station yard corwen road, coed-talon flood consequence assessment
station yard corwen road, coed-talon flood consequence assessment
STATION YARD CORWEN ROAD, COED-TALON FLOOD CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT For SPA Davies and Sons, Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, Flintshire, CH74TG. November 2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA ~ ii ~ Sta ti on Ya rd, Coed-Ta l on, Fl i nts hi re Fl ood Cons equence As s es s ment STATION YARD CORWEN ROAD, COED-TALON FLOOD CONSEQUENCE ASSESSMENT Document Tracking Sheet Document Reference: FRA262-FCA Revision: 2.0 Date of Issue: 11th November 2014 Report Status: Final Prepared by: ____________________________________ Kirsty Williams BSc (Hons) Graduate Flood Risk Analyst Checked by: ____________________________________ Mel Frimston BSc (Hons) CEng MIStructE Managing Director Authorised by: ____________________________________ Richard Nicholas BEng (Hons) MBA Associate Revision History: Rev.: Date: 2.0 11th November 2014 1.2 31st October 2014 1.1 16th October 2014 1.0 25th July 2014 FRA262 – FCA Status: Final Draft Draft Draft Prepared by: KW KW KW/RDN KW Checked by: RMF RMF RMF RDN Issued by: RDN RDN KW KW ~ iii ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA ~ iv ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Flood Consequence Assessment was commissioned on behalf of SPA Davies and Sons, referred to hereafter as ‘the client’. This FCA has been prepared to support an outline planning application for the construction of a residential development; complete with access road, external works, footpaths, car parking, landscaping, boundary walls, fencing, external services and drainage on land previously occupied by ‘Station Yard’ Coed-Talon. The site is predominantly located within Flood Zone A, with the eastern boundary located within Flood Zones B and C2. The residential nature of the proposals means the site is classified as ‘highly vulnerable’; the proposals would be considered ‘acceptable’ within Flood Zone (A); providing all surface water management requirements are conformed to. This nature of development would also be considered appropriate within Flood Zone B providing appropriate mitigation measures were in place to secure the development for its design life. As the proposed site is currently brownfield, it can be considered that the residential proposals offer betterment on the existing situation and would be considered appropriate providing the flood risk to site can be effectively managed. It would therefore be recommended that an intra-sequential approach to flood management be adopted and development be steered to areas at least risk. The development site is understood to be partially located within Flood Zone B and C2; underlain by a ‘Secondary A’ Aquifer, influenced little by overland run-off due to the topography and influenced by surface water flooding in varying degrees of severity due to the existing land-use. It is considered that the majority of site would remain flood free during the design period event (Q100+CCA event), following the review of the hydraulic model; due to sufficient capacity within the existing culverts onsite. The water surface elevation varies through site based on the location and proximity to the watercourse, however no out of channel flooding is anticipated within site based on the simulations. The existing Byr Brook culvert upstream of site is considered to have insufficient capacity to cater with the extreme events, some out of channel flows would be anticipated upstream of site, however any water not able to enter the existing system would flow safely away from site, utilising the existing drainage systems within the highway (Corwen Road) or converging along the highway, to the south of site. The proposed removal of the culverts onsite and implementation of open channels would have a positive effect on the water surface elevation levels for the upstream watercourses, reducing the upstream flood risk. The proposed open channel simulation did not show any significant changes to the downstream water surface elevation along Byr Brook and therefore no increase in flood risk would be anticipated. Although the extent of the flood zone is within the channel of the watercourses for the 100year return period event, mitigation measures are proposed in the form of Finished Floor Levels (FFL) which are proposed a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP (1 in 100 year) event with an FRA262 – FCA ~v~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment allowance for climate change. The proposed FFL will vary based on the location and proximity to the watercourse; detailed design should account for this variation through site and set FFL’s to reflect such. Compensatory Flood Storage will not be required as no displacement of floodplain waters in anticipated at this time. Consultation with Natural Resources Wales identified one recorded historic flood event, in 2000, associated with the tributary of ‘Byr Brook’ at the inlet of the upstream culvert within the site boundaries. It is understood that the flooding occurred due to the presence of debris blocking the inlet, fly-tipping upstream and the presence of services pipes crossing the watercourse. No other historical flood incidents have been identified, following removal of debris and relocation of the services pipes to beneath the brook. The development would be considered as accessible for emergency access and egress during times of extreme flooding provided the proposed access/egress road culvert has sufficient capacity and the channel is transformed to its natural state where possible; the maximum acceptable inundation depths along the route should not exceed 600mm in accordance with TAN15 which are to be confirmed during detailed design. The FCA has reviewed all sources of flood risk to both the proposed development and to the existing adjacent development as a result of the proposals, including; fluvial, tidal, pluvial, groundwater, sewers and flooding from artificial sources. Based on the ground conditions identified by the BGS and NSRI Soilscapes Data, it can be considered that that infiltration is not likely to provide a feasible surface water management solution, therefore it is proposed that surface water run-off, discharge to the watercourse running through site. Surface water run-off rates will be restricted to the pre-development rates of run off for various events, up to and including the 100 year return period event. Restricting the rate of surface water discharge can be achieved using a flow control device such as a Hydrobrake® or similar approved product. Restricting the rate of surface water run-off complies with the requirements of TAN15 and generate a storage requirement during the extreme rainfall events. It is proposed that up to and including the 100 year return period event with an allowance for climate change (30%) be catered for on-site to comply with guidance in TAN15. It is proposed that the foul water flows generated by the development discharge into the combined sewer system (150mm dia.) located along the A5104 (Corwen Road) New Brighton, with an exact connection point to be confirmed following site investigations, during the detailed design stage. This FCA is considered to be commensurate with the development proposals and in summary, the development can be considered appropriate in accordance with TAN15 and the mandatory requirements of the Code for Sustainable Homes. FRA262 – FCA ~ vi ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment CONTENTS Document Tracking Sheet ................................................................................................................. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. v Figures & Tables ................................................................................................................................ ix Specialist Software............................................................................................................................. x Abbreviations & Acronyms ................................................................................................................ x 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 11 1.1 Planning Policy Wales Context............................................................................................ 11 1.2 Technical Advice Note 15 (TAN15) ..................................................................................... 11 1.3 Site Context......................................................................................................................... 11 1.4 Consultation........................................................................................................................ 12 2.0 EXISTING SITE SITUATION ............................................................................................... 13 2.1 Location .............................................................................................................................. 13 2.2 Existing and Historical Land Use ......................................................................................... 13 2.3 Topography ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Access and Egress ............................................................................................................... 15 2.4 Justification for Development ............................................................................................ 15 3.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ............................................................................................ 16 3.1 4.0 Nature of the Development................................................................................................ 16 TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE 15 (TAN15) .............................................................................. 17 4.1 Flood Zone Classification .................................................................................................... 17 4.2 Category of Development ................................................................................................... 18 4.3 Justification ......................................................................................................................... 19 4.4 Acceptability Criteria .......................................................................................................... 20 5.0 SOURCES OF FLOOD RISK ................................................................................................ 21 5.1 Fluvial & Tidal Flood Risk .................................................................................................... 21 Fluvial Flooding ................................................................................................................. 21 Hydraulic Assessment ....................................................................................................... 22 Method ............................................................................................................................. 22 Results .............................................................................................................................. 24 5.2 Tidal Flooding...................................................................................................................... 28 5.3 Groundwater Flood Risk ..................................................................................................... 28 5.4 Artificial Sources of Risk...................................................................................................... 29 Reservoirs ......................................................................................................................... 29 Canals ............................................................................................................................... 30 5.5 Surface Water Flood Risk .................................................................................................... 30 Pluvial Flooding (Overland Run-off).................................................................................. 33 FRA262 – FCA ~ vii ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Sewer Flooding ................................................................................................................. 33 5.6 Historical Events of Flooding .............................................................................................. 34 5.7 Flood Warning and Evacuation ........................................................................................... 35 Flood Warning .................................................................................................................. 35 Evacuation ........................................................................................................................ 35 Emergency Access and Egress .......................................................................................... 37 5.8 Flood Risk Mitigation Measures and Residual Risks ........................................................... 37 Mitigation Measures: Summary ....................................................................................... 38 Residual Risks: Summary .................................................................................................. 39 6.0 CLIMATE CHANGE ........................................................................................................... 40 7.0 SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS (SuDS)........................................................... 41 8.0 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 42 8.1 Pre-Development Surface Water Run-off........................................................................... 42 8.2 Post-Development Surface Water Run-off ......................................................................... 42 8.3 Methods of Surface Water Management ........................................................................... 43 8.4 Discharge via Infiltration ..................................................................................................... 43 8.5 Discharge via Watercourse ................................................................................................. 44 8.6 Discharge via Sewer ............................................................................................................ 45 9.0 FOUL WATER MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 46 10.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................... 47 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 49 Bibliography & References ......................................................................................................... 50 Web-Based References .............................................................................................................. 50 APPENDIX A: TAN15 COMPLIENCE LIST APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TAN15 APPENDIX C: LOCATION PLAN APPENDIX D: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY APPENDIX E: WELSH GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT ADVICE MAP (DAM) APPENDIX F: NRW/EA INFORMATION & CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX G: WELSH WATER CORRESPONDENCE & RECORDS APPENDIX H: FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE APPENDIX I: TAN15 EXTRACTS APPENDIX J: FEH CATCHMENT DATA & DESCRIPTORS APPENDIX K: SURFACE WATER RUN-OFF DATA & CALCULATIONS APPENDIX L: STORMWATER STORAGE ESTIMATES FRA262 – FCA ~ viii ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX M: IMPERMEABLE AREAS PLANS APPENDIX N: OVERLAND FLOOD ROUTING PLANS APPENDIX O: PFRA/LFRMP/CFMP EXTRACTS APPENDIX P: PHOTOGRAPHS APPENDIX Q: REFH FLOW eSTIMATES APPENDIX R: 1D MODELLING OUTPUTS - EXISTING APPENDIX S: OVERLAND FLOOD FLOW PLAN APPENDIX T: 1D MODELLING SENSIVITY TESTING OUTPUTS APPENDIX U: 1D MODELLING BLOCKAGE SCENARIOS OUTPUTS APPENDIX V: 1D MODELLING OUTPUTS - PROPOSED APPENDIX W: NOTES OF LIMITATION Figures & Tables Figure 1: Aerial Photograph of site (Bing Maps, 2014) ................................................................... 13 Figure 2: General Topography within Site Based On Observations. ............................................... 14 Figure 3: Existing Site Situation Aerial Photograph (Bing Maps 2014)............................................ 16 Figure 4: Development Advice Map Extract (Welsh Government, 2013) ....................................... 17 Table 1: Development Category of Vulnerability (Source: TAN15: Section5)................................ 18 Figure 5: Natural Resource Wales Fluvial Flood Zone Extract (NRW 2014) .................................... 21 Table 2: ReFH Flow Estimates ........................................................................................................ 23 Figure 6: Model Schematic HEC-RAS v4.1 - Existing (Betts Associates 2014) ................................. 23 Figure 7: 1D Hydraulic Model Profile Plot Output (Betts Associates 2014) .................................... 24 Figure 8: 1D Hydraulic Model Profile Plot Output (Betts Associates 2014) .................................... 25 Figure 9: Overland Flood Flow Routing Plan extract (Betts Associates 2014) ................................ 26 Figure 10: Model Schematic HEC-RAS v4.1 – Proposed (Betts Associates 2014) ............................. 28 Figure 11: Groundwater Designation Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014)............................. 29 Figure 12: Reservoir Flood Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014) ............................................. 30 Figure 13: Surface Water Flood Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014) ..................................... 31 Figure 14: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 30 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) ...... 32 Figure 15: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 100 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) .... 32 Figure 16: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 1000 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) .. 33 Figure 17: Flood Event Outline Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) ................................. 34 Figure 18: Flood Warning Map Extract (Environment Agency 2014) ................................................ 35 Figure 19: Evacuation Route Plan (Betts-Associates 2014) ............................................................... 36 FRA262 – FCA ~ ix ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Specialist Software Flood Estimation Handbook FEH CD-ROM (v.3.0) – Determination of Catchment Descriptors and depths of rainfall. MicroDrainage: WinDES (v.2014.1) – Calculation of Greenfield run-off rates IH124/ICP-SUDS, Greenfield run-off volumes, rates of rainfall and stormwater storage estimates. Abbreviations & Acronyms AEP Annual Exceedance Probability LPA Local Planning Authority BGL Below Ground Level mAOD Metres Above Ordnance Datum BGS British Geological Survey NGR National Grid Reference CC Climate Change NRW National Resources Wales CFMP Catchment Flood Management Plan NSRI National Soil Resource Institute DAM Development Advice Map OS Ordnance Survey EA Environment Agency PFRA Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment FEH Flood Estimation Handbook PPW Planning Policy Wales FCA Flood Consequence Assessment QSE Quick Storage Estimate FCC Flintshire County Council SFCA Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment FUDP Flintshire Unitary Development Plan SuDS Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems FZ Flood Zone SWMP Surface Water Management Plan Ha Hectare TAN15 Technical Advice Note 15 IDB Internal Drainage Board TWL Top Water Level LFRDP Local Flood Risk Development Plan UKCIP United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme LLFA Lead Local Flood Authority WW Welsh Water FRA262 – FCA ~x~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Planning Policy Wales Context 1.1.1 All forms of flooding and their impact on the natural and built environment are material planning considerations. Planning Policy Wales (PPW) sets out the Government’s objectives for the planning system, and how planning should facilitate and promote sustainable patterns of development, avoiding flood risk and accommodating the impacts of climate change. 1.1.2 Government policy with respect to development in flood risk areas is contained within the Planning Policy Wales, Technical Advice Note 15, (TAN15) ‘Development and Flood Risk’ which was issued in July 2004. 1.2 Technical Advice Note 15 (TAN15) 1.2.1 Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk (TAN15) provides technical guidance to supplement the policy’s set out in PPW with regards to ‘development and flood risk’. 1.2.2 A framework is provided to enable new development to be considered appropriately with regards to arising risks of fluvial and tidal flooding along with risks associated with additional run-off from development in all locations (see Appendix I). 1.2.3 TAN15 builds on ‘Flooding in Wales’ published by the Natural Resources Wales in March 2001 in response to the October/November floods of 2000. 1.3 Site Context 1.3.1 This Flood Consequence Assessment has been prepared to support an outline planning application for the construction of a residential development situated off Corwen Road, Coed-Talon. 1.3.2 The proposed development site is identified as being located within Flood Zones A, B and C2; therefore a FCA is required to justify that the proposed development is appropriate with reference to the compliance set out in TAN15 (checklist included in Appendix A). 1.3.3 All New development taking place within the classified Flood Zones must provide justification that; The consequences of flooding to that development and elsewhere have been fully considered and implemented against for the lifetime of the development; No increase in flooding will occur to the development site or surrounding area due to the proposed development including flooding from surface water and sewers; FRA262 – FCA ~ 11 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 1.4 Consultation 1.4.1 The preparation of this report has been undertaken in consultation with the following interested parties; Flintshire County Council (FCC), Natural Resources Wales (NRW), The Environment Agency (EA) and Welsh Water (WW). 1.4.2 Planning Policy Wales advises that the LPA should consult with Natural Resources Wales who will provide advice and guidance on flood issues at a strategic level and in relation to all planning applications. The Local Planning Authority (LPA), Flintshire County Council, will make the final decision with regard to any planning permission. Flintshire County Council also acts as the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA). 1.4.3 The Natural Resources Wales were contacted to discuss the nature and extent of information to be provided in this FCA and for any background knowledge of flood risk specific to the site (correspondence is included in Appendix F). 1.4.4 Welsh Water Developer Services were contacted to discuss whether WW have any historical flooding issues in the area or any background knowledge on flood risk specific to the site (correspondence is included in Appendix G). 1.4.5 Flintshire County Council were contacted to discuss the nature and extent of information to be provided in this FCA and for any background knowledge of flood risk specific to the site (correspondence is included in Appendix H). FRA262 – FCA ~ 12 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 2.0 EXISTING SITE SITUATION 2.1 Location 2.1.1 The proposed development site is located in Coed-Talon, Flintshire and is directly accessed off Corwen Road (A5104). The Ordnance Survey National Grid Reference (OS NGR) for the site is 326823 (Easting), 358978 (Northing) and the nearest postcode is CH7 4TN. The site location plan is shown in Appendix C and edged in red in Figure 1 below. 2.1.2 The site is bounded; to the north by the undeveloped land, with ‘Ffordd-Y-Bont’ road beyond, to the east are residential developments off ‘Ffordd-Y-Bont’ road and the ‘A5104’, to the west lies undeveloped land, to the south lies further developments off ‘Corwen Road’. Byr Brook Proposed Development Location Unnamed Tributary Approximately location of watercourse A5104 Corwen Road Figure 1: Aerial Photograph of site (Bing Maps, 2014) Aerial View of the proposed development (area edged in red) 2.2 Existing and Historical Land Use 2.2.1 The proposed development site is an existing brownfield development, housing ‘SPA Davies and Sons’; a salvage yards supplying various steel, plant machinery and cladding. The company recycles most materials including cladding, metals, re-usable steels, storage tanks and sleepers. FRA262 – FCA ~ 13 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 2.2.2 The south-western boundary and isolated areas along the eastern boundary provide the only pervious areas of site, with the remaining areas consisting of commercial buildings and/or areas of hardstanding. No other historical uses were identified during the preparation of this report. 2.3 Topography 2.3.1 The detailed topographical survey (included in Appendix D) would suggest the site generally falls from the western boundary to the south-eastern boundary of site. The initial fall from the western boundary is steep (Figure 2) with the fall through the rest of site understood to be shallower in comparison (following observations at the site). Legend: Site Boundary Topographic Fall Open Channel Culverted Channel Figure 2: General Topography within Site Based On Observations. 2.3.2 The existing watercourse forms the lowest elevations of site and runs (culverted in sections) within the boundaries from the west and south to the east. The watercourse is considered to be open channel on the topographical survey along the south/western and eastern boundaries. 2.3.3 A site walkover identified that the open channel located on the eastern boundary is considerably lower than site due to a steep, vegetated embankment. The open channels in the south/western areas of site are understood to be situated at a similar elevation to the surrounding areas of site. FRA262 – FCA ~ 14 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 2.4 Access and Egress 2.4.1 The proposed development site is accessed directly off ‘Corwen Road’, Pontybodkin, to the west of the ‘Railway Inn’ located along the southern boundary of site and is considered to be easily accessible. 2.4.2 The guidance set out in TAN15 indicates the importance of early warning and safe access and egress especially for development of residential nature located within an area identified as being at flood risk. 2.4 Justification for Development 2.4.1 Planning Policy Wales (5th Ed. – November 2012) states that the Welsh Government is committed to promoting ‘sustainable development’ by providing for homes, infrastructure, investment and jobs in a way which is consistent with sustainable development principles PPW Sec. 2.2). 2.4.2 This FCA has reviewed all sources of flood risk to and from the proposed development site and has considered appropriate mitigation measures based on the identified sources of risk making provision for the future uncertainties of climate change. FRA262 – FCA ~ 15 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 3.0 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 3.1 Nature of the Development 3.1.1 This FCA has been prepared to support an outline planning application for the construction of a residential development complete with access road, external works, footpaths, car parking, landscaping, boundary walls, fencing, external services and drainage on land to the north of ‘Corwen Road’ Coed-Talon. 3.1.2 The total site area is approximately 2.900ha and is estimated to be approximately 48% (1.395ha) impervious at present. The proposed impermeable area of the development is assumed to decrease to approximately 0.721ha (25%) of the total development area. Proposed Development Location Byr Brook Unnamed Tributary A5104 Corwen Road Approximately location of watercourse Figure 3: Existing Site Situation Aerial Photograph (Bing Maps 2014) 3.1.3 There is an existing watercourse running through site, referred to as ‘Byr Brook’, from the southern boundary to the north-eastern boundary, as shown in Figure 3 above. An unnamed tributary of ‘Byr Brook’ is understood to converge with the Main River within the boundaries of site, however the exact location of such is at present unknown as both watercourses are culverted for the majority of site. 3.1.4 The proposals are to convert the existing large sections of culverts through site back to the original state as open channels. There will therefore be a requirement for crossing of this watercourse for any potential access road; this will require a short length of culvert or ideally a bridge deck. This proposed culvert should be sized sufficiently to cater for the extreme events up to and including the 1000yr event. 3.1.5 The existing culvert size is 1850mm (downstream) and in order to future proof the capacity, the proposed culvert would need to be 2.1m (dia.); this has been modelled and determined adequate. Alternatively to improve the channel morphology it may be preferred that a bridge deck be constructed over the open channel however this will again be required to be confirmed during detailed design. FRA262 – FCA ~ 16 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 4.0 TECHNICAL ADVICE NOTE 15 (TAN15) 4.1 Flood Zone Classification 4.1.1 The Welsh Government Development Advice Map (DAM) is to be utilised when considering and determining flood risk associated with planning future developments within Wales, these maps are based on extreme flood events outlined by the Environment Agency (EA) and British Geological Survey (BGS) data (TAN15). 4.1.2 The development advice map identifies three key ‘flood zones’ for consideration, TAN15; Figure 1 provides detailed definitions of these zones, which are summarised below: • Flood Zone A Areas considered to be at little or no risk of fluvial/tidal flooding. • Flood Zone B Areas known to have historically flooded based on sedimentary evidence deposits. • Flood Zone C Areas considered to be located on floodplain based on EA extreme flood outline data (equal to or greater than 0.1% fluvial/tidal flooding). This zone is subdivided into: Zone C1 - Areas considered to be developed and served by significant infrastructure (flood defences). Zone C2 - Areas considered to be located within natural floodplain without significant flood defences. Proposed Development Location Legend: Zone A Zone B Zone C1 Zone C2 Figure 4: Development Advice Map Extract (Welsh Government, 2013) 4.1.3 The proposed development site is identified on the DAM to be located within Flood Zones A, B and C2 as highlighted in Figure 4 above (see Appendix E for details). FRA262 – FCA ~ 17 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 4.1.4 The proposed development site is predominantly considered to be at ‘little or no risk of fluvial/tidal flooding’ based on the DAM, the south-eastern boundary of site (lowest elevation) is identified as being within Flood Zone B and C2, therefore consideration is required for appropriate mitigation within these areas to secure the development site for its design life. 4.1.5 Review of the historical data would suggest that the flood risk to the southern and eastern areas of site is primarily due to the presence of the existing watercourses bisecting site, this area has only one historic incident of flooding (caused by a blockage issue upstream) whereby debris resulted in flooding to some of the south-eastern portion of site, for approximately 24 hours. 4.1.6 Consideration is required in compliance with TAN15 for future flood risks to a development with respect to climate change, all proposals must show that the influences on flood risk due to climate change has been considered and accounted for through appropriate mitigation measures. 4.2 Category of Development 4.2.1 TAN15 states that particular types of development may not be considered ‘acceptable’ based on their vulnerability to the consequences of flooding, identified on the Development Advice Maps (as described in TAN15; Section 5). 4.2.2 The vulnerability of different land uses are described in detail in TAN15 (Figure 2 and Section 5) however there are three key categories as summarised in Table 1 below; Development Category Description Emergency Services Facilities which need to remain operational and accessible at all times. Highly Vulnerable Development where the ability of occupants to decide on whether they wish to accept the risk and manage the consequences associated with flooding is limited. Less Vulnerable Types Hospitals & Ambulance Stations, Fire & Police Stations, Coastguard Stations. Residential Developments, Hotels, Caravan Parks, Public Buildings. Industrial uses where risk to public/environment from inundation is present. Power Stations, Chemical Plants, Waste Disposal. Development where the ability of occupants to decide on whether they wish to accept the risks associated with flooding is greater than ‘highly vulnerable category’. General Industrial, Commercial Developments, Utilities Infrastructure, Transport. Table 1: Development Category of Vulnerability (Source: TAN15: Section5) FRA262 – FCA ~ 18 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 4.2.3 The development proposals are ‘residential’ in nature and therefore categorized as ‘Highly Vulnerable’, this nature of use is considered ‘acceptable’ within Flood Zone A providing all surface water management requirements are conformed to. In order for residential development to be considered ‘acceptable’ in Flood Zones B and C, site levels are expected to be checked against water levels data for the extreme (0.1%) flood events. Hydraulic modelling has confirmed the site to lie within the extents of Flood Zone A. 4.2.4 In order for ‘Highly Vulnerable’ development to be justified it must demonstrate, in accordance with TAN15 that its location in Zone C; Is necessary to assist of be part of a local authority regeneration initiative; or, Is necessary to contribute to key employment objectives to sustain an existing settlement or region; and, It concurs with the aims of PPW (meeting the definition of previously developed land; and, The potential consequences of flooding for the particular development have been considered; 4.3 Justification 4.3.1 In order for new development to be considered ‘sustainable’ from a flooding perspective it must; Be guided to locations at little or no risk from all sources of flooding and must not cause such flood issues to neighbouring developments; Consequences of all sources of flooding to and from the proposed development must be managed and justified with reference to TAN15 guidance (Section 7 & Appendix 1) ; Provision for future changes in flood risk must be considered taking into account the uncertainties of climate change where they can be anticipated; 4.3.2 A TAN15 requirement checklist for assessing flooding consequences is included in Appendix B which summarises the key requirements as identified within TAN15; Appendix 1. 4.3.3 The proposed site is currently a developed brownfield site of commercial nature, the proposals suggest re-development of this highly impervious site into a residential development incorporating landscaped and open space areas. 4.3.4 The nature of the proposals would suggest an opportunity to reduce the flood risk to the site and surrounding area from fluvial, pluvial and surface water flooding; an increase in permeability of site would furthermore provide a betterment on the existing surface water management situation. Furthermore improvements in water quality, biodiversity and contamination risks would be achieved due to the proposals. FRA262 – FCA ~ 19 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 4.3.5 In light of the identified flood risk, the proposed residential development will be steered to those areas within site considered to be at least risk using an intra-sequential approach to flood risk in compliance with TAN15. 4.4 Acceptability Criteria 4.4.1 Various acceptability criteria are identified within TAN15; Section 7 based on the nature and scale of the proposals, these criteria are used to determine whether the proposed development is ‘acceptable’ with regards to the predicted consequences of flooding. 4.4.2 The acceptability criteria for ‘Highly Vulnerable’ development proposed in Flood Zone A is that the proposed development will cause no increase in flood risk (from all sources) to the immediate and surrounding areas (see Appendix I for TAN15 summary of policy requirements). 4.4.3 The acceptability criteria for ‘Highly Vulnerable’ development proposed in Flood Zone B is that; The development has acceptable consequences for it nature of use; The occupiers are aware of the flood risk; Escape and evacuation routes are present; Effective flood warning and emergency planning is provided; No increase in flood risk elsewhere due to the proposals; 4.4.4 TAN15 indicates that the flooding consequences associated with ‘Highly Vulnerable’ development proposed within Flood Zone C consider the criteria indicated for the previous Flood Zone Classifications (stated in 4.3.2 & 4.3.3) along with the criteria stated below; The flood defences are adequate; Agreement for construction and maintenance costs are secured (where feasible); Proposed dwellings have flood resistant design implemented; FRA262 – FCA ~ 20 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.0 SOURCES OF FLOOD RISK 5.1 Fluvial & Tidal Flood Risk 5.1.1 Information relating to the flood risk at the site has been obtained from the Welsh Government’s Development Advice Map (DAM) and Natural Resources Wales (see Appendix F for full details). Fluvial Flooding 5.1.2 ‘Byr Brook’ is understood to flow through the proposed development site from the southern boundary to the eastern boundary before continuing its course through ‘Nant Wood’ (northeast of site) into the River Alun. 5.1.3 Some sections of ‘Byr Brook’ are open channel within the boundaries of site however it is noted that the majority of the watercourse has been culverted through site to allow for its existing land-use. 5.1.4 An Unnamed Tributary of ‘Byr Brook’ is understood to flow from the west of site joining the brook within the boundaries of site, the exact location of this confluence in unknown due to large sections of the watercourse being culverted through site. 5.1.5 The site is considered to be predominantly at ‘very low’ risk of fluvial flooding, based on the EA Flood Mapping Data. The small area along the south and eastern boundaries are shown to have ‘low’ to ‘medium’ flood risk; which is understood to be associated with the location of the watercourses and the lowest elevations within site. 5.1.6 The DAM indicated a small proportion of site to be located within Flood Zones B and C2, therefore correspondence with NRW and mapping data was requested. Proposed Development Location Figure 5: Natural Resource Wales Fluvial Flood Zone Extract (NRW 2014) FRA262 – FCA ~ 21 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.1.7 As indicated in Figure 5 (preceding page), part of the proposed development site (southern/eastern boundary) is identified as being at risk during the 1 in 1000 year and 1 in 100 year extreme storm events and therefore considered to lie within Flood Zone C2, due to the lack of significant infrastructure (flood defences). 5.1.8 Review of the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) CD-ROM identifies the catchment to be 3.46km (sq.). The fluvial flood risk to the majority of the site is understood to be relating to the watercourse bisecting site, the lowest elevations surrounding the watercourse channels/culverts are considered to have a higher risk in comparison to the remainder of site and therefore development should be wherever possible steered away from these areas. Hydraulic Assessment 5.1.9 Correspondence with NRW indicated that there is no model information or flood defence information for the proposed development site (see Appendix F), therefore the potential depths of inundation within site cannot be accurately ascertained and further modelling was required. 5.1.10 Following detailed discussions with NRW it was agreed that 1D modelling of the watercourses bisecting site be undertaken as part of the FCA including modelling of the upstream culvert of Byr Brook to the south of site. 5.1.11 The watercourse bisecting site is understood to be predominantly culverted within the site; with the exception of a small open section along the southern, south-western and northeastern boundaries. The topographical survey gives indication of the open channel sections, along with an indication of culvert dimensions; the direction and location of the culverted sections have been assumed for the purpose of this FCA. 5.1.12 It is understood that the main river reach is that of ‘Byr Brook’ which enters site along the Sothern boundary, a smaller, Unnamed Tributary is understood to converge with the main system within site. The exact location of such convergence, is assumed at present, as the point of convergence is within the existing culverted sections and not apparent from above ground. Method 5.1.13 The catchment descriptors were identified from the FEH CD-ROM for the catchment just downstream of the site, this results in potential flows being slightly over-estimated and in turn results in a more conservative model from a flood risk perspective. The FEH Catchment descriptors are included in Appendix J. The Revitalised FSR/FEH Rainfall Run-Off Method (ReFH) was applied based on catchment descriptors; these are considered to represent conservative flow estimates (i.e. adopts the precautionary approach). 5.1.14 This study has considered the; 1 in 1 year (Q1), 1 in 100 year (Q100), 1 in 100 year + 20% allowance for Climate Change (Q100+CCA) and the 1 in 1000 year (Q1000) flood flows along the watercourses. The peak flow estimates are shown in Table 2 (subsequent page); full details are shown in Appendix Q. FRA262 – FCA ~ 22 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment RETURN PERIOD (YEARS) 1 in 1 1 in 100 1 in 100 + 20% (CCA) 1 in 1000 3 FLOW REF. Q1 Q100 Q100 + CCA Q1000 REACH 1 – BYR BROOK UPSTREAM 1.1 4.5 FLOW ESTIMATE (M /S) REACH 2 – UNNAMED TRIBUTARY 0.3 1.5 REACH 3 - BYR BROOK DOWNSTREAM 1.4 6.0 5.4 1.8 7.2 8.0 2.7 10.7 Table 2: ReFH Flow Estimates 5.1.15 A steady state 1 dimensional (1D) model of the watercourses was developed using HEC-RAS v4.1 which solves the Energy Equation using the Standard Step Method. A topographical survey of the site was undertaken and cross sections through the watercourses and adjacent land were recorded. 5.1.16 A schematic view of the modelled reach is shown in Figure 6 (below), the watercourse profile and cross sections are included in Appendix R. As the existing culverts have different upstream/downstream dimensions and the location at which such a change occurs is unknown, it was concluded following discussions with JBA consulting that the existing culverts should be modelled to represent each culvert dimension and the culvert with the least capacity was utilised to reflect the existing situation onsite, to follow a more conservative approach. Figure 6: Model Schematic HEC-RAS v4.1 - Existing (Betts Associates 2014) FRA262 – FCA ~ 23 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.1.17 Upstream of site the channel of Byr Brook is considered to be lined/built up and includes multiple obstructions, with highly vegetated banks. Upstream of the Unnamed Tributary is considered to be more natural, although obstructions are still present with the banks being predominantly highly vegetated (see Appendix P for photographs of watercourse). Downstream of site Byr Brook is considered to be more natural, with the steep banks and mixed vegetation. 5.1.18 Roughness coefficient allocations were based on information obtained during a site walkover undertaken in July 2014 by employees of Betts Associates Ltd, and photographic evidenced reviewed as part of this FCA including that provided by Geomatic Surveys Ltd. Within the model the roughness coefficient for the existing culverts has been applied based on the observations of the structures. 5.1.19 The upstream and downstream boundary conditions were assumed normal depth, based on the average gradient through the study area of 0.0207 for Reach 1, 0.0437 for Reach 2 and 0.0163 for Reach 3. Results 5.1.20 The hydraulic modelling results including; a schematic plan, longitudinal profiles, cross sections and modelling output tables for all reaches (indicating Top Water Levels (TWL) for all of the aforementioned storm events) are included in Appendix R. 5.1.21 Based on the Hydraulic Model, it is considered that the whole of site would remain flood free during the design period event (Q100+CCA event), due to sufficient capacity within the existing culverts onsite (See Figure 7 below). The water surface elevation varies through site based on the location and proximity to the watercourse; however no out of channel flooding is anticipated, based on the simulations, within the extents of site. Figure 7: 1D Hydraulic Model Profile Plot Output (Betts Associates 2014) FRA262 – FCA ~ 24 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.1.22 The existing Unnamed Tributary culvert (no. 3) bisecting site, is considered to have sufficient capacity to allow flows from the annual event although some minor out of channel flooding would be anticipated during the Q100, Q100+CCA and Q1000 year events (see Figure 8 subsequent page). The anticipated flows during the Q100+CCA event would be approximately 0.44m3/s (derived from the 1D hydraulic model). Figure 8: 1D Hydraulic Model Profile Plot Output (Betts Associates 2014) 5.1.23 The existing downstream culvert, bisecting site along the eastern boundary, is considered to have sufficient capacity to take the predicted flows up to and including the 1 in 100 year return period event with an allowance for Climate Change (Q100+CCA), with no above ground flows anticipated for the design period event (illustrated in Figure 8 above). 5.1.24 The existing Byr Brook culvert upstream of site is considered to have insufficient capacity to take the flows generated during the Q100, Q100+CCA and Q1000 year events (Figure 8). Some out of channel flows (approximately 2.41m3/s) would be anticipated during the design period event (Q100+CCA) upstream of site, due to capacity issues within the existing upstream culvert. 5.1.25 It is understood that the most likely location for the existing system to reach exceedance would be the inlet of this upstream culvert (offsite) and therefore identification of the potential flood flow routes has been undertaken, utilising Ground Levels data (LiDAR DTM) and a topographical survey. Any water not able to enter the existing system would flow safely away from site, utilising the existing drainage systems within the highway (Corwen Road) to the south of site (Figure 9 on the subsequent page; Appendix T). FRA262 – FCA ~ 25 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Figure 9: Overland Flood Flow Routing Plan extract (Betts Associates 2014) 5.1.26 Sensitivity testing was carried out on the model parameters to determine the effects on the simulated flows and water levels due to controlled changes in accordance with best practice. The flow rates for the 1 in 100 year return period event were increased and decreased by 20% for each of the simulated reaches. The boundary conditions for each of the simulated reaches were increase and decreased by 20% for all the simulated storm events. The Manning’s n Values (channel roughness) and the weir coefficients were increased and decreased by 10% for all the simulated storm events (see Appendix T for outputs). 5.1.27 No increase/decrease in water surface elevation was observed when altering the flow rates for the Q100 year event by 20%, thus no increase in flood risk would be anticipated with this variable and no out of channel flooding is anticipated within the main boundaries of site. No change in the anticipated flood risk to site is understood to result from increasing/decreasing the boundary conditions (slope depth) by 20%. 5.1.28 An insignificant increase in water surface elevation (0.01m) is observed upstream of Reach 2 (Unnamed Trib.) and Reach 1 (Byr Brook), when increasing the roughness coefficients with no change/decrease in water surface elevation observed elsewhere within the system. FRA262 – FCA ~ 26 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Similar observations were witnessed when the weir coefficients for the reaches were increased and decrease by 10% with no anticipated increase in flood risk in the downstream culvert and an insignificant increase in flood risk within the upstream Byr Brook and Unnamed Tributary reaches. 5.1.29 Although the chance of blockage within the existing structures is considered to be significantly reduced due the sizes of the existing inlets, various blockage scenarios were undertaken and reviewed as part of the analysis. During the 25% and 75% blockage scenarios (tested on all structures individually and combined); the water surface elevation is understood to either remain the same or be slightly reduced along the majority of site (see Appendix U for outputs). 5.1.30 During both the 25% and 75% blockage simulation on Culvert 2 (Unnamed Trib.); an increase in water surface elevation (0.04/0.05m) is anticipated along Byr Brook between the upstream culvert and the downstream culvert. Irrespective, following review of the available topographic information no out of channel flood would be anticipated with regards to the Unnamed Tributary and downstream Byr Brook. Any overland flooding generated by the upstream culvert on Byr Brook would be intercepted prior to reaching site and as such there is no anticipated increase in flood risk to site. 5.1.31 It is understood that as part of the proposals, the existing onsite culverts (Culverts 2 and 3) are to be removed and a natural channel restored, this has therefore been simulated using the most appropriate profiles and interpolated cross-sections, maintain a steady gradient fall from the existing open channel locations (see Figure 10 on the subsequent page; Appendix V for outputs). 5.1.32 The proposed open channel has a positive effect on the water surface elevation levels for the upstream Unnamed Trib. and Byr Brook, reducing in some locations the simulated surface water elevation and reducing upstream flood risk. The proposed open channel simulation did not show any significant changes to the downstream water surface elevation along Byr Brook and therefore no increase in flood risk would be anticipated. 5.1.33 The proposals are understood to be solely residential in nature therefore Finished Floor Levels (FFL) should be set a minimum of 600mm above the Q100+CCA event to mitigate for any potential fluvial flooding and safeguard the development for its design life (100yrs). The FFL will vary based on the location within site and the proximity to the watercourse, detailed design should account for this variation through site and set FFL’s to reflect such. 5.1.34 No displacement of floodplain is proposed therefore no compensatory storage is required. 5.1.35 In view of the proposals to remove the existing culverted lengths within site, it is anticipated that a new short length would be required (under the access road) this will be size appropriately during detailed design to cater for the predicted flows. FRA262 – FCA ~ 27 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Figure 10: Model Schematic HEC-RAS v4.1 – Proposed (Betts Associates 2014) 5.2 Tidal Flooding 5.2.1 The coast is located approximately 31km to the north-west of the proposed development area, with the River Dee Estuary located approximately 15km to the north. 5.2.2 Due to the distance from the coast and estuarine waterways the risk of flooding from tidal sources is considered to be ‘very low’ as identified in the EA’s Flood Mapping data shown in Figure 4 (pg. 22). 5.2.3 Consultation with NRW confirmed that site is not considered to be at risk from tidal related flooding, correspondence has been included within Appendix F. 5.3 Groundwater Flood Risk 5.3.1 In general terms groundwater flooding can occur from three main sources: ‐ raised water tables, seepage and percolation and groundwater recovery or rebound. 5.3.2 If groundwater levels are naturally close to the surface then this can present a flood risk during times of intense rainfall. FRA262 – FCA ~ 28 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.3.3 Seepage and percolation occur where embankments above ground level hold water. In these cases water travels through the embankment material and emerges on the opposite side of the embankment. At present there are no reported problems with groundwater flooding. 5.3.4 Groundwater recovery / rebound occurs where the water table has been artificially depressed by abstraction. When the abstraction stops the water table makes a recovery to its original level. There is the potential for groundwater flooding in low lying areas where groundwater levels have been depressed below their pre‐pumping conditions, where these were at or close to ground level. As with the seepage scenario the likelihood of flooding from this source is considered to be low. 5.3.5 The EA’s online mapping data indicates that the site is underlain by a ‘Secondary A’ aquifer as highlighted in Figure 11 below (see Appendix F for full details). No historical groundwater flooding of the site has been identified during consultation with the various interested parties. Proposed Development Location Legend: Figure 11: Groundwater Designation Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014) 5.3.6 Irrespective, setting Finished Floor Levels of the proposed development to a minimum of 150mm above the external levels (following any re-grade) would mitigate any future risks of flooding from this source. 5.4 Artificial Sources of Risk 5.4.1 TAN15 suggests that in order for new development to be ‘justified’ then all sources of flood risk must be considered both to and from the development site and implemented against. Reservoirs 5.4.2 Figure 12 (subsequent page) shows an extract of the EA’s online Reservoir flood map; Appendix F shows the EA’s reservoir flood map in full. FRA262 – FCA ~ 29 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Proposed Development Location Unnamed Tributary Byr Brook Approx. Location of the Culverted Sections Legend: Reservoir Flood Risk: Maximum Extent Figure 12: Reservoir Flood Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014) 5.4.3 The proposed development site is located approximately 3.1km south-west of the nearest EA identified reservoir (those holding over 25,000cu.m), this combined with the natural topography of the area the associated risk of flooding from this source is considered to be ‘low’. 5.4.4 There is an unidentified lake approximately 0.7km north-west of the proposed development site, due to its size and proximity from the development site, the associated flood risk from this source is also considered to be ‘low’. Canals 5.4.5 The nearest identified Canal is the ‘Shropshire Union Canal’, located approximately 19.3km north-east of the proposed site; as such the risk from this source is considered to be ‘very low’. 5.5 Surface Water Flood Risk 5.5.1 Surface water flooding occurs when rainwater is unable to drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the ground, but lies on or flows over the ground instead. This section will consider the surface water flood risks associated with overland run-off (pluvial) and sewers. 5.5.2 An increase in impermeable areas through development can reduce percolation rates at source, therefore increasing surface water run-off. If this run-off is not controlled effectively FRA262 – FCA ~ 30 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment it can increase the frequency and extent of localised flooding in neighbouring areas of the catchment. 5.5.3 TAN15 states therefore that ‘The aim should be for new development not to create additional run-off when compared with the undeveloped situation and re-development to reduce the overall run-off where possible’ (Section 8.3). 5.5.4 Due to the proposed development site being located within Flood Zones A, B and C2 there is consideration needed into appropriate management of surface water run-off generated by the proposals. 5.5.5 The Environment Agency’s online surface water flood map indicates that the proposed development site is considered to be predominantly at ‘Very Low Risk’ from surface water flooding as highlighted by the lack of blue shading within the site boundaries in Figure 13 (below). The areas indicated to be at ‘low’, ‘medium’ and ‘high’ risk from surface water flooding are associated with the lowest elevations and the location of the watercourse within site. Proposed Development Location Approx. Location of the Culverted Sections Unnamed Tributary Byr Brook Legend: Very Low Low Medium High Figure 13: Surface Water Flood Map Extract (Environment Agency, 2014) 5.5.6 More detailed mapping information was requested from NRW, correspondence confirmed that the proposed site is considered to be predominantly at ‘Very Low Risk’ from surface water flooding during the 1 in 30 and 1 in 100 year events, as indicated in Figures 14 and 15 (subsequently). The identified risk areas again correspond with the areas of most hardstanding, lowest topography and location of the culverted watercourse through site. FRA262 – FCA ~ 31 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Figure 14: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 30 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) Figure 15: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 100 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) 5.5.7 When reviewing the received NRW data for surface water flooding during the 1 in 1000 year event the proposed development site is predicted to experience more surface water flooding than during the other review events (Figure 16; on the subsequent page, grey shading). 5.5.8 The north and western boundaries are understood to not be predominantly inundated; the predicted extents of surface water flooding during the 1 in 1000 year event, is the majority of the south-eastern boundary of site. This area is understood to be much flatter than the surroundings areas and ponding is more likely to occur in these areas. FRA262 – FCA ~ 32 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Figure 16: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 1000 Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) 5.5.9 The nature and scale of the development proposals (residential) are understood to offer significant improvement on pervious areas within site which may aid in a reduction of the associated surface water flood risks. Irrespective, setting Finished Floor Levels a minimum of 150mm above the external levels following any re-grade should reduce the associated risk of surface water flooding in these areas. Pluvial Flooding (Overland Run-off) 5.5.10 Intense rainfall that is unable to soak into the ground or enter drainage systems can run‐off land and result in flooding. Local topography and the land use can have a strong influence on the direction and depth of flow. Large catchment areas are particularly prone to this type of flooding. The volume and rate of overland flow from land can be exacerbated if development increases the percentage of impermeable area. 5.5.11 There is little likelihood of significant pluvial flows impacting on the proposed development site, current understanding of the natural topography of site and the surrounding areas means that existing flows are likely to travel towards the eastern boundary of site towards the A5104. 5.5.12 Any overland flows generated by the proposed development must be carefully controlled; safe avenues of overland flow away from the existing and proposed dwellings is advised. Sewer Flooding 5.5.13 In urban areas, rainwater is frequently drained into surface water sewers or sewers containing both surface and waste water known as ‘combined sewers’. Foul water flooding often occurs in areas prone to overland flow and can result when the sewer is overwhelmed by heavy rainfall and will continue until the water drains away. It can also occur when the sewer becomes blocked or is of inadequate capacity, this could lead to there being a high risk of internal property flooding with contaminated water. FRA262 – FCA ~ 33 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.5.14 Consultation with Welsh Water (WW) did not identified any existing sewer flood risk issues or historical flooding within the vicinity of the proposed development site (correspondence included in Appendix G). 5.6 Historical Events of Flooding 5.6.1 An Internet based search for flooding events did not recall any historical flooding to the immediate development site and surrounding area including review of the Chronology of British Hydrological Events. 5.6.2 There is no Strategic Flood Consequence Assessment available for the area and the Flintshire County Council’s Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment did not identify any historic flood events to the proposed development area (some mapping information has been included in Appendix O). 5.6.3 The River Dee Catchment Flood Management Plan (2010) indicates the potential for surface water, fluvial and sewer flooding within the surrounding agricultural areas to Mold during times of excess rainfall. However no specific reference is given to the area of CoedTalon/Pontybodkin. 5.6.4 Consultation with FCC and WW furthermore failed to highlight any historical flooding events pertinent to this FCA (correspondence included in the Appendices). 5.6.5 Consultation with NRW identified one recorded historic flood event in 2000, associated with the tributary of ‘Byr Brook’ within the site boundaries (Figure 17 below); the event lasted for approximately 24 hours and effected 5 properties. Proposed Development Location Figure 17: Flood Event Outline Map Extract (Natural Resources Wales 2014) FRA262 – FCA ~ 34 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.6.6 It is understood that the flooding occurred due to the presence of debris blocking the inlet, fly-tipping upstream and the presence of services pipes crossing the watercourse. No other historical flood incidents have been identified, following removal of debris and relocation of the services pipes to beneath the brook. 5.7 Flood Warning and Evacuation 5.7.1 As the site is identified to be located within Flood Zone C, safe emergency access and egress, along with appropriate flood warning needs consideration in compliance with TAN15. Flood Warning 5.7.2 Although the majority of site is indicated on the DAM to be located within Flood Zone A, with the lower elevations being located within Flood Zones B and C; hydraulic modelling has confirmed the site lies wholly within Flood Zone A with the exception of the watercourse channels themselves. The residential development is advised to take place in those areas deemed at least risk from flooding within the boundaries of site. Figure 18 (below) indicates that part of the proposed development site is located within a NRW ‘Flood Alert Area’. Proposed Development Location Figure 18: Flood Warning Map Extract (Environment Agency 2014) 5.7.3 This alert relates to the River Alyn catchment which is located approximately 1.8km northeast of the site and not the catchment associated with ‘Byr Brook’, therefore a site specific evacuation plan may be determined necessary during detailed design to increase community preparedness at the site. 5.7.4 Irrespective, it would be recommended, due to the nature of the development proposals that all future residents within the identified alert area be aware of the associated flood risks to site and advised to sign up to the free ‘Floodline Warning Direct Service’ (https://fwd FRA262 – FCA ~ 35 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment to give them warning of potential future flooding within the vicinity of site. 5.7.5 To furthermore improve future resident’s resilience to flooding it would be recommended that the importance of emergency planning is portrayed and a copy of the emergency flood advice leaflet (if applicable) is made available to make them fully equipped to carry out emergency activities. Evacuation 5.7.6 In severe conditions, the authorities may decide to evacuate. Information will be given over the usual channels and/or by local hailer. It is possible that roads in the area may be flooded by surface water/groundwater flooding before fluvial flooding occurs. Such flooding may impact the road network in the area and not all routes may be accessible. In such an event the protection of evacuation routes will become a critical priority; once flooded only adequately equipped vehicles may be able to negotiate these roads. 5.7.7 Flintshire County Council may activate a Helpline in severe events to provide information, advice and guidance to the public in relation to evacuation arrangements, welfare, temporary accommodation etc. 5.7.8 The proposed evacuation route is indicated in Figure 19 (below); this is the most direct route from site to higher ground. The initial evacuation route leads from the proposed development site into ‘Corwen Road’, before heading south-west away from the extents of the floodplain. Residents would be strongly advised to evacuate during the extreme events, however if evacuation is deemed not possible or to dangerous it is recommended that occupants retreat to the first floor. LEGEND Prop. Evacuation Route Figure 19: Evacuation Route Plan (Betts-Associates 2014) FRA262 – FCA ~ 36 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Emergency Access and Egress 5.7.9 The site is confirmed to lie within Flood Zone A and not within the extents of the floodplain, based on the hydraulic modelling. The majority of site is elevated in comparison with the proposed access road on the south-eastern boundary of site. Based on the nature of the site, the only feasible access route will be situated within the area indicated as Flood Zone C2 and B (along the south-eastern boundary), therefore consideration is required for safe access and egress during the extreme storm events. 5.7.10 The proposals are to open up the existing culverted sections of the watercourse within site, where possible; which may offer potential for a reduction in flood risk within the southeastern boundary portion of site. Proposals to open the majority of the culverted sections to their natural state, and the addition of a newly adequately sized (2.1m dia.) small length, culverted section should effectively mitigate the flood risk for the extreme flood events up to and including the 1000 year event. 5.7.11 The hydraulic assessment undertaken on the existing watercourses as part of the FCA, indicate the predicted water surface elevations for various locations within the boundaries of site. In accordance with TAN15 flood depths should be no greater than 600mm along the proposed access road and therefore detailed design should determine the most appropriate locations within site for access and egress as no planning layout is currently available (A1:15). 5.8 Flood Risk Mitigation Measures and Residual Risks 5.8.1 TAN15 guidance recommends that any development proposals in areas at identified risk consider the five key principles listed below with regards to appropriate mitigation measures: Minimal risk to life; Minimal disruption to people; Minimal potential damages to property; Minimal impact of flood risk in general due to the development proposals; Minimal disruption to natural heritage; 5.8.2 With reference to TAN15, residential development should be wherever possible steered towards areas at least risk, the majority of the proposed development site is located within Flood Zone A and no specific flood risk mitigation measures are required within these areas. 5.8.3 Any development taking place within Flood Zones B or C will however require some level of mitigation in order to safeguard the development. The primary mitigation measure proposed within Flood Zones B and C, is to set finished floor levels (FFL) for the site a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP+CCA event. This specific water level will need to be calculated during the detailed design stage, however the detailed topographic survey of site and undertaken hydraulic 1D model, indicate this is feasible from a levels perspective. FRA262 – FCA ~ 37 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.8.5 Where levels raising within Flood Zone C occurs (more specifically the 1% AEP+CCA event), there is a necessity to provide compensatory flood storage onsite, it is understood that there is scope to achieve this storage requirement in the area within site; the specific volumes required for any displacement should be calculated during the detailed design stage. 5.8.7 The existing culverted sections of watercourse through site are proposed to be opened up, this allows for a more natural course to be achieved which is considered to reduce the fluvial flood risk associated with previous capacity issues. Added benefits of a natural open channel through site would be the introduction of a green buffer zone, improvements in water quality, biodiversity and visual aesthetics within the wider area. 5.8.8 There will therefore be a requirement for crossing of this watercourse for any potential access road; this will require a short length of culvert or ideally a bridge deck. The existing culvert size is 1850mm (downstream) and in order to future proof the capacity; the proposed culvert would need to be 2.1m (dia.). Alternatively to improve the channel morphology it may be preferred that a bridge deck be constructed over the open channel however this will again be required to be confirmed during detailed design. Mitigation Measures: Summary 5.8.9 It is advised that Finished Floor Levels (FFL) be set a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP 1 in 100 year) event with an allowance for climate change to mitigate for potential fluvial flooding from the watercourse, the specific water level will need to be calculated during the detailed design stage. Compensatory storage would be required onsite should levels within Flood Zones C (1%AEP+CCA event) be raised, the exact volumes of such will be required to be calculated during the detailed design stage. 5.8.10 Setting Finished Floor Levels a minimum of 150mm above the external levels following any re-grade should mitigate any risk of flooding from a variety of sources, including groundwater, surface water, sewer and pluvial flooding. 5.8.11 As with any development it is also advised that external levels fall away from the properties and any overland flows generated by the proposals are carefully controlled (safe avenues away from any existing and proposed buildings is advised), see Appendix N for overland flood flow routing plan. 5.8.12 To minimise the flood risk to the neighbouring developments and conform to the guidance set out in TAN15, it is proposed that surface water run‐off generated by the proposed development be managed effectively, ideally with the peak rates of run‐off being restricted to the equivalent of the pre‐development situation. 5.8.13 Opportunities to implement sustainable drainage systems may arise (following further investigations) which offer the possibility to further reduce the surface water discharge generated by the proposals; conforming with the guidance set out in TAN15. FRA262 – FCA ~ 38 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 5.8.14 The development and its drainage systems should be designed to cope with intense storm events up to and including the 100 year return period rainfall event with an allowance for Climate Change (CC). 5.8.15 It is proposed that this be achieved using a Hydrobrake® flow control device with stormwater storage being provided to prevent overland run-off from leaving site for events up to and including the 100yr event with a 30% allowance for climate change. 5.8.16 As with any drainage system blockages within either the foul or surface water system have the potential to cause flooding or disruption. It is important that should any drainage systems not be offered for adoption to either the Water Company or the Local Authority then an appropriate maintenance regime should be scheduled for these private systems. Residual Risks: Summary 5.8.17 The development is accessible for emergency access and egress during times of extreme flooding provided the FFL are set to safeguard the proposed development for its design life; TAN15 guidance states a maximum flood depth of 600m is acceptable along the access/egress route. Furthermore the new proposed short length of culvert must be sized with sufficient capacity to cater for the 1000 year return period events to provide safe access and egress into site, to be determined during detailed design. 5.8.18 If an extreme rainfall event exceeds the design criteria for the drainage system it is likely that there will be some overland flows that are unable to enter the system, it is important that these potential overland flows are catered for within the proposed planning layout in the event that the capacity of the drainage system is exceeded. 5.8.19 The residential nature of the proposals will result in the opportunity to improve the visual aesthetics and biodiversity of the surrounding area and furthermore result in a reduction in the risk of contamination during flood events which may improve the water quality downstream of site. FRA262 – FCA ~ 39 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 6.0 CLIMATE CHANGE 6.1 There are significant indications that the UK climate is changing; the nature of this change will vary based on regional and catchment differences, consensus is that effects will become more pronounced over the coming decades. 6.2 The UK Climate Impacts Programme (2002) predicts the key differences to UK climate being the potential for a 30% increase in winter precipitation by 2080. With reference to TAN15 the most likely effects to be experiences within Wales are; Increases in sea levels; Greater inflow into estuaries and the sea; Significant changes in rainfall patterns seasonally; Increased evapotranspiration; 6.3 Current expert opinion indicates the likelihood of more frequent short duration and high intensity rainfall events and the addition of more frequent periods of long duration rainfall meaning future flooding events will have a greater impact on the environment and society. 6.4 Making ‘provisions’ for these anticipated future changes to flood risk due to the uncertainties surrounding climate change is considered to be an important ensuring future ‘sustainable development’ within Wales as identified within TAN15; Section 2.1. 6.5 Any increase in the level of flood risk to the proposed development from climate change is likely to be related to the increase in rainfall intensity and duration and its impact upon the surface water drainage system (due to its location from the coast/estuary). 6.6 Climate Change should be accounted for within the design and it is recommended that an increase in peak rainfall intensity of 30% is allowed for as identified within TAN15. FRA262 – FCA ~ 40 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 7.0 SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS (SuDS) 7.1 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have the ability to address three core objectives; water quantity, water quality and amenity value. With the appropriate system specified, all three core objectives can be satisfied. 7.2 In accordance with TAN15, SuDS should be specified with all new developments; wherever feasible, to manage surface water run-off from site. Preference should always be given to SuDS over the traditional methods of buried sewers wherever possible and practical in order to reduce the overall burden of downstream sewerage systems and watercourses. 7.3 TAN15 suggests the most effective SuDS systems incorporate both soft and hard engineering solutions to control surface water run-off at source, in turn reducing the overall quantity of and delaying its discharge to the most appropriate source. 7.4 The proposals for the development site indicate a ‘residential’ development therefore it is proposed that opportunities should be taken to provide soft landscaping where at all possible on site to assist in minimising surface water run‐off. Added benefits include biodiversity and visual enhancements. 7.5 Runoff from car parking areas and roads could be conveyed through swales, permeable pavements, bio‐retention areas and petrol interceptors to provide a degree of treatment before flows are carried to public sewers/watercourse. 7.6 As aforementioned, the proposals indicate that the existing culverted sections of the watercourse through site are to be opened up into a formal watercourse feature within site, this feature could be enhanced further following re-profiling to form part of a broader wildlife corridor promoting biodiversity and improving visual aesthetics. 7.7 Any informal green space could be utilised as a multi-use POS area, incorporating SUDs designs, to provide the required storage for any displacement of flood waters due to the proposals and/or storage of the surface water run-off due to the proposed restricted discharge rate. Detailed design will be required to confirm feasibility following further investigation. 7.8 It is proposed that SuDS systems are considered within the development to manage the surface water run-off generated by the proposals, the exact SuDS systems will be determined at detailed design. FRA262 – FCA ~ 41 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 8.0 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 8.1 Pre-Development Surface Water Run-off 8.1.1 For the purposes of determining the existing rate of surface water run‐off the site is considered to be 52% pervious at present; the total area of the site is considered to be approximately 2.900ha, with approximately 1.395ha of existing impermeable areas (Appendix M). 8.1.2 The surface water run‐off rates have been calculated using the IH124 Greenfield run-off method, utilising rainfall catchment characteristics from the Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH), details of which are included Appendix J. 8.1.3 The approximate surface water run-off rate generated by the pre-development area based on the annual return period storm event is 58.1l/s. The approximate surface water runoff volume generated by the total development area based on the annual return period storm event is 359.1cu.m; estimated using the FEH rainfall catchment characteristics (6hr duration event). 8.1.4 The approximate surface water run-off rate generated by the pre-development area based on the 100 year return period storm event is 173.2l/s. The approximate surface water runoff volume generated by the total development area based on the 100 year return period storm event is 1340.7cu.m; estimated using the FEH rainfall catchment characteristics (6hr duration event). 8.2 Post-Development Surface Water Run-off 8.2.1 The residential nature of the development proposals means that there will be a decrease in the impermeable areas of the site, due to the existing land-use as a salvage yard. Impermeable areas are estimated to decrease from approximately 1.395ha to approximately 0.721ha (25%), resulting in decrease in both the volume and the peak rate of surface water run‐off. 8.2.2 The approximate surface water run-off rate generated by the impermeable area based on the annual return period storm event is 28.3l/s. The surface water run-off rate generated by the impermeable area based on the 1 in 100 year return period storm event, with a 30% allowance for climate change is 110.9l/s (refer to Appendix K). 8.2.3 The approximate surface water runoff volume generated by the impermeable area, based on the annual return period storm event is 118.2cu.m; estimated using the FEH rainfall catchment characteristics (6hr duration event). The approximate surface water runoff volume generated based on the 1 in 100 year return period storm event is 609.2cu.m; estimated using the FEH rainfall catchment characteristics (6hr duration event). FRA262 – FCA ~ 42 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 8.3 Methods of Surface Water Management 8.3.1 In order for the development proposals to be justified in line with the guidance set out in TAN15, the development must not increase flood risk elsewhere within the catchment and where possible offer improvement of the pre-development situation, therefore surface water management is a key focus (see TAN15: Section 8). 8.3.2 At present the site is identified as being a brownfield development comprising ‘SPA Davies and Sons’ salvage and recycling yard, which is understood to supply various steel, plant machinery and cladding. The total site area is approximately 2.900ha and predominantly made up of large areas of hardstanding presently (see Appendix P for photographic evidence), the site is considered to be 52% pervious at present. 8.3.3 The assumed impermeable area of the development is assumed to decrease from approximately 1.395ha to 0.721ha, 25% of the total site area. 8.3.4 There are three methods that have been reviewed for the management and discharge of surface water detailed below; these may be applied individually or collectively to form a complete strategy. They should be applied in the order of priority listed below; Discharge via infiltration Discharge to watercourse Discharge to sewerage system 8.4 Discharge via Infiltration 8.4.1 Any impermeable areas that can drain to soakaway or an alternative method of infiltration would significantly improve the sustainability of any surface water systems and be therefore justified within TAN15 guidance. 8.4.2 The British Geology Survey (BGS) mapping data indicates that ground conditions are as follows: ‐ 1:50 000 Scale Bedrock Geology Description: Hollin Rock - Sandstone. Sedimentary Bedrock formed approximately 309 to 310 million years ago in the Carboniferous Period. Setting: Swamps, Estuaries and Deltas. These rocks were formed in marginal coastal plains with lakes and swamps periodically inundated by the sea; or estuaries and deltas, and shallow seas. 1:50 000 Scale Superficial Deposits Description: None Recorded. 8.4.3 The Cranfield Soil and Agrifood Institute Soilscapes soil type viewer identifies the soils as; slowly permeable, seasonally wet, slightly acid but base-rich loamy and clayey soils. Drainage is considered to be impeded, described as waterlogged in wet ground conditions. Drainage is FRA262 – FCA ~ 43 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment to the local stream network and the main risks are associated with overland run-off from adjacent agricultural fields (due to the high level of compactness). 8.4.4 Based on analysis of the online BGS and NSRI Soilscapes data, it can be considered that infiltration drainage is not likely to provide a suitable means of surface water management for the flows generated by the proposed development. However if infiltration is to be considered as a suitable option then soakaway testing to BRE365 is advised in the locations considered most feasible for infiltration within site. 8.5 Discharge via Watercourse 8.5.1 It is understood that an Ordinary watercourse is predominantly culverted through site with a small open section along the south-western boundary and the eastern boundary. This watercourse is understood to be a tributary of ‘Byr Brook’ which runs north-east approximately 1.8km before converging with the River Alyn in Pontblyddyn. Pertinent planning drawing suggest the watercourse feature will remain post-development as a formal feature following removal of some of the culverted sections through site and re-profiling. 8.5.2 It is understood that the surface water run-off generated by the existing brownfield development discharges to the watercourse which bisects the site, following a site walkover which revealed the presences of gullies within the key areas of hardstanding. 8.5.3 There will be a decrease in the impermeable areas within site due to the proposals; it is proposed that surface water run-off generated by the development be discharged to the watercourse running through site. However, due to the nature and scale of the proposals the run-off generated will be restricted when discharging to the watercourse, in order to comply with the guidance set out in TAN15 (to minimise flood risk elsewhere within the catchment). 8.5.4 Consents will be required from NRW and the LPA to discharge to the Ordinary Watercourse and further reductions on the discharge rates may be required, therefore early discussion is advised. 8.5.5 Surface water run-off generated by the proposed development is proposed to be restricted to the pre-development rates of run off for various events, up to and including the 1 in 100 year event. Further betterment on these rates may be required following discussions with the NRW and LPA, therefore early discussion is advised. Restricting the rate of surface water discharge can be achieved using a flow control device such as a Hydrobrake® or similar approved product. 8.5.6 The approximate pre-development run-off generated from the total site area is 58.1l/s for the annual return period event, 129.9l/s for the 1 in 30 year return period storm event and 173.2l/s for the 1 in 100 year return period storm event with an allowance for climate change. FRA262 – FCA ~ 44 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 8.5.7 Restricting the rate of discharge for the surface water generates a storage requirement during the extreme rainfall events. For the annual storm event storage requirements are estimated to be between 0cu.m and 25cu.m, restricting the flows to 58.1l/s. 8.5.8 For the 1 in 30 year event storage is estimated to be between 11cu.m and 81cu.m, when restricting the flows to 129.9l/s. A storage requirement of between 67cu.m and 182cu.m is estimated, when flows are restricted to 173.2l/s, during the 100 year return period storm event with an allowance of 30% for climate change (see Appendix L for details). 8.5.9 The stormwater storage figures quoted above are estimates only and the detailed drainage design will determine with accuracy the stormwater storage requirements. 8.5.10 Any informal green space could be utilised as a multi-use area, incorporating SUDs designs, to provide some of the required storage; catering for the extreme storm events up to and including the 100 year return period events. Oversized pipes may be required in some areas due to the uncertainties surrounding the existing topography of the area. Detailed design will be required to confirm feasibility following further investigation. 8.6 Discharge via Sewer 8.6.1 Welsh Water records have identified a combined sewer network (150mm dia.) to run northeast along the A5104 (Corwen Road) south of the proposed development site. The nearest manhole to site is identified on the records as being SJ26588902 (WW Ref.). 8.6.2 Irrespective, due to the close proximity of the identified watercourse, there are no proposals to discharge the surface water run-off, generated by the proposed development, to the public sewer network, as discharge via watercourse is considered a priority in the hierarchical approach to the appropriate management of surface water run-off. FRA262 – FCA ~ 45 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 9.0 FOUL WATER MANAGEMENT 9.1 Correspondence with Welsh Water (WW) has identified the location of an existing public combined sewer system (150mm dia.) running north-east along the A5104, on the southern boundary of site. The nearest manhole to site is identified on the records as being SJ26588902 (WW Ref.). 9.2 A copy of the sewer records and correspondence is included in Appendix G. 9.3 At present it is unclear where the foul water flows generated by the existing development within the proposed development site discharge to, it is understood that the flows discharge to the adjacent combined sewer (150mm dia.) in ‘Corwen Road’. Further investigation is advised to confirm outfall of the foul water flows generated by the existing development. 9.4 It is proposed that the foul water flows generated by the proposed development be discharged to this public combined sewer system (150mm dia.) south of site. Potential connection points include the unidentified connection point from the existing development (providing the condition of such is acceptable), alternatively a connection direct to the combined system (150mm dia.) via manhole SJ26588902 (WW Ref.) may be appropriate following further investigations. FRA262 – FCA ~ 46 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 10.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 10.1 This Flood Consequence Assessment has been prepared to support an outline planning application for the construction of a residential development; complete with access road, external works, footpaths, car parking, landscaping, boundary walls, fencing, external services and drainage on land previously occupied by ‘Station Yard’ Coed-Talon. 10.2 The site is predominantly located within Flood Zone A, with the eastern boundary located within Flood Zones B and C2 and the residential nature of the proposals means the site is classified as ‘highly vulnerable’. The proposals would be considered ‘acceptable’ within Flood Zone (A); providing all surface water management requirements are conformed to. This nature of development would also be considered appropriate within Flood Zone B providing appropriate mitigation measures were in place to secure the development for its design life. 10.3 As the development site is currently brownfield it can be considered that the residential proposals offer betterment on the existing situation and would be considered appropriate providing the flood risk to site can be effectively managed. It would therefore be recommended that an intra-sequential approach to flood management be adopted and development be steered to areas at least risk. 10.4 The proposed development site is understood to be partially located within Flood Zone B and C2 and the site is underlain by a ‘Secondary A’ Aquifer, influenced little by overland runoff due to the topography and influenced by surface water flooding in varying degrees of severity due to the existing land-use. 10.5 It is considered that the majority of site would remain flood free during the design period event (Q100+CCA event), following the review of the hydraulic model; due to sufficient capacity within the existing culverts onsite. The water surface elevation varies through site based on the location and proximity to the watercourse, however no out of channel flooding is anticipated within site based on the simulations. 10.6 The existing Byr Brook culvert upstream of site is considered to have insufficient capacity to cater with the extreme events, some out of channel flows would be anticipated upstream of site, however any water exceeding the channel at this point would flow safely away from site, utilising the existing drainage systems within Corwen Road, or conveying along the highway, to the south of site. 10.7 The proposed removal of the culverts onsite and implementation of open channels would have a positive effect on the water surface elevation for the upstream watercourses, reducing the flood risk. No increase in flood risk would be anticipated downstream due to the proposals based on the hydraulic assessment. 10.8 Although the extent of the flood zone is within the channel of the watercourses for the 100year return period event, mitigation measures are proposed in the form of Finished Floor Levels (FFL) which is proposed a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP (1 in 100 year) event FRA262 – FCA ~ 47 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment with an allowance for climate change. The proposed FFL will vary based on the location and proximity to the watercourse; detailed design should account for this variation through site and set FFL’s to reflect such. 10.9 Compensatory Flood Storage will not be required as no displacement of floodplain waters in anticipated at this time. 10.10 Consultation with Natural Resources Wales identified one recorded historic flood event, in 2000, associated with the Unnamed Tributary within the site boundaries. It is understood that the flooding occurred due to the presence of debris, fly-tipping upstream and the presence of services pipes crossing the watercourse. No other historical flood incidents have been identified, following removal of debris and relocation of the services pipes. 10.11 The development would be considered as accessible for emergency access and egress during times of extreme flooding provided the proposed access/egress road culvert has sufficient capacity and the channel is transformed to its natural state where possible; the maximum acceptable inundation depths along the route should not exceed 600mm in accordance with TAN15 which are to be confirmed during detailed design. 10.12 The FCA has reviewed all sources of flood risk to both the proposed development and to the existing adjacent development as a result of the proposals, including; fluvial, tidal, pluvial, groundwater, sewers and flooding from artificial sources. 10.13 Based on the ground conditions identified by the BGS and NSRI Soilscapes Data, it can be considered that that infiltration is not likely to provide a feasible surface water management solution, therefore it is proposed that surface water run-off, discharge to the watercourse running through site. Surface water run-off rates will be restricted to the pre-development rates of run off for various events, up to and including the 100 year return period event. 10.14 Restricting the rate of surface water run-off complies with the requirements of TAN15 and generate a storage requirement during the extreme rainfall events. It is proposed that up to and including the 100 year return period event with an allowance for climate change (30%) be catered for on-site to comply with guidance in TAN15. 10.15 It is proposed that the foul water flows generated by the development discharge into the combined sewer system (150mm dia.) located along Corwen Road, with an exact connection point to be confirmed following site investigations, during the detailed design stage. 10.16 As with any drainage system blockages within either the foul or surface water sewer systems have the potential to cause flooding or disruption. 10.17 This Flood Consequence Assessment is considered to be commensurate with the development proposals and in summary, the development can be considered appropriate in accordance with TAN15 and the mandatory requirements of the Code for Sustainable Homes. FRA262 – FCA ~ 48 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 Any overland flows generated by the proposed development must be directed away from residential properties; safe avenues of overland flow must be considered in order to comply with TAN15 guidance on not increasing localised flood risk downstream of new developments. 11.2 With the proposals being ‘residential’ in nature, opportunities should be sought to provide soft landscaping where at all possible, to assist in minimising surface water run-off onsite. It is recommended that SuDS systems are considered within the development to manage surface water run-off, however the exact measures will be determined at detailed design. 11.3 In order to mitigate for any potential future fluvial flooding, finished floor levels are proposed to be set a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP +CCA event, the FFL is estimated to vary based on the location and proximity to the watercourses crossing site and therefore required to be confirmed during detailed design following review of a site layout. 11.4 Restricting the rate of surface water run-off complies with the requirements of TAN15 and generate a storage requirement during the extreme rainfall events. For the annual storm event storage requirements are estimated to be between 0 and 25cu.m, restricting the flows to 58.1l/s. A storage requirement of between 67 and 182cu.m is estimated, when flows are restricted to 173.2l/s, during the 100 year return period storm event with an allowance of 30% for climate change. 11.5 The proposed onsite surface water drainage system will need to be sized to cater for storm events up to and including the 100 year return period storm event with a 30% allowance for climate change. FRA262 – FCA ~ 49 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment Bibliography & References CIRIA 522: Sustainable urban drainage systems – design manual for England and Wales (2000). CIRIA 523: Sustainable urban drainage systems – best practice manual (2001). CIRIA 609: Sustainable drainage systems. Hydraulic, structural and water quality advice (2004). CIRIA 624: Development and flood risk – guidance for the construction industry (2004). CIRIA 635: Designing for exceedance in urban drainage: Good practice (2006). CIRIA 644: Building Greener (2007). CIRIA 697: The SUDS manual (2007). Climate Change Wales Learning to Live Differently (2002). Flood Risk to People – Phase 2 (FD2321/TR2), DEFRA and the Natural Resources Wales (2006). Flood estimation for small catchments: Institute of Hydrology Report No.124, NERC (1994). Flood Estimation Handbook, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (1999). Interim Code of Practice for Sustainable Drainage Systems (2004), Planning Policy Wales (2002). Sewers for Adoption 7th Edition, WRc (2012). Technical Advice Note 15: Development and Flood Risk (2006). Joint DEFRA/EA Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management - Preliminary rainfall runoff management for developments: Technical Report W5-074/A/TR/1 Rev.E (2012) Web-Based References Bingmaps – British Geological Survey – Canal & River Trust – Chronology of British Hydrological Events – CIRIA – Cranfield University – Environment Agency – www.environment‐ Flintshire County Council – FloodProBE – Flood Forum – Flood London – Flood Resilience Group – Google Maps – London Resilience – Shire Group of IDB’s – http://www.shiregroup‐ Streetmap – US Army Corps of Engineers –‐ras/ Watertight International – Welsh Water Wastewater Developer Services - FRA262 – FCA ~ 50 ~ Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX A: TAN15 COMPLIENCE LIST This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA FRA262 - Compliance List for TAN 15 ITEM REQUIRED ASSESSMENT (TAN15) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1 The likely mechanisms of flooding Site located predominantly within Flood Zone A on the DAM, with a small portion on the south-eastern boundary to be located within Flood Zones B and C2. 5.0 The likely sources of flooding • • • • • • 5.0 2 Fluvial/Tidal Groundwater Artificial Sources of Flooding Surface Water Flooding Overland Run-off Sewer Flooding Correspondence with Natural Resources Wales indicated that there is no model or flood defence information for the proposed development site; therefore the potential depths of flood waters within site cannot be accurately ascertained. 3 The depths of flooding throughout the site Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. REPORT SECTION 5.0 Appendix G 5.4 Estimates for surface water flooding can be obtained from the EA online mapping information and this data has been reviewed within the FCA report. 4 5 6 The rate of rise of floodwaters through site Velocities of floodwaters across site Overland flood routes Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. It is however understood that water would be confined to the lower elevations within site which are predominantly open space and recreational areas based on pertinent planning drawings. Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. 2.3 5.0 5.0 The EA online mapping website indicates approximate estimates for surface water flooding in the identified areas at risk within site, this data has been reviewed within the FCA report. Review of the detailed topographical survey for the site indicated the current understanding of the natural topography; this results in there being little likelihood of significant flows impacting on the proposed development or on adjacent land and property, as flows flow away from site via the adjacent watercourse. Overland flows generated must be carefully controlled and safe avenues away from development sought after. 2.3 5.1 Appendix O The proposed access road to site would require to cross the proposed open channel watercourse through site, this will require a short length of culvert or ideally a bridge deck. This proposed culvert should be sized sufficiently to cater for the extreme events up to and including the 1000yr event. 7 The effects on access and egress and infrastructure The existing culvert size is 1850mm (downstream) and in order to future proof the capacity, the proposed culvert would need to be 2.1m (dia.); this has been modelled and determined adequate. Alternatively to improve the channel morphology it may be preferred that a bridge deck be constructed over the open channel however this will again be required to be confirmed during detailed design. 2.4 5.6 The majority of site comprises large areas of hardstanding, and salvage related materials, current land use would suggest a high potential for contamination and leaching into the natural environment. The proposed residential development would significantly reduce this contamination risk. 8 The impacts of the development on natural heritage Added biodiversity would be gained from the opening of the existing culverted watercourse through site and by incorporating SuDS into the surface water management strategy water quality of this Ordinary Watercourse would be significantly improved due to the development proposals. 5.6 7.0 No statutorily designated nature conservation sites have been identified as being within 1km of the site from the preparation of this report. Mitigation measures have been suggested to reduce the associated risks from a variety of flooding sources to and from the development proposals. 9 The impact of the development in terms of flood risk on neighbouring properties and elsewhere on the floodplain The surface water run‐off generated will be managed effectively, with the peak rates of run‐off being restricted to the equivalent of the pre‐ development situation; minimising the associated flood risk downstream. In order to mitigate the fluvial flood risk to the residential dwellings, Finished Floor Levels are proposed, set a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP (1 in 100 year) event with an allowance for climate change. When raising levels within Flood Zone C, compensatory flood storage (onsite) is required to cater for the displacement of the flood waters; No displacement of floodplain is proposed therefore no compensatory storage is required. 5.0 8.0 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX B: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TAN15 This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA FRA262 - Technical Requirements of TAN 15 ITEM REQUIREMENT 1 Location Plan 2 A plan showing existing levels related to Ordnance Datum. 3 More detailed indication of flood alleviation measures. 4 Assessment of potential sources of flooding. 6 A plan of site showing flood predictions. Description of structures influencing the local hydraulics. SUMMARY REPORT SECTION * Included in appendices, with Aerial images of the site and surrounding area included throughout the FCA. Section 2.1 Appendix C * An outline description of topography within site is provided, with an aerial image indication general fall within site, based on reviewed mapping data and observations following a site visit; as a detailed topographical survey is not yet available for the site. Section 2.3 Appendix D A detailed Mitigation and Residual Risks section is provided within the report which examines the key flood risk issues discussed within the FCA. A detailed description is given on access and egress during times of emergency. All future residents are proposed to be advised of the importance of emergency planning and understanding evacuation routes. A plan showing accesses/evacuation routes. 5 7 MINIMUM INCLUSION Guidance is given within the report for referral to the national ‘Ready for Flooding’ advise booklet along with the EA free flood warning service for the area (Floodline Warnings Direct) which should increase the communities resilience to flooding. * Section 5.6 Section 2.4 Site located within Flood Zones A, B C2 with reference to the DAM: considered to be at varying risk from: o Fluvial/Tidal o Groundwater o Artificial Sources of Flooding o Surface Water Flooding o Overland Run-off o Sewer Flooding Section 5.0 Overland Flood Flow Routing Plan only included; as detailed model data is not available from NRW (following correspondence). Appendix O Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. Appendix G A detailed description of the existing structures onsite is giving within the report and all existing structures have been evaluated as part of the hydraulic model. The site is lies predominantly within Flood Zone A according to the DAM; with the south and eastern boundaries of site to be located within Flood Zone B and C. 8 Assessment of probabilities. The site is underlain by a ‘Secondary A’ Aquifer, influenced little by overland run-off due to the topography and influenced by surface water flooding in varying degrees of severity based on key rainfall events. The identified fluvial flood risk to site (Flood Zone C extents) is Section 5.0 understood to be due to the existing culverted section of ‘Byr Brook’ being inadequately sized to cater for the 1000 year return period storm event. Proposals to open the channel through site and have a short length of culvert (beneath the access road) sized sufficiently, to cater for the 1000 year event should adequately mitigate any fluvial flood risk for the extreme events. 9 10 11 Cross-section of site including FFL/road levels. * Minimum finished floor levels for the site are proposed a minimum of 600mm above the 1% AEP (1 in 100 year) event with an allowance for climate change, to safe guard the development for its design life (100 years). Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. Assessment of flood speeds. Section 5.1 Section 5.4 The EA online mapping website indicates approximate estimates for surface water flooding in the identified areas at risk within site, this data has been reviewed within the FCA report. Assessment of drains/sewer hydraulics. Correspondence with a variety of parties has identified no historic/existing risks to the proposed development site. Section 5.4 Section 8.0 Appendix G Site is predominantly located within Flood Zone A (DAM), which is where the majority of the proposed residential dwellings will be constructed. 12 Assessment of displaced water and run-off volumes. * Hydraulic modelling undertaken by Betts Associates would indicate that the whole site lies within the extents of Flood Zone A with the Flood Zones B and C being confined to the watercourse channels. No Displacement of floodplain is anticipated as part of the proposals. Surface water run-off has been calculated both pre and post development and proposals are to restrict post-development runoff to the predevelopment situation (calculations have been included within the report and appendices). The required storage for the extreme storm events following restriction of discharge rates is calculated within the report and has been considered within the surface water management strategy. Section 5.4 Section 8.0 Appendix K & L The requirement for storage within site due to any displacement of floodplain waters has been discussed within the body of the report. No displacement of floodplain is anticipated as part of the proposals and therefore no compensatory storage is required. Section 5.4 Section 8.0 13 Assessment of impact of displaced water. 14 Assessment of impact on fluvial/coastal morphology. The existing culverted Ordinary Watercourse running through site is proposed to be opened up and a formal watercourse feature through site. This will improve the morphology of this section of the tributary and potentially increase the capacity of the system, reducing the historic flood risk (identified to be due to poor culvert condition and capacity. Section 5.0 15 Considerations for uncertainties in future flood estimations. Climate Change allowance of 30% peak rainfall intensity incorporated into surface water management in compliance with the guidance in TAN15. Section 6.0 Section 8.0 16 Assessment of residual risks (following construction of defences). * * There are no identified structures within the vicinity of the proposed development site following correspondence with Natural Resources Wales. Residual risks have been discussed within the report along with an indication of required mitigation measure for the development proposals. Section 5.6 Appendix G Site is predominantly located within Flood Zone A, with a small portion located within Flood Zones B and C2 according to the DAM. 17 Summary of flood sources, how it might develop, impact elsewhere and specific conditions. * The site is considered to be at varying risk from: o Fluvial/Tidal o Groundwater o Artificial Sources of Flooding o Surface Water Flooding o Overland Run-off o Sewer Flooding All potential flood sources to and from the development proposals have been reviewed within the FCA. Appropriate mitigation measures are proposed to safeguard the development for its design life. Surface water management has been considered within the FCA with estimates of rate and volumes quoted. Approximate storage volumes are also provide for post-development due to restricting the discharge from site to the pre-development situation. A full summary is included in the report. Section 5.0 Section 10.0 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX C: LOCATION PLAN This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Location Plan Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN OS X (Eastings) OS Y (Northings) Nearest Post Code Lat (WGS84) Long (WGS84) LR mX mY 326810 358901 CH7 4TN N53:07:20 (53.122237) W3:05:42 (-3.095123) SJ268589 -344547 6971436 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX D: TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX E: WELSH GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT ADVICE MAP (DAM) This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX F: NRW/EA INFORMATION & CORRESPONDENCE This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kirsty Williams 15 May 2014 15:35 Natural Resources Wales ( '' Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Location Plan.pdf To whom it may concern, Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Please could you confirm whether you have any information that you feel would be valuable to a Flood Consequence Assessment for the above site (location plan attached), including details of historical flooding; this would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below to discuss further should you require additional information or clarification. Kind regards Kirsty Williams Graduate Flood Risk Analyst Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns, Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire, CH5 2LY T ‐ 01244 288178 F ‐ 01244 288516 kirstywilliams@betts‐ www.betts‐ CIVIL | STRUCTURAL | GEO‐ENVIRONMENTAL | TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT | STRUCTURAL SURVEYS | PARTY WALL DUTIES | ECOLOGY ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED INFORMATION This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee. It may contain information which is covered by legal, professional or other privilege. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not disclose, copy or take any action in reliance of this transmission. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us as soon as possible. All emails transmitted by Betts Associates are virus checked. This does not guarantee that transmissions are virus free. Reference should always be made to the hard copy of any electronically transmitted files. Electronic data does not constitute contract documentation. Use of the content of our files is at your own risk. You remain responsible for anything produced using all or part of the data supplied. 1 Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Access to Information Team <> 10 June 2014 15:57 Kirsty Williams ATI-04473A NRW VAT Receipt ati-04473a.docx; ati-04473 vat.doc; Standard_Notice.pdf Good Afternoon Kirsty, We have collated data for ATI‐04473a – Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed‐Talon, CH7 4TN The data are: Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 30, 100, 1000 yearly event Historic Flood Event Outline information Fluvial Flood Zones Map Unfortunately we can’t provide model information for this site or flood defence information (as there are no formal defences at the site). Can you please let us know if the customer is still interested in receiving this information, and can you please contact our customer service centre on 0300 065 3000 top make payment. Kind Regards Gareth Cryer Access to information team 1 Flood Event Outline at 326826.358978 Legend Un-named trib of Black Brook Oct 2000 Flood Event Outline Un-named trib of Black Brook at Pontybodkin, October 2000 Flood Event Group ID: 1000002000001 5 properties were flooded and the flood event lasted 1 day. Cause of flooding unknown. 0 25 50 100 Meters ¯ Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right 2013. Ordnance Survey licence number 100019741. Atgynhyrchwyd â chaniatâd yr Arolwg Ordnans ar ran Llyfrfa ei Mawrhydi. © Hawlfraint a hawliau cronfa ddata’r Goron 2013. Rhif Trwydded yr Arolwg Ordnans 100019741. Fluvial Flood Zones at 326826.358978 Legend Fluvial Flood Zone 3 Fluvial Flood Zone 2 Flood Zone 3 indicates the area that could be flooded with a 1% (1 in 100), fluvial and 0.5% (1 in 200) tidal, or greater chance of happening each year. Flood Zone 2 indicates the extent of an extreme flood from a river and/or the sea. These areas are likely to be affected by a major flood, with up to a 0.1% (1 in 1000) chance of occurring each year. Flood Zones do not provide information on flooding from groundwater or other sources 0 25 50 100 Meters ¯ Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right 2013. Ordnance Survey licence number 100019741. Atgynhyrchwyd â chaniatâd yr Arolwg Ordnans ar ran Llyfrfa ei Mawrhydi. © Hawlfraint a hawliau cronfa ddata’r Goron 2013. Rhif Trwydded yr Arolwg Ordnans 100019741. Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 30 Legend 0 33 66 99 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 100 Legend 0 33 66 99 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Flood Map for Surface Water 1 in 1000 Legend 0 33 66 99 m. © Environment Agency copyright and / or database rights 2014. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown Copyright and database right 2014. Ordnance Survey licence number 100024198. Enter a postcode or place name: Other topics for this area... Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea View other Interactive Maps Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea River flooding happens when a river cannot cope with the amount of water draining into it from the surrounding land. Sea flooding happens when there are high tides and stormy conditions. The shading on the map shows the risk of flooding from rivers and the sea in this particular area. Click on the map for a more detailed explanation. Map of Pontybodkin, Flintshire at scale 1:10,000 Map legend Data search Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea High Medium Low Very Low 200 m 1000 f t 328035, 359095 Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will take over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2014. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. Follow us : YouTube Tw itter Flickr Facebook Privacy policy | Terms and conditions | Contact us | Cymraeg © Environment Agency 2014 Author: The Environment Agency | Last updated: 06 June 2014 Interactive Maps Risk of Flooding from Riv ers and Sea for X:326854, Y:359081 The location you have selected is in an area that has a very low chance of flooding from rivers or the sea. What does ‘very low ’ mean? Very low means that each year, this area has a chance of flooding of less than 1 in 1000 (0.1%). This takes into account the effect of any flood defences that may be in this area. Flood defences reduce, but do not completely stop the chance of flooding as they can be overtopped or fail. Floods Destroy. Be prepared It is important to remember that while the risk is low, we can never eliminate all flooding. Surrounding roads and services may still be affected and could impact you. Check if you can receive free flood warnings Complete a flood plan Find out how to prepare your property for flooding Planning a development This information is not suitable for use in land-use planning. If you are planning a development, you need to use the Risk of Flooding for Land-Use Planning (Rivers and Sea) for England or Development Advisory Map for Wales. This is because for planning purposes you need to use information based on flooding without defences. Further information You can also check the level and flow estimates for rivers and sea, and the latest river and sea levels. If you have questions about how the map was produced, please call Floodline on 0845 988 1188. This area may be at risk from other types of flooding. Check your risk of flooding from surface water. Check your risk of flooding from reservoirs. For the purposes of the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and the EU Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks, this is a Flood Hazard Map Follow us : YouTube Tw itter Flickr Facebook Privacy policy | Terms and conditions | Contact us | Cymraeg © Environment Agency 2014 Author: The Environment Agency | Last updated: 06 June 2014 Enter a postcode or place name: Other topics for this area... Risk of Flooding from Reservoirs View other Interactive Maps Risk of Flooding from Reservoirs Reservoir flooding is extremely unlikely to happen. The shading on the map shows the area that could be flooded if a large reservoir were to fail and release the water it holds. A large reservoir is one that holds over 25,000 cubic metres of water, equivalent to approximately 10 Olympic sized swimming pools. Since this is a worst case scenario, it’s unlikely that any actual flood would be this large. Click on the shading to see details of reservoirs that could cause flooding in this area. Map of X: 326,776; Y: 358,941 at scale 1:10,000 Map legend Data search Risk of Flooding from Reservoirs Maximum extent of flooding 200 m 1000 f t Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will take over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2014. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. Follow us : YouTube Tw itter Flickr Facebook Privacy policy | Terms and conditions | Contact us | Cymraeg © Environment Agency 2014 Author: The Environment Agency | Last updated: 06 June 2014 Enter a postcode or place name: Other topics for this area... Risk of Flooding from Surface Water View other Interactive Maps Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Surface water flooding happens when rainwater does not drain away through the normal drainage systems or soak into the ground, but lies on or flows over the ground instead. The shading on the map shows the risk of flooding from surface water in this particular area. Click on the map for a more detailed explanation. Map of X: 326,776; Y: 358,941 at scale 1:10,000 Map legend Data search Risk of Flooding from Surface Water High Medium Low Very Low 200 m 1000 f t Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will take over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2014. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. Follow us : YouTube Tw itter Flickr Facebook Privacy policy | Terms and conditions | Contact us | Cymraeg © Environment Agency 2014 Author: The Environment Agency | Last updated: 06 June 2014 Interactive Maps Risk of Flooding from Surface Water for X:326875, Y:359056 The location you have selected is in an area that has a very low chance of flooding from surface water. What does 'very low ' mean? Very low means that each year, this area has a chance of flooding of less than 1 in 1000 (0.1%). This type of flooding can be difficult to predict, much more so than river or sea flooding as it is hard to forecast exactly where or how much rain will fall in any storm. This is based on the best information we have available, such as ground levels and drainage. Floods Destroy. Be prepared Don’t wait until it’s too late. Prepare for flooding by taking some simple steps to reduce the impact on your home or business. Complete a flood plan Find out how to prepare your property for flooding Check the three-day flood risk forecast Further Information The map has been produced by the Environment Agency, using information from Lead Local Flood Authorities where it is available. Lead Local Flood Authorities are responsible for managing the risk from surface water flooding. If you have questions about how the map was produced, please call Floodline on 0845 988 1188. If you would like more information on how surface water is being managed in this area, you can speak to Flintshire County Council. You can use the information in this area to see the areas that would flood, which streets may be at risk of flooding, and get an idea of the approximate depth of flooding. The potential impact of surface water flooding can vary according to the depth of the water, and its velocity (speed and direction that it is flowing in). This area may be at risk from other types of flooding. Check your risk of flooding from rivers and sea. Check your risk of flooding from reservoirs. For the purposes of the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and the EU Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks, this is a Flood Hazard Map. Follow us : YouTube Tw itter Flickr Facebook Privacy policy | Terms and conditions | Contact us | Cymraeg © Environment Agency 2014 Author: The Environment Agency | Last updated: 06 June 2014 Environment Agency - What's in your backyard? Enter a postcode or place name: CH7 4TN Map legend Page 1 of 2 Other topics for this area... Groundwater CH7 4TN at scale 1:75,000 Groundwater Other maps Data search Text only version Groundwater source protection zones Inner zone (Zone 1) Outer zone (Zone 2) Total catchment (Zone 3) Special interest (Zone 4) Aquifer Maps Superficial Deposits Designation Principal Secondary A Secondary B Secondary (undifferentiated) Unknown (lakes and landslip) Aquifer Maps - Bedrock Designation Principal Secondary A Secondary B Secondary (undifferentiated) Groundwater Vulnerability Zones Major Aquifer High Major Aquifer Intermediate Major Aquifer Low Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has taken over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2014. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. More about Groundwater British Geological Survey Aquifer data: The Aquifer Extents are not displayed at scales greater than 1:75,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:250,000 scale) as the data was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this. Minor Aquifer High Minor Aquifer Intermediate Minor Aquifer Low New BGS Aquifer Designation Maps From 1st April 2010 new aquifer designations replace the old system of classifying aquifers as Major, Minor and NonAquifer. This new system is in line with our Groundwater Protection Policy (GP3) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and is based on British Geological Survey mapping. Groundwater Source Protection Zones data: The Source Protection Zones are not displayed at scales greater than 1:20,000 (Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale) as the data was only modelled to this level and is not accurate pass this. They should not be compared against field boundaries. Groundwater Source Protection Zones Groundwater provides a third of our drinking water. We ensure that your water is safe to drink defining Source Protection Zones. These zones help to monitor the risk of contamination from any activities that might cause pollution in the area. Facts and figures of our groundwater resources Find out more about groundwater and groundwater levels. 25/06/2014 Environment Agency - What's in your backyard? Enter a postcode or place name: CH7 4TN Map legend Page 1 of 2 Other topics for this area... Flood Warning Areas Flood Warning CH7 4TN at scale 1:10,000 Other maps Data search Text only version Click on an area for details. Flood Warning Areas Areas where we issue flood warnings Flood Alert Areas Areas where we issue flood alerts River level monitoring (hi-flows) River level monitoring (hiflows) River and Sea levels River and Sea levels Customers in Wales - From 1 April 2013 Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has taken over the responsibilities of the Environment Agency in Wales. © Environment Agency copyright and database rights 2014. © Ordnance Survey Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Environment Agency, 100026380. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2014. This service is designed to inform members of the public, in line with our terms and conditions. For business or commercial use, please contact us. More about Flood Warnings: Flood Warning Areas If your home or business is within a purple shaded area on the map then you can receive free flood warnings. We issue flood warnings to specific areas when flooding is expected. If you receive a flood warning you should take immediate action. For further information visit our Flood warning pages. Flood Alert Areas If your home or business is within a pink shaded area on the map then you can receive free flood alerts. We issue flood alerts when flooding is possible. In many areas we issue flood alerts for flooding from rivers, the sea and groundwater. If you receive a flood alert you should be prepared for flooding and to take action. It is very difficult to predict the exact location of flooding from groundwater as it is often related to local geology. We can’t say for definite which properties are at risk from groundwater flooding. To help people we provide flood alerts for large areas that could be affected if groundwater levels were high. For further information visit our Flood warning pages. River Levels River level monitoring sensors are placed in the waters at key points and measure changes in water level. This data is recorded at 15 minute intervals; it's then sent back to our offices to be published online at least once a day. The information may be updated more frequently to meet operational needs, for example when water levels are high. This is the most up to date information available about river and sea levels. For further information visit our River and Sea Levels pages. HiFlows HiFlows-UK provides data on the flood peaks at around 1000 river flow gauging stations in the UK, for use in the flood estimation methods. For further information visit our HiFlows-UK pages. 25/06/2014 Mr Christopher Kay - Director of Planning Ein cyf/Our ref: NT/2014/115599/05-L01 Flintshire County Council Eich cyf/Your ref: 051831 County Hall Mold Dyddiad/Date: 18 August 2014 Flintshire CH7 6NF Annwyl Mr Kay / Dear Mr Kay OUTLINE - RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT MOLD, FLINTSHIRE STATION YARD, COED TALON, Thank you for referring the above application, which was received on 28 July 2014. Justification Test The site is partially within Zone C2 as per the Development Advice Map (DAM) accompanying TAN15. This map is published by the Welsh Government and was introduced with the TAN in 2004 and updated in 2009, with the current version updated 2013. Your Authority will be aware of the Welsh Government letter of 9 January 2014 to Chief Planning Officers, reiterating that proposed highly vulnerable development should not be permitted in Zone C2. Please refer also to a letter issued by Welsh Government in January 2014 which reinforces national planning policy on flood risk, available at: Flood Consequence Assessment The submitted Flood Consequences Assessment (FCA) fails to establish that the risks and consequences of flooding can be acceptably managed in line with TAN 15 Development & Flood Risk (2004) and therefore we maintain our OBJECTION to this development. Llwyn Brain FFordd Penlan Parc Menai Bangor Gwynedd LL57 4DE Croesewir gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg Correspondence welcomed in Welsh and English The submitted FCA (Betts Associates, July 2014) presents little evidence to support its assertions, many of which are suitably aspirational but require further work in order to demonstrate that they are achievable. The inclusion in the FCA of verbatim tranches of publicly available policy is unnecessary; ditto references to the Flintshire Unitary Development Plan which does nothing to support the case for compliance with TAN 15. There are multiple instances where the same information is repeated almost paragraph for paragraph in succeeding sections. In such a document, there is always the risk that important information is overlooked and therefore we recommend that all extraneous material in the FCA is removed and that it is rewritten succinctly. Finished floor level For example, the FCA asserts in the Executive Summary and in paragraphs 5.6.6, 5.6.18 and 10.11 that finished floor levels can be set 600mm above the 1% AEP plus climate change event, but there is no information on what this level might be and so nothing to demonstrate that it is achievable. Culverted watercourse The submitted ‘Sketch viability layout’, reproduced in the FCA as ‘Figure 3 Planning Layout Extract’, does not indicate where Byr Brook enters the site from the south or show where the confluence of the newly opened up watercourses would be, and seems to show only the unnamed tributary entering the site from the southwest and the Byr Brook downstream of this. No evidence is provided supporting the assertion that fluvial flood risk to the site is due to lack of culvert capacity, or that opening up ‘the culvert’ (watercourse unspecified) would ‘effectively mitigate the flood risk for the extreme flood events up to and including the 1000 year event.’ No evidence is provided to support the proposed new access road culvert dimensions. The FCA does not mention the proposed second culvert shown on the layout, on the unnamed tributary of Byr Brook upstream of the main access road to the site. No information is provided regarding the risk of blockage where Byr Brook itself is culverted upstream (south) of the site, or how flood flows from such a blockage could affect the site. Flood Warning Contrary to statements in the FCA, the site is not in a Flood Warning area. It is indeed eligible to receive Flood Alerts, however these relate to the wider catchment and not the watercourses which may affect this site. Updated information As per our previous response we recommend that the FCA supporting this application should be updated to reflect: · improved modelling techniques; · changes to hydrology for the watercourses at the site; · an assessment of fluvial flood risk which includes climate change for the lifetime of the development (up to the 0.1% event, as per the Welsh Government 2 letter to Chief Planning Officers of 9 January 2014); · mitigation measures required to ensure the development is flood free during the 1% AEP plus climate change event; · any effects on flood risk elsewhere – if compensatory flood storage is required, it should be demonstrated that it is feasible to provide it on a level for level basis; · how safe access and egress to and from the development would be provided (i.e the FCA should consider access and egress in the 0.1% plus climate change event against all four thresholds in A1.15 of TAN 15). This has not been done, therefore the FCA is incomplete. Note that we reserve comment on surface water management until the above has been addressed. Yn gywir / Yours faithfully MISS RUTH PRICHARD Planning Liaison Officer/Swyddog Cydlynu Cynllunio Direct dial 01248 48 4067 Direct fax 01248 670561 Direct e-mail 3 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX G: WELSH WATER CORRESPONDENCE & RECORDS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kirsty Williams 15 May 2014 15:46 Welsh Water - Flintshire, Wrexham ( '' Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Location Plan.pdf Good Afternoon Miriam, Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Please could you confirm whether you have any information that you feel would be valuable to a Flood Consequence Assessment for the above site (location plan attached), including details of historical flooding; this would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below to discuss further should you require additional information or clarification. Kind regards Kirsty Williams Graduate Flood Risk Analyst Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns, Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire, CH5 2LY T ‐ 01244 288178 F ‐ 01244 288516 kirstywilliams@betts‐ www.betts‐ CIVIL | STRUCTURAL | GEO‐ENVIRONMENTAL | TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT | STRUCTURAL SURVEYS | PARTY WALL DUTIES | ECOLOGY ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED INFORMATION This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee. It may contain information which is covered by legal, professional or other privilege. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not disclose, copy or take any action in reliance of this transmission. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us as soon as possible. All emails transmitted by Betts Associates are virus checked. This does not guarantee that transmissions are virus free. Reference should always be made to the hard copy of any electronically transmitted files. Electronic data does not constitute contract documentation. Use of the content of our files is at your own risk. You remain responsible for anything produced using all or part of the data supplied. 1 Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Subject: Wasik-Evans Miriam <> 24 June 2014 11:38 Kirsty Williams RE: Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Kirsty, We do not have any records of historic flooding within the vicinity of the site. Regards, Miriam Wasik‐Evans Development Control Officer | Developer Services | Dwr Cymru Welsh Water PO Box 3146 | Cardiff | CF30 0EH | T: 0800 917 2652 | F: 02920 740472 | Ext. 26755 From: Kirsty Williams [] Sent: 09 June 2014 16:05 To: Evans Miriam Cc: Richard Nicholas Subject: Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Good Afternoon Miriam, I am just following up on an email sent out 15.05.14 regarding flood risk at a site in Coed‐Talon (see below), I am aware of the required waiting time for a response however I have not yet received any correspondence back from yourself, could you confirm whether an email has been received/replied to with regards to the site: Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed‐Talon, CH7 4TN (Please could you confirm whether you have any information that you feel would be valuable to a Flood Consequence Assessment for the above site (location plan attached), including details of historical flooding; this would be greatly appreciated). Kind Regards Kirsty Williams Graduate Flood Risk Analyst Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns, Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire, CH5 2LY T ‐ 01244 288178 F ‐ 01244 288516 kirstywilliams@betts‐ www.betts‐ CIVIL | STRUCTURAL | GEO‐ENVIRONMENTAL | TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT | STRUCTURAL SURVEYS | PARTY WALL DUTIES | ECOLOGY ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED INFORMATION This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee. It may contain information which is covered by legal, professional or other privilege. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not disclose, copy or take any action in reliance of this transmission. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us as soon as possible. All emails transmitted by Betts Associates are virus checked. This does not guarantee that 1 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX H: FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Kirsty Williams 15 May 2014 15:47 '' '' Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Location Plan.pdf Good Afternoon Ruairi, Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Please could you confirm whether you have any information that you feel would be valuable to a Flood Consequence Assessment for the above site (location plan attached), including details of historical flooding; this would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below to discuss further should you require additional information or clarification. Kind regards Kirsty Williams Graduate Flood Risk Analyst Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns, Welsh Road, Sealand, Flintshire, CH5 2LY T ‐ 01244 288178 F ‐ 01244 288516 kirstywilliams@betts‐ www.betts‐ CIVIL | STRUCTURAL | GEO‐ENVIRONMENTAL | TECHNICAL DUE DILIGENCE FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT | STRUCTURAL SURVEYS | PARTY WALL DUTIES | ECOLOGY ELECTRONICALLY TRANSMITTED INFORMATION This electronic transmission is strictly confidential and intended solely for the addressee. It may contain information which is covered by legal, professional or other privilege. If you are not the intended addressee, you must not disclose, copy or take any action in reliance of this transmission. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify us as soon as possible. All emails transmitted by Betts Associates are virus checked. This does not guarantee that transmissions are virus free. Reference should always be made to the hard copy of any electronically transmitted files. Electronic data does not constitute contract documentation. Use of the content of our files is at your own risk. You remain responsible for anything produced using all or part of the data supplied. 1 Kirsty Williams From: Sent: To: Subject: 05 June 2014 18:21 Kirsty Williams Re: Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon, CH7 4TN Hi Kirsty, Late reply I'm afraid. We have no formal records on file here of flooding at the location indicated. Regards Ruairí Ruairí Barry ____________________________________________________________________________________ Project Engineer | Peiriannydd Prosiec Engineering Services | Gwasanaethau Peirianneg Environment | Amgylchedd Flintshire County Council | Cyngor Sir y Fflint ____________________________________________________________________________________ Tel | Ffôn | 01352 704707 Email | Ebost | ____________________________________________________________________________________ | | From: Kirsty Williams <kirstywilliams@betts‐> To: "" <>, Cc: Richard Nicholas <richardnicholas@betts‐> Date: 15/05/2014 15:47 Subject:Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed‐Talon, CH7 4TN Good Afternoon Ruairi, Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed‐Talon, CH7 4TN Please could you confirm whether you have any information that you feel would be valuable to a Flood Consequence Assessment for the above site (location plan attached), including details of historical flooding; this would be greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the details below to discuss further should you require additional information or clarification. Kind regards Kirsty Williams Graduate Flood Risk Analyst 1 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX I: TAN15 EXTRACTS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX J: FEH CATCHMENT DATA & DESCRIPTORS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA 65 500m 500m 67 66 Hawarden 500m 65 Pant-y-mwyn Drury 64 500m 64 Mold Mynydd Isa Buckley 63 62 500m 63 Llong Gwernymynydd 500m 500m Maeshafn 61 Nercwys 60 500m Leeswood 500m 60 500m Coed Talon 59 Treuddyn Eryrys 500m 500m 58 Caergwrle 57 Llanfynydd 500m 59 Hope 500m 58 500m 61 Pontblyddyn Llanferres 500m 62 Penyffordd Tafarn-y-Gelyn 500m 500m 57 Abermorddu 500m Llanarmon-yn-lal 56 56 Ffrith 500m 55 Rhydtalog 500m 54 500m 53 51 500m 53 500m Tan-y-fron Minera 500m 54 Gwersyllt Gwynfryn Pen-y-stryt 500m Summer Hill Bwlchgwyn 52 55 Windy Hill 500m 500m Coedpoeth 52 500m New Broughton 51 500m 500m 50 50 500m 500m 49 49 Rhostyllen 500m 500m 48 48 Hafod-y-bwch 500m 47 Pentredwr 500m 3 500m 68 500m New Brighton 500m 70 000m 69 Pentre Mancot Soughton Llyn-y-pandy 500m 3 Printed from FEH CD-ROM 3 at 08:46 on 05-Jun-2014. © NERC (CEH). © Crown copyright. © AA. 2009. All rights reserved. 66 500m Rhydymwyn 67009 500m 32 3 33 000m 67 31 Queensferry Northop Hall 500m 500m 500m Northop Rhosesmor 68 500m Wern-y-gaer 500m 30 Connah's Quay 500m 69 29 500m 28 500m 27 500m 26 500m 25 500m 24 500m 23 500m 22 500m 21 500m 20 500m 19 500m 500m 500m 70 000m 3 18 000m 3 500m 47 Rhosllanerchrugog 46 000m 500m 3 500m 500m 3 33 000m Kilometres 32 500m 0 326900 359100 [SJ 26900 59100] 31 500m 30 500m 29 500m 28 500m 27 500m 26 500m 25 500m 24 500m 23 500m 22 500m 21 500m 20 500m 500m 18 000m 500m 3 500m 19 46 000m 2.5 5 VERSION FEH CD-ROM Version 3 exported at 07:46:38 GMT Thu CATCHMENT GB 326900 359100 SJ 26900 59100 AREA 3.46 ALTBAR 223 ASPBAR 62 ASPVAR 0.61 BFIHOST 0.391 DPLBAR 2.28 DPSBAR 55.4 FARL 1 LDP 4.71 PROPWET 0.51 RMED-1H 10.3 RMED-1D 34.9 RMED-2D 44.6 SAAR 916 SAAR4170 865 SPRHOST 40.37 URBCONC1990 0.46 URBEXT1990 0.0161 URBLOC1990 1.032 C -0.02766 D1 0.37189 D2 0.43866 D3 0.32148 E 0.28808 F 2.44194 C(1 km) -0.026 D1(1 km) 0.362 D2(1 km) 0.428 D3(1 km) 0.324 E(1 km) 0.286 F(1 km) 2.427 05-Jun-14 Design Rainfall Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX K: SURFACE WATER RUN-OFF DATA & CALCULATIONS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 26/06/14 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Network 2014.1 Rainfall profile Storm duration (mins) 360 FEH Data C(1km) -0.026 D1(1km) 0.362 D2(1km) 0.428 D3(1km) 0.324 E(1km) 0.286 F(1km) 2.427 Peak Intensity (mm/hr) 14.153 Ave. Intensity (mm/hr) 3.611 Return Period (years) 1 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 26.06.2014 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Network 2014.1 Rainfall profile Storm duration (mins) 360 FEH Data C(1km) -0.026 D1(1km) 0.362 D2(1km) 0.428 D3(1km) 0.324 E(1km) 0.286 F(1km) 2.427 Peak Intensity (mm/hr) 31.823 Ave. Intensity (mm/hr) 8.118 Return Period (years) 30 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 26.06.2014 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Network 2014.1 Rainfall profile Storm duration (mins) 360 FEH Data C(1km) -0.026 D1(1km) 0.362 D2(1km) 0.428 D3(1km) 0.324 E(1km) 0.286 F(1km) 2.427 Peak Intensity (mm/hr) 42.576 Ave. Intensity (mm/hr) 10.861 Return Period (years) 100 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 24/7/14 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Source Control 2014.1 ICP SUDS Mean Annual Flood Input Return Period (years) 1 Soil 0.300 Area (ha) 1.505 Urban 0.000 SAAR (mm) 916 Region Number Region 9 Results l/s QBAR Rural 3.8 QBAR Urban 3.8 Q1 year 3.3 Q1 year 3.3 Q30 years 6.6 Q100 years 8.2 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 24/7/14 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Source Control 2014.1 Greenfield Runoff Volume FEH Data Return Period (years) 1 Storm Duration (mins) 360 Site Location GB 326900 359100 SJ 26900 59100 C(1km) -0.026 D1(1km) 0.362 D2(1km) 0.428 D3(1km) 0.324 E(1km) 0.286 F(1km) 2.427 Areal Reduction Factor 1.00 Area (ha) 1.505 SAAR (mm) 916 CWI 122.256 SPR Host 40.370 URBEXT (1990) 0.0161 Results Percentage Runoff (%) 39.98 Greenfield Runoff Volume (m³) 130.361 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions Betts Associates Ltd Old Marsh Farm Barns Welsh Road Sealand Flintshire CH5 2LY Date 24/7/14 File Micro Drainage Page 1 Station Yard Corwen Road Coed-Talon Designed by KW Checked by RDN Source Control 2014.1 Greenfield Runoff Volume FEH Data Return Period (years) 100 Storm Duration (mins) 360 Site Location GB 326900 359100 SJ 26900 59100 C(1km) -0.026 D1(1km) 0.362 D2(1km) 0.428 D3(1km) 0.324 E(1km) 0.286 F(1km) 2.427 Areal Reduction Factor 1.00 Area (ha) 1.505 SAAR (mm) 916 CWI 122.256 SPR Host 40.370 URBEXT (1990) 0.0161 Results Percentage Runoff (%) 44.24 Greenfield Runoff Volume (m³) 433.939 ©1982-2014 XP Solutions SURFACE WATER RUN-OFF CALCULATION SHEET Development Project No. Revision Date Station Yard, Corwen Road, Coed-Talon FRA262 2.0 24/07/2014 Completed by Checked by KW RDN Areas Total Area Existing Impermeable Existing pervious 2.900 ha 1.395 ha 1.505 ha Catchment Charateristics SAAR 916 mm SPR 40.37 % i1 14.15 mm/hr Proposed Impermeable (total) 0.721 ha i100 Proposed Impermeable (domestic only) n/a 42.58 mm/hr d1 ha 16.4 mm d100 Run-off Rates Pre-development Impermeable 1yr 30yr 100yr 1yr 30yr 100yr 1yr 30yr 100yr Pervious Total Post-development Impermeable (total) 54.8 123.3 165.0 3.3 6.6 8.2 58.1 129.9 173.2 65 mm Volumes Pre-development Impermeable l/s l/s l/s l/s l/s l/s l/s l/s l/s 1yr 100yr 1yr 100yr 1yr 100yr Pervious Total Post-development Impermeable (total) Impermeable (domestic only) Impermeable (domestic only) 1yr 28.3 l/s 100yr+CC 110.9 l/s 1yr n/a l/s 100yr+CC n/a l/s Reduction (total) Reduction (domestic only) 228.8 906.8 130.4 433.9 359.1 1340.7 cu.m cu.m cu.m cu.m cu.m cu.m 1yr 118.2 cu.m 100yr+CC 609.2 cu.m 1yr n/a cu.m 100yr+CC n/a cu.m 55% n/a 731.4 cu.m cu.m Quick storage Estimate Return Period Return Period Return Period Return Period 1yr 30yr 100yr+CC low 0 11 67 high 25 81 182 mean 12.5 46 124.5 Imp. Area (cu.m) 0.721 0.721 0.721 1yr 30yr 100yr+CC 0 0 15 24 63 130 12 31.5 72.5 0.721 0.721 0.721 Max. Discharge (l/s) 58.1 129.9 173.2 58.1 129.9 173.2 Rainfall FEH FEH FEH CC 0 0 30% FSR FSR FSR 0 0 30% Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX L: STORMWATER STORAGE ESTIMATES This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Stormwater Storage Estimates FEH – 1 Year Return Period Event FSR – 1 Year Return Period Event FEH – 30 Year Return Period Event FSR – 30 Year Return Period Event FEH – 100 Year Return Period Event with 30% Allowance for Climate Change FSR – 100 Year Return Period Event with 30% Allowance for Climate Change Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX M: IMPERMEABLE AREAS PLANS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA DO NOT SCALE LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY PRE-DEVELOPMENT IMPERMEABLE AREAS: BUILDINGS AREAS OF HARDSTANDING TOTAL IMPERMEABLE AREAS - 1.395ha (48%) TOTAL SITE AREA - 2.900ha A 23/07/14 KW ISSUED TO SUPPORT THE FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT RDN PRELIMINARY STATION YARD CORWEN ROAD, COED-TALON PRE-DEVELOPMENT IMPERMEABLE AREAS PLAN FRA264 101 A Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX N: OVERLAND FLOOD ROUTING PLANS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA DO NOT SCALE LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY OPEN CHANNEL/WATERCOURSE PRE-DEVELOPMENT FLOOD FLOWS A 23/07/14 KW ISSUED TO SUPPORT THE FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT RDN PRELIMINARY STATION YARD CORWEN ROAD, COED-TALON PRE-DEVELOPMENT FRA264 103 A Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX O: PFRA/LFRMP/CFMP EXTRACTS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Preliminary Assessment Report June 2011 Figure 4.1 Locations of Past Floods in Flintshire. 7 Preliminary Assessment Report June 2011 Figure 5.1: Locally Agreed Surface Water Information Flood Map for Surface Water 200 year > 0.3m deep 10 Preliminary Assessment Report June 2011 Figure 5.2a Places in Flintshire above Flood Risk Thresholds Not To Scale 13 Sub-area 8 Mold Our key partners are: Flintshire County Council Local communities D∑r Cymru Welsh Water The issues in this sub-area This area is centred around the towns of Mold and Rhydymwyn and is predominantly urban. Approximately 440 properties are currently at risk from a 1% AEP flood event, increasing to around 540 in the future. Flood defences have recently been constructed to reduce the likelihood of flooding direct from the River Alyn. Culverts and flow constrictions on the tributaries of the River Alyn also increase the likelihood of flooding in Mold. Many locations within Mold and outlying communities are at risk of flooding from surface water run-off, local watercourses and drainage systems. • increased community and individual awareness of their flood risks and adoption of actions both can take to help themselves. Mold is one of the major areas in Flintshire identified for residential, commercial and industrial growth in North East Wales/West Cheshire. Actions to implement the policy include: The vision and preferred policy Policy Option 4 – areas of low, moderate or high flood risk where we are already managing the flood risk effectively but where we may need to take further actions to keep pace with climate change. Our vision includes improved integration of actions by all parties to manage all sources of flood risk, particularly local surface water and sewer flooding in Mold and Rhydymwyn. Increased naturalisation of watercourses and a reduction of constrictions to flow and culverts. Particularly in urban areas, e.g. Mold. We will continue to maintain our defences, but it may not be justifiable to increase their height in the future. Our vision also includes: • increased emphasis on actions to manage the consequences of flooding from all sources; Encourage and support our partners to produce local long term plans to manage all sources of flooding at Mold. These plans should include an assessment of the consequences of flooding, including from overtopping of defences, and actions to manage these. They should consider future options and investment needs for defences, emergency planning and response, and development control issues to avoid inappropriate development in high risk areas. Work with partners to deliver over time increased naturalisation of watercourses and a reduction of constrictions to flow and culverts in Mold. Encourage and support studies by partners to identify surface water and sewer flooding issues and management options, in Mold and Rhydymwyn. Include the Mold area in the River Dee Flood Forecasting Model. Engage and advise the local community, to encourage people at risk to take action to help themselves. Mold Flood Alleviation Scheme, implemented in 2006 Environment Agency Wales River Dee Catchment Flood Management Plan 21 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX P: PHOTOGRAPHS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Watercourse Cross Sections Station Yard Coed-Talon Cross Section Photographs Land Surveyors and Consulting Engineers Bank Hosue The Paddock Wilmslow Road Cheshire SK9 3HQ September 2014 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 and Culvert Entrance Brick Arch beyond Section 4 Culvert near to Section 5 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Downstream Culvert Entrance Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX Q: REFH FLOW ESTIMATES This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Byr Brook 326750 358800 2.64 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 09:43 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Loss model parameters Return period (yr) Duration (hr) Timestep (hr) Season Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters 1.004 Cmax (mm) 287 Tp (hr) 1.64 BL (hr) 26.4 3.25 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.06 1 Uk 0.8 0.25 Winter Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 11.6 Design rainfall (mm) 7.9 factor Peak rainfall (mm) 0.2 1.5 3 Peak flow (m /s) 1.1 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.8 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 3.9 Baseflow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.5 Total flow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 6.4 ReFH Model Output: Byr Brook 1.8 1.2 1.6 1 1.4 1.2 0.8 Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.9 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) 1 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 Time (hr) 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:43 BFIHOST value of 0.39 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 923 used DPLBAR value of 2.19 used DPSBAR value of 52.6 used URBEXT value of 0.0138 used C value of -0.0278 used D1 value of 0.37336 used D2 value of 0.43875 used D3 value of 0.32199 used E value of 0.28835 used F value of 2.44399 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.71 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.96 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Page 1 of 2 2 Rainfall 4 Net rainfall 6 Total flow 8 Direct runoff Baseflow Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Byr Brook 326750 358800 2.64 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 09:55 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters Return period (yr) 100 Loss model parameters Cmax (mm) 287 Tp (hr) 1.64 BL (hr) 26.4 Duration (hr) 3.25 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.06 factor 0.83 Uk 0.8 Timestep (hr) Season 0.25 Winter Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 58 Design rainfall (mm) 39.8 Peak rainfall (mm) 0.2 7.8 3 Peak flow (m /s) 4.5 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.1 0.1 1.7 0.2 2.6 0.3 3.6 0.6 2.9 0.9 2.0 1.4 1.4 2.0 0.9 2.6 0.6 3.2 0.4 3.7 0.0 4.1 0.0 4.2 0.0 4.1 0.0 3.9 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.2 0.0 2.8 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.9 0.0 1.6 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.6 18.6 Baseflow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.2 Total flow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.6 2.2 2.9 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.5 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 23.8 ReFH Model Output: Byr Brook 9 5 8 4.5 4 7 3.5 6 3 5 Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 0.7 1.1 1.7 2.6 4.0 6.0 7.8 6.0 4.0 2.6 1.7 1.1 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 39.8 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) 2.5 4 2 3 1.5 2 1 Time (hr) 1 0.5 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:43 BFIHOST value of 0.39 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 923 used DPLBAR value of 2.19 used DPSBAR value of 52.6 used URBEXT value of 0.0138 used C value of -0.0278 used D1 value of 0.37336 used D2 value of 0.43875 used D3 value of 0.32199 used E value of 0.28835 used F value of 2.44399 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.71 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.96 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Page 1 of 2 2 Rainfall 4 Net rainfall 6 Total flow 8 Direct runoff Baseflow Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Byr Brook 326750 358800 2.64 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 09:57 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters Return period (yr) 1000 Loss model parameters Cmax (mm) 287 Tp (hr) 1.64 BL (hr) 26.4 Duration (hr) 3.25 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.06 factor 0.7 Uk 0.8 Timestep (hr) Season 0.25 Winter Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 104.5 Design rainfall (mm) 71.8 Peak rainfall (mm) 0.2 14 3 Peak flow (m /s) 8 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.7 0.1 2.8 0.3 4.5 0.5 6.5 0.9 5.4 1.5 3.8 2.4 2.6 3.4 1.7 4.5 1.1 5.6 0.7 6.5 0.0 7.2 0.0 7.5 0.0 7.3 0.0 7.0 0.0 6.4 0.0 5.8 0.0 5.1 0.0 4.5 0.0 3.9 0.0 3.4 0.0 2.9 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.7 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 33.1 33.1 Baseflow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 7.9 Total flow m3/s 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.0 1.7 2.6 3.6 4.8 5.9 6.9 7.6 8.0 7.9 7.6 7.1 6.5 5.9 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.8 3.4 3.1 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 41.0 ReFH Model Output: Byr Brook 16 9 14 8 7 12 6 10 5 8 4 6 3 4 2 Time (hr) 2 1 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:43 BFIHOST value of 0.39 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 923 used DPLBAR value of 2.19 used DPSBAR value of 52.6 used URBEXT value of 0.0138 used C value of -0.0278 used D1 value of 0.37336 used D2 value of 0.43875 used D3 value of 0.32199 used E value of 0.28835 used F value of 2.44399 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.71 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.96 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Page 1 of 2 2 Rainfall 4 Net rainfall 6 Total flow 8 Direct runoff Baseflow Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 1.3 2.0 3.1 4.7 7.2 10.8 14.0 10.8 7.2 4.7 3.1 2.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 71.8 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Unnamed Tributary 326650 358850 0.69 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 10:16 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Loss model parameters Return period (yr) Duration (hr) Timestep (hr) Season Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters 1.004 Cmax (mm) 288 Tp (hr) 1.06 BL (hr) 22.5 2.13 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.07 1 Uk 0.8 0.142 Winter factor Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 9.6 Peak rainfall (mm) Design rainfall (mm) 6.3 Peak flow (m /s) 0 1.1 3 0.3 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.1 3.1 Baseflow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.6 Total flow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.7 ReFH Model Output: Unnamed Tributary 1.2 0.35 0.3 1 0.25 0.8 Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.000 0.142 0.284 0.426 0.568 0.710 0.852 0.994 1.136 1.278 1.420 1.562 1.704 1.846 1.988 2.130 2.272 2.414 2.556 2.698 2.840 2.982 3.124 3.266 3.408 3.550 3.692 3.834 3.976 4.118 4.260 4.402 4.544 4.686 4.828 4.970 5.112 5.254 5.396 5.538 5.680 5.822 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) 0.2 0.6 0.15 0.4 0.1 Time (hr) 0.2 0.05 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:46 BFIHOST value of 0.391 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 894 used DPLBAR value of 1.1 used DPSBAR value of 53.9 used URBEXT value of 0.0199 used C value of -0.02736 used D1 value of 0.36813 used D2 value of 0.43909 used D3 value of 0.3196 used E value of 0.28736 used F value of 2.43645 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.68 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.97 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Page 1 of 2 1 Rainfall 2 Net rainfall 3 Total flow 4 5 Direct runoff Baseflow Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Unnamed Tributary 326650 358850 0.69 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 10:28 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters Return period (yr) 100 Loss model parameters Cmax (mm) 288 Tp (hr) 1.06 BL (hr) 22.5 Duration (hr) 2.13 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.07 factor 0.83 Uk 0.8 Timestep (hr) Season 0.142 Winter Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 51.5 Peak rainfall (mm) Design rainfall (mm) 34.1 Peak flow (m /s) 0 5.8 3 1.5 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.2 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.9 0.0 1.4 0.1 2.0 0.1 2.6 0.2 2.2 0.3 1.6 0.5 1.1 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.0 0.4 1.2 0.3 1.3 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.4 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.5 15.5 Baseflow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 3.4 Total flow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 18.9 ReFH Model Output: Unnamed Tributary 7 1.6 6 1.4 1.2 5 1 4 Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.6 2.3 3.3 4.7 5.8 4.7 3.3 2.3 1.6 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.1 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.000 0.142 0.284 0.426 0.568 0.710 0.852 0.994 1.136 1.278 1.420 1.562 1.704 1.846 1.988 2.130 2.272 2.414 2.556 2.698 2.840 2.982 3.124 3.266 3.408 3.550 3.692 3.834 3.976 4.118 4.260 4.402 4.544 4.686 4.828 4.970 5.112 5.254 5.396 5.538 5.680 5.822 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) 0.8 3 0.6 2 0.4 Time (hr) 1 0.2 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:46 BFIHOST value of 0.391 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 894 used DPLBAR value of 1.1 used DPSBAR value of 53.9 used URBEXT value of 0.0199 used C value of -0.02736 used D1 value of 0.36813 used D2 value of 0.43909 used D3 value of 0.3196 used E value of 0.28736 used F value of 2.43645 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.68 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.97 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Page 1 of 2 1 Rainfall 2 Net rainfall 3 Total flow 4 5 Direct runoff Baseflow Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report User name Company name Project name KW Catchment name Betts Associates Catchment easting Station Yard, Coed-Talon Catchment northing Catchment area Unnamed Tributary 326650 358850 0.69 Date/time modelled Version 16-Oct-2014 10:29 1.4 Summary of model setup Design rainfall parameters Routing model parameters Baseflow model parameters Return period (yr) 1000 Loss model parameters Cmax (mm) 288 Tp (hr) 1.06 BL (hr) 22.5 Duration (hr) 2.13 Cini (mm) 137 Up 0.65 BR 1.07 factor 0.7 Uk 0.8 Timestep (hr) Season 0.142 Winter Summary of results FEH DDF rainfall (mm) 95.3 Design rainfall (mm) 63 Peak rainfall (mm) 0 10.8 3 Peak flow (m /s) 2.7 Graph Net rainfall Direct runoff m3/s mm 0.3 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.7 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.6 0.1 2.3 0.1 3.5 0.2 4.8 0.3 4.1 0.5 3.1 0.8 2.2 1.1 1.6 1.4 1.1 1.7 0.8 2.0 0.5 2.3 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.5 0.0 2.4 0.0 2.3 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.9 0.0 1.7 0.0 1.5 0.0 1.3 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0 28.0 Baseflow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 5.2 Total flow m3/s 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 33.2 ReFH Model Output: Unnamed Tributary 12 3 10 2.5 8 2 6 1.5 4 1 Flow (m3/s) Design Rainfall mm 0.9 1.4 2.0 2.9 4.2 6.1 8.6 10.8 8.6 6.1 4.2 2.9 2.0 1.4 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.0 Rainfall (mm) Results Series Unit 0.000 0.142 0.284 0.426 0.568 0.710 0.852 0.994 1.136 1.278 1.420 1.562 1.704 1.846 1.988 2.130 2.272 2.414 2.556 2.698 2.840 2.982 3.124 3.266 3.408 3.550 3.692 3.834 3.976 4.118 4.260 4.402 4.544 4.686 4.828 4.970 5.112 5.254 5.396 5.538 5.680 5.822 Total (mm) BF0 (m3/s) Time (hr) 2 0.5 0 0 0 Audit comments Model run with ReFH dll version 1.4.0005 Catchment Catchment descriptors imported from file Catchment descriptor file = 'catchment characteristics.csv' Catchment decriptor file exported from CD ROM version 3 Catchment descriptor file exported on 15-Oct-2014 09:46 BFIHOST value of 0.391 used PROPWET value of 0.51 used SAAR value of 894 used DPLBAR value of 1.1 used DPSBAR value of 53.9 used URBEXT value of 0.0199 used C value of -0.02736 used D1 value of 0.36813 used D2 value of 0.43909 used D3 value of 0.3196 used E value of 0.28736 used F value of 2.43645 used Rainfall Recommended season is Winter, as URBEXT < 0.125 ReFH design standard Seasonal Correction Factor of 0.68 applied ReFH design standard Areal Reduction Factor of 0.97 applied Loss Model CMax derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard Cini used ReFH design standard factor used Routing Model Page 1 of 2 1 Rainfall 2 Net rainfall 3 Total flow 4 5 Direct runoff Baseflow Revitalised FSR/FEH rainfall runoff method Spreadsheet application report Tp derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard used for Up ReFH design standard used for Uk Baseflow Model BL derived from catchment descriptors BR derived from catchment descriptors ReFH design standard BF0 used Page 2 of 2 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX R: 1D MODELLING OUTPUTS - EXISTING This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA 2 Tr ib 367.94 121.355 Junc.1 By 3 r o Br ok 206.209 239.269 232.359 None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) . 165.156 473.49 486.70 1 na me d 184.87 500 Un 200 ok Br o By r 184.716 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 1 .1 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section 2 .017 .1 .1 143.5 .017 .1 143.5 Legend Legend WS Q1000 WS Q1000 143.0 143.0 WS Q100 142.5 WS Q1 Ground 142.0 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA WS Q100 142.5 WS Q1 Ground 142.0 Bank Sta Bank Sta 141.5 141.5 141.0 141.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 5 6 7 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 3 .1 4 .017 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section 4 .1 143.5 . 143.5 1 Legend WS Q1000 143.0 .017 .1 Legend WS Q100+CCA 143.0 WS Q100 WS Q1 142.0 Ground 141.5 Bank Sta 141.0 WS Q100 Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA 142.5 142.5 WS Q1000 WS Q1 142.0 Ground 141.5 Bank Sta 141.0 140.5 140.5 0 1 2 3 Station (m) 4 5 0 1 2 3 Station (m) 4 5 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Culvert 1 . 143.5 1 .017 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Culvert 1 .1 .1 WS Q100+CCA 143.0 .017 .06 141.5 Legend Legend WS Q1000 141.0 WS Q1000 WS Q1 142.0 Ground 141.5 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100 142.5 Bank Sta 141.0 140.5 WS Q100 WS Q1 140.0 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 140.5 138.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 2 4 6 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 10 12 14 16 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 4a .1 8 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section 4a2 .017 .06 .1 141.5 WS Q1000 141.0 .017 .06 141.5 Legend Legend WS Q1000 141.0 WS Q100 WS Q1 140.0 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA 140.5 140.5 WS Q100 WS Q1 140.0 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 138.5 138.5 0 2 4 6 8 Station (m) 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 Station (m) 10 12 14 16 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 4b .1 .017 .06 .1 141.5 10/11/2014 WS Q100+CCA WS Q1 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 Legend WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA 140.5 Elevation (m) WS Q100 140.0 .06 141.0 WS Q1000 140.5 .017 141.5 Legend 141.0 Elevation (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing Culvert 2 WS Q100 140.0 WS Q1 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 138.5 138.5 138.0 138.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 6 10 12 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Culvert 2 .1 8 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section 4c .017 .07 .1 141 .017 .07 141 Legend Legend WS Q1000 WS Q1000 140 140 WS Q100 139 WS Q1 Ground 138 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA WS Q100 139 WS Q1 Ground 138 Bank Sta 137 Bank Sta 137 136 136 0 2 4 6 8 Station (m) 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 Station (m) 10 12 14 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 5 .1 .017 .07 .1 140.0 10/11/2014 139.5 WS Q1000 139.0 WS Q100+CCA WS Q100 138.5 WS Q1 138.0 Ground 137.5 .017 .07 141 Legend Legend WS Q1000 140 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing Section 6 Bank Sta 139 WS Q100 WS Q1 138 Ground 137 Bank Sta 137.0 136 136.5 136.0 135 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 25 30 35 40 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section 7 .1 20 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section U .017 .06 .1 141 . 0 1 7 144.0 Legend WS Q1000 140 .1 Legend WS Q1000 143.5 WS Q100 WS Q1 138 Ground 137 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA 139 WS Q100 143.0 WS Q1 Ground 142.5 Bank Sta Bank Sta 142.0 136 135 141.5 0 5 10 15 Station (m) 20 25 30 0 5 10 Station (m) 15 20 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section V .1 .017 .1 .1 144.0 WS Q100 WS Q1 142.5 Ground 142.0 Legend WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA 143.0 Elevation (m) 143.0 .017 143.5 WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) 10/11/2014 144.0 Legend 143.5 Bank Sta WS Q100 142.5 WS Q1 Ground 142.0 Bank Sta 141.5 141.5 141.0 141.0 140.5 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 8 10 12 14 16 18 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section X Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section Y .1 .017 .1 .1 144.0 143.5 WS Q100+CCA 143.0 WS Q100+CCA 142.5 WS Q100 WS Q100 142.5 WS Q1 Ground 142.0 Legend WS Q1000 Elevation (m) 143.0 . . 0 1 1 7 144.0 Legend 143.5 Elevation (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing Section W WS Q1000 WS Q1 142.0 Ground 141.5 Bank Sta 141.5 Bank Sta 141.0 141.0 140.5 140.5 140.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Station (m) 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 Station (m) 12 14 16 18 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Section Z .1 . 0 1 7 143.5 143.0 .1 .1 143.0 WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA 10/11/2014 WS Q1 Ground 141.5 Bank Sta 141.0 .1 Legend WS Q1000 WS Q100 142.5 Elevation (m) WS Q100 142.0 . 0 1 7 143.5 Legend 142.5 Elevation (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing Culvert 3 WS Q100+CCA 142.0 WS Q1 Ground 141.5 Bank Sta 141.0 140.5 140.5 140.0 140.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 Station (m) Station Yard, Coed-Talon 15 20 25 Station (m) Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Culvert 3 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Section Za .017 .017 141.5 141.5 Legend WS Q1000 141.0 Legend WS Q1000 141.0 WS Q100 WS Q1 140.0 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 WS Q100+CCA Elevation (m) Elevation (m) WS Q100+CCA 140.5 140.5 WS Q100 WS Q1 140.0 Ground 139.5 Bank Sta 139.0 138.5 138.5 0 1 2 3 Station (m) 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 Station (m) 4 5 6 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Byr Brook 3 Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 144 Legend WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA WS Q100 WS Q1 142 Ground Elevation (m) 140 138 136 134 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St. Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Legend WS Q1 WS Q100 WS Q100+CCA WS Q1000 Ground Bank Sta 200 184.87 165.156 206.209 367.94 121.355 239.269 184.716 232.359 486.70 HEC-RAS Plan: St.Yd. Existing River Reach River Sta Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 200 200 200 Unnamed Trib. 2 Unnamed Trib. 2 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Froude # Chl Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 0.30 1.50 1.80 141.96 141.96 141.96 142.24 142.63 142.69 142.24 142.63 142.69 142.35 142.86 142.95 0.004607 0.003197 0.003123 1.46 2.35 2.49 0.30 1.61 1.94 2.05 4.76 5.23 0.98 0.96 0.97 200 Q1000 2.70 141.96 142.87 142.87 143.17 0.002920 2.80 2.92 6.03 0.97 184.87 Q1 0.30 141.43 141.64 141.64 141.71 0.005774 1.13 0.27 2.15 1.00 2 2 184.87 184.87 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.89 141.93 141.89 141.93 142.06 142.13 0.003988 0.003790 1.88 1.99 0.95 1.12 3.45 3.70 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 184.87 Q1000 2.70 141.43 142.06 142.06 142.31 0.003413 2.25 1.63 4.46 0.98 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 182.862 182.862 Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 140.94 140.94 141.37 141.76 141.37 141.76 141.48 141.98 0.007531 0.005781 1.47 2.06 0.20 0.76 0.94 2.30 1.01 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 182.862 Q100+CCA 1.80 140.94 141.82 141.82 142.06 0.005462 2.14 0.92 2.80 0.97 Unnamed Trib. 2 182.862 Q1000 2.70 140.94 141.99 141.99 142.26 0.004893 2.35 1.49 4.10 0.94 Unnamed Trib. 2 180.942 Q1 0.30 140.82 141.05 141.05 141.11 0.006101 1.07 0.28 2.45 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 180.942 180.942 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 140.82 140.82 141.54 141.70 141.57 141.73 0.000394 0.000248 0.78 0.73 2.09 2.80 4.35 4.72 0.33 0.28 Unnamed Trib. 2 180.942 Q1000 2.70 140.82 141.88 141.92 0.000262 0.87 3.67 5.15 0.29 Unnamed Trib. 2 176.548 Q1 0.30 140.40 140.72 140.81 0.006120 1.36 0.23 1.46 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 176.548 176.548 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 140.40 140.40 141.51 141.67 141.57 141.72 0.000457 0.000386 1.13 1.14 2.88 3.73 5.21 5.92 0.36 0.34 Unnamed Trib. 2 176.548 Q1000 2.70 140.40 141.82 141.91 0.000539 1.46 4.69 6.64 0.41 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 165.156 165.156 Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 140.07 140.07 140.53 141.13 140.53 141.13 140.69 141.52 0.006676 0.004464 1.78 2.91 0.20 0.96 0.81 1.74 0.99 0.96 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q100+CCA 1.80 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.67 0.004113 3.03 1.19 1.94 0.95 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q1000 2.70 140.07 141.64 141.64 141.88 0.001973 2.59 4.69 12.02 0.69 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 121.355 121.355 Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 138.53 138.53 139.16 140.09 139.16 140.09 0.000006 0.000009 0.09 0.17 3.31 8.66 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.05 Unnamed Trib. 2 121.355 Q100+CCA 1.80 138.53 140.38 140.38 0.000007 0.17 10.35 5.75 0.04 Unnamed Trib. 2 121.355 Q1000 2.70 138.53 141.27 141.28 0.000006 0.17 15.49 5.75 0.03 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 500 500 Q1 Q100 1.10 4.50 141.20 141.20 141.76 142.93 141.80 142.96 0.000792 0.000180 0.85 0.75 1.29 6.06 2.87 5.18 0.41 0.21 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 500 500 Q100+CCA Q1000 5.40 8.00 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.39 143.08 143.44 0.000196 0.000203 0.83 0.98 6.69 9.04 6.21 6.80 0.22 0.24 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 486.70 486.70 Q1 Q100 1.10 4.50 141.09 141.09 141.78 142.94 141.79 142.95 0.000145 0.000087 0.45 0.57 2.44 7.85 4.14 5.10 0.19 0.15 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 486.70 486.70 Q100+CCA Q1000 5.40 8.00 141.09 141.09 143.05 143.40 143.07 143.44 0.000103 0.000118 0.64 0.78 8.43 10.65 5.18 6.60 0.16 0.18 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 477.04 477.04 Q1 Q100 1.10 4.50 140.69 140.69 141.47 142.73 141.47 141.76 142.93 0.011753 0.003071 2.39 1.98 0.46 2.47 0.79 4.44 1.00 0.53 Byr Brook 1 477.04 Q100+CCA 5.40 140.69 142.78 142.35 143.04 0.003962 2.30 2.66 4.47 0.61 Byr Brook 1 477.04 Q1000 8.00 140.69 142.97 142.78 143.39 0.005420 2.92 3.55 4.53 0.73 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 473.49 473.49 473.49 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.10 4.50 5.40 140.66 140.66 140.66 141.16 142.72 142.75 141.16 141.95 142.10 141.41 142.92 143.03 0.008747 0.003019 0.004127 2.19 1.98 2.34 0.50 2.49 2.61 1.03 4.05 4.59 1.00 0.46 0.54 Byr Brook 1 473.49 Q1000 8.00 140.66 142.50 142.50 143.32 0.014673 4.02 2.00 1.43 1.00 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Q1 Q100 1.10 4.50 138.56 138.56 139.10 140.00 139.15 140.08 0.001246 0.000775 1.03 1.29 1.07 3.49 2.37 3.02 0.49 0.38 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q1000 5.40 8.00 138.56 138.56 140.30 141.22 140.38 141.27 0.000589 0.000264 1.22 1.03 4.44 9.53 3.24 14.10 0.33 0.22 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.97 139.89 140.22 141.16 138.97 139.14 140.07 140.37 141.27 0.005329 0.001794 0.001239 0.000519 1.82 1.90 1.73 1.42 0.77 3.16 4.17 8.77 2.28 2.95 3.18 14.10 1.00 0.58 0.48 0.31 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Q1 1.40 138.37 138.79 138.79 138.95 0.005175 1.74 0.80 2.65 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 360.566 360.566 360.566 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 6.00 7.20 10.70 138.37 138.37 138.37 139.95 140.26 141.19 139.29 139.39 139.65 140.04 140.34 141.25 0.000677 0.000510 0.000237 1.32 1.24 1.06 4.55 5.79 11.22 3.81 4.12 11.43 0.39 0.33 0.23 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 137.32 138.15 138.28 138.63 137.32 138.15 138.28 138.63 137.58 138.61 138.79 139.23 0.009240 0.007459 0.007239 0.006021 2.28 3.03 3.15 3.44 0.61 1.98 2.29 3.40 1.18 2.12 2.36 4.29 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.95 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 232.359 232.359 Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 136.35 136.35 136.67 137.12 136.67 137.12 136.80 137.40 0.004896 0.004079 1.63 2.37 0.86 2.53 3.19 4.47 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.40 137.20 137.40 137.51 137.78 0.003991 0.003612 2.47 2.71 2.92 4.16 4.77 7.63 1.01 0.99 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 136.30 136.71 136.79 137.02 136.30 136.71 136.79 137.02 136.43 137.01 137.12 137.40 0.005189 0.003939 0.003640 0.002991 1.58 2.42 2.54 2.78 0.89 2.56 3.11 5.35 3.54 5.69 7.25 11.16 1.01 1.00 0.98 0.93 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.79 136.18 136.26 136.48 135.79 136.18 136.26 136.48 135.91 136.50 136.62 136.94 0.004865 0.003500 0.003377 0.003070 1.54 2.49 2.65 3.02 0.91 2.50 2.84 3.82 3.83 4.27 4.36 4.74 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 140.72 Culvert Culvert Culvert HEC-RAS Plan: St.Yd. Existing River Reach River Sta Profile E.G. US. W.S. US. E.G. IC E.G. OC Min El Weir Flow Q Culv Group Q Weir Delta WS Culv Vel US Culv Vel DS (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m) (m/s) (m/s) Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Culvert 3 Q1 140.62 140.53 140.59 140.62 141.35 0.30 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Culvert 3 Q100 141.48 141.13 141.55 141.48 141.35 1.40 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Culvert 3 Q100+CCA 141.58 141.25 141.60 141.58 141.35 1.36 0.44 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Culvert 3 Q1000 141.75 141.64 141.72 141.75 141.35 0.85 1.85 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Culvert 1 Q1 141.34 141.16 141.25 141.34 142.37 1.10 2.06 1.98 1.41 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Culvert 1 Q100 142.92 142.72 142.79 142.92 142.37 3.09 1.41 2.72 2.60 2.60 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Culvert 1 Q100+CCA 143.03 142.75 142.89 143.03 142.37 2.99 2.41 2.45 2.51 2.51 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Culvert 1 Q1000 143.27 142.50 143.12 143.27 142.37 2.59 5.41 1.28 2.18 2.18 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Culvert 2 Q1 138.87 138.79 138.83 138.87 141.01 1.40 1.47 1.98 0.73 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Culvert 2 Q100 140.04 139.95 140.33 140.04 141.01 6.00 1.80 3.08 3.08 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Culvert 2 Q100+CCA 140.35 140.26 140.85 140.35 141.01 7.20 1.98 3.70 3.70 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Culvert 2 Q1000 141.25 141.19 141.28 141.25 141.01 8.43 2.56 4.33 4.33 0.10 2.27 1.37 1.58 0.76 1.04 3.16 3.16 0.87 3.07 3.07 0.37 1.93 1.93 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX S: OVERLAND FLOOD FLOW PLAN This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA A FRA262 500 OVERLAND FLOOD FLOW PLAN STATION YARD COED-TALON PRELIMINARY 05/11/2014 RDN ISSUED TO SUPPORT THE FRA Overland Flow Rates Minor Contours (0.2m Intervals) Major Contours (1m Intervals) Approximate Red Edge Boundary LEGEND DO NOT SCALE A KW Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX T: 1D MODELLING SENSIVITY TESTING OUTPUTS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: 1) +20% Flow Byr Brook 3 10/11/2014 2) -20% Flow 10/11/2014 3) St.Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 144 Legend WS Q100 - +20% Flow WS Q100 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100 - -20% Flow Ground 142 Elevation (m) 140 138 136 134 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: 1) +20% S.Depth Byr Brook 3 09/11/2014 2) -20% S.Depth 09/11/2014 3) St.Yd. Existing 10/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 Legend WS Q1000 - +20% S.Depth WS Q1000 - -20% S.Depth 142 WS Q1000 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100+CCA - -20% S.Depth WS Q100+CCA - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100+CCA - +20% S.Depth WS Q100 - +20% S.Depth WS Q100 - St.Yd. Existing 140 WS Q100 - -20% S.Depth Elevation (m) WS Q1 - +20% S.Depth WS Q1 - -20% S.Depth WS Q1 - St.Yd. Existing Ground 138 136 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: 1) St.Yd. Existing Byr Brook 3 10/11/2014 2) St.Yd. Mn +10% 09/11/2014 3) St. Yd. Mn -10% 09/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 144 Legend WS Q1000 - St.Yd. Mn +10% WS Q1000 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q1000 - St. Yd. Mn -10% WS Q100+CCA - St.Yd. Mn +10% 142 WS Q100+CCA - St. Yd. Mn -10% WS Q100+CCA - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100 - St. Yd. Mn -10% WS Q100 - St.Yd. Mn +10% WS Q100 - St.Yd. Existing 140 Elevation (m) WS Q1 - St. Yd. Mn -10% WS Q1 - St.Yd. Mn +10% WS Q1 - St.Yd. Existing Ground 138 136 134 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: 1) St.Yd. Existing Byr Brook 3 10/11/2014 2) St. Yd. WCe +10% 09/11/2014 3) St. Yd. WCe -10% 09/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 144 Legend WS Q1000 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q1000 - St. Yd. WCe +10% WS Q1000 - St. Yd. WCe -10% WS Q100+CCA - St. Yd. WCe +10% 142 WS Q100+CCA - St. Yd. WCe -10% WS Q100+CCA - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q100 - St. Yd. WCe -10% WS Q100 - St. Yd. WCe +10% 140 Elevation (m) WS Q1 - St.Yd. Existing WS Q1 - St. Yd. WCe +10% WS Q1 - St. Yd. WCe -10% Ground 138 136 134 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 200 200 200 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.96 141.96 141.96 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.95 142.95 142.95 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 2.49 2.49 2.49 1.94 1.94 1.94 5.23 5.23 5.23 0.97 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 200 200 200 200 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 142.69 142.69 142.70 142.70 142.69 142.69 142.70 142.70 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 0.003123 0.003123 0.003827 0.002420 2.49 2.49 2.47 2.49 1.94 1.94 1.95 1.95 5.23 5.23 5.25 5.25 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.96 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 200 200 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 1.80 141.96 141.96 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.95 142.95 0.003123 0.003123 2.49 2.49 1.94 1.94 5.23 5.23 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 184.87 184.87 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow 1.80 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 142.13 142.13 0.003790 0.003790 1.99 1.99 1.12 1.12 3.70 3.70 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 184.87 Q100+CCA +20% S.Depth 1.80 141.43 141.93 141.93 142.13 0.003790 1.99 1.12 3.70 0.99 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 184.87 184.87 184.87 184.87 184.87 184.87 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 142.13 142.13 142.13 142.13 142.13 142.13 0.003790 0.003790 0.004730 0.002953 0.003790 0.003790 1.99 1.99 1.98 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 0.005462 0.005462 0.005462 0.005462 0.005462 0.006817 0.004258 0.005462 0.005462 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.14 2.15 2.14 2.14 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 180.942 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 140.82 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.70 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 141.73 0.000248 0.000248 0.000248 0.000248 0.000248 0.000308 0.000192 0.000248 0.000248 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.72 4.73 4.73 4.72 4.72 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 176.548 176.548 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow 1.80 1.80 140.40 140.40 141.67 141.67 141.72 141.72 0.000386 0.000386 1.14 1.14 3.73 3.73 5.92 5.92 0.34 0.34 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 176.548 176.548 176.548 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.40 140.40 140.40 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.72 141.72 141.72 0.000386 0.000386 0.000386 1.14 1.14 1.14 3.73 3.73 3.73 5.92 5.92 5.92 0.34 0.34 0.34 HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 176.548 176.548 176.548 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.40 140.40 140.40 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.72 141.72 141.72 0.000478 0.000301 0.000386 1.13 1.14 1.14 3.74 3.73 3.73 5.93 5.93 5.92 0.34 0.34 0.34 Unnamed Trib. 2 176.548 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 140.40 141.67 141.72 0.000386 1.14 3.73 5.92 0.34 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 165.156 165.156 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow 1.80 1.80 140.07 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.67 141.67 0.004113 0.004113 3.03 3.03 1.19 1.19 1.94 1.94 0.95 0.95 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 165.156 165.156 165.156 165.156 165.156 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.07 140.07 140.07 140.07 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.24 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.24 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.68 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 0.005162 0.003300 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.04 3.06 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.18 1.17 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.93 1.92 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.96 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe +10% 1.80 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.67 0.004113 3.03 1.19 1.94 0.95 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.67 0.004113 3.03 1.19 1.94 0.95 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.40 140.37 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.40 140.37 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.000009 0.000006 0.000007 0.000008 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.35 10.36 10.35 10.44 10.28 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.05 143.04 143.05 143.04 143.08 143.08 143.08 143.08 143.08 143.08 143.07 143.08 143.07 0.000196 0.000196 0.000196 0.000196 0.000196 0.000243 0.000155 0.000193 0.000198 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.69 6.71 6.65 6.73 6.67 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.21 6.23 6.19 6.24 6.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 143.05 143.05 143.05 143.05 143.05 143.07 143.07 143.07 143.07 143.07 0.000103 0.000103 0.000103 0.000103 0.000103 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 8.43 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 5.18 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 486.70 486.70 486.70 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% 5.40 5.40 5.40 141.09 141.09 141.09 143.05 143.05 143.06 143.07 143.07 143.08 0.000128 0.000081 0.000102 0.64 0.64 0.64 8.45 8.41 8.47 5.19 5.17 5.20 0.16 0.16 0.16 Culvert HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Byr Brook 1 486.70 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe -10% 5.40 141.09 143.05 Byr Brook 1 477.04 Q100+CCA +20% Flow 5.40 140.69 142.78 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 477.04 477.04 477.04 477.04 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.69 140.69 140.69 140.69 142.78 142.78 142.78 142.78 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 477.04 477.04 477.04 477.04 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.69 140.69 140.69 140.69 Byr Brook 1 473.49 Q100+CCA +20% Flow 5.40 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Byr Brook 3 364.253 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl 143.07 0.000103 0.64 8.42 5.17 0.16 142.35 143.04 0.003962 2.30 2.66 4.47 0.61 142.35 142.35 142.35 142.35 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.04 0.003962 0.003962 0.003962 0.003962 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.66 2.66 2.66 2.66 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 142.78 142.77 142.79 142.77 142.35 142.35 142.35 142.35 143.05 143.04 143.05 143.04 0.004878 0.003152 0.003832 0.004009 2.29 2.31 2.27 2.31 2.69 2.63 2.72 2.64 4.48 4.47 4.49 4.47 0.60 0.61 0.60 0.61 140.66 142.75 142.10 143.03 0.004127 2.34 2.61 4.59 0.54 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 142.75 142.75 142.75 142.75 142.75 142.75 142.76 142.74 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 143.03 143.03 143.03 143.03 143.03 143.03 143.03 143.02 0.004127 0.004127 0.004127 0.004127 0.005134 0.003227 0.004025 0.004163 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.34 2.35 2.32 2.35 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.61 2.62 2.60 2.67 2.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.56 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.53 0.54 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 140.30 140.30 140.30 140.30 140.30 140.30 140.30 140.32 140.29 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.39 140.36 0.000589 0.000589 0.000589 0.000589 0.000589 0.000735 0.000459 0.000570 0.000606 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.21 1.22 1.20 1.23 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.44 4.45 4.44 4.50 4.40 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.24 3.25 3.24 3.26 3.23 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.34 +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 140.22 140.22 140.22 140.22 140.22 140.22 140.22 140.24 140.37 140.37 140.37 140.37 140.37 140.37 140.37 140.38 0.001239 0.001239 0.001239 0.001239 0.001239 0.001546 0.000966 0.001189 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.70 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.17 4.23 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.18 3.20 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.47 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 138.56 140.20 140.36 0.001283 1.75 4.11 3.17 0.49 Q100+CCA +20% Flow 7.20 138.37 140.26 140.34 0.000510 1.24 5.79 4.12 0.33 Culvert 139.39 HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 360.566 360.566 360.566 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth 7.20 7.20 7.20 138.37 138.37 138.37 140.26 140.26 140.26 139.39 139.39 139.39 140.34 140.34 140.34 0.000510 0.000510 0.000510 1.24 1.24 1.24 5.79 5.79 5.79 4.12 4.12 4.12 0.33 0.33 0.33 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 360.566 360.566 360.566 360.566 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 138.37 138.37 138.37 138.37 140.26 140.26 140.26 140.28 139.39 139.39 139.39 139.39 140.34 140.34 140.34 140.36 0.000510 0.000638 0.000397 0.000492 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.23 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.87 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.14 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 138.37 140.25 139.39 140.33 0.000526 1.26 5.73 4.11 0.34 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Byr Brook 3 239.269 Q100+CCA +20% Flow 7.20 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 0.007239 3.15 2.29 2.36 1.00 Byr Brook 3 239.269 Q100+CCA -20% Flow 7.20 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 0.007239 3.15 2.29 2.36 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 138.79 138.79 138.79 138.79 138.79 138.79 0.007239 0.007239 0.007239 0.009042 0.005636 0.007239 0.007239 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 137.51 0.003991 0.003991 0.003991 0.003991 0.003991 0.004985 0.003107 0.003991 0.003991 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 2.92 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 4.77 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA +20% Flow -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.004544 0.002836 0.003640 0.003640 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.26 7.25 7.25 7.25 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Byr Brook 3 184.716 Q100+CCA +20% Flow 7.20 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.62 0.003374 2.65 2.85 4.36 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA -20% Flow +20% S.Depth -20% S.Depth 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.46 135.46 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.62 136.62 136.62 0.003377 0.003377 0.003377 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.84 2.84 2.84 4.36 4.36 4.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 Culvert HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. Mn +10% St. Yd. Mn -10% 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.46 135.46 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.62 136.62 136.62 0.003377 0.004211 0.002629 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.84 2.85 2.84 4.36 4.36 4.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 184.716 184.716 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. WCe +10% St. Yd. WCe -10% 7.20 7.20 135.46 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.62 136.62 0.003377 0.003377 2.65 2.65 2.84 2.84 4.36 4.36 1.00 1.00 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX U: 1D MODELLING BLOCKAGE SCENARIOS OUTPUTS This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA 206.209 232.359 239.269 200 184.87 166.156 Un na me d Tr By 3 ib ok 367.94 121.355 Junc.1 1 By r B r oo k 2 . r o Br 474.49 486.70 500 None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 184.716 HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 141.96 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.69 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 142.95 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 0.003123 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 2.49 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 184.87 184.87 184.87 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 142.13 142.13 142.13 0.003790 0.003790 0.003790 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.12 1.12 1.12 3.70 3.70 3.70 0.99 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 184.87 184.87 184.87 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 1.80 1.80 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.43 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 142.13 142.13 142.13 0.003790 0.003790 0.003790 1.99 1.99 1.99 1.12 1.12 1.12 3.70 3.70 3.70 0.99 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 184.87 Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% 1.80 141.43 141.93 141.93 142.13 0.003790 1.99 1.12 3.70 0.99 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 184.87 184.87 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.93 141.93 141.93 141.93 142.13 142.13 0.003790 0.003790 1.99 1.99 1.12 1.12 3.70 3.70 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 182.862 182.862 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 1.80 1.80 140.94 140.94 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 142.06 142.06 0.005462 0.005462 2.14 2.14 0.92 0.92 2.80 2.80 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 182.862 182.862 182.862 182.862 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.94 140.94 140.94 140.94 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 142.06 142.06 142.06 142.06 0.005462 0.005536 0.005462 0.005462 2.14 2.15 2.14 2.14 0.92 0.91 0.92 0.92 2.80 2.79 2.80 2.80 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 182.862 182.862 182.862 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.94 140.94 140.94 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 141.82 142.06 142.06 142.06 0.005536 0.005536 0.005536 2.15 2.15 2.15 0.91 0.91 0.91 2.79 2.79 2.79 0.98 0.98 0.98 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 180.942 180.942 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 1.80 1.80 140.82 140.82 141.70 141.70 141.73 141.73 0.000248 0.000248 0.73 0.73 2.80 2.80 4.72 4.72 0.28 0.28 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 180.942 180.942 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% 1.80 1.80 140.82 140.82 141.70 141.65 141.73 141.68 0.000248 0.000314 0.73 0.78 2.80 2.57 4.72 4.61 0.28 0.31 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 180.942 180.942 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 1.80 1.80 140.82 140.82 141.70 141.70 141.73 141.73 0.000248 0.000248 0.73 0.73 2.80 2.80 4.72 4.72 0.28 0.28 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 180.942 180.942 180.942 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.82 140.82 140.82 141.65 141.65 141.65 141.68 141.68 141.68 0.000314 0.000314 0.000314 0.78 0.78 0.78 2.57 2.57 2.57 4.61 4.61 4.61 0.31 0.31 0.31 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 176.548 176.548 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 1.80 1.80 140.40 140.40 141.67 141.67 141.72 141.72 0.000386 0.000386 1.14 1.14 3.73 3.73 5.92 5.92 0.34 0.34 HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 176.548 176.548 176.548 176.548 176.548 176.548 176.548 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.40 140.40 140.40 140.40 140.40 140.40 140.40 141.67 141.61 141.67 141.67 141.61 141.61 141.61 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 2 165.156 165.156 165.156 165.156 165.156 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 140.07 140.07 140.07 140.07 140.07 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 165.156 165.156 165.156 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% 1.80 1.80 1.80 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q100+CCA St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 Unnamed Trib. 2 164.156 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 121.355 121.355 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 121.355 121.355 121.355 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 Byr Brook Byr Brook Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl 141.14 141.14 141.14 141.72 141.68 141.72 141.72 141.68 141.68 141.68 0.000386 0.000460 0.000386 0.000386 0.000460 0.000460 0.000460 1.14 1.20 1.14 1.14 1.20 1.20 1.20 3.73 3.43 3.73 3.73 3.43 3.43 3.43 5.92 5.68 5.92 5.92 5.68 5.68 5.68 0.34 0.37 0.34 0.34 0.37 0.37 0.37 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.67 141.67 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 3.03 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 1.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 140.07 140.07 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.25 141.67 141.67 141.67 0.004113 0.004113 0.004113 3.03 3.03 3.03 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.94 1.94 1.94 0.95 0.95 0.95 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.67 0.004113 3.03 1.19 1.94 0.95 1.80 1.80 138.53 138.53 140.38 140.38 140.38 140.38 0.000007 0.000007 0.17 0.17 10.35 10.35 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.04 St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 140.42 140.38 140.38 140.42 140.42 140.38 140.38 140.42 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 10.57 10.35 10.35 10.57 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 1.80 1.80 1.80 138.53 138.53 138.53 140.38 140.42 140.42 140.38 140.42 140.42 0.000007 0.000007 0.000007 0.17 0.17 0.17 10.35 10.57 10.57 5.75 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.04 0.04 500 500 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 5.40 5.40 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.04 143.08 143.07 0.000196 0.000198 0.83 0.83 6.69 6.66 6.21 6.20 0.22 0.22 1 1 500 500 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% 5.40 5.40 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.04 143.07 143.08 0.000198 0.000196 0.83 0.83 6.67 6.69 6.20 6.21 0.22 0.22 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 500 500 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 5.40 5.40 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.04 143.07 143.07 0.000199 0.000198 0.84 0.83 6.65 6.67 6.19 6.20 0.22 0.22 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 500 500 500 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 5.40 5.40 5.40 141.20 141.20 141.20 143.04 143.03 143.03 143.08 143.07 143.07 0.000196 0.000201 0.000200 0.83 0.84 0.84 6.69 6.63 6.64 6.21 6.17 6.19 0.22 0.23 0.23 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 486.70 486.70 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 5.40 5.40 141.09 141.09 143.05 143.05 143.07 143.07 0.000103 0.000104 0.64 0.64 8.43 8.41 5.18 5.17 0.16 0.16 141.14 Culvert HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 486.70 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.09 143.05 143.05 143.04 143.05 143.05 143.04 143.04 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 1 477.04 477.04 477.04 477.04 477.04 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.69 140.69 140.69 140.69 140.69 142.78 142.77 142.77 142.78 142.77 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 477.04 477.04 477.04 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.69 140.69 140.69 Byr Brook 1 477.04 Q100+CCA St.Yd. B AC 75% 5.40 Byr Brook 1 473.49 Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 473.49 473.49 473.49 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 473.49 473.49 473.49 473.49 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Byr Brook 1 473.49 Q100+CCA Byr Brook 1 472.49 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl 143.07 143.07 143.07 143.07 143.07 143.06 143.06 0.000104 0.000103 0.000104 0.000104 0.000103 0.000105 0.000104 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 8.42 8.43 8.40 8.42 8.43 8.39 8.40 5.17 5.18 5.17 5.17 5.18 5.17 5.17 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 142.35 142.35 142.35 142.35 142.35 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.04 143.04 0.003962 0.004042 0.004021 0.003962 0.004079 2.30 2.31 2.31 2.30 2.32 2.66 2.63 2.64 2.66 2.61 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 4.47 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.62 142.77 142.78 142.76 142.35 142.35 142.35 143.04 143.04 143.03 0.004021 0.003962 0.004136 2.31 2.30 2.33 2.64 2.66 2.59 4.47 4.47 4.46 0.61 0.61 0.62 140.69 142.76 142.35 143.04 0.004099 2.32 2.60 4.46 0.62 5.40 140.66 142.75 142.10 143.03 0.004127 2.34 2.61 4.59 0.54 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.66 140.66 140.66 142.75 142.74 142.75 142.10 142.10 142.10 143.03 143.02 143.03 0.004127 0.004172 0.004127 2.34 2.35 2.34 2.61 2.58 2.61 4.59 4.53 4.59 0.54 0.54 0.54 St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 140.66 140.66 140.66 140.66 142.75 142.74 142.75 142.74 142.10 142.10 142.10 142.10 143.03 143.02 143.03 143.02 0.004127 0.004172 0.004127 0.004172 2.34 2.35 2.34 2.35 2.61 2.58 2.61 2.58 4.59 4.53 4.59 4.53 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 St.Yd. B AC 75% 5.40 140.66 142.74 142.10 143.02 0.004172 2.35 2.58 4.53 0.54 5.40 5.40 138.56 138.56 140.30 140.30 140.38 140.38 0.000589 0.000589 1.22 1.22 4.44 4.44 3.24 3.24 0.33 0.33 St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% 5.40 5.40 138.56 138.56 140.34 140.30 140.41 140.38 0.000543 0.000589 1.18 1.22 4.58 4.44 3.28 3.24 0.32 0.33 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 5.40 5.40 138.56 138.56 140.30 140.34 140.38 140.41 0.000589 0.000543 1.22 1.18 4.44 4.58 3.24 3.28 0.33 0.32 367.94 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 5.40 5.40 5.40 138.56 138.56 138.56 140.30 140.34 140.34 140.38 140.41 140.41 0.000589 0.000543 0.000543 1.22 1.18 1.18 4.44 4.58 4.58 3.24 3.28 3.28 0.33 0.32 0.32 364.253 364.253 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 7.20 7.20 138.56 138.56 140.22 140.22 140.37 140.37 0.001239 0.001239 1.73 1.73 4.17 4.17 3.18 3.18 0.48 0.48 Culvert HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 364.253 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 138.56 140.27 140.22 140.22 140.27 140.22 140.27 140.27 139.64 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 360.566 360.566 360.566 360.566 360.566 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 138.37 138.37 138.37 138.37 138.37 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 360.566 360.566 360.566 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% 7.20 7.20 7.20 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Q100+CCA St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 Byr Brook 3 359.566 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 239.269 239.269 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 239.269 239.269 239.269 239.269 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 239.269 239.269 239.269 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 Byr Brook Byr Brook E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl 139.64 139.64 140.41 140.37 140.37 140.41 140.37 140.41 140.41 0.001122 0.001239 0.001239 0.001122 0.001239 0.001122 0.001122 1.66 1.73 1.73 1.66 1.73 1.66 1.66 4.33 4.17 4.17 4.33 4.17 4.33 4.33 3.22 3.18 3.18 3.22 3.18 3.22 3.22 0.46 0.48 0.48 0.46 0.48 0.46 0.46 140.26 140.26 140.26 140.26 140.26 139.39 139.39 139.39 139.39 139.39 140.34 140.34 140.34 140.34 140.34 0.000510 0.000510 0.000510 0.000510 0.000510 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 5.79 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 4.12 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 138.37 138.37 138.37 140.26 140.26 140.26 139.39 139.39 139.39 140.34 140.34 140.34 0.000510 0.000510 0.000510 1.24 1.24 1.24 5.79 5.79 5.79 4.12 4.12 4.12 0.33 0.33 0.33 138.37 140.26 139.39 140.34 0.000510 1.24 5.79 4.12 0.33 7.20 7.20 136.28 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 138.79 0.007239 0.007239 3.15 3.15 2.29 2.29 2.36 2.36 1.00 1.00 St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 136.28 136.28 136.28 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 138.79 138.79 138.79 0.007239 0.007239 0.007239 0.007239 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.15 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.36 2.36 2.36 2.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 7.20 7.20 136.28 136.28 136.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.79 138.79 138.79 0.007239 0.007239 0.007239 3.15 3.15 3.15 2.29 2.29 2.29 2.36 2.36 2.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 7.20 7.20 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.51 137.51 0.003991 0.003991 2.47 2.47 2.92 2.92 4.77 4.77 1.01 1.01 3 3 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% 7.20 7.20 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.51 137.51 0.003991 0.003991 2.47 2.47 2.92 2.92 4.77 4.77 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% 7.20 7.20 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.51 137.51 0.003991 0.003991 2.47 2.47 2.92 2.92 4.77 4.77 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 232.359 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 7.20 7.20 136.35 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.20 137.51 137.51 137.51 0.003991 0.003991 0.003991 2.47 2.47 2.47 2.92 2.92 2.92 4.77 4.77 4.77 1.01 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 206.209 206.209 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% 7.20 7.20 135.96 135.96 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 137.12 137.12 0.003640 0.003640 2.54 2.54 3.11 3.11 7.25 7.25 0.98 0.98 139.64 Culvert HEC-RAS Profile: Q100+CCA (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Plan Q Total (m3/s) Min Ch El (m) W.S. Elev (m) Crit W.S. (m) E.G. Elev (m) E.G. Slope (m/m) Vel Chnl (m/s) Flow Area (m2) Top Width (m) Froude # Chl Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 206.209 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 135.96 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 136.79 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.12 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 0.003640 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 7.25 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St.Yd. Existing St.Yd. C1 B75% St.Yd. C2 B75% St.Yd. C3 B75% St. Yd. C1 B25% 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.62 136.62 136.62 136.62 136.62 0.003377 0.003374 0.003377 0.003377 0.003374 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.84 2.85 2.84 2.84 2.85 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q100+CCA Q100+CCA Q100+CCA St. Yd. C2 B25% St. Yd. C3 B25% St.Yd. B AC 25% 7.20 7.20 7.20 135.46 135.46 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.26 136.62 136.62 136.62 0.003377 0.003377 0.003374 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.84 2.84 2.85 4.36 4.36 4.36 1.00 1.00 1.00 Byr Brook 3 184.716 Q100+CCA St.Yd. B AC 75% 7.20 135.46 136.26 136.26 136.62 0.003374 2.65 2.85 4.36 1.00 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX V: 1D MODELLING OUTPUTS - PROPOSED This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA 206.209 232.359 239.269 252.265* 265.261* 278.258* 200 291.254* 184.87 304.25* ok 165.156 ro 317.246* B Un r 155.422* 330.242 na By me 145.689* d 343.238* 3 Tr ib 131.089* 356.234* . 1 By r B r oo k 2 367.94 121.355 Junc.1 477.04 486.70 500 None of the XS's are Geo-Referenced ( Geo-Ref user entered XS Geo-Ref interpolated XS Non Geo-Ref user entered XS Non Geo-Ref interpolated XS) 184.716 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St.Yd. Prop. Up/Downstream XS1 Byr Brook 3 10/11/2014 Byr Brook 1 Unnamed Trib. 2 144 Legend WS Q1000 WS Q100+CCA WS Q100 WS Q1 142 Ground Elevation (m) 140 138 136 134 0 50 100 150 200 Main Channel Distance (m) 250 300 350 Station Yard, Coed-Talon Plan: St.Yd. Prop. Up/Downstream XS1 10/11/2014 Legend WS Q1 WS Q100 WS Q100+CCA WS Q1000 Ground Bank Sta Ground 200 184.87 165.156 206.209 160.289* 155.422* 150.556 135.956 334.574* 351.902* 367.94 126.222* 477.04 486.70 317.246* 299.918 282.59* 252.265* 265.261* 239.269 232.359 184.716 HEC-RAS Plan: St.Yd. Pr. XS 1 River Reach River Sta Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 200 200 200 Unnamed Trib. 2 Unnamed Trib. 2 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Froude # Chl Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 0.30 1.50 1.80 141.96 141.96 141.96 142.24 142.63 142.69 142.24 142.63 142.69 142.35 142.86 142.95 0.004607 0.003197 0.003123 1.46 2.35 2.49 0.30 1.61 1.94 2.05 4.76 5.23 0.98 0.96 0.97 200 Q1000 2.70 141.96 142.87 142.87 143.17 0.002920 2.80 2.92 6.03 0.97 184.87 Q1 0.30 141.43 141.64 141.64 141.71 0.005774 1.13 0.27 2.15 1.00 2 2 184.87 184.87 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 141.43 141.43 141.89 141.93 141.89 141.93 142.06 142.13 0.003988 0.003790 1.88 1.99 0.95 1.12 3.45 3.70 0.99 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 184.87 Q1000 2.70 141.43 142.06 142.06 142.31 0.003413 2.25 1.63 4.46 0.98 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 182.862 182.862 Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 140.94 140.94 141.37 141.76 141.37 141.76 141.48 141.98 0.007531 0.005772 1.47 2.06 0.20 0.76 0.94 2.30 1.01 0.99 Unnamed Trib. 2 182.862 Q100+CCA 1.80 140.94 141.82 141.82 142.06 0.005536 2.15 0.91 2.79 0.98 Unnamed Trib. 2 182.862 Q1000 2.70 140.94 141.98 141.98 142.26 0.005000 2.36 1.47 4.06 0.95 Unnamed Trib. 2 180.942 Q1 0.30 140.82 141.05 141.05 141.11 0.006101 1.07 0.28 2.45 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 180.942 180.942 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 140.82 140.82 141.54 141.70 141.57 141.73 0.000394 0.000248 0.78 0.73 2.09 2.80 4.35 4.72 0.33 0.28 Unnamed Trib. 2 180.942 Q1000 2.70 140.82 141.88 141.92 0.000262 0.87 3.67 5.15 0.29 Unnamed Trib. 2 176.548 Q1 0.30 140.40 140.72 140.81 0.006120 1.36 0.23 1.46 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 176.548 176.548 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.50 1.80 140.40 140.40 141.51 141.67 141.57 141.72 0.000457 0.000386 1.13 1.14 2.88 3.73 5.21 5.92 0.36 0.34 Unnamed Trib. 2 176.548 Q1000 2.70 140.40 141.82 141.91 0.000539 1.46 4.69 6.64 0.41 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 165.156 165.156 Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 140.07 140.07 140.53 141.13 140.53 141.13 140.69 141.52 0.006676 0.004464 1.78 2.91 0.20 0.96 0.81 1.74 0.99 0.96 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q100+CCA 1.80 140.07 141.25 141.25 141.67 0.004113 3.03 1.19 1.94 0.95 Unnamed Trib. 2 165.156 Q1000 2.70 140.07 141.64 141.64 141.88 0.001973 2.59 4.69 12.02 0.69 Unnamed Trib. 2 160.289* Q1 0.30 139.91 140.16 140.16 140.24 0.005869 1.24 0.24 1.60 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 160.289* 160.289* 160.289* Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.50 1.80 2.70 139.91 139.91 139.91 140.44 140.49 140.59 140.44 140.49 140.59 140.59 140.65 140.79 0.004757 0.004647 0.004406 1.71 1.78 1.97 0.87 1.01 1.37 2.98 3.20 3.62 1.01 1.01 1.02 Unnamed Trib. 2 155.422* Q1 0.30 139.76 139.96 139.96 140.03 0.005854 1.17 0.26 1.85 1.01 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 155.422* 155.422* 155.422* Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.50 1.80 2.70 139.76 139.76 139.76 140.21 140.25 140.46 140.21 140.25 140.35 140.40 140.56 0.004694 0.004587 0.002054 1.65 1.71 1.41 0.91 1.05 1.92 3.32 3.56 4.78 1.01 1.01 0.71 Unnamed Trib. 2 150.556 Q1 0.30 139.60 139.77 139.77 139.84 0.005849 1.13 0.27 2.07 1.00 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 150.556 150.556 150.556 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.50 1.80 2.70 139.60 139.60 139.60 140.01 140.05 140.51 140.01 140.05 140.14 140.19 140.54 0.004734 0.004622 0.000444 1.62 1.68 0.78 0.93 1.07 3.46 3.53 3.78 6.62 1.01 1.01 0.35 Unnamed Trib. 2 145.689* Q1 139.60 139.60 1.95 1.01 Unnamed Trib. 2 145.689* Q100 1.50 139.42 139.92 140.00 0.002467 1.31 1.15 3.66 0.74 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 145.689* 145.689* Q100+CCA Q1000 1.80 2.70 139.42 139.42 140.10 140.51 140.14 140.53 0.000913 0.000231 0.95 0.63 1.90 4.29 4.63 6.88 0.47 0.25 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 140.822* 140.822* Q1 Q100 0.30 1.50 139.25 139.25 139.43 139.95 139.50 139.98 0.005793 0.000618 1.17 0.80 0.26 1.87 1.86 4.34 1.00 0.39 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 140.822* 140.822* Q100+CCA Q1000 1.80 2.70 139.25 139.25 140.11 140.52 140.13 140.53 0.000355 0.000136 0.68 0.53 2.64 5.11 5.11 7.05 0.30 0.20 Unnamed Trib. 2 135.956 Q1 0.30 139.07 139.25 139.32 0.005824 1.19 0.25 1.78 1.00 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 135.956 135.956 135.956 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.50 1.80 2.70 139.07 139.07 139.07 139.96 140.12 140.52 139.97 140.13 140.53 0.000252 0.000174 0.000087 0.58 0.53 0.46 2.57 3.38 5.93 4.79 5.47 7.19 0.25 0.22 0.16 Unnamed Trib. 2 131.089* Q1 0.30 138.89 139.16 139.19 0.012915 0.77 0.39 2.19 0.59 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 131.089* 131.089* 131.089* Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.50 1.80 2.70 138.89 138.89 138.89 139.96 140.12 140.52 139.97 140.13 140.53 0.000647 0.000479 0.000252 0.38 0.36 0.33 3.91 5.01 8.29 6.58 7.44 8.37 0.16 0.14 0.10 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 126.222* 126.222* 126.222* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 0.30 1.50 1.80 138.71 138.71 138.71 139.15 139.96 140.12 139.16 139.97 140.12 0.002791 0.000415 0.000366 0.28 0.24 0.24 1.06 6.32 7.43 4.33 7.06 7.06 0.18 0.08 0.08 Unnamed Trib. 2 126.222* Q1000 2.70 138.71 140.52 140.52 0.000316 0.26 10.27 7.06 0.07 Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. Unnamed Trib. 2 2 2 2 121.355 121.355 121.355 121.355 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 0.30 1.50 1.80 2.70 138.53 138.53 138.53 138.53 139.16 139.96 140.12 140.52 139.16 139.97 140.12 140.52 0.000006 0.000011 0.000012 0.000014 0.09 0.19 0.20 0.24 3.31 7.95 8.85 11.16 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.06 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 500 500 500 500 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.10 4.50 5.40 8.00 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.20 141.76 142.93 143.02 143.39 141.80 142.96 143.06 143.44 0.000792 0.000181 0.000206 0.000203 0.85 0.75 0.84 0.98 1.29 6.04 6.56 9.04 2.87 5.17 6.03 6.80 0.41 0.21 0.23 0.24 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 486.70 486.70 486.70 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.10 4.50 5.40 141.09 141.09 141.09 141.78 142.93 143.03 141.79 142.95 143.05 0.000145 0.000087 0.000107 0.45 0.57 0.65 2.44 7.84 8.33 4.14 5.09 5.16 0.19 0.15 0.16 Byr Brook 1 486.70 Q1000 8.00 141.09 143.40 143.44 0.000118 0.78 10.65 6.60 0.18 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 1 477.04 477.04 477.04 477.04 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.10 4.50 5.40 8.00 140.69 140.69 140.69 140.69 141.47 142.73 142.74 142.97 141.76 142.93 143.02 143.39 0.011753 0.003101 0.004383 0.005419 2.39 1.99 2.37 2.92 0.46 2.45 2.49 3.55 0.79 4.44 4.44 4.53 1.00 0.53 0.64 0.73 Byr Brook 1 473.49 Q1 1.10 140.66 141.16 141.16 141.41 0.008747 2.19 0.50 1.03 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 1 473.49 473.49 473.49 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 4.50 5.40 8.00 140.66 140.66 140.66 142.72 142.71 142.50 141.95 142.10 142.50 142.92 143.00 143.32 0.003040 0.004409 0.014673 1.99 2.39 4.02 2.48 2.46 2.00 3.97 3.89 1.43 0.46 0.56 1.00 Byr Brook 1 472.49 Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 138.56 138.56 139.10 139.84 139.15 139.96 0.001245 0.001127 1.03 1.48 1.07 3.04 2.37 2.91 0.49 0.46 0.30 139.42 140.72 139.43 139.25 141.47 142.21 142.35 142.78 139.67 0.005860 1.15 0.26 Culvert Q1 Q100 1.10 4.50 HEC-RAS Plan: St.Yd. Pr. XS 1 (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Froude # Chl Byr Brook Byr Brook 1 1 367.94 367.94 Q100+CCA Q1000 5.40 8.00 138.56 138.56 139.99 140.36 140.11 140.51 0.001140 0.001157 1.56 1.73 3.46 4.63 3.02 3.29 0.46 0.46 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 364.253 364.253 Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 138.56 138.56 138.97 139.52 Byr Brook 3 364.253 Q100+CCA 7.20 138.56 139.64 138.97 139.52 139.14 139.92 0.005395 0.005241 1.83 2.81 0.77 2.13 2.28 2.68 1.01 1.01 139.64 140.08 0.005196 2.95 2.44 2.76 Byr Brook 3 364.253 Q1000 10.70 138.56 139.92 1.00 139.92 140.47 0.005273 3.28 3.26 2.97 1.00 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Q1 1.40 138.37 138.87 Byr Brook 3 360.566 Q100 6.00 138.37 139.29 139.29 138.96 0.002637 1.39 1.01 2.73 0.73 139.65 0.004703 2.67 2.25 3.15 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 360.566 360.566 Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 138.37 138.37 139.39 139.64 139.39 139.64 139.79 140.14 0.004674 0.004635 2.80 3.12 2.57 3.43 3.25 3.50 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 356.234* 356.234* 356.234* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.40 6.00 7.20 138.28 138.28 138.28 138.80 139.26 139.35 138.80 139.26 139.35 138.94 139.59 139.72 0.005118 0.004336 0.004371 1.67 2.54 2.69 0.84 2.36 2.67 3.06 3.59 3.69 1.02 1.00 1.01 Byr Brook 3 356.234* Q1000 10.70 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 351.902* 351.902* Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 138.28 139.58 139.58 140.04 0.004281 3.00 3.57 3.96 1.01 138.19 138.19 138.75 139.23 138.75 139.23 138.91 139.53 0.004997 0.004174 1.76 2.46 0.80 2.44 2.58 4.00 1.01 1.00 Byr Brook 3 351.902* Q100+CCA Byr Brook 3 351.902* Q1000 Byr Brook 3 347.57* Byr Brook 3 347.57* Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 347.57* 347.57* Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 343.238* 343.238* Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 138.02 138.02 138.55 139.08 138.55 139.08 138.72 139.39 0.004959 0.004173 1.83 2.47 0.77 2.43 2.28 3.98 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook 3 343.238* Q100+CCA 7.20 138.02 139.18 139.18 139.51 0.004078 2.56 2.81 4.27 1.01 Byr Brook 3 343.238* Q1000 10.70 138.02 139.40 139.40 139.79 0.003868 2.78 3.86 4.99 1.01 Byr Brook 3 338.906* Q1 1.40 137.93 138.44 138.44 138.61 0.004924 1.83 0.76 2.26 Byr Brook 3 338.906* Q100 6.00 137.93 138.98 138.98 139.29 0.004169 2.49 2.41 3.87 1.01 Byr Brook 3 338.906* Q100+CCA 7.20 137.93 139.07 139.07 139.41 0.004078 2.59 2.78 4.15 1.01 Byr Brook 3 338.906* Q1000 10.70 137.93 139.30 139.30 139.70 0.003887 2.81 3.81 4.84 1.01 Byr Brook 3 334.574* Q1 1.40 137.84 138.33 138.33 138.50 0.004906 1.83 0.76 2.27 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 334.574* 334.574* Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 137.84 137.84 138.86 138.96 138.86 138.96 139.18 139.30 0.004156 0.004064 2.50 2.60 2.40 2.77 3.82 4.10 1.01 1.01 Byr Brook 3 334.574* Q1000 10.70 137.84 139.19 139.19 139.59 0.003880 2.82 3.79 4.76 1.01 Byr Brook 3 330.242 Q1 1.40 137.75 138.21 138.21 138.38 0.004866 1.82 0.77 2.31 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 330.242 330.242 Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 137.75 137.75 138.75 138.85 138.75 138.85 139.06 139.18 0.004106 0.003956 2.50 2.58 2.40 2.79 3.82 4.10 1.01 1.00 Byr Brook 3 330.242 Q1000 10.70 137.75 139.08 139.08 139.48 0.003793 2.81 3.81 4.75 1.00 Byr Brook 3 325.91* Q1 1.40 137.68 138.15 138.15 138.32 0.004859 1.82 0.77 2.30 1.00 Byr Brook 3 325.91* Q100 6.00 137.68 138.68 138.68 139.00 0.004050 2.49 2.41 3.80 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 325.91* 325.91* Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 137.68 137.68 138.78 139.12 138.78 139.01 139.12 139.43 0.004032 0.002711 2.60 2.48 2.77 4.32 4.05 5.01 1.01 0.85 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 321.578* 321.578* Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 137.61 137.61 138.08 138.61 138.08 138.61 138.25 138.94 0.004852 0.004129 1.82 2.51 0.77 2.39 2.29 3.76 1.00 1.01 Byr Brook 3 321.578* Q100+CCA 7.20 137.61 138.71 138.71 Byr Brook 3 321.578* Q1000 10.70 137.61 139.15 Byr Brook 3 317.246* Q1 1.40 137.54 138.01 138.01 138.18 0.004890 1.83 0.76 2.27 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 317.246* 317.246* Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 137.54 137.54 138.55 138.67 138.55 138.64 138.87 138.99 0.004090 0.003633 2.51 2.51 2.39 2.87 3.74 4.07 1.00 0.95 Byr Brook 3 317.246* Q1000 10.70 137.54 139.17 139.38 0.001620 2.05 5.22 5.41 0.67 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 312.914* 312.914* 312.914* 312.914* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 137.47 137.47 137.47 137.47 137.94 138.50 138.72 139.18 137.94 138.48 138.11 138.81 138.96 139.37 0.004913 0.003763 0.002444 0.001316 1.84 2.43 2.17 1.90 0.76 2.47 3.32 5.64 2.25 3.77 4.33 5.58 1.01 0.96 0.79 0.60 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 308.582* 308.582* Q1 Q100 137.87 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 308.582* 308.582* Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook 3 304.25* Q1 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 304.25* 304.25* 304.25* Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 299.918 299.918 299.918 299.918 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 7.20 138.19 139.31 139.31 139.65 0.004120 2.59 2.78 4.11 1.00 10.70 138.19 139.52 139.52 139.95 0.004071 2.90 3.69 4.39 1.01 Q1 1.40 138.10 138.66 138.66 138.82 0.004995 1.81 0.77 2.37 1.01 Q100 6.00 138.10 139.18 139.18 139.47 0.004144 2.42 2.47 4.19 1.01 7.20 10.70 138.10 138.10 139.26 139.47 139.26 139.47 139.59 139.87 0.004105 0.003945 2.53 2.82 2.85 3.80 4.48 4.79 1.01 1.01 1.40 6.00 137.40 137.40 137.87 138.55 7.20 10.70 137.40 137.40 138.74 139.20 1.40 137.33 137.80 6.00 7.20 10.70 137.33 137.33 137.33 138.57 138.76 139.20 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 137.26 137.26 137.26 137.26 137.73 138.59 138.77 139.21 295.586* 295.586* 295.586* 295.586* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 137.19 137.19 137.19 137.19 3 3 3 291.254* 291.254* 291.254* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA 1.40 6.00 7.20 Byr Brook 3 291.254* Q1000 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 286.922* 286.922* 286.922* 286.922* Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook 3 282.59* Q1 137.80 1.01 139.06 0.003988 2.60 2.77 4.03 1.00 139.40 0.002049 2.23 4.79 5.23 0.75 138.04 138.77 0.004917 0.002455 1.84 2.08 0.76 2.89 2.24 4.03 1.01 0.78 138.93 139.35 0.001818 0.001089 1.94 1.77 3.71 6.05 4.53 5.73 0.69 0.55 137.97 0.004926 1.84 0.76 2.23 1.01 138.75 138.91 139.34 0.001795 0.001413 0.000916 1.85 1.77 1.66 3.24 4.07 6.44 4.23 4.71 5.88 0.67 0.61 0.51 137.73 137.91 138.73 138.90 139.34 0.004935 0.001371 0.001126 0.000778 1.85 1.67 1.63 1.56 0.76 3.58 4.42 6.84 2.21 4.41 4.87 6.01 1.01 0.59 0.55 0.47 137.66 138.60 138.78 139.22 137.66 137.84 138.72 138.89 139.33 0.004940 0.001062 0.000901 0.000656 1.85 1.52 1.50 1.47 0.76 3.94 4.81 7.29 2.21 4.60 5.06 6.19 1.01 0.52 0.49 0.43 137.12 137.12 137.12 137.59 138.61 138.78 137.59 137.77 138.71 138.88 0.004945 0.000841 0.000733 1.85 1.40 1.39 0.76 4.30 5.19 2.20 4.78 5.24 1.01 0.47 0.44 10.70 137.12 139.23 139.32 0.000559 1.38 7.74 6.36 0.40 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 137.05 137.05 137.05 137.05 137.55 138.61 138.79 139.23 137.70 138.70 138.88 139.32 0.004103 0.000678 0.000604 0.000479 1.73 1.29 1.29 1.30 0.81 4.66 5.58 8.20 2.26 4.96 5.41 6.52 0.92 0.42 0.41 0.37 1.40 136.98 137.58 137.67 0.002032 1.34 1.05 2.51 0.66 137.52 HEC-RAS Plan: St.Yd. Pr. XS 1 (Continued) River Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width (m3/s) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m/m) (m/s) (m2) (m) Froude # Chl Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 282.59* 282.59* 282.59* Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 6.00 7.20 10.70 136.98 136.98 136.98 138.62 138.80 139.23 138.69 138.87 139.31 0.000553 0.000503 0.000414 1.19 1.20 1.24 5.03 5.98 8.66 5.13 5.58 6.68 0.38 0.37 0.35 Byr Brook 3 278.258* Byr Brook 3 278.258* Q1 1.40 136.91 137.59 137.65 0.001231 1.11 1.26 2.71 0.52 Q100 6.00 136.91 138.62 138.69 0.000457 1.11 5.40 5.30 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 278.258* 278.258* Q100+CCA Q1000 0.35 7.20 10.70 136.91 136.91 138.80 139.24 138.87 139.31 0.000423 0.000359 1.13 1.17 6.38 9.13 5.74 6.84 0.34 0.32 Byr Brook 3 273.926* Q1 1.40 136.84 137.60 137.64 0.000804 0.95 1.47 2.89 0.43 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 273.926* 273.926* Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 136.84 136.84 138.63 138.80 138.68 138.86 0.000381 0.000358 1.04 1.06 5.78 6.78 5.47 5.91 0.32 0.32 Byr Brook 3 273.926* Q1000 10.70 136.84 139.24 139.30 0.000313 1.11 9.61 7.00 0.30 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 269.594 269.594 Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 136.77 136.77 137.60 138.63 137.64 138.68 0.000552 0.000320 0.83 0.97 1.69 6.17 3.07 5.63 0.36 0.30 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 269.594 269.594 Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 136.77 136.77 138.81 139.24 138.86 139.30 0.000305 0.000275 1.00 1.06 7.20 10.09 6.07 7.15 0.29 0.29 Byr Brook 3 265.261* Q1 1.40 136.70 137.60 137.63 0.000510 0.81 1.73 2.99 0.34 Byr Brook 3 265.261* Q100 6.00 136.70 138.63 138.68 0.000335 0.99 6.05 5.42 0.30 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 265.261* 265.261* Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 136.70 136.70 138.80 139.24 138.86 139.30 0.000322 0.000294 1.02 1.09 7.04 9.81 5.83 6.87 0.30 0.29 Byr Brook 3 260.929* Q1 1.40 136.63 137.60 137.63 0.000498 0.81 1.74 2.87 0.33 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 260.929* 260.929* Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 136.63 136.63 138.62 138.80 138.68 138.85 0.000364 0.000353 1.03 1.06 5.85 6.78 5.16 5.55 0.31 0.31 Byr Brook 3 260.929* Q1000 10.70 136.63 139.23 139.30 0.000327 1.14 9.41 6.52 0.30 Byr Brook 3 256.597* Q1 1.40 136.56 137.59 137.63 0.000522 0.82 1.70 2.72 0.33 Byr Brook 3 256.597* Q100 6.00 136.56 138.61 138.67 0.000417 1.08 5.55 4.83 0.32 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 256.597* 256.597* Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 136.56 136.56 138.79 139.22 138.85 139.30 0.000407 0.000382 1.12 1.21 6.42 8.87 5.19 6.09 0.32 0.32 Byr Brook 3 252.265* Q1 Byr Brook 3 252.265* Q100 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 252.265* 252.265* Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 247.933* 247.933* Q1 Q100 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 247.933* 247.933* Q100+CCA Q1000 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 243.601* 243.601* Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 136.35 136.35 137.55 138.52 137.62 138.66 0.001399 0.001290 1.17 1.62 1.20 3.70 1.86 3.26 0.47 0.49 Byr Brook 3 243.601* Q100+CCA 7.20 136.35 138.69 138.84 0.001218 1.69 4.29 3.97 0.48 Byr Brook 3 243.601* Q1000 10.70 136.35 139.10 139.28 0.001022 1.87 6.53 6.83 0.46 Byr Brook 3 239.269 Q1 1.40 136.28 137.32 137.32 137.58 0.009240 2.28 0.61 1.18 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 239.269 239.269 Q100 Q100+CCA 6.00 7.20 136.28 136.28 138.15 138.28 138.15 138.28 138.61 138.79 0.007459 0.007239 3.03 3.15 1.98 2.29 2.12 2.36 1.00 1.00 Byr Brook 3 239.269 Q1000 10.70 136.28 138.63 138.63 139.23 0.006021 3.44 3.40 4.29 0.95 Byr Brook 3 232.359 Q1 1.40 136.35 136.67 136.67 136.80 0.004896 1.63 0.86 3.19 1.01 Byr Brook 3 232.359 Q100 6.00 136.35 137.12 137.12 137.40 0.004079 2.37 2.53 4.47 1.01 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 232.359 232.359 Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 136.35 136.35 137.20 137.40 137.20 137.40 137.51 137.78 0.003991 0.003612 2.47 2.71 2.92 4.16 4.77 7.63 1.01 0.99 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 206.209 206.209 Q1 Q100 1.40 6.00 135.96 135.96 136.30 136.71 136.30 136.71 136.43 137.01 0.005189 0.003939 1.58 2.42 0.89 2.56 3.54 5.69 1.01 1.00 Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 206.209 206.209 Q100+CCA Q1000 7.20 10.70 135.96 135.96 136.79 137.02 136.79 137.02 137.12 137.40 0.003640 0.002991 2.54 2.78 3.11 5.35 7.25 11.16 0.98 0.93 Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook Byr Brook 3 3 3 3 184.716 184.716 184.716 184.716 Q1 Q100 Q100+CCA Q1000 1.40 6.00 7.20 10.70 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.46 135.79 136.18 136.26 136.48 135.79 136.18 136.26 136.48 135.91 136.50 136.62 136.94 0.004865 0.003500 0.003374 0.003070 1.54 2.49 2.65 3.02 0.91 2.50 2.85 3.82 3.83 4.27 4.36 4.74 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.40 136.49 137.59 137.63 0.000602 0.87 1.61 2.51 0.35 6.00 136.49 138.60 138.67 0.000517 1.17 5.12 4.42 0.35 7.20 10.70 136.49 136.49 138.77 139.20 138.85 139.29 0.000507 0.000470 1.22 1.32 5.91 8.15 4.75 5.94 0.35 0.34 1.40 6.00 136.42 136.42 137.58 138.58 137.62 138.67 0.000802 0.000725 0.96 1.32 1.45 4.53 2.23 3.91 0.38 0.39 7.20 10.70 136.42 136.42 138.75 139.17 138.84 139.29 0.000714 0.000608 1.38 1.51 5.23 7.44 4.20 6.72 0.39 0.38 Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment This page has been intentionally left blank FRA262 – FCA Station Yard, Coed-Talon, Flintshire Flood Consequence Assessment APPENDIX W: NOTES OF LIMITATION The data essentially comprised a study of available documented information from various sources together with discussions with relevant authorities and other interested parties. There may also be circumstances at the site that are not documented. The information reviewed is not exhaustive and has been accepted in good faith as providing representative and true data pertaining to site conditions. If additional information becomes available which might impact our l conclusions, we request the opportunity to review the information, reassess the potential concerns and modify our opinion if warranted. It should be noted that any risks identified in this report are perceived risks based on the available information. This report was prepared by Betts Associates Ltd for the sole and exclusive use of the titled client in response to particular instructions. Any other parties using the information contained in this report do so at their own risk and any duty of care to those parties is excluded. This document has been prepared for the titled project only and should any third party wish to use or rely upon the contents of the report, written approval from Betts Associates Ltd must be sought. Betts Associates Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for the purpose other than that for which it was commissioned and for this document to any other party other than the person by whom it was commissioned. FRA262 – FCA