2014 Conference Sponsor Packet - US
2014 Conference Sponsor Packet - US
U.S.-Mexico Bar Association Barra De Abogados México-Estados Unidos As Co-Chairs of the U.S.-Mexico Bar (the “USMBA”), we invite you or your organization to be among our select group of sponsors for our 20th Annual Conference, this year in Mexico City September 29 – October 1, 2014. We have special sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, to promote your organization by helping the USMBA celebrate its 20th anniversary. See the accompanying Sponsor Benefit and Acceptance Form . This year, our conference will be at the J.W. Marriott Hotel in the Polanco area of Mexico City, with its renowned shopping district, upscale restaurants, museums, and the world-famous Chapultapec Park. La U.S.- México Bar Association celebrará su Conferencia Anual 2014 del 29 de septiembre al 1 de octubre en la Ciudad de México en la que celebrará su vigésimo aniversario. En nuestro carácter de Co-Chairs de la USMBA, los invitamos a participar como patrocinadores de dicha Conferencia. La Conferencia Anual de la USMBA 2014 reflejará el éxito obtenido en aquella celebrada el año pasado en la ciudad de Phoenix, Arizona, a la cual asistieron abogados, jueces y otras personalidades por parte de México y E.U.A. En esta conferencia se presentarán temas de interés actual a través de paneles integrados por distinguidos participantes de ambos países. The theme of this year’s conference is: 20 Years of NAFTA, 20 Years of the USMBA, Our Road Ahead. Our conference builds on the success of last year's conference in Phoenix, Arizona. La Conferencia del 2014 se llevará a cabo en el hotel J.W. Marriot en la zona de Polanco de la Ciudad de México, cerca de reconocidos y acogedores museos, restaurantes y tiendas, a un costado del mundialmente conocido Parque Chapultepec. Our expert panels include top lawyers, bankers, the judiciary and academics from Mexico and the U.S. Panels will address cross-border issues of common interest, including in areas such as real estate, litigation, arbitration and ADR, immigration, customs, finance and financial restructuring, labor, taxation, compliance, antitrust, energy, and family law, among others. Visit www.usmexicobar.org and view the conference brochure for details regarding specific panels and presenters. Los paneles estarán integrados por expertos reconocidos del ramo en México y E.U.A. Se abordarán temas atractivos y de actualidad en materia inmobiliaria, aduanera, laboral, energética, financiera, migratoria, litigio, medios alternativos de solución de controversias, fiscal, familiar, regulatorio, competencia económica y otras similares de interés actual. Para mayor detalle respecto a los paneles y expositores con los que contaremos, favor de visitar la página www.usmexicobar.org en donde encontrará el conference brochure para su consulta. We are pleased to announce our Keynote speaker will be Jaime Serra Puche, formerly Mexico’s Secretary of Commerce, Undersecretary of Revenue, and Secretary of Finance and Public Credit. Dr. Serra Puche is Chairman of SAI Consultores, S.C., the Principal of NAFTA Fund of Mexico Management LLC, and he a was a leading figure in the passage of NAFTA. Contaremos con oradores que tienen un alto reconocimiento dentro del mundo de negocios y en el gobierno, incluyendo Jaime Serra Puche, ex Secretario de Comercio y Fomento Industrial de México, siendo una figura altamente destacada en la negociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN). The Conference begins on a Monday evening so as to encourage attendees and their families to enjoy the weekend in and around Mexico City, one of the world’s great and exciting cities. Join us on Tuesday evening for a gala 20th Anniversary Dinner in Mexico City at Club de Industriales, with dinner, drinks and entertainment. Ample time has been set aside for social events and for establishing new contacts and renewing old ties. Hemos dedicado un tiempo considerable para llevar a cabo eventos sociales con el propósito de consolidar nuevos contactos y restablecer relaciones anteriores. La Conferencia comenzará el lunes por la tarde a fin de animar a los asistentes y sus familias a disfrutar un fin de semana alrededor de la Ciudad de México, una de las ciudades más grandes y emocionantes del mundo. El martes por la noche nos podrá acompañar a la Cena Gala del Vigésimo Aniversario de la organización en el Club de Industriales de la Ciudad de México, en donde U.S.-Mexico Bar Association Barra De Abogados México-Estados Unidos Early registration for conference attendees is available at a reduced rate until August 29. Register online at www.usmexicobar.org. Lawyers, the judiciary, academics, students, business, and their organizations are invited to join the USMBA. Visit the web site and review Why Join the U.S.-Mexico Bar Association? and submit your Membership Application. Members joining now receive a reduced Conference registration rate! We hope that you will become a sponsor and join us in Mexico City for the 2014 Conference. ofreceremos una agradable cena, bebidas y entretenimiento. Las oportunidades para patrocinar están disponibles, desde USD$1,000 hasta USD$5,000, con reconocimiento público y considerables ventajas, descritas en el formato adjunto Sponsor Benefit and Acceptance Form. Diversas empresas y despachos de abogados, involucrados en cuestiones internacionales, han participado como patrocinadores en conferencias anteriores, en distintos niveles de financiamiento. Tenemos disponible una cuota de pre-registro hasta el 15 de agosto. Usted podrá registrarse en línea a través del siguiente link www.usmexicobar.org. De igual manera, se les extiende una invitación a los abogados, despachos de abogados y empresarios a inscribirse en la USMBA. Visite nuestra página de internet y consulte Why Join the U.S.-Mexico Bar Association? para presentar su Membership Application. Los miembros que se inscriban desde ahora recibirán una tarifa reducida de registro para dicha Conferencia. Esperamos su consideración para participar como patrocinador y nos acompañe en la Ciudad de México en nuestra Conferencia 2014. Phil Robbins U.S. Co-Chair, USMBA Hugo Hernandez Ojeda Alvirez Mexico Co-Chair, USMBA U.S.-Mexico Bar Association Barra De Abogados México-Estados Unidos 2014 Annual Meeting & Continuing Legal Education Event 20th Anniversary Celebration Mexico City, September 29 – October 1, 2014 JW Marriott in Mexico City Sponsor Benefits and Acceptance Authorization Either complete this Sponsor Acceptance Form or to register online Click here for Online Sponsor Registration and Payment Name of your Organization: Name of Primary Contact: Contact’s Phone: Contact’s E-mail: Benefits of Sponsorship, In Addition to Supporting the USMBA’s Mission: The USMBA’s Mission is to promote understanding of the legal systems and practices and cultural differences of the U.S. and Mexico; to exchange professional information concerning issues of law that affect common interests, including commerce, investment, and immigration, among others; to enable professionals and the judiciary to better serve their clients and communities. □ Diamond Sponsor – US$5,000 Sponsorship specially designated to support the USMBA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration Dinner Sponsorship benefits include: • “Diamond Sponsor” indicator on name badge for all attendees of your organization • Complementary Admission for five (5) to the USMBA’s 20th Anniversary Dinner (Tuesday, Sept. 30) • Signage with your organization’s logo or message in the conference foyer and exhibit/break area • “Diamond Sponsor” listing on the front cover of the conference brochure • “Diamond Sponsor” prominent listing on the conference Website (with a link to your organization) • 8.5 x 11” (full page) your logo or message in Conference Course Materials • Display of your logo or message on slides to be projected during breaks at the conference • One 8’ table in the exhibit area for your organization’s information and materials • Special acknowledgement of your role as a “Diamond Sponsor” at key points of the conference □ Platinum Sponsor – US$3,500 Sponsorship specially designated to support the USMBA’s 20th Anniversary luncheon (Tuesday, Sept. 30) Sponsorship benefits include: • “Platinum Sponsor” indicator on name badge for all attendees of your organization • Complementary Admission for two (2) to the USMBA’s 20th Anniversary Dinner (Tuesday, Sept. 30) • Signage with your organization’s logo or message in the conference foyer and exhibit/break area • “Platinum Sponsor” listing prominently within the conference brochure • “Platinum Sponsor” listing on the conference Website (with a link to your organization) • 8.5 x 5.5” (half page) listing in conference materials • Display of your logo or message on slides to be projected during breaks at the conference • One 6’ table in the exhibit area for your organization’s information and materials • Special acknowledgement of your role as a “Platinum Sponsor” at key points of the conference Page 1 of 2 □ Gold Sponsor -US$2,500 Sponsorship benefits include: • “Gold Sponsor” indicator on name badge for all attendees of your organization • Complementary Admission for one (1) to the USMBA’s 20th Anniversary Dinner (Tuesday, Sept. 30) • Signage with your organization’s logo or message in the conference foyer • “Gold Sponsor” listing within the conference brochure • “Gold Sponsor” listing on the conference Website (with a link to your organization) • One-half of a table (3-4’ of space) in the exhibit area for your organization’s information □ Silver Sponsor – US$1,000 Sponsorship benefits include: • “Silver Sponsor” indicator on name badge for all attendees of your organization • “Silver Sponsor” listing within the conference brochure • “Silver Sponsor” listing on the conference Website (with a link to your organization) • One-third of a table (1-2’ of space) in the exhibit area for your organization’s information Our organization choses to pay as follows: Check from the organization made payable to “US Mexico Bar Association” (see mailing address below) Credit card of organization or authorized individual (check one): Visa MasterCard AMEX Discover The Undersigned agrees to and authorizes the charge of the following amount (check one): Diamond-US$5,000 Platinum-US$3,500 Gold-US$2,500 Silver-US$1,000 Please print clearly Cardholder Name as it appears on the card _____ Card No. Exp. Date Billing address Signature 3 / 4 digit security code Please return this completed form to the USMBA as follows or Click here for Online Sponsor Registration and Payment: By mail: USMBA 10401 Westoffice Drive Houston, Texas 77042 By e-mail: info@usmexicobar.org By facsimile: 713.839.1453 Page 2 of 2 20 Years of NAFTA and the USMBA: Our Road Ahead 20 Años de NAFTA y la USMBA: El Rumbo a Seguir Celebrating 1994 - 20 14 years Photo By Enrique Granados Salas U.S.-Mexico Bar Association Annual Conference September 29 - October 1 Diamond Sponsors México City, México Keynote Speaker: Jaime Serra Puche, Chairman of SAI Law and Economics, Former Secretary of Commerce Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsors The Law Office of Lawrence W. Hanson, P.C. Baker & McKenzie Abogados, S.C. Philip A. Robbins, P.C. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 3:00pm - 6:00pm Registration at JW Marriott 6:30pm - 8:00pm Welcome Reception at Basham, Ringe, & Correa, S.C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 7:30am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast 8:45am - 9:20am Welcome/Bienvenida Hugo Hernandez-Ojeda Alvirez, USMBA Chair - Mexico Hogan Lovells BSTL, S.C., Mexico City, DF. Philip A. Robbins, Philip A. Robbins, USMBA Chair - US P.C., Phoenix, AZ, USMBA Chair - US 12:30pm-1:30: Keynote/Lunch NAFTA: 20 Years / TLC: 20 Años Speaker: Dr. Jaime Serra Puche, Chairman of SAI Law and Economics, Former Secretary of Commerce, Mexico City, DF 2:00pm-3:00pm: Wealth Management/Tax 9:20am - 10:20am: Energy Energy in Mexico: An Overview of the Changes to Mexico’s Energy Laws and the Effects on Mexico and the U.S. / Energía en México: Visión general de los cambios en la Legislación Mexicana y sus consecuencias en México y E.U.A. Moderator: John P. Melko, Partner, Gardere Wynne Sewell, Houston, TX Panelists: William D. Marsh, Vice President and General Counsel, Baker Hughes Incorporated, Houston, TX Daniel Aranda Rabago, Partner, Gardere Wynne Sewell, Mexico City, DF Xavier de la Garza, Assistant General Counsel for International Affairs, Pemex, Mexico City, DF 10:20am-11:15am: Oral Trials Panel Mexico Adopts Oral Trials in Civil, Commercial and Criminal Cases - Current Challenges to Judges and Lawyers / Retos de Jueces y Abogados en México por la implementación de Juicios Orales en materia Civil, Mercantil y Penal Moderator: D. Michael Mandig, Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw & Villamana, P.C., Phoenix, AZ Panelists: Maria Raquel Barajas Monjaris, Magistrada, Tribunal Superior de Justicia (retired), Guanajuato, GT Jesus Romero Lopez, Senior Trial Attorney, Trial Skills Instructor, Office of the San Diego Primary Public Defender, San Diego, CA Wealth Management and Tax Implications / Implicaciones fiscales de la Administración Patrimonial Panelists: Michelle B. Graham, Partner, McKenna Long and Aldridge, LLP - Rancho Santa Fe, CA Abel Mejia, Partner, Sanchez Devanny, Mexico City, DF 3:00pm-4:00pm: Real Estate Key Legal Issues in the Acquisition, Development and Financing of Real Estate Transactions in both the U.S. and Mexico / Implicaciones Legales Relevantes en la Compra, Desarrollo y Financiamiento de Operaciones Inmobiliarias en EUA y México Panelists: Lars Lagerman, Bryan Cave, LLC, Phoenix, AZ Carlos A. Sugich, Snell & Wilmer, LLP, Phoenix, AZ & Los Cabos, BCS Carlos de Icaza A., Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez, Mexico City, DF 4:15pm-5:15pm: Customs/Trade Development in Customs and Trade Law Between the US and Mexico / Evolución de la legislación Aduanera entre México y E.U.A. Moderator: Lawrence W. Hanson, Principal, The Law Office of Lawrence W. Hanson, P.C., Houston,TX Panelists: Susan Kohn Ross, International Trade Counsel, Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, LLP, Los Angeles, CA Luis F. Martinez LL.M., Abogados Martinez Serna S.C., Monterrey, NL 11:30am - 12:30pm: General Counsel What the Client is Expecting From Law Firms / Qué espera el cliente de su Firma de Abogados Moderator: Juan Pablo Raigosa T., Partner, Raigosa Consultores, Monterrey, NL Panelists: William D. Marsh, Vice President and General Counsel, Baker Hughes, Inc., Houston, TX Iliana Martínez Martín del Campo, General Counsel, General Motors de México, Mexico City, DF Luis Sánchez Jean, Legal Director, Pay Back (American Express), Mexico City, DF Ignacio Vincentelli, General Counsel (LATAM and Spain), International Paper, Inc., Mexico City, DF 7:30pm: 20th Anniversary Dinner Join us for Dinner at Club de Industriales offering full dinner, open bar, and entertainment. Purchase tickets with your registration. Guests welcome! WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 8:30am - 9:15am: Financial Reform Financial Reform, Amendments to Bankruptcy Proceedings in Mexico /Reforma Financiera, Modificación a los Procedimientos en materia de Concursos Mercantiles Moderator: José Miguel Zozayacorrea Kuri, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Mexico City, DF Panelists: Javier Navarro Velasco, Partner, Baker & McKenzie, Authorized Specialist of the Instituto Federal de Concursos Mercantiles (IFECOM) Monterrey, NL Antonio M. Prida, Partner, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, Mexico City, DF Gerardo Ortiz, Deloitte Financial Advisory, Mexico City, DF Christopher L. Castillo, Senior Attorney, Haynes and Boone, LLP, Houston, TX 10:00am - 11:00am: Anti-Trust Improving Competition Conditions in Mexico / Mejorando las Condiciones de Competencia en México Panelists: Alejandra Palacios, Head of Federal Economic Competition Commission, Mexico City, DF Lucia Ojeda Cárdenas, Partner, SAI Consultores, SC, Mexico City, DF Gregory J. Casas, Shareholder, Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Austin, TX 11:15am-12:15am: Arbitration Arbitrating in Mexico, or as Counsel to Mexican Companies, Including Commercial and Investor State Arbitration Under NAFTA Moderator: Carlos McCadden-Martinez, Loperena Lerch y Martin del Campo, Mexico City, DF Panelists: Eduardo Siqueiros, Partner, Hogan Lovells BSTL, Mexico City, DF Ann Ryan Robertson, International Partner, Locke Lord LLP, Houston, TX 12:15am-1:15am: Family Law International Treaties - Child Abduction / Tratados Internacionales – Robo de Menores Moderator: James Graham, International Partner, DeForest, Monterrey, NL Panelists: Ana María Kudisch Castelló, Kudish Abogados, S.C., Del Benito Juarez, DF Eduardo Magallón, Magallón, Peniche, Arroyo y Galindo, Abogados, Mexico City, DF Purpose of the USMBA The purpose of the Association is to develop and promote understanding of the legal systems and practices and cultural differences of the two nations; to exchange professional information among its members, concerning issues of law that affect common interest, such as commerce, investment, and immigration, among others, to enable lawyers in the two countries, those in private practice as well as those serving in the judicial system, to better serve their communities and clients; to promote development of infrastructure for the provision of legal services and the solution of controversies; to share experiences in dealing with matters of common interest, and avoid unnecessary conflicts, without adopting or favoring any particular political standing. Timeline of USMBA Co-Chairs U.S. Co-Chair 1994-1995 Wayne I. Fagan Mexico Co-Chair Onésimo Flores Rodríguez 1996-1997 Rona R. Mears Napoleón Cantú Cerna 1998-1999 Allan Van Fleet Dr. Lionel Pereznieto Castro 2000-2001 Elizabeth J. Vann Sergio B. Bustamante 2002 Luciano Rodriguez Bárbara Segovia de Alarco 2002-2003 Allene Evans Bárbara Segovia de Alarco 2004 Mark C. Joye L. Roberto Fernández Reyes 2005-2008 Wayne I. Fagan Juan Carlos Velázquez de León 2009 Charles A. Beckham, Jr. José Miguel Zozayacorrea –Kuri 2010-2011 Lawrence Hanson Félix Todd Pinero 2012-2014 Phillip A. Robbins Hugo Hernández-Ojeda Alvírez Become a Sponsor As Co-Chairs of the U.S.-Mexico Bar (the “USMBA”), we invite you or your organization to be among our select group of sponsors for our 20th Annual Conference, this year in Mexico City September 29 – October 1, 2014. We have special sponsorship opportunities, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000, to promote your organization by helping the USMBA celebrate its 20 th anniversary. We are pleased to announce our Keynote speaker will be Jaime Serra Puche, formerly Mexico’s Secretary of Commerce, Undersecretary of Revenue, and Secretary of Finance and Public Credit. Dr. Serra Puche is Chairman of SAI Consultores, S.C., the Principal of NAFTA Fund of Mexico Management LLC, and he a was a leading figure in the passage of NAFTA. The Conference begins on a Monday evening so as to encourage attendees and their families to enjoy the weekend in and around Mexico City, one of the world’s great and exciting cities. Join us on Tuesday evening for a gala 20th Anniversary Dinner in Mexico City at Club de Industriales, with dinner, drinks and entertainment. Ample time has been set aside for social events and for establishing new contacts and renewing old ties. Become a Sponsor Today! We hope that you will become a sponsor and join us in Mexico City for the 2014 Conference. Phil Robbins, U.S. Co-Chair, USMBA Hugo Hernandez Ojeda Alvirez, Mexico Co-Chair, USMBA Conference Location and Reservations JW Marriott Hotel Andres Bello 29 Mexico City, Distrito Federal 11560 Mexico 3 Reservations: A limited number of rooms have been reserved at a Conference Rate of $212 for a Deluxe Newly Renovated Room with 1 King or 2 Doubles. WAYS TO REGISTER: ONLINE Use the fast and secure online form at www.usmexicobar.org FAX This rate is applicable from 9/29/201410/2/2014. To secure this rate, your reservations must be made by September 7, 2014. Download the form from the website and fax to 713-839-1453 MAIL Download the form from the website and mail with payment to: USMBA 10401 Westoffice Drive Houston, Texas 77042 To obtain this rate, book your room HERE. For reservations arriving before or after the mentioned dates, please contact Rodrigo Sanchez at rodrigo.sanchez@marriott.com or at (52 55) 5999-0063. Early Bird PAYMENT INFORMATION Regular EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT Early registration ends AUGUST 29. Members Includes lunches and coffee breaks Non-Members Includes lunches, coffee breaks and one year membership $575 $700 $750 $875 $200 $200 $390 $390 Student Includes lunches, coffee breaks and one year membership Academics, Judges, Government Officials Includes lunches, coffee breaks and one year membership Tuesday Night 20th Anniversary Dinner Includes dinner, drinks, and entertainment, Guests are welcome at Regular Ticket Price $90 $100 METHOD OF PAYMENT We currently accept checks (payable to U.S..-Mexico Bar Association) as well as Credit Cards. Cards accepted include Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. CANCELLATION POLICY Refunds, less a $50.00 processing fee, will be given to registrants who cancel by September 22, 2014. No refunds will be granted thereafter. SPECIAL ACCOMIDATIONS If special arrangements are required for a person with a disability to attend this program, please contact us at (713) 839-0808. To register online, please visit our website: www.USMexicoBar.org tel 713-839-0808 10401 Westoffice Drive, Houston, Tx 77042 www.usmexicobar.org