The Experience - Greater Burlington Partnership
The Experience - Greater Burlington Partnership
March 2013 Vol. 93 No. 3 The Experience A Newsletter for the Greater Burlington Partnership Nominations Sought for Small Business of the Year p6 Annual Dinner Awards p8 - p9 View The Experience at Nominations Sought for the 2013 Small Business of the Year! 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 Burlington, Iowa USA 52601 Phone: 319-752-6365 FAX: 319-752-6454 E-mail: Website: Do you have a favorite small business? One that goes above and beyond each time you visit them? Is there a business in the community that you feel exemplifies outstanding service, business achievements and community service? If so, nominate the business for the 2013 Small Business of the Year. Business owners and employees are also encouraged to nominate their own companies. Volume 93 No. 3 News Hutcheson Planning Charlotte Mission Page 4 Regional Address Housing Issues Page 5 Spring Career Exploration Day Page 5 Promoting Area at Tradeshows Page 6 Member of the Month Page 7 Partnership Engages in Google+ Page 7 2012 Annual Dinner Celebration Page 8 2013 Member Renewals Page 10 Business Successes & New Members Page 11 Calendar of Events Page 12 Member Information Page 13 Upcoming Partnership Events Page 14 Partnership Calendar Page 15 Shamrock Shuffle Page 16 Just A Thought Page 4 Front Cover Photo: Ed Minard 319-750-2873 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Price is $24, which is page 2 Appreciation Breakfast Save the Date: May 17, 2013 Nominations can be made by going to and clicking on the Small Business of the Year button to fill out the form. To complete the nomination form, all you do is answer the following: 1. Company information 2. What is your relationship to the business? 3. Please provide a short summary of why you think this business is a good candidate for the 2013 Small Business of the Year award. If you need a form mailed to you, please contact Brenda Levitt, Economic Development & Government Affairs Coordinator, at or 319-208-0047. Nominations are due by Monday, April 22. A business cannot win an award unless it is nominated. Downtown Spring Open House Looking for something fresh and new? Visit your favorite shops in downtown Burlington as we celebrate the season with the Spring Open House on Saturday, March 23. Come downtown to check out the spring fashions, décor, and new merchandise. Retailers will have in-store specials, and you can register to win one of five chances for $100 in Downtown Dollars at any of the participating businesses. In addition, the Art Center at 301 Jefferson will be providing free Spring art project classes for kids during the event from 10 am to 4 pm. Parents can shop and have lunch while the kids are busy having fun. Think Spring Downtown! Visit for a listing of all downtown shops and restaurants. Kay Sackville Breuer Sherri Krause Beth Nickel Vice President 319-208-0041 Finance Manager 319-208-0044 Belinda Colwell Becky Kuster Convention & Visitors Bureau Exec. Dir. 319-208-0045 Melissa Schwenker Administrative Assistant 319-208-0042 CVB Asst. & Welcome Center Coordinator 319-208-0052 Membership Director 319-208-0046 Steve Frevert Brenda Levitt Brenda Wischmeier Downtown Partners, Inc. Exec. Dir. 319-208-0056 included in annual events fees. Non-members: $3 per issue. Periodicals postage paid at Burlington, Iowa. POSTMASTER: The Experience is published monthly by the Greater Burlington Partnership. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Experience (USPS 001-692), 610 North Fourth Street, Suite 200, Burlington, Iowa 52601 Small Business Econ. Development & Govt. Affairs Coord. 319-208-0047 Jason Hutcheson Sheila Newman President & CEO 319-208-0043 Director of Marketing 319-208-0040 Program Director 319-208-0048 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Region Travels to D.C. The Great River Region representatives will travel to Washington D.C. on April 15-16 for the fourteenth annual D.C. Summit. The trip involves meetings with Senators Grassley and Harkin and Congressman Loebsack. Significant time is also spent with their staff discussing Federal issues that affect the region and area projects that are important to economic and community development. The regional summit has taken place since 1999 and includes the Chambers of Commerce and Economic Development organizations in Des Moines, Henry, Lee and Louisa Counties. The participation fee for the Summit is $150. Participants are responsible for their own travel and lodging arrangements. Hotel reservations for the summit may be made at The Hotel George, 202347-4200. A Great River Region Days Rate of $359 + tax per night is available to southeast Iowa delegates. The deadline for the room block is March 22. RSVP to Brenda Levitt, Economic Development & Government Affairs Coordinator, at or 319-208-0047. Pasta & Politics Eggs & Issues has long been one of the Partnerships popular events, connecting Chamber of Commerce members with area state legislators. The Government Affairs committee would now like to extend that conversation to local elected officials as well. You are invited to join Pasta & Politics on Thursday, April 4. A luncheon is scheduled with Superintendents and school board members from the four Des Moines County public school districts. You are encouraged to bring your questions to be addressed by the panel. The luncheon will take place in the Winegard Board Room at RiverPark Place at 12 pm. Lunch is $7 and will be served at 11:45 pm. RSVP to Brenda Levitt, Economic Development & Government Affairs Coordinator, at or 319-208-0047. Be A Marketing Ninja The Greater Burlington Partnership invites you to “Be A Marketing Ninja,” a no cost event for members. These mini sessions are held the last Tuesday of the month over the noon hour at the Greater Burlington Partnership in the Winegard Board Room; you are encouraged to brown bag it, listen, learn and share. This month’s “Be A Marketing Ninja” will be held Tuesday, March 26 at 12 pm on “Creating Your Own Marketing Videos” with Jeff Ebbing, Marketing Director at Southeastern Community College and Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing at Greater Burlington Partnership. RSVP by March 22 to Belinda Colwell, Administrative Assistant, at or 319-208-0042. Headquartered in Danville, Iowa, Danville Telecom has been providing customers in Iowa with a full range of telecom services for over 100 years. Locally owned and operated 102 South Main Danville, IA 52623 319.392.4251 • page 3 Just a Thought Other items worth noting in the report include: • Thirteen groups received mini-grants from the CVB to host events, resulting in nearly 104,000 visitors last year alone. • Fourteen new events and groups were hosted in our community in 2012. Tourism Growth Worth Noting In the beginning months of each year, Beth Nickel prepares an annual report for our Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), which is funded primarily through hotel/ motel tax revenue collected by the hotel properties in both Burlington and West Burlington. The report, which runs nearly 20 pages, is a collection of the activities, successes, and statistics covering the proceeding year. After reviewing this year’s report, one can only be left with a sense of pride. “Greater Burlington is having great success in the travel-related markets. We should take time to celebrate that fact and continue charging forward. Let’s see how much more we can grow. ” Each year, the State of Iowa uses nationally accepted standards for computing tourism-related data in each of Iowa’s 99 counties. By using data from 18 different sources, the report aggregates data from seven sectors including accommodations, transportation, food and beverage, retail and others to compute overall expenditures, employment, and tax revenue credited to the tourism industry. For the most recent year data was available, tourism expenditures within Des Moines County reached $118.25 million- an increase of nearly 15% from the prior year. That is a big number. Regardless of whether or not one agrees with the methodology the researchers use, the growth percentage is the most important factor. When compared with Iowa’s other 98 counties, Des Moines County has the third highest growth rate. We specialize in customers! Burlington • The riverboat cruise lines brought 2,481 visitors to Greater Burlington last year. • The website had more than 125,000 page views in a twelve month period. • The welcome center at the Port of Burlington greeted nearly 16,000 visitors in 2012. • Ten sporting events became a part of the new local sports commission and will attract an estimated 18,573 visitors this year. • Seven large meetings and conferences have already been secured for the 2013/2014 travel seasons. Those were just the highlights. Beth Nickel and Becky Kuster do an outstanding job leading our CVB. As an entity supported by visitor-generated tax revenues, we have an obligation to leverage every dollar and produce maximum results. The goal is to reinvest hotel/motel dollars and continue growing the pie. The work is never complete. Even the most popular destinations such as Orlando, San Francisco, Las Vegas and others must continue aggressive marketing campaigns and continually improve the available attractions. Greater Burlington is having great success in the travelrelated markets. We should take time to celebrate that fact and continue charging forward. Let’s see how much more we can grow. Jason Hutcheson, President & CEO Greater Burlington Partnership Hutcheson Planning Charlotte Mission The Partnership is planning an outbound marketing mission to Charlotte, North Carolina in late March. Several site selectors and corporate real estate executives are based in the area as is the corporate headquarters for Snyder’sLance. “We feel it is important to touch base with the headquarters of our existing employers,” said Jason Hutcheson. “While in the area, it makes sense to build additional appointments to talk about the opportunities in Greater Burlington.” The Partnership routines makes between 8-12 outbound marketing missions each year. The events are typically scheduled around trade shows or are held in conjunction with the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The appointments might be made with site selectors, corporate real estate executives, or the management teams of growing/ expanding companies. Chamber Bucks Locations to Serve You Chamber Bucks work Offering Complete Tire & Auto Service Over 24 tire brands available Order at: 319-752-6365 1233 N. Roosevelt 400 N. Main 752-2741 753-5488 Also Ft. Madison email: just like a check! page 4 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 Region Addresses Housing Issues Southeast Iowa’s population will soon increase by approximately 3,000. On March 1 the process of building a fertilizer plant will begin. Over the next three years construction personnel will work in our region. They will need housing and help finding it. The Great River Region has designed a website that is a one-stop shop where someone new to southeast Iowa can log on to find available housing including houses, apartments, hotels and camping options at Community links will also be included for visitors seeking restaurants and who would like to know what is happening in the area. An interactive map will show the proximity of each community to the fertilizer plant and direct the user to housing available in that community. If you have a property that you would like listed or have updates to your listing, a form will be available on the homepage. The information will be uploaded to the regional housing site. For more information, contact Brenda Levitt, Economic Development & Government Affairs Coordinator, at or 319-208-0047. Advanced Manufacturing 2013 Spring Career Exploration Day Thursday April 11 will mark the third Advanced Manufacturing Career Exploration Day for Des Moines County high school students. Students register through their schools to participate on a first come basis. The goal of the day is to increase awareness of careers available right here in Southeast Iowa. Students spend time with individuals who are currently working in the career they selected, learning about the day to day responsibilities as well as education and training. To date, over 150 students have explored 1 of 22 careers at four manufacturers. This spring, six manufacturers are sharing their time and careers with students, increasing the number of seats and the number of careers our area students have to choose from, not only for career day but for life. This program was developed as part of Greater Burlington Partnership’s Workforce Development initiative. For more information, contact Sheila Newman, Program Director, at or 319-208-0048. Construction Begins on Area Highways Construction has begun on a 4.7 mile section of U.S. 34 in Illinois, TR 111 to TR 190 East of Biggsville including an interchange. This phase in the four lane improvement project is a big step forward toward the goal of the Highway 34 Coalition, founded in 1990. Their mission is to work with Iowa and Illinois Departments of Transportation and to educate and gain support for the improvement of the 23.6 miles of two lane between Burlington to where the four lanes begin in Monmouth. The construction of this section was made possible through the Illinois Jobs Now! Program. The next phase will be engineering and testing work from east of Biggsville to Kirkwood (4.5 miles). To view the status of proposed U.S. 34 improvements, visit The Iowa Transportation Commission approved a grant application on February 12 submitted by Southeast Iowa Regional Planning on behalf of Lee County. The commission approved a Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) grant application. Up to $4,941,617 will be available to assist in reconstruction of improvements that will provide access to the Iowa Fertilizer Company’s nitrogenous plant in addition to 450 acres for industrial and manufacturing purposes. Funding for the grant comes from Lee County’s share of the RISE Fund. This project is anticipated to be completed by July 2014. RID DG IVIVEERRRI GEE DEN RR NTTAALLCAR CAREE RIVER RIDGE DENTAL CARE Commitment to to Excellence” “A“ACommitment Excellence” “ADR. Commitment to Excellence” DAVID C. CAMP DR.DR. DAVID C. CAMP DAVID C. CAMP DR.NATHAN NATHAN M. HEUBNER DR. HEUBNER DR. NATHAN M. M. HEUBNER 700 N. Third Street • Burlington, Iowa 526 N. Third Street••Burlington, Burlington, Iowa 52601 700 N.700 Third Street Iowa 52 (319)(319) 752-1840 752-1840• www.riverridgedentalcare. • (319) 752-1840 • www.riverridgedentalcare 700 N. Third Street Burlington, Iowa 52601 (319) 752-1840 • page 5 Greater Burlington Promoted at Tradeshows The Greater Burlington Convention & Visitors Bureau will be on the road again in the month of March promoting the community at consumer based tradeshows. The community will be promoted at the Quad Cities Health & Lifestyles Fair on March 2 – 3 in Davenport. This two day show attracts thousands of women, which is the primary demographic the Convention & Visitors Bureau targets through marketing efforts. Secondly, the Greater Burlington community will be promoted at the Eastern Iowa Sports and Vacation show in Cedar Falls March 15 – 17. This tradeshow attracts potential visitors from Eastern Iowa and Southern Minnesota. “These marketplaces provide an opportunity to talk face to face with potential visitors who are making plans for upcoming vacations,” said Beth Nickel, Executive Director, Greater Burlington Convention & Visitors Bureau. “The trend of people taking close-to-home vacations continues as the economy remains soft and gas prices stay above $3.” Beth Nickel, Executive Director of Convention & Tourism Save the Date & Vacation Local Golden Tickdveetnture A d r a y k c a B r u o Y o t May 24 - June 3 Spring is just around the corner, and visitors will soon be arriving to our wonderful community. The 3rd Annual Golden Ticket to Your Backyard Adventure will be taking place May 24 – June 3. This annual event gives residents the opportunity to get out and visit local attractions for a discounted rate or participate in a special activity. “It is easy for us to take for granted the wonderful attractions and events we have available to us in our own backyard,” said Beth Nickel, Executive Director, Greater Burlington Convention & Visitors Bureau. “This ten day promotion is a fun way to get out and learn something new about the community we call home.” Sales Sheets Newsletters Booklets Brochures Labels Cartons Packaging and More! Stop in, call us, or visit us online for your next printing project. Joe Farrier - VP Sales Steve Curry - Sales Representative Jim Gilbertson - Sales Representative Kristen Logan - Customer Service Tammy Newberry - Customer Service 2811 Mt. Pleasant Street, Burlington (319) 754-5359 page 6 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • (319) 752-6365 MEMBER OF THE MONTH Bruner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc. Civil Engineers - Structural Engineers - Land Surveyors Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Burlington, Bruner, Cooper & Zuck, Inc. is the complete source for your engineering and land surveying needs. Since opening the Burlington office in April of 2012, we have rapidly built a substantial client base and added to our staff. BCZ’s demonstrated proficiency and success with residential, retail and commercial developments, as well as GPS Machine Control and material testing projects, are attractive advantages for area clients. This new location allows BCZ to further provide consistent, quality services to our clients in eastern Iowa and will enhance collaborative marketing and business development efforts throughout the company. Bruner, Cooper & Zuck’s Galesburg office has been operational since 1959, and both locations will utilize the experience and talents of our team of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors licensed in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Missouri. Our reputation for a customer-focused approach has provided the backbone to our success for over 50 years. Stop in today for a tour of our renovated and comfortably decorated office at 308 N. 3rd Street in Burlington and to discuss how BCZ can help with your engineering and surveying needs. Partnership Engages in Google+ Every day, Google Search handles more than one billion searches per day in 181 countries and 146 languages. Google is an integral part of our lives and our businesses. Google is giving priority to the content being published on its Google+ social network. When your customers search on Google, the results to the right include relevant posts, photos and videos from your Google+ page. That’s why it is important to have a presence on, and more importantly, optimize your listing on this powerful search engine. “After researching the importance of Google+, the Greater Burlington Partnership signed up for an account,” said Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing. “By using a Google+ business page, you naturally get indexed into Google searches more quickly and help more people find your business. It is said to think of a Google+ page as your brand hub.” Signing up for a Google+ takes minutes. Once your Google+ is activated, images and posts show on the right-hand side of the screen when relevant to a visitors search. For more information, contact Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing, at or 319-208-0040. Uncollected Bills Can put a real squeeze on your business’s budget. Let the professionals at the Financial Adjustment Bureau take care of your past due bills and bad checks. Commercial • Professional • Retail No Collection ~ No Charge Call today! 319-753-6756 612 Jefferson • Burlington, IA FINANCIAL ADJUSTMENT BUREAU INC. • page 7 n u m m o C g in d il u B s, n io ct e n Making Con More than 420 business professionals from the area and their guests were in attendance at the Greater Burlington Partnership Annual Dinner on Friday, February 3. The emcees for the evening were the Shinn brothers, Matt of Two Rivers, and Mike of MidWestOne Bank. They kept the crowd entertained with a few family photos and jokes throughout the evening. Mike Dick, CPA Associates, P.C., spoke as the 2012 Chairman of the Board of Directors and was presented with a plaque of appreciation for his term. Bryan Bross, Klingner & Associates, took on his new role as the 2013 Chairman of the Board of Directors and set his ideas and goals in motion. Special Thanks to the Annual Dinner Committee who made the night possible: Corky Wolbert, Joyce Vance, Mary Delzell, Sue Eastin, Kay Kent, Patty Moad, Theresa Theilen and Kay Sackville Breuer. Join Us in Congratulating all the Winners! The Emmy Award, has been a tradition of the Chamber of Commerce since 1965 and is to be presented only to those that have by some deed, action, or continued years of community service helped the area and is not normally recognized for his or her actions. This year’s Emmy award was presented to Mac Coffin, who has been dedicated to a number of quality of life events in the area, including Burlington Steamboat Days, Heritage Days, Southeast Iowa Air Show, Burlington Bees, Nauvoo Grape Festival, SCC Athletics, Snow Bull and the Fort Madison Rodeo. Jason Hutcheson, President & CEO, presented Mac Coffin, Owner of Frank Millard & Company, with The Emmy award. Mac works behind the scenes and takes pride in providing support to outstanding organizations like the Boy Scouts, Autism Awareness Walk, Iowa Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Southeastern Community College, and is a proud member of “Operation Warrior Wellness” – a David Lynch Foundation that is focused on “healing of the hidden wounds of war”. Mike Dick presented the Chairman’s Award to Lisa Nafziger, Great River Health Systems, for her continued volunteerism and leadership with the Greater Burlington Partnership. Lisa is a graduate of the 20112012 Greater Burlington Leadership, Chair of the Business Retention and Expansion committee, was the top salesperson of the 2012 Total Resource Campaign and volunteers for the Golf Classic and on the Greater Burlington Leadership planning committee. Mike Dick, 2012 Chairman of the Board, with Lisa Nafziger, Great River Health Systems nity n o ti ra b le e C r e n in D l a u n n A 2 1 0 2 The Best Renovation of a Facility was awarded to Lunning Chapel, which continues to provide a comforting environment to families during a time of reflection. Lunning Chapel began work in June of 2012 with an aggressive interior and minor exterior renovation: installing new walls, a new ceiling, lighting, carpet and paint and the installation of stage risers. They also updated many areas of technology including audio and high definition video and making video available in most public areas of the facility. The Community Impact Award was presented to The Capitol Theater and Performing Arts Center. Due to the combination of dedicated volunteers, crucial state funding, and an extraordinary outpouring of community support, the long shuttered Capitol Theater has been reborn as a major attraction in downtown Burlington. The Project of the Year was presented to Des Moines County Humane Society. Although still under construction, the shelter should be finished by late February, and volunteers and staff anticipate moving into the new facility at the beginning of March. The renovation and expansion project nearly doubles the space of this building for the 1,400 animals that pass through each year. The Young Professional of the Year was awarded to Brandon Kipp, who is involved in a variety of activities. You might see him coaching his children’s sports or coaching Notre Dame Club volleyball. He serves on numerous boards including the Regional Business Advisory Committee as Chair, Burlington Public Library Board of Trustees, Kiwanis Board of Directors and Young Professionals Leadership Council. Brandon is very active with the after school programs at area middle schools, writing grants, presenting to clubs, recruiting for volunteers, and has worked countless hours to better the lives of our youth. 2013 MEMBER RENEWALS Access Energy Cooperative and Access Energy Propane All American Turf Beauty Allen Blasting and Coating Alzheimer’s Association American Family Insurance - Carlos Capdevila Agency Ameriprise Financial Arnold Refrigeration Art Guild of Burlington Automatic Vending Service AY McDonald Supply Beckman Law Offices, P.L.C. Beckman TV & Appliance Bickel’s Cycling & Fitness Big River Resources West Burlington Bob Dodds Insurance Agency Bobcat of Burlington Brockway Company Brozene Hydraulic Service Burlington Golf Club Burlington In Bloom Burlington Produce Burlington Trailways Carl A. Nelson & Company Carpetland USA Casa Fiesta Mexican Restaurant Cell One Wireless CNH Community Foundation of Des Moines County Corporate Medical Services of Southeast Iowa, PC Cray, Goddard, Miller, & Taylor, L.L.L.P. Crazy Coyote Danville Telecom Iowa State University, Des Moines County Extension Service Des Moines County Humane Society Dinner by Henry Doran & Ward Printing Company The Drake Electronic Engineering Ernest Pilkington - Independent Assoc. LegalShield FAC Marketing Farm King Supply Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Financial Adjustment Bureau First Presbyterian Church Fleck Sales Co. Flint Cliffs Manufacturing FMA Furniture City Fye Excavating Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Great River Christian School Great River Materials Great River Surgeons Great Western Bank Gypsi Haines, Carol and Bob Happy Joe’s of Burlington I Wireless IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union Integrated Technology Partners Integrity Builders & Supply Iowa Small Business Development Center The Iowa Store Kelly O’Shea’s Shamrock Pub & Grille Kempker’s True Value Kitchens Plus Let’s Travel Burlington Public Library Little Angels Childcare March of Dimes Hamilton-Walters Detachment Marine Corps League Massage Cool la Vie McGladrey Mediapolis Chiropractic Center Minard, Edwin E. II The Board of Directors asks fellow business and organizational leaders to help the Chamber of Commerce be a catalyst by renewing their memberships. The renewing members are listed as of February 19. Those members listed in bold also made voluntary contributions. Renewing members will be recognized in the newsletter through May. Mundt Piano and Organ Company Myers Construction, Inc. New London Family Health New York Life Newbury Village Parrott Farms Parties Unlimited Peaches Cafe and Steakhouse Pen City Sheet Metal Refreshment Services Pepsi Pierson Farms/Pierson Inc. Dr. Mark C. Pothitakis D.D.S. Record Securities Rheinschmidt Tile and Marble Rheinschmidt’s FlooringAmerica Riddles Jewelry River Basin Publications Robberts & Kirkman, L.L.L.P. Roberts Tire Center Ron’s Certified Automotive Dr. Teresa Salino-Hugg D.D.S., M.S., P.C. Salon West Shipley Contracting Corp. Shottenkirk Superstore Sickel’s Launderers & Dry Cleaners Smile Shoppe Spirit Hollow St. Ambrose University St. Luke United Church of Christ Summer Street Animal Clinic SunnyBrook Assisted Living Swanson, Engler, Gordon, Benne & Clark L.L.L.P. Team Staffing Solutions Tenderfoot Carpets, L.P. Today’s Modern Hair Option Tri States Public Radio Two Rivers Bank & Trust Two Rivers Insurance Services UniQue Personnel Consultants Uniquely Yours Personal Training United Rentals U.S. Bank USA-Containers, LLC West Burlington Honda Whitey’s Bar & Billiards Wunderlich Excavating & Plumbing WW Transport Burlington Area Community YMCAYWCA Member Meeting Mark Your Calendars All Chamber of Commerce members and their employees are invited to attend a “What’s New” round table discussion. Greater Burlington Partnership Johnson Room at 7:30 am Upcoming Dates: April 24 August 28 October 23 Take Advantage of Your Chamber of Commerce Benefits The Experience Newsletter The premier communication piece of the Greater Burlington Partnership, The Experience newsletter is printed monthly and distributed to more than 1,700 business people. Page 13 is dedicated to Member Information. If you have information to share, email Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing at Community Calendar An online community calendar of events is maintained by the Greater Burlington Partnership as a resource to residents and visitors. All members have the opportunity to submit their event, celebration or open house. The online community calendar receives more than 1,500 hits every month. Submit an event at page 10 Friday Facts A weekly update featuring “What’s New” in and around Greater Burlington, the Greater Burlington Partnership and its members is emailed to more than 1,100 business people each Friday. Submit your Friday Facts by Thursday at 12 pm at Bulk Mail to Chamber of Commerce Members As a Chamber of Commerce Member benefit, Members are allowed the use of the Chamber of Commerce bulk mail permit. USPS has issued regulation changes on bulk mailings, please contact Belinda Colwell, Administrative Assistant at or 319-208-0042 before printing your mailing for a review of regulations. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 NEW BUSINESS SUCCESSES MEMBERS Iowa Small Business Development Center 610 N 4 St. Ste. 220, Burlington, 319-752-2731, Janine Clover, Director, Small Business Development Center provides free, confidential, customized business advice in all 99 Iowa counties to businesses with 500 employees or less. We present affordable workshops that teach practical skills and techniques, conduct research, provide comprehensive information services, and offer access to subject matter experts in a variety of fields. Jonescapes Burlington, 319-850-0924, Nate Jones, Owner, Jonescapes is a full-service residential and commercial landscaping company. Specializing in patios, outdoor living spaces, retaining walls, plants, trees, seed, and sod customized to meet your needs. Mediapolis Chiropractic Center All American Turf Beauty Route Manager Ryan Wilson and Ambassadors celebrated their new membership on December 18. Located in Southeast Iowa. 214 N. Wapello St, Mediapolis, 319-394-9120 Dr. Aaron Roelfs, Owner, Dr. Aaron Roelfs is the newest chiropractor in Mediapolis, recently purchasing Mediapolis Chiropractic Center. Dr. Roelfs has a conservative approach to healthcare and is most interested in working with active individuals. He enjoys helping people reach optimal health so they can live life to their potential. Potter Appraisal Services, Inc. Burlington, 319-752-7115, Kathy Conover, Certified Residential Appraiser, Appraising since 2003, with an extensive background in residential and multifamily properties. Certified Residential Appraiser licensed in Iowa and Illinois. We Cover Paint Sperry, 319-759-3962, Lisa Elder, Owner, At We Cover Paint, we will paint residential, commercial, new and existing construction, brush, roll and spray painting. We also offer wallpaper removal, wood staining and finishing with 15 years of experience. Zatnu Triple S Leasing Don Sheedy, Joe Skelley, Partners and Ambassadors celebrated their Grand Opening of Stonegate Village on November 27. Located at 4051 West Avenue, West Burlington. Mount Pleasant, 319-217-0143, Lori Alberts-Clancy, Owner, Handmade, one- of-a-kind purses that are locally owned and made. Repurposed fabric embellished with vintage buttons, jewelry and/or bling are available in three sizes of cross body styles. These purses are trademarked and are the “Purse with Personality.” The ultimate unique accessory for fashion, fun and function. Visit us online, on Facebook and in boutiques or be a host. Save: 8:30 feburary 27 Member Meeting Does your business need a better fix? Benefit of Membership Schedule Your Business Success We can help. 866-722-4692 The Greater Burlington Partnership wants to hear about your Business Successes and would like to join you in celebrating with a Ribbon Cutting. Contact Melissa Schwenker, Membership Director at or 319-208-0046. • page 11 March Calendar of Events 1 - Talent Show Burlington Capitol Theater - 7:30 pm 319-237-1099 19 - Comedy Night PZAZZ! Convention & Event Center - 6:30 pm 1 - Live at the Boogaloo “The Spazmatics” Boogaloo at Fun City - 10 pm 22 - Civic Music Presents “The Water Coolers” Burlington Memorial Auditorium - 7:30 pm 2 - 3 - Hugo Burlington Capitol Theater - (2)7 pm (3) 2 pm 319-237-1099 23 - Downtown Spring Open House Downtown Burlington 7 - 9 - Snowbull 2013 Burlington Memorial Auditorium 23 - Slocum50 Kick Off Party Roederer’s Pit Stop - 5:55 pm 9 - JA Bowl-A-Thon KingPins at Fun City - 9 am - 8 pm 26 - Mike Toomey’s TV & Me Capitol Theater - 7:30 pm 319-237-1099 11 - 15 - American Cancer Society Daffodil Days Zaiser’s Florists & Greenhouse 23 - Spring Classical Concert Burlington Memorial Auditorium - 7:30 pm 12 - Twelfth Night Iowa Wesleyan College Chapel Auditorium - 7:30 pm 319-385-6488 30 - 1980’s Night Skate Kenny’s Roller Ranch & Rec Center - 7 - 11 pm 14 - A.J. Jacobs, Author of “The Year of Living Biblically” Iowa Wesleyan College Chapel Auditorium - 11 am & 7:30 pm 319-385-6488 For complete event details, visit Get Your Burlington T-Shirt 16 - Shamrock Shuffle Crapo Park - 10 am 17 - Saint Patty’s Day Celebration Roederer’s Pit Stop - 8 am To Submit Calendar Information Buy Yours Today at the Welcome Center, Coco Loco’s Gift Shop at The PZAZZ!, the Great River Medical Center Gift Shop and Our business is your business. • ManagedNetwork Solutions • BusinessCommunications Solutions • Networking,Cablingand ComputerSolutions • PremiseSecuritySolutions 810W.5thStreet Wilton,IA52778 Phone:563-732-3535 page 12 RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 TurnKey Creations has completed the purchase and delivery of a new Epson Stylus Pro 9900 wide format printer. With a 44” printing width, TurnKey Creations now has the ability to print everything from posters, signs, banners and photographs in-house and on professional quality substrates. Bringing our wide format printing in-house allows TurnKey Creations to pass savings along to our customers that would normally be available only to print wholesalers. This means that in many cases you will pay the same price TurnKey Creations used to pay when we outsourced the wide format printing, saving you 20-30% over our competitors. This also allows glossy, matte, canvas, premium photo paper and poster board are just a few of the many choices TurnKey Creations has available to print on. For more information and pricing call, TurnKey Creations at 319-752-9898. Burlington Bees 2013 Schedule 34 days until the first pitch is thrown and the crowd cheers on our favorite hometown team. The season kicks off Thursday, April 4, 6:30 pm at Community Field against the Clinton LumberKings Mariners. The 2013 Burlington Bees schedule is available by visiting You can download and print the schedule then start marking your calendars so you do not miss out on the action. God’s Portion Day Seeks Donations Looking to do some Spring cleaning? Items from your basement, attic or garage could make great donations to Notre Dame’s God’s Portion Day Marketplace. Instead of holding a separate garage sale event, these items will be included as a part of our God’s Portion Day. Items in good condition (no old TVs, computers, mattresses, shoes or clothes) can be dropped off at Notre Dame Friday, April 19 or Saturday, April 20 between 8 am – 4 pm. God’s Portion Day is Sunday, April 21, and we hope you will make plans to attend. This year marks the 34th anniversary for Notre Dame School’s largest fundraising event. One hundred percent of the proceeds support Notre Dame. For more information or if you wish to make a donation, contact Val Giannettino, Development Director, at or 319-754-8431 ext. 385. We greatly appreciate the community support we receive each year. To Submit Member Information OFFICERS Chamber Board of Directors Chairperson Bryan Bross, Klingner & Associates Past Chairperson Mike Dick, CPA Associates, P.C. Chair-Elect Jeff Burkhart, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust Treasurer L.J. Pritchard, Titan Broadcasting Chamber of Commerce Operation Thank You On February 19, more than 440 members were reached thanking them for their continued support and membership with the help of several volunteers. A special thank you goes to Jim Carter, Jon Hart, Edward Jones, Lisa Walsh and Patty Moad, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust, Brett Bessine, Aaron Baltisberger and Adam Kerns, Two Rivers Bank & Trust, Melissa Jones, Great River Health Systems, Tony Menke, Manpower, Megan Fritz and Sommer Burroughs, Casebine Community Credit Union. Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors Broke All Prior Sales Records in 2012! “Nice way to end our 150th year,” noted Caroline Ruhl, President of Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors. Ruhl credits her company’s success to her extraordinary people. Ruhl&Ruhl agents have the highest per agent productivity in the region – closing on average 18.12 transactions per agent. The National Association of Realtors reports an average of 7 sales per agent nationally. “Our agents are committed to giving their clients their best real estate experience ever – and the company’s results prove we are succeeding. I am thankful that I have been blessed with truly amazing people in our company,” said Caroline Ruhl, President. The company celebrated at an awards brunch at the Waterfront Convention Center in Bettendorf. They honored and recognized 195 award winners for their achievements. Join us congratulating the Burlington Office Award Winners: • Phyllis Roxlau received the Top Lister Award. • Mark Miller received the Top Sales Award, the Top Referral Associate Award and the Excellence in Service Award for receiving the highest client service ratings in the office. • Jan Jaeger received the Top 1862 Mortgage Award, the Top Nelson Brothers Agency Award and the AHS Home Warranty Award. Member Information Turnkey Creations Offers Printing Services For more information on Ruhl&Ruhl Realtors, visit their website at Send to Brenda Wischmeier, Director of Marketing, DIRECTORS Chamber Board of Directors Dave Beach, Hy-Vee Food Store Sonya Belger, Styltique Eric Benne, Swanson, Engler, Gordon, Benne & Clark L.L.L.P Deb Brinkley, Happy Joe’s Leah Burke, Burke Installed Jim Carter, Retired, Dresser Rand Joe Cochran, CPA Associates, P.C. Massimo Eritale, Alfagomma America Tim Fencl, Danville Telecom Deb Fowler, Century 21 Property Professionals Dr. Heath Hillyard, Summer Street Animal Clinic Laura Hubbard, CNH Jim Kammerer, Great River Health Systems Brian Messer, Farmers Savings Bank Mary Beth Sanchez, J & S Electric Business Systems, Inc. Gary Schmeiser, Sterzings Food Company Don Sheedy, Peaches Cafe & Steakhouse Judy Stevens, Re/Max Real Estate Specialists Theresa Thielen, Thielen Funeral Home Marvin Thomson, Two Rivers Investment Services Joyce Vance, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois Byers Wolf, Energyficient Systems Kathy Wunderlich, George’s Lawn Mower, Inc. Vision – A growing regional center of commerce, industry, education, health care, entertainment and culture which provides a great place to live and work. Mission – The Chamber of Commerce is a business association that exists to serve as a catalyst for economic growth and community development in Greater Burlington, Iowa. • page 13 Business After Hours Team Staffing Solutions March 21, 5 - 7 pm Leadership 2012- 2013 Healthcare Session Sponsored by Great River Health Systems Join us with your co-workers to build your network at Business After Hours and grow your business! Brought to you by the Greater Burlington Partnership Team Staffing Solutions 550 S. Roosevelt Avenue Burlington, IA 52601 Lunch & Learn PZAZZ! Event Center March 5 at 12 pm Eggs & Issues RiverPark Place Winegard Board Room March 16, 7:15 AM Chamber of Commerce members are invited to a legislative breakfast with invited guests Representative Tom Sands, Representative Dennis Cohoon and Senator Tom Courtney. RSVP to Brenda Levitt at or 319-208-0047. Sponsored by Preferred Products Corporation page 14 COST: Free to members and prospective members, $15 to nonmembers. RSVP to or 319-208-0041 by March 1. 505 Social Pre-Saint Patty’s Day at Kelly O’Sheas March 14 at 5:05 pm 2013 Presenting Sponsor Are you a Young Professional looking to get involved, meet new people and grow your network? Membership is open to those living and working between the ages 21-42. RiverPark Place • 610 North 4th Street, Suite 200 • Burlington, Iowa 52601 • 319-752-6365 March 2013 MONDAY TUESDAY 4 5 1 pm ( J) Farmers Market Committee ( J) Johnson Conference Room (W) Winegard Board Room (A) Alliant Energy Executive Conference Room WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 6 7:30 am ( J) Executive Committee 7 8 14 15 12 pm ( J) YP Leadership Council 12 pm (PZAZZ! Convention Ctr) YP Lunch & Learn 11 12 12 pm (301 Jefferson) DPI Business Development 13 8 am (Great River Health Systems) Greater Burlington Leadership 4 pm (A) Future Workforce 7:30 am (A) Government Affairs 8 am ( J) Ambassadors 5 pm (Kelly O’Sheas) YP 505 Social 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 3 pm (A) Foundation Board Meeting 7:30 am (W) Board of Directors 8 am (Weird Harold’s) DPI Marketing & Promotions 11:30 am ( J) DPI Design Committee 12 pm (W) Be A Marketing Ninja 7:30 am ( J) BRE Committee 5 pm (Team Staffing Solutions) Business After Hours 7:30 am (A) Entrepreneurship Committee 4 pm (A) Greater Burlington Leadership Committee Member Meeting Business Telephone Systems Copiers - Computers/Networking Shredders - Typewriters Facsimilies - Calculators - Printers H&L Mack Truck Sales Corp. Since 1956, providing new Mack and used trucks. Genuine Mack parts, sales and service 50 319-752-5603 / 800-842-3770 Hwy 61 South Mediapolis, IA 52637 319.394.9143 • Save the Date: April 4 8:30 am Johnson Conference Room RSVP: 319-752-6365 Belinda Colwell page 15 RiverPark Place 610 N. Fourth St., Suite 200 Burlington, Iowa 52601 TELEPHONE 319-752-6365 FAX 319-752-6454 E-MAIL WEB SITE Get your shoes laced up, your white t-shirt on and head out to the Shamrock Shuffle on Saturday, March 16 at 10 am in Crapo Park. The St. Patrick’s Day’s themed 5K run/walk is almost here. Participants will run or walk through bursts of color along the festive course. You can download your registration form at or contact Amy Burkhart at 319-850-0055. Forms are also available at F&M Bank & Trust, MidWestOne Bank and Two Rivers Bank & Trust. Greater Burlington Leadership has put together this group 5 Reasons to Shop Local project in hopes to raise funds for the after school programs at Aldo Leopold and Edward Stone Middle Schools. The after school program provides additional educational opportunities, healthy snacks and a safe place to go for at-risk youth from after school until 5 pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and is a joint venture between the Burlington School District and the Burlington Kiwanis Club. Greater Burlington Leadership is an intensive professional development series designed to strengthen leadership skills by empowering and educating people who live, work or have interest in Greater Burlington. The series is presented by the Greater Burlington Partnership. Leadership 2012 - 2103 Leadership Class Members • Mary Beaird, Southeast Iowa Regional Airport Authority • Katherine Brakeville, Des Moines County Conservation • Amy Burkhart, Great River Hospice • Laura Eltiing, CNH • Sheila Newman, Greater Burlington Partnership • Chad Palmer, Energyficient Systems, Inc. • L.J. Pritchard, Titan Broadcasting • Mike Shinn, MidWestOne Bank • Joel Steiner, Hawkeye Pedershaab • Amy Strothman, Farmers & Merchants Bank & Trust • Karen Taylor, Snyder’s - Lance Inc. • Linda Yaley, Two Rivers Bank & Trust To learn more about Greater Burlington Leadership or nominate a candidate for the 2013-2014 series, visit your bridge to the future Follow Us On burlington • west burlington • mediapolis mt. pleasant • new london • coralville iowa city • des moines • west des moines ankeny • ft. madison • davenport