setup is installed and works currently. The X-ray diffraction expertise is also boosted by novel developments in the XRD basic theory and data analysis, often implemented in widely used XRD analysis codes, which emerged also from the SITSC-XESD group. The Si- and Ge –based nanomaterials team is working in the field of nanostructured semiconductors with applications in nanoelectronics, photovoltaics and sensors. The group studies: • Films of Si nanodots embedded in amorphous SiO2 matrix: (i) preparation; (ii) investigation of microstructure, electrical transport, phototransport, and photoluminescence with the aim of capturing quantum confinement effects; (iii) modelling of nanoparticle energy structure. • GeSiO-based nanostructures: (i) preparation of Ge nanoparticles embedded in a-SiO2 matrix, by magnetron sputtering and sol-gel methods; (ii) investigation of electrical behaviour and phototransport (experiment and modelling), photoluminescence and Hall effect. • Electrical processes in carbon nanotubes based structures. • Percolation phenomena: evidenced in carbon nanotubes based structures, Si nanodots embedded in amorphous SiO2 matrix and nanocrystalline porous Si. • Trapping phenomena in Si-based nanostructures: stress-induced traps. • The Theoretical Physics Group studies quantum transport phenomena in mesoscopic systems and provides phenomenological models and reliable descriptions of various effects observed in transport measurements.The main research topics cover several timely and challenging issues of mesoscopic transport: the transient transport regime in nano-devices, the mesoscopic Kondo and Fano-Kondo effects, controlled and intrinsic dephasing in mesoscopic interferometers, Coulomb drag and quantum ratchet effects in parallel quantum dots, spin interference in Rashba rings. 40. Laboratory of Optical Process in Nanostructured Materials The research activity in this laboratory is focused on the study and characterization by optical methods of the nanocomposites and nanostructured materials. Other research topics regard the preparation and characterization of semiconducting nanometric structures, of electrochemical synthesis of polymers with special properties as well as the synthesis and characterization of calcogenide glasses. The main equipment’s used to optical characterization of investigated materials are: UV-VIS-NIR spectrometer (Lamda 950 model, Perkin Elmer), FTIR spectrophotometer (Vertex 70, Bruker), FTIR imaging microscope (Perkin Elmer), FTRaman spectrometer (RFS 100/S model, Bruker), confocal Raman spectrometer (T64000 model, Horiba Jobin Yvon) equipped with Ar and Kr lasers, Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscope and Atomic Force Microscope (Nanonics), a fluorolog ( model, Horiba Jobin Yvon), thermoluminescence reader (TLD 3500 model, Harshaw), experimental setup for photoconductivity studies and solar simulator (LOT Oriel). Other equipment used to characterization and/or preparation of materials are: broadband dielectric spectroscopy 9 system (Novocontrol), drop shape analysis (DSA 100 model, Kruss), the film evaporation system for organic materials research “Spectros”, Langmuir –Blodgett systems (KSV 5000 model), spin coater (KW-4A model, Chemat) and a potentiostat/galvanostat (Voltalab 80 model, Radiometer Analytical). The main applications reported by this laboratory are in the field of the non-linear optic (as shown in Fig. 1), superhydrophobic textiles, the sensors, batteries and supercapacitors as well as energy conversion (dye-sensitized solar cells). Fig.1 Anomalous anti-Stokes Raman emission at λexc=514.5 nm of LiNbO3 in three morphological forms: (a) single crystal, (b) platelet made from LiNbO3 powder compressed no hydrostatically at 0.58GPa and (c) micrometric (<40 µm) LiNbO3 powder. On the right side are shown the optical microscopic images of the laser spot focused on the respective samples. Small green circle indicates the diameter of the laser spot. 50. Laboratory of Atomic Structures and Defects in Advanced Materials This laboratory is mainly committed to structural investigations by advanced characterization methods such as analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), Mössbauer spectroscopy. The research activity includes, also, synthesis of nanostructured materials by the hydrothermal or co-precipitation methods. Other important research subjects are related to the gas sensing and photocatalysis fields. Among the important research equipments we mention: two analytical transmission electron microscopes, a SEM-FIB dual analytical system, five EPR spectrometers operating in several microwave bands and working modes down to liquid He temperature, three Mössbauer spectrometers, XRD installations, complex gas mixing station for electrical measurements under controlled gas atmosphere for gas sensing, specialized equipments for hydrothermal and co-precipitation synthesis. A new atomic resolution TEM has been installed in 2011. The instrument is provided with probe Cs corrector of the spherical aberration, EDS and EELS microanalytical facilities. Another newly acquired equipment is the analytical SEM-FIB dual system which has been installed in a cleanroom next to equipments for photolithography and nanolithography. 10 (a) (b) Figure 2. (a) The atomic resolution TEM, JEM ARM 200F, recently installed at NIMP; (b) HAADF-STEM image of the SrRuO3-SrTiO3 interface obtained with the JEM ARM 200F microscope installed at NIMP. The research activity of the scientists working in this laboratory is focused on the physical properties of advanced materials (structure, optical, electrical properties), resulting either as size effects (nanostructures, thin films) or by structural defect engineering. The scientific concerns are mainly directed towards the discovery, investigation and manipulation of physical properties at nanometric and atomic scale for the development and characterization of new materials (dielectrics, semiconductors, alloys, ceramics) to be used in various applications (semiconductor technology, gas sensing, radiation detectors, telecommunications). 11 PERSONNEL 12 List of Personnel Lab. 10 Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials and Structures HEAD: Dr. Ionut ENCULESCU E-mail: Tel.: (+4) 021 369 01 85 Fax: (+4) 021 369 01 77 1. Dr.Ioana PINTILIE 2. Dr.Cornel MICLEA 3. Dr.Andrei IOACHIM 4. Dr.Gabriel BANCIU 5. Dr.Daniela PREDOI 6. Dr.Corneliu Florin MICLEA 7. Dr.Marin CERNEA 8. Dr.Monica ENCULESCU 9. Dr.Silviu POLOSAN 10. Dr.Luminita AMARANDE 11. Dr.Nicoleta PREDA 12. Dr.Viorica STANCU 13. Dr.Liviu NEDELCU 14. Dr.Aurelian GALCA 15. Dr.Alin IUGA 16. Dr.Lucian Dragos FILIP 17. Dr.Elena MATEI 18. Lucian TRUPINA 19. Cristina BUSUIOC 20. Carmen CIOBANU 21. Cristina DRAGOI 22. Andrei FILIMON 23. Camelia FLORICA 24. Irina GHITA 25. Georgia IBANESCU 26. Simona ICONARU 27. Roxana RADU 28. Corina RADU 29. Liliana TRANCA 30. Marian IOSIF 31. Alexandru GAVRILA senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher engineer engineer 13 Lab. 20 Laboratory of Magnetism and Superconductivity HEAD: Dr. Victor Eugen KUNCSER E-mail: Tel.: (+4) 021 369 01 77 Fax: (+4) 021 369 01 77 1. Dr. Mihaela VALEANU 2. Dr. Neculai PLUGARU 3. Dr. Andrei GALATANU 4. Dr. Lucica MIU 5. Dr. Petre BADICA 6. Dr. Gheorghe Virgil ALDICA 7. Dr. Viorel Constantin SANDU 8. Dr. Ovidiu CRISAN 9. Dr. Petru PALADE 10. Dr. Valentina MIHALACHE 11. Dr. Alina CRISAN 12. Dr. Felicia TOLEA 13. Dr. Carmen PLAPCIANU 14. Dr. Maria-Cristina BARTHA (Valsangiacom) 15. Gabriel SCHINTEIE 16. Ion IVAN 17. Bogdan POPESCU 18. Mihaela SOFRONIE 19. Ancuta BARSAN 20. Simona Gabriela SANDU 21. Magda GALATANU 22. Aurel LECA senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III researcher researcher researcher researcher researcher researcher researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher engineer 23. Dr. Adrian Ioan CRISAN 1 24. Dr. Adrian JIANU 2 25. Dr. Marilena TOMUT 3 senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher III 26. Dr. George FILOTI senior researcher I (associate collaborator) 27. Mihai Burduselu assistant researcher (collaborator) Univ. Birmingham, Dept. Met & Mat., Birmingham, England. Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. 3 GSI / KP2 Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Chemistry, Darmstadt. 1 2 14 Lab. 30 Laboratory of Nanoscale Condensed Matter HEAD: Dr. Valeriu MOLDOVEANU E-mail: Tel.: (+4) 021 369 01 77 Fax: (+4) 021 369 01 77 1.Dr. Cristian-Mihail TEODORESCU 2.Dr. Alexandru Emil ALDEA 3.Dr. Dan MACOVEI 4.Dr. Nicolae POPA 5.Dr. Magdalena Lidia CIUREA 6.Dr. Sorina LAZANU 7.Dr. Mugurel TOLEA 8.Dr. Constantin Catalin NEGRILA 9.Dr. Maria-Ruxandra COSTESCU 10.Dr. Ionel STAVARACHE 11.Dr. Iuliana PASUK 12.Dr. Rodica GHITA 13.Dr. Marius Adrian HUSANU 14.Dr. George STAN 15.Dr. Marian NITA 16.Dr. Mihaela STEGARESCU 17.Nicoleta GHEORGHE 18.Ana Maria LEPADATU 19.George-Adrian LUNGU 20.Dr.Ion Viorel DINU 21.Adrian Claudiu POPA 22.Elena Laura STOFLEA 23.Dana Georgeta POPESCU 24.Bogdan OSTAHIE 25.Catalin PALADE 26.Laura Elena STOFLEA 27.Liviu Cristian TANASE 28.Radu DRAGOMIR 29.Cristian TACHE 30.Ioana Cristina BUCUR 31.Paul GARTNER 4 32.Andrei MANOLESCU 5 33.Toma STOICA 6 34.Paul RACEC 7 senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III researcher researcher researcher researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher engineer engineer senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher III 4 Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Bremen, Germany School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik, Iceland 6 Forschungszentrum Julich, Peter Grunberg Institut, Julich, Germany 7 Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany 5 15 Lab. 40 Laboratory of Optical Processes in Nanostructured Materials HEAD: Dr. Mihaela BAIBARAC E-mail: Tel.: (+4) 021 369 01 77 Fax: (+4) 021 369 01 77 1. Dr. Ioan BALTOG 2. Dr. Ligia FRUNZA 3. Dr. Stefan FRUNZA 4. Dr. Mihai POPESCU 5. Dr. Mihai SECU 6. Dr. Marian SIMA 7. Dr. Anca STANCULESCU 8. Traian BEICA 9. Dr. Florin COTOROBAI 10. Dr. Adam LORINCZI 11. Lucian MIHUT 12. Dr. Corina SECU 13. Dr. Marcela SOCOL 14. Timucin VELULA 15. Dr. Irina Ionela ZGURA 16. Paul Constantin GANEA 17. Dr. Ilarie GONTIA 18. Dr. Mariana SIMA 19. Florinel SAVA 20. Dr. Oana RASOGA 21. Dr. Alin VELEA 22. Iulia ARGHIR 23. Ioana DUMITRESCU 24. Malvina SCOCIOREANU 25. Daniel-Iosif SIMANDAN 26. Ion SMARANDA 27. Cristina POPA 28.Dana DURAN 29. Mirela ILIE 30.Adelina MATEA 31 Carmen BREAZU senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III researcher researcher researcher researcher researcher researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher assistant researcher 16 Lab. 50 Laboratory of Atomic Structures and Defects in Advanced Materials HEAD: Dr. Corneliu GHICA E-mail: Tel.: (+4) 021 369 01 85 Fax: (+4) 021 369 01 77 1. Dr. Ion BIBICU 2. Dr. Serban CONSTANTINESCU 3. Dr. Lucian DIAMANDESCU 4. Dr. Nicoleta Maria GRECU 5. Dr. Leona Cristina NISTOR 6. Dr. Sergiu Vasile NISTOR 7. Dr. Nicoleta POPESCU-POGRION 8. Dr. Corneliu SARBU 9. Dr. Doina TARABASANU-MIHAILA 10. Dr. Valentin Serban TEODORESCU 11. Dr. Carmencita Doina MATEESCU 12. Adelina STANOIU 13. Dr. Mariana STEFAN 14. Dr. Alina BANUTA 15. Dr. Marcel FEDER 16. Dr. Daniela GHICA 17. Dr. Mihai VLAICU 18. Dr. Cristian Eugen SIMION 19. Jean Narcis BARASCU 20. Dr. Valentin Adrian MARALOIU 21. Dr. Ionel Florinel MERCIONIU 22. Raluca DAMIAN 23. Ioana VLAICU 24. Ecaterina PAULESCU senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher I senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher II senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III senior researcher III researcher assistant researcher engineer engineer assistant researcher PhD student assistant researcher, PhD student assistant researcher MSc student 17 INDETIR Laboratory for Specific Testing of Infrared Detectors 1.Dr.Gheorghe IORDACHE 2.Drd.Marius CIOANGHER 3.Drd. Adrian SLAV senior researcher II researcher researcher MAAS Laboratory for X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis 1.Dr. Mihail Florin LAZARESCU 2.Dr. Constantin LOGOFATU senior researcher I senior researc VISITING GUESTS Prof. Evangelos Hristoforou, Universitatera Tehnica din Atena, Grecia, 31.01.2013: Magnetism against tumor Hamidreza Khassaf, Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey, Master Student, - Trim. I 2012 (two weeks) – supervisor L. Pintilie Prof. Hong Li Suo, Beijing University of Technology-Beijing China: Superconducting research at Beijing University of Technology (24.04.2012) Mr. Yin SHI, Laboratoire Composants RF, CEA-LETI, Minatec Grenoble, France, 1017.06.2012, IFA-CEA project “Investigation of metal-ferroelectric interface at macro and nanoscale”, Working stage in Lab. 10-Heterostructures Group Prof. Patrik Hoffman, Head of Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing,Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology - EMPA Thun, Switzerland Dr. Robert Lowndes, Post-doc stage of 10 months in the framework of FP7-IFOX project (March-December 2012) Mohammadreza Khodabakhsh, Sabanci University, Istanbul Turkey, Master Student, Trim. IV 2012 (7 days) – supervisor L. Pintilie 18 Dr. Arnaud Magrez, EcolePolytechniqueFédérale de Lausanne and Dr. Dmitry Schur, Dr. S. Yu Zaginaichenko, Institute for Problems of Materials Science of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, cooperation Romania-Switzerland-Ukraine SCOPES project IZ74Z0_137458/2012 : “Implementation in East Europe of new methods of synthesis and functionalization of carbon nanotubesfor applications in the energy storage and sensors field” Ph. D. THESES Ion Ivan Study of irreversible magnetization relaxation in strongly disordered superconductors Ph D supervisor: Dr. Lucica Miu (Associated Professor Bucharest University) February 2012 Mihaela Iuliana Sofronie Magnetic properties and phase transitions in shape memory systems Ph D supervisor: Dr. George Filoti (Associated Professor Bucharest University) March 2012 Gabriel Alexandru Schinteie Coordinaţie locală şi proprietăţi electronice în compuşi cu structură complexă Ph D supervisor: Dr. George Filoti (Associated Professor Bucharest University) March 2012 Constantin-Paul Ganea Phase transitions and molecular dynamics of organic compounds incorporating functional groups of esther, cyan, fluor type Ph D supervisor: Dr. Stefan Frunza (Associated Professor Bucharest University) March 2012 Marius-Cristian Cioangher Study of some piezoceramics of tungsten-doped PZT type intended for special applications Ph D supervisor: Dr. Cornel Miclea (Associated Professor Bucharest University) April 2012 Florinel Sava Structure modelling of carbon, silicon and chalcogenic nanomaterials Ph D supervisor: Dr. Mihai Popescu (Associated Professor Bucharest University) September 2012 19 Ana-Maria Lepadatu The study of electrical properties of some nanostructures materials based on group IV elements Ph D supervisor: Dr. Magdalena Lidia Ciurea (Associated Professor Bucharest University) September 2012 Malvina Scocioreanu Composite materials of the type polymer/inorganic nanoparticles. Synthesis and optical characterization PhD supervisor: Dr. Ioan Baltog September 2012 Cristina Busuioc (Jinga) Microwave ceramics Ph D supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ing. Ecaterina Andronescu (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest) September 2012 AWARDS Valeriu Moldoveanu: Winner of the Romanian Academy Prize „Radu Grigorovici” for the group of papers entitled „Studies concerning the modelling of transport and charge transfer in mesoscopic systems Mihai Popescu: Order “Leonardo da Vinci” for Inventika, 2012 Ionel Stavarache, Ana-Maria Lepadatu, Iuliana Pasuk, Valentin Teodorescu, Magdalena Ciurea, Best Paper Award 2012for “Preparation and electrical characterization of SiGe nanostructures”, presented at 2011 International Semiconductor Conference-Sinaia 2011 20 HONORARY MEMBERSHIP NIMP is honorary membership in various prestigious professional societies and associations, such as: • American Chemical Society • German Physical Society • European Soc of Appl Superconductivity • Japanese Applied Physics Society (former) • Cryogenic Soc. of Japan (former) • Alumni JSPS, Romania (founding member) 3 NIMP distinguished researchers are Editor-in -chief or Co-Editor for 8 ISI journals. Finally, 16 researchers are members in Editorial Board and Advisory Board for 11 ISI journals (6 edited in Romania). Also, NIMP is present in following databases: • MyNet Research Empowering Collaboration ( internaţional resource for innovation centers in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The top five Romanian institutions in terms of research productivity are: o Univ Bucharest o Univ Babes Bolyai o Romanian Acad o Inst Atom Phys o Natl Inst Mat Phys • The CEEC IST NET portal ( – is a support instrument for partners search and consortia creation in the field of research and innovation concerning the information society technologies • • Europartners Search ( Resource Guide to Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Services (denumit NanoPerspective) This guide includes a list of more 1000 organizations active in the field of Nanotehnology and Nanomaterials. • • areINCDFM.pdf • - • - 21 MEMBERSHIPS IN NATIONAL RESEARCH POLICY AND EVALUATION ORGANIZATIONS President of Consulting College for Research, Development and Innovation, Dr. A. Aldea Vicepresident of General Council of National Council of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates ( CNATDCU), Dr. L. Pintilie Member in National Council of Scientific Research ( CNCS ), Dr. V. Moldoveanu Member in National Council of Ethics, Dr. M. Baibarac Member in National Council for Development and Innovation (CNDI), Dr. O. Crisan Members in Physics Board of National Council of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates ( CNATDCU) : • Dr. A. Aldea • Dr. I. Enculescu • Dr. C. Ghica • Dr. V. Kuncser • Dr. L. Miu • Dr. C. Teodorescu Members in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Board of National Council of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates ( CNATDCU) : • Dr. L.Frunza • Dr. M. Baibarac Members in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology Board of National Council of Academic Titles, Diplomas and Certificates ( CNATDCU) : • Dr. P. Badica • Dr. C. Teodorescu Expert evaluators and monitoring for FP 7 and various programmes: • Dr. L. Pintilie • Dr. O. Crisan • Dr. A. Stanculescu • Dr. F. Vasiliu • Dr. L. Frunza MEMBERSHIP IN OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Badica Petre: member of American Chemical Society and German Physical Society Banciu Marian Gabriel : member of IEEE: Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, Antennas and Propagation Society 22 Ciurea Magdalena Lidia: member of European Physical Society Crisan Ovidiu: member of Institute of Nanotechnology, UK Diamandescu Lucian: - member of “American Nano Science” -Romanian Representative in International Board on the Applications of Mössbauer Effect - IBAME (2011-2017) - member in Editorial Board of “ISRN Nanomaterials” (SUA) Nedelcu Liviu: organizer of S5 session: Advanced Ceramics: From Micro- to Nanoscale, at International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM 2012, August 28-31, Brasov, Romania (2012) Nistor Sergiu Vasile: member of American Physical Society Pintilie Lucian: member of European Physical Society Popescu Mihai:- member of NACNOG (North Atlantic Consortium on Non-Oxide Glasses, 19 ţări din Europa, Canada şi SUA) - member of VIP (Virtual Institute of Physics): Sandu Viorel: member of American Physical Society and Material Research Society Singapore Sarbu Corneliu: member of Microscopical Society of America Socol Marcela: member of International Organization on Crystal Growth Stanculescu Anca: - member of International Organization on Crystal Growth - member of SPIE 23 PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 24 BOOKS 1. Angelakeris M, Crisan O,Martinez-Boubeta C Magnetic Interfaces at the Nanoscale: From Fundamentals to Technological Applications Special issue of Journal of Nanomaterials doi:10.1155/2012/619485, (2012) 2.Duta L, Popescu AC, Dorcioman G, Mihailescu IN, Stan GE, Zgura I, Enculescu I, Dumitrescu I Book chapter: ZnO thin films deposited on textile material substrates for biomedical applications, pp. 207 – 210 In: Technological innovations in sensing and detection of chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear threats and ecological terrorism; Part IV. Synthesis/Processing, ISBN 978-94-007-24877, Ed. 2012 Springer Series – NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, editors: Ashok Vaseashta, Eric Braman and Philip Susmann, (2012) 3.Jipa F, Zamfirescu M, Velea A, Popescu M, Dabu R Book chapter: Femtosecond laser lithography in organic and non-organic materials In: „Lithography”, INTECH, ISBN 980-953-307-530-8, Accepted (2012) 4.Kuncser V, Crisan O, Schinteie G. Tolea F, Palade P, Valeanu M, Filoti G Magnetic Nanophases: From exchange coupled multilayers to nanopowders and nanocomposites (book chapter) In: Modern Trends in Nanoscience Editura Academiei, pp 197-222, (2012) 5.Miclea CF, Mota AC, Sigrist M Book chapter: Vortex dynamics in superconductors without inversion symmetry In: Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductors, Series Title: Lecture Notes in Physics, Editors: Ernst Bauer, Manfred Sigrist, ISBN: 978-3-642-24623-4, Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2012) 6.Stan GE, Ferreira JMF Chapter 3: Magnetron sputtered BG thin films: An alternative biofunctionalization approach – Peculiarities of bioglass sputtering and bioactivity behaviour, pp. 71 – 98 In: Ceramic Coatings – Applications in Engineering, ISBN: 978-953-51-0083-6, Ed. InTech 2012, editor: Feng Shi, Rijeka, Croatia (2012) 7.Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A Chapter 12: Aromatic derivatives based materials for optoelectronic applications In: Optoelectronics-Advanced Materials and Devices, Edited by Sergei L. Pyshkinand and John M. Ballato, published by InTech Rijeka, Croatia, 2013, ISBN 978-953-51-0922-8 ; DOI 10.5772/51675 25 8.Stavarache I, Lepadatu AM, Ciurea ML Book chapter : Ge nanodots embedded in a silica matrix In: Nanomaterials and Nanostructures for Various Applications , Editors: Gheorghe Brezeanu, Horia Iovu, Cornel Cobianu, Dan Dascãlu - Bucureºti : Editura Academiei Române, pp. 193 – 212, ISBN: 978-973-27-2169-8 (2012) PAPERS IN ISI RANKED JOURNALS (with Impact Factor) 1.Aldica G, Batalu D, Popa S, Ivan I, Nita P, Sakka Y, Vasylkiv O, Miu L, Pasuk I, Badica P Spark plasma sintering of MgB2 in the two-temperature route Physica C-Superconductivity and ITS Applications, (2012), 477, pp. 43-50, 1.014 2.Aldica G, Popa S, Enculescu M, Badica P Enhancement of critical current density and irreversibility field by Te or TeO2 addition to MgB2 bulk processed by spark plasma sintering Scripta Materialia (2012), 66, 8, pp. 570 – 573, 2.699 3.Aldica G, Polosan S Investigations of the non-isothermal crystallization of Bi4Ge3O12 (2:3) glasses Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, (2012), 358, 9, pp. 1221 – 1227, 1.537 4. Alexandrescu R, Morjan I, Dumitrache F, Birjega R, Fleaca C, Morjan I, Scarisoreanu M, Luculescu CR, Dutu E, Kuncser VE, Filoti G, Vasile E, Ciupina V Laser processing issues of nanosized intermetallic Fe-Sn and metallic Sn particles Applied Surface Science, (2012), 258, 23, pp. 9421 – 9426, 2.103 26 5. Amarande L Noniterative method for evaluation of the complex material constants of piezoelectric ceramics in the radial vibration mode Journal of the European Ceramic Society, (2012), 32, 5, pp. 1099 – 1104, 2.353 6. Angelakeris M, Crisan O, Martinez-Boubeta C Magnetic interfaces at the nanoscale: from fundamentals to technological applications Journal of Nanomaterials, (2012), 619485; 10.1155/2012/619485, 1.376 7. Angelescu DG, Vasilescu M, Anastasescu M, Baratoiu R, Donescu D, Teodorescu VS Synthesis and association of Ag(0) nanoparticles in aqueous Pluronic F127 triblock copolymer solutions Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, (2012), 394, pp. 57 – 66, 2.236 8. Apostol I, Damian V, Damian R, Nistor LC, Pascu A, Staicu A, Udrea C Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy surface analysiscorrelated with the process of nanoparticle production by laser ablation in liquids Hyperfine Interactions, (2012) DOI 10.1007/s10751-012-0739-8, 0.763 9. Avadanei OG, Banciu MG, Nicolaescu I, Nedelcu L Superior modes in high permittivity cylindrical dielectric resonator antenna excited by a central rectangular slot IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, (2012), 60, 11, pp. 5032 – 5038, 2.151 27 10. Badica P, Agostino A, Khan M, Mizanur R, Cagliero S, Plapcianu C, Pastero Linda, Truccato M, Hayasaka Y, Jakob G Bi-2212 and Y123 highly curved single-crystal-like objects: whiskers, bows and ring-like structures Superconductor Science & Technology, (2012), 25, pp. 10, 2.662 11. Badica P, Aldica G, Burdusel M, Endo K Composites of MgB2 with Bi2O3, Bi, Sb2O3, or Sb obtained by ex-situ spark plasma sintering Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, (2012), 51, pp. 11, 1.058 12. Baibarac M, Baltog I, Mihut L, Pasuk I, Lefrant S Casimir effect demonstrated by Raman spectroscopy on trilayer graphene intercalated into stiff layered structures of surfactant Carbon, (2012), 51, pp. 134 – 142, 5.378 13. Baibarac M, Massuyeau F, Wery J, Baltog I, Lefrant S Raman scattering and anti-Stokes luminescence in poly-paraphenylene vinylene/carbon nanotubes composites Journal of Applied Physics, (2012), 111, pp. 8, 2.168 14. Baibarac M, Baltog I, Wery J, Lefrant S, Mevellec JY Abnormal anti-stokes Raman emission and infrared dichroism studies on poly(pphenylenevinylene)/single-walled carbon nanotube composites Journal of Physical Chemistry C, (2012), 116, 48, pp. 25537 – 25545, 4.805 28 15. Baltog I, Baibarac M, Mihut L, Smaranda I, Lefrant S Nonlinear optical processes manifesting as Anderson localization of light in mesoscopic materials Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, vol.13, (2012), pp. 109-117, 0.28 16. Berbecaru C, Stan GE, Pina S, Tulyaganov DU, Ferreira JMF The bioactivity mechanism of magnetron sputtered bioglass thin films Applied Surface Science, (2012), 258, 24, pp. 9840 – 9848, 2.103 17. Besleaga C, Stan GE, Galca AC, Ion L, Antohe S Double layer structure of ZnO thin films deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering on glass substrate Applied Surface Science, (2012), 258, 22, pp. 8819 – 8824, 2.103 18. Besleaga C, Ion L, Ghenescu V, Socol G, Radu A, Arghir I, Florica C, Antohe S Transparent indium zinc oxide thin films used in photovoltaic cells based on polymer blends Thin Solid Films, (2012), 520, 22, pp. 6803 – 6806, 1.89 19. Birsan A, Palade P, Kuncser VE Half-metallic state and magnetic properties versus the lattice constant in Ti2CoSn Heusler compound: An ab initio study Solid State Communications, (2012), 152, 24, pp. 2147 – 2150, 1.649 20. Borodianska H, Demirskyi D, Sakka Y, Badica P, Vasylkiv O Grain boundary diffusion driven spark plasma sintering of nanocrystalline zirconia 29 Ceramics International, (2012), 38, 5, pp. 4385 – 4389, 1.751 21. Bucur C, Badea M, Calu L, Marinescu D, Grecu MN, Stanica N, Chifiriuc MC, Olar R Thermal behaviour of some new complexes with decaaza bismacrocyclic ligand as potential antimicrobial species Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2012), 110, 1, pp. 235 – 241, 1.604 22. Burdusel M, Aldica G, Popa S, Enculescu M, Badica P MgB2 with addition of Sb2O3 obtained by spark plasma sintering technique Journal of Materials Science, (2012), 47, 8, pp. 3828 – 3836, 2.015 23. Busuioc C, Jinga SI, Stoleriu S, Nedelcu L, Andronescu E Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3 perovskite ceramics doped with Nb5+, Ce4+ or Yb3 Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, (2012), 14, 3-4, pp. 238 – 244, 0.457 24. Cagliero S, Borfecchia Elisa, Mino L, Calore L, Bertolotti F, Martinez-Criado G, Operti L, Agostino A, Truccato M, Badica P, Lamberti C Insight into non-linearly shaped superconducting whiskers via a synchrotron nanoprobe Superconductor Science & Technology, (2012), 25, pp. 12, 2.662 25. Cernea M, Secu CE, Vasile BS, Secu M Structural and optical characterization of sol-gel derived Tm-doped BaTiO3 nanopowders and ceramics Current Applied Physics, (2012), 13, 1, pp. 137 – 141, 1.9 30 26. Cernea M, Trupina L, Dragoi C, Vasile BS, Trusca R Structural and piezoelectric characteristics of BNT-BT0.05 thin films processed by sol-gel technique Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2012), 515, pp. 166 – 170, 2.289 27. Cernea M, Vasile BS, Capiani C, Ioncea A, Galassi C Dielectric and piezoelectric behaviors of NBT-BT0.05 processed by sol-gel method Journal of the European Ceramic Society, (2012), 32, 1, pp. 133 – 139, 2.353 28. Cernea M, Poli G, Aldica GV, Berbecaru C, Vasile BS, Galassi C Preparation and properties of nanocrystalline BNT- BTx piezoelectric ceramics by sol-gel and spark plasma sintering Current Applied Physics, (2012), 12, 4, pp. 1100 – 1105, 1.9 29. Cernea M, Trupina L, Dragoi C, Galca AC, Trinca L Structural, optical, and electric 2properties of BNT-BT0.08 thin films processed by sol-gel technique Journal of Materials Science, (2012), 47, 19, pp. 6966 – 6971, 2.015 30. Cernea M, Galassi C, Vasile BS, Capiani C, Berbecaru C, Pintilie I, Pintilie L Structural, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of fine-grained NBT-BT0.11 ceramic derived from gel precursor Journal of the European Ceramic Society, (2012), 32, 10, pp. 2389 – 2397, 2.353 31 31. Cernea M, Fochi F, Aldica GV, Vasile BS, Trusca R, Galassi C Spark-plasma-sintering temperature dependence of structural and piezoelectric properties of BNT-BT0.08 nanostructured ceramics Journal of Materials Science, (2012), 47, 8, pp. 3669 – 3673, 2.015 32. Cimpoiasu E, Sandu V, Levin GA, Simpson A, Lashmore D Angular magnetoresistance of stretched carbon nanotube sheets Journal of Applied Physics, (2012), 111, pp. 12, 2.168 33. Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Le Coustumer P, Predoi D Vibrational investigations of silver-dovep hydroxyapatite with antibacterial properties Journal of Spectroscopy, (2012) Vol, 0.805 2013, Article ID 471061, 5 pages, 34. Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Gyorgy E, Radu M, Costache M, Dinischiotu A, Le Coustumer P, Lafdi K, Predoi D Biomedical properties and preparation of iron oxide-dextran nanostructures by MAPLE technique Chemistry Central Journal, (2012), 6, pp. 17, 3.281 35. Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Le Coustumer P, Constantin LV, Predoi D Antibacterial activity of silver-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria Nanoscale Research Letters, (2012), 7, pp. 324, 2.726 32 36. Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Massuyeau F, Constantin LV, Costescu A, Predoi D Synthesis, structure and nanocrystalline powders luminescent properties Journal of Nanomaterials, (2012),, 1.376 of Article europium-doped ID hydroxyapatite 942801, 9 pages, 37. Ciobanu M, Cojocaru B, Teodorescu CM, Vasiliu F, Coman SM, Leitner W, Parvulescu VI Heterogeneous amination of bromobenzene over titania-supported gold catalysts Journal of Catalysis, (2012), 296, pp. 43 – 54, 6.002 38. Cojocaru A, Sima M Electrochemical investigation of the deposition/dissolution of selenium in choline chloride with urea or ethylene glycol ionic liquids Revista de Chimie, (2012), 63, 2, pp. 217 – 223, 0.599 39. Comanescu C, Capurso Giovanni, Maddalena A Nanoconfinement in activated mesoporous carbon of calcium borohydride for improved reversible hydrogen storage Nanotechnology, (2012), 23, pp.38, 3.979 40. Comorosan S, Polosan S, Popescu I, Paslaru L, Nastase A, Mitrica R, Ionescu E Antioxidant effects induced in biological macromolecular systems by high density photons through localized excitations Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, (2012), 1817, pp. S130 - S130, 4.843 33 41. Constantin LV, Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS Europium doped hydroxyapatite for applications in environmental field Romanian Reports in Physics, (2012), 64, 3, pp.788 – 794, 0.5 42. Constantinescu C, Ion V, Galca AC, Dinescu M Morphological, optical and electrical properties of samarium oxide thin films Thin Solid Films, (2012), 520, 20, pp. 6393 – 6397, 1.89 43. Constantinescu S, Udubasa SS, Udubasa G, Kuncser V, Popescu-Pogrion N, Mercioniu I, Feder M, Mössbauer TEM/SAED and XRD investigation on waste dumps of the Valea lui Stan gold mines Hyperfine Interactions 208 (2012), pp. 79-84 , 0.763 44. Costescu RM, Gheorghe NG, Husanu MA, Lungu GA, Macovei D, Pintilie I, Popescu DG, Teodorescu CM Epitaxial ferromagnetic samarium and samarium silicide synthesized on Si(001) Journal of Materials Science, (2012), 47, 20, pp. 7225 – 7234, 2.015 45. Costescu RM, Lungu GA, Socol G, Gheorghe NG, Macovei D, Negrila CC, Logofatu C, Husanu MA, Popescu DG, Tache CA, Teodorescu CM Atomic structure and magnetism of pld deposited Tio(2):Fe Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 1, pp. 73 – 78, 1.2 34 46. Cotorobai VF Drop images with reflection spots: improved processing for determination of wetting contact angles Romanian Reports in Physics, (2012), 64, 2, pp. 467 – 481, 0.5 47. Crisan AD, Crisan O AFM studies of metallic and organic nanosized structures ion beam sputtered onto functionalised surfaces Materials Science and Technology, (2012), 28, 4, pp. 460 – 466, 0.772 48. Dobrinescu C, Iorgulescu EE, Mihailciuc C, Macovei D, Wuttke S, Kemnitz E, Parvulescu VI, Coman SM One-pot hydroacetylation of menadione (Vitamin K3) to menadiol diacetate (Vitamin K4) by heterogeneous catalysis Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, (2012), 354, 7, pp. 1301 – 1306, 6.048 49. Donescu Dan, Raditoiu Valentin, Spataru CI, Somoghi Raluca, Ghiurea M, Radovici C, Fierascu RC, Schinteie G, Leca A, Kuncser VE Superparamagnetic magnetite-divinylbenzene-maleic anhydride copolymer nanocomposites obtained by dispersion polymerization European Polymer Journal, (2012), 48, 10, pp. 1709 – 1716, 2.739 50. Dragoi C, Gheorghe NG, Lungu GA, Trupina L, Ibanescu AG, Teodorescu CM X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of pulsed laser deposited Pb(Zr,Ti)O3-delta Physica Status Solidi A-Applications and Materials Science, (2012), 209, 6, pp. 1049 – 1052, 1.463 35 51. Duta L, Dorcioman G, Popescu A C, Mihailescu I N, Nita P, Mercioniu I, Birsan A, Bibicu I, Constantinescu S, Popescu-Pogrion N Structural investigations on electrodes - electrolytes systems for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell applications Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications 6, (2012), pp. 1073-1080, 0.304 52. Enache M, Preda L, Negrila CC, Lazarescu MF, Mercioniu I, Santos E, Anastasescu M, Dobrescu G, Lazarescu V Electronic effects at self-assembled 4,4 '-thio-bis-benzenethiolate protected Au nanoparticles on p-GaAs (100) electrodes Electrochimica Acta, (2012), 77, pp. 8 – 16, 3.832 53. Enculescu M, Preda N, Matei E, Enculescu I Luminescent micro- and nanofibers based on novel europium phthalate complex Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2012), 136, 1, pp. 51 – 58, 2.234 54. Endo K, Badica P, Arisawa S, Kezuka H, Endo T Growth aspects of thin-film composite heterostructures of oxide multicomponent perovskites for electronics Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, (2012), 51, pp. 11, 1.058 55. Finch KBH, Richards RM, Richel A, Medvedovici AV, Gheorghe NG, Verziu M, Coman SM, Parvulescu VI Catalytic hydroprocessing of lignin under thermal and ultrasound conditions Catalysis Today, (2012), 196, 1, pp. 3 – 10, 3.407 36 56. Florian M, Gies C, Gartner P, Jahnke F Improved antibunching by using high-excitation pulses from a single semiconductor quantum dot-a theoretical study Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, (2012), 29, 2, pp.A31 - A35, 2.185 57. Frunza L, Gheorghe NG, Ganea CP, Eckelt R, Kosslick H Oxidation activity of horseradish peroxidase hosted in molecular sieves: spectroscopic investigations show hindering of the enzyme activity Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, (2012), 105, 1, pp. 195 – 205, 0.829 58. Galca AC, Stan GE, Trinca LM, Negrila CC, Nistor LC Structural and optical properties of c-axis oriented aluminum nitride thin films prepared at low temperature by reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering Thin Solid Films, (2012), 524, pp. 328 – 333, 1.89 59. Galca AC, Socol G, Craciun V Optical properties of amorphous-like indium zinc oxide and indium gallium zinc oxide thin films Thin Solid Films, (2012), 520, 14, pp. 4722 – 4725, 1.89 60. Galca AC, Preda N, Secu CE, Luculescu CR, Secu M Spectroscopic ellipsometry investigations of Eu-doped oxy-fluoride glass and glass-ceramics Optical Materials, (2012) 34, 8, pp. 1493 – 1496, 2.023 37 61. Ganea CP New approach of the ac electrode polarization during the measurements of impedance spectra Romanian Journal of Physics, (2012), 57, 3-4, pp. 664 – 675 0.414 62. Gheorghe C, Lupei A, Voicu F, Enculescu M Sm3+-doped Sc2O3 polycrystalline ceramics: Spectroscopic investigation Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2012), 535, pp. 78 – 82, 2.289 63. Gheorghe NG, Husanu MA, Lungu GA, Costescu RM, Macovei D, Popescu DG, Teodorescu CM Reactivity, magnetism and local atomic structure in ferromagnetic fe layers deposited on Si (001) Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 2012; 7; 1; 373 – 384 1.2 64. Gheorghe NG, Husanu MA, Lungu GA, Costescu RM, Macovei D, Teodorescu CM Atomic structure and reactivity of ferromagnetic Fe deposited on Si (001) Journal of Materials Science, (2012), 47, 4, pp. 1614 – 1620, 2.015 65. Gherendi M, Zoita VL, Craciunescu T, Johnson M.G, Pantea A, Baltog I, Edlington T, Hellesen C, Kiptily V, Conroy S, Murari A, Popovichev S Neutron field parameter measurements on the JET tokamak by means of super-heated fluid detectors Review of Scientific Instruments, (2012), 83, pp. 10, 1.367 38 66. Ghita RV, Cotirlan C, Ungureanu F, Florica C, Negrila CC Study of thiols deposition on GaAs Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials - Rapid Communications, (2012), 6, 1-2, pp. 239 – 244 0.304 67. Guo Zhichao, Suo Hongli, Liu Zhiyong, Sandu V, Aldica G, Badica P The critical current density of SiC-doped MgB2 as determined from the Campbell penetration depth using the tunnel-diode resonator technique Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communications, 6, (2012), pp. 976-979, 0.304 68. Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Le Coustumer P, Predoi D Synthesis and antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of iron oxide glycerol nanoparticles obtained by coprecipitation method Journal of Chemistry, (2012), Vol.25, Nr.8, DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1855-z, 0.516 69. Iconaru SL, Andronescu E, Ciobanu CS, Prodan AM, Le Coustumer P. Predoi D Biocompatible magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles doped dextran thin films produced by spin coating deposition solution Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 1, pp. 399 – 409, 1.2 70. Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Motelica-Heino M, Sizaret S, Predoi D Synthesis and characterization of polysaccharide-maghemite composite nanoparticles and their antibacterial properties Nanoscale Research Letters, (2012), 7, pp. 576, 2.726 39 71. Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Prodan AM, Predoi D The antimicrobial activity of fabricated iron oxide nanoparticles Febs Journal, (2012), 279, pp. 98 – 98, 3.79 72. Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Le Coustumer P, Predoi D Structural characterization and magnetic properties of iron oxides biological polymers Journal Of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 25, (2012), Nr.8, DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-1855-z, 0.650 73. Ion FM, Barna V, Vulpe S, Radu A, Filimon A, Heimann G Fabrication and characterization of thin polyaniline films obtained by glancing angle deposition (glad) technique Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 4, pp. 1481 – 1490 1.2 74. Ionascu AM, Raikova G, Mladenova E, Mercioniu I Electrochemical analysis of solid oxide electrolytes for intermediate temperature fuel cell Bulgarian Chemical Communications 44 (2012), pp. 395-398, 0.283 75. Ionita G, Ghica C, Turcu I, Ionita P Reversible aggregation between nanoparticles induced by acid-base interactions Chemical Physics Letters, (2012), 546, PP. 133 – 135, 2.337 76. Jinga SI, Stoleriu S, Busuioc C Microwave dielectric properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3 ceramics doped with Nb2O5, MnO2 or V2O3 Materials Research Bulletin, (2012), 47, 11, PP. 3713 – 3718, 2.105 40 77. Junkes A, Pintilie I, Fretwurst E, Eckstein D A contribution to the identification of the E5 defect level as tri-vacancy (V-3) Physica B-Condensed Matter, (2012), 407, 15, PP. 3013 – 3015, 1.063 78. Kessler CA, Reischle M, Hargart F, Schulz WM, Eichfelder M, Rossbach R, Jetter M, Michler P, Gartner P, Florian M, Gies C, Jahnke F Strong antibunching from electrically driven devices with long pulses: A regime for quantum-dot single-photon generation Physical Review B, (2012), 86, PP. 11, 3.691 79. Khassaf H, Ibanescu GA, Pintilie I, Misirlioglu IB, Pintilie L Potential barrier increase due to Gd doping of BiFeO3 layers in Nb:SrTiO3-BiFeO3-Pt structures displaying diode-like behaviour Pplied Physics Letters, (2012), 100, PP. 25, 3.844 80. Kuncser VE, Palade P, Schinteie G, Sandu SG, Trupina L, Lungu GA, Gheorghe NG, Teodorescu CM, Porosnicu C, Jepu I, Lungu CP, Filoti G Interface characterization and atomic intermixing processes in Be/W bilayers deposited on Si(001) substrates with Fe buffer layers Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (2012), 512, 1, pp. 199 – 206, 2.289 81. Lazanu I, Lazanu S Interactions of exotic particles with ordinary matter Nucl. Instr. Meth. (2012), 278, pp. 70-77, 1.211 82. Lazanu S, Slav A, Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Palade C, Iordache G, Ciurea ML 41 Effects produced by iodine irradiation on high resistivity silicon Applied Physics Letters, (2012), 101, pp. 24, 3.844 83. Le Febvrier A, Deputier S, Bouquet V, Demange V, Ollivier S, Galca AC, Dragoi C, Radu R, Pintilie L, Guilloux-Viry M Ferroelectric and dielectric multilayer heterostructures based on KTa0.65Nb0.35O3 and Bi1.5xZn0.92-yNb1.5O6.92-1.5x-y grown by pulsed laser deposition and chemical solution deposition for high frequency tunable devices Thin Solid Films, (2012), 520, 14, pp. 4564 – 4567, 1.89 84. Le Febvrier A, Galca AC, Corredores Y, Deputier S, Bouquet V, Demange V, Castel X, Sauleau R, Lefort R, Zhang LY, Tanne G, Pintilie L, Guilloux-Viry M Structural, optical, and dielectric properties of Bi1.5-xZn0.92-yNb1.5O6.92-delta ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2012), 4, 10, pp. 5227 – 5233, 4.525 85. Lefrant S, Buisson JP, Mevellec JY, Massuyeau F, Wery J, Baibarac M, Baltog I Anti-stokes Raman scattering and luminescence in carbon nanotube nanostructures molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, (2012), 554, pp. 111 – 118, 0.58 86. Lungu GA, Apostol NG, Morariu M, Teodorescu CM Band ferromagnetism in systems with linear density of states Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 4, pp. 1615 - 1626 1.2 87. Marcu A, Trupina L, Zamani R, Arbiol J, Grigoriu C, Morante JR Catalyst size limitation in vapor-liquid-solid ZnO nanowire growth using pulsed laser deposition Thin Solid Films, (2012), 520, 14, pp. 4626 – 4631, 1.89 42 88. Mardare D, Yildiz A, Apetrei R, Rambu P, Florea D, Gheorghe NG, Macovei D, Teodorescu CM, Luca D The Meyer-Neldel rule in amorphous TiO2 films with different Fe content Journal of Materials Research, (2012), 27, 17, pp. 2271 – 2277, 1.434 89. Matei E, Enculescu M, Preda N, Enculescu I ZnO morphological, structural and optical properties control by electrodeposition potential sweep rate Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2012), 134, 2-3, pp.988-993, 2.234 90. Melinte G, Baia M, Georgescu D, Baia L, Iancu V, Diamandescu L, Popescu T, Cotet LC, Barbu-Tudoran L, Danciu V, Simon S The influence of the Au nanoparticles dimension on the photocatalytic performances of TiO2-Au porous composites Acta Physica Polonica A, (2012), 121, 1, pp. 208 – 210, 0.444 91. Mercioniu I, Stan GE, Bercia R, Ciuc S, Popescu-Pogrion N Obtaining and characterization of HA/Y2O3:alpha Al2O3 system for bioapplications Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 3, pp. 917 – 932, 1.2 92. Miculescu F, Stan GE, Ciocan LT, Miculescu M, Berbecaru A, Antoniac I Cortical bone as resource for producing biomimetic materials for clinical use Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 4, pp. 1667 – 1677, 1.2 43 93.Mihai C, Velea A, Roman N, Tugulea L, Moldovan NI Modeling the slaving of structural fluctuations in bio-molecules to those of nearby water Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 3, pp. 907 – 915, 1.2 94. Mindru C, Ganea CP, Alexandru J Dielectric relaxation of pure TGS crystals Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 14 (2012) pp. 157-162, 0.457 95. Mihai C, Velea A, Roman N, Tugulea L, Moldovan NI Impact of solute molecular properties on the organization of nearby water: a cellular automata model Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 2, pp. 469 – 475, 1.2 96. Mindru I, Gingasu D, Marinescu G, Patron L, Diamandescu L, Feder M, Calderon-Moreno JM, Stanica N Tartarate precursors to CoxZn1-xGa2O4 spinel oxides Materials Chemistry and Physics, (2012), 134, 1, pp. 478 – 483, 2.234 97. Mitrica R, Popescu I, Paslaru L, Badila D, Polosan S, Cristache L, Ionescu E, Tataru C, Comorosan S High-density green photons effects on NaCl solutions detected by red blood cells membranes Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, (2012), 7, 1, pp. 227 – 235, 1.2 44 98. 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Aldea A, Tolea M, Dinu IV Fano-Kondo oscillations of the conductance and thermopower in a mesoscopic transistor In: Proc. of: 14th International Conference on Transport in Interacting Disordered Systems (TIDS), Acre, Israel, sep 05-08, 2011 Book Editor(s): Frydman, A, Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series, 376 (2012) Article Number: 012019 3. Comorosan S, Polosan S, Popescu I, Paslaru L, Nastase A, Mitrica R, Ionescu E Antioxidant effects induced in biological macromolecular systems by high density photons through localized excitations In: Proc. of The 17th European Bioenergetics Conference, Freiburg, 15 - 20 September 2012 Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1817 (2012) S130-S130 4.Gherendi M, Zoita VL, Craciunescu T, Johnson M.G, Pantea A, Baltog I, Edlington T, Hellesen C, Kiptily V, Conroy S, Murari A, Popovichev S Neutron field parameter measurements on the JET tokamak by means of super-heated fluid detectors 60 In: Proc. of 19th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics; May 06-10, 2012 Review of Scientific Instruments, (2012), 83, 10, 10E124, 10.1063/1.4739410; 1.367 5.Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Prodan AM, Predoi D The antimicrobial activity of fabricated iron oxide nanoparticles In: Proc. of 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress, Sep 04-09, 2012 FEBS Journal; (2012), 279, 98 6. Lefrant S, Buisson JP, Mevellec JY, Massuyeau F, Wery J, Baibarac M, Baltog I Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering and Luminescence in Carbon Nanotube Nanostructures In: Proc. of 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials (ICFPAM) - Emerging Technologies and Business Opportunities, Pretoria, South Africa, May 22-27, 2011 Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Volume: 554, SI (2012), 111-118 7. Melinte G, Baia M, Georgescu D, Baia L, Iancu V, Diamandescu L, Popescu T, Cotet LC, Barbu-Tudoran L, Danciu V, Simon S The Influence of the Au Nanoparticles Dimension on the Photocatalytic Performances of TiO2Au Porous Composites In: Proc. of: 1st International Congress on Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science (APMAS), Antalya, Turkey, May 12-15, 2011 Acta Physica Polonica A 121 (2012) 208-210 8. Nedelcu L, Mandache NB, Toacsan MI, Vlaicu AM, Banciu MG, Ioachim A, Gherendi F, Luculescu CR, Nistor M Dielectric properties of Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O-3 thin films on Pt-coated Si substrates In: Proc. of EMRS Symposium Q on Engineering of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for Energy Saving, Nice, France, Jun 2011 Thin Solid Films, 522 (2012) 112-116 9.Nedelcu L, Busuioc C, Banciu MG, Ramer R Ba(X1/3Ta2/3)O3 complex perovskites for microwave and millimeter wave applications Proceedings of the 35th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS 2012, October 14-17, Sinaia, Romania, vol. 2, pp. 303-306 (2012) 10. Niţǎ M, Marinescu DC, Ostahie B, Manolescu A, Gudmundsson V Nonadiabatic generation of spin currents in a quantum ring with Rashba and Dresselhaus spinorbit interactions In: Proc. of Conference on Advanced Many-Body and Statistical Methods in Mesoscopic Systems Location: Ovidius Univ, Constanta, Romania Date: Jun 27-Jul 02 2011 Advanced Many-Body and Statistical Methods in Mesoscopic Systems Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 338(2012), Article Number: 012013 61 11. Prodan AM, Le Coustumer P, Predoi D Evaluation of antibacterial effect of silver doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles In: Proc. of 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress, Sep 04-09, 2012 FEBS Journal, (2012), 279, 98 12. Radu M, Iconaru SL, Predoi D, Costache M, Dinischiotu A Assessing toxicity of two types of magnetite nanoparticles in human hepatocarcinoma cells In: Proc. of 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress, Sep 04-09, 2012 FEBS Journal, (2012), 279, 205 13. Rasoga O, Vacareanu L, Grigoras M, Enculescu M, Socol M, Stanculescu F, Ionita I, Stanculescu A Optical and electrical properties of arylenevinylene compounds thin films prepared by vacuum evaporation In: Proc. of Symposium N on Controlling and Characterising the Structure of Organic Semiconductor Films/Spring Meeting of the European-Material-Research-Society (E-MRS), Nice, France, May 09-13, 2011 Synthetic Metals, Volume: 161 (2012) 2612-2617 14. Sandu V, Nicolescu MS, Banciu MG, Popa S, Burdusel M CoNb2O6 ceramic with geometric frustration In: Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE 2012); Mar 27-29, 2012 Automation Equipment and Systems, PTS 1-4, 2012, 468-471, 542 – 545, 10.4028/ 15. Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A, Girtan M, Socol M, Rasoga O Effect of the morphology on the optical and electrical properties of polycarbonate film doped with aniline derivatives monomers In: Proc. of Symposium N on Controlling and Characterising the Structure of Organic Semiconductor Films/Spring Meeting of the European-Material-Research-Society (E-MRS) Nice, France May 09-13, 2011 Synthetic Metals Volume: 161 (2012), 2589-2597 16. Stanoiu A, Simion CE, Diamandescu L, Tarabasanu-Mihaila D, Feder M NO2 sensing properties of Cr2O3 highlighted by work function investigations In: Proc. of EMRS Symposium Q on Engineering of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials for Energy Saving, Nice, France, Jun, 2011 Thin Solid Films, 522 (2012) 395-400 17. Toma O, Gheorghe L, Vlaicu AM Synthesis and Characterization of Erbium Lithium Niobium Gallium Garnet In: Proc. of 1st International Congress on Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science (APMAS), Antalya, Turkei, May 12-15, 2011 62 Acta Physica Polonica A Volume: 121 (2012) 193-195 CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS 1.Aldica G, Miu L, Sandu V, Enculescu M, Ivan I, Batalu D, Burdusel M, Stanciuc A, Moldovan A, Badica P MgB2 with additions obtained by spark plasma sintering Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08. 2012, Talk 2.Apostol NG, Lungu GA, Stoflea LE, Husanu MA, Dragoi C, Trupina, Ghica C, Pintilie L, Teodorescu CM Molecular beam epitaxy growth and X-ray photelectron spectroscopy analysis of Au/PZT Heterostructures Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 3.Apostol NG, Stoflea LF, Lungu GA, Dragoi C, Trupina L, Pintilie L, Teodorescu CM In situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of Au growth on PZT(001) surfaces 9th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Iasi, Romania 20-23.09.2012, Talk 4.Apostol NG, Macovei D, Teodorescu CM Quantification of pre-edge peaks in near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy of transition metal oxides 9th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Iasi, Romania 20-23.09.2012, Talk 5.Badica P, Burdusel M, Miu L, Zhao P H, Yan W, Han Y L, Nie JC Growth and characterization by STM of Bi2Sr0.8Ca1.8Co2Oy single crystal whiskers Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012,Talk 6.Badica P Superconducting composites of MgB2 with additions obtained by spark plasma sintering E-MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, section HH, Moscone West Convention Center, San Francisco, USA 9-13.04.2012, (invited, session chair) 7.Badica P, Aldica G, Batalu D MgB2 composites obtained by spark plasma sintering 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, ICCE-20, Beijing, China 22-28.07.2012, (invited, session chair) 63 8.Baibarac M, Baltog I, Magrez A, Schur D, Zaginaichenko S Yu Single-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with poly diphenylamine as active materials for applications in the supercapacitors field International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Granada, Spain 2-5.09.2012, Poster 9.Baibarac M, Baltog I, Smaranda I, Scocioreanu M, Magrez A Nanocomposites based on carbon nanotubes and polydiphenylamine doped withheteropolyanions for applications in the supercapacitors field E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology,Warsaw, Poland 16-19.09.2012, Poster 10.Baibarac M, Baltog I, Velula T, Scocioreanu M, Mevellec JY, Lefrant S Spectroelectrochemical properties of the single-walled carbon nanotubes functionalized with the copolymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxithiophene-co-pyrene) 9th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Iasi, Romania 20-23.09.2012, Poster 11.Baltog I, Baibarac M, Smaranda I, Lefrant S, Mevellec JY Anti-Stokes Photoluminescence and Raman scattering in poly[(2,5-bisoctyloxy)-1,4phenylenevinylene]/single-walled carbon nanotubes composite International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, Granada, Spain 2-5.09.2012, Poster 12.Baltog I, Baibarac M, Mihut L, Smaranda I, Scocioreanu M, Magrez A Casmir effect demonstrated by Raman Spectroscopy on Trilayer Graphene intercalated into stiff layered structures of surfactant E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw University of Technology,Warsaw, Poland 16-19.09.2012, Poster 13.Banciu MG, Nedelcu L Dielectric materials with special properties at extreme frequencies Conference "Diaspora in Scientific Research and Higher Education in Romania”, Exploratory workshop “Materials in extreme conditions – processing, properties and applications”, Bucharest, Romania 25-28.09.2012, Talk 14.Bartha C, Patron L, Mandru I, Gingasu D, Filoti G Thermal characterization and kinetic analysis of CoCr2O4 precursors obtained by a new route of synthesis Hi Temp 2012 Conference –Munich, Germany 11-13.09.2012, Poster 64 15.Besleaga C, Stan GE, Berbecaru C, Ion M, Ion L, Antohe S Complex study of aluminium nitride thin films suitable for transparent field effect transistors EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Talk 16.Blagoeva D T, Opschoor J, Pintsuk G, Sarbu C Development and qualification of tungsten and tungsten alloys for fusion 20-th ANS (American Nuclear Society) topical meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE-2012), Nashville, TN, USA 27-31.08.2012, (invited) 17.Braic M, Braic V, Kiss A, Plugaru N, Plugaru R Nitrogen doped ZnO films deposited by reactive RF magnetron sputtering 13th PSE, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 10-14.09.2012, Poster 18.Braic M, Braic V, Kiss A, Plugaru N, Plugaru R Nitrogen co-doped ZnO:Cu films grown by RF magnetron sputtering E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 19.Burdusel M, Aldica G, Popa S, Enculescu M, Badica P MgB2 with addition of Bi2O3 obtained by spark plasma sintering technique International Conference of Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM, Istanbul, Turkey 29.04 – 4.05.2012, Poster 20.Busuioc C, Nedelcu L, Banciu MG, Andronescu E, Jinga SI, Scarisoreanu ND, Dragoi FC BaMg1/3Ta2/3O3 thin films obtained by PLD or Sol-Gel Electroceramics XIII, Twente, Olanda 24-27.06.2012, Talk 21.Busuioc C, Nedelcu L, Preda N, Bartha C, Jinga SI, Banciu MG, Andronescu E Synthesis and optical properties of lithium zinc vandate ceramic powders ISAF ECAPD PFM , Aveiro, Portugal 9-14.07.2012, Poster 22.Busuioc C, Jinga SI, Nedelcu L, Andronescu E Doped Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 dielectric ceramics for microwave applications International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM , Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 23.Cernea M, Dragoi C, Trinca L, Ibanescu G, Iuga A, Lowndes R, Pintilie L Preparation and characterization of double perovskite Sr2FeMoO6 by various methods Electroceramics XIII conference, University of Twente-Enschede, Netherlands 65 24-27.06. 2012, Poster 24.Chirila C, Ibanescu G, Hrib L, Filimon A, Negrea R, Pasuk I, Kuncser V, Pintilie I, Pintilie L Structural, electric and magnetic properties of Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 – CoFe2O4 heterostructures 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28 – 31.08.2012, Talk 25.Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Coustumer P, Lafdi K, Massuyeau F, Predoi D Complex studies on silver doped hydroxyapatite The ASME, 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA), Nantes, France 2-4.07.2012, Talk 26.Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Ghita RV, Ganciu M, Chapon P, Coustumer P, Predoi D Preparation of silver doped hydroxyapatite nanostructure by thermal evaporation 6-th GD Conference, Paris, France 8-10.09.2012, Talk 27.Ciobanu CS, Andronescu E, Vasile B, Trusca R, Costescu A, Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Coustumer P, Huneau F, Motelica M, Predoi D Novel porous hydroxyapatite for environmental application The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics Of Materials” (PM–3), Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Poster 28.Ciobotaru IC, Polosan S, Ciobotaru CC Dual emitter IrQ(ppy)2 for OLED applications- synthesis and spectroscopic analysis Sixth International Meeting on Molecular Electronics, Grenoble, France 3-7.12. 2012, Poster 29.Ciurea ML, Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Maraloiu AV, Palade C, Teodorescu VS Structure and electrical characterization of GeSi nanostructured films E-MRS 2012 Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland 17-21.09.2012, Poster 30.Costescu A, Ciobanu CS, Ghita RV, Ganciu M, Chapon P, Coustumer P, Barna ES, Predoi D Antibacterial porous hydroxyapatite nanostructures for the treatment of polluted water obtained by thermal evaporation technique, The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics Of Materials” (PM–3), Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Poster 31.Costescu A, Iconaru SL, Prodan M, Ene NI, Chireac I, Ganciu M, Coustumer P, Huneau F, Motelica M, Predoi D 66 Antibacterial studies on novel porous hydroxyapatite doped with silver ions The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics Of Materials” (PM–3),Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Talk 32.Cotirlan-Simioniuc C, Logofatu C, Ghita R, Negrila CC Sensor with nanostructured surface for resonant analysis techniques BPU, Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Poster 33.Cotirlan-Simioniuc C, Ghita R, Logofatu C, Negrila CC Thermally grown oxides on Si(100) investigated by cavity ring-down spectroscopy The 7-th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 34.Craciun V, Socol G, Galca AC, Teodorescu C, Pearton SJ Dependence of HfO2/IZO heterojunction band offsets on In/Zn composition EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 35.Crisan AD, Bednarcik J, Michalik S, Crisan O In situ monitoring of disorder-order FePt phase transformation in nanocomposite FePt based alloys 2nd Adriatic School of Nanoscience (ASON-2), Dubrovnik, Croatia 2-7.09.2012,Talk 36.Crisan O Surface-functionalized nanoclusters and nanoparticles 11th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials – NANO, Rhodes, Greece 26-31.08. 2012 (invited lecture) 37.Crisan O FePt-based nanocomposite magnets IIIrd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM, Istanbul, Turkey 29.04-4.05.2012 (invited lecture) 38.Crisan O Nanoparticles and nanoclusters: fundamentals of synthesis and applications 2nd Adriatic School on Nanoscience (ASON-2), Dubrovnik, Croatia 2-7.09.2012 (invited lecture) 39.Crisan O Nanoparticule si nanoclustere core-shell functionalizate la suprafata Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din Romania, Workshop: „Teorie si experiment in fizica suprafetelor, interfetelor si nanoparticulelor”, Bucureşti, România. 25-28.09.2012, Talk 67 40.Dragoi C, Shi Y, Trupina L, Pasuk I, Pintilie I, Rhun G, Pintilie L Influence of deposition method on structural and electrical properties of PZT thin films growth on Si substrate European Conference on Crystal Growth, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland 17 – 20.06.2012, Poster 41.Dragoi C, Ibanescu G, Filimon A, Pintilie I, Pintilie L Multiferroic behavior on symmetric and nonsymmetric heterostructures based on Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8) O3 – CoFe2O4 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Venice, Italy 24-28.06.2012, Poster 42.Duta L, Oktar F, Stan GE, Popescu-Pelin G, Serban N, Luculescu C, Mihailescu IN Characterization of novel doped hydroxyapatite thin films obtain by pulsed laser deposition EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 43.Duta L, Stan GE, Socol G, Popescu AC, Miroiu FM, Mihailescu IN, Ianculescu A, Chiriac A, Poeata I Hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition and radio frequency-magnetron sputtering onto titanium mesh implants ROMOPTO, Bucharest, Romania 3-6.09.2012, Poster 44.Duta L, Oktar FN, Stan GE, Mihailescu IN Novel doped hydroxyapatite thin films obtained by Pulsed Laser Deposition 4th Edition“Current trends and advanced ellipsometry and all X-ray techniques for the characterization of TCO, BIO and other nanostructured materials” Workshop, Bucharest, Romania 12-14.09.2012, Talk 45.Duta L, Oktar FN, Stan GE, Craciun D, Popescu-Pelin G, Serban N, Popescu AC, Mihailescu IN Adherent hydroxyapatite thin films synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition onto titanium implants EMRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland 17-21.09.2012, Poster 46.Enache M, Preda L, Anastasescu M, Negrila CC, Lazarescu MF, Lazarescu V Self-assembled monolayers of L-cysteine on GaAs(100) electrodes Third Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: South-East Europe RSE-SEE, Bucharest, Romania 13-17.05.2012, Talk 68 47.Enache M, Preda L, Lazarescu V, Negrila CC, Lazarescu MF Potential-induced conformational changes in self-assembled monolayers of L-cysteine at pGaAs(100) electrodes 222nd ECS Meeting PRIME, Honolulu, SUA 7-12.10.2012, Poster 48.Enculescu I, Matei E, Florica C, Enculescu M, Kuncser V, Toimil Molares ME Influence of electrodeposition conditions on the magnetic properties of cobalt nanowires 4th International Conference on NANO-structures SELF-Assembly (NanoSEA), in Santa Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy 25-29.06.2012, Poster 49.Enculescu I, Matei E, Florica C, Enculescu M, Toimil Molares ME Transport properties of pure and Co doped zinc oxide nanowires ICN+T 2012, International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology, Paris, France 23-27.07.2012, Poster 50.Enculescu I, Matei E, Florica C, Enculescu M, Toimil Molares ME Effect of the deposition conditions on the properties of magnetic nanowires TNT 2012- Trends in NanoTechnology Conference, Madrid, Spania 10-14.09.2012, Poster 51.Enculescu M, Matei E, Preda N, Enculescu I Low-dimensional structures with tailored light emitting properties E-MRS 2012 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 52.Enculescu M, Matei E, Florica C, Preda N, Enculescu I Emissive properties of dye-doped polymer thin films containing metallic nanostructures 4th International Conference on NANO-structures SELF-Assembly (NanoSEA), in Santa Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy 25-29.06.2012, Poster 53.Enculescu M, Matei E, Enculescu I, Trautmann C Influence of metallic nanostructures on the optical properties of dye-doped polymer thin films, TNT 2012- Trends in NanoTechnology Conference, Madrid, Spania. 10-14.09.2012, Poster 54.Endo K, Badica P, Arisawa S, Ikenaga N, Seto M, Saito H, Kezuka H, Endo T, Nanto H Thin film composite heterostructures of oxide multicomponent perovskites for electronics E-MRS Spring Meeting, section HH, San Francisco, USA 9-13.04.2012, Talk 69 55.Endo K, Badica P, Kezuka H, Arisawa S, Endo T Growth of high temperature cuprate superconductors based heterostructures 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, ICCE-20, Beijing, China 22-28.07.2012, (invited) 56.Ene-Dobre M, Banciu MG, Nedelcu L, Busuioc C, Alexandru HV Linear dielectric resonator antenna array based on high-K ceramics The 8th General of Balkan Physical Union, Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Talk 57.Ene-Dobre M, Banciu MG, Nedelcu L, Busuioc C, Alexandru HV Dielectric resonator antennas with increased directivity by using (Zr0.8Sn0.2)TiO4 ceramic International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 58.Feraru I, Vasiliu IC, Iordanescu R, Elisa M, Bartha C Structural characterization of cdse-doped sol-gel silicophosphate films 6th International Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics (MSCMP), Kishinev – Moldova 11-14.09.2012, Poster 59.Filip LD, Pintilie I, Svensson BG Evidence of tunneling in n-4H-SiC/SiO2 capacitors at low temperatures 9th European Conference on Silico Carbide&Related Materials (ECSCRM 2012), SaintPetersburg, Russia 2-6.09.2012, Poster 60.Filip LD, Pintilie I, Svensson BG Evidence for resonant tunnelling from interface states in as-grown n-4H-SiC/SiO2 capacitors 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 61.Filoti G Mössbauer Spectroscopy: a powerful tool for investigation of externally induced effects Physical Methods in Coordination and Supermolecular Chemistry- Kishinev-Moldova 24-26.10.2012, Talk 62.Florica C, Ibanescu G, Matei E, Enculescu M, Preda N, Enculescu I Electrical properties of ZnO single nanowires contacted by FIBID and EBL TNT 2012- Trends in NanoTechnology Conference, Madrid, Spania 10-14.09.2012, Poster 70 63.Frunza L, Preda N, Matei E, Frunza S, Zgura I, Ganea P, Cotorobai F Complex characterization of ZnO functionalized textiles. Wetting properties as determined by contact angle measurements The 3nd International Colloquium on “Physics of Materials”, Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Poster 64.Frunza L, Zgura I, Frunza S, Ganea CP, Cotorobai F Measurements of contact angle of rough and functionalized surfaces The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08. 2012, Poster 65.Galassi C, Cernea M, Baldisserri C, Ibanescu AG, Negrea R, Capiani C Influence of synthesis route and composition on the properties of BaxSr1-xFe12O19 ceramics European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD-11), Aveiro, Portugal 9-13.07.2012, Talk 66.Galatanu M, Enculescu M, Tiseanu I, Galatanu A Materiale compozite complexe SiC-W Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din Romania, Workshop “Materiale în condiţii extreme: procesare, caracterizare şi aplicaţii”, Bucureşti, România 25-28.09.2012, Talk 67.Galatanu A, Jianu AD, Galatanu M, Enculescu I Unconventional Routes for Joining W and Steel Using FAST International Conference of Balkan Physical Union, Constanta, Romania 8-10.07.2012, Talk 68.Galatanu M, Enculescu M, Popescu B, Tiseanu I, Craciunescu T, Galatanu A Sintering of SiC-W nano-structured composites with enhanced thermal conductivity International Conference of Balkan Physical Union, Constanta, Romania 8-10.07.2012, Talk 69.Galatanu M, Popescu B, Plapcianu C, Enculescu M, Galatanu A, Tiseanu I, Craciunescu T Direct sintering of SiC/W composites with enhanced thermal conductivity 27th SOFT Conference, Liege, Belgia 24-28.09.2012, Poster 70.Galca AC, Stan GE, Trinca LM, Pasuk I The influence of crystallites orientation on the optical properties of poly-crystalline thin films deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering at low temperatures EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 71 14-18.05.2012, Talk 71.Galca AC, Socol G, V. Craciun Effect of gallium concentration on the optical and electrical properties of amorphous IGZO thin films In: EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Talk 72.Galca AC Transparent conductive oxides thin films: Fundamental and applicative research challenges 4th Edition“Current trends and advanced ellipsometry and all X-ray techniques for the characterization of TCO, BIO and other nanostructured materials” Workshop, Bucharest, Romania 12-14.09.2012, Talk 73.Galca AC, Socol G, Craciun V Effect of gallium concentration on the optical and electrical properties of amorphous IGZO thin films EMRS Fall Meeting 2012, Warsaw, Poland 17-21.09.2012, Talk 74.Ganea CP, Cotorobai F, Frunza S Electrode polarization and interfaces effects in liquid crystal systems with mobile ions: The case of ions with different diffusion coefficients The 3nd International Colloquium on “Physics of Materials”, Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Poster 75.Ganea CP, Frunza L, Frunza S Model by bipolar diffusion of the polarization effects in systems with liquid crystals and mobile ions The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 76.Gherendi M, Zoita VL, Craciunescu T, Johnson M.G, Pantea A, Baltog I, Edlington T, Hellesen C, Kiptily V, Conroy S, Murari A, Popovichev S Neutron field parameter measurements on the JET tokamak by means of super-heated fluid detectors 19th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Monterey, USA 06-10.05.2012, Poster 77.Ghica C, Damian R, Nistor L C, Maraloiu V A, Dragoi C, Pintilie L 72 Microstructural characterization of multilayered perovskite coatings for artificial multiferroics 15th European Microscopy Congress EMC, Manchester, United Kingdom 16-21.09.2012, Poster 78.Ghica D, Ghica C, Stan G, Stefan M Electron paramagnetic resonance of the magnetic defects in nanostructured ZnO:Mn thin films 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 79.Girtan M, Mallet R, Stanculescu A, Leontie L, Vaciulis I, Kompitsas M, Mardare D, Antohe S Electrical and optical properties of transparent oxide/metal/oxide multilayer films depositedon glass and PET substrates 4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials, TCM, Crete, Greece 21-26.10.2012, Poster 80.Grecu MN, Ghica D, Vlaicu AM, Valsan S, Piticescu RR Paramagnetic defects in hydrothermal-grown anatase TiO2 nanoparticles Conferinta Europeana de Rezonanta Magnetica EUROMAR 12, Dublin, Irlanda 29.06-6.07.2012, Poster 81.Grecu MN, Tolea F, Constantinescu S, Ghica D, Negrea RF, Kuncser V On the room temperature ferromagnetism in iron doped nano-TiO2 anatase phase Conferinta Europeana de Rezonanta Magnetica EUROMAR 12, Dublin, Irlanda 29.06.-6.07.2012, Poster 82.Ibanescu G, Dragoi C, Pintilie I, Pintilie L Comparison Between Electrical Properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 and BaTiO3 Capacitors with Bottom SrRuO3 Contact and Different Metals as Top Electrode Conferinta Intrenationala ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 83.Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Frumosu F, Costescu A, Coustumer P, Predoi D Structural characterization and magnetic properties of iron oxides biological polymers International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM, Istanbul, Turkey 24-28.04.2012, Poster 84.Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Andronescu E, Barna ES, Motelica-Heino M, Sizaret S, Predoi D Synthesis and characterization of polysaccharide – maghemite composite nanoparticles and their antibacterial properties Coloids and Nanomedicine, Amsterdam, Netherlands 14-17.07.2012, Poster 85.Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Prodan AM, Predoi D 73 The antimicrobial activity of fabricated iron oxide nanoparticles, 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress 04-09.09. 2012, Poster 86.Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Chifiriuc CM, Motelica M, Coustumer P, Ganciu M, Barna ES, Predoi D Antibacterial assessment of iron oxide nanoparticles obtained by coprecipitation method The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM–3), Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Poster 87.Kuncser V, Schinteie G, Filoti G, Birsan A, Alexandrescu R, Morjan I Complex characterization of magnetic configurations in multiphase nanoparticle systems SIWAN5-5th Szeged International Workshop on Advances in Nanoscience, Szeged, Hungary 24-27.10.2012 88.Kuncser V, Filoti G, Jianu A, Valeanu M, Schinteie G, Sandu SG, Palade P, Crisan O Extreme conditions influencing magnetic properties of low dimensional systems Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din Romania, Workshop “Materiale în condiţii extreme: procesare, caracterizare şi aplicaţii”, Bucureşti, România 25-28.09.2012, Talk 89.Kuncser V Mossbauer Spectroscopy –a powerful tool for investigation of local electronic phenomena and interactions in nan NPL, Londra, UK 10.05.2012 (invited lecture) 90.Lazarescu V, Enache M, Dobrescu G, Gartner M, Negrila CC, Lazarescu MF Molecular self-assembling control over the surface states and field-effects at n-GaAs(100) electrodes 222nd ECS Meeting PRIME, Honolulu, SUA 7-12.10.2012, Talk 91.Le Febvrier A, Corredores Y, Zhang L, Deputier S, Demange V, Bouquet V, Lefort R, Galca AC, Castel X, Sauleau R, Laurent P, Tanne G, Pintilie L, Guilloux-Viry M Croissance et caracterisations dielectriques et optiques de couches minces de Bi1 ,5-xZn1-yNb1,5O61,5x-y (BZN) 12èmes Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux, Chambéry, France 28-30.03.2012, Poster 92.Lepadatu AM, Palade C, Slav A, Stavarache I, Iordache G, Ciurea ML, Lazanu S Iodine irradiation induced defects in high resistivity silicon E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 74 93.Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Maraloiu AV, Palade C, Teodorescu VS, Ciurea ML Electrical behaviour related to structure of nanostructured GeSi films annealed at 700 oC International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE, Sinaia, Romania 15-17.10.2012, ?????? 94.Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Palade C, Teodorescu VSand Ciurea ML Electrical properties related to the structure of films with Ge nanoparticles embedded in SiO2 matrix E-MRS Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, 17-21.09. 2012, Poster 95.Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Maraloiu AV, Palade C, Teodorescu VS, Ciurea ML, Electrical and structural properties of nanostructured GeSi films The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM–3) Bucharest, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Talk 96.Le Rhun G, Yin S, Dragoi C, Trupina L, Abergel J, Vilquin B, Robach Y, Defay E, Pintilie L Toward integration of epitaxial piezoelectric thin films on silicon substrate for MEMS applications Conferinta Intrenationala ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 97.Maraloiu VA, Van Der Sanden B, Wege H, Leguellec D, Blanchin MG Follow-up of localization and biotransformations of iron oxide MRI contrast agents used for detection of atherosclerosis in a murine model Colloids and Nanomedicine, Amsterdam, Netherlands 15-17.07.2012, Poster 98.Maraloiu VA, Van Der Sanden B, Wege H, Leguellec D, Teodorescu VS, Blanchin MG Biolocalization and biotransformation of iron oxide core nanoparticles used as contrast agents for MRI of atherosclerosis 15th European Microscopy Congress, Manchester, United Kingdom 16-21.09.2012, Poster 99.Matei E, Florica C, Enculescu M, Kuncser V, Enculescu I, Toimil-Molares ME Control of nickel nanowires properties by electrodeposition conditions E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 100.Matei E, Enculescu M, Preda N, Florica C, Enculescu I Tailoring the properties of zinc oxide nanowire arrays by pulsed electrodeposition 75 4th International Conference on NANO-structures SELF-Assembly (NanoSEA), in Santa Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, Italy 25-29.06.2012, Poster 101.Matei E, Florica C, Kuncser V, Toimil Molares ME, Enculescu I Effect on the deposition conditions on the properties of nickel nanowires ICN+T 2012, International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology, Paris, France 23-27.07.2012, Poster 102.Miclea CF, Nicklas M, Mota AC, Altarawneh MM, Miclea C, Harrison N, Thompson JD, Steglich F, Movshovich R Low temperature enhancement of the critical current in CeCoIn5. Possible signature of magnetic order International Conference for Superconductivity and Magnetism, Istanbul, Turkey 28.04-4.05.2012, Talk 103.Miclea CF, Nicklas M, Mota AC, Altarawneh MM, Miclea C, Harrison N, Thompson JD, Steglich F, Movshovich R Low temperature enhancement of the critical current in CeCoIn5 International Conference of Magnetism and Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Busan, Korea 8-13.07.2012, Talk 104.Miclea CT, Cioangher M, Miclea CF, Trupina L, Miclea C, Amarande L, Spanulescu S, Faibis R A high performance piezoceramic material for a vibration transducer for balancing of rotating parts 35 International Semiconductor Conference, CAS Sinaia, Romania 14-17.10.2012, Talk 105.Mihailescu CN, Athanasopoulos G, Pasuk I, Luculescu C, Stan GE, Saint-Martin R, Revcolevschi A, Giapintzakis J Growth and characterization of SrCuO2 thin films EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 106.Miu L, Ivan I, Miu D, Mele P, Matsumoto K, Mikheenko P, Dang VS, Crisan A High vortex depinning temperatures in YBCO films with BZO nanorods International Conference of Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM, Istanbul, J. of Supercond. and Nov. M 10.1007/s10948-012-2019-x 29.04.-04.05.2012, (invited presentation) 76 107.Nedelcu L, Busuioc C, Ganea P, Banciu MG Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of Ba(X1/3Ta2/3)O3 complex perovskites Electroceramics XIII, Twente, Olanda 24-27.06.2012, Poster 108.Nedelcu L, Bacsei R, Ganea CP, Banciu MG, Jinga SI, Alexandru HV Broadband dielectric spectrosocpy of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 ferroelectric ceramics The 8th General of Balkan Physical Union, Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Poster 109.Nedelcu L, Ganea P, Banciu MG Ferroelectric transitions and phase diagram in barium strontium titanate ISAF ECAPD PFM , Aveiro, Portugal 9-14.07.2012, Poster 110.Nedelcu L, Busuioc C, Banciu MG Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of low-loss microwave ceramics International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 111.Nedelcu L, Banciu MG Millimeter and submillimeter wave properties of dielectric materials using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy Conferinta "Diaspora in Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania", Workshop-ul exploratoriu “Materiale in conditii extreme – procesare, proprietati si aplicatii”, Bucuresti, Romania 25-28.09.2012, Talk 112.Negrea RF, Ghica C, Nistor LC, Maraloiu VA, Dragoi C, Pintilie L Analytical high-resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization of multilayered voatings for artificial multiferroics 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 113.Nistor SV, Nistor LC, Stefan M, Ghica D, Vlaicu I Impurities and defects in wide band-gap ZnS(O) nanocrystals The International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Santa Fe (NM), USA, 24-29.06.2012 (oral plenary) 114.Nistor SV, Radu R, Stefan M, Nistor LC, Ghica D, Pintilie I Paramagnetic radiation defects in silicon detectors for collision particle experiments The International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM), Santa Fe (NM), USA 77 24-29 .06.2012, Poster 115.Nistor SV, Stefan M, Nistor LC, Ghica D Spying with Mn2+ ions the structure changes during the thermal decomposition of Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6 and Zn(OH)2 into nanostructured ZnO The 45th Annual International Meeting of the ESR group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Manchester, United Kingdom 25-29.04.2012, Talk 116.Palade C, Lepadatu AM, Stavarache I, Maraloiu AV, Teodorescu VS, Ciurea ML Transport mechanisms in SiO2 films with embedded germanium nanoparticles International Semiconductor Conference,IEEE, Sinaia, Romania 15-17.10.2012, Talk 117.Palade P Hydrogen storage materials used as energy carrier Advanced workshop on solar energy conversion, Magurele, Romania 21-23.05.2012, Talk 118.Pasuk I, Chirila C, Pintilie L Selected HRXRD results obtained at NIMP on heteroepitaxial systems 4th Edition“Current trends and advanced ellipsometry and all X-ray techniques for the characterization of TCO, BIO and other nanostructured materials” Workshop, Bucharest, Romania 12-14.09.2012, Talk 119.Pintilie L, Ibanescu G, Dragoi C, Husanu M, Pasuk I, Damian R, Pintilie I Effect of electrode interfaces on the macroscopic electrical properties of epitaxial Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 and BaTiO3 Films Conferinta ECAPAD-ISAF-PFM, Aveiro, Portugalia 9-13.07.2012, Talk 120.Polosan S, Radu IC Mechanisms of the charge transfer in IrQ(ppy)2-5Cl dual-emitter compounds E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 121.Polosan S, Radu IC Organometallic materials for low energy consumption OLED devices The 8th General Conference of Balkan Physical Union,Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Talk 78 122.Polosan S, Radu IC Organometallic compounds and their applications The 7th International Conference on Advaced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk 123.Polosan S, Radu IC Phosphorescence of Iridium based organometallic compounds in Magnetic Field 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation LUMDETR, Halle, Germania 9-14.09.2012, Poster 124.Polosan S, Ciobotaru IC, Stoflea L Structural characteristics of IrQ(ppy)2 organometallic compound Sixth International Meeting on Molecular Electronics,Grenoble, France 3-7.10. 2012, Poster 125.Popescu B, Enculescu I, Palade P, Galatanu A, Jianu AD Utilizarea metalurgiei pulberilor pentru imbinarea W cu otel Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din Romania, Workshop “Materiale în condiţii extreme: procesare, caracterizare şi aplicaţii”, Bucureşti, România 25-28.09.2012, Talk 126.Popescu M, Velea A, Sava F, Lőrinczi A Chalcogenide systems at the border of the glass formation domain: a key for understanding the intermediate phase and switching phenomenon 18th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG), Saint-Malo, France 1-5.07.2012, Poster 127.Popescu T, Dascalu G, Diamandescu L, Feder M, Caltun OF Occurrence of the REFeO3 (RE=La, Gd, Dy) orthoferrite phases and their influence on the magnetic and sintering properties of the CoRE0.2Fe1.8O4 system 8th BPU, The 8th General Conference of Balkan Physical Union, Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Poster 128.Popescu T, Lupu AR, Diamandescu L Errors in the griess assay induced by opacity, adsorption and photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanoparticles The Annual International Conference of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bucharest, Romania 13-14.09.2012, Talk 79 129.Plugaru N Materials modeling from first principles electronic structure Talk presented at the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan 2.03.2012, Talk 130.Plugaru N, Plugaru R Porous silicon models in first principles calculations Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan 9.03.2012, Talk 131.Preda N, Enculescu M, Socol M, Zgura I, Enculescu I Polymer nanosphere array-assisted electroless deposition of ZnO rods E-MRS Spring Meeting, , Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 132.Preda N, Enculescu M, Socol M, Enculescu I Synthesis and characterization of biocomposites based on chitosan and vinyl polymers E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 133.Prodan AM, Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Coustumer P, Predoi D Antibacterial activity of silver doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles Coloids and Nanomedicine, Amsterdam, Netherlands 14-17.07.2012, Poster 134.Prodan AM, Coustumer P, Predoi D Evaluation of antibacterial effect of silver doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress, Sevilla, Spain 04-09.09.2012, Poster 135.Prodan AM, Andronescu E, Ciobanu CS, Vasile B, Coustumer P, Predoi D Physico-chemical and in vitro studies on iron oxide nanoparticles The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics Of Materials” (PM–3), Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Talk 136.Radu IC, Polosan S Photophysical and magnetic properties of IrQ(ppy)2–5Cl for Organic Light Emitting Device applications E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strassbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 80 137.Radu IC, Ciobotaru CC, Polosan S Spectroscopy and structural analysis of Iridium intermediate compound The 8th General Conference of Balkan Physical Union, , Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Poster 138.Radu M, Iconaru SL, Predoi D, Costache M, Dinischiotu A Assessing toxicity of two types of magnetite nanoparticles in human hepatocarcinoma cells 22nd IUBMB Congress/37th FEBS Congress, Sevilla, Spain 04-09.09.2012, Poster 139.Radu R et al Radiation damage on n-type silicon pad diodes after electron irradiation with energies between 1.5 MeV - 15 MeV, RESMDD12, Florence, Italia 9-12.10.2012, Talk 140.Sandu SG, Palade P, Schinteie G, Birsan A, Kuncser V Structural aspects and magnetic properties of Fe films grown on Si substrates. Effects of hydrogenation treatments International Student Conference of Balkan Physical Union (ISCBPU), Constanta, Romania 10-13.07.2012, Talk 141.Sandu V, Aldica G, Ivan I, Enachescu M, Sandu E Tritiated MgB2 superconducting ceramics The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 142.Sandu V, Ivan I, Litra-Cristian P, Sandu E Fabrication of superconducting MgB2-based nanocomposites with magnetic inclusions by spark plasma sintering International Conference on Advance Materials Design and Mechanics (ICAMDM), Xiamen, China 5-7.06.2012, Poster 143.Sandu V, Nicolescu MS, Banciu MG, Ivan I Synthesis, Thermal and Magnetic Properties of the Magnetically Frustrated CoNb2O6 Compound International Conference on Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (AMSE) Bangkok, Thailand 27-28.09.2012, Poster 144.Sandu V, Nicolescu MS, Banciu MG, Popa S, Burdusel M CoNb2O6 ceramic with geometric frustration International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ICMSE) Xiamen, China 81 27-29.03.2012, Poster 145.Sava F, Simandan ID, Lőrinczi A, Velea A, Popescu M, Vlaicu AM, Socol G, Mihăilescu IN, Stefan N Light induced mixing effect in chalcogenide nanolayers 18th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG), Saint-Malo, France 1-5.07.2012, Poster 146.Secu M, Secu CE, Damian R, Sima M, Dinescu M Sol-gel template synthesis of luminescent glass-ceramic rods The 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation – LUMDETR, Halle (Saale), Germany 10-14.09.2012, Poster 147.Simandan ID, Popescu M, Antohe S Langmuir stabilized layers and UV-sensor based on silver stearate, carbon nanotubes and porphirins additives The 8th General Conference of Balkan Physical Union, (BPU),Constanta, Romania 5-7.07.2012, Poster 148.Slav A, Lepadatu AM, Palade C, Stavarache I, Iordache G, Ciurea ML, Lazanu S Iodine irradiation induced defects in crystalline silicon International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE Sinaia, Romania 15-17.10.2012, Talk 149.Socol G, Socol M, Sima LE, Luculescu CR, Enculescu M, Miroiu M, Preda N, Stanculescu A, Sima F, Cristescu R, Petrescu SM, Mihailescu IN Combinatorial pulsed laser deposition of calcium phosphates European Materials Research Society-Spring Meeting, EMRS, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 150.Socol G, Socol M, Stefan N, Axente E, Pelin G, Craciun D, Duta L, Mihailescu CN, Mihailescu IN, Stanculescu A, Visan D, Galca AC, Craciun V CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition Pulsed Laser Deposition of CdTe/CdS thin-film solar cells EMRS Spring Meeting Conference, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 151.Socol M, Socol G, Rasoga O, Preda N, Mihailescu I, Vacareanu L, Grigoras M, Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A On arylenevinylene oligomers based heterostructures obtained by MAPLE for optoelectronic applications European Materials research Society-Spring Meeting, EMRS, Strasbourg, France 82 14-18.05.2012, Poster 152.Socol M, Preda N, Vacareanu L, Grigoras M, Socol G, Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A, Stoicanescu M Organic heterostructures based on arylenevinylene oligomers obtained by MAPLE The seventh International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM , Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 153.Sofronie M, Crisan AD, Enculescu M, Tolea F, Valeanu M Martensitic transformation, magnetic behaviour and magnetoelastic effect in Fe melt-spun ribbons Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials: ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 70-xPd30MnX 154.Stan GE, Popa AC, Pasuk I, Galca AC, Aldica G, Ferreira JMF Bioactive glass-based sputtered thin films: Technological algorithms for adherence improvement EMRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 155.Stan GE, Husanu MA, Popa AC, Pasuk I, Popescu AC, Mihailescu IN Multi-layer haemocompatible diamond-like carbon coatings with increased functionality EMRS Spring Meeting,Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 156.Stanculescu A, Socol M, Socol G, Mihailescu IN, Grigoras M, Vacareanu L, Stanculescu F Arylenevinylene based heterostructures on Al:ZnO/flexible substrates for photovoltaic applications 4th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials, TCM, Crete, Greece 21-26.10.2012, Talk 157.Stanculescu A, Socol M, Rasoga O, Mihailescu IN, Socol G, Stefan N, Stanculescu F Effect of the laser deposition conditions on the properties of metal phthalocyanine based heterostructures for photovoltaic applications European Materials Research Society-Spring Meeting, EMRS,Strasbourg, France 14-18.05.2012, Poster 158.Stanculescu A, Socol M, Ionita I, Stanculescu F Nonlinear optical phenomena in doped and irradiated aromatic derivatives crystals The seventh International Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 159.Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A Aromatic derivatives organic semiconductors The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM,Brasov, Romania 83 28-31.08.2012, Talk 160.Stanculescu F, Ionita I, Socol M, Stanculescu A Pure and doped aromatic derivative crystals grown by Bridgman-Stockbarger method for optical nonlinear applications The Fourth European Conference on Crystal Growth ECCG 4, Glasgow, UK 17-20.06.2012, Poster 161.Stanculescu F, Ionita I, Socol M, Stanculescu A, Barvinschi F Growth of pure benzil crystals from the melt by Bridgman-Stockbarger method. The effect of irradiation on their properties The Fourth European Conference on Crystal Growth ECCG 4, Glasgow, UK 17-20.06.2012, Poster 162.Stanculescu F, Socol M, Albu AM, Socol G, Girtan M, Stanculescu A Optical and electrical properties of heterostructures based on maleic anhydride –aniline derivatives monomers thin films for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications The seventh International Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 163.Stavarache I, Lepadatu AM, Maraloiu AV, Palade C, Teodorescu VS, Ciurea ML Electrical behaviour of Ge nanoparticles network embedded in SiO2 matrix E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 14-18.03. 2012, Poster 164.Stavarache I, Palade C, Lepadatu AM, Maraloiu AV, Teodorescu VS, Ciurea ML Electrical behaviour related to the structure of SiO2 films with embedded Ge nanoparticles The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM–3) Bucharest, , University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012, Talk 165.Stefan M, Nistor SV Multifrequency EPR of Mn2+ in II-VI semiconductor nanocrystals The 45th Annual International Meeting of the ESR group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Manchester, United Kingdom 25-29.03.2012, Talk 166.Teodorescu VS, Maraloiu AV,Ghica C, Scarisoreanu N, Dinescu M, A Barborica A, Stavarache I, Ciurea M L Pulsed laser crystallization of SiGe amorphous thin films obtained by magnetron sputtering 15th European Microscopy Congress EMC, Manchester, United Kingdom 16-21.09.2012, Poster 167.Tolea F, Crisan A, Sofronie M, Kuncser V, Valeanu M Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys prepared by melt spinning technique 84 Diaspora în Cercetarea Ştiinţifică şi Învăţământul Superior din Romania, Workshop “Materiale în condiţii extreme: procesare, caracterizare şi aplicaţii”, Bucureşti, România 25-28.09.2012, Talk 168.Tolea F, Birsan A, Sofronie M, Kuncser V, Valeanu M Magnetic properties of FeNiCoTi shape memory ribbons The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Poster 169.Tolea F, Sofronie M, Birsan A, Kuncser V, Valeanu M Tunning the martensitic transformation in Ni-Fe-Co-Ga melt-spun ribbons through selective thermal treatments IHI TEMP Conference, Munich, Germany 11-13.09.2012, Poster 170.Trinca LM, Galca AC, Socol G, V. Craciun Stoichiometry dependence of the optical properties of amorphous IGZO thin films 4th Edition“Current trends and advanced ellipsometry and all X-ray techniques for the characterization of TCO, BIO and other nanostructured materials” Workshop, Bucharest, Romania 12-14.09.2012, Talk 171.Viespe C, Nicolae I, Grigoriu C, Trupina L Surface acoustic wave sensors coated with nanocomposite (polymer/Si nanoparticles) sensitive layers by combined laser/spray technique EMRS Fall Meeting Conference, Warsaw, Poland 17-21.09.2012, Poster 172.Vlaicu I D, Badea M, Olar R, Marinescu D New iron(Iii) complexes with pentadentate schiff base ligands: synthesis, spectral, thermal and biological characterization 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012, Talk INVITED LECTURES Apostol NG, Lungu GA, Costescu RM, Husanu MA, Popescu DG, Stoflea LE, Teodorescu CM Ferromagnetic compounds stabilized on Ge(001) and Si(001) by molecular beam epitaxy 9th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, Iasi, Romania 20-23.09.2012 85 Apostol NG Reactivitate si magnetism in straturi subtiri feromagnetice depuse pe semiconductori prin epitaxie in fascicul molecular Exploratory Workshop WE5 Theory and experiment in surface, interface and nanoparticle physics, Conference of Romanian Diaspora 2012, Magurele, Romania 26-27.09.2012 Badica P Superconducting composites of MgB2 with additions obtained by spark plasma sintering 2012 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, section HH,Moscone West Convention Center, San Francisco, USA 9-13.04. 2012 Badica P, Aldica G, Batalu D MgB2 composites obtained by spark plasma sintering 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, ICCE-20, Beijing, China 22-28.07.2012 Banciu MG, Nedelcu L Materiale dielectrice cu proprietati deosebite la frecvente extreme Exploratory Workshop "Materials in extreme conditions-processing, properties and applications”, Conference of Romanian Diaspora 2012, Magurele, Romania 25-28.09.2012 Ciurea ML Effects produced by the irradiation with heavy ions on high resistivity crystalline silicon The 3rd International Colloquium “Physics of Materials” (PM–3) Bucharest, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania 15-16.11.2012 Endo K, Badica P, Kezuka H, Arisawa S, Endo T Growth of high temperature cuprate superconductors based heterostructures 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, ICCE-20, Beijing, China 22-28.07. 2012 Ghica C, Nistor L C, Teodorescu V S From conventional to aberation corrected TEM in materials science 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012 Ghica C From conventional to aberration-corrected TEM in materials science - Advanced structural investigations at NIMP International Workshop Science@CERIC, Trieste, Italy 11-12.12.2012 86 Ghita RV On the passivation of GaAs surface by sulfide compounds XI International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, August 2012, Rhodos-Greece Section: Materials with controlled nanostructure via chemistry 26-31.08.2012 Kuncser V Mossbauer Spectroscopy a powerful tool for investigation of local electronic phenomena and interactions in nanomaterials National PhysicalLaboratory (NPL), Londra, UK DATA Miu L, Ivan I, Miu D, Mele P, Matsumoto K, Mikheenko P, Dang VS, Crisan A High vortex depinning temperatures in YBCO films with BZO nanorods International Conference of Superconductivity and Magnetism, ICSM 2012, Istanbul, in J. of Supercond. and Nov. Magn., DOI 10.1007/s10948-012-2019-x 29.04-4.05.2012 Moldoveanu V On the cotunneling regime of interacting quantum dots Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) Berlin 18.05.2012 Moldoveanu V On the steady-state regime of open quantum systems, Weierstrass Institute (WIAS) Berlin 18.05.2012 Nistor SV, Stefan M, Ghica D, Nistor LC Core and surface localization of the activating Mn2+ ions in luminescent ZnS quantum dots 8th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, LumDeTr 2012, Halle (Salle), Germany 10-14.09.2012 Pintilie L Photovoltaic effect in PZT based oxide structures International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF 2012, Hong-Kong, China 18-21.06.2012 Pintilie L, Cernea M, Iuga A, Dragoi C, Pasuk I, Ibanescu A, Pintilie I, Trupina L, Damian R Interfaces, structure and electrical measurements in ferroelectric thin films COST-SIMUFER workshop, Vilnius, Lithuania 87 23-24.04.2012 Pintilie L From bulk to nano advanced functional materials: materials science at NIMP CERIC workshop, , Trieste, Italy 10-11.12.2012 Pintilie I Surface and bulk radiation induced defects in Si-based sensors 1st Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Different Fields of Research (RAD2012), Nis, Serbia 24-27.04.2012 PopescuM, Velea A, Sava F, Lőrinczi A, Chalcogenide systems at the border of the glass formation domain: a key for understanding the intermediate phase and switching phenomenon 18th International Symposium on Non-Oxide and New Optical Glasses (ISNOG - 2012), SaintMalo, France 1-5.07.2012 Popescu M, Velea A The key properties in chalcogenide systems and their relevance on electrical switching The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08.2012 Popescu M, Velea A Chalcogenide glasses for photonics The International Conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Conversion Applications (AMPSECA 2012), El-El Jadida, Maroc 5-9.12.2012 Stanculescu F, Stanculescu A, Aromatic derivatives organic semiconductors The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012, Brasov, Romania 28-31.08. 2012 Teodorescu CM Ferromagnetic surface alloys synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy and characterized by innershell spectroscopies Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials ROCAM 2012, Brasov (Romania),28-31.09. 2012 88 SELECTED RESULTS Condensed Matter Physics at Mesoscale 89 Comparative study of NBT-BTx lead-free piezoelectric materials in the form of bulk and thin films, processed by different methods M. Cernea, C. Dragoi, L. Trupina, I. Pintilie, L. Pintilie, A. C. Galca, L. Trinca and V.G. Aldica in collaboration with B. S. Vasile, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 060042, Romania and R. Trusca, G. Ioncea METAV-R&D S.A., P.O. 22, Bucharest, Romania (Na0.5Bi0.5)1−xBaxTiO3 (abbreviated as NBT-BTx) ceramics (bulk and thin films) are a promising piezoelectric material without lead. Various methods are used to synthesis NBT-BTx with microstructural features required for engineering these properties [1-6]. Grain size is an important microstructural characteristic that affects piezoelectric properties. Although the piezoelectric properties are expected to degrade with smaller grain size, the relative permittivity increases. Moreover, finer grain piezoelectric offers two main advantages; higher mechanical strength and improved dielectric strength, if the piezoelectric properties could be preserved. Recently, considerable research efforts have been devoted to the preparation of NBT-BTx ceramics by various wet chemical and physical methods. Consequently, we used sol-gel and spark plasma sintering (SPS) methods to prepare NBT-BTx bulk [1, 3-5] and sol-gel method to prepare NBT-BTx thin films [2, 6]. For example, Fig.1(a) shows the HR-TEM image of NBTBT0.05 thin film derived from gel. The film is composed of polyhedral shaped particles, with an average grain size of approximately 35 nm [2]. The surface of NBT-BT0.05 thin film presents a Rms of ~4.52 nm (Fig.2(a)) and polarized nanoregions, randomly distributed at room temperature (Fig.2(b)). For comparison, the NBT-BT0.08 thin film, prepared by as from gel precursor, shown a Rms = 2.76 nm, grains with ferroelectric domains and better electrical characteristics than NBT-BT0.05. The dielectric characteristics of BNT-BT0.08 thin films, measured at room temperature and 10 kHz, were: the dielectric constant εr = 243, the loss tangent tanδ = 0.38, the remnant polarization Pr = 0.87 μC/cm2, the coercive field Ec = 220 kV/cm, the current density = 2.7 x 10-5 A/cm2 at 100 kV/cm and piezoelectric properties (d33eff = 100 pm/V) comparable to those of PZT thin films. These results suggest that BNT-BTx films can be used as lead-free ferroelectric and piezoelectric material. 90 Fig.1. Cross-sectional TEM images of the BNT-BT0.05 thin film (a), corresponding HR-TEM of nanocrystals (b) and SAED image (c) BNT-BT.x, were x= 0.05, 0.08 and 0.11, bulk ceramics were prepared from gel powders and sintered by SPS technique in order to evaluate the influence of grain size and concentration x on the electric properties of BNT-BT.x ceramics. The SEM micrographs of the BNT-BT.x ceramics show dense microstructures with grains size of 60-80 nm (Fig.3). The best densification was obtained for BNT-BT0.08 ceramic (relative density (ρ/ρtheor), =99.6 %). Like the classic sintered BNT-BTx ceramics, these ceramics densified by SPS show rhombohedral-tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) for x=0.08, were the dielectric and piezoelectric properties are substantially improved [4]. (a) (b) Fig.2. Atomic force microscopy image (AFM) (a) and PFM image of BNT-BT0.05 thin film (b) 91 Fig.3. SEM images of fracture surface for BNT-BT0.08 ceramic obtained by SPS The SPS BNT-BTx ceramics show a pronounced diffuse phase transition associated with the grain size and the heterogeneity in microstructure and composition. The diffusive factor increases as increasing BaTiO3 concentration (Fig.4). The permittivity of BNT-BT0.08 is higher (εr =2090, at 100 kHz) than that for x=0.05 (εr =1350) and x=0.11 (εr =1800). 5 200 105(1/ε - 1/εmax) 4 δ (oC) 175 150 3 x (mol %) 6 8 10 2 1 0 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 (T-Tm)2/2εmax (oC2) 1,0 Fig.4. The plots of (1/εr −1/εr max) as function of (T−Tm)2/2εr max for the BNT-BTx pellets obtained by SPS. The inset shows the composition dependence of diffusive factor The electrical properties of these ceramics are influenced by grains size, oxygen deficiency and nonuniform internal stresses due to these oxygen deficiencies. BNT-BTx ceramics sintered by SPS seem to be good ceramic resonators with high mechanical quality factor (Q). This work was carried out in the frame of the project 72-153-MPPC, funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. 92 References [1] M. Cernea, B. S. Vasile, C. Capiani, A. Ioncea, C. Galassi, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 (2012) 133-139. [2] M. Cernea, L. Trupina, C. Dragoi, B. S. Vasile, R. Trusca, J. Alloy. Compd., 515 (2012) 166-170. [3] M. Cernea, F. Fochi, G. V. Aldica, B. S. Vasile, R. Trusca, C. Galassi, J. Mater. Sci., 47 (2012) 36693673. [4] M. Cernea, G. Poli, G. V. Aldica, C. Berbecaru, B. S. Vasile, C. Galassi, Curr. Appl. Phys., 12 (2012) 1100-1105. [5] M. Cernea, C. Galassi, B. S. Vasile, C. Capiani, C. Berbecaru, I. Pintilie, L. Pintilie, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32 (2012) 2389-2397. [6] M. Cernea, L. Trupina, C. Dragoi, A. C. Galca, L. Trinca, J. Mater. Sci., 47 [19] (2012) 6966-6971. 93 Spectroscopic Ellipsometry: a useful non-destructive technique to probe the physical parameters of thin films A. C. Galca, G.E. Stan, L.M. Trinca, C.C. Negrila, L.C. Nistor, M. Enculescu, L. Pintilie, M. Cernea, L. Trupina, C. Dragoi, C. Besleaga in collaboration with F. Miculescu Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania L. Ion, S. Antohe University of Bucharest, Romania G. Socol, V. Craciun National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania A. Le Febvrier, Y. Corredores, S. Deputier, V. Bouquet, V. Demange, X. Castel, R. Saleau, R. Lefort, M. Guilloux-Viry Universite de Rennes 1, France L. Y. Zhang, G. Tanne Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France Spectroscopic ellipsometry is a unique characterization technique which measures the change in polarization of a light-probe reflected from a sample. The measurements are relatively fast, low cost and non-destructive. By fitting the ellipsometry data with an adequate optical model, there are determined in the first step the thicknesses and the complex dielectric function (also expressed as refractive index and extinction coefficient) of the sample (usually a thin film). Using results for complementary techniques, advanced optical models can be developed in order to determine fast and non-destructively physical properties such as: degree of crystallinity, crystallites size and orientation, porosity, composition and electrical properties. Inspection by ellipsometry of thin aluminum nitride (AlN) films obtained by rf-magnetron sputtering at different deposition times, led to the conclusion that the films have a slightly dispersed orientation of [002] crystallites axis during the initial growth stages, whereas the orientation verges the normal to the surface after the growing process stabilizes [1]. Diffraction studies (X-ray diffraction and Selected Area Electron Diffraction) confirmed the ellipsometry results. 94 Based on the slight optical anisotropy of the AlN, the birefringence was determined by ellipsometry in the case of thick AlN films (~1 μm) (Fig.1). The crystallites tilt angle versus distance from the centre of the interference rings show a similar profile, and further correlations can be made [2]. Fig.1 Birefringence profile of the AlN thick film. The tendency of poly-crystalline thin films deposited at low temperature to form a double-layerlike structure, each of them with distinct features, was observed also in the case of zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films [3]. Thickness results obtained from simulations of X-ray Reflectivity and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry data on InGaZnO thin films were very similar [4]. The dependence of density on stoichiometry resembles the corresponding dependence of the refractive index in the transparency range (Fig.2). This dependence between the refractive index and the mass density breaks down in the case of a weak absorbing compound. Fig.2 Thin InZnO film refractive index obtained by ellipsometry and the mass density derived from X-ray reflectivity. 95 The influence of barium titanate (BT) concentration on the dielectric functions of (Na0.5Bi0.5)1xBaxTiO3 (BNT–BTx) thin films, with x = 0.05, 0.08, and 0.11 thin films was also investigated [5]. It is observed that the high frequency dielectric function ε∞ decreases with increasing of BT concentration. The same dependence is observed also for dielectric function (ε1), electrical measured at 100 kHz. The refractive index of the Bi1.5-xZn0.92-yNb1.5O6.92-δ thin films grown by PLD on R-plane sapphire and LaAlO3 substrates, shows a quasi-linear dependence on grain size. A strong correlation between the characteristics measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry on bare thin films (n in the optical range) and on coplanar devices in the microwave range (εr at 10 GHz) was evidenced (Fig.3). Although, the dependence of the refractive index on grain size cannot be generalized to other thin films and/or other deposition processes, unexpected optical properties – grain size relationship might be understandable according to this work [6]. Fig.3 Refractive index and dielectric constant of BZN films versus grain size. NIMP researchers acknowledge financial support from PNII 72-153/2008, 12-101/2008, PCCE ID 76, RU-TE-2011-3-0016 and Core Program PN09-45. References [1] A.C. Galca, G.E. Stan, L.M. Trinca, C.C. Negrila, L.C. Nistor, Thin Solid Films 524 2012, 328333 doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2012.10.015 [2] G.E. Stan, I. Pasuk, L.M. Trinca, A.C. Galca, M. Enculescu, F. Miculescu Dig. J. Nanomater. Biostruct. 7 (1) 2012, 41-50 96 [5]. C. Besleaga, G.E. Stan, A.C. Galca, L. Ion, S. Antohe, Appl. Surf. Sci. 258 (22) 2012, 88198824 doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.05.097 [4]. A.C. Galca, G. Socol, V. Craciun Thin Solid Films 520 (14) 2012, 4722-4725 doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2011.10.194 [5].M. Cernea, L. Trupina, C. Dragoi, A.C. Galca, L. Trinca, J. Mater. Sci. 47 (19) 2012, 69666971 doi:10.1007/s10853-012-6646-1 [6] A. Le Febvrier, A.C. Galca, Y. Corredores, S. Députier, V. Bouquet, V. Demange, X. Castel, R. Sauleau, R. Lefort, Ly. Zhang, G. Tanné, L. Pintilie, M. Guilloux-Viry, ACS Appl. Mat. Interf. 4 (10) 2012, 5227- 5233 doi:10.1021/am301152r Organometallic compounds: synthesis and characterization S. Polosan, I.C.Radu (Ciobotaru), I. Enculescu in collaboration with H. Iovu University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania To obtain white light phosphores-cence, organometallic compounds with different emissions must be mixed and the best way is to create mixed-ligands complexes which gives different color from each ligand. Recently, we purposed another Ir(III) complex (5-chloro-8-hydroxy-quinolinat) bis(2phenylpyridyl) iridium (IrQ(ppy)2-5Cl) which combine the properties of the red phosphorescence given by quinoline (Q) ligand and the green phosphorescence originated from phenylpyridine [1]. Mixed-ligands of IrQ(ppy)2–5Cl was synthesized by the reaction of substituted 8hydroxyquinoline with the diiridiumcomplex tetrakis (2-phenylpyridyl) -μ-(dichloro) diiridium ([(C^N)2Ir-μ-Cl]2). For the absorption measurements, neat film and 5 wt.% of mer–IrQ(ppy)2–5Cl, dispersed in polystyrene, were deposited on the quartz substrate. The absorption spectrum (figure 1) can be divided in two parts: one, between 700 to 300 nm assigned to the metal-to-ligand charge transfers and the second, between 300 to 200 nm for the intraligand 97 transitions. Starting with the low energy peaks, the first peak measured at 625 nm (1.982 eV), can be assigned to the first triplet state arising from the quinoline ligand. The absorption bands at 380 and 285 nm were atributed to the metal-to-ligand charge transfer singlet state (1MLCT) and ligand centered singlet state (1LC), in the ppy ligand while the 515 nm (2.4 eV) emission band to the transition from the triplet 3 MLCT to the ground state. Figure 1 The red phosphorescence band is due to the transition from the spin-triplet state to the singlet ground state appearing at 666 nm in IrQ(ppy)2-5Cl. The Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) peaks appear more intense compared with the absorption spectrum (figure 2). The peaks between 300-500 nm are assigned to the Metal-to-Ligand Charge Transfer (MLCT), while below 300 nm are assigned to the intraligand π→π* transitions. Time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculation provides useful parameters for the experimental measure-ments, the results of calculation being in good agreement with the observed facts. The highest occupied orbitals in the case of IrQ(ppy)2-5Cl are Ir(5d) in character, with a non-equal distribution of the charge transfer between the ppy and quinoline ligands (figure 3). Figure 2 98 This fact leads to a decreasing of the phosphorescence provided by the charge transfer to the ppy ligand, but also the appearing of the red emission as a result of the charge transfer to the quinoline ligand. Figure 3 The hybridization between Ir 5d orbitals and π ligand orbitals shows strong metallic character with phenylpyridine orbitals (66% and 43 %) and weak metallic character with quinoline ligand (16.8%). This fact can explain weak red phosphorescence intensity in the emission spectra [2]. The phosphorescence mechanism of the mer-Alq3 powder, together with the structural changes which appears during thermal annealing, were detailed [3]. Cathodoluminescence image (figure 4) was compared with the secondary electron image, showing a slightly charge of the mer-Alq3 surface, specific for semiconductors. Figure 4 The cathodoluminescence spectrum (figure 5) shows similar features with the photoluminescence spectrum and, at the long wavelengths, exhibits a small emission associated with triplet phosphorescence. 99 Figure 5 The annealing procedure at different times, below the first phase transition temperature (295oC), induces the growing of the nanocrystals along the axis perpendicular to the (01-1) plane. This work was carried out in the frame of the Nucleus Program Contract number PN-45 and Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-ID-PCE2011-3-0620. References: [1] S. Polosan, I.C. Radu, T. Tsuboi, J. Lum.132(4), 2012, 998-100. [2] S. Polosan, I.C. Radu, J. Nano.& Nanotech. (2013) (accepted, September 2012). [3] I.C. Radu, S. Polosan, I. Enculescu, H. Iovu, Optical Materials, 35(2), 2012, 268-273. Bose-glass/superfluid transition in a quantum magnet C.F. Miclea1, R. Yu2, L. Yin3, N. S. Sullivan3, J. S. Xia3, C. Huan3, A. Paduan-Filho4,N. F. Oliveira Jr.4, S. Haas5, A. Steppke6, F. Weickert7 ,R. Movshovich7, Eun-Deok Mun7, B. L. Scott7, V. S. Zapf7, and T. Roscilde8 1 National Institute for Materials Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania 2 Department of Physics & Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, USA 100 3 Department of Physics and Nat. High Magnetic Field Lab., University of Florida, Gainesville, USA 4 Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brasil 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA 6 Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany 7 Condensed Matter and Magnet Science, Los Alamos National Lab, NM, USA 8 Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) and superfluidity are well known quantum manifestations of bosonic systems at low temperatures and they have been experimentally established in a large variety of systems. However, when present, disorder precludes the condensation in the case of interacting bosons leading to a special phase called Bose-glass (BG). This state breaks no additional symmetry and has not finite energy gap in the spectrum, therefore making it very elusive to experimental confirmation so far. Despite more than two decades of theoretical work, many of the aspects of the physics of interacting quantum fluids in Fig. 1: The phase diagram of Br-doped DTN from specific heat susceptibility, and QMC. The lilac regions represent the magnitude of the spin gap in the Mott insulating (MI) phase Fig. 2: Temperature dependence of the specific heat in different magnetic fields a disordered environment remain unsettled. In our work we investigate the quantum phase transition (QPT) from a magnetic Bose Glass state to magnetic Bose-Einstein condensate in a quantum magnet NiCl2·4SC(NH2)2 (dichlorotetrakis-thiourea-Nickel, DTN) doped with Br on the Cl site at a concentration x = 0.08. In the pure DTN compound, with S=1, extra bosons can be injected into the Bose fluid of magnetic quasiparticles by applying an external magnetic field leading, above a critical value of the field, to a Bose-Einstein condensation [1]. The Br doping induces, in a controlled fashion, randomness of bosons hopping and interactions strengths. 101 In the temperature-magnetic field phase diagram (Fig. 1) we observed two extended Bose glass Fig. 3: Scaling of Tc with the distance from the critical fields. The dashed line is a fit to a|HHc1|2/3. The solid line is a fit to b|H-Hc1|ϕ with the resulting ϕ indicated in the figure (a and b are fitting parameters). The leftmost panels show the AC susceptibility data, and the rightmost ones the the QMC simulations (from Ref [2]). regions. The lack of a gap in the spectrum is revealed by a finite, uniform susceptibility and by a nonexponential low temperature dependence of the specific heat. As the magnetic field goes to zero, the gapless nature is retained while the susceptibility vanishes indicating that the system enters a Mott glass (MG) state. At very low temperatures the external magnetic field at a critical value of Hc1 = 1.07 T drives the system into a BEC state. This phase transition is clearly visible in the susceptibility and magnetization in field sweeping measurements at fixed temperatures as a step-like feature corresponding to the critical field [2]. The phase boundary is also revealed by a sharp anomaly in the temperature dependence of the specific heat at fixed external magnetic fields (Fig. 2). For temperatures below the anomaly the specific heat has a T3 behavior as expected for a 3D long range XY antiferromagnetic order. At low temperatures and above a critical magnetic field Hc2 = 12.16 T the system recovers a BG ground state. The behavior of the Br-DTM is very different from the pure system. The undoped DTM adopts outside the BEC region a Mott insulator ground state with a large spin gap Δ reflected by an exponential temperature dependence of the specific heat and vanishing susceptibility in the low temperature limit. In contrast, in the Br-DTM sample the susceptibility vanishes only around 17 T well above Hc2. Below Hc1 the and down to zero field the non-exponential temperature dependence of the specific heat indicate that 102 the system is gapless. The Bose glass phase extends down to zero field, where it acquires the special nature of an incompressible (but still gapless) Mott glass, due to the commensurate bosonic filling. The phase diagram in Br-DTN can be modeled using large-scale Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations; we assume that Br doping distorts locally the lattice and affects the super exchange paths associated with the antiferromagnetic coupling for bonds along the c-axis [2]. The agreement between the experiment and model is excellent (Fig. 1). The critical temperature, Tc of the BEC condensation for H ≥ Hc1 scales with the magnetic field as Tc ~ |H-Hc1|ϕ. In the pure DTM ϕ is found to be 2/3. In the doped case, both experimental and theoretical model reveal an exponent ϕ ~ 1.1 which seems to be an universal characteristic of disordered bosons (Fig. 3). This exponent appears to cross over to the pure-system value of 2/3 at sufficiently high temperature, marking the crossover from condensation from a highly inhomogeneous BEC to condensation into a more conventional BEC. We have also investigated the low temperature thermodynamics close to the quantum critical points in Br-DTN and the power laws for specific heat and magnetization have been determined [3]. In conclusion we are able to reveal for the first time the unconventional nature of the Bose-glass phase - a gapless bosonic insulator. We investigate quantitatively the thermodynamics of such a system and reveal a novel universal exponent governing the scaling of the critical temperature. Our results for the low temperature power laws as well as the scaling exponent are incompatible with the conventional crossover-scaling Ansatz proposed by Fisher et al. [4]. We acknowledge support from UEFISCDI, grant PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-1028. References 1. 2. 3. 4. Yin, L., Xia, J. S., Zapf, V. S., Sullivan, N. S., and Paduan-Filho, A., , Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 187205 (2008). R. Yu, L. Yin, N. S. Sullivan, J. S. Xia, C. Huan, A. Paduan-Filho, N. F. Oliveira Jr, S. Haas, A. Steppke, C. F. Miclea, F. Weickert, R. Movshovich, Eun-Deok Mun, B. L. Scott, V. S. Zapf, and T. Roscilde, Nature 489, 379 (2012). R. Yu, C. F. Miclea, F. Weickert, R. Movshovich, A. Paduan-Filho, Vivien S. Zapf, and Tommaso Roscilde, Phys. Rev. B 86, 134421 (2012). M. P. A. Fisher, P. B. Weichman, G. Grinstein, and D. S. Fisher, Phys. Rev. B 40, 546 (1989). Enhancement of critical current density and irreversibility field by Te or TeO2 addition to MgB2 bulk processed by spark plasma sintering G. Aldica, S. Popa, M. Enculescu, P. Badica MgB2 is a superconducting material [1] with great potential for a range of applications. Different additions to MgB2 provide functional characteristics at practical levels, regarding both the critical current 103 density, Jc, and the magnetic irreversibility field, Hirr. Successful additions reported in the literature that enhance the performance of MgB2 are mostly various carbon-containing compounds or substances (e.g. [2,3]). The search for other efficient additions is of great interest. At the same time, bulk MgB2 materials need to have a high density and a controlled microstructure composed of fine particles, a certain type of grain boundaries and defects. To attain a high bulk density, one can use the unconventional method of spark plasma sintering (SPS) [3,4,5]. This method uses a pulsed current, leading to high heating rates. This is effective at suppressing particle growth. Due to the pulsed current, the occurrence of non-thermal processes, although still under debate [6], can produce special morphologies, grain boundaries and defects, all of them influencing functional characteristics. In this work we investigated the application of ex situ SPS on mixtures of MgB2 and chalcogenidebased powders such as α-TeO2 and Te metal. These additions melt at the relatively low temperatures of 733 and 449 °C, respectively. It is expected that a combination of suitable SPS conditions and the melting behavior of the Te-based additions can produce a high-density MgB2 composite superconductor with improved functional properties. We show enhancement of the critical current density, Jc, and of the irreversibility field, Hirr, for samples with Te-based additions. The results of the sample characterization are presented in Figs 1–4. The key results are that added samples with xTeO2 = 0.005, 0.01 and xTe = 0.01 show superior Jc at high fields and at 5–20 K (Fig. 1, only at 5 K). The most notable enhancement is at low temperatures. At 5 K and 8 T, the Jc(H) curve of the sample with xTe = 0.01 shows no accelerated decrease as for the other samples and Jc(5 K, 8 T) = 1.8 103 Acm-2. 6 10 2 jc (A/cm ) 5K 104 b c d e f g h 102 100 0 2 4 6 8 µ0H (T) Fig. 1. Magnetic field H dependence of the critical current density Jc for all bulk samples. Samples are: (a) raw powder; (b) pristine; (c–e) xTeO2 = 0.005, 0.01, 0.03; (f–h) xTe = 0.005, 0.01, 0.03. 104 10 b c d e f g h µ0Hirr(T) 8 6 4 2 0 100 A/cm2 0 10 20 30 40 T (K) Fig. 2. Irreversibility field vs. temperature (100 A cm-2 criterion). Furthermore, all added samples, except for the sample xTe = 0.03, have shown a higher Hirr at 5 K than for the pristine sample (Fig. 2). The optimum concentrations are xTeO2 and xTe = 0.01 and the best sample is obtained for xTe = 0.01. 1 8 h 8 (110) XRD patterns (Fig. 3) indicate approximately constant lattice parameters of MgB2 from the samples with Te-based additions. Intensity (a.u.) g 6 f 6 444 4 4 444 e 4 4 d c 2 b a 0 20 3 32 3 2 1 1 30 2 1 40 50 2θ (degrees) 1 1 1 60 2 0 70 59 60 61 2θ (°) a) b) Fig. 3. (a) X-ray diffraction patterns for all samples. Phase notation is: MgB2 (1), MgO (2), MgB4 (3) and MgTe (4). (b) Detail of the (110) peak. 105 The result suggests that Te substitution effects are small, if any. XRD data analysis is supported by the magnetization curves, m(T), shown in Figure 4. The onset critical temperature, Tc, has a small variation between 38.2 and 38.8 K, suggesting that Te substitutions in MgB2 are limited, if any. 0 m(T)/m(5 K) -0.2 -0.4 a b c d e f g h -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 36 µ0Hdc = 0.01 T 37 38 39 T (K) Fig. 4. Normalized magnetization vs. temperature for an applied magnetic field µ0Hdc = 0.01 T. Zero-field-cooling transitions into superconducting state are sharp and without steps, are shifting in an approximately parallel manner, and the saturation magnetization is attained for all the samples around 36 K. Data suggest that Te substitution effects, if any, are not significant, and that pinning, which is efficient for added samples at low and high temperatures and at high fields, was controlled by “composite” effects. Among the “composite” effects, we note the decrease in the MgB2 particle size. This presumably leads to more grain boundaries in the volume unit that may be beneficial for improving the pinning. A second effect is formation of impurity phases MgO, MgB4 and MgTe. For the samples with the optimum amount of addition, x = 0.01, the crystallite size of these phases is in the range of tens of nanometers, and is the smallest among all samples. The impurity nanophases can be themself pinning centers or, more likely, they can influence the morphology, defects or local compositional details important for pinning. The authors acknowledge financial support from Romanian projects “Nucleu”-PN09-450103 and Idei Complexe 9/2010. References [1] Nagamatsu N, Nakagawa N, Muranaka T, Zenitani Y, Akimitsu J 2001 Nature 410 63 106 [2] Dou S X, Soltanian S, Horvat J, Wang X L, Zhou S H, Ionescu M, Liu H K, Munroe P, Tomsic M 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 3419 [3] Miu L, Aldica G, Badica P, Ivan I, Miu D, Jakob G 2010 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 23 095002 [4] Larbalestier D C et al. 2001 Nature 410 186 [5] Sandu V, Aldica G, Badica P, Groza J R, Nita P 2007 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 1 [6] Lee S Y, Yoo S I, Kim Y W, Hwang N M, Kim D Y 2003 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 86 1800 [7] Groza J R, Zavaliangos A 2000 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 287 2. Theoretical predictions of half metallic state and specific magnetic properties in new intermetallic compounds A. Birsan, P. Palade, V. Kuncser Heusler compounds represent nowadays, one of the most fascinating classes of modern magnetic materials. With a large variety of physical properties, due to their chemical flexibility and specific crystal structure, these remarkable materials promise a wide range of applications, in spintronics, spin torque devices, superconductors, topological insulators or thermoelectric materials. The large family of magnetoelectrical Heusler compounds is characterized by half-metallic properties. The electronic structure studied within the framework of density functional theory, plays an important role for the determination of magnetic properties and the prediction of half-metallic materials. Based on the comprehensive theoretical study, the spin-polarization electronic structures and magnetic properties of the new full Heusler compounds, Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi were analysed. Fig.1. The unit cell structure of Ti2CoSn or Ti2CoSi compound. The structure of Hg2CuTi prototype was used to define the unit cell of half-metallic Heusler compounds analyzed (Fig.1.). These materials are hybrids between semiconductors and metals (Fig.2). At equilibrium 107 lattice constants, determined by geometrical volume optimizations, Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi Heusler compounds provide a fully spin polarized current due to metallic nature for electrons of one spin orientation and semiconducting behavior for electrons with opposite spin orientation. Fig.2. The spin-resolved total densities of states calculated at equilibrium lattice constants for (A) Ti2CoSn and (B) Ti2CoSi. Both Ti2-based Heusler compounds studied, present half-metallic ferromagnetism, with surprisingly, highest spin magnetic moments coming from Ti atoms which natively do not have magnetic properties. Moreover, the influence of different neighborhood determines Ti atoms to have dissimilar magnetic moments. In spite of above mentioned similarities Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi Heusler compounds, the potential fields of applications are rather different. Suitable for future application in magneto-electronics and spintronics, Ti2CoSn presents 100% spin polarization and a total magnetic moment of 3µB for a lattice parameter, ranging from 6.193 to 6.884 Å with an optimized lattice constant of 6.34 Å (Fig.3.). According to theoretical calculations, in the case of the half-metallic Heusler compound Ti2CoSi, the total magnetic moment is constant and equal to 3 µB for a lattice constant higher than 5.941 Å. Therefore, apart from spintronics, from application’s point of view, Ti2CoSi compound is predicted to be suitable as pressure sensitive material, because of transition from half-metal to metal obtained at 4% compression of optimized volume. Hence, Ti2CoSi compound presents 100% spin polarization above the critical transition point and this starts decreasing while the half metallic character is spoiled, as illustrated in Fig.3. 108 Fig.3. (Color line) The position of highest occupied states from valence band (VB) and the lowest unoccupied states from conduction band (CB) of total DOSs for Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi, as function of lattice parameter (minority spin channel). The band structure of Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi compound at equilibrium geometry is exhibited in Fig. 4. In the left panel are plotted the metallic intersections of Fermi levels from majority spin channels (spinup), while in the right panels, the band gaps from minority spin channels (spin-down). The energy gap in Ti2CoSn compound is clearly formed due to Ti–Ti hybridization, splitting d states of Ti atoms, which are located in the two different Wyckoff positions in the minority spin channel. The 3d orbitals of Co are fully occupied and form a weak covalent interaction with Ti 3d orbitals. 109 Fig.4. (Color line) The band structures of Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi, respectively, for geometrically optimized volumes. The band gap of Ti2CoSi is an indirect one, calculated between the energy from the highest occupied states from valence band at the G point (0.613eV) which belong to triple degenerated states Ti(4c) dt2g and the lowest unoccupied states from conduction band, at the L point (0.039eV), the double degenerated states deg , with a strong Co character, in the minority spin channel. Finally, it should be pointed out, that these remarkable results will strengthen the interest in Ti2CoSn and Ti2CoSi Heusler compounds as promising materials for spintronics and magnetoelectronics applications. References [1] A. Birsan, P. Palade, V. Kuncser, Solid State Commun. 152 (24) 2147 (2012) [2] A. Birsan, P. Palade, V. Kuncser, J.Magn. Magn. Mater 331 109 (2013) 110 Effects produced by iodine irradiation on high resistivity silicon S. Lazanu, A. Slav, A.M. Lepadatu, I. Stavarache, C.Palade, G. Iordache , M. L.Ciurea The effects of irradiation with iodine ions on high resistivity Si were studied. Float zone (100) Si wafers with 3 ± 0.5O off orientation, of n-type, doped with P, with resistivity higher than 8000 Ωcm, were irradiated at the Uppsala tandem accelerator, with 127I6+ ions with the kinetic energy of 28 MeV, at a fluence of (5±0.5)×1011 ions/cm2. The iodine ions, which are much heavier than Si, are stopped into the Si target. The results obtained from the simulation of the distribution of iodine ions stopped in the wafer using the Monte Carlo Crystal-transport and range of ions in matter code [1] indicate that the majority of the ions are found in a layer of less 2 µm thickness located at 8 µm depth from the irradiated Si surface. The interaction between the incoming ions and silicon atoms produces recoils down to 13 µm depth. The recoils go to interstitial positions, produce primary defects, vacancies and in-terstitials, which diffuse deeper than 13 µm. They interact between themselves and with the impurities (O, C, P) in the wafer producing point defects as V2, VP, CiOi and CiCs, which electrically act as traps. In order to investigate the effects produced by the irradiation, thermally stimulated currents without external bias were measured [1], using a set-up with a Janis CCS-450 cryostat, a Keithley 6517A electrometer and a Lakeshore 331 temperature controller, and a Newport VIS-NIR Cornerstone 260 1/4m Monochromator System. Square samples of 1 cm length were cut from the irradiated wafers, and Al electrodes were thermally evaporated on both sides, the top one being semitransparent. The samples were cooled down at 70 K, and then they were illuminated through the top electrode with monochromatic light (1000, 800 and 400 nm wavelength), for 20-30 min. in order to charge the traps located in the depth where the light was absorbed. The trapped carriers produce a frozen-in electric field. Subsequently, the sample was heated up at a constant rate of 6 K/min, up to 300 K, recording the discharge current produced by the carriers released from traps and the equilibrium carriers as well. The carriers move into the internal electric field produced by both the still trapped ones and the stopped iodine ions (defined below). When the surface was illuminated with light of 1000 nm wavelength, light is absorbed and traps are filled in the whole region with irradiation defects. The temperature dependence of the discharge current is plotted in Fig. 1, as dashed line. Two partially superposed maxima, located at 196 and 204 K, and one shoulder, at 155 K, are clearly visible. Three much smaller maxima are also present, two of them at lower temperature (see inset), and another one at higher temperature (~ 255 K). 111 Fig. 1. Discharge current in I irradiated Si after 1000 nm illumination: experimental (dashed) and modeled (continuous) curves For 800 nm wavelength illumination, when the region investigated below the surface is larger than 10 µm, the measured discharge current curve has the same structure as that recorded in Fig. 1 [1]. After the illumination with 400 nm wavelength, which fills only the traps located close below the surface, it has a main maximum at 196 K, a small shoulder at 205 K, and a prominent tail at the highest temperature [1]. The fractionary heating curves give the activation energies of 0.19, 0.28 and 0.41–0.46 eV range. For 800 nm illumination, the supplementary value of 0.51 eV was found. The discharge currents were calculated by using the model developed in Ref. [2]. The experimental curves were modeled with six traps. Consequently, a system of six coupled differential equations for the concentrations of trapped carriers, electrons (nti(T)) and holes (ptj(T)), was numerically solved, taking as start values for the activation energies (Eti) those experimentally determined from fractionary heating measurements. By modeling, the range of 0.41 – 0.46 eV activation energies was resolved into three trapping levels. Plausible values for the cross sections σi in agreement with the literature were used as start values, too. The point defects act as ‘normal traps’, i.e. are filled at the lowest temperature by illumination, and release charge carriers du-ring heating, modifying the electric field. Iodine ions stopped in the sample, being much bigger and heavier than Si ones, produce a local deformation in the crystal, which we described by a local, permanent electric field, not depending on temperature, Eiodine. It is superposed to the frozen-in electric field due to the trapped charge, and the total field becomes: E = (T ) Eiodine + ed ∑ j ptj (T ) − ∑ i nti (T ) ε 0ε r (1) where e is the electron charge, d the depth with defects, ε0 the vacuum permittivity, εr the Si relative permitivity, and the sums are made on all trapping levels. 112 The total current is calculated [1] as the algebraic sum of electron and hole contributions. Each of the currents is due to both non-equilibrium detrapped electrons (Δn) and holes (Δp) and to equilibrium carriers, all of them moving in the total electric field. The calculation of Δn(T) and Δp(T) takes into account the capture coefficients of all defect levels, the lifetimes of electrons and holes. The electron current is: In(T)=-eA[Δn(T)+ni(T)]µnE(T) (2) with A the top electrode area and µn the electron mobility. The hole current has a similar expression. The traps parameters, as well as EIodine are adjusted to fit the experimental curves. The parameters calculated for 1000 nm illumination wavelength are presented in Table 1, and the calculated current is drawn with continuous line (Fig.1). Tab. I. Calculated trap parameters, 1000 nm wavelength illumination Type E Cross section Assigned to [cm2] N 0.17 1x10–17 VO/CiCs P 0.3 1x10–15 CiOi N 0.41 3x10–16 V2 N 0.435 10–16 - N 0.46 4.8x10–17 VP N 0.53 5x10–18 - The cross sections for the 6 traps were simultaneously adjusted by modeling for all three illumination wavelengths to the values presented in Table I. A set of six activation energies was obtained for 1000 and 800 nm wavelength, and a set of only five for 400 nm. In the last case, the deepest trapping level is no more charged, being spatially located deeper than 8 nm in the sample. For each trap, the activation energies obtained for the three illumination wavelengths are in a range of 2% error. The traps are assigned to defects in accordance to the results published in the literature, and also taking into account the impurities present in the sample. References [1] S. Lazanu, A. Slav, A.-M. Lepadatu, I. Stavarache, C. Palade, G. Iordache and M.L. Ciurea, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 242106 (2012). [2] M.L. Ciurea, V. Iancu and M.R. Mitroi, Solid State Electron. 51, 1328 (2007). 113 Epitaxial ferromagnetic samarium grown on Si(001) N.G. Apostol, R.M. Costescu, M.A. Husanu, G.A. Lungu, D.G. Popescu, D. Macovei, I. Pintilie, C.M. Teodorescu There is a great deal of interest in synthesizing magnetic structures on semiconductors for the emerging field of spintronics. Quite often, magnetic metals deposited on semiconductors form complicated interfaces, substrate disrup-tion, absence of long range order and sub-stantial reduction of magnetic moments, as was recently shown for Fe/Si(001) [1]. Fig. 1. Si(001) ideal primitive cell, together with the atomic radii of Si, Fe and Sm [3]. 114 Fig. 2. Low energy electron diffraction (LEED): (a), (b): clean Si(001) (2 x 1); (c): 3.25 nm Sm/Si(001) deposited at 100 °C; (d): 3.25 nm Sm/Si(001) deposited at 300 °C; (e): Si(001) LEED spot profile analysis (SPA) from (a);(f): Sm/Si(001) LEED-SPA from (d). [2] Fig. 3. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for Si 2p (a) and Sm 3d (b) [2]. 115 Fig. 4. Evolution of Sm 3d XPS spectra for a film synthesized at room temperature with the in situ contamination in the analysis chamber. This study presents for the first time a complete investigation of atomic structure, long range order, electronic configuration and magnetic properties of Sm deposited on Si(001) [2,3]. Sm is a promising magnetic candidate for low intermixing with Si, owing to its larger atomic radius (Fig. 1) [3]. It was proven that Sm depo-sited on Si(001) exhibit long range order (Fig. 2) [2]. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis (Fig. 3) have shown the simultaneous presence of Sm0, Sm2+ and Sm3+ [2]. This study attributes for the first time correctly the Sm 3d XPS compo-nents, namely it was proven that the component at ~ 1074 eV is due to Sm metal and not to Sm2+. This is visible also from Fig. 4, which represents in situ oxidation of a Sm layer due to the residual gas (at a pressure of 5 x 10-10 mbar). Clear evolution of Sm0 and Sm2+ intensities towards Sm3+ is observed, and this correlates also quite well with the O 1s signal increase, yielding the final Sm2O3 compound [2]. X-ray absorption spectro-scopy (Fig. 5) evidenced a decrease of the number of 5d holes with the deposition temperature (i.e. a reduction from Sm3+ to Sm2+) [3]. The magnetic characterization (Fig. 6) confirmed that Sm0 and Sm3+ are ferromagnetic, whereas Sm2+ in SmSi2 is not ferromagnetic [2,3], since the satura-tion magnetization decreases with the same amount as the decrease of Sm0 and Sm3+. 116 Fig. 5. Sm LIII-edge X-ray absorption spectra for Sm/Si(001) synthesized at different temperatures [3]. Apart for the first correct attribution of the Sm 3d XPS components, this study evidenced also a noticeable variation of the Sm 3d spin-orbit splitting with the Sm ionization state: the variation exceeds 1.2 eV from Sm0 to Sm3+ [2]. Fig. 6. Magneto-optical Kerr effect hysteresis loops for Sm/Si(001)synthesized at different temperatures [2]. References: [1] N.G. Gheorghe, M.A. Husanu, G.A. Lungu, R.M. Costescu, D. Macovei, C.M. Teodorescu, J. Mater. Sci. 47, 1614 (2012). [2] R.M. Costescu, N.G. Gheorghe, M.A. Husanu, G.A. Lungu, D. Macovei, I. Pintilie, D.G. Popescu, C.M. Teodorescu, J. Mater. Sci. 47, 7225 (2012). 117 [3] N.G. Gheorghe, G.A. Lungu, M.A. Husanu, R.M. Costescu, D. Macovei, C.M. Teodorescu, Appl. Surf. Sci. 267, 106 (2013). Measuring the phase of the electron without interferometry, by using isospectral shapes M. Ţolea, B. Ostahie, M. Niţă, F. Ţolea and A. Aldea National Institute of Materials Physics, POB MG-7, 77125 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania. When one thinks about phase measurements, interference is the first word coming to mind - and it was actually the only word for quite a long time. However, C.R. Moon [1] -in a remarkable recent experiment- demonstrated that isospectrality can also be used to extract phase distributions (this is possible because the wave functions of the isospectral shapes respect a particular relation, called transplantation, which brings the needed supplementary information). Their approach enlarge the group of famous mathematical problems that attracted a great interest from physicists as well. The particular famous problem we talk about is the isospectrality debate launched by Kac in 1966 [2]when he asked: "Can one hear the shape of a drum"? It was known that the spectrum uniquely determined the area and the perimeter of a "drum", but whether it also contained the full shape information was yet to be researched. It wasn't until 1992 that Gordon [3] in a milestone paper, answered negatively to the famous question by finding different (noncongruent) shapes with identical spectra. However, isospectrality remains a high exception, only 17 such classes of pairs being known [4] and it is believed that no others exist. The most simple pair of isospectral shapes is the Bilby-Hawk pair, depicted in Fig.1 (where the transplantation procedure is also shown). Recently - and this was the motivation of our paper - isospectrality has found a direct application in experimental quantum mechanics, by allowing the extraction of the electron's phase, in a non-interferometric way. We refer to the experiment of Moon [1], who realized isospectral shapes by planting CO molecules on copper surface with the use of an STM tip. 118 The principle of the phase extraction is very simple (once revealed): it can be shown that, if one has two isospectral shapes, one can build the eigenfunctions of one shape by using combination of parts from the corresponding eigenfunction of the other shape. The procedure is called "transplantation" and this brings supplementary information which are used to find the phase distribution of the eigenfunctions (if the amplitude distributions are known). For instance, the wave function in the triangle 1 of Hawk can is equal to the linear combination of Bilby triangle functions A-E+F. Directly measurable are of course the Fig.1: The "Bilby" shape (left) and "Hawk" shape (right) are isospectral. Their wave functions can be built one from the other. A schematic description of the the transplantation procedure is shown. The Hawk eigenfunction in triangle 1 - chosen as example in this plot- , can be expressed as a combination of parts from the corresponding eigenfunction of Bilby, by adding the function in triangles A and F and substracting the function in E. amplitudes |1|, |2|,...|7|, |A|, |B|,...|G|. The transplantation relations bring a new set of 7 equations allowing to extract also the phase distributions- see [1,5] (the wave functions can be chosen real, therefore the phase is synonym to the sign). In our recent paper [5], we focus on the study of isospectral shapes (in particular the Bilby-Hawk pair) under the influence of disorder, with an emphasis on the phase extraction procedure. A certain level of disorder or roughness of edges can compromise the isospectrality-based phase extraction in the same way in which inelastic scattering or environment-induced decoherence can compromise the interferometry-based phase extraction. The aspect may be of interest because the experimental conditions, for instance, are never quite perfect, and isospectrality can only be closely approached. If, for instance, the isospectral shapes are carefully prepared on a flat surface, the disorder effects may come from small defects, oscillations of the atoms due to temperature, tiny movements of the STM measurement tip, etc. The are many ways in which disorder or impurities can be introduced. In [5] we present the result of averaging (the measurable quantities, such as energy levels and wave functions amplitudes) over large ensembles of disorder configurations of variable amplitude (diagonal Anderson disorder is considered). With disorder, isospectrality, as well as the transplantation procedure do not hold rigourously. One can however still define a 119 "measurable" or "extracted" phase simulating the experimental procedure: we will use the (disordered averaged) wave function amplitudes and search numerically the phase distribution that leads to the best fit after transplantation. We found that this extracted phase coincides - up to negligible differences - with the phase of the "clean" shapes, if the disorder is below a given amplitude, corresponding to 5% misfit of the wave functions after transplantation. Our main result is shown in Fig.2, where we show the effect of increasing disorder on the phase extraction for the first mode of Bilby (similar conclusions can be derived for the other modes as well). [1] C.R. Moon, L.S. Mattos, B.K. Foster, G. Zeltzer, W. Ko, H.C. Manoharan, Science 319, 782 (2008). [2] M. Kac, Am. Math. Mon. 73, 1 (1966). [3] C. Gordon, D. Webb, S. Wolpert, Inventiones Math. bf 110, 1 (1992). [4] O. Giraud, K. Thas, Rev.Mod.Phys. 82, 2213 (2010). [5] M. Ţolea, B. Ostahie, M. Niţă, F. Ţolea, A. Aldea, Phys.Rev.E 85, 036604 (2012). Fig.2: Evolution with increasing disorder of the averaged -over 1000 disorder configurationswave function amplitude (first row) and the corresponding "extracted phase" (second row) for the first mode of Bilby. The disorder amplitude, from left to right, is 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.7. A significant deviation of the phase from the ideal (disorder-free) case can be noticed for disorder higher than 0.3. 120 Glass-ceramic microrods prepared by sol-gel template method M. Secu, C.E. Secu, Mariana Sima, M. Sima Raluca Negrea and L. Mihut Sol-gel method has been proved very useful for obtaining glassy nano-composite materials, i.e. the so called glass ceramics, in which rare-earth doped fluoride nanocrystals are embedded [1-4]. Through a controlled nucleation and crystallisation process the initial xerogel is thermally converted into a glass ceramic composed by a low phonon energy nano-crystalline fluoride phase dispersed within the glass matrix. As consequence it was observed an improvement of their performances over the fluoride glasses that make them useful in a broad range of photonics applications. The concepts of sol-gel chemistry and template preparation of nanomaterials have been proposed to yield a new general route for preparing semiconductor nanowires of by conducting sol-gel synthesis within the pores of various micro- and nanoporous template membranes [1]. These nanowires represent the smallest dimension that can be used for the efficient transport of electrons and optical excitations and sustain the next generation of optoelectronic nanodevices [2]. We used sol-gel chemistry within the pores of a polycarbonate template membrane for the preparation of xerogel and glass-ceramic microrods in which luminescent Eu3+-doped BaF2 nanocrystals are embedded. Silica xerogels have been prepared from liquid solution of organometallic tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) precursor in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as catalyst. The capillary force drives the sol into the pores of the template membrane; then it is withdrawn, dried and dissolved in dichloromethane and finally xerogel rods are obtained. Glass ceramization was achieved after annealing at elevated temperatures. In Figure 1 are depicted the SEM images of the glass-ceramic microrods of about 0.8µm diameter and 10µm length. Inside these ones nanostructures of about 30-40nm size can be observed. Their nature was revealed by the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on bulk samples that have indicated BaF2 nanocrystals [5]. 121 Fig. 1: SEM images of glass-ceramic rods at two different magnifications; nanostructures of about 30-40 nm are observed inside. As Eu3+-ion has been widely used as a structural probe of crystalline and glassy materials, the features of its characteristic PL spectra have been used to extract information about the local environment around the ion. Photoluminescence spectra recorded on Eu3+-doped glass-ceramic microrods and bulk are depicted in the Figure 2 where we can recognize typical Eu3+-ion transitions 5D0→7FJ (J=1-4). In the xerogel rods or bulk the Eu3+ ions are embedded in the pores of a three-dimensional SiO2 macromolecule with a D3h coordination symmetry around the ions [6]. During ceramization at 800 °C silica network is formed and this process is accompanied by the precipitation of the BaF2 nanocrystals [5]. The Stark 122 splitting of the PL bands (Figure 2) is due to the degeneracy level removal by the crystal field indicating that a number of Eu3+-ions are taken inside the BaF2 nanocrystals [5]. 7 7 Luminescence (arb.units) F1 glass-ceramic rods glass-ceramic bulk F2 7 F4 7 F0 7 F 3 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 2: Normalised photoluminescence spectra recorded on Eu3+-doped glass ceramic rods and bulk Glass-ceramic rods Glass-ceramic bulk D0→ 7F2 5 ν =180cm-1 ν =130cm-1 15600 15800 16000 16200 16400 -1 Energy (cm ) Fig. 3: Photoluminescence 618nm band showing the vibrational structures in glass-ceramic bulk and rods. In the glass ceramic rods the intensities of the 5D0→7F1 and 5D0→7F2 are comparable (Figure 2) indicating that Eu3+-ions occupy low coordination symmetry sites within the BaF2 nanocrystals. On the other hand in the glass ceramic bulk Eu3+-ions ocuppy higher symmetry coordination sites [5]. Moreover, higher broadening of the 5D0→7F0 luminescence in the glass ceramic rods compared to the bulk shows multiple Eu3+-ion sites in the first case. In the glass ceramic rods the 618 nm luminescence band shows a vibronic structure (ν=130cm1-) different from the glass ceramic bulk where is better resolved (Figure 3). 123 All the experimental facts shows that in the glass-ceramic microrods and bulk Eu3+-ions occupy different sites inside the BaF2 nanocrystals with distorted environment around the ion. This indicates an influence of the dimensional constraints imposed by the membrane pores during xerogel formation and subsequent glass crystallization [7]. Combination of the wide range of achievable materials and relatively easiness of the sol-gel method with the template preparation method allow exploiting the advantages of the light-guiding properties of the rods to produce guiding structures for applications in integrated optics. References [1] Fujihara S., Mochizuki C., Kimura T., J. Non-Crystalline Sol. 244, 267 (1999). [2] Daqin Chen, Yuansheng Wang, Yunlong Yu, En Ma, Lihua Zhou J. Solid State Chem. 179, 532 (2006). [3] C.E. Secu, M. Secu, C. Ghica, L. Mihut Optical Materials 33, 1770 (2011). [4] del-Castillo J., Yanes A.C., Mendez-Ramos J., Tichomirov V.K., Rodríguez V.D. Optical Materials 32, 104 (2009). [5] Guozhong Cao, Dawei Liu, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 136, 45 (2008) [6] Barrelet, C., Greytak, A., Lieber, C. Nano. Lett. 4, 1981 (2004). [7] M. Secu, C.E. Secu, M. Sima, Journal of Nanoparticles Research 14, 772 (2012). 124 Microstructure-related magnetic properties in Co-implanted ZnO layers L. C. Nistor, C. Ghica, V. Kuncser in cooperation with D. Pantelica, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania J.-J. Grob Institut d’Electronique du Solide et des Systèmes, Strasbourg, France G. Epurescu, M. Dinescu National Institute of Lasers, Plasmas and Radiation Physics, Magurele, Romania Beside the useful intrinsic (bulk) properties and large morphological variety of the ZnO nanostructures, a new possible application of ZnO has been identified in spintronics after the theoretical prediction showing that appropriately doped ZnO could act as dilute magnetic semiconductor (DMS) [1]. The debate on the ferromagnetic properties of transition metal (TM) doped ZnO should rely on the correlation between the magnetic properties and structural information, which is not obvious due to the difficulty in detecting very small precipitates, but also in specifying their nature [2]. Our work concerns the careful correlation of microstructural and magnetic properties of Coimplanted ZnO/MgO thin films by a comprehensive analytical TEM investigation corroborated with magnetic characterization [3]. The ZnO thin films (∼200 nm thickness) were grown in a conventional PLD system used in conjunction with an RF discharge plasma beam [4]. The Co implantation was carried out at the InESS facility. The implantation was performed at room temperature, fluences of 1 × 1016 cm−2 (low fluence LF) and 1 × 1017 cm−2 (high fluence - HF) and energy of 200 keV. The microstructure characterization was carried out on cross-section specimens by HRTEM / HRSTEM using the Cs probe corrected JEMARM/200F analytical electron microscope operated at 200 kV. EDX and EEL spectroscopy as well as EELS spectrum imaging in STEM mode (EELS-SI) were performed with the GIF Quantum SETM Imaging Filter. Thermo-magnetic curves and magnetic hysteresis loops at temperatures between 5 and 300 K were measured with a SQUID magnetometer (Quantum Design). At the lower irradiation fluence, the LF thin film morphology is not altered substantially, as compared with the non-irradiated film, conserving its columnar growth along the c-axis of ZnO. At the higher fluence, the morphology of the film is heavily disordered. The top half of the ZnO film is completely amorphized by the ion bombardment. The bottom half consists of a mixture of defected crystalline and amorphous regions. Precipitation of a second 125 phase was observed in both HRTEM and electron diffraction, as well dispersed, crystalline Co nanoparticles (2-5 nm). Figure 1. HRSTEM images of Co nano-precipitates embedded in the HF ZnO film: (a) bright field and (b) dark field (HAADF) images of a hexagonal Co nano-particle in [0002] orientation; (c) HAADF image of a cubic Co nano-particle in [002] orientation. The Co nano-particle in the BF-STEM and HAADF-STEM images in Figure 1 a and b shows a highly disordered atomic structure consisting in a mixture of hexagonal and cubic close-packed phases (hcp and ccp) and a high density of planar defects. STEM-EDX line scan has been acquired across the interface (arrow in Figure 2) to check the chemical composition of the observed nanoprecipitates. Figure 2. Cross-section HAADF STEM image and EDX line profile of the chemical elements in the HF sample. The variation of the atomic concentrations for the detected elements is given at the bottom part of Figure 2. From the correlation between the O, Zn and Co EDX signals (Co maxima corresponding to O and Zn 126 minima) we conclude that the nanoprecipitates are of metallic Co. Also, ∼2 at% Co is noticed in the whole layer as small atomic clusters or Co atoms dissolved in the ZnO lattice. Figure 3. Cross-section HAADF STEM image of Co precipitates embedded in the ZnO matrix (HF sample). EELS-SI images for Co-L, O-K, and Zn-L edges. EELS-SI experiments further confirmed the nature of the observed nanoprecipitates (Figure 3). The extracted elemental maps show the relative elemental composition. The complementary Co and O signals confirm the formation of metallic Co nanoprecipitates. The presence of metallic Co precipitates in the HF sample revealed by AHRTEM investigations, provides the starting point for the interpretation of the magnetic data. Figure 4. Magnetization data on the HF sample: hysteresis loops with subtracted diamagnetic and paramagnetic signal. The magnetization curves indicate the presence of a ferromagnetic ordered state in all samples, including the non-implanted one The temperature evolution of the magnetic susceptibility has to be related to the superposition of two supplementary magnetic signals with a linear dependence on the magnetic field: a paramagnetic contribution dominant at low temperatures and a diamagnetic contribution dominant at high temperatures. The hysteresis loop of finite coercivity at room temperature for the HF sample (Figure 4) cannot be related to the Co clusters. These precipitates with a wide size distribution, 127 going down to the atomic level of either substitutional or interstitials Co centres contribute essentially to the paramagnetic / superparamagnetic magnetization at low temperatures. We consider that these findings should be taken into consideration when preparing and characterizing ferromagnetic DMS thin films for future applications in spintronics. References [1] Dietl H, Ohno F, Matsukura F, Cibert J and Ferrand D, Science 287, 1019 (2000) [2] Kaspar T C, Droubay T, Heald S M, Egelhard M H, Nichimuthu P and Chambers SA, Phys. Rev. B 77, 201303(R) (2008) [3] Nistor LC, Ghica C, Kuncser V, Pantelica D, Grob JJ, Epurescu G and Dinescu M, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 065003 (2013) [4] Nistor LC, Ghica C, Matei D, Dinescu G, Dinescu M and Van Tendeloo G, J. Cryst. Growth 277, 26 (2005) Magnetic defects in crystalline Zn(OH)2 and nanocrystalline ZnO resulting from its thermal decomposition S. V. Nistor, D. Ghica, M. Stefan, I. Vlaicu, J. N. Barascu, C. Bartha Zinc hydroxide, Zn(OH)2, has attracted a lot of interest as a precursor in the synthesis of nano-ZnO. Zn(OH)2 can be also formed on the surface of ZnS/ZnSe/ZnO nanocrystals (NCs), either during their preparation, resulting in a core–shell structure, or in a later stage by atmospheric corrosion. The changes observed in the optical properties of the ZnS/ZnO NCs, attributed to the presence of a Zn(OH)2 surface layer [1,2], suggested that this layer could enhance the NCs optical properties. Monitoring the formation and structure of the Zn(OH)2 surface layers by the usual X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques is a difficult task, as one needs to distinguish the Zn(OH)2 present in the atomic surface layers from other possible compounds such as ZnO, ZnCO3 or Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6, the last two produced by atmospheric corrosion as well. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) can detect with high sensitivity the presence of these compounds by using low concentrations of Mn2+ impurity ions as local atomic probes. The accurate determination of the spin Hamiltonian (SH) parameters is essential for establishing the nature of the surrounding crystal lattice [3,4]. The success of this approach is conditioned by the existence of accurate reference SH parameter values for the Mn2+ ions in the corresponding bulk crystals. Up to now, there were no reliable reference values of the SH parameters of the Mn2+ ions in Zn(OH)2. 128 We report here the results of an EPR investigation of crystalline Zn(OH)2 contain-ing trace amounts of substitutional Mn2+ ions (<0.1ppm), before and during its thermal induced decomposition into nano-ZnO [5]. Crystalline Zn(OH)2 was prepared by precipitation of a Zn-nitrate solution with NaOH. The EPR measurements were carried out with the spectrometers from CetRESav (Centre for advanced ESR techniques - XRD and TG measurements were also performed. ZnO o 10 20 30 40 (103) (102) ε-Zn(OH)2 (021) (311) (112) (211) (111) (201) (110) (101) 140 oC / air AP (110) (101) (100) (002) 240 C / air 50 60 2 θ (degrees) Figure 1. The XRD patterns of Zn(OH)2 before (AP) and after annealing, showing the complete transformation into nano-ZnO at 140oC [5]. The EPR spectra of the samples pulse annealed in air at increasing temperatures display strong changes in the 110–140oC temperature range, where, according to the TG and XRD measurements (Fig. 1), the decomposition of the crystalline Zn(OH)2 into nano-ZnO takes place. The changes in the EPR spectrum of the Mn2+ ions (Fig. 2) reflect local structural modification of the surrounding lattice. The SH parameters of the Mn2+ ions, determined by simulation and lineshape fitting of the Q-band spectra of both as-prepared and annealed at 240oC samples, are given in Table I. One notices that in the latter case the SH parameters of the Mn2+ ions are practically identical with those reported for substitutional Mn2+ ions in nano-ZnO produced by thermal decompo-sition of hydrozincite (called Mn2+-c centers) [6]. This result demonstrates that the Mn2+ ions responsible for the EPR spectra observed in the samples annealed above 140oC are substitutionally localized at Zn2+ sites in the resulting nano-ZnO. The relative concentration of the Mn2+ ions in the investigated samples remains practically constant with the annealing temperature. Therefore the Mn2+ ions responsible for the EPR spectrum observed in the as-prepared sample, which are completely transformed by annealing above 140oC into Mn2+ ions localized at substitutional Zn2+ sites in the ZnO lattice, are also localized at similar cationic sites in the as-prepared Zn(OH)2. Table I. SH parameters of the paramagnetic centers in Zn(OH)2 and resulting ZnO. The A, D and (D) parameters are given in 10-4 cm-1. 129 SH Mn2+ parm. in Mn2+-c in Mn2+ -d in ZnO ZnO NCs disord. SD in Zn(OH)2 ZnO NCs g‖ 2.0010 2.0012 2.0012 1.9581 g﬩ 1.9567 A -87 -74 -73.5 - |D| 70-600 242 242 - (D) 85 17 102 - Zn(OH)2 Q-band; RT X SD exp. 2+ Mn (a) 1200 1220 1240 Magnetic field (mT) Zn(OH)2 ann. 240 oC/air (b) Ix40 X exp. Mn2+- c Mn2+- d 1200 1210 1220 1230 1240 SD 1245 1250 Magnetic field (mT) Figure 2. Experimental and simulated Q-band EPR spectra of crystalline Zn(OH)2: (a) as-prepared, (b) pulse annealed in air at 240oC [5]. 130 A low intensity EPR line (SD in Fig. 2), observed at g ~ 1.958 on the higher magnetic field side of the Mn2+ spectrum, strongly increased during the thermal decomposition of the Zn(OH)2. The resulting intense line (Fig. 2b) allowed us to perform a full line-shape analysis. The g-values (Table I) are practically identical with those of the so-called shallow effective mass (EM) donor center, or briefly the shallow donor (SD) center in ZnO. Its minute presence in the as-prepared Zn(OH)2 (Fig. 2a), indicates that minute amounts of ZnO, beyond the detection limit of the XRD technique, were already present. Another thermally stable, unknown paramagnetic center (called X) has been also observed (Fig. 2) in Zn(OH)2. In conclusion, by monitoring the EPR spectra in the as-prepared samples as well as during pulse annealing experiments one could investigate the thermal decomposition of the crystalline Zn(OH)2 into nano-ZnO, as well as the presence of minority phases, beyond the sensitivity limit of the XRD technique. The accurate SH parameter values (Table I) of the substitutional Mn2+ ions in the crystalline Zn(OH)2 determined in this work are now available for further EPR investigations of the presence and stability of the Zn(OH)2 phase in various II-VI semiconductor NCs, in particular in the core-shell nanostructures. Nano-ZnO with a rather large concentration of shallow donor centers can be obtained by the thermal decomposition of crystalline Zn(OH)2. References [1] A. A. Bol, A. Meijerink, J. Phys. Chem. Sol. B 105, 10203 (2001) [2] M. Stefan, S. V. Nistor, D. Ghica, C. D. Mateescu, M. Nikl, R. Kucherkova, Phys. Rev. B83, 045301 (2011) and references cited therein. [3] R. Beaulac, S.T. Ochsenbein, D. R. Gamelin, in V.I. Klimov (Ed.), Nanocrystal Quantum Dots, 2nd edition, CRC Press (2010) [4] M. Stefan, S. V. Nistor, N. J. Barascu, J. Magn. Res. 210, 200 (2011) [5] S. V. Nistor, D. Ghica, M. Stefan, I. Vlaicu, J. N. Barascu, C. Bartha, J. Alloys Compd. 548, 222 (2013) – online Sept. 2012. [6] S. V. Nistor, L. C. Nistor, M. Stefan, D. Ghica, Gh. Aldica, N. J. Barascu, Cryst. Growth Des. 11, 5030 (2011) 131 Nanoscale Physics 132 Tailoring ZnO properties by electrodeposition conditions Elena Matei , Monica Enculescu, Nicoleta Preda, Ionut Enculescu Electrochemical deposition represents an interesting approach for preparation of ZnO films with taylored properties. These can be finely tuned for a wide range of applications from optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and laser diodes to gas senors or catalysts. One characteristic of ZnO is its nanostructures polymorphism. A wide range of nanoparticles or nanostructured thin films were prepared by a variety of methods, such as tetrapods, prisms, columns, brushes and so on. By varying electrodeposition parameters one can influence the morphology, the structure and the optical and electrical properties of nanostructured ZnO films. For potentiostatic conditions we used different experimental parameters in terms of bath composition and overpotential for depositing ZnO films with high UV emission properties and with morphologies of either platelets or prisms [1]. By ramp-like varying potentials with different sweep rates we managed to fabricate films of hollow hexagonal prisms with a high structural orientation [2]. The electrochemical baths employed were Zn(NO3)2 aqueous solution with concentration ranging from 0.05 to 0.2M and PVP (polyvynilpirrolidone) used in some cases as an aditive. We used a typical three electrode set-up with a saturated calomel (SCE) reference electrode and a 2 cm2 platinum plate counter electrode. The reference electrode was connected to the electrochemical cell by a 20 cm long salt bridge filled with KCl, in order to avoid its contamination and to maintain its temperature close to room. The cathode reactions taking place during the ZnO electrodeposition processes are the following: 2e- +NO3- + H2O→NO2- + 2OH- (1) Zn2+ + 2OH-→Zn(OH)2→ZnO↓ + H2O (2) or the global reaction: Zn(NO3)2 +2e-→ZnO↓ +NO3- + NO2- (3) The two step process represents a combination of electrochemical reduction of nitrate ions and a chemical precipitation of zinc oxide. Practically, the first process is controlled through the deposition potential and the bath concentration, while the second strongly depends on temperature. Usually, in a potentiostatic mode the deposition of ZnO is performed at overvoltages higher than 900 mV. 133 Figure 1. Morphology of ZnO layers deposited from zinc nitrate baths: (top) low deposition potential; (bottom) high deposition potential. The SEM images of two typical layers of ZnO deposited in such a potentiostatic mode at two different overpotentials are presented in figure 1. The size of the hexagonal columns depends on process parameters i.e. concentration of zinc nitrate in the deposition bath, presence of additives and deposition potential. A higher deposition potential leads to higher deposition rates and to hexagonal platelets morphology. The photoluminescence properties of electrodeposited ZnO layers are also strongly influenced by the deposition conditions. The light emission is either due to near band to band recombination (excitonic peak centered at approximately 375 nm) or related to point defects such as zinc or oxygen vacancies or interstitials. This is the reason for which a strong UV emission becomes the synonym to a high quality material. In figure 2 a set of emission plots are presented. 134 Figure 2. Luminescence emission measured for excitation at 365 nm: continuous curve deposited at -800 mV, dashed -900 mV, dotted at -1000 mV from a sollution containing 0.2M Zn(NO3)2, 0.1M KCl, 0.1% PVP. One can notice how for the sample grown at lower deposition potential and thus low deposition rate we deal with a predominant excitonic emission while at high deposition rates the deffect related peak at 570 nm becomes the most important. Cathodoluminescence measurements performed on hybrid samples containing both prisms and platelets proved that the platelets posses a much stronger defect related luminescence than the prisms. We also tested the deposition for the potential varying linearly with time in the range -400 mV ÷ 1100 mV vs. SCE, sweep rates being: 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 20 mV/second. Also a sweep rate of -0.1 mV/second was employed in the range -1100 mV ÷ -400 mV vs. SCE. [2]. We found that when using a direct polarization sweep one will deal with hexagonal prisms with scattered dimensions. When reverse polarization sweep was employed as in the case of the films prepared by direct polarization, the deposition leads to layers of hexagonal structures uniform over large areas. However in this case the prisms are hollow, their center being completely removed (figure 3). Figure 3. ZnO layers deposited using 4 reversed potential sweep of -0.1 mV/second. 135 It is most probable that the process steps are better defined: a nucleation process takes place at electronegative potential followed by the growth process and by a selective dissolution. [1] Matei, E,; Enculescu, M ; Preda, N; Enculescu, I. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 134, 988-993, 2012 [2] Matei, E Enculescu, I., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, 46, 2147-2154, 2011 Vortex depinning temperature in YBa2Cu3O7 films with BaZrO3 nanorods L. Miu and I. Ivan in cooperation with D. Miu (INFLPR, Romania) A. Crisan (University of Birmingham, England) P. Mele (Hiroshima University, Japan) Columnar defects are expected to be efficient vortex pinning centres, since vortices can be confined over a large portion of their length if the external magnetic field H is oriented parallel to the columnar pins. When the magnetic induction B inside the sample is below the matching field BΦ (the field at which the vortex density and that of the columnar pins are equal) all vortices will be localized on the columnar defects, at least in the low temperature T domain. According to the Bose glass theory [1], for B(T) ≤ BΦ this state is limited up to the vortex depinning temperature Tdp, above which vortices begin to wander away from their columnar pins, due to the renormalization of the pinning energy barriers by thermal fluctuations. Since the correlated disorder accommodates vortices below Tdp(B), the latter can be regarded as the vortex accommodation temperature in static conditions (no current in the specimen). For YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) containing columnar defects along the c axis with the radius of a few nanometres theoretical estimates [1] supply a Tdp value very close to the critical temperature Tc ~ 90 K (Tdp ~ 0.95Tc). In the last two decades the vortex dynamics in the presence of columnar defects was repeatedly investigated using standard, zero-field cooling (zfc) DC magnetization relaxation measurements, by determining the T variation of the normalized magnetization relaxation rate S = −dln(m)/dln(t), where m is the irreversible magnetic moment (m ∝ J, the induced current density in the sample) and t is the relaxation time. Detailed studies of the S(T) dependence at μ0H < BΦ for YBCO single crystals and films with columnar tracks induced by irradiation or with nonsuperconducting nanorods along the c axis revealed the occurrence of a maximum in S(T) 136 located around T = 30 K (see, for example, [2, 3]). This low-T S(T) maximum (Fig. 1) was associated with a disappointing Tdp (~0.5Tc), attributed to a nonideal efficiency of the columnar pins or to the easy expansion of double vortex kinks (DK). YBZ0.3 YBZ1 YBZND1 0.4 105 104 m (emu) Jcm (A/cm2) 106 0.2 0 30m 10 20 30 40 T = 70 K 50 H (kOe) 10 30 20 H (kOe) 40 50 Fig. 1. The S(T) variation at H = 2 kOe (perpendicular to the film) for YBCO films obtained by PLD on (100) oriented SrTiO3 substrates from a YBCO target with 4 wt% BZO: YBZ0.3 - a 317 nm thick film with BZO nanorods preferentially oriented along the c axis (BΦ ~ 2 T), YBZ1 - a 1100 nm thick film with often interrupted, splayed BZO nanorods, and YBZND1 - a 1100 nm thick film with the highest BZO nanorod splay, due to the use of an Ag-nanodot decorated substrate. The low-T maximum is caused by the occurrence of thermo-magnetic instabilities (TMI), whereas the maximum at TM appearing for a small nanorod splay transforms into a wide S(T) minimum when the nanorod splay and the pinning energy dispersion is considerable. Ta is the vortex accommodation temperature for finite J, and Tdp < Ta(J). As known, for identical parallel columnar defects once a DK is created there is no energy barrier preventing the entire vortex from moving to the next column, and S could take large values. However, the pinning energy dispersion is expected to block the DK expansion, and considerable efforts have been made to avoid the detrimental double vortex-kink formation, by introducing splayed columnar defects. The discrepancy between the theoretical Tdp and the interpretation of the results of DC magnetization relaxation measurements was recently addressed in Ref. [4], where it was shown that in the case of thin YBCO films with BaZrO3 (BZO) nanorods along the c axis the temperature interval for the DK excitation and the variable range vortex hopping regime (VRH), involving double vortex super-kink formation, is located at T values much higher than previously believed [2, 3]. 137 S = –∆ln(m)/∆ln(t) 0.08 YBZ0.3 YBZ1 YBZND1 0.06 TM ↓ Ta ↓ 0.04 0.02 H = 2 kOe TMI 0 0 30 60 90 T (K) Fig. 2. U* vs 1/J (with J - the T dependent current density induced in the specimen) in a log-log plot, where the slope is the creep exponent p, for YBZ0.3 and YBZND1 in H = 2 kOe. TM and Ta from Fig. 1 are indicated by arrows. The appearing vortex excitations are identified through the creep exponent p (half vortex loops HL with p = 1, DK, with negative p) and creep processes (VRH, p = 1/3, single vortex creep SVC, p = −1, and collective creep CC, p = 1.5). At low T, the presence of thermo-magnetic instabilities (TMI) leads to an unphysical U*(1/J) upturn. The continuous lines represent a linear fit. The identification of various vortex creep regimes and vortex excitations through the creep exponent p in U*(J) ∝ (Jc/J)p (Fig. 2), where Jc is the critical current density, led to a good agreement with the prediction of the Bose glass theory for Tdp [1]. Our study allows the following conclusions: 1. The low-T S(T) maximum at around 30 K (Fig. 1) is generated by the presence of thermomagnetic instabilities (TMI); 2. The influence of DK and VRH manifests itself in the case of small nanorod splay through the occurrence of another S(T) maximum, located at a higher temperature (TM in Fig. 1); 3. The vortex accommodation temperature Ta(J), located at the S(T) deep observed in the case of YBZ0.3 (Fig. 1), is in agreement with the prediction of the Bose glass theory for Tdp, since Tdp < Ta(J); 4. By increasing the nanorod splay and the pinning energy dispersion (in thick films, or using nanorod decorated substrates, as well as in the case of a complex pinning landscape) the relevant changes in the S(T) variation for H < BΦ (see Fig. 1) appear at high T [5], supporting our identification of DK, the VRH regime and the location of Tdp [4]. The detrimental effect of vortex excitations involving double vortex kink and superkink formation is diminished in thick YBCO films with BZO nanorods, and almost vanishes when a nanodot decorated substrate is used. The S(T) maximum at TM is substituted by a wide minimum (Fig. 1). This naturally appears due to the increase of the nanorod splay and pinning energy dispersion. . References [1] [2] [3] Nelson D R and Vinokur V M 1993 Phys. Rev. B 48 13060 Maiorov B et al. 2009 Nature Mat. 8 398 Haberkorn N et al. 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 174504 138 [4] [5] Miu L 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 104519 Miu D, Ivan I, Crisan A, Mele P, Jakob G and Miu L 2013 Supercond. Sci. Technol. (in press) Nanoscale magnetic effects probed at the interfaces of magnetic nanostructures O Crisan and V Kuncser in cooperation with V. Uzdin (Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia) W. Keune (University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany) V.R. Reddy (UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore, India) M. Angelakeris (Aristotel University, Thessaloniki, Greece) One of the most widely researched topics over the last decades has been magnetic nanoscale systems. It is unambiguous that the interest for tailor-made and properly functionalized magnetic nanostructures is very wide and expected results will be of enormous benefit for the global economy. Still, researchers should improve the manufacture of nanomaterials on a larger scale at a lower cost. Although computer modelling may provide a hint in finding a structure that minimizes the internal energy, control of nanoscale magnetic effects at the interfaces in magnetic nanostructures [1] in real time is still challenging in most cases. In this regard, even if certain prerequisites should be fulfilled for specific applications, magnetic nanoscale systems exploitation lays in the control of their interface properties. Such interface properties are studied in two sets of different systems, the (Sm,Co)/Fe [2] and FePt/(Fe,Co) [3] exchange spring bilayers and multilayers. In the first system, conversion electron Mossbauer spectroscopy (CEMS) measurements in external magnetic fields were performed on (Sm-Co)/Fe bilayer samples having a thin 57Fe probe layer placed at different distances from the (Sm-Co)/Fe interface to obtain site-selective (isotope selective) data during the magnetization reversal process. A generalized theoretical model was then applied to describe, via electronic-structure calculations, the experimental data at the quantum-mechanical level. An atomistic description of the noncollinear Fe spin structure in the magnetically soft Fe layer is thus obtained [2]. The RT magnetic hysteresis loops along the easy-axis direction of five Sm-Co(20 nm)/Fe(20 nm) are typical for layered exchange-spring magnetic systems. Upon decreasing the field from positive saturation, a sharp drop of the magnetization occurs at the so-called nucleation field μ0Hn, followed by a signature of saturation around μ0H = 350 mT. Separate switching transitions are observed for the Fe and Sm-Co layers. The nucleation field Hn in the low-field range reflects the reversible magnetization reversal of the soft Fe layer, whereas the switching field Hirr in the high-field region is indicative for the irreversible switching of the hard Sm-Co layer. The CEMS spectra of the (Sm,Co)Fe bilayers gave valuable information on the Fe spin configuration at different depths in the soft-magnetic layer, providing support 139 for specific material related parameters, required by the theoretical model proposed for explaining the exchange spring behavior. In the second system, the ion beam sputtered FePt/Fe bilayers presenting in-plane exchange spring behavior, the challenge was to observe the changes in the interfacial exchange coupling by substitution of Fe with Co. Two samples, FePt/Fe and FePt/Co/Fe were synthesized by ion beam sputtering and analyzed. Fig. 1 shows the in plane M–H curves of both samples measured at 300 K using VSM. The observed M–H data are characteristic of a two-phase system as one can see just two switching fields. The magnetization decrease at higher negative fields is attributed to the hard magnetic layer which presents consequently only one magnetic component of intermediate hardness. One would expect a single loop if both (soft top and hard bottom layers) would be rigidly coupled, which is not our case, proving thus moderate in plane anisotropy of the hard layer and moderate soft-hard magnetic (SM/HM) interfacial coupling. Fig.1: In-plane M–H loops of FePt/Fe (up) and FePt/Co/Fe (down) samples measured by VSM with the field applied along the sample plane CEMS gives strong support for the in plane spin reorientation in the soft layer, but also shows that microscopic mechanisms and interfacial magnetic defects at the Fe/Co interface might play also a role with respect to the unexpected value of the overall effective stiffness coefficient, AFeCo. As compared to other layered systems manifesting in plane exchange spring effects, the present systems are characterized 140 by a very sharp decrease of the magnetization at a quite low switching field of the soft magnetic layer. This behavior suggests either a relatively low exchange coupling at the HM/SM interface, or a low exchange coupling inside the SM layer. It raises the question concerning the magnitude of the negative field which still allows the complete regain of the initial magnetization in the SM layer when it is released. The procedure we propose is basically a recoil curve procedure, in low fields regime. The sample was magnetized to the saturation by the application of a 2 T positive field. The field was subsequently decreased to zero i.e., inducing the remanence of the sample. Increasing negative magnetic fields were then applied to the sample and then released, with the measurement of corresponding magnetization values. In Fig. 2 one can see that in FePt/Co/Fe sample, the magnetization of the soft layer returns to the initial remanent state for fields up to −0.6 T, whereas for FePt/Fe sample, this value is −0.2 T, which is close to the switching fields of the hard layers in the respective samples. Fig. 2: M-H data showing the spring effect in FePt/Co/Fe The peculiarities of the interfacial exchange coupling allowed us to tune unexpectedly in this system, the exchange spring performances only by substituting partially the Fe soft layer by a Co soft layer. References [1] M. Angelakeris, O. Crisan, C. Martinez-Boubeta, „Magnetic Interfaces at the Nanoscale: From Fundamentals to Technological Applications”, book, Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2012) 141 [2] V. Uzdin, V. A. Vega, A. Khrenov, W. Keune, V. E. Kuncser, J. S. Jiang, and S. D. Bader, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 024409 [3] V.R. Reddy, O. Crisan, A.Gupta, A.Banerjee, V. Kuncser, Thin Solid Films 520 (2012) 2184 Angular magnetoresistance of stretched carbon nanotube sheets V. Sandu in cooperation with E. Cimpoiasu, (United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, USA) G. A. Levin (Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, USA) A. Simpson and D. Lashmore (Nanocomp Technologies, USA) Carbon nanotubes have unique properties, such as anomalously large electrical and thermal conductivities [1]. There is considerable interest to take advantage of these properties in bulk, macroscopic materials such as fabrics or yarns. These materials are essentially 3D, hence, isotropic, despite the one-dimensional character of the nanotube. One way to exploit the potential of CNs and to enhance the anisotropy of the bulk materials is to partially-align the nanotubes. Several papers have reported improvements of the electrical transport along the direction of the alignment, but the anisotropic properties of these materials are not fully understood [2]. In order to shed light on the anisotropy of mechanically-stretched bulk sheets of carbon nanotubes (Fig. 1), we used measurements of magnetoresistance as a function of the magnetic field B and the angle between the magnetic field and the stretching direction [3]. Fig. 1 SEM images of the doped longitudinally-stretched sample. Specifically, we measured the B-dependence of the resistance of bulk CN networks in field applied along the stretching direction and along other two directions perpendicular to it, one in-the-plane and the other one out-of-the-plane of the fabric for both as produced samples, which are undoped, (UD) and the samples chemically treated with nitric acid which are doped (D). The T-dependence of the conductance data normalized to the 40 K value, G/G40K, are shown in the Fig. 2. 142 Fig. 2 The normalized conductance G/G(40 K) vs. the temperature T for all four samples. The cartoon is a drawing of the measurement configuration. Red arrows indicate the stretching direction for the longitudinally-stretched samples (left) and laterally-stretched samples (right). Inset: The T-dependence of G2(T). The UD samples exhibit non-metallic behavior for all the measured temperatures, while the D samples were metallic at high temperatures down to 250 K and weakly nonmetallic below 250 K. G ~ T1/2 in the case of the UD samples, down to 26 K, and like ln(T) in the case of the D samples, at all temperatures below 60 K. Below 26 K, the UD samples transition towards a stronger localized regime. The MR is composed of two contributions: i) ΔR/Rneg < 0 which saturates at high fields and is consistent with field-induced reduction of the phase coherence length due to quantum interference effects in self-intersecting trajectories; ii) ΔR/Rpos > 0 which is dominant below 20 K and consistent with the VRH mechanism. In the D samples, the latter is visible only at 2 K. The angular dependence of the magnetoresistence (AMR) appears to be a superposition of two terms (Fig. 3 for laterally streched UD sample): AMR = α sin 2 (θ ) + β sin 2 (2θ ) (1) 143 Fig. 3 The AMR (filled circles) decomposition in a twofold symmetric (empty squares) and a fourfold symmetric (empty circles) contribution for the UD-lat sample. (a) B is rotated in the (zy)-plane (b) B is rotated in the (yx)-plane. We propose that the observed anisotropic effects are mainly a result of the coupling between the magnetic field, the ferromagnetic catalyst nanoparticles, and the network of CNs. The process of partial alignment results in certain alignment of the nanoparticles, which produces an overall easy axis of magnetization along the stretching direction. When B is rotated away from this axis, magnetic torques are produced, which change the local strain configuration and modify the band structure, thus changing the overall resistance. The ensemble of chains of nanoparticles interacts with the magnetic field in that their magnetic moments are subject to magnetic torques. These are likely to change (a) the resistance of the joints between the nanotubes and (b) the internal stress. The resulting changes in the axial strains, the bending and the shearing of the nanotubes alter the band structure and modify the resistance. We can speculate that if the strain is lower when B|| (stretching direction) compared to B┴ (stretching direction), then the resistance of the metallic network is smaller when B|| (stretching direction). That means ΔR/Rneg is largest when B|| (stretching direction), which is the case for the undoped samples. For localized transport, if the strain is reduced when B|| (stretching direction), then the energy gap increases and the resistance increases as well. The result is a positive magnetoresistance that is largest when B|| (stretching direction). The nitric acid treatment affects the transport by improving the intertube junctions and the charge carrier density [4]. 144 The observed angular dependence is mirrors the fact that although the fibers are in average aligned along the longitudinal x-axis, there are fibers which are oriented away or perpendicular to this direction. The transport along these misaligned fibers will contribute to the angular dependence. References [1] M. Meyyappan, “Carbon Nanotubes: Science and Applications”, CRC Press LLC: Boca Raton, FL, 2005. [2] J.E. Fisher et al., J. Appl. Phys. 93, 2157 (2003). [3] E. Cimpoiasu, V. Sandu, G. A. Levin, A. Simpson, D. Lashmore, Angular Magnetoresistance of Stretched Carbon Nanotube Sheets, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 123721 (2012) [4] P.N. Nilmalraj et al., Nanoletters 9, 3890-3895 (2009). Electronic effects at self-assembled 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiolate protected Au nanoparticles on p-GaAs (1 0 0) electrodes C.C. Negrila, M.F. Lazarescu, I.Mercioniu National Institute of Material Physics, Bucharest, Romania in cooperation with M.Enache, L.Preda, M. Anastasescu, G.Dobrescu, V.Lazarescu Romanian Academy-Institute of Physical Chemistry ‘‘Ilie Murgulescu’’ Bucharest, Romania E.Santos Institute of Theoretical Chemistry, Ulm University, Germany The XPS, SHG, AFM and EIS investigations were used in order to examine the effects of the self-assembled 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiolate protected gold nanoclusters onto a p- GaAs (1 0 0) electrode. Self-assembling techniques are of particular interest for electronic device and materials applications since they provide means to control the semiconductor electronic properties, and/or to build novel structures. Due to their relative stability and ease of forming well-ordered monolayers on metal and semiconductor surfaces, thiols received extensive attention during the last two decades. Since the most potential devices require connecting by the both ends of a molecule (or molecular film) to electrodes, dithiols deserve special consideration because they have been found to attach to substrate only through one sulfur. Therefore, they can provide a convenient tool for attaching active materials or inserting particular species (ions, molecules or metal particles) onto a surface. Among them there are the so-called Au-monolayer protected clusters (Au-MPCs), which are very small clusters of gold atoms (5 nm average core diameter), coated with thiolate monolayers. For the studying these phenomena we have prepared the p-GaAs (1 0 0) electrodes (mounted on Teflon holders) from Zn doped (n = 2.3 × 1018 cm−3) wafers supplied by AXT Company (GEO Semiconductor (UK) Ltd.). The self assembled layers of 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiolate-protected gold nanoparticles (Au- MPCs) were built from ultrasonic dispersed Au-MPCs powder in anhydrous ethanol solutions. Au-MPCs were prepared by the two-phase synthesizing method by using 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiol (TBBT) instead of dodecanethiol. The microstructure of the Au- MPCs samples was investigated using a JEOL 200 CX TEM operating at an accelerating voltage of 200 KV (fig.1). 145 Fig.1TEM image of Au-MPCs particles Particle sizes were measured from bright and dark field images. AFM experiments were carried out in air by using the Dynamic Force Module of an EasyScan2 model from Nanosurf® AG Switzerland operating in the intermittent contact mode. The fractal analysis of the AFM images taken for the bare-, TBBT- and Au-MPCs-covered p-GaAs (1 0 0) substrates was carried out after the elimination of the background electronic noise . XPS spectra were obtained with a SPECS spectrometer (Fig.2) equipped with monochromatized Al K anode radiation source operated at 400 W. The electrochemical measurements were performed in 0.1 M phosphate buffer pH 7.5 with an IM-6 Zahner frequency analyser in Fig.2 S-2p core-level region for p-GaAs (100), TBBT/ p-GaAs (100) and Au-MPCs/ p-GaAs (100) the range of 0.3 Hz–300 kHz. The impedance spectra were fitted using Zview software (Scribner Associates Inc., Southern Pines, N.C.). All potentials refer to saturated calomel electrode (SCE). The impedance data were analyzed by using the serial connection of the electrical contributions of the semiconducting electrode shown in Fig.3, which gave the best fit of the experimental data. 146 Fig.3 Mott–Schottky plots for p-GaAs (100) TBBT/p-GaAs (100) and Au-MPCs/ p-GaAs (100) The SHG set-up is essentially the same as described previously [1]. The measurements were performed in the p-in/p-out configuration by using the fundamental output (1064 nm) from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser operating at 20 Hz with 9 ns pulse width, incident at an angle of 45◦ on the sample. The TEM analysis clearly show isolated metal nanoparticles without aggregation. Gold nanocrystals are distributed in zones, forming high and low density regions, and in some areas they may also aggregate in chains. The XPS and AFM results revealed a well-ordered overlayer exhibiting a bi-modal highly correlated fractal behavior which, however, cannot electrode.fully protect the oxidation in air. The EIS data pointed out the influence exerted by the gold-monolayer protected clusters (Au-MPCs) over the charging/discharging processes observed at p-GaAs (1 0 0). Although the applied potential is varied linearly, the semiconducting surface against the potential drop within the semiconductor space charge region as well as that across the Au-MPCs layer undergoes stepped changes supposed to result in the discrete charging of the Au-MPCs. These effects point to an electronic equilibrium between the Au-MPCs and the semiconducting substrate. Fermi level pinning and enhancement of the SHG response in the potential range where the surface/interface states in the semiconductor band gap become electrically active bring further proof in this respect. Our previous studies revealed that 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiolate film spontaneously formed on pGaAs (100) surfaces brings about chemical passivation, both in air and in solution as well as strong adsorbate–substrate interactions which affect both the semiconductor surface state population and the field effects operating in the interfacial region . Now we report the selfassembling effects of Au nanoparticles protected by 4,4_-thio-bis-benzenethiolate at p-GaAs (1 0 0) electrodes [2]. References [1] V. Lazarescu, R. Scurtu, M.F. Lazarescu, E. Santos, H. Jones, W. Schmickler, Electrochimica Acta 50 (2005) 4830. [2] M. Enache, L. Preda, C. Negrila, M. F. Lazarescu, I. Mercioniu, E. Santos, M. Anastasescu, G. Dobrescu, V. Lazarescu , Electrochimica Acta, 77, ( 2012) 8 147 Infrared Dichroism Studies on Poly(p‑phenylenevinylene)/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites M. Baibarac, I. Baltog, in cooperation with J. Wery, S. Lefrant, J. Y. Mevellec Institut des Materiaux “Jean Rouxel, Nantes, France Special attention given in the past decade to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) noncovalently functionalized with poly(p-phenylene-vinylene) (PPV) is motivated by the multiple applications in the fields of solar cells, organic photodiodes, organic thin-films transistors, photovoltaic devices, and photodetectors. As is shown in this paper, the layout of polymers and composites as thin films onto SERS active metallic supports, i.e., Au and Ag, creates new opportunities for studying the molecular orientation by FTIR spectroscopy in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry. Only three articles are devoted to infrared dichroism studies on composites and these are focused on composites based on multiwalled carbon nanotubes functionalized with polystyrene and styrene−butadiene copolymers [1]. The dependence of the FTIR spectra recorded in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry of the PPV film as a function of the concentration of SWNTs in composites mass is investigated . For a better understanding of the functionalization process of SWNTs with PPV, new details concerning the changes induced in the molecular orientation of the PPV film by the addition of SWNTs to the precursor solution are need to be known. They are found by using FTIR spectroscopy in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry [1]. Given that our samples consist of thin films deposited onto rough Ag and Au supports, an evaluation of the influence of the metallic support on PPV without SWNTs is necessary. Fig. 1 shows the FTIR spectra of PPV in polarized light as a function of the type of metallic support. 148 Fig. 1 FTIR spectra of the PPV film with a thickness of ca. 200 nm deposited on Ag and Au supports recorded in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry with p and s polarizations [1] According to previous FTIR studies, the main absorption FTIR bands are situated at ca. 835, 966, 1059−1109, 1267−1334, 1421 −1423, 1516, and 1601−1691 cm−1 and are associated with the following vibrational modes: phenyl ring C−H out-of plane bending, trans-vinylene C−H out-of-plane bending, C−H in-plane bending, carboxyl stretching, phenyl ring C=C in plane in-plane ending, phenyl ring C−C in-ring stretching, and CO stretching, respectively. The first two vibrational modes are perpendicular to the plane of the PPV chains, while the latter three modes are parallel to the plane of the PPV chains. The absorption FTIR band with the maximum at 1691 cm−1,which is assigned to the carbonyl stretching vibration mode is observed only in the case of the PPV film deposited on Au support. The absence of this band in the case of FTIR spectra of the PPV films deposited on Ag supports indicates that the annealing treatment does not lead to the creation of oxygenated defects in the macromolecular chain. This difference observed in the case of PPV films deposited onto Ag and Au supports can be explained by the affinity of oxygen for the Ag support when the formation of an Ag2O layer occurs. In the case of Au support, which is a metal that does not have an affinity with oxygen even at high temperature, the lack of a covering oxide layer permits direct interaction of oxygen sources with the macromolecular chain, generating new functional groups of the type C=O.As observed in Fig.1, the intensities of the absorption bands peaked at 835 and 966 cm−1 strongly depend on the angle of polarization. This fact indicates a preferential orientation of the polymer chain in the plane of the film. In the case of s polarization, these bands vanish partially or totally when the PPV film is deposited on Ag and Au supports, respectively. Regardless of the 149 type of metallic support, the two absorption bands for p polarization appear the strongest. For the FTIR absorption bands with maxima situated at 1421 and 1516 cm−1, which are associated with vibration modes of the C=C in-plane bending and C−C in-ring stretching of the phenyl ring, respectively, a dependence on polarization is noted only in the case of Ag support. Other differences observed in Fig.1 concern the ratio between the relative intensities of the FTIR absorption bands with maxima at 964 and 1516 cm−1 when the FTIR spectra of PPV are recorded in the following geometries: (i) in the s polarization geometry, when the electric field vector E is parallel to the film plane, the values for the ratio I964/I1516 in the case of Ag and Au supports are 1:2.2 and 1:7.5, respectively; and (ii) in the p polarization geometry, when the electric field vector E is perpendicular to the film plane, the values of the ratio I964/I1516 in the case of Ag and Au supports are 6:1 and 1:1, respectively. These differences must be correlated with the absorption of PPV molecules onto the metallic surface. Fig.2 shows the influence of the amount of SWNT added to the PPV precursor solution on the FTIR spectra recorded in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry with Ag and Au supports. Fig. 2 FTIR spectra of the PPV film with a thickness of ca. 200 nm deposited on Ag and Au supports recorded in the grazing angle incident reflection geometry in the polariza-tion, obtained in the absence and presence of different SWNTs weight percentages equal to 64 and 32 wt %.[1] This difference results from the functiona-lization process of SWNTs with PPV, when a π−π*interaction between the sidewall of the CNTs with the phenyl rings of the PPV occurs. A result of this interaction is a modification of the angle of the transition dipole moment vector for the phenyl ring C−H in the out-of plane vibrational mode [1]. 150 References [1] M.Baibarac, I.Baltog, J.Wery, S. Lefrant, J. Y. Mevellec, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 25537 (2012). Photoexpansion and nano-lenslet formation in amorphous As2S3 thin films by 800nm femtosecond laser irradiation A. Velea, M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lőrinczi, I. D. Simandan in cooperation with G. Socol, I. N. Mihailescu, N. Stefan, F. Jipa, M. Zamfirescu National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania A. Kiss, V. Braic National Institute for Optoelectronics, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania As2S3 films were prepared on glass substrate by PLD using a KrF* laser source (λ = 248 nm, τFWHM = 25 ns, model COMPexPro 205, Lambda Physics-Coherent). The targets were irradiated with a laser fluence of 1.5 J/cm2 and the repetition rate was 10 Hz. The depositions were carried out at room temperature while the pressure of the residual gas inside chamber was 4×10-4 Pa. Homogeneous films with thickness of around 2 µm were grown at target-substrate separation distance of 4 cm by applying 11 000 subsequent laser pulses. A standard laser micro-processing setup was used for producing microstructures on As2S3 film. The laser source was a femtosecond oscillator Synergy Pro with 800 nm central wavelength, 15 fs pulse duration, 80 MHz repetition rate, and 5 nJ maximum energy per pulse. Atomic force microscopy investigation was conducted with an INNOVA (Veeco) instrument. The microscope was vibration-damped. Commercial pyramidal phosphorus doped silicon tips (Veeco model RTESPA) mounted to a cantilever with a length of 125 µm were used. The resonance frequency and a nominal force constant were 332.6 kHz and 40 N/m, respectively. To avoid damage of the sample, the measurements were carried out in tapping mode. The scan speed was 8 µm/s (0.4 Hz) for the 10×10 µm2 images. 151 Images were obtained by displaying the height signal acquired in forward direction at 512×512 pixels image resolution. Fig. 1 10×10 µm AFM images of laser irradiated areas: (a) 8 mW,(b) 12 mW, (c) 18 mW, (d) 20 mW, (e) 25 mW, (f) 30 mW, (g) 50 mW.[1] For low laser powers (2–6 mW), the surface of the thin film was not altered. Figures 1(a)–1(g) show the sequence of three-dimensional images of the imprinted areas on the film of As2S3. One observes that when increasing power of the laser the profile of the imprints changes dramatically. At lower laser power (Figs. 1(a)–1(d), from 8 to 20 mW), hillocks are formed in the irradiated area of As2S3 film as a result of photoexpansion effect. Figure 2 shows the evolution of the hillock height and hole depth as well as the variation of the hillock and hole diameter with the laser power. This is in good agreement with the observation of Tanaka et al. [2]. At higher laser power (Figs. 1(e)–1(g)), the laser beam 0.4 3 4 3.6 7 5 1 0.0 3.2 1: 8 mW 2: 12 mW 3: 18 mW 4: 20 mW 5: 25 mW 6: 30 mW 7: 50 mW -0.4 -0.8 5 2.8 6 2.4 6 Diameter (µm) Height/Depth (µm) Hole Hillocks 2 4 2 3 2.0 -1.2 7 1 1.6 0 10 20 30 40 50 P (mW) Fig. 2 Variation of the height/depth and diameter of the hillocks/holes with the power of the laser.[1] induces in the center of the irradiated area holes that deepen and enlarge proportional with the increase of the laser power. In the case of the highest laser power (50 mW), the ablation process dominates. 152 The hillocks have an asymmetric double sigmoidal shape and their height depends on the power of the laser. The maximum height of 210 nm is obtained at a laser power of 18 mW. Such geometrical shapes can be used as special lenslets in the planar geometry of optical circuits. The diameter of lenses increases with the laser power. Cross-sections through different nano-lenslets obtained at various laser powers can be seen in Fig. 3. According to the cluster model, the photoexpansion of As2S3 glass [3] can be asymmetrical due to larger expansion along the direction of the laser beam and because of the orientation of the package of clusters during this process. The asymmetry could also be related to the anisotropy [4, 5] induced by laser light. The optical properties of the nano-lenslets are strongly related to the chalcogenide composition. In general, during laser irradiation the chalcogen element is easily released from the bulk or from the thin film. Fig. 3 Cross section profiles of the chalcogenides imprinted nano-lenslets. At higher laser power a hole with increasing depth and diameter appears in the middle of the impact zone, as visible in the last three profiles.[1] In particular, the arsenic trisulphide material (As2S3, orpiment) tends to change into As2S2 (realgar). At high laser power, the composition modification seems to be significant and some sulphur is released. The X-ray diffraction diagrams of the films irradiated by laser show the presence of realgar (As2S2). The high power irradiation also determines the rapid release of the chalcogen from the chalcogenide material. Sulphur is partially eliminated and a definite hole appears in the irradiated area. With the increase of the power of the laser, the diameter of the hole and its depth increase significantly (see Fig. 3). References 153 [1] A. Velea, M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lőrinczi, I.D. Simandan et al., J. Appl. Phys. 112, 033105 (2012). [2] Ke. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. B 57, 5163 (1998). [3] M. Popescu, F. Sava, and A. Lőrinczi, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 355, 1815 (2009). [4] V. Lyubin, M. Klebanov, S. Rosenwaks, and V. Volterra, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 164–166 (Part 2), 1165 (1993). [5] A. Kolobov, V. Lyubin, T. Yasuda, M. Klebanov, and Ke. Tanaka, Phys.Rev. B 55, 8788 (1997). Effects of TiO2 nanoparticles on the NO2- levels in cell culture media analysed by Griess colorimetric methods T. Popescu, L. Diamandescu, D. Tarabasanu-Mihaila, V. S. Teodorescu, A. M. Vlaicu in cooperation with A. R. Lupu University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology, Bucharest, Romania and V. Raditoiu, V. Purcar National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM, Bucharest, Romania The Griess assay [1] has been used to determine the possible changes in the measured NO2concentrations induced by TiO2 nanoparticles in three types of nitrite-containing samples: aqueous NaNO2 solutions with known concentrations and two types of cell culture media- Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI-1640) and Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM-F12) used either as delivered or enriched in NO2- by NaNO2 addition. We have used three types of titania with average particle sizes between 10-30 nm: Degussa P25 (P25) and two other samples (undoped (HT) and Fe3+doped anatase (FeHT) TiO2) synthesised by a hydrothermal route in our laboratory. The structural, morphological, optical and physicochemical characteristics of the used materials have been studied by Xray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (TEM, EDX), Mössbauer spectroscopy, Brunauer-EmmettTeller (BET) nitrogen adsorption, UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFT). The opacity and sedimentation behaviour of the studied TiO2 suspensions have been investigated by photometric attenuance measurements at 540 nm. To account for the photocatalytic properties of titania in a biologically relevant 154 context, multiple Griess tests have been performed under controlled exposure to laboratory natural daylight illumination. The results show significant variations of light attenuance (associated to NO2concentrations in the Griess test) depending on the opacity, sedimentation stability, NO2- adsorption and photocatalytic properties of the tested TiO2 nanomaterials. These findings identify material characteristics recommended to be considered when analysing the results of Griess tests performed in biological studies involving TiO2 nanoparticles. Results and discussion In case of media used without NO2- addition, the obtained results [2], consisting exclusively in attenuance increases (Fig. 1), are dictated by the opacities and sedimentation behaviours of the tested materials. The high settling rates of the hydrothermal specimens ensures the lack of significant effects of these materials upon the light attenuances of their supernates measured at 540 nm. The superior suspension stability of P25 titania leads to considerably enhanced attenuance values with respect to the reference samples for this type of TiO2. In biological tests, in case of insignificant or no NO production and release in the cell culture (media with no NO2- addition in this study), such materials may lead to false significant amounts of NO apparently produced by the cells. This false NO production may be interpreted as immune cells activation and subsequent inflammatory processes induced by the tested nanomaterials. In case of culture media enriched in NO2-, the obtained attenuances (Fig. 1) result from the Fig.1 Griess tests results in DMEM-F12 medium for: (a) P25, (b) HT and (c) FeHT; 155 combined action of multiple factors, involving concentration dependent opacity as well as the kinetics of sedimentation and photocatalytic/NO2- adsorption processes, under the experimental conditions of this study [2]. Regarding suspension stability, combined zeta potential and supernate opacity measurements reveal the suspension stabilizing role of nitrite ions and FBS present in culture media. In cellular tests, if a significant amount of NO was indeed produced by the activated cells (NO2- enriched media in our experiments), this amount may appear to be larger due to opacity effects (case of P25 at high concentrations in our study) or insignificant due to adsorption and photocatalytic processes (case of HT and FeHT as well as P25 in our study). Consequently, materials with potential inflammatory properties may be treated as inert and nontoxic and possibly recommended for biocompatible applications (e.g. to be used as food additives or pharmaceutical excipients). The occurrence of significant interferences between TiO2 and the Griess assay ultimately depends on the existing interactions between TiO2 nanomaterials and culture media. Some of these interactions may exhibit multiple consequences upon the factors (sedimentation, adsorption and photocatalysis) dictating the attenuances of the samples analysed by the Griess method. Protein adsorption, for example, promotes suspension stability leading to opacity mediated attenuance enforcement and inhibits the NO2- adsorption and its photocatalytic oxidation by hindering the TiO2-NO2- interactions. These processes (NO2adsorption and photocatalysis) may also be inhibited by the competing adsorption of culture media phosphate onto the TiO2 surfaces. Other photocatalysis inhibiting factors are light absorption by culture media and particle agglomeration effects. Acknowledgements The support of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, under the Core project PN09450102, is greatly acknowledged. The final publication is available at References [1] J. Sun, X. Zhang, M. Broderick, H. Fein, Sensors, 3, (2003), 276-284. [2] T. Popescu, A.R. Lupu, L. Diamandescu, D. Tarabasanu-Mihaila, V.S. Teodorescu, V. Raditoiu, V. Purcar, A.M. Vlaicu, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 15, (2013), 1449. 156 Potential Applications 157 Surface and bulk radiation induced defects in Si-based sensors I. Pintilie and R. Radu in collaboration with J. Zhang, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, H. Perrey, J. Schwandt and G. Lindström Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany This work had been triggered by the challenge presented by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Nuclear Research Centre CERN and its planned upgrade (SLHC) foreseen now to start in 2020, by the International Linear Collider (ILC) or by the high brilliance photon sources like XFEL foreseen to be operational in 2014. Silicon detectors are increasingly in use for various applications in fundamental research such as elementary particle and nuclear physics and research with photons or radiation in free electron lasers. The limiting factors for their practical application are the radiation induced changes in their electrical properties. In this work two cases are considered: (i) the bulk radiation damage caused by hadrons in LHC experiments and responsible for the increase of the dark current and (ii) interface effects caused by X-ray in MOS structures for XFEL experiments leading to the generation of oxide charge and annealing effects: (i) Bulk radiation damage resulting from the non-ionizing energy loss (as e.g. in LHC/SLHC) The main radiation induced deep defect centres in silicon responsible for the changes in the electrical properties during and after the irradiation are: the Ip, BD, E(30K) and H(116K), H(140K), H(152K), responsible for the change in the depletion voltage and the E4, E5 and E205a defects responsible for the increase of the dark current and the corresponding noise [1]. The two deep acceptor levels E4 at Ec 0:39 eV and E5 at EC - 0:45 eV evidenced in Fig. 1a have been proven to be the doubly and the singly charged state of the tri-vacancy (V3). At temperatures above 200 0C and depending on the oxygen concentration of the material, the V3 transforms into the tri-vacancy–oxygen complex (V3O) – defect L in Fig.1b. This identification is based on the striking similarity of the reaction E5-L to the known transformationV2-V2O and the significant oxygen dependence of the generation of the L defect. As a result, the L defect can be assigned to the V3O complex. The defect concentrations were obtained by means of Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) and Thermally Stimulated Currents (TSC) techniques performed on float zone (FZ), epitaxial (Epi) and Magnetic Czochralski (MCZ) diodes, irradiated with 1MeV neutrons and 23 GeV protons. 158 Fig.1. a) Concentration of E4 and E5 defects as result of the difference between the DLTS spectra at an annealing step of 240 °C and the successive injection of 20 min with 1 A in FZ material, . b) Annealing of E5 compared to the V2 defect for MCz material. b) Surface and interface related effects in MOS structures [3-5] caused by ionization in environments with 12 keV X-ray doses up to 1 GGy (as e.g. in XFEL). The aim of this work is to (1) understand the radiation damage induced by X-rays, (2) extract the damage-related parameters, i.e. the surface density of oxide charges and surface-current density, which are the main inputs for sensor optimization with TCAD simulation, (3) investigate the effects due to the voltage applied to the gates of the MOS capacitor and the gate-controlled diode during irradiation, and (4) verify the long term stability and performance of silicon sensors with the help of annealing studies. The techniques used are Capacitance/ConductanceVoltage (C/G-V) for different frequencies and Thermal Dielectric Relaxation Current (TDRC). In addition to radiation induced oxide charges, at least three dominant interface traps have to be used to describe the measurements as given in Fig.2. Fig. 2. The shapes of the three dominant interface trap levels caused by X-rays in MOS capacitors as function of their position in the silicon band gap. 159 Fig.3. Dose dependence of the fixed oxide charge density Nox and the three dominant X-ray induced interface states as function of irradiation dose after annealing at 80 °C for 10 minutes. Fig. 4.Measured and calculated C-V and G-V curves (parallel mode) of a MOS capacitor irradiated to 10 MGy (12 keV X-rays) for frequencies between 1 and 100 kHz (a) C-V curves, (b) G-V curves. Their properties and densities as function of X-ray dose have been determined. The oxide charge density and the trap densities saturate and for one interface state even decrease at dose values between 10 and 100 MGy (Fig.3). The shape of the C/G-V curves can be described by a simple model with parameters derived mainly from the TDRC measurements [3] as they are given in Fig.4. Finally, annealing studies have been performed at 60 0C and 80 0C on MOS capacitors and gate-controlled diodes irradiated to 5MGy and the annealing kinetics of oxide charges and surface current determined [5]. These parameters are presently implemented in a simulation program to check if the performance of segmented sensors as a function of X-ray dose can be described and if the results can be used to design radiation hard silicon sensors for XFEL. References [1] I. Pintilie, "Surface and bulk radiation induced defects in Si-based sensors", invited talk 1st Conference on Radiation and Dosimetry in Different Fields of Research (RAD2012), 24-27 Aprilie 2012, Nis, Serbia. 160 [2] A. Junkes, I. Pintilie, et al., PHYSICA B-CONDENS. MATTER , 407, 3013-3015, 2012 [3] J. Zhang, I. Pintilie, et al., J. SYNCHROTRON RADIAT., 19, 340-346, 2012 [4] J. Schwandt, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, I. Pintilie, J.Zhang, J. INSTRUM. 7, C01006, 2012 [5] J. Zhang, E. Fretwurst, R. Klanner, I. Pintilie, et al., J. INSTRUM., 7, C12012, 2012 Effect of interfaces on electric properties of ferroelectric-based structures L. Pintilie, G. A. Boni, C. Chirila, L. Hrib, A. Iuga, I. Pasuk, R. Negrea, L. D. Filip in collaboration with E. Vasile, METAV-C.D.S.A., Rosetti Street No. 21, Bucharest 020011, Romania and H. Khasaff, I. B. Misirlioglu Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabanci University, Orhanli-Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey The effect of interfaces on the electric properties of several ferroelectric-based structures was investigated. The structures are: BiFeO3 (BFO) layers doped with Gd atoms, deposited by sol-gel on single crystal Nb doped SrTiO3 (STON) substrates with (001) orientation, and with top Pt contacts (Pt/Gd:BFO/STON); metal-ferroelectric-metal (MFM) structures based on epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT) grown by pulse laser deposition (PLD) on single crystal SrRuO3/SrTiO3 (SRO/STO) substrates with (001) orientation and with different metals used as top electrode (metal/PZT/SRO, where the metal is SRO, Cu or Pt); metal-ferroelectric-semiconductor (MFS) structures based on PZT and ZnO layers grown by sol-gel or PLD on Pt/Si and SRO/STO substrates and with top Pt electrodes (Pt/ZnO/PZT/Pt or SRO as bottom electrode). In all cases it was found that the interfaces have a significant impact on the electrical properties of the investigated structures. The main results are presented below. 1.In the case of the Pt/Gd:BFO/STON it was found that current-voltage (I-V) characteristic is asymmetric, resembling the behaviour of a p-n diode (see fig. 1). Analysing the I-V measurements performed at different temperatures it was concluded that the most probable conduction mechanism is the SchottkySimmons emission over the potential barrier at the Gd:BFO/STON interface, where the charge injection is controlled by the barrier properties and the drift is controlled by the bulk of the ferroelectric film 161 through the charge mobility. The height of the potential barriers was estimated and it was found that it is dependent on the Gd content: 0.32 eV at zero doping; 0.45 eV for 5% Gd doping; 0.60 eV for 10% Gd doping. Other quantities were also dependent on the Gd doping: the built-in potential and the concentration of the free carriers [1]. Fig. 1 I-V characteristics at RT for different Gd doping of the BFO layer. 2.The change of the metal used as top contact in the case of the metal/PZT/SRO structures produces important changes in the hysteretic behavior of the ferroelectric polarization. It has to be underlined that the metals used as top contacts (Cu, Pt and SRO) were deposited successively on the same epitaxial PZT film grown on the bottom epitaxial SRO electrode. Therefore, the quality of the film and of the bottom PZT/SRO interface is the same in all cases. Only the properties of the top metal/PZT interface can be different, depending on the metal used as top electrode (see fig. 2). It was found that the best results are obtained with top Cu, with rectangular hysteresis and negligible leakage current. When Pt is used as top electrode the leakage current increases and the hysteresis loop become inflated. This result is puzzling, considering that Pt has a work function with about 1 ev higher than Cu. Also, another interesting result is that, although only the top electrode is changed, the electronic properties of the bottom PZT/SRO interface seems to be also affected, maintaining the relative symmetry of the loops [2]. 162 Fig. 2 Dynamic hysteresis loops (current and polarization) recorded for the high quality epitaxial PZT film with: (a) top Cu electrode; (b) top SRO electrode; and (c) top Pt electrode. All the measurements were performed at 1000 Hz with a triangular voltage wave. 3.In the case of Pt/ZnO/PZT/Pt(SRO) MFS structures it was found that the temperature where the direction of the capacitive hysteresis changes from clockwise to counter-clockwise[3] is strongly dependent on the quality of the ZnO/PZT interface. The higher is the quality of the interface, with lower density of interface states, the lower is the temperature where the capacitive hysteresis is changing its orientation. The best interface quality is obtained in the case of PLD grown ZnO/PZT heterostructure on SRO/STO substrate (see fig. 3). The epitaxial growth leads only to counterclockwise hysteresis on the entire investigated temperature range from 100 K to 400 K [4]. 163 Fig. 3 HRTEM images of (a) multilayered STO/SRO/PZT structure (inset—FFT pattern of the image (a) revealing the epitaxial growth of the layers on the STO (001) substrate), (b) STO–SRO interface, (c) SRO– PZT interface, and (d) PZT–ZnO interface. Funding from CORE program PN09-45 [1]; FP7 project IFOX (grant number 246102); CNCSIS Project “RP” Grant No. 1/28/2010 [2]; Contract No. PCCE 3/2012 [4]. References [1] H. Khassaf, G. A. Ibanescu, I. Pintilie, I. B. Misirlioglu, and L. Pintilie, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 252903 (2012) [2] L. Pintilie, I. Pasuk, R. Negrea, L. D. Filip, and I. Pintilie, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 064116 (2012) [3] L. Pintilie, C. Dragoi, R. Radu, A. Costinoaia, V. Stancu, and I. Pintilie, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 012903 (2010) [4] I. Pintilie, I. Pasuk, G. A. Ibanescu, R. Negrea, C. Chirila, E. Vasile, and L. Pintilie, J. Appl. Phys. 112, 104103 (2012) 164 Polysaccharide – iron oxide nanostructures for biomedical applications Carmen StelutaCiobanu, Simona Liliana Iconaru, Daniela Predoi in collaboration with MihaelaRadu, AncaDinischiotu, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Bucharest, 050095, Bucharest, Romania AlinaMihaelaProdan Emergency Hospital Floreasca, Bucharest 5, CaleaFloresca nr 8, sector 1, Bucarest, Romania Mikael Motelica-Heino, Stanislas Sizaret ISTO, Université d’Orléans, 45067 Orléans cedex 02, France Philippe Le Coustumer Université Bordeaux 3, EA 4592 G&E, EGID and Khalid Lafdi University of Dayton, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469, USA Iron oxide, magnetite (Fe3O4) and its oxidized form maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) are the most studied magnetic particles in medicine and biotechnology because of their unique magnetic properties and biocompatibility at nanometric scale [1-2]. The polysaccharide (dextran, sucrose) coated iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by adapted co-precipitation method [1-3]. The diffraction pattern of DIO-NPs (dextran iron oxide nanoparticles) and SIO-NPs (sucrose iron oxide nanoparticles)[2-4] shows the peaks that correspond to an fcc cubic maghemite structure (ICSD card no.01-083-0112) characterized by diffraction planes (220), (311), (400), (422), (511) and (440). No additional diffraction peaks of any impurity were detected, demonstrating the high purity of the synthesized samples. The average sizes, deduced from the full width at half maximum, has a value of 5.8 (± 0.5) nm for DIO-NPs and 7.3 (± 0.5) nm for SIO-NPs. They are consistent with the mean sizes deduced from HR-TEM observations [2-5]. The antibacterial activity of the samples (DIO-NPs and SIO-NPs) were observed using common bacterial pathogens, E coli, P aeruginosa (gram negative), E Faecalis (gram positive) and a species of fungus (C krusei). The antibacterial effect of DIO-NPs on the Gram-negative bacteria E. coli ATCC 25922 was less visible than that on the Gram-positive bacteria E faecalis ATCC 29212 and C krusei 963 (a species of fungus) for all concentrations. DIO-NPs showed highly significant toxicity to all three bacterial species (Figure 1). The Gram-negative bacteria P aeruginosa 1397 is not inhibited in presence of DIO-NPs. Concerning the effect of DIO-NPs on the microbial growth of the tested strains, we could observe that different concentrations of the tested compound either inhibited or stimulated the growth of E. faecalis ATCC 29212, E coli ATCC 25922, C krusei 963strains in suspension. On the other hand, in our study the SIO-NPs proved to stimulate the growth of microbial cells, as demonstrated by the absorbance measurements at 620 nm of the obtained cultures (Figure 1). The intensity of the stimulatory effect on the microbial growth proved to be proportional with the concentration of SIO-NPs, as proved by the linear trend lines. In exchange, all tested concentrations of DIO-NPs and SIO-NPs slightly stimulated the growth of P. Aeruginosa 1397. Antimicrobial activity of the DIO-NPs and SIO-NPs are influenced by the polysaccharide type and the size of the particles. The bacteria sensitivity to each type of NP also varied with the bacterial strain. The antibacterial activity of PMC-NPs based on dextran was significantly higher than that observed against PMC-NPs based on sucrose for E faecalis ATCC 29212, C krusei 963 and E coli ATCC 25922. 165 Fig. 1. Antibacterial activity of DIO-NPs and SIO-NPs in the presence of E. coli ATCC 25922, E faecalis ATCC 29212, C krusei 963 and P aeruginosa 1397. Our previous data proved a good viability of Hep G2 cells grown on dextran powder [6] as well as dextran coated maghemite thin films. Also, no changes in cells morphology were noticed under phase contrast microscopy [2]. The dextran-iron oxide continuous thin films obtained by MAPLE technique from composite targets containing 10 wt.% dextran as well as 1 and 5 wt.% iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation method presented granular surface morphology. This represented an advantage in the adhesion and growth of living HepG2 cells. Our results proved that Hep G2 cells adhered very well to thin films of dextran (coated with 1% and 5% maghemite) and exhibited a normal actin cytoskeleton, which suggest that these cells underwent normal cell cycle progression. As a result, hepatocytes adhered to these thin films could be used as biosenzors for different xenobiotics.Actins are highly conserved proteins that are ubiquitously expressed in all eukaryotic cells. F-actin microfilaments are essential for the maintenance of cell shape and permeability of tight junctions [2]. Figure shows that, after 24 hours of cultivation, the expression of F-actin in Hep G2 cells adhered on dextran nanoparticles thin films (B) and dextran coated 1% maghemiteγ-Fe2O3 (C) was similar and less than in control cells. Fig.2. The localization of F-actin in HepG2 cells. The cells were cultured for 24h stained first for F-actin with phalloidin (A1-control cells, B1cells cultivated on thin films of dextran, C1- cells cultivated on thin films of dextran coated 1% maghemite nanoparticles, D1- cells cultivated on thin films of dextran coated 5% maghemite nanoparticles), then incubated with DAPI for the detection of nuclei (A2, B2, C2, D2) and examined by fluorescence microscopy. A3, B3, C3, D3 images represent the previous images superimposed. The images shown are representative for five independent experiments. In the case of cells cultivated on dextran coated 5% maghemiteγ-Fe2O3 (D1), the number of cells and the level of F-actin were lower compared to the other two types of thin films and control. After 24 hours, the F-actin distribution in the cells from the thin films was especially around the nuclei. Later on, at 72 hours after the cells cultivation there was no significant difference between the three experimental alternatives from the point of view of cell numbers and F-actin expression [2]. 166 References [1]. Prodan D, Chaneac C, Tronc E, Jolivet JP, Cherkaour R, Ezzir A, Dormann JL,J MagnMagn Mater1999, 203: 63-65. [2] Ciobanu CS, Iconaru SL, Gyorgy E, Radu M, Costache M,Dinischiotu A, Le Coustumer P, Lafdi K, Predoi D, Chem Cent J, 2012 6:17. [3]. Iconaru SL, Prodan AM, Motelica-Heino M, Sizaret S, Predoi D, Nanoscale Res Lett, 2012, 7:576. [4]. Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Le Coustumer P, Predoi D,J Supercoond Nov Magn 2012, 25(8). [5].Elliott SR, Physics of Amorphous Materials, Longman, London, 1984, 350. [6].Iconaru SL, Ciobanu CS, Prodan AM, Predoi D, FEBS Journal 279 (Suppl. 1) (2012) 52–576. XPS and HRTEM investigations of titania-supported gold catalysts used in heterogenous amination of bromobenzene with aniline C.M. Teodorescu, F. Vasiliu in cooperation with M. Ciobanu, B. Cojocaru, S.M. Coman, V.I. Parvulescu Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Romania S. Wuttke Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU), Germany W. Leitner Department of Technical Chemistry and Petrochemistry, RWTH Aachen, Germany Buchwald-Hartwig amination consists in C-N coupling and is a reaction with a huge amount of applications in organic syntheses [1]. Early studies used Pd cata-lysts to intermediate these reactions [2]. However, there are some drawbacks of Pd (and also of other transition metals) catalysis, especially that, even in ppm concentrations, the final compounds are shown to contain residual amounts of catalysts. Also, Pd catalysts have shown to have short lifetimes, they tend to aggregate and to form Pd-black nanoparticles [3]. The aim of this study is to promote an alternate route for the amination reaction by using gold catalysis, especially Au nanoparticles. These catalysts will be used in order to subtract a proton from the amine and to promote its reaction with the aryl-halide in organic solvents, such as dimethyl carbonate (DMC), such as described in Scheme 1 [4]. The use of an inorganic base (potassium etoxide) leads to a more complicated reaction pathway, yielding formation of diphenylamine and triphenylamine, until the surface of the catalyst is completely covered by KBr, as was evidenced by XPS measurements [4]. However, this is the only drawback of this 167 mechanism, and KBr can be conveniently removed by using dioxane. Hence, the catalyst can be recycled several times. Transmission electron microscopy was used to assess the Au nanoparticle average sizes and distributions (Fig. 1, Table 1). It is found that larger nanoparticles are formed when the Au content is close to 1 wt %. (Fig. 1b). Also, some of chemical selectivities decrease when larger Au nanoparticles are involved (Table 1). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (Fig. 2) was used to derive the Au0 state, to compute the Au/Ti content and to identify the surface covering by KBr after the reaction (Fig. 2d). The relevant results concerning the characteristics and the performances of the catalysts are summarized in Table 1. It may be seen that the catalyst performances are strongly dependent on the Au load and on the solvent used. Scheme 1. Amination of bromobenzene with aniline promoted by Au nanoparticles supported on titania in DMC (from [4]). a 10 nm 168 b 10 nm Fig. 1. High resolution transmission electron microscopy images of Au/TiO2 catalysts with 0.1 wt. % (a) and 0.7 wt. % (b) (from [4]). Fig. 2. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of Au 4f (a), Ti 2p (b) and O 1s (c) core levels.(d) represents the C 1s region, exhibiting also the K 2p lines, for a catalyst used in a KEt-dioxane environment (similar to Ref. [4]). Table 1. Results of TEM measurements (average particle sizes) on Au nanoparticles and TiO2 substrates, relevant data (BE = binding energies) obtained from XPS measurements on Au 4f, O 1s and Ti 2p, together with selectivities in diphenylamine (DPA), N-methylamine (N-MA), N,N-dimethylaniline (N,NDMA), phenylbenzene (PB), N-benzylidene-amine (N-B-A). 169 Au wt 0.1 % 0.3 % 0.5 % 0.7 % 0.9 % % <dAu> (nm) <dTiO2> (nm) 0.9%, spent 8.2 ±4.5 - - 14.3 17.1 ±3.0 ±2.4 - 47.4 ±10.7 - - 46.9 47.0 ±9.8 ±10.6 - Ti 2p3/2 BE(eV) - 458.0 458.2 458.2 458.5 458.5 Au 4f7/2 BE(eV) - 83.1 83.3 83.3 82.6 83.1 O 1s BE(eV) - 529.7 529.4 529.5 529.9 530.2 531.7 Selectivities in DMC DPA (%) N-MA (%) N,NDMA(%) - 20 22 25 37 - - 80 70 62 45 - - 0 8 13 18 - Selectivities in KEt + dioxane DPA (%) PB (%) N-B-A (%) - 0 0 18 22 - - 16 20 24 38 - - 84 80 58 40 - 170 References: [4] A.R. Muci, S.L. Buchwald, Top. Curr. Chem. 219, 131 (2002). [5] A.S. Guram, R.A. Rennels, S,L, Buchwald, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 34, 1348 (1995). [6] M. Tromp, J.R.A. Sietsma, J.A. van Bokhoven, G.P.F. Van Strijdonck, R.J. van Haaren, A.M.J. van der Eerden, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, D.C. Konigsberger, Chem. Commun. 1, 128 (2003). [7] M. Ciobanu, B. Cojocaru, C. Teodorescu, F. Vasiliu, S.M. Coman, W. Leitner, V.I. Parvulescu, J. Catal. 296, 43 (2012). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Mössbauer investigations of Sn-doped hydroxilated MgF2 catalysts for cellulose saccharification N.G. Apostol, V. Kuncser in cooperation with A. Negoi, V.I. Parvulescu, S.M. Coman Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Romania S. Wuttke Department of Chemistry, University of Munich (LMU), Germany E. Kemnitz Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany A constant preoccupation of modern chemistry is connected to the production of energy, fuels and other useful chemicals from renewable biomass [1]. One constant subject of investigation during the last decade is the degradation of cellulose to glucose using heterogenous catalysis [2]. The main issue of such reactions is connected to the large size of cellulose molecules, making difficult their penetration into a mesoporous catalyst. The proposed complete reaction implies a two-step mechanism: firstly, cellulose undergoes a partial hydrolysis promoted by Brønsted acids, then, when the oligomers are small enough to penetrate the pores of the solid material, catalytic saccharification occurs. Recently, it was demonstrated that a modified sol-gel method was able to synthesize nanoscopic hydroxilated fluorides with the desired mesoporosity and tuneable properties as Brønsted or Lewis acids [3]. This method was further applied to synthesize Sn-doped MgF2 catalysts which were proven to be hydrothermally stable, highly active and selective for the saccharification of cellulose to glucose [4]. These samples were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and by 119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy. The activity tests were performed in a stirred (1200 rpm) and heated (453 K) mixture of cellulose and catalysts, with subsequent detection by GC-MS chromatography. 171 It was proven that samples with 10 % SnF4 (introduced in the fluorolytic sol-gel reaction) exhibited one of the largest selectivities reported to date for this reaction. Only the sulfonated acid carbon catalysis produced better results to date [5]. These 10 % catalysts have shown also the largest isomer shifts by Mössbauer spectroscopy and also two well-defined XPS components; also, XPS derived a considerably higher Sn content at the sample surface (almost 23 %). XRD have shown for these catalysts only MgF2 lines; for lower amounts of Sn, both SnF4 and MgF2 are obtained, together with lines corresponding to a new magnesium fluorostannate phase. Therefore, a condition for a high selectivity seems to be the high degree of dispersion of Sn into the MgF2 matrix, together with the presence of active Sn4+ at the surface of the pores. XPS and Mössbauer pointed on the presence of Sn+(4-δ), with a different ionization state at the surface of the mesoporous material. The relative amount of the two different sites of Sn4+ evidenced by Mössbauer stroscopy (Fig.2) as well as their corresponding hyperfine parameters are presented in Table 1. These data lead to the hypotheesis that cellulose degradaton takes place following a homogenous-heterogenous mechanism: (i) initial partial hydrolisis of cellulose, initiated by tin fluorides released by the solid material in the reacted medium; (ii) subsequent adsorption of oligomers into the pore system, where interaction with the active species of the solid catalyst occurs. Table 1. Results of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (binding energies and relative weight of components from Fig. 1), Mössbauer spectroscopy (isomer shift IS, quadrupole splitting QS, spectral concentration from Fig. 2), and of chemical selectivity of cellulose dehydration to D-glucose (S). SnF4 Conc. XPS conc. 3d5/2BE (eV) Rel. weight(%) IS (mm/s) QS (mm/s) Rel. 1% 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 100 % 1.63 % 6.51 % 22.66 % 21.80 % 20.01 100 % % 487.7 484.8 488.1 488.1 488.3 489.5 488.7 487.8 488.9 488.6 488.8 490.1 54 3 56 59 58 57 46 97 44 41 42 43 - 0.22 - 0.23 - 0.29 - 0.30 - 0.28 - 0.17 - 0.36 - 0.30 - 0.36 -0.34 - 0.33 - 0.19 0.72 0.81 0.77 0.71 0.82 0.72 0.26 0.27 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.30 81 66 60 60 62 60 172 area(%) 19 34 40 40 38 40 S(%) 66.2 79.4 87.2 69.6 59.0 53.6 Fig. 1. Sn 3d X-ray photoelectron spectra of MgF2 catalysts with different contents of SnF4. 173 Fig. 2. Mössbauer spectra of MgF2 catalysts with different contents of SnF4. The relative Mössbauer effect (in %) is shown on the left side. References: [8] D.L. Klass, Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels, and Chemicals, Academic Press, San Diego, 1998. [9] D.-M. Dai, L. Deng, J. Li, B. Liao, Q.-X. Guo, Y. Fu, ChemSusChem 4, 55 (2011). [10] E. Kemnitz, S. Wuttke, S.M. Coman, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 31, 4773 (2011). [11] S. Wuttke, A. Negoi, N. Gheorghe, V. Kuncser, E. Kemnitz, V. Parvulescu, S.M. Coman, ChemSusChem 5, 1708 (2012). [12] A. Onda, T. Ochi, K. Yanagisawa, Green Chem. 10, 1033 (2008). 174 Photocatalytic decomposition of pharmaceutical ibuprofen pollutions in water over titania catalyst L. Frunza in cooperation with J. Choina, H. Kosslick*, Ch. Fischer, G.-U. Flechsig, A. Schulz University of Rostock, Institute of Chemistry & Leibniz Institute of Catalysis e.V., Rostock, Germany with additional characterization studies by S. Frunza, C. P. Ganea, F. Cotorobai, L. Diamandescu, F. Ungureanu in cooperation with A. Schönhals BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany Photocatalytic abatement of hazardous pharmaceuticals by advanced oxidation processes like photocatalysis over titanium dioxide (titania) is of the highest interest (e.g. [1]) while removal of dangerous contaminants from wastewater is still a serious problem. Only few publications deal with the abatement of these contaminants, most of those considered being dyes. Using titania catalysts is very attractive for effective degradation of drugs and other harmful organic pollutants especially under UV–Vis irradiation. Titania is a nonhazardous compound, which is eco-friendly and does not require any additional chemical. It can be recovered and re-used. Most of the studies deal with high concentration of pollutants using high catalyst amounts from 0.1 to 1 g/L and 10– 100 mg/L of substrate; only few investigations consider the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals at low concentration over titania. Ibuprofen (IBP) belongs to a class of widely met water pollutants, which is biologically active and has strong impact on the environment even in small concentrations. This compound occurs in unchanged form and incompletely metabolized forms. Thus, by-products of ibuprofen, which are 175 present in the aquatic environment in low concentration are still harmful for human and animals. The occurrence of these side products has been often reported in the literature but only high concentrated solutions were investigated so far [2]. The aim of this work [3] was to revisit the catalytic properties of titania in order to get precise information on catalytic performance at low concentration, which is of increasing importance. The antiinflammatory drug ibuprofen was used as model compound at low concentration in water. Commercially available titania P25 from Degussa has been used as the photocatalyst. It was firstly activated in air by heating at 100◦C for 2h. The samples were then milled in a mortar. Ibuprofen sodium salt (IBP-Na) was purchased from Sigma–Aldrich. All solutions were prepared using ultrapure water (see details in [3]). The crystallinity and phase composition of the catalyst were checked by powder diffraction measurements. The position of the band gap was confirmed by solid state UV–Vis spectrometry in diffuse reflection mode. The catalyst was investigated regarding texture, particle shape and size using electron microscopy and by nitrogen adsorption/desorption measure-ments. Survey and high resolution XP spectra (e.g. that in Fig. 1) and FTIR spectra in the reflection diffuse mode were collected [4]. IBU-Na concentration was monitored by measuring the absorbance of the samples in UV–Vis (particularly at 222 nm). Formation and degradation of the intermediate products of IBU-Na photocatalysis (at room temperature) was checked by ESI-TOF-MS (details in [3]). The photocatalytic reaction was carried out in a batch reactor. Different amounts of catalyst powder were suspended in the aqueous solution of IBP-Na. The reactor was equipped with 4 UV–Vis solarium lamps (15 W) irradiating with an intensity of 2 mW/cm2 (details in [3]). Counts 15 Jul 1909 A 530.79 eV 1.29 eV 7118.5 cts B 531.45 eV 0.99 eV 3066.34 cts C 532.45 eV 1.34 eV 1905.13 cts 34000 D 533.77 eV 1.24 eV 868.942 cts 30000 Baseline: 536.03 to 528.66 eV Chi square: 5.88037 26000 A 38000 B 22000 _ 18000 C 14000 D 10000 6000 2000 540 536 532 Binding Energy, eV 528 524 Fig. 1 High-resolution oxygen XP spectrum of P25 176 sample; decomposition of the peaks and Shirley background are included. The locations of the binding energies for the peaks which create the O(1s) signal (Fig. 1) agree well with the reported values for bulk oxide (O2−) and hydroxyl (OH−) species (details in [4]). P25 material consists of nanosized particles with a primary diameter of 10–30 nm. They are regular round shaped and partly agglomerated. The specific surface area of P25 titania is ca. 54 m2/g. The particles are not porous. The catalytic performance of titania P25 in the abatement of IBU pollutions in water has been investigated in detail: The influence of different reaction conditions such as different substrate (see Fig. 2) and catalyst concentration and corresponding various catalyst-to-substrate mass ratios, pH value and additional oxygen supply during the degradation were investigated. The possibility of catalyst re-use has been also checked (see [3]). Fig. 2 Relative abatement of IBU-Na in water during photocatalysis over P25 for different IBPNa concentrations and the same catalyst amount (10 mg/L) (see ref.[3]). As expected, the absolute amount of abated IBP increases markedly with growing substrate concentration (Fig. 2). For example, the percentage removal of IBP after 30 min is 10% (for the 60 ppm solution) and 62% (for the 5 ppm solution), but the absolute amount varies in fact respectively between 6 mg/L and 3.1 mg/L for these two solutions. The results show that the IBU pollution can be rapidly oxidized over titania P25 catalyst. Moreover, it is possible to decrease the catalyst concentration and catalyst-to-substrate mass ratio for marked savings of catalysts. The abatement is accompanied by the formation of temporary reaction products which are the source of oligomer or polymer formation by radical reaction leading to the catalyst deactivation. Enhancement of the intrinsic photocatalytic activity is of importance and still a challenge. 177 References [1] O. Carp, C.L. Huisman, A. Reller, Progr. Solid State Chem. 32, 33 (2004). [2] F. Méndez-Arriaga, R.A. Torres-Palma et. al., Water Research 42, 4243 (2008). [3] J. Choina, H. Kosslick et al., Appl. Catal. B 129, 589 (2013). [4] F. Ungureanu, A. Manea et. al., Molec. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 562, 200 (2012). Arylenevinylinic and amidic compounds thin films for organic devices A. Stanculescu, M. Socol, O. Rasoga, M. Enculescu, in cooperation with F. Stanculescu, I. Ionita University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Magurele, Romania M. Grigoras, L. Vacareanu “P. Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi, Romania A.-Maria Albu University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania M. Girtan Laboratoire de Photonique d'Angers, Université d’Angers, Angers, France In the development of cheap technologies involving organic materials, a special attention was paid to the search for new organic compounds with adequate properties, determined by their molecular structure and solid state packing, to replace the expensive inorganic semiconductors in a large area of applications. Our research interest was focused on the identification of some π-conjugated systems, containing functional groups to improve the optical properties and charge carrier transport. We have studied thin films and heterostructures with active layer of an organic composite, polymer/amidic monomer based on aniline derivatives (cyan aniline/MM3, dinitro aniline/MM5 [1]) and of oligomers based on aromatic amines, like triphenylamines (1, 4-bis [4-(N,N’-diphenylamino)phenylvinyl] benzene/L78) and carbazoles 178 (3, 3’-bis (N-hexylcarbazole)vinylbenzene/L13) [2]. The attention was focused on the investigation of the relationship between morphology and optical and electrical properties, to develop devices with tailored performances, because the surface morphology plays a determinant role in the properties of the junctions realized with organic thin films [2]. We have prepared by spin coating thin films of composite material embedding amidic monomers in a polycarbonate of bisphenol A matrix, and made a spectrophotometric, microscopic and electric comparative study between these sample and those prepared from the same amidic monomers deposited by vacuum evaporation. The purpose was to emphasise the effect of the organic matrix on the optical and electrical properties, in correlation with the morphology and structure of the film [1]. The films obtained from the polycarbonate containing monomers with two nitrous substituents to the aromatic nucleus (MM5) have shown high transparency and good photoluminescence (PL) in the green region of the solar spectrum [1]. 10-2 a) 10-2 10-3 10-3 10-4 10-4 -5 10-5 -6 10-6 10 Current (A) Current (A) 10 -7 10 -8 10 MM3 Poly.:MM3 10-9 10-7 10-8 10-9 10-10 10-10 -11 -11 10 10-12 0.1 b) MM5 poly.:MM5 10 1 Voltage (V) 10 10-12 0.1 1 Voltage (V) 10 Fig. 1: I-V characteristics of different Si/organic/Si structures based on MMx monomer: x=3 (a) and x=5 (b) [1]. Good electrical transport properties have been evidenced at voltages >0.6 V (I>10-8 A) with a linear I-V characteristic between 1 V and 10 V [1] (Fig.1). The composite film prepared with monomer MM3 has shown intense Two Photon Absorption Fluorescence/TPF, while that prepared with MM5 has shown both Second Harmonic Generation/SHG and TPF (Fig.2). 179 104 103 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) MM5 Poly.:MM5 Intensity (counts) Intensity (counts) MM3 Poly.:MM3 104 103 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (nm) Fig, 2: Non-linear optical effects in MMx and polycarbonate/MMx samples: x=3; 5 [1] These properties are influenced by the typical morphology and high degree of disorder of the spin coated layers [1]. Fig. 3: logI-logV characteristics of ITO/L13(L78)/Si(n; p) heterostructures [2]. 180 By comparison, most of the heterostructures ITO/oligomer/Si have shown a weak injector contact behavior both at direct and reverse bias (Fig. 3) and a limitation of the current by the effect of the space charge [2]. The quadratic dependence between the measured fluorescence and the excitation power for L78 thin film at laser powers <250 mW has confirmed the two-photon nature of the excitation (Fig. 4). The shape of the TPF spectra is similar to the shape of the linear fluorescence spectra confirming that both emissions are generated from the same excited state [2]. Fig. 4: TPF in oligomer thin films. Dependence of TPF intensity on the laser power for L78 thin film [2]. Fig. 5: SEM and AFM images of thin films on different substrates: a) L13 b) L78 [2] These films embedded some randomly distributed structures (Fig. 5), aggregates with acicular shape (L78) or platelet shape (L13), developed during the deposition process, but the similar roughness of the films is correlated with similar scattering, reducing the effect of the surface morphology on the films’ properties [2]. References 181 [1] F. Stanculescu, A. Stanculescu, M. Girtan, M. Socol, O. Rasoga, Synthetic Metals, 161 (23-24), 25892597 (2012) [2] O. Rasoga, L. Vacareanu, M. Grigoras, M. Enculescu, M. Socol, F. Stanculescu, I. Ionita, A. Stanculescu, Synthetic Metals 161 (23-24), 2612-2617 (2012) Hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO-Eu2O3 binary oxide with straight strips morphology and sensitivity to NO2 gas A. Stănoiu, C.E. Simion in cooperation with S. Somǎcescu1,2, A. Dinescu1, J.M.C. Moreno2 1 National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Bucharest-Romania 2 “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry, Romania Academy, Bucharest-Romania Within the present research, ZnO-Eu2O3 binary oxide have been synthesized using a hydrothermal route assisted by ionic surfactant (CTAB) highlighting strips like morphology and high sensor signal towards low NO2 concentration (3ppm) in humid air background. Thus, as obtained powders were the subjects of several morphological and structural investigations (SEM, XRD XPS) together with an appropriate evaluation of their gas-sensing properties when exposed to NO2 and CO gases [1]. SEM images reveal a significant quantity of straight strips having a porous nature and prominent presence of hierarchical structure morphologies (see Fig.1) Fig. 1 SEM investigations of ZnO-Eu2O3 materials performed after the heat-treatment at 600°C 182 The element relative concentration of Eu obtained from EDAX analysis was 2.7% whereas from XPS surface analysis it turned to be 3.3%. The obtained X-ray diffraction data was indexed to wurtzite ZnO (hexagonal with space group P63mc, 186) which corresponds to the JCPDS No. 36-1451. The exception was the weak feature at 2θ~ 28 deg, indexed to the main peak of Eu2O3 with a body centered cubic structure (space group Ia3, 206), in agreement with the standard value (JCPDS No. 34-0392). The XPS analysis was involved in order to determine the chemical states of the elements present on the surface beside their relative concentrations. Consequently, Figure 2 shows the high resolution spectra recorded for the Eu 3d transitions before and after the gas sensing investigations. Fig. 2 The XPS superimposed spectra of ZnO-Eu2O3 materials The recorded spectra revealed the fact that europium exhibited only the presence of Eu3+ as Eu2O3 on the outermost surface layer (<5nm). This assignment is based mainly on the exhaustive work of Mercier et al. [2], as well. Another interesting finding was that before and after exposure to toxic gases (NO2 and CO) the surface chemistry has not suffered changes. Thus, high resolution XPS measurements revealed a very stable surface of the material which is not affected by successive exposures in different gaseous environments. Regarding the gas-sensing investigations, NO2 target gas was mixed with synthetic humid air using a fully computer controlled system in order to achieve the desired concentration range. The sensitive materials have been deposited by screen printing over alumina substrates provided with Pt electrodes on one side and Pt heater on the other side. Samples were exposed to different NO2 concentrations (310 ppm) in humid air background (50% RH). The exposure and recovery time was set to 30 min, while the stabilization time needed for samples to reach a steady state, was 1h at the beginning of each set of gas exposure (see Figure 3a). 183 140 (a) 10 ppm NO2 120 Resistance (MΩ) 100 5 ppm NO2 80 3 ppm NO2 60 40 air 50% RH 20 0 S = 26 S = 16 0 1 2 S = 44 3 4 Time (h) Fig. 3a. Time dependence of the electrical resistance of ZnO-Eu2O3 material during NO2 exposure in humid air background. The operating temperature was set to 300°C. The maximum relative humidity of 50% was chosen as an average value for ambient atmosphere. The measurements were repeated for different operation temperatures in the range between 150300ºC in order to establish the optimum detection conditions. The gas sensing properties of a n-type polycrystalline metal oxide semiconductor can be properly evaluated through their sensor signal S [3]. This is defined as the resistance ratio Rgas/Rair when the sensitive material is exposed to oxidizing gases or Rair/Rgas for reducing gases exposure. Specific to the tested temperature range, the possible interfering gas is carbon monoxide. Thus, we found out that the sensor signal towards 500 ppm CO exposure with ZnO-Eu2O3 materials was not higher than 1.09 (arb.units). The work of S. Bai et al. [4] presents a sensor based 1D ZnO nanostructures synthesized by hydrothermal process using CTAB as organic template. Their material exhibited the highest response to 40 ppm of NO2 together with high selectivity towards CO and CH4 (when tested to the same target gas concentration). The tests have been done at 400°C as operating temperature. As it can see in Figure 3a, the detection limit has been decreased until 3 ppm NO2 operated at 300°C. A linear dependence with respect to the target gas concentrations is shown in Figure 3b. 40 30 2 Signal S=RNO /Rair (a.u.) (b) Experimental results Linear Fit 50 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 NO2 concentration (ppm) Fig. 3b. Sensor signal linear-dependence on the NO2 concentration. Thus, the high sensor signal to NO2 in humid air background beside its low sensitivity towards CO, recommend ZnO-Eu2O3 as a good candidate in selective detection of NO2. 184 References [1] S. Somǎcescu, A. Dinescu, A. Stǎnoiu, C.E. Simion, J.M.C. Moreno, Mat. Lett. 2012;89;219-222. [2] F. Mercier, C. Alliot, I. Bion, N. Thromat, P. Toulhoat, J. Electron Spectrosc. 2006;150;21-26. [3] N. Bârsan, D. Koziej, U. Weimar, Sens. Actuators B. 2007;121;18-35. [4] S. Bai, X. Liu, D. Li, S. Chen, R. Luo, A. Chen, Sens. Actuators B. 2011;153;110-116. Structural, electric and magnetic properties of CoFe1.8RE0.2O4 (RE=Dy, Gd, La) bulk materials T. Popescu, M. Feder in cooperation with G. Dascalu, O. F. Caltun Faculty of Physics, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania Modified cobalt ferrites are promising materials for applications like magneto-optical devices and high-density recording media due to their large coercive field, high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, moderate saturation magnetization, remarkable chemical stability and mechanical hardness. Pure spinel cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) also exhibits a large magnetostriction coefficient (λs~110 x 10-6), thus making it a good candidate for sensors and actuators applications. An increasing attention was recently given to magnetoelectric composites based on cobalt ferrite. Is is known that substitution / addition of cations in the basic chemical composition of ferrite materials greatly influence the structural, magnetic, electric and mechanical properties of these compounds. For example, the effects of manganese and silicon substitutions for iron in cobalt ferrite have been previously studied and reported [1-3]. Also, the influence of some rare earth (RE) cations, as iron substituents, on the properties of different types of ferrites was also investigated [4]. The substitution of iron with lanthanum in the chemical composition of cobalt ferrite determines an increase in resistivity and a decrease in its dielectric and magnetic losses [5]. 185 The present study addresses the effects of RE (RE = Dy, Gd, La) substitution for iron in the spinel cobalt ferrite CoFe1.8RE0.2O4, on the structural, dielectric, magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of such bulk materials [6]. For all three types of substitutes, the XRD patterns of the pressed and sintered compacts reveal the presence of only two phases: a spinel phase and a perovskitic REFeO3 structure (Fig.1). Fig.1 XRD patterns for compacts with chemical composition CoFe1.8Gd0.2O4 sintered at 1250 °C, for 5h in air. All densities calculated for the substituted samples were lower compared to that obtained for the stoichiometric cobalt ferrite compact. The higher porosity of the substituted ferrites may appear as a consequence of the presence of a relativly high amount of perovskitic phase on the grain boundaries, which may suppress the sintering process of the pressed compacts, as in case of Ni-Zn ferrite with small RE2O3 substitutions [7]. Regarding the effects of RE substitutions in cobalt ferrite on its magnetic properties, results indicated an increased coercive field (Hc) and a decreased saturation magnetization (Ms). The reduction of magnetization was found to be proportional to the ionic radii of the RE substituents, being induced by the weakening of the magnetic exchange interactions. Enhanced values of Hc for RE doped cobalt ferrites were expected due to the higher level of spin-orbit coupling compared to CoFe2O4 bulk material. The variation of magnetoelectric coefficient with the applied dc magnetic field is presented in Fig.2. Because of the large ionic radii of the RE cation compared to the Fe3+, a distortion of the spinel structure was induced by the substitution, leading to the development of a spontaneous polarization and an 186 electric response. The magnetoelectric coefficients for CoFe1.8RE0.2O4 are weaker than the ones reported for Gd and Nd doped nickel ferrite systems [8]. 5 CoFe1.8Dy0.2O4 CoFe1.8Gd0.2O4 CoFe1.8La0.2O4 αME (µV/cm Oe) 0 -5 -10 -15 0 1000 2000 3000 H (Oe) 4000 5000 6000 7000 Fig.2 Magnetoelectric coefficient dependence on dc magnetic field. The magnetostriction curves of the sintered samples are shown in Fig.3. The negative slopes (dλ/dH) of these curves decrease at low fields due to the increase of coercive fields as the ionic radii of the rare earth substitutes become larger. Although the maxima of magnetostriction coefficients of CoFe1.8RE0.2O4 presented decreases of up to 13 %, their values were still higher than those reported for other ferrites [9]. The studied compacts served as solid targets for pulsed laser deposition of high magnetostriction coefficient thin films [10]. 187 Parallel CoFe2O4 CoFe1.8Dy0.2O4 CoFe1.8Gd0.2O4 CoFe1.8La0.2O4 Deformation (ppm) 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 H (Oe) Fig.3 Magnetostriction curves for all sintered cobalt ferrite samples. References [1] O.Caltun, I.Dumitru, M.Feder, L.Diamandescu, I.Bibicu, F.Vasiliu, N.Lupu, V.Vilceanu, J. Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 10 (2008) 1775-1778. [2] O.Caltun, I.Dumitru, M.Feder, N.Lupu, H.Chiriac, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320 (2008) e869-e873. [3] M.N.Palamaru, A.R.Iordan, C.D.Aruxandrei, I.A.Gorodea, E.A.Perianu, I.Dumitru, M.Feder, O.F.Caltun, J.Optoelectron. Adv. Mater. 10 (2008) 1853-1856. [4] M.A.Ahmed, N.Okasha, M.M.El-Sayed, Ceram. Inter. 33 (2007) 49-58. [5] P.Kumar, S.K.Sharma, M.Knobel, M.Singh, J.Alloy. Compd. 508 (2010) 115-118. [6] G.Dascalu, T.Popescu, M.Feder, O.Caltun, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 333 (2013) 69-74. [7] N.Rezlescu, E.Rezlescu, Journal de Physique IV 7 (1997) C1-225-C1-2. [8] K.Kamala Bharathi, J.Arout Chelvane, G.Markandeyulu J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321 (2009) 3677-3680. [9] V.L.Mathe, A.D.Sheikh, Physica B 405 (2010) 3594-3598. [10] G. Dascalu, D. Durneata, O.F. Caltun, IEEE Trans. Mag. 49 (2013) 46-49. 188 PATENTS AND PATENT REQUESTS 189 PATENTS C.M. Teodorescu, N. Gligan, M.L. Gligan Nanocluster source for the selection depending on cluster size a 2006 00716 A2 (RO-BOPI 4/2009 G08G p. 42) M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Lőrinczi, A. Tomescu, C. Simion, G. Socol, I.N. Mihailescu, S. Miclos, D. Savastru Material sensitive to methane gas and threshold sensor for methane detection Brevet OSIM Nr. 123461 /29.06.2012 PATENT REQUESTS R. Dragomir Digitization method of instruments belonging to guitar family with metallic chords by building of conducting bands matrix A/00600/ 16.08.2012 R. Dragomir Digitization method of instruments belonging to guitar family with metallic chords by means of identification circuits of maximum potential key and threshold potential setting A/00599/ 16.08.2012 C. Cotirlan-Simioniuc Sensor with nanostructured surface for resonannt techniques of single molecule detection A/00343 / 16.05.2012 C. Cotirlan-Simioniuc, M.F. Lazarescu Method and measuring device of optical properties of thin films deposited on surfaces or interfaces with internal total reflexion A/00501/ 24.05.2011 C. M. Teodorescu, N.G. Apostol Fabrication of targets with nanometric thickness for interactions with power lasers based on metal evaporation on solidified rare gases A/00899 / 29.11.2012 190 SEMINARIES 191 SEMINARIES Regular Seminaries General Seminar, 20 March 2012, 10:00 "La microscopie électronique en transmission en mode balayage : un outil indispensable pour l’étude des nanostructures" presented by Dr. Jacques Werckmann, Visiting Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil General Seminar 24 April 2012, 10:00 Superconducting research at Beijing University of Technology (24.04.2012). Prof. Hong Li Suo (Beijing University of Technology-Beijing China) General Seminar - Agilrom Scientific SRL Romania,Thursday 21 May 2012, 10:00 hours. Title: "The right technique in elemental inorganic analysis: AAS, AES or ICPMS" Dr. Hans-Dieter Projahn, Product Specialist AA & MP-AES ,Spectroscopy Solutions Division, Agilent Technologies, Germany si Dr. Alin Mogos, Spectroscopy Department, Agilrom Scientific SRL, Romania General Seminar, Wednesday 23 May 2012, 11:30 hours "Reversible electrical switching of spin polarization in multiferroic tunnel junctions" presented by Dr. Marin Alexe, MPI Halle, Germany General Seminar - AMS 2000 Trading Impex SRL, Vineri 27 Iulie 2012. Titlu: "Noi tehnici de lucru XRD si aplicatiile lor in caracterizarea materialelor" prezentat de Dl. Uwe Preckwinkel, reprezentantul Rigaku Corporation pentru Europa de Est Workshops Advanced workshop on solar energy conversion 21-23 May 2012, Bucharest, Romania 21.05.2012 Eric Daniel GLOVACKI, Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOSJohannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria Learning from nature: hydrogen-bonded macromolecules for organic electronics Paolo FORNASIERO: University of Trieste, Italy Photocatalitic H_2 and added value byproducts: the role of metal oxide systems in their synthesis from liquid oxygenates 192 Vanni LUGHI: University of Trieste, Italy Nanotechnology for photovoltaics Leonid CULIUC: Institutul de Fizica Aplicata al ASM, Chisinau, R. Moldova Preparation of solar cells by low cost spraying technology 22.05.2012 Paolo FORNASIERO: University of Trieste, Italy Exceptional activity for methane oxidation with catalysts prepared by modular assembly of Pd@CeO2 subunits Stefano FABRIS: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy Computational modeling of new materials for solar-driven fuel production Nicola SERIANI: ICTP Trieste, Italy Computational materials science for energy applications Teketel Yohannes ANSHEBO: Addis Ababa University , Ethiopia Conducting polymers based photo-electrochemical solar energy conversion Branko PIVAC: Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia Nanomaterials for photovoltaics Mihaela GIRTAN: Angers University, France Electronics and photonics: two sciences in the benefit of solar energy conversion 23.05.2012 Daniel EGBE: JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria Polymer-based organic solar cells Serdar SARICIFTCI: JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria Organic-inorganic nanostructures for solar energy conversion Serdar SARICIFTCI: JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria Charge carrier transport in organic photovoltaic devices Daniel EGBE: JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria 193 ANSOLE - solar energy for Africa The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, Rocam 2012 28-31 August 2012, Brasov, Romania Section Organizers S4: Thin Films of Multifunctional Materials for Advanced Applications Joe Greene, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Lucian Pintilie, National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania Maria Dinescu, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania Nicu-Doinel Scarisoreanu, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania S5: Advanced Ceramics: From Micro- to Nanoscale Matjaz Valant, University of Nova Gorica , Slovenia Magda Nistor, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Romania Liviu Nedelcu, National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania S7: Modelling and Characterization of Advanced Materials Daniel Vizman, West University of Timisoara, Romania Marius Volmer, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Ovidiu Florin Caltun, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania Corneliu Ghica, National Institute of Materials Physics, Romania Foreign participants Dr. Gwenel Le Rhun RF Components Laboratory, CEA-LETI-MINATEC, Grenoble, France Dr. Leo McGilly Ceramics Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Prof. Marina Tjunina University of Oulu Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories Faculty of Technology University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland Dr. Pietro Delugas Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), Italy Dr. Florencio Sanchez ICMAB-CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain Dr. Andreas Klein University of Darmstadt, FG Oberflächenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany Dr. Nick Barrett CEA Saclay, CEA DSM, IRAMIS, Gif Sur Yvette, France 194 Diaspora în Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania „Seminte de Viitor – Seeds for the Future”, 25-28 Septembrie 2012, Bucuresti. 1. Workshop "Teorie si experiment in fizica suprafetelor, interfetelor si nanoparticulelor", 26 - 27 September 2012. 2. Workshop "Materiale in conditii extreme: procesare, caracterizare si aplicatii", 26 - 27 September 2012. Workshop "Teorie si experiment in fizica suprafetelor, interfetelor si nanoparticulelor" Lectii invitate diaspora Adrian Ionescu (Cavendish Laboratory, UK)- Suprafete si interfete formate de straturi subtiri si de nanoparticule fero- si antiferomagnetice. Andrei Manolescu (School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University, Iceland)-Stari electronice in nanowires cilindrice Didina Serban (CEA Saclay, France)-Metode exacte pentru sisteme magnetice unidimensionale Marin Alexe (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Halle/Saale, Germany) - Domenii si interfete in materiale feroice Lucian Filip (Advanced Technology Institute, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom) - Efecte de tunelare in capacitori n-4H-SiC/SiO2 la temperaturi scazute Workshop “Materiale in conditii extreme: procesare, caracterizare si aplicatii” Lectii invitate diaspora A. Jianu Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany T. Retegan Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Suedia D. Axinte University of Nottingham, UK 195 M. Tomut GSI Darmstadt, Germany L. Zigoneanu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA M. Calin Institute for Complex Materials, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Dresden, Germany J. Groza Univ. California Davis, USA EVENTS Advanced workshop on solar energy conversion, 21-23 May 2012, Bucharest, Romania Renewable energy resources are needed to meet our clean energy demand. Since any long term energy supply must be based on solar energy, photovoltaic energy conversion will become indispensable in the future. The transition from the conventional energy, based on fossil fuels or nuclear fission, to sustainable energies, is presently hampered by the low efficiencies or high costs of the available materials. The development of new materials by engineering their structure at the nano-scale is recognized to be the key issue which could increase the performance of both renewable energy conversion and energy storage. In this sense, new materials are a of crucial importance for a possible transition towards a more sustainable energy economy. The Workshop has included of invited lectures addressed by leading researchers in the field, as well as contributed oral presentations. Also, a poster session will be organized. The main topics covered in this workshop were: • • • • photovoltaics artificial photosynthesis electrocatalysis batteries 196 The workshop is organized by: the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development at Horia Hulubei Foundation (Magurele-Bucharest); the National Institute for Materials Science (Magurele-Bucharest); Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest; Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics (Trieste) and the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (Magurele-Bucharest). Scientific directors: Teketel Yohannes Anshebo (Addis Ababa), Stefan Antohe (Bucharest), Ionut Enculescu (Bucharest), Joseph Niemela (ICTP) Scientific secretary: Victor Barsan (Bucharest) Local organizers : Sorina Iftimie, Adrian Radu, Alin Velea (Bucharest) We mention among the participants:Eric Daniel Glovacki, Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOSJohannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, Paolo Fornasiero , University of Trieste, Italy, Vanni Lughi , University of Trieste, Italy, Leonid Culiuc , Institutul de Fizica Aplicata al ASM, Chisinau, R. Moldova, Stefano Fabris , Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, Trieste, Italy, Nicola Seriani , ICTP Trieste, Italy, Teketel Yohannes Anshebo , Addis Ababa University , Ethiopia , Branko Pivac , Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, Mihaela Girtan , Angers University, France, Daniel Egbe , JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria, Serdar Sariciftci , JKU Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells (LIOS) / Institute of Physical Chemistry, Linz, Austria . The 7th International Conference on Advanced Materials, ROCAM 2012, August28-31, Brasov, Romania During the conference have been presented 274 contributions by researchers coming from Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA. This conference has benefited from the participation of personalities of high prestige in the field such as: Prof. Roberto FORNARI (Germany), director of IKZ Berlin, associate professor at the University Humbold Berlin, president of the “International Organization for Crystal Growth”; 3 Editor-in-Chief [Prof. Thomas KUECH-USA (J Crystal Growth), Prof. Joseph GREENEUSA (Thin Solid Films) and Prof. Martin GREEN-Australia (Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications-Impact Factor: 5.789)]; Prof.Tatau NISHINAGA (Japan), expresident of “International Organization for Crystal Growth”; Sefik SUZER (Turkey), 197 editorApplied Surface Science; Jeffrey DERBY (USA), ex-president of the American Society on Crystal Growth. * Dr. Liviu Nedelcu, organizer of Session S5: Advanced Ceramics: From Micro- to Nanoscale, to International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM 2012, August 28-31, Brasov, Romania (2012) * Dr. Pintilie Lucian, organizer of Session S4: Thin Films of Multifunctional Materials for Advanced Applications, to International Conference on Advanced Materials-ROCAM 2012, August 28-31, Brasov, Romania (2012) Exploratory workshop “Thin films of multifunctional materials”, Brasov, 28-30.08.2012. Invited speakers: Dr. Gwenel Le Rhun RF Components Laboratory, CEA-LETI-MINATEC, Grenoble, France Dr. Leo McGilly Ceramics Laboratory, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Prof. Marina Tjunina University of Oulu Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories Faculty of Technology University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland Dr. Pietro Delugas Dipartimento di Fisica, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Monserrato (CA), ITALY Dr. Florencio Sanchez ICMAB-CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain Dr. Andreas Klein University of Darmstadt, FG Oberflächenforschung, Material- und Geowissenschaften Materialwissenschaft, Darmstadt, Germany Dr. Nick Barrett CEA Saclay, Gif Sur Yvette, France Research Director IRAMIS SPCSI CEA-Saclay Diaspora în Cercetarea Stiintifica si Invatamantul Superior din Romania „Seminte de Viitor – Seeds for the Future”, 25-28 Septembrie 2012, Bucuresti. I.Workshop "Theory and experiment in surface, interface and nanoparticle physics" September 26-27, 2012 (Chair: Dr. Cristian Mihail Teodorescu) 198 Intensive studies of surfaces interfaces and nanoparticles reached an unpreceded intensity during the last three decades, resulting - for instance - in several Nobel prizes (Physics: 1981, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1998, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010; Chemistry: 1983, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1992, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011). The overwhelming majority of phenomena connected to the interaction (chemical, mechanical, metallurgical, electromagnetic) between two bodies takes place at the interface between the two bodies. Also, the physical and chemical properties of surfaces govern the reactivity, degradation, corrosion, catalysis, wear, reflectrivity and absorption of electromagnetic radiation. The science of nanoparticles, which are entities presenting a high ratio between atoms or molecules situated at the surface and those from the bulk finds nowadays more an more applications in information storae technology, various kinds of sensors, catalysis, molecular identification ("electronic nose"), medical applications (targeted drug delivery, hyperthermia, biosensors), remarkable optical properties. Nanoparticles are nowadays the base building blocks of nanostructured materials, metamaterials, photonic crystals, materials with miscellaneous applications (from civil engineering to textile industry or to paints, varnishes, coatings, etc.) The more and more diversified paradygms in surface, interface and nanoparticle science cover nowadays different areas belonging to fundamental physics, applied physics, chemistry, metallurgy and materials science, biochemistry, biology; also, a multitude of ab-initio theories, phenomenologies and mathematical physics concentrate efforts in this area. Given the diversity of these approaches, very often the communication between these distinct areas is difficult. In the organization of this workshop, we will use an important characteristic of Romanian or Romanian-born scientists: the ability of understanding at an acceptable level both the experimental, applied aspects and the theoretical, fundamental aspects, especially in different areas of Physics. More concretely, probably owing to the Romanian school which aimed in the past the simultaneous formation of scientists as theoreticians or experimentalists, Romanian experimental scientists are not completely isolated from theoretical methods or models, and theoreticians are connected also to the experimental methods used to probe their theories. The workshop had 38 participants, 20 from Romania and 18 scientists working abroad. About one half (i.e. 7) of the contributions presented to this workshop had this mixed character, theoretical and experimental. There were also some (i.e. 2) purely theoretical contributions, and there were also some contributions which belonged to the experimental science only (6). The aim of this workshop was to create a synergy between theoreticians and experimentalists, such that theoreticians may be initiated in the most recent experimental techniques used to date, and experimentalists to be made aware of the most advanced theoretical predictions susceptible to be confirmed experimentally and put into practice for practical applications. Such theoretical and experimental workshops are, unfortunately, not that numerous in contemporary science; under the auspices of the common national interest of increase of the visibility of Romanian scientists worldwide, it is to suppose that a net benefit will result for contemporary science, i.e. to identify 199 3-5 subjects of extreme fertility on which both theoreticians and experimentalists can collaborate; at the same time, one has to identify commn subjects of interests for scientists working in Romania and abroad. Wednesday, September 26 1.The first talk was given by Mrs. Nicoleta Apostol, PhD student from the Surfaces and Interfaces Group of the National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP), which presented the talk "Reactivity and magnetism in ferromagnetic thin layers grown on semiconductors by molecular beam epitaxy" This work represents about 75 % of her PhD thesis and analyzes the following systems: -clean Si(001), where Nicoleta's team demonstrated that Si(001), when atomically clean, presents surface reconstructions such as (4 x 2) and (6 x 2). The usual (2 x 1) reconstruction, which was believed until now to be a certain signature of clean Si(001), occurs also in the case of a contamination of half a monolayer of CO. These CO radicals are attached to surface Si dimers and this gives the superstructure (2 x 1). Also, it is shown that surface analysis by Auger electron spectroscopy and by LEED induces a much stronger surface contamination than the analysis by XPS. -Fe/Si(001), where it was shown that ferromagnetism exusts, one computes the atomic magnetic moment of Fe (1 Bohr magneton) and one establishes that the interface layer obtained by high temperature deposition is formed by Fe3Si. -Sm/Si(001), where one shows that this system is also ferromagnetic. In addition to Fe/Si(001), this system exhibits also long range order. The ferromagnetic compound formed at the interface is Sm4Si3, co-existing with SmSi2, non-ferromagnetic. Also, the Nicoleta and her co-authors demonstrated that the interpretation of Sm 3d XPS spectra published to date are wrong and explained which was the error of these interpretations. -Mn/Ge(001) deposited at high temperature (above 250 °C) forms a room temperature ferromagnetic alloy , which is a mixture between diamond-like Fe with Mn substituted (each Mn atom having 4 Ge neighbors) and a CsCl-tye crystal structure, where each Mn has 8 Ge neighbors. -Fe/Ge(001) deposited at elevated temperatures (700 °C) formes a diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor. The long-range crystalline order of Ge(001) is kept, there is room temperature ferromagnetism, and also a string uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. 200 The results were published in J. Mater. Sci. (x 2), Phys. Stat. Solidi, Appl. Surf. Sci.; some results presented here are not yet published. 2. Dr. Adrian Ionescu - "Surfaces and interfaces formed by thin layers and nanoparticles exhibiting ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism" Dr. Adrian Ionescu is currently Director of the Materials Growth Facility, Thin Film Magnetism Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK In this talk he presented new experiments on nanoparticles and nanostructured systems in magnetic layers used as biosensors, and also in Eu oxide based nanostructures. During the discussions, it was asserted that Dr. Ionescu will certainly benefit fully from the expertise of the surface science team in NIMP connected both to electron spectroscopies of rare earth oxides, and also feom the spin- and angle-resolved photoemission facility. 3. Dr. Nicoleta Lupu - " Effect of the surface coordination chemistry on the magnetic/electric properties of 1-D and 2-D nanostructures " Dr. Nicoleta Lupu is actually General Manager of the National Institute for Technical Physics Iasi Surface chemistry is of great importance for the macroscopic behavior of magnetic nanomaterials. On the other hand, for 2-D and 3-D materials, the magnetic behavior of surface region atoms plays an important role in determining the macroscopic magnetic properties of the whole system. The symmetry is reduced for the chemical surroundings of the magnetic metal cations at the surface due to the incomplete coordination sphere, which leads to local disordered spin structures. In this report one discussed recent results on the effect of ligands on the surface chemistry, magnetic and magnetostransport properties of: (1) Fe/Fe2O3 and Fe/Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles and (2) e-beam evaporated Co and Ni81Fe19 thin films with thicknesses below 300 nm. Core-shell nanoparticles have been prepared by high-energy ball milling. In the presence of air or Ar, the Fe core was progressively covered with a Fe2O3 shell, and the obtained Fe/Fe2O3 nanoparticles are ferromagnetic, whilst the Fe/Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles obtained by wet milling of Fe microparticles exhibit a weak ferromagnetic behavior. To understand the surface chemistry and its influence on the magnetic properties of Fe/FexOy core-shell nanoparticles, their surface was systematically modified with ligands. The change of the magnetic properties of nanoparticles correlates with the specific coordinating functional group bound on the nanoparticles surface, suggesting the decrease in spin-orbital coupling and surface anisotropy of magnetic nanoparticles due to the changes in the surface coordination. The main advantage of 201 such core-shell nanoparticles in biomedical applications, compared with simple Fe-oxides nanoparticles, resides in their easier use and manipulation for specific applications. The induced surface spins disorder in Ni81Fe19 thin films with bulk in-plane anisotropy is less significant when the ligands are used for a short period of time, whereas long-time functionalized thin films clearly show an induced out-of-plane surface anisotropy competing with the in-plane bulk one, and determining the increase of the coercive and saturation fields. Co functionalized thin films develops some random local surface anisotropies which in combination with the bulk out-of-plane anisotropy reduce the coercive and saturation fields. The easy axis of Co thin films is tilted from out-of-plane towards in-plane direction when the Co-Co metallic bonds from the surface are destroyed by ligand. 4. Dr. Cristian M. Teodorescu - "Surface reactivity, charge transfer and energetic band bendings at metal-ferroelectric contacts" Dr. Cristian M. Teodorescu is the leader of the Surfaces, Interfaces and Electron Spectroscopies group from the National Institute of Materials Physics Bucharest-Magurele This communication presented last minute results on the growth of gold layers on PZT [Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3] deposited on STO [SrTiO3], investigated in-situ by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, with gold thicknesses in the range 0.2-10 nm. Prior to the Au growth, the samples are characterized by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy in order to assess the relative weight of ferroelectrically poled domains. By X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy one identifies two phases, whose compositions are quite close to nominal PZT. The first phase is manifested by all of its binding energies (Pb 4f, Ti 2p, Zr 3d, O 1s) sensibly equal to the tabulated values for PZT (in the NIST XPS database), whereas the second phase exhibits all core levels shifted by ~ 1 eV towards higher binding energies. By taking into account also scanning probe microscopy images together with recent photoemission results from the literature, the second phase is ascribed to P(+) (polarization pointing upwards, from PZT to vacuum) regions of PZT, whereas the first phase is attributed to regions with no net ferroelectric polarization. Gold deposition induces a band bending of PZT - Au ~ 0.4-0.5 eV, rigidy for both phases; this manifests as similar shifts for all core levels towards higher binding energies when gold is deposited. The gold 4f core level exhibits also a unusually low binding energy component 1 eV below the metal-like Au 4f binding energy position (83.8 eV). This implies the existence of negatively charged gold, or of a quite unusual phenomenon, electron transfer from PZT to Au. This is highly improbable, since from the band bending behaviour it is inferred that the unpoled PZT phase should have a higher work function (it is p-doped). Most probably this charge transfer occurs towards Au nanoparticles, which have even higher ionization energies than p-doped PZT. High resolution transmission electron microscopy evidenced the formation of such isolated nanoparticles. 202 Also, the last part of the talk has a theoretical character, it was proven how one can determine the shape of the band bending occuring both at metal / unpolarized semiconductor and at a metal / polarized ferroelectric. 5. Prof. Andrei Manolescu - "Electronic states in cylindrical nanowires" Prof. Andrei Manolescu is employed actually at the Universitaty of Reykjavik (Iceland). He is a renowned scientist, having during the last five years several publications in Nature (one) Science (one) and Nature Genetics (six papers). The thematic outlined in this talk concerns the quantum treatment of some systems of growing interest in applied research: that of electrical transport through nanowires, including transport of spin-polarized charge carriers. As particular cases, systems were analyzed which present spontaneous symmetry breaking in electroni properties, Kondo systems, supersconducting systems with quenching of the magnetic field, effects of Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, etc. 6. Dr. Didina Serban - "Exact methods for magnetic one-dimensional systems" Dr. Didina Serban leads the group of Mathematical Physics at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Saclay, France. In the presentation of the exact methods one noticed a considerable effort of the mathematical theoreticians on the levels of the experimentalists. In brief, the aim of this research is to establish equivalencies between methods which use completely different formalisms, such that between superstring theory with conformal field theory, or between some mathematical generalized models with second quantization (or field theory) models. The interest of such an activity is primordial, since one knows that among the most critical problems of modern physics is connected to the perturbative approach of the wide majority of systems describing real situations, bith in quantum mechanics and field theory formalisms. It is straightforward that a wide class of cases exists where the interaction constant is considerably larger than unity, therefore the successive perturbation orders give increasing contributions, instead of having the intensity of a contribution decreasing with the order of the perturbation. The nonperturbative field theories are, as a consequence, of large actuality. The talk of Dr. Didina Serban presented for non-initiated an overview of this extremely fascinating area. 7. Dr. Marian Alexe - "Domains and interfaces in ferroic materials" Dr. Marian Alexe is Senior Scientist at Max Planck Institute for Microstructure Physics, Halle. Probably one should mention that Dr. Marin Alexe publishes quite often in Nature Materials or in Advanced Materials and his Hirsch index is about 40. 203 Functional perovskite materials gain increasing significance due to their wide spectrum of attractive properties, including ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, conducting, superconducting, and multiferroic. Due to the developments of recent years, materials of this type can conveniently be grown in the form of epitaxial films, multilayers, superlattices, and well-ordered arrays of nanoislands, opening new avenues in addressing new phenomena which do not exist in single phase materials. The present talk will address topics which have been recently under focus, including topological vortices and vertices in ferroelectrics and multiferroics, anomalous photovoltaic effect and tunnel effects in multiferroic junctions, and which are closely related to domain walls and interfaces. A considerable attention will be given to the structure and functional properties of domain walls in multiferroic materials. Quite important results were evidenced regarding the structure of ferroelectric domanis. Dr. Alexe has shown, for instance, that charged adjacent walls (such as →←) extend over 4-5 elementary cells, while uncharged domain walls (on the type ↑↓) have practically zero width. During the discussions, there was the statement that still some ambiguities exist concerning the surfaces of the ferroelectrics, and that their behaviour may be evidenced by photoelectron spectroscopical techniques. 8. Mr. Leontin Padurariu - "Non-linear effects generated at crystallite borders in ferroelectrics" Although he is only in his first year oh PhD work, Mr. Leontin Padurariu from the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi preseted a very nice talk, in which he presented theoretical models and simulations on ferroelectric materials. The non-linear dielectric properties promote ferroelectric materials as principal active or passive elements to be used in microelectronics. For being suitable in non-linear applications a material must fulfill the following characteristis: low permittivity (some hundreds), a string variation of the permittivity with the applied field and low losses. Unfortunately, the known ferroelectric materials are characterized by a large permittivity and a high tunability. Therefore, it is of interest to find materials with non-linear properties, but with low dielectric constant. In order to reduce the permittivity one strategy was to reduce the grain size of a ferroelectric ceramics at nanoscale level. For instance, for a fine ceramic of BaTiO3 with a grain size below 100 nm the permittivity decreases to values lower than 1000, whereas the dependence of the permittivity on the electric field gets linearized. A ceramic mat be considered as a composite with ferroelectric grains (with the permittivity dependent on the local field) and ferroelectric borders (with a low permittivity, constant as function on the electric field). In order to compute the local electroc fields for different virtual ceramics with different grain sizes, one uses the Finite Element Method; following this computation, the macroscopic electrical properties of the 204 system are readily obtained (effective permittivity, tunability). Hence, one obtains similar results with the experiment: the decrease of the effective permittivity (εef) and the linearization of thedependence εef(E). The Finite Element Method was applied also for the description of other kind of composites: dielectric/ferroelectric composite with random phase distribution, composite with ferroelectric inclusions in a dielectric matrix and composite with dielectric inclusions in a ferroelectric matrix. The best properties were obtained for composited with dielectric inclusions in a ferroelectric matrix: low permittivity and high tunability. These properties were observed both experimentally and theoretically in porous ferroelectric materials. Thursday, September 27 9. Prof. Nicolae Barsan - "Experimental studies on the reactivity of gases with nanoparticles of metal oxides" Prof. Nicolae Barsan is a tenured scientist at the Universitaty of Tübingen, being well-known in the community of gas sensors and having, also, a Hirsch index of nearly 40. Professor's Barsan talk was concentrated on actual studies on the influence of the transport properties of nanoparticle systems of metal oxides by the gas adsorption. The talk treated fundamental problems, but also strongly oriented towards applications, by assessing the sensitivity of the devices manufactured based on these nanostructured systems for different gases. A quite important aspect relies on the influence of the humidity (water vapor pressure) on the sensor characteristics, and also on the reversibility of the adsorption / desorption processes. Also, in the talk some results were presented for thefirst time concerning the realization of gas sensors on plastic substrates. 10. Prof. Simion Astilean - " Plasmonic nanoparticles with biomedical applications " Prof. Simion Astilean is group leader at the Babes-Bolyai University, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Bio-Nano-Sciences and Faculty of Physics, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Currently, there is an increasing interest for using plasmonic nanoparticles in various biomedical applications like sensing, imaging, diagnostic and therapy. In this talk we present our recent results in fabrication of large variety of plasmonic nanostructures and some of their applications in molecular spectroscopy, cell imaging and localized hyperthermia [1-5]. The first route of fabrication involves the use of self-assembled polystyrene nanospheres as lithographic masks to deposit metal and generate periodic arrays of nanoparticles or nanoholes. The second route involves chemical synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles, mainly of anisotropic shape (rods, prisms, stars-shaped), in presence of various biopolymers (chitosan, poly(ethylene) glycol, pluronic, gelatine) which are interesting due to their good biocompatibility and controllable 205 plasmon resonances from visible to the biological transparent near-infrared (NIR) window. We present gold and silver nanoparticles able to operate as multi-modal spectroscopic enhancers in SERS and metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) as well as effective antimicrobial or hyperthermia agents. For instance chitosan-coated silver nanoparticles of triangular shape have been successfully implemented for sensing via surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and surfaceenhanced Raman scattering (SERS) both in solution and on solid substrate. In a separate study we have assessed the potential of chitosan-coated silver nanoparticles of triangular shape to induce photothermal destruction of cancer cells by hyperthermia under NIR laser irradiation. Such hybrid nanoparticles can act synergistically against strains of bacteria while the biochemical changes induced in the bacterial cell wall can be monitored via SERS. The as fabricated plasmonic substrates complemented with good biocompatibility and chemical stability can hold a significant potential for implementing novel biomedical sensing and imaging methods. 11.Dr. Ovidiu Pana - "Magnetic nanoparticles with applications in magnetic hyperthermia" Dr. Ovidiu Pana is Department Head at the National Institute for Isotopic and Molecular Technologies Cluj-Napoca Dr. Pana's talk was a continuation from a more physical approach of Prof. Astilean's talk. Dr. Pana presented experimental and theoretical results obtained on core-shell nanoparticles functionalized with polymers. A new, interesting, phenomenon was evidenced and explained for LSMO nanoparticles La,Sr)MnO3, relying on the charge transfer from polymer's orbitals towards the magnetic nanoparticle. This supplementary charge is localized in defects on the oxygen vacancy type and re-strenghten the intensity of the indirect exchange (or superexchange) coupling between Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions separated by such an oxygen vacancy. The efect is interesting, since it is reproducibe and have a tremendous applicative potential, offering the possibility to control the magnetic properties via the charge transfer at the surface. One may easily imagine cellular pH sensors, or selective hyperthermic apoptosis of some kinds of cells only. It is true that in presenting such applications we don't speak yet about microelectronics, mecatronics or robotics, but for all applications foreseen one has also to consider interactions of physical systems with tailored properties with the biological matter. 12.Dr. Catalin Miron - "Probing structure and chemical reactivity of unsupported nanoparticles using soft X-ray spectroscopie " Dr. Catalin Miron is Principal Beamline Scientist on one of the most demanded synchrotron radiation facilities in Europe: the beamline Pleiades of the synchrotron Soleil Saint Aubin, France 206 Novel experimental investigations have been recently reported to explore the interaction between mechanisms between isolated nano-objects and radiation. In order to perform such studies, in the PLEIADES group at the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation laboratory (France), we developed a multipurpose source chamber (MPSC), allowing to generate in vacuum a focused beam of isolated nanoparticles sprayed using a conventional aerosol generation technique. The synchrotron radiation crosses the nanoparticle beam at right angle at the focal point of a home made aerodynamic lens. In the interaction region, the particle beam diameter and the local particle density are estimated to be 300 µm and 107 cm-3, respectively. These conditions allow us to perform X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) or Auger spectroscopy of isolated, size-selected nanoparticles. In addition to the description of the experimental method, two examples will be given. The first one concerns the measurement of electron angular distributions from isolated silica nanoparticles with sizes between 44 and 185 nm, using an original Double Toroidal Analyzer (DTA) [6]. Both photoelectrons and Auger electrons were recorded for selected photon energies from 20 eV to 140 eV above Si 2p threshold. The results indicate that when the photon energy increases, or the nanoparticle size decreases, the electron angular distribution becomes more isotropic, while the observed forward/backward asymmetry does not show a strong dependence on the electron kinetic energy. By comparing these results with numerical simulations, we could qualitatively explain the asymmetry as being due to the attenuation of the X-ray beam inside the nanoparticle and the electron escape depth from the particles and propose a method to characterize chemical composition and size of nano-objects. In a second study, we used a focused beam of Si-nanocrystals from a stable suspension in ethanol. All the oxidation states of silicon from Si0 to Si4+ are present in our XPS spectra, denoting a shallow transition between the Si-core and the oxide shell of the particle. Moreover clear shifts of the whole XPS spectrum are observed towards higher binding energies as oxidation time increases, which could reveal strong interfacial Si/SiO2 interaction and compressive stress arising upon oxidation. Complementary studies on the same samples using High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR-TEM), Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and tabletop XPS measurements of deposited samples have also been performed. Finally, the importance of studying isolated nano-sized particles will be highlighted. 13. Dr. Ovidiu Crisan - "Surface functionalized core-shell nanoparticles si nanoclusters" Dr. Ovidiu Crisan is Senior Scientist I in the Department of Magnetism and Superconductibility of NIMP. A novel method for production of metal clusters as building blocks for nanoscale devices is reported and its advantages for nanoelectronics and biomedical applications are highlighted. The method, which is a derivative from the wider range of techniques called the gas / cluster 207 aggregation methods, is suitable to synthesise nano-clusters of various nature (metallic, oxides, hybrid core-shell architectures) in a wide range of sizes, from submonolayers (few hundreds of atoms clusters) to continuous thin films. More important, these clusters may be subsequently modified and functionalized in-situ by adding atoms/molecules of different nature, on the surface of readily formed clusters. The cluster size is extremely well controlled by the vapor pressure of the picked-up species. Moreover, the method is versatile, since it allows multiple pick-up processes within the same rare gas cluster for producing, for example, core-shell nanoparticles with metal core and non-metallic shell or vice-versa, nano-onions, with different species successively attached to the surface of the initial picked-up cluster, and so on. Initial formation of Fe gas-stabilised clusters and core-shell nanoparticles with Fe core and Fe oxide shell, as well as their structure and morphology, are presented and discussed. The core-shell nanoparticles show incipient self-organization into hexagonal cluster superlattice. Structural, magnetic and Mössbauer spectroscopy investigations have been performed on the Fe cluster samples. The magnetic properties of supported Fe clusters show marked differences compared to the bulk. A small hysteresis is observed in the parallel applied field while in the perpendicular case, lack of saturation at the highest applied field is noticed. Such behavior has also been observed and interpreted in FeRh and AgCo bimetallic nanoparticles or core-shell Fe-C nanoclusters. This behaviour marks the occurrence of a strong planar magnetic anisotropy in the sample and may also be a consequence of increased surface spin disorder and finite size effects, which are typical for nanoparticles in the reported size range. Molecular species such as antibodies, aptamers or other radicals with molecular recognition properties can be attached in situ at the latest stage of pick-up process, such hybrid organo-metallic cluster having outstanding prospective applications in biomedical fields such as drug delivery or targeted tumour therapy. 14. Dr. Nicolae M. Albu - " Brownian Dynamics Model of Excited-State Relaxation and Charge Mobility on Conductive Polymers in Solution " Dr. Nicolae Albu just achieved his PhD work at the Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA The flexibility of conjugated polymers is essential for their high processability yet introduces disorder that plays a central role in establishing their electronic properties. This disorder is dominated by the torsional degrees of freedom between the conjugated aromatic rings. The rotational barrier for these torsions is low when the polymer is in the ground electronic state. However, the presence of an exciton (in the case of excited state relaxation) or a charge (in the case of charge mobility) substantially increases the torsional barrier in the vicinity of the exciton or charge. The dynamics are then dominated by this tendency of an exciton or charge to self-trap and planarize a local region of the polymer chain. We will present an approach that couples a simple site- hopping model for the exciton or charge to a stochastic model of the solvent. 208 For excited state relaxation, we examine the excitation as a function of time following initial creation of the excited state. The results show double exponential decay, with time scales that differ by up to an order of magnitude. The difference between the time scales increases with chain length, becoming resolvable for chains with about 5 aromatic rings and saturating by about 20 aromatic rings. Comparisons are made to a much simpler model in which the excited state is modeling as an increase in torsional potential that is uniform between all rings. This simpler model also shows double exponential relaxation, indicating that the origin of the two time scales is not a result of the localization associated with self-trapping of the exciton. The charge mobility of single polymer chains in solutions is experimentally measured via microwave reflectivity. In current models, the charge is localized initially on a single repeat unit of the polymer and the torsional angles are frozen during the simulation. Our approach instead assumes rapid electronic dephasing, such that mobility reflects the motion of the planarized region associated with the charge along the polymer chain. The mobilities obtained from this model are consistent with experiment, suggesting that the charge mobility in solution is strongly influenced by solvent dynamics and so is not a direct measure of the intrinsic mobility. 15. Dr. Sorin Vizireanu - "Carbon nanowalls: plasma synthesis, properties and applications" Dr. Sorin Vizireanu works in the Department of Low Temperature Plasma Physics and Applications from the National Institute of Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics Dr. Vizireanu's talk concentrated on the description and outlook of applications of a novel system which was synthesized for the first time in the laboratory lead by CS1 Dr. George Dinescu: layers presenting nano-walls of carbon, composed by a few graphene layers perpendicular to the substrate. Besides the fundamental interest, these structures present a strong applicative potential based on the accurate control of hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties in view of applications in the area of lab-on-chips. Correlated studies were shown of scanning electron microscopy, photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and contact angle measurements, presenting different synthesis routines and the effects of posttreatment of carbon nanowall samples, particularly discharges in different gases. It was shown how actually a quite accurate control of hydrophilic properties may be achieved by these postprocessing plasma treatments. 16. Dr. Ionel Popa - "Colloidal interactions and mechano-elastic properties of proteins and polymers studied by using atomic force microscopy" Dr. Ionel Popa is actually Post-doctoral fellow, Fernandez Laboratory, Columbia University, New York Inter- and intramolecular forces are the basic bricks of matter organization, and their additive effect is of prime importance. For example, a polypeptide chain connected by covalent bonds and 209 interacting by hydrogen bonds is structured in a specific shape, forming what is commonly designed as a protein. The specific shape allows any protein to fulfill its specific attributions inside a cell. The presentation was structured in three parts. Firstly, an overview will be given on the measurement of van der Waals and electrostatic forces by using atomic force microscopy (AFM) together with a newly developed technique, based on coloidal probes. This technique allows one to obtain an ensambly image of the forces that various covalent bonds can support before their homolytical breakout. The study of covalent bonds under force is possible by using mechanical protein denaturation as a fingerprint and a new covalent attachment on the binding surfaces. In the last part, some aspects are outlined regarding protein de-structuring under the effect of mechanical forces at a single molecule level and an unitary view of the way the molecule change their physical structure is presented. During the final discussion, the organizer, Dr. C.M. Teodorescu draws the conclusion that the workshop was highly useful, it contributed strongly to the fostering of existing collaborations and to the formation of new ones, especially in view of the new experimental facilities operational at NIMP. II.Workshop "Materials in extreme conditions: processing, characterization and applications" September 26-27, 2012 (Chair: Dr. Petre Badica) The workshop had 29 participants, 17 from Romania and 12 scientists working abroad. We mention among the participants: A. Jianu (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany), T. Retegan (Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Suedia), D. Axinte (University of Nottingham, UK), M. Tomut (GSI Darmstadt, Germany), L. Zigoneanu (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA), M. Calin (Institute for Complex Materials, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research , Dresden, Germany),J. Groza (Univ. California Davis, USA). 210 211 INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION PROJECTS 2 FP7 projects Pintilie I. FP7 European Project Marie Curie Training Network on Particle Detectors (MC-PAD) No: 214560-2 Partners: CERN- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CH), DESY- Stiftung Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE), GSI- Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH (DE), JSIJožef Stefan Institute (SI), AGH- AGH University of Science and Technology (PL), LNFLaboratori Nazionali di Frascati - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (IT), NIKHEF- Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (NL), PSI- Paul Scherrer Institut (CH), UHHUniversity of Hamburg (DE), EVATRONIX- Evatronix SA (PL), IFJ PAN- Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej im. Henryka Niewodniczanskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk (PL), MICRON- Micron Semiconductor Ltd. (UK), Photonis- Photonis SAS Holding (F) ( ) 2008-2012 Pintilie L. Large-scale integrating project Interfacing Oxides (IFOX) NMP-2009-2.2-1 Coordinator: Theo Rasing (Radboud University, Nijmegen) Scientific coordinator: Georg Schmidt (Martin-Luther-Universität,Halle-Wittenberg) Partners: Radboud University Nijmegen ( NL), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle Wittenberg (DE), Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften E.V. (MPI-HALLE) (DE), University of Glasgow ( UK ), Centro Ricerche Fiat SCPA (IT), Universiteit Antwerpen (BE), Paul Scherrer Institut (CH), National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP) (RO), IBM Research GMBH ( CH), Universitat Konstanz (DE), Institute for Nanostructured Materials Bologna (IT), Intel Performance Learning Solutions Limited ( IE), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH ( DE ), Twente Solid State Technology ( NL), Georg August Universitaet Goettingen (DE) ,Holy Trinity College Dublin (IE), Organic Spintronics srl ( IT), Universiteit Twente (NL) 212 1 project CERN Pintilie I. CERN –RD50 (Partners: 48 research institutions;27 countries from Europe, USA, Canada ( Radiation hard semiconductor devices for very high luminosity colliders 2001-2012 2 projects Romanian Swiss Research Program RSRP Crisan O. Novel FePt-based hard magnetic materials for sustainable energy applications Project 6 / 2012-2015 Partner: Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, EMPA Thun Elvetia Baibarac M. Electrochemical functionalization of carbon nanotubes with heteropolyanions and conjugated polymers and the elucidation of interactions at the carbon nanotubes/ heteropolyacid/ conjugated polymer interface Partners: Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland and Institute for Problems of Materials Science of National Academy of Science of Ukraine 3 proiecte CEA Pintilie L. RF Components Laboratory, CEA-LET Grenoble, France Investigation of metal-ferroelectric interface at macro- and nanoscale Contract no. C1 09/2010 2010-2013 Teodorescu C.M. Service de Physique et Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces, Institut Rayonnement Matière Saclay, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France Ferroelectric and diluted magnetic semiconductor based multiferroic heterostructures for energy applications IFA-CEA Project No. C1-08/2010. 2010-2013 Predoi D. 213 Institut de Chimie Séparative de Marcoule - UMR 5257 Development and characterization of solid apatite matrices capable of storing inorganic pollutants: structure and adsorption processes. IFA-CEA Project No. C2-06/2011. 2012-2015. 1 project ANR-ANCS Teodorescu C.M. Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France Chemical switching of surface ferroelectric topology 2012-2014 Partnership IUCN Dubna Kuncser V. Complex characterization of multilayered magnetic films by neutron scattering and complementary techniques Protocol Romania - IUCN:: 4134-4-2012/2014. 2012-2014 Partnership Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Plugaru N. Modeling the Properties of Porous Silicon -Based Systems from First Principles Electronic Structure. 2012-2014 Other European Projects Baibarac M. SCOPES Project No. IZ74Z0_137458/2012 Implementation in East Europe of new methods of synthesis and functionalization of carbon nanotubes for applications in the energy storage and sensors field 2011- 2014 Enculescu I. EUROC-5/2011 Insect Odorant-Binding Proteins on Conductive Polymer Nanofibers Based Biosensor to Diagnose Crop 2011-2013 214 Sârbu C. Programul MAT-HHFM al EFDA (European Fusion Development Agreement) Partnership with cu 3 national Euratom associations: netherlands (NRG-Petten), Portugal (IPS_Lisbon) and Spain (CEIT-San-Sebastian) Ultramicroscopy and nano-scale composition analysis of pure-W and ODS-W-alloys and of final parts made of W-alloys by MIM/PIM technology 2 COST actions Teodorescu C. M. COST MP 0805 Novel Gain Materials and Devices Based on III-V-N Compounds 2008-2012 Pintilie L. COST action SIMUFER (COST MP0904) Single- and multiphase ferroics and multiferroics with restricted geometries Action Coordinator: Prof. Liliana Mitoseriu 2010-2014 2 Projects Erasmus Predoi D. Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans, UMR 6113 CNRS – Université d’Orléans Biogeochemistry of iron in surface environments, ERASMUS 2009-2013. Predoi D. Universite Bordeaux 1 Surface properties of iron oxide nano-particles for biomedical applications, ERASMUS 2009-2013. EURATOM PROJECTS Galatanu A. 215 Production by powder metallurgy procedures of W-FGM-steel components BS-M3/2012 Galatanu A. Welding and brazing W-W and W-steel by SPS BS-M3A/2012 Galatanu A. Complex composite materials W-SiC BS-M3B/2012 Kuncser V. Complex characterization of films based on Be, W, C for fuel retention BS-M5/2012 Mihalache V. Optimizing of chemical composition and preparation process of ODSFS based on FeCr precipitation hardened BS-M7/2012 Badica P. Laboratory preparation and characterization of nanostructured ODSFS samples produced by plasma arc sintering BS-M8/2012 AGREEMENTS Badica P. Superconducting nanocomposites based on Magnesium diboride with improved pinning SuperNano-MgB2 Contract 505/2010 (2011/2012) China Badica P. Oxide whiskers: growth, characterization and as tips for STM” - ACEOX Contract 507/2010 (2011/2012) China Secu M. Study of Down- Conversion Quantum Cutting Effects on Doped Glasses for Better Exploitation of the Solar Spectrum China 216 Stănculescu A. Organic structures on conductive organic substrates for optoelectronic and photovoltaic applications France Crişan O. New magnetic systems with low dimensionality India Tomescu A. Complex investigations of semiconducting oxidic materials of p type with application potential Germany BILATERAL COOPERATION PROJECTS Cernea M. Institute for Science and Technology of Ceramics (ISTEC), Faenza, Italy Lead free piezoelectric materials processed by wet chemical routes (MPPC 2010-2013 Ciurea M. L. Cankaya University, Ankara, Turkey Modelling and simulation: transport phenomena in 2008-2013 nanostructures (0D, 1D and 2D) Ciurea M. L. Belarusian State University, Minsk , Byelarus Hall investigations on irradiated Si and SiGe bulk materials 2010-2013 Crisan A. Nanoelectronics Research Institute of AIST Tsukuba, Japan Comprehensive Agreement on Joint Scientific Cooperation in the field of Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2007-2012 Crisan O. Programme Hubert Curien PHC “ Brancusi”: ANCS – CNRS Universite du Maine, Le Mans, Franta Hard magnetic nanocrystalline materials obtained from amorphous precursors 2013-2014 217 Kuncser V. University of Duisburg, Germany Interphase mechanisms in thin layer compounds and composites 2007-2012 Moldoveanu V. Science Institute Dunhaga 3, 107 Reykjavik, Iceland Time-dependent transport in interacting open systems: theory & modeling Permanent Moldoveanu V. Physics Department, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey Correlated transport in parallel quantum dots Permanent Pasuk I. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Cuprates thin films Permanent Predoi D. Le Havre University France Ultrasonic characterization of bio-ceramics powders and fero-fluids 2007-2012 Predoi D. University of Bordeaux I, France Magnesium based nanocomposites for hydrogen storage and Fe oxide colloids 2005-2012 Stan G.E. University of Aveiro, Department of Materials and Ceramic Engineering, CICERO, Aveiro, Portugal Development of a new generation of highly biocompatible dental titanium implants functionalized by sputtering techniques with novel bioactive glass materials 2012-2014 218 NIMP FUNDING Core Programme Ideas Human Ressources Partnerships Capacities International Projects Economic Contracts TOTAL 4.936.609 Euro 2.250.313 Euro 448.900 Euro 743.838 Euro 44.145 Euro 475.230 Euro 80.889 Euro 8.979.924 Euro 219
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laboratory of advanced materials for special applications
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