City of Orange Beach Planning Commission Case No
City of Orange Beach Planning Commission Case No
City of Orange Beach Planning Commission Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Zeke’s Fisherman’s Village STAFF REPORT Names of Applicant: Address of Property: ZLM Acquisition, L.L.C., Tom Steber (Owner/Agent) P.O. Box 2500, Orange Beach, AL 36561 (251) 609-1555, Tax Parcels: 05-65-02-09-0-002-014.000 05-65-02-09-0-002-015.000 05-65-02-09-0-002-016.000 05-65-02-09-0-002-015.002 05-65-02-09-0-002-015.001 PPIN: 64465 9099 64466 9105 9100 Request: Preliminary PUD Zoning and Master Plan Approval Purpose of Request: To consider an application to change the zoning classification from RS-3 (Single-Family Residential) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary approval of the PUD Master Plan for two townhome buildings with 16 total dwelling units and 16 boat slips on Cotton Bayou. The Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered this application at its regular meeting on August 12, 2013. The motion for Favorable Recommendation was denied (1-8). Applicant Summary: ZLM Acquisition purchased the subject parcels in 2009. The subject parcels are part of the Chicago Gulf Beach Subdivision and are northeast of the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Taylor Lane. In 2009 the owners requested to rezone the subject parcels from RS-3 to PUD for the purpose of constructing a gravel parking area with 126 spaces and 44 boat slips on Cotton Bayou. Applicable Regulations: Article 4, Section 4.02, Requirements for Lot Area, Lot Width and Other Factors Article 4, Section 4.03, Minimum Setbacks Article 4, Section 4.04, Maximum Building Height and Maximum Density per Acre Article 7, Section 7.03, Design Standards Article 7, Section 7.04, Regulations Article 7, Section 7.05, Procedures for Preliminary Approval Article 8, Section 8.01, Required Off-Street Parking Article 10, Section 10.03, Site Plan Requirements and Architectural Review Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 2 Article 12, Section 12.07, Amendments Article 16, Tree Protection and Landscaping Present Zoning: RS-3 (Single-Family Residential) Present Use: Undeveloped Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: Special Districts: Streets & Traffic/ Parking Access: Physical Site Characteristics: North: Cotton Bayou South: Single-Family Residential (RS-3), Single-Family Dwellings East: Planned Unit Development (PUD), Zeke’s Marina West: Single-Family Residential (RS-3), Single-Family Dwellings Overlay Zoning: Beach Overlay Airport Zone: Transitional Surface E Flood Zone: X, AE-6 The subject property is located northeast of the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Taylor Lane and is west of Zeke’s Marina. Jefferson Avenue provides the only access to the site, but there are two unimproved rights-of-way to the east (Madison) and west (Jefferson). The proposed development will utilize the Jefferson Avenue right-of-way, and per Section 4.10 of the Subdivision Regulations, the owner will be responsible for making all necessary improvements. The proposed development is located west of Zeke’s Marina along Cotton Bayou. The applicant is proposing to construct two townhome buildings with 16 total dwelling units on the northern end of the property. Both buildings will be three stories in height. The development will also include 16 boat slips on Cotton Bayou. Of the total lot area (2 acres), 36% (31,394 SF) are considered wetlands, and of the total wetlands, the project will preserve 87% (27,229 SF) and mitigate 13% (4,165 SF). Character of Neighborhood: Future Lane Use Plan: The subject property is located along Cotton Bayou and is situated between low and high impact developments. Single-family dwellings bound the property to the west and south, while Zeke’s Marina is located to the east. Madison Avenue, situated east of the subject property, is an unimproved right-of-way that has historically been utilized for parking at the marina. The subject parcels are shown in the 2006 Future Land Use Map as part of the Single-Family Residential District which is described as follows: Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 3 Most of Orange Beach comprise of single-family residential areas that are typically defined as a collection of individual lots with each lot containing one single-family, detached dwelling unit. Singlefamily neighborhoods are scattered throughout the city. Prevalent single-family neighborhoods include Bear Point, Terry Cove Harbor, East Orange Beach, Marina Road, Cotton Bayou, Gulf Bay Road, Lauder Place and Beaver Creek. Several single-family Planned Unit Developments are located along the beach. The Zoning Ordinance currently permits duplexes in single-family areas, provided that the lot has a lot width of 75 feet and lot size of 10,500 square feet. Duplex developments have mostly occurred along Marina Road. The single-family residential category also allows other conventional residential dwellings such as mobile or manufactured homes. Mobile homes are located in the Oak Ridge subdivision and in several mobile home parks in northwest Orange Beach. Mobile homes are also on various lots in Bear Point. Public Notifications: Subject site and properties within 500 feet contain 62 parcels. Thirty notifications sent. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: Section 7.03 of the Zoning Code states that it is the purpose and intent of the PUD Ordinance to have developments that promote the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and that no PUD shall be approved unless it is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcels are shown in the 2006 Comprehensive Plan as part of the Beach Resort Neighborhood. The proposed rezoning and project comply with the goals of this neighborhood as follows: 1. Continuing to implement stringent guidelines for architectural standards, tiered buildings, buffered parking and heavy landscaping per the Beach Overlay District. The applicant states that the proposed architectural standards are consistent with the design guidelines stated in Article 10 of the Zoning Code. The project will have heavy landscaping along the Jefferson Avenue and Madison Avenue rights-of-way and also along the south property, providing a sufficient buffer between the proposed development and the single-family residences on Taylor Lane. Of the 36 total parking spaces being provided, 30 will be contained within the proposed structures, while the remaining will be located in the front of the buildings and will be buffered by the side property line landscaping. The applicant revised the site plan to extend the solid fence along the east property line northward toward Cotton Bayou, buffering the development and the single-family residential neighborhood to the west from viewing the Madison Avenue right-of-way. 2. Incorporating sidewalks and pedestrian amenities within the required landscaping of proposed developments to support pedestrian traffic between developments. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 4 The applicant states that the proposed project is not located along Perdido Beach Boulevard and is not required to provide a pedestrian-oriented as is normally required for projects in the Beach Overlay District. 3. Establishing pedestrian crosswalks in strategic locations along Highway 182. The proposed project is on the north side of Perdido Beach Boulevard, and residence will have access to the waterway of Cotton Bayou. Establishing additional pedestrian crosswalks along Perdido Beach Boulevard is not part of this project scope. 4. Examining additional beach access points to compliment the public accesses at Romar Beach, Cotton Bayou and Florida Point. The proposed project is on the north sides of Perdido Beach Boulevard and additional beach access points along the beach is not part of this project scope. Consistency with the PUD Design Standards: Section 7.03 of the Zoning Code states that all PUD proposals shall achieve one or more of the following design standard objectives: 1. A maximum choice in the types of environment; occupancy tenure, such as cooperatives, individual ownership, condominium and leasehold; housing type; lot sizes; and community facilities available to existing and potential residents at all economic levels. (Section 7.03, A.) According to the applicant, the residences at Fisherman’s Village will be under individual condominium ownership. Each building will have eight dwelling units. 2. More usable and suitably located open space, recreation areas and other common facilities. (Section 7.03, B.) The applicant states that the advantage of using 2 townhome buildings with 8 units each as opposed to 13 single-family residences spaced out is the preservation of open space by minimizing the footprint of the developed area. The common area swimming pool is ideally located on a waterfront, providing recreation and common facilities that would not be possible with 13 single-family lots. 3. More convenience in location of accessory commercial and service areas. (Section 7.03, C.) The applicant indicates that the dumpsters are located in enclosed structures within the footprint of the building facing the main access drive, making it both convenient for access while hiding it from view. 4. Maximum enhancement and minimal disruption of existing natural features and amenities. (Section 7.03, D.) Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 5 The applicant states that the wetlands on the site have not only been preserved by minimizing the project footprint, but also by the location of the two buildings. The wetlands will also be a visible amenity for the project. According to the submitted plans, there are 31,394 square feet of wetlands on the project site. Of this, 27,229 square feet or 87% will be preserved, while 4,165 square feet or 13% will be mitigated. 5. The preservation of trees, habitat, outstanding natural topography and geologic features and prevention of soil erosion. (Section 7.03, E.) The applicant indicates that there is a single-family residential neighborhood abutting a dry boat storage facility that is a 50-foot tall metal building, separated only by a landlocked right-of-way. This development will help buffer the single-family residences from the dry boat storage building and provide a transition from a high intensity commercial use down to the low intensity residential use. The height of the townhome buildings do not exceed the allowable single-family zoning height, and the detailing of the buildings is residential in nature, keeping the proposed PUD project compatible with the existing single-family residences. The allowable single-family residential height is 50 feet in the Beach Overlay District. 6. An efficient use of land resulting in small networks of utilities and streets and thereby lowering housing costs. (Section 7.03, F.) According to the applicant, the townhome buildings will help reduce the footprint of the developed area, and the positioning of the buildings helps maximize the preservation of the existing wetlands. More green space is provided than would have been by developing the lots as it currently stands. 7. A creative use of land related physical development which allows an orderly transition from urban and suburban uses to rural or undeveloped areas. (Section 7.03, G.) The applicant requests that readers refer to Section 7.03, E. and also note the positioning of buildings preserve an open space immediately to the north and east of the existing singlefamily dwelling in the southwest corner of the site. The Landscape Plan shows heavy landscaping along the west, south and east sides of the project site. In addition, the solid fence on the east property line will be extended northward to Cotton Bayou, blocking the view of the Madison Avenue right-of-way. 8. More efficient and economic arrangement of varied land use, buildings, circulation systems and facilities. (Section 7.03, H.) The drives, access and utilities to the two buildings are as efficient as possible according to the applicant. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 6 The project will relocate an existing 12-foot wide right-of-way southward and expand it to a width of 20 feet. Due to the solid fence on the east property line, there will not be connectivity between Jefferson Avenue and Madison Avenue. 9. Project phasing that will ensure the balanced and coordinated development of varied land uses and public facilities and services needed to support them. (Section 7.03, I.) The west townhome building will be the first phase of the project. Staff has requested and the applicant has agreed that the number of boat slips provided will correlate with the number of unit being constructed. 10. Better utilization of sites characterized by special features of geographic location, topography, size or shape. (Section 7.03, J.) The applicant states that the two main nature features provided by this site are the waterfront and wetlands and that the project takes full advantage of the views of the buildings as well as the amenities. 11. Superior development and redevelopment which is more desirable than that which would occur through strict application of the zoning code. (Section 7.03, K.) The applicant asserts that 13 single-family dwellings would preclude the preservation of the wetlands, creation of open space, transition from neighboring high intensity use, or the ability to provide common area amenities. The proposed PUD accomplishes greater preservation of wetlands, creates open space, and buffers and transitions the single-family residences from the dry boat storage building. PUD Master Plan Review: Section 7.04 of the Zoning Code states that an approved PUD shall be considered a separate zoning district in which development plans, as approved, establish the specific restrictions and regulations customized to fit the type of plan proposed by which the development shall be governed. Restrictions may be greater or lesser than the ones otherwise imposed by the Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations to achieve a development with fits the City’s Comprehensive Plan and PUD Design Standards. 1. Density: The criteria for establishing an average density includes the land use plan for the area, existing surrounding density, density permitted by the existing zoning classification, adequacy of existing and proposed public facilities and services and site characteristics. Density must generally conform to the requirements as set out in Article 4 of this ordinance and conform to the Comprehensive Plan. (Section 7.04, A.) The proposed project will have a density of 8 dwelling units per acre (16 total dwelling units / 2 acres). With the townhome buildings being proposed at 3 floors, the maximum density allowed is 21 dwelling units per acre and the maximum units allowed is 42 units. 2. Common Open Space: At least 20% of the area covered by a Final Development Plan shall be landscaped or provide common open space owned and operated by the Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 7 owner/developer or dedicated to a homeowner association or similar group. (Section 7.04, B.) The proposed development will have two townhome buildings with each building having eight units. Each building will have a building footprint coverage of 8,050 square feet and a gross floor area of 28,161 square feet. In total, the development will have 16 dwelling units with a building footprint coverage of 16,100 square feet and a gross floor area of 56,322 square feet. The vehicular use area coverage is 10,249 square feet and other impervious coverage (sidewalks, pools) is 3,150 square feet. The total impervious coverage for the development is 29,499 square feet. The development will be under condominium ownership with each unit having 1/16 ownership in the common open space. Common open space will involve driveways and landscaped areas around the buildings and the swimming pool area near Cotton Bayou. The project also proposes 16 boat slips on Cotton Beach with each unit owning a slip. 3. Access and Parking: All streets, thoroughfares and access ways shall be designed to effectively relate to the major thoroughfare plans of the City of Orange Beach. Adequate off-street parking shall generally conform to the off-street parking requirements set forth in Article 8 of the Zoning Ordinance unless otherwise approved. (Section 7.04, C.) The development requires 36 parking spaces broken down as follows: 4, 2-bedroom units * 2 spaces per unit = 8, 3-bedroom units * 2 spaces per unit = 4, 4-bedroom units * 3 spaces per unit = 8 spaces 16 spaces 12 spaces The project will provide 36 total parking spaces, 34 regular spaces and 2 handicapped spaces. 4. Perimeter Requirements: The Planning Commission the City Council may impose the requirement that structures, buildings and streets located at the perimeter of the development be permanently screened to protect the privacy of the adjacent existing uses. (Section 7.04, D.) The development will provide the required landscaping along the rights-of-way of Jefferson Avenue and Madison Avenue and also heavy landscaping along the south part of the subject site to provide buffering between the proposed development and the single-family residential use to the south. The applicant has revised the site and landscaping plan to extend the solid fence on the east property line northward to Cotton Bayou. 5. Signage: The size, location, design and nature of signs, if any, and the intensity and direction of area floodlighting shall be detailed in the application and must generally conform to the sign regulations in Article 15, unless the massing and scale of the PUD Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 8 would make additional or different requirements desirable. Signs must nonetheless fit the design character of the development. (Section 7.04, E.) The project proposes signage at the entrance areas at Jefferson Avenue and Madison Avenue. The developer will be responsible for obtaining all necessary sign permits and assuring that the signs comply with Article 15 of the Zoning Code. 6. Height Limitation: The criteria for establishing height limitations includes the land use plan for the area, existing surrounding building heights, heights permitted by the existing zoning classification, adequacy of existing and proposed public facilities and services and site characteristics. Height limitations must generally conform to the requirements as set out in Article 4 of this ordinance and conform to the Comprehensive Plan as well as the architectural standards set out in Article 10. (Section 7.04, F.) The townhome buildings will have three floors and have a proposed height of nearly 39.5 feet. The subject site is located in the part of the Beach Overlay District where the Zoning Code limits the height to 50 feet. 7. Landscaping and Tree Protection: The criteria for landscaping, removal of trees and protection of heritage trees should generally conform to the requirements of Article 16. (Section 7.04, G.) The development proposes 57,296 square feet of landscaped areas, equating to 66% of the project site. There are 31,394 square feet of wetlands on the project site. The development will preserve 27,229 square feet and mitigate 4,165 square feet. Deviations from Zoning and Subdivision Standards: The development will have 10-foot side setbacks on the east and west side property lines. Since the proposed use is multi-family residential, the required side setbacks are 20 feet instead of 10 feet. The distance between the two side walls of the townhome buildings is 20 feet, which meets code requirements. Staff Comments: Under RS-3 zoning, the owner can resubdivide the 27, 25-foot wide lots into 50-foot wide lots and construct up to 13 single-family dwellings on the project site. Assuming the dwelling footprints consume all of the buildable area (1,500 SF) of each lot, the total footprint coverage of a single-family residential development will be at least 19,500 square feet. In addition, the single-family residential development will consume more open area and fill more wetlands. The proposed development will have a total footprint coverage of 16,100 square feet, and with the buildings being placed on the north end of the project area, there will be more open area and wetland areas preserved. The positioning of the buildings on the north end of the project site along Cotton Bayou provides more of a buffer between the proposed multi-family residential use and the singlefamily residential use to the south. The proposed plan shows 155 feet between the west Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 9 building and the south property line behind the Lloyd residence. A single-family residential development under RS-3 would place a dwelling structure 10 feet from the south property line. The proposed development will increase traffic on Jefferson Avenue. This roadway has a width of 30 feet at its intersection with Perdido Beach Boulevard and shrinks to a width of 10 feet north of its intersection with Taylor Lane. The developer will be responsible for making all necessary right-of-way and roadway improvements north of the Jefferson Avenue and Taylor Lane intersection. Options: 1. Recommend to City Council approval of Preliminary PUD Zoning and Master Plan Approval to change the zoning classification from RS-3 (Single-Family Residential) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and preliminary approval of the PUD Master Plan for two townhome buildings with 16 total dwelling units and 16 boat slips on Cotton Bayou. 2. Recommend to City Council approval with conditions of Preliminary PUD Zoning and Master Plan Approval. Recommended Conditions: Clarifying on the engineering plans that the alley right-of-way will be relocated on the project site and having a width of 20 feet. The submitted plans show it was being vacated. Providing a concurrence letter from the solid waste collection agency on the proposed location for the dumpsters. Revising the Site Plan on the architectural submittal to show the west building as Phase I and the east building as Phase II. Clarifying the vehicular layout on the Ground Floor Plans on Sheet A101 of the architectural submittal. Assuming this is the west building or Phase I building, the vehicular driveway from the outside is show entering the east side instead of the west side as shown on the Site Plan. Revising the Exterior Lighting Plan to reflect the proposed vehicular layout shown on the Site Plan. The submitted plan shows the previous vehicular pattern layout with the drive aisle for the east building exiting onto the Madison Avenue ROW. Also, the plan shows the driveway in front of the buildings connecting with the Madison Avenue ROW. Prior to Final PUD Master Plan consideration by the Planning Commission, the City will need approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management for the wetland fill and the proposed mitigation plan, if applicable, in compliance with the City of Orange Beach Wetland Ordinance. Please note that mitigation for impacted wetlands located within City right-of-way, in the form of newly created wetlands, is problematic due to violations that would occur if the mitigation area is not properly Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 10 maintained and monitored as required by the approved mitigation plan. If the amount of impacted wetlands allows for the issuance of a Nationwide as opposed to an individual permit, the requirement for the establishment of a mitigated wetland would not be applicable. The Hutchinson Moore & Rauch Civil drawings need to show the wetland located within the Jefferson Avenue right-of-way, to the north of the proposed roadway improvement. The architectural plans indicate that the alley right-of-way is to be relocated to the location of the proposed drive aisle south of the proposed townhomes. This needs to be brought to the attention of the Planning Commission and City Council. In a meeting with the developer, it was stated that a fence is proposed along the west right-of-way line of Madison Avenue. The fence needs to be labeled on the site plan and the size and type indicated. Applicant needs to be informed that a gate across the proposed alley right-of-way obstructs usage by the general public and normally not allowed by the City. Community Development has received a number of complaints regarding the utilization of the Madison Avenue right-of-way for parking and placement of marina equipment/containers within the public right-of-way. The applicant has been informed of these concerns and has revised the plans to show access to the subject site from Jefferson Avenue and a fence along the Madison west right-ofway. No improvements to Madison Avenue are included within the scope of this project. Concerns have been expressed by the abutting residential property about how access to his driveway will be maintained during construction of the Jefferson Avenue roadway improvements. Temporary access to this property will be necessary during construction of the roadway improvements. The plans show a temporary laydown adjacent to the abutting single family residential lot on the southwest side of the site. Staff is recommending that the 30 foot buffer requirement be provided and recognized during the construction of this development. This are should be defined by construction or silt fencing and remain undisturbed during construction. Notation is provided on the architectural overall site plan stating that the boat slips are for the exclusive use of the Fisherman’s Village residents. It should be clarified whether the applicant is requesting the ability for Fisherman’s Village residents to conduct charter operations out of this dock facility. Notation needs to be provided on the plan that no outdoor storage of boats or trailers will occur on the property. If the applicant desires the ability for residents to store boats and/or trailers on the property, the location of the boat and trailer storage needs to be indicated on the site plan. Utilization of the subject property for storage of equipment, vehicles and/or boats and trailers associated with Zekes Marina is prohibited unless approved by City Council and indicated on the approved PUD Master Plan. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 11 3. Recommend to City Council denial of Preliminary PUD Zoning and Master Plan Approval. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 12 SUBJECT PARCELS: Northeast of Jefferson Ave. & Taylor Ln. intersection The subject site is situated northeast of Jefferson Avenue and Taylor Lane and west of Madison Avenue. The site is presently zoned RS-3. View of the subject site from the Madison Ave. ROW (looking towards the northwest). Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 13 View of the subject site from the Madison Avenue ROW (looking towards the southwest). View of the subject site looking towards the west. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 14 View of the subject site looking towards the southwest. View of Jefferson Avenue, north of its intersection with Taylor Lane. Case No. 0601-PUD-13 Page 15 View of the Jefferson Avenue ROW looking towards the north.