SECTION ELEVEN. PHASING ELEMENT The Planned Resort development shall have a phasing element to ensure that development within a Planned Resort occurs in logical sequence within the Planned Resort including amenities and necessary public service expansions. A. OVERVIEW The phasing sequence is intended as a guide as to how phasing of the project may occur. The Phasing Plan has been developed based on consideration of physical, economic and market factors. Since these factors may change over time, there may be changes to the phasing plans over time. Each phase of the project will be self sufficient should the proposed phases either not occur, take longer to occur, or be modified. 1. Phasing Plan Criteria The Phasing Plan considers the following factors: • Additional accommodation units are needed early in the project to replace the existing 96 units that are in need of upgrading, and to supplement and eventually provide higher quality accommodation to meet the needs of the destination visitor. • There should always be enough parking both to accommodate the additional overnight guests and to meet the needs of the day skiers. Day skier parking lots are retained and/or reconfigured to provide adequate day skier parking throughout project construction. • Continue to increase recreation opportunities at the resort to enhance its attraction as a destination in both winter and summer. Summer recreation elements are introduced early to support the emphasis on being a year round resort • The project phasing introduces a representative mix of accommodations and residential lifestyles as the project progresses. Development of clusters of the singlefamily, townhouse and cabin units in the residential and accommodation plan area will occur concurrently with development of the resort center. • The existing resort and new phases of the resort that are added will continue to operate during construction of other components of the resort. Temporary mitigation measures will be included as needed to ensure that this will occur. • Phases are coordinated with the logical extension of roads, utilities and other infrastructure services and amenities. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 1 June 2006 2. Phasing Schedule It is anticipated that construction of the four phases of the project will occur over a fifteen to twenty year period. The start date for construction will occur approximately one year from the recording of Final Approval for the PUD District for Planned Resort. The construction of each phase is anticipated to take three to four years. 3. Construction Construction will be carefully implemented in relation to minimizing impacts to regular activities at the resort and to ensure the natural landscape of Grand Targhee Resort is not unduly damaged during construction. • A Construction Management Plan shall be prepared for each proposed development project in the resort. • These plans will need to address protection of resources, storage of materials, storage yards, staging area locations, signs to direct delivery, waste disposal, recycling, minimizing impacts of vehicles used by construction workers, e.g. encourage carpooling or shuttle workers to the site. • Erosion control during construction shall be carefully planned based on Forest Service mitigation measures, the requirements of Teton County and best management practices. • There will be monitoring of construction activities and enforcement of construction management plans. Grand Targhee Resort will develop a monitoring program for all construction to assure that building proceeds in accordance with the proposed mitigation plans and principles of sustainability. B. DESCRIPTION OF DEVELOPMENT PHASES The following are short written descriptions of the development proposed for each of the phases one through four that are contemplated for the project. Please also see Table 11-1. Phases 1 through 4; 11-A: The Key to Phasing, 11-B: Existing Conditions, and 11C: Project Phase 1 through 11-F: Project Phase 4, following. Phase One • The first two buildings to be constructed will be Buildings E and F. The intent is to provide additional accommodation on site to replace the units that will be lost when the existing lodges are removed and to begin the supply of additional units for a destination resort. Approximately 70 units will be included, and 4,455 sf of resort services and amenities. Parking for the uses will be in structured garages beneath the buildings. • Temporary parking will be provided. The south west access road will be improved to accommodate overflow parking. Gravel shoulders will be provided. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 2 June 2006 • Upon completion of Buildings E and F, the following existing facilities will be removed: tennis courts, Rendezvous Lodge, Sioux Lodge (32 units), and restrooms. Teewinot Lodge with 48 units and Targhee Lodge with 16 units will remain. • The new Building B will be constructed. Building B is a mixed-use building with approximately 85 units, 10,000 sf of commercial uses, and 11,236 sf of resort services and amenities and 5,900 sf of support/circulation space. Parking for the uses will be in a structured garage beneath the building. • The first steps in creating the new public space will occur as the water feature is started between buildings E and F. The 45,000 sf recreational pond will also be created in this Phase. • Parking area 2 will be expanded in the direction of buildings E and F. The south west road will be extended to the single family area at the southern end of the parcel. It will end in a cul de sac. Overflow parking along the road will be reduced from 220 spaces to the 95 spaces that will remain for the entire project. • The first residential accommodation units will occur in the south western parcel comprised of 13 single family lots and 24 townhouses. • A public dedication site for community use shall occur within two years of the first development permit approval within the PUD (expected to be timed to occur in Phase One). Phase Two • Upon completion of Phase One, the following facilities will be removed: the ski school, powder scouts, fitness cabin, and the kids club structures. • The new Buildings A, C and J will be constructed. Building A will be the adult ski school and temporary children’s ski school. Building C will be linked to Building B. Approximately 119 units will be included, and 5,400 sf of commercial uses. Parking for the uses will be in a structured garage beneath the buildings. Seven employee units will be built. • On Forest Service land just west of the resort center and above the wetlands, a beginners ski slope will be configured. A new beginners ski school will occur on the private land. There will be a magic carpet to transport beginner skiers back up the slope. • New ski lifts will be placed to facilitate connections from the Center to the mountain and to provide a new beginner ski area. There will be a beginner lift on Forest Service land. A new ski lift will be placed on the west side of the site. There will be an extension to the Shoshone lift to improve connectivity to the beginner ski area. • Temporary parking during this phase will be in expanded Parking Area 4. A new road will be constructed on the west side of the site, along with associated utilities. The road to the wastewater site will be reconfigured. The existing parking area will be expanded. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 3 June 2006 • In the western parcel, served by the new road, residential accommodation units will occur. There will be thirteen single family lots, eighteen cabins and eighteen townhouses. Ski easements will be provided to connect the new residential developments to the mountain. • Upon completion of the first set of buildings in Phase Two, the following facilities will be removed: the Trap Bar, Rendezvous Lodge, Targhee Lodge and the ice rink. • The new Buildings D, G, H, I and M will be constructed. Building D will be the Children’s Center and will include four employee housing units. Buildings G, H and I will be for commercial uses of approximately 17,664 sf. Building M will be a mixed use building with approximately 56 units, 8 employee housing units, 6,000 sf of resort services and amenities and 1,080 sf of support/circulation space. Parking for the accommodation uses will be in a structured garage beneath the building. • The public plaza and major pedestrian elements will be started. • The parking area will be further reconfigured. The road to the west parcel, along with utilities, will be extended north to serve the new maintenance facility’s site. The maintenance facility will be relocated from near the parking area to it new location at the previous wastewater facility on National Forest land. • Seventeen new townhouses will occur in the triangle of land located in the western parcel Phase Three • The new Buildings K and L will be constructed. They will include about 15,000 SF of commercial space. The new mixed use Buildings N, O, P and Q will also be constructed. Approximately 62 units and three employee units will be included, and 17,000 sf of commercial uses. • The public plaza will be mostly complete in this phase. • New recreation related buildings will occur around the pond. They are Buildings BB, CC, and DD. Building AA will be the medical clinic. Building BB will be the recreational facility with an associated aquatic center. The three buildings will include seven (7) employee units. Building II will be the stables. The buildings will be connected via a spur road access with a parking and drop off area. The intersection with the main access road will be improved. • In the north west area of the site, 24 single family lots will be configured. A ski easement will be provided to connect the new residential development to the mountain. • The new accommodation Buildings R, W and V will be constructed. Approximately 52 units will be included. Parking for the uses will be in structured garages beneath the buildings. Building R will have three employee units. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 4 June 2006 • 11 cabins will be built in the resort center area. • New recreation related buildings will occur around the pond. They are Buildings EE, FF and GG. The parking lot in that area will be expanded. • In the north west area of the site, 25 townhouses will be added. Phase Four • The new lodging and accommodation Buildings S and T will be constructed. Approximately 54 units will be included and 4 employee units. Parking for the uses will be in a structured garage beneath the building. • Building HH, with 12 employee units will be constructed. • The new lift 8 on the east side will be installed. • Parking Area 2 will be removed to accommodate the new buildings. Parking Area 4 will be improved and parking spaces will be formalized. • In the east area of the site, the road will be extended, along with utilities. 35 cabins will be built. • The new lodging/accommodation Buildings X, Y and Z will be constructed. Approximately 93 units will be included and 4 employee units. Parking for the uses will be in structured garages beneath the buildings. • 7 cabins and 22 townhomes will be built in the resort center. • Parking Area 3 will be removed from the center of the resort plan area to accommodate the new buildings. The first half of the parking structure in Parking Area 4 will be built and then the second half of the parking structure will be completed. The total day skier parking will be 745 permanent spaces and 95 overflow spaces. • The water feature that runs through the Resort Plan Area will be connected to the pond. • Completion of Phase Four will be the completion of the Grand Targhee Resort as proposed in this Master Plan. C. PUBLIC BENEFITS RELATED TO PHASING The phasing of the public benefits are included in the above description of the project phasing. A land dedication site for community use shall take place within two years of the first development permit approval within the PUD. Further detail is provided in Section Fifteen. Responses to Other Pertinent Teton County Land Development Regulations, D. Development Exactions. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 5 June 2006 D. COORDINATION WITH PUBLIC SERVICES Phasing shall be coordinated with the improvements schedule or capital improvements program of public or semipublic service providers. E. STANDARDS AND MONITORING See Section Twenty-Two: Standards and Conditions, page 67 for the Schedule of Improvements that identifies responsibilities for monitoring relative to the standards established in the Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan. As outlined in the Teton County LDR’s further detail on the establishment of performance objectives and subsequent program monitoring and reporting will be achieved within the process of review of the Master Plan. Grand Targhee Resort will work with county staff, the Forest Service, and representatives from the Teton Valley, as review of the Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan proceeds. Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 11 – 6 June 2006 Table 11-1 PHASE ONE Building Type Use Footprint (SF) Level 1 11,226 10 units @ 1,000 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 # Emp Units # of Units Total SF 42 42,000 28 28,000 RESORT CENTER BUILDING E Lodging and Accommodation Support/Circulation BUILDING F Lodging and Accommodation 8,940 Resort Services and Amenities 1,300 1,300 1,300 5 units @ 1000 8 units @ 1,000 8 units @ 1,000 7 units @ 1,000 800 800 800 30 units @ 405 30 units @ 405 25 units @ 405 5,200 3,940 Support/Circulation BUILDING B 10 units @ 1,000 11 units @ 1,000 11 units @ 1,000 1,300 0 Lodging and Accommodation 23,842 Commercial 10,000 Resort Services and Amenities 11,236 Support/Circulation 1,100 3,940 2,400 85 34,425 10,000 11,236 1,600 1,600 1,600 Proposed Units Subtotal 5,900 155 Area Subtotal 143,101 RESIDENTIAL AND ACCOMMODATION UNITS Single Family Lots Residential Townhomes Lodging and Accommodation 1,200 Cabins Lodging and Accommodation 16,000 13 lots 13 24 units 24 Proposed Units Subtotal 37 EXISTING UNITS Targhee Lodge (16) Lodging and Accommodation 16 Teewinot Lodge (48) Lodging and Accommodation 48 Existing Units Subtotal 64 TOTAL PHASE ONE 256 143,101 DAY SKIER PARKING Amount Spaces Parking P1 0 Parking P2 283 Parking P3 160 Parking P4 423 Overflow Parking P5 Total Parking Phase One Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 95 961 CUMULATIVE TOTALS PHASE ONE AMOUNT FREEMARKET UNITS AREA(SF) COMMERCIAL, RESORT SERVICES & SUPPORT 256 76,170 11 - 7 April 2006 Table 11 - 1 PHASE TWO Building Type Use RESORT CENTER BUILDING C Lodging and Accommodation Footprint (SF) Level 1 30,826 Level 2 20 units @ 1000 Lodging and Accommodation Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing BUILDING A Resort Services and Amenities Lodging and Accommodation Level 3 20 units @ 1000 7 units @ 1,200 Level 4 20 units @ 1000 7 units @ 1,200 Level 5 21 units @ 1,200 Level 6 # Emp Units 20 units @ 1,200 BUILDING H BUILDING I BUILDING G BUILDING M Total SF 60 60,000 55 66,000 1,920 1,920 4,800 6 9,184 6 units @ 800 9,184 2,684 4 units @ 1,500 4 Employee Housing BUILDING J BUILDING D # of Units 1 Commercial Resort Services and Amenities (Children's Center) 2,700 8,769 1 unit @ 500 2,700 2,700 3,690 8,770 3,700 2,292 2,840 23,769 Resort Services and Amenities Support/Circulation 3,700 2,292 2,840 3,700 2,292 2,840 8 units @ 1,200 500 5,400 17,540 5,080 4 units @ 800 Employee Housing Commercial Commercial Commercial Lodging and Accommodation 16 units @ 1,200 4 19 units @ 1,200 56 13 units @ 1,200 6,000 1,080 Employee Housing Proposed Units Subtotal 5 units @ 500 11,868 6,000 3,200 7,400 4,584 5,680 67,200 6,000 1,080 2 units @ 500 1 units @ 500 8 19 4,000 175 Area Subtotal 273,172 RESIDENTIAL AND ACCOMMODATION UNITS Single Family Lots Residential Townhomes Lodging and Accommodation Cabins Lodging and Accommodation 1,200 1,600 13 units 35 units 18 units 13 35 18 Proposed Units Subtotal 66 EXISTING UNITS Teewinot Lodge (48) Lodging and Accommodation 48 Existing Units Subtotal 48 TOTAL PHASE TWO DAY SKIER PARKING Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 289 273,172 CUMULATIVE TOTALS PHASE TWO Amount Spaces Parking P1 Parking P2 Parking P3 Parking P4 Overflow Parking P5 Total Parking Phase Two 19 0 283 163 432 95 973 AMOUNT FREEMARKET UNITS AREA(SF) COMMERCIAL, RESORT SERVICES & SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT ON FOREST SERVICE LAND Building Type Use Footprint (SF) Maintenance Facility Support/Circulation 10,000 (excludes basement) Resort Services & Amenities Proposed Sub-Total Level 1 10,000 481 120,483 Level 2 Total SF 10,000 20,000 11 - 8 April 2006 Table 11 - 1 PHASE THREE Building Type RESORT CENTER BUILDING K BUILDING L BUILDING N BUILDING O BUILDING P BUILDING Q BUILDING AA BUILDING BB BUILDING CC BUILDING DD BUILDING II BUILDING EE BUILDING FF BUILDING GG BUILDING R Cabins Use Commercial Commercial Lodging and Accommodation Lodging and Accommodation Support Commercial Lodging and Accommodation Lodging and Accommodation Commercial Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing Resort Services and Amenities (Medical Clinic/Ski Patrol First Employee Housing Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing Stables (1500 SF not included in total area) Resort Services and Amenities Resort Services and Amenities Resort Services and Amenities Lodging and Accommodation Resort Services and Amenities Employee Housing Lodging and Accommodation Footprint (SF) Level 1 Level 2 4,663 3,000 4,410 5,775 4,600 3,000 4 units @ 1,100 4 units @ 1,200 1,653 4,200 4,600 3,000 4 units @ 1,100 4 units @ 1,400 4 units @ 1,100 3 units @ 1,500 3 units @ 1,200 11 units @ 850 3 units @ 1,200 11 units @ 850 11 units @ 850 1 unit @ 500 5,860 1 unit @ 500 5,860 1 unit @ 500 2,530 3 1 unit @ 800 5,808 1 unit @ 800 1 unit @ 800 4 5,250 11,120 Level 3 Level 4 # Emp Units # of Units 12 11 6 33 7,500 1,810 6,660 5,808 1,524 900 1,500 3,983 1,745 6,400 21,013 2,530 1 unit @ 800 5,000 1 unit @ 800 1,448 1 unit @ 800 900 1 unit @ 800 1,500 3,983 1,745 6,400 12 units @ 1,000 1,716 1 unit @ 500 1 1 1,500 8 units @ 1,000 1,087 52 3 11 units @1600 11 Proposed Units Subtotal 13 9,200 6,000 13,200 14,900 1,653 4,200 7,200 28,050 7,500 1,810 1,500 16,780 3,200 10,808 800 1,448 800 900 800 1,500 1 4,245 3,225 16 units @ 1,000 16 units @ 1,000 1,043 1,043 1 unit @ 500 1 unit @ 500 Total SF 3,983 1,745 13,870 52,000 4,889 1,500 17,600 125 Area Sub-Total 227,836 RESIDENTIAL AND ACCOMMODATION UNITS Single Family Lots Townhomes Cabins Residential Lodging and Accommodation Lodging and Accommodation Proposed Units Subtotal 1,200 1,600 24 units 25 units 24 25 49 TOTAL PHASE THREE 13 174 227,836 CUMULATIVE TOTALS PHASE THREE AMOUNT FREEMARKET UNITS 607 AREA(SF) COMMERCIAL, RESORT SERVICES & SUPPORT 206,769 DAY SKIER PARKING Parking P1 Parking P2 Parking P3 Parking P4 Overflow Parking P5 Parking P6 Total Parking Phase Three Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element Amount Spaces 0 160 163 478 95 70 966 11 - 9 April 2006 Table 11 - 1 PHASE FOUR Building Type Use Footprint (SF) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 8,703 7 units @ 1,000 8 units @ 1,000 8 units @ 1,000 1,374 374 374 Level 4 # Emp Units # of Units Total SF 23 23,000 31 31,000 RESORT CENTER BUILDING S Lodging and Accommodation Support BUILDING T Lodging and Accommodation 13,535 Support 2,122 8 units @ 1,000 12 units @ 1,000 11 units @ 1,000 4,458 BUILDING HH Employee Housing Employee Housing Cabins Lodging and Accommodation 7 units @ 1600 Townhomes Lodging and Accommodation 22 units @ 1200 4,458 2 units @ 500 2,783 6 units @ 500 2 units @ 500 6 units @ 500 4 2,000 12 Proposed Units Subtotal 16 6,000 7 11,200 22 26,400 83 Area Sub-Total 106,180 RESIDENTIAL AND ACCOMMODATION UNITS Single Family Lots Residential Townhomes Lodging and Accommodation 1,200 Cabins Lodging and Accommodation 1,600 35 units 35 Proposed Units Subtotal 35 TOTAL PHASE FOUR 16 118 106,180 DAY SKIER PARKING Amount Spaces Parking P1 0 Parking P2 0 Parking P3 0 Parking P4 675 Overflow Parking P5 95 CUMULATIVE TOTALS PHASE FOUR Parking P6 70 AMOUNT UNITS Total Parking Phase Four Grand Targhee Resort Master Plan Section Eleven. Phasing Element 840 725 AREA(SF) COMMERCIAL, RESORT SERVICES & SUPPORT 213,349 11 - 10 April 2006