JULY TO SEPT 2014 THE GOLDEN MILESTONE : 1964 till 2014 There is something comforting about milestones. They help us to feel closer to a destination. But what about a journey without a destination? After the Fiftieth Milestone, we at Sofosh are on an endless path and each milestone along the way is a commemoration of the efforts of our team ,past and present ,people and causes we were so privileged to serve. From very small beginnings way back in 1964,when drops of life saving blood were collected in a blood donation drive ,which led to the formation of the Blood Bank at the Sassoon General Hospitals , we learnt that drops do fill up an ocean . The small patient support services we began with grew into major programmes . With limited resources we ventured into multiple patient support services,seeking to bring comfort to sorrow ,hope to despair ,and to transform tragedy into triumph. Child care centres to nurture children without families were added to our services . New families for family deprived children were found through adoption .Today Shreevatsa child care centre ,and TARA , home for mentally challenged children , stand as testimony to the fact that we should not be afraid to dream. All that it takes to transform a dream into reality is determination and a fraternity of friends who share and support our dreams.... Thank you for being with us through the good and challenging times .With your support we hope to continue this journey in pursuit of only one goal‐‐ compassionate care to people in crisis.. Happy Diwali from all at Sofosh , Sincerely Yours, Dipika Maharaj Singh Nag Panchami The glorious celebration of Nag Panchami by SOFOSH took place on the 12th of August, 2014 which was a home coming of sorts for all the mothers who had given up their children to Shreevatsa. These women are those whose home and family is here, at SOFOSH which is the link with their former selves having known the sorrows of their previous lives and owe their present happiness to the love and support they received from SOFOSH. Well settled now with stable jobs or married to understanding partners with whom they now share the responsibility of raising new generations, these women, rejected by their earlier families, come back every year to SOFOSH which is in a sense their maternal home. The programme held this year was a cheerful gathering of women dressed up to suit the happy occasion, their children whom they now bring up in the security of their new families, and the team at SOFOSH right from the Maushis to the Director of the organisation all of whom they are extremely attached to. Once everyone was through catching up with each other the group of women discussed how their lives were now, shared the problems they faced in accepting their past and moving on, how some of them yearned to meet the children they had given up, whether their past lives affected their present situations, how they cope with every day and other such personal matters they never got the opportunity to discuss in any other place. Here, they found the space where they would be listened to and understood without being judged and opened up freely with others who had had the same experiences as them as well as the social workers who had helped them through difficult times. Meanwhile, the children busied themselves in activities such as drawing or exploring Shreevatsa and playing with the toys that caught their fancy. Post the discussion, a sumptuous meal was laid out for all those present specially prepared by the Maushis for the women who had come home to SOFOSH. Then began the fun activities and games for the mothers. Be it the putting of Mehendi on their hands, bursting balloons or playing musical chairs, the women participated with great enthusiasm. Their laughter rang through the walls of Shreevatsa as the evening wore on. The children cheered their mothers and danced along to the music. The event came to a close with a distribution of gifts both to the women and their children. Photographs were taken, numbers exchanged, smiles of contentment, of loving and being loved. Such associations are a motivating factor in the lives of these women and give them the emotional support they require to continue with their lives in peace. A family is a safety net that one can fall back on not just in times of distress but also in times of happiness. For these women, the team here is family and SOFOSH was, is, and always will remain a home. TARA – A home for Physically & Mentally handicapped children The Indian Independence Day (15th Aug) was celebrated with great enthusiasm in TARA this year. We decorated the premises with tricolored graffiti and balloons. All the children were ready and everyone in the staff were present with eagerness. We had invited social worker Shri. Rahul Jawalkar from Pimple Gurav as the chief guest. Flag hoisting was done at his hands and he communicated with the children about our country and the importance of Independence. The function came to an end with distribution of sweets amongst the children. On 8th September, ‘Girl Child Day’ was celebrated in TARA in respect of the birth day of Mother Mary. Flowers were offered to Mother Mary and there were decorations with lights to create festive atmosphere. Sister Surekha offered prayers for all girls and thanked all our staff girls for their invaluable contribution. Girls showcased their little dance and were given gifts to commemorate the day. On 28th September, The Rotary Club of Nigdi celebrated Dandiya in TARA. They appreciated our staff for their selfless work and kindly arranged for dinner and gifts for all our staff. PATIENT WELFARE : QUATERLY STATISTICS THE MONTH OF JULY, AUGEST& SEPTEMBER 2014 Total No. of TB counseling: 155 Total No. of HIV counseling: 640 No. of PLHA support group meeting organized:6 Attendance‐198 Subject: 1. General discussion on health. Clients also discussed on Felicitation programme which was organized last month for their children, all children liked gifts and enjoyed the programme. 2. In second week of August one female PLH expired so today discussed on Adherence of ART and AKT. PLH shared their experiences which they observed in ART OPD. For example some PLH are started wrong/fake Ayurvedic medicines (form bhondu baba). 3. Discussed on Sanjay Gandhi Pension Scheme Mr. Prasanna who is working for various Government services he came as recourse person and given information to these benefiters. 4. Organized programme of Make a Wish Foundation: this organization fulfilled the wish of ten CLHA. Given Bicycle to nine children and Video Games to one child. These children came with their parents. Ms.Madhuri Abhyankar Director of SOFOSH given information of SOFOSH & Ms. Akhila social worker of Make a Wish Foundation given information of their activities. Given snacks and Tea to these participants. All children and their parents were very happy. CANCER PATIENTS : Gayatri Tribak Pandhare, 10 yrs. Old staying at sevgaon, Ahamadnager comes from a very poor family. Her mother is daily wager, father is mentally ill patient, and one brother and sister are going to school. She is studying in 5th Std. Her grandmother is also staying with them. As their economical condition is very poor Gayatri was brought to Sassoon General Hospitals for treatment. She was operated for Ovarian Tumor at Sassoon General Hospitals. Doctor advised to take anticancer drugs for treatment which is not available at Sassoon Hospitals. For Financial help and counseling her case was referred to SOFOSH. SOFOSH Social Worker had taken detail history of patient and family. Emotional support to patient and family did the counseling. Acceptance of their feeling and given assurance for treatment. Use of internal resourses, given drawing books color box, story books, clothes, fruits and biscuits. Facilitated ventilation for patient and her grandmother, not only sympathy but given empathy, help was given for investigation and medicines which was costly and not available at Sassoon Hospitals. Given encouragement and motivation for regular treatment. Now she is responding to the treatment and will bring hope of ray in Gayatri’s life! Cancer Rose Day On occasion of Cancer rose Day on17th September SOFOSH and cancer patient Aid Association together arranged program me for cancer patients of The Sassoon General Hospitals. Dr Kalapana Kelkar Associated Professor of BJMC was given information about cancer treatment of cancer‐Chemothery, Radiation, Surgery and about histopathological reports. From where to get economical help for above treatment. Many patient and their relatives asked doubts about caner and treatment. Dr. Kalapana Kelkar was tried to clear their doubts. She is a cancer patient, she shared her experience with patients. Social Worker of SOFOSH was given information about activities of SOFOSH and Cancer Patient Aid Association was also given to patients and their relatives. Gifts and snacks were given to Patients. They were looking very happy. Burns case Shobha Ganpat Jadhav, 25 yrs. old staying at pune. Husband is rickshaw driver, she is housewife and has 6 month female baby. She got 30% accidental burnt due to stove bhadaka .As their economical condition is very poor, Shobha was brought to Sassoon Hospitals for treatment. Her husband and 6month baby were also staying with her at Hospital. SOFOSH Social Worker was taken detail history of patient and family, given emotional and psychological support to patient and her husband. Told about crises intervention facility for children at Shreevatsa and then kept her baby at Shreevatsa for temporary care. High protein diet boiled eggs, laddus of nachani, gud, and protenex powder was given to her. She was always crying and neglecting personal cleanliness and hygiene did counseling for that, given assurance for cure and motivated, encouraged for cleanliness, hygiene and proper diet. She was always asking about her baby, how was she. Social Worker was accepted her feelings and told her she was well, she was happy. Facilited ventililation for her and husband. After discharged her baby was handed over to them, both were looking very happy. Now she is doing well. Statistics for the period July to September 2014 Burns Total Patients: 180 Male – 61 Female ‐ 98 Children ‐ Mch‐ 12, Fch ‐ 9 Counseling ‐ 120 Group sessions on prevention of burns ‐ 13, Patients relatives ‐220 Cancer Total patients: 66 Counseling‐ 66 Help given to medicines‐19 Help from other NGOs through SOFOSHs efforts‐47 Group sessions with relatives of patients‐ 06, patient’s relatives ‐ 108 Diabetes New patients of Diabetes ‐ 30 Help given to Insulin ‐ 35 Counseling sessions to Diabetic patients – 32, Patients‐ 202
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