EDUCATION - Paolo Pedercini


EDUCATION - Paolo Pedercini
Paolo Pedercini
2007 - 2009
MFA in Integrated Electronic Arts
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy NY
Areas of specialization: experimental game design,
video, tactical media.
2001 - 2004
BA in Visual Arts and Multimedia Communications
LABA - Libera Accademia di Belle Arti, Brescia Italy
Areas of specialization: web and interaction design,
graphic design,, new media.
Paolo Pedercini
2009 - Present
Full-time visiting professor
Electronic and time-based area.
Carnegie Mellon University, School of Art.
Pittsburgh, PA
2006 - Present
Independent game designer
Developing serious and casual games for game
portals, companies and associations.
2005 - 2007
Instructor of new media communication
NABA, New Academy of Fine Arts.
Milan, Italy.
Multimedia community specialist
Designing social software for the digital satellite
television platform Sky Italia (News Corporation).
2005 - 2006 consultant
Designing and planning alternative marketing
campaign for MTV, Fox Satellite, Animal Planet, WWF.
2004 - 2005
Graphic and Web designer
Designing and developing websites and magazines for
Studio Rodighiero Associati.
Paolo Pedercini
Most of the following works have been released under the name
molleindustria, a project I started in 2003. The following projects are solo
works unless otherwise noted.
For an overview of the project please check this 10 minute video:
McDonald's videogame
An anti-advergame highlighting the unethical practices of the fast food
industry. Online game, 2006.
Paolo Pedercini
Every day the same dream
An existential game about alienation and refusal of labor.
Soundtrack by Jesse Stiles.
Online game, 2009.
Paolo Pedercini
A commentary on the oil industry, lobbying and fossil fuel depletion.
Online game, 2008.
Paolo Pedercini
Two-channel narrative game about the daily routine of an unmanned
aerial vehicle (UAV) pilot.
Co-written by Jim Munroe. Sound design by Jesse Stiles.
Installation/online game, 2009.
Paolo Pedercini
Phone story
Educational game for smart phones about the social cost of electronic
iPhone/iPad/Android game, 2011
Paolo Pedercini
Ergon / Logos
Fast-paced, branching narrative.
Music by Melissa St. Pierre.
Online game, 2009.
Paolo Pedercini
Welcome to the desert of the real
Reverse propaganda video about post-traumatic stress disorder filmed
with the recruiting game America's Army.
Machinima video, 6 minutes, 2009.
Paolo Pedercini
The free culture game
Playable theory about the struggle between free culture and copyright.
Online game, 2008.
Paolo Pedercini
Faith fighter
A tongue-in-cheek cathartic game for fundamentalists of all kinds. Players
control Godzilla-sized deities in a sprawling supernatural death match.
Online game, 2008.
Paolo Pedercini
Terminal air
Dynamic mapping of flights involved in the CIA extraordinary rendition
Collaboration with the Institute for Applied Autonomy and with
experimental geographer Trevor Paglen.
Data visualization, 2007.
Paolo Pedercini
Links here:
Leaky World - Playable commentary on WikiLeaks. 2010.
Inside a Dead Skyscraper – Interactive music video. 2010.
Memory Reloaded - Matching game about historical revisionism. 2010.
Run, Jesus Run! - The life of Jesus in 10 seconds and 8 bits. 2010.
The 21st Century Home - An inflatable “real virtuality” installation. 2009.
Missed Connections - A forensic investigation of physical disconnection
based on craigslist classified ads. Video, 2008.
Permitted Habitats - Interactive map of genetically modified organisms
released for field tests. Data visualization, 2008.
Little Red Riding Hood - Advergame for a WWF and Animal Planet
campaign to protect wolves. 2007.
Vinylgame - Advergame to promote the European PVC industry
commitment to sustainability. 2007.
Operation: Pedopriest - Newsgame about child abuses within the clergy.
Where Next? - Online platform for betting on terrorist attacks inspired by
an actual DARPA program. project, 2005.
Embrioni in fuga (Embrios’ Run) - Propaganda game for a referendum
about stem cell research. 2005.
Ricordi bastardi - The first Italian mash-up album. 14 tracks remixing classic
Italian and modern pop/rock songs. Online EP 2005.
Enduring Indymedia - Newsgame about the seizure of Indymedia server
hardware. 2004.
Paolo Pedercini
MayDay NetParade - Virtual parade for the precarious workers
movement. 2004.
Papa Parolibero - Satirical tool deconstructing the language of the
Catholic establishment. Software toy, 2004.
Orgasm Simulator - Rhythm game about a subtle form of gender
oppression. 2003.
Tamatipico - Virtual pet parody about labor issues. 2003.
Queer Power - A queer détournement of the fighting game genre. 2004.
Tuboflex - Dystopic commentary on flexible labor. 2003.
Paolo Pedercini
During my time at Carnegie Mellon, between 2009 and 2011, I had the
opportunity to teach several diverse courses.
EGD – Games as social interfaces – Fall 2011
A hands-on game design and development course focused on
innovative and expressive forms of gameplay. The class is structured
around two main assignment, a non-digital game or game-like artwork,
and a digital game or interactive installation. The emphasis is on the
relational potential of games: multiplayer games, play as performance,
location-based games and games for social criticism.
Among the topics: a social history of board games, alternative interfaces,
Nordic Live Action Role-Play, synthetic performances and machinima.
Paolo Pedercini
EGD – Game Design for Artists, Mavericks and Troublemakers – Fall 2009 &
A game development course focused on the emerging independent
gaming movement and the phenomenon of art games. It involves the
radical modification of "standard" games into meaningful, original,
impossible or playable artworks. Or beautiful failures.
Topics include: non-linear texts in literature and new media, hacking
practices, electronic entertainment and the military-industrial complex,
gender relation and representation of women in games.
Student’s work:
Paolo Pedercini
2D Animation – Spring 2012
This course introduces students to digital 2D animation techniques and
processes through hands-on lab projects. Emphasis is on creative content,
experimentation, critical thinking and collaboration. Through a series of
tutorial, screenings, and discussions, this class will explore contemporary
trends in animation and character design, and expose students to tools
such as Adobe After Effects and Flash.
Topics include: stop-motion, tweening, squash and stretch, lip sync,
rotoscoping, character design, micronarrative storytelling, animation with
an agenda, abstraction and visual music.
Syllabus with student’s work:
Paolo Pedercini
EMS II (now EMSI) – Video Production – Spring & Fall 2010
A hybrid theory and studio course combining frontal lectures and
screenings with practical assignments in video production. The
overarching narrative deals with the status of video art in the age of
YouTube. The history of found footage and performance-based video art
is analyzed in relation to the explosion of vernacular video production
during the last decade. Topics include: ethics in documentary practice,
chatroulette and performance art, remix culture and 2D animation. Tools
used: Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere, After Effects.
Paolo Pedercini
EMS – Digital media production – Fall 2009
A foundation studio course covering digital imaging, sound design,
animation and elements of video production. Students mastered tools
from the Adobe Suite while exploring critical issues in relation to digital
Assignments include: digitally modifying a classic painting then
commissioning it as an handmade reproduction from China, creating
stencil graffiti using Illustrator and a laser-cutter and beautifying a photoportrait for a hypothetical glamour magazine.
Paolo Pedercini
EMSII (new curriculum) – Computation in art – Fall 2011
A newly introduced foundation course dealing with programming,
physical computing and real-time signal processing. I designed this course
together with the other Electronic and Time-Based Art teachers, Golan
Levin, Rich Pell and Eric Singer. It has proved to be a particularly
challenging course because it is required for all sophomores in a
department dominated by painting and printmaking.
Tools covered: Processing, Arduino and Pure Data.
Assigments include: making a sound-responsive animation, producing a
code-generated op-art piece and designing an object interfaces with
Paolo Pedercini
Arthouse Gaming, Roberta’s Gallery, UW-Whitewater, WI
Level, Art Center of the Capital Region, Troy NY
Insert Coin, Verde Binario, Cosenza, IT
Jusqu'ici, tout va bien, Oudeis, Le Vigan, FR
So far so good, Extra Extra gallery, Philadelphia, PA
New Frontiers, Sundance Festival. Utah MOCA, Salt Lake City, UT
d = D != d, Gwangju Design Biennale. Gwangju, South Korea.
Online commissions, AND: abandon normal devices. Liverpool, UK
SpielSalon, Kasseler Kunstverein. Kassel, Germany
Why Participate? Flux Factory, New York, NY
Interior-ity, Moscow Biennial / Proekt_fabrika. Moscow, Russia
Platine Festival, Cologne, Germany
Neoludica: art is a game, Venice Biennale Collateral Event. Venice, Italy
Videoformes Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France
The Typhoon Continues and So Do You, Flux Factory, New York, NY
We can be heroes, Espace multimedia gantner, Belfort-Dijon, France
FILE games, FILE FESTIVAL. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Source code, Modified arts. Phoenix, AZ
Credit Due, Babycastles. New York, NY
Design Politics, Inspiration Fest. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Electrified 02: Hacking Public Space, S.M.A.K. Ghent, Belgium
Indiecade showcase. Los Angeles, CA
Fantastic Fest Arcade, Fantastic Fest. Austin, TX
IMPAKT Festival. Utrecht, Netherlands
Learn to play, Euphrat Museum of Art. Cupertino, CA
N-Design festival 2010: Art Games. Curitiba, Brazil
PLAYFUL & PLAYABLE: Crítica y Experimentación con Videojuegos. Vitoria, Spain
Esse Nosse Posse, National Museum of Contemporary art, Athens, Greece
Game (Life): Video Games in Contemporary Art, Firehouse Gallery, Burlington VT
Paolo Pedercini
FILE Games, Museu de Arte Moderna. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Share Festival, Market forces. Torino, Italy
Atopic Festival, Cite' des sciences et de l'industrie, Paris, France
Indie Games Arcade, Eurogamer expo. London, UK
Games Art Factory, Porte de Versailles, Parc des Expositions. Paris, France
Techno Culture, Dowd Fine Arts Center. Cortland, NY
Werk Nu / Work now, Z33, Hasselt, Belgium
SubversivMesse festival. Linz, Austria
Play Cultures, multiplace, Bratislava, Slovakia
Digital.Event.09, efagia. Toronto, Canada.
Pixxelpoint, for God's sake. Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Crisi. Contra les aparences. Angels gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Contrajuegos, Arteleku, S.Sebastian. Spain
Digital Art à la carte, Sonar. Barcelona, Spain
The Super Thing: NYC goes DEVO, 3d Ward gallery. New York City, NY
Signal and noise festival, VIVO media arts centre. Vancouver Canada
Homo Ludens Ludens, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijon, Spain
Try Again, La casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain
FAD Festival de arte digital. Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Play Cultures. Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Els límits de la natura. Centre d’Art la Panera. Lleida, Spain
Ars Electronica. (part of Institute for Applied Autonomy collective). Linz, Austria
Private Dancers, O3one, Belgrado, Serbia
Mine 06 digital arts festival. Rebild, Denmark
Gaming Realities, mediaterra. Athens, Greece
File Games, File Festival, Sao Paulo (BR)
Interferenze, New arts festival, S. Martino Valle Caudina, IT
PoV, Digra international conference, Vancouver, Canada
Utopia reversed, Schiller festival. Weimar, Germany
Molleindustria, The Israeli center for Digital Art. Holon, Israel
Piemonte Share. Torino, Italy
ALT + CTRL, University of California. Irvine, CA
Videogames with an agenda, Curzon soho. London, UK
Paolo Pedercini
Agitprop Games, Games for Change conference, New York, NY
Workshop TBD, Allied Media Conference, Detroit, MI
Game Bang, Open @ Triennale di Milano, Milan, IT
Reframing Consumerism in the Digital Age, Environment today. Pittsburgh, PA
Lecture, UCLA. Los Angeles, CA
Artist talk, SpielSalon. Kassel,Germany
Social Hijinks, Flux Factory. New York, NY
Far Game, Cineteca di Bologna. Bologna, Italy
Slow Moves, New Media Caucus @ CAA conference. New York, NY
Artist talk, Film & Media Department, Hunter College. New York, NY
Lecture, Youngstown State University. Youngstown, OH
Project next, Indiecade. Los Angeles, CA
Artist talk, Fantastic Fest Arcade. Austin, TX
Keynote panel, GDC Serious Games Summit. San Francisco, LA
Lecture, Entertainment Technology Center. Pittsburgh, PA
Lecture, Northern Illinois University. Dekalb, IL
Lecture, Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA
Artist Talk, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
Hijacking Controversy. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Digital.Event.09, OCAD. Toronto, Canada
Contrajuegos, Arteleku. S.Sebastian, Spain
Game Symposium, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, NY
Artist Talk, Universita’ di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy
Homo Ludens Ludens, LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial. Gijon, Spain
SimUtopie & SimDistopie, Università degli Studi. San Marino.
Hacktion! Political Games, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Femcamp, Laboratorio TechnéDonne, Bologna, Italy
Candida Déjà vu, Forte prenestino, Roma, Italy
Serious simulations for fun, IT forum. Aarhus, Denmark
Paolo Pedercini
Interaktivni Festival. Lubjana, Slovenia
The influencers, CCCB. Barcelona, Spain
Homemade Festival, Fine arts academy. Carrara, Italy
Games@iulm, IULM. Milano, Italy
Radical Software, Piemonte share festival. Torino Italy
Researching the Future, Planetary Collegium/NABA. Milano, Italy
Connessioni leggendarie, Mediateca S.Teresa. Milano, Italy
Playing with code, Interferenze. S. Martino Valle Caudina, Italy
Utopia reversed, Schiller festival. Weimar, Germany
Festival del tecnoteatro, Hiroshima mon amour. Torino, Italy
PEAM, Pescara Electronic Artists Meeting. Pescara, Italy
Paolo Pedercini
Books devoting at least one page to my work:
Ulrik Andersen, Christian Bro Pold, Soren. Interface Criticism: Aesthetics Beyond the
Buttons. Aarhus university press, 2011.
Harteveld, Casper. Triadic game design: balancing reality and play. Springer, 2011.
Høvsgaard, Lautrup, Pedersen & Wang, Netværker Digitale medier i dansk. Dansk Laerer
Rose, Mike. 250 Indie Games You Must Play. A K Peters/CRC Press, 2011.
Di Corinto, Arturo, and Gilioli, Alessandro. I Nemici della Rete. Rizzoli, 2010.
Schrier, Karen, and David Gibson. Designing Games for Ethics. IGI Global, 2010.
Fuchs, Mathias. Das Spiel und seine Grenzen, Springer, 2010.
Lemoine , Stéphanie, and Samira Ouardi. Artivisme. Editions alternatives, 2010
Bogost, Ian. Newsgames. MIT press, 2010.
Fuchs, Mathias, and Ernst Strouhal. Das Spiel und seine. Grenzen 2010.
Dyer-Witheford, Nick and Greig de Peuter . Games of Empire: Global Capitalism and
Video Games. U. Of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Raley, Rita. Tactical Media. U. of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Tota, A. L. Gender e mass media. Verso un immaginario sostenibile. Meltemi Editore,
Williams, J. Patrick, and Jonas Heide Smith. The players' realm: studies on the culture of
video games and gaming. McFarland, 2007.
Paolo Pedercini
Bogost, Ian. Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Video Games. MIT press, 2007.
Bazzichelli, Tatiana. Networking: la rete come arte. Costa & Nolan, 2006.
Wang, Wallace. Steal this computer book 4.0. No Starch Press, 2006.
Articles on academic journals:
Soderman, Braxton. Every Game the Same Dream? Politics, Representation, and the
Interpretation of Video Games. Dichtung-digital Journal, 2010.
MacInnes, Neal. Interview with Paolo Pedercini. Journal #3, 2010.
Noonan, Luke. An artist interview with Paolo Pedercini / Molleindustria. Emerging
Language Practice Journal, University of Buffalo, 2010.
Ferri, Gabriele. Satira politica tramite videogioco. Considerazioni semiotiche sull’uso
persuasivo di sistemi algoritmici. EC Rivista dell’associazione italiana studi semiotici, 2010.
Breivik, Kristin. Games Combatting the Dictatorship of Entertainment: A Study of the
Newsgaming Phenomenon. INFOMEVI345, University of Bergen. 2008.
Ludovico, Alessandro. Memory Reloaded: The treatment of history in video games as
exemplified in a work by Paolo Molleindustria. Springer|in, 2006.
Media Coverage:
My practice is primarily a form of media intervention that takes advantage of viral
diffusion of content on the internet. However, my projects have also been covered by a
great number of mainstream media in Europe, USA, and all over the world:
BBC News, New York Times, ARTE TV, USA Today, El Pais, Le Monde, CNN, De Telegraaf,
the Times, Politiken, La Repubblica, Haaretz, Forbes, La Stampa, Guardian, il Corriere
della Sera, Der Standard, Wired, Liberation, CNET, Publico, Liberation, Irish Times,
Gamasutra, TechCrunch, Spiegel, Boing Boing, Huffington Post and PlayBoy Brazil.
For more complete media coverage, please consult:
Paolo Pedercini
I occasionally write about emerging media art for the magazine Neural
and previously have kept a blog about games and politics in Italian.
Occasionally, I’ve been asked to contribute to edited books.
“Welcome to the desert of the real”, in The Promises and Perils of Machinima. Edited by
Matteo Bittanti and Henry Lowood. Sage, 2012.
Note: tentative titles.
Chapter 25, in Cultura e nuovi media: Cinque interrogativi di Lev Manovich. Edited by
Vito Campanelli and Danilo Capasso. MAO Media, 2011.
“Oiligarchy Post-mortem”, in Net Works. Edited by xtine Burrough. Routledge, 2011.
“Media contagiosi” (Contagious media), in Skizomedia. Edited by Franco "bifo" Berardi.
Derive/approdi, 2006.
Note: pop essay about viral media.
“Radical game design: Notes on video game rethorics”, A mínima / revista de arte y
nuevas tecnologías, 2006.
“7 Giorni in una seconda vita” (7 days in a second life), Cluster magazine, 2005.
Note: The first essay about Second Life written in Italian.
Paolo Pedercini
Jury member of the 2011 and 2012 Independent Games Festival for the Nuovo Award,
intended for unconventional works “which advance the medium and the way we think
about games"
Jury member of the 2012 Bivouac Urbain, festival d'arts numérique, Quebec City.
Recipient of Project Kindle’s Makers Muse “out of the blue” grant.
Jury President for the 2011 Hits Playtime, a student competition promoted by French
Newspaper Le Monde.
Finalist at Indiecade Festival 2010.
Scientific committee member of the exhibition “Avatar: an experience in the virtual
world” at Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali of Trento.
Paolo Pedercini
Igor Vamos
Professor of Electronic Arts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
RTMark, YesMen
+1 518-276-2250
Nao Bustamante
Professor of Electronic Arts, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
+1 646-232-3104
Antonio Caronia
Professor of Cultural Processes Sociology in The Brera Academy
Professor of Aesthetics of New Media in The NABA (Nuova Accademia di
Belle Arti, Milan)
Director of Studies of M-Node, linked to the Planetary Collegium, Plymouth
+39 3488125178