newsletter-2016-04-27 - Richmond State School
newsletter-2016-04-27 - Richmond State School
RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY NEWS I S S U E 8 , 2 0 1 6 2 7 A P R I L 2 0 1 6 Hello everyone VOLUME 2016 Welcome to week 3 of the term. Our main event this week is our participation in the Richmond Outback Fossil Fest. All community members are invited to our open morning between 9.30am and 11.00am. Pay a visit to the classrooms between 9.30am and 10.00am and then join us at 10.00am as the students present a selection of ‘Australiana’ songs during the mini concert. Take up the challenge to see who can throw the furthest in the thong throwing competition and then join us for a bite to eat and a cuppa for morning tea. Kristine Mills Principal (07) 4768 6333 (07) 4768 6300 The students are getting very excited in their anticipation of taking part in the Street Parade Saturday morning. It has been a hive of activity preparing props and costumes for our ‘float’. I would like to thanks those community members who attended our school ANZAC Ceremony last Friday as well as congratulate the Year 9/10 History class and Mia Maluga, for the confident manner in which they organised and conducted the ceremony. Robyn McMaster Congratulations also to those students who participated in the Julia Creek Dirt & Dust recently. Miss English has included a report of their endeavours in the newsletter. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Principal’s News ANZAC at School Dirt n Dust and 1-2 2 4-5 Qld Cricket Visit Student of the 6 week Student Awards 7 RSS P & C News 8 What’s on 11 Community News Sports News Business 11, 12, 14 13 15-18 NAPLAN testing dates are virtually upon us. Students in years 3, 5 and 9 will be sitting the tests over a three day period- 10th, 11th and 12th May. Students undertake testing in Language Conventions, Reading Comprehension, Writing and Mathematics. We would ask that all students from these classes are in attendance on these designated days to complete the testing. Our curriculum focus remains our reading agenda. DRI – Differentiated Reading Instructions sessions continue in the Primary school; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Each class has a dedicated hour session which involves a reading lesson with the teacher and then students working independently or in small groups developing their reading process strategies as well as their reading comprehension strategies. Reading accuracy and fluency as well as phonemic awareness are also targeted. Students in years 8 to 10 continue with their dedicated weekly reading session, where students have been concentrating on developing their comprehension strategies. Please continue to encourage your children to be reading daily as well as listening to them read and asking them questions about what they have read. RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL Looking forward to seeing you on Friday during our open morning. Warm regards Janice Rowlands Head of Curriculum 2 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL 3 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL 4 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL 5 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL AWARDS Monday 18/04/16 Prep - Year 1 Certificate of recognition presented to Guiseppi Tabbi welcome to Richmond State School. Certificate of recognition presented to Devon Milne welcome to Richmond State School. Certificate of recognition presented to Kenji Liggins welcome to Richmond State School. Certificate of recognition presented to Zac Hughes welcome to Richmond State School. Certificate of recognition presented to Travis Hughes welcome to Richmond State School. Years 3-4-5 Certificate of recognition presented to Jack Wharton for consistently concentrating on your work. Class DOJO of the week Jack Coleman. Years 5-6 Certificate of recognition presented to Kai Milne for confidently working in your first week at a new school. Keep up the confidence. Certificate of recognition presented to Peter-Douglas Hart for justifying his maths reasoning. Years 7-10 Certificate of Recognition presented to Clayton McDonald for insightful classroom topic discussions during History lessons. You Can Do It Keys to Success ‘CONFIDENCE’ presented to Sean Moloney for confidently completing his homework early. Keys to Success ‘CONFIDENCE’ presented to Tayla Green for presenting her oral homework early. Keys to Success ‘CONFIDENCE’ presented to Jack Coleman for confidently choosing a book at the correct level at the library, Keys to Success ‘CONFIDENCE’ presented Torah Hintz for confidently attempting to write independently. RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL STUDENT OF THE WEEK Term 2 Week 1— Bailey Pattel Term 2 Week 2— Dallas Johnson Proudly sponsored by Will and Lisa Guy At Richmond Spar Supermarket Term Dates Length Term 2 Monday 11 April - Friday 24 June 11 weeks Term 3 Monday 11 July- Friday 16 September 10 weeks Term 4 Tuesday 4 October - Friday 2 December 9 weeks School photos will be on Friday 17th June. That is week 10 of Term 2 (11wk term). All students must wear their best school uniform. The Great Race of Richmond State School This year in the great race, students are making their way to Rockhampton 1056km away. Parents and community members are welcome to come along and join in to help the students make it to Rockhampton by the end of the term. So far: Flinders 96.5km Mitchell 98 km 6 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL Tuesday 26/04/16 Prep - Year 1 Certificate of Recognition presented to Bella Hall for trying your hardest to sound out words during independent writing tasks. Certificate of Recognition presented to Colton Gabriel-Royes for trying your hardest to sound out words during independent writing tasks. Certificate of Recognition presented to Steffe Mendezona for trying your hardest to sound out words during independent writing tasks. Certificate of Recognition presented to Torah Hintz for demonstrating good sportsmanship during ball games practice. Years 2-3 Certificate of Recognition presented to Emeilia O’Keeffe your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Isabella Coleman your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Koby Johnson your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Sean Weston your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Dallas Johnson your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Rochelle Russell your presentation at the HACC centre was completed to a very high standard. Certificate of Recognition presented to Riley Hall for demonstrating good sportsmanship during ball games practice. Years 3-4-5 Years 5-6 Certificate of Recognition presented to Jade Mendezona for handling in all homework neat and completed. Outstanding work this week. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to James Brown for handling in all homework neat and completed. Outstanding work this week. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to Brandy Corlis for handling in all homework neat and completed. Outstanding work this week. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to Kai Milne for handling in all homework neat and completed. Outstanding work this week. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to Isabella Tritton for handling in all homework neat and completed. Outstanding work this week. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to Coby Gilmore for leading classes with singing. Keep up the fantastic work. Certificate of Recognition presented to Jasper Guy for outstanding disaster comprehension work. Keep up the effort. Certificate of Recognition presented to James Brown for outstanding work ethic and results in Maths rotations. Keep it up. Certificate of Recognition presented to Concetta Tabbi for presenting her first oral in front of the class. Keep up the hard work. Certificate of Recognition presented to Brandy Corlis for putting in outstanding effort every week in RAD. Way to go. Years 7-10 Certificate of Recognition presented to Tyler Stonehouse for always completing his Math work to a high standard. You Can Do It Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Garrett Evans for confidently participating in our ANZAC ceremony. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Charlie Limpus for confidently participating in our ANZAC ceremony. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Lucian Hayman for a confident ‘Show and Tell’. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Tileisha Smith-Cove for a confident ‘Show and Tell’. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Mia Maluga for confidently presenting ‘The Ode’ at 2016 ANZAC Day Commemoration Richmond. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Nikhil Singh for confidently presenting ‘The Resolutions’ at 2016 ANZAC Day Commemoration Richmond. Success ‘ORGANISATION’ presented to Sarah Locke for confidently reading the poem ‘The Flanders Fields by Lieutenant-Colonel John John McCrae (1915)’ at 2016 ANZAC Day Commemoration Richmond. 7 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL NEWS 2016 Newsletter Advertisements MEETING REMINDER The AGM and General Meeting Richmond State School P & C Asso will be held on Monday 9th May. This will be held in the school resource building at 6:00pm. Meeting dates until the end of the year. Monday 13th June Monday 17th July Monday 8th August Monday 12th September Tuesday 4th October Last meeting for the year Monday 14th November Everyone welcome Please contact the School Office if you are interested in placing an add in the School Newsletter for 2016. Prices A4 page 1/2 A4 page 1/4 A4 page Business Card size $77.00 $44.00 $22.00 $16.00 Permanent Adverts 20% discount on above prices Permanent Adverts “Paid in Advance” 30% discount on above prices PH: 47 686 333 E-Mail: SCHOOL UNIFORMS DUE 28 APRIL UNIFORMS Uniforms available Thursday mornings between 8am and 8:30am NEWSLETTER DATES—2016 Term 2 11/05, 25/05, 08/06, 22/06 Term 3 20/07, 03/08, 17/08, 31/08, 14/09 Term 4 12/10, 26/10, 09/11, 23/11 All items must be in by 10am Monday before the above dates. School & Sports Uniforms are available at the school on Thursday Mornings between 8.00am to 8.30am School Shirts $25 School Shorts $15 School Hats $10 Sports Shirts Short Sleeve $30 Sports Shirts Long Sleeve $32 NO EFTPOS IS AVAILABLE FOR THE PURCHASE OF UNIFORMS ALL PURCHASES IN CASH OR BY CHEQUE ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE P & C ASSOCIATION 8 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL NEWS TUCKSHOP NEWS ALL ORDERS MUST BE PLACED IN THE BOX OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL OFFICE BEFORE 8.20AM ON THAT DAY No phone orders for Tuckshop delivery will be accepted by the café. If you order this way, you must pick the order up and deliver it to the school in person. Parents please put your tuckshop order in brown paper bag with child's’ name, order and money enclosed. There will be a supply of brown paper bags at school or at Moonrock or you can purchase your own. Remember only items on this available with the tuckshop orders. menu are Break 2 Food order on a separate brown paper bag. (NO HOT FOOD WILL BE AVAILABLE) Some foods are only available on certain days. Change will be placed in lunch bags. Please Note:ICE COFFEE FLAVOURED MILK WILL NOT BE SUPPLIED IN YOUR CHILD’S TUCKSHOP LUNCH. If you order this, it will be substituted with chocolate. Thank you Student Lost Property Just a reminder to parents and caregivers, to check the lost property on a regular basis. To help reduce this problem, please ensure all your child’s clothes are clearly labelled. Children take them off in all sorts of places across the school and unless they are labelled, it is very difficult to find the owners. All property left by the end of term will be given to the Red Cross. Thank you. A coloured newsletter is available on our school web page 9 RICHMOND STATE SCHOOL NEWS Open Morning at the school on Friday 29th April commencing at 9.30am ☺ ☺ ☺ Mini Concert Thong Throwing Competitions Morning Tea CONTAINERS REQUIRED Mr Liggins is in need of the following * Ice Cream Containers * Yoghurt Containers * Formula/Coffee Tins Please ensure that containers have been washed in warm soapy water before sending into the school and that they have lids to go with them. All dona,ons will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Updating your Childs’ Information So our records can be kept accurate please let the office know of any change in your circumstances. For example change of address, telephone number or change of guardianship to name a few. Thank you for your support. 10 COMMUNITY NEWS WHAT’S ON IN RICHMOND APRIL 29 ♦ Open Morning at the school commencing at 9.30am, Mini Concert, Thong Trowing Competition and Morning Tea ♦ Richmond Outback Fossil Festival Rodeo (at the rodeo grounds) 30 ♦ Starting at 9am Street Parade ♦ Richmond Outback Fossil Festival Bush Races ♦ Richmond Outback Fossil Festival Party in the Paddock (at the football oval) MAY 1 ♦ Richmond Outback Fossil Festival Sunday Funday (at the lake) commencing 8.30am ♦ ROFF Barefoot Bowls (at the Bowls Club commencing at 3.00pm) OCTOBER 1-2 ♦ Annual Fishing Classic 1 ♦ Combined Services Race Day TBC 2 ♦ Bunga’s Barefoot Bowls 3 ♦ Labour Day Public Holiday 4 ♦ School Resumes 17 ♦ Student Free Day 22 ♦ Ladies Day Race Meeting TBC NOVEMBER 2-6 ♦ Richmond Amateur Swimming Carnival 11 ♦ Rite of Remembrance TBA ♦ Awards Night TBA ♦ Year 1 Dinner 2 ♦ Labour Day Public Holiday 25 ♦ Year 10 Finish School 14-15 ♦ Spirituality Tune Up Weekend TBA ♦ Xmas in the Lions Park ♦ DECEMBER ♦ Richmond Golf Open 2 28-29 JUNE ♦ Richmond State School Finish for the year. ♦ 10-11 ♦ Richmond Field Days 11 ♦ Diggers Race Meeting 24 ♦ School Finishes 25-26 ♦ Pony Express RDBC JULY 11 ♦ School Resumes AUGUST 13 ♦ Diggers Family Day Richmond Turf Club 22 ♦ Diggers Race Meeting SEPTEMBER 2-4 ♦ Richmond Campdraft 5 ♦ Horse Sport Carnival 16 ♦ School Holidays 24 ♦ Spouse Hunters Ball 11 COMMUNITY & SPORTS NEWS ☺ Our next meeting will be held on 9th May 2016 at the Bowls Club commencing at 6.00pm. ☺ ENDURO—Helpers wanted - Canteen Teena 4741 3519 – Track Marking Phillip 4741 3519 - Help at the event contact Marty or Julie 0429 413 412 or 4741 3412 Thanks for marching on ANZAC day it makes us so proud 12 SPORTS NEWS Football training times continue to be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30pm. We will continue to train over the holidays to maintain and improve fitness and skills. A reminder to all parents that memberships are now due and you need to register online through Medical and code of conduct forms need to be returned to secretary Will Guy. Anyone looking to join the club are encouraged to attend training sessions. For details contact PRESIDENT: Luke Wharton 0439 035 031 SECRETARY: Will Guy 0456 060 445 TREASURER: Bethea Pattel 0448 721 868 Richmond Turf Club Inc. Race dates for 2016 Please note the change of date for the Diggers Family Race Day Field Day Races—Saturday 11/06/16 Diggers Family Day—Saturday 13/08/16 Combined Services Race Day Saturday 01/10/16 Ladies Day—Saturday 22/10/16 For more information contact; Patsy-Ann Fox Secretary Richmond Turf Club PO Box 40, RICHMOND Q 4822 COME FOR AN AFTERNOON / EVENING OF FUN 13 SPORTS & COMMUNITY NEWS 14 BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENT 15 BUSINESS ADVERTISMENTS DRAWN at Richmond Fossil Fest Party in the Paddock 30/04/16 16 BUSINESS ADVERTISMENTS 17 BUSINESS ADVERTISMENTS Shane Stafford P.O. Box 1061 Townsville QLD 4810 Tel: 0427 221018 Fax: 0747 243839 18