350 nuwe werksgeleenthede by Thaba Mall


350 nuwe werksgeleenthede by Thaba Mall
12 December 2014, PLATINUM BUSHVELDER, Tel: 081 309 3876 / 072 026 0414, Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: estie@platinumbushvelder.co.za
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 01. Tot op hede is reeds 35 000 man-ure in die projek gesit
en slegs twee mense het ligte beserings opgedoen - wat ‘n prestasie vir so ‘n groot
projek is. Gedurende die konstruksiefase is reeds meer as 420 werkgeleenthede
geskep. Tussen 350-450 werkers is elke dag aan diens by die projek. Daar is reeds
1.2 miljoen bakstene gebruik, 23 000m² sink vir die dak, 5 000m² se teëls, 150 ton
staal en 20 000m² plaveisel rondom die gebou. Die nuwe Pick n Pay-gebou sal 500m²
groter wees as die huidige gebou.
Die bekendstelling van die Mall gaan alle verwagtinge oortref. Aktiwiteite sal insluit ‘n
“Easter Hunt”, “Bargain Hunt”, seniorburger tee, “Carousel”, “spin the wheel” en vele
meer. Die senior burgers kan ook uitsien na ‘n wonderlike geleentheid wat vir hulle
geskep word in die vorm van ‘n pendeldiens. Daar sal dienste beskikbaar wees om
hulle met hul pakkies te help en ook rusbankies vir die moeë bene.
Van Februarie af kan belangstellendes Thaba Mall op hul Facebookblad volg.
Boyfriend stabs
woman to death
5HJRURJLOH - Semakaleng Anna Rampina (22), was
stabbed to death by her boyfriend, Kabelo, Kenneth Bogatsu, known as Jomo (27) on Saturday evening, 6 December at Regorogile Extension 4.
7KH VXVSHFW ÀHG LPPHGLDWHO\ DIWHU WKH LQFLGHQW (PHUgency Medical Services was contacted, but the victim
was pronounced dead on arrival. Thabazimbi Police
opened a murder case and continued their search for
the suspect. Jomo was located by the police on Monday.
He gave himself up and was arrested. The suspect will
on Tuesday.
Kabelo Kenneth Bogatsu was under correctional supervision which started on 5 March 2014 until 5 August
2016 for an arson case. Some of his supervision conditions included: Not to commit any crime, not to resign
from his work place without notifying the Correctional
after motor vehicle theft
7KDED]LPEL - A routine roadblock at Koedoeskop next to BP fuel station was conducted on Friday evening 5 December.
Conservation personnel and the Task Unit.
Vehicles were randomly stopped and searched. In the early hours of Saturday 6 December, a Toyota Land Cruiser, with two occupants, sped past the roadblock, unwilling to stop whereafter authorities at the roadblock gave chase.
The occupants of the Land Cruiser abandoned the vehicle on the side of the road and
escaped on foot.
stolen at Makoppa Kaaldraai. The owner, J Joubert, was informed and a case docket
of theft of a motor vehicle was opened. The investigation continues.
Thabazimbi Station Commander, Lt Col Gabashane Moseki, asks the community to
be patient when they come upon these random roadblocks during the festive season
“Our message to the criminals is that they have nowhere to hide,” she said.
Anyone who might have information regarding the above mentioned suspects can
contact the commander of the Detective Unit, Capt Ngobeni, on 082 565 7939.
“Away with Mosquito!”
Continued from page 01. The memorandum raised the following issues:
water - referring to the “pathetic water
situation” and “water disaster”; electricity - prepaid metres not installed,
vending machine for prepaid electricity regularly out of order and non payment of the electricity bill by citizens
don’t lead to power being cut off; sanitation - waste water works upgrade
was brought to a halt due to non payment of contractors, the unbearable
stench when entering Thaba and raw
sewerage running into Rooikuilspruit;
Municipal vehicles - illegal auction
RI¿FHUV¶ VDODULHV ZHUH EHLQJ TXHVtioned; informal houses erected in
Van der Bijl Street; illegal dumping;
incorrect amounts on accounts.
They also demanded feedback as
Ward Councillor Paul Scruton has
not given any feedback since the IDP
meeting held in October. The Mayor
has until 15 January 2015 to respond.
Plant Hire
Johan 082 650 6630
Nic 082 899 1195
Tel:014 772 2125
Acting Mayor, Cllr. ME Semadi,
signing the memorandum on
behalf of Mayor Patricia Mosito.
for local restaurants
7KDED]LPEL - For almost four months, Debonnairs,
Steers and Wimpy have been struggling with Thabazimbi
Local Municipality to sort out their electricity bill, amounting to a whopping R114 000!
This amount includes a water bill of over R60 000. According to the manager of these restaurants, they experienced water shortage during this period and could not
possibly have used water supply to that extent.
Now, the municipality has given them notice to pay the
amount immediately. Failure to comply will result in the
municipality cutting their electricity supply, dumping these
restaurants in total darkness, thus leading to the closure
of doors during the highest season of the year - Christmas time.
To make matters even worse - the constant load shedding
have them referring customers away - this will certainly
To make things worse, the sewerage drain in front of
Ocean Basket, the fourth restaurant in the group, is
permanently blocked, spilling raw sewerage all over the
road. With the extreme temperatures Thaba is experiencing, this stench is unbearable for customers, so they
leave the restaurant even before ordering their meal.
Chief Financial
MM seeks job back
Both investigated for TLM’s
Continued from P01. This relief was opposed by TLM and struck from the roll on account of lack of urgency.
Not acting on the best interest of the Municipality by authorizing/allowing payments to
the extent of R1 264 401.60 in respect to the
rental of vehicles without any vehicle being
available for use at the time of the payments,
nor shortly thereafter. Included in this payment was an amount of R55 380 in respect of
insurance of vehicles not yet purchased as it
is not possible to insure any asset without the
details of the asset.
No procurement procedures were followed
with the appointment of the auctioneer, both
in respect of the drafting of the asset disposal
policy and with the appointment of an auctioneer to sell the assets.
Failure to adhere to acceptable standards as
prescribed by the Environmental Act in mainWHQDQFH RI WKH /DQG¿OO VLWHV 7KH PXQLFLSDOity incurred fruitless and wasteful expenditure by authorising payments to Walterama
and Xakanaka for duplication of work at the
213 738.95 of penalties incurred, excluding
interest, had to be paid or is still due in part
to SARS, which accounts to wasteful expenditure.
The allocation of a debtor control contract appears irregular, duplicate payment accounting
to R63 142.02 and payments accounting to
R166 764.65 of irregular VAT amounts.
Possible fraud in transactions with Endurance Capital (Pty) Ltd, Mminele Compensation (Pty) Ltd and Bikiza Trading and projects
were uncovered in the investigation. There is
no indication that a proper SCM process was
followed in the appointment of these three
Transactions below R200 000 - it was found
By allowing an additional contract with Itec
while the Xerox contract had not expired contributed to wasteful, fruitless and irregular expenditure.
The municipal council is of the reasonable
opinion that their presence as the accounting
to the stability of the municipality, interfere
with potential witnesses or they may commit
further acts of misconduct.
They were therefore afforded the opportunity
within seven working days to make a formal
written presentation to the Council why they
should not be suspended, given the outcome
of the investigations.