21st Annual Awards Dinner. Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:00 PM


21st Annual Awards Dinner. Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:00 PM
Fostering Peace for More than
26 Years
E-mail: peacewb@verizon.net
63 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1317
Honoree bios on the web: www/peaceandjusticecenter.com
(570) 823-9977
Vol. XXVI No. 3
a Celebration of Peace & Justice
You are cordially invited to the 21st Annual Awards
6:00 PM
2nd Floor Ballroom, Wilkes University, 84 W SOUTH ST, Wilkes-Barre, PA
for women, children and families,
including access to healthy foods,
nutrition education and counseling,
reproductive health care, maternity
To a peacemaker whose contribution care, cancer screenings and social
to society reflects the principles of services.
justice and peace. This award is extended to The Honorable Phyllis David Frey Community Service
Mundy in recognition of her out- for Peace Award
standing advocacy work for women 2014 Co-honorees: Social Justice
and children: legislation that sup- Committee, St. Therese’s Parish
ports programs for at-risk new moth- The Social Justice Committee of St.
ers, efforts for early childhood care Therese’s Catholic Parish is called to
and education, increasing home vis- peace and justice as a way of life in
itation services for at-risk expectant the parish community. The commitmothers, and promoting quality care tee finds joy in their ability to work
for foster children.
together as one, and through their
teamwork they are able to reach their
David Frey Community Service
goals of feeding the poor, visiting
2014 Co-honoree: Bette Saxton of the sick, caring for the elderly,
Maternal & Family Health Services teaching the children, nurturing
faith, comforting the dying, and
To an individual or group whose ac- bringing hope to the imprisoned.
tions have contributed (either by di- Student for Peace
rect support of the mission of the Award
Peace and Justice Center, or by mak2014 Honoree: Jarred Kraft
ing a contribution to the community) (Mr. Jay)
to the civic or corporate cause of
peace and justice. This award is ex- This is awarded to a student whose
tended to Bette Saxton, a tireless ad- academic and extra-curricular activities reflect a commitment to the fuvocate for women and children.
ture of peacemaking. This award is
Bette Saxton oversees the admin- extended to Jarred Kraft, Mr. Jay, of
istration of health and human service Magic Happens.
programs that address critical needs Mr. Jay, of Nanticoke, PA, has been
Susan Merrill Constance Kozel
2014 Honoree: Representative
Phyllis Mundy
a professional magician for many
years and appears frequently at charity events, raises money for children
with cancer, and for the U.S. Marine
Corps Toys for Tots. Mr. Jay is
soon to realize a long standing ambition of becoming a volunteer fireman.
The Peace and Justice Center's
Twenty-first Annual Awards Dinner
on Monday, May 12th, 2014, at 6:00
PM, in the Ballroom at Wilkes University, 2nd Floor – Henry Student
Center, 84 West South Street,
Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Music by John Link,
Jazz Guitarist, fr om the Pocono
Mountains to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, music lovers have enjoyed dining to the elegant sounds of John
Link, one of the region’s premiere
jazz guitarists. He specializes in
performing favorites from the American Songbook, providing a tasteful
interpretation of those wonderful
standards for the mature listener.
Enjoy the wonderful music of composers such as: Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, Antonio Carlos Jobim,
Duke Ellington, Harold Arlen,
George and Ira Gershwin and many
Please share: 2014 Commemorative AD BOOKLET order form with your friends, family, community, and employer.
Let them know how important the work of the Peace and Justice Center is.
Save the date for our 21st Annual Awards Dinner.
Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:00 PM, HENRY STUDENT CENTER,
2nd Floor Ballroom, Wilkes University, 84 W SOUTH ST, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Through our AD BOOKLET, you will help recognize community peacemakers:
Student for Peace Award:
Jarred Kraft (Mr. Jay)
David Frey Community Service for Peace:
Social Justice Committee, St. Therese’s Parish
David Frey Community Service for Peace:
Bette Saxton of MFHS
Susan Merrill Constance Kozel Award:
Honorable Rep. Phyllis Mundy
This event marks our 25th year as a nonprofit agency dedicated to fostering peace.
In addition to our Commemorative Program Book, advertisers will appear in our newsletter, Facebook page, and web site –
thus reaching thousands of regional households and organizations.
~ info requests at peacewb@verizon.net ~
(tear off and mail)
Peace and Justice Center’s 21st Annual Award Dinner COMMEMORATIVE PROGRAM LISTING
Your continued support will foster peace and support the mission of The Peace and Justice Center.
Share this price listing with as many people as you can.
In so doing, we lend support to educational peace and justice programs in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Enclosed is our check for $________
Please note our AD CHOICES below:
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x 4.5” wide – only ONE available)
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_____ 1/2 Page
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x 4.5” wide)
_____ 1/3 Page
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_____ 1/4 Page
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(name or single line only:
NAME of individual/organization:
Enclose CAMERA-READY (do not staple ~ no PDF files) business card, non-pdf camera-ready copy, or text to be used.
Mail ASAP to:
WILKES-BARRE PA 18701-1317
The official registration and financial information of the Interfaith Resource Center for Peace and Justice is available at the Pennsylvania Department of State, by
calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Student for Peace Award is presented to a
young person whose academic and extra
curricular activities reflect a commitment to
justice & a future of peacemaking.
2014 Honoree: Jarred K raft
(Mr. Jay)
Susan Merrill Constance Kozel Award is presented to individuals whose contribution to
society reflect the principles of justice and
2014 Honoree: Honorable Rep.
Phyllis Mundy
2014 Co-honoree:
Bette Saxton of MFHS
David Frey Community Service for Peace
Award. Presented to an individual or group
either by direct support of the mission of the
Peace & Justice Center, or by making a contribution to the community, to the civic or
corporate cause of peace and justice.
2014 Co-honoree: Social Justice
Committee, St. Therese’s Parish
We need your help for Peace Camp 2014
At Peace Camp we learn: To say I love you. Stop worrying, if stuff is supposed to
happen it will. Allow self to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent. Don't
let happiness depend on anything outside of service to others. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive. Surround oneself with people who see your greatness. See our setbacks as growth and expansive opportunities. Comparing our self to
others will hurt our health and steal away joy. Don't give up, EVER. We always have
a choice. Stop chasing what’s not working. Believe wholeheartedly in miracles. Don't
postpone joy. Trust the universe, there is a plan greater than our own. Wake up every
morning with a grateful heart. Remember things take time. Always trust yourself. No
need to change people; just love them. Don't resist change. Change is good. Forgive.
Life is a creative adventure. Be creative. Release expectations and enjoy the journey,
there is no destination. Just do peace. We are not broken or damaged.
We are perfect just the way we are. Above all ~ love
Social Justice
of the
Saint Therese's
Volunteers Needed!
Office worker: Have you got a few
hours a week to help out in our office
with simple bookkeeping ? We could
sure use your help with mailing newsletters, filing and similar office jobs.
Scrap booker/Archivist: We have boxes of news clippings, photos and historical documents. If you could help
us organize these, we need you! If
you’d like to scan these so that we
could preserve them, we need you,
Silent Auction at Annual Dinner— Please enjoy our Silent Auction. Attendees may offer silent bids on unique
items such as works of local artist and Peace Camp volunteer Ellen Jamiolkowski. There will also be fun items
like popular movies, toys, and jewelry. We are happy to offer a half-share in Fertile Grounds CSA. So, bring your
bidding (and your checkbook) to further your support to the Peace and Justice Center.
2014 Labor Day/Barbara Sabol Memorial Lecture
McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility
Department of Economics at King’s College
The Peace and Justice Center
“Bread, Roses, and Rest: Securing Meaningful Retirement for All”
When: Thursday, September 4, 2014, 7:00 PM
Where: Burke Auditorium, McGowan School of Business, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
Speaker: Teresa Ghilarducci, Ph.D., the Irene and Bernard L. Schwartz Chair of Economic
Policy Analysis at The New School for Social Research
On September 1, 2014, the country will be celebrating our annual Labor Day: schools will be closed, stores will have
sales, and workers in all stages in life will be commended for their services. How far does that appreciation for the
worker extend as our lives continue? The workers that receive unequal pay, unequal working conditions, and unequal
rights–will they find equal retirement opportunities when the time comes? Or will the injustices continue in our unfortunate cycle of disproportionate income and opportunities?
Our modern economy’s ideal is that everyone is entitled to a dignified retirement. Teresa Ghilarducci, an economist
at The New School for Social Research, will talk to us about how this hope can become more realistic for a greater
population, with reformation of systems such as worker pension, Social Security expansion, and 401(k)s.
Join us for this enlightening talk in honor of the economic justice that workers need and deserve. The Barbara Sabol
Memorial Lecture Series is designed to promote awareness of peace and social justice issues by bringing recognized
personalities to speak to our community.
The 2014 lecture, which is doubling as the Annual Labor Day Lecture at King’s, is presented in partnership with the
Department of Economics and the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at King’s College, which is
sponsoring the visit of Professor Ghilarducci.
With summer just around the corner, it's an appropriate time to thank you, on behalf of all the Steering Committee,
for your past and future support of the Peace & Justice Center--be it financial or spiritual. May we all continue to enjoy the fruits of the energy and dedication the founders brought to this entity, and may we all commit to one another
to sustain its future. Please continue to support this unique community of ours; it is needed more than ever.
The official registration and financial information of the Interfaith Resource Center for Peace and Justice may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling tollfree, within Pennsylvania 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
(Your donation helps cover the cost of this publication)
21st Annual Awards Dinner ~ Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:00 PM, HENRY STUDENT CENTER,
2nd Floor Ballroom, Wilkes University, 84 W SOUTH ST, Wilkes-Barre, PA.
□ Please reserve _____ tickets for the Peace and Justice Center Annual Awards @ $35 per person
(Table of 6: $200 include all first and last names please.)
Student & limited income: $15
Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Phone:
Address: _________________________________________________________ E-mail:
Amount Enclosed: $___________________
Make reservations ASAP
Enclosed is an additional contribution of $_______________
Cannot attend, but enclosed is a donation of $ _______ to support the work of The Peace and Justice Center.
Steering Committee: David Doty, Coordinator; Diane Smith, Assistant Coordinator; Margarita Rose, Treasurer; Rita Skechus, Secretary;
Terri Nowak, Murali Panen, Linda Puchalski, Chuck Rowles, Richelle Smith, Jim Spak, Diane Smith, Brad Kurlancheek,
Rebecca Wolfe, Kim Hale-Yim.
Facilitator: popi rod