Dr. Julie Barrette
Dr. Julie Barrette
Can salvaged trees from boreal forests “fuel” the forestry and bioenergy sectors? Julie Barrette, post-doctoral fellow Canadian Forest Service, Quebec, Canada. julie.barrette@rncan.gc.ca Biomass projects running within the CFS and Laval University • EcoEnergy Innovation Initiative –Biomass for bioenergy from managed forests through the value chain modelling availability as a function of ecological and industrial drivers. Previously led by E. Thiffault, NRCAN (20122016). Now led by D. Paré. • Program on Energy Research and Development – Predicting sustainable forest biomass feedstocks – led by D. Paré, NRCAN (2013-2015) • BioFuelnet – Establishing biomass suplly chains from natural disturbances in Canadian Boreal Forest (ID 49), led by L. Lebel, Laval University (phase I) • BioFuelnet – Assessing the availability and the potential conversion into biofuels of unloved wood: creating and interface with traditional wood product indutries – led by E. Thiffault, Laval University (phase II) Researchers involved • • • • • • Evelyne Thiffault, Laval University David Paré, NRCAN-CFS Alexis Achim, Laval University Suzanne Wetzel, NRCAN-CWFC Isabelle Duchesne, NRCAN-CWFC Sally Krigstin, University of Toronto Context • Forest biomass from trees killed by natural disturbances = a promising resource for bioenergy at the global scale (IPCC 2011). • In Canada, the forest landbase is largely influenced by natural disturbances = great proportion of biomass, greater than clearcut harvesting residues for the production of bioenergy (Chum et al. 2011, Stinson et al. 2011, Dymond et al. 2010). Natural disturbance Natural disturbance Spruce budworm outbreaks tend to occur every 40 years (Boulanger and Arsenault 2004, NRCAN 2012) and affect about 1.5 million hectares per year in Canada (NRCAN 2012). Natural disturbance Windthrow hazard depends upon the interaction between numerous factors related to climate, topography, soil and stand characteristics (Ruel 1995) Concerns • The effect of wood degradation on the quality of wood from salvaged trees for the production of bioenergy and biorefinery end-products is not well known. • It is essential to improve our understanding of how wood degradation may affect the quality of the biomass feedstock to produce biofuel and biorefinery end-products. © Made-in-China.com Adapted from Hunter 1990 Dead trees • When a tree dies: – moisture content drops – reserve subtances are removed = lead to more porous and lighter wood (Fahey et al., 1986) – invasions by saprophytic fungi and secondary insects = saprot Wood degradation • The brown rot fungi (mostly in conifers) • decompose mainly the cellulose and hemicelluloses, leaving the lignin mostly untouched (Blanchette et al. 1989; Schmidt 2006). • The white rot fungi (mostly in hardwood but also present in conifers) • decompose mainly the lignin, leaving the hemicelluloses and cellulose mostly untouched (Rayner and Boddy 1988; Moore 2013) • No rot fungi if moisture content less than 20% (Bowyer et al. 2007). Wood degradation • Wood rot fungi may also change the contents of some chemical components. • The chemical components that are more likely to change with the action of the decomposers are: N, P, and S • Normally, the N and P contents increase as wood becomes more decayed (Alban and Pastor 1993; Laiho and Prescott 1999; Boulanger and Sirois 2006; Strukelj et al. 2013). • Important decline in K with wood decay has also been observed (Lambert et al. 1980; Alban and Pastor 1993). • Ca might however accumulate (Volpio and Laasko, 1992) These chemical changes are important to be understood • as they may affect the efficiency of a biomass conversion process • and the emissions of NOx and SOx. Trials A: Fire-killed stands •5 and 8 years after fire •Black spruce and Jack pine B: Spruce budworm killed stands •Balsam fir and black spruce Trials -samples Living Living Dying Dead New dead Old dead Old Dead (more decomposed) Samples –wood properties • Wood properties: • Thermal -HHV, LHV • Physical – specific gravity (wood density) – MC – Wood decay • Chemical - Hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin, extractives Minor ash forming element (Cu, Zn) (particulate emissions and environment assessments) Major ash forming element (P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe) (ash melting behavour) C, N, S Ash Results • A: Fire-Killed Trees – Moisture content, density, HHV, Ash Degradation classes: 1= Living trees 2= New dead 3= Old dead 4= Old dead (more decomposed) BS=black spruce JP= Jack pine Results A: Fire-Killed Trees -Lignin, cellulose, hemicelluloses, extractives Degradation classes: 1= Living trees 2= New dead 3= Old dead 4= Old dead (more decomposed) BS=black spruce JP= Jack pine Results • B: Spruce budworm killed trees – Decay, Density, Humidity, HHV, Ash Table1: Mean and standard-deviation of the different wood properties measured in the mixed stand (n=24 trees). Wood decay increased with Stage of wood Density Humidity (%) HHV (MJ/Kg) decomposition Species Decay (%) * * * Ash (%) tree degradation status BS 0±0a Living BF a Dying BS Living Dying New dead New dead Old dead Old dead BF BS BF 0.44±0.07 72.03±27.10 19.80±0.03 0.32±0.03 0.36±0.01 102.85±13.30 20.26±0.48 0.31±0.04 58.70±50.97ab 0.43±0.08 50.97±15.38 19.68±0.30 0.70±0.31 0±0 ab 0.34±0.03 115.52±29.25 20.13±0.13 0.51±0.18 ab 0.40±0.07 60.46±30.91 19.84±0.15 0.33±0.08 ab 20.75±25.47 31.92±32.65 31.01±26.70 BS BF 0.36±0.04 75.43±32.93 20.12±0.09 0.49±0.14 b 76.73±40.30 0.40±0.03 33.78±10.15 20.13±0.05 0.43±0.06 b 20.03±0.09 0.64±0.51 50.80±36.43 0.38±0.05 84.03±45.75 without significant changes in wood properties. However, we observed: an increase in ash content in dying and old dead trees with a diminution in MC. * indicate that there is a significant difference between the species (ANOVA, p-value of 0.05) a , b and c: indicate that there are significant difference between the wood decomposition classes (Tukey test, p-value of 0.05) BS= black spruce, BF= balsam fir Results • B: Spruce budworm killed trees – C, N, S Nitrogen Stage of wood pH Carbon (%) (%) decomposition Species * * * Sulfur (%) Living BS 5.27±0.09 50.78±0.19 0±0 0.01±0.0 Living BF 5.51±0.17 51.77±0.64 0.03±0.03 0.01±0.01 Dying BS 4.63±0.49 49.86±0.66 0.01±0.02 0.01±0.01 Dying BF 5.34±0.19 51.72±0.14 0.02±0.01 0.01±0.01 New dead BS 4.58±0.37 50.68±0.22 0±0 0.01±0.0 New dead BF 5.53±0.23 51.61±0.31 0.02±0.02 0.01±0.01 Old dead BS 4.06±0.35 51.24±0.31 0±0 0.01±0.0 Old dead BF 5.12±0.36 51.31±0.26 0.05±0.0 0.01±0.0 Contents of C, N and S were not significantly affected by wood degradation and tree death = no emission problems Results • B: Spruce budworm killed trees – Major ash forming element (ash melting behavour) Stage of wood decomposition Living P (g/kg) Species BS K (g/kg) * * 0.04±0.01 a a Mg (g/kg) Ca (g/kg) * 1.07±0.08 a 0.43±0.07 0.85±0.22 a 0.27±0.04 Al (mg/kg) Fe (mg/kg) 0.13±0.02 a 27.03±2.97 33.35±30.07 0.17±0.03 a 30.67±4.24 7.07±1.94 Living BF 0.06±0.02 Dying BS 0.03±0.01b 0.73±0.41 2.14±1.00b 0.32±0.17b 17.79±4.35 9.29±7.55 Dying BF 0.02±0.01b 0.85±0.32 1.22±0.49b 0.33±0.14b 30.09±4.48 7.90±2.81 New dead BS 0.03±0.01 ab 0.28±0.13 1.06±0.10 ab ab 47.80±29.03 4.38±2.52 New dead BF 0.04±0.02ab 0.72±0.23 1.12±0.25ab 0.27±0.10ab 48.78±32.22 60.63±57.66 Old dead BS 0.03±0.01ab 0.25±0.04 1.32±0.16ab 0.14±0.03ab 36.53±25.03 27.14±32.17 Old dead BF 0.05±0.02ab 1.53±1.67 1.14±0.31ab 0.34±0.20ab 29.54±8.17 0.13±0.03 Compared to living trees, Mg and Ca contents in dying trees seemed to increase. 6.06±1.93 Results • B: Spruce budworm killed trees – Minor ash forming element (particulate emissions and environment assessment) Stage of wood Cu (mg/kg) Zn (mg/kg) decomposition Species * * Living BS 9.76±2.44 17.02±2.60 Living BF 9.80±2.94 11.17±5.43 Dying BS 4.16±1.48 21.83±6.98 Dying BF 8.03±2.90 12.32±2.70 New dead BS 7.11±4.38 19.66±12.66 New dead BF 15.65±6.22 14.32±4.00 Old dead BS 7.22±4.29 33.20±24.72 Old dead BF 8.63±4.56 11.83±4.06 Cu and Zn did not seem to be significantly affected by wood degradation after tree death. Conclusion Important natural reduction in moisture content may result in huge savings. Specific gravity remained relatively stable except with well advanced decay trees ; may affect potential recovery. Stable heating values through degradation. Ash content dropped in fire-killed trees while it increased in spruce budworm killed trees; decay and moisture content. Slight increase in lignin and hemicellulose contents; brown-rot fungi. Decrease in cellulose, extractives and ash contents; decomposers + fire. Ultimately, this characterisation will provide the necessary information to assess the potential of this type of wood for various bioenergy pathways and will build modelling capacity that will help forest management and forest industry to develop new bioenergy projects. Further information Ongoing work • Barrette, J., Thiffault, E, Achim, A., Junginger, M., Pothier, D., and DeGrandPré, L. in preparation. An economic analysis of the potential of dead trees from the boreal forest of Eastern Canada to serve as feedstock for wood pellet exports. • Joshi, L. Krigstin, S., Wetzel, S., Barrette, J. Thiffault, E. and Duchesne, I. in preparation. Suitability of salvaged wood from forest fire as a raw material for energy pellet. References • Alban, D.H. and Pastor, J. 1993. Decomposition of aspen, spruce, and pine boles on two sites in Minnesota. Can. J. For. Res. 23:1744-1749. • Boulanger, Y. and Arsenault, D. 2004. Spruce budworm outbreaks in eastern Quebec over the last 450 years. Can. J. For. Res. 34: 10351043. • Boulanger, Y. and Sirois, L. 2006. Postfire dynamics of black spruce coarse woody debris in northern boreal forest of Quebec. Can. J. For. Res. 36: 1770-1780. • Bowyer, J. L., R. Shmulsky, and Haygreen, J.G. 2007. Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introduction. Fourth Edition. Iowa State Press. 576p. • Blanchette, R.A., Nilsson, T., Daniel, G., and Abad, A. 1989. Biological degradation of wood. Archaeological wood: American Chemical Society: 141-74. • Chum, H., Faaij, A., Moreira, J., Berndes, G., Dhamija, P., Dong, H., Gabrielle, B., Goss Eng, A., Lucht, W., Mapako, M., Masera Cerutti, O., McIntyre, T., Minowa, T., Pingoud, K. 2011. Bioenergy. In: IPCC Special report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. pp. 214-331. • Dymond, C.C., Titus, B.D., Stinson, G., and Kurz, W.A., 2010. Future quantities and spatial distribution of harvesting residue and dead wood from natural disturbances in Canada. For. Ecol. Manage. 260 : 181-192. • Fahey, T.D., Snellgrove, T.A. and Plank, M.E. 1986. Changes in product recovery between live and dead lodgepole pine: a compendium. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Station. Research Paper PNW-353. 25p. • Hunter, M.L. Jr. 1990. Wildlife, forest and forestry: principles of managing forest for biological diversity. Prentice Hall, 370 pp. • Laiho, R. and Prescott, C.E. 1999. The contribution of coarse woody debris to carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles in the three Rocky Mountain forests. Can. J. For. Res. 29, 1592-1603. References • Lambert, R. L., Lang, G.E. and Reiners, W.A. 1980. Loss of mass and chemical changes in decaying boles of a subalpine balsam fir forest. Ecology. 61(6):1460-1473. • Moore, D. 2013. Fungal biology in the origin and emergence of life. Cambridge University Press, 236 pp. • NRCAN. 2012. Research at the Laurentian Forestry Centre of Natural Resources Canada. Spruce budworm. Catalogue No.: FoI 14-13/1-2012-PDF. ISBN: 978-1-100-54256-0. 16 p. • Rayner, A.D.M. and Boddy, L. 1988. Fungal decomposition of wood, its biology and ecology. Wiley. • Ruel, J-C. 1995. Understanding windthrow: sylvicultural implications. For. Chron. 71: 434-445. • Schmidt, O. 2006. Wood and tree fungi. Biology, damage, protection and use. Berlin, Springer, 334p. • Stinson et al. 2011. An inventory-based analysis of Canada's managed forest carbon dynamics, 1990 to 2008. Global Change Biology 17: 1365-2486. • Strukelj, M., Brais, S., Quideau, S.A., Angers, V.A., Kebli, H., Drapeau, P. and Oh, S-W. 2013. Chemical transformations in downed logs and snags of mixed boreal species during decomposition. Can.J.For.Res.43:785-798. Thank you! Contact: julie.barrette@rncan.gc.ca